HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-10-12; City Council; 12432; Open Space Advisory Committee Annual Reportl C--Y OF CARLSBAD - AGEP-“iA BILL “’ OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE 1992-93 ANNUAL REPORT RECOMMENDED ACTION: It is recommended that the City Council ACCEPT the Open Space Advisory Committee 1992-93 Annual Report as documentation that the Committee is adequately fulfilling their charge as directed by the Council. I ITEM EXPLANATION On June 19, 1990, Council created and made appointments to the nine-member Open Space Advisory Committee. The principal charge to this Committee was to work with staff to address a number of unresolved open space issues, including the completion of the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan (OSCRMP). In addition, one of the charges of the Council to this Committee was to report annually on its work. This is the Open Space Advisory Committee’s 1992-93 Annual Report, The Annual Report of the Open Space Advisory Committee documents all work that was completed by the Committee from July 1, 1992 to June 30, 1993. It includes a summary of all items reviewed; a summary of all master plans, specific plans, and, local facilities management plans acted upon; a summary of work in progress; and, a listing of all Committee- approved/accepted motions (see Exhibit “A”, Excerpt from Annual Report). The report indicates that although the Committee’s workload has decreased substantially, the Committee continues to make substantial progress toward fulfilling the charge directed by the City Council. With the Council acceptance of the OSCRMP on September 1, 1992, most of the final decisions regarding open space have been made. The Committee’s focus during the past year has been on implementation of the OSCRMP. In the upcoming year, the Committee will continue to coordinate its open space planning efforts with the efforts of the Habitat Management Planning (HMP) Group; resolve the issues of whether the citywide trail system should be available to equestrians; and, continue to review the open space component of master plans, specific plans, local facilities management plans, and major general development projects for consistency with the Open Space and Conservation Element and the OSCRMP. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT The preparation of an annual report and its acceptance by the City Council does not constitute a project requiring review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). FISCAL IMPACT None. EXHIBITS 1. Exhibit “A” - Excerpt from Annual Report 2. Open Space Advisory Committee Annual Report (Previously Distributed) -. EXCERPT FROM ANNUAL REPORT EXHIBIT “A” I. INTRODUCX-ION In July 1989, the IS-member Citizens’ Committee for Review of Carlsbad’s Open Space Plan and Programs completed its report to the City Council. This report contained recommendations for additional studies and analysis regarding open space and growth management standards; possible amendments to the Open Space Ordinance; the fiscal and physical feasibility of a trail system; the finance, acquisition, and maintenance of an open space and trail system; the development of an Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan; and the creation of an Open Space commission. One of the principal recommendations of the original E-member Citizen’s Committee was that an Open Space Commission be established. On June 19, 1990, Council created and made appointments to a nine-member Open Space Advisory Committee. The principal responsibility of this Committee is to work with Staff to complete certain unresolved issues identified by the 15- member Citizen’s Committee, which include the completion of the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan. One of the charges of the Council to this Committee was to report annually on its work. This is. the Open Space Advisory Committee’s third annual report. The Committee was originally appointed with a three year tenure. On June 22, 1993, the City Council extended the Committees term for a period of one year so that certain unresolved issues could be addressed. II. OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION RESOURCE MANAGFLMENT PLAN The Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan (OSCRMP) contains implementing programs for the Open Space and Conservation Element of the General Plan. The OSCRMP has been integrated into a draft Open Space and Conservation Element, currently out for public review and comment. The OSCRMP establishes open space definitions; includes an open space inventory; establishes an open space classification system; recommends open space goals, objectives, and policies; contains a Citywide action and implementation plan; establishes action and implementation strategies for each of the City’s twenty-five Local Facilities Management Zones; contains cost estimates for implementing the OSCRMP; and includes recommendations for a Carlsbad Trail System. III. COMMITIEE CHARGE The charge of the Open Space Advisory committee incudes the following: 1. Provide input and make advisory recommendations to the City Council, the Planning Commission, the Parks and Recreation Commission, other commissions, boards, and committees as deemed necessary, and the City staff on the implementation of the recommendations of the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan accepted by the City Council on September 1,1992. 2. Review and comment on staff reports dealing with the open space section of Local Facility Management Zone Plans, Master Plans, and Specific Plans. The purpose of this review is to ensure that the plans are meeting the open space use, maintenance and acquisition priorities for the affected portion of the City and that criteria are established for the subsequent review of development projects. 3. Provide input and recommendations on other open space matters when requested by the City Council. Other matters may include recommendations for acquisition, use and financing strategies. 4. Act in an advisory role regarding decisions affecting open space.. Actions of the Committee are advisory only and do not bind, restrict, or substitute for any of the discretionary or legislative authority of the City Council or it’s appointed Commissions. Iv. suMMARYoFITEMs- The Open Space Advisory Committee met approximately every other month from July 1992 through June 1993. The full committee met five times over the year, including one special meeting on the equestrian use of the Citywide trail system. The Committee meetings focused on issues related to implementation of OSCRMP including the Citywide trail system. Presentations and discussions ensued on the following topics: 1. Implementation of Open Space priorities of the’ OSCRMP at the project level and on a Local Facilities Management Zone basis. 2. Update of the Open Space and Conservation Element. 3. Coordination of OSCRMP with the City’s proposed Habitat Management Plan (HMP). 4. Regional trail connections. 2 5. Uses permitted on the Carlsbad Trail System. In May 1992, the Committee completed its work on the draft OSCRMP. The draft OSCRMP was reviewed and accepted by the Planning Commission on May 20, 1992. The draft plan was accepted by Council on September 1, 1992. V. REVIEW OF MASIER PLANS. SPECIFIC PLANS. LOCAL FAClUTY MANAGEMENT PLANS, AND PROPOSED OPEN SPACE BOUNDARY ADJU- The Committee reviewed a total of four Local Facility Management Plans, Master Plans, Specific Plans, and general development projects. The projects reviewed include the following: * Zone 20 Specific Plan * Carrillo Ranch Master Plan * Calavera Hills Master Plan (Amendment) * Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan The open space components of the Zone 20 Specific Plan, Carrillo Ranch Master Plan, Calavera Hills Master Plan Amendment, and the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan were reviewed for consistency with the proposed Citywide trail alignments and proposed open space priorities of the OSCRMP. All four plans are consistent with the recommendations of the OSCRMP. VI. WORK IN PROGRESS Over the past year, the Committee worked to ensure implementation of the OSCRMP. The plan was completed in May 1992. The following is a description of current work in progress by the Committee. * The Committee continues to coordinate its open space planning efforts with the efforts of the Habitat Management Plan Advisory Group. Courtney E. Heineman has been appointed as the liaison from the Open Space Advisory Committee, and continues to attend the regular meetings of the group. 3 * The Committee will work with staff to incorporate the OSCRMP into the Open Space and Conservation Element of the General Plan. * The Committee will continue to review Master Plans, Specific Plans, Local Facilities Management Plans, and major general development projects for consistency with the Open Space and Conservation Element and the OSCRMP. * The Committee will address equestrian use for portions of the Carlsbad Trail System as soon as the recommendations of the City’s HMP are finahzed. VII. COMMlTIEE APPROVED/ACCEPTFB MOTIONS All minutes are attached as Appendix 2. Seotember 2. 1992 1. Minutes of May 28, 1992 were approved as amended. 2. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept the Open Space proposal for the Zone 20 Specific Plan. 3. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept the 1991-92 Open Space Advisory Committee Annual Report as presented. Sentember 24. 1992 1. Minutes of September 2, 1992, were approved as submitted. 2. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan Open Space proposal as presented. December 17. 1992 1. Minutes of September 24, 1992 were approved as submitted. 2. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve the Carrillo Ranch Master Plan Open Space proposal as presented. 3. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept the draft Open Space and Conservation Element as presented. 4 4. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to have staff determine how many people in Carlsbad keep horses and want trails for equestrian use, and on the basis of this determination determine what trail segments should be used for equestrian use. Februarv 25. 1993 1. Minutes of December 17, 1992, were approved as submitted. 2. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept the New Fire Management Section of the draft Open Space and Conservation Element. March 25, 1993 1. Minutes of the February 25, 1993, meeting were approved as amended. 2. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve the Open Space. proposal of the Calavera Hills Master Plan. 3. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to table the matter of equestrian use or trails until further information on the City’s Habitat Plan was available. VIII. CONCLUSION Over the past year, the Committee continued to review projects being processed by the City for consistency with the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan (OSCRMP). Currently, there are two unresolved open space issues. First, the Committee has not made a final decision on whether equestrians should be permitted to use a greater portion of the Citywide trail system. Final decision has been postponed until the City$ HMP has been completed. The City’s HMP will address where equestrian use of trails should be prohibited due to biological impacts. Second, the Committee must review how the HMP and OSCRMP will be integrated. This cannot be done until the HMP has been completed, which is expected to be in the Fall of 1993. During the upcoming year, work of the Committee will focus on integrating the recommendations of the OSCRMP with the recommendations of the Habitat Management Plan (HMP); addressing the question of equestrian use of portions of the Carlsbad Trail System; and, monitoring implementation of 5 c Open Space policy. At the end of June 1994, the tenure of the Committee will expire and a determination will be needed as to whether the Committee should be retained. SEPTEMBER 2,II993 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: 1992-93 OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ANNUAL REPORT Attached please find a copy of the 1992-93 Open Space Advisory Committee Annual Report. The Annual Report will be scheduled for an up-coming City Council hearing. Ic F- r r C - 7 7 7 r -w. k- 7 6 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE 1992- 93 ANNUAL REPORT - - - - - - - - - - - The Honorable Mayor Claude “Bud’ Lewis and Members of the City Council City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, CA 92008 The Open Space Advisory Committee appreciates the Council’s vote of confidence as expressed through passage of Agenda Bill No. 93-181, extending the life of the committee and changing it’s makeup. This follows a year of what we on the committee feel has been constructive activity, though less intensive than in previous years, when the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan was in preparation. The members of the committee believe that although the level of activity has definitely decreased, there is need to continue the committee’s role at least until the coordination of the HMP program and the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan is complete. During the past year, the committee has met as needed, about four times during the year, primarily to consider master plan compliance with open space regulations and to consider the possibility of equestrian use of city trails. As the Habitat Management Plan nears adoption, there will be increasing need also for the committee to review the work of staff in adjusting and revising the Resource Management Plan to meet the needs of the HMP. The Open Space Committee applauds the Council’s approval of revisions in the membership of the Committee, which should make it easier for the Council to fill any vacancies that may occur. Finally, the Committee feels that a great deal of credit should go to the Mayor and the Council for their unflagging support of both the idea and the specifics of open space preservation and enhancement benefits substantially from the mcarlsbad and their support of this Committee, The-City Council’s attention to Open Space. TW:lh Osccc.LTR 2075 Las Palmas Drive - Carlsbad, California 92009-l 576 l (619) 438-l 161 @ - - ANNUAL REPORT - OPEN SPACE ADVISORY CO-E - City of Carlsbad June 30, 1993 t ‘i Open Space Advismy Chnmittee Members Courtney E. Heineman, Chairman Clarence Schlehuber, Vice-Chairman Carmen Cedola Matthew Hall Homer B. Hupf Kip K. McBane Alan Recce John B. Strayer Patricia M. White staff Michael J. Holzmikr, Planning Director Teresa Woods, Associate Planner Anita-Ramos-Bonas, Secretary Va.l Dinsmore, Secretary - - I. II. III. Iv. V. VI. VII. VIII. INTRODUCTION . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN . . . COMMITTEECHARGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SUMMARY OF ITEMS REVIEWED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REVIEW OF MASTER PLANS, SPECIFIC PLANS; LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT PLANS, AND PROPOSED OPEN SPACE BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WORK IN PROGRESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COMMITTEE APPROVED/ACCEPTED MOTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix 1 Open Space Advisory Committee Work Plan Appendix 2 Committee Minutes Appendix 3 Open Space Boundary Adjustment Monitoring Log - - - - - - - - - - 1. INTRODUCIION In July 1989, the 15-member Citizens’ Committee for Review of Carlsbad’s Open Space Plan and Programs completed its report to the City Council. This report contained recommendations for additional studies and analysis regarding open space and growth management standards; possible amendments to the Open Space Ordinance; the fiscal and physical feasibility of a trail system; the finance, acquisition, and maintenance of an open space and trail system; the development of an Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan; and the creation of an Open Space commission. One of the principal recommendations of the original IS-member Citizen’s Committee was that an Open Space Commission be established. On June 19, 1990, Council created and made appointments to a nine-member Open Space Advisory Committee. The principal responsibility of this Committee is to work with Staff to complete certain unresolved issues identified by the 15- ’ member Citizen’s Committee, which include the completion of the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan. One of the charges of the Council to this Committee was to report annually on its work. This is the Open Space Advisory Committee’s third annual report. The Committee was originally appointed with a three year tenure. On June 22, 1993, the City Council extended the Committees term for a period of one year so that certain unresolved issues could be addressed. II. OPEN SPACE AND CONsERvAnoN REISOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN The Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan (OSCRMP) contains implementing programs for the Open Space and Conservation Element of the General Plan. The OSCRMP has been integrated into a draft Open Space and Conservation Element, currently out for public review and comment. The OSCRMP establishes open space definitions; includes an open space inventory; establishes an open space classiIication system; recommends open space goals, objectives, and policies; contains a Citywide action and implementation plan; establishes action and implementation strategies for each of the Ciws twenty-five Local Facilities Management Zones; contains cost estimates for implementing the OSCRMP; and includes recommendations for a Carlsbad Trail System. The charge of the Open Space Advisory committee incudes the following: 1 1. Provide ‘input and make advisory recommendations to the City Council, the Planning Commission, the Parks and Recreation Commission, other commissions, boards, and committees as deemed necessary, and the City staff on the implementation of the recommendations of the Open Space and Consecration Resource Management Plan accepted by the City Council on September 1,1992. 2. Review and comment on staff reports dealing with the open space section of Local Facility Management Zone Plans, Master Plans, and Specific Plans. The purpose of this review is to ensure that the plans are meeting the open space use, maintenance and acquisition priorities for the affected portion of the City and that criteria are established for the subsequent review of development projects. 3. Provide input and recommendations on other open space matters when requested by the City Council. Other matters may include recommendations for acquisition, use and financing strategies. 4. Act in an advisory role regarding decisions affecting open space. Actions of the Committee are advisory only and do not bind, restrict, or substitute for any of the discretionary or legislative authority of the City Council or it’s appointed Commissions. Iv. SUMMARYOFlTEIvISREVEWED The Open Space Advisory Committee met approximately every other month from July 1992 through June 1993. The full committee met five times over the year, including one special meeting on the equestrian use of the Citywide Bail system. - The Committee meetings focused on issues related to implementation of OSCRMP including the Citywide trail system. Presentations and discussions ensued on the following topics: 1. implementation of Open Space priorities of the OSCRMP at the project level and on a Local Facilities Management Zone basis. 2. 3. Update of the Open Space and Conservation Element. Coordination of OSCRMP with the Ciqs proposed Habitat Management Plan (HMP). - 4. Regional trail connections. 2 ‘I 5. Uses permitted on the Carlsbad Trail System. - In May 1992, the Committee completed its work on the draft OSCRMP. The draft OSCRMP was reviewed and accepted by the Planning Commission on May 20, 1992. The draft plan was accepted by Council on September 1, 1992. -- V. REVIEW OF MASER PLANS. SPECIFIC PLANS. LOCAL FACILIIY MANAGEMENT PLANS. AND PROPOSED OPEN SPACE BOUNDARY ADJUZFl%ENTS - The Committee reviewed a total of four Local Facility Management Plans, Master Plans, Specific Plans, and general development projects. The projects reviewed include the following: * Zone 20 Specific Plan * Carrillo Ranch Master Plan * Calavera Hills Master Plan (Amendment) * Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan - - The open space components of the Zone 20 Spe&c Plan, Carrillo Ranch Master Plan, Calavera Hills Master Plan Amendment, and the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan were reviewed for consistency with the proposed Citywide trail alignments and proposed open space priorities of the OSCRMP. All four plans are consistent with the recommendations of the OSCRMP. VI. WORK IN PROGRESS - Over the past year, the Committee worked to ensure implementation of the OSCRMP. The plan was completed in May 1992. The following is a - description of current work in progress by the Committee. - * The Committee continues to coordinate its open space planning efforts with the efforts of the Habitat Management Plan Advisory Group. Courtney E. Heineman has been appointed as the liaison from the Open Space Advisory Committee, and continues to attend the regular - * . 1; . meetings of the group. 3 * The Committee will work with staff to incorporate the OSCRMP into the Open Space and Conservation Element of the General Plan. * The Committee will continue to review Master Plans, Specific Plans, Local Facilities Management Plans, and major general development projects for consistency with the Open Space and Conservation - Element and the OSCRMP. * The Committee will address equestrian use for portions of the - Carlsbad Trail System as soon as the recommendations of the City’s HMP are finalized. - VII. CO- APPROVED/ACCEPTED MOTIONS All minutes are attached as Appendix 2. - . Sentember 2. 1992 1. Minutes of May 28, 1992 were approved as amended. 2. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept the Open Space proposal for the Zone 20 Specific Plan. 3. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept the 1991-92 Open Space Advisory Committee Annual Report as presented. Sentember 24. 1992 1. Minutes of September 2, 1992, were approved as submitted. 2. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan, Open Space proposal as presented. - December 17.1992 1. Minutes of September 24, 1992 were approved as submitted. 2. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve the Carrillo Ranch Master Plan Open Space proposal as presented. 3. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept the draft Open Space and Conserva tion Element as presented. 4 - - - - 4. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to have staff determine how many people in Carl&ad keep horses and want trails for equestrian use, and on the basis of this determination determine what trail segments should be used for equestrian use. Februarv 25. 1993 1. Minutes of December 17, 1992, were approved as submitted. 2. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept the New Fire Management Section of the draft Open Space and Conservation Element. March 25. 1993 - 1. Minutes of the February 25, 1993, meeting were approved as amended. 2. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve the Open Space proposal of the Calavera Hills Master Plan. 3. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to table the matter of equestrian use.or trails until further information on the City+ Habitat Plan was available. - VIII. CONCLUSION - - -- - - - ;r* I Over the past year, the Committee continued to review projects being processed by the City for consistency with the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan (OSCRMP). Currently, there are two unresolved open space issues. First, the Committee has not made a final decision on whether equestrians should be permitted to use a greater portion of the Citywide trail system. Final decision has been postponed until the City’s HMP has been completed. The City’s HMP will address where equestrian use of trails should be prohibited due to biological impacts. Second, the Committee must review how the HMP and OSCRMP will be integrated. This cannot be done until the HMP has been completed, which is expected to be in the Fall of 1993. During the upcoming year, work of the Committee will focus on integrating the recommendations of the OSCRMP with the recommendations of the Habitat Management Plan (HMP); addressing the question of equestrian use of portions of the Carlsbad Trail System; and, monitoring implementation of 5 Open Space policy. At the end of June 1994, the tenure of the Committee ’ will expire and a determination will be needed as to whether the Committee should be retained. - - 6 - - APPENDIX 1 OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE WORK PLAN OPBY SPACB ADVISORY COMMITTEI UORX PLAN - PIYISE - 1. I Revise and amend Open Space Ordinance No. 9795 to: - _- - _- .- - - 7 :- 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 (1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Yore precisely define lands considered as undevelopable; Define the word significant: Include specific conditions and restrictions cn non-residential development; Provide for all lands set aside as open space that can be mapped, be zoned open space: Include provisions so at the time of discretionary approvals any land set aside for its habitat or scenic value shall have an appropriate easement placed on it for resource protection: Provide for zone plans, major development applications and applications involving potential linkage to address trails and trail interconnection opportunities on proposed plans; Provide for any grading, grubbing, or clearing of vegetation in undeveloped areas be required to obtain City permits approved by the Planning Director: and Develop formal procedures for adjusting the boundaries of any opsn space area shown on the map. Develop pracfso definitions of the various forins of open space including visual corridors, ecological preserves, lagoons, beaches, canyons, hillsides, wetlands, agriculture, aquaculture, active parks, passive parks, rsflroad corridors, greenbelt buffers, etc. Conaidar establishing a policy to addrsss the degree of fqprovaa8nts pormitt8d in areas designated open space (8Ctiva vs. passive us0 issue). Detenaino the credit to be applisd to major powerline easements when they are enhanced or improved and provide key link8 in the trail system. Dotermine tha credit to ba applisd to private golf coursas whsn significant visual benefit is datermined. 1.6 WiAst IT 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 Mt8r'mine the credit to be applied to land area that otherwise qualifies for measurement towards the standard but which is not available without some monetary or athe; considerations for use by the general public, Complete an inventory of open space resources. - Develop demand estimates, space standards and service area criteria for all forms of open space, conservation, scenic highways, and recreation in the City. Establish methods for preserving open space. Recommend areas of existing open space which should be considered for enhancement and preservation to improve its habitat, visual or physical values, cultural and educational enhancements. including Recommend refined design standards for improvements to open space areas including the trails system. Establish a standard to apply to land next to sensitive areas that will designate a percentage of land that should be used as a buffer. Include this provision in the open space ordinance.. Consider th8 establishment of new standards for all types of open space and park and recreation uses. Identify scenic routes to public open space with sensitivity to increased traffic in residential areas. Identify and recommend for acquisition, protection, and preservation, visually attractive or high quality natural areas, or natural areas visible from public gathering places. 3.1 3.2 mnd priorities for open spaca acquisition. Rocouond the beet financing mechanism for open space and coneorvatfon resources. 3.3 Recommend a 8pacific program for acquiring and financing open space. 3.4 R8commend a specific progrea for acquiring and financing public acce88 to open space aroas. 3.5 Recommend a program to facilitate private donations as a funding mechanism. - - - 3.6 Recommend a detailed implementation program (includinq, acquisition, management, and finance, phasing, adrinistration) for open space and conservation rwources. - 3.7 Recommend a program to coordinate the City's open space efforts with those of other affected agencies. 3.8 Recommend an implementation program for the trails system, based upon the existing trails feasibility study. - arb c:os.mem a. Recommend groups of trail segments which would logically form major trails implementable as common phases. b. Recommend revised cost estimates for the trails system. C. Recommend a specific funding program for acquisition, construction, _ maintenance, aad administration of the trails system. d. Recommend a development schedule for .a11 tasks necessary to implement the trail system. - - APPENDIX2 COMMITTEEMINUTES - MINUTES MEETING OF: OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE - TIME OF MEETING: 5:00 P.M. DATE OF MEETING: SEPTEMBER 2, 1992 PLACE OF MEETING: CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS -. I. CALL TO ORDER Courtney Heineman, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 5:04 p.m. ROLL CALL - Open Space Advisory Committee Members Present: - Carmen Cedola Matthew Hall - Courtney Heineman Homer Hupf Clarence Schlehuber - Patricia White Alan Recce (arrived 5:07) - Absent: Kip McBane John B. Strayer Staff Members Present: - - Tern Woods, Associate Planner Brian Hunter, Senior Planner Jeff Gibson, Associate Planner Barbara Nedros, Secretary II. #IPPROVAL OF MINUTES A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO ACCEPT THE MINUTES OF MAY 28, 1992 AS AMENDED. (4-O-3) (HALL, CEDOLA, WHITE ABSTAINED). Ill. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC -t:: - Chairman Heineman opened the public testimony and issued the invitation to speak. There being no one desiring to address the committee on items not include on the agenda, Chairman Heineman declared the public testimony closed. , MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE SEPTEMBER 2, 1992 PAGE 2 Chairman Heineman at this time also introduced the new members of the Committee that were present at the meeting. IV. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON THE OPEN SPACE PROPOSAL FOR THE ZONE 20 SPECIFIC PLAN Chairman Heineman asked Terri Woods to introduce Senior Planner, Brian Hunter, who would be presenting this item to the Committee. Brian Hunter gave a presentation on the Open Space proposal for the Zone 20 Specific Plan to the Committee. Mr. Hunter, with the aid of area maps, showed the Committee where the properties were located in the City. Mr. Hunter went on to explain that the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan (OSCRMP) accepted by the City Council on September 1, 1992 included the primary open space action priorities for this zone. Mr. Hunter indicated that the identified priorities of the OSCRMP would be implemented by the Zone 20 Plan. Mr. Hunter discussed how the Planning Department reviews a project for open space consistency. Mr. Hunter continued by discussing other open space issues, including the issue of how the Citywide trail system would be implemented in this Zone. After Mr. Hunter’s presentation the Committee discussed the Open Space proposal and asked staff questions. A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED THAT THE OPEN SPACE PROPOSAL FOR THE ZONE 20 SPECIFIC PLAN BE ACCEPTED AS PRESENTED. (7-O) V. QISCUSSION AND APPROVAL OF THE 1991-92 OPEN SPACE VISORY COMMIITEE ANNUAL REPORT, Chairman Heineman introduced this item to the Committee and asked if there were any questions for staff regarding the report. Committee members had no questions on this item. A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED THAT THE 1991-92 OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMIITEE ANNUAL REPORT BE ACCEPTED AS PRESENTED. (6-O-l) (CEDOLA ABSTAINED) - - - - - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMllTEE SEPTEMBER 2, 1992 PAGE 3 VI. !i,IlSCUSSlON OF INFORMATION ITEMS Terri Woods stated that the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan (OSCRMP) was accepted by the City Council on September 1, 1992. Ms. Woods explained that the City Council directed staff to coordinate the plan with the HMP and also to work on integrating the OSCRMP into the Open Space and Conservation Element. In addition, they have given staff direction to look at adding a means to amend the Pjan, should in the future Open Space priorities change. The City Council also directed staff to look at ways to ensure that the City will not lose any open space opportunities, especially in regards to the trail. Ms Woods explained to the Committee that it would take approximately one year to market a G.O. bond. This means that the earliest that the City could expect to have an election for the bond would be November 1993. This would require a special election at that time, which could cost the City $110,000. If the bond were to pass at this special election the cost could be taken out of the bond, but if it were to fail, the money would come from the City’s General Fund. VII. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Heineman adjourned the September 2, 1992 meeting at 5:28 p.m. Respectfully submitted, - MICHAEL J. HOLZMILLER Planning Director - BARBARA NEDROS Secretary MINUTES ARE ALSO TAPED AND KEPT ON FILE UNTIL THE MINUTES ARE APPROVED. I MINUTES MEETING OF: OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE TIME OF MEETING: SO0 P.M. DATE OF MEETING: SEPTEMBER 24,1992 PLACE OF MEETING: UTILITIES 8c MAINTENANCE CONFERENCE ROOM I. CALL TO ORDER Courtney Heineman, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 300 PM. - ROLL CALL Open Space Advisory Committee Members Present: - Carmen Cedola Courtney Heineman Homer Hupf Clarence Schlehuber John 6. Strayer (~rrhndr( 5.95 PM) Patricia White Absent: Kip McBane Matthew Hall Alan Recce Staff Members Present: Dennis Turner, Principal Planner Terri Woods, Associate Planner Don Neu, Senior Planner Anita Ramos-Bonas, Secretary II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 2,1992, AS SUBMIITED (!%O) (MCBANE, HALL, RECCE, STRAYER, ABSENT). 111. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC Chairman Heineman opened the public testimony and issued the invitation to speak. There being no one desiring to address the committee on items not included on the agenda, Chairman Heineman declared the public testimony closed. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - iv. , ‘k I - - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE SEPTEMBER 24,1992 PAGE 2 IV. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON THE CARLSBAD RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN PROPOSAL FOR OPEN SPACE. Don Neu, Senior Planner, gave a brief presentation on the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan project. Mr. Neu, with the aid of the Open Space Map for the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan, outlined the location of the property. Mr. Neu explained that the project included an Environmental Impact Report, approval of a General Plan Amendment, Local Coastal Plan Amendment, Specific Plan and a Land Conservation Contract Amendment. Mr. Neu added that the Specific Plan proposed development of 92.6 acres of office, research and development, retail, and hotel uses; 24.5 acres for a driving range; and would retain 306.4 acres for agriculture. Mr. Neu explained some of the more relevant issues such as: 1) flower fields, which are approximately 39 acres and would be retained in agriculture; 2) the 92.6 acres proposed for development are Non-Williamson Act Lands; 3) the proposed relationship of the proposed project to the General Plan Open Space Goals and Policies; 4) how the proposed project, which is located in Local Facilities Management Zone 13 exceeds the 15% open space and growth management performance standard: and (5) the project’s proposed pedestrian paths and bike lanes which would connect to the Citywide Trail System. Mr. Neu indicated that John White, representing the property owners, and Jennifer Carter, Hofman Planning, were present to answer any questions regarding the proposed development. Courtney Heineman inquired about the full extent of the flower fields. Patricia White inquired about the location of the northeastern/southeastern areas of native vegetation which were being retained. Courtney Heineman inquired what the total open space was, and if the 15% performance standard was being met for this development. Patricia White inquired if there was any way of protecting the flower fields in perpetuity. John White indicated that the economic viability of crop production in the county was uncertain, partly due to water rates being extremely high, and flowers being a water intensive use. Mr. White added that using recycled water may be ok, but the problem with using recycled water was that it could not be sprayed. There being no one else desiring to address the committee on this item, Chairman Heineman declared the public testimony closed. A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO APPROVE THE PROJECT PLAN AS PRESENTED. (6-O) (MCBANE. HALL. & RECCE, ABSENT). ci MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMllTEE SEPTEMBER 24,1992 PAGE 3 - V. DISCUSSION OF INFORMATIONAL ITEMS - Terri Woods, Associate Planner, suggested to the committee that the October meeting be canceled because the Open Space and Conservation Element had not been completed, but that she anticipated it being completed around the first/second week of October. Ms. woods indicated that the subcommittee had expressed a desire to work on the element prior to submittal to the full committee, which would be sometime in November. Ms. Woods added that a notice indicating such would be mailed out to committee members. Ms. Woods further added that the next meeting would be held on November 19, 1992. Courtney Heineman, Chairman, pointed out that since Kim Welshons was no longer on the committee, the subcommittee only consisted of ffip McBane, Terri Woods and himself, and asked if anyone was interested in reviewing the element, please let Terri know. Courtney Heineman introduced John Strayer, the new member on the committee. There being no one else desiring to address the committee, Chairman Heineman closed the public hearing. VI. ADJOURNMENT BY PROPER MOTION, THE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 24,1992, WAS ADJOURNED AT 5:20 P.M. (6-O) (MCBANE, HALL & RECCE, ABSENT). Respectfully submitted, MICHAEL J. HOKMILLER Planning Director ANITA RAMDS-BONAS Secretary I I MINUTES ARE ALSO TAPED AND KEPT ON FILE UNTIL THE MINUTES ARE APPROVED. - - - - - - - - - - - MINUTES MEETING OF: OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE TIME OF MEETING: SO0 P.M. DATE OF MEETING: DECEMBER 17,1992 PLACE OF MEETING: UTILITIES & MAINTENANCE CONFERENCE ROOM I. CALL TO ORDER Courtney Heineman, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 5:02 PM. ROLL CALL Open Space Advisory Committee Members Present: Carmen Cedola (arrived at 5:07 PM) Courtney Heineman Homer Hupf Kip McBane (arrived late) Alan Recce John B. Strayer Patricia White Absent: Matthew Hall Clarence Schlehuber Staff Members Present: - Dennis Turner, Principal Planner Tern Woods, Associate Planner Brian Hunter, Senior Planner - Anita Ramos-Bonas, Secretary II. - APPROVAL Om A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF - SEPTEMBER 24, 1992, AS SUBMITTED (5-O) (MCBANE, HAL& SCHLEHUBER 61 RECCE, ABSENT). III. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIQ Chairman Heineman opened the public testimony and issued the invitation to speak. - There being no one desiring to address the committee on items not included on the agenda, Chairman Heineman dedared the public testimony closed. MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMIITEE DECEMBER 17,1992 PAGE 2 IV. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON THE CARRILLO RANCH MASTER PIAN PROPOSAL FOR OPEN SPACE. Brian Hunter, Senior Planner, gave a brief presentation on the Carrillo Ranch Master Plan proposal for open space. Mr. Hunter indicated that the previous plan provided approximately 100 acres of open space, and that the present plan now increased that amount by over 150 acres. Mr. Hunter added that the plan which was being presented had a total gross acreage of over 250 acres of open space, which was almost 4096 of the area as depicted on the Ranch0 Carriilo Master Plan open space map. Chairman Heineman inquired as to how much of the 250 acres of the open space wti constrained land, and how much of the land was developable. Mr. Hunter responded that approximately 64 acres of the open space area was constrained land, and 186 acres of the land was developable. Mr. Hunter stated that one of the most important opportunities for open space in this plan was the greenway that was being proposed which would connect the border of this zone with the City of San Marcos, and go through the Carrillo Ranch, and would then connect westward on through to Alga Norte Park, as outlined on the map. Mr. Hunter depicted the City-wide trails, Master Plan trails, and the proposed General Plan Open Space, as identified on the Ranch0 Carriilo Master Plan open space map, which are consistent with the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan. Mr. Hunter added that the other primary open space action priorities would indude the school site, which would be located adjacent to the park site; the recreational amenities of the future Carrillo Ranch Community Park site; water features; and the plant animal life/habitat. Mr. Hunter concluded that the last action priority would be the land use buffer. Mr. Hunter indicated that at this time the property owners were offering the dedication of approximately 20 additional acres around the ranch that would addiionalfy buffer this site, even though there was no requirement for a dedication of this magnitude. John Strayer, inquired as to how much of the 20 acres would be constrained land. Mike Howes, Hofman Planning Associates, indicated that Paul Rookwood, WRT, was one of the author’s of the Cii’s Open Space & Conservation Resource Plan. Mr., Howee pointed out that there would be additional open space which wee not shown on the wall map exhibit at this time. Mr. Howes added that the present exhibit did not show common recreation areas and slopes which would be located between lots, but the exact amount was not known yet, but would be eventually mapped open space. Terri Woods, Associate Planner, depicted some of the open space corridors on the Open Sbace Mao. - - - - - - - - - -.. - - - - - - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE DECEMBER 17,1992 PAGE 3 A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO APPROVE THE CARRILLO RANCH MASTER PLAN FROM AN OPEN SPACE STANDPOINT. (6-O) (MCBANE, HALL, & SCHLEHUBER, ABSENT). - V. DISCUSSION AND ACTlON Oil THE DRAFT OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION ELEMENT - - - Courtney Heineman, Chairman, indicated that he and Ms. Woods had reviewed the revisions made to the Draft Open Space and Consecration Element in considerable detail (attached), and stated that Ms. Woods did an excellent job. There being no one else’ desiring to address the committee on this item, Chairman Heineman declared the public testimony closed. A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED THAT THE DRAFT OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION ELEMENT BE ACCEPTED AS PRESENTED. (6-O) Ms. Woods added that if during the public review period, something did come up, any comments submitted would be considered in the Updated Open Space and Conservation Element. VI. DISCUSSION OF WHEN THE COMMIITEE SHOULD ADDRESS THE ISSUE OF EQUESTRIAN USE OF TRAILS. - -... - - : T” Chairman Heineman briefly stated that because the Open Space & Conservation Resource Management plan had been accepted by the City Council beck in September, it was now time to begin reviewing the equestrian trails for issues such as: 1) How many people in Carlabad keep horses in Carlsbad; 2) which trails are people talking about using, and which trail8 the committee thinks they should be using; and 3) the equestrian use of trail amneotfons with Olivenhain. A MOTlON WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO DETERMINE HOW MANY PEOPLE IN CARLSBAD KEEP HORSES AND WANT TRAILS FOR EQUESTRIAN USE, AND ON THE BASIS OF THIS DETERMINATION, WHAT TRAIL SEGMENTS WOULD BE USED FOR EQUESTRIAN USE. (74) MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMIITEE DECEMBER 17,1992 PAGE 4 Dennis Turner, Principal Planner, stated to the committee that he was initially the staff representative that worked on the trails program, along with Wallace Roberts & Todd. Mr. Turner indicated that he did make a specific attempt to contact the equestrian community and did contact the gnl~ official organization in existence, located in Encinitas. Mr. Turner stated that the general consensus from this group was that there were not many horse users in Carlsbad. Mr. Turner also stated that there was not a need to take horses from Encinitas or any of the surrounding areas through Carlsbad to get to other equestrian destinations because of access difficulties represented by the freeways on the west and north sides of the City. Mr. Turner felt that the equestrian community may not have been well represented until very late in the course of this work. - - -.. - Committee query ensued in reference to the location of equestrian users in Carlsbad. Kip McBane commented that there were a lot of horses in Ranch0 Carlsbad and that many horses were boarded out of town, but residents may still be interested in using the horse trails in Carlsbad. There being no one else desiring to address the committee, Chairman Heineman dosed the public hearing. VII. DISCUSSION OF INFORMATIONAL ITEMS For informational purposes, Ms. Woods indicated that the Cii had submiied for state funds for a newstate bond act that would be going forward before the citizenry in 1994 statewide, and the City was in for about $3 million dollars for open space acquisition, which would be for the purpose of the habiiat/greenway/trail acquisition. Additional funding for the Carrillo Ranch improvements were also induded in the proposed bond act. Ms. Woods stated that if anyone was interested in becoming part of a committee to publicize this bond act, and also to work on this program as a volunteer, to please let her know. Dennis Turner, Principal Planner, stressed that it was essential that there be a very strong citizen base to support this bond issue, and that it would have to be organbed as earty as possible. Mr. Turner stated that legally it could not be done by City staff, and if there was not enough concerted effort by the community, the bond issue might not pass. Ms. Woods indicated that since there weren’t any items for a meeting in January the committee would not be meeting until Februarv 25.199$ and she would be sending out letters to that effect. - - - - - - -- - - - - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE DECEMBER 17,1992 PAGE 5 VII. ADJOURNMENT BY PROPER MOTION, THE MEETING OF DECEMBER 17,1992, WAS ADJOURNED AT 6:00 P.M. (7-O) (HALL &, SCHLEHUBER, ABSENT). Respectfully submitted, MICHAEL J. HOLZMILLER Planning Director ANITA RAMOS-BONAS Secretary MINUTES ARE ALSO TAPED AND KEPT ON FILE UNTIL THE MINUTES ARE APPROVED. MINUTES MEETING OF: OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMIITEE TIME OF MEETING: $00 P.M. DATE OF MEETING: FEBRUARY 25,1993 PLACE OF MEETING: CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS I. CALL TO ORDER Courtney Heineman, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 595 PM. ROLL CAL& Open Space Advisory Committee Members Present: Carmen Cedoia (arrived at 5:08 PM) Courtney Heineman Homer Hupf Kip McBane (arrived at 5:05 PM) Clarence Schiehuber John 8. Strayer Patricia White Absent: Matthew Hall Alan Recce Staff Members Present: Terri Woods, Ass&ate Planner Anita Flames-Bonas, secretary II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A MOTlON WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 17, 1992, AS SUBMITlED (4-O-l) (SCHLEHUBER ABSTAINED) (CEDOLA, HAL& MCBANE 81 RECCE ABSENT). Ill. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLlG Chairman Heineman opened the public testimony and issued the invitation to speak. There being no one desiring to address the committee on items not included on the agenda, Chairman Heineman declared the public testimony closed. - - - - - - - - - -- - - i -- MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 25.1993 PAGE 2 IV. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON THE EQUESTRIAN USE OF TRAIU Courtney Heineman, Chairman, stated that for the benefit of those not previously on this committee, the matter of equestrian use of trails had been raised when the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan was almost complete. At that time, the committee felt that the matter of equestrian use of trails should be held over until the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan (OSCRMP) was approved. The OSCRMP included two small connecting equestrian trail links located in Zone 11, which were requested by the City of Encinitas. Terri Woods, Associate Planner, briefly stated that she had contacted about 50 individuals or companies regarding equestrian uee of horses: sent letters out to thoee individuals or companies; sent letters to tack shops, feed shops, and equestrian dubs listed in the phone book, as well as to individuals who contacted her regarding the not&in the newspaper, and also to a list of individuals that own horses, or are interested in equestrian uses in the City. Ma. Woods added that from all of the information she received, it appeared that there are approximately 45-50 horses in the City, a few of these horses are located in the Village Area of the Cii, near Highland and Magnoiii. She aiso indicated that there ia a parcel located south of College, and east of El Camino Real, which boards about 15 horses, and another 25 horsea are boarded in the Sunny Creek area. Ms. Woods added that some of these horses are boarded in the Sunny Creek area in association with the Ride America Fadlii, which ia a show facility for horses. Terri Woods added that she had contacted the Risk Manager regarding the liability and other issues relating to equestrian urea. Ms. Wooda indicated that the Risk Manager had not made a formal opinion on thii subject, but her initial information was that the equestrian use did not substantially increase the liabiiii, however, there are some concerns with the insurance carrier regarding the equeetnan uee of traila. Ma. Woods indicated that at thii point the City’s insurance car&r’s polii was not to accept equestrian trails. Ma. Wooda stated that the City could not have equestrian trails in the CityiftheCity’8canierwouMnotpermitthemunlesr,theyobtainedadd~coverage or made other arrangements. Ma.Woodestatedthatshehaarequeetedaddii information, and that an opinion in writing had been requested of the Cii’s insurance carrier. Terri Woods indicated that she had received several calls from both equestriarr ~8818 as well as from the development community. Chairman Heineman opened the publii testimony and issued the im&tion to speak. , MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 25,1993 PAGE 3 Heidi Coates, 1235 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, spoke in favor of equestrian use of trails, Ms. Coates indicated that she owns a horse, and feft there were not many places left to ride, and didn’t think horses should be permitted on every trail in Carlsbad, but that there should be somewhere to ride. Ms. Coates indicated that they would be willing to compromise as far as insurance was concerned, such as signing a waiver with the City which would indicate they would ride at their own risk. Ms. Coates suggested the area located on Buena Vista, which is owned by the City. Ms. Coates added that Calavera Hills, Kelly Ranch and Sunny Creek were also areas suggested to her by other people. In conclusion, Ms. Coates stated that she was willing to work with the City in any way she could in order to find a place to ride in Carl&ad. John Strayer, inquired if Ms. Coates had to trailer her horse from where she currently rides from, and what the distance was from her current location. Kip McBane, inquired about how large the size of a ring should be for practlcing for equestrian events. Cheryl Emerald, 1098 Magnolii Avenue, Cartsbad, spoke in favor of equestrian use of trails. Ms. Emerald indicated that they own 2 horses, and they ride their horses right on Magnolia, and try to ride anywhere they can in Carlsbad. Ms. Emerald fetl that equestrian use of trails would be a benefit to Cartsbad. Mike Howes, Hofman Planning Assoc&es, 2336 Faraday Avenue, Suite 120, Carl&ad, spoke in opposition, and stated for the record, on behatf of the property owners of the Ranch0 Carrillo Master Plan, that they FIB against having any equestrian use of the trail system within the Pancho Carrillo Master Plan because: 1) liabilii problems; 2) maintenance of the trails, and 3) Master Plan was being designed and built so that over l/3 of the entire Master Plan would become open space, which would force the developer to cluster development on the more developed portions, whii eliminated the possibilii of having large m that coukl aocommodate horses. Mr. Howes also stated that another concern of the property ownWwasthatanumberoftrailswithintheMasterPfanwould bemaintainedbythahomeownerrrasso&Wn andwerenotpartoftheCkywidetrail system. These trails however, wouM feed into the C&wide trail system. The liilii for those trail sections would be the responsfbilii of the homeowners ass&aWn. Courtney Heineman inquired if the developers had reason to believe that there were more accidents on equestr@n trails. - - -_ -. - - - - - - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMllTEE FEBRUARY 25,1993 PAGE 4 - Mr. Howes stated that one of their primary concerns with the trail system is that it feeds down to the park and elementary school, which would be located in the center of the Master Plan, and would be used mostly by children using the trail system to get to - school, and felt that children would have a problem with an uncontrolled equestrian trail. _-- Courtney Heineman inquired whether or not Mr. Howe& clients had any concern if the City decided to allow equestrian use of trails in the northwest or northeast quadrant, which would not be near Carrillo Ranch, and if this would obviate their client’s concern. - Kip McBane stated that historically, Carrillo Ranch had equestrian uses on the property, and understood that there had been some discussion of the possibility, at some time in the future, to patrol the trail by homes. Mr. McBane fett that a possible location to headquarter this, if it did become a police activity, would be on City property at Carrillo Ranch, which would be consistent with the historic use of the land. - - Mr. Howes fet! that having 1 or 2 police officers riding horses would be a different situation, than an uncontrolled equestrian use but, indicated that he could not speak on behalf of the property owners on this subject, but felt that this type of use would be a lot more acceptable than an uncontrolled equestrian use. ,-- John Strayer inquired if Mr. Howes was speaking on behalf of homeowners who did not exist at the moment, or only speaking for the landowners who would be selling homes to individuals. - - - Bob Johnson, 1125 Cape Aire Lane, Carl&ad, spoke in favor of equestnan trails. Mr. Johnsonstated~~ownahorsewh~islocatedintheSuMlyCreekarea. Mr. Johnson stated that a lot of the neighboring cities have equestrian trails and they have gotten around the ineuranoe problems, and felt this should not be an issue. Mr. Johnson indicated that b was his understanding that the County of San Dllo required horse owners that ri& on county trails to have a license, similar to a dog Iii, and once the licensewas~,if~~~edtheCountyfrombeingsued,shouManaccident occuron~~thetrails,andfeltthatperhaps~Citycoulddosomethingsimilartothe county. --+.; .- Bree Devorak, 1197 Chestnut Avenue, Cansbad, spoke in favor of equestnan trails. Ms. Devorak indicated that most children have enough sense to move out of a horses way andnotdiiactahome. MsDevorak,whospokeonbeha#ofabout7ohiidrenwho attend Magnolia Elementary, and expressed concern aboutnothavingaplacetoride together somewhere in Carl&ad. MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 25,1993 PAGE 5 Ruth Besecker, Fieldstone La Costa Associates Development, indicated that Fieldstone was the owner of substantially all of Zones 10, 11 & 12. Ms. Besecker spoke in opposition of equestrian trails, and concurred with the majority of the sentiments expressed by Mr. Howes concerning the design constraints that might be imposed upon a property to accommodate equestrian, pedestrian and bicycle uses. John Strayer inquired if horses were currently boarded at the ranch house. Ruth Besecker responded that they had 2 horses which were kept in an existing barn and didn’t know how often they were ridden. Dan Shelley asked the committee if at a future meeting he could have the opportunity to come back and discuss the issue of the connection of the trail segments with the Cii of Encinitas. Courtney Heineman stated that Ms. Woods needed to research this matter further and would have to be discussed at a later meeting. Kip McBane inquired if Mr. Shelly was a property owner in the vicinity of the area in question. Dan Shelly depicted his property on the wall map exhibit. Sharon Johnson, 1125 Cape Aire Lane, Cart&ad, spoke in favor of equestrian trails. Ms. Johnson inquired as to whether or not the insurance was the same as the one the Cl was thinking of having amended to include skateboarding, and if so, perhaps horseback riding could be included as well. Ms. Johnson expressed her concern about having a reasonable area that would be safe for the enjoyment of riding horses. ClarenceScN&&er respnded about the skateboarding issue. Mr. Schlehuber stated thatltWaShi8 un&&andingthatthiiissuewaspendingalegUtiveact. John Strayer inquired what the horseriders felt about the obligation and r-i when using a public, munidpal thoroughfare, and how the City would handle it. Sharon Johnson felt that each horse&& should be responsibJe for the maintenance of their horse’s cleanliness, etc. Ms. Johnson also felt that policing should not be required at equestrian trails, and also stated that most people din? let their children go riding alone, and that most children are usually accompanied by adults. Courtney Heineman inquired about the trail damage caused from horses. - - -- -. - - - - - - - - -. - - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMl7TEE FEBRUARY 25.1993 PAGE 6 -- Ms. Woods indicated that maintenance costs were only slightly higher, with possible erosion problems because of the breaking up of the natural surface from the horse’s hoofs, as well as from the additional trimming that needed to be taken care of on trees - that overhang on the trails. - tip McBane stated that the City of Poway had conducted a study on this particular issue and the results indicated that trail bikes created more of a problem. - Clarence Schlehuber suggested about the possibility of setting up an area for equestrian use only, and not for pedestrians. - Terri Woods responded that this separation of use wasn’t necessary, given the input received from the surrounding communities that have equestrian, pedestrian 8 bicycle trails which permit all 3 uses on the trail without incidence. - Kip McBane stated that it was his understanding that there was an association that run equestrian facilities that have a contract with an insurance company which provided insurance at a very reasonable rate. Terri Woods responded that she would look into this matter further. - - -- Gail Weiser, 4218 Beach Bluff, Cartsbad, spoke in favor of equestrian trails. Ms. Weiser stated that she owns a horse whii is boarded ln the Sunny Creek area, and that there are about 20 horses there at one time or another during the year, and they usually ride around the Calavera area, and around the edges of the farm land, and very rarely do they even see mountain bikes or people on these trails. Ms. Weiser also indicated that as far as insurance was concerned that the people that they board from carry some sort of liability insurance for the horses to even ride on their property. -- Clarence schbhuber inquired if anyone riding had ever been on a spooked horse or encountered a spooked horse. - Discussion ensued among committee members regarding spooked horses. - s ._ l . t - - JohnStrayecfe~thatthe~lyproMemthatrealtyexistedwasinrefererrcetothehomes thatwerenYsoldyet,andhowthepeopleinthoseareaswouldfeelaboutequestrian trails. Mr.Strayec~thatin~cases,ifahorsecouldnatbeboardedinacertain area, you probably wouldn’t be fond of having horses around your homa either. Mr. Strayer felt that this issue probably should be controlled by a homeowner’s group, if it existed, and if it didn’t, perhaps this matter should be held in r-e until the opinion of a new housing development occurred, and not be acted upon based only on the opinion of the developer that these homeowners would be against this type of uses MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 25,1993 PAGE 7 Mr. Heineman asked staff to research the solution of possible areas for equestrian use. --. Ms. Woods responded that she would look into this matter as soon as possible. Ms. Woods indicated that she had been in contact with the biologist that is preparing the Habitat Management Plan for the City, and they did express concerns about equestrian uses on trails that would be going through or adjacent to any presence that would be established, and they asked that we give them an idea of where equestrian uses would be located so that they could look at what impacts there would be and what problems, if any, the state and federal agencies would have with these trails. Kip McSane asked that staff find out if there was any type of statistical information or studies available that specifically address the impact of horses on sensitive habiiat. Courtney Heineman indicated that this matter be continued until staff researched the additional information requested. Johp Strayer inquired if there was any possibility of obtaining input from a homeowners association that runs near one of these trails just to see what the homeowner opinion would be of an existing development. Mr. Heineman indicated that he manages a homeormer’sassociationattheedgeofHosp Grove, and would be happy to speak with them. There being no one else desiring to address the committee on thii item, Chairman Heineman declared the public testimony closed. - -, - V. DISCUSSION OF NEW FIRE MANAGEMENT SECTlON OF THE DRAFT OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATlON ELEMENT Courtney Heinaman, Chakman, for m purposes, indicated that Ms. Woods had attached the memorandum regarding the Dr&t Open Space and Consewation Element, andonlythere-writtenOpenSpaceand~Elementatthelastmeeting,and the only concern tonight was the addii to the element regarding the fire risk management, and lt appeared as though it had been written by the Fire Depa&nent. Terri Woods, Associate Planner, stated that she met with the Fire De- to dii their concerns, and to make sure that in the future that new development projects raise fire management issues earty on, and take care of them up front. Ms. Woods indiied that there was&t anything in their request that had a negative impact on the open space plan, but perhaps may require wider buffers adjacent to new development, that developers would have to set aside, and addii em&onmen&l reviewwouidbe required because of having to clear vegetation adjacent to new development. - - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMllTEE FEBRUARY 25,1993 PAGE 8 - - - ,, John Strayer suggested that the Risk Manager be invited to an upcoming meeting to brief the committee on some of the liability issues addressed earlier. Homer Huph inquired about Agenda kern V, Cl and C.2. A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO ACCEPT THE INFORMATION (7-O) (ABSENT HALL & RECCE) - VI. DISCUSSION OF INFORMATlONAL ITEMS - Terri Woods for informational purposes, stated that she had discussed the trail segment that Mr. Shelley spoke of earlier with Mike Wells from the City of Encinitas, and indicated that the City of Encinitas may not have a need for that trail segment, and would like to discuss this matter further at an upcoming meeting so that this issue could be cleared up. Ms. Woods indicated that this segment was only put on the map at the request of the City of Encinitas, and fett there wasn’t a need for it, if it wasn’t going to be utlliied. Courtney Heineman indicated that the next meeting would be held on March 25,1QQ3. - There being no one else desiring to address the committee, Chairman Heineman dosed the public hearing. VII. ADJOURNMENT -- BY PROPER MOTION, THE MEETlNG OF FEBRUARY 25,1993, WAS ADJOURNED AT 6:16 P.M. (74) (HALL C RECCE, ABSENT). - Respectfully submitted, \ - MICHAEL J. HOIZMILLER Planning Director -F ‘1 - ANITA RAMOS-BOWS -etary MINUTES ARE ALSO TAPED AND KEPT ON FILE UNTlL THE MINUTES ARE APPROVED. bdFElTNG OF: OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMlTIEE TIME OF MEEI-ING: 5:oo P.M. DATE OF MEEIING: MARCH z&l993 PLACE OF MEETING: CITY COUNCIL CHAMEERS 1. CALLTOORDER Courtney Heineman, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 5:OS PM. ROLL CALL Open Space Advisory Committee Members Present: ‘Matthew Hall Courtney Heineman Kip McBane Clarence Schlehuber Patricia White Absent: Carmen Cedola Homer Hupf Alan Recce John B. Strayer Staff Members Present: Terri Woods, Associate Plaqner Jeff Gibson, hsociate Planner Anita Ramos-Bonas, Secretary AMCYI-IONWASMADEANDSECONDEDTOAPPR.OVETHEMINUlES OF FEBRUARY 25, 1993, As AMENDED (s-0) (CEDOLA, HUPF, RE= 8 SI’RAYEIR, ABSENT). . Churman Heineman opened the public testimony and issued the invitation to speak. There being no one desiring to address the committee on items not included on the agenda, . Chauman Heineman declared the public testimony closed. - - - OPEN SPACE ADVISORY’COMMPITEE MARCH 25,1993 PAGE 2 - Iv. DISCUSSION AND AC’DON ON THE OPEN SPACE PROPOSAL OF CALAVERA HILLSMASIERPLAN - Chairman Heineman opened the public testimony and issued the invitation to speak. - - - - - - - L : t: Jeff Gibson, Associate Planner, introduced Eric Munoz, Associate Planner, and project planner on the environmental impact report for the project, and also introduced Dan Rehm and Lex Wilhman, from Hunsaker & Associates, representatives of the applicant, who were present to answer any questions on this project. Mr. Gibson briefly explained that the project was a General Plan Amendment and Master Plan Amendment, along with several subdivision maps. The changes with respect to open space included an adjustment of open space boundaries within the Master Plan to accommodate subdivision maps in Phase III of the Master Plan, and an update of the Master Plan, to bring into compliance with the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan, and other City ordinances and policies. As far as compliance with Growth Management, Mr. Gibson noted a correction to the Memorandum dated March 18, 1993 (which was included in the packet) regarding Growth Management and Performance Standard Open Space. Mr. Gibson indicated that in actuality there were 105 acres of performance standard open space required in the Zone 7 Local Facilities Management Plan, and at buildout of the Master Plan, which would be completed as part of Phase III of the project, 291 acres would be provided. Mr. Gibson further indicated that the General Plan Amendment would adjust boundaries to accommodate the future tentative maps which were in review, and the findings could be made based on the fact that there would be 17 additional acres of open space once the adjustmen t was made. Mr. Gibson stated that the new open space is of equal or greater value environmentally, because an environmental impact report was prepared for the project, and the new open space is either contiguous or in close proximity to the deleted areas as shown on the exhibit (also included in the packet), showing the “take-away/give-back” areas of General Plan Gpen Space, and their relationship to the planning areas. . . Chauman Heineman asked that Mr. Gibson depict the areas of discussion on the map. . Mr. Gibson depicted the exkting General Plan Open Space areas as shown on the map that would be mnaining, the area which would be deleted, and indicated that the areas shown in blue would be added. Mr. Gibson pointed out that next to Villages W, X & Y, the large fmger of open space adjacent to College Boulevard would be deleted, and the area shown in dark blue, located on the southern area of the plan would be added, and essentially these areas would connect with the area on the northeastern part of Village W, along with the southwestern portion of Viage X, so there would actually be a connection which otherwise would not have been OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITEE MARCH 25,1993 PAGE 3 Chairman Heineman inquired if any of the deletions or additions had any impact upon the proposed Citywide Trail System which would be going through this project. Jeff Gibson responded that as the trails are aligned according to the Circulation/Trails Map, all of the deletions and additions would be within the existing open space and would not impact the trail system. Clarence Schlehuber inquired whether or not there would be a maintenance problem with the small piece of land located to the west of the San Diego Gas & Electric easement, between College Boulevard, because there wasn’t any connection to any other open space area in that vicinity. - - - - Jeff Gibson clarified the above inquiry for Mr. Schlehuber. Clarence Schlehuber further inquired about the new area being added on Glasgow, as to whether or not it was large enough, and if there were any maintenance problems. Jeff Gibson responded that this area would be kept in natural open space because of the steepness of the slopes. Kip McBane inquired if there was any development in the southern portion of Viiage H. Jeff Gibson responded that in that particular area there was a proposal being processed through the Planning Department to provide 13 estate lots. Kip McBane further inquired about the area to the right of Village H, because it appeared that there was some development within that open space. Mr. Gibson responded that in that particular area, which was actually the bottom of the canyon, a sewes treatment plant and large RV parking area existed, and this area would still be clded as open space. There being no one else desiring to address the committee on this item, chairman Heineman declared the public testimony closed. AMOTION WAsMADEANDsEcoNDEDToApPRovETHEOPENspM=EPRoposALOF THEcAuIvERAHIlls MASER PLAN FROM AN OPEN SPACE SMNDF0I.M. (5-o) (cmoL& HuPF,REccE&m~ABsENT). - - OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MARCH 25,1993 PAGE 4 V. -- DISCUSSION AND ACITON ON THE EOUESDUAN USE OF TRAILS - - Terri Woods, Associate Planner, indicated that per the committee’s request she had researched the equestrian use of trails, and also had a call into the Fish 8~ Wildlife Service regarding the biological impacts of equestrian use of trails, but they were not able to contact her prior to this meeting, but indicated that literature would be available, which would be provided to the committee, as well as some guidelines, which would also be provided to other municipalities regarding the equestrian use of trails. - - - - -_ - - -0 :.: Ms. Woods, introduced Erin Lets&, Risk Manager, and stated that she was present to answer any questions per the committee’s request regarding liability issues, and also introduced Keith Beverly, Parks & Recreation Department, also present to answer any questions that related to the equestrian use of trails within parks. Ms. Woods further added that she had included in the packet a section of the municipal code which referred to horses, and the provision where homes are precluded from parks, and stated if it was the committee’s desire, to have horses in a park, this portion of the code would have to be amended to permit this type of use. Chairman Heineman inquired if any portion of the trail system that the committee might choose to use for equestrian use would be outlawed if it went through a City park. Ms. Woods indicated that should the committee decide to designate a trail within a City park for equestrian uses, such recommendation would have to be brought forward to the Parks & Recreation Commission, and also to the City Council. Ms. Woods stated that included in the packet was a general idea of the cost that would be involved in having equestrian facilities in the City, and went through 5 or so scenarios on the costs, and stated that the cost estimates were based on land values that were prepared by Wallace Roberts & Todd. Ms. Woods indicated that they seemed a little high, but when Wallace Roberts 81 Todd prepared their camps, land was going for about $300,000 an acre, and today it would be much less, but stated she went ahead and used their figures since it was the best information available without actually requesting new camps on property. Ms. Woods indicated that she had used the improvement costs of the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan for staging areas to determine the cost for the equestrian staging facility, and she had come up with a need for about l/2 acre for an equestrian staging facility. Clarence Schlehuber inquired if a staging area was needed if trails were designated for equestrian use. OPEN SPACE ADVISORY CO- MARCH 25,1993 PAGE 5 Ms. Woods responded that a staging area would be needed if anything was adopted. Ms. Woods indicated that if additional equestrian links were not adopted, the best area for an equestrian staging facility would be in the southeast portion of the City, adjacent to the proposed equestrian link that is being requested adjacent to Encinitas. Kip McBane inquired about the situation with respect to the current insurance canier, their policy, and consideration of equestrian uses, and what the insurance alternatives were, and asked what the risks would be according to analyses on equestrian uses on public trails. Erin Lets& Risk Manager, indicated that the initial response she received from California Municipal Insurance Authority (CMIA), which is a pool of municipalities, stated they did not like the idea, however, Ms. Letsch pressed them further on why it was based more on uncertainty than anything else. Ms. betsch stated that they currently had only one city who had a trail system, which was inherited, and not put in after they joined the pool, so they did not have too much experience dealing with this type of situation. Ms. Lets& requested a letter fkom CMLA that could be provided to the committee stating their policy, but stated they had not been able to comply with her request. However, Ms. Letsch stated she received a response that indicated that this type of use would be covered under the excess liability, but that they would like the City to consult a safety engineering i!rm to make sure that certain guidelines were being provided for during the operation of the equestrian trails, such as appropriate signage for any dangerous conditions on the trails, and rules for using the trail, or something of that nature. Ms. Lets& asked that they provide us with the guidelines, and they indicated that they did not have any. Chairman Heineman asked if they had any risk record or past results, or if there was a great danger of liability involved. Ms. Letsch indicated that she had contacted the City of San Diego and the City of Poway, and their answer was that they had not seen this to be a tremendous risk, but she had not asked specifically about equestrian uses, but their trail system in general. Ms. Letsch indicated that the liability associated with the trail would not really be unlike that of a park, so this would not be that much different than accepting the exposure we currently had. Clarence Schlehuber inquired about the maintenance of trails because of the length t *. involved as opposed to a park. Mr. Schlehuber felt he had real problems with mixing equestrian with pedestrian uses. In summary, Qn&man Heineman stated that coverage was probably acceptable though the Ciws present carrier, and the cost would most likely not be a major factor. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COlVMlTEE MARCH 25,1993 PAGE 6 Ms. Letsch indicated that because the City had an excess liability carrier, meaning that the City is self-insured for a large sum of money ($SOO,OOO), which had to be paid on any claim, it would be possible to go out and get separate insurance coverage at a cost, to specifically cover the trails, if it was so desired. Kip McBane requested that if the Risk Manager received a letter from the insurance company that the committee be copied. Keith Beverly responded to Alternative #5 - Designating a Trail Within a City Park for Use by Equestrians. Mr. Beverly stated that any such action would require an ordinance change, and the use of horses within a public park that is highly used by people would be a health and safety issue, and probably not supported by the Parks & Recreation Department. A park site that is not used heavily by the public would deserve some consideration, such as Macario Canyon or Hosp Grove. Mr. Beverly stated concern regarding the cost of providing maintenance of equestrian trails. Kip McBane inquired about the Chapter of the Carlsbad Municipal Code having to do with Parks. Chairman Heineman inquired if the Lake Calavera area is not used for a golf course, would it be considered to be parkland within the meaning of the City’s ordinance. Keith Beverly responded that due to the uncertainty of what was going to happen to Lake Calavera, it was very much in question as to what would happen at this time. Kip McBane inquired about the portions of Hosp Grove that were not designated as park land. Keith Beverly responded that at the moment there were about 17 acres of Hosp Grove being designated as community park, and a conceptual plan in motion to incorporate Hosp Grove within the northwest quadrant park enhancement study that may or may not include the entire Grove area. - iI I - Mr. Beverly also stated that there was a proposed 5 l/2 acre park site immediately across from the duck feeding area which may or may not be used for a staging area. Ms. Woods stated that if the committee was considering designating a portion of a proposed trail system for equestrian use, the trails in the northeast quadrant would be the most appropriate because that is where the highest concentration of existing horses were located. OPEN SPACE ADVISORY CO- MARCH 2!5,1993 PAGE 7 Ms. Woods added that if the City of Encinitas was not going to be connecting an equestrian trail with Carlsbad on the east side, it would be recommended to delete that trail segment from the map because it was only added to make a regional connection, and if that regional connection was not going to be made in the adjacent municipality, then it did not need to be provided, especially given the fact that Melrose would be going through the middle of it. Ms. Woods stated that before any equestrian trails were sited, it was important to complete the Habitat Management Plan because some of the areas would be considered for preserves, and by their nature were going to preclude certain activities. The Cit~?s decision would have to be held off until the Habitat Management Plan was completed. Kip McBane inquired about how emergency access to the perimeter of a preserve would be provided. Clarence Schlehuber expressed his concerns and opinions on the Cost Analysis Equestrian Trail Ahematives #l - #5. tip McBane also expressed his concerns and opinions on Alternatives #l-#5 of the Cost Analysis, and felt that until all the information from the Fish & Wildlife Service was received, this matter be held over until final decisions could be made. Ms. Woods stated that a determina tion could not be made on the location of equestrian trails until the implementation program of the Habitat Management Plan was complete, and that was the section that indicated how it would be financed, managed and administered, and how trails would work into the plan from a habitat standpoint. Terri Woods indicated that at this point it was recommended that decisions regarding equestrian trails be postponed until Enal decisions on the Habitat Management Plan were complete, othmvise decisions that might be made could be in conflict with the Habitat Management Plan. . Chauman Heineman stated that further consideration of this matter be put off at this time until precise locations for the preserve areas were known. Kip McBane requested that a work program to include the equestrian use of trails be put together for next year, should the committee still be in existence. -_ - - - - - -.. - -. - Terri Woods indicated that she would be including additional information in their packets pertaining to this matter. - OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMlTIEE MARCH 2s,l993 PAGE 8 - A MOTION WA!3 MADE AND SECONDED TO TABLE THIS hdATl’ER, BUT KEEP THIS ITEM ON THE COhWTEE’ S WORK XX-IEDLJLE UNTIL FURTHER INFORMATtON ON THE HABITAT MANAGEMENT PLAN WAS AVAILABE (S-o) (CEDOLA, HUPF, RECCE & ==w==m VI. DISCUSSION OF INFORMATIONAL ITEMS - - - Ms. Woods stated that sometime in April the proposed preserve areas for the City under the Habitat Management Plan would be coming before this committee. Don Rideout will be making the presentation showing how the preserve areas line up with the open space plan proposals, including the trail system Ms. Woods stated that the California Gnatcatcher was listed as ‘Threatened” today rather than “Endangered”, which gives a little more flexibility with respect to development, and noted that within the next few weeks, the special circumstances permitted by the ‘threatened statd would be known. Chairman Heineman stated that the next meeting would be held on April 22,1993. - There being no one else desiring to address the committee, Chaknan Heineman closed the public hearing. VII. ADJouRNnmq- BY PROPER MOTION, THE MEEIING OF MARCH Z&1993, WAS ADJOURNED AT 6~00 P.M. (S-0) (CEDOIA, HUPF, RECCE b SIItAYER, ABSPJT). - Respectfully submitted, - CITY OF CARLSBAD - MICHAEL J. HOLZMILLER Planning Director ANITA RAhdOS-BONAS Secretary - MINUTES ARE ALSO TAPED AND KEl’T ON FILE UNTIL THE MINUTES ARE APPROVED. - - - - - - - - APPENDIX3 OPENSPACEBOUNDARYAD.JUSTMENT - _- - - - -.- 0PENsPAcEBouNDARYADJusIMENT MONTICMNG l.DG PROJECTNO. PROJECT NAME MP 177(B) Aviara Phase II CT 90-15 Aviara Planning Area 24 CT 91-6 Tienda De La Esquina MPAlSO(G)/ GPA 90-04 Evans Point CalaveraHills Master Plan PROPOSED OS. MAP ACRES 23.380 00.235 330.85 NET ACRE COMMENTS CHANGE +x.430 11/15/90 OSAC +04.330 04/25/91 OSAC +00.143 04/25/91OSAC +59.400 01/23/92 OSAC +17.4 02/25/93 OSAC TW:Vd OSMONLOG.‘IBL