HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-10-26; City Council; 12447; INTRODUCTION AND ADOPTION OF MOBILEHOME RENT CONTROL ORDINANCESJ m 3 I z rn s $ Q) I) .rl G a 0 k a aJ L) s a 0 u u .rl G a $ N \53 N I m 2 i a L) (d d -4 c a 0 k a a) c, a a 0 (d rl .rl U G 5 0 V m \ a a N \ 0 rl cw OF CARLSBAD - AGE~A BILL & c e I \ AB # 12, Y q'? CITY I MOBILEHOME RENT CONTROL ORDINANCES DEPT. TITLE: INTRODUCTION MTG, 10/26/93 AND ADOPTION OF ~ I DEPT. CA I CITY 1 RECOMMENDED ACTION: The City Council directed the City Attorney to retur: documents for Council consideration adopting an urgency or( regulating rental increases in mobilehome parks. The ai documents are offered for the Council's consideratj conformance with that request. ITEM EXPLANATION At its special meeting of Friday, October 1, 1993, the city directed this office to prepare the necessary documents reg mobilehome rental increases pending the results Of a mob park fair market rental study. At that meeting, the Count directed staff to proceed with the development of a mobileha mobilehome rent control fund and transferred $60,000 into t from the 1993-94 general fund reserves, and directed st return to the Council with the results of the study. That S underway. control ordinance, an administrative program, to eskak i The requested urgency ordinance limits rental increa mobilehome parks to the applicable consumer price index index for rental adjustments set forth in the most recently lease and provides for a hearing before the City Manager event increases exceeding these indices are requested, decision may be appealed to the City Council. The proposed ordinance does not affect any mobilehome park covered by a lease or rental agreement for a term in ex twelve (12) months. The urgency ordinance is effective on1 the effective date of the regular ordinance, int simultaneously, which is effective until the Council has a the recommendations and results of the study. FISCAL IMPACT There will be an unknown fiscal impact in administer. enforcing this ordinance depending upon the number of requt hearings and appeals before the City Manager and City Cour I EXHIBITS Urgency Ordinance No. pus- dbs Ordinance No. d3-2h-3 z 0 5 6 a z 3 0 0 I/ a 0 T 0 SW? $?5$ +o" 2g2: 0043 $83 E?% Yr caw 408 Jaa? OWN &pt I95 GO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE ' NO. NS - 26 2 AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SETTING LIMITS ON RENTAL INCREASES IN MOBILEHOME PARKS WHEREAS, the City has received petitions and reques investigation into the feasibility of mobilehome rent c legislation; and WHEREAS, various mabilehome park tenants have all need for protection from excessive rents: and WHEREAS, tenants have alleged a breakdown in the place leading to monopolistic practices leading to exploitation and excessive rents; and WHEREAS, the City Council has held a number' of : meetings at the City's mobilehome parks and received evide heard arguments both pro and con as to the wisdom and desir of mobilehome rent control legislation; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a special meeting Lanikai Lane Mobilehome Park on July 19 1993 in order to cs consider these allegations and the relative positions landlord and mobilehome.tenants: and WHEREAS, the City Council held a special meetin5 Rancho Carlsbad Mobilehome Park on August 4, 1993 to consider the allegations of mobilehome park tenants as I above and heard arguments and received evidence and tl regarding this issue: and WHEREAS,'the City Council held a special meetinl Lakeshore Gardens Mobilehome Park on August 16, 1993 in ( further study the issue and receive further evidence, testj arguments; and /I 5 ma sa zsz arb a08 uug sojs et58 sPp S$$< 02-10 auqo E:; 5s YU(3 >-1z UOJ >:E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e WHEREAS, the City Council held a special meeting City Council Chambers on Friday, October 1, 1993 commencing 2 p.m. in order to hear testimony from both mobilehome park res and owners and other interested parties, and to receive P recommendation as to whether or not to proceed with a 'mobj park fair market rent study (%tudy"), to develop a mobileha control ordinance and administrative program, to estab mobilehome rent control fund and transfer $60,000 into thz from the 1993-94 general fund reserves, and to direct staff I or not to return to the City Council with the results mobilehome park fair market rent study: and WHEREAS, the City Council directed the staff to 1 with a mobilehome park fair market rent study, to dew mobilehome rent control ordinance and administrative progr' to establish a mobilehome rent control fund and transfer into that fund from the 1993-94 general fund reserves: and WHEREAS, staff has estimated the results of such will not be available for at least six to eight weeks; and WHEREAS, a .mobilehome park landlord has stated has no alternative but to protect its own interests anc therefore, in the near future, take steps to raise its r fair market value; and WHEREAS, the City has not determined what the fail value is: and WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to preserve the I bargaining power of the parties and to preserve the status a reasonable time in order to complete the study a] appropriate action on it: and 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 SLus 983 1, 0002 a- Om Y? ow2 ALL0 204s Zd* 'd->U s>-m$ O.YY0 UU%O 00s Lorn E:% 50 aoA 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2% e e WHEREAS, this ordinance will not apply to new tenar: enter leases or rental agreements in excess of twelve (12) in any mobilehome park; and WHEREAS, the City Council received testimony tha mobilehome park tenants are low income tenants who cannot basic necessities of life and that further rental increases leave them in a more financially precarious position and tl not be able to afford the basic necessities of life, NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Cal California does ordain as follows: 1. No rental increase to an existing individual in any mobilehome park shall be allowed except in accordant the applicable consumer price index or applicable index in t recently expired lease, whichever is greater, as 'determil approved by the City Manager. 2. A mobilehome park owner or landlord may appl, rental increase 'exceeding the applicable consumer price provided first the owner or lessor applies to the City Man? approval of 'such increase and provided further that such i shall be based on either financial hardship or E demonstrating that the landlord or owner has been depriv just and reasonable return on his investment, or that the been extraordinary expenses after the adoption of this ox threatening insolvency. 3. The decision of the City Manager may be appc the City Council which shall hold a public hearing determination on the' appeal. The decision of the City shall be final 3 I I/ e om a> SLu? &E& a000 owg iU, 304s dkSa: goo2 aGS2 62% EO: 2-22 Kg%$ ps a02 u 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ~ 24 I ‘25 I 4. This ordinance shall not apply to leases or agreements in excess of twelve (12) months duration. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance is an urgency orc and effective immediately. It shall remain in effect on11 the effective date of Ordinance No. NS-263 int~ simultaneously herewith based on the findings and reasons se in the recitals above and upon the express finding that tl Council determines that unless rental increases are contro: set forth above there will be increased rental rates prior completion of the mobilehome park fair market rent study re its conclusions and recommendations ineffective as tothose ,- adversely affected and that the status gU0 Will be se disrupted and the likelihood of disruptions in the mobileha rental market. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED as an urgency measu regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad 26th day of OCTOBER , 1993, by the following vote, to AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard, NOES: None . ABSENT : None APRD AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY RONALD l&Q-LA/ R. BALL, City Attorney //” [ Rqw f9 3 1% ,/ I 9. Y&%(k. B,s%& 9 26 // ATTEST: 27 I (24fctLdPb 28 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City alerk 4 ll 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0. 4% ~wZ Err& aog JVW% go54 ~CSa 2;sz on8 OZJ ~ zwfflo aaso . Yr duo JZ F:? QOJ $22 ov 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ~ 0 0 ORDINANCE NO. NS-263 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SETTING LIMITS ON RENTAL INCREASES IN MOBILEHOME PARKS 1 WHEREAS, the City Council adopted urgency Ordir NS-262 effective immediately and remaining in eff until the adoption and effective date of this ordinance, NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of C California does ordain as follows: 1. No rental increase to an existing individua in any mobilehome park shall be allowed except in accorda the applicable consumer price index or applicable index in recently. expired lease, whichever is greater, as determ approved by the City Manager. 2. A mobilehome park owner or landlord may app rental increase exceeding the applicable consumer pric provided first the owner or lessor applies to the City Man approval of such increase and provided further that such shall be based on either financial hardship or demonstrating that the landlord or owner has been depril just and reasonable return on his investment, or that thc been extraordinary expenses after the adoption of this 01 threatening insolvency. 3. The decision of the city Manager may be appt the City Council which shall hold a public hearing determination on the appeal. The decision of the City shall be final. ... -1 -1 a m d a 9 g 2 SLUg an8 &e& :$: 04s ZgE on8 >rn$ $50 =%a 003 LOUl Om m> 'a- ao-1 cy 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e I 4. This ordinance shall not apply to leases 01 agreements in excess of twelve (12) months duration. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effectivc days after its adoption, and shall remain effective un completion of a mobilehome park fair market rent study anc on it by the City Council is taken as to whether or not t permanent mobilehome rent control legislation, and the Cit shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause i published at least once in the Carlsbad Sun within fifte after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular, meeting Carlsbad City Council on the 26th day of OCTOBER and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of tl Council of the City of Carlsbad on the day of 1993, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES : ABSENT : APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk 9. 0 0 1. HART, KING & COLDREN ROBERT S. COW LORI A. WNAUUE GARY R. KING CHIUSTOPHER R. Ellwrrr ROBERX I. MULVIHn GLENN MONC WILLIAM R. HART CANm L. CAMPBELL MARK S. FAULKNER KENNETH J. WENZl RlCHARD P. GERBER JOHN H. m THOMAS H. GFTZ M. COLLEEN WEU] C.wIulAMDAHLIN JAMES M. GILBERT ATTORNEYS AT LAW - EWARDO A. GUERMI-BOLT OF COUNSE MARK V. ASDOURM HAL 0. BLO(X LINDA 1. LESFER MICHAEL 1. SCHROEM SAMUEL 0. BROyLfs. JR RAcHEllE E MMAKER DAVID A. BROW JANICE L. MERRaL Rlcm E. =RE BARBARA I. MBBLE NORMAN K.n. MIEM: *A~RotgsaarlcapDnti October 26, 1993 VIA HAND DELIVERY mx & 3; * Mayor and City Council City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 Re: Lanikai Lane Mobilehome Park - Mobilehome Rent Control To The Honorable Mayor and City Council: As you know, this office represents Lanikai Lane Mobilehome. Par (the @@Park@I). The Park is justifiably concerned that the City c Carlsbad (the @@City@@) is contemplating the enactment ar implementation of mobilehome park rent control despite my office' detailed May 5, 1993 letter with enclosures and September 22, 195 letter emphasizing the considerable costs and other detriments t the City, the Park and to the tenants that would result from tk passage of such legislation. In light of past investigations and analyses by the City relatc to a potential forced sale of the Park to the tenants, it is clez that the enactment of a mobilehome rent control ordinance woul constitute no more than a blanket effort to take a significar portion of the value of the Park and transfer it to the tenant without any compensation to the Park's owners. Further, despit the City's own studies establishing that the Park's current rent are below fair market value, we are advised the City j nevertheless contemplating imposition of rent control. To that end, I have been informed by my client, Lanikai Lar Mobilehome Park, that it is not going to be a participant in tf City's current effort to obtain a @*market-rent survey@@. Rathc than being a participant in the market-rent survey, Lanikai Lar is providing to you, which are enclosed, copies of the market-rer survey prepared on behalf of La'nikai Lane. The study shows hc market rents are calculated 'and the current level of same Further, Lanikai Lane is going to provide to the City a history c that when people moved'into the Park, they have always bec new move-ins over the past years, as this history will reflec A. PROFESSIONAL. CORPORATION Dm ALL MAIL TO: P.O. BOX 2507, SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 92707 200 EAST SANDPOINTE, FOURTH FLOOR- TELEPHONE (714) 432-8700 FACSIMILE (714) 546-7457 d 0 0 1, Mayor and City Council October 26, 1993 Page 2 required to pay market rent. Both of these studies will reflec market rents, which I believe you will find to be at least $100. C above rents that people in the Park are currently paying. Thi information is being provided to you as a sign of Lanikai Lane' good faith and .efforts to resolve these rent issues with you shor of litigation. On a related note, my offices have been communicating with Aletk L. Rautenkranz, CMC, the city clerk, regarding Lanikai Lane' public records request. It has come to my attention that it j the City's position that it is not required to investigate tt other city agencies in response to a public records request. I set forth in the analysis forwarded to you under .separate cove] this position is untenable. The City is required to contact it agencies to obtain the information that is responsive to t€ request. As you are aware, Lanikai Lane has been attempting I obtain all public records regarding the conversion and/( imposition of rent control for a period of several years. 1 know, for example, that the City did an appraisal that has yet I be produced in response to the public records request. Further, this letter is to place the City on notice that since tl City is apparently positioning itself to proceed with some form ( rent control because it is aware that Lanikai Lane's long-te~ leases are expiring, any precipitous action to adopt rent contrc skeptically by the court and by Lanikai Lane. Any attempt to adopt any form of rent contro.1 .would be met I appropriate legal action. Rather than enter into a lengthy a1 expensive battle on this issue, we believe it would be in tl interest of all parties to seek resolution of this dispute by Wi of a long-term lease program. We respectfully request that yc seriously consider the ramifications and negative impacts of re1 control, and decline to elect any legislation in this regard. Best regards, (e.g. I emergency ordinance or rent freeze) would be viewed vel RSC:SGB:wp Enclosures cc: Jed Robinson 30217.004/73246.WP 0 0 MARKET RENT DATA LANIKAI LANE MOBILEHOME PARK An extensive study of coastal mobilehome parks conducted in May c 1991, by Jerry Taylor, MA1 appraiser, determined the market renta base rate for all spaces in which there was a transfer or sale c a mobilehome. The rate in 1991 was determined to be $578.00 for double wide space and $532.00 for a single wide space. The current market rental rate, based upon the study and assurnin an annual CPI rental rate adjustment, is $625.00 for a double wid space and $575.00 for a single wide space. Since May of 1991 the following number of sales or transfers hav occurred in the mobilehome park. 1991 Double wide 2 Single wide 4 1992 Double wide 5 Single wide 3 1993 .* Double wide 4 Single wide 3 Total Double wide 11 Single wide 10 The actual average rental rate charged by the Park and received b the Park for these spaces in 1993 is $602.00 for the double wid spaces and $571.00 for the single wide spaces. These actual renta rates are 90% of the market rental rate for double wide spaces an 99% of the market rental rate for single wide spaces, as thos rates were projected by the Taylor survey. The averages were base upon the tenants' long term leases (5 years) that contai provisions for rent increases based upon the San Diego CPI an other additional rental charges, such as government mandate services. All other services and utilities are itemized and bille separately from the base rent. In addition to these tenants, the Park also has another twenty seven (27) spaces on a long term agreement for tenants who move into the Park between 1989 and 1991. The base rent for thes ' spaces is. an average of $544.00 for double wide spaces and $514 .O for single wide spaces. The rental rates for these spaces are 87 of the market rate for the double wides and 89% of the market rate for the single wides, as projected by the Taylor survey. These two groups of tenants represent over 1/3 of all the renta spaces in the mobilehome Park, are all on long term leases, and a1 become tenants in the Park in the last five (5) years. The Taylo study and the leasing history establish not only the true marke ‘2 0. e ;A I J rental rate for. mobilehome spaces in Lanikai Lane Mobilehome Par but also the fact the market rental rates can be afforded by th current tenants and the prospective tenants Lanikai Lane Mobilehom Park, and that the spaces that are offered at the market rena rates are affordable to the average mobilehome tenant. 30217.004/73412.01 2 .;1? 4' 3 I iJ = n Q l!nE -a 4 ~ ~~ MOBILE HOME SPACE MARKET RENT ESTIMATE LANIKAI LANE MOBILE HOME PARK 6550 PONTO DRIVE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA for MR. JED ROBINSON, VP. SOUTH SHORES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION P.O. BOX 84 DOWNEY, CALIFORNIA Asof MAY 3,1991 BY SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK AND JECKER, INC. REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS AND CONSULTANTS P.O. BOX 428 SAN LUIS OBISPO, CATIFORNU , , I SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. - 4 SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, IN ' MCCORMICK & JECKER I C 0 R P 0 R A T E D Real Estate Appraisers Consultants and Inoesh 1 May 20,1991 I U I Mr. Jed Robinson, V. P. South Shores Development Corporation P. 0. Box 84 Downey, California 90241 I atr 4 Q a a Q a a p1 a a Dear Mr. Robinson: As you recently requested, I have completed a formal mobile home rent study ocean oriented communities in the Carlsbad area, as well as an extended survey parks from San Clemente to Malibu. The following narrative report outlines findings of my investigation and conclusions. The purpose of this assignment is to estimate the current market rent for the : space Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park, located in Carlsbad, California. It is my opinion and conclusion, developed from the local and extended marl survey, that the monthly rental range for Lanikai Lane is $600 per month for dou wide spaces, and $575 per month for the smaller single wide spaces. These r( estimates assume that water, trash and sewer charges are paid by the park and , therefore included in the rent. With the deduction of $22 for average water, tra and sewer fees, the market rent estimate is $578 for double wide spaces, and $553 single wide spaces. It is also assumed the lessor will pay all common area maintenance and the les: will pay for electricity, natural gas and cable television to the individual site, p. maintain on-site landscaping and the mobile home. Thank you for this opportunity to be of service. 1411 MARSH STREET, SUITE 107 SAN LUIS OBISPO CALIFORNIA 93401 (805) 544-2472 I i I I a f 1 Table of Contents Subject Picf~~e~ ............................................................................................................... Purpose and Scope of ............................................................................................. Subject Property Overview ........................................................................................... Carlsbad Area Mobile Home Rent survey ................................................................. Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park - Subject, Carlsbad ................................... Lakeshore Gardens, Carlsbad ........................................................................... Rancho Carlsbad, Carlsbad ............................................................................... Green Valley, Encinitas ..................................................................................... Trailer Rancho, Encinitas ................... ................................................................ Shamrock, ................................................................................................. Comparative Analysis and Conclusions of Carlsbad Area Rent Survey ............... Southern California Coastal Mobile Home Rental Survey ....................................... Capistrano Shores, San Clemente .................................................................... Treasure Island, Laguna Beach ........................................................................ ~ ..................................................................... I Laguna Hills Club, Laguna Hills El Mono Mobile Home Lodge, Laguna Beach .............................................. De Anza Bayside Village, Newport Beach ..................................................... Lido Peninsula Mobile Home Park, Newport Beach .................................... Cannery Village Mobile Home Park, Newport Beach .................................. Palos Verdes Shores, San Pedro ....................................................................... Tahitian Village, Pacific Palisades ................................................................... ..................................................................... I Palisades Bowl, Pacific Palisades Paradise Cove, M&bu ....................................................................................... Point Dum4 Club, Mdlibu ................................................................................. 1 , Comparative Analysis and Conclusions of Coastal Rent Survey ........................... Certifrcabon .. ..................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................. I Appraiser's Qualifications L SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK 1 & JECKER, INC. f, Subject Pi&ures . , 2 \ SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. - I 4' 1 1 I 1 m 1 I " 1 t 3 .- " . &a I 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ._."."__ ...".......... ..... VhX\ ...- .. ..... .. ._."."__ ...".......... ..... ...- VhX\ ..... .. Viewing South Along Ponto Drive, Subject on Left ..... , Viewing North Along Ponto Drive, Subject on Right 3 c - SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. - < ‘I _” ~ ”_”” __ ” . ” ” ” --- > i 1 1 i r L 4 \ SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMlCK E JECKER, INC. - I 1 I " Main Social Hall in Clubhouse ~~ 5, c SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. - (I 1 m II dl a I d #I m 8 Q a 7 \ Clubhouse Lounge Library 6 SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK E JECKER, IN - c c. - f 91 L Il L. - f: L Clubhouse Kitchen Cardroom 7 SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK E JECKER, IN - c c. - I Q il 4 9 a Q 4 a r( Laundry Room at Clubhouse 8 ki - SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK E JECKER, INC. - m 0- ' I] Ig 0 m a m a a El M a Q Q 0 4 " 9 t t ~~ .c.. .".*..,-.X.;- i ". , "-,(. - . - . . . . - .." - - . - -. .. . . . . . .. ~ . . _,: I ..- . . . : - .~. ., ". "\ -." . ~ ."_ ".~,..,_-._I.. . . . . .. . ".. -* - ... , Shuffleboard and Parking Behind Clubhouse Open Space at Clubhouse ~ ~~~ P 9 - SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK E JECKER, INC. \r - 4 L I t I D I I I U B B I I 1 ~’ I e A rr I n 1 I ;L 10 b SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. - 8 f 1)' 1 1 1 13 1' 1 II 3 fl \ - Spa Outdoor Showers and Restroom Access fiF If - SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. b i ai' Jf 09 a ." 01 a il. a. 9 9 c .. ..-,.., ... -I_ . ~. . .4.^. . ", .. ". .. .. ,A; .. , ~ ";A - , . .. Second Laundrv Facilitv J J L SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, 12 McCORMICK E JECKER, INC. c - 7 ;:A -! P 8 v L"I$ r. v F ii. .p x,: dm q .- 38 ':'I gal 4 uI :! m ? .? yl 1 1 ? 1 1 m m rn L- im .- \ %+,..-", " . . -._. " - - - "_ . . , . . . -. . - . - . . . . - .. . .. .. ,.~ .. . .r Typical Street Scenes . - "" " ! (6F 13 Q2 SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. - E' ''1"1'' ' ' II rfc' U 1[1 0 II 0 0 B El 8 a I I r m- - ;" ' *- " _. " . . __ . .. U".".- ~ ." - .. .. . "L:" ~ - . ."..-I. _.- ...-. ".. - ., . .. ~ . . I.. . . . . . . - . - . . . - . . - " . .. . * ." " - .e : I Typical Street Scenes __. - - - -. - " . . . . - " . -. . - "_ " ".-_.. ..__. 14 c - SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. - f c I . """ npl ." - ". "" . "_ - _. . . - "" - ". . . . ..- _" , ..,. . . '"C."" F Pg ce .j a a e 4 I -- -." . ." ."". " ""_ ---"""". I ; "I w 0 SCHENBERG~~y TAYLOR, 15 MCCORMICK & JECKER, c INC. I m P' I P P P P m 511 14 a a a a i 0 * t I -."" -~ - i I ! Land Use Along Northern Property Line r; ~ - ___ ., . .""."-. L .- .c. : " .I . -... t i .. _. -c (G 16 Q SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. - d m: "i ..I I m: \ 1; .%. ._ Access to Beach from Ponto Drive Overpass, North of Subjl ~ Access to Beach from Poinsettia Lane Intersection, South of Su 17 II - SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, i.b, v, f m 3 -: mn *. ': aclr a: m -.4 . FQ ? II n 14 m rn a t 81 I t m ico i4 1 I I 18 \ SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. 3 ~1~1111111 rl 1, 111 #,,I# n I, m f I ;4 m Ilp r41 ml 41 m N q 9 4 1c I MOlAVE , > r._, ._.. " * "" I, fl - "L L- 19 ar SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK E JECKER, INC. - 9 .I U’ 0 U 4 4 a- 4 u 1 \ I, I 20 - SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McC0RMICK.G. JECKER, INC. - ~N I' 1 d n ti I d d d n In a d f WS PO" J57 - I 21 - SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. 9 9 I? B il B U a '. U B a io or 1 -1 #" .. ..'# OfG* >.. .9 . +$ -3 &B Ah 1s cc I, CZB 2% V* is .. .. . ". I. ' .I .. * *: ,- . x: -. .. ., .- . -. 4. t: .. -. 0. . .' - TI d I 22 SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. - 1. I 1 I I II 0 a I) a a ar fd ' . am > J z 0 f I @ @$ H "e ;;E Tb D 23 \ SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, MCCORMICK G JECKERv IN'* ' m 4 a 0 a 81 0 il - I - I Purpose and Scope of Report The purpose of this report is to estimate the current market rent of the rt spaces in Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park. A survey was conducted by the analysts from San Clemente to Malibu o significant ocean beach or bay oriented mobile home communities that cod Iocated. A local mobile home park survey was also conducted in the Carlsbad a: This report details the highlights of the findings, supporting the find conclu of market rent. 24 \ SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. - I, n u 1 n II 111 Q IC1 B R U U n a ra m Subject Prope~y ovewew 25 SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK G JECKER, INC. 8 r dl dl a a a a- a - -~ Subject Description The subject is a rental mobile home community, reportedly built in 1963. It 1 146 spaces on 14.13 acres of land, or a density of 10.3 spaces per acre. The par1 uniquely located across Old €€ighway 101 from the South Carlsbad State Bea Although the park is less than 500 feet from the beach, the combination of a bc and vegetation prevents ocean views from the subject park. Access to the bead pedestrians is reportedly free and can be easily accomplished with a onehalf n walk either north or south of the subject. At these points a pedestrian can make of an intersection to safely cross Old Highway 101. The subject has asphalt streets that are in above average condition The str have no curbs or gutters, except for a few areas with asphalt benns. Indivic drives are asphalt at each space. The park has an attractively and abunda landscaped entry through a decorative concrete block wall. Visitor par& located between the entrance and the clubhouse, as well as behind the clubhc facility. The clubhouse is a wood frame and stucco building on a concrete slab w colored gravel roof. Eaves are boxed and stucco covered. The facility is comp of three separate buildings with a total size of approximately 4,600 square feet covered breezeway connects the two main buildings. The manager's office is located at the breezeway end of the smaller buildin has carpet, a built-in counter and a wall furnace. Next to the manager's officc billiard room with two average quality pool tables, cht, and wallpapered 1 with a wood paneling wainscot. The ceiling is vaulted and covered with sp~ acoustical material. At the end of this smaller building are two restrooms, men's and women's. r restrooms open out to the fenced spa area where there are two outdoor shu The gunite and plaster spa is 12 feet in diameter and approximately round in s It was reportedly replastered in 1990. A 22 foot by 44 foot "kidney" shaped F located behind the clubhouse buildings and connects with the spa area. A COI deck surrounds the pool and is enclosed with a combination of cyclone fen& concrete block wall. The pool was reportedly resurfaced in 1985 and the replaced in 1990. I 26 SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK E JECKER, INC. (8 I IS m m 1- Id I ” a 8 I .- - a m so I lm 81 B c The larger of the two buildings contains the library, lounge, main social h cardroom and kitchen. The library and lounge are both carpeted and are sepa from the rest of the building, as opposed to being just a corner in the main so hall. A natural finish, vaulted open beam ceiling in the main social room give open feel to the room. Flooring is vinyl. &I attractive decorative rock firepiac- located at one end of the room. To the right of the fireplace is the cardroom with three genuine card tables, E with over-the-table lights and carpeted floor. To the left of the fireplace is kitchen. Flooring in the kitchen is vinyl with fonnica counters and pair sheetrock walls and ceiling. Built-in appliances include a double oven, two fc element ranges, two hood and fan combinations, and a garbage disposal. A 1; refrigerator and microwave oven are also available. Next to this building is a smaller building ivith two restrooms, a laundry r( and a lounge area for residents to relax while doing laundry. The laundry room four washers and four dryers, with vinyl flooring and folding counters. restrooms have vinyl flooring and four fixtures each. The lounge has vinyl floo and chairs for residents to use. Outside the laundry room is a wood fence en& drying area with clotheslines. The two main buildings form two sides of the pool area. (Please see follot floor plan for clubhouse facility layout.) Behind the pool area, outside the fence two shuffleboard courts and additional clubhouse/laundq parking. A second laundry building (wood frame structure with wood siding and a s: roof) is located at the north end of the park. It has four washers and four dr vinyl flooring and a single restroom with two fixtures. Altogether the clubhl facilities are considered good quality in above average condition for its age. Resident pride of ownership is somewhat varied .in the park and ranges average to good. Yard condition ranges from fair to good. Overall park landsce is considered average and includes many mature palm trees. A grassy open E area is available at the clubhouse. Overall, for appraisal purposes, the subject is considered an average qu mobile home park in above average condition for its age. 27 ~ - SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK E JECKER, INC. 9 i \ 1 I i I a I' Lanikai Lane Clubhouse P a r k I n g *""""""""""-~ I I I I I 1 f Equipment t I I I @I i Area ! t I I J I / I / I / f """_ 1 "" """""~ I I I I I I Shower Show- ,' Ma's Women's mRtR I?~ 0 Billiard Room 52 i2 9, 1s 3 :m IB I !d 1 13;' I- M Off ice ""-. I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I - I 24' 1 Breezeway t I 33' I Covered ks' L; I, I iI 0 1 I 0 u I I social I 1n1 rt g I ! Card- Y! I = 1 f zoom I 1 I I I I 1 Kitchen I 28' r I I Hall g; 28' a I 90' 1 t Covered I fl7 16 Room R/R 6: Drying Area hr ------"c"~""~ I (Not to Scale - For Desa-iptive Purposes only) 28 SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. R< 0 11 Q d m m 0 0 II ,I P @ Z'V ic NV) I b Q < Ilrxi 1;Ii i 1 L 00 \: , pyl E; 5 z 0 I- t W zi &i a 2 13 ww .ag iuEi a2 U c.U -I azo 3 820 %# g 5% Is la le 6 I? In Id4 1 \\ \\ c- i @ @$ 3: 3 I f 29 - SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. I d Ita a d 0 d 0 0 II a H a. 0 a 4 a carnsbad rea 11s9nt snweg 30 SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. - I c \ Rental 1 - Subject Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park .. __." "," "" - " . """_ "."- ""_ " - " - i Ai 31 SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK E JECKER, INC. - U 0 Id d d il a B d 4 A A L 1 4 RENTAL 1 - SUBJECI' NAME OF PARK Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park ADDRESS: 6550 Ponto Drive, Carlsbad PHONE: (619) 438-2942 CQNFIRMEI) BY: Gerald C. Taylor CONTACT: Don McKeone, Mgr. AGE GROW: Family AGE: 1963 QUALITY: Average NUMBER OF SPACES: 146 CONDITION: Average Plus SIZE OF PROPERTY: 14.13 acres DENSE% 10.3 spaces per acre COMMQN FA-S AND AMENITIES: Clubhouse (billiards, cardroom, Etcher library, lounge, restrooms, and soad area), laundry, pool, spa and shuffleboard. SPACE RENT: LQU HIGH AVERAG $310 $495 $361 Adjusted to Include Water, Trash and Sewer: 332 517 383 RENT CONTROL: No LEASE: Available UTSZSnES Park Gas Electric Cable Trash Sewer Water Resident X X $837 $6.75 $733 $8.00 .L I VACANCIES: 0 % Occupm: 100% COMMENTS: An amactive, older mobile home park located between Old Highway 101 and the railroad tracks, less than 500 feet from South Carlsbad State Beach. Access to the beach is reportedly free for pedestrians and requires less than a one- half mile walk. The clubhouse is a good quality, wood frame and stucco building with a colored gravel roof. Resident pride of ownership ranges from average to good. Landscaping is average overall, with a well landscaped entry. Streets and drives are asphalt, in above average condition, with no gutters. 32 L SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. - - -L 1 I II'I' ... , ... , .. , _, ~ ., . . - ~ _.. . . .. - . - - . '....._ 7 /-A:.-;- ;;. . - -.-- F."" . . ~ -..... .. "" . - -. .. " 2". . .- --- .- -. ." _" . . - - "-. " - =x:* - ' .\- . .. " k: . .. -.,. - " .- GLL-:-.. ...*. k.- -. &&wLz;L;;3"- .. . -. , x 5 -. I-,-.-. ..;- I .. I , ;: .."" ". +- ~ * :'_ '..- . .\;7;i5:i.,;-. .-:-:.. As.-. .., .- -1 - - " . -, -6. "-. :..' ,A. I,. < _.' .:-. - ?""? "7 - - -.- Uilr* \ _._ , .. .- *;F'&~~~;~~;~ "yL-:-*..- - : - ~. "" ,. ~., .. . --:a_ A """i""~ j :" ._ . .-.- - " iLL. .,.e_ .._ .-. I* . 4 A- .. .- -. _. -. . - *L" ic:&v.L-. - Rental 2 Lakeshore Gardens .. ~ " - '.'.*. .. . "...,....,% -.-...,.- ., ., 3 L , . -.' , -'?"yVy~q , ,,."..4.'.) .,.. ... I- ? , -. (4F 33 SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK E JECKER, INC. - n, a oc la d d d d 01 D la 0 a 0 a a a r RENTAL 2 NAME OF PARK: Lakeshore Gardens ADDRESS: 7201 Avenida Encina, Carlsbad PHONE: (619) 4384069 CONFIRMFl) BY: Jon P. Doyd CONTACT; Bill McLean, Mgr. AGE GROUP: Senior AGE: 1972/1974 NUMBER OF SPACES: 383 QUALITY: Good to Very Good CONDITION: Good SIZE OF ~OPER'IY: .% acres DENSITY: 7.1 spaces per acre COMMON FACXITIES AND AMENITIES: Very good quality clubhouse (cardroo two craftrooms, kitchen, library;lounge, restrooms, and social area), laundry, p spa, shuffleboard, and lake. SPACE Rm Lnrr HIGH &mu $328 $431 $38C Adjusted to Include Water, Trash and Sewer; 328 431 38C , I RENT CONTROL: No LEASE Yes LENGTH: Four year assumable UTILITIES Water X X X Resident x x x Park Gas Electric Cable Trash- 1 Sewer ~~ ~ L I VACANCIES: 0 % OCCUPIED: 100% \ COMMENTS: An attractive park located across from a shopping center. This p was built in two phases and offers a large, very good quality clubhouse. The F has several man-made lakes and grass open space areas. Resident pride ownership is good. Streets are asphalt, in good condition, with concrete roll gut and asphalt driveways. The clubhouse is a multi-level building with a wide ana: facilities. This park is owned by actor Charles Bronson who has not pursued mar rent levels and is viewed as very benevolent by the residents and management. E Estimated 34 - SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK E JECKER, INC. - f ,I .. . - - . -. . . . - " - " .~_ - . . " - " Rental 3 Rancho Carlsbad L?.. .- ;".)*". . " - . - ." - . - . . . . . . " - .. . . . - - . . . . . . . .. 7! I 35 c I SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK E JECKER, INC. - a # L P ! P P ;Itl m HI e 10 II 10 II a f KENTAL 3 NAME OF PARK: Rancho Carlsbad ADDRESS: 5200 El Camino Real, Carlsbad PHONE: (619) 438-0333 CONFIRMED BY: Jon P. D~yd CONTACT: Manager AGE GROUP: Senior AGE: 1972 NUMBER OF SPACES: 504 QUALITY: Very Good CONDITION Good SIZE OF PROPERTY: 106 acres DENSITY: 4.8 spaces per acre COMMON FACILITIES AND AMENITIES: Excellent quality clubhouse (billiax cardroom, craftroom, exercise room, kitchen, library, lounge, restrooms, and so area), laundry, large pool, sauna, spa, shuffleboard, tennis court and lake. SPACE Rm m NrGHW $599 $809 $70C Adjusted to Include Water, Trash and Sewer: 599 809 70C RENT CONTROL: No LEASE: Available LENGTH: Nine year (expires 2000) UTILITIES X X Resident X X X X Park Gas Electric Cable Sewer Trash Water VACANCIES: 0 % OCCUPIED: 100% COMMENTS: One of the finest parks in California. This park is located inland fr the ocean, contiguous to an 18 hole, executive length, golf course. Streets are asp1 with concrete roll gutters and concrete driveways. Landscaping is excellent M abundant, well-maintained open space and foliage. The clubhouse is an excell quality, large facility with complete, top-of-theline facilities. It is considered to b( good condition. Resident pride of ownership is good. I 36 - SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, LNC. - ' I Rental 4 Green Valley .. . .. .. . . . . , . . . . .. , ."L . ~~~~~ r 37 p - SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. - ~M r a 01 d 0 d 01 10 U 0 0 0 El lm a RENTAL 4 NAME OF PARK: Green valley ADDRESS: 350 North El Camino Real, Encinitas PHONE: (619) 436-9251 CONFIRMED BY: Jon P. Doyd CONTACT: Manager AGE GROUP: Senior AGE: 1975 Qum: Average NUMBER OF SPACES: 78 CONDITION: Average SIZE OF PROPERTY: n/a DENSITY: n/a COMMON FAULmES AND AMENITLES: Clubhouse (billiards, exercise room, kit& restrooms and social area), laundry, pool and spa. SPACE RENT LQH HIGH AVERA( $350 $470 $4ooE Adjusted to Include Water, Trash and Sewer: 366 486 416E RENT CONTROL: No LEASE No ’ UTILITIES Gas Electric Cable Sewer Trash Water Park X X $16.45 Resident In-Pak X X I ~ I VACANCIES: 0 % OCCWIED: 100% COMMENTS: This park is set back off of El-Camino Real with a driveway acce: through retail commercial property. The property is a sloping, hillside parcel whi offers roof-top views to most spaces. Resident pride of ownership is. average. T clubhouse is an average quality, wood frame and stucco building located near t: top of the park. Landscaping is average. Streets are asphalt and in avera; condition. E Estimated 1 38 - SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMlCK & JECKER, INC. - Trailer Rancho "" "____ """ . 11 " I. " " . - _~. ~. k;-yg?P>+. :*. ~- < . ._ .:i. - -5yT-A:" . d.' - 4 -I * L 39 b SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. - 101 d El d a d d d n a 5 a RENTAL 5 NAME OF PARK: Trailer Rancho ADDRESS: 1549 North Vulcan Avenue, Encinitas PHONE: (619) 753-2741 CON~FIRMED BY: Jon P. Doyel CONTACT: Don Armstrong, Manager AGE GROUP: Family AGE: 1940s estimated QUALITY: Fair NUMBER OF SPACES: 84 (27 mobile home, 57 RV) COND~ON: Fair SIZE OF PROPERTY: n/a DENS^ n/a COMMON FACILITIES AND m: Restrooms and laundry. SPACE RENT: LQB? HIGH AYE3As $390 $412 $400 Adjusted to Include Water, Trash and Sewer: 395 417 405 RENT CONTROL: No LEASE No UTILJTIES X X X $5 Resident X X Park GaS Electric Cable Sewer Trash Watex i 1 VACANCIES: 0 (mobile home spaces) '7% OCCUPIED: 100% COMMENTS: This is an old trailer park that has been converted to mobile home use As mobile homes became too old they were pulled off the park to make room fo transient RV use. There are currently 27 permanent mobile home residents Resident pride of ownership varies from fair to average. Streets are asphalt and arc in above average condition. Driveways are concrete. The only community facility i a laundry building with restrooms. I 40 - SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK E JECKER, INC. - I .- -. . - _. . . Rental 6 Shamrock 3 - . .._."_" - -. .. -. ." ".. .." - ""- "-"---- --.. - - . - """ "__.__ __ _.. . " 41 c - SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. - ImlbLTr,r.,r.ll rl 81111 U II 10 n n D n B n En tl a D il a m RENTAL 6 NAME OF PARK: Shamrock ADDRESS: 152 North Highway 101, Encinitas PHONE: (619) 753-4101 CONFIRMED BY: Jon P. Doyd CONTA~: Eber Bacon, Manager AGE GROW: Family AGE 1940s (estimated) NUMBER OF SPACES; 62 QUALITY: Fair trailer park CONDITION: Poor SIZE OF PROPERTY: n/a DENS^. n/a COMMON FACILITIES AND A”TIES: Laundry. SPACE RENT ImY HIGH AVE $325 $325 Q Adjusted to Include Water, Trash and Sewer: 350 350 v 1 RENT CONTROL: No LEASE No UTILITIES Water Trash SaVa Cable Electric Gas Park Resident $5 $10 $10 X X X I VACANCIES: 6 % OCCUPIED: 90% COMMENTS: This is an old trailer park with high density and no recreai facilities. A narrow, one-way asphaft street, in fair condition, winds throug park. Parking is on the street; there are no parking pads at the spaces. 42 I SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK E JECKER, INC. . U, a n d 0 d d 0 n 0 a 0 a d nt n a a n ic Adjusted Carlsbad Rent Survey Summary Adjusted to Include Water, Trash and Sewer t Quality/ Utilities Rental Name Condition1 Included2 Low High AVI 1 Subject - Lanikai Lane A/A+ None $332 $517 !$: (Adjusted $22 fM W, T, SI 2 Lakeshore Gardens G+/G W, T, S 328 431 & c 3 Rancho Carlsbad VG/G W, T, S 599 809 4 GreenValley A/A W, T 366 486 r r A (Adjusted $16 for S) 5 Trailer Rancho F/F T, s 395 417 1 (Adjusted $S for W) 6 Shamrock F/P None 350 350 b c 1 VG : Very Good; G : Good; A+ : Average to Good; A :Average; F+: Fair to Good; F: Fair; L : Low (Quality); P : Poor (Condition) 2 W: Water; T: Trash; S SaYer 43 - SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. 7 I' 7 F F 4 M 4 a 1 14 I m ! u al I , I ~ 3 u h 2 Eg cn 14 ddv Ga aJa c42 3% w ".a !!E SF2 QJ rz: a 9 k g 5 5 m aJ ?u 3 5" k' Y aJ 0 aJ = 1 H 2 n I" L 8 8 8 e875 Q\ SCHENBERGER, 8 8 8 8 ;522;4;8 E 0 G+S- x * QI t;- 44 TAYLOR, McCORMICK 8 CI e3 G 8 i2 s JECKER, lr 'I F 'a m 10 4 a I I I I , r % u h 2: $ s ma +a a 3 8 r:a $ 32 El &% 3 cd a am aJa bDW @ ;$ 4k s Q) r= a 0 G 2 5" Y 9) 0 % Q) 7 3 G Y E l I I ! 1 I 1 I i 8 &5 8 3 8 24 8 3 B 8 3 2 0 s;*A- h e Q1 Cy 8 iz I 45 I- SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMlCK E JECKER, 11 , 83 , ., ~~ In 0 41 4 4 a 91 Q - - r L Comparative Analysis and Conclusions of the Carlsbad Area Rt Survey Rental 1 is the subject park. It is induded for informational purposes and s the current rent levels in the subject. This is an average quality park in a average condition, within a onehalf mile walk to South Carlsbad State Beach. Rental 2 is located less than one mile south of the subject park. It is farther 2 from the beach, however it is across from a large shopping center. This is a attractive park with a good quality clubhouse and abundant open space, inch several man-made lakes. The park is owned by actor Charles Bronson who is by both the tenants and the manager as very benevolent due to his not pus market rent levels. Adjustments are difficult to make because the park own apparently not interested in achieving market rent levels. This rental is show informational purposes and no weight is given to its rent levels. Rental 3 is one of the finest mobile home parks in southern California. : located a few miles inland from the subject, in a remote and sparsely developed i of Carlsbad. It is also next to an 18 hole executive golf course. The clubhouse i: exceptional facility with every amenity available. Downward adjustments to rent are needed for the quality of the park and clubhouse, while upw; adjustments are needed for the subject's overall superior location near the occ After considering the overall downward adjustments necessary, the indica market rent for the subject's double wide spaces is approximately $600 per mor including water, trash and sewer charges. Rental 4, Green Valley Mobile Home Park, is located in Encinitas, 5 mi southeast of the subject. It is approximately two miles inland from the ocean a therefore removed from the ocean/beach influence enjoyed by the subject. The pi is an average quality park in average condition, built on a hillside with terraced si that permit roof-top views toward the valley. An overall upward adjustment needed to estimate the current market rent for the subject's double wide spact Before adjusting Rental 4 to the subject, an additional $16 per month is added account for the monthly sewer charges at Green Valley. The indicated market re. for the subject's double wide spaces, based on the upward adjustments needed fc Rental 4 is approximately $600 per month, including water, trash and sewer servicc 46 SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC- - fw I f m i m 5 I R1 i m I lu I rn I a Ip 19 Rental 5 is a small, old trailer park that was converted to mobile home ' considered a fair quality park in fair condition. The park has been pui older homes in an active pursuit of converting the park to 100% RV use. currently has 27 mobile home park spaces and 57 RV spaces. Resident: water which was estimated by the manager to cost approximately $5 per 11: space. "tis rental has no clubhouse or other wmon facilities other tha laundry r00m and restrooms. The subject is far superior in location, beat access, quality and amenities. In order to adjust Rental 4 to the subjc upward adjustments are required. The indicated market rent for the subject wide spaces is approximately $600 per month, including water, trash ~LI services. Rental 6 is an old, fair quality trailer park in poor condition. Density very high and the only common facility is a laundry bddhg. This pa located south of the subject, in a strip commercial area of downtown En& subject is so superior in location, beach/ocean access, quality, condition, de amenities that adjustments are not attempted here. This rental inforn included to show that the current low rents in the subject of $332 per mol adjustments to include water, trash and sewer) are far below market level. The Carlsbad area rent survey dearly supports a market rent level of month for the subject double wide spaces, including water, trash and Sewe A $25 per month discount is applied to the single wide spaces. This res1 estimated market rent of $575 per month for the subject single wid( including water, trash and sewer service. For further support, a rent s mobile home parks along the southern Ca0-a coast was completed ant for review. 47 - SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, II'! =II~R\I nl 11 011 1qwln11 q1r I~I 8p ,, ,, ,, m , tlI M OI 111 a la rn I souaerm canifformi& coast Mobile Horn9 community I a 1 ocean view amdl Beach I ! 48 SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK G JECKER, INC. - f I "- -I". "-.-" 1 i ; i i i Rental 7 Capistrano Shores . ... . , : . .. k"-.-- E.. ! - ._. - . . . _*"" -. - "-.- . - "-e . L SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, 49 McCORMICK E G JECKER, INC. - mm a d 01 d a d U B a a fl a a a a la ~~ ~~ ~~- ~~~ I RENTAL 7 NAh8E OF PARI(: Capistrano Shores ADDRESS: 1880 North El Camino Real, San clmente PHONE: 714-492-6616 CONFIRMED BY: Jon Doyd CONTACT: Jim Wilson, Manager AGE GROUP: Family AGE: 196B QUALITY: Average NUMBER OF SPACES: 90 CONDITION Average SIZE OF PROPERTY: n/a DENSITY! n/a COMMON FACILITIES AND AMENITIES: Modest clubhouse with main social r& and restrooms. SPACE RENT: Low HIGH AVERAGE $1,635 $1,835 $1,675 RENT CONTROL: No LEASE: Yes LENGTH: One year 1 UTILITIES Water Trash Sewer Cable Electric GaS Park X X X Resident X X X I VACANCIES: 0 % OCCUPIED: 100% COMMENTS: This park is developed as a strip with each home fronting the beac The beach has large "riprap" and boulders to protect the land from erosion. Accc is through a carded security gate. A modest wood frame and wood sided dubhou is located at the entry. A small beach area with barbecue is located behind t clubhouse, on the ocean frontage. This site is separated from Highway 1 by tl railroad tracks and is a quiet beach front residential neighborhood north of Si Clemente. Ages of the home vary with some newer homes having been moved in replace old, outdated ones. I I 50 - SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK E JECKER, INC. - , ~r """ ""." __. Rental 8 Treasure Island - .. -" - . . . . . . . . . . ."" .._ . :s. P qj k@ 51 - SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK E JECKER, INC. - a, I 9 a a a la 111 a lI11 Q, 5 m D RENTAL 8 NAME OF PARK: Treasure Island ADDRESS: 30801 South Coast Highway, Laguna Beach PHONE: 714-499-3001 CONFIRMED BY: Jon Doyel CONTACT: Nancy Launders, Manager AGE GROW: Family AGE: 1935 (Phases) QUALITY: Average NUMBER OF SPACES: 266 CONDITION: Average SIZE OF PROPERTY: 27 acres DENSITY: 9.9 spaces per acre COMMON FACILITIES AND A”[TIES: Modest clubhouse (billiards and social area and pool. SPACE RENT: Low NON-OCEANVIEW: $ 550 OCEANVIEW: 1,550 HrGH AVERAGE $1200 $ 875 z,ooo* 1,700 RENT CONTROL: No LEASE: Yes LENGTH: One year UTILITIES X X Park GiE Electric Cable Trash Sewer Water Resident X X X $1450 I VA--: O % OCCUPIED: 100% COMMENTS: An older, fair quality, ocean front rental community built in man phases over the last 55 years. Existing homes range from old eight foot wide trailel to modem triple wide mobile homes. The park has a guarded gate entry and modest, fair to average quality clubhouse in fair condition. Some of the homes ar directly on the cliff looking down onto a small swimming beach area. Streets rn drives are asphalt and in fair to average condition. Some of the homes actually fror the ocean with cliff side views. The majority of the sites have little or no view of th water. The park is scheduled to be redeveloped by the owners in the year 2000. I* One home with a 180“ Ocean view, on a point, rents for $2,500 per month, is not included in the above range 52 L SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. - i II t I Rental 9 Laguna Terrace - ””. . ..” 53 ‘‘W - SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. - p[ -( 4. a a a a r RENTAL 9 NAME OF PARK Laguna Terrace ADDRESS: 30802 El Camino Red, taguna Hills PHONE: 714-499-3000 CONFIRMED BY: Jon Doyel CONTACT: Steve Esslinger, Manager AGE GROUP: Family AGE: 1955k QUALITY: Average NUMgER OF SPACES: 156 CONDITION: Average SIZE OF PROPERTY. 23 acres DENS^^: 6.8 spaces per acre COMMON FACILITIES ANI> AMENITIES: Clubhouse (social area) and laundry. SPACE RENT: LQIY I Current Residents: $550 I New Residents. 750 I ~ I HrGH AVERAGE $ 950 $725 1,150 850 RENT CONTROL: No LEASE: Available LENGTH: Mo.-to New Residents 5 yrs. Up to 15 years UnLmES X Park Gas EIectric Cable Sewer Trash Watu Resident X X X $1450 $8.00 I VACANCIES: 0 9% OCCUPIED: 100% COMMENTS: An older, average quality park in average condition with a mixi older to new homes. This park is located on the east (non-ocean) side of El C Real on terraced land allowing many of the sites to have long-distance blue views. Due to the need to terrace the sites, the density is higher than indicate feels somewhat crowded. Recreational facilities consist of a modest fair ( clubhouse in good condition, and pool. Rent increases have been substanti; the last year. I 54 - SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, IN f a1 - - -" - . . . """" "" "" ."" .. . _""."_" I Rental 10 El Mono Mobile Home Park EE p L $"b $ JJ L SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. - !AI 'p ,sf P P '111 'n P 91 RENTAL IO NAME OF PARK: El Mono Mobile Home Park ADDRESS: 8811 North Pacific Coast Highway, Laguna Beach PHOME: 714-4947581 CQNFIRPVZED BY: Jon Doyel CONTACT: Jack Momsseau, Manager AGE GROUP: Family AGE: 1940's (Phases) NUMBER OF SPACES: 296 QUALITY: Fair to Average CONDmON: Average SIZE OF PROPERTY: n/a DENSITY: n/a COMMON FACILITIES AND AMENI?IES: None. SPACERENT: - $300 RENT CONTROL: No HIGH A_VERAGE $900 $375/675* LEASE: Yes LENGTH: 20 years (Rental index) Unms Gas Electric Cable Sewer Water Trash Park X X X Resident x x X I 1 I VACANCIES: 0 % OCCWJED: 100% COMMENTS: This park is now a part of Crystal Cove State Park since the State California purchased it as part of an 1,800 acre acquisition in 1979. The park is n under a 20 year lease (with annual Rental Index increases) to the tenants which i$ expire December 31, 1999, at which point the State pians to close the park a change its use to public land with parking and beach access. New tenants assul the existing lease with the understanding that in 1999 they will have to move th home. The park is split with a small section on the beach and the majority of t park across Pacific Coast Highway. The non-ocean side of the park has a la] terraced section with larger lots. Some of these sites have long-distance blue wa views. There are no recreational facilities. Non-beachside/Ekachside spaces I 56 - SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. - ~ 4, "C fi - ' ... . . .... .. "" * - ." _." . .. ...... ... ."._ "..... ..-............ - .." . . - .: r.. - : ._- . . - . Rental 11 ....... - ......... De Anza Bayside Village " . " ................. .. -. ". ... ?& ' , '* (6F 'u 57 L SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. - a d m d It st B m 0 a 0 m a a / 1, RENTAL 11 NAME OF PARK: De Anza Bayside Village ADDRESS: 300 East Coast Highway, Newport Beach PHONE: 714-673-1331 CONFlRMED BY: Jon Doyel CONTAn: Shirlene Burrell, Manager ACE GROUP: Senior AGE: 1962 NWER OF SPACES: 266 Qu~ Average CONDITION: Average SIZE OF PROPERTY: 26 acres DENSITY: 10.2 spaces per acre COMMON FACILITIES AND AMENITE~: Clubhouse (kitchen, social area), laund pool, spa and shuffleboard. SPACE Rm Low HIGH AvERGGE Current Residents: $544 $1,359 $650 New Residents: 778 1,359 862 RENT CONTROL: No LEASE: Yes LENGTH: 10 years (Ends in 1993) UTILITIES X X X Park Gas Electric Cable Sewer Trash Water Resident X X X - I VACANCIES: 0 % OCCUPIED: 100% COMMENTS: An older park developed on leased land on the inner bay, east of Camino Real (the Pacific Coast Highway). After lengthy litigation, ten year lea were negotiated with the tenants in 1984 which include an annual CPI increase a full pass boughs. The park was built in two phases and is split by a road. Th are two clubhouses and laundry facilities, one for each half, Site amenities rax from small, interior sites with no water view to larger sites on corners or on the b This is the back side of the bay and offers inferior orientation to other parks in i heart of the Lido Peninsula. Recreational facilities are considered average plus quality and in average condition. Resident pride of ownership is good. N tenants are offered 10 year leases. I 58 - SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK E JECKER, INC. - f ~ Rental 12 Lido Peninsula Park ~ . . . - ." . . . . _._."_ .. ""__ " """ - -~~ I .L 59 \G 0.Q SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. - i #I R I d 0 D' m al a m I RENTAL 12 NAME OF PARK: Lido Peninsula Park ADDRESS: 710 Lido Park Drive, Newport Beach PHONE: 714-673-6030 CONRRMED BY: Jon Doyel CONTACT: Don Funk, Manager AGE GROW: Family AGE: 1947 NUMBER OF SPACES: 216 QUA^. Fair to Average CONDITION: Average SIZE OF PROPERTY: n/a DENSITY: n/a COMMON FA-s AM) AMENITIES: Modest clubhouse and laundry. ~ SPACERENT: Low HrGH Current Residents: $598 $1,677 New Residents: 800 l$OO AVERAGE $ 964 .1,000 plus RENT CONTROL: No LEASE: Yes LENGTH: Two years extended to Sept. 195 r UTILITIES da X X X Park Gas Electric Cable Sewer Trash Water Resident X X VACANCIES: 0 % OCCUPIED: 100% COMMENTS: An old trailer park in the heart of Lido Peninsula with many b views. Most of the homes are older eight and ten foot wide trailers. Views of f bay range horn none to being right on the bay facing the boat slips. Two V< modest recreational buildings are availabIe to tenants as well as a laundry roo This is mostly second home retirement housing with very narrow streets and sit The main amenity here is the location on the Lido Peninsula. The leases are assumable and have been renewed for two years in 1990 and 19! The leases have a 9% per year space rent increase for new residents compound from 1983. Existing residents only incur CPI increases each year. 60 L SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. - I' I E-- .. . .. ! B 4 . .*." ' .:. - .. _. r":. . -..A__ _. . . * ,_ Rental 13 Cannery Village Mobile Home Park - . . . - .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . -. . - - .. - -. . L L "" . - "." " - " .. . . __i ___ .... 1" ".. L~~_;3-.>z':"?:~ L"JL ' . . ... I . . :. . .. .. , (@ 42 61 SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. - R n 1) dl 0 0 4 Q i) Ba a a 1 1 90 RENTAL 13 NAME OF PARK Cannery Village Mobile Home Park ADDRESS: 700 Lido Park Drive, Newport Beach PHONE: 714-472-0156 CONFIRMED BY: Jon Doyel CONTACT: Mary Pittman AGE GROUP: Family AGE: 1955i QUALITY. Fair NUMBER OF SPACES: 34 CONDmON: Average SIZE OF PROPERTY: 2+ acres DmSrry: 15f spaces per acre COMMON FACILITIES AND AMENITIES: Very modest clubhouse with POOP E laundry. SPACE Rm Low $660 HrGH AVERAGE $1,067 $874 RENT CONTROL: No LEASE Yes LENGTH: Five yeas UTILITIES Water Trash . Sewer Cable Electric Gas Park X X n/a I Resident $10.00 X X VACANCIES: 0 % OCCUPIED: 100% COMMENTS: An old trailer park built on the Lido Peninsula on leased land. : park is very small and extremely dense with streets wide enough for just one t The recreational facilities are very modest. The two dead end asphalt streets arc above average condition. Parking pads are concrete. This park is contiguous to Lido Peninsula Park The main amenity here is its location on the Lido Peninsula 62 - SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. - I I i a \ ir' Rental 14 PaIos Verdes Shores ~~~ ~ . .. . . ... . .~ . .. . . . . . . . . . 63 [& '\cz SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. - ll;1 '1 4 d I I I t 01 Q 0 RENTAL 34 NAME OF PARK: Palos Verdes Shores ADDRESS: 2275 West 25th Street, San Pedro PHONE: 213-547-4403 CONmWED BY: Jon Doyel CONTACT: Jerry Stephans AGE GROUP: Senior AGE: 1973 NUMBER OF SPACES: 242 QUAm Good COND~~ION Good SIZE OF l?ROPERTY: 74 acres DENSITY: n/a (includes golf course) COMMON FACILITIES AND AMENITIES: Clubhouse (billiards, exercise room, kitche restrooms, social area), 9 hole golf, laundry, pool, spa, shuffleboard and tennis. SPACE RENT: JdOW $500 HrGH AVERGGE $1,075 $800 RENT CONTROL: Yes' LEASE No a f# UTILITIES Gas .Electric Cable Sewer Trash Water Park x x x I Resident X X $lOBH VACANCfES: 0 % OCCUPIED: 100% COMMENTS: A good quality, modem mobile home park on a hillside, ocean fro: parcel with 24 hour guarded security entry. The clubhouse is a good quality, ful featured facility in good condition. Also available to tenants is a nine hole go course. The hillside site provides many outstanding ocean views. Many of tl internal streets provide little or no view. The park is under rent control and had history of controversial litigation during which approximately 60 mobile hon owners moved their homes to other areas. All vacancies have since been filled. Th is one of the nicest parks in the southern California area. Ordinance allows 5% increase per year plus an additional 10% at time of sale ' -Required 64 - SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. - I 1 I , I x 'I i' . - . . . . . - .. . .. . . " - - "_ - " 1 Rental 15 Tahitian Terrace 65 \, a'- ,.* - SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. - d d la d d 0. Q 0 11 a IPI a L I I I P RENTAL 15 NAME OF PARK Tahitian Terrace ADDRESS: 16001 Pacific Coast Highway, Pacific Palisades PHONE; 213-454-7557 CONFIRMED BY; Jon Doye1 CONTACT: Lee Silver, Manager AGE GROUP: Senior AGE: 1961f QUALITY: Average NUMBER OF SPACES: 158 CONDITION: Average SIZE OF PROPERTY: n/a DmSm n/a COMMON FACILITIES AND AMENITIES: Clubhouse (billiards, kitchen, libra restrooms, social area), laundry, pool and spa. SPACE RENT: Low HrGH AVERAGE $315 $1,000 $470 RENT CONTROL: Yes' LEASE: Available LENGTH: Three yea UTILITIES X X Park GaS Electric Cable Sewer Trash Water Resident X X X $10.00 VACANCIES: 0 % OCCUPIED: 100% COMMENTS: An older park located on the east side of Pacific Coast Highway o hillside parcel. The sites are terraced up the hill creating some very good oci views. The clubhouse is above average in quality and in average conditj Resident pride of ownership is above average. This park is somewhat removed fi the local shopping and support services. With vacancy decontrol 66 \ SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK G JECKER, INC. . 8' f 'I . ._". """. "" -. .. I Ren€all6 Palisades Bowl pq QJ" i i 67 'U L SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK C JECKER, INC. - R 1‘ la It m d 0 (1 a 0 8 80 a r RENTAL 16 NAME OF PARK: Palisades Bowl ADDRESS: 16321 Pacific Coast Highway, Pacific Palisades PHONE 213-454-2515 CONFlRMED BY: Gerald Taylor CONTACT: George Emerick, Manager AGE GROUP: Family AGE: 1940-1950 QUALITYr Fair NUMBER OF SPACES: 173 CONDITION Fair to Average SIZE OF PROPERTY: 2(& acres DENSm 8.7 spaces per acre COMMON FACIUTIES AND A”IlES: Clubhouse (kitchen, restrooms, social are small putting green, laundry, pool and shuffleboard. SPACE RENT LQJY HIGH AVERAGE ~ Current Residents: $223 $ 650 $330 New Residents: 400E 1,oooE n/a RENT CONTROL: Yes’ LEASE: No UTILITIES X Park Gas Electric CabIe Sewer Trash Water Resident X X X swm $8.00 I VA--: O % OCCWIED: 100% COMMENTS: An old trailer park with mostly old single wide trailers. This park built on a hillside parcel that reportedly is permanently zoned for mobile home pi use because it is considered a landslide risk area and mobile homes can survive la shifts better than standard housing. The hillside location offers some blue wai ocean views even though the park is on the east side of Pacific Coast Highway. I somewhat removed from local shopping and other support services. E Estimated Ordinance includes vacancy decontrol I 68 - SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK E JECKER, INC. - I' 'I - t Rental 17 0. : .. < I "' \j Paradise Cove i .'' . _. _. . ,- , $, .. .e; .. ~- .. L - "p I i:- ..( -. - ..-.,- -, . - 8; G ; ,, . .;:,?. :: . .. $. :.:.-. ... : i * ' ' 1.- .r :+-. ,. i . . . .. ~ .. . < .. -. . _. c ,_ 5 .,' 1.: .~ .,. :' i .. . ~ : ;-. -. .- ~ . . .I ~L .. . .I .. . -<::\i . ..**I .. ".. - .. ~ %+,, . ""-:-f . ,, , '.; , , '>"+ ::. 1" . .. ,%, ? .-,$ '. .. *: "~ . . 69 1 m + 'q \." ! q-Q SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. - m #I D 10 0 0 U 01 U tu a 0 01: a 9 RR a ,& r, RENTAL '117 NAME OF PARK: Paradise Cove ADDRESS: 28128 Pacific Coast Highway, Malibu ' . PMO~: (213) 536-6100 CON~ZMED BY: Gerald Taylor CONTACT: Gary Collister AGE GROUP: Senior 55 and older AGE Estimated 1950 QuAm Fair/Average' NUMBER OF SPACES: 261 COmrrIoN: Fair to Average SIZE OF PROPERTY: 68f acre Total DENSTIY 8.6* spaces/acre 3of acre Mobile Home Park COMMON FACILITIES AND AMENITIES: Swimming beach, pier and Sand Ca Restaurant. I I SPACERENT: LQl? HIGH AVERAGE $225 $798 $395 I RENT CONTROL: Yes LEASE: Yes LENGTH: One year r UTILITIES .Water X X X Park Gas Electric Cable Sewer Trash Resident X X X VACANCIES: 0 % OCCWIED: 100% COMMENTS: The owner has raised rents six percent to nine percent per year si coming off Los Angela County rent control in early 1985, however, the rents l- been knowingly below market. This is an older trailer park with additions over years. The hillside has been developed with double wide sites, many with oc views. This park is in an excellent location with a swimming beach. *This park was built in sections over a perid of my years. The oldest section is considered fai quality. The newer sections are considered average in quality. 70 L SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. . 1, P L . - __ -. "_ "- Rental 18 Point Dum6 Club 71 SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK E JECKER, INC. I /6 i \c I. - IC. IN a U II 14 OI 41 w a rn m all. 4 d 8 r RENTAL 18 NAME OF PARK: Point Dum6 Ciub ADDRESS: 29500 Heathercliff Road, Malibu PHONE: 213-457-2111 CONFIRMED BY: Gerald C. Taylor CONTACT: Mary Jane Woods, Manager SENIOR/ FAMILY: Family AGE: 1970 NUMBER OF SPACES: 297 QUALI-JX Good CONDITION: Good SIZE OF PROPERTY: n/a DENSITY: n/a COMMON FACILITIES AND AMENITIES: Clubhouse (billiards, cardroom, exc room, kitchen, restrooms, social area), laundry, pool, spa, shuffleboard and teru SPACE RENT: J,OW Actual' $505 Market (1-90)" 585 HIGH AYERA!a $1,235 $773 1300 863 RENT CONTROL: Yes LEASE: Yes LENGTH: Five yea c UnLllIES X Park Gas Electric Cable Sewer Trash Water Resident X X $Brn $5.00 $1440 VACANCIES: 0 % OcmrED: 100% eo-: This is a good quality, modern mobile home park in good conditio: is located on an Ocean frontage, sloping parcel. This location and topography required some terracing of the sites, but has created many excellent view or pa view sites. Some of the homes have white water/beach views. Others have 1 water or mountain and valley views. The recreational facilities are of good qui and in good condition with a Ml-featured clubhouse. The asphalt streets ar average condition. This park is located in an exclusive residential neighborhc Resident pride of ownership is good. The parks landscaping is abundant, ma and well maintained. LOW rents are a result of renegotiated rents after leases expired H Rent leveis for new tenants established by park in January 1990 72 - SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK E JECKER, INC. - 9 M! I# 4 4 a 10 Q 0 u 0 %I a ;II fl !a f Adjusted Rent Sumey Summa y Adjusted to Include Water, Trash andsewer Quality/ Utilities Rental Name Condition3 Included4 Low Hi& Ave 1 Y 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Capistrano Shores A/A Treasure Island non-view A/A ocean-view (Adjusted $15 for S) Laguna Terrace - new tenants A/A (Adjusted $23 for W$) El Mono F+/A De Anza Bayside A/A Lido Peninsula F+/A Cannery Village F/A (Adjusted $10 for w) Pala Verdes Shores G/G (Cable is also required for $Il/month} Tahitian Terrace A/A (Adjusted $10 for W) Palisades Bowl F/F+ (Adjusted $21 for WS) Paradise Cove F to A/F+ Point Durn6 Club - Actual G/G (Adjusted $19 for W, TI w, Tf s w, T T w, T, s Wf Tf s W,TS TS WfT3 TIS T WTS S $1,635 $1,835 $1,6: 565 1,215 85 1,565 2,015 1,73 773 1,173 87 300 900 37 67 544 1,359 65 598 1,677 96 670 1,077 88 500 1,075 80[ 325 1,010 48[ 244 671 351 225 798 395 524 1,254 792 I 3 G: Good; A+: Average to Good; A: Average; F+: Fair to Good; F: Fair;L: Low (Quality); P: Po{ (Condition) 4 W: Water;T: Trash; S: Sewer s Non-beachside spaces 6 Beachside spaces 73 I SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK E JECKER, INc. - 5: 1, 01 m I# D D 0 D II b I I m I I I T B E= 2!3v .s al ;$ -*s 1J> a (d zg m $z =a a" a4 SH ua Y A& 4 E; 84 E 4 5 a % E cn el4 +rd *Et Gk c4 -l4 Q)$ 3; 2 MU 2 gE 5" QQ) 5 teo 3 65 0s 2 - Q)m F4 .d Q) a& OF % c4 a3 ?2*$ 8g$ t-"- 0 a3 C 22 $ C 8 x 69 z2 cui t/) 8 s v? g H t9 8 3 2 0 C.rA-4 x E aJ c- 7 - fff 0 74 - SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK E JECKER, INC..- 0 0 n 0 0 0 U Do 4 rn D 11 Ill a a lo 1, f I 't: uz h4 Q)- - E42 v2a $8 zw l4 Q)ff3 d) E #=z v) 24k 2 a3 5 &u 2 a; ' 3s 0 4- 4 a. - 7s tim 2 kO (II n.- aJ $8 2 sg Q1 Y r;:h sg E t- 8 f *. " "a .5 E'! Igai + + + + + + & ~.~~~~~~~~:.~~~~.: :~.~~~~~>...~~:~.~~.:~2.., Y ,,... .;;>:, ::,> ...,.,., IS 5.v. 9 i....: ..,. ..._, .... x,,, ..* ., ....,... %% , ,.>:.:< ."'.:."... ".\... ... ... ........... :y.~."'"~~'.'~ ~~~~:~~.::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...................... ~,~~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~S~~. .... ,<< .,.. cy.>>:,:<*.> .,.., z ,...,_ ~ ,..., '.,,.'.....~~........... . . __ ___ . _,....,. < ..,.... . ....... . , . . <<w~>&*<.&$>>2.1?. . . . . . ,, ,$3<>Y.. ..,.. :.G, ,..:.~~.,~,.~..~.~,~~ , *. <,v\ ..,. \ ..... ..~<<~.::?~~~~~~~~~:..:~~~<:~~< x?::,:: :%= ' ..~~~.~...'.~.x+.~.'. + + + + I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I 1 8 8 8 Q,%S 88 8 f fF) G' 8- 0 Q. 'p, -. N # m e3 ie 2 0 s:-Z4 A c4 Q) cu .- w !! 2u -2$ a v) 1% 28 a" GW -= m mu zk gg -z: &>U 4gj kW "2 3s m - 03 9 .: az 22 4s Bg QW i! 5 Ei 28 is 3c W su c 22 p Go E2 > 2= Fj gs -$ g- c avlc E -1. 0 : 25 i cJg6 I 75 SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. - 41 B 0 @ n Q rn m 01 a r Comparative Analysis and Conclusions of the Coastal Rent Surv The rent survey of the southern California coastal mobile home parks consi I j a wide variety of parks varying in quality, location, and ocean influence. A discussion of these parks follows. Rental 7, Capistrano Shores, is a unique mobile home park with each home ! fronting the ocean. Large "riprap" and boulders are used to protect the homes the surf, however there is no swimming beach. Large downward adjustn would be needed and are not attempted here. Rental 8, Treasure Island, is a good comparable for the subject park. Many ( spaces are smaller and have no Ocean view. Other spaces are larger, some Ocean views and some which actually front the ocean. The non-view sites, the appropriate for the subject, range in rent (after adjusting to include sewer se1 from a low of $565 to a high of $1,215, with an estimated average of $890. subject's Carlsbad location is considered to be inferior and the ocean Muen Treasure Island is considered superior to that of the subject. Overall down adjustments are needed. Rental 9, Laguna Terrace, is an average quality park located on the now side of El Camino Real ip Laguna Hills. The site is terraced which allows ma the homes to have distant ocean views. An upward adjustment is needed fc convenient ocean/beach access of the subject. Overall downward adjustmen! needed for location and views. Rental 10, El Morro, has some spaces actually located on the beach. The maj of spaces are located on the non-ocean side of Pacific Coast Highway. Some of sites have ocean views. This park has been purchased by the State of Californi; is to become part of Crystal Cove State Park on January 1,2000. New resideni required to assume a lease which is scheduled to end December 31,1991. Due tc unusual situation, accurate adjustments for the subject park are difficult and ar attempted here. Rental 11, De ha Bayside Village, is an attractive average quality park lo( on the back side (inner bay) at Newport Beach. New resident rent levels range $778 to $1,359 per month, including water, trash, and sewer. This park enjoy locational attribute of being located in Newport Beach, on the inner bay, hom 76 I - SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, mc. r 4 4 10 4 4 a 4 a U IJ It - f 1 the subject has excellent beach/ocean access. This is considered a good corn] for the subject and would require overall downward adjustments for locati the bay amenity. Rentals 12 and 13, Lido Peninsula and Cannery Village, are both located c Island in Newport Beach. This is a very exclusive area and commands ext high land and rent values. Both of these parks are significantly older tl subject and inferior in quality and recreational amenities. The Lido Island l( however, is considered far superior and would require large downward adjus to the monthly rents. Adjustments are not attempted here. Rental 14, Palos Verdes Shores, is a good quality park that is much new the subject. It is in an attractive location, and some of the sites have Ocean This park was under City of Los AngeIes rent control for a number of Recently the ordinance was altered to pennit vacancy decontrol, howe manager reported that rents were not being raised to market levels, but inste: still being raised according to the five percent per year allowance unc ordinance. Due to rent control, this rental is not given any weight. Rentals 15 and 16, Tahitian Terrace and Palisades Bowl, have also beer rent control. They are not considered good cornparables for establishing mar: levels for the subject. Rental 17, Paradise Cove, has been traditionally under market rent levti also in fair to average condition with notable lack of maintenance on the pax park owner. Recent buyers of the park are currently working to establish market rent levels for new residents. No weight is given to this rental infornl Rental 18, Point Dum6 Club, is a good quality park in a prime location pint. The park established market rent levels for January 1990, that vary frc per month for the smaller lots with no ocean view, to $1,300 per month fa sites with the best views of Zuma Beach. The subject is felt to be slightly sup the lowest of the "market rents" in Point Dum&. After considering the various adjustments needed for location, quality, cor ocean/beach views and access, and age of the parks, it is clear that the 5 California coastal rent survey strongly supports the market rent estimate of $ month for the double wide spaces, and $575 per month for the smaller sing 77 - SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK E JECKER, INC, $sf I m B m 4 m 0 4 4 m :fl I l f spaces. It is assumed in these estimates that water, trash, and sewer charge included in the rent. The following table lists the rental parks that are considered the best cornpar for the subject. The following chart graphically depicts the current subject levels compared to the selected comparables, as well as the estimated markel levels developed in this report. 78 - SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK E JECKER, INC. - M- I 0 P a 0 0' B a 0 4 0 0 CI 0 III fl fl a a r Summa y of Selecfed Rents for Market Estimate Adjusted to include Water, Trash and Sewer Quality/ Utilities Rental Name Condition' Included" Low High Ave 1 Subject - Lanikai Lane A/A+ None $332 $517 $31 (Adjusted $22 for W, T, SI 3 Rancho Carlsbad VG/G W, T, S 599 809 7( 4 GreenValley A/A w, T 3664% 4: (Adjusted $16 for S) 5 Trailer Rancho F/F T, s - 395 417 4 (Adjusted S5 for W) 8 Treasure Island non-view A/A w, T 565 1,215 8! (Adjusted $15 for SI 9 Laguna Terrace - new tenants A/A T 773 1,173 8: (Adjusted $23 for W, S) I1 De Anza Bayside A/A w, T, s 544 1,359 6! 18 Point Dum6 CIub - Actual G/G s 524 1,254 7! (Adjusted $19 for W, T) 1 ~~~~ ~ ~~ vG: Very Gd; G: Good; A+: Average to Good; A Average; F+: Fair to Good; F Fair; L: Low (Quality): P Poor (Condition) ,, W. Water; T Trash; S Sewer 79 - SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. f4, 4 OI 0 01 4 B 4 m 4 4 a n a a a a a J H I 't; 2 U +a E 2 =r cn s rc, 24 M a h. ; x" aJ 3 s : a aJ Q) v aJ cn rc, l-4 LC 1 5 .c, c v3 aJ U a 2 Y aJ 5 v) 'FI aJ 7 fi z CI t / t 1 1 1 1 1 L I 1 I 1 I I I a# '=x 9- a% %?$X %EE 3- E 6% .CI SG 'd) a 0 4" R &2 c do) 8 Eg* jz.: % t: , q 2% LO E3 h - 6 s E b OB sa c1 @ 522 0- -z I!? 3 :.E e$-$ 4- 8 8 8 Q 8 8 8 0 '6, c't t-l w e Do 9 w 2 0 E;U&d x E aJ E;- 80 - SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. - mi 1 1 f - 1 m m m rn La im DIC rn il a K@ ." a -w k 2 E 2 2 U h 3 cn c .c, 24 k aJ m (d k 4 ; 8 g aJ d 2 = aJ W aJ aJ [/3 rc, 4 + t ~~ 1 t Fc P cn a4 a . ""I c - + Q, Y + 5 v) a4 a 1 2 4 -L E I CI " 4 t I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I 8 8 8' 8 8 8 8 8 8 0 h Q\ co v3 In * m CJ w 2 0 G-A- h EQ,G- 81 - 3 4 3 a' 2 tz 3 .d 3 6 4 ii 3 e! 2, 2 b: m L. - .d at e E-( a x - - s 6 0- 5. wc 2- 3: E 5. f " a &; cl - SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK E JECKER, INC. - I ' I I I I 1 B 1c I I1 a 8 f I Certification I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belid That I have made an inspection of the subject property and an analysis of the fact{ affecting its value, That I have no interest in the property, That my compensation is not contingent upon the reporting of a predetennin value that favors the cause of the client, the amount of the value estimate, I attainment of a stipulated result, or the occurrence of a subsequent event, or that 1 appraisal assignment was not based on a requested minimum valuation, a spec valuation, or the approvals of a loan, That the value conclusions reported herein are my own findings, and that thc conclusions were reached without collusion, coercion or direction as to value, That I have not revealed the findings and results of this appraisal to anyone ot than the proper persons and/or their representatives, and I will not do so until authorized, or until I am required to do so by due process of law, or until I released from this obligation by having publicly testified to my findings, To the best of my knowledge and ability, this appraisal report conforms with requirements of California Civil Code Sections 19221 and 1922.2, To the b,est of my knowledge and ability, this appraisal report conforms with requirements of Title XI of the FFIREA of 1989, and Federal Reserve Regulatiom CFR Parts 208 and 225, That the reported analyses, opinions and conclusions were developed, and 1 report has been prepared, in conformity with the requirements of the Code Professional Ethics and the Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice of Appraisal Institute, To the best of my knowledge and belief, the reported analyses, opinions 2 conclusions were developed, and this report has been prepared, in conformity M the requirements of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practia adopted by the Appraisal Standards Board of the Appraisal Foundation, That the use of this report is subject to the requirements of the Appraisal Insti relating to review by its duly authorized representatives, and As of the date of this report, Gerald C. Taylor has completed the requirements of continuing education program of the Appraisal Insti 1 I I 82 1 L - SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK E JECKER, INC. - CII I Ea B m 01 5 0- 0 a m m II a II m 9 m a La 1" Disclosure and Use This report shall be used for its intended purposes only, and by the parties to it is addressed. Possession of this report does not include the right of publicati Neither all nor any part of the contents of this report (especially any conclusi, value, the identity of the appraiser or firm with which he is connected, c reference to the professional organizations with which he is associated) sh disseminated to the public through advertising media, public relations media, media, or any other public means of communication without the prior w consent and approval of the appraiser. The appraiser is not required to give testimony or to appear in court by rea! this appraisal, with reference to the property in question, unless fl arrangements have been previously made and mutually agreed upon. Information estimates, and opinions furnished to the appraiser and contained j report were obtained from sources considered reliable and believed to be tru correct. However, no responsibility for accuracy of such items furnish€ appraiser can be assumed by the appraiser. The appraiser assumes no responsibility for changes and/or limitations that IT imposed to the subject by the numerous governmental and political entities, 1 have authority to make decisions that can alter property use, project feasibiliq value. Effective Tanuary 1,1991 All professional appraisal reports must also contain the following statement: "The Appraisal Institute conducts a voluntary program of continuing education of its designated members. MAJ'S and SRA's who meet the standards of this program are awarded pen'odic educational certification. Gerald C. Taylor, MAI, SREA is cnt@d under this progrnm". This report has been prepared in accordance with the Code of Professional 1 and Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice of the Appraisal Institute. Appraisal Institute has a legal right to teview the report. L SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, 83 McCORMICK G JECKER, INC. - ..I.,._ a- la B a R Q 01 Q m a m 0 0 0 ar Q a 3 1 f I Ion P. DO~~I - ~esearch Analyst Special Note: Jon P. Doyel is a research analyst/ staff appraiser, employed by Schenh He has participated in the research and gathering of market data, Taylor, McConnick and Jecker, as a research assistant. verification of facts. Jon P. Doyel has not participated in any analysis beyond direct rese gathering and confirming data. All opinions, conclusions analysis, apbraisal development and report w were \ completed by Gerald SCHENBERGER, C Taylor, SREA, MAI. 84 TAYLOR, McCORMICK G JECKER, INC. - a $XHENBEWGER, TAYLOR, 'N MCCORMICK & JECKER I C 0 R P 0 R A T E 0 Real Estate Appraisers, Condtants and hue: I APPRAISER QUALIFICATIONS GERALD C TAYLOI I Educatiora a Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, Associate in Arts Degree (AA) B California Polytechnic State University - Two Years a I society of Real Estate Apprgsers - Course 201, Course 301, Instructor's C1 University of Indiana, Various other Clinics and Seminars Business Appraisal Seminars Allan Hancock Junior College - Sixty Hour Instructor's Course I Experience 1962 - 64 - Deputy Assessor - Appraiser for Santa Barbara County Asse 0 d m d. 11 Office 1965 - 73 - Assistant Vice President and Chief Appraiser for San Luis 01 Savings and Loan Association 1973 - 74 - Author - Publisher for American Mobile Home Appraisal Corn Published and Marketed Nationally, "Mobile Home Appraisal Guide" "Modular Homing - A Ca~e Study" 1973 - 74 - Staff Appraiser - Solot Co., Tucson, Arizona 1974 - Present - Partner and Principal Appraiser for Schenberger, Ta McConnick and Jecker, hc., San Luis Obispo, California a b P 85 1411 MARSH STREET, SUITE 107 SAN LUIS OBISPO CALIFORNIA 93401 (805) 544-247: I' ry" 3 I I P tl b I a I d I Society of Real Estate Appraisers - Designated Senior Residential Appr, (SRA) in 1970; Designated Senior Real Property Appraiser (SRPA) in 1 Designated Senior Real Estate Myst (SREA) in 1976 American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers (MAI) in 1975 As of January 1,1991, the AIREA and SREA merged and became the "App~ Institute." Gerald C. Taylor now holds the MAI and SEA designations c new "Appraisal Institute." Member - The Institute of Business Appraiser Qualified Expert Witness - San Luis Obispo Superior Court, Orange Cc Superior Court and Federal Bankruptcy Court Cert;fed Class IV Appraiser by California Savings and Loan Commissione Lifetime Teaching Credential for the State of California Author and Lecturer Nationally for "Mobile Home Appraisal Sem sponsored by the Society of Real Estate Appraisers, Plus "Money Market: Real Estate" Instructor for Cuesta College - San Luis Obispo, California (Real E Economics and Appraisal, 1974 - 1982) Instructor for California Polytechnic State University, San Luis 01 California (Real Estate Appraisal, 1977 - 1982) Instructor for Allan Hancock Junior College at Vandenberg Air Force Bas Cabrillo High school Extension in Lompoc, Califomia (Ked Estate App, and Economics, 1972 -1973) 86 - SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. ! i Ip. #'. r' f/ i 111 m 4 m m m 4 The international Society of Real Estate Appraisers has authorized Gerald C. Taylor to include the Senior Real Estate Analyst (SREA) designation in hisher professional credentials through December 31, 1992 Senior Real Estate Analysts (SREA) are pro- fessional members of the Society of Real Es- fate Appraisers who have extensive technical training, long and varied experience, who have earned the res ct of the community and their peers for gir expert knowledge, outstanding ability, professional leadership and integrity. SREA members have demonstrated in prac- tice that they are competent to appraise all types of real estate interests and ownerships in accordance with accepted definitions of market value, and to extend appraisal analy- sis be ond current market value to provide a basis Y or decisimmaking to clients responsi- ble for committing funds or assets in the sale, financing, purchase, lease, trade, renovation, development, demolition or division of real property. The analyst's experience encom- passes the most difficult appraisal problems. Certification procedures require a compre- hensive oral examination by an examination board of the Admissions Committee. inspec- tion of office operations, review of appraisal and ana sis reports and a thorough investi- gation o 7 the applicant's competence and integrity. This investigation includes contact with other SREA members, professional ap praisers, clients, attorneys. 'udges. and per- sons in the community. The .4 REA designation is awarded for fwe years only. A member wishing to renew the SREA desig nation must apply for recertification at the end of the fie (5) year period. Upon application for recertification, applicant is expected tc show evidence of integrity, continued techni- cal training, experience, and professional leadership commensurate with current SREP Admissions standards. I CERTIFIED SREA 10/26/76 This authorization has been prepared for inch CERTIFIED 10/26/81 sion in the certification section of the appraid CERTlFiEO 10/26/86 analysis report. Any questions regarding thi: member's status should be directed to Head CERTIFIED 12/31/92 quarters office of the Society of Real Esbtc CERTIFIED Appraisers 225 North Michigan Arne, ste 724 Chicaga, Illinois 60601-7601; (312) 819-2400. I tFIEIRw" I 87 SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK E JECKER, INC i