HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-11-02; City Council; 12454; CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE STREETSCAPE PHASE V MEDIAN OPENING AT MOTEL 6 DRIVEWAYb CI i .rl u u cd 4 s -rl U 0 U &I 0 w 01 a, u 5 d .rl c aJ aJ WY 2 0 F 0 a $ 8 z 3 cw OF CARLSBAD - AGEWA BILL q E AB # ./&7?f# TITLE; CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE DEPT. & CITY AT MTG. 11/02/93 STREETSCAPE PHASE V MEDIAN OPENING CITY MG DEPT. ENG RECOMMENDED ACTION: AT MOTEL 6 DRIVEWAY Review alternatives and provide direction to staff on the raised median opening propo for construction, as designed, on Carlsbad Village Drive between Harding Street Interstate Highway 5. ITEM EXPLANATION: At the City Council meeting of June 22, 1993, a public hearing was held ta initiate emir domain proceedings for right-of-way acquisition of property fronting the Carl’s Jr. restau on Carlsbad Village Drive. The attorney for the property owner requested that eastbo left-turn access be provided to the Carl’s Jr. restaurant since the design plans did provide a median opening to the Carl’s Jr. restaurant driveway. At that meeting, Mayor Lewis suggested that the owners of Motel 6 and Carl’: restaurant work out an agreement on a shared access between their two businesse an agreement could not be reached, Mayor Lewis indicated that the median openir serve Motel 6 might be closed due to his concern about the equity of access to prope impacted by the Streetscape project. It was the intent of Mayor Lewis that alternative explored to provide equal treatment to each property owner regarding access. Since time, staff has not been able to develop an acceptable shared access arrange1 between representatives of Motel 6 and Carl’s Jr. restaurant. Several options are available as related to the eastbound left-turn median opening a Motel 6 driveway. These options include: 1. Implement the median installation on Carlsbad Village Drive between Harding S and Interstate Highway 5 as currently designed and that provides an opening ii median to serve eastbound left-turns to the Motel 6 driveway. Close the median opening that would serve eastbound left-turns on Carl! Village Drive that desire to turn into the Motel 6 driveway. Re-design the median opening that serves eastbound left-turns at Motel 6 larger opening to also provide eastbound left-turn access to the Carl’s Jr. resta driveway. Close the eastbound left-turn median that serves Motel 6 and, instead, provid opening at Carl’s Jr. It would be incumbent upon Carl’s Jr. and Motel 6 to wor an acceptable reciprocal access agreement for this scenario. However scenario is similar to the agreement that could not be reached between parties when eastbound left-turn access is provided at the Motel 6 driveway. Staff has been informed that Carl’s Jr. restaurant is exploring additional alternatives. 7 alternatives have not been submitted to staff at the time of preparation of this agend Each option has advantages and disadvantages that were discussed in a memorai to the City Manager from the Traffic Engineer, dated September 15, 1993 (attached). recommends the project be constructed as designed. 2. 3. 4. @ 0 Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. /4 +$# FISCAL IMPACT: Closure of the opening in the median to serve eastbound left-turning vehicles will rest an additional construction cost of approximately $1 8,000. EXHIBITS: 1. Location map - median opening at Motel 6 as designed and proposed construction. 2. Location map - median closure at Motel 6 to eastbound left-turning vehicles. 3. Memorandum from Traffic Engineer dated September 15, 1993. a z E 1 2 w 6 5 I I 0 @L i A hl hAh 1 h > 2 @L 0 \ I 'I v\ g 0 E PRoJECT NAME CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE MEDIAN OPENING E> 6 (D 2 0 J fY W + 0 r E 0 % 5 I? K 4 0 \ I hA hI A A h (r 0 LY $i n 3 3 PRoJECT NAME CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE MEDIAN CLOSURE EX 0 0 MEMORANDUM September 15, 1993 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: Traflic Engineer CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE MEDIAN OPENING AT MOTEL 6 Representatives of Motel 6 and the Carl's Jr. restaurant on the north side of Carlsbad Villagc Drive between Harding Street and Interstate Highway 5 could not reach agreement on a join access between their respective properties. Streetscape Phase V construction plans will providc a raised median opening that will permit eastbound Carlsbad Village Drive traffic to turn left intc the Motel 6 driveway. Eastbound left turns to Carl's Jr. will not be possible due to the design o the median. Several options are available as indicated below. Option 1 Implement the median installation on Carlsbad Village Drive as current17 designed. The opening that would serve eastbound left turns to Motel 6 alsc provides left turn access to Denny's Restaurant and the Chevron gas station. Thi left turn access proposal has been in the design for a number of years. Propee owners and businesses have known about the proposal, and subsequent impacts for a similar time period. At public meetings and in private discussions th( median opening proposal has been extensively discussed. Both the City Engineer and I are recommending that the project be constructec as designed with a median opening serving left turns to Motel 6. No eastbounc left turn access to Carl's Jr. would be permitted. No further notifications o opportunities for public comment in public meetings would be necessary since th original plan would be implemented. Close the eastbound left turn access that would serve Motel 6. This would resul in Motel 6 not having eastbound left turn access and being in the same positioi that Carl's Jr. is with the current proposal. Police and emergency vehicle proceeding eastbound could not turn into the Motel 6 property. However, closure of the access to Motel 6 also eliminates the ability for eastboun left turning vehicles to reach either Denny's Restaurant or the Chevron gas statior This option has never been discussed in public meetings and would be a significar change for those two businesses and, without doubt, be strongly opposed. A opportunity for the public and affected businesses to discuss the median closure i a public meeting would be necessary. Option 2 0 0 City Manager Carlsbad Village Drive Median Opening at Motel 6 September 15, i993 Page: 5 From a traffic safety viewpoint the closure would eliminate a conflict point. Ovei time, this would result in fewer collisions at that location than would otherwisc occur. This is good traffic safety justification for the closure. Additionally, the left turn storage length for westbound vehicles at Harding Stree could be made longer if the median opening for eastbound left turns were closed The closure most likely will also eliminate some mid-block pedestrian crossin; conflicts with vehicles. Overall, there is merit in the closure from a traffic safety and traffic operation perspective. However, all factors have been previously considered and the decisioi made to provide the eastbound left turn opening in the median to access the Motc 6, Denny's and Chevron gas station. Re-design the median opening to permit eastbound left turn access to both Carl' Jr. and Motel 6. This would be accomplished by a large median openin (approximately 72 feet vs. current design of approximately 49 feet) to serve bot properties. This proposal would result in a short left turn storage area for vehicles waiting t turn left into Carl's Jr. It results in the virtual elimination of the storage area fa vehicles waiting to turn left into the Motel 6 property. Traffic safety will be compromised in several ways if this proposal wer implemented. The large opening does not eliminate (or make very dificul various turning movements, which is the purpose of a controlled access media opening. For instance, without too much difficulty vehicles departing Carl's JI could turn left to proceed eastbound on Carlsbad Village Drive. U-TURNS at th median opening would be possible and some left turns from Poinsettia Plaza (Bi Bear) to proceed westbound on Carlsbad Village Drive also could occur. One major concern is that if a vehicle is waiting to turn left into Carl's Jr. vehicle behind the waiting vehicle may pull into the Number 1 eastbound lane t go around the stopped vehicle to get in front so that a left turn to Motel 6 coul be made. Due to the shortened left turn storage lane to these properties a que% of vehicles could result while waiting to turn into Carl's Jr. A second queue ma form in front of Carl's Jr. traffic to turn into Motel 6, resulting in blockage of tk Number 1 eastbound lane. Option 3 e e City Manager Carlsbad Village Drive Median Opening at Motel 6 September 15, 1993 Page: 3 A large median opening negates the safety and traffic operation benefits of a raised median. If it were to be considered, staff may recommend that no median be constructed in the block from Harding to Interstate Highway 5. One large opening concentrates all potential traffic conflicts and illegal maneuvers in one location. Congestion and confusion could result in the type of collisions that now occur to continue to occur at the large opening. Close the eastbound left turn access to Motel 6 and permit eastbound left turns into the Carl's Jr. driveway with a reciprocal access onsite between Carl's Jr. and Motel 6. This concept is similar to what the two parties tried to reach agreement on when eastbound left turn access would be into the Motel 6 driveway. On September 2, 1993 staff obtained turning movement counts at the Carl's Jr. and Motel 6 driveways on Carlsbad Village Drive. Counts were conducted between 1 1:30 A.M. and 1:30 P.M. for the purpose of determining relative turning volumes at the two driveways. There were twice as many westbound right turns into Carl's Jr. as compared to eastbound left turns into Carl's Jr. (1 15 vs 72). However, turns into the Motel 6 driveway were significantly lower by comparison (10 westbound right turns and 18 eastbound left turns) in the same two hour period. This option would resuIt in some onsite parking spaces being removed at Carl'sJr. to facilitate the access driveway between Motel 6 and Carl's Jr. Additionally, the queuing storage length for the Carl's Jr. drive-through (currently inadequate) would be shortened by the joint access driveway. The joint access driveway would detrimentally impact parking, onsite circulation and the drive-through storage length if implemented. Some of these problems might be transferred to the public street during certain times of the day for a short duration but for the most part would only impact Carl's Jr. onsite traffic circulation and parking. Large vehicles, large trucks, delivery trucks, etc. currently utilizing driveways on Carlsbad Village Drive to access Motel 6, Denny's or the Chevron gas station via an eastbound left turn would be required to circulate through the Carl's Jr. parking lot to reach those three businesses. As discussed previously in this memorandum, an eastbound left turn opening in the raised median to serve Carl's Jr. would result in a very short' storage lane for the eastbound left turning vehicles. On occasion, the queue from these vehicles would block the Number 1 eastbound through lane on Carlsbad Village Drive. Option 4 0 0 City Manager Carlsbad Village Drive Median Opening at Motel 6 September 15, 1993 Page: 4 The City Engineer and I are available to discuss this access issue with you and the City Attornel as you deem appropriate. We have indicated to the City Council on several occasions that thk matter will be brought back to them. jaCiT-~-& ROBERT T. JOHNSON, JR., P.E. Traffic Engineer RTJ:rz C: City Attorney Community Development Director City Engineer Planning Director Housing and Redevelopment Director 0 0 -----,--. - ..-. -----a 1 *; ‘. %’; 6 ‘-:,4 7 ’ u i\i . MEMORANDUM October 25, 1993 /- \- \A. a TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: Traffic Engineer CARLSBAD VILIAGE DRIVE - MEDIAN OPENING ISSUE AT MOTEL 6 Attached is a copy of a letter to John Grant that I received from Michael A. Ferraro of Motc 6. The letter is self-explanatory and reiterates what we have been told previously is the Mot( 6 position on the median opening issue. I & [*+---: I!=ttL\J oq /Y* (;‘ J ROBERT T. JO~NSON, JR., P.E. Traffic Engineer RTJ:rz Attachment C: City Attorney Community Development Director City Engineer Planning Director Housing and Redevelopment Director 0 0 I RECEmf> OCT 2 2 1993 OEPARTMENT October 20, 1993 ENGINEERING Mr. John H. Grant 7173 Obelisco Circle Carlsbad, CA 92009-6522 RE: Motel 6 #lo21 - Carlsbad, CA: Carlsbad Village Drive Project Dear John: Thank you for your letter of October 4. We have given the easement ma considerable time and attention and we cannot in good conscience, or In ( business judgement, grant it. For us, there is only one issue. Would result In a hazardous trafftc situation or not? We belleve it would. We would be combining traffic volume from two busy establishments intc crossover pattern that is inherently hazardous. It would be forcing vehi into an area that isn't designed to handle either the volume or the pattc We believe the result would be an unacceptable risk of accidents. Carl's Jr. has tried their best to make this work. They have offered and an indemnity that we would take if the situation was workable. Howe\ no amount of cash or indemnity could offset a preventable injury due to 1 proposed arrangement. We truly hope the City Council doesn't close the median simply to spit since our decision is based on our concern for the welfare of the city residents and visitors. I will be unable to attend the Cfty Council meeting on November 2. Yo\ hereby authorized to state our position on our behalf and you may read t letter if you choose. I am available to discuss this further at your convenience. Sincerely, f%dw ichael A. Ferraro Senior Director of Real Estate CC: Colleen Ford Robert T. Johnson Jr. 1 MAFIba ID236 .. . . -c-"-,---- . -< - ,<;- - .<< .z, -. .;OiE; L -- ,r ,,,-- . - I .d _- - 0 Carl Katcher mBrprke$, lne, I200 North Harbor Blwd. Anaheim, GA 92803 (?l4) 774-m (714) 77WibB (Fax) e Prn BY! 7WmE mL I &&- \ / .I *. L- ly' " - 0 0 CARL’S JR, RGSTAURA 1201) KO& Ha* B~ld PLI, BOX 4349 mim, calif~d 9289HW 014 7%-7145 Fa Gi43 d 1Q1 OVCl SO *.Am8 --. VIA FACSIMILE November 2, 1993 Tlhe Honorable Clacde A. Lewis Mayor, City of Carlsbad City €MI 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Cuhbad, CA 92808*1989 Re: Carl’s Jr. Restaurant No, 117 950 Gulsbad Village Drive Cabbad, @A Dear Mayor Lewis: The purpose of this letter is t.a address the subject topic which will be discusserf at your City Council Meeting schduled for later today. Carl’s Jr* Restaurants has diligently sought the approval of Motel (4 t~ share in ajoint-use access easement which would enable Carl’s Jr. customers tu utilize the left-turn median cut pmgo& for the Motel 6 entram, We have presmted Motel 6 with a very workable joint 8cms ph which provides mple stacking and circulation capabilitits and minimizes any traffic congestion potential. We have offered substantial remuneration for use sf the access as well as indemnification against liability, We retained the pmfessiond services of an independent tra€fic mgheering firm who confirmad that the design eliminates the concerns of Motel 6 regarding hdous tra€flc cclradifmns. Still, Motel 6 has refused to grant appwval. Carl’s has ther&re consided the alternatives which will be presented at &onight’s City Council Meeting. We are recutely aware that the City’s Traffic Engineer will be recommending that the Council Members adopt the Stmtscape Plan as originally submitted, which ehinab left turn BCCCSS tp the Caw”a’s Jr. Restaurant. We are convinced that it is not the Council Members’ intention to ptxmnanenfly damage the Carl’s Jr, business in your community by the wnwwction of the median and that the elimination of eastbound traffic access to ow restaurant. We believe YQU are sincere in working with us to find a satisfactory resolution. e e The Kmorable Claude A. Lewis Novamkr 2, 1993 ?age 2 h this respwt we we submitting an alternate plm for your consideration which we Miwe presents 10 reid obstacks from si traffic engineering 01: physical conttnrction standpoint. The plan is in keeping with Option Number 3 of your Agenda Bill which proposes the widening of the median cut to include both the Carl’s Jr, ingress lane and the Motel 6 driveway. As you c8n see: fiom the plan attached, the widening of the median cut is compensated for by lengthening the stacking lane. The minimal affect to the plan as drawn is the relinquishment of a smdl portion of the planter area, We believe this to be ra mdl Sacrifice on the City’s part in order to bring a resolution to this matter. Furthermore, the island that separates the Motel 6 cut and the Big Bear Skyping Center cut can be widened, as shown, and developed into B ground cover planter to prevent left turn exits from the Carl’s Jf, and Motel 6 premises. Mayor Lewis, please understand the reawn behind OUT pwsistencs in this matter, Carl’s JI. derives upwatds of €my percent of its business from eastbound traffic on Carlsbad Village Drive. There are no u-twrn capabilities for eastbound traffic on Carlabad Village Drive for many blocks beyond our location. Potential customers travelling eastbound mot and will not find their way back to OUT restaurant, They will seek another restaurant which is more awsaible. Uiven that the Carl’s Jr. Rwtawant is the only business between Hading Street and the 1-5 Freeway not afforded left turn access, we believe we are being overly burdened and unfairly jeopatdized by the project as originalIy designed. We therefore seek your serious consideration of the enclosed concept designed by Urban Systems Associata who wdl present this proposal at your meeting this evening. We sincerely seek your approval of this concept as it will enable the Carl’s Jr, Restaurant on Carlsbad Village Drive ta llernaid 8 thriving and Vital business in your community. Respectf;llly submitted, CARL KARCHER ENTERPRISES, INC. &w Colleen A. Ford Manager, Corporate Red Estate CAFlsr Enclosure cc: Mr. Ray Patchett, City Manager Mr. Ron Ball, City Attorney Council Members Stanton, Kubhin, Nygaard and Finnila - YWe#Ll---- Motel 8 Driveway r* Carl's Jr, Driveway ---*e------ w .p MOtd 6 Driveway -.I----i..I.,,#' yr( Carl's JP. Drlvswlsy --------*-- I -. __-. - -.- , t 'CF( -!it- ' J:',&$ . I. I 0 e I L -j $-.!t cs 1 r :9L1;4*Ci'- --_ -- . G ii bi b .C, '. ' J 'U ,*--?&i. < .I -'j f rt%\rc October 25, 1993 __. .--._ 1 - __ - . ca @ TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: Traffic Engineer STREETSCAPE PHASE V MEDIAN OPENING AT MOTEL 6 Attached is a traffic study I received on October 22,1993 prepared by Urban Systems Associate! Inc., as authorized by Carl Karchner Enterprises. This study analyzed a joint-use driveway to b located between Carl's Jr. and Motel 6 after eastbound vehicles turn into the Motel 6 drivewa! In summary, the report states that "...Carl's Jr. restaurant proposes joint-use of the existin Motel 6 driveway with an interconnecting driveway between the Carl's Jr. and Motel 6 lots. Pee hour left turns into the joint-use and common driveways should have minimal effect on outboun traffic from the Motel 6..." Additionally, the report states, 'The 27 peak hour turns from tt joint-use driveway into the Carl's Jr. lot should not cause excessive delay for the traffic exitin the Motel 6..." The traffic study prepared by Urban Systems does not discuss the concern of Motel 6, name1 potential for accidents. Furthermore, the report does not provide any recommendations, only tt analysis of the joint-use driveway. Although the traffic study presents the proposal of Carl's Jr. restaurant, the Motel 6 position c this matter has been stated in the October 20, 1993 letter from Michael A. Ferraro to John Grar The two actions by both parties results in the same stalemate that has existed for several montt on this matter. gLwj-Tp-/*. ROBERT T. JOHNSON, JR., P.E. Traffic Engineer RTJ:jb C: City Attorney Community Development Director City Engineer Planning Director Housing and Redevelopment Director ~ 0 k RECEIVED OCT 2 2 1993 DEPARTMENT October 20, 1993 ENGINEERING Mr. Robert T. Johnson, P.E. City Traffic Engineer 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 Dear Bob: As authorized by Carl Karcher Enterprises, Urban Systems Associates, Inc., (Urban Syste, evaluated the proposed joint-use driveway at the Carl's Jr. restaurant on Carlsbad Village I the City of Carlsbad. BACKGROUND The City of Carlsbad has a street improvement project currently underway which will provid widening of Carlsbad Village Drive, together with the construction of a raised median w eliminate left turns into and out of the existing Carl's Jr. driveway; and redirect left turns existing Motel 6 driveway. Carl Karcher Enterprises has provided a joint-use driveway plan (see Attachment 1) thi allow eastbound vehicles turning left through the raised median to travel from the adjacent driveway cnto the Carl's Jr. lot by way of a joint-use driveway, thereby providing' left turn 2 the Carl's Jr. property as well. In order to evaluate the effects to traffic as a result of the proposed driveway, Urban observed existing peak hour vehicle turns at the Carl's Jr. and Motel 6 driveways, and evalui the driveways would operate as a result of the joint-use driveway. Urban Systems also e how vehicle queuing and the parking requirements for the Carl's Jr. restaurant might be aff E the proposed driveway. EXISTING PEAK HOUR CONDITIONS Urban System's staff observed existing driveway peak hour operations at the Carl's Jr. i 6 driveways during two weekdays and Saturdays in October in order to determine total hc and directional distribution of turns into and out of each of the driveways. The highest peak hour volumes counted are shown in the top figure of Attachment represents a Saturday peak hour from Noon to 1 :00 P.M. Also shown are the directional d percentages, which indicates 65 percent of driveway traffic oriented to and from the eas direction to and from Interstate 5) and 35 percent to and from the west. CITY OF CARLSBAD w1m 4540 KMRm VU ROAD, SUITE 106 S4N DIEGO, cLi 92123-1573 (619) 560-4911 FAX (619) Urban Systems Associate 0 0 i - Mr. Robert T. Johnson, P.E. - October22, 1993 PEAK HOUR CONDlnONS WITH JOINT-USE DRIVEWAY The future P.M. peak hour traffic flow assumed with the raised median constructed and the dri between the Carl's Jr. and Motel 6 in operation is shown in the bottom figure of Attachmen As shown, the eastbound left turning vehicles destined to the Carl's Jr. restaurant using the joir driveway are estimated at 27 vehicles per peak hour. The outbound traffic flow from the Mol estimated at ten vehicles per peak hour. The 27 northbound to westbound left turns into the Carl's Jr. from the joint-use driveway woulc a separate lane for left turns while the vehicles destined to the Motel 6 would have a separat for through traffic, as previously depicted in Attachment 1, the joint-use driveway plan. The 27 peak hour left turns from the joint-use driveway into the Carl's Jr. lot should not excessive delay for the traffic exiting the Motel 6 since this amount of traffic averages one ca two minutes, which provides sufficient gaps for through traffic to exit the Motel 6 lot w excessive delay. VEHICLE QUEUES AT THE JOINT-USE DRIVEWAY The distance from the back of the sidewalk to the proposed driveway between the Carl's k Motel 6 lots will be approximately 60 feet. This vehicle queuing area of 60 feet meets the Carlsbad driveway criteria for queuing (see Attachment 3) of one 20 foot long queuing area fo 1,000 average daily vehicles using the driveway. If the peak hour volume represents eight percent of the average daily traffic volume, the 50 peak hour trips assumed at the joint-use dril would represent less than 1,000 daily vehicles (50 peak hour trips + .lo = 500 ADT), which require only one 20 foot long vehicle queuing area where three can be provided within 60 fe PARKING The City of Carlsbad parking requirement for restaurants less than 4,000 square feet in siz provide one parking space for each 100 feet of gross area (see Attachment 4). The Carl's Jr. restaurant is approximately 2,500 square feet in size, which would require 25 F spaces, according to City of Carlsbad zoning ordinances. The current parking lot layout provides 40 full size parking spaces, including two handic spaces. With the proposed driveway between the Carl's Jr. and Motel 6 lots, and restril: provide four compact spaces, a total of 39 spaces can be provided. The net loss of only one parking space would result in providing 14 spaces over the mil requirement of 25 spaces. Also, one or two extra spaces could be provided with a further refin of the parking layout designed to minimum required widths and the maximum compact percentage. However, this should not be necessary since parking provided should accomn demand during normal peak hours. 001 293 e Urban Systems AssociatE e Mr. Robert T. Johnson, P.E. - October22, 7993 SUMMARY In summary, the Carl's Jr. restaurant proposes joint-use of the existing Motel 6 driveway 'u interconnecting driveway between the Carl's Jr. and Motel 6 lots. Peak hour left turns into the joint-use and common driveways should have minimal ef outbound traffic from the Motel 6 since the left turns are projected to be, on average, one evi minutes. This low frequency of turns should provide sufficient gaps for through traffic to t Motel 6 without excessive delay. The common driveway between lots would be approximately 60 feet north of the back of sic providing three queuing areas of 20 feet in length where only one is required. The Carl's Jr. parking lot currently provides 40 parking spaces while only 25 spaces are reqi a restaurant of this size. The revised parking layout shows a net of 39 spaces, which is si than required by City ordinance. It is our understanding that the City Council will discuss the joint-use driveway prop November 2, 1993, so it is our hope that any remaining technical issues be resolved prio date. Please review this driveway evaluation and give me a call if you have any questions. Sincerely, 5- tc+ Sam P. Kzib, ll Senior Project Manager SPWvks Attachments cc: LarryYoung Colleen Ford w1293 F c Z W 2 I 0 U c c a ,e m ......,. -JPs,Ix.a3+ i'' e=w w: Ei - ------ --.I - -- - 1- I I L i 1 +a XCK UQ GO L==aLs 7% . & c) F - 2 m .- F T3 L a = I WI ZI Jl ’rl + N-i MOTEL SIX 5 20 25 I 62 h 2 C-4RL’S JR. 01 El c‘ < - - 91 /I Ai ip\,:jiik II 35% 2 df L1 13 -FA& 53 k8 C3 Carlsbad Village Drive d r\ y./ - - - u - c, - - MOTEL SIX :’r‘ It 27 13 \ - & s gf; \:$ r\ 6 5 70 3 5 Ole L1 )c. 5c 32-f k8 Carlsbad Village Drive - I - ATTACHMENT 3 PRIVATE STREET - DRIVEWAY CRITERIA 1. ACCESS AND CIRCULATION MI commercial and multi-unit residential driveways shall conform with the following: A. All driveways shall be designed and constructed so as to preclude the necessity for vehicles entering the driveway to maneuver, or stack within the traveled way or to use the traveled way as a circulation element or the parking area served by the driveway. All driveways having an ADT getter than 2Q. cr more than two (2) units. shall provide an apprcved turn-around or internal circulation to preclude vehicles backing onto a public or private street. No perpendicular or diaaonal paiking shall be allowed on a high cse driveway (see definition in Seeion 8) or the private street that it serves. Unless approved deceleration lanes are provided, ail driveways except residentid, shall have a aueuing area for in-bound trafilc loca?ed 03 the traveleo way :hat seives the dr,iveway. The queuing 2rea shall be no less than 10 feet wide by 20 feet long. Driveway qcleuing areas shall be provided at the rate of one per 1 W ADT or any fraction :hereof (Le., 35x1 ADT = E%'). Queuing depth shall be measured from the back of the sidewalk. No parking spaces, interseCions or clher decision points shall be located in cr served by a driveway queuing ar6a. Driveway spacing shall ccnform to the fcllowing: 1) 8. C. . D. E. No driveway will be allowed octo prime or major arterial streets unless no other access is available to the Ict(s) being served. If no other access is available, a right in/out only driveway will be allowed. In this case, high use driveways must be designed with deceleration and acceleration lanes. For medium and high use drivevrayc the right in/out driveway must be located at a point no less than one-half .ie required intersection spacing from any other intersection or other medium or high use driveway. Properties located such that the preceding spacing requirements cannot be met shall obtain access to the public street system via the following methods in descending order of preference: a) Via an extension of a public street through adjacent properties. %is method is preferred only when said e-lension is a logical addition to the public street system and meets City Design Criteria. b) Via a private road vr;!h a non-revocable easement to pass Granted :o the p:o p e ';y being s P -J ~d . 22 SOURCE CITY OF CARLSBAD STANDARDS . CARL 'S JR - CARLSBAD 0 URBAN SYSTEMS . 10/93 0 ATTACHMENT 4 2l.U EO we3ry !et! ha &e dgc of QO srt~! pvt=es or IldCwAii wb;cievc: U Clcnu; to kc SCVCk,,. (5) Fntemties - 1.2 SprUtJ for tacd S~SC~~EI ism. - dtcd Cky qurrc feat of pu Ocar LU. ~Iu one psi Fukag rpts !or eve7 fax udo. !pmhftC !x&. up rccrn. 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(8) Eknmmy WmoL -One spcr’tmployn. -urn, wtrh UL drquru LaChg md ~nlordinp (5’) F&w ~4 AppW - OM space/ Six (6) Golf Caw - Str gu+uhol~ pl~r Fuhd (f)Gp~l rad Hula S~S - Oac VLQI VIL (8) Hacrpmlr - Thrrr w per brww om pr wo Sudd rqw~~ fber ot psa tkx ~ltt whrd- (9) Hotrlr md Motrl~ - 1.2 V~EIS pr unit. bundnd qquur fm of w door VIL Fvkfaf fOt #ruOry rz)+L m-fv8 SqU hl Of v 8- v# (c) w w - h SF’8mp\OyW plu cm qua fm & ma snxkna. PUUE.~. wia 10 &quam I@ md doadL’Lr U-U cmpioyce pia OM rpaa for eacfl thrte sn;dms. ever is mer. @) Court4 Voonarui khmb - oh( SF-1 IEu 1: 911 7s SOURCE CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING AND ZONING ORDINANCES CARL ’S JR - CARLSBAD 10183 URBAN SYSTEMS nn ILeM /I/: e c: c3=l - LAW OFFICES u FEIST, VETTER, KNAUF AND LOY A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 810 MISSION AVENUE, SUITE 300 RAYMOND F FE NORMAN L VETTER JOHN I LOY POST OFFICE BOX 240 191s-19ae RAYMOND F FEIST. JR OCEANSIDE. CALIFORNIA 92049-0240 ROBERTC KNL ALAN H BURSON HENRY R HAGUE TELEPHONE (6191 722-1914 JOHN M HANSEN TELECOPIEF I6191 721-894 LISA FRAZEE MORGOSH JAYJ BROWN 1920-1979 November 1, 1993 Hand Delivered Ms. AlethaL. Rautenkranz City Clerk, City of Carlsbad City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 Re: Public Hearing, November 2, 1993 Streetwipe Phase V Project No. 3347 Carkbad VillaFe Drive Dear Ms. Rautenkranz: This offiae represents Mr. Gregory W. Losa who is the owner of the Carls Jr. restauranl property located on Carlsbad Village Drive. Mr. Losa has received notice of the above-referenced hearing. The purpose of this letter is to advise you that Mr. Losa and the undersigned intend to appear at the hearing and respectfully request to be heard. We have been informed by Carl Karcher Enterprises, Inc., the operator of the Carls Jr. restaurant, that its representatives will also be present at the hearing and have asked that we advise you of their request to be heard, as well. Thank you for your courtesy in this matter. Very truly yours, FEIST, VEi'ITER, KNAUF AND LOY - rofessional Corporation . +-LC/ - - / Norman L. Vetter NLV:khh e 0 LAW OFFICES FEIST. VETTER. KNAUF AND LOY A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 810 MISSION AVENUE SUITE 300 NORMAN L VETTER RAYMOND F F JOHN I LOY POST OFFICE SOX 240 OCEANSIDE. CALIFORNIA 92049-0240 ROBERTC KP. RAYMOND F FEIST JR 1920-1979 ALAN H BURSON HENRY R HAGUE TELEPHONE (6191 722-1914 JOHN M HANSEN TELECOPIE (619) 721-8s LISA FRAZEE MORGOSH JAYJ BROWN 1916-1988 November 1, 1993 Hand Delivered ALL RECEIVE The Honorable Claude A. Lewis Mayor, City of Carlsbad City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 52008-1989 Re: Carlsbad Village Drive Streetscape Phase V Median Opening at Motel 6 Driveway Dear Mayor Lewis: At a meeting of the City Council on June 22, 1993, the Council expressed concern over the fact that the proposed Streetscape plan on Carlsbad Village Drive between Harding Street and Interstate Highway 5 provided east-bound left-turn access for all businesses except the Carls Jr. restaurant. Because of that concern, founded primarily on the principle of fairness, it was suggested that the owners of Motel 6 and Carls Jr. work out an agreement on a shared access between their two businesses. One of the purposes of this letter is to assure both you and all members of the Council that since the meeting of June 22, 1993, Mr. Losa and Cads Jr. have made every effort to work out such a shared access agreement. To this date, Motel 6 has adamantly rebuffed all of Mr. Losa's and Cads Jr.'s efforts. Motel 6's primary concern as voiced by them was that it would create an "inherently hazardous crossover pattern" on its prop-ty. To dky that c~ncer~, C&s Jr. enggpd the sexvices of Urbaa Systems Associates, Inc., a professional traffic engineering firm, to evaluate the proposed joint use driveway. Urban Systems made such an evaluation and in a nine-page report concluded that no such hazardous crossover pattern would result. As additional enticement to Motel 6, Mr. Losa offered to pay Motel 6 the entire monetary consideration to be received by him from the City of Carlsbad and, along with Carls Jr., even offered to enter into an indemnity agreement with Motel 6. All of this was to absolutely no avail and, consequently, a shared access agreement has been made impossible by Motel 6. '. 0 0 The Honorable Claude A. Lewis Page Two November 1, 1993 We have reviewed the staff report prepared for the November 2,1993 City Council meeting. The first page of the report sets out four separate options open to the Council. We strongly urge that the Council consider and adopt the third of those four options. That option is to redesign the median opening that serves east-bound left-turns at Motel 6 to a larger opening to also provide east-bound left-turn access to the Carls Jr. restaurant driveway. In staff's discussion concerning Option 3, Robert Johnson, Traffic Engineer, voices certain concerns. Urban Systems has reviewed and evaluated Option 3 and has concluded that it is, in fact, a very viable option which should not present any significant hazards from a szfety smcipoint. A representative of Urban Systems will be present at the Council meeting and will be prepared to present its evaluation of Option 3 as well as to answer any questions the Council may have. A review of each of the four options leads to a single conclusion. That conclusion is that there simply is no perfect answer. The most perfect answer from a traffic safety standpoint is to close the median entirely and prevent any left turns. Such a solution would result in a severe hardship both to the businesses involved and the motoring public in general. Lacking any perfect answer, we ask that the Council adopt the only workable option that would result in fair and equal treatment for &l of the businesses located on the north side of Carlsbad Village Drive and not at the same time present any undue traffic hazards. That is Option 3. Very truly yours, FEIST, VElTER, KNAUF AND LOY Professional Corporation .41..../LLH- A ?<Girl% L. 'Jett~ NLV:khh cc: Council Members Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard, and Finnila City Manager City Engineer Traffic Engineer City Attorney I .I m a CARL’S JR. RESTAURAN -‘$a@ *&a bVRn La VRAI. 1200 NM fkhf- p ---- 0, Box 4349 Arlph&!, m 9m39 &a 7’8.343 ps 014) 4% -is* u %e 4 ;* VIA FACSIMILE 3s November 2, 1993 The Honorabb Claude A. rzewid Mayor, City of Carlsbad City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carhbad, CA 92008*1989 Re: Carl’s Jr. Restaurant No, 117 950 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA v: - Dear Mayor Lewis: The purpose of this letter is to addresr the subject topic which will be discussed at your City Council Meeting scheduled for later today, Carl’s Jr, Restaurants has diligently sought the approval of Motel 6 to share in a joint-use accesa easement which would enable Carl’s Jr. customers to utilize the bfi-tum median cut proposed for the Motel 6 entrance, We have presented Motel 6 with a vcfy workable joint access plan which provides ample stacking and circulation capabilitier and minimizes any trafflc congestion potential. We have offered substantial remuneration for use of the access BS well 85 indemnification against Liability. We retained the professional services of an indwdent traffic engineering firm who confirmed that the design eliminates the wnms of Mob1 6 rogatding hazardous Wic conditions. Still, Motel 6 has refuaed to grant approval. Carl’s has therefore considerad the alternativca which will be presented at tonbht’s atY council Meeting. We am acutely aware that the City’s Traffic Engineer will be recommanding that the Council Members adopt the Stratacape Plan as originally submitttd, which eliminated left turn acws to the Carl’s Jr. Restaurant. We are convinced that it is not the Council Members’ intention to permanently damago the Carl’s Jr. business in your commutlity by the mstruction of the median and that the elimination of eastbound traffic access to our restaurant. We believe you are sincere in working with us to find a satisfactory resolution. - .= 0 4 1 - The Honorable Claude A. IRwis Novemk2, 1993 Page 2 In this respect we am submitting an alternate plan for your consideration which we believe presents no real obstaclea hm a traffic engineering or physical construction standpint. Thc plan is in keeping with Option Number 3 of your Agenda Bill which proposes the widening of the median cut to include both the Carl’s Jr. ingress lane and the Motel 6 driveway. As you can see from the plan attached, the widening of the median cut is compensated for by lengthening the stacking lane. The minimal affect to the plan EU drawn is the rcIinquishment of a small portion of the planter area, We believe this to be a small sacrifice on the City’s part in order to bring a resolution to this matter, Furthermore, tha island that separates the Motel 6 cut and the Big Bear Shopping Center cut can be widened, ai shown, and doveloped in& a ground cover planter to prevent left turn Writs from the Carl’s Jr. and Motel 6 premises. Mayor Lewis, please understand the reason behind our persistence in this matter. Carl’s Jr. derives upward$ of forty pent of its business from eastbound tsafflc on Carisbad Village Drive, There are no U-turn capabilities for eastbound traffic on Catlsbad Village Drive for many blocks beyond our location. Pbmtial customers travelling eastbound cannot and will not find their way back to our restaurant. They will seek another mtaurant which is mom accessible. Given that the Carl’r Jr. Restaurant is the only business betwan Hatding Street and the 1-5 Freeway not afforded left turn access, we believe we are being overly burdened and unfairly jeopardized by the project 89 originally designed. We therefore seck your serious consideration of the enclosed concept designed by Urban Systems Associates who will present this ppsal at your meeting this evening. We sincerely seek your approval of this concept aa it will enable the Carl’s Jr, Restaurant on Carlsbad Village Drive to remain a thriving and vital business in your community, Respectfully submitted, CARL KARCHER IZNTEmsES, INC. &w Colleen A. Ford Manager, c-te Real Bbta CAFIst Enclosurc cc: Mr. Ray Patchttt, City Manager Mr. Ron Ball, City Attorney C~u~cil Members Stanton, Kulchin, Nygmd and Finnila g .e 2 # 0 lh (% 0 3, 4*- a;(* b -430' 11 ..1".1"111--(.10 ry 8 Motel 8 Orlvsway ..dl - -- - L. L,, ti! 2) li I - u) Carl's Jr, Driveway r----lr-)meL Ii p g? a 4 bd y,s % P- ro we UIFJ c’m a F F \ w \ W w I I I I 1 I I