HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-11-02; City Council; 12460; Village Transit Station Design & Site Plans.4-‘-Y OF CARLSBAD - AGEiiA BILL ia+ @ AB# 12, r-100 TITLE: ACTION ON FINkL VILLAGE TRANSIT STATION \ DESIGN AND SITE PLANS AS PRESENTED BY MTG. 11/2/93 NORTH COUNTY TRANSlT DISlXICT AND THE DEPT. RED. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO RECOMMENDED ACTION: ADOPT City Council Resolution No. 93 -307 APPROVING the-final Village Transit Station Design and Site Plans. ITEM EXPLANATION: On February 20, 1990, the Carlsbad City Council and Housing and Redevelopment Commission approved an agreement with the North County Transit District (NCTD) and the County of San Diego for construction and operation of a Commuter Rail/Transit Station on the north side of Grand Avenue between State Street and Washington Street. Following approval of this agreement, staff of the various cooperating agencies began work on the project which included negotiations for the railroad right-of-way, relocation activities and station design work. Negotiations with Santa Fe Railway Company are now complete and NCTD has assumed control of the property. For over two years, City Staff has worked with NCTD and the County to develop a station design which meets the needs of the commuters and fits into the character of the Village. The station has undergone major redesign to be more compatible with the Village Redevelopment Area and to maintain consistency with the draft Master Plan for the area. Staff believes that the final Village Transit Station Design and Site Plans are acceptable with the conditions noted below and reflect the efforts by NCTD/County to address most of the concerns expressed by the City’s Project Review Team, which included staff members of the Engineering, Planning, Police, Fire, Water and Housing and Redevelopment Departments. The proposed Transit Station will include a bus transfer area, short term (2 hour) and long term (all day) parking of 150 spaces total, public restrooms, information booth, and approximately six (6) small retail suites (10’ X 10’) for transit-related goods and services. NCTD has indicated that they will work with the City to identify appropriate uses for the retail spaces. If the final drawings/site plans submitted to the City for our records include the revisions/corrections as requested by City staff during our various meetings with NCTD/County, we recommend that the City Council and Housing and Redevelopment Commission take action to approve the final plans for the Village Transit Station with the following conditions: 0 NCTD shall cooperate with the City of Carlsbad to incorporate the City-Wide Trails System into the Village Transit Station project, to the greatest degree possible, once the final alignment for the trails is complete and approved. 0 NCTD shall investigate structural sections of the road surrounding the stations, specifically on Washington Street and Beech Avenue, to ensure that the roads are adequate to handle the bus/truck traffic related to the Transit Station. If the roads are not deemed adequate to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, sufftcient improvements shall be constructed prior to initiation of operations at the station. AGENDA BILL # id, 4b0 PAGE 2 0 NCTD shall enhance the landscaping along Washington Street, to the satisfaction of the Housing and Redevelopment Director and/or the Planning Director, to provide greater protection to the residences from any dust and noise impact associated with the Transit Station. On October 26, 1993, the City Council indicated that the following conditions should also be added to the project: 0 A “triggering” measure to be applied to the decision by NCTD as to when additional parking will be added to meet the needs of patrons using the Transit Station. Staff is proposing that this condition be stated as follows: NCTD shall routinely monitor the usage of the Commuter Rail System at the Village Transit Station location and the related demand for public parking. If at any time during operation of the Commuter Rail System the parking space mid-day utilization ratio for the Transit Station parking lots exceeds 85% for at least three (3) service days, consecutively, NCTD shall initiate expedited procedures to provide additional parking spaces for the station. 0 NCTD shall investigate the possibility of adding a third access from the Alley to State Street at Beech Avenue. If, and when, feasible, NCTD shall construct the necessary improvements following consultation with the City Engineer. At this point in time, NCTD has agreed to accept the conditions of approval as outlined above. These conditions have been incorporated into the attached resolution for approval. In light of the jurisdictional issues and timing limitations for processing the station plans, it is City Staff’s recommendation that NCTDKounty assume complete responsibility for construction and operation of the Village Transit Station without the issuance of permits by the City. Staff does not believe that it is necessary nor feasible, from a timing/process standpoint, for the City to issue any discretionary or building permits for the station. County staff will conduct building inspections and issue the certificate of occupancy for all related buildings. In addition, NCTD is the lead agency under CEQA. The City has provided comments on the environmental review documentation; however, NCTD will be required to implement any mitigating measures which may be required as a result of the review. FISCAL IMPACT: The proposed Village Transit Station at Grand Avenue represents an approximately $2.1 million investment by NCTD in the Redevelopment Area. Except for Council and Staff time involved in working as a member of the project review team, no City funding is required for the station. EXHIBITS: l- City Council Resolution No. q3-3Mapproving the final Village Transit Station Design and Site Plans 1 2 3 4 5 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 93-304 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA TO APPROVE THE DESIGN AND SITE PLANS FOR THE CARLSBAD VILLAGE TRANSIT STATION. WHEREAS, the City Council, at their meeting on February 20, 1990 6 7 approved an agreement with the North County Transit District, hereinafter referred to 8 as “NCTD”, and the County of San Diego, hereinafter referred to as “COUNTY” for 9 construction and operation of a Commuter Rail/Transit Station on the north side of 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 to respond to all comments on the final design drawings and site plan(s) provided by 17 the City. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Grand Avenue between State Street and Washington Street, and WHEREAS, the City Council has agreed to participate as a member of the project team and review and take action to approve/disapprove the final design drawings and site plan(s); and WHEREAS, NCTD and the COUNTY, have in good faith made an effort NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: Al That the above recitations are true and correct. B) That based on the information presented at the Council meeting of October 26, 1993 and agreements made with City staff for revisions/corrections to the drawings/plans, the City Council hereby APPROVES the final design drawings and site plan(s) for the new Village Transit Station based on the following findings and subject to the following conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 CC RESO NO. 93-304 PAGE 2 Findincas: 1. The project is consistent with the general goals and objectives of the Redevelopment Plan and the Village Design Manual/Local Coastal Program for the Village Redevelopment Area. 2. The project design is consistent with the Village character of the Village Redevelopment Area. 3. The project design is consistent with station standards for AMTRACK Trains. The Carlsbad Village Station will be able to accommodate AMTRACK operations . if at a future date a decision is made by AMTRAK to provide service to Carlsbad at the subject station site. Conditions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Approval of the Village Transit Station Design and Site Plan(s) is granted based on the presentations and assurances provided by NCTD and the COUNTY as presented to the City Council on October 26,. 1993 and to City Staff in correspondence dated October 4, 1993. Development of the Village Transit Station shall occur substantially as shown in the final approved drawings unless otherwise noted in these conditions. NCTD shall provide the City with a reproducible 24” X 36”, mylar copy of the final drawings and site plan(s) as approved by the City Council. The site plan shall reflect the conditions of approval by the City. The site plan(s) shall be submitted to the City’s Housing and Redevelopment Department within thirty (30) days of project approval. NCTD shall cooperate with the City of Carlsbad to incorporate the approved City-Wide Trails System into the Village Transit Station project, to the greatest degree possible, once the final alignment for the trails is complete and approved. NCTD shall investigate structural sections of the road surrounding the stations, specifically on Washington Street and Beech Avenue, to ensure that the roads are adequate to handle the bus/truck traffic related to the Transit Station. If the roads are not deemed adequate to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, sufficient improvements shall be constructed prior to initiation of operations at the station. 1 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 CC RESO NO. 93-304 PAGE 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. . . . . . . . . NCTD shall enhance the landscaping along Washington Street, to the satisfaction of the Housing and Redevelopment Director and/or the Planning Director, to provide greater protection to the residences from any dust and noise impact associated with the Transit Station. NCTD/County shall work with the Engineering Department to redesign street improvements on Washington Street to save as many Eucalyptus trees as possible. NCTDKounty shall work with the City to provide an appropriately-sized turn- around area for large trucks accessing the Bauer Lumber Company on the railroad right-of-way. On behalf of NCTD and the City, SANDAG shall conduct a commuter rail parking lot study a minimum of once a year. A copy of the study will be forwarded to the City within thirty (30) days of completion. If the study indicates that the parking lot mid-day utilization ratio meets or exceeds 85% for three (3) consecutive days, NCTD will immediately initiate procedures to effect the construction of a parking lot expansion within one (1) year. If the parking lot study noted in condition No. 8 indicates that the parking lot mid-day utilization ratio meet or exceeds 85% for three (3) consecutive days, NCTD will immediately initiate procedures to obtain the right-of-way and construct an additional public street access for the expansion of the parking lot. The third access shall be constructed concurrent with construction of the expansion of the parking lot. Plans, specifications and supporting documents for all improvements and landscaping within the City right-of-way shall be prepared by NCTD to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The plans shall be prepared on standard City plan sheets and be processed through the normal City plancheck process and the work shall be inspected by City forces. The improvements shall be constructed as shown on the site plan in accordance with City standards as follows: i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 CC RESO NO. 93-304 PAGE 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*.. . . . . . . . . 11. 12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. B. C. D. Full improvement of Washington Street from Grand Avenue to Beech Avenue including pavement, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, streetlights, street trees and drainage facilities. The structural section, including the existing pavement area, shall be designed to accommodate a minimum traffic index of 7.0. Partial improvement of Beech Avenue to include curb, gutter and sidewalk transitions to Washington Street. The structural section for Beech Avenue from Washington Street to Carlsbad Boulevard shall be modified to accommodate a minimum traffic index of 7.0. Full improvement to Cedar Street from State Street to the alley way including pavement, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street lights, street trees, landscaped median and drainage facilities. The structural section shall accommodate a minimum traffic index of 6.0. Full improvement to the alley from Grand Avenue to the second parking lot entrance north of Cedar Street including pavement, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street trees, streetlights, landscaped median and drainage facilities. The structural section shall be designed to accommodate a minimum traffic index of 5.0. NCTD shall grant a public easement or an appropriate license agreement to the City for any portion of Washington Street or the alley way which encroaches into the railroad right-of-way and which has not been previously dedicated to the City for public street purposes. NCTD shall add the City’s Engineering Department to the distribution list for a copy of the report on average daily Carlsbad commuter rail ridership by month for the previous 12 month period. - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 CC RESO NO. 93-304 PAGE 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13. NCTD shall indemnify and hold the City harmless from any damages or cause of action which may result from the construction or operation of the commuter rail station or bus transfer site. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 2nd day of November, 1993, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Lewis, Stanton, Nygaard, Finnila NOES: None ABSENT: Kulchin ABSTAIN: None ATTEST ‘. . L!&b ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Q&k (Seal) ’ I - - .- - . ~ -. .- - - -. ul I -. --. -. P v we.. . --- -- --- -_ .._ - i--- .--.e ,-. -- -. -- L -4 i!i -.__---- --.- - El I --- -- i_ ---I -t . . . F . I . a zr,yT- - I , - 5 --__ .-. irand Ave I Fltl I k---i ’ ,, 3 II II---l P TT!Lii! I II : I ,’ 5?r ve % 0 818 I Ii - - --ElkI - El .- w . - - CARLSBAD VILLAGE STATION LOCATION MAP . VILLAGE TRANSIT STATION CRITICAL DATES l FEBRUARY 20, 1990: l AUGUST 31, 1993: 0 SEF’TEMBER 15, 1993: 0 OCTOBER 4, 1993: 0 OCTOBER 12, 1993: 0 OCTOBER 18, 1993: 0 OCTOBER 26, 1993: 0 NOVEMBER 1, 1993: City Council approved an agreement with NCTD and the County of San Diego for construction and operation of a Commuter Rail/Transit Station on the north side of Grand . Avenue between State Street and Washington Street. NCTDlCounty submitted final plans to City for review. “Issues of Concern” Letter forwarded to NCTDKounty. NCTDKounty response to City Staff’s “Issues of Concern”. City Staff met with NCTDKounty Staff to discuss remaining/outstanding issues related to the site plan and design for the Station. Public Workshop held to present final plans and accept comments. NCTD presented final site plans and station design to City Council for review. Action to be taken by City Council and Housing and Redevelopment Commission to approve/disapprove the final site plans and station with conditions and agreed upon corrections/changes. . - - CARLSBAD VILLAGE TRANSIT STATION DESIGN AND KMPROVEMENT FEATURES l Total Site Acreage is 3.61 acres. 0 Approximately 143 parking spaces total J 103 long term (all day) spaces J 20 short term (2 hr.) spaces / 20 employee parking spaces 0 Commuter Rail Station includes public restrooms and information booth. 0 Station will include six (6) 10’ X 10’ retail/commercial suites for transit related services such as coffee, donuts/bagels, newspaper/magazine sales. City will work with NCTD to lease these spaces. a Bus Transfer Station with pedestrian shelters and approximately 7 bus bays. 0 Station includes bike racks, bike lockers, telephones, newspaper stands, and drinking fountains. a Enhanced landscaping and architecture. 0 Washington Street will become one (1) way - south to north - between Grand Avenue and Beech Avenue. At Beech, two way traffic will be allowed with cul-de-sac turn around feature. 0 Full street improvements’to Washington Street and the Alley. 0 Signal will be installed at Beech Avenue and Carlsbad Boulevard to improve traffic circulation. I’ ! i [ i I / E i , 4 - 4 .- - I ‘I .i / ./ / . 1’ / / / / IS B iii % i ii gaaz ‘X 11 !#I ilil li Sf a i 81 i 1 ’ R0 err . ,> . . ” . VILLAGE TRANSIT STATION OUTSTANDING ISSUES # ISSUE STAFF RECOMMENDATION 1 City-wide Trails System. NCTD to cooperate with City to incorporate trails system into project. . 2 Investigation of structural sections Investigate and if roads are not adequate, sufficient improvements shall be of Washington and Beech. constructed prior to initiation of operations of station. 3 Enhancement of landscaping and Enhance landscaping to the satisfaction of the Housing and Redevelopment preservation of Eucalyptus Trees and/or the Planning Director and work with Engineering Dept. to redesign street along Washington Street. improvements on Washington to save as many Eucalyptus trees as possible. 4 Turn-around for trucks accessing Provide an appropriately sized turn-around area for large trucks. Bauer Lumber Yard. 5 Triggering measure to be applied SANDAG will conduct a commuter rail parking lot study a minimum of once a to the decision by NCTD as to year. A copy of the study will be forwarded to the City w/in 30 days of when additional parking will be completion. If the study indicates that the parking lot mid-day utilization ratio added to the station. meets or exceeds 85% for three (3) consecutive days, NCTD will immediately initiate procedures to effect construction of the parking lot expansion w/in one (1) year. 6 Third Access to the station from Concurrent with the future expansion of the parking lot, NCTD shall acquire the Alley to State Street. R-O-W and construct an additional public street access from State Street to the alley. 7 Street improvements to Cedar Full improvements including pavement, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street lights, Street from State Street to the street trees, landscaped median and drainage facilities. Alley. 8 Plans, specifications & supporting Plans to be prepared to satisfaction of City Engineer. The plans shall include: documents for all improvements full improvements’ to Washington from Grand to Beech; to Cedar Street from and landscaping w/in public State to Alley; to Alley from Grand to 2nd parking lot entrance north of Cedar. R-O-W. Also, plans shah include partial (curb, gutter, and sidewalk) improvements for transition from Washington to Beech. 9 Washington Street Easement. NCTD shall grant a public easement or an appropriate license agreement to the City for any portion of Washington St. or the alley which encroaches into railroad R-O-W and which has not previously been dedicated to the City for public street purposes. 10 Annual report on ridership. NCTD to add the City’s Engineering Department to the distribution list for a copy of the report on average daily Carlsbad commuter ridership by month for the previous 12 month period. ’ Full improvements include: pavement, curb, gutters, sidewalks, streetlights, street trees and drainage facilities. . - - October 27, 1993 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL VIA: CITY MANAGER FROM: HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT TO AGENDA BILL ON CITY COUNCIL AND HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION AGENDAS FOR NOVEMBER 2, 1993 REGARDING THE VILLAGE TRANSIT STATION DESIGN AND SITE PLAN(S) City staff has had a number of meetings with NCTD and the County over the past couple of years regarding the design and site plan(s) for the Village Transit Station. Staff believes that NCTD/County has submitted a final plan which will be an asset to the Village Redevelopment Area. The following report has been prepared to provide the City Council with additional information on the various design and site plan issues discussed by City Staff and NCTDKounty Staff and the result of these discussions. NCTD/County submitted their final plans to the Housing and Redevelopment Department on August 31, 1993. The plans were reviewed by Planning, Engineering, Fire, Police, Water and Redevelopment Department Staff. Issues of concern to City staff were outlined in a letter, dated September 15, 1993, to NCTD and noted on a copy of the site plan for easier reference. Attached to this report is a copy of the noted correspondence. NCTD’s response to the City’s comments is outlined in their letter of October 4, 1993 (also attached to this report). On October 12, 1993, City Staff met with staff of NCTD and the County of San Diego to discuss the various design and site plan issues. In response to most of the issues and desires expressed by City Staff, NCTDKounty agreed to incorporate appropriate changes to their plans. At the conclusion of the meeting, there were only a few issues which remained outstanding in that there was not agreement on how the issues should be addressed. Those issues were as follows: 0 Sound mitigation/visual mitipation - This was an issue related to the bus transfer station proposed for the west side of Washington Street. Staff was concerned that there would be a negative impact on residences along Washington Street which needed to be mitigated. NCTDKounty indicated that the findings of their noise study reflects no “significant” impact, Therefore, they did not believe that mitigation actions were necessary. However, NCTD did agree to enhance the landscaping along the west side of Washington Street to provide an additional buffer for the residences. 4 l Turn-around for Trucks accessing Bauer Lumber Yard - City staff requested that NCTDKounty provide an appropriately-sized turn-around area for large trucks making deliveries to, or picks up from, the Bauer Lumber Yard. NCTD/County agreed to work on this issue. However, as of this date, City Staff has not had an opportunity to review the final plans related to this turn-around area. 0 Citv-Wide Trails Svstem - As indicated in the agenda bill reviewed by Council on * October 26, 1993, this issue is outstanding and will remain outstanding until an action can be taken to incorporate a bike trail into the transit station. 0 Investigation of Sections of Road for Adeouacv to Handle Bus/Truck Traffic - During the meeting, the Engineering Department indicated that NCTDKounty needs to investigate the structural sections of the roads surrounding the Transit Station, specifically Washington Street aud Beech Avenue, to determine whether or not they will withstand the bus and truck traffic anticipated for the Transit Station. NCTDKounty did not believe this was necessary because their studies do not indicate a significant increase in traffic above that which is currently using Washington Street and Beech Avenue. City Staff still feels strongly that NCTDKounty need to investigate the roads and take action to make appropriate improvements, as indicated by their investigation. City staff also discussed with NCTD/County the desire to save as many of the Eucalyptus Trees on Washington Street as possible. Engineering Staff developed a plan for redesign which they believe meets the needs of NCTDKounty and saves all of the trees. Therefore, it was requested that NCTDKounty work with City Staff to redesign the proposed Washington Street improvements. NCTDKounty staff agreed to allow their engineers to design a revised plan as requested by the City. At this time, however, City Staff has not seen the final drawings or plans related to this issue. Consequently, we do not know if this issue has been resolved in a satisfactory manner. Although staff has not had an opportunity to review the final plans prepared by NCTDKounty which incorporate all of the agreed upon changes, based upon the assurances of NCTD/County that the changes will be made, staff has recommended approval of the plans. The conditions highlighted within the agenda bill(s) on this item were specifically written to address the issues which were not completely resolved during our meeting with NCTD/County. It is our recommendation that the City Council incorporate these conditions into the final approval of the plans. The remaining issues which were discussed but resolved per City Staff’s discussions with NCTD/County have been incorporated into the approving resolutions by reference to NCTD’s letter dated October 4, 1993. EVAN E. BECKER c: Community Development Director - . N C T D October 4, 1993 Debbie Fountain Senior Management Analyst CITY OF CARLSBAD 2965 Roosevelt St., Ste. B Carlsbad, CA 92008-2389 RE: CARLSRAD VILLAGE TRANSIT STATION Dear Debbie: I am in receipt of your letter of September 15th. We have met with the County of San Diego to review the City’s comments and have addressed each one of the comments and/or issues, as follows: SIGNAGE: 1) Comprehensive Signage Plan. indicating Directions, etc. NCTD will submit plans separately. 2) Advertising Signaee: We concur completely. 3) City Sign Code: We concur completely. PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATION: 4) Provision of Pedestrian Circulation: We do concur, however, with modification. Colored pavers must not meander through parking lots because they give a “False Sense of Security.” They are acceptable as sidewalk material. 5) Relocation of Trash Enclosure: The trash trucks may be forced into a position which will require either backing out of an entrance driveway or driving against the flow of traffic through the parking lot. The trash enclosure was located here to allow for easy access and to site it as close as possible to the primary sources,i.e., the concessions area and the public restrooms. Since we are not recommending that the colored pavers be placed throughout the parking areas, the City’s primary reason to relocate this enclosure is not applicable. 6) Handicap ramp: We concur completely. NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT 31 1 South Tremont Street, Oceanside. CA 92054 619-967.2828 Debbie Fountain/CITY OF CARLSBAD/October 4, 1993. Cont’d. ’ 7) Pedestrian Safetv Signals: We do not concur. Enclosed as Exhibit No. A is a diagram of the pedestrian crossing warning device to be installed at the platform. This was selected after consulting with California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) staff regarding appropriate crossing devices for this application. The warning devices are activated by the approach of the train, via track circuits, to be installed by others. The existing signal case and battery case at Grand Avenue will be used to house the activation circuits. The paving material at the crossing shall be a rubberized crossing material. These materials are manufactured in sections, which vary in length between suppliers, thus the crossing width may have to be modified slightly. SEATING 8) Longer Benches: We concur with modification. Wooden benches are easily damaged; arm rests do discourage “sleepers,” trash cans should be bolted down, the drinking fountains should meet ADA standards. LANDSCAPING: 9) Adding Landscaping: We concur completely. 10) Mature Landscaping Interference: We concur completely. 11) Lrripation/LandscaDing: We concur completely. 12) Enhanced Landscaning in Short Term Parking Lot: We concur completely. SOUND WALLS AND/OR BUFFER FEATURES: 13) Location. Height. etc. We do not concur. The sound wall is not required per Ogden report, 14) Bus Noise “Bounce Back” Prevention: We concur completely, isj Wall Renlacement with Wrought Iron, etc. We concur, but with some modification (Refer to #14). - Debbie Fountain/CITY OF CARLSBAD/October 4. 1993. Cont’d. PARKING LOTS/VEHICLE CIRCULATION: 16) 2O’“Throat” Minimum: We concur, but designer needs to verify.’ 17) Elimination of 3 Parallel Parkinp &aces: We concur completely. 18) Parking Stall Size: We concur, but designer needs to verify first. 19) Parking Spaces: We do not concur as the station will have approximately 150 parking spaces at start-up as discussed in the EIR Project Description (pg. 17). The 250 parking spaces discussed on Pg. 35 of the EIR was not necessarily at start-up. In fact, in numerous meetings with the City staff and the Downtown Merchants Association, it was requested that we start out with only 150 spaces to avoid creating a “sea of parking.” NCTD agreed to this and the site plans have been developed accordingly. 20) Parking Spaces in Drop-Off Area: We concur completely. 21) Public Parking Lot Access: We concur, however, we need dimensions from the City. 22) Median Extension: We concur, however, .we.need dimensions from the City. 23) One-Wav Desian/ParkinF Lot: We concur, however, designer needs to verify. RIGHT-OF-WAY TMPROVEMENTS: 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) Minimum 20’ Travel Lane: We concur, however, we need designer verification as to which eucalyptus trees can be saved. Label ROW Widths: We concur, however, the City (Jim Davis) will work with Nolte Engineers as to level of improvement plans. Dimensions to be Shown on Single Site Plan; We concur completely. Show Tvpical Sections for Tmnrovements in Carlsbad’s ROW: We concur completely. “Dirt Area” We do not concur, however, some landscaping is appropriate. Park-like furniture such as tables and benches should not be used because this would create dangerous situation. Debbie Fountain/CITY OF CARLSBAD/October 4, 1993. Cont’d. 2% 30) 31) 32) 33) Traffic Signal: We completely concur. Additional Street Improvements: We concur, hbwever, the City (Jim Davis) and Nolte Engineers have agreed on a turn-around design for Beech Street. Constraints Mao: We concur, however the tracks described should be labeled “future tracks” and, as such, are a design constraint. Pavement Treatment: We completely concur. Chain Link Fencing: We do not concur. NCTD does not propose installing any chain link fencing near the station site at this time. The parking and the train platform are both on the east side of the tracks, making it unlikely that passengers would cross the tracks in this area. BAUER LUMBER ISSUES: 34) New Entrv: We concur completely. 35) Truck Loading Area: We do not concur as the rear parking area can be used for loading zone as well as parking. Truck movements are to be designer-verified. 36) Additional Reserved ParkinP Spaces: We concur, however, several short term parking spaces will be indicated, but not restricted to Bauer Lumber only. No improvements on Christianson Way are to be shown. FIRE HYDRANTS: 37) New Fire hvdrants: We concur completely. DRAINAGE/WATER/SEWER: 38) Drainage Problem: We concur, however, designer will verify. 3% Drainaee Flow: We concur. Needs to be verified by designer. 40) Existing Water. etc. We concur completely. 41) We concur completely. Grading: Debbie FomtainKITY OF CARLSBAD/October 4. 1993. Cont’d. ARCHITECTURE: 42) Architectural Enhancement of Archway: We do not concur. The Project Management Team has approved this concept design. It would be inappropriate to . make this major architectural change. I hope the above information is clear and concise. If you have any questions and/or concerns, please let me know. Sincerely, DEM/cjc Manager of Rail Services -ll- -- _ i 1 i . i I . I I I I --- -I- . p” _ 3 b “0 flpuro 4 STANDARD NO. 8 HIGHWAY CROISING SIGNAL ASSEMBLY f LAIHINC LIGHT TYPE SW Notes 1 and 2, Sectloo 7 ’ I 5. c i: \‘ ru P September 15, 1.993 DINAH MINTEER MANAGER OF RAIL SERVICES NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT 311 SOUTH TREMONT STREET OCEANSIDE, CA. 92054 RE: CARLSBAD VILLAGE TRANSIT STATION Dear Dinah: Thank you for submitting the final drawings/plans for the proposed Grand Avenue Village Transit Station for review by the City of Carlsbad on August 31, 1993. Planning, Engineering, Fire, Police, Water and Redevelopment Department staff have reviewed the plans for the station. In general, staff was pleased with the basic design of the station and the various improvements proposed for the site. However, city staff does have some issues, concerns and/or comments which we feel must be addressed prior to City Council action on the plans. Enclosed with this letter is a single “redlined” copy of your site plan. All of staffs comments have been consolidated onto the site plan to allow for easier reference. The numbering of the comments below correspond to the comments noted on the enclosed site plan. The following summary of the comments and issues is provided for clarification purposes: SIGNAGE; 1. The plans need to include a comprehensive signage plan which indicates directions to the Village, Beach, Transit Station activities (i.e., restrooms, bus transfer area, etc.), parking, and other signage to be located on the various buildings. The plan should include the size, content and manner in which the signs will be installed on the buildings and within other areas. 2. Do not include advertising signage on concrete block wall, if constructed. An art component within the wall may be acceptable but it should not relate to advertisements. 2965 Roosevelt St., Ste. B l Carlsbad. CA 92008-2389 l (619) 434-2810/2811 l FAX (619) 720-2037 @ Page 2 Transit Station Comments (cont.) 3. The City’s sign code does not currently allow the banners indicated for the clock towers. Therefore, they should be removed from the drawings. PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATION: 4. 5. 6. 7. Need to provide pedestrian circulation which allows easy, safe access to the station while maintaining separation from cars as much as possible. The use of colored pavers or striping to indicate pedestrian crosswalks and walkways within both the long term and short terms parking lots is very desirable. Relocate trash enclosure to allow the provision of pedestrian walkways to reflect safe and easy pedestrian circulation. Add handicap ramp to sidewalk at south end of short term parking lot, if not already shown. The plans are not clear as to whether or not a ramp is to be provided at the south end near Grand Avenue. Need additional information on type of pedestrian safety signals to be installed at track crossing. Staff believes that there should be some type of barrier to prevent pedestrians from crossing tracks while trains are in motion. SEATING AREA AND/OR OTHER AMENITIES: 8. The seating areas should be expanded through the installation of longer benches and an increase in the total number of benches to allow more people comfort while waiting for the train and/or bus. Specifically, a bench should be added to the south end of the platform. It would also be more desirable to use benches which are “less comfortable” to prevent people from sleeping on them. For example, wooden benches with arm rests in the middle would prevent people from using them for sleeping purposes. The City would like to see the “furniture” (including benches, trash cans, and drinking fountains) coordinated with existing street furniture used at various public locations in the Village. Enclosed with this letter are pictures which reflect the existing street furniture for your review and consideration. LANDSCAPING: 9. Add landscaping to northwest and southwest comers of Christiansen and Washington to create a focal point for entryway into Village/Beach areas. This is desirable to encourage people to enter Village after disembarking from the train and/or bus. Page 3 Transit Station Comments (cont.) 10. Mature landscaping should not interfere with site distance within the parking lot or alley. 11. Any irrigation/landscaping should be designed for water conservation and to accept future reclaimed water. 12. Enhance landscaping in short term parking lot and drop off area by providing additional flowering trees and add more palm trees in the north long term parking lot. Add 36” high screening shrubs between parking spaces in alley and city parking lot. Note: Staff recommends that NCTDICounty attempt to save as many of the existing Eucalyptus Trees as possible. SOUND WALLS AND/OR OTHER “BUFFER” FEATURES: 13. Indicate location, height and other details of the sound wall (as related to bus noise) required according to the submitted Noise Study, dated June, 1993, which indicates a 10’ wall is needed to buffer the residences along Washington. If this wall is, in fact, to be constructed, it needs to be an attractive wall. Improvement Plans for this wall will need to be submitted to the City for approval, if the wall is to be constructed. Staff would like to call your attention to the fact that preferred noise mitigation measures stipulated relocation of the bus transfer operations. A 10’ wall in the frontyard setbacks of the homes along Washington Street is the least desirable alternative and will require approval of a variance to exceed fence height of 42”. 14. To prevent bus noise from “bouncing back” towards the residential areas off of Washington Street, staff recommends that the proposed concrete block wall currently shown on the west side of the railroad tracks be replaced with a wrought iron fence with landscaping to allow the sound to “move through” the barrier. NCTDKounty may also wish to consider continuing the ornamental metal fence that is proposed at the pedestrian crossing as an option for replacement of the concrete wall. 15. If replacement of the wall with wrought iron or other ornamental metal is not acceptable, staff recommends, at a minimum, that the wall have a design which is more aesthetically appealing and is more reflective of the “near ocean” location (i.e., create a visual feeling of waves rather than rigid lines). See wall design at new Palomar Airport Road exit from North I-5 for an example. A combination wall of 2’ wrought iron and 4’ decorative wall would also be acceptable; Note: Although the City will not be performing environmental review on the proposed transit center, staff does not believe that the noise issue on Washington should be ignored in the drawings/plans for the station. Page 4 Transit Station Comments (cont.) PARKING LOTS/VEHICLE CIRCULATION: 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Provide a minimum of 20 foot “throat” at opening to north portion of long term parking , lot. As currently designed, the handicap parking spaces present a conflict for clear access to the parking lot entrance. It is recommended that the three handicap spaces be relocated closer to the station. In place of the parking spaces, staff suggests the addition of bike racks/lockers and additional landscaping. Eliminate the first three (3) parallel parking spaces at the alley entrance off of Grand Avenue and eliminate the first three (3) parallel spaces at the exit from short term parking lot to Grand Avenue. $1 C~?~., Parking stall size should be 8-l/2’ X 20’ for regular spaces, Compact stall size is &i-B’ g\.q \ X 15’. On the plans, the percentage of compact stalls must be included within the @PJ parking lots. The number of compact spaces should not exceed 40% of the total number of parking spaces in order to remain consistent with the Village Design Manual. Any compact spaces also need to comply with Section 21.44.110(3)(A-D) of the Zoning Ordinance (attached for your review). The EIR indicates that a total of 243 parking spaces should be included in Phase I of the Project, This number is not consistent with the proposed parking plan. Staff is concerned about the inconsistency and believes at least 240 spaces are needed in the project’s first phase, consistent with City comments made since April, 1990. No parking spaces should be located in drop off area. Provide for access from the alley to the public parking lot on northwest corner of State and Grand. Extend median in alley at south end of short term parking lot to prevent vehicles from turning left into the ‘zz=* \ One way design on circulation for long term parking lot - no two way beyond the first one way aisle. RIGHT-OF-WAY ~ROW)/IMPROVEMENTS: 24. Minimum 20’ travel lane is required on the entire’length of Washington Street. 25. Label existing and proposed R-O-W widths on all appropriate plans. Clarify NCTD vs. City R-O-W improvements, City improvements will require full improvement plans. . 4 Page 5 Transit Station Comments (cont.) 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. Show all dimensions of R-O-W, parking etc. on one single site plan. Currently staff must look at different sections of the plans to find dimensions which is difficult for review purposes. Also dimension the design of the cul-de-sac on Washington at Beech. Show typical sections for improvements which are in the City of Carlsbad’s R-O-W. Improvement plans will be required for these improvements. Where the platform ends on north side of station, it is requested that the “dirt area” between the parking lot and train tracks be developed into a more visually appealing “passive” park or plaza area. The area appears to have been ignored in the design of the station. It is an area which could contain some tables, additional landscaping, etc. to create a pleasant waiting area for the commuter rail patrons. Traffic Signal must be shown as proposed at Beech and Carlsbad Boulevard. Need additional street improvements at cul-de-sac on Beech for turn around to prevent vehicles from going the wrong way from Beech onto Washington. Also, the type of signage to be installed should be noted on the previously requested signage plan. Constraints map shows railroad tracks which do not exist. Sheet 1 of map is missing from plans submitted to the City. Pavement treatment at station entrance/exit off Grand Avenue and at entrance to Washington Street is desired to provide clear and attractive identification of these areas. Chain link fencing on the east and west, side of railroad tracks beginning towards the northern most portion of the long term parking lot is desirable to prevent pedestrians from walking onto the tracks towards the station. BAUER LUMBER ISSUES: 34. Do not indicate new entry for Bauer Lumber on the plans. Although this may appear to be desirable for business reasons, this type of decision will remain with Bauer Lumber and should not appear on the plans. 35. Need truck loading area at Bauer Lumber and need turn around/circulation improvements for semi-trucks serving the store. It is recommended that the loading/unloading area be located at the rear of the retail site to allow the vehicles to clear CedarKhristiansen before unloading/loading materials. Verify trucks can maneuver around planter in circle drive, Page 6 Transit Station Comments (cont.) In addition, accommodations need to be made to provide loading/unloading access to Bauer store on the’south side of the building; there is a taller door at this location which may need.to be used for delivery/pick-up of a limited number of materials. 36. Need to provide some additional reserved parking spaces (i.e., 30 minute parking) within ’ long term parking lot (preferably) for Bauer Lumber customers. FIRE HYDRAIiiTS: 37. Need to provide two (2) fire hydrants to be located north of building adjacent to alley. One should be placed at the south end of the long term parking lot and another at the north end of the long term parking lot. Fire flow required is 1000 gallons per minute. DRAINAGE/WATER/SEWER: 38. Need to address issue of drainage problem created by a low point near north end of long term parking lot. 39. Drainage flow may affect existing uses. NCTDKounty staff should review the proposed drainage plan and consider the impact on surrounding uses . 40. The site has existing water and sewer lines in Washington Street, Grand Avenue and the alley. These should be shown on plans. 41. Although based on information available at this time there is no specific problem, any grading over existing systems may be a problem (i.e., depth of cover over water and/or sewer). NCTDKounty should be aware of staffs concern and be careful during construction. ARCHITECTURE: 42. If possible, staff believes it would be desirable to architecturally enhance the archway into the station. Example: Highlight the arch with blue/green from roof to draw the eye to the arch and remove the “lattice” type woodwork from the arch to allow the eye to look clear through the arch. As a general note on the final drawings/plans, please do not include information which is clearly not part of the Transit Station/Bus Transfer Station at this point in time. To reduce confusion, the drawings/plans should reflect existing and proposed buildings/improvements only if they are related to Phase I of your project. For example, by noting the “proposed new access” off of State Street on the submitted drawings, it could be assumed that this is part of Phase I of the project. - Page 7 Transit Station Comments (cont.) According to the attached schedule, NCTDKounty has approximately two (2) weeks to respond to the above issues/comments and submit revised final drawings/plans, if applicable, for review by the general public and ultimately the City Council and Housing and Redevelopment Commission. To remain on the proposed schedule, NCTD/County should submit a response to . the City no later than September 30, 1993. If the plans are revised, please submit the enclosed “redlined,” plans with the resubmission. A meeting will be scheduled to discuss your responses and/or revised plans on Thursday, September 30, 1993, if necessary. Due to the fact that there will be not City Council meeting on October 19, 1993, the schedule for processing the drawings/plans for the Transit Station has been revised slightly. The public workshop has been moved to October 18, 1993 and the two meetings before the City Council are set for October, 26, 1993 and November 2, 1993. We hope the revised schedule is acceptable to NCTD/County. Unless informed otherwise, we will assume that NCTDKounty staff will be available at the workshop as well as the Council meetings to present the plans and answer questions. Additional information regarding the workshop and City Council meetings will be forwarded to you at a later date. If you have any questions regarding staff’s comments on the drawings/plans, please contact my office at (619) 434-2935. Sincerely, clLlM+-- DEBBIE FOUNTAIN Senior Management Analyst c: Housing and Redevelopment Director Community Development Director Planning Department - Dee Landers/Eric Munoz Engineering Department - Bob WojciWJim Davis Fire Department - Mike Smith Police Department - Lt. Hawks/Jodee Sasway Water Department - Bob Greaney October 30, 1993 2631 Roosevelt, Space 16 Carlsbad Calif 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and Council Members: After reviewing the Carlsbad Transit Center design, I am confused as to why (A) the Public restrooms (B) Snack Bar are located on the east side of the railroad tracks. After all the money spent on educational videos and presentations citing the dangers of pedestrians crossing railroad tracks, you would consider approving public facilities at a location which will tease, entice and encourage the bus transit riders to continually cross the tracks. I believe the initial passenger count for commuter rail is about 169 persons who will have bathroom facilities available to them on the train. There will be 6-8 trains in the AM and PM so activity at the train site will be limited. At the bus transfer location across the tracks from the snack bar and restrooms-buses start running at 5:15 am until 10:X pm. If you consider that during the day (6 am to 8 pm) there are at least 7 buses each hour arriving at the bus transfer point. This does not count the extra school bus trippers that are extra in the am and pm for the Carlsbad School Children. This means that at a minimum there are 119 buses at the bus transit center per day for 34 pick or transfer periods. If you consider each bus could pick up an.average of 5 adult riders per trip (very average because at commuter hours there are many more) + (many small children) this adds up to 595 plus 119 drivers. Of course, I am not a Professional Planner but it seems that once again the emphasis by NCTD is for the look and not for the practical-Escondido has classy tile but no shelter from rain-Oceanside has bathrooms but far away from the major movement of people. Your liability will be on the line every time a bus passenger crosses the tracks. PAGE 2 I don't know the guidelines from the American Disabilities Act as it relates to this station-but many physically handicapped and seniors ride the bus and would also be crossing the tracks. Wheelchairs !!! !. It is unfortunate that the bus passengers generate public hostility-but we are here and have been COMMUTERS at risk for a long time. This Village Train Station is also a bus transfer point and all aspects and comforts of the bus passengers should be of the same importance as the commuter train passengers. Does the bus location have a shade area for Summer and a cover for Winter rains, enough seats, phones? It is possible that they intend to close down the restrooms after the trains leave so bus passengers cannot access them but if not I do not want to see anyone killed on the tracks for a cup of coffee or a restroom,break. I was also told there would be a security person for daytime. As this area is located in one of the top two crime areas in Carlsbad it will be open season for grafitti and drinking, maybe the security guard should be at night. I do not expect you to pay too much attention to this letter because as usual the NCTD Professional Planning staff will have all'the answers to void concerns. I would like this letter entered into the City record to show this issue was brought up to show a concern for bus riders and pedestrians who may be at risk by this design if approved-not to mention bus drivers who like everyone else should be entitled to a safe location if they choose to use a restroom or get a snack. G. k-u, - . r . Mr. Ray Patchett City Manager CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 October 27, 1993 Dear Mr. Patchett: Pursuant to Council’s request at the October 27, 1993 Carlsbad City Council Meeting, I am providing you with a copy of the Stipulated Judgement between the North San Diego County Transit ‘Development Board and Bauer Lumber. Should you require site plans or the lease exhibits, please let me know. Sin-, PA/cjc cc/Paul W. Price Pete Aadland ’ Transportation Marketing Officer NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT II I SoJth Tremont Street. Oceon,,de, CA 92054 6: 3.967.2828 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 9 Ii IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 10 11 NORTH SAN DIEGO COUNTY TRANSIT ) CASE NO. N 59011 DEVELOPMENT BOARD, ; STIPULATED JUDGMENT Plaintiff, 1 12 II V. 13 14 15 16 37 18 BAUER LUMBER CO., a California ; Assessort's Parcel Nos. corporation; all persons unknown ) claiming any title or interest ! 203-296-09, 10 in or to the within described 203-054-28 property; and DOES 1 through 50, ) inclusive, 1 Defendants. ) DEPT: M 19 It appearing to the Court that the parties, by and through 20 their attorneys of record, have stipulated that judgment as 2~ hereinafter set forth may be entered; 22 It further appearing to be a proper cause therefor, 23 IT IS ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED; 24 1. That plaintiff NORTH SAN DSBGO COfJNTY.TRANSIT 25 DEVELOPMENT BOARD is owner of certain real property situated in 26 the City of Carlsbad, State of California. This property is 27 identified as Assessor's Parcel Nos. 203-296-09, 203-296-10, and 28 203-054-28. I *” 1 -2 . That plaintiff, by this proceeding, seeks to take, * 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 acquire, and condemn the leasehold rights and all interests which were created by the leases on the subject property. The leases are attached hereto as Exhibits 1 and 2. 3. That defendant BAUER LUMBER COMPANY (hereinafter BAUER) is the lessee of the real property described in Exhibits 1 and 2. 4. That plaintiff was authorized to take possession of the subject property as of June 15, 1993, pursuant to an Order for 9 Possession. Taxes have been prorated as of such date, in accor- 10 dance with Revenue and Taxation Code section 5082. There are no 11 unpaid taxes. 12 5. That no other claims of interest in the subject property 13 are being condemned. 14 6. That the total payment by plaintiff to defendant BAUER 15 LUMBER CO. for the taking of the subject property, in full 16 settlement of all claims for compensation, will be $625,000 17 including interest. Payment of the $625,000 will be made as 18 fOllOWS: (a) plaintiff's deposit of probable just compensation 19 ($283,000) will be withdrawn and paid to BAUER; and (b) plaintiff 20 will pay the remaining balance ($342,000) directly to BAUER. 21 7. That plaintiff will take possession of the property 22 described in Exhibit 1 on September 16, 1993. Plaintiff will 23 take possession of the southern one-half of the property 24 described in Exhibit 2 on November i, 1993. Plaintiff will take 25 possess&on of the remaining portion of the property described in 26 Exhibit 2 on January 1, 1994. 27 8. That BAUER will maintain possession of the property as 28 described in paragraph 7 free of any rent charges. On the dates 2 . i 1 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 listed in paragraph 7, BAUER will surrender possession of the property to plaintiff. BAUER waives all claims to relocation benefits. 9. That the Transit Center project which will be constructed by plaintiff on the subject property will be designed to provide twelve, non-exclusive, two-hour maximum, parking spaces west of and adjacent to the existing BAUER LUMBER store building. 10. That BAUER may remove any improvements pertaining to the realty and fixtures and equipment from the subject property as long as they are removed prior to the date'upon which plain- tiff is to take possessionof that portion of the property pursuant to this stipulation. 11. That the payment of $625,000, is in full payment for all of defendant's interest in the property, and for all damage of every kind and nature defendant BAUER LUMBER COMPANY has suffered or may in the future suffer because of the possession, use and taking of the subject property for the transit center, and extinguishes any and all defendant's claims which could have been made in this proceeding, including, but not limited to, just compensation, leasehold bonus value, interest, fees, litigation expenses, costs, attorney's fees, precondemnation damages, severance damages, loss of goodwill, and relocation benefits. In consideration of said payment, defendant BAUER LUMBER COMPANY disclaims any and all right to additional compensation or reloca- tion benefits for the taking of the subject property. 12. That upon payment to defendant BAUER, as described above, the property interests described in Exhibits 1 and 2, I I 3 . ’ . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -- including any improvements pertaining to the realty (except as provided in paragraph 10) and business interests, shall be condemned in fee simple absolute to plaintiff for the purposes stated in the Complaint. Following payment, a Final Order of . Condemnation shall be entered and recorded pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section 1268.030. 9. That the use for which the property is to be taken is authorized by law and is a public use, and the taking in con- demnation by plaintiff is necessary for that public use. IT IS SO ORDERED. DATED: .Jjg i 9 lf93 THOMAS F?. MUfit%'! JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT 4