HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-11-16; City Council; 12475; CCVB 1992-93 4th quarter reportI a $ibti 9 E EL G 3 z 0 F 0 a 6 Z 3 0 0 I i '-1 WY OF CARLSBAD - AGFA BILL AB # d2 i 4 35 TITLE: DEPT MTG. 1 1 /i 6/92 CARLSBAD CONVENTION AND VISITOR'S BUREAU CITY DEPT. FIN FOURTH QUARTER REPORT FOR 1992-93 CITY RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept and file report. ITEM EXPLANATION: The Carlsbad Convention and Visitor's Bureau (CCVB) has submitted their fourth quart€ report for the period from July 1, through September 30,1993. This report represents a fu year of operations for the CCVB. Income Throughout the year the City has paid $215,000 to the CCVB which is the total amount c funds itemized in the Agreement. Administrative disbursements totaled $118,000 and we1 made in monthly payments to the CCVB. Program funds were disbursed throughout th year from one of two groups; 1) matching finds requested and received totaled $25,00 while, 2) non-restricted program funds totaled $72,000. The below table demonstrates th revenue from other sources, which totals $47,000 for 1992-93. payments made by the City to the CCVB throughout 1992-93. The CCVB also receive Status of 1992-93 Agreement City of Carlsbad and CCVB Annual Contract 4th Qtr Requests Amount Requests to Date Administration 118,000 19,667 118,000 Matching Program 25,000 0 25,000 Unrestricted Program 72,000 49,907 72,000 Total City Income 215,OOQ 69,574 2i-5,000 Emenses CCVB were for programs. Advertising accounted for 39%, or $7,000, of the progra expenses. Another 3% of the funds went toward travel shows, while the remaining 289 went toward brochures and hosting fam trips. Major activities, identified in the CCV report include co-hosting with the City, the Danish gymnastic team performance and CCV staff attendance at trade shows. Included in the attached exhibit is a Visitor Information Summary for the fourth quartt of 1992-93, as well as one for the previous program year. The summaries indicate that tk number of visitors to Carlsbad in July through September decreased by 56. Comparin visitor data on an annual basis shows that the number of visitors to Carlsbad decreased E 166 in 1992-93 and that phone inquiries were also down by 2,398. Increases occur in ma outs, up 1,487, and travel agency mail outs, up 558. During the fourth quarter, approximately 30% or $18,000 of the expenses incurred by th W - PAGE TWO OF AGENDA BILL NO. )Ji L\q dJ The table below indicates that for the entire year most funds went toward administratio at 61% of the total. Among the total program expenses, advertising accounts for the larger share of the total at 22.5%. Travel shows consisted of 5% of the expenditures whi brochures accounted for 4% of the expenditures. SUMMARY OF CCVB EXPENDITURES 1 992 - 93 % Of Total 4th Quarter Total Annual Expenditure Category Expenditures Expenditures Expenditures Administration 41,817 155,701 60.91% Advert is i n g 7,397 57,629 22.55% 0.91 % Video 0 2,338 Travel Shows 6,355 13,293 5.20% Hosting Farn Trips 1,751 7,916 3.1 0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 59,957 255,611 Brochures 1,704 10,658 4,17% Special Events 933 8,076 3.1 6% FISCAL IMPACT: The City‘s agreement with the Chamber of Commerce established $215,000 as the tot amount of funding for program year 1992-93, with $118,000 designated for administrati1 costs, and $97,000 designated for programs. Of the program funding, $25,000 requir matching contn’butions from other sources. These amounts were appropriated within tl 1992-93 General Fund budget, and at the close of the fourth quarter, have all be( expended. EXHIBITS: I. Fourth quarter report from the Carlsbad Convention and Visitor’s Bureau for fiscal ye 1992-93, dated October 25, 1993. 0 w Q/!p bL I CALIF0RN:A October 25, 993 Debbie Neville Senior Nanagement Analyst Finance Department City of Carlsbad 1200 Cairisbad Village Drive Carisbad, CA 92008 Dear Debbie: Actached is a synoxis of :he major activities of the Carlsbad CoRven-cion a Visitors Bureau from Zuly I - Sectemaer 30, 1993. Tt you nexi additional information, Dlease let me K~OW. Sincereiy, L ManaGer Encls. 2 3 l&i"sss 3s:esr peao &:f 124E 0 c.i.:s,"sct, CA 92328-124:.:,8 0 (6:q 434-6C93, Dl. :s or of tbe Carlsbad Chzmoer of Commerce W w July 1 - SeDtember 30, 1293 1 NCOME City of Carisbad $46,930.51 County of San Diego -0- Co-OD prouram with hotels 5,4?5 IO' Sales of items in depot: 701.8( 58.0( 97.8' Total income $53,263.4; Special promotions Interest OR bank account EXPENSES Administrat ion $41,817.013 P L o gr arns Advertising 7,397.17 Video -0- Trave 1 Shows 6,354.40 1,704.37 Brochures Hosting Fam Trips 1,751.07 Promoting Special Events 933. OC Total Expenses $54,9 57.01 -1 - I w W ACT I VI TIES July 19: The Convis and the Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Department co-hosted the performance of the Da.nl.sh Gymastic Team at Calavera Hiils Park. More khan 400 people crowded into tht qym to view their energetic dance routines. ConVis staff assisted in the promotion of the Mazda Tennis Classic at La Costa. August : August 27-28: Cleta Wright, ConVis director of public relations participated in the Huddle West travel show in San Diego. Huddle West brings together representatives of tzavel wholesalers from throughout the world and representatives destinations and attractions. A\?gus t 2 9 - Cieta Wright, Conilis director of public zel.ations partici- September 2: pated in the state-sgonsored Saies Wission to Canada. She and representatives of 40 0the.r California destinations hosted. receptions/trade shows for travei agents, tour operators and the news media in Calgary, Edmonton and Vancouver I September 16: S-teve Link, ConVis mnager, participated in a trade show/reception in Los Angeles aimed at the Japanese market The event wi?s desiqned to build be-tter working relationshi between San Diego County's hospitality industry and the Lo Angeies-based Japanese travel agencies and tour operators. July-September: Carlsbad received good coverage in several publications during the summer. Most notable was the fa??-color featur article in Pacific Way, the in-flight mgazine for Air New Zealane entitled, "CLty of Paradise. I' -7 - - w W VISITOR INFO-WITION SW?Y JULY 1993 - SEPTEMBER 1993 C-9. resident Out of CA Foreiqn Total vis icors visitors visitors month JULY 96b 1,293 34 5 2,602 AUGUST 979 1,509 410 2,89[ SEPTENBER 4 57 733 196 1,386 3 month totals 2,400 3,535 9 51 6,886 Above figures represent one member of family and/or group __-- ^- TOTALS JULY AUGUST SEPT. Phone inquiries 1,828 1,959 1,572 5,355 Mail outs 1,106 795 393 2,294 Travel agent mail outs 140 130 a 215 48: ConVis staff and volunteers from the Hotel/Motel Committee are trade shows in the next nine as Denver and Sacramento are being ally contact travel agents or tour planners in selected cities are also planned. The travel trade shows are at- tended by travel agents and most are open to the general public as well. Jostling for their attention are 30 to 400 brightly decorated booths representing everything from cruise ships to exotic destinations through- out the world. The shows usually last two or three days, and anywhere from 10,OOO to 15,000 people visit each show seeking information to help with their vacation plans. manning the Carlsbad booth at 13 months. Other shows in such cities considered. Sales blitzes to person- Carlsbad CsnVis Trade Shows and Sales Missions, 1993 - 1994 AUG. 29 - SEPT. 2 - Calif. State Sates Mission Trade Shc SEPT, 16 - Japanese Tour Operator Reception: Los An06 Calgary, Edmonton and Vancouver OCf. 15 - Group Leaders of America Trade Show: Phoen OCT. 22-23 - Travelage West Show: Palm Springs OCT. 27 - San Diego Mixer Plus Trade Show JAN. 21-23 - Seattle Travel Show FEB. 5-6 - Orange County Travel Show: Costa Mesa FEB. 18-19 - Metro Phoenix World Travel Show: Phoenix, MAR. 4-5 - So. AZ World Travel Show - Tucson, AZ MAR. 11-13 - America Airlines Vacation Supermarket: Da APR. 4 - National Travel Exchange Trade Show: Silicon V APR. 16 - Los Angeles Travel Show MAY 21-22 - ASTAs 94 Western Regional Trade Show - W CONVIS [apanese travel mfi courted a trade sho In mid September, tl participated in a Los P trade show aimed at tl market. Organized by the Sal ConVis, the trade shoi was designed to build ing relationships betwt Diego’s hospitality ind Angeles-based Japanez agencies and tour oper The site for - the event was a “SOr large banquet abOl room at the Char Biltmore Hotel. the 1 Theroomwas Fam golf theme, and park peopleman- grea visitors ... Canada ning the table- f0 & Did you know that most of the participated in mini-trade shows in top displays 9&si.!r international visitors to the United wore golf States are Canadians? And in a attire. recent survey, Canadians were Besides the San Diegl asked to list their favorite recre- Carlsbad ConVis, 37 br ational pursuits. Shopping came in manned displays. The first. Association. was well represented. Yes, this sounds like the kind of Resort and the golf COL tourist we want to bring to Carls- had displays as well as bad. certificates for drawings at the Lines of Oceanside. Ab North County targets top source of international decoratdina 7bej Calgary’ Edmonton and Vancouver. At these shows she was able to talk with travel agents, tour operators, journalists and travel planners from the British Columbia Automobile La Costa’s Ristorante Figaro and - Wild Animal Park provided gift in mind. Cleta Wright, dding to the attention given rep :c3.- ci 2 J!iC ?~2X?.~, San Diego county as a great place to traveled to Canada in early Septem- ber to promote Carlsbad and North spend the winter. She also pro- moted the discount program we offer Canadians. She was part of the annual Sales Mission to Canada sponsored by the California Office of Tourism and several other tourism organizations. Along with 40 other people repre- senting California communities, hotels and attractions, Wright 10 October, 1993 Carlsbad Business Journal A new feature for the annual mission was a tour operator and than 50 guests attended. “This was an excellent opportunity to chat, one on one, and extend a personal invitation to visit North San Diego County.” campaign is a project of the North County Tourism Marketing Group and was funded in part by the San Diego County Board of Supervisors. representatives of the I- industry. literature about Carlsbc Japanese and our touri: dubbed in Japanese,” s ConVis manager. “I wa that most travel agents iar with Carlsbad and 5 about our chances to gr Family Park. They said would be a great attrac Japanese tourists,” said media luncheon in Vancouver. More ‘We provided each CI This Canadian promotional W - CONVl ConVis attends Huddle West trade shc The North County Tourism vidual traveler, After compi Marketing Group was represented at the Huddle West travel show Aug. 27-28. Huddle West brings wholesalers from throughout the world (referred to as buyers) and representatives of destinations and attractions (referred to as sellers). The North County booth was manned by Cleta Wright, Carlsbad ConVis director of public relations, and Amy Wright of the San Diego North County ConVis in Escondido. The two women each had their own prescheduled appointments set up for the two-day function with buyers interested in learning more about hotel properties, attractions offered in the North County area. Each seller and buyer were allocated 15minute sessions to discuss “Some buyers are look- ing for motorcoach fours with budget prices, and are seeking the elite five- star hotels and resorts.” leads generated, we are fom them to the various North C hotels and companies for fo For example, the wholesal company, Europareizen wo mostly with the incentive IT from January to May and tl individual travelers during summer months. This Bel@ based company is looking f discounts and full customir promotional brochures for tours. A few North County lights which are of interest Europarekn are the Wild Park, winery and historical plus golf/tennis at upscale Tourism Marketing Group funded in part by the San 1 County Board of Supervise together representatives of travel then there are those who up.” business. On a more relaxed basis, evening social functions were held at the San Diego Zoo, Sea World and Humphrey’s. “This is a show where many of the international clients know very little about the area and are most often researching for new ideas for travel in 1994-95 and beyond,” said Qeta Wright, ”Some buyers are looking prices, and then there are those who are seeking the elite five-star hotels and resorts catering to the indi- and any special packages or tours for motorcoach tours with budget The activities of the Nore The Canadians Are Coming eoo anadians Are Hundreds of Canadians are in North County, including six in Carlsbad, are participating. Cleta Wright, ConVis director of public relations, participated in the statesponsored sales mission to British Columbia Aug. 29 - Sept. 2. She and representatives of other Cz;:+?:* 2- - .~ -, - . : agents, tour operators and the news media in Calgary, Edmonton and The Carlsbad ConVis and other communities in North County will take the promotion a step further by publishing a directory of aU hotels offering the 20 percent discount, and all restaurants and merchants who will offer a discount of 10 percent or more to Canadi, disclaimer will be include< that items already on sale l included in the discount. More than 5,000 director published. Some will be se travel agenf and tour oper 2, Tr, T4V&*& r 7 c3!n&ds - - Canadian travelers to California receptions/trade shows for travel Canada. during the winter months. Starting The remaining directorif in September, the state will again offered to Canadian touris launch an extensive advertising and Vancouver. participating North Coun promotional campaign in Canada to and at visitors centers and tout California’s attractions. They offices in North County. will publish and distribute 500,OOO Each business is asked tc booklets in Canada listing all of the to be included in the direc hotels that are offering a 20 percent For additional informati discount to Canadians between contact Cleta Wright or St Nov. 1 and Feb. 28. About 15 hotels at ConVis, 434-6093. coming to Carlsbad for the winter months and ConVis has an inexpen- sive marketing program to direct them to your place of business. For the past several years the California Office of Tourism has .~ i ‘**3-’” ‘ conducted a program to attract 2- _- &.A&. <v ~ - .-- v m CONVIS The media spotlight is on Carlsba The ConVis travel writer program paid off hand- somely in September with articles being published in three magazines: Pacifi Way, Monika and Aufo Club NaoS. land, featured Carlsbad in a story entitled “City of Paradise.” for AAA members. The five-page feature included color photos of the flower fields, Alt Karlsbad, State Street, Magee House and Mission San Luis by. More than 70,000 copies are printed by Air New Zealand. “Air New Zealand brings the third largest number of Airport,” said Steve Link, ConVis manager. ”Through Pacific Way, we reach travelers from New Zealand, Australia, Britain, Gennany, Japan, Hong Kong, Thai- land and Singapore, The magazine is published in Japanese for their Japanese flights.” published in Monih, a German magazine with 80,000 subsaibers. April, 1992. Another article about Carlsbad her was published in a Canadian German-1: newspaper several months ago. The third article, featuring the antique sto Village, was published in Auto CZub Naus. h 230,000 copies of this magazine are publishc “Our travel writer program is a tremendo our marketing programs at minimal cost,” 5 ‘Take the feature in Pacific Way for example purchased the five pages for advertising it I $53,301. But through our travel writer pro@ ‘The writer was one of six who spent four Carlsbad last April to gather material for st( accommodations and meals were provided of several hotels and restaurants that suppo program The ConVis contracts with Paradise Corn a local marketing firm, to communicate wit1 published travel writers to provide them in about Carlsbad and encourage them to visil Pacific Way, the in-flight magazine for Air New Zea- international visitors into Lo5 Angela International to us was minimal. Another article with a color photo of Alt Karlsbad was The writer was one of several who visited Carlsbad in e mUJNvi3 I ConVis American Eagle promotions SWpPOfiS Helping American Eagle promote its flights into Carlsbad helps promote Carlsbad too. This ConVis philosophy has presented some unique means of promotion. Eagle flight attendant in Los Ange- Ies presented a ranunculus flower to each passenger boarding a flight from Los Angeles to San Diego. With 20 flights a day into San Diego, approximately 1,OOO passengers were reminded of the convenience of American EagIe's North County service into Carlsbad. It also re- minded passengers of the beauty of North County. The flowers were purchased from Frazee Flowers Inc. by theConVis and delivered to American Eagle at Palomar Airport for shipment to Los Angeles. The arrangements for this promotion were handled by Para- dise Communications, the firm that manages the ConVis travd writer program. Three times since the first of the year American Eagle has conducted promotions in the San Luis Obispo area offering the winner a pair of free tickets to Carlsbad. The Carls- bad Inn donated accommodations twice and Beach View Lodge once for these promotions. Last year Steve Link, ConVis manager, flew to Tucson to speak to the employees of the American Airlines Reservation Center about Carlsbad. "Carlsbad really benefits by supporting American Eagle's promotions for its Los Angeles to Carlsbad route," said Steve Link, the destination as well as the route and the more they succeed the more we succeed." . For a week in April, an American ConVis manager, 'They promote W w j 'VISITOR INFORMATION SWlY July 1, 1992 - October 1, 1992 CA. resident Out of CA Foreiqn Total fc vis i~o LS visitors visitors month JULY 780 1302 404 2486 AUGUST 991 984 408 2383 SEPTEMBER . 918 - 739 416 2073 3 month totals 2689 3025 1228 6942 Above figures represent oge member of family and/or group .. I1 kb .. c JULY August Sept. TOTALS Phone inquiries 1781 1393 1396 4570 Mail outs 1146 899 473 2518 Travel agent mail outs 120 v 115 163 398 >' *' L