HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-11-16; City Council; 12478; REPORT ON BUILDING PERMIT FEESa a, 3 C -I4 +I g s 2 E c) v) c) *I4 ar m \ cn rl Lo \ A 4 h WY OF CARLSBAD - AGWDA BILL iW c4 AB # 12: ’196 DEPT. BLD PERMIT FEES MTG. //-I& - 93 TITLE: REPORT ON BUILDING DEPT. CITY A CITY M 1 RECOMMENDED ACTION: For the City Council to receive a staff presentation regarding Building Permit fee: in Carlsbad. ITEM EXPLANATION -3; 0’ I ‘r, a At the September 21, 1993 City Council meeting a Construction Industr Federation (CIF) representative, John Seymour, spoke during the public hearin comment period Mr. Seymour asked that the City review the cost of securing building permit in Carlsbad. CIF also requested a comparison of those fees wit Oceanside, Vista, San Marcos, and Escondido. Council directed staff to revie1 regarding inclusionary housing in-lieu fees and impact fees, During the publi ’ and compare the fees from neighboring cities. The Building Department surveyed all five cities, The survey asked fc development costs for a new single family dwelling and a new industrial buildinl The survey asked for each city to include all possible fees in their city fc developing the project excluding Community Facilities Districts or Mello-Roc Districts. The model projects were simplified to reduce many of the possib variables. The project allowed for no grading or hillside development, nor lot spli. or other discretionary actions. The survey intended to show relative costs fi developing infill buildings for all five cities. ~4 ‘u The survey showed that the total building permit fees in Carlsbad for a new, inf single family dwelling are nine (9%) percent above the five city average. \3 7 showed the permit fees in Carlsbad for a new infill industrial building to be 2 F 0 with neighboring cities. Impact fees are established in accordance with State la1 cr, mandates that any fee charged to a developer be directly related to the benefit t t ‘c below the five city average. 3- L - It should be noted that each city’s fee structure is not established by comparisc specifically AB 1600 (Section 66000 of the Government Code). This 1: Y % developer will receive from the use of those fees. 9 w u, 2 z 0 a 2 a z 3 0 6 For example, the Traffic Impact Fee is established in a three step process. T City first determines the total cost for publicly constructed circulati improvements through buildout. The City then calculates the total number Average Daily Trips (ADT) that will be created by new development. The act Traffic Impact Fee is then calculated by dividing the total cost of 1 improvements by the total additional trips. The result is a cost per Average D; Trip. The developer is then charged a fee based upon how many Average Dz Trips the project will generate. 0 e e Page Two of Agenda Bill No. 12: Y.98 A similar process is used to establish all other impact fees. Extensive analysis of a city's future needs is necessary to set an accurate fee and assure the quality of the infrastructure that the City Council has directed staff to construct for current and future residents of Carlsbad. Neighboring cities, using a similar process, have established remarkably different fees than Carlsbad's. These fees ar a reflection of each cities future needs. For example, San Marcos is charging a larger Traffic Impact Fee to fund badly needed circulation improvements, especially expensive freeway interchanges. The CIF also asked that staff compare project processing times between cities This type of comparison cannot be done reasonably. Each proposed project ir each city is processed in accordance with all applicable State laws and cit! ordinances. This process can vary from site to site even within a given city Many sites have overlapping constraints such as grading, environmental, anc coastal requirements which can complicate and extend a project's review period Other sites require no special review. Carlsbad's building permit plan checl process happens quickly once all discretionary reviews are complete. The plal check process completes the initial plan check for simple room additions anc projects are plan checked within five working days. New commercial buildings arc plan checked within eight working days. EXHIBITS 1. CIF' Chart showing 1992 single family dwelling permits 2. CIF inaccurate calculation of City related fees 3. Permit Cost Comparison for single family dwelling 4. Comparison for single family dwelling - Bar Chart 5. Permit Cost Comparison for industrial building 6. Comparison for industrial building - Bar Chart 7. Comparison of Permit Cost/Activity - Bar Chart commercial tenant improvements within two working days, Large residentiz 0 0 EXHIBIT 1 (Published by CIF) 7 Total Units -Year 1992 Carlsbad Is 76% Behind the Average Carlsbad permits comparable to Imperial Beach & Lemon Grove A 6oo T 565 500 - -- 400 " 300 -- 100 " 73 0- 200,1 + 327 1 + 312 - 215 E, a > Ep sg - m L Q) r: 0 ." 2 s d Y U m Q CI v) m 0 4 .=: U .- .- 2 2 := - .- L > L : U 3 .8, s c/3 Q .. ..' * 05 e EXHIBIT 2 (Published by C LSBAD FEES ARE 'THE SECOND HI.GHEST - IF NOT THE HIGHEST- IN SAN DIEGO COUNTY > Citv Related Fees Only (3 bedromd2 bath - 1,100 square feetj Predevelopment (to comply with required submittals) Processing & Permit Fees (plan check, inspection, assessments fees, permits) Facilities Management Fees (costs for public facilities within zone) Planned Development Ordinance (passive open space, active recreation ameni- lies) $4,000 $5,500 $18,000 $10,000 TOTAL Does not include school fees of $2,900; County Water Authority fee of $1,413; and other fees. *, . , * County Water Authority 0 0 PERMIT COST COMPARISC New Single Family Dwelling # 0 7 # 3 0 I I- a 1 ,I 00 square feet, 400 square foot garage, Valuation $89 0 0 LI\IIIl b e a ~ ~~ PERMIT COST COMPARIS( New Industrial Building $ $ v, n 7 a cn 3 8 I I" 25,000 square feet, Valuation $850,000 a 0 - - - - . - - - PERMIT COST/ACTIVIl New Single Family Dwellings t (/I S .- -. 4 c S a .- - - f5 \ I I Permit Cost Permits Issued I. I -.",'VW NW f 2 fgg;?! I. 0 November 11, 1993 Construction Industry Federation John Seymour 6336 Greenwich Drive. Suite F San Diego, CA 92122 At the September 21, 7993 Carlsbad City Council meeting you addressed cou during the Public Comment portion of the meeting. You asked that Council direct s cities. That comparison is complete. to conduct a comparison of building permit fees in Carlsbad with fees in neighbo Staff7Giif-ESpond -with -=a .pyS.e@ation .:of=the '-surve~ekuits-at -the--City-CaL meetirs~-~~-be-,held.-November .16,-1993.-The .meeting Is scheduled to. begin a>.% P.M. The City...,Councif--ct.lambers -are -located -at -1 200--Carlsbad -.Village-Diiv Carisbad, The agenda-"for-that-meeting.-wiIE-.be .--available"."-at""~he"City';'.Clerks - office FridaKN6W%ibX"l2. I 'Will contact you by telephone if this item is moved 1 different council meeting. Please contact me at 438-1 761 X4503 if you h questions regarding this matter. ." - _".c "T;"-T--. ".". -. .. "- -.-__. -_I "- \ % Patrick Kelley Principal Building Inspector 2075 Las Palmas Drive - Carlsbad, California 92009-1576 - (679) 438-1 1 r-A