HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-11-16; City Council; 12482; APPROVAL OF THE NORTH COUNTY RECYCLING MARKET DEVELOPMENT ZONE DESIGNATION APPLICATIONC3 9 sI$, 2 z 0 I- o U - $ 8 z a cw OF CARL AB # )ai k../a& TITLE: APPROVAL OF THE NORTH COUNTY DE MTG. 11/16/93 RECYCLING MAWKET DEVELOPMENT CI' DEPT. U&M ZONE DESIGNATION APPLICATION CI' RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. '13-%? approving the submittal of the North County applic to the California Integrated Waste Management Board to be designated a Rec: Market Development Zone. ITEM EXPLANATION: The California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) established the Rec Market Development Zone (RMDZ) Program in accordance with the mandates Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 (AB 939). New businesses whic recycled material in the manufacture of new product and which locate in an RMT be eligible to receive technical and financial assistance from the CIWMB. Exam such businesses might be a company which uses recycled plastic bottles to manuf insulation, or a paper processing plant which makes insulation from recycled p Specifically, the CIWMB offers businesses technical assistance with ecc development planning, environmental review, engineering, and siting assistance will provide marketing assistance in the form of brochures, business/manuf referrals, and surveys. The financial assistance may consist of low interest (5% and financial packaging. Designation as a Recycling Market Development Zone may help attract busine the area which use Carlsbad's recycled materials as raw material in the manufa process. This may stabilize recycled materials markets, reduce transportation ii and increase employment. The Recycling Market Development Zone program was presented to the North Solid Waste Management Agency (PA) last year. The JPA directed staff to SI regional application for the following Zone Designation cycle. Since that ti scope has expanded to include all of North County. On October 14, 1993, approved a resolution supporting a regional application to become an RMDZ. Escondido staff has taken the lead in this process. The cities of Del Mar, Esc Oceanside, Poway, San Marcos, San Diego (Rancho Bernard0 and Mira Mesa) Beach, Vista, and the County of San Diego (unincorporated North County) expressed a willingness and desire to submit a regional application, current preparation. Many of the requirements of the application will be submitted re 0 0 PAGE 2 OF AB# I?, A&&. Recycling Market Develo~ment Plan: Each RMDZ application must include detailed information from each particil agency (Carlsbad's is attached). This will include sections on: City Descri Infrastructure, Economic Development, Current Recycling Business, and a Feec Analysis. Jurisdictions are encouraged to offer incentives to businesses. Examples provic: the CWMB include modified building codes, fee waivers/reductions, a strear permit process, or any other incentives. The City already offers priority processj Planned Industrial Permits. Staff is not recommending any additional incenti offered. However, Carlsbad will include its Recycling Product Procurement Po an incentive. Staff recommends committing up to four hours each week of the U & Maintenance Management Analyst's time to this project. No direct fun1 proposed for this program. Carlsbad's available recyclable materials are collected in the curbside, yard waste: tenant, drop-off/buyback, and commercial recycling programs. Zone applications are due November 30. A resolution approving the applicatio each participating agency must be included with the application. FISCAL, IMPACC The designation of North County as a Recycling Market Development Zone w no immediate fiscal impact on the City. However, if a business chooses to Carlsbad as a result of the RMDZ designation, the local economy will be stimula new jobs will be created. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 9 3 -313 2. 3. North County Solid Waste Management Agency Resolution City of Carlsbad Submittal to RMDZ application t b 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 l7 l8 19 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 93-317 A RESOLUTION OF THE ClTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLS CALIFORNIA, APPROVlNG THE SUBMITTAC OF THE NORTH COX APPLICATION TO THE CALIFORNIA INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGE3 BOARD TO BE DESIGNATED ARECYCLING MARKET DEVELOPMENT 2 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad seeks innovative and progressive to solid waste management; and WHEREAS, the current solid waste management practices and ( Carlsbad are favorable to development of post-consumer waste materials mz WHEREAS, the California Integrated Waste Management financial and technical assistance to private sector recycling business located i~ designated as Recycling Market Development Zones; and WHEREAS, the designation of North County as a Recy Development Zone is necessary and desirable in order to assist in attracting recycling businesses to this area; WHEREAS, the cities Del Mar, Enchitas, Escondido, Oceansid Diego (representing Rancho Bemardo and Mka Mesa), San Marcos, Solan; and the County of San Diego (representing unincorporated North County), submitting a regional Recycling Market Development Zone Designation AT NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council Carlsbad as follows: 1. 2. The above recitations are true and correct. The submittal of the North County Recycling Marke Zone Designation application is hereby approved. /// /// /// /// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 * a PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of Carlsbad at its regular meeting held on the 16th day of NOVEMBER , 1 following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: None ABSENT: None Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard, Fin CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST: da2;dR%-, ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) 2 0 0 * NORTH COUNTY SOLID WASTE MANAGEME" AGENCY RESOLUTION A RESOLlfIlON OF THE NORTH COUNTY SOLID WASTE MANAG- A4 APPLICATION TU THB CALIFORNIA INTEGRATED WAS= MANA~NT 1 APPROVDJC3THESUB~ALOFAN FORRECYCLINGMARafffDWPm ZbNE ApmJcATfON WHEREAS, CdifaTliR law pnrvidts for the eSdWt of ReqCiin{ Development Zones within cities that pvide pmgrruas and incativts to sthrdatc acd- arc favorable to devciopnrtnt of post+cmsmer waste mazeids markets; and WHEREAS, the success of statewide implcntr.nt8tiOll of the Wd 1 Waste Management Act of 1989 (AB 939) h dhxiy mlated to the development of I marketa for post-c6nsumer waste materials: and WHEREAS, the devciopmat of p4st-coasuazts waste materid emqn5sc rtcycfed mCXhl8 W product sacondary -8 ~,@RdSt ~II mg tt environment while atw prwtding job oppormi~s; and WHEREAS, the siting of post-- waste matdai entctpTisa will other businesses in the dtbs w pur~hasa products that arc derived from ncy~led pmdt local availawty and dispibution of such pmduca and WHEREAS, the NCSWMA desircs to hitiate swps to crau a RMDZ cities of Crartsbad, Escllndido and Cmmsidc and with other contigwus Nor& County I NOW, TflEREFoRE, BE IT RESOl,,VED that the NCSW, hg With OW NO cities, the City of San mago and the county of San Diego, shall flls an application fa Market Deveiopmcnt Zone Desigwkm. E 0 a PASSED, ADoP"ED and APPROVED by tho North Caunty Solid Watt Managm 0 e CITY OF CARLSBAD Contac Julie Ross, Managemen Utilities & Maintenance De 2075 Las Ph Carlsbad, G (6191 438-7753 c Ex fie City of Carlsbad @costal community located 90 mileuth of Los hgeles a miles north of San Diego, with easy access to both on Interstate 5. State Route located fn the northern podon of the City, and m east to Escondido. Carlsbad i host to be Mc~~ellan-Pirlornar &.port, with daily commuter service to Los Anseles ax Vegas. The Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe rail line passes through Carlsbad in a 1 south direction on the west side of Interstate 5. Carlsbad is a residential community 67,172) with zoned acreage of industry and commercial complexes primarily along PC mort Road and along Interstate 5. To date, Carlsbad is developed to approximatel of buildout. Existing - and Planned Infrastructure: Currently, Coast Waste Management holds the exclusive refuse and recyclables COU contract for the City of Carlsbad. Water is supplied by the Carisbad Municipal District (a subsidiary district of the City of Carlsbad) in Carlsbad except for a portio Costa. The La Costa area is served by the VaUecitos and Olivenhain Water District storm drain system is maintained by the City's Utilities & Maintenance Departmen sewage coUection system is operated by City personnel, with a small portion being cc by the Leucadia County Water District. Sewage is treated at the hcina Water PC Control District. Natural gas and electric is supplied by San Diego Gas & Elecmi City's growth management plan ensures that adequate facilities are in place con with growth. Economic DeveloDment : Carlsbad's city leaders are open to economic growth, while remaining sensitive to ecc concerns. The City has an excellent balance of residential, commercial, and in( development. The City also has a recycled product procurement policy which all, a 15% preference of recycled products, not to exceed $1,000 per contract. A cop policy is attached. Current Recvclinn Businesses: Republic Tool, located in Carlsbad, uses recycled plastic in the manufacture of new 1 Feedstock Analysis: The City of Carlsbad boasts a comprehensive recycling program designed to di maximum of materials from the wastestream. The City's authorized refuse and re( collection agent, Coast Waste Management (CWM) collects aluminum, glass, PET HDPE, tin & bi-metal cans, and newspaper from all single-family and multi-famil in the City. Additionally, yard waste is collected &om all single-family home? operates a buy-back site and numerous drop-off sites throughout the City. These I are all fully implemented. A spreadsheet containing tonnage information is atta CWM also services a number of commercial accounts, including the Citfs offic materials vary from account to account. Other recyclers also service commercial in Carlsbad, however, do not report tonnage data to the City. CWM continues commercial accounts and expand their commercial recycling customer base. CWM operates the Palomar Transfer Station in Carisbad with a permitted throi 400 TPD. The site occupied by the Palomar Transfer Station is leased from the C a month to month basis. The County has indicated that it has future plans for An alternative transfer station site has not been pursued at this time. Pas6 CITY OF CARLSBAD Policv No. 49 COUNCIL POUCY STATEMENT Date Issued 9/3/91 Effective Date 9/3/91 Cancellation Date n/a General Subject: PROCUREMENT POLICY SuDersedes NO. n/a Specific Subject: RECYCLED PRODUCTS City Council, City %nager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File Copies to: BACKGROUND: Solid waste management poses an increasingly difficult challenge as Ai consumption increases and landfill space becomes more scarce. \ enactment of the California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 (, recycfing is now the law in California. The City of Carlsbad, as well as thb of San Diego and other cities are involved in implementing recycling se meet the requirements of the new law and to conserve natural resource The City’s implementation of a recycling program, by itself, is inr Recycling has not truly taken place until the recycled material has been ue manufacture of a product and that product has been purchased and I use. As processing faciiities and markets become available, additional materials can be purchased by the City. State and local government pi account for 12-1 3 percent of the gross national product. Government p can have a direct and meaningful influence on the market place. PURPOSE: It is the intent of the Cii Council that the City of Carisbad take a ieade not only in recycling its waste products but also in the purchase 01 products for use in the delivery of City services. It is the purpose of thi: provide direction to the City Manager and Purchasing Officer in the prc and use of recycied products. - POLICY: 1. It is the policy of the City of Carlsbad to purchase and us0 reCyCleC whenever possible except when such us8 negativety impacts health operationai efficiency. The purchase of products that cannot be recycled or reused i discouraged. 2. Paq! Policv No. 49 COUNCJL POLICY STATEMENT Date Issued 9/3/91 Effective Date 9 / 3 / 9 1 Cancellation Date n/a General Subject: PROCUREMENT POLICY SuDersedes No. n/a Specific Subject: RECYCLED PRODUCTS City Council, City Managerp City Attorney, Department and Division Heads , Employee Bulletin Boards , Press , File "pies to: 3. Recycled paper shall be purchased and used in all copy machines that will it and shall be used for all printing purposes possible. When feasible, a r paper logo or statement "Printed on recycled paper" shall be used. City departments and divisions shall use recycled paper for their letl envelopes and business cards. A recycled paper designation shall be pri all letterhead. 4. City departments shall examine their purchasing specifications and where 1 restructure them to require the us8 of products that incorporate recycled n in their manufacture. Whenever possible, these products shall state they a of recycled materials. The Recycled Products List shall include but not bc to the following: 1) Paper products 2) Construction supplies 3) 4) Landscape materials and equipment 5) Janitorial supplies 6) Plastic materials and equipment 7) Glass and rubber supplies. A 15% preference, not to exceed $1 ,OOO per contract, shall be given to products. The preference percentage shall be based on the lowest bic quoted by the vendor or contractor offering nonrecycled products. The Purchasing Department shall prepare for the City Council an annual the implementation of this policy. The City shall cooperate with the County of San Diego, SANOAG i governmental agencies in the development of programs and procedures further this policy. Automotive, road and highway supplies . 5. 6. 7. m0-m \O.icQm*m*v,o mcQmodo\dPo\oN*#d OMmm\OmN~PNmmdm e -* \Om cQ +! vl H l.4 m* zl“y3oo~qqqqqq 2 s d rl v) H ~m””o\Oa 00 ,,,q,,g8ooggg oo+ood~mooooooo dm+ -!! $5 z d E I 22s x, ZgE n&4&dd&dddaad$ 3mQmvlm-e qm- CL ug; 8 c4 e+ W38S* &qqqOqv 88 dm 44 ~o~oooooooo\*mo dm+ 00 &’s 8 uu3 g d MN-4 uyqy8qqqqqq888 m\Ooomeo\ cr;l F c32 g *m\O F9Zw WS3Seuoo8888888 co Vd a* d* v, m ooom*m w- m~\AoO~~aONOOO +q ZNPhld =* c rl F9 * 3 E4 W 4 & 3 rA Lc-3 a & 7Zg O’ZwCI c a 0 2 .Y .?5 .?5 cd u?o&zFzuouzzC* U a $n Q) ..%-e- 8g %$3 ak&* c EE3bk .s w gggodaae cDam 8 8? wN 4 Y Pi 2 E o\ .. cv Y 9 a 2- 4 a cz 0 v3 Y Y 3 .;g 2.f: B CaJ & Y so h @ Ocd 24 *E a 3% 3E 9% zz 8 c; 3e 4- 3 00 .5 .&i tM 5- 28 E4 2-g .5 3 23 a;$ bo aJ n N a“ GY Y (da e o\ 902 2s Gh *- d d 3 Q 3E-g ;;E EL zu+ OOd 0 0 * rp=l COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT, mc. 5960 EL CAMINO REAL, P.O. BOX 947, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92018-0947 PHONE: (619) 753-9412 (61 9) 452-981 0 October 19, 1993 FAX: (619) 931-0219 Julie Ross Management Analyst City of Carlsbad Utilities and Maintenance Department 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 Dear Ms. Ross: As the City's authorized refuse and recyclables hauler, Coast Waste Management, Inc. applauds Carlsbad's participation in the North County Recycling Market Development Zone designation application. State and local mandates require increasing diversion from landfilling i landfill space and natural resources are diminishing. Cultivating loca recycling businesses is the key to stabilizing recyclables markets, conserving existing landfill space and resources, and generating jobs. Stable local markets for recyclable materials may allow us to collect ai market materials at a lower cost and reduce transportation needs. Stab markets also may allow us to expand the collection of recyclables. We are pleased to offer our support for the designation of this Zone. Please do not hesitate to call me should you need further assistance. Sincerely, L/ / /&//I / &4&/ Conrad B. Pawelski Vice-President/General Ma CBP/mb A SATISFIED CUSTOMER IS OUR FIRST CONSIDERATION e 0 ARLSBAD I- c- CHAMBER OF COMMERCE November 4, 1993 Julie Ross, Management Andys City of Carlsbad Utilities & Maintenance Depamnent 2075 las Pahas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 Dear Ms. Ross: The Catisbad chamber of Commerce strongly supports the designation of the No1 region as Recycling Market Development Zone. New recycling business development will serve the dual purpose of enhancinl economy, and stabilizing local markets for recyclable materials, both lauda chamber sees the designation of the North Gouty as an RMDZ as an imp0 toward achieving those goals. The Chamber is willing to offer the services of the Carlsbad Economic En? Council to recycling businesses considering siting in Carlsbad. These sdces ar in the enclosed packet of information. We are pleased to offer our supp designation of this Zone. Please do not hesitate to call me at (619) 931-8400 3 / Executive Vice president LB:n 541' Avenida Encinas, Suite 100 P.O. BOX 1605 0 Carlsbad, California 320 (619) 931-8400 Fax (619) 931-9153 0 0 CITY OF CAR EoLusyE&?wJmiILzME -I- luuLRpIDamuLII.TErmc TIOM-IOC ---2DC 1 -yDwIIyxIxDDI I --zm€ * wvmyERuLlywIEusTILvmE a s€wK~-~ m%s€?*YLm .-- --_.- .-" a-9- 0 a *I i 1 yD.y myn ,. - 1,- LEDuuI* Daen <” . Cb.<L 0 BIIC” 0“EPL.I l0HL r; ...... COLIIAL 20°C B s~coom” .mmmL B CalLc~ossIRT? MAP UF md.I,E~-h*.On.M*l~~..-.,~-~.~~w~-. mlwmfm thcd M mmd by Ih Cnl Of M - nVtrDnm’.