HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-12-14; City Council; 12499; Local Appointments List.I , % OF CARLSBAD AGE^ .. BILL L. ~. ^I , + I -. AB#,&% TITLE: MTG.-% DEPT. CLK LOCAL APPOINTMENTS LIST DEPl CITY CITY I 1 I & QL 4 .. z 0 6 s a z 3 0 0 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Acknowledge receipt of the Local Appointments List and authorize the City Clerk advertise the list and provide a copy to the Carlsbad City Library. ITEM EXPLANATION Section 54972 of the Government Code states that "On or before December 31 of ea year, each legislative body shall prepare an appointments list of all regular and ongoi boards, commission, and committees which are appointed by the legislative body". In addition, the Code dictates the name of the list and the information to be contain in the list. It also states that it shall be made available to members of the public fol reeasonable fee and shall be provided to the library with the largest service populati within Council's jurisdiction. The attached list has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of t Government Code. Following receipt by Council, the City Clerk will provide a copy the library for posting. In addition to the Government Code requirements, the C Clerk's Office will post a copy of the list at City Hall and publish the list in t newspaper. FISCAL IMPACT The exact fiscal impact is unknown, but will be comprised of the cost to publish the 1 and to provide copies throughout the year. FXHIBIT 1. Local Appointments List 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD LOCAL APPOINTMENTS LIST The City of Carlsbad is inviting applications from Carlsb' residents who are interested in serving on one of the followi Council-appointed boards, commissions and committees. To receive application, contact the City Clerk's Office at 1200 Carlsb Village Drive, or call 434-2808. Arts Commission*: This is a 7-member commission. Members must U.S. Citizens residing in the City of Carlsbad. Terms expiring 1994 are: Term Laurie Batter George Willis Amointed Expiration April 16, 1991 March, 19 9 4 Sept. 21, 1993 March, 19 9 4 Beach Erosion Committee: This is a 7-member committee. Membe must be U.S. Citizens residing in the City of Carlsbad. Ter expiring in 1994 are: Term Ramona Reasons sally Vigil David Williams Amminted Ex&atian Dec. 15, 1992 June, 1994 Aug. 14, 1990 June, 1994 May 4, 1992 June, 1994 Cable Television Foundation: The Foundation is comprised of members. Members must be U.S. Citizens residing in the City Carlsbad. No terms expire in 1994. Historic Preservation Commission: This is a 5-member commissia All members must have knowledge of and a demonstrated interest historic preservation and local history. It is to be composed members as follows: (a) 3 members, each of whom has a different recogniz expertise in architecture, archaeology, history, biolog engineering or geology or related field; (b) 1 member who has an interest in local history and h resided in the community for at least 30 years: and (c) 1 member at large from the community. The following terms expiring in 1994 must be filled by c person qualifying under category (a) above, and the other fr category (c) above. Term Eitan Aharoni George Varela Appointed Expiration Sept. 14, 1993 April, 1994 May 8, 1990 April, 1994 @ 0 Page 2 Local Appointments List - 1994 Housina Commission*: This is a 9-member commission. Members mu be residents and registered voters in the City of Carlsbad, - In addition, 2 members shall be tenants assisted by the Carlsb Housing Authority, and one of those tenants shall be at least years of age. One member of the commission shall be a Planni Commissioner, and the remaining 6 members shall have expertise development, construction, real estate, social services, housi advocacy, planning, architecture or finance. To the exte possible, members shall be representative of the four quadrants the city. No terms expire in 1994. Library Board of Trustees*: This is a 5-member board. Members mu term expires in 1994: be U,S, Citizens residing in the City of Carlsbad, The followi Term Thomas Curtin Appointed Expiration June 18, 1991 June, 1994 Parkins Authority: The Authority is comprised of 5 member Members must be U.S. Citizens residing in the City of Carlsba The following terms expire in 1994: Term Appointed Expiration Don Agatep May 18, 1993 April, 1994 Richard Goodwin April 3, 1990 April, 1994 Parks and Recreation Commission*: This is a 7-member commissio Members must be U.S. Citizens residing in the City of Carlsbad No terms expire in 1994. Personnel Board: This is a 5-member board. Members must be U. Citizens residing in the City of Carlsbad. Members may not ho any salaried office, employment or appointive position with t City of Carlsbad. The following term expires in 1994: Tern Camille Mitkevich Appointed June 26, 1990 Expiration June, 1994 0 e Page 3 Local Appointments List - 1994 Planninu Commission*: This is a 7-member commission. Members mu be U.S. Citizens residing in the City of Carlsbad. The followi terms expire in 1994: Term Matthew Hall Appointed Feb. 16, 1993 Expiration April, 1994 Clarence Schlehuber Feb. 16, 1993 April, 1994 Marni Betz May 4, 1993 April, 1994 Tom Erwin April 3, 1990 April, 1994 Senior Commission*: This is a 5-member commission. Members mu be residents and registered voters in the City of Carlsbad. terms expire in 1994. Sister City Committee: This is a 9-member committee. Members mu be U.S. Citizens and residents in the City of Carlsbad. addition, members should represent the various elements of t community, such as business education, cultural and artistic, a service. The following terms expire in 1994: Term Appointed Expiration Thomas Mills May 14, 1991 April, 1994 Cheryl Bradstreet May 14, 1991 April, 1994 Elisabeth Paegel Dec. 10, 1991 April, 1994 Traffic rbafetv Cemmissien~: This is a 5-member commissia Members must be U.S. Citizens and residents in the City Carlsbad. No terms expire in 1994. Underaround Utility Advisory Committee: This committee comprised of 4 staff members, the Planning Commission Chair, a one representative each from Pacific Bell, SDG&E and Cable TV a one citizen.. The member must be a U.S. Citizen and resident in t City of Carlsbad. The term expires in 1994 as follows: Term Gordon Baker Appointed Emiration April 16, 1991 Dec. 1994 .c e e Page 4 Local Appointments List - 1994 Water Commissisn4: This is a 5-member commission. Members will selected to provide representation for each of the fi geographical areas of the district. A map depicting t geographical boundaries is on file in the Carlsbad City Clerk Off ice. Of the two terms expiring in 1994, one must be filled by a pers residing in Division 4 and the other by a person residing Division 3 of the district. Term Fred Maerkle Jack Kubota Atmointed Exlliration Jan. 1994 Aug. 11, 1992 Jan. 1994 *Individuals appointed to these committees are subject to the Fa Political Practices Commission regulations and must file Statement of Economic Interests. BTICE INVITING APPLICATION& a CITY OF CARLSBAD LOCAL APPOINTMENTS LIST - 1997 The City of Carlsbad is inviting applications from Carlsb( residents who are interested in serving on one of the followii Council-appointed boards, commissions and committees. To recei. an application, contact the City Clerk's Office at 1200 Carlsb( Village Drive, or call 434-2808. Arts Commission*: This is a 7-member commission. Members mu be U.S. Citizens residing in the City of Carlsbad. The followi terms expire in 1997: Term Ruth Platner Arthur Wood Appointed Expiration May 4, 1993 March, 1997 April 7, 1992 March, 1997 Beach Erosion Committee: This is a 7-member committee. Membe must be U. S. Citizens residing in the City of Carlsbad. Nc terms expire in 1997. Cable Television Foundation: The Foundation is comprised of members. Members must be U. S. Citizens residing in the City Carlsbad. The following terms expire in 1997: Term Robert Sheppard Robert Turner - Appointed Sept. 14, 1993 Expiration Jan. , 1997 March 16, 1993 Jan. , 1997 Design Review Board*: This is a 5-member board. Members must U.S. Citizens residing in the City of Carlsbad. It is to composed of members as follows: (a) 2 members of the Planning Commission; and (b) 2 members who shall be representatives of the Village Redevelopment Area (one Village property own€ and one Village business owner); and (c) 1 general member with experience in one or more of tk following areas: development, construction, real estate, planning or architecture. e 0 Page 2 Local Appointments List - 1997 Design Review Board (Continued) : The appointees shall serve staggered terms as follows: One Planning Commission member shall serve for a period two years; One Representative of the Village Redevelopment Area sha: serve for a period of three years. One Planning Commission member shall serve for a period ( four years; and One General Member and One Representative of the Villa1 Redevelopment Area shall serve for a period of four years. The following terms expire in 1997: Term Bill Compass Sarah Marquez Peggy Savary Larry Scheer Kim Welshons - Appointed Expiration Sept. 12, 1995 Oct., 1997 April 26, 1994 Oct., 1997 Nov. 12, 1991 Oct., 1997 Sept. 17, 1996 Oct., 1997 April 26, 1994 Oct., 1997 Historic Preservation Commission: This is a 5-member commissio: All members must have knowledge of, and a demonstrated intere in, historic preservation and local history. It is to composed of members as follows: (a) 3 members, each of whom has a different recogniz expertise in architecture, archaeology, histor biology, engineering or geology or related field; (b) 1 member who has an interest in local history and h resided in the community for at least 30 years; and (c) 1 member at large from the community. The following term expires in 1997, and must be filled by o person qualifying under category (a) above. Term - Vacant Appointed N/A Expiration April, 1997 e 0 Page 3 Local Appointments List - 1997 Housing Commission*: This is a 9-member commission. Members mu be residents and registered voters in the City of Carlsbad. the extent possible, members shall be representative of the fo quadrants of the City. In addition, it is to be composed members as follows: (a) 2 members shall be tenants assisted by the Carlsb Housing Authority; (b) 1 of the Housing Authority tenants shall be at least years of age; (c) 1 member of the Commission shall be a Planni Commissioner; and (d) The remaining 6 members shall have expertise development, construction, real estate, soci services,, housing advocacy, planning, architecture finance. The following terms expire in 1997 and must be filled by persc qualifying under the categories described above: Term Category Appointed Expiration Nancy Calverly d May 18, 1993 July, 1997 Ofelia Escobedo d May 18, 1993 July, 1997 Bailey Noble C May 18, 1993 July, 1997 Mike Schlehuber d Sept. 12, 1995 July, 1997 Kathleen Walker d June 11, 1996 July, 1997 Library Board of Trustees*: This is a 5-member board. Membe must be U.S. Citizens residing in the City of Carlsbad. 7 following terms expire in 1997: Term Ann L' Heureux July 20, 1993 June, 1997 Emmett J. Woodward, Jr. Feb. 11, 1992 June, 1997 - Appointed Expiration e 0 Page 4 Local Appointments List - 1997 Parks and Recreation Commission*: This is a 7-member commissio, Members must be U.S. Citizens residing in the City of Carlsbad. The following terms expire in 1997: Term Julie Baker Gary Cox Appointed Expiration Sept. 21, 1993 August, 1997 Dec. 15, 1992 August, 1997 Personnel Board: This is a 5-member board. Members must be U. Citizens residing in the City of Carlsbad. Members may not ho any salaried office, employment or appointive position with t City of Carlsbad. The following terms expire in 1997: - Term Appointed Expiration Marni Betz Oct. 22, 1996 June, 1997 Donald Martin July 12, 1994 June, 1997 James Page July 20, 1993 June, 1997 Planning Commission*: This is a 7-member commission. Membe must be U.S. Citizens residing in the City of Carlsbad. T following terms expire in 1997: Term Appointed Expiration Bill Compass May 10, 1994 April, 1997 Robert Nielsen May 10, 1994 April, 1997 Senior Commission*: This is a 5-member commission. Members mu be residents and registered voters in the City of Carlsbad. T following terms expire in 1997: Term Appointed Expiration Izma Chmiel June 18, 1991 Sept., 1997 James Whittaker Oct. 20, 1992 Sept., 1997 0 I 4b 0 Page 5 Local Appointments List - 1997 Sister City Committee: This is a 9-member committee. Me&e must be U.S. Citizens and residents in the City of Carlsbad. addition, members should represent the various elements of t community, such as business education, cultural and artistic, a service. The following terms expire in 1997: Term Barbara Brill - Appointed May 14, 1996 Expiration April, 1997 Adam David Finley May 14, 1996 April, 1997 Allan Wanamaker Oct. 1, 1996 April, 1997 Traffic Safety Commission*: This is a 5-member commission. Members must be U.S. Citizens and residents in the City Carlsbad. The following terms expire in 1997: Term John Allen Bud Green Appointed Nov. 7, 1995 Expiration July, 1997 Jan. 12, 1993 July, 1997 Underground Utility Advisory Committee: This committee comprised of 4 staff members, the Planning Commission Chair, a one representative each from Pacific Bell, SDG&E and Cable TV a one citizen. The member must be a U. S. Citizen and resident the City of Carlsbad. No terms expire in 1997. Water Commission*: This is a 5-member commission. Members a selected to provide representation for each of the fi geographical areas of the district. A map depicting t geographical boundaries is on file in the Carlsbad City Clerk Office. No terms expire in 1997. *Individuals appointed to these committees are subject to t' Fair Political Practices Commission regulations and must file Statement of Economic Interests. POSTED: Dee. 27, PUBLISHED: Jan. : . 7, &!ICE INVITING APPLICATIO @ '. I, CITY OF CARLSBAD LOCAL APPOINTMENTS LIST - 1996 The City of Carlsbad is inviting applications from Carls2 residents who are interested in serving on one of the followj application, contact the City Clerk's Office at 1200 Carlsl Village Drive, or call 434-2808. Council-appointed boards, commissions and committees. To receive Arts Commission*: This is a 7-member commission. Members must U.S. Citizens residing in the City of Carlsbad. The follow: terms expire in 1996: Term Sue Ladouceur Susan Pynes Vacant Appointed Expiration April 4, 1989 March, 19 9 6 July 12, 1994 March, 1996 N/A March, 1996 Beach Erosion Committee: This is a 7-member committee. Membc must be U.S. Citizens residing in the City of Carlsbad. r following terms expire in 1996: Term Amainted Exbiratian Ralph Copley, Jr. April 28, 1987 June, 1996 Lu Ann Hall June 2, 1992 June, 1996 Cable Television Foundation: The Foundation is comprised of members. Members must be U.S. Citizens residing in the City Carlsbad. The following terms expire in 1996: Term ADDointed Expiration Tracy Carmichael Jan. 10, 1995 Jan. 1996 Fred Morey March 15, 1988 Jan. 1996 Paul Vanderpool June 4, 1991 Jan. 1996 Desiqn Review Board*: This is a 5-member board. Members must U.S. Citizens residing in the City of Carlsbad. It is to composed of members as follows: (a) 3 members, each of whom shall be a member of the Plann. Commission; and (b) 2 members, each of whom shall be representatives of . Village Redevelopment Area, and must either reside wit1 the Village Area, or work or own property within ' Village area and live within the city limits. No terms expire in 1996. - 0 0 Page 2 Local Appointments List - 1996 Historic Preservation Commission: This is a 5-member comissic All members must have knowledge of and a demonstrated interest historic preservation and local history. It is to be composed members as follows: (a) 3 members, each of whom has a different recogni: expertise in architecture, archaeology, history, biolo! engineering or geology or related field; (b) 1 member who has an interest in local history and 1 resided in the community for at least 30 years: and (c) 1 member at large from the community. The following term expires in 1996, and must be filled by c person qualifying under category (a) above. Term Gordon Bizieff ADpointed Emiration Sept. 14, 1993 April, 1996 Housins Commission*: This is a 9-member commission. Members mi be residents and registered voters in the City of Carlsbad. To 1 extent possible, members shall be representative of the fc quadrants of the City. In addition, it is to be composed members as follows: (a) 2 members shall be tenants assisted by the Carlsl Housing Authority; (b) 1 of the Housing Authority tenants shall be at least years of age: (c) 1 member of the Commission shall be a Plann: Commissioner; and (d) The remaining 6 members shall have expertise development, construction, real estate, social servicc housing advocacy, planning, architecture or finance. The following terms expire in 1996 and must be filled by persc qualifying under the categories described above: Term Catesory Appointed Expiration Bob Rose b July 12, 1994 July, 1996 Cheri Sat0 a May 18, 1993 July, 1996 Edward Scarpelli d May 18, 1993 July, 1996 Kathleen Wellman d May 18, 1993 July, 1996 . - e e .- Page 3 Local Appointments List - 1996 Library Board of Trustees*: This is a 5-member board. Members mu terms expire in 1996: be U.S. Citizens residing in the City of Carlsbad. The followi Term Appointed Expiration James R. McCann Aug. 11, 1992 June, 1996 Joan Moss Aug. 11, 1992 June, 1996 Parkinq Authority: The Authority is comprised of 5 member The following term expires in 1996: Members must be U.S. Citizens residing in the City of Carlsbad. Term Ronald Aubel Appointed Expiration Aug. 11, 1992 April, 1996 Parks and Recreation Commission*: This is a 7-member commissic Members must be U.S. Citizens residing in the City of Carlsbad. The following terms expire in 1996: Term Appointed Expiration Courtney Heineman Jan. 21, 1992 August, 1996 Seth Schulberg Sept. 21, 1993 August, 1996 Personnel Board: This is a 5-member board. Members must be U. Citizens residing in the City of Carlsbad. Members may not hc any salaried office, employment or appointive position with t City of Carlsbad. The following term expires in 1996: Term Joe Eggleston Appointed Expiration April 16, 1993 June, 1996 Planninq Commission*: This is a 7-member commission. Members mu be U.S. Citizens residing in the City of Carlsbad. The followi term expires in 1996: Term Kim Welshons Appointed Expiration April 7, 1992 April, 1996 Senior Commission*: This is a 5-member commission. Members mu be residents and registered voters in the City of Carlsbad. 9 following term expires in 1996: Term - Appointed Expiration Mildred West Dec. 14, 1993 Sept., 1996 . ** *. I .,, . . .. e * Page 4 Local Appointments List - 1996 Sister City Committee: This is a 9-member committee. Members mu be U.S. Citizens and residents in the City of Carlsbad. addition, members should represent the various elements of t community, such as business education, cultural and artistic, a service, The following terms expire in 1996: Term Appointed Expiration Mari Andersson June 18, 1991 April, 1996 Bill Dominguez May 14, 1991 April, 1996 Vacant N/A April, 1996 Traffic Safety Commission*: This is a 5-member commissic Members must be U.S. Citizens and residents in the City Carlsbad, The following terms expire in 1996: Term Appointed Expiration Thomas Blake Aug. 14, 1990 July, 1996 James Courtney Jan. 12, 1993 July, 1996 James Stachoviak Sept. 12, 1989 July, 1996 Underqround Utility Advisory Committee: This committee comprised of 4 staff members, the Planning Commission Chair, 2 one representative each from Pacific Bell, SDG&E and Cable TV i one citizen. The member must be a U.S. Citizen and resident in 1 City of Carlsbad. No terms expire in 1996. Water Commission*: This is a 5-member commission. Members will selected to provide representation for each of the f: geographical areas of the district. A map depicting 1 geographical boundaries is on file in the Carlsbad City Clerl Office. The following terms expire in 1996: Term Division Appointed Expiration John Henley 1 Jan. 21, 1992 Jan., 1996 Leo Louis 5 April 7, 1992 Jan., 1996 Mary Melideo 2 April 7, 1992 Jan., 1996 *Individuals appointed to these committees are subject to the Fi Political Practices Commission regulations and must file Statement of Economic Interests. Published: North County Times - Dec. 30, 1995 Carlsbad Sun - Dec. 28, 1995 Poste De c en .r c &ICE INVITING APPLICATI a CITY OF CARLSBAI) LOCAL APPOINTMENTS LIST - 1995 The City of Carlsbad is inviting applications from CarlS: residents who are interested in serving on one of the follow Council-appointed boards, commissions and committees. To receive application, contact the City Clerk's Office at 1200 Carls: Village Drive, or call 434-2808. Arts Commission*: This is a 7-member commission. Members must U.S. Citizens residing in the City of Carlsbad. No terms expire 1995. Beach Erosion Committee: This is a 7-member committee. Memb must be U.S. Citizens residing in the City of Carlsbad. No te expire in 1995. Cable Television Foundation: The Foundation is comprised 01 members. Members must be U.S. Citizens residing in the City Carlsbad. No terms expire in 1995. Desian Review Board*: This is a 5-member board. Members must U.S. Citizens residing in the City of Carlsbad. It is to composed of members as follows: (a) 3 members, each of whom shall be a member of the Plann Commission; and (b) 2 members, each of whom shall be representatives of Village Redevelopment Area, andmust either reside wit the Village Area, or work or own property within Villaqe area and live within the city limits. The following terms expire in October, 1995, and must be filled members of the Planning Commission: Term Bailey Noble Peggy Savary Kim Welshons Appointed Expiration April 26, 1994 Oct., 1995 April 26, 1994 Oct., 1995 April 26, 1994 Oct., 1995 The following terms expire in October, 1995, and must be filled persons qualifying under category (b) above: Term Sarah Marquez Nick Vessey Appointed Expiration April 26, 1994 Oct., 1995 April 26, 1994 Oct., 1995 > " t' a 0 Page 2 Local Appointments List - 1995 Historic Preservation Commission: This is a 5-member commissi All members must have knowledge of and a demonstrated interest historic preservation and local history. It is to be composed members as follows: (a) 3 members, each of whom has a different recogni expertise in architecture, archaeology, history, biolo engineering or geology or related field; (b) 1 member who has an interest in local history and resided in the community for at least 30 years: and (c) 1 member at large from the community. The following term expires in 1995, and must be filled by person qualifying under category (b) above. Term , John Jones Appointed Expiration May 14, 1993 April, 1995 Housinq Commission*: This is a 9-member commission. Members zli be residents and registered voters in the City of Carlsbad. In addition, 2 members shall be tenants assisted by the Carls years of age. One member of the commission shall be a Plann Commissioner, and the remaining 6 members shall have expertise development, construction, real estate, social services, hous advocacy, planning, architecture or finance. To the ext possible, members shall be representative of the four quadrants the city. The following term expires in 1995 and must be filled by a men of the Planning Commission: Housing Authority, 'and one of those tenants shall be at least Term Bailey Noble Appointed Expiration May 18, 1993 July, 1995 Library Board of Trustees*: This is a 5-member board. Members n be U.S. Citizens residing in the City of Carlsbad. No terms ex1 in 1995. , . t .. 0 Page 3 Local Appointments List - 1995 Parkina Authority: The Authority is comprised of 5 membel Members must be U.S. Citizens residing in the City of Carlsbad' The following term expires in 1995: Term Carl Miller Z&mointeU Expiration April 16, 1991 April , 1995 Parks and Recreation Commission*: This is a 7-member commissic Members must be U,S. Citizens residing in the City of Carlsbad The following terms expire in 1995: Term Appointed Expiration Robert Holmes Oct. 6 , 1992 August , 1995 William Pieratt Jan. 25, 1994 August , 1995 Cindy Ward Sept. 10, 1991 August, 1995 Personnel Board: This is a +member board. Members must be U Citizens residing in the City of Carlsbad. Members may not h City of Carlsbad. No terms expire in 1995, any sa,laried office, employment or appointive position with Planninq Commission*: This is a 7-member commission. Members m be U.S. Citizens residing in the City of Carlsbad. The following terms'expire in 1995: Term Bailey Noble Peggy Savary Appointed Expiration May 7, 1991 April, 1995 May 7, 1991 April, 1995 Senior Commission*: This is a 5-member commission. Members n be residents and registered voters in the City of Carlsbad. The following terms expire in 1995: Term George Heard Myra Zink Appointed Expiration Oct. 8, 1991 Sept., 1995 oct. 22, 1991 Sept. , 1995 Sister City Committee: This is a 9-member committee. Members n be U.S. Citizens and residents in the City of Carlsbad, addition, members should represent the various elements of community, such as business education, cultural and artistic, service. No terms expire in 1995. e 0 h Page 4 Local Appointments List - 1995 Traffic Safety Commission*: This is a 5-member commissic Members must be U.S. Citizens and residents in the City Carlsbad. No terms expire in 1995. Underqround Utility Advisory Committee: This committee comprised of 4 staff members, the Planning Commission Chair, i one representative each from Pacific Bell, SDG&E and Cable TV i one citizen. The member must be a U.S. Citizen and resident in . City of Carlsbad. No terms expire in 1995. Water Commission*: This is a 5-member commission. Members will selected to provide representation for each of the f geographical areas of the district. A map depicting geographical boundaries is on file in the Carlsbad City Cler Office. No terms expire in 1995. *Individuals appointed to these committees are subject to the F Political Practices Commission regulations and must file Statement of Economic Interests. rc QD m c 1993 LIST OF VACANCIES BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES Arts Commission* Patra Straub Arthur Wood Amointed Term Errpit March 6,1990 March, 199 April 7,1992 March, 199 Beach Erosion Committee No terns will expire in 1993. Building Authoritv Vacant Oct., 1993 Cable Television Foundation Kenneth Carter Stuart Turgel April 21, 1992 Jan., 1993 April 16, 1991 Jan., 1993 Child Care Commission - The Commission terminates July, 1993, unless extended by t City Council. If extended, the following term will expire: Linda Gilk Aug. 20, 1991 July, 1993 <, Historic Preservation Commission This position must be filled by a person who has a recognized expertise in architectu~ archeology, history, biology, engineering or geology or a related field. Dennis Richard Gallegos May 9,1989 April, 1993 9 h a T Page 2 - 1993 List of Vacancies ' Housing & Redevelopment Advisory Committee" &pointed Term Ex& One position must be filled by an individual who is a residential tenant of the housi authority; and the other by an individual who is a residential tenant of the housi authority who is over sixty-two years of age. Cheri Sat0 Sept. 22, 1992 March, 19s Keith Meloy Nov. 19, 1991 March, 195 Librarv Board of Trustees" Richard Martin Emmett J. Woodward, Jr. Parking Authority Frank Aleshire June 26, 1990 June, 1993 Feb. 11, 1992 June, 1993 April 4,1989 April, 1993 Parks and Recreation Commission* Anthony (Tony) Lawson Vacant Sept. 18, 1990 Aug., 1993 Aug., 1993 Personnel Board William Compas Jere Kimbrell Paul J. Newman Planning Commission* Matthew Hall Clarence Schlehuber Senior Commission* Izma Chmiel James Whittaker April 7,1992 June, 1993 May 23, 1989 June, 1993 May 23, 1989 June, 1993 March 28, 1989 April, 1993 March 28, 1989 April, 1993 June 18, 1991 'Sept., 1992 Oct. 20, 1992 Sept., 1992 c b, .m * Page 3 - 1993 List of Vacancies SEW Advisorv Board Milt Cooper Sister City Committee Paul Bartl Dennis Brandmeyer Edward Juchniewicz Traffic Safety Commission* John C. Fuller Vacant Appointed July 16, 1991 Term Errpir Jan., 1993 July 9, 1991 April, 1993 April 17,1990 April, 1993 July 9,1991 April, 1993 June 18, 1991 July, 1993 July, 1993 * Individuals appointed to these committees are subject to the Fair Political Practit Commission regulations and must file a Statement of Economic Interests. CERTIFICATE GF POS-jiEe I do hereby ce:tify that a copy 0: t!7f agecd2 was oosted ’ .% 4 QB - 1992 LIST OF VACANCIES BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITIEES ARTS COMMISSION" Sue Ladouceur Dona Meilach One term not yet filled Appointed Term Expirt April 4,1989 March, 199: April 4,1989 March, 199 March, 199, BEACH EROSION COMMITTEE No scheduled vacancies will occur in 1992. BUILDING AUTHORITY No scheduled vacancies will occur in 1992. CABLE TELEVISION FOUNDATION Appointed Term Expirl Sharon Faithful August 20, 1991 January, 19 Fred Morey March 6, 1990 January, 19 Paul Vanderpool June 4, 1991 January, 19 CHILD CARE COMMISSION* Dennis Cutler Mary Alice Isenhart Barbara Mead Atmointed Term Expir July 25,1989 July, 1992 April 16, 1991 July, 1992 July 25, 1989 July, 1992 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION One of three positions that must be filled by persons who have a different recogniz expertise in architecture, archaeology, history, biology7 engineering or geology or relai field. Appointed Term Expir Robert Zavala June 18, 1991 April, 1992 DISK #7 A:VACANCY.092 1/2/92 'c # 0) * HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE* One position must be filled by an individual who is a member of an existing organizati located within the redevelopment project area; and Two positions must be filled by individuals who are trained or experienced in architect1 or urban design, trained or experienced in real estate, human relations, housing, urb development, building construction, social services or other relevant businesses professions; and One position must be filled by an individual who is a residential owner/occupant with the redevelopment project area. Appointed Term Expin Belynn Gonzales November 19, 1991 March, 199 Jeannine Resha November 19, 1991 March, 199 Walter Riche November 19, 1991 March, 199 Jim McNea November 19, 1991 March, 199 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES" Milton Cooper Seena Triggs PARKING AUTHORITY Girard Anear Appointed Term Expirc July 18, 1989 June, 1992 July 18, 1989 June, 1992 Appointed Term Expirf April 19,1988 April, 1992 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION" Appointed Term Expirf John Strayer August 9, 1988 August, 19s Anna Knox August 16,1988 August, 19s PERSONNEL BOARD" Joe Eggleston PLANNING COMMISSION" Robert Holmes Appointed Term Emir( April 16, 1991 June, 1992 Appointed Term Expirc April 19, 1988 April, 1992 DISK #7 AVACANCY.092 1/2/92 * I - aD SENIOR COMMISSION* Linwood Van SISTER CITY COMMITTEE Mari Anderson Zona Deckelman Bill Dominguez TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION" Thomas Blake Mary Melideo James Stachoviak WATER COMMISSION* Margaret Bonas John Hedey ' Emmett Woodward, Jr. Appointed August 22, 1989 ADDointed June 18,1991 April 17,1990 May 14, 1991 ADpointed August 14,1990 August 14, 1990 August 14,1990 ADpointed Term Expire Sept., 1992 Term Expire April, 1992 April, 1992 April, 1992 Term Expire July, 1992 July, 1992 July, 1992 Term Expire January, 19' January, 19' January, 19' * Individuals appointed to these committees are subject to the Fair Political Practic commission regulations and must file a Statement of Economic Interests. DISK #7 AVACANCY.092 1/2/92 =* . ', m m . ,' 1991 LIST OF VACANCIES BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES ARTS COMMISSION Joe Bear Wayne Bischoff APPOINTED TERM EXPIRES March 25, 1986 March, 1991 March 25, 1986 March, 1991 BEACH EROSION COMMITTEE No vacancies will occur in 1991. BUILDING AUTHORITY Marvin Cap Don Pool APPOINTED TERM EXPIRES November 17, 1987 Oct., 1991 November 17, 1987 Oct., 1991 CABLE TELEVISION FOUNDATION Bill Dominguez May 17,1983 Jan., 1991 Robert Sheppard May 17,1983 Jan., 1991 APPOINTED TERM EXPIRES CHILD CARE COMMISSION Linda Gilk Mark Schwei APPOINTED TERM EXPIRES July 25,1989 July, 1991 July 25, 1989 July, 1991 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION One position must be filled by a person from the community with an interest in lo history, and who has resided in the community for at least thirty years. Kay Christiansen APPOINTED TERM EXPIRES April 15,1986 April, 1991 *.. > * m > HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE One position must be filled by an individual who is a residential tenant of the hous authority; and One position must be filled by an individual who is a residential tenant of the hous, authority and who is over sixty-two years of age; and One position must be filled by an individual who is a member of an existing organizat located within the redevelopment project area; and One position must be filled by an individual who is trained or experienced in architect1 or urban design, trained or experienced in real estate, human relations, housing, url development, building construction, social services or other relevant businesses professions; and One position must be filled by an individual who is a business person in redevelopment project area. APPOINTED TERM EXPIRES Phyllis Hamilton John McCoy Keith Meloy Peder Norby Witt Rowlett October 10, 1989 March, 1991 February 2, 1982 August, 1991 October 10, 1989 March, 1991 September 15, 1987 August, 1991 October 10, 1989 August, 1991 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES APPOINTED TERM EXPIRES Thomas Curtin July 18,1989 June, 1991 PARKING AUTHORITY APPOINTED TERM EXPIRES Carl Miller April 10,1990 April, 1991 " L >> * (Y PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION APPOINTED TERM EXPIRES David Castner Cindy Ward Kim Welshons August 11, 1987 August, 1991 August 22,1989 August, 199 1 August 11,1987 August, 1991 PERSONNEL BOARD No vacancies will occur in 1991. PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTED Mary Marcus Jeanne McFadden August 1, 1978 June 19, 1984 SENIOR COMMISSION APPOINTED George Heard Doris Ritchie September 27, 1988 August 27, 1985 SISTER CITY COMMITTEE APPOINTED Cheryl Bradstreet April 17,1990 Steve Link April 17,1990 Stephanie L'Heureux (Student Liaison) April 17, 1990 Phil Urbina April 17,1990 TERM EXPIRES April, 1991 April, 1991 TERM EXPIRES Sept., 1991 Sept., 1991 TERM EXPIRES April, 1991 April, 1991 April, 1991 April, 1991 " . ,b - - 1. TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION APPOINTED TERM EXPIRES John C. Fuller Pat O'Day May 21, 1985 July, 1991 May 3, 1983 July, 1991 -I c * m 1990 LIST OF VACANCIES BOARDS. COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES BEACH EROSION COMMITTEE Ralph Copley, Jr. Donald E. Jackson Pearl Johnson Mario Monroy Gary Nessim Bai 1 ey Nobl e Sally Vigil APPOINTED April 28, 1987 TERM EXPIRl June, 19! June 28, 1988 June, 19! June 10, 1986 June, 19! June 10, 1986 June, 19: June 10, 1986 June, 195 September 26, 1989 June, 195 June 10, 1986 June, 195 BUILDING AUTHORITY No vacancies will occur in 1990. CABLE TELEVISION FOUNDATION Tim Davidson James McCormick Fred J. Morey CARLSBAD ARTS COMMISSION Kim Mi khael Patra Straub CHILD CARE COMMISSION Jul i e Baker Merry L’Esperance APPOINTED June 15. 1988 TERM EXPIRl Januarv. 191 December 5, 1989 January; 191 March 15, 1988 January, 191 APPOINTED Jul Y 25, 1989 TERM EXPIR€ March, 199 March 10, 1987 March; 195 APPOINTED TERM EXPIRL July 25, 1989 July, 19s July 25, 1989 July, 195 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION One position must be filled by a person who has a different recognized expertise in architecture, archaeology, history, biology, engineering, geology, or re1 ated field; and One position must be filled by a person from the community with an interest 1 oca1 hi story. Roy B1 ac kf ord Marjorie Howard-Jones APPOINTED April 15, 1986 TERM EXPIRE April, 199 April 15, 1986 April, 199 + @m am HOUSING i?+. REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE One position must be filled by an individual who is a residential occupant/owner from within the redevelopment project area; and organization located within the redevelopment project area; and architecture or urban design, trained or experienced in real estate, human relations, housing, urban development, building construction, social services or other relevant businesses or professions. One position must be filled by an individual who is a member of an existing Two positions must be filled by individuals who are trained or experienced ' Steve Densham Belynn Gonzales The1 ma Hayes Jerry Rombot i s LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Mary E. Grosse Richard F. Martin PARKING AUTHORITY David Dunne Ri chard Goodwi n APPOINTED TERM EXPIRt March 1, 1988 March, 195 October 10, 1989 March, 195 March 1, 1988 March, 195 March 1, 1988 March, 191 APPOINTED TERM EXPIRl June 23, 1987 June, 19! June 23, 1987 June, 19! APPOIWTED April 1, 1986 TERM EXPIRI April, 19: April 1, 1986 April, 19! PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION APPOINTED TERR EXPIRL Shirly Dahlquist August 5, 1986 August , 195 Anthony Lawson August 5, 1986 August, 195 PERSONNEL BOARD Camille Mitkevich APPOINTED TERM EXPIRt July 8, 1986 July, 195 PLANNING COMMISSION Tom G. Erwin Sharon Schramm SENIOR COMMISSION Theresa Maggi o Peggy Savary TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Robert Herring Mary Me1 ideo James Stachovi ak APPOINTED TERM EXPIRt June 14, 1988 April, 195 April 22, 1986 April 7 195 APPOINTED TERH EXPIRE July 14, 1987 September, 199 June 14, 1988 September, 199 APPOINTED TERM EXPIR€ July 12, 1988 July, 199 July 12, 1988 July, 199 September 12, 1989 July, 199