HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-12-14; City Council; 12503; Consultants Collaborative Inc. HMP phase III agmt. Q w 3 ?c3 $32 9- D- 4 z 0 F 2 d y 3 8 @TY OF CARLSBAD - A-DA BILL Lzfl*’’: &- AB # 12,503 ____ TITLE: SUPPLEMENT TO AGREEMENT WITH DE CI1 MTG. /2°M+ 93 CI1 DEPT. PLN HABITAT MANAGEMENT PLAN CONSULTANTS COLLABORATIVE INC. FOR COMPLETION OF PHASE lm OF THE RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute the second supplement tc agreement with Consultants Collaborative Inc. for preparation of the Habitat Manager increase the amount of the contract by $35,000 in order to provide for completion 01 the plan. ITEM EXPLANATION On February 13, 1991, the City Manager executed an agreement with Consultants ( Inc. to provide facilitation services for Phases I and II of the Habitat Management 1 On September 1, 1992, the City Council authorized staff to proceed with Phase I11 1 The City Manager was authorized to execute an an amended agreement with CCI for ( expanded consulting services. For Phase 111, CCI has served the lead consultant of provides expertise and services in biology, economics, planning, document pre] facilitation services. Phase I11 is the most complex and difficult phase of the HMP because it involves proposed wildlife preserve system and recommending a financing program to accoml acquisition and long-term habitat management. The consultant team has substantial these critical tasks. A draft of the Habitat Management Plan document was prc Advisory Group for review and comment. A number sf comments were rea5 consultant team is in the process of responding to all of the comments. The consultant team has also closely coordinated the HMP with the state’s Natural Conservation Planning (NCCP) program and the evolving North County Mu1 Conservation Plan. These three programs are “cutting edge” efforts that are def reconcile habitat protection with economic development. In the process, a multitude being raised and addressed. A key issue in recent months has been the level of spa necessary and possible in such plans. The resource agencies have indicated that the degree of specificity in order to share their permitting authority under the Endangere with cities and counties. The HMP consultant team is presently working with tk determine how this level of specificity can be provided in the plan. As a result of these issues, Phases 111 and IV have coalesced to some degree. Son for Phase IV have been moved up to Phase III. The following tasks which were orig for Phase IV have been started and need to be completed during Phase III. Follov is an explanation of the work being done and why it was necessary to move it into Policy Coordination with NCCP and MHCP Programs. This task required early to the manner in which the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) listed the Californj as a threatened species. The listing decision delegated authority to the NCCP pi preferred framework for addressing the gnatcatcher and other coastal sage scrub Carlsbad HMP by itself is too small to qualify as an NCCP program, but the North < program has been formally recognized as an NCCP Subregional Plan. The HMP is a Fiscal Year '90-'91 '91 292 '92-'93 '93-'94 Total Phase of Work Program Amount I $46,225 I1 150,000 111 130,993 To Complete Phase 111 35,000 $362,218 @ 0 AMENDED AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTING SERVICES RELATED TO HABITAT MANAGEMENT PROGRAl THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of the 2 day of JANUARY , 1994, by and between the CIq CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred t llCITY1l, and CONSULTANTS COLLABORATIVE, IN’C., hereinafter refc to as llCONSULTANT1*, shall serve to amend the previous con1 dated February 13, 1991, and as amended September 22, 1992. All provisions ofthe original and amended contract ! remain in effect, except that Paragraph 1, Consulti Obligations, shall be amended to include the following: 1) PC coordination with State of California Natural Commun. Conservation Planning Program and North County Multiple Hal Conservation Plan; 2) Integration of the Habitat Management and the Fieldstone/Rancho Santa Fe Habitat Conservation Plan; 3) Coordination with ongoing City programs, including the pro€ Municipal Golf Course, and that Paragraph 4, Fees to be Pai consultant, shall be amended by the addition of $35,000.00 tc contract amount. Paragraph 4 shall read: ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0 0 liThe total I including previous amendments supplements, shall not exceed the fee payable accordir Paragraph 6, IlPayment of Fees," and shall be $234,623.73". IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have hereunto set our hands and seals. CONSULTANTS COLLABORATIVE,INC. CITY OF CARLSBAD - I' -2- L, --/--- I . __-- \ i- b JAMES D. SIMMONS President - APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTESTED : RONALD R. BALL ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk LR.&L%L City Attorney //y/sq. -2-