HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-01-11; City Council; 12539; Reallocation of 1992-93 CDBG Funds* I* Q !Ai 3 0 c an 2 z 0 F 0 a z 3 0 0 $ /z-- WY OF CARLSBAD - AGEWP, BILL ..-- ( - AB# I& j 5 35 TITLE: REALLOCATION OF 1992-93 COMMUNITY DEPT. CITY A MTG..- DEPT. RED. WITH THE CITY OF OCEANSIDE CITY N RECOMMENDED ACTION: DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS AND APPROVAL OF SUBRECIPENT AGREEMENT Adopt Resolution No. 44 - I 7 to approve the reallocation of 1992-93 federz Community Development Block Grant funds from previously canceled projects to temporary emergency shelter in Oceanside for homeless persons and approval of subrecipient agreement with the City of Oceanside for expenditure of the subject fund! ITEM EXPLANATION: Staff has determined that a total of $17,400 from the following canceled projeci allocated Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Entitlement funding under th 1992-93 federal program year should be reallocated to a new project. North Coa Housing Foundation and staff determined that CDBG administration funds allocated fc community affordable housing workshops would be more effectively used on an alternal project. Casa de Amparo has notified the City that they will not pursue the creation ( a new facility and will not require the allocated 1992-93 CDBG funds. Amount Proiect Description 0 $ 5,000 North Coast Affordable housing workshop for the four Housing quadrants of the community 0 $12,400 Casa de Amparo New crisis shelter for abused, abandoned, or neglected children Staff is recommending that the funds from these canceled CDBG Entitlement projects 1 reallocated to a temporary emergency shelter for homeless persons sponsored by the Cir of Oceanside. cooperative effort of local, state, federal, and private resources to meet the temporal shelter needs of homeless persons during the cold winter months. This temporary emergency shelter will provide 100 bed spaces for homeless persons ar is located on a one acre property on the north bank of the San Luis Rey River and ju east of the Priory Bridge in Oceanside. The shelter is anticipated to open in late Januai 1994 and will remain in operation for ninety (90) days. The shelter will be extensive managed and will provide supportive services to enable occupants of the shelter to WOI toward becoming self sufficient. The City of Oceanside has determined, and it has been confirmed by the U.t Department of Housing and Urban Development, that this temporary cold weather shelt will be classified as a public facility and improvement activity for the purposes of tl Community Development Block Grant Entitlement Program. Therefore, the City w not exceed the 15 percent maximum funds obligated within the program year to suppc public service activities. The temporary emergency shelter provides an opportunity for I Page 2 Q F AB# q537 * In accordance with the City’s Citizen Participation Plan of the CDBG Entitlemer Program, the public was notified of this proposed substantial change in the purposc scope, location, or beneficiaries of the above mentioned canceled projects. The publi was invited to attend this public hearing or to submit verbal/written comments to th City’s Housing and Redevelopment Department regarding the reallocation of funds. If the City Council approves the reallocation of funds, the City of Oceanside will l-- required to enter into a subrecipient agreement with the City of Carlsbad for use of tl- CDBG funds. The City of Oceanside will be required to comply with all federi regulations for the CDBG program in the same manner as all other subrecipients of tl- City of Carlsbad. For example, the City of Oceanside will be required to subm appropriate receipts to Carlsbad for expenditure of the CDBG funds. The require subrecipient agreement is attached as Exhibit 3 for review and approval by the Cil Council at this time. FISCAL IMPACT: No fiscal impact. Transfer of funds from two (2) previously approved projects to or (1) new project. The project will be funded through the CDBG program. Therefore, the] will be no impact on the general fund. EXHIBITS: 1 - Resolution No. qy-\’) approving the reallocation of 1992-93 federal Communi Development Block Grant funds from previously canceled projects to a temporal cold weather homeless shelter in Oceanside and a subrecipient agreement with tl City of Oceanside for expenditure of the CDBG funds. 2 - Temporary Inclement Weather Shelter Plan - Project Description a1 Justification. Subrecipient Agreement with the City of Oceanside for expenditure of CDB funds for the proposed Emergency Homeless Shelter to be located in Oceansid 3 - - , I k 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo 11 12 13 14 15 16 I?' 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Q w CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 94 - 17 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROVING THE REALLOCATION OF F"DS UNDER THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT TEMPORARY EMERGENCY HOMELESS SHELTER LOCATED IN OCEANSIDE AND APPROVING A SUBRECIPIENT AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF OCEANSIDE FOR EXPENDITURE OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS ENTITLEMENT PROGRAM FOR PROGRAM YEAR 1992-93 TO A WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, at a public hearing held on January 11, 1994, considered the reallocation of 1992-93 Communit! Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds allocated to the previously canceled Nort Coast Housing Foundation's Affordable Housing Workshop project and the Casa d Amparo new facility project and considered the reallocation of these canceled project! funds to a new project for the development of a temporary emergency shelter located i Oceanside for homeless persons; WHEREAS, the City of Oceanside has determined that the temporary ernergenc shelter will be classified as a public facility and improvement activity for the purpose ( the Community Development Block Grant Entitlement Program by the U.S. Departmei of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and as has been confirmed by the U.! Department of Housing and Urban Development; WHEREAS, the temporary emergency shelter will provide an opportunity foI cooperative effort of local, state, federal and private resources to meet the tempora shelter needs of homeless persons during the cold winter months; .... .... - L 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 8 9 lo 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 @ v .... .... WHEREAS the temporary emergency shelter will be extensively managed and supportive services will be provided so that the occupants of the homeless shelter wil have the ability to work towards becoming self sufficient; WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is committed to continuing to provide assistancc in the development or provision of shelters and assistance for the homeless as is outline( in the Housing Element of the General Plan and in the Comprehensive Housinj Affordability Strategy (CHAS), a five year plan to increase assisted housing which i required by HUD; and . NOW, THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council a follows: 1. 2. The above recitations are true and correct. The City Council hereby approves the reallocation of $5,000 from the cancele North Coast Housing Foundation’s Affordable Housing Workshop project ap $12,400 from the canceled Casa de Amparo new facility project as allocate under the Community Development Block Grant Entitlement Program for feder program year 1992-93. The City Council hereby approves the reallocation of a total of $17,400 in fun from the canceled Community Development Block Grant Entitlement projects indicated above and during the City Council meeting on January 11, 1994 to t temporary emergency shelter located in Oceanside. 3. .... .... ..a. **.- .... .... .... - f. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 m w .... .... 4. The City Council hereby approves the subrecipient agreement with the City o Oceanside for operation of the emergency homeless shelter and expenditure of tht year 1993-94. $17,400 in Community Development Block Grant Entitlement funds during fisca PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 1 lth day of January, 1994, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard, Finnila NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ATTEST: -- ALETHA RAUTENKRANZ, City herk (SEAL) - e v EXHIBITl - - - * - . - . - -..-’A .- PLANNING COMMISSION STMF GENCY m CONDITIONXL USE PERMIT C-34-93 DECEMBER 20, 1993 I REQUEST; ‘ A Conditional Use Permit for a temporary emcrgr shelter. The site is zoned IP (Industrial Pd and is locatad along the north side of the San 1 Rey River and east of the Priory Bridge within Airport Neighborhood. APPtLCA#T: City of Oceanside, Housing Department T. BCQ-IQH The Planning Comisaion WPROIQ the Conditional Vare Permit baeec the findings and conditions contained within this report and a( the attached Resolution No. 93-P66. XI* The project proposes the devalopment Of an approximately 6, square foot temporary emergency shelter on city property loci north of the San Luis Rey Rivet and east of the Priory Bridge, site is approximately 1 acra in size and generally rectangulai shape. There is no vegetation existing on sit8, as the rite mass graded as part of the San Lui6 Rey River Levee construct: Access to the site ie provided from Foussat Drive which is locz approximately 3/4 of a mile east of the project Bite. The zoning of the site is IP (Industrial Park) and the General I Land Use designation is Industrial Research Park. An Emergc Shelter is Cla88ifi8d fn thr Zoning Ordinance as a Public and SI Public Use. Within the XP Zone, an Emergency Shelter i permitted u86 upon approval of a Conditional Use Permit. Surrounding the rite ia vacant property to the north, south, I and west, The river levee and San Luis Rey River are located st of the aite and Tuley canyon is located Weet of the site, Weif the canyon is the Prince of Peace Abbey, which has a PS (Public Semi-Public) Zoning designation, The river to the south of site is zoned OS (Open Space) with properties north and east of site zoned IP (Industria 1 .Professional) . WSCT DE- - WxGR OtMp @ W ___.._ .-- _.... - The project is to consist of an approximately 6,000 square f alminum framed structure and is to be covered in vinyl-ca polyester, The entire structure has been certified by the s Fire Marshall as tire-resictant. It is anticipated that heat lighting will be provided within the shelter, Also, an inte partition fa to ba provided, separating the male and fei sleeping areas., The floor fs pxopoaed to be a heavy plar material with the pos8ibality of UtiliZinQ an indQQpoufQoor ca: should it become available. A chain link fence Is to be erectel form an encloeure around the shelter. Parking is to h prov an-site for the operators of the shelter and the few pa utilizinq the shelter who have vehfchr to drive, Port, bathroom facilities are to be provided, hawever water lines electrical lines will not be extended to the site. It anticipated that heat, lighting and electricity will be ~FOVI through the use of a generator, Water will be brought to the I in vehicles. Trash will be hauled frem the site in prii vehicles to ths landfill, if a contract cannot be negotiated F Waste Management, Inc. Final design considerations for the shelter are still bc completed and the ultimate provider of the shelter has not 1 selected, However, the above specif icdtiona are general de( parameters which will be followed, and coupled with the attac conditions, will assure the City that a safe and viable sheltei selected. This application is subject to the following ordinances, codes regulations: 1. The Land Wee Element of the General Plan 2. The Housing El8ment of the General Plan 3, The Zoning Ordinance 4. The California Environmental Quality Act 111. w - 1. 2. Will the proposed use have a detrimental effect upon Is the proposed project consistent with the Housing Element the General Plan? public’s arrafety , surrounding prapevtias and improveme within the neighborhood? provisions of Article 41 of the Zoning Ordinance? e. 3, Is the conditional Use Permit request justiffable under STAFF REPOR? DECEMBER 20, 1 c-34-93 PAG I LC v - "' m . -, -_ . __ -, -4. . - - . , , . d - - .-..'A z PISCUSSION Tne Hou6ing Element is a COmpOnent 6f the General Elan whi mESeS6m ma housing needs of all economic segments of the cit The xou#%Q~ Element further clef ines the goals and policier whit will guim- the City's approach for resolving iqwtified hour$: needs, anl(P2ecomends a aet of programs to implernmt: these polfcic over the next five years, Tbe updated Housing Element for the Ciq was adopt& by the City Council in October of 1993 and address1 city housdN needs until 1996, This Temporary Emeryency Shelter listed iR'-th* Housing Elernant a8 one of the actton Programs q fulfi1l:fiM goals and policies of this element. :< ; The project is located on city-awned property, is. isolated frc residenEuk areas, sohoo16, commercial areas and,is neat a larc concentrtatbn of homeless people, The site is loc&ed within clor proximitys to a homeless service center (Brother Benno's : approximately 3.6 miles from the proposed sheleer site). Th shelter its to provide 24-hour management of the tpSOPle who wi] utilize the facility. A management plan shall be approved, a conditione&, prior to tha occupancy of the shelter. ThA manageme* pLan shall establish the rules by which ithe ahelter wil be managdd and operated, The shelta3; is to house up to 100 people and will be managed on 24-hour ;%asis and also have 24-hour security. . The City ha contracted Qith North County Interfaith Council, Lgc. to adminicte and operatgthe shelter. This company will ensure #at the shelto is fully &se managed and operated under the 8trict rules an guidelines hhich will be part of the management -plan. There wfl be an in-l;ake procedure which will include a screening process ma is to take' place at Brother B~Mo's. Tranaportation will b provided <iron Brothel: Benno'a to the shelter through van or ca ~001s. - Transportation is also to be provided to associatel services wlsich include: breakfast, laundry, nail, job interviews counselfn'g, social services, and Social Security, On-sit activities will include 12 step programs, mental hqalth counseling, career counseling, tfaining programs 8 and V.A. outreach. The shelter is to operate for a total of 90 day8 fqom the beginninc of operathh. At close of operation of the shslte.3;, the alta wil: be returndd to its original condition within 10 working days. ', *I IV. -E- The proposed project is exempt from the prqvisfons of the California Environmental Quality Act, STAFF REPORT DECPZBER 20, :493 c-34-93 PAGE 2 e m t- -- 1( .- -, -- -4. . _-_ . 14 . d - - :.5. - v. ImMARIl This projrct will provide a temporary emergency shelter for homel88S which will fulfill one of the program goals sgecif within th@ Hatieifig Elrment of the General Plan. Cenditic specifically the requirement for a management plan, will en8 that tha operation of the ehelter is don8 in a manner to prow 24-hour managemeknt and services to the occupants of the shelt Operated within the guidelines of the management plan and ot cariditfond of approval, this shelter and its use, will not bec a detrimpnt to the rurrounding area or ues. VI. grm IHUS For e: 1, That the proposed location of the u6e is in accord with objcctiveer ef the Zoning Ordinance and the purposea of district in which the site ia located. - The proposed temporary emergency shelter is an allowa use within the IP diatrict and this use will prow immediate relief to the homelese on a temporary bas The proposed location of the use is in accord with objectives of the Zoning Ordinance in that housing shelter is praposed which will allow homeless reside to reside in a safe, temporary, sanitary environme Location of the shelter in this area vi11 a1~0 prarr the economic stability of existing land use8 within Airport Industrial Area by protecting these uses from intrusions of unaUthOriZ8d homeless campo in and arc the industrial area and airport, 2. That the proposed location of the conditional use and proposed conditions under which it would be operated maintained will be consistent with the General Plan: will be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare persons residing or working in or adjacent to the neighborh of such use; and will not be detrimental to propertiee improvemrnts in the vicinity or to the general welfare of city. - Tha proposed use will implement one of the program the City's Housing Element of the General Plan providing an emergency shelter for hOB8hSS people. facllity will be extensively managed and eupgort services will be provided so that the occupants of homelrsa shelter will have the ability to become a sufficient within 8 short period of time. Adequ STAFF REPORT DECEXBER 30, 1 c-34-93 PAC parking will be provided in the immediate area fbr ’- ‘I 0 0 --. . - - - . - - . . * i - .*A i establighed time period of the use. The u6e will not the persons residing or working in the adjac neighborhood or to the properties or improvements wit the vicinity, detrimental to the public health, safety and wa’lfard 3. That the .proposed conditional use will comply with provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, including any sped canditisfi required far the propos4d conditional use fn district in which it would be located, ’= The proposed use will comply tho provisions of the Zor Ordinance including any specific condition8 that 1 be8n placed on tha project by this reeolution, CObfOITIONB: mild-: 1. Applicable Building Codes and Ordinances shall be based on date of submittal for Building Departmrnt plan check, 2, The granting of approval under this action shall in no relieve the applfcant/projtct from compliance with all St and local building codes. Env.5 r m : 3. Enai neer im : 4. Design and construction of all improvements shall be accordance with the standard plans and specifications of City of Oceanslda and are subject to approval by the C Engineer. All outdoor lighting shall be properly shielded and direc so as to prevent glare on surrounding properties. Fire: 5. Fire apparatus access road shall be serviceable dur construction and during ti’ma of occupancy, Fire axtinguishers are required and shall be included on plans submitted far plan check, This application shall comply with Uniform Fire Codes, Chap 32 and Title 19 of the California Code of Regulations. 6. 7. STAFF REPORT DECEMBER 20, 1 c-34-93 PAG 0 IR . - - . - . . . - . . .-,- 8. Scaled plans rhall be submitted to the Fire prevention But which hdicata dte access from the nearest public street the proporred parking hrwa for the shelter. This plan shal: reviewad and approved by the Fire Marshal prior to iseuanc8 of a building permit. A detailed, scaled floor plan shall be submitted for ret and approval to the Fire Prevention Bureau prior to issuance of a Building Permit. This plan shall indicate, be adequately labaled to identify, any interior applianc afeeping arrangement, aisles and halls, exits, f 8%t'inguiaher locations, any bathroom or kitchen facilities all utility shut-off location8 (aetera & valves), The maximum occupant load of the shelter shall be indicated the plan. Prior to the comm@ncement of operation, a street address ah, number and name of the responsible person in charge Of q shelter operation shall be provided to the Fir8 Marshall pr to occupance. 12, Submit a copy of the State Fire Marshal's Certificl indicating that the shelter material is approved as f: retardant q 13. The Zlame-spread end-point rating of all interior fin: materials shall not exceed 200 as determined by Standard Tc Method No. 723. Underwriters Laboratory. 9. 10. 11. be assigned to the shelter location. An emergonay phl 14. Smoking shall be prohibited inside the Shdter. 15. 16. Plannina: Provide and maintain a device or devices suitable for eoundl a fire alarm, Shelter heating ahdl1 be approved by the Plra Marshall 1 Building Diractor prior te occupancy. 17. This Conditional Use Permit shall be called tor review by t Planning Cornmission if complaints are filed and verified valid by the Code Enforcement Office concerning the violati of any of the approved conditions or assumptione made by t application The applicant shall be r88pOn8ibh for trash abatement en t site, and shall keep the site free of litter, tra8h and ot2. nuisances. 18. STAFF REPORT DECEMBER 20, 19 c-34-93 PAGE 'e e -4- - _-_ - - - . -. -:.-A I 19. This Conditional Use Permit is granted for the following only: an approximately 6000 square foot temporary emerge aheltor. Any change in the use will require a revision to Conditional Wsr Permit or a n8w Conditional Use Permit. The project shall require the establishment of a managen plan for the shelter's operation. The management plan st be reviewed and approved by the Housing Director, Pol Chief, Fire Marahall and Planning Director and shall inch at a raininurn, provisions for 24-hour on-site managrmr security, rules of conduct I operatian procadurea 20. maintenance of the project rite, 21. This Conditional Use P€inPit ie valid for 90 days f beginning of operation. The emergency shelter shall dismantled and removed from the site and the site shall returned to its original condition within 10 working days the cloee of aperation of tha shelter. SUBMITTED BY: Dan'hl W. Milich Sandra L. Hol ~ssocfate Planner Asaistant Planning Director SLH / DIM/ j dc 4% STAFF REPORT DECPlBER 20, 15 c-34-93 PAGE 35. APPLICAXT tk, Y6Oi& 36. DATE 11. mER ~V~osb*rrClr~arc. ia-l3193 rn "-.I -4 .' " " --',I 0 Ab -4 ,- ..a -_.... 0 PROJECT DESCRLPTLON 6 JUS A Gmpotary Inclement Weather Shelter Plpri ADalrcant, City of Oceanside The property idatified as the shelter site is owned by the City of Oceanside. It is located north of the San Luis Rey River and just east of the Prlory Bridge. The dte is a graded di U.S. Amy Corps of Engineers, The site is classified as Industrial pfofessional (IP), Envirom Placing a temporary structure for a shelter at this site will cause little M no adverse impacl upon the environment. This area has recently been graded and there is no vegetation on tl site. The Land Use Element of the General Plan, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Occansid and the CHAS. The Subcommittee on Hornelessness of the Occanside Housing Commission researched an( developed a temporary inclement weatha shelter plan for the 1993-94 winter season. The plan wag approved by the Housing Commission and sent to the Occslnside City Council fo approvd and implementation. The City Csuncil approved the plan with the dimtion that site be identified and the plan be implemented by the Subcommittee on Homelessness in conjunction with the Housing Director of the Oceanside Housing Department. The Subcommittee on Womelessness, for the putpose of the project, has been renamed the Oceanside Homeless Shelter Task force. Funding for the project will be provided by publi and private sources. The City of Occanside will contribute $20,000 for project startup. Application may be made for FEMA emergency shelter grants. Fundraising efforts organi by the Homeless Skelttv Task Force will mabh the business community, ld congregations, and service groups to raise a midmum $37,000. Possible zoning districts city-wide where location of 8n emergency shelter is legal were determined dwing the initial site selection procesS. The Zonhg Ordinance of the City of Oceanside allows emergency shelters in all Industrial 0, Public and Semi-Public (PS), an most Commercial (C) districts with the approval of a conditional use pennit (C.U.P.) fror Oceanside Planning Commission. Emergency shelters are prohibited in Agricultural (A), Residential (R), Open Space (OS), and some Commercial (C) districts, Locations of districts where emergency shelters are permissible wen indicated on a zonini map. If the subject site was in an existing commercial development and other -/- pad that sits a'op the nioQd control lcvy and is presently kino used 8s a staging ma for th I. w ,- -, -- ,- -. Tu'4' 0 I- -4. .--..* 1 ,-..... businesses wen occupying the site, it was deemed inappropriate for a shelter location and subject sib was eliminated. Likewise, if the subject site was located in 811 area when access to the site required the use of residential streets, or was in close proximity ta school, the subject site was eliminated. Each acceptable site was considered and scored according to its relative compliance to the following list of criteria. Site is within the Gity of Oceanside. Site security (fencing, control of access, lighting, physical layout). 9 Outside downtown & rtdevelopment area (distance from, access to). Impact qn tourism (isolation from view and tourist contact). 0 Isolation from residential areas & schools. I Isalation frbm tail sales k commercial mu. a Proximity io large wnwtration of homeless people, Proximity to homeless services center (food, showers, laundry, counseling). e Site supports 100 residentdsuitable for high-intensity use, Access to water and power. The following sites wm proposed, investigated, and found to be acceptable for furthta assessment. City of Occanside Maintenance Yard located on Jones Road. 9 Vacant building at 3265 Production Avenue. 0 Deutsch property, north of San Luis Rey River. Cubic Communications, Inca , Administration Building on Airport Rd. e Vacant lot at Via Del Monte and Benet Rd 9 Vacant lot at Carpenter Rd. and het Rd. 0 U.S. Silica Plant, south of Oceanside Blvd., east of El Camino Real. * Large open field at the northweit corner of the Mission San Luis Rey, Opcn space immediately cast of San Luis Rey parish, Vacant property, south of Oceanside Blvd., west of Crouch Rd. 0 Cityswncd property near Whelan Lake. Singh property, north of State Route 78, west of Jefferson St. The site identified as Deutsch property is the chosen site and was latex discovered to ke Ci owned land. The site selection process involved an exhaustive search and all other sites 01 list were climinared bccause of unforeseen problems or lack of availability. The City Wat Department is currently Using the Maintmance Yard on Jones Road. The vacant building 3265 ProductiOn ~krgg not available because the owner was not willing to rent it as a sheltc~ The Roym IndW Park Association met on November 26,1993, and resolved that the acceptable location in the am for the shelter was north of the San Luis Rey River. The ne three sites on the list of acceptable sites (Cubic Communications, Inc., Add. Building, vacant lob on Via Del Monte & Benet Rd. and Carpenter Rd. & Bcnet Rd,) wm m,vail; because the owners were undlhg to rent or lcase the spaces. All of the other propexies similarly unavailable, * ,a Vacant land, located insfde San Luis Rcy was& water Veatmtnt compound, W - -- V! .- . .- -. . ._-_. .* ... -:.-.A 0 The site has no permanent structure for use as a shelter, therefore, a temporary smctun be utilized. The Canvas Specialty Fast Structure was chosen as the most appropriate sm for use a a dielter. It is a single clear-pan saucture with no polu or masts required. Th structural frame irr aluminum, btaced with purlins and cross-bracing. The exterior fabric vinyl-coattd pulycstcr, The structllre is certified by the SUE Fin Marshall a~ h-resistl Various configurations are available for different applications or ww, including 1 end, framed end, hll-width door end, and fabric-tensioned. Fast Structure doors arc fabi and may be opened or 'removed at any time. The shelter can be constructed with any/evei panel containing a door. Heating and ventilation will be considered when determining chc number of door required, Power hookup is required. Anchorage is obtained with 4-ft.1 at base plates for each arch, The rental cost of a 6OOO 4. ft. (60 ft. x 100 ft.) structure is $7,800 for the first month, $2,400 per month thereafter. The rental cost, including delivery, set-up, breakdown, anc pick-up, for a 9O-day period is Sl2,913. OPerator: The City of Oceanside will contract with North County Interfaith Council, 430 North Ro! Escondido, CA 92025 to administer and operate the shelter. SheIkr htations: The shelter will be fully case-managed and operattd unda strict rules and guideiina whir will provide a safe and sccure environment for both staff and guests. Intake procedure wi~ include screening by a case-worker and a public health nurse, referrals as appropriate, am issuance of an identification card. All intaka for the shelter will take place a Brother &I Center between the how of 8:OOa and a:*. Tbe 24 hour daily shcftet routine will inch mspctrtation to employment and adjunct services including: breakfast, laundry, mail, jot intexviews, counseling, social services and Social Security. On-Site activities will include step programs, mental health counseling, cm?r counseling, training programs, and V.A. outreach. Community group meetings will be held twice daily to discuss problems. Week activities will include supervised recreational activities, clean-up and maintenance, and 12 programs. Personnel will include an on-site program manager, on-sits weekend supcMson, four sec guards, two cascmamgers, two intern counselors, two --aides, one public health nurs volunteers and guests to assist with food service and janitorial chow. In addition to sleeping fdtics, the temporary sheIter will provide programs to addm tl problems of the diverse homeless groups: 1) homeless Wes with children (bugh adji referrals); 2) economically disadvantaged; 3) situationally depressed; 4) chronically menta ill; 5) habitual drug users; 6) alcoholics; 7) duat-diagnoscd (mentally ill plus substance ab Substance abusers will only k sheltered if they remain sober. Appropriate rtfwrals will 1 made to long-term treatment programs. The mentally ill will &ve special attention, wit consideration and provision applicable to thek needs. Only the anti-social, criminal elerne and those who are intoxicated or disruptive will be refused shelter. Divm *. --_ ,F-, e *. .. e. ,- -_ .- -A 4, rJ -:Aw**'. .. , ...., -- ..-- .. . . -. .T. . *: ,It ". 0 <Q - -L. ,. .- .. - .-. . o , . . . , . 0 . .=A I I I I a I 1 I ? Budget ead llnancbi I 7.1 TezWre Oprrrttona Budget Crn~ Spsdrlr)t Fast Stiuctue, I-, ciooo sq, ft. program- 6 Weekend on-& supervisor S1.M q. kht rncmtWS.40 sq. ft.12nd & 3rd months S15.00/hr 40 hdwk - 12 wh 2 Qfp S8,Whr- 16 hddayrr &ys wk $12,913. 7,200. 6,144, 4 Ltrbility Inrunrcc sal. TelcphOne 1 ,m. 4 EktriCityIhmihg t lSOo* * SOChl WQrkcn 11 2 Q $1Q*S0nu- 4hrs/Qay s,0401 S~~utityGd 1 QP $6,OO/hr t6 hd@ 8,640. 2@$7.00/hr- 8Wby 10,080, Equipment and ruppk 8 sa. Podk toitetS(6) dh WC~ WWY Stlvict 1,500. Trarh r~movrl, t4o.WWk 480, Transportation, @us md VM gas) S35,Wwk 42I1. a SS7,917. 1OOm4tolvo~ fa familia Q S3O.Wvouchrt 3,000. a a I 8 t *** a U a a*.. -. - ..-- .. * 2 :'J - . -. -- -- - - -. : - L J ,..A .. . - a. . ... .. . * . . = . sa.. .I ~r 0 . ... . . .?. 1 I 6.6 hUy Scbeduk MOW# AcSfvItb 5:sO - 6W W&UP k Pnow bYCIt* 6:m - 6w &U trmPrpofl t6 Brother hnO'S 6:W - 7W Van tnmspo~ b fobs, btervkwa and appofnhrntr 690 - ' 8W Srarlrld I ~!OO - 1b:M Sbew, ba&, mail, ud dhep uwlca 10:~ - 11:~ wu tmswt rdum to Jhettei I B 1 1 I I 1 I 19 I 1 I I 1 Ok-Site pr~gm~~ I1 90 - 4:M Cro~v d ps~pk tmosp~rtcd by VU tot -job Mm *ia&ld~& MY Ud WUP thempy *job - .d smkdsehl sccutity -mdtkid hndng 6 pragams (IPdfvW hspolt will occPoionrUy be ncgded.) -drug ad akobol courtseihii o -Qopia4aZcH cmttt for mentally ill 0bSh Pto- Q A&W# * 11!00- I2:oo ChOrrrradckPwO l2:db- 1260 CowudQ=m 12:M- It00 Lunch i:oo - 4;oo rnyavw 42 *p - AAlNA -- -ma ha cmar~llpl *djUpd trddll$ dom -V&nnS UmtfOIJ CJUtX'WCh SIflkU 4r00 - SW PefwatTLps 5:OO - 4:M - 6:OO - 7m MPavr4-p 7too- 1m MAd~ 846 - ltbb ptcsodtbrt l0:fm - Lights out 61W CnmmUw -ha Of dry'$ MIVith 6W InUW bt& Aserabcnt o~d ID-W 4:OO - 6:W IlouUm mYIklI, lnrotai hWtb rL ersc-mgmt, rppto, Weekend Rogmn 6 Ac!loW Weekend activitia will be ovctsctn by tn oa-dtt supdsor and will Muds, facility clean-up & maintenance, ptwd the br ncmtion, reIigiow Yrvicss & study, and AA/NA mettingf. Brta)dplt md dinner Will be eNtd on-rite. Gucw will be ttonsported 10 Brother kno't at 11:oO a.m. fot petwnd hygiene ad luncfr. ne on-si& supemisor wi!l hd!e tmtrycr.cisj .. e .. -1 - .a - - - --*-**I* e .- _. .- .. . . . . . . . . . . 0- - .-,. ._ . . ._ - 2 ?.X ally ACtiVith Brothrr &nno'r We/ 8t8f f hrnoti( ~ourr I M*F 1 eocial worker/ 0XOUP8, 8 - lltOO a... volunteer (I) i0lldW c4~ ~r M-? 9 o 11100 admb DkWtOr caaa ~lr 8UprV Main *. 0 .- - ..-- - -- - ‘f I. 0 0 .. _.... 9. . - - , . . . - . - - -,* ~ I - - . - . . . -::..I. .. . . :. ,. I. ‘.*a OQ DaiJy Aotivithr ~ranmportitlan * xourr Staff Function voluntrrr Wrnqm~ Wily - 5 - 7130 ptmp, Shelter Tr8nrit ( 6 - 8 a.m. voluntaer ~ranrpor Iko. kn Work 8 - ~UOO a.r votuntear TraA8pt .. m - ..e- . . .. ... *:, 0 .- -. :- _. -I.-..'- (FJ - -., ._ , . .. .. -: .-.x OQ Uafly Activfthm . 8hrrlt.t I D.W 8taf i Act iv i t : XOUt8 M-F 6-10 p,r* 1 rocfal WOUPa, A worker follw th: carawaagc U-? 11 8.m. 6 pama Diroctor birrat volur Coordinatr rotivitia Daily 6 a*a0 - 2 pea4 1 gwH 2 p*l. (. 10 Pem 1 qurd 0at/sun S:30 a,m. - 10800 pa- 1 8Wh1 8~pr-m niqntay 34 hrr. Bite Cont m a I II io pasI - 6 a,., 2 qUarb8 var)ror and aotiv 7~00 pore BrO. &M0'8 bfnnmr b, -- - ..-• 0 - - - . - - . - . - - .-..I. ........ 7. ........... OQ .. OnOe 8hdtW Qu48t4 8hutth VW amiV8 tQ tran8po* $Wart# to BgamW -0'1 0 . : ail ....'. - --.. bav* uti1 ao#lfng whd rhowarr, brmkfart, and earr 88inagraant aervicrr, '. 8.. 0 .. . .... -- . ,*..I .. ...... t. e Q ,- - .. ,. .* - --a* ** .. .. .. .: .;s1 oparrting P+oodutsr I Brothw B@llnO',8. - 0 All 8mdng OCQUt8 f+c# 8tOO 1.B. a L%1OO 1.1 80 Wrlk-ina ax8 prnifted 8t rhO1-g 8t ll ma enly rwptiaa to thir praaadurr ir uhrn th& paliar or rh drop off 0 poturtial ohaltar nridrnt. - - NO intoxicatad person. will k racopta in van trans drt to rju1t.r. Xt #arm ir deubt an mloohol tort el - - No uprpam 8x8 pmmittrd in tha rhaltar, ~ll gu wj.11 be mk.4 to -1inqui.h any weapon they MY have lit #+ *hair proparty will ba labaled and atond at the front da8k thay arr rrhrltrt~d~ Their pr:op.rty will be returnM to them they b8V8 if thrir werponzy h awal (La -la hiV88) il wraponr vi11 be given to thr 1-1 palim, A dl hand 1~14 bateator will ba wad to diruern any hi4d.n vaaponry, - - swfal votk parmontul: ud mcuritg pwso~si phon8 911 for plica arairtantm on any wwarrion vhon I Quart 4 of oontml or ZafU8ar to IUVU WCrfUlly vban m@&hd by rb prrrenn.10 I - - MCXC'8 rood and Shrltar Program Manage1 Klug, will ptwida an tha job trriniw on tb m~+b of AMI vsather mholter proqru d.v+Wparntm to both rwurity gur~ n~irrl work perioru~sl. All roci41 wrX perootmel wa expori prof8rrion~h VhO h.Vr WaZW pZWiOUmly With th8 h-lur. Plp Wm - TrmPrktfQn M~&mta!lCO Vlll k p&:widr rat.4 w voluntmrm vw whioh vi11 b4 inrutad and 8.IWi0'8 fort ~~OVQII, lr~bry, brukfarrt, &g lun~ti to go, up r&iltw reaibwtr at Ocrmrida Tramit Cent- and tzwpc the 8haltu. )CII. v - mn,''bW Uld -888 Vu1 b@ 8hd tn rrprrrk IJCIU ef the imp tat, tbm at- wiil bva ne W WeithU 84p8r8tiw CbU. ma bosurbrrk Vi11 h 8B-1 by tkr modi81 vorkar8 pw8enl: and will be henorod by dl gut& a aoamnewxtuy. program dfractor will rwf~ all e3~rnpncy Witinq proosbura m - A 4esign.tsb ataa ufll k artablilrhad for all vm in4 labelad. Thoro vi11 be Ifsited parkinq rim mart mart be with-out vehiaha and dl1 b. entering tha rhelter by e rdmin P .tar& at: the etaeltar. T oGrarMu* faith mt0r.m vanr w 11 pick-u$ molter q bagfMiw at 6100 a.m. Saoh rrOY!hQ ad trarwpOrt to 83 UMg+mWlt HWiGW uIc( IIOtar At S:OO p.8. Vanr Will brgfn pi They will rakr Wr until 7430 p.m. nightly. - - All fi%% exit8 Will b. CrlrCrrly lakld. Tho $1 811 8t8ffa VEn. --I' 0 0 - -- .- -. __ .. _..... mrar? LtW DEICRXPTXOM OCWBZDB TWORARY E#bRQZ#CY BRBLTBR I (e-34-03) BEING AN AREA OF LAND APPROXIMATELY ONE ACRE XN SIZE THAI A PORTION OF PROPERTY FttRTHER DESCRIBED IN DOCUMENT NO, 594323 AS FILED ON NOVEMBER 1, 1990 IN THE OFFICE OF COUNTY RECORDER, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, STATE CALIFORNIA, L NOTICE OF EXEMPTION h TO:- Ft€coRbER~colMTycLERK cOcMnOFSANDlEOO P,O. SOX 1750 $AN OlEQb, CA 421 12-41 41 / h PROJECT TITLE AND FILE NUMBER: O(=1UHSIDE TMWBAbLT mEGXHCY $EEL= (C-34-93) PROJECT LOCATION - SPECIFIC: Rey River, east of the Priory Bridge DESCR1PTIC)N Of NATURE, PUR-€, AND BENEFICaRES OF PRQclEct: North of the 8an LULO PROJECT LocAnON GENE city Of'Ooun8lck Provision of a temporary structure approximately 6,000 square feet in oizt period of nfncy (90) deyo to provide vlntcr shelter for approximately 100 1 individual8 . NAME OF PUBUC AC3ENcY APpF#wINQ PROJfcT. City of Ocemsfde NAMEOW€FWN(S)OR~Y~~PFKXI#~T: r rn City of Occrnside (Public Aasoutcss code Ssctkn 21000 et, 8L): -Exempt Gatus pet the Guidellner to implement the Califomla Environmental QuaMy Act (( - NOT SUBJtcT TO CCQA PIR THE WNERAL RULI, 8ECn0M lSW(Bj(3) - . STATUTORY iXEYPTlON Pan ARTlCLI 18, WCTlON(8) - X CATlOORICAL tXEYFTlON PIR ARTICLI 1% $WTION(8) 153 04(e) I L 0 0- r REAIMNS WHY ?ROJIcI !$ UIRYnt Hinor temporrry u8e of laad having negligible or no permanent affects on I environment *. , Cantact Penon: Tim Cax, Envimnmrntrl Plurnu De c cmb 4A(&if DAT SIGNATURE FOI: Mlchari Blouing, Planning bfnctor - --- _,-> - - -_ 0 0 0 OQ PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 93-P66 A RES9LVTIQN OF THE PLANNING COMMLSSEOH OF THE CITY OF OCEANSIDE, CALIFORNIA APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ON CERTAIN RUXI PROPERTY IN THE CITY O? OCEANSIDE City of Oceaneide, Housing Department LOCATION: North of San Luis Rey River and east of the ~t THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCEANSIDE, CALIF01 was filed with this Cornmirefon a veri! forms prescribed by the Comissian requestii use Permit under the provieions of Article8 13 41 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Oceanside to pel E AS FOLLOWS: a temporary emergency aheltet 1 property legally described aa shown on Em' hereto and incorporated herein by refer( nning conmission, after giving the requ 0th bay of December, 1993 conduct a 4 lic hearing as prescribed by law to consider , igations made by this Commisg lowing facts: emporary emergency shelter is an allowi n the IP di8,trict and this use will pro1 immediate relief to the home18ss on a temporary basis, proposed location of the use is in accord with objectives of the Zoning Ordinance in that housing shelter ir proposed which will allow homeless resident reside in a 8afe, temporary, sanitary environm~ Location of the shelter in this area will also promote economic stability of existing Land uses within the Air1 Industrial Area by protecting these usee from intrusfons of unauthorized homeless camps in and around industrial area and airport. The proposed use will implement one of the programs of city's Housing Element of the General Plan by providing 2, 28 1 1 0 vu-/ .- -. 5. .-..::.A Decwber 20, : embrgefiw rhelter , for hamalean people. Tho facility 1 Plannln Rerolut P on *&J Comission No. 93-P66 P8i be rxtenaivaly managed and rupportfvo services will provid8d 80 that the occupants Of the homel8s8 shrlter 1 have the ability to beconre relf eufticient within a a1 period of time. ~dequate parking will be provided in inmediate area for the ostablfshed time period of the 1 The use will not h detrimental to the public he& safety and welfare of th8 persons residing or workinc the adjacent neighborhood or to the propertiea $mprovamenta within tha vicinity. The propoeed u8e will comply the provisions of th8 20 ordinance including any specific conditions that havo placed an the project by this resolution, WHEREAS, the Pianninq caram~sslan f hdr the pragared pre provisions of the California Envirome NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Comfs does hereby APPROVE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT C-34-93 rubjec' . e following conditions: icabla Building Codes and Ordinances shall be base the date of submittal for Building Department plan chc The granting of approval under this action ehall in nc relieve tha applicant/project from compliance with State and local building codes, 2. 3. All outdoor lighting shall be properly ehielded directed so as to prevent glare on surrounding proptrt d construction of all hgrovemmt8 shall b with the st4ndard plan8 and specification f Oceanaide and are bubject to approval bi 5, Fire apparatus access road shall be s8rviceable dl wishers are required and shall be includt 7. This application shall comply with Uniform Fire CI Chapter 32 and Title 19 of the California Cod ~D-3lRtiCF.S. construction and during time of occupancy, the plan8 submitted for plan check, e December 20, 1s Pagc planning Commicrrion Resolution No. 93-P66 8. Scalad plans shall be submitted to the Fire Prevent! Bureau which indicate eite acces8 from the noarest pub: artreet and the proposed parking area for the shelter. TI plan ehall be reviewed and approved by the Fire Mars1 pzior to the issuance of a building permit. A detail&, scaled floor plan shall be submitted for rev: and approval to the Fire Prevention Bureau prior to 4 i~suance of a Building ~ermi~. rEhh plan ahall Mica qnd be adequately labeled to identify, any inter appliancca, sleeping arrangement, afrleil and halls, exi fire extinguisher locations, any bathroom or kitc facilities and all utility shut-off locations (meterr valves) io. The naximm occipant load of the sh8lter Bhall be indica on the plan. 11, Prior to the commencement of operation, a street ad& shall be aasigned to tho shelter location. An emerge phone number and name af the r88ponsfble person in cha of the shelter operation shall be provided to the F Marshall prior to occupance. 12, Submit a copy of the State Fir8 Marshal's Certific indicating that the shelter material is approved a$ ! retardant. 13. The flame-spread end-point rating of all interior fir materials shall not exceed 200 a8 determined by Stand Test Method No. 723. Underwriters Laboratory. 14. Smoking shall be prohibited inside the ahalter. 15. Provide and maintain a device or devices suitable sounding a fire alarm. 16. Shelter heating shall be approved by the Fire Marshall Building Director prior to occupancy. 0 0 4 - - - ,XI ,- .. .- .---1-:: I, -::*.'A 9. ElMnw: '. 17. This Conditional Use Permit shall be called for revie' the Planning Commi88ion if complnintr are filed verified as valid by the Cod6 Enforcmnent dfffce carwer the violation of any of the approved conditions assumptions made by the application. The applicant shall be responsible for trash abatemen the site, and shall keep the bite free of litter, trash other nuisances This Conditional Use Permit is granted for the follo use only: an approximately 6000 square foot temporary 18. 19. 1 2 3 amirgency shelter. UBI Permit. Any change in the ube will requi revision to the Conditional Use Permit or a new Conditi 4 5 20. The project ahall require the establishment of a manage plan for tho shelter'r operation. The management shall be revi8wed and approved by the Housing Dir8c Polk+ Chief, Fire Marlrhall and Planning Director and 8 include, at a minimuxa, provisions for 24-hour on- 0 W LAHItrl I AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND CITY OF OCEANSIDE FOR USE OF FEDERAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of this day of , 19-, by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municip: corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City", and CITY OF OCEANSIDE, a municipal corporation, hereinafler referred to as "Subrecipient". RECITALS WHEREAS, the City has the need to provide basic services related to fooc shelter, health and clothing to low and moderate income households, including th homeless, within Carlsbad; and, WHEREAS, the Subrecipient can provide one or more of these basic services fc low and moderate income households, including the homeless, with some assistanc from the City; and, WHEREAS, the City has received required environmental clearance to release th funds for this project; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenant contained herein, City and Subrecipient agree as follows: 1. STATEMENT OF WORK The City has reallocated federal 1992-1 993 Community Development Block Grar (CDBG) funds, in the amount of seventeen thousand four hundred dollar ($17,400) to the Subrecipient to assist with the costs associated with provision c ninety (90) days of emergency shelter for homeless persons within the City c Oceanside at the approved site located on the north bank of the San Luis Re River and just east of the Priory Bridge. The funds allocated by the City shall b used for the cost of installingkonstructing the structure (60' X 100' military-typ tent) and providing electricity to the site (via generators). The allocated funds WI be used for the noted costs only. e 0 Every effort shall be made by the subrecipient to expend the allocated funds i their entirety by April 30, 1994. If the Subrecipient will be unable to expend all ( the funds allocated to the project by the noted date, the subrecipient shall reque: an extension from the City for continued use of the funds on the approved projec Based on progress made by the subrecipient towards completing the subjec project, the City will either agree to grant the extension or notify the Subrecipier that the funds must be reallocated to another eligible project due to slow projel progress . 2. DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS The City shall reimburse the Subrecipient with CDBG funds for capiti improvement costs related to the constructionlinstallation of facilities andlc improvements for the provision of shelter for eligible homeless persons in th North County for the period beginning January I, 1994 and ending April 30, 1991 Specifically, the City shall provide CDBG funding to finance the entire cost ( constructinghnstalling the shelter structure (tent) and a portion of the cost fc providing electricity to the site. The reimbursements for costs shall not excee a total of $17,400. The City shall not provide any payments/reimbursements i advance of actual expenditures by the subrecipient. The Subrecipient shall submit a "Reimbursement Request" to the City to reques payment for capital costs. Each request for reimbursement shall includc documentation to verify expenditure of funds are consistent with the projec descriptionldefinition as approved by the City Council. Prior to receivin! reimbursement, the City will verify that the Subrecipient has met all applicabll regulations for the project. Payroll records, receipts, paid invoices including an itemized statement of all cost are samples of appropriate methods of reimbursement documentation. The Subrecipient may request reimbursements anytime after this agreement i: approved by the City Council and continue until the expiration date, or amendec expiration date, of this agreement. 3. PROGRAM INCOME The Subrecipient shall report, to the City, any interest, or other income, earnec as a direct result of the use of federal CDBG funds for the program outlined withir this agreement. All reported program income may be retained by the Subrecipien for costs related to the subject program activities. However, the program income retained by the Subrecipient, must be expended before additional funds are requested from the City. The requirements are set forth in the federal regulation: Sections 570.504 (c) which are incorporated herein by reference. 2 m 0 4. LABOR, MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES: The Subrecipient shall furnish all labor, materials and services and bear i expenses necessary to provide the subject program as outlined in this agreemer Under this agreement, the City's only financial obligation to the Subrecipient is for program year 1992-93 from previously canceled projects. provide the CDBG funds of $17,400 maximum as reallocated by the City Coun 5. RECORDS AND REPORTS The Subrecipient shall submit "Progress Reports" with each request f reimbursement. The report must include sufficient information to assist the CI in monitoring the subrecipient's performance. The subrecipient must demonstra satisfactory performance prior to reimbursement for expenditures. At a minimum, the performance reports shall include the following information a. Total number of personslhouseholds participating in the program durit reported period; b. Number of low/moderate income persons/households participating in tf program during the reporting period; c. Age and ethnic background of participants; d. Summary of program(s) provided to participants; e. Total number of participants from Carlsbad; The Subrecipient shall maintain separate accounting records for the federal CDE funds provided by the City. The City, Federal Grantor Agency, Comptroll General of the United States, or any of their duly-authorized representatives sh have access to all books, documents, papers and records maintained by ti Subrecipient which directly pertain to the above project for the purpose of auc examination, excerpts and transcriptions. Unless otherwise notified by the City, the Subrecipient shall retain all financ records, supporting documents and statistical reports related to the proje identified under this agreement until September 30, 1997. All records subject an audit finding must be retained for three (3) years from the date the finding made or until the finding has been cleared by appropriate officials and tl Subrecipient has been given official written notice. If the Subrecipient shall receive more than $25,000 in total federal funds in 01 fiscal year from the City of Carlsbad and/or any other city or agency, tl subrecipient is required to submit a Single Audit Report. As required by tl 3 e e Federal Single Audit Act, the Subrecipient shall be required to submit, to the Citj a comprehensive financial audit prepared by an independent, neutral third-part auditor. The audit shall cover financial operations of the Subrecipient for th period beginning July 1, 1993 and ending June 30, 1994 and is due not later tha one year after expiration of the agreement. The Subrecipient shall also b required to submit a second audit for the period covered under fiscal ye: beginning July 1, 1994 and ending June 30, 1995 for any funds received in fisc; year 1994-95 per this agreement. 6. PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS The Subrecipient shall adhere to the terms of the City’s CDBG Application an Subrecipient Agreement and with assurances and agreements made, by the Cit to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Subrecipient shall comply with applicable Uniform Administratiu Requirements as described in Section 570.502 of the federal regulations for th CDBG Program; the federal requirements are set forth, by reference, as provision of this agreement. The Subrecipient shall carry out all activities in compliance with all Federal lair, and regulations as described in Subpart K, such as labor standards (Davis Baco Act), fair housing requirements of the CDBG Program Regulations, except tha a. The Subrecipient will not assume the City’s environmental responsibilitie as described in Section 570.604; and The Subrecipient will not assume the City’s responsibility for initiating tt described at 570.612 of the Code of Federal Regulations. b. review process required under the provisions of Executive Order 123i The provisions of Subpart K, of the CDBG Program Regulations, are set forth, t reference, as a condition of this agreement. The subrecipient shall comply with all federal regulations relafed to the use CDBG funds by religious organizations, if applicable to this agreement and tt approved project outlined herein. 7. CHANGES IN USE OF FUNDS Changes in the use of CDBG funds must be approved by the City Council. If tt Subrecipient desires a change in the use of the CDBG funds following approv 4 e a of this agreement, a written request must be submitted to the City for review t without prior formal approval by the Council. the Council. No change in use of the CDBG funds will be permitted by the Ci 8. N ON Dl SC RIM I NATION CLAUSE The Subrecipient shall comply with all state and federal laws regardii nondiscrimination in the provision of services and the equal opportun employment of personnel. 9. SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT In accordance with Section 24, Parts 85.43 and 85.44 of the Code of Feder Regulations, this agreement may be suspended or terminated if the subrecipie fails to comply with any term(s) of the award and/or the award is terminated fc convenience. Section 24, Parts 85.43 and 85.44 of the Code of Feder Regulations are set forth, by reference, as provisions of this agreement. IO. REVERSION OF ASSETS Upon expiration of the agreement, the subrecipient shall transfer to the City ar CDBG funds on hand at the time of expiration and any accounts receivabl attributable to the use of CDBG funds. The subrecipient shall be required to us any real property under the subrecipient’s control that was acquired or improve in whole or in part with CDBG funds in excess of $25,000 to either be: a) Used to meet one of the national objectives in 24 CFR Section 570.208 ( the federal regulations until five (5) years after expiration of the agreemer or, Disposed of in a manner that results in the City being reimbursed in tt amount of the current fair market value of the property less any portion ( the value attributable to expenditures of non-CDBG funds for acquisitior or improvement to, the property. Reimbursement is not required after th period of time specified in paragraph (a) of this section. b) 5 > 0 11. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT The City, its officers, and employees shall not be liable for any claims, liabilitif penalties, fines, or any damage to goods, properties, or effects of any persc whatsoever, nor for personal injuries or death caused by, or claimed to have bet caused by, or resulting from, any intentional or negligent acts, errors or omissic of Subrecipient or Subrecipient's agents, employees, or representatives completion of the project outlined in this agreement. Subrecipient agrees to defend, indemnify, and save free and harmless the C and its officers and employees against any of the foregoing liabilities or claims any kind and any costland expense that is incurred by the City on account of ai of the foregoing liabilities, including liabilities or claims by reason of allegt defects in any plans and specifications for the project or facility. 12. ASSIGNMENT OF AGREEMENT The Subrecipient shall not assign this agreement or any monies due thereund without the prior written consent of the City. 13. SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS Subject to the provisions of this Subrecipient Agreement Paragraph 11, "Ho Harmless Agreement," all terms, conditions, and provisions hereof shall insure and shall bind each of the parties hereto, and each of their respective heir executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. 14. INSURANCE If the Subrecipient shall receive more than $5,000 from the City in CDBG fun( and/or other funds, the Subrecipient shall obtain and maintain policies of gener liability insurance and a combined policy of worker's compensation and employe, liability insurance from an insurance company authorized to do business in tt- State of California which meets the requirements of City Council Resolution Nc 90-96 in an insurable amount of not less than one million dollars ($1,000,00( each, unless a lower amount is approved by the City Attorney or the Ci Manager. 6 > 0 0 c This insurance shall be in force during the term of this agreement and shall nc be canceled without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City sent t certified mail. The City shall be named as an additional insured on these policies. Tt Subrecipient shall furnish certificates of insurance to the City befoi commencement of work. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this agreement to k executed as of the day and year first written above. ation of the State of California ATTEST: AdLlL 4. QtLZdk- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, CITY CLERq ,& ,) fiJ/W* / AD CITmTTORN , __ dA N I EL;& ,H E"TS CH e0 CE-AN S ID E-CITY ATTORNEY <' 7 . 0 e z CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING THE PUBLIC IS HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT a public hearing before the Carlsbad Cit] Development Block Grant Entitlement Program is scheduled for January 4, 1994 at 6:OO p.m. in the City Council Chambers located at 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive. Council to consider changes outlined withm this notice for the Carlsbad Comunitj Staff is requesting that the City Council reallocate a total of $17,400 from the following previously canceled projects allocated Community Development Block Grant Entitlement funding under the 1992-93 federal program year: Amount Organization Proiect Description 0 $ 5,000 North Coast Conduct an affordable housing workshop ir Housing the four quadrants of the community 0 $12,400 Casa De Amparo Assistance in the construction of a new crisis shelter for abused, abandoned, or neglected children Staff is recommending that the funds from these canceled CDBG Entitlement projects be reallocated to a new project, a temporary emergency shelter for homeless persons sponsored by the City of Oceanside. The balance of funds available for reallocation will be included in the amount set for allocation to new 1994-95 CDBG projects. A "Request for Proposals" for use of these funds will be distributed in late January, 1994. The public is invited to comment on the changes to the CDBG program outlined above. Interested persons may also submit comments, in writing or verbally, to the Housing and Redevelopment Department until 5:OO prn on Monday, January 10, 1994. If you have comments and/or questions regarding the above outlined changes to the Carlsbad CDBG program, please contact Leilani Hines at (619) 434-2811. Written comments may be mailed or personally delivered to: 2965 Roosevelt Street, Suite B, Carlsbad, CA 92008, Attn: Leilani Hines. A r; lb * @ December 29, 1993 SUSAN LEGAL LOY ADVERTISING % 3%+ BLADE-CITIZEN 1722 SOUTH HILL STREET OCEANSIDE, CA. 92054 RE: NOTICE OF CHANGE IN DATE FOR PUBLIC HEAIUNG ON REALLOCATION OF CDBG FUNDS FOR EMERGENCY HOMELESS SHELTER IN OCEANSIDE Dear Susan: Please publish the attached notice in display format (with border) on Monday, J~IIUXY 3,1994. Billing for this notice should be forwarded to: Leilani Hines, 2965 Roosevelt Street, Suite B, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008. As in the past, please forward an "affidavit of publication" for this notice to my office with the appropriate billing. Thank You for your assistance in this matter. If you have any questions, please contact my office at (619) 434-2935. Sincerely, <-- Fd DEBBIE FOUNTAIN Sr. Management Analyst c: City Clerk 2965 Roosevelt St., Ste. 6 Carlsbad, CA 92008-2389 (61 9) 434-281 0/2811 FAX (61 9) 720-2037 A 0 0 Hi L W CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM NOTICE OF CHANGE IN DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARING THE PUBLIC IS HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT the public hearing scheduled before the Carlsbac City Council to consider changes to the 1992-93 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG Program has been rescheduled from January 4, 1994 to JANUARY 11, 1994 at 6:OOpm in th( City Council Chambers located at 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive. The City Council has received a request by the City of Oceanside for funding for an Ernergenc Homeless Shelter to be located in Oceanside on a one acre site on the north bank of the San Lui Rey River and just east of the Priory Bridge. The shelter is anticipated to open in late January 1994 and remain in operation for approximately ninety (90) days. This item was previously noticed on December 27, 1993 in the Blade-Citizen. There has bee no change in the project description or funding level; this notice is intended to simply inforr the public that the hearing date for City Council consideration of the project and reallocation c CDBG funds has been changed to January 11, 1994. The public is invited to attend the public hearing noted above to consider a change in the Cit of Carlsbad’s 1992-93 CDBG program to allow for the reallocation of funds from previous1 canceled projects to the Emergency Homeless Shelter to be constructed in Oceanside. All interested persons may submit comments, in writing or verbally, to the Housing an Redevelopment Department until 5:OOpm on January 11, 1994. Also the public may comer on the program change during the noted public hearing before the City Council. If you have an comments and/or questions regarding the program changes, please contact Leilani Hines a Debbie Fountain at (619) 434-281 1. Written comments may be mailed or delivered to: Housin and Redevelopment Department, 2965 Roosevelt Street, Suite B, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008, Attr Leilani Hines,