HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-01-18; City Council; 12557; APPROVAL OF THE ARTS OFFICE GRANT APPLICATION TO THE CALIFORNIA ARTS COUNCILb ?!i fz EB, 2 2 b a 0 I =! 0 z 3 0 0 @TY OF CARLSBAD - AGmA BILL p m u MTG.r/18/94 GRANT APPLICATION TO THE CITY AB#,s = APPROVAL OF THE ARTS OFFICE DEPT CALIFORNIA ARTS COUNCIL. DEPT. ARTS CITY RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council adopt Resolution No. ‘&-A? approving the Arts Office grant application 1 the California Arts Council. ITEM EXPLANATION The Carlsbad Arts Office is requesting approval of its grant application to the Californi Arts Council (CAC) for an arts program working in cooperation with Youth Enrichmenl Services, Inc. (YES). The new CAC state program will fund city arts agencies that have completed a community cultural planning process to determine community needs. Each dollar requested must be matched with 1.5 of new private or public funds. Only hard cash i an acceptable match. The Arts Office is requesting $15,000 for eight months of arts programming for Carlsb youth, developed and presented in collaboration with Carlsbad YES. The YES Board ( Directors has agreed to raise the matching funds ($22,500). A part-time coordinator ai part-time teachers will be contracted to offer programs in visual and performing arts. (see attached grant narrative) The Carlsbad Education Foundation is considering matching funds for this grant request at its January 12, 1994 Board Meeting. Based on the information available a the deadline for this agenda bill, the request includes the YES project only. If, howew the Education Foundation is willing to match the grant with $7,500, the Arts Office wil include a program collaborating with Schools Out to offer after school arts programs. The grant request would increase to $20,000. FISCAL IMPACT If the California Arts Council awards $15,000 to the Carlsbad Arts Office, it must be matched with $22,500 new private or public funds. Carlsbad YES has agreed to raisc $22,500 in new private dollars. Should the matching dollars not be raised, the City rr request the CAC to extend the time period required to find the match. City Council would not be expected to continue the program without grant funds and matching funds. EXH ISITS 1. Resolution No. 9q-29 2. California Arts Council grant application 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 e RESOLUTION NO. 9 4 - 2 9 A RESOLUTION OF ME CITY COUNCIL OF THE CrrY OF CARLSBAD, CAUFORNIA, APPROVING THE ARTS OFFICE GRANT APPLICATION TO THE CAUFORNIA ARTS COUNCL WHEREAS, the California Arts Council has a new pilot program providing fun for cities who have completed a cultural plan; and WHEREAS, Carlsbad’s Cultural Plan calls for 1 )increased programming for yc people, especially in arts education, 2) outreach to Barrio Carlsbad who represent 1 Carlsbad’s population, 3) continued development of local partnerships using the art! address social issues and 4) increased family oriented participatory arts programmir WHEREAS, Carlsbad YES has identified specific community needs among Ls youth at risk: 1) help family relations, 2) help with school work and 3) provide a safe to gather for recreation; and WHEREAS, Carlsbad YES is interested in collaborating with the Carlsbad Art and has agreed to raise the required matching funds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carl as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That the City Council approves the Carlsbad Arts Office grant propos the California Arts Council for $1 5,000 to provide arts programming in partnership H Carlsbad YES program. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, at a regular meeting of the Ci Council of th City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 19th day of JANUARY , 1994, by the follol vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Nygaard, Finnila NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Kulchin ATTEST: A!mffk!df- E 0 i%drlw7 \Jmc . e-- - - - ___ - - - _- __ - I t .Id. 1% x State-county-City Applicants: Level Three (City Arts Agencies Onlv) In th' 'Pacc bc1oiv and on one additional pa@ ansrrcr the follorving qucstlons (;\Iso corn lctc btVc] ~,~,~/n~~~ budset for 1 2 3 f Summarkc request in two lines Dc4cnbe thp cultural planning proccs5 or othct data on which the propow] 15 bawd Dcscnbc thc rquest aS It relatcs to the cntcna for funding and programmatic acccsslblllty, Including your agency's trac ctfcctlvc programs and scrvlccs~ commltmcnt to CUltUl2i dlVCr51ty, rnanal;crial/fiscal compctencc and the quality of thc p mcd for thc pro)cct, the PrOpOd Impact and the ability to cotfip& the prqpctl Dc~nbe the County Partner colld,, ,' 4 Summary: The Arts Office, working in partnership with YES, will provide Carlsbad youth at risk for gz involvement with an &month arts program, VES TO ART, led by mentor artists. Planning Process: The ~rts office planning process is ongoing. The recommendations of the l! Cultural Plan conducted by The Wdf Organization have been reviewed by Task Forces in Programmi Facilities, Art in Public Places and Arts Education. Input is also obtained from the Arts Round Table! group of artists and arts organizations), panel reviews and project ewaluations, public testimony bef the Arts Commission and continuous outreach, cdlatxmtm . and consultation with community agenc service organizations and businesses. Recommendations - iflcJude: *increase programming for ywng peo~le, especialb in arts educath (#I prkuitv in the CUB Plan public survey): a sensa of isolation; *Outreach to the Bani0 Carlsbad community, wha represent 15% af the population and eXpl *Continue to develop local partnerships using the arts to address social issues; *Increase famity-oriented participatq arts programming. The Arts Office has partnered with social setvice organizations in the past. In 1993 the Arts Office fun( sponsored, assisted and documented three programs: the bilingual drcus skills and performance prc with the Carlsbad Boys & Girls Club; Festejando with Comunidad Carlsbad Para Las Artes and Carls Arts Associates; and the gang intervention Unity Conference and Mural Project with Barrio Arte at Boys & Girls Club. Carlsbad Youth Enrichment Services (YES) is a new conmtium developed to Y on gang prevention. YES will provide matching funds of new, private money thra corporate/foundation spommship. YES surveys have identified spec& community needs among Lz youth: (1) Help with family relations; (2) Help with school work; (3) Provide a safe place to gathe recreation. *Carlsbad's major gang activity is centered among Latino youth members of Varrio Carls Locos (VCL), currently in its third genetation; "Gang recruitment and gang conflii from neighboring communities like Oceanside 1: increasing risks to Carlsbad youth; *More than 60% of Carlsbad's Latino youth fail to complete high school; w police department projects more than 100 potential participants in the arts-related g prevention project for junior high school ages, (12-15) the targeted age group. Proposed Project: YES TO ART provides eight months of arts programming for Carlsbad you partnership with YES. The program will offer literary, visual and performing arts components. administrator sensitive to multicultural issues will be sought for the tensnonth part-time Pro! Coordinator position (including start-up and evaluation periods). This Coordinator will receive management training in the Arts Office. Mer the initial Program ends, YES will continue the program the Coordinator, thus providing an arts-trained coordinator working permanentty in the community e e CARLSBAD ARTS OFFICE The program’s success depends in great part upon careful selection of participating artists. Th Project Coordinator, in consultation with the Arts office staff and YES representatives, will identi teaching artists, seeking Latino representation. Organizations such as Centro Cultural de Raza, San Diego Institute for Arts Education, Teatro Mascera Magica and CSU-San Marcos an individual artists of color are local available resources. Participating artists will receive speci training in gang intervention skills. Carlsbad organizations, including Performing Arts Theatre for the Handicapped (PATh Starmakers Theatre for the Developmentally Disabled, Carlsbad Children’s Theatre, Carlsbr Children’s Museum, Carlsbad Dance Centre, Daniels Cablevision, Barrio Arte, Pacific Coa Concert Band and Patrons of the Arts community theatre, may provide cooperative or contractt services far specifically identified projects. The Arts Office’s existing Visiting Artists program mi be used for workshops and performances in support of the program. Teaching artists will emphasize positive aspects of cultural identity, the collaborative process1 used in arts production and presentation, and creative solutions to conflicts. Participants H develop original works on topics of their choice. Programs may include: 1. Creative Writina and Script Development led by artists from the San Diego Playwrights Proje and assisted by the Carlsbad Library’s Centro de Informacion, located in the Barrio. (Contra for services, 1-2 months) 2. Movement classes incorporating folklorico, stage fight choreography, African, South Americ; and jazz dance. (Resident teaching artist, 6 mos, 1-2 guest artists) 3. Music choral music, percussion and other musical forms as the interests and abilities of tl participants indicate. (teaching artist 8 mos, 2-3 guest artists) 4. Theatre Skillsnheatre Games (teaching artist 8 mos, 1-2 guest artists) 5. Visual Arts and GraDhic Design in cooperation with (1 or more): Barrio Arte, a gar intervention visual arts organization, the Carlsbad Children’s Museum and the Barrio Museu Video documentation covering the project will be conducted by Daniels Cablevision cable accc production unit through a Community Cable Foundation grant. Sites for the ongoing eveni and weekend activities include Harding Community Center (city-owned) and the storefront Bar Museum. The Boys & Girls Club has a dance studio, arts studio, gym, pool and recreation rot available for evening activities. All three facilities are located in Barrio Carlsbad. Programs I take place during evening hours Monday through Saturday and during the days on Saturday, 1 times when at-risk youth have the largest span of unoccupied time. Friday and Satura evenings are particularly targeted as requiring mentored activity. Past successful collaborations between the Arts office and community members of YES inclu Visiting Artists, Artists in Residence and Community Cultural Grants projects with the Carlsk School District, St. Patrick’s Church and the Boys and Girls Club. As a municipal agency, Arts Office operates on a zero-based annual budget and reports quarterly to City Council stated Goals and Objectives achieved. (teaching artist 8 mas, contracted services w/local orgs) ~RLSBAD ARTS OFFICE Go not stapie 0 Partner Sane -----___.___ ___ h Budget: Level Two/Three Note: Gozvrnmentfunds not new to your budget should be listed Icnder "Other Funds." Job Title/ CAWSLPP Applic. Ratc of Pay Grant Match (1) (2) (3) A. Salaries Administrative (include clerical) Coordinator 4,500 5 ; 500 $- 20 hrslwk Artistic (include production 4 teach ina I artists 7.000 11,000 and technical personnel) Outside Professional Services t Artists 1.500 1.701 Gang Relations 300 80 10 h/w x $15/h Subtotal Specialists 13,300 19.00 Ratc or CAClSLPP Applic Expcnse Grant Matc B. Operating Expcnscs Rental Space 1 .ooo 300 70 700 . 70( Rental Equipmcnt -_. Office Expenses 600 1,301 Travel (in-state) Local 25C /mile zoo Other (specify) Arts Materials 600 80C Subtotal 1,700 3,501 Amount Applica Match Rcpnting Grand Total 15,000 22,50( C. Sourcc of Match (idcntify sources of incomc in Applicant Match column) Local Governmen t/Coun ty S Local Governmcnt/Cities 5 Privatc Contributions (individual) S Earned Income S In-Kind (applics to counties. with less than IS~,OOO opulation) staff time E supplies Pepresent as estimated $40,000 Other (specify) Foundation/Corpowte Contributions 5 22,SO' s- renta I spaces, prof. additional contribution to the YES TO ART PROGRAM S S Total Match s----a=! Seeguidelines for appropriate definition of new local government funds under "Matching Funds" sections. 79