HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-01-25; City Council; 12562; Acceptance of California Arts Council GrantsQ 9 iz 2 .. 2 0 4 E A z 3 0 0 G mTY OF CARLSBAD - AGWA BILL $J u AB#x* TITLE: ACCEPTANCE OF CALIFORNIA ARTS DEPT CITY MTG.~ COUNCIL GRANTS AND APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS DEPT. ARTS CITY RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 7Y-32, accepting grants from the California Arts Council in the a of $1,670. ITEM EXPLANATION: One of City Council's 1993 goals for the Arts Office is to "provide educational opportuniti family events for all citizens". The Arts Commission recommends that the City contin visiting artist program with support from the California Arts Council by holding a minin two programs during FY 1993/94. The California Arts Council provides partial funding for visiting artists and has awarded for the following visiting artists: Make*A*Circus and the Alma Duo. On July 18, 1993, Make*A*Circus held a participatory circus performance at Stagecoacl The circus troupe performed for the audience and then held workshops teaching au Make*A*Circus has performed in Carlsbad. The Alma Duo will hold a three day residency May 10-12, that will include performanc lectures at several Carlsbad schools, civic organizations and a community performanc Alma Duo (viola/violin and guitar) perform a repertoire spanning 400 years from Renai court music to specially commissioned modern works. The California Arts Council has provided support for a number of visiting artist program past, including the African-American Drama Company, Magical Moonshine Puppet Thea guitarist Chris Proctor. FISCAL IMPACT: The total for the artist residency programs is $6,400. (Make*A*Circus - $5,000, Almz $1,400). The California Arts Council has awarded the City of Carlsbad grants in the i of funds ($1,730) is budgeted in the PI 1993/94 Arts Office budget. EXH IBlTS : 1. Resolution No. C/lf-JL 2. members (adults and children) circus skills. The circus event was free, This was the six of $1,670, Target Stores donated $3,000 for the Make*A*Circus performance, The ren Contracts with California Arts Council I 1 2 3 4 5 e a RESOLUTION NO. 9 4 - 3 2 A RESOLUTlON OF lHE CIM COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING CALIFORNIA ARTS COUNCIL GRANTS IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,670 AND APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOR VISITING ARTIST PERFORMANCES, MAKE*A*CIRCUS AND THE ALMA DUO. WHEREAS, one of City Council’s 1993 goals for the Arts office is to “provide educ opportunities and family events for all citizens”; and 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 WHEREAS, the Arts Commission recommends a minimum of two visiting artist prc be held in FY 1993/94 to fulfill this goal; and WHEREAS, the California Arts Council provides partial funding for artists listed touring program: and WHEREAS, the California Arts Council has awarded grants to the City of Carlsb; Program in previous years. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of C: California, as follows: 1. 2. 3. That the above recitations are true and correct. That the California Arts Council grants in the amount of $1,670 are accepted. That grant money is hereby appropriated from account number 180-84 2495 for the uses described herein. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 75th day of JANUARY , 1994, by the followi TITLE OF OFFICER ACTING FOR STATE Ch 1 ef Deputy D i t-ect or AGENCY Cal i for-ni a Rrt s Counci 1 , hereafter callec e e Schedule of Agreement (Touring Program Roster) - Between the California Arts Council (hereinafter called CAC) and the forenamed Contractor for 1 in the CAC Touring Program (TP) for 1993-94. The Contractor dues hereby agree to furnish to CAC the following services (1-4): 1. Under the terms of the CAC-TP to enter into contract for the engagement(s) as listed on the Standard Agreement and made a part of this contract. To abide by the terms and conditions of the FY 93-94 Touring Program Sponsor Guidelines in the current Touring Artist Directory and as amended. To submit to the Touring Program within sixty days after completion of the engagen- contractor a description of the engagement, including but not limited to numbers of I admission charged for each activity, an income and expense report, and an evaluation of the on the Presenting Organization Report Form. A program, examples of publicity and pro] an invoice for the grant share of the performing group's fee must accompany each rei payment for any single engagement will be withheld until submission of all required repoi To include in ALL programs and other published materials related to the CAC-TP engal credit line: "THIS ENGAGEMENT IS SUPPORTED, IN PART, WITH FUNDS PROF THE CALIFORNIA ARTS COUNCIL, A STATE AGENCY. The CAC is only obligated for its share mentioned above to the extent that it receives func for such purposes during the terms of this agreement. Notwithstanding any other provi, agreement to the contrary, the discharge of any financial obligation of the CAC hereunc deferred by the CAC until such time as it has received during this agreement funds availat purpose. CAC execution of this agreement shall in any case be dependent upon the receipt executed copies hereof by the contractor. Contractor understands the NEAKAC Tourh Roster provides reimbursement for a portion of the artist's fee only. No other costs are Copies of the fully executed Artist-Presenter contracts must be received by the Touring Pro€ fee support will be provided by CAC. The Contractor must notify Touring Program of any changes in the contract with the perfor, or of any schedule changes. All such changes shall be subject to the written approval of t: The Nondiscrimination Clause (OCP-I), is attached and made a part of this agreement. Contractor's responsibility to read and adhere to the requirements of this attachment and tl Access regulations and the State of California Government Code 11139.5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. -1- 0 e The Drug-Free Workplace Certification must be completed. This contract can not be approved \. this form. This grant shall not be deemed accepted, valid or binding on the part of the State unless appro the Department of Finance and/or General Services of the State of California, where their appr required. Contractor shall be subject to the examination of the Auditor General for the period of three yea1 the final payment under the contract (Government Code Section 10532). National Labor Relations Board Certification Contractor, by signing the contract, does swear under penalty of perjury that not more than on unappealable finding of contempt of court by a federal court has been issued against the con within the immediately proceeding two-year period because of the contractor's failure to compl an order of a federal court which orders the contractor to comply with an order of the National Relations Board (See Public Contract Code Section 10296). 9. 10. 11. 12. General State Requirements. (a) The following requirements, in addition to any special conditions incorporated in the Cali Arts Council Funding Criteria, are applicable to and binding upon recipients of grants fro California Arts Council. (b) Note: Most of the funds that are allocated in grants from the CAC are State funds; ho! the Council receives funds from the Federal Government. Therefore, some of the grants will ( in whole or in part of Federal funds. These latter grants will be made only to organizations wh not use Federal funds as part of their match. Since Federal funds cannot be used to match F funds, if your grant includes Federal funds, you will not be able to accept Federal funds for this SI project. Return of Grant Funds Earmarked but No Longer Required for Specific Items: Where the 1 specifies that grant funds are to be used for specific items, and subsequent to the receipt of the the grantee obtains the same without cost, or at a reduced cost, the saving, except for good cause judgment of the California Arts Council, shall be promptly returned to the State. Costs Records: Grantee shall maintain complete, accurate and current records of all in including obligations incurred with respect thereto. Such records, or xeroxes of such records, SI. kept separate from other cost records. During the duration of the project and for not less tha! years after completion or termination of the project, grantee shall make available for examinat audit any books, documents, papers or records pertaining to the project, to the California Arts Cc State Controller or where pertinent, the Federal Government. Upon request of such parties, g shall furnish at its own expense legible copies of material the deem pertinent. 13. 14. - __,_ ~-" --.----_ - - - -- -2- a e NOND I SCR IM I NATION CLAUSE (OCP - 1) 1, During the performance of this contract, contractor and Its subcontractors shall not unlowfully discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, reli- gion, color, national ori in, ancestry, physical handicap, Contractors and subcontractors shall insure that the evaluo- tim and treatment of their employees and applicants for em loyrnent are free of such discrimination, Contractors and Employment and Housing Act (Government Code, Section 12900 et se J and the applicable regulations promul ated thereund seq, 1 , The applicable regulations of the Fair Employment an Housing Commission im lemnting Government Code, Section 129 fornia Administrative Code are incorporated into this contra1 by reference and made Q part hereof as if set forth in full, Contractor and its subcontractors shall give written notice 1 their obligations under this clause to labor organizations w which they have a col lective bargaining or other agreement I 2, This contractor shall include the nondiscrimination and corn- Pliarice provisions of this clause in all subcontracts to per work under the contract. medical condition, marita il status, Gge (over 40) or sex, su E contractors shall comply with the provisions of the Fair (Cali ? ornia Administrative Code, Title 2, Sect 9 on 7285,O et set forth in Chapter g of Division 4 of Title 2 of the Cali- STD. 17A (NEW 5-83) e e RESOLUTION CALIFORNIA ARTS COUNCIL FY 1993-94 PERFORMING ARTS TOURING AND PRESENTING PROGRAM Public Meeting Long Beach, CA January 28, 1993 WHEREAS, the California Arts Council budget for 1993-94 calls for the continuation oj California Performing Arts Touring and Presenting Program; and WHEREAS, the awarding of contracts to organizations under this program is establishec regulation; and WEREAS, the regulations specify that award recommendations will be presented to Council, which will make the final decisions and awards at a public meeting; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The California Arts Council receives the recommendations of the staff and the Calif0 Performing Arts Touring and Presenting Program Panels and hereby approves the inclusio the recommended individuals and organizations in the appropriate touring roster.