HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-01-25; City Council; 12563; Potential Federal Funding Project ListI -> -% 3 - .I I ..e A-* - c 0 5 F ” a 0 z 3 0 0 -I - I)TY OF CARLSBAD - AGWDA BILL io-’ Le&& ’,’- DEPT. AB # i2i.!5b-? TITLE; CITY P MTG. 1 /25/94 POTENTIAL FEDERAL FUNDING DEPT. ENG CITY A RECOMMENDED ACTION: PROJECT LIST City Council approve project priorities and authorize the City Manager to submit Congressional Delegation for consideration for potential Federal funding. ITEM EXPLANATION: In a recent letter to the City Manager, Congressman Ron Packard asked that th prepare a list of projects that could be potential candidates for Federal funding pro! Although providing this list to Congressman Packard is not a guarantee that Federal will be forthcoming, in the recent past a similar effort resulted in the City recei substantial grant for a portion of the cost of the Palomar Airport Road Interchange P In developing the proposed project list, staff has focused on those projects wi greatest citywide or regional benefits. With the exception of transportation project1 is recommending the inclusion of only one project in each category to allo Congressmen to focus their efforts on our behalf. Two key transportation project! been recommended and prioritized as shown below. Staff is requesting that Council review this list and direct staff to submit this list of pr to Congressmen Packard and Cunningham for their consideration. Attached, for City Council’s information, are detailed project descriptions. Proposed Projects are: CIVIC PROJECT: South Carlsbad Library PARK PROJECT: Poinsettia Park WATER PROJECT: SHORE PROTECTION: TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS (Priority Listing) 1. 2. Maerkle Dam Lining and Covering Project Carlsbad Boulevard Shore Protection Wall La Costa Avenue Widening and Interchange Improvements. Cannon Road Extension and Interchange Improvements. FISCAL IMPACT: Although the submittal of these lists will have no immediate fiscal impact, it is Possibl Federal funding may become available for one of these projects. If that occurs, th will need to formally accept any grant that is offered and consider the mat requirements that are placed upon the use of these funds. EXHIBITS: 1. Letter dated November 3, 1993 from Congressman Packard’s office. 2. Project description. FLUS€ SUI VlSfA. ( APPRO PR ATI ION;^ (619) f IlrSM- El 62SC&wiM 1rnlbl SUI LEGISUTWE S~N CLEMEr PI4 4 n 221 as 0 dongrem of &? anibb states f rHLwnu 3I-cfllCK UUFoRNU 1 CQWMTE€ - n 2162 R#~~ati HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING WASklNmN. Dc 20575-0548 (202) 225-3906 Bouse of 3RepreSmt&beS November 3,1993 Mr- Raymond patchett, Cag Manager City of Catsbad 1200 carlsbadvillage&e carlsbad, CA 92008. DearRay= take this oppoaunityto learn what1 can from ym aboutpm city's concern^ andneeds. As we close out another calendar year andl0akfkwanit.o a new year, Ithonghtf wok - IamI~~gtoreceivefromyoua~ofprojectsf~which~cirtg9€Car%badwor nqire fed!EdfndSto camp& Yoarreqnest zikmldbe~basedupanh @ 0j.Rd. Each Iwlpest for fnnds should inch& a synopsis of the pmject, associated - Ph designs, and a fi~11c4a.I heakdown ofthe expectd costs, Please be artvised tImt very fr projects receive complete federal finding- Thedore, I would recod fhat yon include I i.lmo2fflt locdl gm- expects to share inthe cost afeadhpmject, The deadbeforreque is Jamq 31,1994. Examples of projects fhat have received fedad funding inch& f& aid highw; ur~it~ethe~~project),beach~~~~~~theoceansideSa3 Bypass), - and flood ccmtml pnsd-~e mm @ke the Santa Ana River Project). me in better serving my Constitnents. I will look forwardla hearing fri.mt yw and cwrtinu. QW mutually f>eneficial w-g reIaticmshpl. E yon have any cpesti~m or comments, ple Gontact Ray Me my U-G Dkaor , at (202) 2243906. In addition, any insight§ t3mpOn might sha;re ahmlocal concerns or issues would as: sincerely, 9 &- Cflp-55 pZ5F 1 !&Lw-lq &-PA& :9:fi. > Ronpadkard Member of Conp i/d/ ; i -4 r-4 \J.-- PfL - RPftjw THIS SmAllON%Y ~~ ON PAPER MADE OF RECYCLEP FIBERS e e FACT SHEET CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY CITY OF CARLSBAD BACKGROUND The City sf Carlsbad’s Growth Management Plan includes the requirements o constructing, operating, and maintaining 0.8 square feet of library services per capita With the City’s buildout population estimated at 135,000 people, the City will administe a total of 108,000 square feet of library space at buildout. Currently, existing library facilities and services are undersized and over-utilized creatin! the need for the construction of additional library facilities. The existing City libra? facilities include: 24,600 square feet: Georgina Cole Library 5,600 square feet: 1,000 square feet: 1,000 square feet: 2,000 square feet: 34,200 square feet: La Costa Branch Library Centro de lnformacion Library Carlsbad Literacy Program Off -site storage Total All Library Facilities In accordance with the standard, the City’s January, 1994 estimated population of 67,00( people require a total of 53,600 square feet, hence the need to construct additional libraq facilities. The City has previously purchased a 6.5 acre site along El Camino Real, north of Algz Road, to house its new City library building. The site has been rough graded and utilitie: have been installed near the site in anticipation of future construction of the building Portions of the parking facilities have already been constructed and are being utilizec currently by patrons of the adjacent shopping complex, PROJECT DESCRIPTION Design plans have been finalized for the construction of a 65,000 square foot buildinc housing the administrative and technical services functions, large conferencing facilities, an art gallery, state of the art audio-visual, communications, and computer aided on-linE cataloging, and related support functions in addition to the spaces for all of the traditiona services contained within a large, central public library. All project permits and o t h e I approvals have been secured for the facility and the project is ready for advertisemeni of construction bids. All internal hardware, systems equipment, furnishings, and relatec support materials have been specified, detailed, and also ready for procurement. 0 0 FACT SHEET - CARESBAD CITY LIBRARY Page 2 COST ESTIMATES The estimated cost of the new Carlsbad City Library project is: Construction Cost $1 1,500,008 Fixtures, Furnishings, and Equipment $ 3,000,000 Project Management, Inspection and Related Costs $ 1,500,000 TOTAL PROJECT COST: $1 6,000,000 8 ID FACT SHEEP POlNSElTlA COMMUNITY PARK CITY OF CARLSBAD BACKGROUND The next major park facility to be constructed in Carlsbad is Poinsettia Community Park The City's Growth Management Plan requires the construction of "quadrant" parks ii excess OQ 25 acres in each of its four (4) quadrants. To be located in the southwes quadrant of the City, Poinsettia Community Park will provide park and recreation facilitie. and services where none now exist. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The City has previously acquired a 30 acre parcel adjoining an existing City owned 1: acre parcel for a total of 42 acres for Poinsettia Community Park. Of the 42 acre: available for potential park development, approximately 32 acres will be eventually utilizec for a combination of active and passive recreational uses. The balance of the 10 acre: of the park are either environmentally constrained, steep slopes, or drainage corridor: and are otherwise undevelopable. The park will be developed in three (3) phases including: PHASE 9 : Mass grading the entire site, infrastructure installation, and construction o ball fields, soccer fields, 3 tennis courts, tot lots, restrooms, open spacc passive areas, parking, and related facilities. Additionally, a portion of 2 public street will be constructed providing permanent access to the site. Construction of the balance of the active uses not constructed in Phase 1 and completion of the 4 1 court tennis complex. PHASE 3: Construction of a 22,000 square foot gymnasium and community center. The Phase 1 design plans are complete and ready for advertisement of construction bids Additionally, all City provided equipment, materials, and other systems not provided bj the construction contractor have also been selected, detailed, and ready for procurement All project permits and other approvals have been obtained for the project. COST ESTIMATES The estimated cost of Poinsettia Community Park is; PHASE 2: PHASE 1: $ 5,600,000 PHASE 2: $ 3,000,000 PHASE 3: $ 3,000,000 TOTAL: $1 1,600,000 WOAD CONSTRUCTION $ 750,000 (Not Included in Above) 0 0 FACT SHEET MAERKLE RESERVOIR LINING AND COVER CITY OF CARLSBAD BACKGROUND The Maerkle Reservoir is located in the north-east quadrant of the City of Carlsbad near its easterly boundary. The reservoir has a capacity of 600 acre/feet, a 10 day emergency water supply for the portions of the City of Carlsbad served by the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. The California Department of Health Services has issued a cease and desist order and requires the reservoir to be covered or a chlorination facility constructed. Engineering studies have show the cover option to be the most advantageous solution. The proposed lining and cover will satisfy the concerns of the California Department of Health Services. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The improvements to the reservoir will consist of: 0 Draining the reservoir and cleaning and grading its bottom. Paving the bottom of the reservoir with an open graded asphalt. Installing a flexible floating cover. Refurbishing and replacing associated water facilities at the reservoir. e e 0 The estimated cost of the Maerkle Reservoir lining and cover improvements is $1 2,200,000 0 0 FACT SHEET CARLSBAD BOULEVARD SHORE PROTECTION CITY OF CARLSBAD BACKGROUND Carlsbad Boulevard, formerly U.S. Highway 101 , is located adjacent to the coastline oi the Pacific Ocean for much of its passage through the City of Carlsbad. While crossing the coastal margin of Agua Hedionda Lagoon Carlsbad Boulevard is as low as elevation 12.5 MSL, its lowest elevation in the City. The low elevation and immediate proximity to the beach through this reach of Carlsbad Boulevard leaves it vulnerable to erosion from wave action. Historically a walkway, parking lot and the west side of the road were seriously damaged during a winter storm in 1983. A project to protect Carlsbad Boulevard has been designed and approved by all State and Federal agencies having jurisdiction. The project has been high on the list of funding priorities of the California Department of Boating and Waterways. Unfortunately Boating and Waterways has no funds to build the project and has no expectation of being able to fund the project in the foreseeable future. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The improvements will consist of: e Improvement and repair of the existing rock revetment on the jetty at the north Relocating some unneeded rock thus providing more usable beach area. Installing 2550 linear feet of steel sheet pile wall with a reinforced concrete cap side of the project. e 0 and stone toe apron. e Installing three new beach access ramps with lifeguard pads, handicapped viewing area and public facilities. 0 Installing two new beach access stairs. Constructing a new rock revetment at the south end of the project to anchor Construct a new emergency access ramp for lifeguard vehicles at the south 8 the wall to the existing groin and natural shore bluff. e revetment. The estimated cost of the Carlsbad Boulevard Shore Protection improvements is $4,700,000. e e PROJECT FACT SHEET LA COSTA AVENUE WIDENING AND INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENTS EL CAMINO REAL TO INTERSTATE 5 I. 2. LEAD AGENCY - City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California PROJECT DESCRIPTION - The project has two (2) major components: 0 Widening and improvements to the La Costa Avenue Interstate 5 Interchange. Estimated Cost: $8,000,00( El Camino Real to Interstate 5 Estimated Cost: $6,000,00( The project will be accomplished in phases with the interchange to be completec in advance of the road widening. ha Costa Avenue/lnterstate 5 lnterchanqe e ha Costa Avenue Widening from 0 This project will widen the existing overcrossing of Interstate 5 from two tc six lanes. e Freeway ramps will be widened from one to three lanes. 0 Freeway ramp meters will be installed. Traffic signals will be installed at ramp termini. 0 e Freeway auxiliary lanes will be constructed 1300 feet south of thc interchange ramps. La Costa Avenue Wideninq La Costa Avenue will be widened from a narrow two-lane facility to a full four-lane secondary arterial highway from El Camino Real to Interstate 5. 2A. PROJECT OBJECTIVES La Costa Avenue is designated as a Significant Regional Arterial providing one o only four major east/west linkages connecting Interstate 5 and State Route 78 The roadway provides access to the freeway for nearly 100,000 residents of the Cities of Carlsbad, San Marcos, Encinitas, and County unincorporated areas. 4 0 0 This narrow, substandard facility currently carries over 25,000 Average Daily Traffic (ADT) at failing levels of service. The proposed project will complete this significant regional connection anc upgrade the interchange with Interstate 5 to acceptable leve!s of service and, a the same time, allow management facilities to optimize the operation of Interstate 5 Is the project eligible for the use sf FederaMd funds? The project meets criteria for Federal funding, but due to funding shortfalls, is no programmed for funding at this time. Whaf is the total project cost and source of bunds? La Costa Avenue Interchange: $8,000,000 3. 4. 8 Proposed for future funding with Community Facilities District (CFD) funds Currently requires loan funding from local sales tax revenues. La Costa Avenue Widening: $6,000,000 B No funding currently available. Will there be private sector funding for a portion of the project and, if so, OM much private sector financing is being made available for the project? Private sector funding to match Federal funds will be available at ratios of 20% tc 50%. Will the completion costs for the project exceed amounts requested for fhc project? The City would be in a position to fund up to 50% project costs. No overruns arc expected. Has early work, such as preliminary engineering and environmental analysij been done on the project? Preliminary design is complete for both projects. The road widening project is environmentally clear and 99% design complete. ?he interchange project is 50% complete with design. Supplemental environmental studies are ongoing. What is the proposed scheduje and status ob work on the project? Schedule is dependent on funding. Both projects could be under construction by Pate 1995. 5. 6. 7. 8. 2 0 0 9. ls the project included in the metropolitan andlor State transportatior: improvement plan(s) and, if so, scheduled for funding? The interchange is included with a sales tax loan designation. The wideninc project is currently unfunded and, therefore, not included. Is the project considered by State andlor regional fransportation officials a$ critical to their needs? The project is included in the Regional Arterial System which is critical to tht overall regional transportation plan and program. Funding has not been identified Available funding sources are restricted to Transit and State Highway priorities. Why have State and/or regional transporktion officiafs not given this projec process? insufficient revenue to fund all priorities. Has the proposed project encountered, or is it Iikejy to encounter, anj significant opposition or other obstacles based on environmental or othei types of concerns? NO. How will the project objectives be attained? Through project construction. 1 4. Describe the economic, energy efficiency, environmentaal, congestior: mitigation and safety effects associated with the completion of the project. The project will serve to stimulate the local economy by providing over $1 5 millior in direct construction. Removal of severe traffic congestion will further facilitatc goods movement and overall industrial efficiency. Both the street and interchange fail to meet acceptable levels of service and will require mitigation in the near future to meet standards of the City and the region. Construction of a ramp meter system will allow management of Interstate 5 traffic and assist in the removal of freeway congestion south of the project approachinG San Diego. Construction of a divided highway will remove the potential for head-on collisions which have resulted in fatalities in the past. 10. 11. sufficient priorify to obtain funding through the normal ISTEA fundin( 12. 13. 3 0 0 15. Will fhe project require an additional invesfmenf in ofRer infrasfructurc projects? If so, how will these projects be funded? NO. in lieu of the proposed projecf, whaf ofher transporfafion strategies have beer considered by State and local transportation officials? Other strategies being developed in the region emphasize provision of rail an( transportation system management to reduce the use of single occupant vehicles These strategies are more effective at reducing freeway volumes and are lest effective in the management of the arterial system. La Costa Avenue serves a$ major access to Park-N-Ride facilities and to the proposed community rail statior serving the Interstate 5 Corridor. The proposed project is an integral part of the overall strategy to move people anc goods within the community. Is the authorization requested an increase to a previously authorized amouni for this project, or would this be the first authorization for this project? Has this project previously received Federal funding, commitments regardins future Federal funding (such as N LO1 or Full Funding Agreement), 01 appropriations ? No funding was previously committed to this project. If Highway Trust Fund revenues are not made available for the project, would you supporf General Fund revenues for it? Yes 16. 17. 18. 4 m w -1 9 5 zg 02 0 rY E u E < 0, @z a E E@ g 2SEZ% VVI2v)I a I sl _rii: I- 0 z w z "\ z \;. '. UI " .. 4 a=+ Y. / . . I -L-----L M 0 0 PROJECT FACT SHEEP CANNON ROAD EXTENSION AND INTERSTAUE 5 INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENTS 1. 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION LEAD AGENCY - City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California 0 Extension of Cannon Road from its current terminus at Car Country Drivc to El Camino Real and as major arterial four-lane highway. Improve the Cannon Road interchange with Interstate 5 through addition o lanes to on and off-ramps, signalization of ramp termini, installation of ramr meters, and widening of Cannon Road to six lanes between Interstate 5 anc Paseo del Norte. 0 2A. PROJECT OBJECTIVES Cannon Road is one of only four regional arterial roadways connecting Route 7E and Interstate 5. Cannon Road currently terminates on a local connector roadwa) and fails to connect to a significant link in the arterial system. Extension of thc roadway to El Camino Real will open a new, usable link connecting the regiona system to the Cannon Road Interchange which is significantly under-utilized. Opening of this linkage will improve traffic on such parallel roadways as Tamaracl. Avenue and Palomar Airport Road. This will allow for a more balanced distributior sf traffic along the interchanges with Interstate 5 (1-5). Interchange improvements to 1-5 will better accommodate added traffic generatec by the extension and assist in the management of 1-5 traffic through the provisior of ramp meters. 1s the project eligible for the use of Federal-aid funds? Yes. What is the total project cost and source of funds? The total project is estimated at $16,000,000. No firm funding source has beer districts, local initiative sales taxes, and developer fees. Que to the depressed economy, these sources are not considered reliable at this time, except for Local TransNet Funding of $3,400,000 currently allocated to the project. Wi// there be priwate sector funding for a portion of the project and, if so, how much private sector financing is being made available for the project? Private funds in the amount of $3,500,000 through Community Facilities Distrid No. 1 could be made available to match Federal funds. 3. 4. identified at this time. Proposed potential funding sources include: Assessmen; 5. 1 0 0 6. Will the complefion costs for the project exceed amounts requested for tht project? NO. Has early work, such as preliminary engineering and environmental analysi! been done on the project? All preliminary engineering has been completed. Plans and environmenta certification has been completed on 50% of the project. Full project completior will require additional environmental documentation and plan modification tc complete. What is the proposed schedufe and status of work on the project? Design studies are ongoing. Construction could occur in 1996, pending funding Is the project included in the metropolitan and/or State transportatior improvement plan@) and, if so, scheduled for funding? Yes, $3,400,000 in regional funds have been made available for the project on i one-for-one matching ratio. Is the project considered by State and/or regional transportation officials a! critical to their needs? Cannon Road is identified as a significant regional arterial in the Region2 Transportation Plan and recognized as a critical link in the development of thc overall system. Completion of the roadway will significantly relieve Interstate 5 ant State Route 78. Why have Stafe and/or regional transportation officials nof given this projec sufficient priority io obtain funding through the normal ISTEA fundin! process? insufficient revenue to fund all priorities. Has the proposed project encountered, or is it likefy to encounter, an] significant opposition or other obstacles based on environmental or oihe types of concerns? Permits will be required from the California Coastal Commission, the Statc Department of Fish and Game, and the Army Corps of Engineers. PotentiE impacts to wetlands will require the development of acceptable mitigation plans tc How will ihe project objectives be attained? Through project implementation, an additional efficient transportation link will bc added to the system. a. 8. 9. 10. 4 1. 12. be approved by the agencies. 13. 2 0 0 1 4. Describe the economic, energy efficiency, environmental, congestior mitigation and safety effects associated with the completion of the project. The project will add $16,000,000 to the local construction economy. It wil contribute to increased levels of service to roadways servicing the larges employment center in North San Diego County. efficiency and reduce air pollutants. 0 e Reduction of congestion on Route 78 and Interstate 5 will improve energ 15. Will the project require an additional investment in other infrastructure projects? If so, how will these projects be funded? NO. in lieu of the proposed project, what other transportation strategies have beer considered by State and local transportation officials? Other strategies being developed in the region emphasize provision of rail anc transportation system management to reduce the use of single occupant vehicles These strategies are more effective at reducing freeway volumes and are les: effective in the management of the arterial system. Cannon Road serves as majoi access to the proposed community rail station serving the interstate 5 Corridor. The proposed project is an integral part of the overall strategy to move people anc goods within the community. Ss the authorization requested an increase to a prevjously authorized amoun; for this project, or would this be the first authorization for this project? Har this project previously received Federal funding, commitments regarding future Federal funding (such as N LO1 or Full Funding Agreement), 01 appropriations? No funding was previously committed to this project. If Highway Trust Fund revenues are not made available for the projecf, would you support General Fund revenues for it? Yes. 1 6. 17. 18. 3 ZW c1 * zn z: Zg4 smg +=Gg smg %iSg 40 m* ZW z rn 0 H z 0 -i 2 cn 0 D r m k m - I D al % s m z J Z4 230 OW * Cm * M=d U t3 0 > Z Z 0 Z XI 0 > 0 m X -i m Z 0 Z > z Z 0 Z ;D 0 > a X -I m Z v, 0 Z n m +- z zt Ob Z' =dc Oh - 1 111-11 -1 1w I! I