HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-01-25; City Council; 12568; Annual Review of City Investment Policy3 2 2 0 Z 0 F 0 a $ 2 3 0 0 I I I ~ ~~ ~~~~~ 1 RECOMMENDED ACTION: ~ Adopt Resolution No. 9f-33 approving the City's investment policy. ll" FZPLANAIION The effective management of the City's investment portfolio plays an important role in ' maintaining Carlsbad's fiscal health. The portfolio is made up of funds received from many sources having a variety of restrictions, designations, or special uses. Among other responsibilities, it,is the City Treasureis job to ensure that these funds will be available when needed, and to manage this resource in a prudent way to provide a reasonable rate of return on investment. The Treasurer is guided in this process by the City's investment policy. This policy sets out the City's plan for investment of funds based on acceptable levels of security, liquidity, and yield. The City's investment policy requires that it be reviewed on an annual basis with any recommended modifications being present to Council for approval, The annual review of the City's investment policy has been completed. There are no modifications recommended this year. The investment policy is in conformance with the California Government Code, and it is well suited for the current economic climate and the City's current cash requirements. FISCAL IMPACX Approving the current investment policy will have no fiscal impact. ExHIBm 1. Resolution No. 9q-33 adopting the current City investment policy. 2. Current City investment policy. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 e 0 RESOLUTION NO. 9 4 - 3 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE CITY'S CURRENT INVESTMENT POLICY WHEREAS, the City adopted an investment policy on January 2,1985 as required by Section 53646 of the Government Code; and WHEREAS, it is required that the City's investment policy be reviewed annually by the City Treasurer; and WHEREAS, the City Treasurer has completed the annual review; and WHEREAS, no modifications to the City's investment policy are being made as a result of this review. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. The attached investment policy (Exhilit A) is hereby adopted and shall remain in effect. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 25 t h day of JANUARY , 1994, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard, Finnila NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: &*MU<N (SEAL) ,. 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT POLICY Reviewed January 25,1994 1.0 Introduction. The purpose of this document is to idenw various policies and procedures that enhance opportunities for a prudent and systematic investment policy and to organize and fonnalize investment-related activities. Related activities which comprise good cash management include accurate cash projections, the expeditious collection of revenue, the control of disbursements, cost-effective banking relations, and arranging for a short-term borrowing program which coordinates worhg capital requirements and investment opportunities. 2.0 Policy. It is the policy of the City of Carlsbad to invest public funds not required for immediate day-to-day operations in safe and liquid investments having the highest possible return while conforming to all state statutes governing the investment of public funds. 3.0 Scope. It is intended that this policy cover the investment activities of all contingency reserves and inactive funds under the direct authority of the City. These funds are accounted for in the City's Comprehensive Annual Finanual Report and include: 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3 -5 3.6 3.7 3.8 General Fund Special Revenue Funds Debt Service Funds Capital Project Funds Internal Service Funds Carlsbad Municipal Water District Funds Any new funds created by the City Council, unless specifically exempted. Enterprise Funds 4.0 Objectives. The primary objectives, in order of priority, of the City's investment activities shall be: 4.1 Safety. Safety of principal is the foremost objective of the investment program. Investments of the City shall be undertaken in a manner that seek to ensure preservation of capital in the overall portfolio. 4.2 Jiquidity. The City's investment portfolio will remain sufficiently liquid to enable the City to meet all operating requirements which might be reasonably anticipated. 1 0 0 4.3 Return on imrestm ent. Investment return becomes a consideration only after the basic requirements of safety and liquidity have been met. The City shall attempt to obtain the highest available return provided that the requirements of safety and liquidity are kt met. The City Treasurer shall strive to maintain the level of investment of all contingency reserves and inactive funds as close to 100% as possible. While the object& of safety &d liquidity must first be met, it is recognized that portfolio assets represent a potential source of significant revenues. It is to the benefit of the City that these assets be managed to produce optimm revenues, consistent with state statutes and local ordinances. 5.0 Prudence. The standard of prudence to be used shall be the "prudent investor" standard and shall be applied in the context of managing the overall portfolio. Investments shall be made with judgement and care--under circumstances then prevailing" which persons of prudence, discretion, and intelligence exercise in the management of their own affairs, not for speculation, but for investment, considering the probable safety of their capital as well as the probable income to be derived. 6.0 Duties and Responsl'bilities. The management of inactive cash and the investment of City funds are the responsibility of the City Treasurer as directed by the City Council. In the endeavor to have all inactive cash invested all the time, the City Finance Director d assist the City Treasurer in the gathering of informadon to create cash flow estimates. The City Treasurer may designate a Deputy City Treasurer, who in the absence of the City Treasurer, will assume the City Treasurds duties and responsibilities. No person may engage in an investment transaction covered by the terms of this policy unless directed by the City Treasurer. The City Treasurer shall be responsible for all transactions undertaken under the terms of this policy. 7.0 Ethics and conflicts of interest All participants in the City's investment process shall seek to act responsibly as custodians of the public trust. The City Treasurer, or when appropriate the Deputy City Treasurer, shall avoid any transaction that might impair public confidence in the City's ability to govern effectively. 8.0 Authorized investments. The City Treasurer may invest City funds in the following instruments as specified in. the California Government Code, Section 53601, and as further Gted in thh polky. 8.1 Obligations of the U.S. Government, its agencies and instrumentalities. 8.2 Bankers Acceptances that are eligible for purchase by the Federal Reserve System. Purchases may not exceed 270 days maturity or 25% of the portfolio. 2 0 0 8.3 Time Certificates of Deposit. Deposits should not exceed one year maturity. Deposits will be collateralized as specified in paragraph 12.0 of this Investment Policy. 8.4 Negotiable Certificates of Deposit issued by nationally or state-chartered bank. Purchases may not exceed 30% of the portfolio. 8.5 Prime Commercial Paper of the highest numerical rating of Moody’s Investment Services, Inc. or Standard & Poors Corporation. Purchases may not exceed 180 days maturity or 15% of the portfolio. 8.6 Repurchase Agreements with a maximum maturity of one week. Repurchase agreements will only be with banks and primary dealers who have long-term or Standard and Poors Corporation. Investments will be collateralized as specified in paragraph 12.0 of this Investment Policy and may not exceed 10% of the portfolio. debt rated in one of the top 2 categories of Moody’s Investment Services, Inc. 8.7 Money market funds whose portfolio consists of one or more of the foregoing legal investments. 8.8 Medium-term Corporate Notes issued by corporations operating within the United States and rated in the top three rating categories by two of the three largest rating services. Purchases may not exceed 30% of the portfolio. 8.9 No Load Mutual Funds investing in the securities and obligations of the foregoing legal investments. Purchases may not exceed 15% of the portfolio. &IO Local Agency Investment Fund (WF) of the State.of California. Investments will be made in accordance with the laws and regulations governing those Funds. 8.1 1 County Investment Pool of the County of San Diego. Investments will be made in accordance with the laws and regulations governing the Pool. ,9.0 Diversificatio~~ The portfolio will be diversified to avoid incurring unreasonable and avoidable risks regarding specific security types or individual finanaal institutions. In addition to the limitations on specific security types indicated in paragraph 8.0 of this Investment Policy, no more than 10% of the Ciws portfolio will be placed with any single financial institution. 10.0 Selection of financial institutions and brokers. Lnvestments shall be purchased only through well established, financially sound institutions. The City Treasurer shall maintain a list of financial institutions and brokers approved for investment. All financial 3 0 0 institutions and brokers who desire to become qualified bidders for investment transactions will be given a copy of the Citfs Investment Policy, and in turn must supply the City Treasurer with the following: 10.1 Current audited finanaal statements. 10.2 Depository contracts, as appropriate. 10.3 A copy of the latest FDIC call report or the latest FHLBB report, as appropriate. are state or federally chartered. securities, exchange. 10.4 Proof that commercial banks, savings banks, or savings and loan associations 10.5 Proof that brokerage firms are members in good standing of a national Commercial banks, savings banks, and savings and loan associations must maintain a minimum net worth to asset ratio of 3% (total regulatory net worth divided by total assets), and must have had a positive net earnings for the last reporting period. When two or more investment opportunities offer essentially the same maturity, liquidity, yield, and quality, priority will be given first to the financial institutions based in the City of Carlsbad, and second to other financial institutions in the State of California. 11.0. purchase and Payment. A competitive bid process, when practical, will be used to place all investment purchases. Purchases on margin will not be made. Payment for securities will be done on a Delivery Versus Payment (DVP) basis via the City's custodian. 12.0 collateralization, hvestments in time certificates of deposit shall be fully insured up to $100,000 by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or the Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corporation, as appropriate. Investments in time certificates of deposit in excess of $100,000 shall be properly collateralized. Section 53652 of the California Government Code.requires that the depository pledge securities with a market value of at least 10% in excess of the City's deposit as collateral in government securities, and 50% in excess of the deposit as collateral in mortgage pools. Section 53649 of the California Government Code specifies that the City Treasurer is responsible for entering into deposit contracts with each depository. Investments in repurchase agreements must also be collateralized. In order to anticipate market changes and provide a level of security for all funds, the collateralization level WIU be 102% of market value of principal and accrued interest. 13.0 Maximum maturities. To the extent possible, the City Treasurer will attempt to match investments with anticipated cash requirements. Unless matched to a specific cash flow, the City Treasurer will maintain the following policy on investment maturities. 4 e 0 13.1 At least 50% of the portfolio will be invested in instruments maturing within one year from the current date. An additional 25% of the portfolio may have maturities extending to 3 years from the current date, and the remaining 25% may have maturities extending to 5 years from the current. Investments having a maturity greater than 5 years will not be made except as provided in paragraph 13.3 of this Investment Policy. 13.2 The average portfolio investment maturity shall be 3 years or less. A dollar- weighted average will be used in computing the average maturity of the portfolio. 13.3 Before an investment is made in securities that mature more than 5 years from the current date, the City Treasurer and the Financial Management Director will review the City's long term cash needs. Both must concur before such an investment is made. Investments beyond 5 years will not be greater than 10% of the portfolio, and will be counted in the percentage of the portfolio that may mature beyond 3 years. No investments will be made that mature beyond 10 years from the current date. To further provide for liquidity, investments will be made only in readily marketable securities actively traded in the secondary market. 14.0 Performance standard. The investment portfolio shall be designed to attain a market-average rate of retun throughout budgetary and economic cycles, taking into account the City's risk constraints, the cash flow characteristics of the portfolio, and state and local laws, ordinances or resolutions that restrict investments. Given these requirements, the basis used by the City Treasurer to determine whether market yields are being achieved shall be the rate of retum of the Local Agency investment Fund (LAIF) as it existed 3 months prior. A dollar-weighted average will be used in calculating the rate of return of the City's portfolio. 15.0 Active and passive trading. Active and passive trading of securities is authorized. Active trading is the buying and selling of securities in the market in an effort to take advantage of short term profits and advantageous arbitrage situations. Passive trading is the purchase of securities and their retention until they mature. Active trading can result in occasional loss of prinapal and should be engaged in only when there appears to be a clear advantage at the outset. 16.0 safekeeping and custody. All security transactions, including collateral for repurchase agreements, entered into by the City shall be conducted on a delivery-vs.- payment basis. AU securities owned by the City will be held by a third-party custodian designated by the City Treasurer and evidenced by a statement from the custodian. AU securities will be held in the nominee name of the custodian. 5 0 0 Collateral for time deposits in savings and loans will be held by the Federal Home Loan Bank or an approved Agent of Depository. Collateral for time deposits in banks will be held in the City's name in the bank's Trust Department or in the Federal Resenre Bank. 17.0 Reporting. California Government Code 53646 requires that a monthly investment report be made to the. City Council. The follow&g elements will be included in the monthly report. 17.1 Type of investment 17.2 Institution 17.3 Date of maturity 17.4 Amount of deposit or cost of the security 17.5 Current market value of securities with a maturity in excess of 12 months 17.6 Yield to maturity 17.7 Weighted average yield of the portfolio 17.8 Weighted average days to maturity of the portfolio from the current date 17.9 Percent of portfolio maturing within one year 17.10 Percent of portfolio maturing between one and 3 years 17.11 Percent of portfolio maturing between 3 years and 5 years 17.12 Percent that each type of investment represents in the portfolio An annual report will also be made to the City Council following the close of the fiscal year. Among other items, the annual report will include an analysis of the composition of income; and a statement regarding anticipated fund activity in the next fiscal year. the fund; a review of trends regarding the size of the fund, portfolio yields, and cash 18.0 Short-term borrowing. The City is permitted by law to borrow money to meet current short-term cash flow needs. These needs may arise either because projected cash disbursements exceed projected cash receipts, or because the Citfs cash accounts may be temporarily overdrawn due to the efforts to invest 100% of inactive funds at all times. To provide for these contingencies the City Treasurer is authorized to take the following actions: 18.1 Short-term loan. When there is a shortfall between projected cash revenues and projected cash disbursements, the City Treasurer will secure a loan in the amount that would equal the cash deficit plus projected cash disbursements for one month. Any such loan will be repaid within one year. 18.2 Line of credit. The City Treasurer may maintain a line of credit with the City's bank in an amount to cover sums temporarily overdrawn because of efforts to invest all idle funds at all times. 19.0 Exceptions. Occasionally, exceptions to some of the requirements specified in this Investment Policy may occur because of events subsequent to the purchase of investment 6 0 a instruments, e.g., the rating of a corporate note held in the portfolio is downgraded below an "A" rating, or total assets in the portfolio decline causing the percentage invested in maturing within one year to faIl below 50% of the portfolio. State law is dent as to how exceptions should be corrected. Exceptions may be temporary or more lasting; they may be self-correcting or require specific action. If specific action is required, the City Treasurer should determine the course of action that would correct exceptions to move the portfolio into compliance with State and City requirements. Decisions to correct exceptions should not expose the assets of the portfolio to undue risk, and should not impair the meeting of financial obligations as they fall due. Any subsequent investments should not extend existing exceptions. Exceptions, and the decisions to correct the exceptions, will be reviewed with the Investment Review Committee referred to in paragraph 21.0 below. 20.0 Internal control. This policy and the strategy for and conduct of the investment of City funds will be reviewed by an Investment Review Committee as set forth below and by the Ciws auditors in the conduct of their annual audit of the City. corporate notes to rise above 30%, or an unforeseen expenditure causes investments 21.0 Review. An Investment Review Committee is hereby established to conduct reviews of the Citfs investment portfolio, the strategy being utilized for the investment of City funds, and the Citfs investment policy. This Committee will be composed of the City Treasurer (acting as the Chair), the Deputy City Treasurer, and the Financial Management Director. -Additionally, an outside financial advisor may be included as an advisor without a vote. The Committee will be convened periodically as necessary or desirable but no less frequently than once each quarter. 22.0 Investment policy adoption. Section 53646(a) of the California Government Code requires the City Treasurer or Chief Fiscal Officer to render annually to the legislative body of the local agency a statement of investment policy. The City's investment policy shall be adopted by resolution of the city Council. The policy shall be reviewed as required but at least on an annual basis by the Investment Review Committee. Any modifications must be approved by the City Council. F:\USERS\EROP~WPDATA\TREASUREVNVESIMNSOL 7