HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-02-08; City Council; 12583; CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD WEST ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1 PUBLIC HEARINGz 3 0 0 5. Resolution No. ?I- ’i’b making changes and modifications to Assessment Distric No. 86-1 (Palomar Airport Road) and approving a boundary change thereto. AMENDED PROPOSED BOUNDARIES OF . ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1 (PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD WEST) am OF CARLSBAD COUNTY OF SN4 DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORMA m -I-- mur--) --(- ---- - r=LJR ----- Pmwe m-umma e =*YFGn =%%s- mITYyIP t NO1 TO SULT AREA TO BE ADDED ----------- Mw!s m--w-u vm-rrrcrmwt z&$*m~*7z&#ii!~+-*~T~:mzz RPBI MMQW alTaRWlUmQm M-UT W .1lL r lram-Dwnmow--nw-w-rrmoH -yQI 00 %m Q CYIIO. WIT 6 I* B S7.t 6 CLAY U -ST lU m (IYQ 2. Ow - ncmt~. o( -DIT-. la-. n m - m - - M m-MT 6- I--. AT I). 101 6,- #I .DD-W YH 0 - U ~;~-~r=-uw--. u ll~~ll m- M PA (. nt - m EXHtBIT 1 --w= -OW- *10- .* mom (UQ ycu -~.W-COIRT~~~R~TDTCLO-~**O~LQ- I -1 P3 0 ORDER OF PROCEDURE CITY OF CARLSBAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1 (PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD) DATE OF FINAL PUBLIC HEARING: FEBRUARY 8, 1994 PUBLIC HEARING HEARING REQUIRED PURSUANT TO THE "MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT FOR CONSIDERATION: ACT OF 1913". MAYOR : Announce that this is the time and place fixed for the fir public hearing relating to the proceedings for certain changes i modifications in ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1 (PALOMAR AIRPC ROAD). CITY CLERK: Announce that notice of the Public Hearings has been given in t manner and form as required by law and that a Certificate Compliance is on file certifying that notice was given in t following ways: - Publication of Notice of Public Hearing - Mailing Notice of Public Hearing to property owners - Filing amended boundary map in Office of County Recorder within the District STAFF : - Explain purpose €or Public Hearing. - Describe proposed changes and modifications and boundaries of - Present and summarize "Report". - Explain method and formula of assessment spread. - Report on number of protests (% of area) received. - General summary. District. END OF STAFF REPORT - OPEN FOR PUBLIC DISCUSSION MAY OR : ASK EACH SPEAKER TO IDENTIFY THEMSELVES AND THEIR PROPERTY. First, ask to hear from anyone who wishes to speak against t changes and modifications in the Assessment District. Then, ask to hear from anyone who wishes to speak in favor of t changes and modifications. CITY COUNCIL: General Discussion. MAYOR : Declare Public Hearing CLOSED. EXHIBIT 2 IF THE LEGISLATIVE BODY WISHES TO PROCEED: CITY COUNCIL: Adopt RESOLUTION ORDERING CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS: Ordei appropriate changes and modifications to the boundaries of tl Assessment District, the Amended Engineer's "Report" and tl apportionment and distribution of the special assessmer obligation. 4 -_ - -- -- -_ AMENDED PRO1 ASSESSMENT (PALOMAR A c: COUNTY OF SA1 VICINITY MAP - ___ _- NOT TO SCALE /- / --&- I -- I AMENDED PRO1 ASSESSMENT (PALOMAR A 'c: COUNTY OF SA1 ________--------- - -- I 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1s 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 RESOLUTION NO. 94-46 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING CERTAIN CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS IN THE WORK IN A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT WHEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA, has adopted a Resolution pursuant to the provision of Chapter 4.5 of Division 12 of the Streets and Highways Cod of the State of California, and specifically Section 10353, (tt. "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913"), declaring its intention t order certain changes and modifications in the proceedings ar the works of improvement, and did, pursuant to law, set forth time and place for a public hearing on said proposed changes ar modifications in a special assessment district known and desi5 nated as ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1 (PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAI (hereinafter referred to as the "Assessment District"); and, WHEREAS, at this time notice of the public hearing on tl proposed changes and modifications has been given in the mannc and form as required by law; and, WHEREAS, all protests, if any, have been heard and cons dered and a full hearing has been given, all in the manni provided by law; and, WHEREAS, the owners of one-half (1/2) of the area assesst have not filed written protests against said proposed changl and modifications, and this legislative body is now ready proceed to take action on the proposed changes and modification NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: e 0 ?’ RECITALS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1s 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 SECTION 1. That the above recitals are all true an( correct. PROTESTS SECTION 2. That all protests and objections of any kinc are overruled and denied, and it is further determined that sai protests and objections, if any, are made by the owners of les than one-half of the area of property to be assessed for sai improvements within said Assessment District. CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS SECTION 3. That this legislative body hereby orders thos changes and modifications as set forth in a Resolution c Intention to order said changes and modifications, said specifi changes to be approved are generally listed as follows: A. Amendment to boundaries to include proper ties now specifically benefiting from the works of improvemer based upon subsequent plans of development and land use. B. Approval and confirmation of assessments a modified, including new assessments now levied on properti6 subject to development and now receiving special benefits frc the works of improvement. The decisions and determinations of this legi lative body ordering the referenced changes and modificatio shall be final and conclusive upon all persons entitled appeal thereon. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1s 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 w AMENDED ENGINEER'S "REPORT" SECTION 4. That the Amended Engineer's "Report", th amended Assessment Roll, and all related documentation, a herein modified, are for the best interest of the propert owners within the Assessment District, and said Amended "Report shall stand as the Engineer's "Report" €or this Assessmen District. CONFIRMATION OF ASSESSMENT SECTION 5. That the assessments, as now filed in th Amended Engineer's "Report" and diagram for the improvements together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connectic therewith, including acquisition where appropriate, are heret confirmed. RECORDATION OF ASSESSMENT SECTION 6. That the City Clerk shall forthwith deliver t the Superintendent of Streets the said assessment, together wit the amended diagram attached thereto and made a part thereof, i confirmed, with his certificate of such confirmation attache and the date thereof; and that said Superintendent of Street shall then immediately record said amended diagram ar assessment in his Office in a suitable book to be kept for th: purpose and attach thereto his certificate of the date of su( recording. COUNTY RECORDER NOTICE SECTION 7. Upon confirmation of the assessments ai recordation of the amended assessment roll and diagram, a cert fied copy of the amended assessment diagram shall be immediate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1s 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 a a filed in the Office of the County Recorder. Immediately therc after, a copy of the amended notice of assessment shall t recorded in the Office of the County Recorder in the manner ax form as set forth by law and specifically Section 3114 of ti Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of tl Carlsbad City Council held on the 8th day of FEBRUARY 1994, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard, Finnila NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: -4- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk ( SEAL ) CITY OF CARLSBAD IM ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1«M ** PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD WEST AMENDED - ENGINEER'S REPORT November 8,1993 NBS/Lowry Project No. A68-015.051 Prepared by: NBS/LOWRY, INCORPORATED Engineers & Planners San Diego, California NBSK NBS ItOWRY TABLE OF CONTENTS ENGINEER'S REPORT PART SECTION 1 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS 1 2 COST ESTIMATE 2 3 ASSESSMENT ROLL 3 4 ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM 4 5 DESCRIPTION OF WORK AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY TO BE ACQUIRED 5 6 PROPOSED MAXIMUM ANNUAL ASSESSMENT FOR ADMINISTRATION AND COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENTS 6 AGENCY: CITY OF CARLSBAD PROJECT: ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD WEST TO: CITY COUNCIL ENGINEER'S REPORT PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTIONS 2961 AND 10204 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE Pursuant to the provisions of Part 7.5 of the "Special Assessment Investigation, Limitation and Majority Protest Act of 1931", being Division 4 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, and the "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913", being Division 12 of said Code, and in accordance with the Resolution of Intention, being Resolution No. 88-164 and amended by Resolution No. , adopted by the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, in connection with the proceedings for; ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1 (PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD WEST) (hereinafter referred to as the "Assessment District"), I, GALEN N. PETERSON, authorized representative of NBS/LOWRY, INCORPORATED, the duly appointed ENGINEER OF WORK, submit herewith the "Report" for the Assessment District, consisting of six (6) parts as follows: PART1 Plans and specifications for the proposed improvements are filed herewith and made a part hereof. Said plans and specifications are on file in the Office of the City Clerk. PART 2 An estimate of the costs of the proposed works of improvements, including incidental costs and expenses in connection therewith, is as set forth on the lists thereof, attached hereto, and are on file in the Office of the City Clerk. PART 3 This Part shall consist of the following information: Page 1 of 3 A. A proposed assessment of the total amount of the costs and expenses of the proposed improvements upon the several subdivisions of land within the Assessment District, in proportion to the estimated benefits to be received by such subdivisions, from said improvements, is set forth upon the assessment roll filed herewith and made a part hereof. B. The total amount, as near as may be determined, of the total principal sum of all unpaid special assessments and special assessments required or proposed to be levied under any completed or pending assessment proceedings, other than that contemplated for the Assessment District, which would require an investigation and report under the "Special Assessment Investigation, Limitation and Majority Protest Act of 1 931 * against the total area proposed to be assessed. C. The total true value, as near as may be determined, of the parcels of land and improvements which are proposed to be assessed. PART 4 A diagram showing the Assessment District, the boundaries and the dimensions of the subdivisions of land within said Assessment District, as the same existed at the time of the passage of the Resolution of Intention, is filed herewith and made a part hereof, and part of the assessment. PARTS Description of the work for the proposed improvements and description of all rights- of-way, easements and lands to be acquired, if necessary. PART 6 A proposed maximum annual assessment for administration and collection of assessments. Dated this A& day of A/gi/k^/g^. 199^. NBS/LOWRY, INCORPORATED / ENGINEER OF WORK CITY OF CARLSBAD STATE OF CAUFORNIA Page 2 of 3 PREUMINARY APPROVAL BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ON THE DAY OF , 199 . CITY CLERK CITY OF CARLSBAD STATE OF CALIFORNIA FINAL APPROVAL BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ON THE OF , 199_. CITY CLERK CITY OF CARLSBAD STATE OF CALIFORNIA Page 3 of 3 IEOWRY ENGINEER'S REPORT PART1 CITY OF CARLSBAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1 (PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD WEST) PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS The plans and specifications for this Assessment District are referenced herein and incorporated as if attached and a part of this Report. The plans are titled "Plans for the Improvement of Palomar Airport Road, Carlsbad, California, Engineers Stations 23+00± to 109+77±" consisting of 55 sheets and signed on December 11, 1987, by Pountney Associates. The Contract Documents and Specification are referred to as Contract No. 3151. PART 1 -1 • i • I I I t i i i I i i i i i i f I l l i i l I i if If ll it 11 ENGINEER'S REPORT PART 2 CITY OF CARLSBAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. M-1 (PAUDMAR AIRPORT ROAD) COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY PRELIMINARY CONFIRMED MODIFIED (I) I. PUBLIC WORKS OF CONSTRUCT ION (See Exhibit 'A' for details) Schedule I - Roadway Schedule II - Waterline Bid Alternative No. 1 Bid AKematJve No. 2 Additional Bid kerro - Roadway Mitigation Costa Excluding Land Construction Contingencies TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS II. LAND & RIGHT OF WAY Right of Way Easement* Land & Right of Way Contingencies TOTAL LAND & RIGHT OF WAY III. PAYMENTS SDQ&E Pac-Tel CRWD City of Carlsbad TOTAL PAYMENTS IV. INCIDENTAL EXPENSES Design Engineering Design of Road Design of Wetortine Additional Design Assessment Engineering Environmental Impact Report Soils Engineering During Design During Construction Construction Staking Construction Contract Management & Inspection Fees Costa Real Inspection Fees Plan Printing Plan Checking Fees CITY $2,237,575 0 0 0 48.146 51.100 233.083 $2.570.513 0 2 $0 0 0 0e $0 50.033 0 0,500 0 10.000 20,000 25.000 37.500 00.000 0 5,000 25,000 PROPERTY OWNERS $2,155,043 603,868 0 0 126,482 51,100 283.669 $3,230,250 027.035 88,704 $1,010,730 0 0 0 0 $0 50,033 31,200 0.500 85.000 10.000 20,000 25.000 37.500 00,000 10.000 5.000 25.000 TOTAL | $4,302,618 603.058 0 0 174.628 102.217 527,342 $5,800.702 027.035 02.704 $1.010,730 0 0 0 8 $0 100,085 31.200 10.000 85,000 20,000 40.000 50.000 75,000 180.000 10.000 10,000 50,000 CITY $2.230.247 0 0 0 41,030 0 228.110 $2,500,305 0 8 $0 0 0 0 fi $0 50,033 0 0,500 0 10.000 20,000 25,000 37.500 00.000 0 5,000 25,000 PROPERTY OWNERS $2,060.266 533,014 0 34,350 02,838 0 272.047 $2,002.515 784,884 350.000 $1,134,864 0 0 0 Q $0 50.033 31.200 0.500 85.000 10.000 20,000 25.000 37.500 00,000 10,000 5,000 25,000 TOTAL $4,203.513 533.014 0 34.350 134.777 0 500.166 $5,501,820 784,864 350.000 $1,134.864 0 0 0 & $0 100.085 31,200 10,000 85,000 20.000 40.000 50.000 75,000 180.000 10.000 10,000 50,000 I CITY $2,239,247 0 0 0 41,039 0 228.119 $2,508,305 0 Q $0 0 0 0 0 $0 50.033 0 0.500 0 10,000 20,000 25,000 37.500 00,000 0 5,000 25,000 PROPERTY OWNERS $2,060,266 533,014 484,330 (2) 34,350 02,838 0 272.047 $3,476,845 784,884 350.000 $1,134,864 0 0 0 0 $0 50,033 31,200 0.500 85.000 10,000 20,000 25,000 37,500 00.000 10,000 5,000 25,000 TOTAL | $4.200,513 533.014 484,330 (2) 34,350 134.777 0 500.166 $5,086.150 784.864 350.000 $1,134,864 0 0 0 Q $0 100.065 31,200 10.000 85.000 20,000 40,000 50.000 75,000 180,000 10.000 10.000 50,000 2- 1 i • i I < i i 1 i I I i i 1 1 1 I I I 1 i I 1 i I I III 1 i II ENGINEERS REPORT PART 2 CITY OF CARLSBAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 06-1 (PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD) COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY PRELIMINARY CONFIRMED MODIFIED (I) Expense of Land Acquisition Right of Way Agent's Fee Tide Report & dosing Costs Appraisal Costs Legal Costs Bond Registry, Paying Agent and Trustee Bond Counsel's Fee Financial Consultant Cost ol Issuance City Administrative Fees Bond Printing Publication Costs Incidental Contingency (10%) TOTAL INCIDENTAL EXPENSES SUBTOTAL V. LESS INTEREST EARNED ON CONSTRUCTION (2.7%) VI. LESS CASH CONTRIBUTION Costa Real Water District Design Construction CHy of Carlsbad SUBTOTAL CASH CONTRIBUTION VII. FINANCING COST Bond Discount (1.7%) Reserve Fund (10%) Capitalized Interest (10%) TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED I CITY PROPERTY OWNERS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15,000 0 1,500 28.853 $317,380 $2,887.800 ($00,404) 0 0 (2.618.4051 ($2,618,406) 0 0 2 10,000 4.000 15,000 50,000 10,000 20,250 3,000 15,000 15,000 3,000 1.500 55.306 $800,361 $4,850.360 ($67,217) (7.800) (106,088) (706.3001 ($072,254) 82.501 465,300 465.300 TOTAL | 10,000 4,000 15.000 50.000 10.000 20,250 3,000 15.000 30.000 3.000 3.000 64.252 $020.707 $7.747,206 ($150.021) (7,800) (106,086) (3.610.6001 ($3,700,748) 62,501 485,300 485.300 I CITY PROPERTY OWNERS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15,000 0 1,500 26.653 $317,380 $2,820,001 ($07,751) 0 0 ($2.758.040) ($2.758.040) 0 0 Q 10,000 4.000 15,000 50,000 10,000 20,250 3,000 15.000 15.000 3,000 1,500 55.308 $000.361 $4,736.700 ($60,706) (7.800) (154.025) (707.108> ($050.833) 80.246 472.047 472.047 TOTAL | | 10.000 4.000 15.000 50,000 10,000 20,250 3.000 15,000 30,000 3,000 3.000 64.252 $020.707 $7.503.451 ($148.540) (7.800) (154.025) (3.550.048> ($3,718,773) 80,248 472,047 472.047 CITY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15,000 0 1,500 28.653 $317,380 $2,828,001 ($07.751) 0 0 (2.759.0401 ($2,758,040) 0 0 Q PROPERTY OWNERS 10.000 4.000 15.000 50,000 10,000 20,250 3,000 15.000 15,000 3,000 1,500 55.309 $600.361 $5,221.000 ($60,708) (7.800) (154,025) (707.106) ($050,633) 00.703 (2) 533,003 (2) 533.003 (21 TOTAL 1 10,000 4,000 15.000 50.000 10,000 20,250 3.000 15.000 30.000 3.000 3,000 64.252 $020.707 $8,047,781 ($148.540) (7.600) (154.025) (3.550.0461 ($3.716,773) 00.703 (2) 533,003(2) 533.003 (21 $4.652.000 $4.652.000 $4.720.471 $4.720.471 S5 330 026 (2) $5.330.026 (2) NOTES: (1) This cost estimate was previously modified on August 23,1066. This modified estimate remains unchanged for the current modification shown In this Amended Engineer's Report. (2) The increased cost from the confirmed columns to the modified columns benefit only Assessment No. 1, and have been assessed only to Assessment No. 1. 2-2 CITY OF CARLSBAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1. (PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD) EXHIBIT 'A' TO PART 2 PUBUC WORKS OF CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE BID ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14A 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 DESCRIPTION SCHEDULE I MOBILIZATION AND PREPARATORY WORK UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION UNCLASSIFIED FILL CURB AND GUTTER TYPE G 6" TYPE B-2 MEDIAN CURB ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVE. 6' THICK UNTREATED BASE 18' THICK ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVE. 4' THICK UNTREATED BASE 8" THICK ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVE. 3' THICK ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVE. 1' THICK 18" RCP STORM DRAIN (1350-D) 18' RCP STORM DRAIN (1750-D) 24' RCP STORM DRAIN (1350-D) 30' RCP STORM DRAIN (1350-D) 36' RCP STORM DRAIN (1350-D) 48' RCP STORM DRAIN (1750-D) DOUBLE 48' RCP STORM DRAIN (1750-D) 60' RCP STORM DRAIN (1350-D) 72" RCP STORM DRAIN (1350-D) 6'x 3' BOX CULVERT TYPE B INLET 5' TYPE B INLET 8' TYPEB-1 INLET 5' TO 10' TYPEB-1 INLET 11' TO 18' TYPE B HEADWALL FOR 18" TO 36" RCP TYPE A HEADWALL FOR 36" TO 54" RCP TYPE A HEADWALL FOR 60" TO 72" RCP TYPE A HEADWALL FOR DOUBLE 48" RCP WING TYPE HEADWALL FOR 30" RCP WING TYPE HEADWALL FOR 60" RCP STRAIGHT HEADWALL FOR 6'x 3' RGB WING TYPE HEADWALL FOR 6'x 3' RGB TYPE B-6 STORM DRAIN CLEAN-OUT UNIT LS CY CY LF LF TON CY TON CY TON SF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA QUANITY 1 267,500 57,200 15,570 16,072 24,100 36,950 935 970 735 132,175 1,075 289 525 152 150 150 142 188 150 137 4 2 6 9 13 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 UNIT COST 73,000.00 6.38 1.00 8.10 8.00 25.90 16.60 26.00 21.60 33.10 0.30 40.00 40.00 43.90 48.80 66.40 92.00 185.70 119.90 149.20 292.00 2.355.00 2,675.00 2,700.00 3,460.00 1,225.00 1,905.00 2,130.00 2,355.00 1,460.00 1,905.00 1,795.00 2,130.00 3,125.00 TOTAL $73,000.00 1,706,650.00 57,200.00 126,117.00 128,576.00 624,190.00 613,370.00 24,310.00 20,952.00 24,328.50 39,652.50 43,000.00 11,560.00 23,047.50 7,417.60 9,960.00 13,800.00 26,369.40 22,541.20 22,380.00 40,004.00 9,420.00 5,350.00 16,200.00 31,140.00 15,925.00 5,715.00 6,390.00 4,710.00 2,920.00 1,905.00 1,795.00 2,130.00 3,125.00 2-3 CITY OF CARLSBAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1. (PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD) EXHIBIT 'A' TO PART 2 PUBLIC WORKS OF CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE BID ITEM 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58A 58B 59 60 61 62 63 64 65A 65B 65C DESCRIPTION TYPE F CATCH BASIN RIP RAP ENERGY DISSIPATOR BROW DITCH TERRACE DRAIN 3'x 3' PCC CATCH BASIN w/GRATE CHANNEL EXCAVATION (WLY STA 98+71 .5) ROCK SLOPE PROTECT. (WLY STA 98-1-71 .5) SIDEWALK UNDERDRAIN (MOD) CONCRETE DRIVEWAY 7.5" THICK SIDEWALK 4' THICK LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION SLEEVES IRRIGATION TAP WITHOUT METER SEWER RELOCATION (STA 97+57) ADJUST MANHOLE TO GRADE RECONSTRUCT MANHOLE EROSION CONTROL TRAFFIC CONTROL GUARDRAIL BARRICADES AT COLLEGE BLVD. FINAL STRIPING FINAL SIGNING SURVEY MONUMENT SHEETING, SHORING AND BRACING TRAFFIC SIGNALS IRRIGATION HEADS RAINBIRD 25BPJ IRRIGATION HEADS TORO 570 VALVE W/BOX PLASTIC 1-1/2" QUICK COUPLING VALVE LATERAL LINE MAINLINE 2-1/2" BACKFLOW PREVENTER CONTROLLER W/BOX TREES - PLANT BANDS TREES- 15 GAL TREES - 24" BOX UNIT EA CY LF LF EA CY CY EA SF SF LF EA LS EA VLF LS LS LF EA LS LS EA LS LS EA EA EA EA LF LF EA EA EA EA EA QUANITY 2 231 4,550 900 2 4,300 480 2 1,050 815 800 8 1 12 90 1 1 1,290 4 1 1 11 1 1 70 289 21 13 6,495 4,740 3 1 3,222 176 15 UNIT COST 1,880.00 41.30 7.10 8.50 1,740.00 6.60 42.50 2,020.00 2.70 2.10 17.20 775.00 8,600.00 385.00 76.70 25,200.00 35,570.00 15.50 350.00 21,275.00 5,175.00 530.00 56,700.00 109,740.00 29.90 12.70 143.80 120.80 1.30 3.20 460.00 8,398.50 3.50 86.30 247.30 TOTAL 3,760.00 9,540.30 32,305.00 7,650.00 3,480.00 28,380.00 20,400.00 4,040.00 2,835.00 1,711.50 13,760.00 6,200.00 8,600.00 4,620.00 6,903.00 25,200.00 35,570.00 19,995.00 1,400.00 21,275.00 5,175.00 5,830.00 56,700.00 109,740.00 2,093.00 3,670.30 3,019.80 1,570.40 8,443.50 15,168.00 1,380.00 8,398.50 11,277.00 15,188.80 3,709.50 2-4 CITY OF CARLSBAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1. (PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD) EXHIBIT 'A' TO PART 2 PUBUC WORKS OF CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE BID ITEM 66A 66B 67 68 69 SHRUBS - 1 GAL SHRUBS - 5 GAL HYDROSEED ROOTED CLUMPS PROJECT SIGNS DESCRIPTION ITEM OMITTED*********** UNIT EA EA SF EA EA QUANITY 2,627 130 97.700 0 4 UNIT COST 4.90 17.30 0.10 0.00 120.60 TOTAL 12,872.30 2,249.00 9.770.00 0.00 482.40 SCHEDULE I TOTAL BID ITEMS 1 THROUGH 69 $4,299,513.00 SCHEDULE II 70 MOBILIZATION AND PREPARATORY WORK 71 TEMP. WORK ON 10" WATERUNE RECONST. 72 WATERUNE 10" ACP 73 VALVE ASSEMBLY 10' GV 74 AIR & VACUUM VALVE RELOCATION 75 TEMP. WORK ON 12' WATERUNE RECONST. 76 WATERUNE 12' STEEL 77 VALVE ASSEMBLY 12" GV 78 METER STATION RECONSTRUCTION 79 EXTERIOR ELECTRICAL SERVICE FOR METER STATION 80 WATERUNE 16' STL FOR METER STATION 81 DEMOLTION & SALVAGE OF EXISTING METER STATION 82 PRESSURE REGULATING VALVE STATION 83 EXTERIOR ELECTRICAL SERVICES FOR PRV STATION 84 WATERUNE 16" ACP 85 WATERUNE 12" ACP 86 VALVE ASSEMBLY 16" BV WITH THRUST WALLS 87 VALVE ASSEMBLY 16' BV 88 REINSTATE EXISTING VALVE (12") 89 MANUAL AIR RELEASE 1• 90 MANUAL AIR RELEASE 2" 91 BLOWOFF 4" 92 AIR AND VACUUM VALVE RELOCATION 1' 93 AIR AND VACUUM VALVE 2" LS LS LF EA EA LS LF EA LS LS LF LS LS LS LF LF EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 1 1 1,154 1 1 1 641 5 1 1 155 1 1 1 5,807 73 2 3 1 3 7 5 2 3 $10,000.00 6,700.00 22.10 895.00 510.00 3,210.00 52.70 1,255.00 44,505.00 6,230.00 65.00 2,020.00 54,320.00 6,230.00 36.70 40.80 3,610.00 3,475.00 210.00 595.00 960.00 2,770.00 805.00 1,580.00 $10,000.00 6,700.00 25,503.40 895.00 510.00 3,210.00 33,780.70 6,275.00 44,505.00 6,230.00 10,075.00 2,020.00 54,320.00 6,230.00 213,116.90 2,978.40 7,220.00 10,425.00 210.00 1,785.00 6,720.00 13,850.00 1,610.00 4,740.00 2-5 CITY OF CARLSBAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1. (PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD) EXHIBIT 'A' TO PART 2 PUBLIC WORKS OF CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE BID ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANITY UNIT COST TOTAL 94 FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY EA 95 SHEETING, SHORING AND BRACING LS SCHEDULE II TOTAL BID ITEMS 70 THROUGH 95 BID ALTERNATIVE NO. 2 107 ADDITIONAL WATERUNE 16' ACP LF 108 8'ACP WATERUNE (CP200) LF 109 8"G.V. EA 110 1' MANUAL AIR RELEASE EA 111 LUMP SUM DEDUCTION ITEM NOS. 107 THROUGH 110 LS TOTAL BID ALTERNATIVE NO. 2 ITEM NOS. 107 THROUGH 111 ADDITIVE BID ITEMS 112 EXIST CHANNEL DEMO. (E'LY STA 98+71.5) LS 113 CHANNEL EXCAVATION (E'LY STA 98+71.5) CY 114 CHANNEL ROCK SLOPE PROTECT. (E'LY STA 98+71.5) CY 115 UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION (S'LY POR. ROADWAY) CY 116 UNCLASSIFIED FILL (S'LY POR. ROADWAY) CY 117 CURB AND GUTTER TYPE G LF 118 6" TYPE B-2 MEDIAN CURB LF 119 ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT 6" THICK TON 120 UNTREATED BASE 18' THICK CY 121 ADJUST MANHOLE TO GRADE EA 122 TEMPORARY PAVING 3" FOR ADDITIONAL WORK TON 123 TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR ADDITIONAL WORK LS 124 FINAL STRIPING FOR ADDITIONAL WORK LS TOTAL ADDITIVE BID ITEMS (112 THROUGH 124) TOTAL SCHEDULES l.ll, ADDITIVE BID, AND ALTERNATIVE NO.2 BID ITEMS 7 1 2,330.00 43,795.00 16,310.00 43.795.00 $533,014.40 742 110 1 1 1 1 1,575 255 2,670 220 670 670 940 1,600 3 340 1 1 5 $40.90 20.70 715.00 1,010.00 0.00 $7,500.00 6.50 41.30 10.30 1.00 8.00 8.00 25.90 16.60 384.00 33.10 3,520.00 1,235.00 $30,347.80 2,277.00 715.00 1,010.00 0.00 $34,349.80 $7,500.00 10,237.50 10,531.50 27,501.00 220.00 5,360.00 5,360.00 24,346.00 26,560.00 1,152.00 11,254.00 3,520.00 1.235.00 $134.777.00 $5.001.654.20 2-6 ENGINEER'S REPORT PART 3 CITY OF CARLSBAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1 (PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD WEST) ASSESSMENT ROLL WHEREAS, on May 24, 1988, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, did, pursuant to the provisions of the "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913', being Division 12 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, and as amended, adopt its Resolution of Intention No. 88-164, for the construction of certain public improvements, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in a special assessment district known and designated as ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1 (PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD WEST) (hereinafter referred to as the "Assessment District11); and, WHEREAS, Resolution of Intention was further amended by Resolution No. WHEREAS, said Resolution of Intention, as required by law, did direct the appointed Superintendent of Streets to make and file a "Report1, consisting of the following: a. Plans; b. Specifications; c. Cost estimate; d. Assessment Diagram showing the Assessment District and the subdivisions of land contained therein; e. A proposed assessment of the costs and expenses of the works of improvement levied upon the parcels and lots of land within the boundaries of the Assessment District; f. A proposed maximum annual assessment for administration and collection of assessments. For particulars, reference is made to the Resolution of Intention as previously adopted. PART 3 -1 NOW, THEREFORE, I, GALEN N. PETERSON, authorized representative of NBS/LOWRY INCORPORATED, the duly appointed ENGINEER OF WORK, pursuant to the "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913", do hereby submit the following: 1. I, pursuant to the provisions of law and the Resolution of Intention, have assessed the costs and expenses of the works of improvement to be performed in the Assessment District upon the parcels of land in the Assessment District benefited thereby in direct proportion and relation to the estimated benefits to be received by each of said parcels. For particulars as to the identification of said parcels, reference is made to the Assessment Diagram, a copy of which is attached hereto. 2. As required by law, a Diagram is hereto attached as Part 4 of this Report, showing the Assessment District, as well as the boundaries and dimensions of the respective parcels and subdivisions of land within said District as the same existed at the time of the passage of said Resolution of Intention, each of which subdivisions of land or parcels or lots respectively have been given a separate number upon said Diagram and in said Assessment Roll. 3. The subdivisions and parcels of land, the numbers therein as shown on the respective Assessment Diagram as attached hereto, correspond with the numbers as appearing on the Assessment Roll as contained herein. 4. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that bonds will be issued in accordance with Division 10 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California (the "Improvement Bond Act of 1915"), to represent all unpaid assessments, and the last installment of said bonds shall mature a maximum of TWENTY-FOUR (24) YEARS from the 2nd day of September next succeeding twelve (12) months from their date. Said bonds shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed the current legal maximum rate of 12% per annum. 5. By virtue of the authority contained in said "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913", and by further direction and order of the legislative body, I hereby make the following Assessment to cover the costs and expenses of the works of improvement for the Assessment District based on the costs and expenses as set forth below: PART 3 - 2 Estimated Cost of Construction Estimated Incidentals, Right of Way, and Financing Cost Estimated Total Project Cost Estimated Cash Contributions Interest Earned During Construction Balance to Assessment AS PRELIMINARILY APPROVED $ 5,800,762 $ 2,999,606 $ 8,800,368 $ 3,790,748 $ 156,621 $ 4,852,999 AS CONFIRMED $ 5,501,820 $ 3,085,973 $ 8,587,793 $ 3,718,773 $ 148,549 $ 4,720,471 AS PREVIOUSLY MODIFIED ON 08/23/88 $ 5,986,150 $ 3,220,200 $ 9,206,350 $ 3,718,773 $ 148,549 $ 5,339,028 AS CURRENTLY MODIFIED $ 5,986,150 $ 3,220,200 $ 9,206,350 $ 3,718,773 $ 148,549 $ 5,339,028 6. For particulars as to the individual assessments and their descriptions, reference is made to the Exhibit "A" attached hereto. The Method and Formula of Assessment Spread is as set forth in Exhibit "B" to Part 3, which is attached hereto, referenced and so incorporated. DATED: NBS/LOWRY, INCORPORATED 'ENGINEEROF^ORI- CITY OF CARLSBAD STATE OF CALIFORNIA <m PART 3 - 3 I, ALETHA L RAUTENKRANZ, as CLERK of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, do hereby certify that the foregoing Assessment was previously modified on the day of , 199_. CITY CLERK CITY OF CARLSBAD I, ALETHA L RAUTENKRANZ, as CLERK of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, do hereby certify that the foregoing currently modified Assessment, together with the Diagram attached thereto, was filed in my office on the day of , 199_. CITY CLERK CITY OF CARLSBAD I, ALETHA L RAUTENKRANZ, as CLERK of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, do hereby certify that the foregoing currently modified Assessment, together with the Diagram attached thereto, was approved and confirmed by the City Council of said City on the day of , 199__. CITY CLERK CITY OF CARLSBAD I, LLOYD HUBBS, as CITY ENGINEER of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, do hereby certify that the foregoing Assessment was previously modified on the day of , 199_. CITY ENGINEER CITY OF CARLSBAD PART 3 - 4 • i t I I i t i t i i i I i I i i i 1 i I l I i i 1 l i I iII II II if CITY OF CARLSBAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. M-1 (PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD) EXHIBIT "A* TO PART 3 ASSESSMENTS ASSESSMENT NUMBER 1 211-021-19 212-040-29 212-040-26 2 212-041-09 3 4 Klnlftt* Ml Ttui L ASSESSOR'S PARCEL ASSESSED LAND VALUE 211-021-18 211-021-20 211-021-29 211-021-26 211-040-06 211-040-00 211-021-10 212-040-29 212-040-26 212-040-32 212-040-39 212-040-36 212-040-37 212-040-38 212-041 -09 212-041-03 212-041-04 212-041 -06 212-041 -07 212-041-08 212-041 -00 212-110-01 212-110-02 212-110-03 212-110-04 212-110-09 212-110-06 212-110-07 212-110-08 20 PARCELS — -— — -^ ff^l frstnn $337,298 1,169,621 206.080 92,020 144,367 31.394 $1,838,700 318,011 129.991 136.696 1.372.811 318,317 207.060 1,142,604 297.780 $3.288.572 193.716 814.489 1,126.271 638,417 602,833 814,485 965.285 $4,862.786 223,165 107.681 88.878 103.518 182,070 143.099 129,366 176.347 $1,161,063 ASSESSED VALUE OF IMPROVEMENTS $0 0 0 0 0 o $0 95,234 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 TRUE VALUE OF PARCEL (1831 ACTl $337,258 1,165.621 206.060 52,020 144.367 31.354 $1.838,700 414.245 125,881 136,686 1,372,811 318,317 207,060 1.142.604 257.780 $3.288,572 153.716 814,485 1.126,271 838.417 602.833 814,485 565.285 $4,062,766 223.169 107.681 00.878 103,918 182,070 143,099 125.368 176.347 $1.161,063 1/2 VALUE OF PARCEL (1831 ACT) $168.628 582.811 104.040 26,010 72.184 15.877 $860.351 207.123 62,776 68.328 666,406 198,650 103,530 571,302 128.880 $1,648,787 76,856 457,243 563.136 418,708 301,417 457,243 282.648 $2.481,306 111.563 53.841 48.838 51.760 81,035 71.528 62,664 88.174 $580,544 UNPAID ASPRELIMI- SPECIAL NARILY ASSESSMENTS APPROVED $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $1,720.840.22 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $511.088.86 0.00 $17,821.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 $887,484.80 0.00 $0.00 146,070.13 323,545.78 146,852.81 136,871.32 136,871.32 134.721.06 $1.025,132 $1,406,077.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 $188,575.34 11.778.064.00 0.00 11.778.064.00 8.868.040.00 $4.852.999.06 tfrk* • '< ilrfi MtaiJ tf«rf\llinAa«« liail mitt stntu A*M^««mAn4 Uf+. 1 Mrk^4 KAI*^ K.M.A** •••^^•^^1 ««««K« &± Ik m • • a m m • . i< kl«. 1 AS FINALLY AS PREVIOUSLY CONRRMED MODIRED ON * RECORDED August 23. 1868 $1.636,225.64 $2,254,782.84 (1) $0.00 $0.00 $910.206.56 $510,206.56 $17,780.31 $17,700.31 $965,171.95 $965,171.95 $0.00 $0.00 $1.403,778.95 $1.403,778.95 $187,297.39 $187,297.39 $4.720.471.00 $5.339.028.00 (1) CURRENTLY MODIRED UNPAID ASSESSMENT (2) (2) (3) $0(4) (3) $0(5) (2) $0(4) I^UI^M. \*f 1 • ^ fcvwv ••!• • M WM» HWIII MW w**nt IIIVM ww*wit»«« i*w*iwi«» wi iif r^»»^»»n^^i» • w. i , «i n« l MI w WW« 1 VtWWVWMU **1 P1J W 1 *••!•••! IIVI It IW. 1 . (2) S«« Following Sh**te for «m*nd«d a»**»*m*nt rod*. (3) No chancM to Dfavlou* a*Ma*manh. (4) Original MMMmwrt ha* b««n paid. (5) PaMbyOVofCartabad. AgrawiMnt axbti tor repayment if development occur*. 3-5 AMENDED ASSESSMENT ROLL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1 (PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD) CITY OF CARLSBAD AMENDED ASSESSMENT ROLL. AMENDING ASSESSMENT NUMBER 3. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1. (PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD). CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO. STATE OF CALIFORNIA. THIS AMENDS THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE SAME ASSESSMENT DISTRICT AS PREVIOUSLY RECORDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ON JULY 5.1988 AND RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS ON JULY 7.1988. ORIGINAL ORIGINAL ASSESSOR ORIGINAL NEW ASSESSMENT PARCEL ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT NUMBER NUMBER AMOUNT NUMBER 3 212-041-06 212-041-12 212-041-07 212-041-13 212-041-08 212-041-14 212-041-09 212-041-15 212-041-10 212-041-16 212-041-11 212-041-17 $1,403,778.96 212-041-18 212-041-19 212-041-20 212-041-21 212-041-22 212-041-23 212-041-24 212-041-25 212-041-26 212-041-27 212-041-28 212-041-29 212-041-30 212-041-31 212-041-32 212-041-33 212-041-34 212-041-35 212-041-36 212-041-37 APPORTIONED NEW UNPAID ASSESSOR ASSESSMENT PARCEL AMOUNT NUMBER SEPTEMBER, 1992 212-041-12 212-041-13 212-041-14 212-041-15 212-041-16 212-041-17 212-041-18 212-041-19 212-041-20 212-041-21 212-041-22 212-041-23 212-041-24 212-041-25 212-041-26 212-041-27 212-041-28 212-041-29 212-041-30 212-041-31 212-041-32 212-041-33 212-041-34 212-041-35 212-041-36 212-041-37 $58,700.46 76.899.82 41.435.62 63,721.52 59,017.24 55.912.74 47,026.89 30.078.84 48,325.71 37.634.18 51.541.09 33,151.66 34,624.72 29.255.19 33,246.70 49,291.91 80.511.20 79.069.80 35.495.88 50.210.59 73.209.26 29,682.85 64,038.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 3-6 AMENDED ASSESSMENT ROLL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1 ^ALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD) CITY OF CARLSBAD AMENDED ASSESSMENT ROLL. AMENDING ASSESSMENT NUMBER 1. ASSESSMENT DISTRCT NO. 86-1. (PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD), CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO. STATE OF CALIFORNIA. THIS AMENDS THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE SAME ASSESSMENT DISTRCT AS PREVIOUSLY RECORDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ON JULY 5. 1988 AND PREVIOUSLY RECORDED IN THE OFRCE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS ON JULY7.1988 AND JULY 29.1992.. ORIGINAL ORIGINAL ASSESSOR ASSESSMENT PARCEL NUMBER NUMBER ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT AMOUNT NEW ASSESSMENT NUMBER 1 211-021-18 211-021-20 211-021-25 211-021-28 211-040-08 211-040-09 $2.254.782.84 211-040-30 NEW ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBJR. 211-021-18 211-021-28 211-021-28 211-021-29 211-040-30 APPORTIONED UNPAID ASSESSMENT AMOUNT SEPTEMBER. 1993 $1,404,104.19 158.011.95 211-040-33 211-040-33 32.148.92 211-080-10 211-080-10 0.00 <m 3-7 AMENDED ASSESSMENT ROLL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1 (PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD) CITY OF CARLSBAD AMENDED ASSESSMENT ROLL. AMENDING ASSESSMENT NUMBERS 5 AND 211-021-19. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 86-1 (PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD). CITY OF CARLSBAD. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO. STATE OF CALIFORNIA. THIS AMENDS THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE SAME ASSESSMENT DISTRICT AS PREVIOUSLY CONFIRMED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ON JULY 5. 1988. AND PREVIOUSLY FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS ON JULY 7, 1988. JULY 29, 1992. AND OCTOBER . 1993. ASSESSOR ASSESSMENT PARCEL NUMBER NUMBER 5 211-021-18 211-021-26 211-021-28 211-021-29 211-021-19 211-021-19 APPORTIONED UNPAID ASSESSMENT NEW AMOUNT ASSESSMENT SEPTEMBER. 199S NUMBER 6 $1,404,104.19 $0 NEW ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 211-010-25 211-021-18 211-021-19 211-021-26 211-021-27 211-021-28 211-021-29 APPORTIONED UNPAID ASSESSMENT AMOUNT SEPTEMBER. 1993 $1,404,104.19 3-8 ENGINEER'S REPORT EXHIBIT "B" TO PART 3 CITY OF CARLSBAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1 (PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD WEST) METHOD AND FORMULA OF ASSESSMENT SPREAD The law requires and the statutes provide that assessments, as levied pursuant to the provisions of the "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913", must be based on the benefit that the properties receive from the works of improvement. The statute does not specify the method or formula that should be used in any special assessment district proceedings. The responsibility rests with the Assessment Engineer, who is retained for the purpose of making an analysis of the facts and determining the correct apportionment of the assessment obligation. For these proceedings, the City has retained the services of NBS/Lowry, Incorporated. See Attachment I for a statement of their qualifications and experience. The Assessment Engineer then makes his recommendation at the public hearing on the Assessment District, and the final authority and decision rests with the City after hearing all testimony and evidence presented at that public hearing. Upon the conclusion of the public hearing, the City must make the final decision in determining whether or not the assessment spread has been made in direct proportion to the benefits received. ANALYSIS City of Carlsbad policy Statement No. 33, effective May 29, 1984, sets the policy for use of Assessment Districts to finance Public Improvements. The improvements include arterial streets identified on the circulation element of the Carlsbad General Plan. It further permits certain improvements within the arterial street rights-of-way to be financed and to include, sewers, water lines, drainage and public utilities. The arterial street to be constructed and financed by this assessment district is a portion of Palomar Airport Road. This street permits only limited access to adjoining property and, in general, point access is limited at intervals of 2600 feet. AMENDMENT The owner of original Assessment No. 1, the Carltas Co., has prepared a revised development plan identified as Carlsbad Tract 92-7 (Carlsbad Ranch) which, if known at the time of the formation of the original Assessment District No. 86-1, would have PART 3 - EXHIBIT B -1 included additional lands owned by the Carltas Co. in the assessment district. The purpose of this amended Engineer's Report is to respread the costs in direct proportion with the benefits that each parcel receives from the works of improvement. Assessment No. 1 was segregated into new Assessment No. 5 plus three additional assessor's parcel numbers as shown on page 3-7. Assessment No. 5 is further amended by this report as shown on Page 3-8. BENEFITS AND ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Palomar Airport Road exists and provides an improved two lane traveled way and currently carries a relatively high traffic volume. Where development has occurred, adjacent to Palomar Airport Road, the improvements to widen Palomar Airport Road to its ultimate width have been paid for and constructed by the land owner as a condition for development. The vertical alignment of the existing roadway requires adjustment and structural failures are occurring in the roadway. The construction or reconstruction of the interior two traffic lanes in each direction and the center median including appropriate share of specific incidental costs will be financed by the City of Carlsbad. This leaves the outside travel lanes, the parking lane, curb and gutter and parkway improvements to be the obligation of adjoining property owners. The adjoining property owners receive a direct benefit by the construction of street and utility improvements adjoining their property. The total construction costs for improvements are assessed on a front footage basis to the benefitted properties. Certain assessor's parcel numbers within the boundaries of the Assessment District are in common ownership. Some of these parcels do not abut Palomar Airport Road. With limited access to Palomar Airport Road, the direct benefit assessed to the adjacent properties on a front footage basis extends to the non-abutting parcels. Parcels under common ownership are assigned a single assessment number. Future division of these parcels and sale to different owners will require segregation of the assessment. It will be the intent in the segregation process, even though the assessment is spread on front footage basis, to allocate the assessment to all land on benefitted area The above will also apply to large land parcels that are subsequently divided and only a portion of the subdivided parcels abut Palomar Airport Road. The benefit accrues to all the land and the segregation may be made on an area basis. Certain lands abutting Palomar Airport Road are currently restricted by the Williamson Act and the local coastal zone. The frontage assessment for two properties APN's 211-021-19 and 212-041-05 (approximately 2,555 feet in frontage) will be borne by the City of Carlsbad. An agreement exists for repayment of the assessment to the City upon the approval to develop and use the property for uses other than agriculture. The cost of land and right-of-way have been assessed as follows: PART 3 - EXHIBIT B - 2 The cost of slope easements on a certain parcel were assessed directly to that parcel since future grading of that parcel may allow the use of that area paid as a slope easement. The remaining cost of land and right-of-way was assessed on a frontage basis to the benefited properties. Two properties (Assessor's Parcel No. 211-021-20 and Assessment No. 4) were excluded from this frontage assessment for remaining right-of-way because they have previously dedicated the full amount of necessary right-of-way. Incidental costs less cash contributions and interest earned during construction were prorated to each of the benefits in accordance with each benefit's share of the total construction costs. Financing costs were prorated to each of the benefits in accordance with each benefit's share of the total construction, land acquisition and incidental costs. In conclusion, it is my opinion that the assessments for the above referenced Assessment District have been spread in direct proportion with the benefits that each parcel receives from the works of improvement. Dated this ft day of Aj/9 i/^MR (==#< 199j?. NBS/LOWRY, INCORPORATED GALEN N. PETERSON, P.E. ENGINEER OF WORK CITY OF CARLSBAD STATE OF CALIFORNIA PART 3 - EXHIBIT B - 3 I I I I I I i I I i I i I i i I i f 1 1 i 1 t i I I I I I , , ATTACHMENT I TO EXHIBIT "B" TO PART 3 NBS/LOWRY INCORPORATED STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE ASSESSMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES NBS/Lowry Incorporated has a successful record of completed assessment district projects, in excess of $1,700,000,000 in project costs. The firm has assisted numerous clients in the formation of assessment districts under various State Acts governing special improvement procedures and bonds, including the 1911,1913,1915, 1931 and 1972 Acts of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California To demonstrate NBS/Lowry's expertise and experience in providing assessment engineering services, the following pages present a partial, representative list of projects in which NBS/Lowry has or is currently serving as Assessment Engineer. The brief project descriptions exemplify the firm's assessment engineering capabilities for diverse public works improvement projects ranging in scope and magnitude. More detailed information regarding NBS/Lowry's assessment engineering can be provided upon request. NBS/LOWRY INCORPORATED REPRESENTATIVE LIST OF PROJECTS 1911, 1913, 1915 AND 1931 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT AND BOND ACTS , ' ^ CLIENT CONTACT : f APPLE VALLEY COUNTY WATER DISTRICT BALDY MESA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT Ed Magyar General Manager (619) 949-0332 BIG BEAR LAKE, CITY OF Steve Wright City Manager (909) 866-5831 1 PROJECT$<&*•%/& * :fefOOST $ 6,000,000 $ 8,000,000 3,000,000 $ 2,855,860 2,317,900 3,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,465,400 3,460,500 FISCAL YE*8 1978 1987 1982 1990 1988 1984 1984 1982 1982 PAfcCflSt 1,500 99 1,047 52 18 1,000 35 75 652 345 . , , *BQ<jtcaro£8c«»TioN "^tlMJii AD Nos. 1 A, B, & C. Sewer mains and laterals for District. AD 2, Water System. Two 2.0 MG welded steel reservoirs; 75,000 LF of 12"-24" water lines; and five water wells. AD 1, Water System. 2.0 MG water storage tank; 168,600 LF 6"- 10" water lines; fire hydrants. AD 19, Street Improvements. One and one-half mile of local street improvements, including traffic signal, sewer fine and storm drainage facilities. AD 20, Street Improvements. Street improvements and paving, storm drainage facilities and sewer pipeline to serve Tract 12092. AD 18-84 and 18-85, Street Improvements, Subareas 1 through 9. 20,000 LF asphalt concrete paving; grading; appurtenant drainage structures. AD 17, Public Works Improvements. 2,000 LF 8" sewer lines; 7,000 LF 8* water main; 3/4-mile street and storm drainage improvements; and, appurte- nances. AD 16, Public Works Improvements. 6,500 LF 8" sewer lines; 5,500 LF 6'- 12* water mains; hydropneumatic booster station; 1 .5 miles street and storm drainage improvements; appurtenances. AD 15, Sewer System. 21 ,400 LF 8"- 10' sewer lines; 4,650 LF 4'-6* laterals; 2 lift stations. AD 14, Sewer System. 49,600 LF 8"-10" sewer lines; 11,300 LF 4"-6" laterals;liftstation. NBS/Lowry Incorporated Assessment Engineering Services 1911, 1913. 1915and 1931 Municipal Improvement and Bond Acts CUINT CONTACT PROJECT COST FISCAL YEAR PARCELS PROJECT DESCRIPTION CARLSBAD, CITY OF Ray Patchett, City Manager (619) 434-2821 $106,000,000 In Progress Not Available Rancho Santa Fe Road, AD 91-1. Street improvements to Rancho Santa Fe Road, Olivenheim Road and El Camino Real, approximately 4.5 miles of major and prime arterials, including surface improvements, potable and reclaimed water facilities, sanitary sewers, drainage, telephone, gas, electric, landscaping and environmental mitigations. 17,100,000 1990 15 AD 88-1, Alga Road. Acquisition and construction of 2.2 miles of roadway, sanitary sewer, domestic and reclaimed water, storm drainage, traffic control and landscaping. 37,600,000 1990 126 AD 85-1, Cannon Road. Street improvements to Cannon Road (102* wide), approximately 4.5 miles, including water drainage, sewerage pump station, force main, 43,355 LF of 8'-36" sewer line and a bridge. 10,596,953 Not Applicable 145 Batlquttos Lagoon Educational Park. Various public works improvements including: major streets and bridge improvements, dredging the lagoon and restoring the beach sand, pedestrian and bike trails, picnic areas, flood con- trol and storm drains, water, sewer and utilities. (Action on special assess- ment district currently suspended at developer's request). 5,100,000 1987 21 AD 86-1, Palomar Airport Road. Street improvements to Palomar Airport Road (126' wide), approximately 1.0 miles, including water, drainage, tele- phone, gas and electric (1931 Act only). 9,570,250 1986 65 AD 85-2, College Boulevard. Street improvements to College Boulevard (102' wide), including water, sewer, drainage, telephone, gas, electric and cable TV (assessment engineering only). 9,453,000 1991 (Dist. 1A) 1986 (Dist. 1) 1,305 Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit District Nos. 1 and 1A. Improvements to three Interstate 5 interchanges, Palomar Airport Road, Poinsettia Lane and La Costa Avenue, including bridge widening, reconstruction or construction of on/off ramps, roadway approaches, signing, including signalization, striping and appurtenant work. CHINO HILLS, CITY OF Edward Henderson Director of Finance (909) 590-1511 $ 8,775,000 1988 997 AD 87-1, Public Works Improvements, 2,950-Acre Chlno Hills Residen- tial, Commercial and Industrial Development. Wastewater collection facilities and street improvements. (Third in a series of assessment districts to fund public works improvements.) (continued) NBS/Lowry Incorporated Assessment Engineering Services 1911. 1913. 1915 and 1931 Municipal Improvement and Bond Acts CLIENT CONTACT CHINO HILLS, CITY OF (continued) CORONA, CITY OF Bill Garrett City Manager (909) 736-2374 PROJECT COST 32,700,000 41,900,000 $ 5,000,000 3,000,000 3,482,630 1,246,508 297,000 10,000,000 FISCAL YEAR 1986 1985 1990 1990 1988- 1989 1988- 1989 1985 1981 PARCELS 215 222 22 69 21 10 2 108 PROJECT DESCRIPTION : ,y % : AD 86-1, Public Works Improvements, 5, 7 50- Ac re Chlno Hills Residen- tial, Commercial and Industrial Development. Wastewater collection, water transmission, flood control, drainage, streets and other general improvement facilities. (Second in a series of assessment districts to fund public works improvements.) AD 85-1, Public Works Improvements, 6,700-Acre Chlno Hills Residen- tial, Commercial and Industrial Development. Wastewater collection, treat- ment and reclamation; water supply storage and transmission; fire protect- ion; flood control and drainage; streets and highways; parks and public buildings; and other general improvement facilities. (First in a series of assessment districts to fund public works improvements). East Sixth Street AD. Street improvements, including water, sewer and storm drainage facilities (benefiting property owners-initiated). AD 90-1, Sewer, Water and Storm Drain. Acquisition of water, sewer and drainage improvements for Tract 22909. AD 87-2, Public Works Improvements. Street construction of Pomona- Rincon Road and Railroad Street, including grading; asphaltic concrete pavement; aggregate base; concrete curb and gutter; street lights; minor drainage structures, parkway landscaping and irrigation; and appurtenances. Pubic works include: 8' sewer line, 1 2"-22" water lines, fire hydrants and two pressure reducing stations. AD 87-1, Public Works Improvements. Improvements to Sampson Avenue, Granite Street and Doherty Street, including grading, compaction, aggregate base, asphaltic concrete, concrete curb and gutters, concrete driveways, barrier guard rail, street signs and signage, traffic striping, 48* and 54* diam- eter reinforced concrete storm drain pipe and concrete lined open channel, 8" and 12* wateriines, fire hydrants and sewer laterals. AD 84-1, Public Works Improvements. Buy-in for two excluded parcels of AD 79-2 for water, sewer, flood control, street and other public works. AD 80-1, Sewer System. Capacity rights to Santa Ana Regional Interceptor (assessment engineering only). (continued) NBS/Lowry Incorporated Assessment Engineering Services 1911, 1913. 1915 and 1931 Municipal Improvement and Bond Act* CLIENT CONTACT CORONA, CITY OF (continued) EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT William Plummer (909) 925-7676 ELSINORE VALLEY MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT James Laughlin General Manager (909) 674-3146 FONTANA, CITY OF Rudy Garcia Special Projects Director (909) 350-6718 HEMET, CITY OF Steve D. Temple Director of Finance (909) 658-941 1 PROJECT COST 54,700,000 903,000 4,800,000 10,200,000 $ 373,900 $ 7,500,000 $ 2,000,000 FISCAL YEAH 1985 1980 1988 1988 1984 1990 1990 PARCELS 121 101 100 3,600 116 39 12 ;xL.^ PROJECT DESCRIPTION , $ ,| AD 79-2, Public Works Improvements, 1 ,460- Ac re Residential, Commer- cial and Industrial Land Development. 56,200 LF 1 2"-30" water lines, 3 MG and 4 MG buried concrete reservoirs and 2,000 gpm water booster station; 46,000 LF 6'- 18" sewer lines, 800 LF 4"-6" laterals, chimney laterals and wastewater pump stations (2 MGD, 264 gpm, 120 gpm); 21,900 LF 8'x5' box culverts, 1,500 LF 8'x4' box culverts, five storm drain and two pipeline connections to Arlington Flood Control Channel, transition structures, concrete-lined channels and graded earth diversion channels; 5 miles of major and secondary streets, new bridges over Riverside Freeway 91 and AT&SF Railroad, two freeway access ramps, widening two bridges over Ar- lington Flood Control Channel, and widening an existing railroad grade crossing; and underground telephone, gas and electric facilities in all streets and hookups to existing facilities. AD 79-1 , Fire Station No. 4. Construction of 4-bay fire station. Dutch Village. Improvements, including water and sewer facilities. Homeland/Green Acres. Septic tank conversion to sewerage collection system consisting of wastewater treatment plant, interceptor sewers, treatment plant, pumping station and collector sewers. AD 84-1, Sewer and Water Systems. Capacity rights for conveyance, treatment and disposal of wastewater and storage of water for domestic use and fire protection (assessment engineering only). Gateway AD. Construction of major street, sanitary sewers and storm drainage improvements. 1989 Auto Mall AD. Acquisition of developer-installed street improvements, storm drainage facilities, sewer and water systems in accordance with developer/City agreement. NBS/Lowry Incorporated Assessment Engineering Service 1911, 1913. 1915 and 1931 Municipal Improvement and Bond Ac* CUENT CONTACT LAGUNA BEACH, CITY OF Terry Brandt, Assistant City Manager (714) 497-3311 LAKE ELSINORE, CITY OF Bob Boone Finance Director (909) 674-3124 MISSION SPRINGS WATER DISTRICT Richard Dippner General Manager (619) 329-6498 OCEANSIDE, CITY OF Redevelopment Dept. Pat Nightman, Director (619) 439-7270 PERRIS, CITY OF Larry Weaver Finance Director (909) 943-4610 RANCHO SANTA FE COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT John Pastore General Manager (619) 942-5147 RENO, CITY OF Barney Lujan, Public Works Administration (702) 785-2020 PROJECT COST $ 6,900,900 $ 4,900,000 $ 800,000 650,000 $ 6,100,000 $ 5,697,478 $7,000,000 $4,200,000 3,860,700 FISCAL YEAR 1985 1990 1985 1984 1989 1988 In Progress 1988 1985 PARCELS 120 89 111 160 N/A 238 198 538 155 PROJECT DESCRIPTION * >V . :*•... . #.••? • •< .": AD No. 84-1 . Roadway, water, sewer, drainage and utility improvements for Sycamore Hills project. Northwest Sewer AD. Construction of 3.7 miles of sanitary sewer, two lift stations and force mains. AD 8, Sewer System. Collection system. AD 7, Sewer System. 7,290 LF 8" sewer lines; 5,240 LF 4' sewer laterals. Downtown Parking Assessment District. Redevelopment project to finance the acquisition and construction of downtown parking lots under the 1913 Assessment District Act. AD 86-1, Public Works Improvements. Approximately 6.2 miles of street improvements, including water lines, sewer lines, drainage, fire hydrants and street lighting. Hacendla Santa Fe/Rancho Del Rio Sewers, AD 92-1 . Over 25,000 lineal feet of collector sewers, two pump stations and force mains. AD 1985 Special Assessment District No. 1. Street, water, sewer and drainage in McQueen Area. AD 1984-2, Street Improvements. Downtown redevelopment project, planning stage (assessment engineering only). NBS/Lowry Incorporated Assessment Engineering Services 1911, 1913, 1915 and 1931 Municipal Improvement and Bond Acta CLIENT CONTACT PROJECT 0OST FISCAL YEAR PARCELS PROJECT DESCRIPTION RIVERSIDE, COUNTY OF Ivan Tennant Road Commissioner (909) 787-2434 $ 930,065 1985 24 AD 149 (San Sevalne Way), Street Improvements. Extension, widening and/or modifications to San Sevaine Way (88' wide), approximately 1.0 miles, and Bain Street (75' wide), approximately 0.30 miles (assessment engineering only). SAN DIEGO, CITY OF Steve Wallace Street Superintendent (619) 236-7056 $ 34,820,000 In Progress Not Known Otay Mesa Industrial Park, AD 4030. Acquisition of street improvements, water, sewer and drainage facilities to serve a 40-acre industrial park in Otay Mesa. 101,000,000 1989 15 Stonecrest Development. Street improvements, including water transmis- sion mains, sewer collection system, storm drain improvements and an interchange with the interstate freeway. 20,700,000 1988 1,750 Tlerrasanta Norte. Street improvements, including water system, sewer collection system and storm drain improvements for a residential devel- opment. (Project abandoned by City Council at final hearing.) SAN DIEGO, COUNTY OF Ann Hicks, Chief, Special Districts (619) 694-2198 $34,800,000 1992 N/A Rancho San Diego, AD 89-2. Improvements to existing Jamacha Boule- vard, Willow Glen Drive and Campo Road and new construction of Par Four Drive, Millar Ranch Road, Trace Road and Singer Lane in conjunction with the development of the 2,100-acre Rancho San Diego residential develop- ment. N/A 1990- 1992 N/A Open-End Contract. Three-year open-end contract to perform all assess- ment engineering services within the County of San Diego. Projects included: Lawson Valley Road, Rancho San Diego (developer-initiated for 3,500-unit planned residential community), Pauma Heights Road, Hacienda Santa Fe Sewers, Rancho Santa Fe Route 680/728, Majestic Pines CSA- Water and Valley Center Sewer. NBS/Lowry Incorporated Assessment Engineering Services 1911. 1913. 1915 and 1931 Municipal Improvement and Bond Acts CilINT CONTACT SAN MARCOS, CITY OF Rick G rttings, City Manager (619) 744-1050 TRABUCO CANYON WATER DISTRICT J. Fred Sims General Manager (714) 858-0277 UPLAND, CITY OF Fred Blanchard City Engineer (909) 982-1352 VICTORVILLE, CITY OF Scott Duncan, Assistant City Manager (619) 245-3411 WALNUT VALLEY WATER DISTRICT Ed Biederman (714) 595-7554 YUCAIPA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT Joe Bocanegra General Manager /QOQ\ 7Q7-«i1 1 7 PROJECT COST In Progress 1,000,000 $ 2,370,000 $ 4,610,000 $ 8,055,000 $ 200,000 $ 2,753,850 3,755,000 2,594,850 3,352,780 3,827,020 FISCAL YEAH 1992 1988 1987 1988 1989 1984 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 PARCELS Not Available 5 593 91 20 222 514 779 402 700 1,210 PROJECT DESCRIPTION .$ ^ \% It San EIIJo Area, AD 91-1 . Program management involving the administration of the formation and implementation of various financing districts to fund the construction of public works improvements to serve the San Elijo area of the City of San Marcos. Rancheros Drive. Street improvements, including water system, sewage collection system and drainage facilities. AD 5. Wastewater treatment and disposal capacity and trunk sewer line extension for western portion of District. AD 87-1, Seventh and Mountain Avenue Redevelopment Area Project 9816. Various street and public works improvements, including new, widening and vacation of streets, traffic signals, water lines, storm drains and utility undergrounding of 66KV and 12KV lines. AD 89-3. Roadway, drainage, water, sewer and utility improvements for Foxborough Industrial Park project. AD 84-1 . Water mains and laterals for Diamond Bar Country Estates. AD 9, Sewer System. 47,000 LF 8* sewer lines; 12,500 LF 4"-6> laterals. AD 8, Sewer System. 60,000 LF 8* sewer lines; 18,000 LF 4"-6" laterals. AD 6, Sewer System. 45,300 LF 8" sewer lines; 12,000 LF 4"-6" laterals. AD 5, Sewer System. 53,000 LF 8' sewer lines; 15,000 LF 4" laterals. AD 3, Sewer System. 55,500 LF 8"- 10" sewer lines; 28,600 LF 4"-6" laterals. (continued) NBS/Lowry Incorporated Assessment Engineering Services 1911, 1913, 1915 and 1931 Municipal Improvement and Bond Act* CUENT CONTACT YUCAIPA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT (continued) PROJECT COST 3,190,150 852,740 1,135,820 1,142,430 9,490,000 882,500 1,521,000 1,437,000 1,739.300 FISCAL YEAR 1986 1985 1985 1965 1984 1978 1978 1978 1977 PARCELS 781 397 544 590 11,000 414 692 428 700 PROJECT OiSCRIPTJON ' ,/f i|: AD 11, Sewer System. 53,600 LF 8" sewer lines; 18,500 4"-6" laterals. AD 12, Sewer System. 36,400 LF 8" sewer lines; 6,400 LF 4"-6' laterals. AD 10, Sewer System. 42,200 LF 8* sewer lines; 13,500 LF 4"-6' laterals. AD 7, Sewer System. 37,200 LF 8* sewer lines; 13,500 LF 4*-6> laterals. AD 20, Treatment Plant. 3.0 MGD treatment plant, four pump stations, standby generator and interceptor sewer. AD 13, Sewer System. 30,563 LF 8" sewer lines; 12,230 LF 4" laterals. AD 4, Sewer System. 48,709 LF 8'sewers; 18,071 LF 4"-6" laterals. AD 1, Sewer System. 54,813 LF 8* sewer lines; 9,877 LF 4' laterals. AD 2, Sewer System. 53,929 LF 8'- 15" sewer lines; 16,392 LF 4"-6° laterals. Additional agencies/projects can be provided upon request. NBS/Lowry Incorporated Assessment Engineering Services 1911, 1913, 1915 and 1931 Municipal Improvement and Bond Act* ENGINEER'S REPORT PART 4 CITY OF CARLSBAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1 (PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD WEST) ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM A full-size copy of the Amended Assessment Diagram is attached hereto at the back of this Report and is a part of the Engineer's "Report". PART 4 -1 ENGINEER'S REPORT PARTS CITY OF CARLSBAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1 (PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD WEST) DESCRIPTION OF WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY TO BE ACQUIRED DESCRIPTION OF WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT The proposed works of improvement are generally described as follows: Palomar Airport Road is a primary arterial having a 126 foot right-of-way with three travel lanes in each direction and a median. The proposed improvements to Palomar Airport Road will bring this road to full City standards from Paseo Del Node easterly approximately 8742 lineal feet to the southwesterly boundary of that area known as Carlsbad Tract No. 81-46, Map 11289; and more specifically include: 1) Full width improvements constructed to adopted line and grade with water, drainage, fire hydrants, traffic control and appurtenant work from 250 feet easterly of Paseo Del Norte, to a point easterly approximately 7,384 lineal feet. 2) Half street improvements on the north side of the street with water, drainage, fire hydrants and traffic control from the easterly end of Item 1) above improvements, to a point easterly approximately 765 lineal feet. 3) Median improvements from approximately the easterly end of Item 2) above improvements, to a point easterly approximately 343 lineal feet plus from said easterly end of Item 2) above to a point approximately 95 lineal feet westerly overlapping the half street improvements identified in Item 2) above. 4) Additive bid items also include half street improvements on the south side of the street with water, drainage, fire hydrants and traffic control from the easterly end of Item 1) above to a point easterly approximately 670 lineal feet. Temporary irrigation and erosion control will be installed in the parkway and on cut and fill banks. PART 5 -1 RIGHT-OF-WAY CERTIFICATE STATE OF CAUFORNIA CITY OF CARLSBAD The undersigned, LLOYD HUBBS, hereby CERTIFIES UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY that the following is all true and correct: At all times herein mentioned, the undersigned was, and now is, the duly appointed City Engineer and authorized representative of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA. That there have now been instituted proceedings under the provisions of the "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913", being Division 12 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, for the construction of certain public improvements in a special assessment district known and designated as ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1 (PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD WEST) (hereinafter referred to as the "Assessment District*). THE UNDERSIGNED STATES AND CERTIFIES AS FOLLOWS: (check one) (X) a. That all easements, rights-of-way, or land necessary for the accomplishment of the works of improvement for the above referenced Assessment District have been obtained and are in the possession of the City of Carlsbad. () b. That all easements, rights-of-way or land necessary for the accomplishment of the works of improvement for the above referenced Assessment District have been obtained and are in the possession of the City of Carlsbad, EXCEPT FOR THOSE set forth in a separate document on file with the City of Carlsbad, State of California, and made a part hereof as if included herein, showing the legal descriptions of rights-of-way and easements not yet obtained at this time. It is further acknowledged that works of improvement as proposed to be constructed within said Assessment District must be constructed within public rights-of-way, land, or easements as owned by said City at the time of the construction of the works of improvement, and the undersigned hereby further certifies that all rights-of-way necessary for the works of improvement will be obtained and in the possession of the City prior to the commencement of any construction. PART 5 - 2 EXECUTED THIS day of , 199_ m CITY ENGINEER CITY OF CARLSBAD STATE OF CALIFORNIA PART 5 - 3 ENGINEER'S REPORT PART 6 CITY OF CARLSBAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1 (PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD WEST) A proposed maximum assessment of $60.00 per assessed parcel will be levied upon each of the several subdivisions of land in the district including parcels representing a division of any parcel to pay costs incurred by the CITY OF CARLSBAD and not otherwise reimbursed which result from the administration and collection of assessments or from the administration or registration of any associated bonds and reserve or other related funds. PART 6 -1