HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-03-01; City Council; 12605; APPROVAL OF THE ARTS OFFICE GRANT APPLICATION TO THE LILA WALLACE FOUNDATIONB 6 tc !$ (;B .. o a z 6 d 0 z 3 0 0 QYY OF CARLSBAD - AGEWA BILL @‘J v DEP AB# Ja;/gQq llIE APPROVAL OF THE ARTS OFFICE MTG. 3/1/94 GRANT APPLICATION TO THE CITY DEPT. ARTS LILA WALLACE FOUNDATION CITY RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council adopt Resolution No. 4q0bq approving the Arts Office grant application to the Lila Wallace-Reader’s Digest Foundation’s Arts Partners Program. ITEM EXPLANATION The Mission Statement for the Carlsbad Arts Office is to “plan, develop and promote the arts in Carlsbad”. This planning grant offers the opportunity to plan for better and increased presenting of performing arts. The proposal requests $1 5,000 from the Lila Wallace-Reader’s Digest Foundation’s Arts Partners Program to work with Carlsbad performing arts organizations to develop a marketing plan. The plan will help the organizations develop well-informed, committed audiences for the performing arts and, in addition, assist the Arts Office in planning foi a longer visiting artist program. If the Arts Office is awarded this planning grant, with successful results, the Arts Office may apply for additional funds to bring artist to Carlsbad in the future. No city matching funds are required. FISCAL IMPACT The City will contribute $8,145 from the Arts Office 1994-95 proposed budget through staff salaries and maintenance and operation accounts. No new funds are needed to match this grant. EXHIBITS 1. Resolution No.- 2. List of City contributions. 3. Grant application. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 RESOLUTION NO. 94-64 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD,CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ARTS OFFICE GRANT APPLICATION TO THE LILA WALLACE-READER’S DIGEST FOUNDATION WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Arts Office plans, develops and promotes arts in Carlsbad; and WHEREAS, the Lila Wallace-Reader’s Digest Foundation’s Arts Partr Program planning grant of $15,000 offers the opportunity to dev audiences for the performing arts and assist the Arts Office with a lo visiting artist program; and ” WHEREAS, no new funding from the City is required to match grant NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Ci Carlsbad, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council approves the Carlsbad Arts Office gra proposal to the Lila Wallace-Reader’s Digest Foundation Arts Partners Program for a $15,000 planning grant to fund audience development assessment and feasibility study for a proposed artist’s residency. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, at a regular meeting of the Cit Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 1st day of m( 1994, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis NOES: None ABSENT: None kR% ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk Exhibit No. 2@ Agenda Bill No. ia,bC)5 0 Expenses - City’s Contributions 1. Administration salaries and benefits, fees Manager $ 2,400 Community Arts Coordinator 2,250 Benefits (30% permanent staff) 1,695 Secretary 1,000 supplies and materials 300 250 Phone/FAX Postage 150 Printing - surveys/reports $ Computer and copying 100 Total $ 8,145 -a . 3 to Agenda Bill No. t x n ‘.Dl ‘0 GRANT APPLICATION FORM I )(X IC] I i I 1 (: : ____ Mwc-h-.U.,. .J 9?4-.. ._ - _____ . .- . N;IIIIC: Carlsbad Arts office .._.__._.____...._-___ ___ ’ Applicant Organization st i 1 f ‘1. (;( ) I1 ti 1 (;t : ~~l~i~~~~: 1209 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad CA 92008 Telephone(s): 61 91434-2920 FAX: 619/434-1987 Connie.. Beardsley, Manaaer N n 111 C: TO BE SEI FCTFD THROUGH PI ANNINC, PROCESL E Sta I’f’c:ontac:t: Add rcss : Primary Artist .. T(!l(! plio I1 c( s ) : FAX: M ii I t idisci plina. Ilicatcr __ -_ I’i-oj c c t D is(: i 111 i 11 c : Ila 11 (x: __ Music - Otlm - 1’ 1 ens c des(: r i I> (: /1/(0)EC;‘17 /\ ~)/’/~/(,‘~\~\‘‘~’.S~ lJlt:iis(: iitt;i(:li ;I list ol‘additioiial pi-o,j(:(A partijcrs, pr ing names, stafff’contacts, addrcsscs, and tclcphonc iiumhers. This list shoulc i n (:I 11 dc, a I I art is ts, co m 111 ~1 II i ty o rga 11 iza t i 0 lis, n nd o th e r col1 cgc/ ti 11 i v(: rsi t y de mcnts involvcd in tlic pro.jcc:t. s /\lllollnt Summary of 1. Ad nii II istration XAU- Estimated I I, i’crformaiice anc~ licsic1cnc:y Marketing Plan 7,500 Dived Costs TOTAL EX PENS ES 23.145 “ITA L REV EN U E 8,145 To tal ;i iiiou ii t i-qiies ted fi-om t hc Arts I’nrt 11 ci‘s l’rogrii 111 : I’ercetitagc of total cxpenses rcqucsted from the Arts f’;i rt n c rs I’rogra m (am o 11 11 t rc rlu (:s tecl d i v idecl by $15,000 t 0 la 1 c x pc nsc s) : 64.8 i’ro.j(:ct start cIatc: July 24, 1994 ~ncl tlatc:: October 15, 1 9 e 0 EXPENSES PLANNING PROCESS Budget Breakdown 1,ist ;ill c:;isli c:sl)(:iis(':s \vIii(:li \\rill hr: iii(:uixxl iii your pl;iiiiiiiis I)i'oc:(:ss or pro.j( 1\11 cash cspcnscs of prtiicrs inclucliiig artists should lx listccl in this scction. 1. Administration A. Salaries and benefits, fees (Titles, !!(I of timc) s Alllollnt Manager 20% 2,400 CommunitvArtsri 2,250 1 .ooo ort ($400 x 17 weeks) 4.800 Benefits = 30% permanent staff 1,695 12, 145 suh-tot;iI, saI;ii.ics and bcnciits, fi:c:s B. Travel (Include transportation, lodging, pcr diem). Sul,-total, tl.;lV(!l C. Supplies and Materials ([iicliiclc postage:, phonc:, ctc: ...) rrntina - Surveys. Reports 500 PhonelFAX 250 150 100 Postaqe Computer & Copving 1,000 .. Sub- tot ;I 1, s 1.1 p pl ics D. Other (Please describe) Workshop Consultants 2,500 Sub-total, OtIl(!r- 2,500 Sub-total, Administration 15,645 11. Residency and A. Artists' Fees (Incluclc commissioning fi:cs licrc) $ Amount Performance Sub-total, artists' f'c:c:s II PLA d NlNG PROCESS B. Production (Incltidc: tcc:linic:al costs, fhcility rental, (!q Lli},nlcn t I.(! ntal, (;rC\\', l~cll~~<li~s'll ,Ind 1'11 11 11; 113 c:osts) s /\lliotlil~ __ ____ I_- -- .- __ __ __-_ -_ sl11,-tot,ll, ~)1'OdlI( 11011 __ C. Marketing Ma r ket i nq Pla n Con su 1 tan t s -- 7.500 - - Siib-total, m,irk(.ti ng 7,500 D. Travel (Inc:ludc trnnspoi tdtion, lodging and per dic:131) Sub-t (1 till, t r-il\J(:l E. Support Materials (Iiicludc c:rttic:ntionnl i~i~iterials) sLll>-tot'll, supp0l.t ill<lt~~1'l'il~ F. Other (I~lc,~sc:.tlc:scl-ibc) s~lh-lo(<l1, ot 11 (* I Sub-total, Pcrforniancc and I<esidcncy 7.500 TOTAL EXPENSES 37,145 I2 0 0 REVENUE PLANNING PROCESS I.ix[ <ill (~,iimccI, pioj(*(:[(:cl ,iiitl ( oii[ril>iit(*d ix'v(*iiti(: Iron1 <ill 1~ii [ri(*tx 1. Contributed A. Government Grants s /\111011111 - _____.__~ No Sub-to t<l I, go\'(: rn lllC I1 t sr.1 I1 tS B. Corporate Grants Sub- to t;i I, corporate grants C. Foundation Grants - Sub- t o tal, fo LI nda t io 11 gra 11 t s D. Individual Gifts Sub- t o tn 1, i ii d iv id II ;i I si I t s Sub-total, contributcd rcvcnuc II. Earned A. Performances s Amount Income Am- Sub- t o t a 1, p c r fo r ma 11 ce i n co 111 c B. Residency Activities Sub-total, residcncy incomc __ Sub-total, earned income 13 PL kINC PROCESS e A. Partners’ Contributions s r\lllollllt ... ........ _____ ____ _____.____ ._____ ...~ __..._..__ ___--- .. 111. Other __--___ ___.__________...__..-___ __ .................... , .. ----.-I- Revenue __. .................. ____ ~__ .._ . -___- --_.---- - ..--. ......... .... ____411_ .________ -.. ....... __. . ..-.-.-. .- . ...._....---- Si I I )- t ( ) ~;i I, pi 11 I I (: rs’ (x I I ~t i.ih t I L i( I I is 6. Applicant Organizational Support Carisbad Arts Office - General Opmnry J .. .---.-a$& S~~Ii-tot;il, org~iiiiz;itionaI support C. Other (p1c:asc: dc Sub-total, oth(!i- Sub- to ta 1, o t hc r Zcv c n 11 c 8,145 TOTAL REVENUE 8,745 />/(;({as(; JIO~C; if’thci-c: is p:rliiit!ii[ hiid~ctiii-.~ iiifi)i~~;iti(ii~ tl1;it j’oii li~:l 11c:c:tls t cisplanation, J>~C;ISC iiicliidc (:spI;111;1t.orj~ I1otc:s (110t to (:s( 14 e 0 GoalsNision With an Arts Partners Planning Grant, the Carlsbad Arts Office will: *contract professional marketing services to develop a marketing plan for use by the Arts Office and Carlsbad community arts presenters. *contract consultants to aid the planning process by providing technical assistance and workshops in presenting, facilities development, residency planning and other subjects. *hire temporary clerical support for staff-directed planning process activities. *collaborate with other local arts producing, presenting and service organizations to identify community presenting resources and needs and to affect them through a long-term professional residency. With 8 years' experience in short-term community residencies by performing groups and 3-6 month one-site residencies by individual artists, the Arts Office will use the planning process to collaboratively develop a community residency project that: *is highly visible. *includes participation by a wide range of community members. *strengthens the presenting abilities of the Arts Office, the artistic skills of community arts groups and the marketing and audience development capacities of all participants. *increases creative and effective use of facilities. *provides professional performing artists of national stature with the opportunity to work within the community to further understanding of their work. Specific audience development goals for Carlsbad were identified in the 1990 CuItu Plan conducted through an NEA Locals Program Planning Grant. Surveys, interviev and public meetings identified community interests and needs. After extensive revie Task Forces in Programming, Arts Education, Facilities and Public Art endorsed Cultural Plan recommendations, including: *Increase the number of performing arts programs presented by the Arts Office: *Increase emphasis on opportunities for participatory and family-oriented events; *Expand Visiting Artists and Residency programs and develop resources for school and community settings; *Provide technical assistance to local arts organizations for their growth and development ; *Develop relationships with public and private agencies and organizations to encourage arts activities in Carlsbad; *Increase awareness of the arts in Carlsbad. These recommendations are similar to Arts Partners goals to encourage presenters form partnerships with community organizations, engage a broad spectrum of peopl in the performing arts, foster positive, long-term impact of residencies on the presenl and the community, provide opportunities for audience participation and deepen audience's understanding of the arts. Planning Process: The Arts Office proposes a twelve-week planning process from July 23, 1994 to October 15, 1994. Audience information will include surveys at Jazz in the Parks, Patrons' summer e e musical, PC Concert Band programs and other identified events. A large body of quantified and cross-referenced data from the Cultural Plan surveys remains pertinei Follow-up with Cultural Plan interviewees will be done to evaluate development sinc 1990. A marketing consulting firm will be hired to develop a community-based marketing plan for the Arts Office and other presenters. Local information from the City Research Office and Chamber of Commerce will be integrated with marketing survey statistics acquired from the California Center for the Arts. The Arts Office's Cultural Facilities t? Resources data book will be updated. Participants will be surveyed with regard to current and planned programming and their organization's goals within the Carlsbad community. Common issues will be identified from this information and compared with Arts Partners goals and review criteria. Workshops will be conducted for key participants to strengthen residency selection and planning. Anticipated topics include Presenting; Facilities & Resources; Marketing & Promotions; Residency Development; Community Access to Programs. Assisting consultants will be drawn from organizations such as Western States Arts Affiliates, California Presenters, San Diego Theatre League, and National Associatic of Local Arts Agencies. Audience development activities and artist selection will be inter-related and determined among the participants. Emphasis will be placed on activities which provide for participation, increased understanding of the artform, observable community impact, and the specific needs identified by planning process participant! A major objective will be to identify potential residency artists of proven artistic qualit on a national level, whose presence in Carlsbad for an extended period of time will create media and community awareness and thus encourage audience developmen By September 10, area demographics and audience profiles will be completed; loca arts groups and other participants' current programs and future goals will be assessc community resources and needs, particularly in facilities, will be identified; specializl workshops will be presented; and participants will determine the goals to be achievt through the residency. Residency applications will be presented to between 3 and 5 preselected performi arts organizations meeting the residency criteria. These applications will ask potent artists-in-residence to describe the specific activities and performances to be conducted in fulfillment of residency goals, to relate their organizational goals to the residency, to project technical and artistic requirements and residency budgets withi the proscribed terms of the application. Response deadline is October 1. Applicatic will receive a panel review, with the winning selection recommended for acceptancc by the Carlsbad Arts Commission at its October 6 meeting. Evaluation of the planning process will be concluded during the final week, with interviews of participants on topics including information-gathering processes and results, planning methodology, workshops evaluation, representative participation, development of relevant residency goals and objectives, and overall satisfaction lev with the selection process and final residency plan. 0 e The Community: Located in north coastal San Diego County, Carlsbad (a rural community of 15,000 ii 1960) continues to experience one of the nation's fastest population growth rates: fro 35,000 to 65,000 in the past ten years with a projected population of 135,000 by 202 Latino residents comprise 14% of the population, projected to increase to 25%, othei minorities 4%. Seniors approximate 25% of Carlsbad's population. The city is locatc 35 miles north of the urban center where the major arts institutions are concentrated. Carlsbad has no professional arts producing organizations or higher educational institutions within its borders. The rapid growth of the population has not been matched by development of cultural facilities and resources; thus local opportunities for arts participants and audiences are limited. The Organization: The Carlsbad Arts Office, a municipal agency, was established in 1985 by City Ordinance and an Arts Element amendment to the General Plan which states "The City of Carlsbad recognizes that the arts are a part of the cultural and aesthetic environment." In 1986 Arts Office staff was hired, a seven-member Arts Commission appointed and implementation of the goals and policies began. The Mission Statement declares, "The Arts Commission plans, develops and promotes the visual development." Staff also administers the Sister City Program, with a Council- appointed Committee and two established relationships in Japan and the Czech Republic. Carlsbad was the first city in San Diego County to establish a % for Public Art progra The total budget has increased from $50,000 in 1986 to $233,000 in 1993. Althougt during the present recession the Arts Office received proportional cuts along with all departments, the City Council has continued to support the overall programs and thc Arts Commission. The Arts Office employs 3 full-time and 1 part-time staff. As a local arts agency with a significant presenting component, the Carlsbad Arts Office has an eight-year presenting history encompassing performances in music, dance and theatre, readings, lectures, festivals, special events, and residencies. Facilities & Spaces: Arts Office include the senior center assembly room /seats 150; Harding Center auditorium/seats 200; various outdoor park sites and recreation centers (without stas facilities); City Council Chamberdseats 100; Heritage Hall for workshops. An amphitheatre is included in the Capital Improvement Plan for the year 2000. The ne Library (1 995-1 998) will include auditorium, gallery and studio facilities. The Arts Office is purchasing a 500 sq. ft. indoor-outdoor portable stage in 1994. Community facilities used for presenting Arts Office programs include the Cornmunit Cultural Arts Center managed by the Carlsbad Unified School District/400-seats, sta of-the-art, and the Junior High School multipurpose auditorium/600 seats, stage, no lighting or sound equipment; these facilities are rent-free through a reciprocal use agreement between the City and the School District. The Arts Office also presents Visiting Artists in a variety of alternative venues including local coffeehouses and and performing arts in Carlsbad to create a climate which encourages artistic Currently the Arts Office manages no facilities or spaces, City facilities used by the e Q * shopping malls and the Performing Arts Theatre for the HandicappedEO seats, fully accessible (used for open performance workshops). 2. Key Participants Carlsbad Arts Commissioners and Arts Office staff will convene and coordinate the planning process. *Representatives of Carlsbad arts organizations participating in the planning process include: Carlsbad Community Cultural Arts Center - Jim Hall, Manager; Mark Sell, Technica Director: 400-seat rental facility operated by Carlsbad Unified School District; Patrons of the Arts - Bobbi Hoder, Producer: community musical theatre production and arts presenting company; Carlsbad Youth Theatre: community musical theatre production company for young performers ; Pacific Coast Concert Band - Kenneth Bell, Music Director: 60-piece wind ensemble far no n-p rofessio nal perfo rrne rs; Performing Arts Theatre for the Handicapped (PATH) - Bob Cole, Executive Director: Training, placement and producing theatre for physically challenged performers ; Starmakers Open Access Theatre - Claudia Leonesio-Mons, Artistic Director: theatre production company (including original works) for developmentally disabled performers ; Carlsbad Strings Education Association: training program for young musicians; Carlsbad Senior Center - Sue Spickard, Manager; Carlsbad Sister City Committee: cultural exchange program. Carlsbad Arts Associates: community support organization for the Carlsbad Arts Office. *Representatives of organizations working with Carlsbad Arts Office to develop community arts include: Classics Unlimited - lgor Gruppman, Artistic Director and San Diego Symphony from ot h e r disci pli nes/g e n res; Rob Hagey Productions - Rob Hagey, President: festival/series producer for jazz and contemporary music: TGIF Jazz in the Parks, San Diego Street Scene, Del Mar Races San Diego Institute for Arts Education - Rich Burrows, Exec. Director: artist/teacher partnership program to establish arts in the daily curriculum; currently conducting a 5- year program to evaluate impact of arts-trained educators, in conjunction with Harvarc Project Zero (Carlsbad is one of five sites nationwide). California Arts Council Touring Program and Artists-in-Residence Program staff Daniels Cablevision - Val1 Brown, Community Programs Producer: local cable company with community access channel, daily newscasts and community media production foundation. *Names are included when those individuals will be specifically requested to participate. Concertmaster: chamber ensemble producing musical events with collaborating artist!