HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-03-01; City Council; 12607; 1994 legislative platform. (IY OF CARLSBAD - A~DA BILL k2 I AB#JLL,~&L TITLE: MTG. 311 194 I DEPT. CM I 1994 LEGISLATIVE PLATFORM DEP CITY cIr I RECOMMENDED ACTION: n Consider and adopt the attached 1994 City Council Legislative Platform as present1 (II rl 4 (d u a a, ITEM EXPLANATION: u 0 l!-l m u al 6’ s a, a, (II v a a, a d al (d E Each year the City Council adopts a legislative platform which states its positior issues, sorted into several categories. This year, the platform categories are: 0 Local Government Finance 0 Waste Management 0 Labor Relations 0 General Government 0 Tort Reform 0 Law Enforcement 0 Transportation 0 Land Use Planning 0 Waterfront 0 Housing 0 Water Management 0 Redevelopment 0 Environment 0 Child Care 0 Immigrants :I E L4 l!-l 0 u cd d PI a, ? -4 U rl (d .rl m bD a, d 0 5 a a, 4-l a a 0 (d rl *rl 0 5 0 V z s a G 6 z 3 0 0 By establishing the City’s position on these issues, staff is able to quickly respor related legislation which could have an impact on the City of Carlsbad. The expresses its position on legislation by writing letters or sending mailgrams to State Federal legislators, the Governor, or the President. The proposed additions to this yl platform are primarily in the Housing and Community Development category. T additions are based on City Council actions this past year and recommendatior various department heads. The proposed additions are blocked for easy identification; deletions are crossed ( EXHIBITS: 1. City of Carlsbad 1994 Legislative Platform. 2. Constraints: Article XXXlV of the California Constitution. 1. Local Government Finance: (a) Support measures that implem.ent basic structural. changes in 5 government that result in State budget expenditures being brought balance with State revenues. (b) Support measures which safeguard existing revenue sources from preemp by the State or County. (c) Support measures which would provide fiscal independence to cities. (d) Support efforts which make funds to support public facilities (i.e. libra open space) more available to local municipalities. (e) Support measures which relieve taxpayers of the burden of paying services which could be charged directly to the service use. (f) Support efforts which would provide greater accountability on the pa counties for the distribution of funds back to municipalities, including, not limited to, fines and forfeitures. (g) Support efforts to reinstate flexibility in the administration of Article X (the Gann Initiative). (i) Oppose any change in revenue allocations which would negatively a local government, including the redistribution of sales tax, property transient occupancy tax and vehicle in-lieu fees. cj) Oppose any measure which shifts revenue from all units of local govern to other agencies. (k) Oppose W measure that would make cities more dependent on the Stat financial stability and policy direction. (1) Oppose measures which would impose State and Federal mandated cost which there is no guarantee of local reimbursement or offsetting benefil would shift the cost of government services to cities. (m) Oppose any measure that restricts or limits a public entity's ability to us exempt debt for the purchase or construction of public pur improvements. m e (n) Oppose Legislation which shifts State/County crirninal justice costs to ci (0) Oppose the use of the federal gas tax for Federal debt reduction. 2. Labor Relations: (a) Support legislation which limits the ability of employees to receive worl compensation benefits for occupational injuries/illnesses which result J stress, disciplinary action, or performance evaluations or consultations. (b) Oppose any measure which would impose compulsory and bin arbitration with respect to public employees. (c) Oppose any measure which would grant employee benefits that shoulc decided at the local bargaining table. (d) Oppose any efforts which would reduce local authority to resolve PI employee disputes, and impose regulaths of an outside agency (suc: PERB). (e) Oppose efforts which make disciplinary proceedings for police officers sin to criminal proceedings, making .it impossible for employers to provt administrative violation. (0 Oppose legislation which expands or extends any presumptions occupational injury or illness. (9) Oppose legislation which increases workers' compensation benefits wit1 providing for concurrent cost controls. 3. Tort Reform: (a) Support measures to reform California's tort system to curtail unreason, rn&fqyq&w ............... ......... L ........................................... liability exposure for public agencies and restore the abilit public agencies to obtain affordable insurance. .:.:.:.:.:.:.:; *> , i:m:(.."L.). .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. (b) Support legislation which increases or expands immunities for public ager and oppose legislation which attempts to limit or restrict existing immuni 4. Transportation: (a) Support measures which would increase the ability of local agencie: finance local transportation facilities. (b) Support measures to finance local and regional transportation facilities improvements, including alternative modes of transportation. IC) Support measures that provide local and regional funding for transporta demand management systems or transportation systems management. 2 m m (d) Support legislation which encourages the continued evaluation of I' Miramar, East Miramar and Otay Mesa as possible sites for an internatic airport. (e) Oppose transportation proposals which would adversely affect the qualit life in North San Diego County by causing traffic congestion, air pollutio: other problems. 5. Waterfront: (a) Support efforts which provide funding for urban waterfront restoration enhancement. (b) Support efforts which would aid the restoration, preservation enhancement of beach front property, sand, bluffs, access and parking. (c) Support measures which would grant cities the authority of land regulations over the placement of onshore facilities which service offshorl drilling, to avoid the placement of such facilities near incompatible land 1: (d) Support legislation which requires the double-hulling of all new oil tan and the retrofitting of all existing oil tankers. (e) support legislation which promotes aquatic research g~&&@#tid~ and o ......................................................... related uses. (f) Oppose any offshore oil leasing or drilling within 20 nautical miles of San Diego coast. 6. Water Manazement: (a) support a balanced water transportation and @Y&$$& storage system ...................... :x.>:.:.:.:.?:.: provides for the needs of &e San Diego q$e~'.whil'e' protecting the C and Central Valley regions with rniGmal impact on agriculture gi$@ ........... ..................... Gk+igg)m@-& ................................................................ ......... * ....................... ................................... .................................. ..................................................................... * 7. e Environment: m (a) Support efforts for the safe disposal of solid, hazardous and medical wi (b) Support legislation which seeks to protect air quality and the atmosphc (c) Support legislation which encourages speedy action to reduce the amour ozone depleting compounds discharged into the atmosphere. (d) Support legislation which allocates State and/or Federal funds for construction of facilities to capture and treat the flow of raw sewage ente San Diego from Tijuana. (e) Support efforts, where feasible, which promote the recycling/reclaimin, natural resources, including water, timber, oil, gas, minerals and e; metals. (f) Support measures which would make low-interest loans and/or gr available to local agencies for programs which would encourage recycling/reclaiming of resources. (g) Support efforts which promote the use of renewable sources of energy ra than fossil fuels. h) Support legislation which streamlines the State of California’s environme review process. 8. Waste Manazement: (a) Support measures which promote market development for recycl; materials. (b) Support efforts toward the procurement of recyclable materials. (c) Support measures which extend the deadlines for AI3 939 source reduc and recycling element. (d) Support legislation which promotes source reduction measures. 9. General Government: (a) Support measures which would strengthen cities’ ability to reorganize spe districts. (b) Support legislation which provides State assistance for local public libra~ (c) Support measures which provide adequate funding for the State Libraq (d) Support measures which lead to a State or national energy policy. 4 @ * (e) Support legislation which reinstates competition in the cable televi~ industry. (f) Support State and federal funding and legislation for the arts that be1 local communities. (g) Support legislation which will consolidate reporting requirements for Community Development Block Grant program. (h) Oppose legislation which would impose penalties or limit the flexibilit local governments in the provision of public records. (i) Oppose Federal efforts which remove the deduction of all State and 1 taxes for Federal income tax' purposes. 10. Law Enforcement: (a) Support efforts which strengthen local law enforcement. (b) Support efforts which strengthen present State or Federal laws to incr penalties and give local governments the power to restrict or regulate sale, manufacture, or use of dangerous drugs, including, but not limitec PCP, methamphetamine, and narcotics. (c) Support measures which would provide a greater share of seized assel localities ~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Q~~~~~~~~g. .. ...... ................................ . ...... ................................................. .._..__.__.__.._.. ................................... ........................................ :::::::::::.._ .................... ................................ ......................................... ....................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (d) Support efforts which discourage and prevent driving under the influenc drugs or alcohol. (e) Support efforts which allow local agencies to recover costs, in accid involving driving under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol, from the gl party. 11. Land Use Planning: (a) Support efforts to strengthen the legal and fiscal capability of local age1 to prepare, adopt and implement fiscal plans for orderly gro development, beautification and conservation of local planning al including, but not limited to, the regulatory authority over ZOI subdivisions, annexations, and redevelopment areas. (b) Support efforts which are consistent with the doctrine of "home rule" an( local exercise of police powers, through planning and zoning processes, local land use. 5 1 2. Housh gfl ;Egn : s;,li;,6j$,$.? D#;v#j16p@,&f: # . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , , , . . , , , , . , .i..,.i..,.j_.._i_.ii.. (a) Support efforts to develop Federal and State participation, financial sup: and incentives (tax benefits, grants, loans) for programs which pro adequate, affordable housing (home ownership and/or rental opportunii for the .elderly, handicapped, and low-income persons throughout community. (b) Support legislation that provides incentives (tax benefits, grants, IC credits for affordable units) when local agencies, private developers and 1 profit groups rehabilitate residential units and commercial properties. (c) Support legislation that would provide additional funding for rental SUE assistance programs (such as Section 8) via more vouchers or certifical (d) Support repeal of Article 34 of the California Constitution (see Exhibit : additional information). (e) Support reform of Housing Element to simplify, improve effectiveness eliminate redundancy with other plans such as the generally-requ Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CMAS). (0 Support legislation which allows entitlement cities to use CDBG fund5 new construction of housing units. (k) Oppose legislation that would give the State financial/administra responsibilities for the Community Development Block Grant Prog (CDBG). (1) Oppose legislation that makes the local municipality or redevelopn agency financially responsible for the removal, abatement or mitigatio: hazardous materials. 13. Redevelopment: (a) Support reform of reporting requirements for the Redevelopment Ager which simplify the process and eliminate the confusion regarding w' reports to file with which State agency (Housing and Commu Development or Controllers Office or both). 6 e (b) Oppose legislation which would prohibit P lrnit the establishment of 1 redevelopment project areas and/or expansion of existing project areas (e) Oppose any legislation which allows reallocation of tax increment revel by the State to finance agencies and/or projects other than redevelopment project which generated the increment. (d) Oppose legislation that would add restrictions and procedural requirem regarding closed session discussions on land acquisition, use of erni~ domain and disposal of property. 14. Child Care: (a) Support the reduction of present regulatory complexities. (b) Support the reduction of the burden of insurance costs. (e) Support funding for the construction, renovation and/or maintenance of ( care facilities. (d) Support the provision of reasonable tax incentives for employers who ( child care services. (e) Support legislation which focuses on quality child care in areas SUC licensure, staffing, education and training. 15. Immigrants (a) Support legislation which recognizes the unique and difficult prob: associated with recent immigrants to the United States, and assist 1 communities in dealing with these problems in such areas as housing, hf services, education and employment. (b) Support legislation to increase the number of border patrol agents a1 International Border. (e) Support State and federal assistance to local communities attemptin address the needs of migrant workers. 7 8 c ['. EXHIBIT CONSTRAINTS: ARTCLE XXXN OF THE CALIFORNIA CONS~TICN Section 1 of Artlcle XXXW of the California Constitution provides that no 'low rent housing pmjec be dweleped, camfled, or acquired by any 'state publle baa' umll voter approval has been ob! TAe electlon requirement Of Article XXXIV Cmld limit the panicipation of a publlc body in the dm& of low- and mcderate-income housing because at the delays, uncallraintles and potentld adc upenses miated with local decrlons. M~QAYNO o~mmwm~s: in QBnetd, A&!o )cctlV requires that No criteria & met: (a) a s$taa pubk body' mu 'dl criteria was absem, It woutd be possible to conflne tno role o? a publlc bocty in a hod- &vel( so that one of the two critkrta is not met and an Anlc!e WlV electlon would not be required. In order to clarify Mkie MxlY, in 1978 the Legislature enaced the Public Housing I implementation law (Health and Safety Ccde, Section 37WO et, Accordlng to that, a 71 cemtruct, ec aCWife', (b) A '[ow rant h8usfng prdjec!.' AMe XXXN would ba Inappllc&b 1 ana I housing WeCr does not include the fOllOWlng types Of dW8lOpment: a Housing with 49% or less lower incame cctupancy, that h priua!Ay ewnd B~I exempt from propeny laxation (unless fuliy reimbursed to ail !axing entfiies); b,' Housing that is privately owned, is not exempt from propem. taxam by ream publlc ownership and utiibQs land banking, property acquiaithl resale writr guarantees and Insumca of private loans and other assistanca not wnattutin long-term financing from a public body; c. Housing that is developed for Owner occupancy rather than rentat o~~upmcj; d. Housing cansiating ot new+ COnStruCt8d, privately owned. one to four fami& dwell e. Houaing that consists of existing units leased by a Sat8 public w frWn a PriVal Iocatad on adloining sites: and 1. Rahabilitatkrn. reconstruction or replacement of an misting 'low f%M howing Pr public bo$y involvement limited to tnese types of housing dweloprneds would atilt help Provide mam&imme housing and would not be subject to the Article X%%lV election r@$JirQmew Not a[l a&ftjeS cded out by public Qcdies c~vl be defined aS 'development, CCnstrUCW% 01 * # w agency's imolvwnent in providing low= and moderate-income housing is limited to Qfl following Incantlvm and cmcassions; a Reducing or waiving of planning fe-, building plan check md PemR fe6% b, mtfyfying or roducing dwalepmefit srandorbs; c, granting density bonuses: or d pasrr thtaugh of land. at I lWv redt houtlng praia. TIW meaning ai 'develop, canma or aCquir8' WUM not ~JQ a dedication or infrastructure improvement3; 83 - *I ' Tho California Supreme Court In Caiiinmia Hqusina Finance Aeencr v. Elllot (17 Cal.&! 575 [ condud& that Wtrenever a public body vsry extenstvety panlclpator, or wists in not only mslkin( rent homing prow pbwible but ah fully regulating tho prajw 50 that the rwuk k that tke gwa is hssmtially the landlord, the matter will be subject to the Article WOclV election requirement. 1 public bdy that- grmu a laan for a low rent housing project and the lean ts conditioned on government agency rWuirements auch as revfew and approval of plans, pmiect financing, operat rnalntenanCa standuds and occupancy would generalty conatitUte development and ~a~cZio hausrng praiect md futfilb the-criteria for appltcabiltty of Articie X%XlV. Any mongage revenue bond Issued or direct financial ass'Wanc8 given by a publlc w to ass1 dwelopment of a low tent housing ptalect would nrcmshate M kide )uc(1v O~BCl\Wl if the! crttocia are Is0 mut. a. ., On Nwembw 4,1980, the following measure {f rovition X) was placed on the Carkbad ballot 'Do the quatidied alecto~s of 'the City of Cutsbad, puw,ant to ARicle XXW d thc Canstltutbn of the State of California, approve the devefopment, constructlocr, am aqubition of low rent hou8ing projects by the City of Carbbad, 01 other Cirydestgnaec pubtic agency, not to exceed 250 total units on acartered rites thraughaul tne Cny t provide living accammodations for low-lncome senkr citi"l' Carisbad voter3 approved this Anide XXXlV referendum to aljow no more rhan 250 units of si lncoms h0slnQ. However, this authoiity h$s not yd been eX61rc'Wd. 8pPrOVa 94 z 0 F 4 n w u1 0 L 0 P4 L z 0 fI: u U' u2 E U z z 3 3 0 t3 U z g 0 I( - e u 3 B 8 !$j a, + d -3; 8 Q) b d *I+ +J *A + *A s: H a, + td 4 u1 +a s: 6 Q) tll 0 ei 0" w rd u 0 G 0 & FJ s: 0 e v1 ** 4 4 G 0 u 4 3 Ch k 0 *il + *A - +- u ** k 4 m Q) Fc r) =i B 0 I a, E 3 E 3 a, w 0 4 F: 3 a, w *I+ f k 0 m u d 51.1 0 4 til k k 0 & CI m + Q) G d k Q) + 0 m E e 0 F1 + 51 0 u =w d Q) k - - e * &A .. March 3, 1994 TO: CITY MANAGER ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR FROM: Assistant to the City Manager 1994 LEGISLATIVE PLATFORM Attached is the revised Legislative Platform for 1994 that was adopted by Council on March 1, 1994. If you have any questions or require clarification, please do not hesitate to give me a call at x 2822. flN. LORI LIEBERMAN LL:tlg Attachment c: Department Heads .. 1. Local Government Finance: (a) Support measures that implement basic structural changes in S government that result in State budget expenditures being brought balance with State revenues. (b) Support measures which safeguard existing revenue sources from preemr by the State or County. (c) Support measures which would provide fiscal independence to cities. (d) Support efforts which make funds to support public facilities (i.e. libra open space) more available to local municipalities. (e) Support measures which relieve taxpayers of the burden of paying services which could be charged directly to the service use. (f) Support efforts which would provide greater accountability on the pa counties for the distribution of funds back to municipalities, including: not limited to, fines and forfeitures. (9) Support efforts to reinstate flexibility in the administration of Article 8 (the Gann Initiative). (h) Support legislation to eliminate or repeal unfunded state and fec mandates. (i) Oppose any change in revenue allocations which would negatively a local government, including the redistribution of sales tax, property transient occupancy tax and vehicle in-lieu fees. (j) Oppose any measure which shifts revenue from all units of local governn to other agencies. (k) Oppose any measure that would make cities more dependent on the Stai hancial stability and policy direction. (1) Oppose measures which would impose State and Federal mandated cos which there is no guarantee of local reimbursement or offsetting benefi would shift the cost of government services to cities. (m) Oppose any measure that restricts or limits a public entity's ability to us exempt debt for the purchase or construction of public pul improvements. e .‘ (n) Oppose legislation which shifts State/County criminal justice costs to cil (0) Oppose the use of the federal gas tax for Federal debt reduction. 2. Labor Relations: (a) Support legislation which limits the ability of employees to receive worl compensation benefits for occupational injuries/illnesses which result f stress, disciplinary action, or performance evaluations or consultations, (b) Oppose any measure which would .impose compulsory and bin arbitration with respect to public employees. (c) Oppose any measure which would grant employee benefits that shoull decided at the local bargaining table. (d) Oppose any efforts which would reduce local authority to resolve pi employee disputes, and impose regulations of an outside agency (SUC PERB). (e) Oppose efforts whichmake disciplinary proceedings for police officers sir to criminal proceedings, making it impossible for employers to prov administrative violation. (f) Oppose legislation which expands or extends any presumption: occupational injury or illness. (g) Oppose legislation which increases workers’ compensation benefits wit providing for concurrent cost controls. 3. Tort Reform: (a) Support measures to reform California’s tort system to curtail unreasox and frivolous liability exposure for public agencies and restore the abili public agencies to obtain affordable insurance. (b) Support legislation which increases or expands immunities for public age and oppose legislation which attempts to limit or restrict existing immun 4. TransDortation: (a) Support measures which would increase the ability of local agencil finance local transportation facilities. (b) Support measures to finance local and regional transportation facilitie improvements, including alternative modes of transportation. 2 0 I' (c) Support measures that provide local and regional funding for transporta demand management systems or transportation systems management. (d) Support legislation which encourages the continued evaluation of alterntives as possible sites for an international airport in the San Dj region, (e) Oppose transportation proposals which would adversely affect the qualil life in North San Diego County by causing traffic congestion? air pollutia other problems. 5. Waterfront: (a) Support efforts which provide funding for urban waterfront restoration enhancement. (b) Support efforts which would aid the restoration, preservation enhancement of beach front property, sand, bluffs, access and parking. (c) Support measures which would grant cities the authority of land drilling, to avoid the placement of such facilities near incompatible land 1 (d) Support legislation which requires the double-hulling of all new oil tax regulations over the placement of onshore facilities which service offshor and the retrofitting of all existing oil tankers. (e) Support legislation which promotes aquatic research and education and c related uses. (f) Oppose any offshore oil leasing or drilling within 20 nautical miles o San Diego coast. 6. Water Manazement: (a) Support a balanced water transportation and regional storage system provides for the needs of San Diego County while protecting the Delle Central Valley regions with minimal impact on agriculture and environment. (b) Support measures which increase water supply and storage facilities w the region and allow for water transfers within the system. (c) Support efforts which will encourage water consenration practices 1 water consumers. (d) Support efforts which will encourage the use of drought tolerant material in new and existing development. 3 e e 'e (e) Support efforts to assist in the production and distribution of reclai water. 7. Enviromnent: (a) Support efforts for the safe disposal of solid, hazardous and medical wi (b) Support legislation which seeks to protect air quality and the atmosphc (c) Support legislation which encourages speedy action to reduce the amoul ozone depleting compounds discharged into the atmosphere. (d) Support legislation which allocates State and/or Federal funds for construction of facilities to capture and treat the flow of raw sewage entt San Diego from Tijuana. (e) Support efforts, where feasible, wKch promote the recy&g/recl& natural resources, including water, timber, oil, gas, minerals and c metals. (f') Support measures which would make low-interest loans and/or g available to local agencies for programs which would encourage recycling/reclaiming of resources. (g) Support efforts which promote the use of renewable sources of energy ri than fossil fuels. h) Support legislation which streamlines the State of California's environm review process. 8. Waste Manamat: - (a) Support measures which promote market development for recyc materials. (b) Support efforts toward the procurement of recyclable materials. (c) Support measures which extend the deadlines for AB 939 source redu and recycling element. (d) Support legislation which promotes source reduction measures. 9. Gend Govemment: (a) Support measures which would strengthen cities' ability to reorganize SI districts. 4 0 *A (b) Support legislation which provides State assistance for local public libra (c) Support measures which provide adequate funding for the State Librq (d) Support measures which lead to a State or national energy policy. (e) Support legislation which reinstates competition in the cable televi industry. (f) Support State and federal funding and legislation for the arts that bel local communities. (g) Support legislation which will consolidate reporting requirements for Community Development Block Grant program. (h) Oppose legislation which would impose penalties or limit the flexibilil local governments in the provision of public records. (i) Oppose Federal efforts which remove the deduction of all State and taxes for Federal income tax purposes. 10. Law Enforce!ment: (a) Support efforts which strengthen local law enforcement. (b) Support efforts which strengthen present State or Federal laws to incr penalties and give local governments the power to restrict or regulatc sale, manufacture, or use of dangerous drugs, including, but not limite PCP, methamphetamine, and narcotics. (c) Support measures which would provide a greater share of seized asse localities and increased latitude for local spending. (d) Support efforts which discourage and prevent driving under the influen drugs or alcohol. (e) Support efforts which allow local agencies to recover costs, in accic involving driving under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol, from the 8 Party. (f) Support legislation that would allow for the destruction or exte safekeeping of firearms or other deadly weapons involved in don violence incidents. 5 1) 0 \* 11. Land Use Planninq: (a) Support efforts to strengthen the legal and fiscal capability of local agen to prepare, adopt . and implement fiscal plans for orderly gro~ development, beautification and conservation of local planning a including, but not limited to, the regulatory authority over zor subdivisions, annexations, and redevelopment areas. (b) Support efforts which are consistent with the doctrine of "home rule" anc local exercise of police powers, through planning and zoning processes, local land use. 12. Ho usinn and Community MeloDment: (a) Support efforts to develop Federal and State participation, financial SUF and incentives (tax benefits, grants, loans) for programs which prc adequate, affordable housing (home ownership and/or rental opportuni for the elderly, handicapped, and low-income persons throughout comm~ty. (b) Support legislation that provides incentives (tax benefits, grants, 1( credits for affordable units) when local agencies, private developers and profit groups rehabilitate residential units and commercial properties. (c) Support legislation that would provide additional funding for rental sul assistance programs (such as Section 8) via more vouchers or certifica (d) Support repeal of Article 34 of the California Constitution (see Exhibit additional information). (e) Support reform of Housing Element to simplify, improve effectiveness eliminate redundancy with other plans such as the generally-req1 Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CW). (f) Support legislation which allows entitlement cities to use CDBG fund new construction of housing units. (g) Support State inclusionary housing legislation which allows for adoptil a local program such as that implemented in Carlsbad. (h) Support the repeal or modification of the Davis-Bacon Wage Act whicl a prevailing wage scale for public projects substantially increasing the of publicly-assisted housing developments. (i) Support streamlining of the administration of the CDBG Program. (j) Support the consolidation of the Section 8 Certificate and Voucher Prog 6 . a a (k) Oppose legislation that would give the State financial/administrz responsibilities for the Community Development Block Grant Prog (CDBG). (1) Oppose legislation that makes the local municipality or redevelopr agency financially responsible for the removal, abatement or mitigatio hazardous materials. (m) Oppose any State initiative or State statute which would restrict, limit 01 conditions upon local governments' powers to pass or implement mobileh, rent control. 13. RedeveloDment: (a) Support reform of reporting requirements for the Redevelopment Ager which simplify the process and eliminate the confusion regarding w reports to file with which State agency (Housing and Cornm~ Development or Controllers Office or both). (b) Oppose legislation which would prohibit/limit the establishment of redevelopment project areas and/or expansion of existing project areas (c) Oppose any legislation which allows reallocation of tax increment revel by the State to finance agencies and/or projects other than redevelopment project which generated the increment. (d) Oppose legislation that would add restrictions and procedural requirem regarding closed session discussions on land acquisition, use of emi domain and disposal of property. 14. Child Care: (a) Support the reduction of present regulatory complexities. (b) Support the reduction of the burden of insurance costs. (c) Support funding for the construction, renovation and/or maintenance of c care facilities. (d) Support the provision of reasonable tax incentives for employers who c child care services. (e) Support legislation which focuses on quality child care in areas suck licensure, staffing, education and training. 3-3-94 7 4' e @ . 15. ~~ts (a) Support legislation which recognizes the unique and difficult problc associated with recent legal and illegal immigrants to the United States, assist local communities in dealing with these problems in such area! hausitlg, health services, education and employment. (b) Support legislation to increase the number of border patrol agents at International Border. (c) Support State and federal assistance to local communities attemptinl address the needs of migrant workers. 8