HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-03-08; City Council; CS; CLOSED SESSION TO DISCUSS PENDING LITIGATION AND TO INSTRUCT ITS NEGOTIATOR REGARDING THE PURCHASE, SALE, EXCHANGE OR LEASE OF LANIKAI LANE AND RANCHO CARLSBAD MOBILE HOME PARKSffY OF CARLSBAD - AGWDA BILL G AB # DEPT, MTG. 3/8/94 CITY l AND TO INSTRUCT ITS NEGOTIATOR REGARDING THE TITLE: CLOSED SESSION TO DISCUSS PENDING LITIGATION DEPT. CA RECOMMENDED ACTION: PURCHASE, SALE, EXCHANGE OR LEASE OF LANIKAI CITY 1 LANE AND RANCHO CARLSBAD MOBILE HOME PAFtKS That the City Council, by motion, authorize a closed sess: give instructions to its negotiator prior to the purchase, exchange, or lease of real property. The real properties are Carlsbad, owned by Theodore Vallas, Jr. and subject to a leas South Shores Development Corporation and Rancho Carlsbad Home Park located at 5200 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, owned : Schwab, et a1 (in bankruptcy proceedings). as the Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park located at 6550 Ponto I move that the City Council hold a closed session pursuant to Government Code Sections 54956.8 and 54956.9(b) (2). !4 u a, u rd fi a, c c, OD F: .d E g a, c) 0 u-l w u (d m a u a, c) h s u 2 *I+ rl -rl u G 3 0 U Z 2 tr a 6 z 3 0 0 JANICE L. MERRlu GLENN MONDO BARBARA J. DIBBLE LON A. DONAHUE WILLJAM R. HART CHRlsTOpHER R. ELLIOTT ROBERT J. MULYWLL CANDICE L. CAMPBELL MARK S. FAULXNER KENNEIlI 1. B'ENZEL JOHN n. ma RICHARD P. GERBER M. COLLEEN WEULE C.WILLIAMDAHLIN THOMAS n. GEIZ OF COUNSEL. JAMES M. GILBERT MICHAEL J. SCIBOEDER* MARK V. ASDOURIAN EDUARDO A. GUERINI-BOLT DAVID A. BROWN HAL G. BLOCK LINDA 1. LESTW RlCHARDESTRFLA *A Prof~sioonl Corpmtb e ROBERT S. COLDRPJ GARY R. KING m HART, KING & COLDREN ATTORNEYS AT LAW - RACHFUE E. MENAKER SAMUEL G. BROYLES, JR. November 29, 1993 Aleth A. Rautencranz, CNC Office of the City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 Cynthia Haas Community Development Department City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 Re: Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park Dear Gentlepersons: By now you have received checks for the copying charge for the documentation that has been identified by the City as responsive to Lanikai Lane's most recent Public Records Request (October 21, 1993). By your previous correspondence, you implied that the City woulc not research its related agencies or offices to obtain all documentation responsive to the Public Records Request. When wf received your initial position, we forwarded a letter to yo\ explaining why the City's position on that issue was withoul merit. Subsequently, we received your November 3 and November 8, 199 correspondence. It is our understanding from those letters tha the City did not intend to imply that it was not required t conduct an investigation of its agencies, and has in fac investigated and researched all applicable and relevant office and agencies to gather documentation that is responsive to Lanika Lane's Public Record Request. A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 200 EAST SANDFQINTE, FOURTH FLOOR DIRECT ALL MAIL TO: P.O. BOX 2507, SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 92707 TELEPHONE v14) 432-8700 FACSIMILE (714) 546-7457 1 0 a Aleth A. Rautencranz Cynthia Haas November 29, 1993 Page 2 If this is not a correct statement of the City's position and the investigation it completed in order to respond to the Public Records Request, please respond immediately. If you have any questions please call. 7 r. / t,' SGB/wp cc: Jed Robinson 30217.004/76165.01 JANICE L WERRIIl. GL€XX MONM) ROBERT 1. MUIVUULL KE"EniI.wMza JOHN H. ENECOST RICHARD P. GERBER M. Cow WEULE C. WIllUH D" THOMAS H. GFIZ OF COUNSEL HAL G. BLw( LINDA I. LESTER RKH'4RDE.m .WULZL G. BROYLES. JR. RACW E. MWAKER 'ARolCud- ROBERT S. COLDEX GARY R. liLNG CANDICE L CAMPBELL BARBL e J. DIBBLE LORI A. DONAWI WaLUUR.HART CHRISTOPHEXRELLlOTT MARK S. FAULKNER e .. HART,KING & COLDREN JAMES M. GILBERT MICHAEL 3. SCHROEDER* MARK V. ASWbiRI.4.. ELWARDO A. GUERNI-BOLT DAVID A. BROWN ATTORNEYS AT LAW - November 22, 1993 Cynthia Haas Community Development Department City of CarPsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 Re: Public Information Request - October 21, 1993 Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park \ Dear Ms. Haas: This letter is in follow up to your November 8, 1993 letter and Aletha Rautenkranz' letter of November 3, 1993. Ms. Rautenkranz has advised me that the documents identified ir your November 8, 1993 letter are additional documents above and beyond the documentation to be produced by Ms. Rautenkranz pursuant to her November 3, 1993 letter. Accordingly, enclosed please find a check to the City of Carlsbad in the amount of $75.75 for the additional documentatior referenced in your November 8, 1993 letter. I anticipate thc receipt of the documentation shortly after receipt the enclosed funds. Any questions, please call. truly yours, cc: Jed Robinson Aletha Rautenkranz, C,,M.C. 30217.004\76023.01 A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 200 EAST !jANDPOL\TE, FOURTH FLOOR DIRECT ALL MAIL TO: P.O. BOX 2507, SAhTTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 92707 TELEPHONE (71.1) 432-8700 FACSbtILE (714) 546-7457 0 e -. Cynthia Haas November 22, 1993 Page 2 bcc: RSC e. 0 f h, HART, KING & COLDREN -= -7 -- I L’ = I f -.% 2t:r :;-L&i c., - ,= - -= I. __> >... 5L i e,- I? 4- -4 I? -= -c --i I 7-n- -ir : CLZI FCF, Z 7, ,s-- - ::-<; db, SZLZ z -1- - CITY NATIONAL BANK NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 HART, KING & COLDREN GENERAL BUSINESS ACCOUNT 200 E. SANDPOINTE, SUITE 400 SANTA ANA, CA 92707 A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 16-1 606-1220 CHECK NO. CHECK DATE MNDOF CHECK AMOUN 4’ ,-%-I ’=: f-? /-c I I .- -c *-- - -i.-t+s I I i,t ‘2, &%->X-> ;CLL; ‘F - Li I_--% -r-, __ 3=h-’ I - ,-r PAY 4-i I -,t x, ME ORDER OF C/zq/ ./=7< + -9 32 11’00 L& Loll’ 1: L 2 20 LLOLLI: 0 23111LB 7 28 311K __ -.. g OQ , ’. December 23, 1993 Samuel G. Broyles, Jr., Esq. HART, KING & COLDREN P. 0. Box 2507 Santa Ana, CA 92707 PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST - LANIKAI LANE MOBILE HOME PARK In my November 21, 1993 letter to you, I stated I would send you a copy of the minutes from the City Council meeting held November 2, 1993 when they were approved by the City Council. In reviewing my correspondence, it did not appear as though I had sent you a copy. Therefore, I have enclosed a copy of those minutes as approved by the City Council. If you have any questions, please let me know. ALETE-IA -e L. RAUTENKRANZ, CMC City Clerk lr Enc. 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434-280 November 21, 1993 Samuel G. Broyles, Jr., Esq. HART, KING & COLDREN P. 0. Box 2507 Santa Ana, CA 92707 PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST - LANIKAI LANE MOBILEHOME PARK On November 17th, I received your letter dated November 12,1993 and your check in the amount of $169.25. Per your request in the letter, I called on that same day to notify you that the copying charges of $75.75 referenced by Ms. Cynthia Haas were separate, and were not included in the copying charges for the documents in the City Clerk’s Office. I trust you received the message I left on your voicemail. Enclosed are all of the documents referenced in my letter of November 8, 1993 (including the historical data). The only remaining document you have not yet received is a copy of the minutes from the City Council meeting held November 2, 1993. Once those minutes have been approved by the City Council, I will mail you a copy. To the best of my knowledge, I believe that this information, together with all of the documents provided by Ms. Haas, represents all the documents the city has on file in response to your request. Am$%/ . ALETHA RAUTENKRANZ, CMC City Clerk alr Enclosures 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434-2808 b JANICE L. MERRILL 0 ROBERT S. COLDREN GARY R. KING LORI A. DONAHUE GLENN MONDO ROBERT 1. MULVIHILL WILLIAM R. HART CHRISTOPHER R. ELLIOT KE”WH 1. WENZEL CANDICE L. CAMPBELL MARK S. FAWNER JOHN H. PENTECOST RICHARD P. GERBER M. COLLEEN WEULE OF COUNSEL C. WILLIAM DAHLIN THOMAS H. GFlZ MICHAEL J. SCHROEDER* JAMES M. GILBERT MARK V. ASDOURIAN EDUARDO A. GUERINI-BOLT DAVID A. BROWN HAL G. BLOCK LINDA 1. LESTER RICHARD E. STREW BARBARA 1. DIBBLE 0 -- HART, KING & COLDREN - AlTORNEYS AT LAW SAMUEL G. BROYLES, JR. RACHELLE E. MENAKER *A Profwid cmpmtica November 12, 1993 Aletha Rautenkranz, CMC City Clerk City of Carlsbad Office of the City Clerk 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 Re: Public Records Request - Lanikai Lane Mobilehome Park Dear Ms. Rautenkranz: This letter is in reply to your November 3, 1993 letter and thc November 8, 1993 letter from Cynthia Haas, Senior Management Analyst, Community Development. Thank you for your response. Please forward all the documentation identified in your November 3, 1993 letter. Enclosed is a check payable to the Citi of Carlsbad in the amount of $169.25 for copies of all documents that you have identified to be produced. AS you can see from Ms. Haas’ November 8, 1993 letter, enclosec for your review, Ms. Haas has stated that additional documents ma] be forthcoming, but it is unclear from Ms. Haas‘ letter if shc refers to the same documentation to which you refer in you] November 3, 1993 letter. I note that Ms. Haas has also requestec monies, in the amount of $75.75, for copying charges. Please let me know at your earliest possible convenience if tht charge set forth by Ms. Haas in her November 8, 1993 letter it included in the charge of $169.25 referenced in your November 3 1993 letter. If the letter by Ms. Haas concerns documentation that is not beinc produced pursuant to your November 3, 1993 letter, I wouh appreciate a telephone call to that effect so we can immediatel: forward another check for the additional documents to you. A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 200 EAST SANDPOINTE, FOURTH FLOOR DIRECT ALL MAIL TO: P.O. BOX 2507, SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 92707 TELEPHONE (714) 432-8700 FACSIMILE (714) 546-7457 e e -*). b Aletha Rautenkranz, CMC November 12, 1993 Page 2 Thank you for your attention to this matter and your anticipated cooperation. Very truly yours, 6 SGB/wp Enclosure cc: Jed Robinson 30217.004/75125.01 I pfi r-4 RECEIPT NO. 0 A 3 A NOT VALID UNLESS VALIDATED BY f+l November 8, 1993 Mr. Robert S. Coldren Hart,King & Coldren P.O. Box 2507 Santa Ana, CA 92707 Facsimile No. (714) 546-7457 VIA FACSIMILE Re: Public Information Request - October 21, 1993 Dear Mr. Coldren: In response to the letter sent to Ms. Rautenkranz, dated October 21, 1993. All remaining records pertaining to Lanikai Lane Mobilehome Park, mobilehome park rent control, and mobilehome park conversion, have been identified and photocopied. Please note that to the best of our knowledge, the documentation you have requested represents the balance of all information the City of Carlsbad has on fie. As with past requests for documents, you will be charged a rate of 15 cents per copy with an additional charge of $16 dollars per hour (or part thereof) for city staff time. The cost for photocopies, postage and staff time for this request totals $75.75. Please remit a check made payable to the City of Carlsbad in that amount, to my attention as soon as possible. Upon receipt of your payment, all remaining documents will be forwarded to you. If you have any questions, please contact me at 438-1161, extension 4214. S' erely, lz---p- C HIAHAAS Senior Management Analyst Community Development c. City Attorney City Clerk / 2075 Las Palmas Drive - Carlsbad, California 92009-1 576 - (61 9) 438-1 16' November 3, 1993 Robert S. Coldren, Esq. HAFT, KING & COLDFEN 200 East Sandpointe, Fourth Floor Santa Ana, CA 92707 PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST - LANIKAI LANE MOBILEHOME PARK In your letter dated October 21, 1993, you requested copies of the following documents: 1. Agenda, Agenda Bill and Minutes from the Special Meeting of the City Council held March 16, 1993. Agenda, Agenda Bill and Minutes from the Special Meeting of the City Council held July 13, 1993. Minutes of the Special Meeting of the City Council held July 19, 1993. Minutes of the Special Meeting of the City Council held August 4, 1993. Minutes of the Special Meeting of the City Council held August 16, 1993. Chapter 21.37 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code titled "RMHP Residential Mobile Home Park Zone". 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. You also stated that you had enclosed a check for the above-listed copies; however, there was no check enclosed with your letter. Since you indicated interest in Chapter 21.37 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, I did an additional search to determine if there were any staff reports related to that Chapter. As a result of that search, I have identified two additional items in which you may have an interest. Those documents are as follows: 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434-28Of . a 0 Robert S. Coldren, Esq. November 3, 1993 Page 2 1. AB #9185 dated 10/13/87 titled "Zone Code Amendment amending Chapter 21.37 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code to modify the conversion of Mobile Home parks and exempt their conversion from Chapter 21.90 - ZCA 87-1". Minutes from the City Council meetings of October 13, 1987 and October 20, 1987 City Council meeting when the Agenda Bill identified in #1 was considered. 2. I also wanted to let you know that I have been interpreting all your previous requests ii accordance with fairly current actions by the City Council (since 1991). En that regard, may have been misinterpreting your request, and if so, I offer my apology. As a result, have performed a historical search on the items you have requested and have identifiec several additional documents in which you may be interested. These documents date bacl as far as 1980 and relate to a number of topics including rent control and the conversioi of Solamar Mobile Home Estates to condominium ownership. In addition, there have been recent items before the City Council in which you are probabl: interested. They are as follows: 1. AB #12,447 dated 10/26/93 titled "Introduction and adoption of Mobilehome Rer Control Ordinances". \ AB #12,456 dated 11/2/93 titled "Adoption of Ordinance No. NS-263 - Settin Limits on Rental Increases in Mobilehome Parks". 2. The Minutes from the meetings of October 26, 1993 and November 2, 1993, are not yc completed, but I would be happy to provide them to you when they are completed an approved by the Council. If you would like to receive copies of all the documents I have located (including th historical data), please send a check in the amount of $169.25 payable to the City c Carlsbad, and we will mail the copies to you. If you have any questions concerning the above, please let me know, and again, I offer rr sincere apology if I misinterpreted your request. ALETHA -% RAUTENKRANZ, C City Clerk alr . .. -__..-... . ~~~ ..-_ .~ .... ~ ____ .. -. ..~~..- __.._..___ ..__. ._~__~ .._._ ~~...~ ___. ~~-~ .~-. . .. _..-_-. ~...~ .... ~.~ ___. . ~- .~. . ~~ ..~ . __._ ~._ .~__ .. ...- .-~ -II___- ~~ ._.._ ~ ~ - ~__ __._ ~.~~.. - -..... __ _..._ __._-.._. - __...__..__. _-. ~ -._._.._. ____.. ~~ -... ~~..~~~ .--. _~--. ._. .. ..~~.. . _...__-. ~ __._-._ .~ ._.._-. q.24 p )3 f ~~ ~ . . ~-. -. ~ - -. ~ .... ~~ :---.~~.-.p ~~-. . . ~- ~__ . - .~ . ~. . . ... . ..~~. .~-. ~ .- ~.~ .~~ .... ~. ~. .~ - - .- ~- .~ . . .. . . ~ ~ ~- .~ _~~.._ . ._ .. . - .~. ~ .-.~~ ...., ~. .~. -~ ..-. ~.-. - ... Q, .-...- ~ 2 ..__ ~- _...-. . ~.~...~.. ._. ~ ......_. ~ .-.. ~..~-_~...~.~.-. -t=--fi -.p --__.. --a..- ~ ___._ ~ _...._._ -~ ~. ._~.~. ___. ~ -.-. ~- -~ ...~. ..- ~.. --.._~~ -.... ~ .. / -~ .~.--& j b'-% a . .....-. ...- ..---- _~_ - ._~. -~ . .~~ _. 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SECONDARY FILE ID LOCAT ION 03/13/84 AB 7673 86 WESTMINSTER CC DIR CA TO INFORM CITY OF WESTMINSTER THAT CARLS 11648 41 AMICUS NOT WISH TO TAKA A POSITION ON OR0 REQUIRING ARBIT ARBITRATION MOBILE HOME PARK RENTS. MOBILE HOME RENT 11/05/85 AB 8399 114 MOBILE HOME INTRO ORD 9782 AMEND SECTION 21.37.100(7) OF CMC T a203 ZCA-123 THE SEPARATION BETWEEN MOBILE HOMES & GARAGES/MIS( 11/19/85 AB 8399 114 ZCA- 123 ADOPT ORD 9782 AMEND SECTION 21.37.100(7) OF CMC ‘ 8222 MOBILE HOME THE SEPARATION BETWEEN MOBILE HOMES & GARAGES/MlSI 10/13/8 AB 9185 114 CONDO INTRO ORD 9836 AMEND CMC CH 21.37 TO CLARIFY & REI ZCA 87-1 SOLAMAR 9837 AMEND CMC EXEMPTING CONVERSION OF MOBILE HOMl CONVERSION FROM CH 21.90. ZCA 87-1 SOLAMAR MOBILE HOME MOBILE HOME PARK CONVERSIONS TO CONDO OUNERSHIP; \,10/20/87 AB 9185 114 CONDO ZCA 87-1 CONVERSION EXEMPT MOBILE HOME PARK CONVERSION FROM CH 21.90 MOBILE HOME ADOPT ORD 9836 AMEND CH 21.37 OF CMC TO REGULATE I PARK CONVERSION TO CONDOS; ADOPT ORD 9837 AMEND CI 3748 RMHP 87-1 LFMP ZONE 22 SOLAMAR OF COMP FOR RMHP 87-1 IN LFMP ZONE 22 MOBILE HOME MOBILE HOME PARK PERMIT, WAIVER OF TENT & FINAL M SOLAMAR MOBILE HOME ESTATES; CA DIRECTED PREPARE OF APPROVAL WITH AMEND CONDITIONS; CE DIRECTED PR Ol/2 r7\ /88 AB 9276 99 y u 02402/88 AB 9276-1 RMHP 87-1 ADOPT RES 88-25 APPROVING WAIVER OF TENT & FINAL \ 2356 LFMP APPROVING MOBILE HOME PARK PERMIT FOR CONVERSION TENT MAP MOBILE HOME ESTATES TO CONDOMINIUM OUNERSHIP (RMH FINAL MAP (LFMP ZONE 22) ZONE 22 SOLAMAR MOBILE HOME PERM1 T DW 05/24/ AB 9445 CDBG CC APPROVED LIST OF PROJ RECOMMENDED BY H&R ADV C 14 YR TO PREPARE DOCUMENTS TO PROVIDE FUNDS FOR SOLAMAI 13113 Gi 105 PROJ ADOPT RES 88- SELECT ION FOR SPECIFIC PROJ FOR 14 YR CDBG (BLOCK GRANT) PI $ SOLAMAR MOBILE HOME TO BE RETURNED TO CC ON 6/14/88; - . - J 83 L. w r3 -_I -/ c‘ u / ,:e?1 ’ ,L c5?,- j )--G r ci g’ gQ‘ iL- ’ %‘ .Y ... ,‘S--L 10-2s-@ . FQ &- Tibb SI - 336 (i i 1- q c PAC INDEX SYSTEM TIME 12:31 PM INDEX LIST DATI 0 0 DATE Acrrou TYPE PRIMARY FILE ID TOPICS DESCRIPTION IDENT. SECONDARY FILE ID LOCAT ION GREEN MOBILEHOME H&R COMS ADOPT RES 108 APPROVING GRANT OF 20% SET- 9 H&R COMS RESIDENTS OF SOLAMAR MOBILEHOME PARK OWNERS ASSOC. SOLAMAR HOUSING ,$148,000, TO ASSIST IN THE PCH OF 9 LOTS P7 06/07/ 0 1303 07/12/88 AB 9528 114 ZCA 88-3 CC ADOPT NEG DEG FOR ZCA 88-3 & INTRO ORD NS-24 TO 12250 STANDARD SECTION 21.37.100(7) OF CMC TO ESTABLISH SETBACK S RMHP FOR GARAGES, CARPORTS & STORAGE CABINETS IN THE RM STORAGE (MOBILE HOME PARK). NEG DEC GARAGE CAR PORT SETBACK MOBILE HOME 07/19/88 AB 9528 114 ZCA 88-3 ADOPT ORD NS-24 AMEND SECTION 21.37.100(7) OF CMC 12251 STANDARD ESTABLISH SETBACK STANDARDS FOR GARAGES, CAR PORT! CABINETS IN THE RMHP (MOBILE HOME) ZONE, ZCA 88-3 RMHP STORAGE GARAGE CAR PORT SETBACK MOBILE HOME 03/18/89 BROWN ACT 37 RANCHO CARLSBAD IN CONFORMANCE WITH BROWN ACT, CC PREVIOUSLY ADJOl MOBILEHOME PARK THIS DATE AT 11:oO AM, AT THE RANCHO CARLSBAD MOB BROWN ACT PARK CLUBHOUSE, IN CASE A QUORUM WAS PRESENT TO HI ADJOURNED PRESENTATION ON ADJACENT DEVELOPMENTS. 3351 '\ H&R COMS MOBILE HOME CONVERSION SOLAMAR H&R COMS ADOPT RES 152 AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF ADM IN THE AMOUNT OF 86,211.51 FOR SOLAMAR MOBILE HOM CONVERSION. 7- ' 12/19/89, f9 AB 137 ( GREENJ 5321 ( 12/19/a9 AB 139 GREEN H&R COMS H&R COMS ADOPT RES 153 AMEND THE ADMIN PLN FOR TH MOBILE HOME EXISTING/VOUCHER PROGRAM TO AGREE WITH HUD RECOMEi PAYMENT CONVERSION SOLAMAR 5322 0 03/26/91 AB 099 PINK SPECIAL MEETING CMUD BD ADOPT RES 728 GRANTING A 99,941 REIMBURSE 8872 CMUD BD SOLAMAR ESTATES HOMEOUNERS ASSOC FOR OVERSIZING C REIMBURSEMENT INSTALLED IN SOLAMAR ESTATES MOBILE HOME PARK. PT SOLAMAR MOBILE HOME PARK PROJ 88-201 PI PEL I NE PAG INDEX SYSTEM TIME 12:31 PM INDEX LIST DAT 0 0 DATE ACTION TYPE PRIMARY FILE ID TOPICS DESCRIPTION IDERT. SECONDARY FILE ID LOCAT I ON 11/05/91 AB 11,426 81 PONTO DR CC DIR STAFF TO RETAIN AN APPRAISER FOR PROPERTY / 13456 APPRAISAL PONTO DR, LANAKAI LN MOBILE HOME PARK. LANAKAI LN MOBILE HOME 01/28/92 PUBLIC COMMENT 81 LANAKAI LN LESLIE TANNER FROM LANAKAI MOBILEHOME PARK REQUESl 13457 APPRAISAL CITY EXPEDITE PROCESSING OF THE APPRAISAL FOR PCH MOBILE HOME RESIDENTS LEASE IS RUNNING SHORT & RENTS MAY GO UF PCH MARTY ORENYAK EXPLAINED THE TIMING. NO DOCUMENTS, TANNER 05/05/92 NO AB# 81 SPECIAL MEETING CLOSED SESSION DURING UHICH CC DISCUSSED THE PROP( 13819 CLOSED SESSION LEASE, PCH OR EXCHANGE OF LANIKAI LN MOBILE HOME I LANIKAI LN INSTRUCTIONS TO THEIR NEGOTIATOR. MOBILE HOME SALE PCH LEASE 08/11/92 PUBLIC COMMENT 81 LANIKAI LN CHERLY MCCABE, ED HOUSTON & MRS TANNER REAFFIRMED 13459 MCCABE LANIKAI LN HOMEOUNERS FOR CITY ASSISTANCE IN PCH ( HOUSTON HOME PARK. MARTY ORENYAK REPORTED ON STATUS. NO I TANNER APPRAISAL PCH MOBILE HOME 03/16/93 NO AB# 81 CLOSED SESSION CC DISCUSSED THE PCH, SALE, EXCHANGE OR LEASE OF I 11883 SPECIAL MEETING KNOWN AS LANIKAI LN MOBILE HOME PARK IN CLOSED SE' LANIKAI LN INSTRUCTED ITS NEGOTIATOR. MOBILEHOME PARK PCH 05/11/93 NO AB PUBLIC COMMENT PUBLIC COMMENT DURING PUBLIC COMMENT ORVILLE STANLEY, SOLAMAR PA1 13291 SOLAMAR FOR HELP TO ALLOU FINISH HIS REMODELING PROJ. CC MOBILE HOME WORK WITH HIM & ALLOU HIM TO PROCEED. BUT NO OTHI STANLEY TO BE ISSUED UNTIL GRADING ISSUE RESOLVED BY SOLA1 PARK REMODEL PERMIT GRAD I NG 07/13/93 NO AB# 81 CLOSED SESSION CC DISCUSSED PCH, SALE, EXCHANGE OR LEASE OF LAN1 13418 SPECIAL MEETING MOBILE HOME PARK, OWNED BY THEODORE VALLAS, JR. LANIKAI LN CC INSTRUCTED STAFF CONCERNING THE MATTER. MOBILE HOME PCH - PAG INDEX SYSTEM TIME 12:31 PM INDEX LIST DAT 0 e DATE ACTION TYPE PRIMARY FILE ID TOPICS DESCRIPTION IDENT. SECONDARY FILE ID LOCAT ION 07/13/93 NO AB# 41 CLOSED SESSION CC DISCUSSED PENDING LITIGATION RE MOBILE HOME REN 13419 SPECIAL MEETING STABILIZATION. CC INSTRUCTED STAFF CONCERNING THE LITIGATION MOBILE HOME RENT 07/19/93 NO AB 81 SPECIAL MEETING CC MET WITH RESIDENTS & OWNER AT LANIKAI LN CLUBHO 13550 LANIKAI LN WORKSHOP ON MOBILE HOME RENT STABILIZATION. THE RE MOBILE HOME OWNER PRESENTED THEIR LEASE PROPOSALS & STAFF PRES RENT CONTROL RENT STABILIZATION/RENTAL ASSISTANCE. CC TOOK NO A STAB1 LIZATION LEASE WORKSHOP RENT 08/04/93 NO AB 37 SPECIAL MEETING CC MET WITH RESIDENTS & OUNER AT RANCHO CARLSBAD C 13549 MOBILE HOME FOR A WORKSHOP ON MOBILE HOME RENT STABILIZATION. RENT CONTROL & OUNER PRESENTED THEIR LEASE PROPOSALS & STAFF PR RANCHO CARLSBAD CITY RENT CONTROL/RENTAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM. NO AC WORKSHOP RENT STABILZATION 08/10/93 AB 12,353 45 UNCONTROLLED ADOTP RES 93-231 APPROVING AN UNCONTROLLED STOCKP 13654 STOCKPI LE WITH SOLAMAR MOBILE HOMEOWNERS ASSOC FOR DIRT ON I AGMT OF THE MOBILE HOME PARK. SOLAMAR MOBILE HOME 08/16/93 NO AB 37 SPECIAL MEETING CC MET WITH RESIDENTS & OUNER AT LAKESHORE GARDEN 13671 LAKESHORE GARDENS FOR WORKSHOP ON MOBILE HOME RENT STABILIZATION. MOBILE HOME PRESENTED THEIR POSITION & STAFF PRESENTED CITY R RENT CONTROL & RENTAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM. NO ACTION TAKEN. RENT STABILIZATION WORKSHOP e 0 ClIfY OF CARESBAD 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA 92008-1 989 (619) 434-2891 RONALDR BALL FAX (619) 434-8367 CITY ATTORNEY October 27, 1993 KAREN J HIRATA DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY Robert S. Coldren, Esq. HART, KING & COLDREN 200 East Sandpointe, Fourth Floor Santa Ana, California 92707 RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST/LANIKAI LANE MOBILEHOME PARK Dear Mr. Coldren: The City intends to comply with the provisions of the Pub1 Records Act with regard to your request for documents. Cynth Haas, Management Analyst in the Community Development Departmen. will provide you with a copy of the updated appraisal referred. in your September 15, 1993 letter. You have already been providl with documents meeting the description of items one throuc fifteen. However, there are some additional documents which wi be provided to you. Ms. Haas will contact you in a week to ten days with a co estimate for the additional documents. There may be some documen in the housing and redevelopment department. Ms. Haas wi coordinate the release of those documents. Extra time is necessa due to the broad nature of your request. Also, there are documen which have only recently been generated which fall into t descriptions in your request. Please correspond directly with M Haas to obtain the requested documents. Very truly yours, 9+--- 8. /L& KAREN J. HIRATA Deputy City Attorney afd c: Cynthia Haas Lee Rautenkranz Evan Becker , GLE" MONDO 0 ROBERT S. COLDREN LORI A. DONAHUE GARY R. KING CHRISTOPHER R. ELLIOTT ROBERT I. MULVIHILL WILLlAM R. HART MARKS. FAULKNER KENNETH I. WENZEL CANDICE L. CAMPBELL RICHARD P. GFXBER M. COLLEEN WEULE THOMAS H. GElZ JAMES M. GILBERT EDUARDO A. GUERINI-BOLT t 0 HART, KING & COLDREN JOHN H. PENTECOST C. WlLLlAM DAHLIN OF COUNSEL MARK V. ASWURIAN LINDA 1. LESTER MICHAEL J. SCHROEDER" HAL G. BLOCK RACHELLE E. MENAKER DAVID A. BROWN SAMUEL G. BROYLES, JR. JANICE L. MERRLL RICHARD E. STREZA BARBARA 1. DIBBLE NORMAN K.H. MIEDE "A Pmfcssiolvl cmpxation A'ITORNEYS AT LAW - October 21, 1993 Aletha L. Rautenkranz, CMC City Clerk City of Carlsbad - Office of the City Clerk 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 926218-1989 Re: Lanikai Lane Mobilehome Estates Dear Ms. Rautenkranz: This letter is in reply to your most recent response to Lanikai Mobilehome Park's Public Records Request. Please forward Chapter 21.37 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, the documents you represent are responsive to the Public Records Request Item 13. Further, please forward the information that you represent is responsive to the Public Records Request Item 14, that consists of 10 pages and is comprised of two closed session agenda bills, an agenda for the July 13, 1993 and March 16, 1993 special meetings, and minutes for the March 16, July 13, July 19, August 4 and August 16 council meetings. To that end, enclosed please find a check in the amount of $2.70 representing the copying charges for these items. Public Record Request Iten 3 is clarified to request documents concerning the City's budget for purposes of purchasing, condemning, redeveloping, or converting mobilehome parks into a tenant-owned park. Public Records Request Item 11 is clarified to request documentation concerning staff reports on the issues of purchasing, condemning, redeveloping, or converting mobilehome parks into a tenant-owned park. The City's, contention that it is not obligated to search its records for documents that are responsive to the Public Records Request is in error. A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 200 EAST SANDPOINTE, FOURTH FLOOR DIRECT ALL MAIL TO: P.O. BOX 2507, SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 92707 TELEPHONE (714) 432-8700 FACSIMILE (714) 546-7457 > a e Aletha L. Rautenkranz, CMC October 21, 1993 Page 2 The purpose behind the Public Records Act is not to require private citizens who are seeking public information to send thousands of requests for information to the varying departments contained in the City. Indeed, an inter-office and/or an intra- office memorandum requesting information that is responsive to the request would appear to be the most practical and expedient manner in which to obtain the information. The Public Records Act was enacted with the objective of increasing freedom of information and is designed to give public access to information in possession of public agencies. (m Anaeles Police Delsartment v. SuDerior Court for the City of Los Anqeles (1977) 65 Cal.App.3d 661, 135 Cal.Rptr. 575,) The general policy cf the TuSlic Records Act favors disclosure, and support for the refusal to disclose information must be found, if at all, among specified exceptions to the general policy enumerated in the Act. (Johnson v. Winter (1982) 127 Cal.App.3d 435, 179 Cal.Rptr. 585.) There is no basis for your refusal to inquire of the other City departments where the requested information may be kept. Indeed, Government Code S 6256.1 implies that it is the duty of the City to conduct such an investigation for the records requested because it provides in relevant part: I1In unusual circumstances, as specified in this section, the time limit prescribed in Section 6256 may be extended by written notice by the head of the agency to the person making the request setting forth the reasons for the extension and the date on which a determination is expected to be dispatched- . - - ... "As used in this section, 'unusual circumstances' means, but only to the extent reasonably necessary to the proper processing of the particular request: "(a) The need to search for and collect the requested records from field facilities or other establishments that are separate from the office processing the request. "(b) The need to search for, collect, and appropriately examine a voluminous amount of separate and distinct records which are demanded in a single request. e e Aletha L. Rautenkranz, CMC October 21, 1993 Page 3 "(c) The need for consultation, which shall be conducted with all practical speed, with another agency having a substantial interest in the determination of the request or among two or more components of the agency having substantial subject matter interest therein. It Accordingly, the Public Records Act requires the City to search out documents held by related agencies in order to comply with the request. The apparent refusal by the City to (1) 'Isearch for and collect the requested records from field facilities or other establishmentst1 ; or (2) "appropriately examine a voluminous amount of separate and distinct recordstt; or (3) Itpursue its t'consultationtg with another agency having a substantial interest in the requesttt, or Itamong two or more components of the agencytt, is apparently an attempt by the City to delay access to the records. Pursuant to Government Code S 6256.2, nothing contained in the Public Records Act may be construed to permit the City to delay access to the records. If we do not have a favorable response from the City within ten (10) days as required by Government Code SS 6256 and 6256.1, Lanikai Lane will have no option but to pursue its remedies pursuant to Government Code S 6258, including proceedings for injunctive relief, declaratory relief, or a writ of mandate to enforce its rights to inspect the public records that the City is refusing to locate and produce. If you have any questions please call. Very truly yours, HART, KING & COLDREN Robert /&& RSC/SGB/wp Enclosures cc: Jed Robinson 30217.004/73126.WP c September 16, 1993 Mr. Samuel G. Broyles, Jr. Hart, King & Coldren P. 0. Box 2507 Santa Ana, CA 92707 RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST - LANIKAI LANE MOBILE HOME PARK In reponse to your letter dated September 15,1993, this is to reiterate that the City Clerl Office has no documents on file for your items one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, nir ten, twelve, and fifteen. You’ve asked that I speak for all departments of the City, an( cannot do that. Under the Public Records Act, my response relates to those items f which I have control. The only items under the control of the City Clerk are those in t City Clerk’s Office. With respect to item thirteen, the only information the City Clerk’s Office has is contain in Chapter 21.37 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. That Chapter is titled “RMHP Resident Mobile Home Park Zone” and consists of 8 pages. The information available in the City Clerk’s Office pertaining to your item fourtel consists of 10 pages (comprised of two Closed Session Agenda Bills, an agenda for the JL 13, 1993 and March 16, 1993 Special Meetings, and Minutes for the March 16th, JL 13th, July 19th, August 4th and August 16th Council Meetings). As noted in your letter, I look forward to talking with you to receive clarificatic concerning items eight and eleven. The charge for copies is 15 cents per page. Therefore, if you would like copies of any the documents I have referenced, please specify which ones. At that point, we will be ab to tell you the exact cost (including postage) and will then provide them immediately up( receipt of your payment for same. m @- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, CMC City Clerk 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434-28( 1 s * GLE" MONW LORI A. DONAHUE ROBERT 1. MULVIHLL CHRISTOPHER R. ELLIOTT WILLIAM R. HART MARKS. FAULKNER PETER K. RUNDLE CANDICE L. CAMPBELL RICHARD P. GERBER KENNETH I. WENZEL JOHN H. PENTECOST THOMAS H. GEIZ M. COLLEEN WEULE JAMES M. GILBERT C. WILLIAM DAHLIN ATTORNEYS AT LAW - EDUARDO A. GUERINI-BOLT MARK V. ASDOURIAN LINDA 1. LESTER HAL G. BLOCK RACHELLE E. MENAKER DAVID A. BROWN JANICE L MERRILL RICHARD E. STREZA SAMUEL G. BROYLES, JR. BARBARA 1. DIBBLE NORMAN K.H. MlEDE *A Professid Corporation 0 ROBERT S. COLDREN GARY R. KING 0 HART, KING & COLDREN OF COUNSEL MICHAEL I. XHROEDER* September 15, 1993 Aletha Rautenkranz, CMC Office of the City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Drive Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 Re: Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park Public Records Request Dear Ms. Rautenkranz: This letter is the result of the City's failure to provide all documents requested in Lanikai Lane's most recent request pursuant to the Public Records Act. Enclosed is a second copy of the request for your convenience. Request numbers one through seven required the City to produce records concerning the appraisal of Lanikai Lane. You responded by stating the requested documents did not exist in the City Clerks' office. This statement appears to be in error as a letter dated March 17, 1993 (to Ed Houston from Martin Orenyak) produced by the City specifically refers to the "formal appraisal report dated January 7, 1993" as well as a supplemental report (with attachments) by the appraiser retained by the City. Please provide all of the requested information within ten (10) days. In response to request numbers nine, ten, twelve, and fifteen, which requested documents concerning proposed budgets for the City that included funding for the conversion of mobilehome parks to tenant owned parks, information supporting staff reports, and rent control, respectively, you responded that the information did not exist in the City Clerk's office. Please recheck your files in light of the above issue. Also confirm that this response means the City is not in possession of such documents as opposed to the Clerk's office not having them but some other department possibly possessing them. Request numbers thirteen and fourteen, which requested documents concerning the conversion of mobilehome parks, are clarified to include the conversion of mobilehome parks to tenant owned parks, A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 200 EAST SANDPOINTE, FOURTH FLOOR DIRECT ALL MAIL TO: P.O. BOX 2507, SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 92707 TELEPHONE (714) 433-4700 FACSIMILE (714) 546-7457 I 0 0 Aletha Rautenkranz, CMC September 15, 1993 Page 2 redevelopment of mobilehome parks, and/or any other processes whereby the City will aid the conversion, condemnation or any other change in the ownership of the mobilehome parks. I will call you to discuss the contents of the Agenda Bills you referenced in response to request numbers eight and eleven shortly. We anticipate receipt of further documents within ten (10) days. If you have any questions, please call. 30217.004/69719.wp cc: Jed P. Robinson T I( 1 July 16, 1993 Mr. Robert S. Coldren Hart, King & Coldren P. 0. Box 2507 Santa Ana, CA 92707 RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST - LANIKAl LANE MOBILE HOME PARK In your letter dated July 2, 1993, you requested copies of and/or access to a variety of documents. I would be happy to provide you with either copies or access to those records in the City Clerk’s Office, but am unable to identify all the records you are requesting. Therefore, following is a breakdown of my response to each of items you have requested Item No. 1-7 8 There are no such documents in the City Clerk’s Office. There are two Agenda Bills on file in the City Clerk’s Office (with a total o 179 pages) which went to the City Council and pertain to the City o Carlsbad 1993-94 Budget. In addition, the Budget (comprised of 175 pages is on file in the City Clerk’s Office. There are no such documents in the City Clerk’s Office. There are no such documents in the City Clerk’s Office. There are a total of 318 Agenda Bills that have gone to the City COUI~ c a variety of subjects in 1993. If you are interested in all of them, they a] in a variety of files and it would take additional time to determine the locations and the cost of providing copies of same. It would help a gre deal if you could identify the specific subject matter or items in which yc are interested. 9 10 11 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434-21 a 0 d 4 Mr. Robert S. Coldren Page 2 JUly 3.6, 1993 Item No. 12 13 There are no such documents in the City Clerk’s Office. Your request is too general. I would be happy to research and provide copies of identifiable records, but I need more specific information in order to complete the research on this item. Once again, the request is too general. I would be happy to research and provide copies of identifiable records, but I need more specific information. There are no such documents in the City Clerk’s Office. 14 15 The above response is provided in conformance with the requirements of the California Public Records Act. If you would like copies or the opportunity to view those documents I have been able to identify, please let me know. Additionally, if you could provide me with more specific information on the other items, I would be happy to respond to that request. ALETHA w* RAUTENKRANZ, CMC City Clerk alr Ocotber 21, 1993 Mr. Ernest J. Tarr 3436 Don Lorenzo Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Tarr: Enclosed for your review is the information you requested concerning mobilehome rent control: 1. 2. Copy of Agenda Bill #12,420, which went to the City Council on October 1, 1993. Copy of the Minutes of the meeting held October 1, 1993 where Council discussed rent control. Copy of Agenda Bill #12,447, which is going to be discussed by the City Council at their meeting on October 26, 1993. 3. 1 hope this information helps, and if you have any specific questions, the Housing & Redevelopment Department should be able to answer them. Their telephone number is 434-2810, and they are located at 2965 Roosevelt, Suite B, Carlsbad. Sincerely, LEE $6 RAUTENKRANZ - City Clerk lr Encs. 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434-280 9 C' e 0 SAN DIEGO C BRENT SWANSON SWANSON AND DOWDALL ATTORNEYS AT LAW TERRY R DOWDALL THOMAS M GIESER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 9 JIM P MAHACEK TELEPHONE (6191 686-61 4 HUTTON CENTRE DRIVE FACSIMILE (6191 686-61C MAUREEN A HATCHELL LEVINE ROBERT G WILLIAMSON. JR JOSEPH P FOLEY SUITE 200 436 CAMINO DEL RIO SOL SUITE 101 P 0 BOX 2504 Santa REPLY TO FRANKLIN W NELSON SANTA ANA, CALI PORN IA 92707-0504 TELEPHONE (714) 755-3500 FACSIMILE (7141 755-3505 OUR FILE NO May 20, 1993 Custodian of Records: Re: Amy Michel, et al. vs. 400 Mobilestates, et al. Ventura County Superior Court Case No. 122560 Dear Custodian of Records: I am preparing for trial beginning June 7, 1993 in Ventura Cou Superior Court. That action involves the content, practice, administration of rent controls. According to my information, there is no local rent control in y jurisdiction. I need your testimony to establish this fact. Thus, enclosed Subpoena requires attendance at trial on June 7, 1993. However, I request, in lieu of attendance for your convenien that you please complete the attached form and mail it immediately sc is received prior to June 1, 1993. The enclosed form recites that have searched your records and that there is no rent control law sf kind enforced in your jurisdiction. I wo appreciate your early attention and I am happy to answer any and 4 questions you may have. I am sorry for the inconvenience this request may cause. Please feel free to call at any time. 7 T For rr TRD: cs a: \ltrs267 Enclosure (s) .. ATTORNEY OR PARN WITHOUT ATTORNEY -Terry R. Dowdall, Bar #79463 (714) 755-3500 SWANSON AND DOWDALL 4 Hutton Centre Drive, Suite 200 Santa Ana, CA 92707 ATTORNEYFOR(M~~): Defendants NAME OF COURT: VENTURA COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT STREETADDRESS: 800 South Victoria Avenue CIN AND ZIP CODE: Ventura , CA MAILING ADDRESS: 9 3 0 09 BRANCH NAME: PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: AMY MICHEL, et al. 400 MOBILESTATES, et al. CIVIL SUBPENA CASE NUMBER: n Ducestecum 122560 r r- - STATEMENT OF SEARCH AND FAILURE TO FIND PUBLIC RECORD [EVIDENCE CODE SECTION 12841 . I, ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ , state: 1. That 1 am employed by the City of CARLSBAD 2. That I am the official custodian of the ordinances and resolutions or other local laws kept ir the office of the City Clerk [if other than Cify Clerkplease specify: /. 3. That I have diligently searched the records for any law providing for rent control [including rent stabilization, rent review, and any kw, rulekr regulation which establishes a mzximum amount a landlord may charge a tenant for rent]. 4. That I have failed to find such a record. 5. This statement is made in lieu of attending trial under subpena for my attendance, under Evidence Code Section 1284 which states: "Evidence of a writing made by a public employee who is the official custodian of the records in a public office, reciting diligent search and failure to find a record, is not made inadmissible by the hearsay rule when offered to prove the absence of a record in that office." Dated: May 21, 1993 BY * - &m6L/Lu&- (Official Seal or Stamp) m