HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-03-21; City Council; 394-3; AB 2007PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL MTG. DEPT. T'TLE: AB 2007 (ACTION) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Consider Council direction pertaining to a proposed San Diego County Regional Park and Open Space District. Recommend project selections to be included within the District and consider the selection of individuals which may be appointed to a citizen advisory committee dealing with AB2007. ITEM EXPLANATION: On March 8, 1994 Department staff presented the issue of a proposed San Diego County Regional Park and Open Space District to the City Council (Exhibit 1). In accordance with the staff recommendation and subsequent City Council action, the Commission is requested to recommend project selections to be included for consideration within the District. Additionally, the Commission is requested to recommend individuals who may be selected to serve on a citizen advisory committee. Staff will give a presentation and be available to answer specific questions. EXHIBITS; 1. City Council Agenda Bill #12,619 - Proposed San Diego County Regional Park and Open Space Districtr r ... ,^ 6-0 Qw 014 CITY OF CARLSBAD — AGENDA BILL CJ (U O t-<a, tn•H CO O m M0) t3 O•HU (3 3 OrH -Hu cnC w 43 Cw o toC a)o•H Uw a)co ai-oc0) OO CO 0) PL. M O) M-l 43 U-) 4-J CO CO QJ > MO C1J H T)P--Ha. cnm aoiH O C rO O O g <. U 3 O O AB# /4? 6/9 MTG. ^-S-*?1? DEPT. TITLE:PROPOSED SAN DIEGO COUNTY REGIONAL PARK AND OPEN-SPACE DISTRICT DEPT. Hblj3*jt_A CITY ATTYBJT PITY Mf2Q r*^-O\A 1 T lyiVari. ^ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Direct staff to: 2. 3. Prepare a letter to the County Board of Supervisors seeking postponement of the establishment of a Regional Park and Open Space District until there is consensus among local jurisdictions regarding the decision making authority as it relates to issues within the structure of the legislation. Develop revisions to the legislation which would allow local jurisdictions a choice of participation or exclusion from such a district. Return to the Parks and Recreation Commission for a recommendation on project selections and citizen advisory committee representation. ITEM EXPLANATION: In September 1993, the State Legislature passed AB 2007 which was authored by Assemblywoman Dede Alpert at the request of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors. The purpose of the legislation was to provide a regional funding mechanism to address the impacts of recent budget cuts to San Diego County's local park agencies (Exhibit 1). Assembly Bill 2007 is the enabling legislation that allows San Diego County to place a measure on the November 1994 Ballot, and if successful, would establish a county-wide benefit assessment district for acquisition and improvement of land for park, open space, and recreational purposes. In addition, a percentage of project funding would be allocated to offset maintenance costs. The ballot measure would require a majority vote for approval. Through the monthly County-wide Park and Recreation Directors' meetings, department staff was informed of AB 2007 several months ago. Although the county is the lead agency behind the implementation of this ballot measure, it is being spearheaded by the San Diego County Department of Parks and Recreation. All local park and recreation jurisdictions have been asked to support this effort via endorsements by respective boards, commissions, and city councils. Local jurisdictions have also been asked to submit possible projects for funding under the proposed assessment and have been requested to supply names of individuals/organizations which would compose a citizen's advisory group whose primary function would be to generate county-wide support for AB 2007. 015 EXHIBIT 1 PAGE 2 OF AB# To date, department staff has kept the City Manager's office apprised of the county's efforts to facilitate AB 2007 (Exhibits 3 & 4). In addition, staff has submitted a preliminary list of projects to be funded with the caveat that the list is unofficial at this time pending endorsement by the City Council (Exhibit 2). The issue of AB 2007 and the preliminary project list has been presented to the Parks and Recreation Commission as an informational item only, and staff has continued to maintain a noncommittal posture towards support of AB 2007. However, the county's efforts to expedite the proposed legislation with or without the support of several jurisdictions throughout the county, is proceeding at an accelerated rate in order to guarantee placement on the November Ballot. While from a staff perspective we are open to the concept of providing additional funding mechanisms to address park and open space issues in San Diego, we have serious concerns as it relates to a binding assessment requirement upon independent jurisdictions. Currently, the legislation provides no veto power for local jurisdictions to opt out of the District. Notwithstanding a city's desire to participate, an assessment could be levied against all parcels in that city regardless of any benefit which may or may not be received. In other words, if a city chooses not to support or participate in the District, an assessment could be imposed anyway with no benefit gained in terms of local project funding. Furthermore, the decision making authority relating to issues in the structure of the legislation rests solely with the County Board of Supervisors. Staff would submit that perhaps a more prudent approach to the decision making authority for such things as program administration, administration cost recovery, allocation formula(s) etc. be expanded to include greater city involvement and control. Therefore, staff is recommending continued dialogue between local agencies and to encourage the Board of Supervisors to delay further processing of AB 2007 until issues relating to veto power and decision making authority can be further resolved. However, as a precautionary measure staff is recommending conceptual approval of a list of proposed city projects to include:v * 3 v J CD 1. City-Wide Trail System "^' $3,600,000 (|) 2. Buena Vista Lagoon/Hosp Grove 3,900,000 Improvements/Trail System 9 3. Park Rehabilitation 445,000 • Stagecoach Community Park $150,000 • Holiday Park 50,000 • Maxton Brown 25,000 • Levante 40,000 • Pine 180,000 4. Community Center/Gymnasium (NW Quad.) -3^0007300 016 PAGE 3 OF AB#/<,/</ FISCAL IMPACT: The specific projects selected to appear within AB 2007 will be submitted by the local jurisdictions and will ultimately be selected by the Citizen's Advisory Committee. A Benefit Assessment Engineer will determine fees based upon those projects and other associated costs (i.e. maintenance, administration, etc.). The project selections and funding for those projects go to the County Board of Supervisors for a public meeting. The project package would then be placed on the Ballot. Although preliminary at this time, recent polling efforts have targeted a $12-$15 assessment per parcel per year for a period of approximately twenty (20) years. It is estimated that assessment would generate between $204-$250 million county wide. The exact benefit to Carlsbad in terms of project funding and maintenance dollars is unavailable at this time as project selection has not occurred and allocation formula(s) have not been determined. Exclusive of AB 2007, the City currently funds three (3) service programs through the assessment district funding mechanism at a cost of approximately $81.00 per single family household per year (street lighting, median, and street tree maintenance). In light of existing and pending assessments, Council may wish to further evaluate the cumulative impact of additional assessments such as that proposed under the Regional Park and Open Space District. In conclusion, Carlsbad currently has an extensive fee program, and unlike many cities, based upon those fees, the City has a comprehensive park development program as outlined in the City's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) budget. Any project funding made available by AB 2007 could serve to augment CIP funding or provide a source of funding for anticipated park, recreational and/or open space projects which have yet to secure funding. EXHIBITS: 1. San Diego County Regional Park and Open-Space District Fact Sheet 2. Memo to Robert Copper, County Parks & Recreation Director - September 21, 1993 3. Memo to Assistant City Manager - December 20, 1993 4. Memo to City Manager - January 14, 1994 017