HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-03-22; City Council; 12632; APPROVAL OF MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR EMT-PARAMEDIC SERVICESAB * - TITLE: APPROVAL OF MEMORANDUM OF MTG. 3/22/94 UNDERSTANDING FOR DEPT. F'R EMT-PARAMEDIC SERVICES DEP' CITY CITY P cc < t z 0 - G 6 a z 3 0 0 I Y ut wmLaunu - A un BILL / RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve Memorandum of Understandin (M.O.U.) for EMT-Para Diego. ITEM EXPLANATION: The city of Carlsbad has provided paramedic service to its citizens 1977, at which time the city and the county entered into an agre governing the provision of those services (Exhibit 2, p.8). Since 197 city has added a second paramedic ambulance and has entered into i program of providing paramedic assessment engines (Exhibit 3, p.23 proposed M.O.U. addresses changes which have occurred within the f pre-hospital emergency medical care and the paramedic delivery syst San Diego county. This M.O.U. protects the city's right to determine the level of para services its citizens receive and how that care is to be provided. At the time, it provides the flexibility necessary to deal with changing (managed care, etc.) in the area of pre-hospital emergency medical ca accomplishes by mutual agreement what many jurisdictions accomplished only by court action. FISCAL IMPAm There is no fiscal impact associated with this M.O.U. EXHIBITS: 1. Memorandum of Understanding 2. 1977 Paramedic Agreement 3. 4. Resolution No. 4y-235 . Services (Exhibit 1, p. 2) between the City o B Carlsbad and the County ( Adopt Resolution No. 44-85 . Paramedic Assessment Program Agenda Bill 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 &FW an8 Ow# 5lLo 14 $045 >J: ucs 2;sz n o n ' l5 ::$: 16 om m> SW? zwm E:; >E% 17 &O 4O-l l8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR EMT-PARAMEDIC SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO. WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad and the County oj Diego desire to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding fo purpose of clarifying roles and responsibilities for the me( control of emergency medical services in the City of Carl2 and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the pro Memorandum of Understanding; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Counc the City of Carlsbad, California as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and cor 2. That the Mayor is authorized to sign the att Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Carlsbad an County of San Diego. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeti the City Council of the City of Carlsbad held on the 22nd of MARCH 1994, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Nygaard, Finnila NOES: None ABSENT: Council ATTEST: ALeiL I W W Exhibit 1 Page 1 of hIEhIOI<ANIlUM OF UNDERSTANDING 170 I< EhlT-PARAMEDIC SERVICES rlllfS I1lICRIOI<ANDURI OF UNDERSTANDING is made between the COUNTY OF, l)Il5cIO, liereinafter referred to as COUNTY, and the CITY OF CARLSI3AD, herein rcfcrrcti to as CITY, to provide EMT-Paramedic (EMT-P) services. W ITNBS ETII: \VI I I51(1<AS the CI'I'Y 017 CARTSIIAD has determined that EMT-Paramedic services w providcd williiii the CITY OF CARLSBAD, and CITY possesses certain skills, experil educaiion and competency to perform certain specialized services regarding the provisior imnagcuncnt of advanced life support; and \VIlEREAS, CITY and COUNTY desire to enter into this Memorandum of Understandin liic purpose of clarifying roles and responsibilities for the medical control of Emergency Mc Scr-viccs in tlic CITY OF CARLSIhiD. \l'lIl<l~l~AS, the CITY lias provided Emergency Medical Services for many years and advi lilc support services since 1977 and continues to provide and administer Emergency Mc Scrviccs within the City of Carlsbad pursuant to its "grandfather" status under Health and S Cotlc Scctiori 1797.201. NO\V, '1'1 llCl~l<kUlUC, tile parties liercto do mutually agree to the lerms and conditio attached and set forth in this Memorandum of Understanding. W Exhibit Page 2 o I. A 1) h 1 I N I S‘I’R AT1 0 N 0 I: h.1 EM 0 RAND U h.I 0 F U N D E RST A N D I N G COUN’l3’’s Chief, lmergency hledicill Services, hereinafter called COUNTY’S AIlRIINISll~ ATC s11;111 i-cprcscnt COUNTY in all matters pertaining to the performance under this Memorandum lliitlci htaiidiiig and sliall atliniriistcr tliis hlzmorandum of understanding on bchalf of COUNTY. I; Cliicf, City of Curlshild shall represent CITY and shall administer this Memorandum of Understand iii ;iccortI;ince with its terms and conditions on behalf of CITY. All reports, letters, notices and/or ot coi-Ics~~oiitlcii~c sliall be sent to the attention of the designated representatives at their respec ;1dd I‘CSSCS. II. ‘l‘Etih1 01: hl ELlOIiA N IIU hi OF UNDERSTANDING ’1’11~ [crm of this h4cnioranduni of Understanding shall be from May 1 ,1 ;inti \vi I I conti riue until terminated by ei her party. CI‘I’Y and COUNTY shall review this hlernorandum of Understanding every two years to en! ;ip~)lic;ibiIity to current conditions, policius, procedures and protocols. I I I, It I<SI’ONS I111 1.1‘1‘1 13s 01: I’A l?’l’lI!S A. Rcsponsihililies of COIJNTY I. To provitlc, under the authority of Section 1797 et. seq. of the I-Tealth and Sa Code, the following services: a. Approval of the EMT-Paramedic (EMT-P) training prograrn(s) in County of San Diego pursuant to the California Code of Rcgulatil Title 22, Division 9, Chapter 4. Standnrtls for accreditation/authorization of EMT-Paramedics (EMT and Mobile Intensive Care Nurses (MICNs), in San Diego Cou pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Division 9. Contracts with designated base hospitals to provide immediate rnec direcLion and supervision of the ALS system for the area defined bj local EMS agency. h. C. 2. To provide prehospital report forms or alternate data collection methoc accordance with California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Division 9, Cha 4. To review this h4emorandurn of Understanding every two years to en co rn p I i an c e w it h a p p I i c ab I e st and ar d s , reg u I at ions , p o 1 i c i es , p r o c e d u res protocols. 3. 4. ‘To take immediate corrective action where there is a failure to I “liesponsibility of the COUNTY“. H. _- Iiesponsihilitics -_- - - - of CITY 1. ‘1‘0 provide E.hl‘l‘-Paramedic services within the boundaries of its I jurisdiction and within at1,joining areas as specified by agreements with ntljoi I~hl‘l’-l’i~i~~~tii~tl ic scrv ice providers. (~/\l~l,Slj~\l~/~~~~J 0 w Exhibit Page 3 0 2. To participate in the ALS program consistent with applicable provisions \vi Title 22 of he California Code of Regulations, Division 9, Chapter 4. To clcvclop and operate EMT-P services consistent with applicable provisi witliiir tlic Ca1ili)rnia Code of Rcgulations, Title 22, Division 9, Chaptci CITY may subcontract all or a portion of' these services. CITY is respons for ensuring that any and all subcontractors provide services consistent with Meiiiorandum of Understanding and applicable provisions within the Califo Code of Regulations, Title 22, Division 9, Chapter 4. Cl'I'Y intends to maintain and operate at least one (1) properly equip supplicd and stal'fcd EMT-P ambulance seven days a week, 24 hours a day addition, CITY may, solely at its discretion, decide to maintain and opc EMT-I' staffed tire response vehicles (assessment engines). If such vehicles operated, they will be properly equipped, supplied and staffed. All units comply with the policies, procedures and protocols for medical contro established by the COUNTY. To staff each EhlT-P responding anibulance unit with at least two EMT-P: CITY decides to operate assessment engines, each engine shall have at leas (1) EMT-P at all times. CITY will notify the COUNTY when changc service levels occur. For the purpose of this Agreement, an EMT-P is an individual certified i1 State of California as an EMT-P and accredited by the San Diego County : hlctlical Ilirector to operate as an EMT-P in San Diego County, piirsua Section 1797 et. seq. of the Health and Safety Code. To provide the citizens of the local jurisdiction with information on the system and where and how to obtain cardiopulmonary restiscitation (( training . To ensure that all EMT-P personnel comply with the continuous accredit 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. requirements of the COUNTY. To cooperate with the approved EMT-P training programs in providing internship locations for paramedic interns. To develop mutual aid and/or call-up plans for providing EMT-P service area in the event the unit assigned to the area is not operable or is away fro area for other reasons. Automatic response plans may be developed by the jurisdiction with the concurrence of adjoining EMT-P services. To appoint an Agency Paramedic Coordinator, to serve as liaison betwet agency, the COUNTY, base hospital, receiving hospitals, basic lire si1 (RLS) provider agencies and public safety agencies operating within the SE ma. To provide orientation for first responder agencies to ALS functions and r TO \ise \)est efforts to provide for a planned inaxirniini ALS response time ( ininu tcs. To ['x-ticipate in local EMS planning activities, including disaster managc 8. 9. 10. 1 1. 12. 13. C4121 Sl~~\l)/~lO~J e W -. Exhibit Page 4 o ‘To cornply with all applicable Statestatutes, regulations, local standards, policic procedures and protocols. To iinplement and niaintain a Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement Progri titat intcrfaccs with the local EMS agency’s systeniwide Quality Improvenit Program, which includes cooperation with the base hospitals’ qual iinprovetnent process and is approved by the local EMS agency. To irnriiediately notify the Chief, Division of Emergency Medical Services, designee, whenever any condition exists which adversely affects the lo jurisdiction’s ability to meet the conditions of this Memorandum U ntl CIS tan ti i ng . CITY to implement staffing patterns for EMT-Ps that do not rouline[y requ them to work sclictluled shifts as paramedics or first responders for greater tt 48 hours within any 60 hour period. To provide sufficient unit security,‘ safety and housing such that supplies a equipment are secured and pharmaceuticals are double locked. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. To take immediate corrective action where there is a failure to m “Responsil)ilities of the CITY”. IV. CI’I’Y’S STANDARDS CITY siiiill ;idopt CITY’S own performance standards for the purposes of Paragraph I1I.B. above : sIi;iII iiioiiitor its complimce with tlicm. V. NO’I’ICE A. --_-.- Notice I’iirsunnt ---.- to this h~iemorantlum of understanding Any notice or notices requi or pemittcd to be given pursuant to this Memoranduni of Understanding niay persoiially served on the other party by the party giving such notice, or may be serl by certified mail or registered mail, to the officials cited in Paragraph I. Notice of Dela~ CITY shall, within five (5) days of the beginning of any delay in pcrli)rrnance of this Meinoranduni of Understanding, notify the County’s Aidmiiiistr:iti in writing, of the said delay, causes and remedial action to be taken by CITY. COUNTY shall, within five (5) days of the beginning o€ any delay in the performal of this Memorandum of Understanding, notify the Ere Chief, in writing, of the s delay, causes and remedial action to be taken by COUNTY. 13. VI. A2113Nl)blENTS, OPERATING MEMORANDA AND TERMINATION A. AnientlmentS COUNTY and CITY may request written amendment to this Memorantl of Understanding. Such amendments, as agreed upon in writing, by and betwi County’s Chief, Emergency hledicil Services and CITY are not in force until appro’ by the COUNTY and the CITY. 13. Termination of Apreement for Convenience Either party may terminate t h,leniorandum of Understanding upon forty-five (45) days written notice to the ot 11 it It y . I- .< II I c 12 4 1-1 i h in 1 I - - Exhibit 1 Page 5 of VII. CI'I'Y, l'or ;ill purposes arising out of this Memorandum of Understanding, shall not be deemed (]I' ~Jii~I~i~s~~~ii~liii~, sliall not be deemed an employee, officer or agent of CITY. VI I I. CI'I'Y sliall inaintain the confidentiality of its records, including but not limited to prehospital pati Iccor-tis aiitl quality assurance audits, in accordance with dl applicable State and Federal laws relatin€ coiili(1cri~iality. CITY shall inform all its officers, employees and agents, and others providing servi Iici.cuiiilci. ut' said corifid~ntiality provisions. COUNlY shall maintain the confidentiality of all rcco iiiiiilc availablc 1ici.cunder during and after the terms of this Memorandum of Understanding. IX. hlAlN'1'1ZNANCE OF RECORDS l~~ll~'l'll~S NOT AGENTS 01: EACH OTHER ciiij)loycc, oliicer or agent of COUNTY. COUNTY, for all purposes arising out of this Memorandt (:ON 1 :L 11 1ZN'I'IA 1II.Y All (lliillity assurance and medical control records under this Memorandum of Understanding shall iiiaintairictl by CIlY for a minimum of three (3) years. COUNTY, at its option,-may make a copy COUN'W cxpciisc, of CI'W's quality assurance and medical control records. x. Aiilliorizctl Fedcr;iI, State or County representatives shall have the right to monitor, ~SSCSS and evali Cl'lY's performance pursuant to this Memorandum of Understanding, said monitoring, assessments cv;ilkiatioiis to include but not be limited to audits, inspection of premises, reports (excluding persoi rccoids uid rqx rts , patient records and interviews of staff in matters dealing with issues covered by S~atc and Fctlcr I'officials for examination of'all its records with respect to matters covered by hlcmoi~antluni of Understanding and will permit authorized County, State or Federal officials to au cxrtiiiine, copy arid make excerpts or transcripts from such records, and to make audits of all perti informii~io~l regarding patients' receiving services, and other data. It is understood that COUNTY s coordiiiate all such audits and inspections through the CITY Paramedic Coordinator or Parami Cont Iiict Ad m i 11 ist r at0 r . XI. CI'I'Y'S STANDING This hlciiiorandiim of Understanding is not a written agreement between the CITY and the COUh for the purpose of Health and Safety Code Section 1797.201, and the CITY does not waivl "gr;incIt~~~h~r" status under Health and Safety Code Section 1797.201. l'I3111:ORMANCE AUDITS AND INSPECTION OF RECORDS hlc~norandurii c ( I'LSj '1 derstanding. During normal business hours CITY shall make available to Cou XII. f101,D HARMLESS CI'I'Y agrees to defend, indemnify, protect and hold COUNTY and its agents, officers and emplo Iiariiilcss l'rorn arid against any and all claims asserted or liability established for damages or injuri ally I)ei-soii or property, including injury to CITY employees, agents or offices, which arise from 0. coiinecteil with or are caused or claimed to be caused by the acts or omissions of CITY and its ag~ oIlicci s or ciii~)loyccs, iii pert'oriiiiiig tlic work or scrviccs Iicrcin, and all cxpcnscs of investigating tlcl'ciitliiig against smc; providctl, tiowcvcr, that CITY'S duty to indemnify and hold harmless slid iiiclutlc iiny cliiims or liability arising from the established sole negligence or willful misconduct o COIJN'I'Y, its agents, officers or employees. c A I< 1 , s I1 A I)/ b. 10 u CAIII.SIIAD/AIOU 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 10 11 0 12 ? g 13 7-u ou i 5 14 'E UG $z -J 15 u:, 5.: SLgd 16 =-F = 1.7 - k- 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 a% g yzt E$2$ q2 2 3 wv Q t u 2.- I Exhibit ; Page 1 01 0 'L.! mi J RESOLUTION NO. 5109 A RESOLUTION OF TE-IE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAKLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVIIJG AN AGREEPlrEXT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGG TO PROVIDE PARAMEDIC SERVICES V7ITHIN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AMD AUTHORIZING THE PilAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID AGIZEEI%NT. - The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California hereby resolve as follows: 1. That that certain agreement between the City of ( and the County of San Diego, for the County of San Diego tc provide paramedic services within the City of Carlsbad, a of which is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and made a hereof, is hereby approved. '-- 2. That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement for and behalf of the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of city council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on 7th day of June , .L977 by the following vote, to h AYES ; Councilmen Frazee, Lewis, Packard, Skotnicl NOES : None ABSENT: None Councilwoman Casler A&d& ROBERT C. FRAZEE, May& ATTEST: dYL2zi&w.@l z , “y.yy ------. - -- 1 liAAIIYI A -0 .,,-? - .. 0 L. Exhibit i Page 2 01 -- I CITY OF CARLSBAD I200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 e. t!4b$ AG!taBkMENt 4% enCgrtsd Anta khlg dB$? s4t June, 1977 9 by and between the COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, a ,olitical subdivision of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as “County”, and the CITY OF CARLSBAD, hereinafter referred to as “Contractor”. P /” W I T N E S S E T H: I . WHEREAS, the County .is exp’andino its emergency medical services system to ’include a paramedic program as authorized under the Wedworth-Townsend Paramedic Act and has received federal strpport for this program under the. Public Health Service of the United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare Grant No. 03-H-000581-02-0 MS H36-@; and WHEREAS, Contractor possesses the appropriate professional qualifications -to provide pafamedic s2rvices; and WHEREAS, the Contractor has been designated by the County to perform the subject services; NOW THEREFORE, the parties do mutually agree as fall BWS : I page 1 oP 9 - Page 3 0.l \x-? e L,? L *. Section 1. AGREEf/IENT PERIOD . This.Agreement shall commence on . and continue until terminated., -. . .: . Section 2. ' ADMINISTRATION .. County designates the Director of Public .Health, 1600 Pacific Highway (A-21), San Diego, Cal.iforn 'a 92101, or his/her designated representative to administer the Agreement on behalf of the County The Contractor designates the . , or his/her desig-, nated representat-ive to administer this Agreemeni .on behalf of the Contractor. All reports, propo: 'letters, notices, and/.or other correspondence shz be sent to the attention of the designated representatives at their respective addresses. t Section 3. . S~OPE OF SERVICES Contracto'r shall provide paramedic services withi the . LIMITS OF. THE CITY ,OF CARLSBAD. .. Section 4. . CRITERIA .. I . Contractor shall. have overall .responsibility for the development and operation of paramedic servic in accordance with'the County criteria described in Attachment A. 4. DEl?P 3 cf. 9 .. .. ., *... Page 4 01 -.LV. * .d" - .I Section 5. COUNTY FURNISHED EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES Subject to the performance by the Contractor in a- manner acceptable to the County, County agrees to provide to the Contractor the following: A. Certain items of medical equipment described by * on Attachment B. B. Necessary communication equipment to operate the paramedic service as described by * on Attachment B. C. Replacement and maintenance of communication equipment. Section 6. CONTRACTOR FURNISHED PERSCNNEL, EQUIPIVIENT AND REPOR Subject to performaqce in a manner acceptable to the County, Contractor agrees to: A. Maintain and operate one fully equipped, supplied and manned MICU available for providing paramedic services seven days a week, twenty-four hours per day, on a year-round basis in accordance with criteria established by San Diego County. €3. Staff the MICU with at least two paramddics at all times. D For purposes of this Agreement, paramedics shal be individuals certified by the County's Health Officer to operate as paramedics in page 3 of 9 b 4 LAll IU 1 L 1 rn L.1 Page 5 o ,- . ' -2' 04 San Diego County pursuant to Section 1480 et seq. of the Health and Safety Code. 1 .* .- C. Provide all medical equipment items for one MICU. described by%%*,+ in Attachment B. . D. Maintain and replace, as needed, all medical equipment items contained in Attachment B. E. Insure that a1.1 certified paramedics complete the continuing education required by the County, F. Submit reports in accordance with Section 19 Section 7. OTHER CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES Contractor further agrees to: , A. Provide suitable protected facilities for housing the i4ICU ambulance. B. Maintain tbe MICU ambulance in a fully operational concii ti on. C, Develop mutual aid agreements for providing ambulance service in the area in the event the ambulance is not operable, or a:.iay from the area of responsibility. D. Notify the Division of Emergency Medical Services immediately whenever any condition exists which adversely affects providing satisfactory arnbulanc? service. Section 8, I N DE P E N D E NT C 0 N T RACTO R Contractor is, for all purposes arising out of t Agreement, an independent Contractor, and no emp of Cor,tractoor i;, for any pu~pose iLrising out of this Agreement, an eniployee of the County. - page 4 of 9:- I I. 1 I '> CAI1 I u I L .d ..* * @ e,i-f w G.LJ: Pag'e 6 0' .J Section 9. INTEREST OF CONTRACTOX Contractor covenants that Contractor presently hz no interest, including but not limited to,. other - projects or ind2pendent con'tracts, and shall not ' acquire any interest, direct or indirect, which ! conflict in any manner or degree vith 'the perforr of services requi'red to be periorm'ed under this Agreement. Contractor further covenants that in the performance of this Agreement no persons hav. any such interest shall be employed or retained I Contractor under this Agra_m,ant.. . - Section. 10. CC;4PEilSCiTIOi4 , . This is a no-cost' agreement. County will make nc -reimbursenonts as a result of this Agreemsnt. Section 11. t4ODIFICATiONS AMD EXTEijSIOiIS The Agreement may be modified at any tine by th2 written consent of the parties. This document, .. & hotiever, fuily expresses all understandings of , . the parties concerning the matters covered hereii No addition to or alteration of the terms of thi Agreement, and no verbal understanding of the parties, its officers, agents or employees, shal be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, and duly approved a executed by the parties' authorized representati '. 1 page 5' of - LAlllUl L L *ai :0.--,: w.:>.J , Page 7 of .+ 1 Section 12. PROPERTY TITLE . Title to expendable and 'r~cn-expendable property whose cost was borne in. whole by County under th . Agreement will remain vested in the County upon tzrrninaiion of this Agreement, Section 13. ASSIGNABILITY The Contractor sh'all not assign any interest in the .Agrwxnt, and shalt .not transf2r any inter? in the saxe Yiithou: prior written consent of Cou the re to. Section 14. TER~4ItIATIOl'd AND DEFAULT . .. A. This Agreement nay be terainated for any redson by either party giving sixty (60) days' written notice to other party's desi.gnated representative, except as defined in "14:B" and "15" ,below. I .. B. County nay terminate this Agresment for & default upon five (5) days' written notice if Contractor breeches.'this Agreement or if Contractor refuses or fails to timely perform any of its duties under this Agreement. .. Section 15. TERi41NATIOrl OF HE!.I A'fIARD . In the ev,ent of termination prior to June 30, .. 1977, by HEN of subject a\Jard crith County, fundi provided to Contractor under this Agreement sha? likewise terminate at such time. In the event of such ter.mination, County shall 'immediately ../ W/.d i ' Page 8 of inform Contractor's representative by tele2honz 7 1.- . ' e' L.2 i- - and confirn such tewination in writing. Section 16. 1;IC)EPINITY . Contractor agrees to indennify and hold harmles County, its officers, agents, and employees frc and against all loss or expense (including cost and attorney's fees) due to bodily-injury, pers injury, professional/m?dical ma? practicz, ir,cl I- death at any time resulting therefrorn, sustaine by any person or persons or on account of dazag to property, including loss of use thereof, ari out of or in cons?qutnce of the performme of this Agreement, provided such injuries to perso or darnases to property are due or clsined to be due to negligence of the Contractor, its offic? physicians, agents or employees. Contractor sh have workers' compznsation. coverage for its t employees under this Agreement. Section 17. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION e Contractor and any subcontractors performing uni this Agroement shall comply with the Affirrnativi Action Program for Vendors, as set forth in Article 111 (commencing at Section 84) of the San Diego County Administrative Code. A copy o this Affirmative Action Program for Vendors wil be furnished upon request. page 7 of CAlllUl L L Page 9 of L< -.+I -I ...,:-.,;; . e s -- /':: *' a ,' ' I Section 19. RECORDS - * Contractor shall maintain' accurate books and accounting records relative to this Agreement. 0. * - Such books and records shall be' open for inspzc- tion and/or copying at any reasonable tine by tk County's designated repr2sentative(s), the Agdit ,of the County of San Diego, HEW, or their desigr representatives.. Section 19. REPORTS A. Comply with the ambulance report system .of San Diego Cotlniy by completing a Prz?-Hos?itc .. Report Form on every call made by the I4ICU or anbglances. B. Contractor shall submit cornpleted PreiHospii Report Forms on the first and fiftesnth of every roonth to the: Department of Pub1 ic Health. County of. San Diego 1375 P2cific Highvray San Diego , California 92101 b Division of Em2rgency Medical Servicii Section 20. ATTACHIdENTS The following attachments incorporated herein ai part of this Agreement: A. Criteria for Agency approval to provide' .. paramedic services. B. CIedical and comnunication items to b2 .provided in each MICU. ..-/ w+ I -, \- LXIllUI L f <. ~. - 0 L:,/ Page 10 c 1 IN WITNESS I4HER.EOF the parties have caused this Agreement to be duly executed by their duly authorized representatives, CITY OF CARLSBAD .. AM /. - Robert C. Frazee, &yor COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 1 BY Clerk of the Board of Supervisors (. -. 'C The Civil Service Conmission has made 78.1 of the Charter of the County of San Diego rcgarding the employment of an independent Contractor to provide services pursuant to the Agreement, by Action of the determination required by Section .. .. . - , 1976 !#r?w:!l I:: i;! i-ctJ ;.:I3 COijilTY CO~;;~: /s/ && < .. BY- ---.3- Dz?'l -" .. . . n?cp 3 sf 2 ,I I LA11 IUI L L 2 -- I’ @*. /J . -2 Page 11 o i- UI d I ATTACHMENT A CRITERIA FOR AGENCY APPROVhL TO PROVIDE PARAMEDIC SERVI€E! 1. Offer 24-hour, 365-day service. 2. Agree to provide sufficient manpower for 24-hour service. 3. Be selected by a local jurisdiction as the agency to prov paramedic services for that jurisdiction.* 4. Agree to abide by County Paramedic Program Standapds. 5. Agree to respond only to emergency calls. 6. Insure that a back-up system of basic life support will t 7. Enter into mutual aid agreements with adjoining paramedic to the Mobile Intensive Care Units. . 8. Guarantee a riaximum response time of 15 minutes in rural 9. Agree to continuing education responsibilities as establ the program. IO. Insure that paramedic services will continue to be provi stipulated for a minimum of two years following certific 17. Submit a feasible plan of promotability (vertical ladder provide incentive for paramedics to remain in the progra 12. Cooperate with the County in the provision of field inte locations for future classes. 10 minutes in urban areas. * local jurisdiction -- cities, districts authorized to pro) emergency medical services. 6 A - 1 LAll I U 1 L . 0L Wd Page 12 "J a .-. --. Y CODE: * - Provided by Division of Emergency Medical Services ** - Provided by Paramedic Agency *** - Provided by Base Hospital(oR+*j - - MEDICAL AND C0iYI;lUNICATIO~~ ITEMS TO BE PROVIDED IN EACH llICU Minimun per vet ' ** 1. ABS Trauma Box 2 eact ** 2. Hand Operated, self-inflatable, bag and mask for ventilation 1 eac ** 3. Backboard (Spine Board Set Short) 1 eaci ** 4. Bandage Scissors ( 7 1/4" Stainless) 2 eact 1 set ** 6. Bedding-Botton Sheet, (Perma Prest White) 1 set ** 7. Bedding-Pillow (Perma Prest White) 1 set ** 8. Bedding-Pillow (Cot Ambulance) ' 2 eacl ** 9. Bedding-Blanket (Cot blanket - medium grey) 2 eacl , ** 5. Bedding-Top Sheet (Perma Prest 'rlhite) WO. Blankets - Disposable (optional) 1 Pkg I **11. Blood Pressure Cuff - Adult I eacl ""12. Blood Pressure Cuff - Pediatric 1 eacl "13.' Defibrillator (combination scope and defibrillator) . 1 eacl *14.. Drug Box I 1 eac 1 box **15. Electrodes (Long Term 4 electrodes per pkg.) 0 **16. Electrodes Wires (40" Long Life) '2 set **l7. Esophageal Ai rway ( Ki t) 2 eac **18. Hare Traction Splint - Adult 1 eac **19. Hare Traction Splint - Pediatric 1 eac **20. Hemostats (Kelly 5 1/2" Straight) 2 eac Pna'loL-.rl tnn., E 1=99+ w- 1 .- . -2 w L*j Page 13 o Mi nimur per Vel ** 21. Laryngoscope - Hosk-on-handle I ea1 ** 22. Laryngoscope - Adult (curvedstainless steel blade, size 4) 1 ea1 ** 23. 1 ea ** 24. 1 ea ** 25. 1 ea * 26. Mast Suit (Standard Anti-shock Airpants) 7 ea eLL, t Laryngoscope - Adult (straight chrome blade, size 4) Laryngoscope - Child (straight chrome blade, size 3) Laryngoscope - Infant (straight chrome blade, size 2) ** 27. Oral Airways (Package of six assorted sizes) 1 Pa ** 28. Resuscitator - (with aspirator) 1 ea ** 29. Rotating Tourniquets 1 se ** 30. Sandbags (assorted sizes) 1 se ** 31. Scoop Stretcher 1 ea ** 32. Splints: Instaform Vacuum [Set of 5 individual splints) 1 se ** 33. Splint: Instaform Vacuum -- Hand Pump 1 ea ** 34. Splint: Instaforn Vacuum Velcro Straps: 1" x 18"; 1" x 24"; 1" x 30"; 1" x 36" 1 ea ** 35. Splint Instaform Vacuum -- Repair Kit I ea ** 36. Stethoscope 2 ea ** 37. Thermometer - Oral 2 e; ** 38. Thermometer - Rectal 2 e2 ** 39. Magill Tonsil Forceps 1 et ** 40; Adhesive Tape (1/2" x 10 yards) 2 rc ** 41. Adhesive Tape (1" x 10 yards) 2 rc ** 42: Adhesive Tape (2" x 5 yards) 2 r( ** 43. Alcohol Swabs (100 swabs Fer box) 1 bc ** 44. Armboard: Long 6 e; ** 45. Armboard: Short 6 e( , Psrrlcharl tRo\r Kf77\ LAlllUlL L ()..-. w \..- Page 14 o Minimu per Ye J' *. '1 r- r -- *+ 46. Bandages: . l.bc A. 4" x 4" - Sterile B. 9' x 9" 2 tr C. Gauze Rolls - 4" x 5 yards - Kerlix, Kling 2 D? D. Elastic Bandages (3" x 5 yards) 1 bc E. Eye Patches (oval eye pads) 1 bc F. Triangular Bandages 1 p; I G. Bandaids (3/4" x 3") 1 br ** 47. Bi te Sticks 1 bc 1 bi ** 48. Burn Sheets 5e ** 50. Carctbodrd Splints - Leg .6 e ** 51. 1P ** 52. Cotton Applicators 1b 2b ** 53. Cold Packs - Kwik Kold 2b ** 54. Electrode Paste "EKG Sol" ** 55. Emesis Basin (optional) 6e ** 56. Gloves (sterile) - - ** 49. Cardboard Splints - Arm Cardboard Splints - Combination 12", 18", 24" splints (opti ona1 ) 2e 12 e ** 57. I.V. Administration Sets: Plexitron Nacrodrip P1 exitron Hi crodri p 6e Plexitron Microdrip with Vol utrol e 6e I€ *** 58. ** 59. Needles: Nasogastric Intubation Set-up, 18 fr. 43" 8c 6r I.V. Scalp Vein - 19 Gauge I.V. Scalp Vein - 21 Gauge I.!. Scalp Vein - 23 Gauge I 5( B Carlsbad (Rev. 5/77) t \ , ..e' CAIIIUIL L 1 * Pavi Em: Non-disposable Items per Ve 8 ea 6 ea 6 ea 6 ea 4 ea 4 ea 2 ea 3 ea 3 ea 6 ea 2 Pa 2 ea 2 ea 3 ea ** 67. Suction Catheters (14 fr.) 2 ea ** 68. Tourniquets 1 ea ** 69. Urinal ('optional) ** 70. Bedpan (optional) 1 ea *** 71. Vacutainer Holders ' 2 ea 6 ea1 ** 72. Vacutainer Tubes 'C I)- ,\...& W2-J - 1 1 I.V. Cannula - Medicut - 18 G I.V. Cannula - Medicut - 16 G 1.V; Cannula - Medicut - 20 G I.M. 21 G x 1" S.C. 23 G. x 3/8" Vacutainer Needles 21 G; x 1". - * '60. O.B. Kit ** 61. Oxygen Mask (Clear Vinyl with 84" Tube) ** 62. Nose Prongs'(Nasa1 Cannula Vinyl with Tube) ** 63. Connective Tubing (Oxygen Soft Plastic Tubing 54") ** 64. Penlights - Disposable ** 65. Razors - I. . ' ** 66. Scalpels Communications: ** 1. Handje TslkSe 1 ea1 * 2- Mobile Radio (presently in service) 1 eai * 3. COR Telemetry Radio and Battery Charger 1 ea1 c .. B- 1 Carl s bad (Rev. 5/77) 7. ‘rr 1 0 Dl cn rl .. U hl h 4 3 b U 0 -a ar 3 *ti c a U C 0 c) 8 v) o= $ (d 3 k 0) u c, 3 .. al c E-c z 0 4 I 0 G Dl 0 4 h . $ . z 3 0 0 af OF CARLSBAD - AGEI/A BILL Page 1 o- DEFT AB#/C,*’A - TITLE: MTG.7lio/so CITY CITY DEPT. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve Resolution No. C! R -3.27 increasing the fire department budget by $23,000 fo equipment, and approve Resolution No. 90 -,XI8 reclassifying two existing firefighter PO A PILOT PARAMEDIC ASSESSMENT PROGRAM FIR paramediclfirefighter at a cost of $1 2,500. IT EM EX P LAN AT I 0 N : The San Diego County Health Department, Emergency Medical Service’s office recently a1 new pilot program. This six month pilot program enables a single paramedic on a fire engi their paramedic skills to provide early, advanced life saving therapy to patients. This p not currently authorized by the county as two paramedics are required to be presen advanced care. Since a similar idea was first proposed by the Carlsbad Fire Department been invited to participate in the pilot program. Our policy on calls for medical help is to send the closest fire engine with the closest F unit. Since there are more fire engines than paramedic ambulances, the fire engine usua first. This program would allow the paramedic assigned to the fire engine to begin i patient assessment and advanced life saving therapy. We presently have two fire enc paramedics assigned on a daily basis. To enter the pilot program, we must equip thesl engines with additional medical equipment. A successful pilot program will likely lead to this practice being authorized on a county-w and will tremendously enhance our service delivery to the public. We are confident thc will be successful. In the future we would then recommend that ali existing firefighter be reclassified to paramedidfirefighters over a period of years. We presently have two unfilled firefighter positions which could be reclas paramediclfirefighter. The second recommended action takes this opportunity to reclas positions now to paramedic/firefighter. This reclassification will increase the a paramedidfirefighters from 18 to 20. Authorized firefighters will decrease from 12 to will be no change in the total number of authorized personnel. FISCAL IMPACT: The increased annual personnel cost for FY 90/91 is $12,500. An additional appror $23,000 for heart monitoring equipment is also required. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 9 0 /Ja‘7 increasing fire department budget for equipment. 2. Resolution No. ‘70 -&X3 reclassifying two firefighter positions. -. -w I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 txniDiL . w Page 2 of m ,-.) RESOLUTION NO. 90-227 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AND FUNDING A PILOT PARAMEDIC WHEREAS, the city of Carlsbad desires to participate in a pilot OGRAM program using fire truck based initial paramedic assessment and treatment; and WHEREAS, this pilot program will greatly enhance the emergenc: medical care provided to the citizens of Carlsbad. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the cit: Carlsbad, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the Finance Director is to transfer $23,000 from the gei fund contingency account (001 -840-1 990-2999) to the fire suppres division general capital account (001 -820-2220-3900) for the purcl of two heart monitors. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the C da) Council of the city of Carlsbad, California, held on the 24th July , 1990 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: None ABSENT: None Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson ATTEST AL%y dJgW3 Clerk / &* c s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11. 12 13 14 15 16 17 l8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CAllIUIL . t W-’ Page 3 of RESOLUTION NO. 90-228 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAG WHEREAS, the City Manager recornmeads, and the City Cauncil c that two firefighter positions be reclassified to paramedidfirefig the current fire department budget. IFORNIA. A MEND ING THF I-IRE GEPAFI TMENT BUDGET i- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Carkbad, California, as follows: 1. That the abave recitation is true and correct. 2. That the City Council authorizes and directs the City Man change two firefighter positions to paramedidfirsfig hter in thf currently adapted budget. 3. That the City Council authorizes and directs the Finance Dirl transfer $1 2,500 from the general fund contingency account (0 1990-2999) to the following fire suppression divisiori personnel a.ci 007 -820-2220-1 100 Salaries 8,684 001 -820-2220-1 200 Overtime 1,284 001 -820-2220-1 91 C Disability & Llnernployment 62 001 -820-2220-1 920 Retirement 2,3@8 001 -820-22204 948 Health & Lifs Insurance -I 62 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of 1 24th -, d a1 Council of the city of Carlsbad, California held on the , 1990 by the following vote, to wit: July AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson NOES: None ABSENT: None