HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-04-12; City Council; 12656; Solid waste management update* -ti FJ .!J L) cd 6” 2 0 .!J a C (d u N 0 a a, $4 a, 5 a $4 cd a, c 4 -rl 0 C =I 0 V e In \ hl 4 \ z 0 -3 4 G 6 A z 3 0 0 #TY OF CARLSBAD - AWDA BILL z AB ’ * TITLE:SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT UPDATE MTG. 4/12/94 DEPT. CM RECOMMENDED ACTION: - Receive update and give Council representatives and staff direction as appropl ITEM EXPLANATION: In order to keep the Council up to date on evolving solid waste managemen Mayor Lewis asked that this item be placed on the agenda for Council rev discussion. At this meeting, City staff will provide an update on the latest activiti Interim Sold Waste Commission and the North County Solid Waste Managem Topics for discussion will include the following: 1. 2. 3. Update on Interim Solid Waste Commission activities. Proposed Solid Waste Division budget and tipping fee. Status of North County Solid Waste Management JPA al proposals. JPA decision to begin negotiations for a agreement with ECDC/CWM. FISCAL IMPACT: None as a result of this update. EXHIBITS 1. 2. Agenda for April 7, 1994 Interim Solid Waste Commission Works Draft two year budget for County Solid Waste Division. 0 0 EXHH ***********Y*Y*Y**************************~*** INTERIM SOLID WASTE COMMISSIOF WORKSHOP .............................................. APRIL 7, 1994 8:30 a.m - 3:30 p.m. County Administration Center 1600 Pacific Highway, Rooms 302/303 San Diego, California CONTENTS OF PACKAGE * Agenda - Interim Solid Waste Meeting of April 7, 1994 Minutes - Interim Solid Waste Meeting of March 17, 1994 Draft Joint Powers Agreement Document and Exhibits Submitte Governance Ad Hoc Subcommittee dated March 31 , 1994 - It€ NCRRA Material - Item 5. This material will be available on ADril and will be Drovided at that time. Two Year Budget and Capital Improvement Program Submitte Audit/Budget Ad Hoc Subcommittee - Item 6 * * * * PLEASE NOTE: LUNCH WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR A COST C REMINDER: COMMISSION MEMBERS AND ALTERNAT. BOTH IMlED TO ATTEND 0 0 PUBLIC NOYlCE AND AGENDA INTERIM SOLID WASTE COMMISSION April 7,1994 County Administration Center 1600 Pacific Highway, Rooms 3021303 San Diego, California 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. AGENDA ITEM CATEGORY REC 1. APPROVAL - MEmNG MINUTES Administrative APF OF MARCH 17,1994 2. BOARD COMMENTS (15 Minutes Total) Administrative RE( co Commissioners Shall Have the Opportunity to Address the Commission on Any Issue Within the Jurisdiction of the Commission For Informational Purposes or to Request an item be Agendized for a Future Meeting. 3. PUBUC COMMENT (15 Minutes Total) Administrative RE cc Members of the Public Shall Have the Opportunity to Address the Commission on Any Issue Within the Jurisdiction of the Commission. Anyone Desiring to Speak Shall Fill Out a Speaker's Slip. Speakers are Limited to Three Minutes. ifEM 0 @CATEGORY REO POLICY ISSUES AND UPDATES: 4. GOVERNANCE Administrative DISC Action POS GOVERNANCE AD HOC SUBCOMMITEE The Governance Ad Hoc Subcommittee Members, Legal Counsel and Management the Merged JPA Draft Document for input from the Commission Members. The Current Schedule Provides for the Revised Document to be Brought Back to the Commission on April 21, 1994 and then for Circulation to Each City Council and the Board of Supervisors. Committee Representatives Will Review 5. SPECIAL JOINT AD HOC Administration Dl S SUBCOMMITEES UPDATE - NCRM AD Action PO! HOC SUBCOMMITTEE. ALTERNATIVE DISPOSAL OFflQNS/RAILHAUL AD HOC SUBCOMMITTEE. AND THE AUDIT/ BUDGET AD HOC SUBCOMMITTEE The Ad Hoc Subcommittees Will Prowide a Report on NCRRA Issues. LUNCH* Administrative Dl5 Action PO 6. WO YEAR BUDGEf AUDITIBUDGET AD HOC SUBCOMMITEE The AudiVBudget Ad Hoc Subcommittee Will Present the Two Year Budget for the System Including the Capital Improvement Plan and the Proposed Tip Fee. ADJOURNMENT PLEASE NOTE: EACH OF THE MAJOR TOPICS WILL HAVE APPROXIMATELY TWO HOURS ALLOCATED FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES. * Lunch will be available for $5.00. a EHIBIT NO. 2 THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENT WAS APPROVED BY THE AUDIT/BUDG HOC SUBCOMMITIEE AT THE MEETING OF MARCH 30, 1994 DISTRIBUTION TO THE COMMISSION. March 31, 1994 Dear Fellow Commission Members: Enclosed is the two-year budget document that your Audit and Budget Subcom' been working for the past several months. Tlhis endeavor included the assistant County's Chief Administrative Office and the Solid Waste Division staff. We w fortunate to have the assistance of the Management Committee, specifically Jack Jim Bowersox and Rich Hays as well as the outside resource assistance of Jeff Rit John Dadian. After numerous meetings and hours of work, we are pleased to deliv Commission the results of our deliberations. With the exception of the numbers attached to NCRRA and the host/mitigation f which will both be discussed as policy items, we feel comfortable in expressing to endorsement of the numbers contained herein. There are several areas wheI modifications or changes can be made, but in our collective judgement these line ite be accepted as fixed costs of the System. Continuing dialogue on the budget and specific items contained herein is recolz In our estimation the budget should be considered an evolving document Governance is determined, a group of technical experts should be identified to a zero based budgeting approach for the entire System. This would include anal+yzhg options and approaches for utilization by the JPA, including but not Ktec privatization of certain aspects of the System. Please accept this information as the best efforts of the Audit and Budget Subcom work with this complex scbject in the limited time available. Sincerely, Audit/Budget Ad Hoc Subcommittee PAM SLATER, Chair DAL WILLIAMS, Vice Chair HENRY ABARBANEL JERRY HARMON APPROVED FOR DISTRIBUTION WITHOUT SIGNATURES Attested by: yJ4 PROJECTED ANNUAL TONNAGE: 1,680,000 1,450,000 1.406.500 MIXED WASTE: CLEAN GREEN Q $25lTon: $2,750,000 $2,500,000 $2.500.000 OTHER REVENUE: $4,213,042 $4,200,000 $4,200.000 FAClCrrY RESERVE FUND CASH: 53.21 9,423 $0 $0 TOTAL REVENUE: $77.624.465 $64,750,000 $62,879,500 $8,217,685 $7,706,157 (1) $5.36 $7,937,342 Reserve ($3.9O/ton): $5,967.000 $5,011.500 83.48 $4.841.850 $1.663.610 $1,614,269 $0 $1,350,000 $0.94 $1,306.000 $5,355,000 $4,626,000 $3.22 $4,345,250 $3,080,000 $2,500.000 $25.00 (2) 82,500,000 $1 3.51 8,742 $9.40 $14,059,492 $5.942.923 $1.450.000 $1,866,750 $1.30 $1.789.820 Aptech Contract-Loadcheck/L&lIs: Ss10,000 $952.000 $0.66 $952.000 nts ($1.34/ton '94 to '96): $1,721,900 $1.20 $1,670,900 $1.16 $5,079.769 $11.700.000 (3) $8.13 $11,700,000 Hauling & Cover Material - lnactive Sites: w,ooo $800,000 $0.56 $840,000 Aptech Contract @ Inactive Sites: . . $0 $396,800 $0.28 $396,800 &tech Contract-House. Hazardous Waste: $632,574 $555,000 $0.39 $555.000 EHS Staff/Media-House. Hazardous Waste: $454.926 $0.32 $454,926 LEA ServiCas-Actk Sites: $431.250 $427,500 $0.30 $427.500 LEA Services-Inactive Sites: $142.500 $0.10 $142.500 Interior Zone Hauling Contract: ssoo.~ $600,000 $0.42 $624.000 w.000 $375,000 $0.26 $3s390.000 $100@0 $100.000 $0.07 $100,000 $375.000 $375,000 $0.26 $375,000 $3,026,604 $2,978,050 (4) $2.07 $2,978,050 RWQCB a APCD F~S: S125,OW 6153,200 $0.1 1 5153,200 $959,818 $675.000 $0.47 $702,000 $21 5,792 $708.920 $725,000 $0.50 $725.000 Equipment Maintenance: $59,278 $59,278 $0.04 $59,278 Structure Maintenance @ Bin Sites: $137.428 $137.428 $0.10 $1 42,925 Groundwater Evaluation @ Active Sites: (3 $1,250,000 $0.87 51,250,000 Interdepartmental Support: 31,405,576 $1,4CO,oM) $0.97 $1,456,000 Groundwater Evaluation @ Inactive Sites: 50 $1,300.000 $0.90 $1,300,000 . $400,000 $400.000 $0.28 $400,000 Charge-by-WeightlComputer Soitware & Service: $100,000 $97.400 $0.07 $101,296 Small Tools & Minor Equipment: $101,546 8100,340 $0.07 $104,354 85.000 85.000 $0.00 95.000 Printing & Media Services: $150,500 $150,500 $0.10 $156.520 Office Expense, Services &Supplies: $52,583 $51,750 $0.04 $53,820 $21.306 $132.450 $0.09 $137,748 51,800,000 $0 $0.00 $0 IlACSDC Contract: $200,000 $200,000 $0.14 $rn,000 . Tonnage &TAP Grants: 5125,000 $0 $0.00 $0 . Landfill Depletion Charge: $675,000 $675,000 $0.47 $675.000 . ISF Vehicle/Equiprnent Purchases: $0 $175,600 $0.12 $so,000 $626,068 $0 . $0.00 $0 OTAL BASELINE MPENSES: $55,024,465' 833 $68,143.51 7 $45.63 $68.473.838 $161,850 $161.850 $0.11 $249.920 7. Reimburse Closure Fund Loan: $0 $1,500,000 $l.lj S1.500,OC 2. Replace'Household Haz Waste Siting Element: $0 $500.000 $0.37 $5oo.oc 3. Replace Recycling Education/Mkt Dev. Cuts: $0 $230,500 $0.17 $230,5C TOTAL REPLACEMENT MPENSES: $0 $2.230330 $1.65 $2.230,5(: __ TOTAL MPENDITURES=BASELINE + NEW REQUIREMENTS + CAPITAL + REPLACEMENT: STRATEGY 1 - PAY AS YOU GO: ** $77,624,465 $46 (9) $93,304.017 $64.27 $89,503,7' STRATEGY 2 - PAY AS YOU GO: ** $87.324.465 $54 $94,374,017 $65.06 $97.455,7' STRATEGY 3 - PAY AS YOU GO: ** $0 $0 $94,374,017 $65.06 $120,371,7' & STRATEGY 4 - DEBT FINANCING OF CAPITAL: $0 $0 $74,54a,o17 $50.37 $78,865,~