HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-04-12; City Council; 12664; AB 3505 - SALES TAX REALLOCATIONI AB # fAiu MTG, 4/12/94 TITLE: - t AB 3505 - SALES TAX REALLOCATION DEPT. - DEPl CITY CITY I I I RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. qq- 10s authorizing the Mayor to express the Ciq opposition to AB 3505 (V. Brown) through letters and other contacts with sta officials and legislators. ITEM EXPLANATION 0 g #x & 2 On February 25, 1994 Assembly Bill 3505 was introduced to the Califon Legislature. This bill is the latest bill to challenge the situs allocation of sales tar and to suggest that a per capita allocation formula should be implemented. Unc the situs allocation system sales taxes are returned to cities and counties based where the sale took place (the site of sale). with a situs system cities and count that have large retail centers within their boundaries will receive more revenue th those with little or no retail development. Under a per capita formula sales ta: are allocated back to a county with each entity within the county getting the sa amount per person. A per capita system gives the largest share of the sales received in a region to the entity with the greatest population regardless of wh the sale took place. A situs system favors those cities and counties that have made an effort to deve a balanced community includhg residential, red and commercial operatkms wit their boundaries. These entities must provide services to the high demand n residential areas, and in exchange receive a share of the sales tax they generz Cities and counties that have opted for residential development, or to rest commercial development, escape the requirement of dealing with the ser demands created by non-residential development. A situs system tends to rew cities and counties that make an effort to balance land uses, or create oppofid for non-residential development. A per capita system favors cities and counties that have restricted retail commercial development through land use rules that force the non-residential IJ of development into neighboring communities. Although the residential city c not have to deal with the problems and issues created by having a balanced gen plan, they share in the sales tax generated in the neighboring communities. 5 A situs: system tends to encourage cities to compete to attract businesses with f sales t:ax generating potential and low demand for services, while a per CE F: system tends to encourage cities to reject businesses in an effort to avoid any a related to providing services while retaining the ability to share in the sales 0 6 z 3 0 0 revenues. 0 0 Page Two of Agenda Bill No. g, 4 b '(" AB 3505 will have a serious effect on the City of Carlsbad in future year Carlsbad's balanced land use plan calls for residential and non-residenti; development between now and bdldout. If AB 3505 reallocates the growth in sdt taxes on a per capita basis, Carlsbad will lose millions of dollars annually in sal6 tax revenues. These sales tax revenues would be used to balance the City's Gener; Fund budget, the source of funding for many services including Parks, Librarie Public Safety, Street Maintenance, and general administration. Staff is recommending that he Council authorize the Mayor to make the necessa contacts with State representatives to express the City's opposition to th legislation. FISCAL IMPACT If AB 3505 were in effect at this time, Carlsbad would receive about $3.7 millic represents about 10% of the General Fund budget. Although AB 3505 would n instantly change the allocation formula, over a period of years the City would reat a point where this magnitude of reduction has occurred. Sales tax revenue for 1992-93 totaled $9.2 million. Under AB 3505 Carlsbad WOI have lost about 40% of our sales tax dollars. Cities that stand to lose revenue include San Diego, Escondido, El Cajon, Natior City, Carlsbad, San Marcos, La Mesa, Del Mar and Solana Beach. The County San Diego is the single largest winner, with the City of San Diego being the sin: largest loser. less in sales tax revenue than is received under the situs allocation formula. TI EXHIBITS I. Resolution No.44'-lD'Lhor;zing the Mayor to express the Chy's oppositi to AB 3505 (V. Brown) through letters and other contacts with the Cit state representatives. 2. Sales Tax Data. 1 B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3.0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I 0 0 EXHIBIT 1 RESOLUTION NO 94-105 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE ClTY OF CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXPRESS THE CITYS OPPOSITION TO AB 3505 (V. BROWN) THROUGH LETTERS AND OTHER CONTACTS WITH THE CITY’S STATE REPRESENTATIVES. WHEREAS the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has adopted a legislat. platform that includes the opposition to measures that would change revel allocations which would negatively affect local government, including reallocation of sales tax revenues, and WHEREAS Assembly Bill 3505 (V. Brown) introduced in the 1994 legislar session would change the allocation of sales taxes from a situs basis to a per ca basis, thereby taking millions of dollars away from the City of Carlsbad in fu years, and WHEREAS Assembly Bill 3505 would seriously effect the City of Carlsb ability to provide municipal services to the citizens of Carlsbad in the futur reducing the availability of sales tax revenues, and WHEREAS the City Council wishes to express its opposition to this legis12 to state officials and legislators, ~ NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Cf 1 Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. /// /// /// t ll e 1) i! 1 2. That the Mayor is hereby authorized to express the City's str 2 opposition to AB 3505 (V. Brown) through letters and other contacts with S 3 4 5 6 representatives and legislators. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City COI on the 19th day of April , 1994, by the following votc 7 wit: 8 9 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard, Firm NOES: None 10 11 12 13 14 ABSENT: None , 15 16 ATTEST: I1 17 18 ALETHA u2w L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk ' 19 1 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ~ (SEAL) 1 28 0 0 EXHIBIT Nc Sources: Population - SANDAG Sales Tax - Board of Equalization 0 e WINNERS/LOSERS -I h d crs Q crs I OF4 0 1 it 0 =f G 6) > m m dl m m H 2t H e m d) e .crs v3 e a .......... .......... .......... it .......... It , .................... ................... , ::"" ............. lj ................. I I I ....................................... 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