HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-04-19; City Council; 12658; REVISION TO COUNCIL POLICY NO. 39 LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM2 Approve revised City Council Policy Statement No. 39 by minute motion. ITEM EXP LAN AT1 0 N : City Council Policy Statement No. 39 establishes policies and procedures for conduc the City’s Legislative Program. This includes the annual adoption of a Legislative Plat which facilitates the implementation of the Legislative Program, which calls for letters t sent to State and Federal legislators in support or opposition to proposed legisla Changes in State law and the need to clarify the intent of Policy 39 have necessit several revisions. A brief description of each recommended revision is as follows: City Council Legislative Subcommittee Revisions to the Brown Act during the 1993 Legislative session require City Col subcommittees to publicly notice all meetings. Although the City Council’s legisl subcommittee has never held formal meetings, staff did route legislative letters througt committee for approval. In addition, the subcommittee also reviewed off-platform legisl items prior to consideration by the entire City Council. Due to this recent change in ! law, staff is recommending that Council Policy 39 be amended to delete the referc to the legislative subcommittee. Staff will forward draft legislative letters to the Mayc his designee) for review. The City Council will continue to receive copies c correspondence. Bills that are not addressed by the Legislative platform will be forwa to the entire City Council for consideration as is the current practice. Authorization to Support/Oppose Legislation Last year the Habitat Management Advisory Group requested that City staff prepare a to support legislation that would require the Federal government to spend more c money currently being held in a fund set aside for environmental mitigation. Polic does not specify that City Boards, Commissions, Committees or advisory groups hav authorization to take a position on proposed legislation. Therefore, staff is recommen that the Policy Statement be revised to clarify that only the City Council, througl Legislative Platform or formal City Council action, has the authority to send lette support or opposition to legislators. If a Board, Commission, Committee or adv group believes the City should support/oppose a specific piece of legislation, members for that group will forward such a request to the City Manager’s Office wher request will be processed according to the procedures set in Policy Statement 39, 0 0 ABNo. /6?,b5F Page 2 Amicus Participation on Cases The current platform also references use of the legislative subcommittee to review E approve recommendations from the City Attorney for amicus participation in cases consistent with the platform. The City Council approved a resolution in 1993 authoriz the City Attorney to file amicus briefs on behalf of the City. Staff is recommending tl this section of the Policy be deleted. FISCAL IMPACT: None EXHIBIT 1. Proposed revisions to Council Policy Statement Number 39. W Page 1 o e CITY OF CARLSBAD Policy No. 39 COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT Date Issued 4 / 19 / Effective Date 4 / General Subject: Administration Cancellation Date- Supersedes No.39 dat Specific Subject: Legislative Program Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Dit Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File To establish the guidelines of the City’s legislative program. PIJRPOSE: RACKGROXJND: Historically, the City handled legislation in an ad hoc procec number of bills the City addressed increased, so did the need program that more efficiently and effectively handled legislative researched the programs of several cities in San Diego Country appropriate and flexible program for Carlsbad. P OT,T Cy: 1. Participate in the County Legislative Coalition, which promote the unified position of municipalities in San Dic the State and Federal legislature. Adopt a legislative platform expressing the City’s gene ‘concerns. The Mayor or hisher designee will review specific bills fi with the platform. Bills of interest to the City not c( platform shall be forwarded to the entire City consideration. Only the City Council may authorize a letter be sent or City to oppose or support legislation. If a Boarc Commission or advisory group believes the City shoul letter, staff members for that group will forward the reqL Manager’s Office. The request will be processed acc p ol i cy. 2. 3. 4. r 0 W Page 2 o Policy No. 39 Date Issued 4 I 19 I9 1 Effective Date 4 I: General Subject: Administration Cancellation Date- Supersedes N0.39 dat Specific Subject: Legislative Program CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Div Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File PR 0 CEDIJRE: A. Adopt the County Legislative Coalition’s platform as a 1 to it as needed. Staff will monitor the League of California Cities’ Legisla the San Diego County Legislative Coalition, SANDAG an( heads to learn about bills which would have a direct ai impact on the City of Carlsbad. B. C. Staff will present pertinent bills to the Mayor or hisher review. If a bill is consistent with the adopted platform, hisher designee will authorize appropriate action. If covered by the adopted platform, it will be placed on Agenda for consideration. Staff will present requests from a Board, Committee, Cc advisory group to support or oppose legislation to the Ma designee for review. If a bill is consistent with the adop the Mayor or hisher designee will authorize appropriatc bill is not covered by the adopted platform, it will be 1 Council Agenda for consideration. Staff will provide the full Council with a monthly UI progress of key bills. D. E.