HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-04-19; City Council; 12660; CITY OF CARLSBAD 1994 TRAFFIC SIGNAL EVALUATION POLICYQITY OF CARLSBAD - AWDA BILL 7 b . 3 - " AB # uib (a o DEPT, ~TLE: ;,,MTG, 411 9/94 CITY I CITY i CITY OF CARLSBAD ENG 1994 TRAFFIC SIGNAL EVALUATION POLICY I I I 1 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. qq- bl approving the City of Carlsbad 1994 Traffic Evaluation Policy. I ITEM EXPLANATION: The Transportation Division of the Engineering Department has completed the 199~ Signal Evaluation Policy, which also includes the Traffic Signal Qualification List. 1988, the City of Carlsbad did not have a list that prioritized warranted traffic Resolution Number 88-252 on July 19,1988, the City Council established the Traffic Evaluation Policy and authorized staff to periodically update the warranted traffic si! and present the information to the Traffic Safety Commission and City Council. The Traffic Safety Commission recommended, by a 5-0 vote, at the March 7,1994 r that the 1994 Traffic Signal Evaluation Policy be adopted by the City Council. Thi fourth update since 1988, however, the policy for evaluating traffic signals has nc revised from the originally approved 1988 policy. Approval of the Traffic Signal Ev: Policy .and Traffic Signal Qualification List does not obligate the City Council to i traffic signal or to install traffic signals in the order as listed on the Traffic Qualification List. locations for future installations. By adopting the Traffic Signal Evaluation Poli FISCAL IMPACT: No impact until a traffic signal is installed. Once installed, yearly operatic maintenance costs for each traffic signal is approximately $5,000. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. (?qc- 10 / approving the City of Carlsbad 1994 Traffic Evaluation Policy. B 0 zw E 2 2. 1994 Traffic Signal Qualification List. 3. 1994 Traffic Signal Evaluation Policy. z 0 c a 0 6 8 z 3 w i. I/ 9 0 1 2 RESOLUTION NO. 94 - 10 1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CllY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE 1994 CllY OF CARLSBAD TRAFFIC 3 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad recognizes the need for the installation of trafl 4 SIGNAL EVALUATION POLICY. 5 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad recognizes the need for an objective policy to 6 at various intersections to promote the safe and efficient movement of people and gc 7 11 when and where traffic signals will be installed in the future; and 8 ll WHEREAS, maintaining an up-todate qualification list of warranted traffic s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 assist staff when reviewing future Capital Improvement Programs (CIP) or developer 1 determine the need and schedule of the traffic signal installation; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Ci Council of the City of California, as follows: I. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad hereby adopts the procedure l6 II updated Traffic Signal Qualification List as contained in the 1994 Traffic Signal Evaluat 17 3. The Engineering Department of the City of Carlsbad is hereby aut1 18 /// 19 periodically update the Traffic Signal Qualification List as contained in the Traffic Sig 20 // /I/ El //I 22 //I 23 111 24 25 26 27 28 /I/ I// //I //I .-, i- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 Evaluation Policy and present such updated list to the Traffic Safety Commission Council for review and approval. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad Cr held on the 19th day of APRIL , 1994 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard, Finnil NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTEN (SEAL) ~ c L I- 1 !!? 2 0 F Q: 0 3 a 3 I LL a a z (3 FI 0 LL LL U I- * Q) 0) I a F EXHIBIT 2 ~ ~~~ %, r -. Cl7Y OF CARLS5AD TRAFF/C S/GNAL €VALUA?iiON - - w CITY OF CARLSBAD TRANSPORTATION DIVISION TRAFFIC SIGNAL EVALUATION POLICY REPORT FEBRUARY 1994. TABLE OF CONTEN- PAGE NC INTRODUCTION ....................................................... 1 BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE ............................................ 1 POLICY .............................................................. 2 GENERAL ............................................................ 2 DATA., ........................................................... ..24 TRAFFIC SIGNAL QUALIFICATION LIST ...................................... 5 TRAFFIC SIGNAL DESIGN LIST ............................................ 6 UNWARRANTED TRAFFIC SIGNAL LOCATION LIST ............................. 6 APPENDIX A. TRAFFIC SIGNAL QUALIFICATION RATING SYSTEM B. CALTRANS TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANTS 0 w - CITY OF CARLSBAD Transportation Division TRAFFIC SIGNAL EVALUATION POLICY REPORT INTRODUCTION The City of Carlsbad, located in North San Diego County, has grown from a small, agricultura based residential community in its early history to a city of approximately 65,000 residents Various industrial, commercial, recreational, residential and agricultural land uses are found il pedestrian traffic. With increased volumes on Carlsbad's roadway system, it is apparent that there is need for i more detailed method of evaluating and determining future traffic signal locations. At this time there are 70 signalized intersections in Carlsbad. Ownership and maintenance responsibility i as follows: Carlsbad. Associated with population increases has been an increase in vehicular, bicycle, anc H 59 signals owned and maintained by the City of Carlsbad. H 4 signals owned by the City of'carlsbad and maintained by Caltrans. .. 7 signals owned and maintained by Caltrans. This report is based on the need to identify and evaluate the potential future traffic signals i various locations throughout the City of Carlsbad. It is the basis for a system that will continuall be re-evaluated and updated on a regular basis. The Traffic Signal Qualification List is not steadfast. Financial constraints, private developmen capital improvement projects or other valid considerations may dictate that a lower qualifyin signal be installed at a given location. The qualification list does, however, serve as a guide fc future traffic signal installations and only includes locations meeting CALTRANS signal warrant! BACKGROUNDANDPURPOSE As traffic volumes increase there becomes a need to consider various right-of-way controls : intersections. Depending upon traffic characteristics at a given intersection, the City will evah ate and choose from a variety of traffic control methods or devices to facilitate the safe an efficient movement of traffic and pedestrians. Included among the various intersection traffic control devices are: basic rules of the roa governing right-of-way at intersections, yield sign installations, 2-way STOP sign installation! 3-way and 4-way STOP sign installations, channelization and median control and traffic signal! This report focuses on creating a Citywide listing of one of the safest and most efficient method for intersection right-of-way control, the traffic signal. The purpose of a traffic signal qualificatio list is to compare and impartially rank the intersections under consideration. A Traffic Sign' Qualification List was originally established for the City of Carlsbad in 1988 by City Counc Resolution Number 88-252 and was updated in 1990 and again in 1992. This report is an updai of the 1992 qualification list. All locations included on the list have met California Department 4 Transportation criteria (CALTRANS Signal Warrants) for the installation of a traffic signal. 1 e W POLICY As with most traffic engineering departments, it has been the policy of the City of Carlsba Transportation Division to only recommend installation of traffic signals that meet the minimur criteria established by the California Department of Transportation. All data collection an evaluation to determine if criteria is met for a location to qualify for a traffic signal is under th direction of the City Traffic Engineer. GENERAL Traffic signals are electfically powered traffic control devices that direct the movement of vehicle bicycles, and pedestrians at an intersection. Traffic signals provide for the positive assignmel of the right-of-way to effect the orderly movement of traffic and pedestrians with minimum deli and maximum safety. Many cities use a priority list system for ranking traffic signal projects. To qualify for this list, tt signal analysis takes into account the relative delays on approaching streets, the collision histol of the intersection and gaps in the major and minor street streams of traffic, pedestrian volumc and various other factors. An evaluation is then conducted to determine if a signal will minimii or correct an identified problem. Establishing a Traffic Signal Qualification List helps answer two basic questions: 1. Do traffic conditions at the intersection meet the basic criteria that affect the benefits ar costs of signal control; and 2. If so, how does this location compare with other locations throughout the City of Carlsba that meet the same basic criteria? This evafuatien prevides a rational method of comparing one intersection with another, the er result being a ranking that lists the greatest need for signalization between all potential sign locations. The attached Traffic Signal Qualification List indicates each location undc consideration and is arranged in descending order based upon the total qualification poin accumulated at each location. A listing of future traffic signals does not mean that signals will exclusively be installed in tt order of ranking. Existing conditions, right-of-way needs, need for left turn or right turn lane budget constraints, or other factors may indicate a location that is more appropriate than or higher on the list. The list establishes locations for which preliminary engineering should taE place and then be re-evaluated before proceeding to final design. Traffic signals are not installe unless written authorization from the City Engineer directs their installation. DATA In recent years, traffic signals have experienced a technical evolution. Changes have evolve from pre-timed signals in which control mechanisms operate on B predetermined time schedu allotting a fixed amount of time of each interval in the cycle; to traffic actuated microprocessc units that can operate two to eight signal phases, highway ramp metering control, mastc controls for interconnected signal systems and traffic volume monitoring stations. 2 0 0 Traffic signals are an expensive control device to install and under certain conditions more problems may be created than are solved. These problems can range from increased acciden frequency, delays, increased air or noise pollution and higher energy use, to circuitous trave along less desirable routes to avoid the signalized intersection. A properly signalized intersection, however, can resolve many problems and provide advantage ranging from reducing certain types of accident frequency, delay, and air pollutants, to creatin! an orderly traffic movement. In a coordinated signal system they help maintain an efficienl progressive traffic movement along an arterial roadway. Rankings of the various intersections for potential traffic signal installation was accomplished b~ using a Traffic Signal Qualification Rating System. Points were assigned to seven Qualificatior factors which are based on the California Department of Transportation criteria known a! CALTRANS Traffic Signal Warrants. Traffic Signal Qualification Rating System factors include the following: Factor 1- Minimum Vehicular Volume This factor considers the fact that at certain traffic volume levels the delay can be reduced ant orderly flow through an intersection enhanced by signal controls. Factor 2 - Interruption of Continuous Traffic The interruption factor applies when the traffic volume on the major street is so high that fei minor street traffic may suffer long delays or experience hazards at the intersection. Factor 3 - Minimum Pedestrian Volume The minimum pedestrian volume factor reflects the length and frequency of gaps available fo pedestrians to cross the major street as compared to the number of pedestrians that cross thc street. Factor 4 - School Area Traffic Sianals This factor recognizes the special problems that may occur at intersections near schools or 01 school walking routes. It is similar to the minimum pedestrian volume factor in that gaps in traffic are considered. Factor 5 - Proaresslve Movement or Slanal Svstems Existing or proposed signal systems are considered by this factor. Often traffic flow efficienc] can be enhanced if signals are installed at proper spacing along an arterial or signal network Such signals may assist in holding traffic in compact platoons that will arrive at adjacen signalized locations in accordance with a turning plan. gaps occur to permit the minor street traffic to cross or enter the intersection. As a result, thc 3 w 0. W Factor 6 - Accident History This factor reflects the fact that certain types of accidents could be reduced by traffic sign control. However, experience has shown that few changes in accident frequency can t expected at a location that historically has less than five accidents per year, or an accident ra of less than about 1 .O accident per million vehicles. Factor 7 - Special Conditions This factor recognizes the special problems that may occur due to the location of certain traff generators, certain geometric or roadway features, sight distance obstructions, and various othc criteria. The above rating system is used to evaluate various potential signal locations; these locatior are then ranked based on the following relative weight System: MAXlMUM REtATNE FACTOR 4 12% 10 Pedestrian Volume 3 12% 10 Interruption 2 1 9% 15 Minimum Vehicular Volume 1 QUAUFICATION POINTS 1 WEIGHT DESCRIPTION 7% 5 Signal System 5 12% 10 School Area 1 ~~~ ~~ 6 19% 15 Accident History 7 I 9% 15 Special Conditions 80;. ., TOTAL POSSIBLE .. poi- . . :. . . . 4 I- cn 1 z 0 F: a 0 is a .I 3 CI 2 a z (3 5 0 LL LL I a E e Q) 0, F z I- Q W83f33sskkkR8R= Egg 3 U bh b m - *$!$!swgP asm (0 z 0 Om w= b (0 Y) Y) Y) * * m m (Y 7 Zii 2s 3 0 - e m TRAFFIC SIGNALS CURRENTLY BEING DESIGNED/CONSTRUCTED 1. Carlsbad Village Drive/Jefferson Street 2. Carlsbad Village Drive/Madison Street 3. Carlsbad Village Drive/Roosevett Street 5. Carlsbad Boulevard/Beech Avenue 6. Poinsettia Lane/Paseo del Norte 4. Costa Del MarlEl Camino Real TRAFFIC SIGNAL LOCATIONS INVESTIGATED (Did not meet CALTRANS Signal Warrants) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 4 7. 0. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Alga Road/Mimosa Drive Carlsbad Village Drive/Pontiac Drive Carlsbad Boulevard/Chestnut Avenue Carlsbad Boulevard/Cherry Avenue Chestnut Avenue/Harding Street Grand Avenue/Madison Street Poinsettia Lane/Batiquitos Drive Rancho Santa Fe Road/Cadencia Street Tamarack Avenue/Carlsbad Village Drive Tamarack Avenue/Garfield Street Tamarack Avenue/Park Drive Tamarack Avenue/Pontiac Drive Tamarack Avenue/Skyline Road Carlsbad Boulevard/Oak Avenue 6 e w APPENDIX 0 W TRAFFIC SIGNAL QUALIFICATION RATING SYSTEM Factor 1 - Total Vehiculcr Volume Points are assigned based upon the graph below which considers major and minor strl to 6:OO P.M. on a weekday). A maximum of 15 points may be assigned to this factor. volumes and capacdy. The entering volumes are based upon 44our counts (usually ftm 2 NOTES 1. AlL VOLUMES ARE FOR 4 HOURS (USUALLY 28 P.M.) 2 MAXlMUM POlNlS = 15 750 OVER 700 600 Lo d > E- CL c VI P 300 I X 200 100 \CIERSECIlON OF .-2 be Sk 16001800~~2400~2800rx#3aoo3400360038w 4LaneSk 280028003ooo3po3400380038004ooo4a#)44(1048004800 -2814heSL - 2400 2Wo 28#) 3oa0 32#1 3400 3800 - $ooo 4200 4400 &&Way St& 32#)340(]38003800406042al4461148c16urw)sblJd~w TOTAL VOLUME ENTERING INTERSECTON 0 e ., Factor 2 - Interruption of Continuous Traffic Vehicles on through streets, if uncontrolled, tend to travel through minor street intersections at speeds that make it difficult and hazardous for vehicles and pedestrians from the side street to cross or enter the principal traffic stream. The total of the minor street vehicles plus pedestrians crossing or entering the major street must exceed 300 in four hours to receive any points. A maximum of 10 points may be assigned to this factor. II 0-1 649 I -0 I 4,700 II II II L' '1 0 0 Factor 3 - Pedestrian Volume A traffic signal may be needed where many pedestrians cross a major street. A maximum of 10 points may be assigned to this factor. NOTES 1. ALL VOLUMES ARE FOR +HOURS (USUALLY 2-6 P.M.) 2. MAXIMUM POINTS = 10 3. NO POINTS IF LESS THAN 100 PEDESTRIANS DURING THE 4 HOUR PERIOD. 4. NO POINTS IF LESS THAN 1200 MAJOR STREET VEHICLES DURING THE 4 HOUR PERIOD. 8 d 2 5 !i + $ * 3600 a OVER 3200 2800 2400 ZOO0 1600 1200 100 200 400 600 800 loo0 I200 1400 1Mo & OVER PEDESTRIANS CROSSING MAJOR STREET 0 0 Factor 4 - School Area Traffic Slanals Points are assigned base? upon the number of school age pedestrians crossing tho major street as compared to the major street traffic. This factor will apply only to locations within one mile of a school and where the nearest controlled intersection or potential crossing point is more than 600 feet away. A maximum of 10 points may be assigned for this factor. 1500 1800 1100 1400 !! $ : 750 lo00 !3 * f! 1 N m600 n n c (0 c 2 3 z Y Y 250 200 """ " "" ." "" """- """- 100 60 150 100 200 140 250 180 350 (U 220 (it PEDESTRIANS CROSSING THE MAJOR STREET (Per 2-Hour Period) NOTE: No points will be assigned if nearest controlled crossing is less than 600 feet away. e 0 Factor 5 9 Proaressive Movement or Sianal Svstems This factor depends upon engineering studies and must include the present and future traffil demands of the area. A signal may be justified when it forms a part of an interconnected c coordinated system. A maximum of 5 points may be assigned to this factor. Factor 6 - Accident History Only those accidents susceptible to correction by traffic signals are considered and then on1 if less restrictive measures such as warning signs, proper lighting, painted markings, etc. hav failed. A maximum of 15 points may be assigned to this factor. ACCIDENTS POINTS 0-2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 &Over a 0 1 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 NOTE: Use the average of the last two years, provided the intersection has been i operation for two years. Factor 7 - Special Conditions This factor considers extenuating circumstances that are not covered in the previous six factors. These may include: the proximity of schools, churches, public buildings, and other traffic and pedestrian generators; an abrupt change from a rural to an urban area; the need for police control during portions of the day; a steep hill; a horizontal curve; restricted sight distance. This factor requires engineering judgment based on physical inspection of the site. A maximum of 15 points may be assigned to this factor. A summary of the factors considered to be special conditions and the points that were assigned follows: 1. Four-way STOP Control (5 points): Typically, right-angle accident frequency drops sharply after installation of a Four-Way STOP. However, total delay, as well as rear-end collision frequency, increase to a level higher than that which would be reflected by the results of Factors #1 and #2. . 0 0 2. Proximity of a school (1 to 5 points): Depending on the type of school and its distance from the intersection in question, points are assigned to reflect the potential benefit to school-age pedestrians and bicycle traffic. 3. Horizontal and Vertical Curvature and Visibility (1 to 5 points): The alignment of a major street can affect the visibility available to side-street motorists, and the relative safety of their crossing or merging maneuvers. There may also be other restrictions to visibility, such as utility poles and appurtenances and trees and shrubs on private property. 4. High Speed on a Through Street (1 to 3 points): In addition to worsening the problems caused by visibility restrictions, very high approach speeds can worsen the severity of the accidents which occur, 0 0 Traffic Manual TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND LIGHTING ~ ~~~~ CHAPTER 9 TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND LIGHTING Traffic Signals, Basic Information and Warrants 9-01 9-01.1 Introduction Improper or unwarranted signal ins traffic control device, other than a banicade 1. Excessive delay. warning light or steady burning elecmc lamp, by which tTaffiC is warned or directed to take some . 2. Disobedience of the signal indica1 specific action. A traffic signal is an electrically powered may cause: The following types and uses of traffic signals are discussed in this chapter: Traffic Control Signals, Pedestrian Crossing Signals, Ramp Metering Signals, Flashing Beacons, Lane-use Control Signals, Traffic Control at Movable Bridges, Priority Control of Traffic Signals, Traffic Signals for One-lane, Two-way Facilities and Traffic Signals for Construction Zones. Traffic control signals are valuable devices for the control. of vehicle and pedestrian traffic. However, because they assign the right of way to the various traffic movements, traffic control signals exert a significant influence on traffic flow. Traffic control signals, properly located and operated, should have one or more of the following advantages: 1. They provide for the orderly movement of traffic. 2. Where proper physical layouts and control measures are used, they increase the traffic handling capacity of the intersection. 3. They reduce the frequency of certain types of accidents, especially the right angle type. 4. Under favorable conditions, they can be coordinated to provide for continuous or nearly continuous movement of traffic at a definite speed along a given route. 5. They permit minor street traffic, vehicular or pedestrian, to enter or cross continuous traffic on the major street. 3. Circuitous travel of alternate routc 4. Increased accident frequency. Experience shows that the nul right-angle collisions may decrease installation of signals, but the number ol collisions may increase. The instal signals may increase overall delay an intersection capacity. Consequently, it utmost importance that the consideral signal installation and the selection of e roadway conditions made by an experienced and trained in this field. important is the need for checking the e of a traffic signal in operation. This dc the degree to which the type of install the timing program meet the require traffic. 9-01.2 Traffk Signal Warrants be preceded by a thorough study of u The justification for the installation o signal at an intersection is based on the stated in this Manual and in the M: Uniform Traffic Control Devices. The to install a signal should not be basc upon the warrants, since the installation signals may increase certain types of c confusion, future land use or other ev: the need for right of way assignment be which could be provided by stop signs demonstrated. See Section 4-03 of thi for stop sign warrants. Delay, congestion, approach conditior < 0 0 - 9-2 TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND LIGHTING Traffic Manu 4-1992 When the 85th percentile speed of traffic on the major street exceeds 40 miles per hour in either an urban or rural area, or when the intersection lies within the built-up area of an isolated community having a population of less than 10,OOO, the location is considered rural. All other areas are considered urban. Figures 9-1, 9-2, 9-3 and 9-4 are examples of warrant sheets. Warrant Sheet 9-4 should be used only for new intersections or other locations where actual traffic volumes cannot be counted. The installation of a traffic signal should be considered if one or more of the warrants listed below are met: A. Warrant I - Minimum Vehicle Volume. The Minimum Vehicular Volume warrant is intended for application where the volume of intersecting traffic is the principal reason for consideration of a signal installation. The warrant is satisfied when for each of any 8 hours of an average day the traffic volumes given in the table below exist on the major street and on the higher-volume minor street approach to the ' intersection. Number of Vehicles per Vehicles per lanes for hour on hour on moving mapr s.ma higher-volume traffic on (total of both minor-street each approach approaches) approach (one direction only) Major St. Minor St. Urban Rural Urh Rural 2ormore 1 600 420 150 105 2ormore 2ormore 600 420 200 140 1 2ormare 500 350 200 140 The major street and the minor street volumes are for the same 8 hours. During those 8 hours the direction of higher volume on the minor street may be on one approach during some hours and on the opposite approach during other hours. 1 1 500 350 150 105 B. Wanant 2 Interruption of Continuo Traffic. The Interruption of Continuous Traf warrant applies to operating conditions where t traffic volume on a major street is so heavy tl traffic on a minor intersecting street suffc excessive delay or hazard in entering or crossi the major street. The warrant is satisfied whc for each of any 8 hours of an average day, t traffic volumes given in the table below exist the major street and on the higher-volume mir street approach to the intersection, and the sigl installation will not seriously disrupt progressi traffic flow. Number of Vehicles per Vehicles per moving major street higher-volur rraffic on (mal of both minor-street each approach approaches) approach (01 direction on1 Major St. Minor St. Urban Rural Urban Rwo 1 I 750 525 75 53 2ormore 1 900 630 75 53 2 ormore 2or more 900 630 100 70 1 2ormore 750 525 100 70 The major street and the minor street volun are for the same 8 hours. During those 8 hol the direction of higher volume on the mir street may be on one approach during SOI hours and on the opposite approach.during otl hours. lanes for hour on hour on C. Warrant 3 - Minimum Pedesti Volume. A traffic signal may be warranted where 1 pedestrian volume crossing the major street at intersection or mid-block location during average day is: 100 or more for each of any four hours; or 190 or more during any one hour. 0 e Traffic Manual TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND LIGHTING The. pedestrian volume crossing the major street may be reduced as much as 50% of the values given above when the predominant pedes- man crossing speed is below 3.5 feet per second. In addition to a minimum pedestrian volume of that stated above, there shall be less than 60 gaps per hour in the traffic stream of adequate length for pedestrians to cross during the same period when the pedestrian volume criterion is satisfied. Where there is a divided street having a median of sufficient width for the pedestrian(s) to wait, the requirement applies separately to each Where coordinated traffic signals on each side of the study location provide for platooned traffic which result in fewer than 60 gaps per hour of adequate length for the pedestrians to moss the street, a traffic signal may not be warranted. This warrant applies only to those locations where the nearest traffic signal along the major street is greater than 300 feet and where a new traffic signal at the study location would not unduly resmct platooned flow of traffic. Curbside parking at non-intersection locations should be prohibited for 100 feet in advance of and 20 feet beyond the crosswalk. A signal installed under this wanant should be of the traffic-actuated type with push buttons for pedestrians crossing the main street. If such a signal is installed within a signal system, it shall be coordinated if the signal system is coordinated. Signals installed according to this warrant shall be equipped with pedestrian indications conforming to requirements set forth in other sections of this Manual. direction of vehicular traffic. D. Warrant 4 - School Areas. See Chapter 10 of this Manual. E. Warrant 5 - Progressive Movement. The Progressive Movement wmt is satisfied 1. On a one-way street or on a street which has predominantly unidirectional traffic, adjacent signals are so far apart that the necessary degree of platooning and speed when: control of vehicles would ' 0th lost; or 2. On a two-way street, where ad nals do not provide the necess; of platooning and speed contrc proposed and adjacent signals t stitute a progressive signal syste The installation of a signal accord warrant should be based on the 85th speed unless an engineering study inc The installation of a signal accord warrant should not be considered resultant signal spacing would be less feet. F. Warrant 4 - Accident Experienc The Accident Experience warrant 1. Five or more reported accidenl susceptible to correction by tra control have occurred within a perid, each accident involvin, injury or property damage to a extent of $500 or more; AND another swed is more desirable. when: 2. Adequate trial of less restrictiv with satisfactory observa enforcement has failed to r accident frequency; AND 3. There exists a volume of vehic not less than 809'0 of the rer specified in the Minimum Volume Warrant or the Inter Continuous Traffic Warrant; & 4. The signal installation will no disrupt progressive MIC flow. G. Warrant 7 - Systems Warrant. 'A traffic signal installation intersections may be warranted to concentration and organization of b networks. The systems warrant is 0 e . 9-4 TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND LIGHTING Traffic Man1 4-1992 when the common intersection of two or more major routes has a total existing, or immediately projected, entering volume of at least 1,OOO vehicles during the peak hour of a typical weekday, or each of any five hours of a Saturday and/or Sunday. A major route as used in the above warrant has one or more of the following characteristics: 1. It is part of the street or highway system that serves as the principal network for through traffic flow; 2. It includes rural or suburban highways outside of, entering or traversing a city; or 3. It appears as a major route on an official plan such as a major street plan in an urban area traffic and transportation study. H. Warrant 8 - Combination of Warrants. In exceptional cases, a signal may be justified where no single warrant is satisfied but where Warrants 1 and 2 are satisfied to the extent of 80 percent or more of the stated numerical values. I. Warrant 9 - Four Hour Volume Warrant. The Four Hour Volume Warrant is satisfied, when for each of any four hours of an average day, the plotted points representing the vehicles per hour on the major street (total of both approaches) and the corresponding vehicles per hour on the higher volume minor street approach (one direction only) all fall above the curve in Figure 9-6 for the existing combination of approach lanes. When the 85th percentile speed of the major street traffic exceeds 40 miles per hour, or when the intersection lies within a built-up area of an isolated community having a population of less satisfied when the plotted points referred to fall above the curve in Figure 9-7 for the existing combination of approach lanes. than lO,OOO, the four hour volume requirement is J. Warrant 10 - Peak Hour Delay Warrat The Peak Hour Delay Warrant is intended application where traffic conditions are such t for one hour of the day, minor street uaf suffers undue delay in entering or crossing satisfied when the conditions given below .e> for one hour (any four consecutive 15-min periods) of an average weekday. The peak hl delay warrant is met when: 1. The total delay experienced by traffic, one minor street approach controlled b STOP sign, equals or exceeds fi vehicle-hours for a one-lane approach i five vehicle-hours for a two-lz approach; AND major street. The peak hour delay warrant 2. The volume on the same minor str approach equals or exceeds 100 vph one moving lane of traffic or 150 vph two moving lanes; AND 3, The total entering volume serviced dur the hour equals or exceeds 800 vph intersections with four or more approacl or 650 vph for intersections with th approaches. Warrant. K. Warrant II - Peak Hour Yolur The Peak Hour Volume Warrant is intend for application where traffic conditions are su that for one hour of the day minor street traf suffers undue delay in entering or crossing 1 major street. The peak hour volume warrant is satisfi when the plotted point, representing the vehic per hour on the major street (total of bc approaches) and the corresponding vehicles 1 hour on the higher volume minor street appraa (one direction only) for one hour (any fc consecutive 15-minute periods) of an avera day, falls above the curve in Figure 9-8 for t existing combination of approach lanes. .^ e 0 Traffic Manual TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND LIGHTING ~~ ~~~ ~~ When the 85th percentile speed of major street traffic exceeds 40 miles per hour, or when the intersection lies within a built-up area of an isolated community having a population of less than 10,OOO, the peak hour volume warrant is satisfied when the plotted point,, referred to above, falls above the curve in Figure 9-9 for the existing combination of approach lanes. 9-01.3 Guldelines for Left-Turn Phases Since separate signal phases for protected left turns will reduce the green time available for other phases, alternate means of handling left turn conflicts should be considered first. The most likely possibilities are: 1. Prohibition of left turns. This can be done only if there are convenient alternate means of making the movement. Typical alternate means are: a. A series of right and/or left turns around a block to permit getting to the desired destination; or b. Making the left turn at an adjacent unsignalized intersection during gaps in the opposing through traffic. 2. Geometric changes to eliminate the left turn. An effective change would be a complete separation or a complete or partial "clover leaf' at grade. Any of these, while eliminating left turns, requires additional cost and right of way. 3. Provide protected-permissive or permis- protected left turn interval may be prohibited during certain periods of the day to allow only permissive intervals for left turn movement in order to increase the green time available for other phases. Refer to Section 9-03.8 for the requirements of protected-permissive or permissive-protected left turn operation. sive-protected left turn operation. The -~~ ~ Protected left turn phases should be c where such alternatives cannot be uti: one or more of the following conditions 1. Accidents. Five or more accidents for a particular movement during a recent period. 2. Delay. Left-turn delay of one vehicles which were waiting beginning of the green interva still remaining in the left turn la] least 80% of the total number of one hour. 3. Volwne. At new intersections H estimated volumes are available lowing criteria may be used. F timed signal or a ' backmu controlled actuated signal, a left proach per cycle for a peak hou traffic-actuated signal, 50 or I turning vehicles per hour in one with the product of the turning flicting through traffic during hour of 100,OOO or more. ume of more than two vehicle: 4. Miscellaneous. Other factors tl be considered, include but are nc to: impd sight distance horizontal or vertical curvature, there is a large percentage of b aUCkS. 941.4 Removal of Existing Signals Changes in traffic patterns may re situation where a traffic signal is n justified. When this occurs, consideratic be given to removing the traffic si replacing it with appropriate alternatij conml devices. ._ e 0 - 9-6 TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND LIGHTING Traffic Man1 1-1992 Figure 9-1 TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANTS DlST co RTE PM CALC DATE CHK DATE Major St: Critical Approach Speed mPh Minor St: Critical Approach Speed mPh Critical speed of major street traffic 2 40 mph - - - - - - - - - - - - - In built up area of isolated community of C 10,000 pop. - - - - - - - - - 0 y ) RURAL (R) URBAN (U) WARRANT 1 - Minimum Vehicular Volume 10Wh SATISFIED YES NO 80% SATISFIED YES 0 NO CII MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS (80% SHOWN IN BRACKETS) UIR UIR APPROACH LANES Both Apprchs. 500 A (1 12) (t60) (84) (120) Minor Street 140 200 105 150 Highast Apprch. (336) (480) (280) (400) Major Street 420 600 350 1 Hour 2 or more 0 0 WARRANT 2 - Interruption of Continuous Traffic 100% SATISFIED YES 0 NO 0 80% SATISFIED YES NO 0 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS (80% SHOWN IN BRACKETS) UIR UIR APPROACH LANES Both Apprchs. 750 A (56) (80) (42) (60) Minor Street 70 100 53 75 Highest Apprch. (504) (720) (420) (600) Major Street 630 900 525 1 Hour 2 or more - WARRANT 3 - Minimum Pedestrian Volume 100% SATISFIED YES 0 NO I REQUIREMENT I I FULFILLED I I I, I Pedestrian volume crossing~the major street is 100 or more for each of any four hours or is 190 or more during any one There are less than 60 gaps per hour in the rnaior street traf- ~ hour; m Yes 0 No fic stream of adequate length for pedestrians to cross; u Yes 0 No ~ ~~~ ~ ~ - ~~~ ~~~ The nearest traffic signal along the major street is greater than 300 feet; &Q Yes CI NO El ! The new traff k signal will not seriously disrupt progressive traffic flow on the major street. Yes 0. No The satisfaction of a warrant Is not necessarily justification for a signal. Delay, congestion, confusion or otl evidence of the need for rightoof=way assignment must be shown. .- 0 e Traffic Manual TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND LIGHTING Figure 9-2 TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANTS WARRANT 4 - School Crossings Not Applicable - - - - - - - - See School Crossings Warrant WARRANT 5 - Progressive Movement SATISFIED YES MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS N. ft, s fi, E ft, w ft. > 1000 FT. FULF DISTANCE TO NEAREST SIGNAL YES 0 ON ONE WAY ISOLATED STREETS OR STREETS WITH ONE WAY TRAFFIC SIGNIFICANCE AND ADJACENT SIGNALS ARE SO FAR APART THAT NECESSARY PLATOONING 8 SPEED CONTROL WOULD BE LOST """""""""""""""""""""""- ON 2-WAY STREETS WHERE ADJACENT SIGNALS DO NOT PROVIDE NECESSARY PLATOONING AND SPEED CONTROL PROPOSED SIGNALS COULD CONSTITUTE A PROGRESSIVE SIGNAL SYSTEM 0 ~ I I WARRANT 6 - Accident Experience SATISFIED YES 0 REQUIREMENTS ONE WARRANT FULF ,/ WARRANT SATISFIED WARRANT 1 - MINIMUM VEHICULAR VOLUME OR "_""-_-_"""""""""~.- 80% YES [3 WARRANT 2 - INTERRUPTION OF CONTINUOUS TRAFFIC SIGNAL WILL NOT SERIOUSLY DISRUUPT PROGRESSIVE TRAFFIC FLOW ACC. WITHIN A 12 MONTH PERIOD SUSCEPTIBLE OF CORR. 8 INVOLVING INJURY OR 2 $500 DAMAGE C ADEQUATE TRIAL OF LESS RESTRICTIVE REMEDIES HAS FAILED TO REDUCE ACCIDENT FREQUENCY C II..~I."..0I00."0~.~..0..000~~~~9~~.~~~~~~~~0~ MINIMUM REQUIREMENT NUMBER OF ACCIDENTS 5 OR MORE C WARRANT 7 - Systems Warrant SATISFIED YES 0 I MINIMUM VOLUME REQUIREMENT ENTERING VOLUMES - ALL APPROACHES FULF J m OURING NPICAL WEEKDAY PEAK HOUR VEH/HR 1000 VEWHR "__"-_"""_"""""_"""-_I-( OR DURING EACH OF ANY 5 HRS. OF A SAT. AND/OR SUN. VEHNR YES [z CHARACTERISTICS OF MAJOR ROUTES MINOR ST. MAJOR ST. HWY. SYSTEM SERVING AS PRINCIPLE NETWORK FOR THROUGH TRAFFIC L....II.."I.I"I...II"".I.."~~..~.9~~..~....~IO1."0~.~ RURAL OR SUBURBAN HWY OUTSIDE OF, ENTERING, OR TRAVERSING A CITY APPEARS AS MAJOR ROUTE ON AN OFFICIAL PIAN _"""""""""""""""""I""".""". ANY MAJOR ROUTE CHARACTERISTICS MET, BOTH STREETS c The satisfaction of a warrant is not necessarlly justification for a signal. Delay, congestion, confusion evidence of the need for right-of-way assignment must be shown. .- 0 0 - * 9-8 TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND LIGHTING Traffic Manus 1.1991 Figure 9-3 TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANTS WARRANT 8 - Combination of Warrants SATISFIED YES NO 0 REQUIREMENT J WARRANT FULFILLED TWO WARRANTS 1. MINIMUM VEHICULAR VOLUME SATISFIED 80% 2. INTERRUPTION OF CONTINUOUS TRAFFIC YES 0 NO WARRANT 9 - Four Hour Volume SATISFIED* YES 0 NO 0 2 or Approach Lanes One more Hour Both Approaches - Major Street Highest Approaches - Minor Street * Refer to Figure 9-6 (URBAN AREAS) or Figure 9-7 (RURAL AREAS) to determine if this warrant is satisfiec WARRANT 10 -.Peak Hour Delay SATISFIED YES NO 0 (ALL PARTS MUST BE SATISFIED) 1. The total delay experienced for traffic on one minor street approach controlled by a STOP sign equals or exceeds four vehicle-hours for a one-lane approach and five vehicle-hours for a two-lane approach; AM2 YES NO [7 2. The volume on the same minor street approach equals or exceeds 100 vph for one moving lane of traffic or 150 vph for two moving lanes; &&Q YES 0 NO 3. The total entering volume serviced during the hour equals or exceeds 800 vph for intersections with four or more approaches or 650 vph for intersections with three approaches. YES c] NO [7 WARRANT 11 - Peak Hour Volume SATISFIED* YES NO 2 or Approach Lanes One more Hour Both Approaches - Major Street Highest Approaches - Minor Street Refer to Figure 9-8 (URBAN AREAS) or Figure 9.-9 (RURAL AREAS) to determine if this warrant is satisfie The satisfaction of a warrant is not necesmrily justification for a signal. Delay, congestion, confusion or other evidel of the need for right-of-way assignment must be shown. * ” 0 0 Traffic Manual TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND LIGHTING Figure 9-4 TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANTS (Based on Estimated Average Daily Traffic - See Note) b ......................... I URBAN RURAL ............................. 1. Minimum Vehicular Satisfied Not Satisfied t Number of lanes for moving traffic on each approach Major Street Minor Street 1 ...................................... 1 ...................................... 2 or more ........................ 1 ...................................... 2 or more ........................ 2 or more ......................... 1 ..................................... 2 or more ......................... I Minimum Requirements EADT -I Vehicles per day on street approach both approaches) higher-volume r major street (total of Vehicles per da direction only) Urban Rural 3,200 2,; 8,000 5,600 3,200 2.: 9,600 6,720 2,400 1 ,E 9,600 6,720 2,400 1 ,E 8,000 5,600 Urban Ru 2 2. Interuption of Continuous Traffic Satisfied Not Satisfied Vehicles per day on street approach both approaches) higher-volume I major street (total of Vehicles per dz direction only) I Number of lanes for moving traffic on each approach ‘ Major Street Minor Street 1 ...................................... 1 ...................................... Urban Ru Urban Rural 14,400 10,080 2 or more ........................ 1 ...................................... 1,200 85 12,000 8,400 1,200 85 2 or more ........................ 2 or more ......................... 14,400 10,080 1,600 1,1 1 ..................................... 2 or more ......................... 12,000 8,400 1,600 1,l i I I I I 3. Combination I Satisfied Not Satisfied I 2 Warrants I 2 Warrants No one warrant satisfied, but following warrants fulfilled 80% or more ......... 1 2 NOTE: To bo used only for NEW INTERSECTIONS or other locations when actual traffic volumes cannot be .* 0 , 9-1 0 TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND LIGHTING Traffic Manu; 1-1 992 Figure 9-5 SCHOOL PROTECTION WARRANTS "" DlST CO RTE PM CALC DATE CHK DATE Major St: Critical Approach Speed mPh Minor St: Critlcal Approach Speed mPh Critical speed of major street traffic 2 40 mph - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : m ) RURAL(R) In built up area of isolated community of c 10,000 pop. - - - - - - - - - - UJ 0 URBAN(U) FLASHING YELLOW SCHOOL SIGNALS (ALL PARTS MUST BE SATISFIED) SATISFIED YES 0 NO [7 h _j SATISFIED YES NO AND - PART B Critical Approach Speed Exceeds 35 rnph SATISFIED YES 0 NO 0 PART C AND - Is nearest controlled crossing more than 600 feet away? SATISFIED YES NO 17 SCHOOL AREA TRAFFIC SIGNALS (ALL PARTS MUST BE SATISFIED) SATISFIED YES 0 NO 0 r Minimum Requirements PART A Vehicle Volume UR 2 hours 350 500 Each Of School Age Pedestrians 1100 1 70 1 { 4 ,) SATISFIED YES 0 NO 0 t 2 Each Trs of Crossing Street ""_ " " " " per day 500 350 I a AND PART B - Is nearest controlled crossing more than 600 feet away? SATISFIED YES 0 NO .- d 0 e Traffic Manual TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND LIGHTING Figure 9-6 FOUR HOUR VOLUME WARRANT (Urban Areas) 500 . X 4 400 I X cu i 8 300 .a an c% 0 w 200 ad ZI 53 “2 OR MORE LANES (MAJOR) & 2 OR MORE LANES (MINOR) 2 OR MORE LANES (MAJOR) & 1 LANE (MINOR) OR 1 LANE (MAJOR) & 2 MORE LANES (MINOR) g 100 3 - I -1 1 LANE (MAJOR) & 1 LANE (MINOR) 0 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 11 00 1200 1300 MAJOR STREET - TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES - VPH * NOTE: 115 VPH APPLIES AS THE LOWER THRESHOLD VOWME FOR A MINOR STREET APPROACH WITH TWO OR MORE LANES AND 80 VPH APPLIES AS THE LOWER THRESHOLD VOWME FOR A MINOR STREET APPROACHING WITH ONE LANE. I* # 0 e ’ 9-12 TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND LIGHTING Traffic Manub 1.1991 Figure 9-7 FOUR HOUR VOLUME WARRANT (Rural Areas) 400 Ip > & 300 +a tffa E8 zg a a 200 OUl ;: P z 100 II X 0 “2 OR MORE LANES (MAJOR) 2 OR MORE LANES (MINOR) 2 OR MORE LANES (MAJOR) & 1 LANE (MINOR) OR 1 LANE (MAJOR) & 2 OR MORE LANES (MINOR) I I I I I\ I I \I I I I I I I I 1 LANE (MAJOR) & 1 LANE (MINOR) I I I I I I I 1 I 1 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 10 MAJOR STREET - TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES - VPH NOTE; 80 VPH APPLIES AS THE LOWER THRESHOLD VOLUME FOR A MINOR STREET APPROACH WITH TWO OR MORE LANES AND 60 VPH APPLIES AS THE LOWER THRESHOLD VOLUME FOR A MINOR STREET APPROACHING WITH ONE LANE. .* - ., a e Traffic Manual TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND LIGHTING ~ ~~ Figure 9-8 PEAK HOUR VOLUME WARRANT (Urban Areas) - 2 OR MORE LANES (MAJOR) & 2 OR MORE LANES (MINOR) - 2 OR MORE LANES (MAJOR) 6 1 LANE (MINOR) 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1 100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 17C MAJOR STREET - TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES VPH * NOTE 150 VPH APPLIES AS THE LOWER THRESHOLD VOLUME FOR A MINOR STREET APPROACH WITH TWO OR MORE LANES AND 100 VPH APPLIES AS THE LOWER THRESHOLD VOLUME FOR A MINOR STREET APPROACHING WITH ONE LANE. .* 0 .i 0 e ’ 9-14 TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND LIGHTING Traffic Manua 1.1931 Figure 9-9 PEAK HOUR VOLUME WARRANT (Rural Areas) 500 - - 2 OR MORE LANES (MAJOR) 6 2 OR MORE LANES (MINOR) S a a 400 . 0 OR 1 LANE (MAJOR) & 2 OR MORE LANES (MINOR) X / 2 OR MORE LANES (MAJOR) & 9 LANE (MINOR) I-< B 2 300 =a El% g3 g g 100 KW 0 = 200 I 1 LANE (MAJOR) Q 1 LANE (MINOR) - 0 300 40 0 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1301 MAJOR STREET - TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES - VPH NOTE: 100 VPH APPLIES AS THE LOWER THRESHOLD VOWME FOR A MINOR STREET APPROACH WITH TWO OR MORE LANES AND 75 VPH APPLIES AS THE LOWER THRESHOLD VOWME FOR A MINOR STREET APPROACHING WITH ONE LANE. .I- v o Traffic Manual TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND LIGHTING Figure 9-1 0 DIRECTIONAL TRAFFIC COUNT SHEET NO, OF LANES PEDESTRIANS Not to Scale INSERT NORTH POINT X U Lu v)Q AM PEAK PY PEAK TOTAL* DIRECTIONAL TRAFFIC CO DlST- - - CO - - - RTE - - -PM """""_"" INTERSECTION GIVE NAME """ --------- CITY ENTIRE COUNT PERIOD PEDESTRIANS "-----"""" TOTAL PEAK DATE HOUR TO HOU DAY """ --------- NO. OF LANES "" TOTAL VOLUME ----------- AM - - - - - - - - - - - PEAK HOUR V0,LL PM- - - - - - - - - - - HOUR VOLL .. T e. 0. 9 .r '- 9-16 TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND LIGHTING Traffic ManL 1.1991 Traffic Signal Development Procedures 9-02 9-02.1 Introduction Gtnual requiremenrs for the development of rrat'tic signal. lighring and electrical systems projects are noted in the Project Development Procedures Manual. The cost of traffic signals on Federal Aid highway projects is eligible for federal participation under certain conditions. The preparation of a Project Study Report may be required for major trdffic signal lighting and/or electrical system projects for scoping and progmming purposes. The Project Develop- ment Procedures Manual and the appropriate Pro- grm Advisor should be consultcd to determine specific: reporting requirements. 9-02.2 Project Report The District shall prepare a project report of the investigation of conditions at locations where ;I new trlffic signal is to be installed, m existing traffic signal is to be modified or an exisring traffic signal is to be removed. District Directors are authorized to approve project reports in accordance with the current Departmental policies contained in the Project Development Procedures Manual. Three copies of the District-approved project report shall be forwarded to the Chief, Office of Project Planning and Design. .4 project report shall be prepared whether the work is performed by the State or by others. General requirements for project reports are noted in the Project Development Procedures Manual. A project report for the installation, modification (except for upgrading projects involving specific equipment) or removal of a traffic signal should include the following specific information: 1. Truffic Counts. Both pedestrian and vehicular traffic counts should include the periods of the average day when the signals would appear to be needed most. The counts should be at least eight hours in duration, not necessarily consecutive, but including a.m. and p.m. peak hours. Traffic counts for a new signal shall shown on appropriate Traffic Sig Count Sheet. Where pedestrian volumes are signific; show the volume on each crosswalk for I same periods as the vehicle count. When estimated traffic volumes are used establishing traffic signal warrants. tt should be prepared on Form TS-IOD. 5 Figure 9-4. Warrant Sheets and a Directional Tral 2. Collision Diagram. A collision diagram for the intersect: covering the recent accident experier history. The diagram should cover a 3-y interval. 3. Condition Diagram. A condition diagram showing existi roadway conditions. Any railroad grr! crossing within 200 feet of the intersecti should be shown. 4. Improvement Diugrurn. A diagram showing existing and propos signals, phasing, channelization and otl proposed improvements. This may combined with 1, 2 and/or 3 on' a sin; plan. 5. Estimate. , An estimate of the cost of the projc (including State furnished materials) a the proposed method of financing. 6. Other Speciuiized Data When Approprial a. Classification of Vehicles. -I classification is required when it i5 significant factor in affecti intersection capacity.