HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-04-19; City Council; 12670; HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION APPOINTMENTSca 0 I * m l-l g g *rl u 5 v) 2 WY OF CARLSBAD - AGWDA BILL 1;' ,\ :,' I AB # /!I; b?o APPOINTMENTS DEPT. CLK HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MTG. 3/-/9-4A/ TITLE: DE CI1 CI' I I I RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resol uti on Nos. 9Yy /07 and 5q-lOg , appointing two members to th PP&SQC~UA~~~R Eommiss;on. ITEM EXPLANATION: al 3 4 (d a &I s a, M s4 0 c3 a, F .rl u G .rl 0 z cd Ll aJ h 0 4 I e m g 0. c -4 *rl UaJ 4s 3s 00 cnm 2.G a .ii u us urn Q3 0 Tibe rlcl do oa 5Q urd (d .2 ';1 -2 z 0 F= 0 a e 2 3 The terms of Eitan Aharoni and George Varela expire in April, 1994. Mr. originally appointed to the Commission in September, 1993, and will hi seven months at the conclusion of this term. Mr. Aharoni was originally to the Commission in May, 1990, and will have served four consecutive y The Carlsbad Municipal Code requires that the Commission be composed I having specific qualifications. Therefore, appointees must meet the qual of those categories. George Varela was appointed to the Commission in the following category "One member at large from the community with an interest in local his' Eitan Aharoni was appointed to the Commission in the following category "One member (of three) each of whom has a recognized experti architecture, archeology, history, biology, engineering or geolo re1 ated f i el d. " Other members of the Commission are: Gordon Bizieff, John Jones, Wanamaker. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution N0.9+/01 , appointing one member to the Historic Prc 2. Resolution No. 94-/&@ , appointing one member to the Historic Pre 3. Copies of appl ications received in calendar year 1994. Commission. Commi ss i on. I I ~ 0 0 I 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 94-107 1 2 3 4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING ONE MEMBER TO THE CARLSBAD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION WHEREAS, the term of George Varela expires in April, 1994; 5 I1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the 6 7 Carlsbad, California, as follows: 8 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the following person is hereby appointed to ser 9 member of the Historic Preservation Commission for a term which expires i 10 1998: 11 12 GEORGE VARELA PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City 13 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard, Finn 15 following vote, to wit: 14 of the City of Carl sbad on the 19th ABSENT: None 1'7 NOES : None 16 day of APRIL , 199' / 18 19 20 21 22 23 ATTEST: 24 25 LL&ti.&2- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk 26 (SEAL) 27 28 II I1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RESOLUTION NO. 94-108 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING ONE MEMBER TO THE CARLSBAD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION WHEREAS, the term of Eitan Aharoni expires in April, 1994; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 8 9 member of the Historic Preservation Commission for a term which expires 2. That the following person is hereby appointed to sc 10 11 12 13 14 1998: JUDITH SCHWEI PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a 'Regul ar Meeting of the Ci t of the City of Carl sbad on the 19th day of APRIL , 19! 1 following vote, to wit: 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard, Fil NOES: None ABSENT : None i 22 23 ATTEST: 24 25 26 ALETHA &Q2L L. RAUTENKRANZ, a. &a, City C1 erk (SEAL) 27 11 28 - -~~ ~~ cc: u a APPLICCTION FOR APPQliVZM@h &'A 1- 3 1- 9 +lV "I-$ BOARD(S) AND/OR COMiUZSSZON(S) -.:L (Please print or Zyp) NAME(S) Of 6&@) AND/OR COMMlSSlON(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: . 4.J " L L;J,z;n I /Am jn fj%& /&I /@,&:, Jy , .- &*y& r@ A, /&&fly. &+&, / 4 A 0 /&P?fi#?p7P NAME: rny~pk #. &kpJr \. ADDRESS: 3y5?/ /d/l/fl/t/~/ S? CIN: -&FA/&/ UP CODE: 9mzf HOME PHONE: 7H & 37UZ PRESENT OCCUPATION: dv~fkf /M/JL~ BUSINESS NAME: ZTM,L&L / /%w~# ~PY,~Z& BUSINESS ADDRESS: 1430 2. &I/ SY ?4/0 flo~mwdL &? %ZT5/ WORK PHONE: L/33d d86d US. Citizenship (required for all appointments) Lye8 - No Resident of Carlsbad (required for all appatntments) h4M No \ Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for all appointments) /Ye* - ~~~ -~~ ~~ I am familiar with the nsponsibi/itiss sssigned to the Board(#) or Commlsslon Which / Whh t0 8WVO; d regarding my qualifications for sppointmen 0 Ci!y Council or at the requed of an individual C .I am wirring to ffh flnrnclrl dhclosum statements as required By tho Sate's 01 . Confllct of Intmwt cedes: SlGNATUR DATE:^^ Upon Complrrion of porrr applicrrrion, Plaaa mail or driivu the applicprion to rlrs fdbwing ad& ci& l%rkf ori 1200 carkbad vie Dfiw .. C@y Hd Ma92008 (Please see rever! i--”+- - .. EDUCATIOff HA &m b&”mb qq& pfin&y c 2 -, fp &A% ”.. II EXPERIENCE ;9 ./ s?P W@.T /h /4a - f%49 f.flhZ ”Jmr 1 f27 *fl.-&&&Z7/!3 WAC 4P e /ym nr/, .r .. p&n+.;n,nc *WP 350 hr7& /n p”$@r).-/. AB LJ- L q /*j-.p/pf;c pr&,, r?*11;A?ma LO?flfl-J> f */e/frh 7. COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Pr& pap. o$& ,&=d%m d Ggryi&& yp. D<lbG: LXh xr4yI!y ‘\ ) ;lvbh.L/ “A Ad YHLw /-n I AAJ, a 4’ I,,s c=*L&4! .A -flu - L&rA ft9fLMF A&bAL’/L. 9f 4*- h!.AM.zL /h&?wwf3 A?/OP d 12 ADDIT16#RL; kFORMTION OR I Co”ENTS ? Afl’A.!eTpiw II - y" - APPLICATION FOR APPOINT WT Lx (22 BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) 0 /-s- P t' Jw I-$-' (Please print or type) NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMlSSlON(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: . 7\:j 5.0 E' p,,.,,, 5; (,T& -~ ~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~ , r- NAME: .%; &, w {rn .SL.XAJ, .Gh ~q cITY:~&\Sb~ ZIP CODE: 93a g ADDRESS: .3 9 7 5 SKL) bm $% HOME PHONE: 737 "GGCI 3. PRESENT OCCUPATION: BUSINESSNAME! BUSINESS ADDRESS: WORK PHONE: N ..I& t i: A& / U.S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) &Yes - No Resident of Carlsbad (required for all appointments) I)(, Yes No Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for all appointments) pl_yes - ~ ~ ~ ~~-~~~ ~~ -~~~ ~ l am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission( which I wish to serve; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment committee deslgnated by the Cify Council or at the request of an individual Cc Member. i am willing to file financial disclosure statements as required by the State's or Conflict of Interest codes; , SIGNATURE: ()iL&CkI. htfl Lldd DATE: L+ (&! .' 93 of your applicatwn, ver the applicatwn IO the fobwing address City Clerk's Offie City Hall 1200 Carlsbad K.cllage Drive Carlsbad, C4 92008 (Please see reverse A?qvl/'s: r+.'U >W(F"CP 'T).tr - U4&IV. yvv cv JWu 'T TW' 'A r & Ip- EDUCATION Bn 1. 111's ton/ (am* tfii?\ ljfLil/evsr/' k/ s ' s,c ee a , J~~+~~ 13c.r~fTuT." J 7 77 1 &)' - Sbtb,iC$- ??flLhirv Pp&+4;L/ ( k"s ) J ~ip,+ /+o/nL ~olhqc J J .J . I1 @./I?r- Msa- EXPERIENCE 7 .I haue Fl kxK., ar &ih\- I AhA an& emr* 6 z e*' COMMUNITY Wun +w AUU nolrcL, sws. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS *i.CdM hs &eo rn ~1 ham CST % d'c F::: t I J.3 2 5 Sl;iiiMfhe L/OG ,A &1he And (2 Lm * & 6s '~4 l~1'h Flq;h gcw /nernon'cL BC A &*/&,'o C&rlS&%iA krf7 e )q+& 8, &+ "+n,r'cs ~""& mM&p&= $vi.cs &f fn& m1sbr* IbW -w Widj&hq .s?s 3 ) j 1A-n I~M- w - - / 1 h, Fp L' 74,~~' c -922". -0 APPLICATION FOR APPOINT& 7 & f& 9 u BORRD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) J e& /"?4 (Please print or type) NAME(S) OF BoMD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: (9.. \/-3v. &LC, 4 &.q~/~,. U fi u,,e uj "& - r / / I' (HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISS ALA7 CIN:&27L P C&&%e ZIP CODE: ?Z &cr c v #CLr;7&* cc/-b Y > - HOME PHONE: - 7z9, p ?/I - c PRESENT OCCUPATION: /2~, r/ h 6" a BUSINESSNAME: BUSINESS ADDRESS: WORK PHONE: , c -. .US, Citizenship (required for all appointments) 6 No Resident of Carlsbad (required for all appointments) - 6 No Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for all appointments) Ms I l am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s( which I wish to serve; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment I committee drnfgnated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Cor Member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements as required by the State's or ( ' Conflict of lnlerest codes; T dd rhe applicarwn lo [he folhwing address: City Clerk's OJkt cify Hall 1200 Carlrbad Mllage Drive Carkbad, CA 92008' . (Please see reverse ." EDUCATION L 0 Y ,&Z#-y< E-?. e7 >A,' / [. /T-n - (5 TP _I7L;nP!&WE c /e /&&r>//&/ c -/.//7 /&, & / / L37. &/A/-= /& I/ mfh& 4<*&tACE& F / /" .- 83 * c Y COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES - "_y ADDITIONAL INFOR COMMENTS flL2 /L 4 -3 F @c-?C?=-/-TZl m< . dim a9 :77L PC27+</ /dLl r2C./#47 N +- February 28, 1994 To: Honorable Mayor Lewis Re: Expiration of term on the Historic Preservation Commission /i 1 I Dear Mayor Lewis, I/ My term on the above Commission is &de to expire h Aprii, 1994. I wish to express r sincere appreciation to you and to the City Council €0~ entrusting in me this important positic in which I am able to serve and contribute and freely express my opinions on the many isst which come before us. Due to increasing demands on my time by my business, which now require me to travel out town, I will have to decline from seeking a re-appointment This situation may change, at whj time I will look forward to again serve on an available coiilinission. I would like to express my appreciation to the staff which includes Patricia Cratty, Cyntl Haas, Erik Munoz; and I also give special &mks to the tireless minxes c!crk, Betty Bucknt sua.. Th you, Eitan Aharoni, AIA - .. v Ice Fresiciem The Bachmann Group .. .. . 1925 Palomar Oaks Way, Suite 220 Carlsbad, California 92008 Lic# 643716 (61 9) 431-0777 FAX (61 9) 43