HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-04-19; City Council; 12672; DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPOINTMENTSk-, cu' wr [II .a, 3 L ha Q)I) ;;g 0 > n m zg S% I7 uig doE %$ g -2 I+ EG F.l SF4 $ E; 2 :gG? ma *d cn > :z.pI $2 j amp 252 a7: 2 2 fi: gz2 U QQ M I+ 2 .2 .?I u - a $ .2 G$ E ';1 fi a 2 2.6,: id +lu 0 aa,d a, a ode I 3 Q Q)m 5 UG x+; 0 a22 ",.a$ a.:22 aJS "2 +JuNa,* g&; u:ba)w h cd cd% $ E2i-I b &I .I4 3 .ii a, c5.,m m cz acd cdJJb cdcd oz 3 sa U cdm.4 cd -dZ um Q) a c 35 dda0G 5c HH vcd 4-e uz \\ 2 0 cna O-lF mm \\ ";y dm 4-4- -I 0 z 3 e Clm OF CARLSBAD - AGEV BILL ' ,. ,, . 1 IAB # -1- DEPl MTG. 4-i 9v 9 4 CITY DEPT. C LK DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPOINTMENTS CITY I I ~~~ ~~ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No.?'!-I// , appointing five members to serve on the Desig Board. ITEM EXPLANATION: On March 1, 1994, Council adopted Ordinance No. NS-271, amending the membe the Design Review Board. As a result, the Design Review Board is to be c of three (3) members of the Planning Commission and two (2) representative Vi 11 age Redevel opment Area, The terms of all five members of the Design Review Board expired in Octobe Since the membership criteria needed to be modified before subsequent appo could be made, the members continued serving beyond the expiration of thei Design Review Board members serve two-year terms. However, since three ap must be Planning Commissioners, following is a 1 ist of current members Planning Commission with term expiration data. Member Term Expi res Years Served End of Term Marni Betz Tom Erwin Matt Hall Bai 1 ey Noble Peggy Wary C1 arence Schl ehuber Kim We1 shons 4/94 4/94 4/94 4/95 4/95 4/94 4/96 1 6 9 4 4 13 4 The other two members must either (1) reside within the Village Redevelopme or (2) work or own property within the Vi11 age Redevelopment Area & Carl sbad . Copies of applications received in 1994 are attached for review. If applic not meet the criteria, their applications were not attached. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 9qe/l[ , appointing five members to the Design Review 2. Copies of applications received in 1994. 0 1 0 0, RESOLUTION NO. 94-ill 1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE 0 CARLSBAD DESIGN REVIEW BOARD k I/ 3 * 5 October 1993; Carlsbad, California, as follows: 6 7 WHEREAS, terms of all five Design Review Board members ex! NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the 1, That the above recitations are true and correct. a 2. That the following three members from the Planning Co 9 and two representatives from the Vi1 1 age Redevelopment Area are hereby a 10 11 12 13 14 15 - to the Design Review Board for a term to expire in October, 1995: Planning Commissioner: Bailey Noble Planning Commissioner: Peggy Savary Planning Commissioner: Kim Welshons Vi 11 age Redevel opment Area Rep. : Sarah Marquez Vi 11 age Redevel opment Area Rep. : Nick Vessey 16 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the tit: I'7 of the City of Carl sbad on the 3rd day of MAY , 199 18; following vote, to wit: 19 ,I /I AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard, Fin1 2o ! NOES: None ABSENT : None 21 22 23 24 11 ATTEST: 25 QQd.& 4th 26 (SEAL) ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk 1 27 28 ! \e ru LAI IUIY run UTV~~ 7 LAFA I L"; de ";"I (3LGtG 5 ' u : cldLrcc;L-e I 'BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMiSSiON(S) 6K- Llvcs IN RC< (Please print or type) NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMlSSlON(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: . . Design Review Board NAME: Thelma I. Hayes ADDRESS: 580 Laguna Drive Maiiting Address: POBox 1366 CITY: Carlsba'd! ZIP CODE:^ 2 0 0 8 Carlsbad, CA 92018 HOME PHON€: 434-3580 - PRESENT OCCUPATION: Retired BUSINESS NAME: BUSINESS ADDRESS: WORK PHONE: .. US. Citizenship (required for all appointments) X Yes No Resident of Carlsbad (required for all appointments) X Yes No Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for all appointments) LYes N I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) which 1 wish to serve; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment b~ committee deslgnated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Cour Member. l am willing to file financial disclosure statements as required by the State's or Cii Conflict of lnterest codes; SIGNATURE: &A Upon completion of your application, Please mail or deliver [he applicalion to llw/ollowing address: Ciry 'Clerk's Offie City HaU I200 Carkibd KlrCrge Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 (Please see reverse si ' gc: . . ,* \- EDUCAnON M.A. Political Science, Northwestern University B.A. Business Administration, University of Chic; California teaching certificate, junior college I/ allu ~-C;UIIU~LY - sGiluuL , svdla~ 5 I-~~DS - I I1 II EXPERIENCE Office manager in husband& medical practice in CarIsbad for 18 years, Administrator American College of I Obstetricians and Gynecologist_$ and National School Boards Association,, Chicago, now Washington, DC, American Red Crc Asst!zSuperintendent , Salt Lake City Recreation Dept., Braniff Airways COMMUNIW ACTIVITIES Housing Commission, Redevelopment Advisory Commit- I Housing an2 Redevelopment Advisory Committee, North Coasta' Alliance for 'the.Mentally Ill, California Alliance for the hTnr4-h rn,Nt,T P-,*-: 1 "-1. U" Ir b" bLJ. IlY North. County Council on Aging (forrner1.y NoCosia), Leaque of Women Voters . ADDlTlONAL 1NFORMATION OR COMMENTS Since I live,.own property and worked in the RedevQl'Zent area and have been interested in the redevopmel PI A A of the Vil.lage since moving here 20 years ago, I would 'lik: to continue to be involved in its progress. ' e 0 OK - LliJl baF $ P€'OVlO * fi&y '. u L'd 3//. APPLICATION FOR APPOl'Nl'MENT BOARD(S1 AND/OR CO"ISSION(S1 9 - 2. 12 ?a (Ptease print w ~rpc.) ~-CA." + NAME(S) OF .BOARD(S) AND/&R COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: *p&yg-/ &kd/HL& / -~ NAME: 9- JY' &&'' d Jiw ADDRESS: %& &??+?+b&'/ &/k HOME PHONE: 72%S?7 PRESENT OCCUPATION: &'+ /k'w BUSINESS NAME: &kG5zM/ &F&ddr~"=S v/ 8USINESS ADDRESS: sFflC& d&di -A// WORK PHONE: /J+SS/ CIW: PAHudq. CrQ- ZIP CODE: KZdJ U. S. Citizenship (required for all appdnbnents) x Yes Resident of Carlsbad (preference ghrtM io residents) * Yes Registered voter in Carisbad (r~qum rw tome .mmwons) 4 Yes I am familiar with the responsibiliti& assigned to the Board(s) or Comrnission(s) on I wish to serve; I am willlng to file flnanclal dlsclosure statements as requfred by the State's or Conflkt of Interest codes; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a con designated by the City Cou il 01 at the request of an individual Council Me1 f3" . . .. SIGNATURE: ."_ &,9 DATE: /dk?f# (Continued on reversc side) e 0 c EDUCATION /x 44B. ../&+/# -4 &?E /- y &$.&B--,dm* EXPERIENCE &$!/!d&&/7L zk&/flfifl 2ZJf &=%?& /Ld/L - /4&Wd/M4 &. ,- &*'@7 akrH/n/d ,-~~,~?~~~ " d#jH ~& -S-/&/H#& &dd COMMUNITY ACTlVlTlE *TJP//> *m/7%s- //+rA&4Ms &&"J ( +u/!6 c' 1 &dm& &&& CMZ3 -4 &%7M&~fi~ &,&+d ADOlTlONAL INFORMATiON OR CO"!!! &Ad dd/&,*T2& HO"? /o X&E &eAD p-x??Ah??/ /z55zz- / / '. / #/ By.ac/y ~fiyw#%z"f / .I i 0 APPUCON FOR APPOWENT b~7~l CITY CLERlCs ma ClTYOF- BOARD(S’) AND/OR COhlrunSSIONCS~ /@e* (Please pAtt or w. J MME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: Villape Redevelo-i ~n RpvpiW Rnnrrl -~~ NAME: Jim McNeill ADDRESS: 740 oak AVP CITY: Carlsbad ZIP CODE: 92008 HOME PHONE: PRESEM OCCUPAnON; Real Estate Broker BUSINESS NAME: HPalRstatP qnnrPn1 tu crn11T.r BUSINESS ADDRESS: 740 Oak Ave WORK PHONE: 434-7007 U. S. Citizenship (required rat stl @nmenW xx yes Nc Resident of Carlsbad @refemme ghrtM to residents) xx Yes N Registered voter in Carlsbad (qvrmd for some comm~s~lonr) XX Yes N I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Cornmission(s) on Y I am willlng to Qk ilnanclal dlsclosure statements as required by the State’s or ( y qualifications for appointment by a comr the request of an individual Council Men I wish to SB~; Yes Conflkt af Interest coder; Yes DATE: 5 /I7 /VL/ (Continued on revem side) 0 e I EDUCATION Associates Degree in Real Estate Technologies EXPERIENCE I have owned a Development Company, Construction Company, and Real Estate Company. CO"UNIN ACT'V'T'ES. Member of the Village Merchants Associ former member of the Carlsbad Citizens Housing and Redevelopen Member of Carlsbad Cares, A Key Stone Cop, Memeber of the Carl Chamber of Commerce and Chamber Membership Committe, member 0: who formed CEEC (Carlsbad Economic Enhancement Counsil). ADDITIONAL 4NFORMATlON OR COMMENTC4 e- - 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office ol the City Clerk ," - .c, TELE (6 19) aitg of (aarlsbnb BOARD ($1 AND/OR COMMISSION (S) APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT (Please print or type.) NAME(S) OF BOARD($) AND/OR COMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: Desiqn Review Board, Housing v .. - Commjssion, Planni Cornmi s s i on NAME : Sarah A. G. Marquez ADDRESS: 2968 Garfield Street CITY: Carlsbad ZIP CODE: 9200 HOME PHONE : (619)434-3029 PRESENT OCCUPATION: GenPr.71 BUa " Contractor BUSINESS NAME: G M cOWTRTJCTTON R Dl?VET,OPMENT BUSINESS ADDRESS: 111 Pvard I rir1 s;ha"(L.I1A 92008 WORK PHONE: (~;1~\4?4 - 4?5n U.S. Ci titenship (required for all appointments) X Yes Resident of Carlsbad (preference given to residents) - X Yes Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for some commissions) - X Yes I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s: I wish to serve; I am willing to provide required statements if appointed to a Board or Commissic to f i nanci a1 di scl osure; I am willing to be. interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a designated by the City Council or at the request' of an individual Council Men S IGNATURE : OAT€ : ?/+A (Continued on reverse side.) e- e EDUCATION Bachelor's of Science Business Adm. Certificate in Cons Practices Certificate in Structural Steel Inspection Cu , Real Estate Broker EXPER1ENCE Past five years General Bldg. Contractor & Property Man of Town Square Retail Center. COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES carlsDad Chamber of Commerce Member Past Cochairman of Village Merchant Association. Previosly served on Arts Commission-Special Sea Wall Project and Housing & Redec Commission. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR CoratEHTS