HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-04-26; City Council; 12680; ADVERTISE BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALKS ON CITY STREETS AND REPAIRS TO EXISTING SIDEWALKS IN PORTION OF THE MAR Y MONTANAS SUBDIVISIONS, UNITS 1 & 2, COMBINED PROJECT NOS. 3991-2 & 3413a @TY OF CARLSBAD - AWADA BILL ,- b ,:. /.-t' 1 E:. j 2:k:9: 1 TITLE: ADVERTISE BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF DEPl REPAIRS TO EXISTING SIDEWALKS IN PORTION OF THE I CITY SIDEWALKS ON CITY STREETS AND (DKF ENG 1 MAR Y MONTANA3 SUBDIVISIOMS, UNITS I b Zi t *" COMBINED PROJEGT NOS. 3391-2 & 3413 -. ' .' -, :'I C,TV P ?i o@ II 2 z I- o 2 a d z 3 0 o - F ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ 3ECOMMENDED ACTION: Ado t Resolution No. q'/- 118 approving plans and specifications, authorizing Cler R to advertise for bids and authorizing the transfer of funds for the constructior sidewalk and related work on feeder streets to school sites and repair work to pol the Mar Y Montanas Subdivision, Units 1 and 2, Contract Nos. 3391 -2 and 341 3. ITEM EXPLANATION: This agenda bill addresses two projects: the City Sidewalk project and the repair 1 the Mar Y Montanas subdivision. The City Sidewalk Program is a plan for s construction based on the City Sidewalk Inventory Report adopted by City Council 1991. The program established a priority listing for sidewalk construction a implemented to facilitate installation of sidewalks that would not be constructed development activity or other programs. Sidewalk improvements along Lagur Alicante, and El Camino Real were constructed this fiscal year. As part of the City Sidewalk Pro ram, Project No. 3391-2 provides infill sidewa certain feeder streets to Valley 3 unior High School and Magnolia Elementary Exhibit 3 illustrates the specific locations of the proposed sidewalks. The repair work for the Mar Y Montanas subdivision, Project No. 341 3, is require defective work in the sidewalks and curb and gutter construction. (The develop€ Mar Y Montanas subdivision was found in default for not performing final punch li through a negotiated settlement with the Resolution Trust Corporation. The City meeting of October 11, 1992 provided authorization to include the work in the CI use the settlement funds for the repairs. The City wishes to construct both projects at the same time in order to take advz the lower bid prices that larger projects typically provide. The Mar Y Montanas repair work is sized to its available budget which was est ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The California Coastal Commission issued an Exemption Letter, dated July 20, ' Project No. 3391-2, waiving the need for a Coastal Permit. The Planning Commission found the sidewalk construction, Project 3391 -2, in confl with the General Plan and approved PCD/GPC 92-04 on November 4, 1992. Th Negative Declaration was issued on April 1 , 1993. The repair work being performed in the Mar Y Montanas Subdivision was founc conformance with the General Plan as a part of the approval of the subdivi April 14, 1992. The project Negative Declaration was issued March 24, 1982. approved by Planning Commission Resolution No, 191 7, CT 81 -19/CPu FISCAL IMPACT: Citv Sidewalk Proaram - This rogram is funded with both Traffic Impact Fees TransNet funds. Including a l tate grant, appropriations for the program total $ Funds of $242,000 have been expended to date and available construction fund$ $188,000. Due to the scale of the sidewalks projects, which is considered optimum size, construction costs are expected to total $488,000. An additional is required to fund construction of the sidewalk improvements. I 1 0 0 Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. 1% G.&c The 1993-94 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) allocated funding for the City S Program. The draft 1994-95 CIP again includes allocations totaling $300,000 ann[ this program from Traffic Impact fees ($200,000) and Local TransNet ($100,000) f Staff recommends advance funding of the planned 1994-95 funds at this time sidewalk improvements. Funds are currently available from both Traffic Impact ft the TransNet fund. The im act of this pre-funding will leave no additional funding f or TransNet for the City Si 8 ewalk Program next year. Unless additional funding is rl from other sources, any further sidewalk construction projects will be delayed I 1995-96. Staff also recommends that any remaining funds in the project accc retained for the next sidewalk project. Mar Y Montanas - The construction budget for the Mar Y Montanas repairs is tied t received from a negotiated settlement. Default settlement funds of approximately $' will be used only for the repair work in the Mar Y Montanas subdivision and are acc for separately. Summary of Funding: ExDenditures to Date: Laguna Sidewalks Alga, Alicante, El Camino Sidewalks Design Fee for 3391-2 Design Fee for 33913 EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. "i" I L% approving plans and specifications, authorizinl Clerk to advertise for bids and authorizing the appropriation of fund! construction of new sidewalk and related work on feeder streets to school repair work to portions of the Mar Y Montanas Subdivision Units 1 and 2, Nos. 3391 -2 and 341 3. 2. Location Map, Mar Y Montanas. .. 3. Location Map, Sidewalk Project No. 3391-2. v I! 0 a < /I 1 2 3 4 5 RESOLUTION NO. 94 - 1 1 8 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBP CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, AUTHORIZING TI CITY CLERK TO INVITE BIDS AND AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUN1 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALKS ON CERTAIN FEEDER STREETS- SCHOOL SITES AND TO MAKE REPAIRS TO THE SIDEWALK AND RELATI WORK IN THE MARY MONTANAS SUBDIVISION, UNITS 1 AND CONTRACT NOS. 3391-2 AND 3413. 6 8 in the public interest to construct a project consisting of sidewalk on certain feeder 7 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has determined it is nece school sites and to make repairs to sidewalk and related work in the Mar Y Montanas S 9 Units 1 and 2; and, lo I; WHEREAS, said project has previously been found in conformance with the Gc l1 I of the City of Carlsbad, the California Environmental Quality Act and the California C I.2 13 i and, 14 II Whereas, additional monies are needed in project account no. 31 0-820-1 840-3 15 11 said project; and, 16 I1 WHEREAS, funds in the amount of $2OO,OOO are available in the Traffic I 17 j/ account; and, l8 11 WHEREAS, funds in the amount of $lOO,OOO are available in the TransNet acl 19 11 WHEREAS, plans and specifications for the furnishing of all labor, mate 20 22 11 of the City of Carlsbad and are incorporated by reference herein. 1 Numbers 3391 -2 and 341 3, have been prepared and are on file in the Engineering 21 equipment, transportation, and other expenses necessary or incidental for said proje '1 23 11 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City c 24 11 California, as follows: 25 I' 26 27 ,; 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That plans and specifications as presented are hereby approved. 28 '1 3. The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and I i 1 li e e 1 proceed to publish, in accordance with law, Notice to Contractors inviting bid! 2 construction of sidewalk in certain feeder street to school sites and to make repairs tl 3 sidewalk and related work in the Mar Y Montanas Subdivision Units 1 and 2 in accord 4 the plans and specifications hereinabove referred to. 5 Streef Upgrade Program Account No. 31 0-820-1 840-3391 is hereby authorized. 6 4. That an appropriation of $200,000 from the Traffic Impact Fee Account to 7 11 5. That an appropriation of $1 00,000 from the TransNet account to the LC 8 Upgrade Account No. 342-820-1 843-3391 is hereby authorized. 9 10 11 12 13 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad C held on the 26th day of April , 1994 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, and Finnila 14 15 16 NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Nygaard l7 1 3.8 I ATTEST: 19 I‘ I 6 6. f& 20 ‘‘’ALl3H&&l#4UTE&lhNZ, City Clerk 21 11 KAREN R. KUNDTZ, Assistant City Clerk 22 li 23 /I (SEAL) 24 25 I 26 27 28 ll 0 e LOCATION MAP I PROJECT NAME MAR Y MONTANAS UNITS 1 AND 2 I PROJECT NUMBER CT81-19 e (I) LOCATION MAP NOT TO S CITY Cf OCEANSIDE EXISTING STREET, NO WORK EXISTING STREET, SIDEWALK & OTHER STREET IMPROVEMENTS TO BE INSTALLED I PROJECT NAME SIDEWALK PROGRAM PROJECT NUMBER I 3391 UKAW UT: scoh EVANS. CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPT.