HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-05-03; City Council; 12696; CONSIDERATION OF A MOBILEHOME PARK RENT CONTROL ACCORD-. .;i GIW UP GAHLYBAU - AGE- BILL &L 3 1- i i' ' .rl Lo TITLE: CONSIDERATION OF A MOBILEHOME AB ' m 2 PARK RENT CONTROL ACCORD MTG. '5-3-9'f d 2 4 I! ! Q\ DEPT, CD .!I 6 RECOMMENDED ACTION: R $epf &SOLu hbd 9Y- 125 I ;, >,; z fo I; G :; 0 '; .rl CU " 1 rl II 0 'm .: : 2 'U n :: rl m . : .rl 1.. (d .u al a 'U wo Oh W al om CaJ cdu 3 2 a .A hX 0 al dal om U Ll- Ge om om 4 u Direct City staff, in conjunction with the City Attorney's office, to return to the City Council on May 17, 1994 with a formalized Voluntary Rent Control Accord. ITEM EXPLANATION During 1993, the City facilitated and mediated-lease negotiations between mobilehome park owners and tenants. City Council workshops were held on numerous occasions at both Lanikai Lane Mobilehome Park and Rancho Carlsbad Mobilehome Parks during this period. Ultimately, no agreement between the tenants and owners was achieved. As a result, mobilehome park tenants asked the City Council to consider adoption of a rent control ordinance as a means of stabilizing their housing costs. On October 1, 1993, the City Council authorized staff to proceed with a Mobilehome Park Fair Market Rent Study and develop a Mobilehome Park Rent Control Ordinance. Subsequent City Council direction also authorized staff to work with mobilehome park owners and residents to develop a Voluntary Mobilehome Park Rent Control Accord as an alternative to a mandated rent stabilization program. On October 26, 1993, the City Council adopted an urgency ordinance, which essentially regulates rent increases in - $ I; I mobilehome parks. hd cdh aJz - d- h cdw a .o aJ hM ad ou .rl ual .- WEi .al w _~1 CdQJ us Lou au ala U oc a0 h .rl -rl u am dal Ll .rl a 0 .rl cm IC 00 uo z 0 F 0 a d 0 z 3 8 Since October, 1993, hundreds of staff hours have been devoted to developing an ordinance and a voluntary rent control accord. In January 1994, the Fair Market Rent Study conducted by Keyser Marston Associates was completed and recommended rent ranges for both Rancho Carlsbad and Lanikai Lane Mobilehome Parks were established. In addition, staff continued to meet with park owner and residents to further develop ~ alternatives to a mandated rent control program. On April 18, 1994, and April 20, 1994, presentations were made to Lanikai Lane and Rancho Carlsbad residents, respectively. Both presentations focused on Voluntary Rent Control Accord provisions for each park, as well as provisions which would be recommended for inclusion in a Rent Control Ordinance. Residents were asked to attend the presentations and return a survey indicating their preference between the two programs presented. Response to the surveys has been minimal. Of the 146 surveys distributed to Lanikai Lane residents, only 16 responses (1 1 %) were received. Of the 504 surveys distributed to Rancho Carlsbad residents, only 41 responses (8%) were received. RENT STABILIZATION ALTERNATIVES: VOLUNTARY RENT CONTROL ACCORD: A Voluntary Rent Control Accord is essentially a City sanctioned form of voluntary rent control. The owners commit to offering leases with specified contents which have been approved by the City, and which must be offered to 0 0 . Page Two of Agenda Bill No. Id, b qb all qualified tenants. Provided these elements are offered in new lease agreements, adoption of mandated rent control program by the City Council unnecessary. Primary Elements of a Voluntary Accord include: 0 Applicability 0 Base Rent 0 Annual Adjustments 0 Capital Improvements 0 Dispute Resolution 0 Term LANlKAl LANE VOLUNTARY RENT CONTROL ACCORD: Applicability: The owner has agreed to offer the provisions of the Accord cited below, to expiration. Base Rent: The owner has agreed to offer all month to month residents the Keyser Ma Market Rent Study averaqe rent (1 993) for both double ($463) and single wic spaces. Residents who have long-term leases would be offered the hiah r 119931 for both double ($500) and single ($450) wide spaces, as identifi Keyser Marston Study, upon expiration of their lease agreements. In addit sale, transfer or sublet of a mobilehome, the hiah range rent (19931 woulc Annual Adjustments: Annual adjustments equal to 100 9'0 of the percent change in the Housing Cc of the San Diego County Consumer Price Index (All Urban Consumers minimum increase of 2% and a maximum increase of 10%. Capital Expenditure Pass-Throughs: Capital Expenditures will be defined using a recognized standard such as Accepted Accounting Principles or the Internal Revenue Code. Owner to a first $20,000 in yearly cumulative Capital Expenditure with the balar amortized over a minimum of 15 years and assessed to the tenant in the pass-through. to month residents, and those who currently have long-term leases, u, 0 Page Three of Agenda Bill No. 4I,Lif@ Dispute Resolution: Disputes pertaining to Capital Expenditure and associated pass-througl resolved via arbitration. Term: The owner agrees to offer these specific provisions in a leasehental agreen the tenant for the remaining term of his ground lease (approximately 20 ye RANCHO CARLSBAD VOLUNTARY RENT CONTROL ACCORD: Applicability: Owner agrees to offer the provisions of the Accord to &I residents, includ with existing long-term lease agreements. Base Rent: Owner agrees to roll-back rents to those in place as of December 31, 1992 proposes no annual adjustment for 1994 or 1995. Annual Adjustment: Beginning in 1996, annual adjustments equal to 100 YO of the percent char Housing Component or All Items of the San Diego County Consumer Price Urban Consumers), with a minimum increase of 0% and a maximum in 10%. Capital Expenditure Pass-Throughs: Capital Expenditures will be defined using a recognized standard such as Accepted Accounting Principles or the Internal Revenue Code. Owner 1 100% of the Capital Improvement expense exceDt where a majority of request an additional amenity be added to the park. In this event, the c( amenity will be shared equally between the resident and the owner, and i appropriately. Qispute Resolution: Disputes pertaining to Capital Expenditure and associated pass-throug resolved via arbitration. . 0 0 ‘L Page Four of Agenda Bill No. /<, 694 Term: The owner agrees to offer these specific provisions in a leasehental agreen the tenant for 20 years. City Staffs role in development of the Voluntary Accords has been as mi facilitators. These specific Accord elements and provisions represent the final ofl by the owners. While further modification may be acceptable, park owners have i they are unwilling to consider additional changes until there is an indication of Cio support. RENT CONTROL ORDINANCE: A Rent Control Ordinance is a City mandated program which establishes r base rent adjustments for applicable mobilehome park spaceshenants. 4 of a Rent Control Ordinance would require environmental review and devc of an administrative program. As with adoption of any ordinance, a Ren Ordinance could be subject to voter repeal via the referendum process. In an initiative ordinance could also be submitted to the voters. Primary Elements of a Rent Control Ordinance include: . 0 0 e o e Applicability Exclusion Base Rent Annual Adjustments Pass-Throughs Capital Improvements Dispute Resolution Administration Applicability: All mobilehome parks within the City, and all residents who have a month tenancy, or who are not on a long-term lease. Exclusion: Residentdowners could petition for exclusion, or exclude themselves fror control ordinance under the following conditions: Individual tenants and owners choose to enter into acceptable long-term lease agreements. An owner agrees to offer residents a new lease agreement, : of residents in the mobilehome park accept. 1. e e Page Five of Agenda Bill No. I d i (-0 9 (D 0 51 % of tenants in any mobilehome park petition for exclusion ordinance, for any reason. Base Rent: Base rent for each mobilehome park space would represent the fair markc recommended in the Keyser Marston Rent Study. Annual Adjustment: Base rent may be adjusted annually to reflect 100% of the yearly increase iI Diego County Housing Component of the Consumer Price Index, with a increase of 2% and a maximum increase of 10%. Bass-Throughs: In addition to base rent, the owner may separately charge a tenant for allowable, as provided in the Mobilehome Residency Law. Capital Expenditure Pass-through: Capital Expenditures will be defined using a recognized standard such as Accepted Accounting Principles or the Internal Revenue Code. Owner to a amount above $25,000 to be shared on a 50/50 basis with owners, and i appropriately. However, the owner must be provided an opportunity to app increases on all capital improvements which are not passed through to ter Dispute Resolution: Appeals pertaining to Rent Adjustments and Capital Expenditures shall be : to a neutral arbitrator. Administration: Costs to administer a rent control ordinance will be collected on a cost recol and assessed to each participating resident as a fee. first $25,000 of Capital Improvement expenses incurred in any calendar y STAFF RECOMMENDATION City staff has continually recommended voluntary rent control measures and/o purchase of rental mobilehome parks as a way of stabilizing housing costs. A mandated rent control program may partially stabilize housing costs, it is not an i housing program and does not differentiate between high, middle or low income More importantly, the fiscal impact to the City of administering and defending re ordinances have proven very costly in other jurisdictions. K 0 0 -- Page Six of Agenda Bill No. J 2 i /n ? b Owners have presented their offers to park residents and Staff is recommending City Council consider a formalized Voluntary Rent Control Accord with the Rancho and Lanikai Lane Mobilehome Park Owners, as an alternative to implementing a rer ordinance. A uniform Voluntary Rent Control Accord which would apply equally to all park: However, both Rancho Carlsbad and Lanikai Lane are substantially different in ten amenities offered to tenants and the park condition. Additionally, financial conc circumstances of each owner differ significantly. As a result, each owner has prc individual offer for consideration as a Voluntary Rent Control Accord. Both offers, in terms of base rent, are consistent with the results of the Keyser Ma adjustments and treatment of capital expenditures differ substantially. Since the , an agreement between the City and the Owner, the Council may want to introducing a counter proposal to add uniformity to the Accords, in the following Market Rent Study. However, other terms offered to park residents, such ; 0 Annual Adjustments to Base Rent (C.P.1) 0 Capital Improvement Pass-throughs Based upon the potential costs associated with implementation of a rent control o Staff is recommending the City Council direct City staff, in conjunction with Attorney's office, to return to them on May 17, 1994 with a formalized Volun Control Accord. In the event, the City Council should determine that a mandated Rent Control ( serves the best interest of the community, staff is recommending that the City Cou the City Attorney to prepare a rent control ordinance and appropriate envil documents for consideration by the City Council at their May 17, 1994, meeting FISCAL IMPACT If the City Council elects to participate in a Voluntary Rent Control program, the fisc to the City would be minimal and consist primarily of the staff time involved in fc the agreements. Significant modification to the program presented would result staff time. If the City Council elects to pursue development of a rent control ordinance following impacts should be considered: 1. Costs to administer have been estimated at $52,600. This estimate considered as a "best case". Total costs to administer an ordina increase dramatically depending on the complexity of the appeal prc e 0 -- Page Seven of Agenda Bill No. 1 a i lo(?(c; 2. Owners have indicated they would petition for a referendum and/or if the City Council adopts a rent control ordinance. If owners were SI with a referendum petition, the City Council would have the option of the ordinance or of placing the issue on the ballot. If the issue were I the November 1994 ballot, the cost to the City is estimated at $5,0C timing of the City Council action (referendum) or a citizen initiative c; issue to be placed on the ballot at a special election, the cost to tt estimated at $125,000. 3. Lakeshore Gardens Mobilehome Park has indicated their desire to be from the provisions of any rent control ordinance which may be adop some point in the future residents of Lakeshore Garden wish to be e inclusion in a rent control program, the Fair Market rent study woull be amended accordingly. This would result in additional costs to th 4. Costs associated with defending a rent control ordinance are varied experience in other jurisdictions would indicate the potential Ii somewhere between $50,000 and $1 million. EXHIBITS 1. Resolution No. ~~-E?~ 2. Voluntary Accord Base Rent Schedule - Lanikai Lane 3. Voluntary Accord Base Rent Schedule - Rancho Carlsbad 4. Rent Control Ordinance Base Rent Schedule - Lanikai Lane 5. Rent Control Ordinance Base Rent Schedule - Rancho Carlsbad 6. Rent Control Ordinance Administration Cost Estimate L - 1 2 3 4 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 94 - 135 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA DIREGI STAFF AND THE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE TO RETURN 0 ' COUNCIL ON MAY 17, 7994 WITH A FORMALIZED V J UNTA CONTROL ACCORD. / / 5 WHEREAS, the City has received requests from mob' e home park ' consider adoption of legislation which would regulate ybilehome park ren /,i 7 WHEREAS, the City Council directed staff to / commission a Mobile t 8 / Fair Market Rent Study, and develop a M&it ,, me Park Rent Control Ordil Voluntary Rent Coptrol I Accord; and /> 9 10 WHEREAS, i<he Fair Market Rent Srudy '3s complete and provisions 11 12 Control Ordinance abd Volun'!ar> nt Control , ccord have been develope( ) / !'\\ y '\ \ ', I\, b l3 (1 WHEREAS, implementatiop of\a Rent Control Ordinance may results in : 14 fiscal rt k to the City; and i 15 j 16 17 '\ / ..\./a 1 are viable altqrnatives I\\ to mangated rent control programs, posing minimal fis 2o rents; and 18 -\ '\ ,{,I i;;l ': !. i WHEREAS, the City Council h s determined that Voluntary Rent Contrc provide consicferable p otection to mobilehome park tenants in the form of ''''./I "'\'l.,,;,l,, 19 WHEREA , the City Council has determined that Voluntary Rent Contrl 21 22 + \ the City; i 231/ )d HEREAS, the City Council has agreed to terms and provisions whic !Y inch ed in a Voluntary Rent Control Accord, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council oft 26 Carlsbad California as follows: 27 I. That the above recitations are true and correct. 28 L ll 0 0 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2. That the City Council directs staff, in conjunction with the City 1 Office, to return to the City Council on May 17, 1994 with a formalized Volu Control Accord. Council held on the day of / , 1994 by the PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meetin of the Car / 1 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ~ vote, to wit: AYES: ! NOES: 1 ABSENT: 1 1 \-$I ,", fLAbj)j) A. LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST: \:!$!,$ \',\,I1 Y :\ 'b! / i ALETHA L. RAUTENKbANZ, City Cgrk \ '\, " 1 :c /i (SEAL) I I / / i 1 / I I 1 / 1 i i 2. 11 L, e 0 Exhibit " Ey E$ 6$ 2% gs % $2 Kg or 00 -I- am I-v, *a # z- 3i2 !?3 8Q II 8 'Is !25 a8 !E UP CI $8 g8 ,* a, - II n, uE a= g .E LC $3 YY m 3Q II 3 A* I? II on .c_ 2 ?LE UP g2 OCE BE a1 !! .D a, -- e @a, LC 3s YY F;=l -vaaaa b.cu--bb tij5 %X \ LO - E+ mmmmmm cv% Y 5-YWhe p $5 $8 UJmm*gg c,w ^698%%6?69 5$ aE Trbbbrnb q t 7 IEd 22cnocnomn 54g Biz B c/)c/)*m e s zzgg!y E 2222qq 00 0 F ma, T-" voamd-m v) F 8 *g s n .- m-q 8 * s 0 .c (8 8 @ + I 0 C'CI .o_ 8 ?iW L 2 sg +n 50 - Br Q2 .E 2 .E 2 a& Ea 2E c, 02 h$li zx €&a ;i;cnca .2, s E gb0 n5 CnP bs g! !L %%I Q) 5 .o_ 25% c1 agz 5x3 x25 0.5 2 k8s OcaE OOQ) cow a,3 .c c;- a, + aE liizc = p+ 7 t vj .P Lv) 8 Q" e * * c .. c, Q) 0 z e. nnne- n e3acu.rm mm CDb~at-maCD -e3 e3 e3 +&s* bE - E+ &.E \ 3C696969696983e3 +nvm!$m* $E SE LO 00000000 mo omomc& YE (ommmbmam Lp~mO~~~ c, 5$ 'Eii+e%BB8696969 t q n eg ~~mamacnou-m n 8% =P B e hi mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm E -------- cv vvmmaabb I- v) 8 *v, % a m n .- bammma-v 6 CITY OF CARLSBAD e Exhibit 3 - VOLUNTARY RENT CONTROL ACCORD - RANCHO CARLSBAD Proposed Rent Schedule NOTE: TERM LEASE AGREEMENTS ARE ELIGIBLE TO PARTICIPATE ALL RESIDENTS, INCLUDING THOSE WHO CURRENTLY HAVE LONG-TERM e e EXHIBIT 9 - U cd P a I 5 0 0 * rc i3 CI Q) C J tu Q x e- .I ti !!I J I 3 rD w z O a l- z W u9 m a a a LLS 0 z U Z cl d 0 - 0' g U b 0 l- z W a LO8 2s II 11 * & 92 5$ >a a- iij; Es % d: WJ zo mn YY 00 LOO WLO 00 I-+ OLO ON ** d-v II II WW (30 zz $2 I-F zz ww aa LL ww YY aa <a zz uu $$ aa z5 YY r kLTbnl a, 7-s cv r c? nnnnne+p+n acvaT-0d-mNa-m rbbmre3nlcx3mrm *"~c?-c?$33r~ e= q nlamanlanlanlanlanla 2. -1 mmmmmmmmmmmmmm ***********e** * e3*e3*e3*#3e3e3*e3*e3.&3 e; e l! ywi kQ 6a bmb *moo **e3 *mm _. (D % * mGIc0 hcuco €e** "** - b 0 Lo * s!: Yy $gmnmnmnmnmnmnmn 0- Pa 52 i 00 v)cn ~=5s~qmmmmmmmm ZSsmmNmmmmmmmmm mm*emmaabb mmrr-rrrrrr- 00 I- " *oam*mm~NmmmcQ-m cor me 0 g r Y z 0 E * i = v) C' y$ 92 5$ I 'E v)Q g"r; a .2 3 'E @a =I= -0 h 'I 6, Zrn =I g2 mE a€ --% 2s =c -U T3 ma TJ=I -- a Q c ua CQ) .- 32 gz a .E %d SO LC q# :g g; Qal 750 aQ1 =v) EE -a Ea 52 L> OY 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD Exhibit 5 r RENT CONTROL ORDINANCE BASE RENT SCHEDULE - RANCHO CARLSBAD RENT:CONTROL:.Q:RDII # MOBILEHOMES 1994 RENT 1995 RENT KMA RENT DEC 1993 E $598 $645 14 @ 2% MIN @ 2% MIN AVG (1993) RENT 14 29 34 27 49 45 74 67 93 17 10 $657 $666 $677 $71 1 $726 $736 $755 $783 $800 $827 $835 $608 $61 6 $626 $657 $671 $680 $697 $724 $739 $765 $772 $620 $628 $638 $670 $684 $694 $71 1 $738 $754 $780 $787 $633 $641 $651 $684 $698 $707 $726 $753 $769 $796 $803 29 $871 $805 11 $821 I $838 [TOTAL M H’S 502 1 - 6 - - - IANCE..;;ii .,.:~;~~ .. ; 996 RENT. . @ 2% MIN $6: $61 $65 $6f $6: $71 $7: $71 $7f $7€ $8 1 $8 1 $8: [/Total MH’s Eligible to Participate in 1994 261 11 1995 33 1996 20 1997 33 1998 36 1999 119 # e Q > MOBILE HOME PARK RENT CONTROL Exhibit 6 ESTIMATE ANNUAL ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS ROUTINE ADMINISTRATION Tasks: Annual registration of all spaces and rents Review and approval of annual adjustments Review and approval of pass-though changes cost: 0 Staff $23,000 0 Legal 10 hours @ $150/hour 1,500 0 Maintenance and Operating Cost 4,000 0 Indirect Cost 2,500 ROUTINE ADMINISTRATION SUB TOTAL $31,000 NON-ROUTINE ADMINISTRATION Tasks: Base Rent appeals Annual Adjustment appeals * Pass-Through Appeals 0 Petitions for exclusion/reinclusion Other dispute resolution cost: 0 Arbitration Services 60 hours@ $100"" 6,000 Legal - 20 hours @ $150/hour 3,000 Maintenance and Operating Costs 5,000 0 Staff $ 6,600 0 I ndi rect Cost 1,000 NON-ROUTINE ADMINISTRATION SUB TOTAL $21,600 TOTAL $52,600 ./ P- e 0 -. April 25, 1994 P I FOR THE INFORMATiON < OAT€ c\tY "A 1. cs.t . . .. _... :... , .. ec .. - TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: PCommunity Development Director PETE GARCIA - RANCHO CARLSBAD Attached is a copy of a letter sent to me from Pete Garcia, trustee for Rancho Carlsbad, In gene^ we support his approach to voluntary rent control via new tease agreements, and the modificatic he has recently proposed with regard to capital improvements. However, as noted in our April 2 memo regarding a possible referendum, delaying of a City Council decision on rent stabilizat (implementation of a rent control ordinance) could significantly increase the costs to the City, if issue were placed on the ballot at a special election, if you have any questions, please call me Cynthia, MARTY ORENYAK ."' ~~ _"" "- " -,e- v e ;:.;a E2 j 311 12 f 4'3 ch:'.,pT= "-0 ?E2XChD T, 2 .. ,. .. ,- .;r I -.; , i I ,! ' 1 .: I I P. "wP2PJ!K*'.GMCZA10VlE8 L I: zIRVS'pE6 L $2855 BIQE BLUFF PRZVE) 6Vx3S MQ Ul9-289-8810 4. SA# PX&W, CA 92130 I i i i i I I. ,! I ' Mr. Marty Orenyak VIA-FAX ' : :i .j: Cazlsbad, CA 92009-4859 . j' . I 1 ! 2'075 L,gs Pairnets Drive' a ! PI I. a. .. t : RE: Rancho Cazlsbad Country Club Estates ; Dear Martyr j .. .. The Parkla staff and 5: havb received many calla and viaitai Lr residents requesting mare information and/or olarificaftia I 5 Xt is my conclusion ;hit if a new laaae, that. inelades ali t featuree included in the Parkw pro OB& is ofleured to resJldea individually, many rebideats will 8 P gn up. I I would like to rarpact'fully request: that: the City Council give t: 1 Park a Ihited period of tima to develop thi8 Pease and ta offur to residents individually. A sug est: a 90 day pariod of the.. :Sf ,:. the end of this time the issue 1s etUl &n'issue, the Coundl 9 , take the matter up again. I cculcerning the Park' i3 Voluntary Rant Control of f$fl I 'I h 1 , 'I I .4 1 would also like to raepectfully =+quest thaC ff the Cbty.Cqunc ever decide6 that a Rent ConkzWj, Oxdiaancs ehould be implsm$nte it would than be placed on 8 general eleution ballot. This jwoc B~VB everyone a loC of rn~ney and aggravation by evoid$ng Rs.fer8ndum procaas that would f?klow the psasing of a Rent COntr Ordinnnce beyond what is in place at the present time. At the preeentatioa the other night, I clarified that a Park) 8 X lease would lOOT pass on to the,zesidants any capital irnprwbmer costsr The only excsptioa would be in the event that u N$W c EXTRA item wae to be added, at the requerrt of a majority of i residents, to the existing fac&litiss. For exmpler if a major; of the xwfdants wnntad an ext?'a tennis court and th8 Prrrk Bgrc that it. would be in the Pa+k+a beat inbezest to do 60, then I Cost would be aharQd eqilallly between the Park and the residpnF1 I I I Again, thank you for y6U.F cooperation in these makbrf3 9 & .'*; *:, I ,I I. Garcia Trustee I. + -. 0 @ 4 I April 21, 1994 TO CITY MANAGER VIA: fl COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR FROM: Senior Management Analyst - Community Development MOBILE HOME PARK RENT CONTROL ORDINANCE/REFERENDUM The City Council is scheduled to consider a staff recommendation for a voluntary rent control accord an1 a rent control ordinance on May 3, 19%. It is our understanding that after hearing the presentation, th item may be continued to May 17th for City Council action on the issue. Potential costs of litigation have always been a concern with adoption of a mandated rent control ordinancl More recently however, owners have indicated that if a rent control ordinance is adopted, they would fir! pursue their right to overturn the City Council's decision via the referendum process. If the City Counc elects to implement a rent control ordinance, and the park owners are successful with their referendun the City Council's only options are to repeal the ordinance or select a date for placing the item on the ballo The estimated cost of placing the item on the November 1994 ballot is $5000. The estimated cost of holdir a special election after that date and before June 1995 is estimated at $125,000. To date no final decision on a rent stabilization approach has been made by the City Council. While the1 ordinance was adopted, the City can control the timing of a referendum and therefore the City's cos associated with scheduling the issue for election. Attached is a schedule which assumes City Council adoption of an ordinance. The dates shown represe the final date that each activity or action can occur and still leave enough time to schedule a referendu for the November 1994 election. The most important date the Council will need to keep in mind is May 2 1994. This is the last scheduled City Council meeting in May, and the last date that an ordinance can I introduced and make the November 1994 election. is no way to predict whether or not park owners would initiate the referendum process if a rent contrl 4 CYNTHIA HAAS Attachment C. City Attorney Housing and Redevelopment Director w Clerk ? 1. 0 0 c R 8 E v) v) 0 B 3) P Z .K w W e a k Y n s 3 w I Y 5 8 E 8 z D 4 0 Z c z W re Y p. W I 0 X 3 Y z 0 I fi gg CnQ) :CY $5 zs gg 20 p "3 Ea -E 3s E- 3 .z EG Zai E= oz a2 dQ) '- 0 c '- uo gs c ;$ E3 US 0s " .- v oE o= a2 i3: 5 LZ a0 g ?& p'n .!I pI - @a% 2 !!!! $3; 25s "00 a0 i E s .P' 3 .E 5 2 0- L E.& s! g .Y zg5 so Q) .e 0 a .E * '5 ai? @ 4-0 @EL La) U" EL@ a csE p 0 z 8 2 3 E 2 8 $ 9 3 80, !N SG er) U I1 c uw z I1 zz 00 UF $3 -W 04 15 !p om 0. kk Cnv) cc 00 00 0 PROPOSAL 0 c,L% LA DATED RENT CONTROL - ORDINANCE 0 Base Rent: KMA Study: Lanikai Lane Single Wide = $400 (LOW) Lanikai Lane Double Wide = $425 (LOW) Rancho Carlsbad = $600 up to $800 0 Annual Adjustment: 65% or@, all items of Consumer Pricc Index for an Diego County. Minimum increase = 0% Maximum increase = 8% 0 Capital Improvement Pass-Throughs to be added to the park, the first $25,00( shall be paid by owner and the excess cost will be shared equally between the resident and the owner and amortized appropriatel) Capital costs not passed-through to tenant may be considered for rent adjustments. 0 Taxes.: Owner is prohibited from passing throug additional tax liability as a result of the sal of the mobilehome park or addition; parcels or lands. Taxes not passed-throug adjustments. to tenants may be considered for rer 0 Administrative Fee: Owner and Tenant to share (50/50) in th cost of administering a rent contrl ordinance. + Vacancy Control: The rent shall be a space rent and sh; apply to new tenants upon sale or transfc of the space. + Hearing Process: Hearings shall be conducted before eithl an arbitrator or hearing officer. Appea shall be heard by either a city commissio council or court. ." - ,,* UY :- - .-.- a g0-s54J4 'VUE 1 SO+'' , ' .. *~ 0.: .P . e.1 . I. ., - .. ,, ,' WTHFP'I! '.AND saprcgm PSU w n. WulU I. MWD IL ~4pBm IJ:IC.IIA~S~~~ IU~-&p~~.OYllJFO ,1u wm a- AWUB cn w I. H ml t,r .. "> ~RII.VN I. otrnnoa I, .. , 0.. *P"ltDN ,. AlMRMiYY AT JAW oeCONDmaua -. -- &.F)A4N A PAmJ-ei EsCn?mJDQU mo, .. I) ,QQII,~~ LC UdlAIJI kV . . . "". .- (6!V)%WDDo . .I PAX (610) Mm( ,. ,. ,. .I ' , , ., mnrp WVrn''SMP .rq- - .. . .. ,, . 1 . :.' ;. ' ', coh@~y :'cmT\d QF CARURGI) . '" . ,. '". DAI'P?: April 26, 1994 , , 8- .. FAX NUMBER : (619) 438-011.94 .. . FROM: ~J?KiIi! RAYNEK I. . FAX NUMBER : (639) 747-5574 ' .' W~ER QUPAWS 3 ' + FACE SIIEET (IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE my OF TlIaE pAGQ i'a.&Asf? CAU4 TilH AUOVtI NUMBER.) ' - . THIS "'ILL RE TIiB ONLY FORM OF DkLlVERY OF THE TI&SRQI~ED ~UME~. , ' - 1 TIfE ORIGINAL OF THE TR~NSMI'IT~D'D~XWEW WIG BE SR~ BY REGULAR MIL. . .. .. . ,. , .. .. ., ,1 OUR CiJPX : Lanikai Lane I -No. : s38-l .. OW CAsB PhAFiI?' : , '1 W8NQ.: . .. ,. , .I I NO'EITS(S) .I ., , I .. ,. ' , .. . .. ,, . ... ,& .. I, I. .. .. ,. .. ,8 I, --.-.- .._" - .". " -.. ,"._ - ~- c1 rills ~~(SIMII.P.~'RAKSMISSION COKSITlUi~ WRrITPVCmm1mN ~~UIRF,D BY &p. . .. lolyl)j ~~~~~~~~PA~~~~~~~F.ABOVL!R~YE~~~~W\SB~*I~AVEAG~~~~~~~~~A~~~~~.~~~~ , I.lsl9cO W.\(WiS ,,, ' . ~fi~~nn~rnPRM~A'2XQ CWPIWXkUI, RWD-F'RQWWSCUASUR~ "pl-~~ ffIl.9 h&lcd 1s MIWlMD 0NI.Y FOR 1118 INlXHW. OR m ZD ylA{n-&~" AAB) m~rm~.~ ~"~~'~~~~~~~~O~~~IS~~~G~ISN~~~IEWI'~~DHDBCCIPIPNL.,OR~~P.~~~~~~~~~~\O~~~~~~'~~ FOB DPJJWIRlh'O 111A MESSAGE TO 'IW? INIENDW WHRW~ YOU M I{Emy muqm ~~IAT ANI( DI.shMI.wllOK nlsfueul1oN OR COPYING OPl?flS COMMUMUL1ION 1.9 may p~l~~;~, ~p you !&VU R~'C)~M1~~J~s~.~L"~Al~ONIN@~~a PIJ'ASENOllFY US IMMeD~l\'IELy'gy'l~PIIO,~AYD ~1u~11IB ORKWU MJWOe TO US A11'1m ABOVE ADDRESS vir\ rite U.S posrAI, =RM= kn, WH ey111, PAY aL PQPL"@ Cosrr IlWK YOU. '. j, 1. '~ .. .. I - .. . .. . _. r, : ,' e o!p :':; .: :; : .. .;' . :, .w .. .' :' .r .' ~ " __ a: 0UPM ; QpR-z6-94 TU€ 13 2 ,RL'tH K UWld "0 d RRKlftl Lvujli A MW)ll (~~ccu(PJt w.OAllJPJ WPW h PWR JOIN #.RIet&Y hlAYll.W 1.. OeOROX . . _.".. - j"PW U. K4UI;KLY WfIITE? AND BRIGHT AfioRh'EYS AT JAW A ?ROm -m s8Q3);D RQOI Iu Spsl QRLW AyRhz E FXOYMDO. CA 9Z?S FAX (Ms] W4.53 (619) 747.- April 26, 1994 2 o7 613438085 P .I 82 Kla.2El.g m35Utu Mr. Margln Orenyak City of. Carlsbad Communlby Redevelopment Office 2075 Lap Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009-1519 REI Wkai bans mar Mr, Orenyak: on Sunday, April 24, 1994, a meeting was held by the Lanikai Lano Homeowner's Association. At that time, the options available to the residents were discussed at length. Of utmost concern to tho residents of Lanikai Lane is that a resolution to their rental eituatlon be reached at this time. Accordingly, instead of returning all of the responaaa to your inquiry letter of April 13, 1994, ou will be receiving a petition signed by the residents of Lanika]l Lana and indicating their desires to either reach an acceptable accord immediately or proceed with an Involuntary rent control ordinance. To that end, I am enclosing an outline ol an accoptabla accord which was prepared by my clients. The essential terms of this outline are that at the time a resident is eligible to participate in the accord, the resident will sign on to the accord at the then existing rental rate. That ie, thete will be no upward adjustment from the rent6 then being paid by existing accord participants upon Sale, 8Ub-lBaSf3, transfer, or expiration of a pre-existing lease. Also, the tonnnts' obligation for capital improvements is further defined and mom in line with city staff's preliminary recommendations, we believe that the park owners should be able to respond to tha onclosed proposal for a voluntary accord - 80 that we will be in a position to tell the City Council on Hay 3, 1994, whether the voluntary accord process is no longer a viable option leaving no alternative but to proceed post-haste with involuntary rent control. / 1" k 3 KLV YX .AkKUX IkLkLUYIkK '(Ell0 ; 4-26-94 2:U5W'l ; dPR-26-94 TUE le: B 6 0 6 1943E P- c Mr. Ma tin .Orenyak Page 2 April f 68 1994 On behalf of the Lanikai Lane Homeowner's Association, X to thank you and all of the city staff for your continuing ef to assist the parties in resolving their differences: Very truly yours8 WH TE Leigh %5 IAR/vh cc clf,ents- Jed Robinson City Council Members 3 KC;V BY;X~KUX ItLELurIER 7010 ; 4-2b-34 r;wrm ; &PR--26--94 TU€ le87 e blY43Ul P-B VOLUNTARY IJANIKAI LANE ACCORD APPI &~NW .Ii"Y: 1. Rcsidents eligible immediately, if currently on month to month. 2. Residents on existing leases eligi%le upon expiration of current lease. 3. AU new fiture residentlownere at existing accord rates upon cl~sing of 4. No other lease or rents! agreement win be offered by the park owner. purchase of home. (Assumability) DASH RKNf: 1. $340.00 single wide S370,OO double wide Rent based on 1994 K.M.A. five park rental 6nJdy 2. Base mt to indude trash. 3. Water, sewer, caMe (at cost), g%s and electric to be passed on to residents separately. 4, C,P.T. - Min. O?h C.P.I. increases to be started in 1995 as K,M.A. C.P.I. - Max. 8% study was based on 1994 rent structures. C.P.I. - 1WA of housng component CAPI'I'AI. IMI?ROVHW,NTS 1. As defined by standard (i.e. IKS Code) 2, Owner pays finst S25,000.00 per calendar year 3. Balance of capital improvements to be WSO cost sharing with residents per calendar year anlortized as pass-through - over minimunl of 15 yr-. 4. I&na exoh&l in ooet eharin$~i pfhary $25,000.00 owner expen&ture a. Underground utiliti~ including: b. Fxisting street repaits/reptacemenWmprovanents. c G. Park dcfcmd Rtht-s Of Guftwlt mdtia m pa 5. Capital improvements must be approved by a nqjorily vote of elatcd &dents befort conshuctim of any capital expense project involving 1. water 2, Sewer 3. Electric 4, oar, sharedoxpense. 6. All disputed ita resoh4 by arbitration. AII~STRAI'ION COSTS No cost to owncr or resident assuming minimal city inwhmnent i".. - .A",.-. - . . .. .. - " LEOAX, COSTS Contractual agretment - none anticipattd. 'imM Bblance of existing land lease. 3-w ~ I, . e 0 * "* RANCHO CARLSBAD MOBILEHOME OWNERS' ASSOCIATION PRESENTATION AT CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP April 20, 1994 ._-. I ', 1 0 0 INDEX Graph - Rancho Carlsbad Rent History 1973-1993 Spreadsheet - Rancho Carlsbad Rent History 1973-1993 Graph - Rancho Carlsbad Rent History 1982-1993 Parks used in Comparable Rent Study Coach Sales Price v. Park Rents Coach Price/Sq. Ft. v. Park Rents Rancho Carlsbad Fair Market Rent Results Graph - Future Rents assuming 100% CPI Increase Spreadsheet - Future Rents assuming 100% CPI Increase Graph - Future Rents using Proposed Accord Spreadsheet - Future Rents using Proposed Accord Graph - Future Rents using Staff Rent Control Proposal Spreadsheet - Future Rents using Staff Rent Control - " Proposal Graph - Future Rents assuming $150 Immediate Rollback Spreadsheet - Future Rents assuming $150 Immediate Rollback Graph - Future Rents using HOA Rent Proposal Spreadsheet - Future Rents using HOA Rent Proposal Status of Leases/Rent Control Eligibility Comparison of All Items CPI, Housing and Residential Rent Indices for San Diego Area Outline of RCMOA's Recommendation for a Rent Stabilization Ordinance Pa( - 1 2 3 4 5 6' 7 E! 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 21 0 0 i >- IIZ 0 I- CD - I I- Z W fr n d c9 u,. I cc <I= 0 0 1 0 ,z a U cy> 0 cn 1 I cy> b 0) 1 ,_ m 0, cn T- U -cn cn 1 Ln -00 cn - .e -z cn r Lo -b cn 7 0 I I I I I I I CT, r- 000000000.r 00000000 00 r-.a u) d-c', N" -" cc Q W t. lN3H AlHlNOVU 4 Rancho year 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 199 0 1991 1992 1993 0 0 Carlsbad Rent Study CPI CPI exc rent rent % inc all items rent inc over CPI $140 6.5% $140 $140 0.0% 11.0% $149 . ($9) $140 0.0% 9.4% $166 ($26) $140 0'. 0% 6.1% $181 ($41) $140 0.0% 6.5% $192 ($52) $235 67.9% 10 . 0% $205 $30 $306 30.2% 16.4% $225 $81 $352 15.0% 15.2% $262 $90 $427 $444 $511 $511 $536 $569 $585 $603 $629 21.3% 4.0% 15.1% 0.0% 4.9% 6.2% 2.8% 3.1% 4.3% 13.5% 6.8% 2.9% 5.9% 5.3% 2.8% 3.5% 5.0% ,-- 5. 8% $302 $343 $366 $376 $399 $420 $432 $447 $469 $125 $101 $145 $135 $137 $149 $153 $156 $160 $665 5.7% 6.0% $496 $169 $702 5.6% 3.6% $526 $176 $730 4.0% 2.8% $545 $185 $755 3.4% 2.5% $560 $195 - " 1 c 0 0 .- > U 0 I- C/) 1 I- Z LLI G9 ng 5: mw C/)% I. a 5 0 0 II 0 z '. , d 0. U d- 6, CT) T- - I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 OF 0 0 0 0 :0 0 co b co Lo d- c3 .a I I1 I I 0 -" - U 4 W >- lN3tl AlHlNOW - 0 .@$ j $2 i D:g J c0.I i I I I 31 6; E31 ai 9 0 3= 8 'E d 3 a c d 3 ct 3 !$ 0 t I 1 I I I 1 1 1 I I I I I s I I I 1 1 f t t I I I i 1 0 8Ggga %>,It 4 Ed E I i g.g 8 g "T 8 6. " d 3 a i- 3 is 5 tn' z 0 G g z 0 s! i il (3 z 0, Q 0 J v, 9 z 2 + i!i if! it U i 3 z 3 f W a. -2 3 Fi 255 I- z Lt < %G.G t 8-l 3 83 -8 5 )-. .-l ti. i 8 1 8 1 ts 1 1. i 4' .. " df 8 ..t g/ Zi q 2B.pPzzpz 00~0 I I 1:. 1 1 1 I t i 0 I.. .-I I I &I -6 * 0 SSQ W ,3 E 33 # a' hu ourow, # g f 8 p i-g i. 'I .. i 1 i I 1. I ., * I 1 .? I I $1 I a-l 9 W I J a f !! > 1 0 w z 9 's i! ?; ii 8 U -5 s a 5 03 i W 8 3 3 .. 6 5 0 !l z 9 z- 0 P 8 >i2 t= I:.. $ $8 - " .-. .. 1.. i; .. ._ I. 4 r 0:. h c( x 2- ch 0 0, r( OI I d-g. Y g - l- 2. .I$. x# * W; ms:. -a. . * a- .s a .. X' .V' V L /: ,- .4 - -1 0 (c .. .. . '. d d Y) 0 0 0 0 0 0 CI - . ,j- spuemoaf, Z3l%d HWO3 !KW?ElAV 1 - !S 'S :o ;" 4 " "" &P E . 0 I ZJ< a6 ,.$ ,2 ,g "2 'QIt 2 2 2: -x 0 0 d 0 0. ", p j; -3s ?2 2 "E. '3 2 - 8%. .. .* 8 < . -3 I; -. g! m -4 .24 -E i=. CI - .e* t r( OCI d d. < 01 i- 8: '08s 803 I. &A0 * 'd .-. ,o cO 0 .. I.. .. * " -. .. " $0 ..-. ..-. . I" br)e3e3"'&3e9"ft)fff439@&3< s o~oPR)(oa,~cnru-.-o<o~ ah~~~~rnamb)mmb,ul~~ ultuolopa,o-~o,o,oo~ -3 ." sg ,. 23 .. ur -hnn---nnnnnnhm> ffte3bc)ff)€i3ff)bc)w€u€ue3e3ec) o,o,cno,o,cJlul.ulcnuluaulP~~ ~Ao~-"ocx,cDo1AN-o<Du ~uuuuu~uuuu~ 4 .' e 0 x := 5 3 3 z > 13 3 "1. 33 z "I - m m 5! z a m n & rc 'le3' 5. 5 q " v) u- If e3 0) 0 0 8 e3 03 0 0 .. I, -1 TI 3P 3- x B. 33 " " R "f- 13. .m 2' +i I] v) C rn r; a 80 .. Monthly Rent \ - - i A 0 0 * 0 73 3 0 - - t 0 a 3 e m 3 3 Q (D x r+ - 4 4 A Po1iT)-4mao-N 000000000 Go 00000000~ a 0 II I: It A a- i +/ i mt a P A a- t+ I : _,I : a ul 2 CD- a CT) +f iI : A a- ;+ ; a -4 :g: <- (D a- i+: i If e% A a- i +; i$ CD co N 0 0 Iu 0 0- ; +i il i 0- +- i I! .. A --- N 0- 0 Iu Iu 0 Ii I 0 I 0 ;+ i i 1: L co co c3 N 0 0 G> I 0 a W 0. Rancho Carlsbad Rent Study-100% CPI increase CPI CPI exc rent year rent % inc all items rent inc over CPI 1993 $755 3.4% 2.5% $560 $195 1994 $774 2.5% 3.0% $574 ' $200 1995 $797 3.0% 3.0% $591 $206 1996 $821 3.0% 3.0% $609 $212 1997 $846 3.0% 3.0% $627 $218 1998 $871 3.0% 3.0% $646 $225 1999 $897 3.0% 3.0% $666 $232 2000 $924 3.0% 3.0% $685 . $239 2001 $952 3.0% 3.0% $706 $246 2002 $980 3.0% 3.0%' $727 $253 2003 $1,010 3.0% 3.0% $749 $261 "- .. ... __"' ._ .. . ..I : 09 OF MONTHLY RENT A ._. [,: > 0 0 0 3 (D 3 ;i #I- t 0 TI -3 (D 3 - r+. < m >> R " "_ in6,cn~~mmcocoo u10u10u10cn0~0 000000000 Got CD cr3 ! A 0 1, L co co G3 N 0 0 Cd I 0 0 -. Rancho.Carlsbad Rent Study year 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 0 rent $755 $755 $755 $778 $801 $825 $850 $876 $9 02 $929 $957 CPI % inc all items 3.4% 2.5% 0.0% 3.0% 0.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% CPI exc rent rent inc over CPI $560 $195 $574 $181 $591 $164 $609 $169 $627 $174 $646 $179 $666 $185 $685 $190 $706 $196 $727 $202 $749 $208 .. . - " /'I ._. I. , :. : : 11- ' ;. . I .. . z1 - - 4 03 G -h -h 3J m 3 TI 0 U A- 7 t 0 a R m 3 3 n. m x - A- - I Monthly Rent A < (0 P, 7 " - P u1. cn 4 a2 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Go cc) 0 I I I A a- g +; B i ! ! A a- a u1 + fl ./ : .-L a- a a :+ ia : i+ i 1; A a- a -4 A (Dl j+ i Ii CD 03 A a- ; +; 1 a a N 0- 0 0 r\3 0 +I :I ; 0- ft i 4: A .. 10 0- 0 Iu N 0 0 0 :+ 1: I I m 0 0 2 a co 62 I Iu 0 rl 62 w e Rancho year 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Carlsbad Rent Study-.City Staff Rent Control Proposal CPI CPI exc rent rent % inc all items rent inc over -CPI $755 3.4% 2.5% $560 $195 ,. - " $698 -7.5% 3.0% $574 $124 $719 3.0% 3.0% $591 $128 $741 3.0% 3.0% $609 $131 $763 3.0% 3.0% $627 $135 $786 3.0% 3.0% $646 $139 $809 3.0% 3.0% $666 $144 $833 3.0% 3.0% $685 ' $148 $858 3.0% 3.0% $706 $152 $884 3.0% 3.0% $727 $157 $911 3.0% 3.0% $749 $162 ," .... i. i ' 13 vt r + fff UI 0 3 0 c A - - 8 X t IS 13 m 3 rf 1: - - Monthly Rent < (D D 7 ”_ VI. VI CD CD -4 -4 00 0 01: 0 u1 0 VI Go 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CD 0 I I I A a- f + (1 a P A CD- CD 01 +j I : ._-. : A CD- CD CD I+ I i A cL)- j +a 3 A a, 00 CD +I A CD- (9 (9 N 0- 0 0 N 6- 0 ; +I t +1; ;fl ! .. A tu 0- 0 N N 0 0 0 ;I,! e 0 I I I ., A a (9 CE) Iu 0 0 G3 I .I ." 4 e a Rancho Carlsbad Rent Study- $150 Immediate Rollback Proposal . CPI CPI exc rent CPI CPI rea year rent % inc all items rent inc over CPI res rent rent inc 1993 $755 3.4% 2.5% $560 $195 -0.8% $467 1994 $605 -19.9% 3.0% $574 $31 2,3% $463 1995 $619 2.3% 3.0% $591 $28 2.3% - " $474 1996 $633 2.3% 3.0% $609 $24 2.3% $485 1997 $648 2.3% 3.0% $627 $20 2.3% $496 1998 . $663 2,3% 3.0% $646 $16 2.3% $507 1999 $678 2.3% 3.0% $666 $12 2.3% $519 2000 $693 2.3% 3.0% $685 $8 2.3% $531 2001 $709 2.3% 3.0% $706 $3 2.3% $543 2002 $726 2.3% 3.0% $727 ($2) 2.3% $555 2003 $742 2.3% 3.0% $749 ($7) 2.3% $568 ,-. s 0 0 0 cn I- z W CC Ill cc 3 I- 3 Irm 08 aI w3 W? I U d 0 0 1 0 f I. a U II 8 II cv 0 cu 0 cv "_ ; +m i -0 .. 7 -II .. -0 E 0 0 cu cn cn jl -0 i *i -z ? 8% .. -0 7" I* b ! -6) a ;I;$-: T- cc) cn ;m +i -cn im i ;+i "cn cn 1; ;+ "cn 7 Lo : .I 7 d- cn 7" m I: Ii 0 cn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lo 0 Lo 0 /Lo a. 07" 00 b. b- cc) cc) Lo .Lo 0 I I I I[ WW AIYIUOW .” 0 0 2 Rancho Carlsbad Rent Study-Homeowners Association’s Rent Stabilizatj CPI CPI exc rent CPI CPI res year rent % inc all items rent inc over CPI res rent rent inc 1992 $730 4.0% 2.8% $545 $185 0.7% $464 1993 $755 3.4% 2.5% $560 $195 -0.8% “- $467 1994 $735 -2.6% 3.0% $574 $161 2.3% $463 1995 $715 -2.7% 3.0% $591 $124 2.3% $474 1996 $695 -2.8% 3.0% $609 $86 2.3% $485 1997 $675 -2.9% 3.0% $627 $48 2.3% $496 1998 $655 -3.0% 3.0% $646 $9 2.3% $507 1999 $670 2.3% 3.0% $666 $5 , 2.3% $519 2000 $685 2.3% 3.0% $685 ($0) 2.3% $531 2001 $701 2.3% 3.0% $706 ($5) 2.3% $543 2002 $717 2.3% 3.0% $727 ($10) 2.3% $555 2003 $734 2.3% 3.0% $749 ($15) 2.3% $568 ,_ ’ c’ c 0 e STATUS OF LEASES/RENT CONTROL ELIGIBILITY AT RANCHO CARLSBAD TOTAL NO. MO/MO LEASES 238 LONG TERM LEASE EXPIRING IN: -” 1994 1995 1996 22 34 2 TOTAL SPACES BELIEVED ELIGIBLE FOR RENT CONTROL 307 LONG TERM LEASES EXPIRING IN: 1997 1998 1999 TOTAL SPACES BELIEVED CURRENTLY INELIGIBLE FOR RENT CONTROL 39 51 88 188 VACANT 19 TOTAL 504 Source: Rancho Carlsbad Tenant list (Rent Roll) from March 19 Sales Brochure on Rancho Carlsbad Country Club Estate by JCW & Associates ,. 'C - _I 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 199.2 1993 i. 0 0 COMPARISON OF ALL ITEMS CPI HOUSING AND RESIDENTIAL RENT INDICES FOR SAN DIEGO AREA CpI -& Housinq x Res. Rent A 117.5J 3.5 123.2 )zLtz/ 134.9 - -_ 3.8 123.4J 5.0 127.6 \de< i 3.6 139.3 3.4 130.6 J 5.8 133.8 ,3\d9 4.9 144.6 3.7 138.4 J 6.0 141.6 \3[?J 6.0 150.9 4.4 143.4 V' 3.6 !+A 1 I f 155.6 1.8 0 147.4 ,;/ 2.8 148.3 \Jti$ 4.7 154.7 0.7 150.6 J'2.2 149.8 yd(t3 1.0 153.4 -0.8 A 28.17 A 21.59 ave. 4.02 ave. 3.08 A 13.71 ave. 1.96 , ,, L z -a 0 0 4 c 0 cv 4 k -4 2 0 0 - " 4 m h m a, 4J kO 7 ri k a,a z m a -4 075 m m -4 4JQ) m4J &E: Ec am a, @E: -4 k a0 ma, rl E:s u dri mm CUI H ala a, rim kk OW td -4 H' ri PI 4Jd ala ma, 0% HE: plal rlk -rl mm GW tda v-c a a, tk Id 8 d m- 2; 2al E:4J i$ a 28 ua QI SE F* 4- 4J m rial E4 84 E!L H 0 x w 8g b; (t(9 C$ go ri c: -4 a,oE: -40 4Jc, 74J Pl= 4Jol Ei UUI s5 alE 4J.d cp, mk OH ka, 2 ca v5 4Juu -4 kX ax B O' a, CW E E: mE: as- nu-rl z *au r(Spl 4c,a, &a, 9 P40 u aa v)dH rloi 2-2' rs1 ,:n k$ -rl -4 E: 42 v: E:a 4J 9 mal UIE: 5 E: -d rl a,+ E+, a,& k4 0 0 E:* E @E: a0 1 ka,O 0 G:ut N4J -4 c* A A P4 Ea, hri a0 aa, ri &a arc m a,k E:C* E k aa 3tdH -4 E: -4 0 n Spl E: 4J- 70 a0 k E: 4Jv) a,kC 0 rlSm Allri up: m* s -4 &Gal 2 om OH 4J E:m X aa x am Id aa ri 0 ucu E k0 mdo -rl a-rl k a arl k -4 -4 rl 4-4b c: a, wu 4J mrl ac, F uw -4 m 0 ua,e -4 v) 0- oma, E: S E: &am 4Jm mo E: 0- Xa Oak Zc,O .. aa W E:c,o\e * Ec H 84 H PI X Ec Boo zw H P4 A caw w oou PI & g 2E.C E EEi 3 28 2 3 M P4Ec w 32 2 $E sr PI4 2 I - e e "- L m a, ad -4 c,d m a- aa c, k c, c, k hQ - u E:& m a, m -4 uac, 0 0 0 dm a -4 4 02 4Jd uj -4 a E 0Q)a a oc E: a oEm cn .a rd 70 -4 Q) -4 - E CUI E:@ 0 bE: 7 '0 s!u Q) C 3 Q)C,+,A Q) t~cdum -4 E?i c, 4JU-4 - cd krw -4ca A00 a+, E:c,cdEoo kOC k a,ka)W -doc oc,a a E: 0-4 u-4-4 a, 0 k ae a E -4 c,aa a, Q)a,uuha,cn E:& w ax kO Urn akm m-4a Oc, akwa-4 E: 4-4 "6 0Q)- @E: mda W dS Cd" WUU- da-4 ea& .Aid 0i-I a k 0 Gad @a, 5u c, da- kaa kaE: Q) Owe F;mQ)E: h *I 0 Gk-4 Q)W aa dUItJ'0 OW0 CHO m Q)c,E:mo c, a,zJx aQ)a,gcn m -4 a, u3EcaS c,E: au c,d o\E' c, k Q E:a,a)Q)G k ac3Q)Q) 9) E: u E+, a-4 a, 0) oc Q) a-da, I kok 0 '0 SOaOkSu -4SOk 0 0kOau 4JOCO E-4 a-4WaC 0 4w om % - 2 5Y m E w a, a kwd -4 ah4 k 4 -; c2 :vt m m-4 awcu a, k u oa kw Q)Gk Q)Q)OU 5m4J CIbk-dGaE9 UlIbQ) 4JF;crl + 6 Am' U-l-43aa WQ] ri 8" 0 4 Q) dkS u c-4 u m &a,& 2 B md u A. -4 m ma dOka-4 M S4d2 &a ak7 kd 'Wc, amw ooa a -4 ZE "-5%m Q)k OlkrnO 9 >mmm oma wuc, : -2 3WdSQ)a,d c,a,E - aa,Q)o a a ma+Jrn 0- t+ Empa ma,m c,ucc, c,a -44JG OF;- 4J-4 a0 ?ad!& Id-4 ICc(=IQ) 9 adh-l-la k cd -4 -4 > X-c(k4Jl-l 0 k o?Qm3 -40' 8 8 accxoa,a, 2QaEE Q) 5 5 m0k ma=Ia, 22g Q)a)QO a, -lJ e?! adla ~UUIQ) - mkm~cllr; pb .$.f:$ Y4J e 0) -4 OH an a c, -4au @a, a dEa,-VUI W hkaE:m c. a,*+, rn4a,m k Q) a -4 aluc OdkO ma &&a, k E:& $* Q dQ a4 c,m k ca Erala, ua u Q)o a,kaaO kE:kaECg a0 E a,RXO< (dum td 0 h0E F: > 0 III QUI z4J 0 c 0.4 44 cc, GdU N Q) GaJ-dra c, a oc,-li-4 rn kc, kc, 0 OUQ) o?Yrn&t rnF: -4+,\m m ld k 0.4 0 k k 3 5 *+)%I *am& 4-u 4uAaE * U-daa,u&h ouEa-4 kCC 'a u E 0 'q 0-4U.d a4Jcdo4J a& aE: m QIUI~-~E:QI~~ Ca-nOS& oa 0 aa a&+, &a kU E 00 I3 0 u w w p4 opc b p: PI m z s! GI4 3 2 uw z EE pt 0 E 3 H E i; 8 a Ec 00 0 u om a HW $( I4 '. Ec u npt u 32 8 ww 4 3 !E 4 am d* I - 0 0 $;T& ROBERTS&RO'BERTS THOMAS L. ROBERTS MA1 BEATRICE E. ROBERTS MA1 SRPA appraisal of real estate Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park Rental Study Data April 20, 1994 BY Thomas L, Roberts, MA1 3580 ADAMS AVENUE, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92116 * 619-283.5711 FAX-619.: I .I * * * - e e IGEY~~~L wrE COMPARISON - I~ICIIO crmsmu - 1994 RANCHO IAI'IKNCE PARK NAME (3RLSB.W LOCATION CARLSURD WRYH OF KEAhSIDE CARLSBAD SANTEE VALLEY CENTER RENT CONTROL NO EX) YES No No No No OF SPACES 50.2 45 7 272 333 364 222 IAGtirm LAKESHORE NEd SKYLINE WLK v1sm GARDENS FRONTIER RANCH ECONUICQ G4 SP rwrm %LEQSED 60% 100% 39% 100% 101)% 100% SPACE RENTS APPROX RANGE BASE RENT 93 $660- $891 AVERAGE $756.00 ELEC & GAS EXTRA CATV INCLUDED WR & SWR TRASH, fXC INCLUDED APPROX AVER - - - .. - . - - . . . - . $756.00 GROSS RENT RHO CARLSBAD DIFF IN PAYMENT AMOUNT DIFF AFTER NEW $52.00 ASSESSMENT EST $8U8.00 PERCENTAGE $389 - $435 $425. 00 $27.00 $155.00 $6U7 .OO MTRA IiO'lW<NElB FEE - . - - - - - - - - - - - 5756.00 $149. UU - . . - . . __ . . . - 25% $201.00 (CONTROLLED RENL-S) $337 " j475 EXTRA $383.99 $20.00 $49.34 $453.33 - - - - - - - . .. - .. - - $756.90 - .. . - . . - . - - . . - $302.67 67% $354.67 $369-$485 $445.00 FX'IVA INCLUDED INCLUDED - - " - - - - - - -. . $445.03 $756.00 - - - - - - -. - - - - $311.00 70% $363. 03 $385 - $485 EXTRA $411 .00 $21.00 $57.68 $489.68 - - . - - - - - - - - - $756 .UO - - - .. - - - - - - - - $266.32 54% $318.32 $354-$373 $360.00 wrm INCWUED WJ.'R&SEWER $20 .oo $380 .00 _"""" "_ $'l56.00 $376.00 _"""""_ 99% $428.00 AMENITIES - CLUB HOUSE EXCELLENT rxmmr GCOD GOOD EXCELLENT ( 2) GOOD SWIM POOL YES ( 2) YES YES YES YES (2) YES SPR/SUN\m YES YES YES YES YES (21 YES TENNIS YES YES YES No No No GOLF YES(L0W FEES) YES (20% OFF) No No No YES WATERSCAPE CREEK CREEK swm ws . SMALL LAKES NO N3 LANDSWING UCELLENT EXCELLENT GCOD GCOD EXCELLEWT + GOOD STREEE GOOD ESCELLEMI' GOOD GOOD EXCELLENT GOOD SPECCIRL GATE GUARDS SECIJRLTY GATE SECURI'I'Y GATE SECURITY GATE SECURITY GATE SECURITY GXrE IEATION CARLSBAD SEMI RURAL EAST KNSIDE CARLSBAD SANrEE SEMI RURAL DESCRIP'PION SUB URBAN UWAN NR BEnCN SUB URBAN ZIP CODE MEDIAN $33,313 $32,462 $24,116 $33,313 $36,295 $33,292 INCOME 1990 REMARKS WKLR wmw NR cmr ACROSS SI' NLWWIPI PAllK kDSr RURAL AW I:& i' I 1:s PENDLIXON FR SHOPPING HOMES W/GARAGE LKATION ., ' . . ., 0 0 SUBJECT MOBILE HOME PARK NAME/ADDRESS: Rancho Carlsbad 5200 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA 92008 TB GRID: 14-1 PARK TYPE: Adult ZIP CODE MEDIAN INCOME 1990: $33,313 PARK AGE: 1972 # SPACES: 504 SPACE TYPE/RATIO: Double PARK SIZE: 86 Ac. (plus golf course) DENSITY: 5.83 du/ac RENTS YEAR RANGE AVERAGE Current as of March 1, 1994 $660-$891 $756 Plus three spaces slightly over $1000 Remarks: Source rental roll in offering brochure. UTILITIES AND ADDITIONAL CHARGES: Water, sewer, trash, and CAT' included in the rent. RENT CONTROL: No LEASES/RATIO: 60% leased, 40% M to M PROJECT AMENITIES: Lake,l8-hole golf course, tennis courts, 13,500 SF clubhouse, rec center with exercise room, craft stuc enclosed shuffleboard courts, 2 saunas, shower and locker rc administration building, pool, 2 spas, horseshoe pits, and PI and BBQ area, excellent landscaping, paved roads with curbs SECURITY: GATED/PATROL(#X/DAY) Gate guards and patrols SURVEY DATE: 4/2/93, 4/29/93, 4/20/94 SOURCE ( Name/Phone #) : John Carr, Manager, Cyndee Mady Sales A! 438-0333; Chuck Gensler, Earl Munmuth, Homeowner Associ: officers, Sales Brochure REMARKS: Carlsbad is considering rent control. Resident: trying to purchase park. -. c 0 a MOBILE HOME PARK COMPARABLE NAME/ADDRESS: Lawrence Welk Resort Village TB GRID: 12-F3 8975 Lawrence Welk Drive Escondido, CA 92026 PARK TYPE: Senior ZIP CODE MEDIAN INCOME 1990: $32,346 PARK AGE: Project is over 15 years old but newly expanded SPACES: 457(14% rental) SPACE TYPE/RATIO:Double (2/3) Trpl(1 PARK SIZE: project is over 100 acres DENSITY: low RENTS YEAR RANGE AVERAGE Current as of April 1, 1994 $398-$435 $425 UTILITIES AND ADDITIONAL CHARGES: Water. sewer, trash are inch CATV is extra, currently approximately $27.00/month bz $30/month deluxe private CATV system. All spaces pay $1! homeowners fee for total average rent, with basic CATV of $27.( equals a total adjusted rent of $607/mo RENT CONTROL: No LEASES/RATIO:lOO% LENGTH: various long t HOW ADJUSTED: Annual 7% leases are transferable at sale PROJECT AMENITIES: 2 clubhouses, pools, spas, exercise 1 tennis, shuffleboard, croquet, card rooms, billiards, a Lawrence Welk facilities (20% off golf fees), exce: landscaping, paved roads with curbs, Lawrence Welk The; restaurant and motel. SECURITY: GATED/PATROL(#X/DAY) - Gated with security patrol SURVEY DATE: 3/30/93, 4/29/93, 4/20/94 SOURCE(Name/Phone #): John Oliver, Gend Norman 749-1000 REMARKS: Semi rural location, near 1-15 interchange, six north of community facilities of Escondido. -* I> .. 0 0 MOBILE HOME PARK COMPARABLE NAME/ADDRESS: Laguna Vista Mobile Home Park TB GRID: IO-B 276 North El Camino Real Oceanside, CA, 92054 PARK TYPE: Senior ZIP CODE MEDIAN INCOME 1990: $24,166 PARK AGE: 1979 # SPACESz272 SPACE TYPEjRATIO! All doubles PARK SIZE: 44 ac DENSITY: 6.18 du/ac RENTS YEAR RANGE AVERAGE Current as of July 1, 1993 $337-$475 $383.99 Remarks: 1993 rental rates and averages are City app rolls as of July 1, 1993. 'Source: City of Oceanside records UTILITIES AND ADDITIONAL CHARGES: Water, sewer, trash, maintenance and laundry are billed through at: 1989 - $34.80, - $35.38, 1991 - $36.75, 1993 - $49.34. CATV is extra. Average including water, sewer and other pass throughs of $49.34 and : CATV of $20.00/mo totals an average rent of $453.33/mo. RENT CONTROL: Yes LEASESJRATIO: 39% leased, 61% month to ' PROJECT AMENITIES: Clubhouse, with library, card room, i shuffleboard, pool, spa, RV storage, carwash, good landscaping small lakes, paved roads, tennis court. SECURITY: GATED/PATROL(#X/DAY)-Gated with nightly patrols SURVEY DATE: 3/23/93, 4/29/93 SOURCE(Name/Phone #): Lloyd and Anne Thompson, manager; Mr. Rowsmitt, Home owners association REMARKS: Near San Luis Rey Mission and Camp Pendleton 57 -) e 0 t. r MOBILE HOME PARK COMPARABLE NAME/ADDRESS: Lakeshore Gardens TB GRID: 19-C/4,5 7201 Avenida Encinas Carlsbad, CA, 92008 PARK TYPE: Senior ZIP CODE MEDIAN INCOME 1990: $33,313 PARK AGE: 1972 # SPACES:383 SPACE TYPE/RATIO: All doubles PAKK SIZE: 53 ac DENSITY: 7.4 du/ac RENTS YEAR RANGE AVERAGE Current as of March 1, 1994 $369-$485 $445 (+/- 1 Remarks: 1993 rent ranges and averages are from interview Mr. Bill McLean, manager, 1.994 rents from Donald Downs. UTILITIES AND ADDITIONAL CHARGES: Water, sewer, trash and CAT included. KENT CONTROL: No LEASES/RATIO: 100% LENGTH: 4 Yr. increase was 9% in 1990 with new leases. PROJECT AMENITIES: Clubhouse, with library, card room, pool, sauna, R'V storage, carwash, good landscaping with small 1 paved roads, pet section, SECURITY: GATED/PATROL(#X/DAY)-Gated SURVEY DATE: 3/30/93, 4/29/93, 4/20/94 SOURCE( Name/Phone #) : Bill and Leta McLean, managers; Donald I? Homeowners Association REMARKS: Excellent location, across street from shopping centc one quarter mile to beach; near Poinsettia interchange witk near La Costa golf course. HOW ADJ. 70% of Los Angeles CPI, 4%min-8%max. Last 4. i 1 b e e r MOBILE HOME PARK COMPARABLE NAME/ADDRESS: New Frontier 9255 Magnolia Ave Santee, CA, 92071 TB GRID: 48-B/4,5 PARK TYPE: Senior ZIP CODE MEDIAN INCOME 1990: $36,295 PARK AGE: 1979 # SPACES:364 SPACE TYPE/RATIO: All doubles some larger PARK SIZE: 58 ac DENSITY: 6.27 du/ac RENTS YEAR RANGE AVERAGE Current as of Jan 1, 1994 $385-$485 $411 UTILITIES AND ADDITIONAL CHARGES: Water and sewer are k through at Padre Dam Water District charges averaging $21.0 month, Most tenants (depending on lease) pay trash at $4.50/a CATV is extra. Extra pass throughs are primarily real e taxes, capital improvements, and mandated fees: 1989 - $50.09, - $42.19, 1991 - $44.95, 1993 - $57-68. Average Rent with and sewer ($21.00), pass throughs ($57.68) and an estimated CATV of $21.00/mo gives a total of $489/month. RENT CONTROL: No LEASES/RATIO: 100% LENGTH: Five tyy leases with varying terms and length of contract, most 5 years. HOW ADJ. Variable depending on one of five leases; generally 5%/year or CPI whichever is greater but most cap at 12%. PROJECT AMENITIES: Clubhouses (2) one smoking, one non smc with library, card rooms, pools (2), spas (2), sauna, RV st( carwash, excellent landscaping (9 acres), paved roads, pet sec tennis court. SECURITY: GATED/PATROL(#X/DAY)-Gated with nightly patrols SURVEY DATE: 2/23/93, 4/29/93, 9/1/93 SOURCE( Name/Phone #) : Thomas Parr, manager, park records, App of park by Thomas L. Roberts MA1 for the City of Santee, REMARKS: Manufactured housing, most with garages. Adjoins t Diego River. q. f P r: e e t A t MOBILE HOME PARK COMPARABLE NAME/ADDRESS: Skyline Ranch Country Club TB GRID: 12N-D4/5 18218 Paradise Mountain Road Valley Center, CA 92082 PARK TYPE: Adult ZIP CODE MEDIAN INCOME 1990: $33,292 PARK AGE: 1970 # SPACES:222 SPACE TYPE/RATIO: Most double! PARK SIZE: 86 ac DENSITY: 2.46 du/ac RENTS : YEAR RANGE AVERAGE Current as of July 1, 1993 $354-$373 $360 (+/- 1 Remarks: Source: Virginia Johnson resale manager. 1989 I are actual base. Adjustments are to be CPI increase over basf are approximately 4% per year. UTILITIES AND ADDITIONAL CHARGES: Trash and CATV are inch water and sewer are $20/month. Rent includes all golf fees. RENT CONTROL: No LEASES/RATIO: 100% LENGTH:lOYr.(1999 HOW ADJ. Yr.CP1 PROJECT AMENITIES: Executive golf course, clubhouse, pool, SPi storage, carwash, good landscaping, paved roads SECURITY: GATED/PATROL(#X/DAY)-Gated SURVEY DATE: 3/30/93, 4/29/93, 4/20/94 SOURCE(Name/Phone #): Virginia Johnson, resale mgr.749-3233, 1 Sidwell bookkeeper