HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-05-10; City Council; 12700; PRESENTATION FROM CITIZENS FOR MIRAMAR6 I Q g a: 9 z 0 F 0 4 d 2 2 0 0 $. Clm OF CARLSBAD - AGEWA BILL AB # Id! 9 00 TITLE: PRESENTATION FROM DEP’ MTG, &-io- 9f CITIZENS FOR MIRAMAR CI TI DEPT. CM CITY RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive presentation from Citizens for Miramar regarding relocation of Charles A. Lindb Miramar and adopt Resolution No. ?Y- I@ if City Council chooses to do : IT€.?? U(PSA?IATION: The Mayor and City Council have received a request from Citizens for Miramar to be plal Council agenda so that they may give a brief presentation on the potential relocation 1 Lindbergh Field to Miramar. A resolution supporting the June advisory vote on the is been prepared by Citizens for Miramar for Council consideration and is attached as E The City’s 1994 Legislative Platform does not specifically address the use of Mirama commercial airport. The Platform section dealing with this issue supports legislation encourage the continued evaluation of alternatives for an international airport in thr region. As of April 25, 1994, the cities of Oceanside, Escondido, San Marcos, Vista, Chula V Beach, and Lemon Grove have adopted resolutions supporting the June advisory vote Staff from the cities of Del Mar, Encinitas and La Mesa have indicated that their City Coi be taking action on the Citizens for Miramar’s request. The SANDAG Board of Directors to consider the matter at their May 27, 1994 meeting. FISCAL IMPACT: None EXHl BIT 1. Letter from Citizens for Miramar 2. Resolution No. qq- /d& 3. Letter from Supervisor Pam Slater, Third District EbnL5L.l LVU. I .. REFERREDYO CilY M" fQW RESPONs 0 Date: 3.-/y -4, ; 4 The Honorable Bud Lewis, Mayor Honorable Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive March 8,1994 Carlsbaa, CA 92006 RE! Presentation to the Mayor and City Council Dear Mayor Lewis and Council Members: - _* "- f of Citizens fw ming City Council age we would greatly appreciate tfie opportunity to be placed on a make a brief presentation on the economic, noise, safetv. and ating Charles A. Lindbergh Field to Miramar. Citizens for t the Council adopt a resolution supporting the June 7 ballot measur Enclosed is a draft, sample resolution. For the first time in the history of the region, the community will have an opportunity to vote thei views on the issue of siting a world class international airport. The following measure will appea on the June 7,1994 ballot, "The people of San Diego do hereby reaffirm their strong support for the continued presence of tl US. Military in the Sm Diego region. However, if the US. Government decides to make NAS every efsort to relocate Charles A. Lindbergh International Airport to Miramar? r' Community consensus is needed. Citizens for Miramar is a non-profit coalition supported by a broad based coalition of community leaders, business people, environmentalists, developers, academia, elected officials, several retired high military officials including two-star Major Gener Cooke, three-star Lieutenant General Krulak, US. Navy Admiral Raymond Burk and many otheI supporters and volunteers county-wide. A vibrant regional quality of life is inherently linked to flourishing economic opportunities and tl establishing a legitimate international airport at Miramar is essential to insuring the county's participation in global air passenger service, tourism and international trade. Elimination of fligk safety and technical restrictions associated with the existing airport in urgently needed. Simply stated, San Diego County needs an airport for the 21st Century and Lindbergh Field is not and cannot be that airport. Please feel free to call Jim Bartell at 687.7012 or me at 231.3800. Miramar available for civilian airport use, then should all government ofSlcials cooperate to mak 501 West Broadway, Suite 2020 Sun Diego, CA 921 01 e 61 9/687-5547 FAX 61 9/687-7007 L I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo I’ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ’’ 26 27 28 __ ___ - - - - . - - - 0 0 RESOLUTION NO.94-128 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY C CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA TO ENDORSE AND SUPPORT Tt JUNE, 1994 MIRAMAR ADVISORY BALLOT MEASURE AND 1 DESIGNATE MIRAMAR AS THE PREFERRED SITE FOR THE SI DIEGO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT WHEREAS, the City of San Diego, the County of San Diego, and other governmen agencies in the San Diego Region have been searching for new ways of providing bet airport service for the region, and, as a result of the search, the County Board Supervisors have placed an advisory measure on the June 1994 ballot to determine feasibility of Miramar as the preferred site for the San Diego International Airport; and WHEREAS, the City of San Diego Progress Guide and General Plan for airport! to support continued designation of Lindbergh Field as an airport and to pur! aggressively the use of NAS Miramar as the region’s air carrier airport if all or a mi portion of NAS Miramar is no longer required for national defense; and WHEREAS, the significant noise and safety deficiencies at Lindbergh Field inclua that it does not meet FAA minimum standards for lower minimum visibility approaches, i that pilots are not able to use precision approach instruments when landing on the prir approach runway; and, WHEREAS, the inevitable and increasing problem of traffic congestion, both gro and air, is approaching gridlock at Lindbergh Field; and, WHEREAS, in today’s global market, the region will require a full-service airport if to sustain in the 21st century a vibrant economy offering attractive employment, a sc environment, and an enviable quality of life; and WHEREAS, the San Diego International Airport should be located in the geograr ///I/ ///I/ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 a a center of the travelling public of San Diego County, in keeping with the California Transportation Plan, and to provide the best ground access; and, WHEREAS, the San Diego International Airport should be located in the geographi center of the air freight market to enhance economic visibility and diminish road congestic associated by truck traffic; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad i follows: That the City of Carlsbad supports and endorses the June, 1994 Miramar Advisc Ballot Measure stating: “The people of San Diego do hereby reaffirm their strong support for 1 continued presence of the U.S. Milita y in the San Diego region. Waw@v@l the US. Government decides to make NAS Miramar available for civilian airp use, then, should a// government officials cooperate to make every effort relocate Charles A. Lindbergh International Airport to Miramar?” NOW, THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Carlsbad suppc Miramar as the preferred site for the region’s international airport and urges all neighbor cities to support and endorse the June, 1994 Miramar Advisory Ballot Measure. 11/11 11/11 11/11 l/lll /I/// 11/11 I//// IIIIJ ////I ///I/ I//// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 l2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 10th day of MAY 1994, by the followii vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Nygaard and Finnila NOES: Council Member Stanton ABSENT: None ATTEST: AL~AFRAU~N (SEAL) ) EXHIBIT NO e 0 d f i PAM SLATER CHAIRWOMAN SUPERVISOR, THIRD DISTRICT SAN DIEGO COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS April 26, 1994 Councilmember Julie Nygaard City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Councilmember Ny bdb ar I am writing this letter to you today to request that as a member of the SANDAG Bo: of Directors you choose not to take a position on Proposition A. In this way, the SAND, Scope of Work and the Needs Assessment performed by SANDAG’s Air Transportat Committee will remain an independent report. This action will also allow SANDAG to stay above the political rhetoric surrounding i siting of a new airport. A vote to support or oppose Proposition A defeats bc purposes. Opponents and the proponents of Miramar will likely use a position vote your board to their political advantage. Supporters will point to the vote as endorsement of Miramar, while the opponents will use a vote by the SANDAG boarc undermine the value of the scope of work and the needs assessment. By taking a position on Proposition A you may have at first believed that you were sim endorsing an advisory measure asking the public’s wishes should the military le; Miramar. But after careful review of the facts, we now know this is not the ca Proponents of an international airport at Miramar have clearly stated their intention to i the June advisory vote to influence the BRAC process to move the Marines out Miramar. Given that neither a needs assessment, nor an economic study have bc completed, it is chillingly premature for SANDAG to lend a hand to this effort. As an elected representative you would carefully consider all the facts before siting approach when considering the region as a whole. Of course, you still have the opt to endorse individually, or as a city, allowing SANDAG to remain above the political fr airport within the boundaries of your own city. I am asking that you now take the sa COUtCY ADMINISTRATION CEMER 1603 PACIFIC HIGHWAY * ROOM 335 SAN DIEGO, CA 92101-2470 (619) 531-5533 TOLL FREE 800-852-7334 @ Printed on recycled paper t * e m I know that taking a neutral position is difficult for a leader such as yourself accustomt to stepping up to the plate to get the job done. It is also difficult not to support a projc that is being touted as visionary. However, it also takes courage not to be swept up the issue to allow your organization time to assemble the facts. Siting a new airport, rebuilding Lindbergh Field is possible, but only if we work together in a logic reasonable and factual approach to the public good. I urge you not to take a position on Proposition A. Sincerely, Y- &LL PAM SLATER Supervisor Third District