HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-05-16; City Council; 594-4; AB 2007 updatePARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL AB2007 UPDATE (INFO) MTG._ DEPT. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept and file staff report. ITEM EXPLANATION; Pursuant to the Parks and Recreation Commission action on March 21, 1994, staff submitted project selections and priority listings for the proposed San Diego County Regional Park and Open Space District (AB2007) to the City Council for their approval. The project priority listing, as well as the selection of Commissioner's Ward and Schulberg (replacing Holmes) to the Citizens' Advisory Committee were subsequently approved by Council (Exhibit 1). Staff submitted the project(s) detail (Exhibit 2) to the County Department of Parks and Recreation for consideration on March 24, 1994. Also, in accordance with Council direction, a letter was prepared (Exhibit 3) and sent to the County Board of Supervisor's (via Slater) outlining the Council's concern as it relates to the lack of veto power or inability of local jurisdictions to opt out of the formation of such a district if they so choose; and to encourage the Board of Supervisors to delay further processing of AB2007 until other issues could be resolved as well. On April 14, 1994 a meeting of the County Park Director's was held to discuss the results of the assessment Engineer findings and the County's allocation formula for distribution of funds generated as a result of the proposed Assessment District (Exhibit 4). In essence, under the County's formula, Carlsbad's allocation, based upon an average of $15 per parcel, per year, assessment would generate between 2.0 - 2.3 million for project funding plus $800,000 - $920,000 for maintenance/operation costs over the 20 year assessment cycle. By way of comparison, if Carlsbad were to initiate a similar assessment for project funding to be used and allocated solely within Carlsbad, approximately $10-14 million would be generated over a 20 year period. As of May 2, 1994, it is now our understanding through communication with County Park and Recreation Department staff that provisions have been made which allow local jurisdictions the option of joining the ballot measure to fund local projects at an approximate rate of $15 per parcel per year. However, if a local jurisdiction chooses not to pursue local project funding, an approximate fee of $8-9 per parcel per year will be assessed regardless, in order to fund regional projects. Staff will continue to inform the Commission regarding this issue as events unfold. To date, Carlsbad's position remains one of seeking to initiate changes to the legislation in order to provide local jurisdictions the ability to opt completely out of the formation of such a District including funding for local or regional projects. 18 PAGE 2, AB #_ EXHIBIT; 1. City Council Agenda Bill #12,649 - Proposed San Diego County Regional Park and Open Space District 2. Letter dated 3/24/94 - Project Summary Forms/AB2007 3. Letter dated 3/28/94 - Ann Rast, San Diego County Dept. of Parks & Rec. 4. Assessment Engineer Results 19 CITY OF CARLSBAD — AGENDA BILL zo oz Ooo AB# /V°w? MTG. «-5-<tH DEPT. tfVe PROPOSED SAN DIEGO COUNTY REGIONAL PARK AND OPEN SPACE DISTRICT (AB2007) DEPT. HD. £jg CITY ATTY(Sl_ CITY MGRP§EL RECOMMENDED ACTION: Consider the Parks and Recreation Commissions recommendations for project selections and Citizen Advisory Committee representation for AB2007. If Council concurs, direct staff to submit recommendations to the San Diego County Department of Parks and Recreation for further consideration in the processing of a proposed San Diego County Regional Park and Open Space District. ITEM EXPLANATION; During the March 8, 1994 meeting, the City Council directed staff to return to the Parks and Recreation Commission for a recommendation on project selections and Citizen Advisory Committee representation relative to the proposed San Diego County Regional Park and Open Space District AB2007 (Exhibit 1). Pursuant to Council direction, staff returned to the Commission on March 21,1994. After staff presentation and Commission discussion, the Commission unanimously (5-0) supported previous Council action which directed staff to: • Prepare a letter to the County Board of Supervisors seeking postponement of the establishment of a Regional Park and Open Space District until there is consensus among local jurisdictions regarding the decision making authority as it relates to issues within the structure of the legislation. • Develop revisions to the legislation which would allow local jurisdictions a choice of participation or exclusion from such a district. In addition, acknowledging project selection and submittal as a precautionary measure, the Commission unanimously (5-0) recommended that the following projects be submitted for consideration. The projects are listed in order of priority. 1. City-wide Trail System 2. Buena Vista Lagoon/Hosp Grove Improvements/Trail System 3. Carrillo Ranch 4. Park Rehabilitation Stagecoach Community Park (150,000) Holiday Park (50,000) Maxton Brown (25,000) Levante (40,000) Pine (180,000)20 $3,600,000 3,900,000 3,400,000 445,000 EXHIBIT 1 PAGE 2, AB *_ 5. Community Center/Gymnasium 6.000.000 (NW Quadrant) Total $17.345.000 The Commission also recommended that Commissioners' Ward and Holmes be considered for selection to the Citizens Advisory Committee relating to AB2007 (Exhibit 2). FISCAL IMPACT; Submittal of priority project listings will not guarantee selection of projects to be funded. Rather, each project will be screened for specific criteria such as regional significance and the ability to fund those projects within the fiscal parameters of the total bond amount made available by the county-wide assessment. As of this date, benefit assessment engineers have yet to determine the number of parcels subject to assessment and at what rate each parcel would be assessed. Although it has been estimated that an average $12-15 assessment per parcel per year would generate between $204-250 million county-wide over 20 years, no allocation formula has been determined for receipt of benefit to local jurisdictions in terms of project funding. EXHIBITS; 1. City of Carlsbad Agenda Bill #12619 - March 8, 1994 2. Parks and Recreation Commission Summary Report - March 21, 1994 21 March 24, 1994 TO: ANNE RAST FROM: Senior Management Analyst PROJECT SUMMARY FORMS/AB2007 Attached are the selected projects as requested for the proposed San Diego County Regional Open Space and Park District. I will be sending original copies of the Project Summary Requests shortly under separate cover. The listing received Parks and Recreation Commission approval on March 21, 1994 and is anticipated to go to City Council on April 5, 1994. If you should have any questions please contact me at 434-2825. KEITH BEVERLY c: Community Services Director 22 EXHIBIT 2 PROJECT NAME: City-Wide Trail System • $3,800,000 (Priority PROJECT DESCRIPTION: In order to establish a city-wide trail system which would provide inter-city connections as well as intra-city connections with Oceanside, Vista, San Marcos, and Encinitas, the City of Carlsbad must purchase approximately 55 acres of land. The acquisition would provide for approximately 23 miles of a total trail system of 74 miles. Non-city acquisition of the trail system (51 miles) would be provided by private development. The acquisition cost for the City to purchase land for the 23 miles of trails is approximately $1,600,000. The amount of funds necessary to construct the trail system is approximately $2,200,000. Annual maintenance for the total trail system (74 miles) is estimated at $500,000. LOCATION: Throughout Carlsbad FUNDING: Acquisition - $1,600,000 Design & Construction - $2,200,000 Maintenance - $500,000/yr. Estimates by - Wallace Roberts & Todd & Economics Research and Associates MANAGING AGENCY: City of Carlsbad GENERAL CATEGORIES: Regional facility which benefits a large area of the District. Includes open space, park, recreation, wildlife, trail program. SUPPORT GROUPS: Development community and homeowner associations. Implementation of this system would eliminate the burden of maintenance of trails systems if the City would assume ownership of private trail systems within private developments in order to establish a city-wide trail system. OPPOSITION: None COMMENTS: Exhaustive studies and research have been performed on the proposed establishment of a city-wide trail system in Carlsbad and is documented and outlined in detail in the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan prepared by the City of Carlsbad by Wallace Roberts & Todd in June 1992. Lack of a funding source to implement the study and acquire, develop, and maintain the system is a major impediment to the realization of this recreational amenity at this time. FORM COMPLETED BY: Keith Beverly - 434-2825 I I I I i I i _ J i _ I L I » J i.. I 1 i e CARLSBAD TRAIL SYSTEM CITY OF CARLSBAD Open Spacn & Conservation Resource Management P'an JUNE 1992 CansbM Trail Sy»t«m Equeslnan Trail FIGURE 9 PROJECT NAME: Buena Vista Lagoon/Hosp Grove Improvements/Trail System - $3,900,000 (Priority #2) PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This project will develop passive recreational opportunities throughout Hosp Grove (a city-owned 75± acre Eucalyptus forest). The project extends approximately 2 miles westward by a linkage system consisting of a boardwalk adjacent to the Buena Vista Lagoon with observation decks. The linkage system connects with another city-owned park (Maxton Brown) and also provides observation decks over the Buena Vista Lagoon. Ultimately, the Buena Vista Lagoon/Hosp Grove improvements/trail system terminates at the Pacific Ocean immediately adjacent to the Buena Vista Lagoon where plans are to purchase an existing 3± acre parcel of currently undeveloped land and develop the existing parcel to create a passive park setting. LOCATION: Northwestern Carlsbad extending from Hosp Grove (vicinity of Plaza Camino Real) to the Pacific Ocean (refer to attached map). FUNDING: $3,900,000 includes the cost of design, inspection, construction, and acquisition of approximately 3± acres. The amount was determined and identified as a result of an extensive Northwest Quadrant Park Enhancement Study prepared over several years by City staff and community organizations. The study recently gained approval of the City Council and is awaiting funds in order to proceed with implementation. Annual maintenance is estimated at $195,000 based on $2,500 per acre x 78 acres. MANAGING AGENCY: City of Carlsbad GENERAL CATEGORIES: Regional facilities which benefit large areas of the District. Includes, open space, park, recreation, wildlife, coastal and trail program. SUPPORT GROUPS: Buena Vista Autobon Society, Northwest Quadrant Citizen Group OPPOSITION: None COMMENTS: This proposed project comes as a result of several years of planning to help improve the recreational opportunities in the City's Northwest Quadrant which is the oldest and therefore most built-out quadrant of the City. Park-in-lieu funding for new recreational features within this part of town is for the most part non-existent. The proposed Regional Open Space and Park District presents an ideal funding source in that it would provide almost immediate funding. 25 DETAIL SAN DIEGO C0.1 cOCEAN 27 PROJECT NAME: Carrillo Ranch - $3,400,000 (Priority PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This project involves the development and restoration of 10.5 acres of the Carrillo Ranch currently identified on the National Register of Historic Places. Additional park land development will include the recently dedicated 16.4 acres. Total park site is 26.9 acres. Funding for park development design work is currently available in the City's 1993-94 Capital Improvement Program Budget and park design work is scheduled to begin in the 4th quarter of 1993. Design and future development plans are anticipated to include rehabilitation to existing structures, landscaping, parking areas, restrooms, walkways, large group picnic facilities, and tot lots. The general theme for development of this park will be passive in nature with the option for interpretive programming. To date, the Carrillo ranch has received over $500,000 to implement a structure stabilization report and maintenance manual prepared by Milford Wayne Donaldson. The majority of funding to date has been received through the approval of grants from the State Office of Historic Preservation. Additional funding is necessary to complete the structure stabilization and continued restoration work. Funds for continued restoration may become available if the CALPAW initiative is successful in June 1994. LOCATION: Carlsbad - see attached. FUNDING: Funding of $3,400,000 will include construction and inspection. Figures are based upon average park construction cost per acre of $125,000. Annual maintenance is estimated at $300,000 based on 10,000 per acre x 26.9 acres and $31,000 per year for Building Maintenance. MANAGING AGENCY: City of Carlsbad GENERAL CATEGORIES: Regional facilities which benefit every parcel in the District. Diverse historic and cultural resources, open space, park, recreation, wildlife, and trails (major trail destination). SUPPORT GROUPS: Carlsbad Historic Society, Friends of Carrillo Ranch OPPOSITION; None COMMENTS: The Carrillo Ranch has the potential to attract visitation from throughout the County and should be considered of highly regional significance. FORM COMPLETED BY: Keith Beverly - 434-2825 28 PROJECT NAME: Park Rehabilitation - Stagecoach Park, Holiday Park, Maxton Brown Park, Levante School/Park and Pine Field School/Park - $445,000 (Priority #4) PROJECT DESCRIPTION: These rehabilitation projects will provide for necessary upgrades to existing irrigation systems, the ability to replace existing or pre-existing playground equipment which to date has gone unfunded due to budget constraints. Modifications to meet ADA requirements. Repair and/or replace activity play field lighting, etc. LOCATION: Carlsbad - see attached. FUNDING: Cost estimates were prepared by department staff and includes acquisition, installation, and inspection. MANAGING AGENCY: City of Carlsbad GENERAL CATEGORY: Neighborhood facilities which benefit smaller, more local areas of the District but which are still regionally significant interms of providing park and recreational opportunities. SUPPORT GROUPS: La Costa Youth Organization, Little League, Pop Warner, Leucadia-La Costa Soccer Club, Carlsbad Soccer Club. OPPOSITION: None COMMENTS: Funding from AB 2007 is the only source of funding at this time which could be available to provide rehabilitation funding in light of recent budget cuts over the past several years. FORM COMPLETED BY: Keith Beverly - 434-2825 30 ^^^ ^^j| ^^| «^^^ ft^u IU^H| •OD 093IQ DL1A1L SAN DIEGO CO. ?v^';^«^ PROJECT NAME: Community Center/Gymnasium (Northwest Quadrant) - $6,000,000 - (Priority #5) PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This project will provide for the acquisition of land and the construction of a community center/gymnasium in the City's Northwest Quadrant. Staff is estimating the acquisition of 7-10 acres and the development of a 25,000 square foot community center/gymnasium. LOCATION: Northwest Quadrant of Carlsbad within the Barrio area or in close proximity to it. FUNDING: 10 acres at $300,000 per acre = $3,000,000 25,000 square feet x $120 per square foot = 3.000.000 Total $6.000.000 Acquisition price is based upon the average fair market value of land costs in the Northwest Quadrant. It is also based upon actual previous City land acquisition costs within the quadrant. Building construction costs are based upon actual development expense experienced by previous community center/gymnasium development. Total funding request would also include parking areas, landscaping, design and inspection requirements. Annual maintenance is estimated at $250,000 based on actual cost of similiar facilities currently in operation. MANAGING AGENCY: City of Carlsbad GENERAL CATEGORIES: Neighborhood facility which benefits smaller, more local areas of the District but which are still regionally significant in terms of providing youth, teen and gang diversion by creating and providing for recreational opportunities for potentially at Risk Youth populations. SUPPORT GROUPS: Carlsbad Barrio Association OPPOSITION: None COMMENTS: The Development of a community center/gymnasium in the Northwest Quadrant was approved by the City Council as a result of a several year study involving tremendous citizen input on ways in which to enhance park and recreational development within the Northwest Quadrant of the City. A community center/gymnasium is one of many recreational enhancement amenities which was approved as part of that study. Although funding for its construction is not available for many years, the formation of a regional park and open space district (AB2007) would assist in the recent Council decision to develop the center in a more expeditious time frame as that which is identified in the Northwest Quadrant Park Enhancement Study. FORM COMPLETED BY: Keith Beverly - 434-2825 33 •03 093IQ iivno Citv of Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Department March 28, 1994 Anne Rast San Diego County Dept. of Parks and Recreation 520 Ruffin Road, Suite P San Diego, CA 92123-1699 Dear Anne, Attached is a copy of a letter sent to Pam Slater by Carlsbad's Mayor Lewis on behalf of the City Council. The letter comes as a result of recent Council action regarding the proposed San Diego County Regional Park and Open Space District (AB2007). Because of your involvement with AB2007,1 wanted to make sure that you are apprised of this information. I would appreciate it if you would also share this information with Bob Copper as well. If you should have any questions, please feel free to. contact me at 434- 2825. Thar Keith Beverly Senior Management Analyst KB:jm Attachment c: David Bradstreet - Community Services Director 35 EXHIBIT r 120O Carlsbad Village Drive • Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 • (619)434-2824 O City of Carlsbad Office of the Mayor March 23, 1994 Pam Slater, Chairperson San Diego County Board of Supervisors Room 335, County Administration Center 1600 Pacific Highway San Diego, CA 92101 AB 2007 PROPOSED SAN DIEGO COUNTY REGIONAL PARK AND OPEN SPACE DISTRICT Dear SUjrfei^c-f Slater: On March 8,1994, City staff presented the issue of a proposed San Diego County Regional Park and Open Space District (AB 2007) to our City Council. While the Carlsbad City Council applauds the efforts of Dede Alpert and yourself in recognizing and acting to develop innovative ways to enhance and finance the development and acquisition of regionally significant open space, park, and recreational programs, we do have a number of concerns relating to the legislation adopted by Assembly Bill 2007. Principally, our concern lies in the lack of veto power or inability of local jurisdictions to opt out of the formation of such a District if they so choose. In light of existing service programs currently assessed against local property owners, coupled with a number of pending local or County-wide service areas such as the 800 MHz public safety communication system, the Carlsbad Council has serious concerns about the cumulative impact of those assessments. In an era when implementing assessments to create alternative methods of financially supporting existing or new services, the elected officials of local jurisdictions must be careful to prioritize the funding efforts. Otherwise, assessment funding runs the risk of becoming over burdensome and subject to the dissent of the local populace. Additional concerns of our Council pertain to the processing of AB 2007 which is being facilitated by the San Diego Department of Parks and Recreation. Although processing Is proceeding at an accelerated rate with or without the support of local jurisdictions, there is, in fact, an obvious lack of consensus among those jurisdictions throughout the County. Before moving forward with establishment of the district, regional consensus should be developed among elected officials. Accordingly, our Council feels the timing and current efforts to put the issue on the November 1994 ballot is premature. 36 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive • Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 • (619) 434-2830 • FAX (619) 720-9461 O Supervisor Pam Slater March 24, 1994 Page 2 The City of Carlsbad is open to the concept of providing additional funding mechanisms to address regional park and open space issues in San Diego, and we would support continued dialogue between local agencies. However, we encourage the Board of Supervisors to delay further processing of AB 2007 until issues relating to veto power for any binding assessment requirement upon independent jurisdictions can be resolved to include greater local jurisdiction involvement and control. Therefore, on behalf of the City Council, J am requesting your assistance and that of Assemblywoman Deirdre "Cede" Alpert to address these issues and initiate changes to the legislation to require consent of the local agency before the issue is placed before the voter of a city. I will be contacting you to further discuss these legislative changes. Attached for your information is the agenda bill which was presented for our Carlsbad City Council's consideration. After staff presentation and Council discussion, the recommended action was unanimously supported (5-0). Sincerely, (UDE A. "Bud" LEWIS Mayor ma Attachment c: Mayors and City Managers in San Diego County Executive Director of SANDAG Deirdre "Dede" Alpert - Assemblywoman 78 District 37 •.nu U oua. O LJt/) a) -C eo Uc CITY /*P CARLSBAD — AGEND/SpiLL AB# /<?,4/<? MTG. .^-« •r;t/ JDEPT. TITLE: PROPOSED SAN DIEGO COUNTY REGIONAL PARK AND OPEN-SPACE DISTRICT DEPT. HDJ^g^ , CITY ATTY_^^Vj CITY MGR?^^_ Co• i-4 tt C 3 Or—l -,-1 O U1 C (/) x: ctJ O •H -H i O -i •r-4 Uu ajnj DC -OC01 oU0) (X. tDu >w -a •n TJ41 m> uO 01l-i T3CL-Ha. tonj co •H U •HU 4)C J33O O O Oz RECOMMENDED ACTION: Direct staff to: 1. Prepare a letter to the County Board of Supervisors seeking postponement of the establishment of a Regional Park and Open Space District until there is consensus among local jurisdictions regarding the decision making authority as it relates to issues within the structure of the legislation. 2. Develop revisions to the legislation which would allow local jurisdictions a choice of participation or exclusion from such a district. 3. Return to the Parks and Recreation Commission for a recommendation on project selections and citizen advisory committee representation. ITEM EXPLANATION: In September 1993, the State Legislature passed AB 2007 which was authored by Assemblywoman Dede Alpert at the request of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors. The purpose of the legislation was to provide a regional funding mechanism to address the impacts of recent budget cuts to San Diego County's local park agencies (Exhibit 1). Assembly Bill 2007 is the enabling legislation that allows San Diego County to place a measure on the November 1994 Ballot, and if successful, would establish a county-wide benefit assessment district for acquisition and improvement of land for park, open space, and recreational purposes. In addition, a percentage of project funding would be allocated to offset maintenance costs. The ballot measure would require a majority vote for approval. Through the monthly County-wide Park and Recreation Directors' meetings, department staff was informed of AB 2007 several months ago. Although the county is the lead agency behind the implementation of this ballot measure, it is being spearheaded by the San Diego County Department of Parks and Recreation. All local park and recreation jurisdictions have been asked to support this effort via endorsements by respective boards, commissions, and city councils. Local jurisdictions have also been asked to submit possible projects for funding under the proposed assessment and have been requested to supply names of individuals/organizations which would compose a citizen's advisory group whose primary function would be to generate county-wide support for AB 2007. o 38 PAGE 2 OF AB#o To date, department staff has kept the City Manager's office apprised of the county's efforts to facilitate AB 2007 (Exhibits 3 & 4). In addition, staff has submitted a preliminary list of projects to be funded with the caveat that the list is unofficial at this time pending endorsement by the City Council (Exhibit 2). The issue of AB 2007 and the preliminary project list has been presented to the Parks and Recreation Commission as an informational item only, and staff has continued to maintain a noncommittal posture towards support of AB 2007. However, the county's efforts to expedite the proposed legislation with or without the support of several jurisdictions throughout the county, is proceeding at an accelerated rate in order to guarantee placement on the November Ballot. While from a staff perspective we are open to the concept of providing additional funding mechanisms to address park and open space issues in San Diego, we have serious concerns as it relates to a binding assessment requirement upon independent jurisdictions. Currently, the legislation provides no veto power for local jurisdictions to opt out of the District. Notwithstanding a city's desire to participate, an assessment could be levied against all parcels in that city regardless of any benefit which may or may not be received. In other words, if a city chooses not to support or participate in the District, an assessment could be imposed anyway with no benefit gained in terms of local project funding. Furthermore, the decision making authority relating to issues in the structure of the legislation rests solely with the County Board of Supervisors. Staff would submit that perhaps a more prudent approach to the decision making authority for such things as program administration, administration cost recovery, allocation formula (s) etc. be expanded to include greater city involvement and control. Therefore, staff is recommending continued dialogue between local agencies and to encourage the Board of Supervisors to delay further processing of AB 2007 until issues relating to veto power and decision making ' authority can be further resolved. However, as a precautionary measure staff is recommending conceptual approval of a list of proposed city projects to include: 1. City-Wide Trail System $3,600,000 2. Buena Vista Lagoon/Hosp Grove 3,900,000 Improvements/Trail System 3. Park Rehabilitation 445,000 • Stagecoach Community Park $150,000 • Holiday Park 50,000 • Maxton Brown 25,000 • Levante 40,000 . Pine 180,000 4. Community Center/Gymnasium (NW Quad.) 3,000,000 39 PAGE 3 OF AD#c o FISCAL IMPACT: The specific projects selected to appear within AB 2007 will be submitted by the local jurisdictions and will ultimately be selected by the Citizen's Advisory Committee. A Benefit Assessment Engineer will determine fees based upon those projects and other associated costs (i.e. maintenance, administration, etc.). The project selections and funding for those projects go to the County Board of Supervisors for a public meeting. The project package would then be placed on the Ballot. Although preliminary at this time, recent polling efforts have targeted a $12-$15 assessment per parcel per year for a period of approximately twenty (20) years. It is estimated that assessment would generate between $204-$250 million county wide. The exact benefit to Carlsbad in terms of project funding and maintenance dollars is unavailable at this time as project selection has not occurred and allocation formula(s) have not been determined. Exclusive of AB 2007, the City currently funds three (3) service programs through the assessment district funding mechanism at a cost of approximately $81.00 per single family household per year (street lighting, median, and street tree maintenance). In light of existing and pending assessments, Council may wish to further evaluate the cumulative impact of additional assessments such as that proposed under the Regional Park and Open Space District. In conclusion, Carlsbad currently has an extensive fee program, and unlike many cities, based upon those fees, the City has a comprehensive park development program as outlined in the City's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) budget. Any project funding made available by AB 2007 could serve to augment CIP funding or provide a source of funding for anticipated park, recreational and/or open space projects which have yet to secure funding. EXHIBITS: 1. San Diego County Regional Park and Open-Space District Fact Sheet 2. Memo to Robert Copper, County Parks 8t Recreation Director - September 21, 1993 3. Memo to Assistant City Manager - December 20, 1993 4. Memo to City Manager - January 14, 1994 40 'P ~ ' /^ ' ; X VI 'San Pasqual High School Athletic FacilitiesRehab Hidden Valley Middle School Athletic FCity wide Trails developmentDevelopment of 30 acre Community ParkDevelopment of Municipal Swimming PoolOpen Space Acquisition20% for Maintenance & Operations, a>i I Q. 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N) iCJ -* O O O O) §•§§§§§ ) i i i i ; i ! j ;San Dieguito Regional Soccer Complexu §1 Oakcrest Regional Park Development_^ o § IQ' C3o o -n0)o O §• 1 ^. </|i i i | i i ! ; iz 2 '-J 1 b — : !KL CAJON1 ~-J - 2 i i ! i 2 i ^ \ • vli . —is i i i ii i ICOKONADOXi '* 2 1 1 1 ^ •U ' hJ ' jt '* M* 1 1 | i 1 1 1 1 CAKI.SUAI)(I,X: W/« of 2.0 M over 20 yrsCity-Wide Trail SystemRuena Vista Lagoon Hosp Grove ImprovpmenCarrilto RanchPnrk Rehab/. Slagcconcli.Holiday.M.ixton BroCommunity Cenler/Gymnasium (Northwest Qi•a * vf| = 3 5 ;~^ ^ M ~ ^ J^ — ^ "»1 ' w • 2 ^710 3 r hj £ r -(- 3: f. i : ••=•--H __ * > J ' '5 5 • ': '/>'v> » *.o i ' • -, s;S ' 2 i 5 ; -3 i _ , a : 5-i i O O^ i | n : ^. i 5 '. — ' ' ' ^ ' : -(- K< ! ' VIce.* >»^ ^J ! O> p CJ ' U • U S 1 '^ i§ i§ 8 ! . I | ; | ' . 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Pacific Beach Lifeguard Station Replacemea 1 Lifeguard/Coastal Division Headquarters ReconOcean Beach Lifeguard Facility ReplacementMission Bay Headquarters Boat Dock</» § 5' ii ^ i i i . : '• ' i i i ! o Q? tn ojo o j !i ! i ! 1 ' 1 i [Pacific Beach Lifeguard Facility Replacement1 South Mission Lifeguard Facility Replacement1 Mission Beach Lifeguard Facility ReplacementMission Bay Park: Lifeguard Facilities, restroomOcean Blvd. Phase VUl CO<t>oc ^; c 1l1 5'i , !(O • Q) 3 1 1 ! : ^ i t j o §' t 1i i : i | i i DISTRICT IIPacific Beach Multi-generational Centeri uv §'La Jolla Rec. Center: Gym addition and ParkingVandalism Replacement FundRanger ProgramsRestroom RenovationGraffiti Removali ' 1 ~HO o ; ! CO ! "^ ""* 1 1 _. jvj -4 Ul i _* §' i i i i i i '< 1 ii i 11 i , i i SAN DIEGO CITY (TDISTRICT 1:Expansion/Lifeguard garage/Nautilus & FayChildren's Play Area at KelloggSecurity Lighting & Security SystemsChildren's Pool/Lifeguard Station rebuildi | / : ty) ' % i ; • ' : I S£ i ! ; j 2 1 ' \ / i ' ' ' X S 'rf ! , 1 i I , ! j i 0 0 O M Ul O i 1 ! ' ; , i : i1 I • . i 1 11 1j \ \ j !! ; i '• \ 1 ' : . !VISTAMoonlight Amphithenire ImprovementsVista acquistion and developcnt Twin Oak Parkf - ; ^t ** tj 2 -i i iO > i 1 ; i 'i i i ; ii1 j .&. -* OJ §! ^l 1 • O ii , ! 1l ; \ '• i 1 1 i \ \ '_ i I1 1 i i S()l( A III,A( IIf letr.hei Cove Master PlanNorth Seascape T-urt Beach AccessTide Park Beach AccessParkland AcquisitionMaintenance. Programs, and Operations ADA,CO • f. , 3] 'o , c' QJ —3 •• , ^ i. 0 , '£. QJ 2 C/) ; , . -H 2. 1 • i0 5>HIS' ; • i ^i-"1 i • •i m : %' 1 i 'i 1 : i - > -1 i i i i i • 1 ' ' , — ^ aiipjuiioipiCtti ' §u? (j i y? i o • c? ' O ' O ' O ! 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I ! -a; 01 ! 5r jf per c • I z. -o0) yr S : o 1 ^ii 3" : < a " o3^ I iii i Nations BIdg , Automotive Museum; Aerospace Museum; VilQJU3 TJ O 3 % i area; Presidents's Way; Park Blvd. Street Scape; Timken; H9L 2,z ."^ ^^"ISlop; Plaza de las Americas Japanese Tea Garden; FederalCDC 1 f—0) $ ^T30) 5T S 1 Organ Pavilion Ped Over- Pass, Parking Struturre; Palisades2 CUN01 0o 3_u* ^3 1 BALBOA PARK - 20 yr needs:i HO1 > m 0oz 1— 01 §1 land, Ranger Programs1 Mission Trails: Equestrian Center, Kumeyaay Campground Phai% ,*~ 1 in Oinc [Graffiti Removal ProgramS 1 ^Security Lighting & Security SystemResroom RenovationVandalism Replacement Fund1 i pi § i 1i 1 </>•o : ^ 5T — §Refurbish Senior CenterTexas Street Expansion & PromenadeInspiration Point Precise PlanWest Side Improvements - Balboa Club & Redwood Club MuseMan. Organ PavilllionSecurity LightingEarthquaake Ordinance Upgrades to Masonry BIdgsFire Department Upgrades of Historic Buildingsc • : o j ;! -• • 1 5 ! 3 ! w 'i • ' ' J2 ' 0 : i ! 1 1! pop § ^ g 1 ; i ! j ! j i ,I i i i i 1 i j 1 : i ' 1 . ! i ' i i i I ' i I ! ; 1 1 : j i . , i i , ! i t.eciinly Lighting fi Security SysleinsRcstiooin RenovationRanger PiogiamsGraffiti Removal ProgramREGIONALTorrey Pines Beach Park DevelBalboa Park - East Mesa Park Master PlanBud Kearns Pool New Pool Complex.Rpnvalp Pool HOIIRP as a Community P.Pntpr' :oi i H ; : : ' </>— 1 ;" ^ ! s '. i : I : _» i : i ; 10 tn ' i N> i 1 § ; § i : I i 1 i : ' , , 1 i . 1 ; i , 1 I : , i j i 1 It ' ' , ' 1 '• • 46 r i t- . -n m '•'• iMfllf!; Miiilisnlsjim^ . "" ! "~ : O I" ' TJ <fl -nW £> i -0 , 3J , -• TJ 1 01 -n 2i 3 ; oj'>0 T) : 5- £3: 2 3. , 3- ' 5 ° >5'!-<io ?5: .* i iili3 ! §i fiisi i l> iii? ? "itt >!£ : | i ; . :? s a : i i i i i ! i i i ' 1 ! i • i . i ; j | ' : i ; , i • ; i i l ! ' i: , . i 1 1 ! 1 L , i . i ! 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' M- ' 47 L TOTAL_5— j ^O 1 33 ^™1maoo Cz H mM J ^2 i i 1 BALANCE UNINCORPORATED AREA: W CJ cntn Graham property: environ, plans, spa!UCO I 3(O2S °-VALLE DE ORO LPPASteele Canyon parkVALLEY CENTER LPPACommunity Hall & pool improvementsHidden Meadows meeting hallVISTA LPPA! ;i i ; j1 ' ' I O | i O i Oo) co i en2 2 :«i ! i | i ', 1 ) : ! .1 | 1 ! : i i i ' ! i 1 Sweetwater Summit Park PlaygroundISWEETWATERLPPAa §"I Community Swimming Pool"8, 3 ~ ^ £^3* •* •~j o > 03 1 Bancroft Park: Rock House restoratiop 1 1 co'3 "§> m X12^ 0 ^ 01 O K)GD | BallHeld lights at San Miguel HS<5i ^0(3o ^CO > 1 Ul OV) CO SAN DIEGUITO LPPASan Dieguito Park acquisition and devSAN MARCOS LPPASPRING VALLEY LPPAGymnasium at Spring Valley MiddleSweetwater Lane ballfield complexBallneld lights at Monte Vista HSAt risk youth teen center! i rD: : • !: ;« 2. r* ] <2, ' ' "T - ' iff<o ! i * ft • ' . ; : 1 ' ' ' ': i ' ' i i ' ; ; i ! ; i i ' ' i — ' O O O) -* CJ! 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A i > 1 7 4 L *r- \S lA Dr ^ ^^ ) 5\)^yjT ^^\> "^ ~^ t V H | ^CA z DIEGUTO RVR PfI'M X C/5 > Z. 0 mOc C ^. 1 3 3^P- m N SPACEi i JOPEN SPACE ACQUISITIONMtft U H0 ** == O •RPORATED REGOz ^[INCORPORATED REGIONALCO 1 ID 3 . o r* i z ICORP REGIONAL8 §'(Wilderness Gardens pond rehabp '*^j S5 — Q 3 IVolcan Mt. Trailsp NJS cS IIVallecito Acq; stage station restorationo'^js <0 srJL 1 Tijuana River land acq; sports complex01 ^8 00 o in o0) n 1 C/} o Q> 3•oQ)a- 3 n9 "" KJ §' ^j 1 g ^OB •*^ f f •o s •<1 Sweetwater Park playgrounds and campgroui u §' 01 11 Sweetwater Morrison nature center, dockN§' <ji |[san Elijo acq; Escondido Creek parkway, bal1 « CJ §' & 1iPotrero ParK group campingo ^8 u O lOtay Valley sports center^^ 'cos M | So .20q §c. 0) 20)1 Lower Otay Park reehabto §' — O 1 _JLos Penasquitos barn restoration and prograi3 Q. O 1*• p ^1s 0 1 (n S o [Lake Morena group camping building; water ',•s ra" 3 ocu ^I Q.1 i ^ §' <D 0 ^ p tos CD o I Cabins in Regional ParksHeise sewer and campground renoi I i O 0 00 CJ01 S -*J Cl o • o1 1*O TD i 1 1 ! I Guajome acquire north river, ballfields and dGuajome: Adobe restrooms!8 ii, ?? ;| 1 I ; -» ro §' Q 2I 1 I_» s oo 0o 3 - tf A 1 S I) COUNTY - UNINCOUI'OKAAgua Caliente campgroundDos Picos trails to PowayDos Picos Group CampingH : : w ^* ^-• 3 1 W> '. 1*^ i 21 * i i i ! j , 0 O -* §. Is U M ; -» i ^ 1 I 1 ^t n IH i o 'oi 3 01 1 a- 1 i i ii 49 AB2007 - POPULATION 4/14/94 'INCOR ORATED POPULATION I YES NO San Diego : X Chuia Vista j X Oceanside X Escondido X %OF total populat 1,149,5981 44.18% 141,778 5.45% 138,4691 5.32% 112.851 4.34% Balance Unincorporated \ X 91,3131 3.51% El Cajon X ; 90,241 Vista : X Carlsbad X National City ! X Encinitas ] X Spring Valley X La Mesa i X Santee i X Lakeside ; X 3.47% 75.780| 2.91% 65,661 58.632 2.52% 2.25% 56.530 1 2.17% 54.268 54.043 2.09% 2.08% 53,853 i 2.07% 51.5281 1.98% Poway X 45,389 j 1.74% San Marcos ! X 42,778 1.64% ValledeOro ; X 37,937 146% Fallbrook/Rainbow X 33,591 Ramona X Imperial Beach ' X Coronado ; X .emon Grove i X Escondido X Sweetwater • X Solana Beach X Valley Center X Alpine ! X 1.29% 27,930 j 1.07% 27,138 26,683 24,660 1.04% 1.03% 0.95% 15,7851 0.61% 13,314| 0.51% 13,189 12.720 12,584 San Dieguito X 10,038 Vista X 9,816 Crest/Dehesa j X 3,790 Jamul i X 8,280 Laguna/Mt. Empire , X 5,390 Palomar/Julian X | 5,354 0.51% 0.49% 0.48% 0.39% 0.38% 0.34% 0.32% 0.21% 0.21% Del Mar X 4.983 1 0.19% Pauma/Pala : X 4.854 0.19% Central Mountain X 4.350! 0.17% OtayMesa : i X 4,1101 0.16% San Marcos ! X 3.390i 0.13% Anza/Borrego X 3.042 1 0.12% Cartsbad : X 1.044 0.04% Oceanside IX 560 1 0.02% 2,602,244 100.00% <0 AB2007 - ALPHA.XLS 4/14/94 INCOR I YES Alpine Anza/'Borrego Carlsbad ; X Carlsbad Central Mountain Chula Vista X Coronado X Crest/Dehesa Del Mar X El Cajon X ORATEDi POPULATION NO | X 12,584 X 3.042 %OF total populat. 0.48% 0.12% I 65.6611 2.52% X 1,0441 0.04% X | 4,350| 0.17% I 141, 778 i 5.45% 26,683i 1.03% X | 8.790 i 0.34% 4,983 90.241 Encinrtas I X Escondido ': X Escondido Fallbrook/Rainbow Imperial Beach Jamul Lakeside La Mesa Laguna/Mt. Empire 56.530 0.19% 3.47% 2.17% 112.8511 4.34% X X X X X X X Lemon Grove : X National City X Oceanside X Oceanside Otay Mesa Palomar/Julian 'auma/Pala Poway 3amona X X X San Diego X San Diegurto San Marcos X San Marcos Saniee : X Spring Valley Sotana Beach Sweetwater Valle de Oro Valley Center Vista Vista Balance Unincopr X X y X 15.785i 0.61% 33,591 1 1 .29% 27.1381 1.04% 8,280l 0.32% 51. 528 i 1.98% 54,043 5.390 24,660 58,632 2.08% 0.21% 0.95% 2.25% 138,4691 5.32% 560 1 0.02% 4,110 5,354 4,854 45,389 0.16% 0.21% 0.19% 1.74% 27.930] 1.07% 1,149,598| 44.18% 10.0381 0.39% 42,778] 1.64% X 3.390 0.13% 53,853! 2.07% X 54.268! 2.09% X 13.189! 0.51% X ^ X X v X X 13,314 0.51% 37.937 1 1.46% 12,7201 0.49% 75,780 1 2.91% 9.8161 0.38% 91.313 2,602,244 3.51% 100.00% 51