HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-05-17; City Council; 12710; SECOND ANNUAL SELF-CERTIFICATION CHECKLIST FOR REGIONAL GROWTH MANAGEMENT STRATEGYe AB # la,~/o TITLE. DEPT. &PLN JdllNXGEMIJN'Y S'YUTEGV ---SECOND ANNUAL SELF-CERTIFICATION c MTG. 5/17/94 CHECKLIST FOR REGIONAL GROWTH D C C * 3 5E e 4 2 0 F: 0 a 8 z z 0 q 1 CI** BILL RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the City Council hold a public hearing regarding the i annual self-certification checklist for the Regional Management Strategy and ADOPT Resolution No. gq'- /yo APPROVING the submittal of this checklist to the Regional Management Board (SANDAG). ITEM EXPLANATION Following the adoption of Proposition C by the voters in 1' member agencies of the San Diego Association of Government a joint powers authority, called the Regional Growth Mal Review Board, for the purpose of developing a Regional Management Strategy (RGMS). The heart of the strategy b( adopted list of nine Quality of Life Factors that were de to be of region-wide importance. The nine factors are: Air Quality Transportation System and Demand Management Water Sewage Treatment Sensitive Lands Preservation and Open Space Protection Solid Waste Management Hazardous Waste Management Housing Economic, Prosperity Each Quality of Life Factor has a standard, similar to Ca Growth Management Performance Standards, along with Object Recommended Actions. These program elements are intc enable the measurement of local government compliance or towards compliance with the Regional Strategy. Some taken directly from state or federal laws. Others were d by various technical committees based upon local and needs. Work is still being done on some items, incluc standard for Economic Prosperity, regional land use distr growth rate policies, and financing for regional facilities. All of the member agencies of SANDAG were asked to adopt t Regional Growth Management Strategy, which the Carlsl Council did on March 24, 1992. Then each jurisdiction w to perform a self-evaluation and certification of its the of compliance with the those completed and adopted stand checklist was prepared by SANDAG staff and each agency its degree of compliance as of mid-1992. standards, such as those for air quality and transportat c ? 9 PAGE 2 OF AGENDA BILL NO. jdi ?3/ 0 L The City Council approved Carlsbadls checklist at a public held August 18, 1992. As was the case of all jurisdictions, Carlsbad found itself in compliance with mc not all, of the questions on the original checklist. The subject of this agenda bill is the second self-certif checklist and the progress which the City has made in thc between mid-1992 and the end of 1993. In the interval the Board has approved refinements to somt standards, and work is still being undertaken on E Prosperity, land use distribution, and other Quality somewhat to reflect the refined nature of the Regional Management Strategy and to reflect the cumulative progres: local agencies in coming into compliance. The updated checklist, together with the answers reflect Cityus progress is attached as Exhibit 2. For each que jurisdiction is to answer olYests, slNolO, or BrNot Applicabl slYestP answers documentation must be supplied as to the n compliance. For I1No1! and "Not Applicabletr answers, an expl is required. Although the City has made progress in the last year, of questions on the current checklist the City still must ansi in a few areas. These include: some remaining difference! flood plain ordinance with the recommendations of the RGMS definition and treatment of regionally significant open sp( lack of full compliance with all RGMS recommendations for c protection. As was indicated above, some parts of the Regional Management Strategy are still in development. The implemt of the Strategy by the individual jurisdictions will be going program, involving annual monitoring, checklist prep; and self-certification. Factors. The original checklist has been updated and E FISCAL IMPACT There is no immediate fiscal impact to the City as a rc approving the status checklist and submitting it to However, there are potential long-term effects which cou1( from implementing some of the as yet, uncompleted aspect: Regional Strategy. For example, some of the issues that1 been resolved at the Regional Growth Management Board coi great impact, particularly the standards for economic pro: regional land use distribution, growth rates, and public : as more information becomes available. financing, These potential effects will require further i - 9 a PAGE 3 OF AGENDA BILL NO. /x, *? :d-ll. . ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS The acceptance of the checklist and its submittal to SANI not constitute a slprojectls under the California Envirc Quality Act, and, therefore, no environmental review is r( EXHIBITS 1, Resolution NO. 47-jq0 2. Local/Regional Consistency Checklist for the Regiona Management Strategy and Air Congestion Management PI r . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ? e RESOLUTION NO. 94 - 140 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING THE COMPLETED A”l CONSISTENCY CHECKLIST FOR THE REGIONAL GROl MANAGEMENT STRATEGY AND TRANSMITTING THE CHECKLIST THE REGIONAL GROWTH MANAGEMENT REVIEW BOARD (SAN DI ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTSI. WHEREAS , the Regional Growth Management Strai prepared by the San Diego Association of Governments (SA response to Proposition C, approved by the voters of S< County in November 1988; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of considered the Regional Growth Management Strategy on M 1992, and recommended adoption of the Strategy; and WHEREAS, the Regional Growth Management includes a self-certification process to ensure cor between the Strategy’s recommended actions and the relevai policies, and ordinances of local jurisdictions and agencies; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has completed it Consistency Checklist, for the period mid-1992 to Deceml 19 l8 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 which provides a status report regarding the consistenc relevant plans, policies, and ordinances with the SI Recommended Actions and information regarding the progress towards achieving the Quality of Life Stand Obj ect ives ; and I I WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carl! day held a public hearing on the Consistency Checklist to the comments of all persons wishing to be heard on the. *** ,- * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 * e NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City COL the City of Carlsbad, California that: 1. The above recitations are true and correcl 2. The Consistency Checklist on file with t Clerk is approved for submittal to SANDAG acting as the ! Growth Management Board. 3. The City of Carlsbad agrees to take the identified in the Checklist to achieve consistency w Strategy and to monitor annually and report its progress meeting the Quality of Life Factors and Objectives. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular me the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, held on the - day of MAY , 1994, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaai NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ALETHA L. F~UTENKRANZ, city Cle& (SEAL) -2- EXH 0 0 . LOCAL/REGIONAL CONSISTENCY CHECKLIST FOR THE REGIONAL GROWTH MANAGEMENT STRATEGY AND CONGESTION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM April, 1994 This checklist is to be used by local and regional agencies to determine the consistency their general and community plans, policies and regulations/ordinances with the Region Growth Management Strategy and Congestion Management Program. It will also be us monitor implementation of the recommended actions and the achievement of the quality life standards and objectives. Local and regional agencies will describe what actions th have taken or will take to achieve consistency with the Strategy and evaluate their performance with respect to the quality of life standards and objectives. The questions are organized according to the nine quality of life factors as follows: Air Quality and Transportation/Congestion Management Regional Trip Reduction Program Transportation Capacity Expansion to Help Provide Alternatives to Driving Alone/Transit Performance Standards Land Use Actions/Level of Service Standards for Arterials and Freeways Transportation System Management Water 0 Sewage Treatment 0 Sensitive Lands and Open Space Preservation and Protection Solid Waste Management Hazardous Waste Management Housing Economic Prosperity (Questions regarding Economic Prosperity will be added when work on that factor has been completed.) 0 0 8 The questions are categorized according to the parties responsible for answering them; i the cities and the County, the transit boards, the County Water Authority, etc. The transportation questions have also been designed to enable the cities and County to self- certify conformance with the Congestion Management Program (CMP) requirements. [? from Carlsbad stag: questions pertaining to the Counn/ and special districts/agencies hi been deleted from this version of the questionnaire.] Guidelines to help answer the open space/sensitive lands questions are also included (Attachment 1). These guidelines are derived from the Definition of Regionally Signifil Open Space and may be used, if a jurisdiction wishes, to provide more specific inform2 about its open space and sensitive lands regulations. There are two types of questions in the Checklist: self-certification questions and moni questions. The monitoring questions are noted with an asterisk, and are intended to prc Strategy. The responsible agency should answer the questions by checking "Yes", "No "Not Applicable", or by providing the requested information and noting its source. A question has been added this year to each consistency question, which allows agencies 1 if compliance was achieved in a previous year. A "Yes" answer indicates consistency with the Strategy, and should be documented noting the ordinance number and date of adoption, the element of the General/Comn Plan(s), or other policy or regulation. A "No" answer indicates inconsistency with the Strategy, and requires the reporting agency to indicate what actions will be taken, and a schedule to achieve consistency A "Not Applicable" answer should be used when the question does not apply to a particular agency. Each question is followed by a line where "Yes" answers can be documented, and several lines for comments or explanations. If more space is need should be provided for all answers. SANDAG with information to monitor the region's progress toward implementing the explain a "No" or "Not Applicable" answer, please attach additional sheets. Explan 2 e . AIR QUALITY AND TRANSPORTATIONICONGESTION MANAGEMENT Regional Trip Reduction Program Cities and Countv 1. Has the Regional Trip Reduction Ordinance, or an equivalent ordinance, been adc Note: The Congestion Management Program (CMP) statutes require that each cit the County adopt and implement a Trip Reduction Ordinance. Yes No X Not Applicable If compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the year which it was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if applicable. Year Documentation: ** Comments: ** No ordinance has been adopted, as the City is still waiting for the preparation of SAWAG’s model ordinance, upon which to base its local ordinance. The local ordinance is to contain two components: 1) land use-based strategies and 2) empl based strategies. In response to Federal Clean Air Act requirements, the APCD now adopted its Regulation XU], which is a set of employer-based trip reduction strategies which will become efective in mid 1995 and will serve the same finctic the employee-based part of the local Trip Reduction Ordinance. Therefore, Carl: understands that our ordinance need not focus upon employee-based strategies, u we wish to administer/enforce the provisions of Regulation XIII. If we do wish to assume this role, then our ordinance must emulate all aspects of Regulation XIII. do not wish to assume this role, the APCD will assume the administrative and enforcement responsibilities for employer-based strategies, and our ordinance shc focus on the land use-based strategies. Once a model ordinance is produced whi addresses the land-use-based strategies, we will prepare our local Trip Reductior Ordinance. Has your jurisdiction achieved the regional trip reduction targets contained in the Reduction Ordinance? * 2. Yes No X Not Applicable Documentation: ** 3 0 Comments: ** No ordinance has been adopted. Therefore no targets have been established, and progress cannot be measured. Transportation Capacity Expansion to Help Provide Alternatives to Driving Alone/Transit Performance Standards Cities and Countv 1. I Are the High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes shown in the current Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) along local streets and roads located in your jurisdictic shown in your General/Community Plan(s)? Note: This currently applies only tc National City and the City of San Diego. Yes No Not Applicable X If compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the year which it was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if applicable. Year Documentation: ** Comments: ** 2. Does your General/Community Plan(s) identify existing and proposed bicycle fac and coordinate with other bicycle facility projects included in the current RTP an Regional Transportation Improvement Program? Yes X No Not Applicable If compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the year which it was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if applicable, Year '92 Documentation: ** Existing and proposed bike ways are shown in the adopted Circulation Element G Carlsbad General Plan. The City is an active member of the SANDAG Bicycle Facilities Coordinating Committee. Carlsbad also participates in and competes annually in the Transportation Development Act/TransNet finding program for p< and construction of regional bicycle facilities. 4 e e Comments: ** . * 3. List the total number of miles of bicycle facilities by type (Class 1 Bike Path, Cla Bike Lane and Class 3 Bike Route) that have been built in your jurisdiction and tl- number built during the last year. Documentation: ** Comments: ** There were no additions in FY 1993. Existing figures were provided in the last r( How many park-and-ride spaces are located within your jurisdiction, and how ma additional spaces were provided last year? Documentation: ** * 4. Comments: ** There were no oficial additional spaces added in FY 1993. Land Use ActionsLevel of Service Standards for Arterials and Freeways Cities and Countv 1. Are the traffic level of service objectives contained in your General/ Community Plan(s) equal to or better than those specified in the Strategy, i.e., LOS "D" for freeways and the Regional Arterial System identified in the 1990 RTP? Yes X No Not Applicable If compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the ym which it was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if applicable. Year '92 Documentation: ** Comments: ** 5 @ e 2. Has a traffic forecast been prepared based on the land uses and circulation system contained in the GeneraUCommunity Plan(s)? Yes X No Not Applicable If compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the year which it was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if applicable. Year '92 Documentation: ** Comments; ** 3. Do your traffic forecasts make use of a SANDAG-approved traffic forecasting mc and incorporate SANDAG's Regional Growth Forecasts as a uniform bench mark population and land use data? Note: This is a requirement of the CMP statutes. Yes X No Not Applicable If compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the year which it was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if applicable. Year '92 Documentation: ** Comments: ** 4. Is the projected future level of service on the regional arterial system routes consis with the level of service objective "D" in the Strategy? NOTE: If a roadway will not be able to meet the Strategy's regional level of serv objectives for specific reasons such as preservation of landscaping, inadequate roo1 widen, or other overriding considerations, these exceptions should be explained. Yes X No Not Applicable If compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the year i which it was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if applicable. Year '92 6 0 a Documentation: ** Comments: ** 5. Does your jurisdiction have a program(s) to achieve the traffic level of service objectives identified in the Strategy? Yes X No Not Applicable If compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the year which it was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if applicable. Year Documentation: ** In 1986, the City of Carlsbad developed and adopted the Carlsbad Growth Management Program. The Growth Management program required the adoption various pe formance standards establishing thresholds of the adequacy of public facilities in Carlsbad. Therefore, on September 23, 1986, the City Council adoptc Resolution No. 8797 approving the City’s Community Facilities and Improvement d@ning the perormance standards, The perormance standard for circulation is follows: “No road segment or intersection in the flacility management] zone nor any road segment or intersection out of the flacility management] zone which is impacted by development in the lfacility management] zone shall be projected to exceed a Service Level of C during ofS-peak hours, nor Service Level D during peak hours. Impacted means where 20% or more of the trafic generated by the local facility management zone will use the road segment or intersection. If The peformance standard has been applied to all major circulation facilities with City, including state highways and peeway ramps and overpasses. For each of the 25 Facility Management Zones in the City, a Local Facility Management Plan must be prepared which 1) identijies the public facilities needec within the zone based upon a land use assessment rejned from the General Plan, 2) a Bnancing scheme (including phasing) to supply the finds necessary to provid needed facilities. Unless this plan has been prepared and adopted, no developme proceed within the zone. As Local Facilities Management Plans are completed ai finding sources identiped, those capital facilities which will not be constructed di by the developer as part of subdivision requirements are added to the City’s Capi Improvement Program and built as finds are collected. These major capital improvements include, for example, expansions of I-5 freeway overpasses at Palo) 7 0 0 Airport Road, Poinsettia Lane, and La Costa Boulevard. The overpass at Paloma Airport Road was completed in 1993. Design work on the Poinsettia Lane overpa. well advanced, with construction scheduled to begin late this year. Comments: ** 6. Has your agency adopted and implemented a process to evaluate and mitigate the t impacts of large projects on the regional transportation system, including the level service standards and objectives of the CMP and Strategy? (The definition of a "1 project as described in the CMP is any project that upon its completion would be expected to generate either an equivalent of 2,400 or more average daily trips or 2 more peak hour vehicle trips.) Note: The CMP statutes require that each city an( County adopt and implement a program to analyze the impacts of land use decisio including mitigation costs, on the regional transportation system. Yes X No Not Applicable If compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the year which it was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if applicable. Year '92 Documentation: ** Comments: ** 7. Does the process include the traffic impacts on all freeways and the regional arter system affected by the project (including arterials and freeways in adjacent jurisdictions)? Yes X No Not Applicable If compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the year which it was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if applicable. Year '92 Documentation: ** Comments: ** 8 0 0 8. Does the process consider existing and future planned land uses, and reasonably foreseen projects within the jurisdiction, and adjoining jurisdictions? Yes X No Not Applicable If compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the year j which it was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if applicable. Year '92 Documentation: ** Comments: ** 9. Does your agency prepare and adopt CMP Deficiency Plans for any state highway CMP principal arterials within your jurisdiction that are forecast to fall below the traffic level of service standards? Note: The development and adoption of Deficii Plans is a requirement of the CMP statutes. Yes No Not Applicable X If compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the year which it was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if applicable. Year Documentation: ** Comments: ** SANDAG is working on the update to the regional transportation base mode Upon it's completion it will be possible to evaluate thehture LOS of state highway and CMP principal arterials in light of the most current land use assumptions. Where the updated model identijies jkture LOS problems, the will prepare and adopt CMP Deficiency Plans. The updated base model wid serve for evaluating the impacts of fiture proposals for large projects and 11 use changes. 9 e 0 * 10. Is the existing traffic level of service on the regional arterial system routes in you] jurisdiction consistent with the Strategy's level of service objective of LOS "D"? Note: If a roadway does not meet the Strategy's regional level of service objectiv specific reasons such as preservation of landscaping, inadequate room to widen, 0: other overriding considerations, these exceptions should be explained. Yes X No Not Applicable Documentation: ** Comments: ** The City of Carlsbad hires a trafic consultant to conduct an annual trafJic monitoring study as part of the City Growth Management Plan Trafic Monitoring Program conducted for the City of Carlsbad by JHK & Associate the past, the consultant's report identiJed deficiencies on portions of Palomr Airport Road. Current and recently completed construction is mitigating thc identified deficiencies. Transportation System Management Cities and County 1. Is there a plan in place to optimize the traffic signals in your jurisdiction to impro traffic flow through a centralized traffic control system? Yes X No Not Applicable If compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the year which it was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if applicable. Year Documentation: ** Comments: ** At this time, Carlsbad does not have a comprehensive, city-wide signal optimization program implemented. However, staff is pursuing congestion Management Air Quality (CMAQ) finding for a coordination system of ten : in downtown Carlsbad. Development of a city-wide system is limited by fur availability, budget constraints, and competing priorities. Although develoj 10 0 0 and implementation of such a system is expensive and time consuming, it is c beneficial program and will be pursued. * 2. What is the status of the traffic signal optimization plan? Documentation: ** Comments: ** The City has initiated a program in the Village Area and will work to develc more comprehensive program within finding constraints. Miscellaneous Cities and County Have the recommendations included in regional transportation studies (e.g., the Route 7 Corridor Study and Mid-County Transportation Study) been incorporated into local gene plans? NOTE: The recommendations in these studies do not apply to all jurisdictions. Yes Y No Not Applicable If compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the year in wh was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if applicable. Year Documentation: ** The minor recommendations of both of these studies with regard to Carlsbad have incorporated into the Circulation Element of the Carlsbad General Plan. Comments: ** WATER Water Supply Cities and Countv 1. Has a water reclamation ordinance based on the County Water Authority’s model 11 0 0 ordinance been adopted? Yes X No Not Applicable If compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the year i which it was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if applicable. Year '92 Documentation: ** Comments: ** 12 0 0 2. Has the State Department of Water Resources model xeriscape ordinance, or an equivalent ordinance, been adopted for all new construction? (This also applies to landscaping for single-family residential units installed by developers prior tQ occupancy. ) Yes X No Not Applicable If Compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the year j which it was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if applicable. Year Documentation: ** The xeriscape standards of the Carlsbad Landscape Manual, which follow the statl model ordinance and which were described in the last report, were forrnally incorporated into the Carlsbad Municipal Code by ordinance NS 219, adopted by Carlsbad City Council on December I, 1992. Comments: ** 3. Have your local plumbing requirements been amended to be in compliance with tl- minimum state requirements for water conservation? Yes X No Not Applicable If compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the year which it was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if applicable. Year '92 Documentation: ** Comments: ** 4. Has an ordinance been adopted to ensure that a sufficient supply of water is avail; for development dependent on groundwater and that groundwater supplies will no over drafted? (This question applies only to those jurisdictions with development is dependent on groundwater.) Yes No Not Applicable X If compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the year which it was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if 13 0 0 applicable. Year '92 Documentation: ** Comments: ** Carlsbad development is not dependent upon groundwater supplies. 5. Have the Best Management Practices (water conservation and demand managemen programs and projects) contained in the CWA's Water Resources Plan been implemented? Yes X No Not Applicable If compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the year : which it was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if applicable. Year '92 Documentation: ** Comments: ** SEWAGE TREATMENT Cities and County Does your jurisdiction have guaranteed sewage treatment capacity, or does it contract w another agency for capacity, prior to approving development projects. Yes X No Not Applicable If compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the year which it was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if applicable. Year '92 Documentation: ** Comments: ** 14 0 0 SENSITIVE LANDS AND OPEN SPACE PRESERVATION AND PROTECTION Guidelines for answering the questions below are provided in Attachment 1. Informatio about sensitive landdopen space regulations is optional. Cities and County 1. may be provided for each item in the guidelines, but provision of this additional informa Have ordinances been adopted that are consistent with the recommendations contai in the Strategy's Definition of Regionally Significant Open Space for: a. Steep slopes Yes X No Not Applicable If compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the year which it was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if applicable. Year '92 Documentation: -* Comments: ** b. Floodplains Yes No X Not Applicable If compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the year which it was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if applicable. Year Documentation: ** Comments: ** The City's adopted ordinances are consistent with the recommendations con) in Federal Emergency Management Agency regulations. However, not all G City 's current policies and ordinances are consistent with the Strategy's Dej of Regionally Sign @cant Open Space for Floodplains. Please see the respol to the questions contained in "Attachment I: Guidelines for Responding to ti RGMS Consistency Checklist", which follows at the end of this checklist. Comments on the City's compliance is provided, together with responses to answers. 15 0 0 c. Wetlands Yes No X Not Applicable If compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the year j which it was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if applicable. Year Documentation: ** Comments: ** ne City is not currently in compliance with all of the recommendations coni in the Strategy's Definition of RegionaEly Significant Open Space for Wetlam Please see the responses to the questions contained in "Attachment 1 Guidel, for Responding to the RGMS Consistency Checklist", which follows at the e? this checklist. Comments on the City's compliance is provided, together wit, responses to "No" answers. 2. Are actions being taken to acquire lands within your jurisdiction designated in you GeneralKommunity Plan(s) for regional parks? Yes X No Not Applicable If compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the year which it was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if applicable. Year '92 Documentation: ** Comments: ** * 3. How many acres of regional open space parks exist in your jurisdiction in accord; with the Definition of Regionally Significant Open Space? (Please list parks and acreage. ) Documentation: ** 16 e 0 Comments: ** The City did not add any new acres to regional open space parks in 1993. The inventory of existing acres was supplied in the 1992 report. 4. Are actions being taken to encourage the preservation of agricultural uses and rural lands? Yes NO Not Applicable X If compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the year i which it was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if applicable. Year Documentation: ** Comments: ** Most lands within the Carlsbud city boundaries are designated by the general plan urban, rather than rural, uses. Carlsbad neither has, nor intends to have in thefi a policy for the permanent preservation of major tracts of land designated as "ruri village 'I, "rural area 'I, etc., as does the County of San Diego. The only exception those lands which are designated for the City's open space, trail, and parks systen and those lands which have been and will continue to be identiJied for sensitive sp protection and habitat management. Although the city encourages the practice of agriculture on an interim basis, as urbanization and economic pressures increase, the viability of farming activity is 1 to decrease. One exception to this may be the Carltas 'lflower fields" located just of I-5 near Palomar Airport Road. This property of approximately 50 acres is sul to Williamson Act protection and is both designated and zoned for permanent ope1 space because of its long-standing agricultural and community value. The Ciq hc that these protective measures, together with favorable economic circumstances, v result in flower production remaining viable for many years to come. Please also see the responses to the questions contained in "Attachment 1 Guideli for Responding to the RGMS Checklist", which follows at the end of this checklist more detailed information on speciJic actions the City is taking in support of agricultural practice. * 17 0 e 5. List the current and proposed funding sources/programs being used to acquire/protc sensitive lands, and regional parks and open space. Documentation: ** In the summer of 1992 the City approved a comprehensive "Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan " (OSCRMPJ, the culmination of a three, open space planning efon. This plan: provides highly rejined deJnitions of open space; identijks specijic needs and acquisition targets for each of the City's 25 LOC Facilities Management Zones, including the components of a 74-mile city trail systt and regional parks and open space additions; and estimates costs for implementatic The plan anticipates costs ofi $8.8 million for land acquisition, 3.4 million for improvements, and approximately $600,000 per year for maintenance. The plan is considered incomplete, because it was unable to include ajinal analys- habitat management needs and strategies engendered by the recent "listing" of the California Gnat Catcher and heightened concerns over pending listings of other endangered species. The City is currently working on the Carlsbad component of larger, regional, multi-species habitat management planning eflort now underway county. When the many issues associated with this efsort are better resolved, the 2 capital, and maintenance needs can be refined for all of the city's open space and habitat needs, and then financing mechanisms can be more actively identified and pursued. Based upon the 1992 OSCRMP, the City will depend upon a combination of tools finance the program. Much of the trail system will be acquired and built as development exactions. The City is exploring the feasibility of providing maintena for the system through a city-wide assessment district. Another important acquisit, and improvement component is likely to be ~d general obligation bond, although th planning for the voter approval of a bond issue is "on hold", pending both the oui of the habitat management needs and an improved economy. State parks grants a also being aggressively pursued: Carlsbad will be the recipient of $3 million for tl multi-species habitat program if the CalPAW'94 initiative bond issue is passed by voters in June of 1994. Comments: ** Have coastal jurisdictions incorporated the following three objectives from the Shoreline Preservation Strategy into their Local Coastal plans. The objectives car modified by each jurisdiction to reflect its participation in a cooperative, region-m program. a. 6. Manage the region's shoreline to provide environmental quality, recreation : property protection. Develop and carry out a cost-effective combination of shoreline managemen b. 18 0 e tactics that will have a positive impact on the region’s economy. Develop a program to pay for the shoreline management strategy which qui allocates costs throughout the region, and among local, state and federal sou1 c. Yes No X Not Applicable If compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the year i which it was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if applicable, Year Documentation: ** Comments: ** The City is currently working on amendments to each of the six elements of its Lo1 Coastal Program to incorporate the three objectives from the Shoreline Protection Strategy. This efsort should be approved by the City Council and be put before th Coastal Commission well before the end of 1994. SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT Cities and County 1. Has a Source Reduction and Recycling Element been adopted to achieve the 25 pe reduction in 1995, and 50 percent reduction in 2000 goals of AB 939 as a part of county’s Integrated Waste Management Plan? Yes X No Not Applicable If compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the year which it was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if applicable. Year ’92 Documentation: ** Comments: ** * 2. Estimate the percentage of solid waste diverted last year. In calendar year 1993, according to the updated Source Reduction and Recycling Element of the County’s Integrated Waste Management Plan, the City is believed 19 s e e have diverted 46 percent of its waste stream. 3. Has a Household Hazardous Waste Element which meets the requirements of AB 5 been adopted? Yes X No Not Applicable If compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the year j which it was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if applicable. Year ’92 Documentation: ** Comments: ** * 4. Estimate the percentage of Household Hazardous Waste diverted last year, accordi the County’s Source Reduction and Recycling Element. Documentation: ** In calendar year 1993 the city diverted 22.5percent of its household hazardous wl according to the Source Reduction and Recycling Element of the County’s Integral Waste Management Plan. Comments; ** 5. Have any permanent Household Hazardous Waste collection facilities been located your jurisdiction? Yes No X Not Applicable If compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the year which it was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if applicable. Year Documentation: ** Comments: ** At the present time the City participates in the County of San Diego’s Regional Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program and conducts two collection eve) 20 e e each year. In addition, the City does have a permanent site to collect waste motoi and batteries, located at its Fleet Maintenance Center adjacent to the Public Safe4 Service Center. However, no permanent facility has been proposed for Carlsbad 1 would accept hazardous household waste at-large. 6. Has the Siting Element for solid waste disposal facilities required by AB 939 been and a majority of the cities by the beginning of 1994.) approved? [The Siting Element is required to be approved by the County of I San I Yes No X Not Applicable If compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the year which it was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if applicable. Year Documentation: ** Comments: ** The City is participating in a process involving the County and a subcommittee of Integrated Waste Management Task Force Technical Advisory Committee to prepa Siting Element, HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT Cities and County 1. Has the San Diego County Hazardous Waste Management Plan or an equivalent b adopted as required by state law? Yes X No Not Applicable If compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the year which it was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if applicable. Year '92 Documentation: ** Comments: ** 21 0 w 2. Have facility siting criteria that are consistent with the San Diego County Hazardol Waste Management Plan been adopted? Yes X No Not Applicable If compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the year j which it was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if applicable. Year '92 Documentation: ** Comments: ** 3. Has a procedure to process permits on a case-by-case basis (e.g., Conditional Use Permit) been established for siting hazardous waste facilities? Yes X No Not Applicable If compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the year which it was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if applicable. Year '92 Documentation: ** Comments: ** 4. Are the Southern California Hazardous Waste Management Plan and intergovernn agreements and incentives programs being used in the evaluation of facility prop0 Yes No Not Applicable X If compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the year which it was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if applicable. Year Documentation: ** Comments: ** The Southern California Hazardous Waste Management Authority (Authority) has responsibility of assisting local governments in the development of intergovernmer / 22 0 e agreements. However, at this time, there are no intergovernmental agreements foi hazardous waste management in Southern California. Critical to the formation of agreements is certain information, including: quantifiing the prospective local am regional hazardous waste streams, the formulation of siting criteria for waste processing facilities, and the demarcation of "wastesheds " to supply these fucilitie: This and other information in the Southern California Hazardous Waste Managemt Plan (Regional Plan) is currently being revised to define better the waste generatic patterns of Southern California, and therefore the needs for facilities. Agreements incentive programs for siting hazardous waste facilities are being actively pursued the assistance of the Authority. As the revised information is made available and ( interest increases from potential private operators of facilities, proposals for siting facilities will likely increase, thus fostering the formation of such agreements. The City has adopted Ordinance No, NS 208, which established procedures for thc processing of such facilities, in keeping with the County of San Diego Hazardous Management Plan, one of the county plans upon which the Regional Plan is based this time the City of Carlsbad has received no proposals for the siting of hazardou waste management facilities. Therefore, it is appropriate for Carlsbad to check tA "not applicable" box for this question at this time. 5. Is your jurisdiction, with the assistance of the County of San Diego, working with private sector to provide information, technical assistance and incentives to achievl 30 percent waste minimization goal of the Plan? Yes X No Not Applicable If compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the year which it was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if applicable. Year '92 Documentation: ** Comments: ** The City supports the County's eforts in working with the private sector. The City of Carlsbad participates with the County's regional collection program L sponsored two hazardous waste collection events in 1993. During these events 3t of household hazardous waste were collected. (The County estimates that Carlsbi production of hazardous wastes is 124 tons annually). * 6. How many hazardous waste facilities have been sited in your jurisdiction? One ( size) to five (small size) facilities should be sited to meet San Diego's hazardous 23 0 e management needs by the year 2000. Documentation: ** Comments: ** As was mentioned in the response to item No. 4 under Solid Waste, the City of Carlsbad maintains a drop-ofsite for used motor oil and batteries at its Fleet Maintenance Center. The City has no large sites such as are regulated under the regional and county H Waste Management Plans. The City has received no applications for such sites ar none are anticipated for the near-tern. For a discussion of the mid- to longer-tei period, see the comment to item No 4., above. HOUSING Cities and Countv 1. Has the Housing Element of your General Plan been updated as required by State Yes X No Not Applicable If compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the year which it was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if applicable. Year ' 92 Documentation: ** Comments: ** Has your Housing Element been found to be in substantial compliance with state 1 2. Yes X No Not Applicable If compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the year which it was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if applicable. Year '92 Documentation: ** Comments: ** 24 0 e 3. Does your Housing Element include the regional share objective from the Regional 1996 for all economic segments of the community consistent with state law? Housing Needs Statement which indicates the number of new units needed by July Yes X No Not Applicable If compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the year j which it was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if applicable. Year '92 Documentation: ** Comments: ** 4. Does your Housing Element contain policies to achieve the regional share objectiv all economic segments of the community consistent with state law? Yes X No Not Applicable If compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the year which it was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if applicable. Year '92 Documentation: ** Ordinance (NS 232) - Inclusionary Housing Ordinance (NS 233) - Density Bonus Council Resolution (93-268) lnclusionary Housing In-Lieu Fees Council Resolution (93 -269) lnclusionary Housing Impact Fees General Plan Amendment (GPA 92-8) Land Use Element - Facilitating Density Increases Comments: ** UPDATE: By letter from HCD (dated June 12, 1992) the Carlsbad Housing Elen was found to be in substantial compliance with state housing law, conditioned upc City adopting, by the end of 1992, key implementation programs and ordinances i for by the element 's overall housing program. The thrust of these programs was establishment of a comprehensive, workable, inclusionary housing program, inch numerical requirements for lower-income housing in residential developments, re6 opportunities for density bonuses, modijkation to the Land Use Element to enablc increased densities, and sources of revenue for a housing trust find (residential ii and impact fees). During late 1992 and theJirst half of 1993 the City adopted th ordinances, general plan amendments, and resolutions necessary to bring the 25 0 e I inclusionary housing program into efect in the City. The key conditions have now met, and, as a consequence, the City stands in unconditional compliance with statt housing law. The City ’s Housing Element and CHAS cull for implementing additional housing programs, and the City is following through on these additional items. * 5. What was your jurisdiction’s progress toward meeting the regional share objective year? Please note the number of units constructed by income level. Documentation: ** Documentation is not available. See following comment. Comments: ** In the extended efort to implement its inclusionary housing program during the fifil half of 1993, the City was unable to implement an independent rent and sales pric monitoring program which would enable it to determine which new housing units qualged as ”afordable” for each of the four income components of the regional J objectives. Therefore no data are available by which to measure progress on regi share by income level. Over-all the City did produce 131 new housing units in calendar year 1993. The number is low, reflecting both the economic recession a developer uncertainty during the development of the City’s inclusionary housing program. None of the new units was income-restricted, Of the total 131 units, 8 were single-family, 16 were in buildings of 2-4 units and 26 were in buildings of: more units. Because of the prevailing economic conditions it is unlikely that any 1 new units were afordable to low- or very low-income households. The Civ did actively panicipate in the regional ad hoc task force hosted by SAM to develop a set of common definitions and standards by which monitoring system! could be developed. This agreed-upon approach was endorsed by HCD and acce, by the SANDAG Board on September 24th, 1993, for use by member jurisdictions keeping with the strategy, and through use of the common set of definitions, Carl5 will prepare an annual housing report for the period July 1993 - June 1994 for submission to HCD in October of 1994. This report will be the basis for respond this question in the next RGMS checklist update. Does your Housing Element include the fair share objective from the Regional Hc Needs Statement which indicates how many new and existing lower income house should be assisted by July, 1996? 6. Yes X No Not Applicable If compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the year 26 0 e which it was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if applicable. Year ’92 Documentation: ** Comments: ** 7. Does your Housing Element contain policies to achieve the fair share objective? Yes X No Not Applicable If compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the year which it was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if applicable. Year ’92 Documentation: ** Comments: ** * 8. What was your jurisdiction’s progress toward meeting the fair share objectives las year? Please note the number of households assisted. Documentation: ** During calendar year 1993, HUD granted the City 30 additional Section 8 voucht and certijkates, bringing the total up to 503 households receiving housing assista The City’s policy is to keep all vouchers and certificates leased. As was reported in item No. 5, the City filly implemented its inclusionary housini program in 1993. Before the end of the year one project was approved in which units were conditioned to be afordahle to lower-income households. Other projec were being processed, including one of 344 units, all of which are proposed to bc lower-income afordable. None of these units had been built by year’s end, howe Comments: ** 27 0 0 9. Has a Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS) been prepared and approved for your jurisdiction? Yes X No Not Applicable If compliance has been previously achieved and documented, enter the year j which it was reported to SANDAG, and include any new information, if applicable. Year '92 Documentation: ** Comments: ** UPDATE: In 1993 HUD decided that all adopted CHAS must be updated in 1993 make use of the latest 1990 U.S. Census data. The City Council approved a revis CHAS in December 1993 and it was approved by HUD on March 7, 1994. 28 @ W ATTACHMENT 1 Guidelines for Responding to the Regional Growth Management Strategy Con si stency Checklist SENSITIVE LANDS PRESERVATION AND OPEN SPACE PROTECTION 1. Have ordinances been adopted which require the consistent treatment of steep slop floodplains, and wetlands as specified in the Definition of Regionally Significant C Space? Please provide documentation for each response. Steep Slopes Yes X No Other Year in Compliance: '92 Ordinance should include the following elements: a. b. Intent - topography and native vegetation should be preserved Definition - review development on 25% or greater slopes; optional threshol height of 25 feet and 200 cubic yards excavation Grading, grubbing, and clearing permit required (some exemptions allowed) - Indicate if conflicts with fuel management requirements have been resolva working with the fire department or local fire district. Zoning - lower density or density transfer to recognize steepness; hillside re -- local agency's guidelines; consider landscape ordinance Specific Requirements: design guidelines; encroachment limitations; natural appearance of manufactured slopes following landscaping; open space easerr or similar; penalty for violations Consider monitoring and maintenance requirements c. d. Floodplains Yes No X Other 29 0 0 a. Has the agency adopted an ordinance requiring conformance with the Federa Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) regulations to protect life and property? Yes X No Documentation : '92 b. Has the agency adopted other ordinances, including a statement of intent to further protect the floodplains' environmental values, and ensuring that the following concerns are addressed: Yes X Municipal Code Section 2 I. 1 IO. 030(9) states that one purpose of the ordinal to "Recognize flood plain areas as potential open space resources and encoh compatible open space uses wherever possible. 'I Does the ordinance require a hydraulics study which limits encroachment int floodplain so that: (1) The 100-year flood flow will not exceed 6 feet per second (considered non-erodible velocity, which does not require rip-rap) at the floodway fringe; No X Comment: The six feet-per-second criterion is not contained in the Carlsbad ordinance. Natural channel design is a finetion of the local topograp and is subject to individual review on a project-by-project basis. The 10-year low-flow channel will not be reduced; and No X Comment: This provision is not in Carlsbad's ordinance. It is looked at on a prc by-project basis, and is dependent upon the relationship to biological resources. (2) 30 0 0 (3) Existing riparian growth will be accommodated in the study. No X Comment: The pending update to the Open Space and Conservation Element of ti General Plan will strengthen protection of riparian resources. ne ek will also call for an amendment to the City's floodplain ordinance to include provisions for "no net loss" of riparian habitat. ne revised General Plan (and Open Space and Conservation Element) will begin hearings in March 1994. Currently, and in the interim, in project-by- project engineering reviews "appropriate roughness factors" are requi according the Engineering Department. Does the ordinance(s) set forth additional requirements, including: (1) Concrete or rip-rap channels will be permitted only to protect existing buildings; No X Comment: The City's Storm Drain Master Plan has designated all signiJicunt dra courses to remain natural with limited improvement for erosion contro desiltation. (2) Floodplain fill should he limited so that the water surface will not incr along any of the following rivers: San Luis Rey, San Dieguito, San I Sweetwater, and Otay; Not Applicable X Comment: None of the four rivei.sJlow through Carlsbad. 31 0 0 (3) Floodway buffers will 3e required (San Diego County uses 15% of the floodway width, with 100 feet maximum); and No X Comment: However, the pending (xpdate to the Open Space and Conservation Ele calls for required buflers, whose width will vary based upon an evalua of the needs of the pariicular biological resources being evaluated. 17 City is also preparing (7 comprehensive Habitat Management Plan (as of the regional multi-species habitat management planning efsorts). A: of the implementation of that plan the City's codes should be amended reflect these general plan policies. The Habitat Management P2an is probably more than a year away from its completion, and the ordinanc changes would follow i he plan 's adoption. (4) Wetlands and other environmental values will be protected. No X Comment: The pending update to the Open Space Element of the General Flan w strengthen policies on protecting environmental values and also call fc ordinances to be so strengthened. Has the agency mapped floodplains other than those included on the FEMA maps? No X Comment: The City of Carlsbad does not map floodplains other than those inclu the FEMA maps. The watershed of Encina Creek is the only other an which the City might consider in the fiture. Mapping and formal limi protection will be dewloped concurrently with review of proposed pro development. 32 0 0 Has the agency adopted an ordinance allowing only limited uses in floodplair Yes X Comment: Floodplains are managed consistent with FEMA regulations. Wetlands a. Has the agency adopted the wetlands definition used by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, shown on the National Wetlands Inventory maps, and inch in the Definition of Regionally Significant Open Space? Wetlands are lands transitional between terrestrial and aquatic systems where water table is usually at or near the surface or the land is covered by shallov water. For purposes of this classification, wetlands must have one or more 1 following three attributes: (1) at least periodically, the land supports predominantly hydrophytes; (2) the substrate is predominantly undrained hyd soil; and (3) the substrate is non-soil and is saturated at some time during thc growing season. Yes X Documentation : Although not yet adopted by ordinance, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service definition was adopted by the City in its 9/1/92 interim amendment to the 01 Space and Conservation Element of the General Plan. Once the comprehen update to the General Plan (with further revisions to the Open Space and Conservation Element) is completed and the City's Habitat Management Pla finished, the open space ordinance will be amended to implement both plans amendment will include the wetlands definition. Has the agency adopted an ordinance(s) which addresses the preservation an protection of wetlands that includes: (1) b. A statement of intent that, at a minimum, there should be no net loss ( wetlands acreage or value, and that a net gain is the long-term goal; No X Comment: A policy of "no net loss" is contained in the draft Open Space and Conservation Element contained as part of the City's current compreh 33 0 0 General Plan update. ne Municipal Code should be amended to reflt the policy as part of the general plan implementation process. The wetlands definition as stated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Servicc No X Com men t : As was stated above, the City has adopted the dejinition in its Open q and Conservation Element, but not yet by ordinance. The Municipal ( will be amended to include the definition as implementation to the upd General Plan and the Habitat Management Plan. Review requirements for all proposed projects involving wetlands, usii 100-year floodplain and the National Wetlands Inventory maps to assis their identification; No X Comment: The Municipal Code should be amended to reflect these requirements I part of the Habitat Management Plan implementation, once the plan i> completed and adopted. Grading, grubbing, and clearing requirements as part of the local grad ordinance, to ensure no destruction of wetlands or wetlands values occ and Yes X Documentation: (1992 report) A requirement for a significant buffer, usually 100-feet minimum, aro each wetland to protect and maintain the wetland values. No X Comment: See response to (3) above. (2) (3) (4) (5) 34 0 0 2. Are actions being taken to acquire lands within your jurisdiction designated in you General Plan/Community Plans(s) for regional open space parks? Please correct tl information on regional open space parks contained in the Definition if necessary. a. Has the agency adopted a policy or ordinance to permit public access to maj portions of regional open space parks, while preserving the natural features? Yes X Documentation: (1992 report) Has the agency acquired Bureau of Land Management parcels and improved access to them and provided trails as required by BLM? Not Applicable X Comment: The City has no BLM land within its incorporated limits (and there is no unincorporated sphere of influence). Has the agency adopted a policy or ordinance to ensure "urban greenways" 7 the community? Yes X Documentation : (1 992 report) Have such "greenways" been identified on the general plan or the open spac element map? Yes X Documentation: (1992 report) b. c. d. 3. Are actions being taken to encourage the preservation of agricultural uses and rura lands? Not Applicable X Comment: Please see the response to this question in the main checklist. Generally, th City 's policies do not support the permanent preservation of large tracts of I land. With exceptions for several types of open space, parks, and habitat- preservation areas, land in Carlsbad is intended for urban uses. Agriculturt 35 0 e t supported, but as an interim use until such time as factors combine to bring urbanization. The answers to the following questions provide additional information. Has the agency adopted an ordinance(s) that establishes an urban boundary beyond which urban services will not be provided in order to protect a. rural/agricultural areas? Not Applicable X Does the agency encourage establishment and continuation of Williamson Ac contracts? Yes X Com men t : ne City's Open Space and Conservation Element establishes policies to encourage the establishment and continuation of Williamson Act contracts. approximately 50-acre area is currently under Williamson Act protection. 7 area is the Carltas Company 'Iflower fields", operated west of Interstate 5 a, Palomar Airport Road, Does the agency indicate "agricultural preserves" on the general plan map? Not Applicable X Comment: With the exception of the "jlower fields" agricultural is considered an interii Other than open space and habitat management areas, all other lands are designated for urban uses. Does the agricultural zoning (if any) permit farm worker housing, packing houses, and other agricultural activities? Yes X Documentation: (1992 report) b. c. d. 36 e 0 a 3 e. Does the agency encourage agricultural use of reclaimed water -- by pricing policy, other? Yes X Documentation: (1992 report) Does the agency place a condition on new subdivisions requiring that buyers property within that subdivision be notified of the existence of farming activi adjacent to the subdivision? Or distribute "right to farm" information to adj; f. buyers ? Yes X Documentation : Under appropriate circumstances, the City has begun the practice of placing conditions on new subdivision maps, which conditions require the disclosure information about any agricultural practices on adjacent lands. The disclosi must be made to prospective property purchasers and renters alike. Does the agency encourage farmers to use all environmentally suitable practi Yes X Comment: However, the City still needs to strenglhen its codes to minimize downstream sedimentation. Such revisions should be undertaken with the code changes planned to implement the Habitat Management Plan upon its completion. Are actions being taken to protect rural lands from urban and suburban encr ment -- rural lands being those lands outside general plan planning areas, Lk spheres, and the County's urban limit line, as well as outside urban utility s( areas (LAFCO), and especially, outside the San Diego County Water Autho boundary? Not Applicable X (see above comments) Does the agency prohibit industrial land uses and basic economic generators while allowing extractive or agriculture-related uses and tourist uses which a dependent upon and maintain the rural function and character of the land anc rural villages? Not Applicable X (see above comments) g. h, i. 37 - 0 0 a j. Does the agency permit only the lowest planned densities associated with rur and land-extensive agricultural land uses in areas outside rural villages? Not Applicable X (see above comments) Does the agency limit commercial development in rural areas to rural village providing for community-serving and tourist-serving and rural area needs? Not Applicable X (see above comments) Has the agency identified "rural villages" within its jurisdiction? Not Applicable X (see above comments) k. 1. 38 @ - - PROOF OF PUBLICATION (201 5.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of San Diego I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid: I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matter. 1 am the principal clerk of the printer of Blade-Citizen a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published daily in the City of Oceanside and qualitied for the City of Oceanside and the North County Judicial district with substantial circulation in Bonsall, Fallbrook, Leucadia, Encinitas, Cardiff, Vista and Carlsbad, County of San Diego, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of San Diego, State of California. under the date of June 30.1989, case number 171349; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed Copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said following dates, to-wit: newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the May 7, 1994 1 certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at Oceanside,Califomia. this 9 day Of May, 1994 /- 0 This space is for the County Clerk's Proof of Publication of Notice of Public Hear ________________-----------~--------- ---------- --mm 1 Q 0 .. - . NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SELF-CERTIFICATION CHECK LIST FOR REGIONAL GROWTH MANAGEMENT STRATEGY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will a public hearing at the City Council Chamber, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, at 6:OO p.m., on Tuesday, Ma. 1994, to consider the second annual self-certification checklist on the s‘ of the City’s progress towards meeting the standards and objectives of Regional Growth Management Strategy, and authorize submittal of the check1 i the Regional Growth Management Board (San Diego Association of Government: If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Dennis Tu1 Principal Planner, in the Planning Department, at 438-1161, extension 444: If you challenge the approval of the self-certification checklist in court may be limited to raising only those issues raised by you or someone else a public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delii to the City of Carlsbad City Clerk’s Office at, or prior to, the public heat APPLICANT: City of Carl sbad PUBLISH: May 7, 1994 CARLSBAD CITY COUNC c W 0 - .. I NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the Council Chambers, Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, at 6:OO p.m. on second annual checklist on the status of the City's progress towards meeting the standards and objectives of the Regional Growth Management Strategy, and upon completion of said revie to forward the checklist to the Regional Growth Management Bc (San Diego Association of Governments). Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordial11 invited to attend the public hearing. I you have any questic please call Dennis Turner, Principal Planner, at 438-1161 (er Tuesday April 12, 1994, to consider a request to review the 4443). If you challenge the request in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad at or prior the public hearing. CASE FILE: Regional Growth Management Strategy Checklist APPLICANT : City of Carlsbad PUBLISH : L 4? 0 . (Foi TO: CITY CLERKS OFFICE FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT RE: PUBLIC HEARING REQUEST Attached are the materials necessary for you to notice SECOND ANNUAL I CERTIFICATION CHECKLIS? FOR REGIONALGROWTH MANAGEMENT STRA' for a public hearing before the City Council. Please notice the item for the Council meeting of - Thank you. MARTY ORENYAK MARCH 21, 1994 Assistant City Manager Date Attachments '\ ._ -. \