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AB# lai‘?13 TITLE: DEPT
Accept and file report.
The Garlsbad Gunvention and Visitor’s Bureau (GGVB) has submitted their sewnd quart
report for the period from January 1 through March 31, 1994.
Income during the second quarter totaled approximately $63,000, of which $58,000 I
92% represented payments from the City. The second largest source of income to tt
CCVB came from the hotel co-op program at $4,700 or 7% of total proceeds.
Second quarter expenses totaled $60,000, of which $33,000 or 55% were f
administration. The remaining $27,000 in expenses were for programs, of whic
advertising is the largest single outlay in this category totaling $15,000 or 57%. Tt
second largest expense was for hosting fam trips at $5,000, followed by attendance
travel shows, $3,000 and promoting special events at $2,000.
Included in the attached exhibit is a Visitor Information Summary for the second quart of 1993-94, as well as one for the previous program year. A comparison of these tv
summaries indicates that the number of visitors to Carlsbad’s Visitor’s Information Bure
offices during the second quarter increased by 1,005 from the previous year.
The City’s agreement with the Chamber of Commerce established $205,000 as the to
amount of funding for program year 1993-94, with $1 19,000 designated for administrati
costs, and $87,000 designated for programs. Of the program funding, $25,000 requir
matching contributions from other sources. These amounts were appropriated within t
1993-94 General Fund budget. To date, the CCVB is operating within the allowed budg
1. Second quarter report from the Carlsbad Convention and Visitor’s Bureau for fiscal yc
1993-94, dated April 26, 1994.
Aari' 25, 1994
De335ie Seville
S e n i or ?la n a g e me n t Ana 1 ys z
Finance Dexxtment
City of CarkiSa6
1200 Carlsbat. Vii-age Dzive
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Dear Debbie:
Rttac2ed is 3, synopsis of LIE naj!~r acr,lvir;ies or the Carisbaci Ccnvention (
If you nee2 adcit:ona- :n:ornation, please let me know.
Visitors Bureau from January 1 - Yarch 31, 1394.
Gz.Pis,be& csnoen"fon & visitors Bureau
?oQo Box 1243 0 @E!T'_sbZ.J, 68 92018-1246 O (619) 434-6093
1111 ision ot ;he Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce
1 0
January 1 - Eiarch 31, 1994
City of Carlsbad $58,133.3 -0- County of Ssn Diego
Co-op program with hotels 4,684-0 253.2 Sales of items in depot
111.7 Interest on bank account
Total Income $63,221.2;
Speciai promotions 40.0
E XP E ?I s E s
Administration $32,849. Or
Advextising 15,263.4:
Video -0- Travel Shows 3,039 -9'
Erochilres 1,30i.1(
9osting Fam Trips 5,163.8: 2,200. ei
Total Expenses $59,837.3;
P r orriot i nq S pe c i a i Eire nt s
1 0 0
January 21-23 Carlsbad and Oceanside split the cost of a booth at the Seati
Travel Show. More th.an 15,000 Seattle residents including st
hundred travel agents attended the shov.
January 21-23 ConVis volunteers manned a hospitality booth at the registrat
area of the San Dieso Pfarathon. The ConVis recruited a score
other volunteers for a wide variety of duties in staging the
Earlier, the ConVis helped r6ce organizers comi?i!e photos an6
narrative for a souvenir book given to each runner.
FebruaEy 1-3 Steve Link, ConVis manager, Cleta Wright, ConVis director of
reiations , and Hope Vrisley, who chairs the ConVis Advisory
attended the Governor's Conference on Tourism in Sacramento.
Officials of the California 9ffice of Tourism led. discussions
trends in tourism and. other topics.
February 5-6 Steve Link, ConVis manager, Carol DuDeck, Carisbad inn sales
director, and Bonnie Tekstra, Tamarack Beach Resort sales dir
manned the Carlsbad Sooth at the Orange County Trave? Show.
than 18,000 Orange County residents, including several hundre
travel agents, atteneed the show.
February 18-23 Cleta Wright, accompanied by Carol DuDeck and Bonnie Tekstra,
manned the Carlsba6 booth at the Phoenix Travel Show. About
Phoenix residents including several hunclred travel. agents att
the show.
February The CanVis nailed a news release about the flotrel: fields to 3
newspapers and invited them to contact us for color slides an1
prints. Many did.
March 4-6 Steve Link and Cleta Wright manned the Carlsbad booth at the
Travel Show synsorec! by American Airlines. More than 3,500
agents from throughout the U.S. attended the show as well as
10,GC0 Dallas ares. residents,
March 26-27 ConVis assisted in a variety of ways in the arrangements for i
CarlsSad 5000, %e Coniris recruited a score of volunteers foi
vide variety of duties in staging the race. Literature about
race was distributed at a11 recent trade shows the ConVis
Part i c ipate6 i~.
As a result of our travel writer pnogram, articLes about Carl:
appeareci in several pubiicakions during this period. These
included ari article about Alt Karlsbad in Canada's Financial i
an articie in the ?ziceCostco Connection the publication
distributed at Price Clubs and Costco stores. A iengthy travi
about Carisbad vas also inserted into Compuserve, a nationwid?
computer service. 0"zer "1 a-"' L~;~~es - appeared iri the Orange Count
Recjisteer, Torrance Daliy Breeze and the San Diecjo Business JOL
J a nua r y -Ma L c h
e e
January - March 1994
CA. resident Out of CA Foreicn Total vis icz rs visitors visitors mcntl
January 4 64 996 135 1595
February 503 1098 173 1774
March 663 1168 155 1986
3 month totals 1630 3262 463 5355
Above figures represent one member of family ane./or group
Phone inquiries 1560 1600 1925 50
Mail outs 980 1025 1187 31
Travel agent mail outs 150 130 160 4
m W
January 1, 1993 -- April I, 1993
CA resident Out of CA Foreign Total for visitors visitors visi tors month
January 383 489 134 1,006
February 503 936 257 1,498
March 528 1,092 226 1,846
3 month totals 1,414 2,517 617 4,350
Above figures represent one member of family and/or group.
January February March Totals
Phone inquiries 1,390 1,498 1,470 4,358
Mail outs , 633 79 6 995 2,424
Travel agent
mail outs 19 0 188 155 533
-4- ..-
San Diego Marathon slated for Jan. 2
The San Diego Marathon is
expecting over 16,000 feet to line up
at the various starting lines on race
day -Jan. 23. "Entries as of Dec. 1
are over twice the number received
"For many, this will be their first visit to Carkbad. Tht
Marathon gives us an opportunity to showcase the
charm of our community." - CLETA WRIGHT OF CONb by that same date last year," reports
Operations Director Ellen Flanagan.
The increase in numbers is attrib-
uted to a combination of aggressive
marketing as well as the very
positive press the event received last
year. sented by Creamette Pasta and Zealand and Australia.
marathon and the 13.1-mile half
marathon, the weekend will include
a variety of other events.starting
with the brand new Kids Mini
Marathon on Saturday at 9 a.m.
Activities that combine fun and
fitness for kids 10 and under will be
the focus of the morning. Also new this year is a fast 5K that
runs through the Village and
finishes to the fun and excitement of
the marathon finish line. Last year's
five-person Team Relay is back and
this year offers 25 divisions, a team
party on Friday, Jan. 21, and a Pizza Hut Reunion Party at the finish line.
The All About Fitness Expo,
featuring more than 70 vendors, will
be open all weekend at the start/
finish line at the Plaza Camino Real
mall. The Expo is free to the public.
And the Vons Carbo Dinner pre-
Classico is a great all-you-can-eat
bargain on Saturday, Jan. 22. KOW
FM will entertain hungry runners
with music, prizes and line dancing
The ConVis will be manning a
hospitality /informa tion table all
weekend at the Expo. "We will help
people find hotel rooms and answer
questions about things to see and do
during their stay in Carlsbad," said
Cleta Wright, ConVis director of
public relations. "For many, this
will be their first visit to Carlsbad.
The Marathon gives us an opportu-
nity to showcase the charm of our
More than 2,500 volunteers are
required to produce this annual
event which brings runners to
Carlsbad from over 40 states an(
number of foreign countries incl
ing Mexico, Canada, Poland, NE
For entry forms or to find out
you can get involved call In Mo
at 929-0909. Entry forms and
volunteer forms are also availak
the Visitor Information Center i
old Depot.
In addition to the 26.2-mile
popular Dining Guide.
The guide lists 126 eating
establishments, including fine
restaurants, specialty coffee
shops, ethnic restaurants and
fast food establishments. The
brochure is available at the
Visitors Information Center ir
Wrisley selected host of the year
Hope Wrisley has been selected to budgets and policy," said Steve
Link, ConVis manager.
ConVis activities such as the two
LEGO public events at Pea Soup
Andersen's and at Carlsbad Inn last
Wrisley has resided in Carlsbad
for almost 30 years and is a member
and Carlsbad CARES, an organiza-
tion actively supporting the LEGO
Family Park.
Last year's winner was Carol
DuDeck, sales manager for the
Carlsbad Inn.
"The brochure is popular
with visitors to Carlsbad," sai
"Visitors can easily see the
wide range of dining opportu
nities offered in Carlsbad.
Many tourists are intrigued b:
the variety of restaurants and
receive the Host of the Year award
Dance in January.
The award, sponsored by ConVis,
annually recognizes a person for his
or her support of ConVis programs
and in other ways working to
enhance Carlsbad's hospitality industry. of Rotary, the Big Bang Committee during their stay."
Wrisley, a partner in A World of
Travel in the Village, has chaired the
ConVis Advisory Board for the past
two years.
"She does much more than guide
the board in developing ConVis
16 january, 1994 Carlsbad BusinessJournal
at the Chamber's Annual Dinner "She is an active volunteer in Steve Link, ConVis manager.
Each time the brochure is
reprinted, ConVis staff contac
each restaurant to verify the
information listed. The 13,OOC
copies last about eight month
agents, escaped the cold drizzle
long enough to attend the Seattle
Travel Show, Jan. 21-23.
There they were greeted by
ConVis manager Steve Link and a
rcpresentative of the Oceanside
Chamber of Commerce who told
them about the sun-splashed
beaches of San Diego's North Coast.
'This is the third year that Carlsbad
has participated in the travel show.
us in this project and share cx-
pnses," said Steve Link, ConVis
rnanagcr. "When the points of,
!.iterest of the two communities are
combined, the north coastal region
is very enticing to Seattle area
res id en t s . "
Alter months of cold drizzle,
many were eager to travel south for
warm weather and sunshine. "We
also urged them to include San
"We approached Oceanside to join
Steve Link and Werner Von Gundell talk to Seattle residents about vacation
ing in Carlsbad and Oceanside.
Diego's iiintrdry north if they coast were on planning their travel a
or San Dicgo,"said Link.
Mercedes Championshi
attracts record crow business trip to either Los Angeles
The two cornmunitits also pur-
ch'3ised an 'id in a newspaper insert
households prior to the show.
"The Scattle region is a viable
market for our promotions," said
Link. "Data shows that of the 32
million visitors to California in 1992,
Arizona led the list with 11 million
and Washington was second with 9
million people."
The Mercedes Championships at managing director of the resort.
crowd of more than 118,000," he
The tournament had the widest
media coverage ever. ESPN and
ABC Sports televised the action
nationwide with NHK broadcastir
live to Japan. Additionally, the
largest array ever of journalists
covered the event, representing
such publications as Sports Illus-
trated, New York Times, USA Today
and more. "The course and our
weather looked absolutely beautifi
to the millions of television view-
ers,'' said Mike Crosthwaite, tourn
ment director. "I am sure it made
the viewers eager to come visit."
tiut was distributed to 250,000 La Costa Resort and Spa in January "The tournament attracted a recorc was the most successful one ever,
according to DarreII Sheaffer,
Merchants, restaurants and hotel
throughout Carlsbad did a brisk
business with the throng of golf
enthusiasts here for the tournamer
Axor ding to San Diego
L: d rei :tc !I officials, the
:hoddncis of runners who
gdthered at sunrise on Jan.
23 were very pleased with
r drkbdd's cool coastal
an information kablc
Expo Friday dftemc
day Saturddy aitd S
morning, answerini
array of questions a
the race and Carlsb<
right dircctioii, kt!
Scst. By mid-morning, the
oright sunlight provided
>hirt-slceve weather for
:he spectators to view the
fi ni sher s.
About 6,000 people
mnpeted in either the
!i;'ird thon, half marathon,
A iLeeich;lir competition,
5K run/ walk and kiddie
rate, including 50 relay teams representing busincsses
.~:>,d riic city. The 5K run/wdlk dnd kiddie race were
~~ccc'53iuI new additions to this year's race.
Wright, ConVi3 dlrc
public relations. "W
helped with ecerytr
from hotel rescrvati
charting out travel i
tions to and from th
start/finish locatlor
heard dozens of wo
comments about !ill
quaint village {tmu
and the beauty of our coastliw."
Besides the merchants, restdurants d:id ho~c!~ ti
benefited from the thousands of visitors, the mar,
also enabled 15 local charities to raise funds.
ConVisvoIuntrrr-s work information boothfor marathon.
Co;7V1s staff, aided by a corps of volunteers, worked at
iter for
we s e W a y s
visits Carlsbad
"My style is to write articles in
first person," explained Laurel Delp,
a Westwuys magazine writer who
spent two days in Carlsbad in mid-
January. "I relate my experiences in
browsing through antique stores
and visiting points of interest."
She spent several hours strolling
through the Village and ConVis
staff gdve her a tour of the area. The
Carlsbad Inn provided complimen-
tary dccoinrnoda tions.
"We are anxious to see her article,
which is scheduled to be published
in a few months, said Cleta Wright
ConVis director of public relations.
W:t.~iwuys is distributed to almost
5000,01N members of AAA in
Southern California.
Caiiiornia's tourism industry is
not conceding defeat to natural Go". Pete Wilson pointed to the success sf bringing
LEGO to Carlsbad as evidence that the state is overcoi
ing its anti-business image. He described the LEGO
decision as the first major success of the Beam Califor.
nia approach to attracting companies to California.
disasters or the recession.
:it& iiil riiwts of the travel industry
i.'our hundred delegates represent-
:i)Llt ii.1 Stcramento last month for
{hc 1 i iii dnnual Governor's Confer-
uiicc oi 1 'l'ourism. They were up
4.,,4 .<I ii <. ort ii wide range of topics
111 ~g California's tourism ing.its anti-business image. He
described the LEGO decision as the
first mapr success of the Team
California approach to attracting
companies to California. This
approach involves forming a team
of officials from selected state agencies with local and county
officials to respond quickly and
effectively to questions from
out-of-state companies seeking a
site to locate their business.
State officials pointed out that the
campaign to attract LEGO took two
years of hard work. And while
LEG0 will produce about 800 jc
30-second earthquake eliminate
4,000 jobs in Los Angeles.
The problems in Los Angeles i
challenge California's marketin)
programs in the coming year.
"Good marketing can quickly overcome one catastrophe but tl
civil unrest, fires, floods and no1
the earthquake have severely
eroded the sun and surf' image o
Southern California," said John
Poimiroo, California's Director c
Tourism. State officials describec
number of marketing programs
are being conducted to counter !
negative news about Los Angelc
The California Office of Touris
unveiled a new advertising cam
paign built around a series of
television commercials to be airc
nationally. They also announced
plan to establish a statewide
superfund of approximately $25
tourism marketing programs. Tt
year the state legislature budget1
$7.3 million to promote tourism.
While this is the largest amount
budgeted, California still ranked
16th in funds for tourism promo
tion, behind Minnesota. The
superfund would be similar to tl
marketing fund established for t
state's dairy industry where corn
nies within the industry are char
a fee that is earmarked for statew
marketing programs.
Attending the conference were
Steve Link, ConVis manager; Ck
Wright, ConVis director of publi
relations and Hope Wrisley, whc
chairs the ConVis Advisory Boar
ti's were briefed on trends
:ii !ourism, who the visitors are,
.,\,hex ih,!y go and other topics.
: .i~riw~~ is a $54 billion industry in
,. Ji:wii'i, employing more than
i jjwple and geiierabng more
3 billion in state and local tax
% ,.I. .J:,[c.b Vv'ilson, in a speech to
.- k.> '"'L'ii t i E.
pointed to the success of
i;ringiIlg LEGO to Carlsbad as
L,I.*icicnce that the state is overcom-
million a year to enhance the sta
Of the dozeri travel shorir'> i:i-
tended by ConVis each year, tk
Orange County arid Phoenix tr,
shows each l-'dx-uary are cim~~>
most productive. A total of mol
than 30,000 people attended the
two shows in Carlsbad's best
At tach sho~, mure than ?Oil
cxhibitors, representing such e,
destinations as Singaporc, ihc
Bahamas and, of course', Cdrlst
vie for the attention of the crov
Hundreds of travel agents and
thousands of people stroll the d
collecting literature and 1is;Cij t
people extol the amenities of th
"When pec\pli, cornc to OUT b(
tor a C'irlsbai! brcxhuri, ii C' JL)
tiwy clre usmlly clutch!!ig g!:t~
brochures from cruise lines c~l:c
pricy overseas destinations " M
Steve Link, C(1i:V:s :n?ni:g-.r ''I
tew months !r(>lit i\c)vv', I>
pldn their ~:~!t~l~cr I <~.,~cI,J,>, 1. ,
e Link,
ConVis manager; Carol DuDeck of Carlsbad Inn; and Bonnie Tekstra of
Tamarack Beach Resort.
Carlsbad brochure wiH risc LL) ii
top. Cdrlsbnd I> clox, ciffo:ciLit)i
'11~d ~pp~.~li~~g <>\ .I fai~i~lv ~btcsl
I dcstiildtIor~ "We pldccd 3 IittlL? LLGO '0)
distance runners are packing their bags for a trip to Carlsbad to compere
in the ninth annual Carlsbad 5000, the premier 5K race in the United
the booth and that piclucd their
iiitcr~'s1 in Cclrisbdd even inwe
flattering that x, many people
throughout the Southwest are a
of LECO's decision to build L. t,i
,lark II\ Girlhad," said LAIIL
More than 9,000 runners are expected to compete in the two days of
races scheduled for the weekend of March 26-27. Almost 1,ooO more
runners will compete this year compared to 1993. This increase has nwJc
it necessary to split the men's 39 years and under race into two race>. 1 While the addtd race will extend the closure of some downtown streets i
an extra half hour Sunday morning, the additional runners plus their I
families and friends will insure that shops and restaurants will tx CWII
busier than last year.
About 3,000 youngsters will compete in a series of 10 races Saturday
morning. Distances range from a 25-yard diaper dash to one mile. Every
child will be a winner and will be presented with a medal.
The races will be recorded by ESPN and televised nationwide three times in April.
Race application forms are available in the Visitor Information Center
in the &pot. More than 600 volunteers are needed to insure a smoothly
run event. So, if a 3.1-mile jaunt is not your cup of tea, share in the
excitement by working as a volunteer. For information, contact the
Depot at 434-6093.
Carlsbad continues to receive media attent
While the spring blooming of the
flower fields generated the most
press coverage of Carlsbad in
February and March, several articles
were on other topics.
"The articles are not happenstance,The ConVis hc
!- more than, two dozen travel writers annually as thej
gather information about Carlsbad. "
An article in Canada's Financial
Post focused on the discovery of the
mineral waters a century ago and
described the Village as it is today.
Alt Karlsbad. With 2OO,OC)() subscrib-
when a travel writer submitted a about Carlsbad long after th
submitted the travelogue to
Compuserve visited Carlsb;
April 1991.,,
In addition to working wil
writers, the ConVis periodic
sends news releases dircctlj
publications and broadcast :
Approximately 3oo newS re
were sent announcing the b.
of the flower fields, for exan
More than a dozen newspaF
have published the release s
The article included a color photo of lengthy trave1ope about Car'sbad The effort pay,j off. me writ to Cornpusewe. Computer enthusi-
asts throughout the nation, who
subscribe to the service can access
information about Carlsbad at any
"The articles are not happen-
stance," said Steve Link, ConVis
manager. "The ConVis hosts more
than two dozen travel writers
annually as they gather information
about Carlsbad. We continue to
provide the writers information
ers, the Financial Post is the largest
national business paper in Canada.
The January issue of the Canadian region of the PriceCostco Connection
included a feature on Carlsbad with
a photo of La Costa Resort and Spa.
This publication is distributed to
customers of Price Club and Costco
A rather unique form of exposure
for Carisbad occurred in February
Carlsbad touted at ConVis continue:
Dallas travel show contract w i thPasa
Communications "*&'p thollght we were doing a
good &u.d for Anreric'in Eagle
when we included their broChuK 111
the packet of literature we handed
out at the Dallas travel show," said
Cleta Wright, ConVis director of
public relations. "As it turned Out, it
caused just about every travel agent
who approached our booth to ask
more questions about Carlsbad and
how yeoplc travel here."
The three-day show, sponsored by
An-prican Airiines is aimtd prima-
rily at travel agents. More then 5,000 agents from throughout the US.
attended the show in early March.
Most traveled as guests of American
Airlines. "This is the third year we have
manned the Carlsbad booth at the
Dallas show," said Wright. "It is a
wonderful opportunity to promote
Carisbad to a great number of
experienced travel agents."
The ConVis has renewed tl
annual contract with Annie (
McLhinney of Paradise Corn
cations to oversee the bureaL
travel writer program.
She contacts selected travel
and invites them to visit Carl
She then assists ConVis staff
developing an itinerary and 1
arrangements for their visits.
"Carlsbad garnered some e
exposure in a variety of magi
said Steve Link, ConVis man
"While it is difficult to put a (
value on the articles, we estir
would have cost more than $.
to purchase an equal amount
space in these publications."
While writers visit Carlsbac
throughout the year, ConVis
organizes a special four-day c
each April to coincide with tk
blooming of the flower fields.
or eight travel writers are inv
and newspapus this past yei