HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-05-17; City Council; 12715; San Diego Solid Waste Management Authority JPAu cd 48 # 12; 31’5 MTG. 5/17/94 DEPT. CM U TITLE: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF SAN DIEGO SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT a, U v) .. 0 CJY Cf’ ‘ OF CARLSBAD - AGE! ’IA BILL DEPT. HD. CITY ATTY GB CITY MGR. 3ECOMMENDED ACTION: Review document but take no action at this time. lTEM EXPLANATION: Attached is the final version of the proposed Joint Powers Agreement. This agreement would create the San Diego Solid Waste Management Authority which would become solely responsible for operating the existing County Solid Waste Disposal System. The agreement is the product of extensive work by the Interim Solid Waste Commission and members of your Subcommittee on solid waste, Mayor Lewis and Council Member Nygaard. It should be clearly understood that the intent of this document is that the agency would be created when any two parties sign the agreement and that the agency would take over all assets and liabilities of the current County Disposal System. To make it clear which assets and liabilities are being taken on, the agreement lists four exhibits which detail the assets of the system, pending litigation, a list of active and inactive landfill sites and a list of current contracts of the system. The proposed JPA would have significant and wide-ranging authority to manage solid waste disposal for the participating parties. By signing this agreement an agency would be taking on a major responsibility for managing the disposal of solid waste which would demand a considerable amount of time from official representatives as well as City staff support for those representatives. The Interim Commission is asking all agencies to take action on the JPA prior to May 31, 1994. AU cities considering joining the JPA have a difficult decision to make. It is relatively easy to join but may be very difficult to withdraw. Although the agreement provides an absolute ability to withdraw, the conditions to withdraw may be onerous. Prior to making a commitment to joining the agency, the City would need to know the costs and capabilities of the system both on a short-term and a long-term basis. The short-term costs are being identified by means of a proposed two-year budget for the system. The long-term costs and capabilities of the system are yet undefined and will be dependent on the decisions made regarding future capital expenditures and the viability and long-term use of the NCRRA facility. Needless to say, there are still unanswered questions about the long-term costs and future of the system. However, cities will be able to make and control those decisions as members of the JPA. The current County system is facing the same phenomenon that a number of systems throughout the United States are facing: A declining tonnage of trash being disposed and the need to raise rates in order to cover fixed costs. Such a situation can create a death spiral that continues to drive costs of disposal up and therefore creates an increasing incentive to divert trash from the system, further aggravating the situation. The County has long had a policy of discouraging private sector disposal alternatives in this County. The County system has not been subject to the discipline of the market place. A private sector market place for disposal of trash is continuing to develop and will likely be accelerated by the proposed price increases in the County system. In order to remain competitive in this evolving market the County system needs to become more efficient and cost conscious when developing a strategy and before planning for the disposal of solid waste. The County system must recognize the realities of the market place and not be driven solely by political needs. The JPA will provide opportunities for cities to participate in the policy making and management of the Solid Waste Disposal System, however, in order to make the current system more cost competitive and efficient, difficult decisions will need to be made and a 1 -- , great deal of work will be required by all participating agencies. The current County system is both burdened by costly obligations such an NCRRA plant as well as blessed by significant resources such as existing landfills. The critical issue facing City Council is one of timing. Is there enough information at this time to fully and fairly evaluate the future costs and capabilities of the County system versus the need to understand and explore emerging private sector market place for disposal. Although the JPA will provide the City with the ability to decide the future of the system, the current system is burdened with obligations that may be difficult to overcome. In such an environment it does not seem to make sense to make long-term commitments but to keep your options open and develop a short-term disposal strategy until further information is developed about the future costs of the current system and the private sector disposal market place further evolves. The agreement creates a number of legal obligations on the City. One of the most important is that you would committing 100% of the City's trash flow to the JPA. The ability of an agency to commit its trash flow is currently an issue that is before the U.S. Supreme Court. The legal uncertainties surrounding this issue further complicates the Council's decision making. The existing Council Policy encourages the creation and operation of a regional cooperative solid waste disposal system. One of the issues the Council needs to consider in joining or not joining the proposed systems is the effect on intergovernmental relations in general. The Council needs to balance this need with the need to protect the interests of the rate payers to provide an environmentally safe, reliable and cost effective system. By approving this agreement the Council is becoming a partner in the agency. The Council needs to be convinced that the partnership would be in the best interest of its members and would provide a solid waste disposal system that will provide the best deal for the rate payers. The Council basically has three options at this point: 0 Approve the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement as written. 0 Reject the Joint Powers Agreement as written. 0 Take no action at this time on the proposed Joint Powers Agreement. It is the feeling of your Council Subcommittee and a recommendation of staff that the Council take no action at this time on the proposed agreement. As directed at your meeting of April 19,1994, City staff, through the North County Solid Waste Management Authority, is continuing negotiations with ECDC/Coast Waste Management to develop a standby agreement with the North County Solid Waste Management Authority. Staff has also initiated discussions with Coast Waste Management to identify disposal alternatives for the City of Carlsbad. When additional information is developed the Council will be in a better position to make long-term decisions about solid waste disposal. 1. Letter from the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Interim Solid Waste Commission dated May 2, 1994. 2. Executive Summary of the San Diego Solid Waste Management Authority Joint Powers Agreement. 3. A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad approving the San Diego Solid Waste Management Authority Joint Powers Agreement with a copy of the agreement of the attached. EXHIBIT 1 PAM SLATER CHAIRWOMAN May2,1994 SUPERVISOR, THIRD DISTRICT SAN DlEGO COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Honorable Claude "Bud" Lewis Mayor, City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 Dear Mayor Lewis: The purpose of this letter is to thank each and every one of you for your continuing efforts as members of the Interim Solid Waste Commission and to express our deepest gratitude for your intentions to make every effort to resolve our regional trash disposal needs. We know that this has been a very time demanding project and our success is due to the long hours and hard work that each of you has put into this process. As you know, the Commission has been meeting twice a month for three hours each time, has held four full-day workshops and has met four weeks running in April. Additionally, the Commission has organized itself to four active subcommittees which have met both early in the morning and long into the evening to complete their work. Every elected official has taken his or her job very seriously. As a result, we have become closer as a region and we are prepared to make recommendations on how to work together in the future. What is contained in the document is not perfect, and it is clear that we can not portray it as such. However, a lot of hard work has gone into bringing forward material which we believe will assist in managing the solid waste system in the future. Through consensus decision-making we can make the System work for all of us. To us, the clear winners will be the taxpayers. Again, the efforts of each Commission member and their Alternate are truly appreciated. Should you have any specific questions about the JPA document, please feel free to call the Commission's legal counsel, John Shaw or Betty Mrgudich at 714/564-2606. At the same time, understand that we are both open to your phone calls and your friendship and counsel. Sincerely, n (PaM SLATER, Chair Interim Solid Waste Commission cc: Alternate Commission Member Interim Solid Waste Commission COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER 1Mw) PACIFIC HIGHWAY ROOM 335 SAN DIEGO, CA 92101-2470 (619) 531-5533 TOLL FREE 800-852-7334 Printed on ~PCYC!~~ -i 3 -<XHIBIT 2 05/02/94 SANDIEGOSOLIDWASTEMANAGEn!lENTAUTI3ORITY JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT EXECUTIVESUMMARY CREATES A SOLID WASTE JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY COMPOSED OF ALL OF THE SIGNATORY CITIES AND THE COUNTY FOR THE PURPOSE OF MANAGING THE SOLID WASTE SYSTEM IN THE MOST ENVIRONMENTALLY SOUND AND ECONOMICAL FASlCjnoN POSSIBLE WITH THE FOLLOWING- POWERS: DETERMINES FUTURE FACILITY NEEDS DETERMINES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN AND FINANCING PLAN DETERMINES ANNUAL BUDGET AND TIP FEE DETERMINES WHAT CONTRACTS TO WRITE WITH OTHER ENTITIES DETERMINES THE APPR0Prn-m METHODOLOGY FOR DISPOSAL: LANDmL OR OUT-OF-COUNTY DISPOSAL DEVELOPS BY-LAWS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT OF THE SDSWMA ADDITIONAL KEY COMPONENTS: . ESTABLISHES A ONE VOTE/ONE ENTITY SYmM WITH A WEIGHTED VOTE BASED ON POPULATION COMMISSION MEMBERS SHALL BE A MEMI@R OF THE LEGISLATIVE BODY OF THE PARTY TO THE AGREEMENT AND WILL BE COMPENSATED FOR THEIR SERVICE ALL ASSETS, LIABILITIES AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE SYSTEM WILL BE TRANSFERRED TO THE SDSWMA OVER A TRANSITION PERIOD ALL SOLID WASTE IS COMMITTED TO THE SDSWMA (EXCEPT RECYCLABLES) LIMITS DEBTS, LIABILITIES, AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE SDSWMA TO THE SDSWMA ALONE AND NOT TO THE INDIVIDUAL PARTIES COMMITS SDSWMA TO PROVIDING SOLID WASTE SERVICES FOR THE PARTIES TO THE AGREEMENT PROVIDES FOR WITHDRAWAL PROCEDURES FROM THE SDSWMA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EXHIBIT 3 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF CARLSBAD TO ENTER INTO THE SAN DIEGO SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the County of San Diego and the cities, including the City of Carlsbad, within San Diego County formed an Interim Solid Waste Commission on May 11,1993, for the purpose of studying whether a joint powers authority should be formed to more effectively and comprehensively address the issues of waste management and disposal throughout the County of San Diego; and WHEREAS, the Interim Solid Waste Commission on April 28,1994, finalized a draft joint powers authority agreement which has, as its purpose, regional waste management; and WHEREAS, the joint powers authority agreement provides for a regional governmental authority to exercise powers common to each participating public entity to site, develop, construct, maintain, operate, lease and/or contract for disposal sites, sanitary landfills, resource recovery facilities, transfer stations and other facilities and services used for the collection, transfer, management and disposal of garbage, trash and rubbish generated within the territorial boundaries of each participating entity; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that a regional approach to waste management will promote the economic efficiency of waste management so as to result in the lowest costs possible to those using the County waste disposal system; and WHEREAS, the City Council further finds that this proposed joint powers authority will enhance the City's efforts to comply with the California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989, and the Resource and Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976; and WHEREAS, the City Council further finds that this regional approach will be to the mutual advantage of the participating entities to reasonably work together to meet the goals of the best practical collection, transfer and disposal of waste; compliance with all environmental laws; and the siting, maintaining and operating of disposal sites; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ia 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are me and correct. That the City Council approves and authorizes the City of Carlsbad to enter into the San Diego Solid Waste Management Authority (SDSWMA). 3. That the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute the counterpart signature pages appended to the Joint Powers Authority Agreement. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the , 1994, by the City of Carlsbad, California on the day of following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor A'ITEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) L - *_ FINAL: 05/02/94 SAN DIEGO SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT (SDSWMA) THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and among the CITIES OF CARLSBAD, CHULA VISTA, CORONADO, DEL MAR, EL CAJON, ENCINITAS, ESCONDIDO, MERIAL BEACH, LA MESA, LEMON GROVE, NATIONAL CITY, OCEANSIDE, POWAY, SAN MARCOS, SANTEE, SOLANA BEACH, VISTA AND THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, which are local governments in San Diego County, California (acting through their respective legislative bodies and collectively referenced herein as the "PARTIES"). .. . r INDEX I . 11 . 111 . IV . V . VI . VII . VIII . IX . X . XI . XII . XIII . XIV . PAGE DEFINITIONS ........................................ 2 FORMATION ........................................ 3 POLICI Es ........................................... 4 PURPOSE ........................................... 4 POWERANDAUTHORITY ............................... 5 BYLAWS ........................................... 7 ORGANIZATION ...................................... 8 CONTRACTINGWITHOTHERENTITIES ..................... 9 MEETINGS .......................................... 9 VOTE ............................................ 10 DEBTS AND OBLJGATIONS OF PARTIES .................... 10 ASSETS AND OBLIGATIONS ............................. 11 1 . Successor In Interest ................................. 2 . Accounts and Funds .................................. 3 . Solid Waste System Costs .............................. 4 . Rates. Feesandcharges ............................... 5 . Solid Waste System Services ............................ 6 . Audit ........................................... 11 11 11 11 11 13 TRANSITION OF COUNTY ASSETS. OBLIGATIONS AND LIABILITIES ........................................ 13 1 . TransitionSchedule .................................. 13 2 . TransitionCriteria ................................... 14 3 . FailureofConsent ................................... 15 4 . TransitionCooperation ................................ 15 5 . CountyasAgent .................................... 16 6 . CountyServices .................................... 16 FAILURE OF TRANSITION .............................. 17 xv . XVI . XVII . XVIII . XIX . xx . XXI . XXII . xxm . XXIV . xxv . XXVI . XXVII . xxvm . XXM . XXX . XXXI . XXXII . . PAGE WASTESTREAMCOMMITMENT ......................... 17 LIMJTATION OF LIABILITY ............................. 18 INDEMNIFICATION OF MEMBER PARTIES ................... 19 IMMUNITY ........................................ 20 WITHDRAWALOFPARTIES ............................. 21 ADDITIONALPARTIES ................................ 24 STAFF ............................................ 24 ACCOUNTING. INVESTMENT. FINANCIAL. PERSONNEL AND OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ........................ 24 ACCOUNTAJ3ILITY ................................... 24 DISSOLUTION ..................................... 24 INSURANCE ........................................ 25 BREACH .......................................... 25 SEVERABILITY ...................................... 25 NOTICES .......................................... 26 DUPLICATE ORIGINALS ............................... 26 APPLICABLELAW ................................... 26 COUNTERPARTS .................................... 26 AMENDMENTS ...................................... 26 SAN DIEGO SOLID WASTE MANAGEMEW AUTHORITY (SDSWMA) THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and among the CITIES OF CARLSBAD, CHULA VISTA, CORONADO, DEL MAR, EL CAJON, ENCINITAS, ESCONDIDO, IMPERIAL BEACH, LA MESA, LEMON GROVE, NATIONAL CITY, OCEANSIDE, POWAY, SAN MARCOS, SANTEE, SOLANA BEACH, VISTA AND THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, or any two or more of them, which are local governments in San Diego County, California (acting through their respective legislative bodies and collectively referenced herein as the "PARTIES'). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the PARTIES to this Agreement are "public agencies" as this term is defined in Section 6500 of the Government Code of the State of California; WHEREAS, pursuant to California Government Code $6500 m. (the "Joint Exercise of Powers Act"), the PARTIES may jointly exercise any power common to them as contracting parties; WHEREAS, each of the PARTIES hereto has the power to site, develop, construct, maintain, operate, lase andor contract for disposal sites, sanitary landfills, resource recovery facilities, transfer stations and other facilities and services used for the collection, transfer, management and disposal of garbage, trash and rubbish generated within the territorial boundaries of each of the PARTIES; WHEREAS, each of the PARTE3 must comply with applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations governing solid waste, such as the California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989, as may be amended from time to time (the "Act"); and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 ("RCRA"); WHEREAS, the PARTIES find that it will be to their mutual advantage and benefit to reasonably work together to meet the goals of: (i) siting, developing, constructing, maintaining,-' operating, leasing andor contracting for disposal sites, sanitary landfills, resource recovery facilities, transfer stations and other facilities and services, (ii) best practical collection, transfer, management and disposal of garbage, trash and rubbish, and (iii) compliance with applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations governing solid waste, including but not limited to the Act; WHEREAS, the Act requires that each of the PARTIES to prepare a Source Reduction and Recycling Plan, which includes a landfill siting element; WHEREAS, it is the desire of the PARTIES to use any power that they have in common as reasonably necessary and appropriate to aid in the accomplishment of these goals; and ,a WHEREAS, the PARTIES desire, by means of this Agreement, to establish a separate I. agency and procedure to accomplish these goals. NOW THEREFORE, based upon the mutual promises contained herein, the PARTIES hereby agree as follows: I. DEF'INITIONS For the purposes of this Joint Powers Agreement forming the SAN DIEGO SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT AU"ORJTY, the following terms shall have the following meanings: 1. "Act" shall mean the California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989, as may be amended from time to time. 2. "Assets" shall mean the County Solid Waste Enterprise Fund and the active landfill sites and other real property and personal property of the County Solid Waste Division existing on the Effective Date hereof, as otherwise listed on Exhibit "A" to this Agreement and incorporated herein by this reference. :At the election of SDSWMA, the term "Assets" may also include other items of the County's solid waste system, including but not limited to leases, easements, licenses, conditional use permits and other documented land use approvals or restrictions, debt instruments, security instruments, warranties and guarantees, personnel and labor contracts, hauler agreements, environmental permits and regulatory approvals (such as federal, state, regional or local air quality permits, NPDES permits, waste discharge permits, health department permits, EPA documents, State Integrated Waste Management Board approvals or documents, OSHA Permits, Business Plans and other Health and Safety Plans). 3. "County" shall mean the County of San Diego, California acting by and through the Board of Supervisors. 4. "Commission" shall mean the governing board of SDSWMA organized in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. 5. "Financial Obligations " shall mean the instruments of financial obligation, including but not limited to loans, guarantees, secured instruments, bonds, mortgages or other financial obligations becoming due or payable from SDSWMA. 6. "Liabilities" shall mean the lawsuits and other claims listed on Exhibit "B" to this Agreement, which are incorporated herein by this reference. 7. "Obligations" shall mean the contracts and other obligations listed on Exhibit "C" to this Agreement, including but not limited to inactive landfill sites, which are incorporated herein by this reference. 2 8. "PARTIES a shall mean the Cities of Carlsbad, Chub Vista, Coronado, Del Mar, El Cajon, Encinitas, Escondido, Imperial Beach, La Mesa, Lemon Grove, National City, Oceanside, Poway, San Marcos, Santee, Solana Beach, Vista, the County of San Diego and such other local governing entities as may be approved for membership in SDSWMA pursuant to the terms and conditions hereof. The term "PARTY" shall mean any member of SDSWMA as an individual entity. I. 9. "SDSM a shall mean the San Diego Solid Waste Management Authority as duly formed and authorized by this Agreement. 10. "S"MWi Bylaws " shall mean the rules, regulations and requirements for the conduct of the business of SDSWMA as prepared by the Executive Committee and approved by the Commission. 11. "Solid Waste System" shall mean the facilities and services provided by SDSWMA to the PARTIES for the collection, transfer, management and disposal of the type of garbage, trash and rubbish accepted at Class III landfills, including but not limited to: disposal sites, sanitary landfills, resource recovery facilities, transfer stations, inactive disposal sites and other facilities md services. Ix. FORMATION As of June 1, 1994 (the "Effective Date"), there is hereby created by the PARTIES the Joint Powers Authority to be known as SDSWMA, which is formed and organized pursuant to California Government Code 86500 a m. SDSWMA is a public entity separate and distinct from the PARTIES. The PARTIES to this Agreement, shall have a full, unfettered right to dissolve SDSWMA during the thirty (30) day period immediately following the Effective Date ("Early Termination"). Notwithstanding this Section X hereinbelow, with respect to a vote of the PARTIES to exercise the Early Termination option, one PARTY may call for a weighted vote, and there shall then be a total of 100 votes distributed among the PARTIES in accordance with the population of the represented PARTY as established annually by the State Department of Finance; provided however, that no PARTY shall be allocated more than 50 votes and there shall be no fractional vote. If Early Termination occurs, this Agreement shall be void and of no further force and effect; each PARTY shall return in all respects to the position of a nonmember of SDSWMA as if never having executed this Agreement, and SDSWMA shall cease to exist. 3 I' III. Po LICIES SDSWMA shall carry out its purposes and exercise its powers and authority in accordance with the following statements of public policy: 1. SDSWMA shall promote economic efficiency in the management and handling of the Solid Waste System; 2. The Commissioners, Officers and employees of SDSWMA shall maintain an attitude of public service in the carrying forth of all of their assigned and assumed duties; 3. SDSWMA shall manage the Solid Waste System utilizing the best environmental protections reasonably achievable as a matter of sound fiscal policy; 4. The PARTIES of SDSWMA shall approach the Solid Waste System as a matter of regional I_ concern; 5. The Commissioners and Officers of SDSWMA shall endeavor to adopt the best regional approach for management of the Solid Waste System; 6. SDSWMA shall operate the Solid Waste System in a fiscally sound manner utilizing the resources of its PARTIES, which shall be collected only through fees, rates and charges for use of the Solid Waste System. 7. SDSWMA shall 2rovide protection to the PARTIES and hold each of them harmless from liabilities arising from the management and operation of the Solid Waste System. Iv. PuRPos E The purposes of SDSWMA shall be: 1. Operation of the Solid Waste System in the most practicable way; 2. Compliance with applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations governing the Solid Waste System, including but not limited to the Act; 3. Preparation, implementation and revision of a SDSWMA solid waste management plan which meets the requirements of the Act; 4. Exercise of all other appropriate powers reasonably necessary to carry out the policies and purposes of this Agreement. 4 I v. Po WERANDAUTHO m7 SDSWMA shall have any and all powers authorized by law and common to all of the PARTES hereto, and separately to the Agency herein created, as reasonable and necessary to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Acquire, site, license, develop, construct, finance, maintain, operate, lease and/or contract for solid waste disposal sites, sanitary landfdls, resource recovery facilities, transfer stations and other facilities and services; Collect, transfer, manage, dispose, recycle, reduce, and otherwise alter the garbage, trash and rubbish brought into the Solid Waste System; Prepare solid waste management plans meeting the requirements of the Act; Comply with applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations governing the Solid Waste System; Sue and be suedk its own name; Make and enter into contracts; Make and enter into agreements for the creation of s-parate public entities and agencies pursuant to the Joint Powers Act; Secure agents and employees by contract or at will; Acquire, construct, maintain, operate, sell, exchange and/or otherwise transfer real property, such as land, buildings and other works of improvement; Acquire, maintain, operate, sell, exchange and/or otherwise transfer personal propeq such as vehicles, equipment, and furniture; Establish a budget and authorize expenditures therefrom; Incur and discharge debts, liabilities and obligations, such as Financial Obligations; Hold accounts, security interests, real and intangible assets; Manage public funds and make investments; Make and receive gifts, contributions and donations of real and personal property and funds; 5 16. Cooperate and provide other forms of assistance, and accept the same from persons, firms, corporations and other governmental entities; 17. Cause to be prepared plans and studies related to solid waste management; 18. Plan for closure and post-closure of landfills, including such financial assurance as may be required by law; 19. Except as otherwise provided herein, seek reimbursement of the costs of remediating any site from any entity or person legally responsible for such costs; 20. Prepare and support legislation related to solid waste issues; 21. Make application for, accept and manage grants; 22. Establish ordinances, requirements, and regulations applicable to the proper functioning of the Solid Waste System and create such penalties, fines and metho& of enforcement as shall be allowable by law for the carrying out of such ordinances, requirements and regulations; 23. Acquire, contract for and utilize professional consultants and such new technologies as are consistent with prudent solid waste management practices; 24. Undertake all tasks and do any and all things necessary or convenient to provide for landfill sites and for the disposal of garbage, rubbish and refuse. 25. SDSWMA shall have the power and authority to become a redevelopment agency, with all of the additional powers then authorized by law, and SDSWMA may prepare, adopt and implement a redevelopment plan for any project area, or project areas, designated by SDSWMA. SDSWMA shall meet the following conditions precedent to the designation of any project area, or project areas for redevelopment: (a) SDSWMA shall find that the project is necessary for the effective redevelopment of any of the land areas owned or otherwise managed and controlled by SDSWMA; (b) of the PARTIES; The project shall be approved by SDSWMA by action of two-thirds (c) The project shall be approved by a majority vote of the legislative body of any of the PARTIES whose jurisdictional boundaries are included in any proposed project area; 6 Additionally, 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. (d) All legal conditions necessary to SDSWMA’s status as a public agency with authority for adoption of a redevelopment plan shall be satisfied by SDSWMA. without limiting the foregoing generality, SDSWMA may: Acquire and dispose of all kinds of property and utilize the power of eminent domain, except that the power of eminent domain may not be exercised within the territorial limits of any PARTY without the consent of said PARTY; Issue or cause to be issued bonds, notes, refunding and other indebtedness, and pledge any property or revenue as security to the extent permitted by law (including, but not limited to Government Code fj 6508 a.) or otherwise, including but not limited to bonds, or other evidences of indebtedness of a nonprofit corporation issued on behalf of SDSWMA or any of its PARTIES; Obtain in its owh name all necessary permits and licenses, opinions and rulings; Impose rates, fees and charges; Whenever necessary to facilitate the exercise of its powers, form and administer nonprofit corporations to do any part of what SDSIVMA could do, or to perform any proper corporate function, and enter into agreements with such a corporation; and Take all actions necessary to comply with the terms, conditions and requirements of this Agreement and all Financial Obligations. VI. BYLAWS The Commission shall adopt and amend from time to time the SDSWMA Bylaws for the administration and management of SDSWMA. The SDSWMA Bylaws shall carry out this Agreement, including but not limited to: 1. Each Commissioner shall receive compensation in an amount established in the SDSWMA Bylaws. Compensation shall be per day for each day of attendance at meetings of the Cornmission or for each day of service rendered as a Commissioner by request of SDSWMA, together with any expenses incurred in the performance of his or her duties as required or authorized by the Commission; 2. The manner in which SDSWMA shall exercise its powers and perform its duties shall be established by the Executive Committee, approved by the Commission and set forth in the SDSWMA Bylaws; 7 3. The duties, functions, requirements, delegated powers and terms of service of the chairman, vice-chairman, secretary, treasurer, controller and other officers, the Executive Committee and other established committees, the General Manager and General Counsel shall comply with all applicable laws and shall be as set forth in the SDSWMA Bylaws; and 4. As required by the Joint Powers Act, the SDSWMA Bylaws shall set forth the officers and other persons who shall have charge of or access to any property of SDSWMA and shall require such persons to file official bonds in an amount set forth in the SDSWMA Bylaws. VI][. ORGANIZATION SDSWMA shall be governed by a commission composed of one elected member of the legislative body of each of the signatory PARTIES. The Commission shall be the administering agency for this Joint Powers Agreement, and, as such, shall be vested with the powers set forth in this Agreement, and shall execute and administer this Agreement in accordance with the purposes and functions provided here&. 1. As required by law, a PARTY’S repremtative to the Commission shall be appointed in accordance with the respective PARTY’S appointing procedures, and the appointed representative shall serve at the will of the represented PARTY. 2. Each Commissioner shall be vested with the authority to vote on behalf of their respective PARTIES. The Commissioner of each of the PARTIES shall be empowered by their appointing resolution, proclamation or letter as the representative of the PARTY and shall participate by affirmation, rejection or abstention in the business of SDSWMA before the Commission. Subject to Section X hereinbelow, the decisions of the Commission shall bind each of the PARTIES. 3. The PARTIES shall designate one or more alternates. The alternate shall be an elected member of the legislative body of the PARTY and shall be empowered to vote in the place of the appointed Commissioner in hidher absence. The alternate shall serve at the will of the appointing PARTY and shall be selected, approved and empowered to act as set forth in Paragraphs 1 and 2 hereinabove. 4. The Commissioners shall: (a) Elect a chairman, and a vice-chairman, and appoint a secretary, and such other officers as the Commission shall find appropriate. The secretary may, at the discretion of the Commission, be a person who is not an elected representative of the legislative body of any PARTY; however, if the secretary is not an elected representative of the legislative 8 body of any PARTY, then the secretary may not vote on any matter before the Commission. The chairman, vice-chairman, secretary and other officers shall serve the Commission at its pleasure for such term as may be provided by the SDSWMA Bylaws. @) Establish an Executive Committee, and such other committees as they shall find appropriate. The Executive Committee shall make policy recommendations to the Commission and may exercise any other power of the Commission delegated to it by the SDSWMA Bylaws. The Executive Committee shall be composed of Commissioners representing PARTIES of geographic diversity within the County of San Diego. (c) Provide general directives for the work of additional committees. 5. Chairman. The Chairman of SDSWMA shall preside at all meethgs of the Commission and perform such other duties as the Commission shall instruct or the SDSWMA Bylaws may require. The duties of the Vice- Chairman shall be the usual and customary duties of such office. Treasurer and Controller. The Commission shall establish the Offices of the Treasurer and Controller or may contract with one of the PARTIES to perform these functions. The Treasurer or the mntracthg PARTY shall be the depository of and have custody of the money of SDSWMA and shall otherwise comply with the requirements of California Government Code 56505.5, as the same may be mended from time to time. The Controller shall comply with the requirements of California Government Code 56505, as the same may be amended from time to time. 6. 7. General Manager. The Commission shall appoint a General Manager. 8. General Counsel. The Commission shall appoint legal counsel. VIII. co NTRACTING WITHOTHERENTITIES SDSWMA reserves the right to contract with government entities that are not PARTIES to this Agreement to promote the objectives and purposes of SDSWMA upon such terms and conditions mutually agreed upon by SDSWMA and the non-member. IX. MEETINGS SDSWMA shall conduct all regular and special meetings in accordance with the requirements of the Ralph M. Brown Act, California Government Code Section 54950 a m., as the same may be amended from time to time, or in accordance with such other regulations as the State legislature may hereinafter provide. 9 .- x. VOTE Except as may be otherwise set forth herein, SDSWMA shall utilize the following voting structure: 1. The method of voting for the Commission shall be one PARTY/one vote (the "Primary Vote"); however, in the event dispute resolution is required by a request of any three of the PARTIES, the weighted vote hereinbelow described shall be implemented. 2. Upon a call by any three of the PARTIES for a weighted vote, there shall be a total of 100 votes distributed among the Commissioners in accordz?ce with the population of the represented PARTY as established annually by the State Department of Finance; provided however, that no PARTY shall be allocated more than 40 votes and there shall be no fractional vote. The Commissioner must cast the total number of votes allowed by voting the whole number of votes. When a weight$ vote is taken, the vote of at least one-third of the PARTIES, representing not less than fifty-one percent (51 96) of ;he total weighted vote, shall be required to supersede the Primary Vote If the weighted vote fails, the action shall be determined by the Primary Vote. 3. 4. Notwithstanding the above, in no event shall the weighted vote be utilized in the selection process for appointment of the Chairman, Vice-chairman, General Manager, General Counsel, Controller, Treasurer, or any other officer of the Commission. 5. Notwithstanding the above, with respect to any vote of the Commission taken with respect to bond financing, bond refinancing, bond refmding, or any other matter related to bond obligations, a vote of at least one-half of the PARTIES plus one additional PARTY and representing fifty-one percent (51 96) of the total population of the then represented PARTIES (as established annually by the State Department of Finance) shall be required to approve such matters. XI. DEBTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF PARTIES None of the debts, liabilities or obligations of SDSWMA shall be the debts, liabilities or obligations of the PARTIES of SDSWMA unless assumed in a particular case by resolution of the legislative body of the PARTY to be charged. Notwithstanding the above, as may be allowed by law, any PARTY of SDSWMA may agree to undertake Financial Obligations on behalf of SDSWMA pursuant to separate agreement negotiated for the purpose of acquiring funding for the Solid Waste System. 10 i9 Nothing in this Agreement shall create any rights in any third party, nor shall this Agreement waive any rights under law otherwise available to SDSWMA or any PARTY, except as explicitly provided herein. a SETS AND OBLIGATIONS 1. Successor In Interest. SDSWMA shall be the successor in interest to the Solid Waste System and the County’s Solid Waste Enterprise Fund. 2. Accounts and Funds. SDSWMA shall establish such accounts or funds as may be approprhte to the management, operation, financing and support of the Solid Waste System. The deposits of the PARTIES to the accounts or funds shall be accumulated in a manner customary and lawful for the support of solid waste enterprises by local authorities. 3. Solid Waste Svste m Costs. SDSWMA shall utilize such other financing methods as may be appropriate to assure the reasonable management, operation, financing and support of the Solid Waste System, including but not limited fo uriform tip fees, closed facilities fees, trash collection fees, recycling and reuse fees. (a) SDSWMA shall impose and collect rates, fees and charges for the use of facilities and the provision of the services of the Solid Waste System. (b) SDSWMA covenants that all rates, fees and charges shall be imposed, charged and revised from time to time so that the revenues of SDSWMA, together with other funds or projected funds of properly allocable to SDSWMA, will be sufficient to satisfy the debts and Financial Obligations of SDSWMA, and all costs related to the Obligztions and Liabilities, if any, when the same are due and payable. (a) SDSWMA shall neither furnish nor supply (nor cause to be furnished or supplied) any use of facilities or services free of charge to any person, firm mrporation or governmental entity that, together with any other such free service or use, would cause SDSWMA to violate the 11 covenants of this Agreement. SDSWMA shall, consistent with prudent solid waste management practices, enforce the payment of any and all amounts then due and owing to it for use of facilities or seMces provided within the Solid Waste System. (b) SDSWMA shall continue to provide or cause to be provided the services and facilities of the Solid Waste System for the management and handling of all garbage, rubbish and waste generated by the PARTIES (the "Service Covenant"). Notwithstanding this Subparagraph 5@), SDSWMA may discontinue the provision of services hereunder within the jurisdictional boundary of any PARTY, upon the request of that PARTY, if the requesting PARTY otherwise provides the service or facility; however, such request for the discontinuance of services shall in no way relieve the PARTY of the terms, conditions and obligations of this Agreement for which it may otherwise be responsible. In no event shall the decision of the Commission to approve a PARTY'S request to provide services within its jurisdiction alter that PARTY'S wastestream commitment under Section XV below. I (c) SDSWMA shall take such actions as are necessary to the proper execution of the Service Covenant, including, but not limited to the diligent excrcise of the policies, purposes, powers and authorities as specified in this Agreement. (d) Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed to prohibit or preclude SDSWMA from providing management and handling of garbage, rubbish and solid waste generated outside of the jurisdiction of the PARTIES, nor is SDSWMA precluded in any respect from disposing of garbage, rubbish and solid waste at disposal facilities or by other means, which may be physically loczted outside the County of San Diego; provided, however, that in no event shall SDSWMA provide such solid waste management and handling services where the same would have an adverse effect on SDSWMA's ability to meet its obligations related to the Service Covenant, Financial Obligations or any other covenant undertaken pursuant to this Agreement. (e) Notwithstanding Subparagraph 5(a) hereinabove, SDSWMA may furnish such public service programs to both PARTIES and non-member cities and other regions as shall be determined by the Commission to be beneficbl to the Solid Waste System, including, but not limited to household hazardous waste collection programs, used motor oil collection and recycling programs, and household materials recycling and reuse educatim programs. 12 6. Audit. At least once annually SDSWMA shall cause to be prepared a written audit for the review of items of accounting (the "Rate Audit"), which shall include but is not limited to: The estimated revenues to be derived from the Solid Waste System; The estimated operating expenses of the Solid Waste System; The estimated amounts payable to debt service; All general accounts, funds and other established accounts or subaccounts of 3DSWMA; All investment income to be derived from money on deposit; The esti@ated tunnage of waste, rubbish, and garbage expected to be nand14 or disposed of by operation of the Solid Waste System; and A reasoned dimate of the minimum rates, fees, charges wd ather income for the 5nsuing twelve (12) month period necessary and required to assure the Financial Obligations and the covenants of this Agreement will be met. "he Pate Audit shall otherwise be prepared in accordance with the requirements for such audit as are accepted or agreed to by SES'NMA in connection with any Financial Obligation. 1. Transition Schedule. The PARTIES intcnd that the County shall transfer and SDSWMA shall accept the Assets, Obligations and Liabilities, pusuant to thc following transfer schedule: (k) On or before August 31, 1994 (the "First Transfer Date"), the County, in cooperation with the General Manager of SDSWhlA, shall present to the Commission for acceptance a portion of the Assets, Gbligations and Liabilities identified on Exhibits "A", "B" and "C". Upon ratification of the Commission, the accepted Assets, Obligations and Liabilities will become the property, assets, liabilities, obligations and sole responsibility of SDSWMA. 13 (b) On or before November 30, 1994 (the "Second Transfer Date"), the County, in cooperation with the General Manager of SDSWMA, shall present to the Commission for acceptance a portion of remaining Assets, Obligations and Liabilities identified on Exhibits "A", "B" and "C". Upon ratification of the Commission, the accepted Assets, Obligations and Liabilities will become the property, assets, liabilities, obligations and sole responsibility of SDSWMA. (c) On or before June 30, 1995 (the "Third Transfer Date"), the County, in cooperation with the General Manager of SDSWMA, shall present to the Commission for acceptance the remaining Assets, Obligations and Liabilities identified on Exhibits "A", "B" and "C". Upon ratification of the Commission, the accepted Assets, Obligations and Liabilities will become the property, assets, liabilities, obligations and sole responsibility of SDSWMA. (d) On or before November 30, 1995 (the "Fourth Transfer Date"), the General Manager of Commission shall present to the Commission for acceptance the remaining Assets, Obligations and Liabilities identified on Exhibits "A", "B" and "C". Upon ratification of the Commission, the remaining Assets, Obligations and Liabilities will become the pprty, assets, liabilities, obligations and sole responsibility of SDSWMA. 2. Transition C riteria. It is a material condition to the County's agreement hereicabve to transition the Assets, Obligations and Liabilities to SDSWMA, that SDSWMA agree to accept the transfer of each Asset, Obligation and Liability. SDSWMA shall have a ninety (90) day due diligence period to exercise only the following rights of review: (a) During the due diligence period, SDSWMA shall have a fdl right of review, approval and/or rejection pursuant only to the transition criteria set forth in this Section XIII.2. (b) SDSWMA shall have the right to assure that each of the actual items subject to transition is as represented by the County; provided however, that with respect to any item rejected for transfer pursuant to this Agreement by SDSWMA, the County shall have a reasonable opportunity to cure problems within its control. In the event the County is able to effect a cure, the item shall be submitted with the qxrection to SDSWMA for reconsideration; (c) SDSWMA shall have the right and opportunity to review and approve any and all documents, bills of sale, titles or instruments of transfer related to the Assets and Obligations to assure that SDSWMA will receive good and marketable title to any item; 14 . -- - (d) SDSWMA shall have’the right and opportunity to quat and receive the cooperation of the County in securing any additional documentation, alterations or changes as necessary to make any item useful to the Solid Waste System, including but not limited to assistance as may be necessary to make any of the Assets or Obligations transferrable to SDSWMA, negotiable by SDSWMA to later parties, or subject to any warranty or guaranty of any manufacturer, seller or lessor; (e) SDSWMA shall have the right and opportunity to review and approve all title and other documentation as SDSWMA may request in connection with all real property interest to be transferred, including but not limited to deeds, easements, licenses, covenants and conditions, limitations and conditional use restrictions; (0 In no event shall SDSWMA be required to accept any Asset, Liability or Obligation, which has been determined to be adverse to SDSWMA due to the gross negligence or wilful or intentional misconduct of the County in the operation and management of the Solid Waste System. 3. Failure of Consent. Notwithstanding the foregoing transition criteria, in no event shall the Comty present to the Commission (nor shall the Commission be required to accept) any item for which the validity of transfer is contingent on the receipt of consent from any third party; however, any such items shall remain subject to Section XIII.4. hereinbelow. 4. Transition Cooperatio n. The County and SDSWMA shall execute any instruments of conveyance or other documents and instructions as may be necessary to effectuate the transition of the County Assets, Obligations and Liabilities in an expeditious and timely manner. The transition of Assets, Obligations and Liabilities is a material condition of this Agreement and the County’s failure to complete said transfer and/or SDSWMA’s failure to accept said transfer shall cause the termination or unwinding of SDSWMA in accordance with Section XIV hereinbelow. No transition of any individual Asset, Obligation or Liability shall be effective until the execution and proper delivery to SDSWMA of proper transfer documents, as approved by SDSWMA and in form and substance substantially similar to the general deed, bill of sale or assignment and assumption agreement attached hereto as Exhibit D or as otherwise approved by SDSWMA. 15 5. 6. Countv as Agent. Notwithstanding the above, in the event that (1) any item cannot be transferred to the Commission due to inability of the County to gain any nece~~ary third party consent, (2) any contractual prohibition on assignment (3) an assignment and assumption of such contracts cannot be accomplished in accordance with the schedule otherwise set forth herein; or (4) SDSWMA declines to accept the terms of assumption required by the obligor under the contract, then SDSWMA shall designate and accept the County as its agent for the purpose of securing benefits and performing duties under the contract. With respect to each Asset, Obligation or Liability for which the County shall be agent as hereinabove provided, the County shall retah only ministerial control and authority and shall in every case implement fully and completely the specific directives and decisions of the Commission. In accordance herewith the County shall remain separately responsible under the contraet: provided, however, that SDSWMA shall assume a pass through of the specific contractual obligations of the County with respect to the untransferred mntract, including but not limited to an obligation to make payment, not to exceed the actual costs to the County, including direct and reasonabie indirect costs, for any materials or services provided for the benefit of SDSWMA and/or the PARTIES. The Ceunty shall request all necessary and appropriate consents with respect to ah Asset and Obligation. Thereafter, the County shall present the consent obtained pursuant to the transition scheduled of Section XIII(1). If the obligor refuses to consent, the County shall notify the Cominissicn of such refusal, and of the County’s status as agent pursuant to Section XIII.4. If the obligor demands payment or contract coilcessions for such consent, the County shall so notify the Commission so that SDSWMA may accept such terms and pay such consideration in exchange for such consent, or designate and accept the County as its agent pursuant to Section XIII.4 until such time as negotiated terms of consent are approved by SDSWMA. Countv Se rvices. County shall provide to SDSWMA all necessary operating services for the solid waste system on a fee for services basis, not to exceed the actual costs to the County including direct and reasonable indirect costs, pending SDSWMA’s establishing said services by contract or otherwise, including but not limited to: (a) @) County’s Solid Waste Division Personnel; County’s services in financial management of the Solid Waste Enterprise Fund; 16 A’ (c) (d) (e) County Accounting and Investing Services; Services of County Counsel with respect to ongoing litigation; and County Auditor and Treasurer Services. Notwithstanding the above, the County shall provide the services of the County’s Solid Waste Division following the Effective Date upon such terms and conditions as shall be established by separate contract to be agreed upon by SDSWMA and the County; provided, however, that either SDSWMA or the County shall have the right to cancel said contract at any time on the giving of a minimum six (6) months advanced notice of cancellation of the contract for County services. XIV. FAILURE OF TRANSITION In the event the PARTIES to this Agreement are unable for any reason to comply with the conditions of this Agreement requiring the transition of Assets, Obligations and Liabilities in accordance with Section Xm hereinabove, then by vote of approval of the Commission, SDSWMA shall enter a period of unwhding and recision. The PARTIES of SDSWMA shall, thereafter, execute any and all documents, enter any necessary resoMions and otherwise cooperate fully with the County in the return of the Assets, Liabilities and Obligations to the sole ownership and control of the County. xv. WASTEsflRlE AM COMMlTMENT To the extent allowed by law, each PARTY agrees that 100% of the garbage, rubbish and solid waste normal and customary for disposal at a Class III landfill, generated within its jurisdiction, shall be committed and delivered to the Solid Waste System. SDSWMA may, by vote of the Commission, adjust the percentage commitment of solid waste hereinabove stated from time to time. In no event shall a ?ARTY be required to commit solid wastes generated by a state or federal governmental entity, unless the PARTY has control over such solid wastes and elects to commit it; nor shall any PARTY be required to commit solid wastes generated by any person andlor transported or disposed of by any self-hauler where such solid wastes are accumulated in an amount less than 50 tons per month. Notwithstanding the above, each PARTY shall have the right, without penalty, to recycle any solid waste by any means selected by said PARTY and all recycled solid waste, other than recycling waste residue, shall be excluded from this commitment. To the extent allowed by law, each PARTY shall establish, implement and carry out a waste flow enforcement program in cooperation with SDSWMA. To the extent necessary and appropriate to ensure that the PARTY’S committed solid wastes are delivered to the Solid Waste System, each waste flow enforcement program may include one or more of the following: 1. License, permit, franchise or enter into agreements with solid waste haulers (whether on an exclusive or nonexclusive basis), as necessary to assure compliance with the solid waste commitment; 17 2. At the earliest date practicable, amend, revoke andor revise any license, permit, franchise or solid waste hauler agreement, to effect changes necessary to assure compliance with the solid waste commitment hereinabove stated, including if and to the extent necessary, amendments to provide explicitly that the affected party shall have the right without material restriction to direct the delivery of the committed garbage, rubbish and solid waste in accordance with the solid waste commitment; 3. Adopt ordinances or resolutions requiring the compliance of the general public or any portion thereof with measures necessary to assure compliance with the solid waste commitment; 4. Take iiuthorized enforcement action pursuant to any license, permit, franchise or waste hauier agreement, ordinance or resolution; Defend against legal challenges to the validity of the affected PARTY'S wastestream commitment; 5. 6. Undertake local -punicipal solid waste collection programs; 7. Implement alternative or substitute means of assuring compliance with the solid waste commitment; On and after the Effective Date, no affected PARTY shall enter into, issue or adopt any license, permit, contract, agreement, lease, franchise, ordinance or resolution which is materially inconsistent with the solid waste commitmcnt. XVI. LIMITATION QF LIABloLxTy 1. The debts, liabilities and obligations of SDSWMA shall be the debts, liabilities and obligations of SDSWMA alone, and not of the PARTIES. 2. Pursuant to Government Code Section 6508.1, any PARTY may separately contract for responsibility for specific assets, debts, liabilities or obligations of SDSWMA. 3. Except with regard to the obligations that exist between SDSWMA and the PARTIES as specified herein, nothing in this Agreement is intended to create any liability of any PAR'L'Y to any person, organization, entity, or corporation, whether public or private, which the PARTY would not otherwise have had: nor shall this Agreement modify, increase, nullify or otherwise in any way affect any liability af any PARTY to any person, organization, entity, or corporation, whether public or private. 18 XVII. INDEMNIFICATION0 F MEMBER PAR- 1. SDSWMA shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold each PARTY harmless from any loss, liability, or damage, including attorneys' fees, suffered by such PARTY by reason of litigation, administrative action, or the imposition of administrative or civil penalties under state or foderal law, arising out of the operation and management of the Solid Waste System, whether prior to or following the Effective Date, including the obligation to defend all PARTIES f3om and against any and all liabilities, claims, penalties, forfeitures, suits, costs, and expenses incident thereto (including reasonable attorney's fees), which said PARTIES may hereafter incur, become responsible for, or pay out as a result of the death or bodily injury to any person, and/or destruction or damage to aq propxty, contamination of, or other adverse effect on the environment, casts of response to and/or penalties for violation of governing law$ ~g~iatisns or orders, resulting from or due to the release of Xazardous Substarces (defined below). Notwithstanding the above, in no event shall the above indemnification be provided to any PARTY where the act, omission to act cr event that is &e subject matter of the indemnification is 'he mult of the gross negligence, wilful or intentional misconduct of the P&.t.TY. Any such indemnification shall be recoverable an$ ovt of ~e SDS-YhlA's tip fee fund, financing options available under law ;o SDSWdA, ->r ather assets, and not from the PARTES. As used hereinabove the term Hazardous Substance@j shall man any substance included within the definitions of 'hazardous su3srance," "hazardous waste," "hazardous material," "tmic substance,' "solid waste," or "pollutant cr contaminant" as defind ader any fdeiai: state or ld statute, ordinance, code or reghtion mvv existifig Gr :icrcafter enacted or amended, including but not limited to the following: i. ii. -1. lll. iv. V. 42 United States Code 58 9606 s;t a., which generally refers to CERCLA, hazardous substances relases, iiability and compensation; 42 United States Code 69 6901 et seq., which generally refers to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (Solid Waste Disposal Act); 33 United States Code 65 1251 gt m., which generally refers to the Federal Clean Water Act; 15 United States Code 65 2601 the Toxic Substances Control Act; m., which generally refers to 49 United States Code 68 1801 et seq., which generally refers to the transportation of hazardous .materials; 19 2. 3. vi. 49 Code of Federal Regulations 17,..101, which generally refers to the transportation of hazardous materials; vii. 40 Code of Federal Regulations 302, which generally refers to the management of hazardous materials; Viii. California Health & Safety Code g 25316; ix. California Water Code 6 13050@); x. Any substance listed in 26 California Code of Regulations g22- 6680(d); and xi. Any other petroleum or refined petroleum product, asbestos, polychlorinated biphenyl, a flammable explosive or radioactive material, or other material which could cause a detriment to or impair the beneficial use of SDSWMA’s Assets, adjoining properties or otherwise or constitute a health, safety or environmental risk to any person. Pursuant to the povisions of the California Tort Claims Act (Government Code Sections 810, a sea.), SDSWMA shall be required to indemnify, defend and hold harmless each and every director, officer and employee of SDSWMA (including but not limited to the staff and employea from any PARTY that performs any service or function or provides any advice to SDSWMA on its business), from all claims, demands and lawsuits that may be fled against any such person stemming from the activi’ces of the person in the course and scope of their employment andor SerYice on behalf of SDSWMA; provided however, that any such claim or demand shall only be valid when filed in compliance with the California Tort Claims Act. No PARTY shall, solely by virtue of being a PARTY to this Agreement or by performing any of the obligations or responsibilities of a PARTY, including but not limited to, acting as a member of the Board of Commissioner’s of SDSWMA or directing or influencing policy decisions of SDSWMA, incur liability by reason of any lawsuit or other actions brought under state or federal law, or any alleged violation of any plan, rule, regulation, ordinance, criteria or guideline promulgated by any federal or state regulatory agency. All of the privileges and immunities from liabilities, exemptions from laws, ordinances and rules, and all pension, relief, disability, workers’ compensation and other benefits which apply to the>activity of officers, agents and employees of any PARTY when performing their respective functions within the territory limits of their respective public agencies, shall apply to them in the same degree and extent while engaged in the performance of any of their functions or duties extraterritorially under this Agreement. 20 XIX. WITFlDRAWfiOFPARTIES Any PARTY may be granted withdrawal according to the provisions of this subsection. 1. Conditions Precedent to FilinP for W ithdrawd If a PARTY desires to withdraw from SDSWMA, it may do so by first providing a notice for withdrawal to the Commission in accordance with the following procedures. . 2. Obligation to Meet and Co nfer Prior to filing a notice of withdrawal, the PARTY shall meet and confer diligently and in good faith with SDSWMA to discuss the reasons for the proposed termination and the likely results thereof, including, but not limited to the following issues: i. The alternate means of solid waste disposal reasonably available to the PARTY. ii. Any offer of SDSWMA to provide seMces equivalent to the alternative the PARTY is considering. iii. The financial effects of withdrawal on SDSWMA including the assets, debts and Financial Obligations of SDSWMA. iv. The possible terms and conditions and date for withdrawal, and the likely mitigation required of the PARTY to offset the adverse effects of its withdrawal from SDSWMA on the Solid Waste System. 3. PARTY Adopts Resolution After the meet and confer process has concluded, the PARTY shall have the right to notice its withdrawal from SDSWMA; provided, however, that the legislative body of the PARTY shall only adopt a resolution of withdrawal from SDSWMA after a noticed, public hearing. SDSWMA shall receive notice and a full opportunity to attend and comment on the proposed resolution at the public hearing. 21 4. PARTY Files Notice The notice of withdrawal of any PARTY shall include the following: i. A copy of the resolution. ii. A statement of the reasons for the proposed withdrawal fiom SDSWMA, includmg a narrative analysis of the meet and confer process and the criteria set forth in Subparagraph (2) hereinabove. iii. A description of the means that the PARTY will use to meet its solid waste disposal obligations if withdrawal occurs. iv. Such other reasonable information as SDSWMA may request. 5. Dub to Formulate Terms and Conditions for Early Withdrawal SDSWMA, after a noticed, public hearing shall formulate the tentative terms and cond@ons for the withdrawal of the PARTY. SDSWMA shall meet and confer in good faith with the PARTY regarding the terms and conditions. 6. Terms and Co nditions for Final Withdrawal SDSWMA shall set such terms and conditions for withdrawal as are reasonably necessary to mitigate any financial effects of withdrawal on SDSWMA, including the assets, debts, operations and Financial Obligations of SDSWMA. The terms and conditions shall reflect the following factors: 1. The present value of closure and post closure costs for any site within the Solid Waste System, in excess of the amount for which reserves have previously been set aside by SDSWMA and contributed to by the PARTY. ii. The effects of withdrawal on the existing Solid Waste System and SDSWMA’s ability to satisfy any obligations undertaken pursuant to this Agreement, which will be caused by the loss of revenues, charges or fees contributed fiom the PARTY for the Solid Waste System. iii. SDSWMA shall set a reasonable date for the PARTY’S withdrawal; however, the date shall be set so as to reasonably avoid impairment to the Solid Waste System, SDSWMA’s ability to satisfy Financial Obligations, or any ubligation of SDSWMA reasonably related to the withdrawal of the PARTY. 22 31 7. iv. The present value of the PARTY’s contributions to the Solid Waste System, including but not limited to new facilities, existing facilities and operations, reserve funds, closure and post closure costs, and remaining landfill capacity and other assets, any or all of which will inure to the benefit of the SDSWMA following withdrawal. v. Withdrawal shall be conditioned on the mitigation of any material and adverse financial impacts to the holders of the Financial Obligations or on other PARTIES resulting from the withdrawal. Method of Compliance with Termination Conditions Each PARTY, with SDSWMA’s approval, may utilize any combination of methods for mitigating the impacts of the PARTY’S withdrawal, including but not limited to the following: i. Cash payment; ii. Conthuhg disposal of a portion of the PARTY’s solid waste, rubbish or garbage at a mutually agreed upon fee, which may or may not otherwise be applicable to other PARTIES; iii. All methods for payment shall be sufficient to offset the adverse effects of withdrawal on SDSWMA. 8. nn&g 1 W SDSWMA shall in good faith and with due diligence procesS the PARTY’s notice of withdrawal. SDSWMA shall issue the terns and conditions for withdrawal within eighteen (18) months of the date of the resolution of withdrawal of the governing body of the PARTY. 9. Recision of Withdrawal Decision Withdrawal by a PARTY may be terminated by a resolution of the legislative body of the PARTY submitted at any time during the process of withdrawal or after issuance of the PARTY’s notice for withdrawal; provided, however, that the PARTY shall bex the reasonable costs to SDSWMA of the consideration and processing of the withdrawal to the date of the notice of recision. 23 c XX. ADDITIONALPARm It is recognized that public entities other than the original PARTIES may desire to participate in SDSWMA. Additional public entities may become parties to SDSWMA and this Joint Powers Agreement upon such terms and conditions as may be set forth in a resolution approved by two-thirds (2/3) of the Primary Vote of the Commissioners of SDSWMA, and evidenced by the execution of a written addendum to this Agreement signed by the joining party. STAFF The employees of SDSWMA may be hired as full-time or part-time employees or may be hired by independent contract for the provision of professional services. The existing staffing of one or more of the PARTIES may also be appointed to serve SDSWMA, and shall be paid for by SDSWMA or, upon agreement of SDSWMA and any PARTY, may be provided at the expense of the contributing PARTY. SDSWMA staff, other than employees of a party performing services for SDSWMA, shall be hired, promoted, disciplined or terminated and shall have such rights of employment as SDSWMA shall determine, subject to any applicable provisions of federal or state law. - XXII. ACCOU"G.I"T. FINANC IAL, PERSONNE LAND OTHER PROFESS IONAL SERVICES SDSWMA may hire such accounting, investment, financial and personnel services or other professional consulting services as necessary, either on a full-time or part-time basis or by use of full or part-time employees. Further, SDSWi may independently contract for the provision of necessary professional and other services. The existing staff of one or more of the PARTIES may also be appointed to serve SDSWMA and shall be paid for by SDSWMA or, upon agreement of SDSWMA and any PARTY, may be provided at the expense of the contributing PARTY. XXITI. ACCO UNTABILITY SDSWMA shall be held strictly accountable for all funds and shall make an annual report to all PARTIES to this Agreement of all receipts and disbursements, all in accordance with applicable provisions of the California Government Code and any other applicable statutes. Upon dissolution of the SDSWMA as a legal entity, all debts and advances of SDSWMA shall be paid, and the property of SDSWMA, whether real or personal, shall be divided among and distributed to all of the PARTIES. The PARTES receiving a portion of liabilities, debts, obligations and/or assets of the Solid Waste System shall include each PARTY who participated in the SDSWMA at any time during the existence of SDSWMA. PARTIES to this Agreement shall share in proportion to the costs borne by non-reimbursed contributions from each such . PARTY to the SDSWMA during its legal existence. 24 33 The Commission of SDSWMA is authorized to and shall procure general comprehensive liability and other insurance by such means and in such amounts as may be reasonably available and as the Commission deems advisable to protect the SDSWMA and each of the PARTIES hereto, charging the cost thereof to the operating costs of the SDSWMA. In the event insurance is not available at a reasonable cost in the open market, SDSWMA shall establish such self- insurance or pooled insurance participation as the Commission deems advisable. XXVI. BREACH In the event that SDSWMA or any PARTY shoiild at any time claim that SDSWMlk or any PARTY in any way breached or is anticipated to be in breach of this Agreement, the complaining PARTY or SDSWMA shall file with the governing body of the entity alleged to be in breach a written claim describing said breach or anticipated breach. The written claim shall state fully the facts and circumstances giving rise to the claim. The legislative or governing bodies of the entities in disagreement, or their duly appointed representatives, shall meet and confer in good faith no later than forty-five (45) days following the delivery of the written claim for the purpose of resolving the claim. Thereafter, but no later than ninety (90) days following the delivery of the written claim, the Commission shall hold a hearing on the matter giving all affected parties a right to be heard. Immediately following the conclusion of said hearing, the Commission shall cause the preparation and delivery of a full report of its findings and recommendations to the legislative or governing bodies of the PARTIFS to the dispute. The report shall be advisory only, shall not in any way bind SDSWMA nor any of the PARTES to this Agreement, nor shall the report be deemed to establish any presumptive or ultimate fact in issue. Excepting only equitable or injunctive relief, which is necessary to prevent serious ad irreparable harm, no action arising from the breach of this Agreement may be fled and no action shall be allowed by any PARTY to rescind or terminate this Agreement, unless and until the dispute resolution process hereinabove stated is completed. However, in no event shall any PARTY or SDSWMA be foreclosed from seeking additional dispute. resolution following the conclusion of the dispute resolution process. At the conclusion of all dispute resolution undertaken in accordance herewith, SDSWMA and/or any PARTY may seek such equitable relief or damages as may otherwise be available by law. It i; hereby declared to be the intention of the signatories to this Agreement that the paragraphs, sentences, clauses and phrases of this Agreement are severable, and if any phraset clause, sentence or paragraph of this Agreement shall be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason by a valid judgment or decree of a Court of competent jurisdiction, such 25 .- .I 7 unconstitutionality of invalidity shall not affect any of the remaining paragraphs, clauses, phrases, and sentences of this Agreement. XXVIII. NOTICES All notices required or given pursuant to this Agreement shall be deemed properly served when deposited, postage prepaid, in the United States mail, addressed to each PARTY at the address indicated on this Agreement adjacent to the signature line of each PARTY. XXIX. DUPLICATE ORIGINALS This Agreement can be executed in one or more duplicate originals, each bearing the original signatures of the parties, and when so executed each duplicate original shall be deemed an original of the Agreement admissible in court as evidence of the terms of the Agreement. XXX. APPLICABLE LAW This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California and any legal action with respect hereto shall be brought before an appropriate California court. XXXI. co U"Tl3RPARTS This document may be executed in counterparts and the signatures of the PARTIES shall be attached creating one Agreement. No amendment to this Agreement shall be effective unless approved by unanimous consent of the PARTIES pursuant to the Primary Vote. Further, all amendments to this Agreement shall be in writing and signed by the PARTIES, and each provision of this Agreement and each amendment thereto shall apply to and bind the legal representatives, successors and assigns of the PARTIES hereto. 26 - - .. , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PARTIES hereto have executed this Agreement on the date first above written. BY: MAYOR A-ITEST: CITY CLERK CITY: 27 Exhibit "A" ASSETS COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO - SOLID WASTE ASSETS LAND 1. Interior Zone sites - The County owns 10 separate tracts of land in the eastern 2/3 of San Diego County that serve as the interior zone collection system. 2. Vista, Transfer Station - The County owns 15 acres of land in an developed industrial park in the City of Vista. This site was purchased for use as a transfer station. LANDFILLS BORREGO SPRINGS RAMONA OTAY&OTAYA"EX SAN MARCOS SYCAMORE n OTHER PERSONAL PROPERTY Including but not Iimited to: Furniture, Equipment and Vehicles. EXHIBIT "B" PERMIT LITIGATION Christward Ministry, et. al. v. County, et. a). Orange County Superior Court No. 715895 Challenge to State Water Resources Control Eoard permit for San Marcos Landfill expansion. County v. Callaghan, et al. County v. Rancon Development, et al. SDSC N49843 These are lawsuits seeking rights of &try for landfill siting studies on the Spring Oak (South County) and Merriam Mountain sites (North County), respectiVely. (Rights of entry have been obtained on the Gregory Canyon and Aspen Road sites.) ENVIRO "TAL Duck Pond Landfill, State Water Resources Control Board County appeal of Regional Water Quality Control Board addition of County to Waste Discharge Requirements. Lucas Y. County San Diego Superior Court #a274 Claim for alleged damages for groundwater contamination at Ramona Landfill. Signal Landmark Administrative claim for costs associated with City of CoronadoKounty bum site.. 1 d SETTLED LITIGATION Hillsborough Master Homeowners Association v. County The County has obligation to maintain the Hillsborbugh Landfill through a settlement that provided $3.5 million to the County for upgrade, repair, and maintenance. Zinser-Furby, Inc. v. County The County is obligated to test, and possibly remove bum ash at the San Ysidro burn site. SAN MARCOS INVERSE CONDEMNATION CASES The County is defendant in 19 lawsuits seeking damages related to the expansion of the San Marws Landfill. City of Chula Vi v. County of San Diego San Diego Superior Court #667609 Chula Vista, which never paid the economic risk surcharge, has not settled its challenges. The Authority would assume all rights and obligations under permits issued to the County €or active and inactive disposal, collection and processing. . 2 E I3 . >( E 0 u - 8 2 h v, 8 s 9 v, 0 0 0 (Y v, 8 0 0 0 0 aa v, 9 a3 m c 6 b (Y v, 0 0 0 0 m * 9 0 0 0 '*: 8 (I, u) aa 2 h t c v, 0 0 2 (Y t (10 > OK =0 aa +I- 00 KK I-I- zz 00 00 7- * f hl 2 c m W cy (Y 2 e c c t 2 c \ c t e t a3 2 2 c c -. hl cy h e 2 e s m c F T I- 0 K I- z 0 0 u. Q w v) CL:' a a 2- 0 0 *. aa aa ?? c c 7 m I I > [r: 0 I- 0 z a I _-- -I__ 0 0 2 - h u, 0 0 0 0 40 8 0 0 0 cI( u, 2 0 0 8 u) u, 0 0 0 0 u, 9 2 2 0 0 8 0 a) u, 0 0 2 c u, I. 0, ZO aa aa I-+ 00 I-+ ZZ 00 00 Q) (Y c ;rg a& UY I t Q) Q) r t Q) Q) c a3 e c hl hl c? F 0 f- ? Q) a Q) Q) a) Q) c- .c .- ? Q) 0 e c '0 B .g a2 C 0 N 0 Q C L .- L c. - 0) C 0 N .- b L I-' W C - to Q) x Q) hl 40 9 0 0 0 8 2 * hl Q) Q) F h( e 3 c c 0 0 2 m 0- c (I+ 0 0 to 40 8 c Q) Q) Q? c c Q) 40 L 0 0 0 u) 9 h! c * L Q Q) Q) F Q) Q) Q) c c Q) Q Q) c N e 2 a W I- 4 I i j aD rc) (D (I, 0 0 rc) (D 8 8 9 0 c) (D a 9 0 2 0 0 0 * 9 u, 0 0 2 b rlb c 0 0% cy* oa gwo Br: I m oa Q) r m oa m c cy * e c, C E a 0 m cl) C C I-" r 0 m al m C m 0 m 0 a - r 43 i2 W C 0 z 0 .- - 2 -c .- > I-I- 00 UK I-I- 22 00 00 aa 0 0 0 0 0 t 9 8 00 8 8 CD ca G C U C .- C C a" a" 0 0 t In t u) t 0- t 2 u) 8 8 - 0 0 9 8 e (I+ 0 0 0 0 (0 40 9 0 0 0 0 0 In Y, 9 0 0 9 : 4, 0 0 IC 03 Lo, 9 s-- (I, 0 0 9 2 : u, I E W L I. OK 20 aa I-I- 00 KK I-I- zz 00 00 to zk an I-z* WWU. + * rc e In t e c m e cn e c cn m m rc e I- o K I- z 0 0 U. 0 W v1 K 3 n a 2 > K 0 I- d 0 E! 49 0 '9 ,9 0 0 0 t pi' * I m c. m > W - c. .- i x 2 a a m u- 0 B Tt' Q) Q) F v) a u C D !! E, u C W >. 3 7 - cp C C .- .- E 2 U a C .- n 5 0 0 8 .- 5 3 C m 5 al > m z 0 w Q) Ln W 5 0 0 F 43 c? C .- cp C C .- .- i : I 0 0 04 * I1 I1 II It c u, C m U C m c * U C m .. v) W L 0 z ASSIGNMENT Exhibit "D " This Assignment of Contract is made as of the day of , 1994, by The County of San Diego (8fAssignor1v) in favor of The San Diego Solid Waste Authority ( lmAssigneeat) . WHEREAS, the Assignor and the Assignee have entered into that certain Joint Powers Authority Agreement dated June 1, 1994 (the to which reference is made for the definition of capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein), providing for the transfer of Assets, Liabilities, Obligations and the Solid Waste System from the Assignee to the Assignor, subject only to certain transition criteria; WHEREAS, in connection with Assignor's operation and management of the County Solid Waste Division, the Assignor has entered into written and oral contracts, licenses and other agreements (including, without limitation, all amendments and supplements thereto), hereinafter referenced as the lIContractst8; WHEREAS, the Contracts are between Assignor and various individuals, businesses and other legal entities (including, but not .limited to governmental agencies, municipalities and general law cities, corporations, partnerships, and sole proprietorships), hereinafter referenced as the llContracting Parties"; and WHEREAS, the assignment of Assignor's rights in the Contracts, as more fully provided in this Assignment, is a condition of the Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, ASSIGNOR AGREES AS FOLLOWS: 1. In order to induce the Assignee to execute the Agreement and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Assignor hereby assigns, sells, conveys and sets over unto Assignee, all of Assignor's right, title, and interest in and to the Contracts more specifically described in Exhibit lqA1f attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, and all amendments, modifications, supplements, general conditions, change orders and addenda thereto, together with all present and future rights, benefits and claims arising therefrom. All remedies available to the Assignor under the Contracts are hereby assigned to Assignee. -1- 2. The Assignor represents, warrants and covenants that (i) neither the Assignor nor the Contracting Parties are in default in the performance of their respective obligations under the Contracts, and all covenants, conditions and agreements have been performed as required therein; (ii) the Assignor has not sold, assigned, pledged, mortgaged, transferred or otherwise encumbered any of its right, title or interest in or to any Contract; and (iii) the Assignor's right, title and interest in and to the Contracts is not now subject to any lien, encumbrance or security interest. 3. The Assignee shall have the right (and the Assignor hereby irrevocably constitutes and appoints the Assignee as its attorney-in-fact to do so), at its option, and in the Assignee's name to (i) demand, receive, and enforce the Assignor's rights under Contracts; (ii) make payments and give releases, receipts and satisfactions thereunder; (iii) modify or amend the Contracts; (iv) reassign all right, title and interest in the Contracts; and (v) take all other actions in respect of the Contracts, with the same force and effect as the Assignor could do if this Assignment were not made. 4. The Assignor agrees that it shall request that each Contracting Party execute and deliver to the Assignee a "Consent and Certification1# in the form set forth in Exhibit lvl attached hereto. 5. The Assignor hereby irrevocably agrees and directs that each of Contracting Parties shall, upon demand and notice from the Assignee, render all performances under its respective Contract to the Assignee without liability on the part of the Contracting Party for determining the propriety or validity of the Assignee's demand and notice. 6. The provisions of this Assignment shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns. 7. If any provision under this Assignment shall be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall not affect or impair the validity, legality and enforceability of any other provision of this Assignment. -2- 5-2 I, 8. This Assignment may not be amended, modified or changed, nor shall any waiver of any provision hereof be effective, except by an instrument in writing and signed by the party against whom enforcement of the waiver, amendment, change, modification or discharge is sought. 9. construed in accordance with and pursuant to the laws of the State of California. This Assignment shall be governed by and IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Assignor has executed this Assignment as of the day first above written. Date: Assignor -3- $3 EXHIBIT 1 CONSENT AND CERTIFICATION The undersigned ( llContracting Party") hereby consents to the assignment of that certain Contract dated , between the County of San Diego (llAssignorml) and the Contracting Party, which Contract was assigned by Assignor to the San Diego Solid Waste Authority (99Assignee11), by an Assignment dated , 1994 ( 11Assignment91) , to which reference is made for the definition of capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein. The Contracting Party agrees to continue performance under the Contract in accordance with the terms thereof. Assignee or its designee may enforce the obligations of Contracting Party under the Contract with the same force and effect as if enforced by Assignor, and shall be obligated to perform the obligations of the Assignor; provided however, in no event shall the Assignment otherwise obligate the Assignee to cure any default of the Assignor, where the Assignor is otherwise entitled to nonperformance by law. The Contracting Party will diligently continue the provision of work, services or goods under the Contract, and the Contracting Party hereby acknowledges and represents that (i) the Contract is valid and enforceable, (ii) there has been no prior assignment, amendment or modification of the Contract, other than as described in the Assignment, (iii) neither the Contracting Party nor the Assignor is in default under the Contract, (iv) all covenants, conditions and agreements have been performed as required therein except those not due to be performed until after the date hereof, (v) the sum of $ has been paid to the Contracting Party under Contract, and the sum of $ has been earned to this date but not paid, (vi) the sum of -4- L $ is anticipated to be due under the Contract at its completion, (vii) The Contracting Party is duly licensed to conduct its business in the jurisdiction where the work, services or delivery of goods is to be performed, and the Contracting Party will maintain all required licenses in full force and effect throughout the life of the Contract. Date Contracting Party -5- BILL OF SALE The County of San Diego t@Seller@@ desires to transfer to the San Diego Solid Waste Authority lfBuyerl1 the Solid Waste System and the Assets, Liabilities and Obligations of the Seller‘s Solid Waste Division, as each is defined in that certain Joint Powers Authority Agreement executed between Seller and Buyer and effective June 1, 1994 (the l@Transfer@@). In consideration of the Transfer, the receipt of which is acknowledged, the Seller, hereby transfers to Buyer the following: 1. Personal Propertv a. Description of Inventory b. Location 2. Intansible Assets a. Description Executed on at San Diego, California. Seller Order No. Escrow No. Loan No. WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDERS USE - DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX $ Computed on the consideration or value of propedy conveyed OR Cornpuled on Ihe consideration or value less liens or encumbrances remaining a1 time 01 sale Signature 01 Declmanl or Agcnl determining lax - Firm Name GRANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receiDt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby GRANT(S) to I- the real properly in the City of Counly of Exhibit "A" - Legal Description State of California, described as Dated I STATE OF CALIFORNIA )SS COUNTY OF 1 On before me. personally appeared personally known to me (or proved to me on the bass of satisfactory evidence) lo be the person@) whose name(s) is/are subscribed lo the wilhin inslrumenl and acknowledged IO me thal helshetthey executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies) and thal by his'herflherr sgna lurels) on the inslrumenl lhe person(s) or Ihe enlay upon behall 01 which Ihe personls) acled oxcculed the instrirrnent WITNESS my hand and official seal. smnal,,rr (Ths area lor ollicldl nolarial seal) MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE