HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-06-07; City Council; 12718; AGREEMENT FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS CONTRACT NO. U/M 93-94h OF CAHLSBAU - AUtNm BILL 25 .' , ,< a AB#/- CONTRACT NO. U/M 93-9 DEPT. CSD SIGNAL MAINTENANCE 8t REPAIRS MTG. 6/7/94 TITLE: AGREEMENT FOR TRAFFIC - DEPT. CITY A CITY N ~~ RECOMMENQEQ ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 7&/- 15.5' accepting bids, awarding an agreement for Tra; Signal Maintenance & Repairs in the amount of $88,875.00 to Alexander Tra Signal/Lighting Company of San Diego, California in accordance with the provisions Contract No. U/M 93-9, and authorizing the City Manager to enter into said agreeml to become effective July 1, 1994. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City has provided for routine preventive maintenance and emergency repair of tra 1988. This agreement has expired and services per this agreement continued or monthly basis by mutual consent of both parties. On February 2, 1994, original agreement documents were submitted to the Purchas Department. A "Notice Inviting Bids" was advertised and sealed bids were received.' following four (4) bids were received, opened, witnessed and recorded on April 1994: signals through an agreement with Alexander Traffic SignalILighting Company sir COMPANY NAME Alexander Traffic Signal Peek Traffic Southwest Signal Service Computer Service Co. BID AMOUNT $88,875.00 $89,164.50* $94,975.00 $1 51,496.18 I *This is a corrected total due to calculation error. Q w > 0 E & 04 < The bids were reviewed by Purchasing and Community Services Department si Alexander TrafFic Signal/Lighting Company of San Diego, California was the IOM responsive bidder in the amount of $88,875.00. The contractor's registration is in or and references are satisfactory. Proof of insurance will be required upon executior the agreement. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW ~ No environmental review is required for this agreement. .. z 0 FISCAL IMPACT a Adequate funds have been budgeted for Fiscal Year 94-95 in the traffic signal rep 6 $ account to cover all costs associated with this agreement. Z =) 0 EXHIBITS: 0 1. Resolution No. 'i Lk /55 \ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ~ I1 W 0 RESOLUTION NO. 9 4 - 1 5 5 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING BIDS. AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS. CONTRACT NO. U/M 93-9 WHEREAS, bids have been received by the City of Carlsbad, Cali for Traffic Signal Maintenance & Repairs in accordance with Contract No. U/M and WHEREAS, the lowest responsive bid received for this agreemer submitted by Alexander Traffic SignaVLighting Company of San Diego, Californ a total amount of $88,875.00; and WHEREAS, adequate funds have been budgeted in the traffic maintenance budget for fiscal year 1994-95 to cover all costs associated w execution of this agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. The above recitations are true and correct. 2. The bid of $88,875.00 by Alexander Traffic Signal/L Company of San Diego, California for Traffic Signal Maintc & Repairs, Contract No. U/M 93-9, is hereby accepted a City Manager and the City Clerk are hereby authorized to c i a contract therefore, upon receipt of a "Certificate of lnsL to become effective July 1, 1994. I I //I I I c il V 0. 1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the C 2 day of JUNE , 1994, by the following vote, to wit: 3 Carlsbad, California, at its regular meeting held on the 7th 4 5 6 7 a 9 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard, Fj NOES: None ABSENT: None 10 11 ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUT 12 13 14 15 16 (SEAL) 17 18 19 I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 /j 28 W 0 i 1( AGREEMENT , made and entered into this /7* da City of Carlsbad$ddifornia, a Municipal Corporation hereinafter designated as "CITY" an A1 FW-~V!~? ?'r,riff ic Simal /I,ishtingrhereinafter referred to as "CONTRACTOR." of , 1994, by and between th c:a)mpCirJ y , r nc : . RECITALS City requires the services of the Contractor to provide traffic signal maintenanc The Contractor has submitted to the City a proposal to provide traffic sign The Contractor possesses the necessary requirements to provide the servicc services within the City. maintenance services. required by the City. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenan herein, City and Contractor agree as follows: I. TERM OF AGREEMENT A. This agreement shall extend for a period of one (1) year. By mutual assent, tl City Manager may extend this agreement for three (3) additional one (1) ye periods for a total period of four (4) years upon satisfactory performance. 11. COMPENSATION A. RoutineIPreventive Maintenance: 1. For all of the routine/preventive maintenance services which Contractor obligated to perform under the terms of Section IV "DUTY ( CONTRACTOR", Sub-section A "Routine/Preventive Maintenance" of tl agreement, the City shall pay to the Contractor the sum of $ 2s - 00 per intersection per month. Intersections added after the effective day of tl agreement will be added at the same rate. All labor and equipment necess: to complete the routine/preventive maintenance services shall be included the cost per intersection. No additional payments will be made. B:\93CNTS-2\HLH94027.AGG Rev. 2/1/ m e 11 B. Emergencv Response: 1. For emergency response services which Contractor is obligated to perfom under the terms of Section JY "DUTY OF CONTRACTOR", Sub-section E "Emergency Response" of this agreement, the City shall pay the Contract01 based on "time and materials". "Time and materials" shall include labor anc equipment costs which shall be based on the attached Labor & Equipmen Cost Schedule (Exhibit A) which may be adjusted annually in accordancc with the provisions of Section V "FUTURE ADJUSTMENTS" of this agreement When not provided by the City, materials shall be supplied by the Contract0 15%. at cost with a reasonable percentage for overhead and profit not to exc~ C. Extra-ordinary Services: 1. For extra-ordinary services which the Contractor is obligated to perfon under the terms of Section IV "DUTY OF CONTRACTOR", Sub-section "Extra-ordinary Services" of this agreement, the City shall pay the Contractc based on "time and materials". "Time and materials" shall include labor an equipment costs which shall be based on the attached cost schedule (Exhib A) which may be adjusted annually in accordance with the provisions ( Section V "FUTURE ADJUSTMENTS" of this agreement. When not provide by the City, materials shall be supplied by the Contractor at cost with reasonable percentage for overhead and profit not to exceed 15%. 2. Loop-Set Testinx: - For loop-set testing services which Contractor is obligated to perform undl the terms of Section IV "DUTY OF CONTRACTOR", Sub-section C "Extr ordinary Services" of this agreement, the City shall pay to the Contractor unit sum of $ 20.00 per loop-set, payable upon completion of tl requested testing. All labor, equipment, and materials necessary to comple the loop-set testing shall be included in the unit cost for each loop-set. P additional payments will be made. This unit cost may be adjusted each ye in accordance with Section V "FUTURE ADJUSTMENTS" of this agreeme1 B:\93CNTS-Z\HLH94027.AGG Rev. 2/1/5 W m 1 D. Loop Detector Replacement: 1. For replacement of loop detectors which the Contractor is obligated t perform under the terms of Section VI "DUTY OF CONTRACTOR Sub-section D "Loop Detector Replacement'' of this agreement, the City sha pay the Contractor in accordance with the following: Type "A" $ 1 9 0 . 00 each Type "B" $ 1 90 . GO each Type "D" $ I '10 . 00 each Type "E" $ 250 . c)U each Type "Q" $ 1 40 a 00 each Prices paid for loop detector installation shall be "lump sum'' for loo: complete in place including connection to the DLC in the pull-box. Necessa work beyond point of connection to DLC must be approved by the Utiliti and Maintenance Director or his approved representative and have 2 assigned incident number. Payment for such work shall be based on "tin and materials". "Time and materials" shall include labor and equipment cos which shall be based on the attached cost schedule (Exhibit A) which may' adjusted annually in accordance with the provisions of Section V "FUTUE ADJUSTMENTS" of this agreement. When not provided by the City, materi: shall be supplied by the Contractor at cost with a reasonable percentage f overhead and profit not to exceed 15%. E. Annual Relamping: 1. For annual relamping services which Contractor is obligated to perform unc the terms of Section IV "DUTY OF CONTRACTOR", Sub-section E "Ann1 Relamping" of this agreement, the City shall pay to the Contractor a lur sum of $ 1 p 4" f,. no , payable upon completion of the annual relampi1 based on a current total of fifty-nine (59) intersections. All labor, equipme and materials necessary to complete the annual relamping shall be includ in the lump sum cost. No additional payments will be made. 2. Intersections added after the effective date of this agreement will be add the following year at the rate of $ 25 - 00 based on a typical eight ( phase intersection. All labor, equipment, and materials necessary to compll the annual relamping shall be included in the unit cost for each intersectil No additional payments will be made. This unit cost may be adjusted e: year in accordance with Section V "FUTURE ADJUSTMENTS' of t agreement. B:\93CNTS-2\HLH94027.AGG Rev. 2/1/ W m 1: F. Annual Conflict Monitor TestinR: 1. Forxonflict monitor testing services which Contractor is obligated to perforn under the terms of Section rV "DUTY OF CONTRACTOR", Sub-section 1 "Annual Conflict .Monitor Testing" of this agreement, the City shall pay to th, Contractor the unit sum of $ 3'1.~0 per intersection, payable upo: completion of the conflict monitor testing. All labor, equipment, an' in the unit cost for each intersection. No additional payments will be mad< This unit cost may be adjusted each year in accordance with Section . "FUTURE ADJUSTMENTS" of this agreement. materials necessary to complete the conflict monitor testing shall be include 111. AGREEMENT DOCUMENTS A. The complete agreement between the parties shall consist of and include tf following documents, all of which shall be and are hereby incorporated 1 reference and made a part hereof as fully as if set out in full herein: 1. This Agreement. 2. Exhibit A - Labor & Equipment Cost. Schedule 3. Exhibit B - List of Intersections and Equipment 4. Exhibit C - Monthly Inspection Checklist 5. Exhibit D - Quarterly Inspection Checklist 6. Exhibit E - Annual Inspection Chart 7. Certificates of Insurance ?X. DUTY OF CONTRACTOR A. Routine/Preventive Maintenance: 1. Monthly Inspection (1) The Contractor shall perform monthly routine/preventi inspections based on the City's schedule. Such inspections sh be scheduled so that each intersection is inspected approximately the same date each month. (2) The monthly inspection shall include a complete check of- timing and component functions described in the "Montl Inspection Checklist" (Exhibit C). Every three months, 1 "Monthly Maintenance Checklist!' will be . replaced with 1 "Quarterly Inspection Checklist" (Exhibit D) which will be u: for that month's inspection. B:\93CNTS-ZUiLH94027.AGG Rev. Yl/' e a 1' Any graffiti found, including but not limited to signs, flyers, and tape shall be removed by the Contractor at the time of the inspection at nc additional charge to the City. All other deficiencies will be referrec to the Utilities and Maintenance Director or his approvec representative by the end of the work day in which the inspecti01 occurred. The Utilities and Maintenance Director or his approve( representative will elect to make the repairs in-house or assign th Contractor an incident number authorizing the Contractor to mak the repairs. If referred to the Contractor, repairs will be treated a "Extra-ordinary Services" and payments will be made in accordanc with the provisions of Section I1 "COMPENSATION", Sub-section ( "Extra-ordinary Service". Should the Contractor find an unsafe situation at the time ( inspection, Contractor shall make any repah necessary to return th intersection to a safe operating condition. Contractor shall the report to the City immediately upon completion of the repair. Suc repairs will be considered "Emergency Response" and payment will t in accordance with Section I1 "COMPENSATION", Sub-section "Emergency Response'' of this agreement unless such action wou! normally be considered part of the routine/preventive maintenanc in which case no additional payments will be made therefore. (3) The maintenance of all components within the confines of the cabin1 (i.e. detectors, load switches, etc.) shall be the responsibility of ti Contractor and shall be inspected each month for proper functio All adjustments made by the Contractor shall be included in tl monthly cost for inspection. No additional payments will be ma( for adjustments or repairs normally considered preventive/routir maintenance. When a component must be removed from tl intersection for repair, a like component will be provided a1 installed by the Contractor in place of the component requiril repairs. All repairs shall be the responsibility of the Contractor ar the component shall be returned immediately upon completion of tl repairs. If, in the opinion of the Contractor, any controller mechanic become obsolete or deteriorated beyond the point of repair, t Contractor shall notify the City and demonstrate or otherwise provi evidence that replacement is necessary. No permanent change control mechanisms shall be done without prior approval of the Ci B:\93CNTS-2WLH94027.AGG Rev. Wl/< m e B. Emergency Response: 11 1. Emergency Response shall be defined as the initial unscheduled response an repairs necessary to restore safe operation of the signalized intersection. a. The Contractor will maintain a 24-hour toll-free emergency numb( where he/she can be reached in case of emergency. This phone numbc will be made available to all persons designated by the City. b. The Contractor will provide service twenty-four (24) hours per day fc the servicing of all equipment covered by this agreement and will respor immediately in a vehicle with aerial capabilities upon notification wil equipment necessary to restore safe operation of the intersection. In r case shall initial response time exceed two (2) hours. c. The Contractor shall make timing adjustments only when necessary compensate for sudden changes in traffic conditions or malfunctionil traffic signal equipment that cannot be repaired or replaced immediate1 The Contractor shall notify the City of these adjustments as soon possible. d. If the estimated cost of emergency repairs exceeds $1,000.00, t: Contractor shall restore the intersection to flashing operation and noti the City as soon as possible. If the City decides to have the Contract perform necessary repairs, an incident number will be issued and wc will begin as soon as possible. e. Upon completion of emergency repairs, the Contractor shall invoice t City for all costs associated with the emergency in accordance w Section I1 "COMPENSATION", Sub-section B "Emergency Respons Invoices for emergency maintenance shall include the followi information: (4 (b) (4 (dl (e> (f) (g) (h) (9 w (k) (1) (m) (n) intersection description intersection number authorizing party time of call description of complaint time of arrival status upon arrival corrective measures taken status upon departure time of departure invoice number incident number equipment identification number - part being replaced equipment identification number - replacement part B:\93CNTS-ZWLH94027.AGG Rev. 2/1/ e e 1( The City may request that additional information be added to the invoice provided such request is made in writing and such request does nc excessively burden the Contractor, Upon receipt of a written request fo additional information, the Contractor shall have ten (10) days t respond with objections. If no objections are received within ten (10 days, invoices for all emergency response shall include the requeste information. Payment for invoices not containing all requeste information may be delayed. f. The City may request that the Contractor respond to the scene ( collisions at signalized intersections in order to verify proper sign operation. In this case, the Contractor shall perform a review of tk traffic signal facility including a thorough inspection of all equipment fc physical damage or equipment malfunction. Contractor shall also obsen traffic movement and verify normal signal operation. Contractor slx then submit, in writing, a report summarizing the results of the inspectic to the Utilities and Maintenance Director or his. approved representatil within 48 hours of the incident, C. Extra-ordinary Services: 1. Extra-ordinary services shall be defined as scheduled repairs/services resultil from any part of a traffic signal system that is damaged by collision, acts God or malicious. mischief, excepting any damage resulting from t negligence of the Contractor, or normal deterioration due to the passage time. It shall also include requests for special programming, synchroniz system timing, consultation services, and other special requests. All ext; ordinary maintenance shall be subject to prior approval of the Utilities a Maintenance Director or his approved representative. a. Special Programming (1) The City may request that special time progra&ng performed (i.e. time of day programming, synchronized systl timing). Payment for such work shall be based on ''time a materials". "Time and materials" shall include labor 2 equipment costs which shall be based on the attached Lab01 Equipment Cost Schedule (Exhibit A) which may be adjus annually in accordance with the provisions of Section V "FUTU ADJUSTMENTS" of this agreement. When not provided by City, materials shall be supplied by the Contractor at cost wit reasonable percentage for overhead and profit not to exceed 1: B:\93CNTS-2WLH94027.AGG Rev. 2/11 e a 1 b. Loop-Set Testing (1) Loop-set testing shall be performed at the discretion of the Utilitic and Maintenance Director or his approved representative. A loop-sc is defined as all loops connected to a single lead-in cable of a sing loop detector amplifier in a rack slot. Most loop configurations usc are made up of up to four (4) diamond loops per approach lane pi phase plus two advance diamond loops per approach lane on through phase. Some loop configurations may be composed of le loops, circle loops, or quadripole loops, but these loop configuratiol will generally cover less area and require less labor and materials complete the loop-set testing. The loop-set testing shall include disconnecting all loops from tl lead-in cable to separate the individual loop-sets for the slot to ' tested, a meg check of each individual loop in the loop-sl reconnection of the loops, testing of the lead-in wiring for the loa set. D. Loop Detector Replacement: 1. Upon notification from the Utilities and Maintenance Director or his approv representative, the Contractor will install new loop detectors. New lo configuration will be one Type D and three Type A loops per lane unlt otherwise Indicated. In most cases, the contractor will be asked to inst four (4) or more loops at one time; however, the City reserves the right request fewer than four (4) loops if deemed necessary by the Utilities a Maintenance Director or his approved representative. Payment for IC Section D "Loop Detector Replacement". installation will be in accordance with Section I1 "COMPENSATION", SI E. Annual RelarnDing: 1. Within 90 days after execution of this agreement and annually thereafter, Contractor will remove and replace all incandescent lamps in all signal he; and Type A pedestrian heads. City will provide lamps unless the Utilities : Maintenance Director directs the Contractor otherwise. In such case, Contractor will provide the lamps specified by the Utilities and Maintena: Director and the City will pay the Contractor for the cost of the lamps I: a reasonable percentage for overhead and profit not to exceed 15%. B:\93CNTS-2WLH94027.AGC Rev. 2/1, 0 e 1 2. Contractor shall clean, polish, and inspect all traffic signal head lenses an reflectors. Contractor shall replace all broken or deteriorated part Contractor shall adjust and align all signal heads, including optical1 programmed heads in accordance with the "Annual Inspection Checklis (Exhibit E). 3. Contractor shall check signal head and mast ann sign mounting hardware fc corrosion. Contractor shall verify alignment of all mast arm signs, and sign heads and shall repairhealign as required in accordance with the "Annu Inspection Checklist" (Exhibit E). 4. Contractor shall clean all emergency vehicle pre-empt detection scope Contractor shall check mounting hardware for corrosion and shall adjust a1 align as required in accordance with the "Annual Inspection Checkli: (Exhibit E). F. Annual Conflict Monitor Testing: 1. Within 90 days after execution of this agreement and annually thereaft and/or when so instructed by the Utilities and Maintenance Director, t Contractor will remove the conflict monitor and the controller for testir The Contractor will provide previously tested units for use during the testi period. Conflict monitor and controller must meet manufacture specifications prior to reinstallation into the cabinet. Copies of test resu Director or his approved representative. will be submitted to the City upon request by the Utilities and Maintenan V. FUTURE ADJUSIMENTS A. Annually, all costs specified in Section TI "COMPENSATION" and in Exhibit "Labor & Equipment Schedule" shall be subject to change in accordance with t Consumer Price Index, San Diego, as published by the Department of Labor. 1. The Contractor, at least sixty days prior to the anniversary of this agreeme must submit, in writing, a request to change the current compensation ra in accordance with the Consumer Price Index (CPI). 2. The Contractor shall include a copy of the CPI along with the request for n the index from the first month of this agreement to each succeed anniversary thereof. rates. The new rates shall be based on one-half of the percentage change 3. If the CPI is not available sixty days prior to the anniversary of t agreement, Contractor shall submit a letter reserving the right to change compensation rates at such time when the CPI becomes available. B:\93CNE-ZWLH94027.AGG Rev. 2/1/ e a 15 VI. - STAFF A. Contractor shall use Level I1 or higher IMSWTSA certified technicians to servicq maintain, and make necessary repairs to traffic signal devices within the confine of the controller cabinet. Skilled laborers can make hardware repairs under th direction of the Level I1 technician. VI1 . EQUIPMENT A. The machinery and equipment used by the Contractor in the furtherance of th agreement shall be modern, clean, and maintained in proper working conditic at all times consistent with current standards of the industry and subject to tk approval of the Utilities and Maintenance Director. B. As requested by the Utilities and Maintenance Director, the Contractor slx supply the City with an up-to-date list of the equipment being used for tl furtherance of this agreement including make, model, year, and any 0th C. All equipment shall be available for inspection by the City upon 24 ho pertinent, information. notification to the Contractor. VIII. MATEW A. All materials used in the furtherance of this agreement shall be in accordan with Caltrans specifications and approved by the Utilities and Maintenan Director. IX. TRAFFIC CONTROL A. The Contractor may be required to submit traffic control plans for extra-ordin; repairs. B. All traffic control devices shall be in accordance with the latest edition of 1 "Manual of Traffic Control Devices for Construction and Maintenance Wc Zones" as published by the State of California, Department of Transportati (Caltrans). C. The Contractor shall conduct his/her operations so as to cause the least possi obstruction and inconvenience to public traffic. B:\93CNTS-2WLH94027.AGC Rev. 2/11 0 0 21 x. RECORDS A. The Contractor will maintain at his/her place of business a record of all servic calls or work performed upon the signal equipment including date, time in, tin out, location, costs for equipment used, parts and supplies used, and name ( person who performed work. B. Each time work is performed at an intersection, including . month routine/preventive maintenance, the Contractor will update the record. bo( within the cabinet. C. The Contractor will maintain accurate timing information sheets within tl controller cabinet at each signalized intersection. The Contractor will provic copies of these sheets upon request of the Utilities and Maintenance Director 1 his approved representative. XI. INSURANCE 1. Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the 'contrz insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property whi may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereund by the Contractor, his agents, representatives, employees or subcontracto: Said insurance shall meet the City's policy for insurance as stated Resolution No. 91-403. a. COVERAGES AND LIMITS - Contractor shall maintain the types coverages and minimum limits indicted herein: (1) Comprehensive General Liability Insurance: $I,OOO,OOO combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injt and property damage. If the policy has an aggregate limit separate aggregate in the amounts specified shall be establisk for the risks for which the City or its agents, officers or employc are additional insureds. (2) Automobile Liability Insurance: $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injl and property damage. In addition, the auto policy must cover 1 vehicle used in the performance of the contract, used onsite offsite, whether owned, non-owned or hired, and whet: scheduled or non-scheduled. The auto insurance certificate m state the coverage is for "any auto" and cannot be limited in : manner. B:\93CNTS-2\HLH94027.AGG Rev. 2/11 e e 2 (3) Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability Insurance: Workers' compensation limits as required by the Labor Code ( the State of California and Employers' Liability limits ( $1,000,000 per incident. Workers' compensation offered by tl- State Compensation Insurance Fund is acceptable to the City. b. ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS - Contractor shall ensure that the policies I insurance required under this agreement contain, or are endorsed 1 contain, the following provisions. General Liability and Automobi Liability Coverages: (I) The City, its officials, employees and volunteers' are to be coverc as additional insureds as respects: liability arising out of activiti, performed by or on behalf of the Contractor; products ar completed operations of the contractor; premises owned, lease hired or borrowed by the contractor. The coverage shall conta no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to tl City, its officials, employees or volunteers. (2) The Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance respects the City, its officials, employees and volunteers. A insurance or self-insurance maintained by the City, its officia employees or volunteers shall be in excess of the contract0 insurance and shall not contribute with it. (3) Any failure to comply with reporting provisions of the polic shall not affect coverage provided to the City, its offici: employees or volunteers. (4) Coverage shall state that the contractor's insurance shall ap: separately to each insured against whom claim is made or sui brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liabili c. "CLAMS MADE" POLICIES - If the insurance is provided on a "clai made" basis, coverage shall be maintained for a period of three ye following the date of completion of the work. d. NOTICE OF CANCELLATION - Each insurance policy required by t agreement shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not suspended, voided, canceled, or reduced in coverage or limits except al thirty (30) days' prior written notice has been given to the City certified mail, return receipt requested. . B:\93CNTS-2\HLH94027.AGG Rev. 2/1/ 0 e 2 e. DEDUCTIBLES AND SELF-INSURED RETENTION (S.I.R.) LEVELS - AI deductibles or self-insured retention levels must be declared to ar approved by the City. At the option of the City, either: the insurer shz reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self-insured retention levels , respects the City, its officials and employees; or the contractor sh: procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigatio claim administration and defense expenses. f. WAIVER OF SUBROGATION - All policies of insurance required under tf agreement shall contain a waiver of all rights of subrogation the insur may have or may acquire against the City or any of its officials employees. g. SUBCONTRACTORS - Contractor shall include all subcontractors insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates a: endorsements for each subcontractor. Coverages for subcontractors sh, be subject to all of the requirements stated herein. h. ACCEPTABILITY OF INSURERS - Insurance is to be placed with insun that have a rating in Best's Key Rating Guide of at least A-:V, and 2 authorized to do business within the State of California and are includ in the official publication of the Department of Insurance of the State California as allowed under the standards specified in by the City Coun Reso1ut;on No. 91-403 . i. VERIFICATION OF COVERAGE - Contractor shall furnish the City w certificates of insurance and original endorsements affecting cover2 required by this clause. The certificates and endorsements for e2 insurance policy are to be signed by a person authorized by that insu: to bind coverage on its behalf. The certificates and endorsements are be in forms approved by the City and are to be received and approved the City before work commences. j. COST OF INSURANCE - The Cost of all insurance required under t agreement shall be included in the Contractor's bid. XI. FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE A. The standards of performance which the Contractor is obligated to perfc hereunder are the standards which are considered to be good traffic sig maintenance practices and shall be subject to the approval of the Utilities : Maintenance Director or his approved representative. B:\93CNTS-2WLH94027.AGG Rev. 2/1/ 0 a 2: XIII. CANCELLATION CLAUSE A. If Contractor refuses or fails to prosecute the agreement or any separable pa: thereof with such diligence as will ensure its completion with the time specifie .by the City or any extension thereof, or fails to complete such work within suc time, or if Contractor should be adjudged bankrupt, make a general assignmer for the benefit of creditors, or if a receiver should be appointed on account ( Contractois insolvency, or if Contractor fails to make prompt payment fc materials or labor or if Contractor persistently disregards laws, ordinances, ( instructions of City, City may serve written notice upon the Contractor of i intention to declare this agreement in default, said notice to contain the reas01 for such intention to declare a default, and unless within ten (10) days aft( service of-such notice, such violations shall cease and satisfactory arrangemen for the corrections thereof be made, this agreement shall upon the expiration 1 said time, be in default. Xnr. HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFY A. The City, its agents, officers and employees shall not be liable for any clairr liabilities, penalties, fines or any damage to goods, properties or effects of a] person whatever, nor for personal injuries or death caused by, or resulting fro1 or claimed to have been caused by, or resulting from, any act or omission Contractor or Contractois agents, employees or representatives. Contract agrees to defend, indemnify, and save free and harmless the City and authorized agents, officers, and employees against any of the foregoing liabiliti or claims of any kind and any cost and expense that is incurred by the City ( account of any of the foregoing liabilities, including liabilities or claims by reasc of alleged defects in any plans and specifications, unless that liability or claim due, or arises out of, solely to the City's negligence. XV. SATUS OF THE CONTRACI'OR A, The Contractor shall perform the services provided for herein in.the Contract0 own way as an independent contractor and in pursuit of Contractofs independc calling, and not as an employee of the City. Contractor shall be under control the City only as to the result to be accomplished but shall consult with the C as provided for in this agreement. B:\93CNTS-ZWLH94027.AGG Rev. 2/1/' e d, 2 B. The Contractor is an independent contractor of the City. The payment made t Contractor pursuant to this agreement shall be the full and comple compensation to which Contractor is entitled pursuant to this agreement. TI City shall not make any federal or state tax withholdings on behalf of tl Contractor. The City shall not be required to pay any worker's compensatic insurance on behalf of the Contractor. The Contractor agrees to indemnify tl City for any tax, unemployment compensation, retirement contribution, soci security, payment of wages or worker's compensation payment which the Ci may be required to make on behalf of Contractor or any employee of Contracts for work done under this agreement. . C. The Contractor shall be aware of the requirements of the Immigration Refor and Control Act of 1986 (8 U.S.C. Sec. 1101 - 1525) and shall comply with tho requirements, including, but not limited to, verifying the eligibility f employment of all agents, employees, subcontractors, and consultants that a included in this agreement. XVI. SUBCONTRACI'ING AND ASSIGNMENT A. The Contractor shall neither subcontract nor assign any obligation or interest this agreement without the prior written approval of the City. XVII. PROHIBITED INTEREST A. No official of the City who is authorized in such capacity on behalf of the C to negotiate, make, accept, or approve, or take part in negotiating, makil accepting, or approving of any architectural, engineering inspection, constructj or material supply contractor, or any subcontractor in connection with 1 construction of the project, shall become directly or indirectly interes personally in this contract or in any part thereof. No officer, employee, architc attorney, engineer or inspector of or for the City who is authorized in SI capacity and on behalf of the City to exercise any executive, supervisory, or ot! similar functions in connection with the performance of this contract SI become directly or indirectly interested personally in this contract or any F thereof. XVIII. VERBAL AGREEMENT OR CONVERSATION A. No verbal agreement or conversation with any office, agent, or employee of .City, either before, during, or after the execution of this contract, shall affec modify any of the terms or obligations herein contained nor such vel agreement or conversation entitle the Contractor to any additional payrr whatsoever under the terms of this agreement. B:\93CNTS-2WLH94027.AGG Rev. 24, 0 e 8 2 XIX. ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC FACILITlES "AS IS" A. Contractor acknowledges having examined the public facilities to be maintaine pursuant to this agreement and accepts them "as is." No changes in the accepte conditions of the facilities shall be made by Contractor without prior approval ( the Utilities and Maintenance Director or his approved representative.. /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// B:\93CNTS-2WLH94027.AGG Rev. 2/1/ .- e 0 26 MI. CnrPERMlTS A. The Contractor must have a current City business license. Bidders are advised to consult the Business License Supervisor as to the exact cost of such license if not currently licensed. Executed this fourteenth day of . *;lune Y 19-. 94 CONTRACTOR: klexander.Trsffic: Signal/ Llqhting Company, Tnc. (name of Contractor) [ // , ,. - -- -- By: (sign here) V i na Mat stm ~___-- . CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal ' of the State o B ATTEST: h$d<G&' CALIFORNIA ALLPURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT I State of GALIFORMA County of $AN DIE00 1 On m DATE i a Bgi, before me, -USWRENCE NAME. TITLE OF OFFICER. GONZALES E.G.. 'JANE DOE. NOTARY PUBLIC' I personally appeared (l t va3A ynfwsod , * JIG PReSc CORPORATE OFFlCEf NAME(S) OF SIGNER(S) - OPTIONAL SECT11 CAPACITY CLAIMED B'i Though statute does not require I fill in the data below, doing s( invaluable to persons relying on tt INDIVIDUAL TITLE@) 0 personally known to'me - OR - B proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence c] PARTNER(S) 'IM1 to be the person(s) whose name(s) islare subscribed to the within instrument and ac- knowledged to me that he/she/they executed [7 ATroRNEY-IN-FACT 0 TRUSTEE@) GEP 0 GUARDIAN/CONSER\ [7 OTHER: SIGNER IS REPRESEI the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature@) on the instrument the person@), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. NAME OF PERSON(S) OR ENTITY ptE%mJbFfZ w THIS CERTIFICATE MUST BE AlTACHED TO TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT THE DOCUMENT DESCRIBED AT RIGHT Though the data requested here is not required by law, it could orevent fraudulent reattachment of this form. SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE NUMBER OF PAGES zb DATE OF DOCUMENT 'Lf * fr3 e a1992 NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIATION 8236 Rernmet Ave., P.O. Box 7184 Cancg 8:\93CNTS-2WLH94027.ACC Rev. 2/1/ 0 a .- 26 m. CrIYPERMrrS *. 'A. The Contractor must have a current City business license. Bidders are advised tc consult the Business License Supervisor as to the exact cost of such license if no1 currently licensed. Executed this fourteenth day of .Tuna J 19" ')I CONTRACTOR: CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal Alexander Traffic: Signal/ ' of the State o L 1 crh t i ng Company, T nc . (name of Contractor) B 4' f"'. I. - - ' By: V i na Mat s1-m ATTEST: (sign here) (print name here) 'Ji~:e-f'resident (title and organization of signatory) By: (sign here) (print name here) (title and organization of signatory) (Proper notarial acknowledgment of execution. by *DEVELOPER must be attached.) (President or vice-president and secretary or assistant secretary must sign for corporation If only one officer signs, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secreta! or assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering that officer to bind tl corporation.) APPROVED AS TO FORM: RONALD R. BALL '. City Attorney BY ws/ed eputy City Atto B:\93CNTS-2WLH94027.AGG Rev. Y1/9 ,- * I m 0 ALEXANDER TRAFFIC SIGNAL /LIGHTING COMPANY, INC. PH. 578-4472 p ( Resolution empowering Vina Matson, Vice-president, to bind Alexander Traffic Signal/Lighting Company, Inc. in the City of Carlsbad Agreement for Signal Maint.enance & Repairs Contract No. U/M 93-9. LAX-Q Alvina Wood Secret.arY - mq- 4 Date 7940 SlLVERTON AVE., SUITE 104, SAN DIEGQ, CA 92126 0 @ ,- EXHIBIT A. 2 CITY OF CARLSBAD AGREEMENT FOR SIGNAL MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS Labor & Equipment Cost Schedule CONTRACT NO. U/M 93-9 City Council City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 The undersigned declares he/she has carefully examined the location of the work, re; the Request for Proposals, examined the Agreement, and hereby proposes to furnish i labor, materials, equipment, transportation, and services required to do all the work complete Contract No. U/M 93-9 for TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS accordance with the provisions of the agreement and that he/she will take in full payme therefor the following unit prices for each item complete, to wit: Item Description with Item Unit Price or Lump Sum No. Price in Words Unit Price 1, IMSA- Level II Technician at f:ili r'Wer1 dollars and FI~ nety cents per hour $ 9 -5 * 30 sWaig,ht time. doffars and f. 1~ ve cents per hour $ overtime. 2. IMSA Level I1 Technician at twcnti' e~qhtv 20. PS 3. iMSA Level I Technician at ,.$ i r:c?t 9~ dollars and ?%gfitY cents per hour $ 1 rf -75 straight time. ' . 4. IMSA Level I Technician at 31 ne dollars and 'i i x t.\, cents per hour $ x' * "* overtime. ; ~'~Y".y 5. Laborer at =en dollars and $10 00 rKI cents per hour straight time. 6. Laborer at . f i f 't WI~ dollars and no cents per hour overtime. $15.00 B:\93CNTS-ZWLH94027.AGG Rev. WlP e ,- EXHIBIT A 2 Item Description with Item Unit Price or Lump Sum No. Price in Words Unit Price 7. Aerial Truck at 1: i ct een dollars and TIC3 cents per hour. $ 15 on 8. Service truck at e lqht dollars and nrt cents per hour. 9. . Compressor at *lve. dollars and 8. OD no cents per hour. $ s. rm B:\93CNTS-2WLH94027.AGG Rev. ?dl/ 0 0 ,- Exhibit B CITY OF CARLSBAD AGREEMENT FOR SIGNAL MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS List of Intersections & Equipment 02/22/94 CONTRACT NO. U/M 93-9 000000.013390 CINEMY WY @ MARRON RD Manufacturer: Traconex Turn-On Date: 04/ Serial #: T-1064 # of Phases: 2 Revision Date: Comments: Controller type: 170 Program: 176 000100.016040 ADAMS DR @ TAMARACK AV Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: 10/ Serial #: 302721 # of Phases: 6 Revision Date: Comments: Controller type: 170 Program! 176 000180.000190 ALGA RD @ ALICANTE ST Manufacturer: Traffic Control Tech Turn-On Date: lo/ Serial #: 822257 # of Phases: 5 Revision Date: Comments: Controller type: 170 Pr0gra.m: 176 000180.000285 ALGA RD @ AMBROSIA LN Manufacturer: Traffic Control Tech Turn-On Date: 10, Serial #: 822263 # of Phases: 6 Revision Date: Comments: Controller type: 170 Program: 200 000180.009010 ALGA RD @ CORINTIA ST Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: 09, Serial #: 270337 # of Phases: 6 Revision Date: Comments : Controller type: 170 Program: 176 000180.010970 ALGA RD @ EL CAMINO REAL Manufacturer: Traffic Control Tech Turn-On Date: 03, Serial #: 822261 # of Phases: 8 Revision Date: Comments: Controller type: 170 Program: 200 B:\93CNTS-2VILH94027.AGG Rev. 2/1/ 0 a * .- Exhibit B CITY OF CARLSBAD AGREEMENT FOR SIGNAL MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS List of Intersections & Equipment 02/22/94 CONTRACT NO. U/M 93-9 000180.013240 ALGA RD @ MANZANITA ST Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: 11/ Serial #: 222899 # of Phases: 6 Revision Date: 05/ Comments: Delay in adding to monthly maintenance due to switch-ov Controller type: 170s Program: 176 of power from Vons meter to City meter. 000430.010970 ARENAL RD @ EL CAMINO REAL Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: 10/ Serial #: 302713 # of Phases: 6 Revision Date: Comments : Controller type: 170 Program: 176 000620.014510 AVENIDA ENCINAS @ POINSETTIA LN Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: 03/ Serial #: 288550 # of Phases: 6 Revision Date: Comments : Controller type: 170 Program: 176 000620.015090 AVENIDA ENCINAS @ SAN LUCAS Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: 03, Serial #: 285731 # of Phases: 6 Revision Date: Comments: Controller type: 170 Program: 176 001360.014750 CALLE BARCELONA @ RANCHO SANTA FE RD Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: 08, Serial #: 260734 # of Phases: 5 Revision Date: Comments : Controller type: 170s Program: 200 001860.014750 CAMINO ALVARO @ RANCHO .SANTA FE RD Manufacturer: Micro Delta Turn-On Date: 04 Serial #: 0791 # of Phases: 6 Revision Date: Comments : Controller type: 170 Program: 176 B:\93CNTS-2WLH94027.AGG Rev. Y1. 0 a ,- Exhibit B . CITY OF CARLSBAD AGREEMENT FOR SIGNAL MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS List of Intersections & Equipment 02/22/94 CONTRACT NO. U/M 93-9 001933.014750 CAMINO DE LOS COCHES @ RANCHO SANTA FE RD Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: 06/ Serial #: 268123 # of Phases: 4 Revision Date: Comments: Controller type: 170s Program: 200 002060.010970 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE @ EL CAMINO REAL Manufacturer: signal Control Turn-On Date: 03/ Serial #: 775501 # of Phases: 4 Revision Date: Comments : Controller type: 170 Program: 176 002060.014080 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE @ PALOMAR AIRPORT RD Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: 091 Serial 4: 264372 # of Phases: 6 Revision Dater Comments: Controller type: 170 Program: 176 003000.004020 CANNON RD @ CARLSBAD BLVD Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: 06, Serial #: 262843 # of Phases: 4 Revision Date: Comments : Controller type: 170s Program: 176 004020.004025 CARLSBAD BLVD @ CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR Manufacturer: Signal Control Turn-On Date: 09, Serial #: 10369 # of Phases: 6 Revision Date: Comments; Controller type: 170 Program: 200 004020.006020 CARLSBAD BLVD @ CERE20 DR Manufacturer: Signal Control Turn-On Date: 07 Serial #: 9061 # of Phases: 3 Revision Date: Cominents: Controller type: 170 Program: 176 B:\93CNTS-Z\HLH94027.AGG Rev. 2/1, 0 e 7- Exhibit B CITY OF CARLSBAD AGREEMENT FOR SIGNAL MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS List of Intersections & Equipment 02/22/94 CONTRACT NO. U/M 93-9 004020.011690 CARLSBAD BLVD @ GRAND AV Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: 09/ Serial #: 248628 # of Phases: 6 Revision Date: Comments: Controller type: 170s Program: 17 6 004020.014360 CARLSBAD BLVD @ PINE AV Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: 06, Serial #: 331260 # of Phases: 5 Revision Date: Comments: Controller type: 170 Program: 200 004020.014510 CARLSBAD BLVD @ POINSETTIA LN Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: 08, Serial #: 262845 # of Phases: 4 Revision Date: Comments : Controller type: 170s Program: 176 004020.016040 CARLSBAD BLVD @ TAMARACK AV Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: 02, Serial #: 258276 # of Phases: 6 Revision Date: Comments: Controller type: 170s Program: 176 004025.008080 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR @ CONCORD ST Manufacturer: Signal Control Turn-On Date: 05 Serial #: 9960 # of Phases: 3 Revision Date: Comments : Controller type: 170 Program: 176. 004025.010970 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR @ EL CAMINO REAL Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: 11 Serial #: 828 # of Phases: 8 Revision Date: Comments: Controller type: 170 Program: 176 B:\93CNTS-2WLH94027.AGG Rev. Y1 c 0 0 t " Exhibit B 2 CITY OF CARLSBAD AGREEMENT FOR SIGNAL MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS List of intersections & Equipment 02/22/94 CONTRACT NO. U/M 93-9 004025.011830 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR @ HARDING ST Manufacturer: Traffic Control Tech Turn-On Date: 08, Serial #: 822264 # of Phases: 5 Revision Date: 051 Comments: Controller type: 170 Program: 176 004O25.011980 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR @ BIGNLAND ST Manufacturer: Traffic Control Tech Turn-On Date: lo/ Serial #: 815237 # of Phases: 6 Revision Date: Comments : Controller type: 170 Program: 176 004025.012240 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR @ JEFFERSON ST Manufacturer: Turn-On Date: Serial #: # of Phases: Revision Date: Comments: Controller type: Program: 004025.013160 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR @ MADISON ST Manufacturer : Turn-On Date: Serial #: 4 of Phases: Revision Date: Controller type: Program: Comments : 004025.013530 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR @ MONROE ST Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: 09 Serial #: 270327 # of Phases: 6 Revision Date: Comments: Controller type: 170 Program: 176 004025.014390 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR @ PI0 PIC0 DR Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: 10 Serial #: 302712 # of Phases: 6 Revision Date: Comments : Controller type: 170s Program: 176 B:\93CNTS-2VILH94027.AGG Rev. 2/1/ I a 0 r5 Exhibit B 31 CITY OF CARLSBAD AGREEMENT FOR SIGNAL MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS List of Intersections & Equipment 02/22/94 CONTRACT NO. U/M 93-9 004025.014910 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR @ ROOSEVELT ST Manufacturer: Turn-On Date: Serial #: # of Phases: Revision Date: Comments : Controller type: Program: 004025.015810 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR @ STATE ST Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: Serial #: 239073 # of Phases: 6 Revision Date: Comments: turn-on date not in cabinet Controller type: 170s Program: 200 007010.010970 CHESTNUT AV @ EL CAMINO REAL Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: 03/ Serial #: 248422 # of Phases: 6 Revision Date: Comments : Controller type: 170 Program: 176 007010.013530 CHESTNUT AV @ MONROE ST Manufacturer: Signal Control Turn-On Date: 081 Serial #: 9158 # of Phases: 4 Revision Date: Comments: Controller type: 170 Program: 200 008062.010970 COLLEGE BLVD @ EL CAMINO REAL Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: 02, Serial #: 275943 # of Phases: 4 Revision Date: Comments : Controller type: 170 Program: 176 008062.011250 COLLEGE BLVD @ FARADAY AV Manufacturer: Signal Control Turn-On Date: Serial #: 8453 # of Phases: 5 Revision Date: Comments: turn-on date not in cabinet Controller type: 170s Program: -176 B:\93CNTS-ZWLH94027.AGG Rev. 2/1/ 0 e r ,. Exhibit B 3 CITY OF CARLSBAD AGREEMENT FOR SIGNAL MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS List of intersections & Equipment 02/22/94 CONTRACT NO. U/M 93-9 008062.014080 COLLEGE BLVD @ PALOMAR AIRPORT RD Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: 10/ Serial #: 1954 # of Phases: 6 Revision Date: Comments: 2/17/94 - original serial number gone - used #1954 - et Controller type: 170 Program: 176 into top of controller 010840.010970 DOVE LN @ EL CAMINO REAL Manufacturer: Traffic Control Tech Turn-On Date: 05/ Serial #: 822262 # of Phases: 8 Revision Date: Comments : Controller type: 170s Program: 200 010970.011250 EL CAMINO REAL @ FARADAY AV Manufacturer: Signal Control Co Turn-On Date: 12/ Serial #: 2759 # of Phases: 8 Revision Date: Comments : Controller type: 170 Program: 200 010970.012100 EL CAMINO REAL @ HOSP WY Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: 11, Serial #: 306445 # of Phases: 6 Revision Date: Comments: Caltrans timing chart Controller type: 170s Program: Q5 010570.012300 EL CAMINO REAL, @ KELLY DR Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: 05, Serial #: 249041 # of Phases: 4 Revision Date: Comments: Controller type: 170s Program: 200 010970.012420 EL CAMINO REAL @ LA COSTA AV Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: 06 Serial #: 269543 # of Phases: 8 Revision Date: Comments: Controller type: 170 Program: 45 B:\93CNTS-2\HLH94027.AGG Rev. 2/1/ 0 e ? <. a Exhibit B 02/22/94 CITY OF CARLSBAD AGREEMENT FOR SIGNAL MAINTENANCE 8t REPAIRS List of Intersections & Equipment CONTRACT NO. U/M 93-9 010970. om330 EL CAMINO REAL @ LEVENTE ST Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: 031 Serial #: 6433 # of Phases: 4 Revision Date: Comments: Controller type: 170 Program: 200 010970.014080 EL CAMINO REAL @ PALOMAR AIRPORT RD Manufacturer: Signal Control Turn-On Date: 04, Serial #: 12589 # of Phases: 8 Revision Date: Comments : Controller type: 170 Program: 200 010970.014730 EL CAMINO REAL @ RANCHO CARLSBAD DR Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: Serial #: 222901 # of Phases: 5 Revision Date: Comments: turn-on date not in cabinet Controller type: 170s Program : 17 6 0'10970.016040 EL CAMINO REAL @ TAMARACK AV Manufacturer: Traffic Control Tech Turn-On Date: 08, Serial #: 822260 # of Phases: 8 Revision Date: Comments : Controller type: 170 Program: 176 010990.014080 EL FUERTE ST @ PALOMAR AIRPORT RD Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: 09 Serial #: 26750 # of Phases: 6 Revision Date: Comments: Controller type: 170 Program: 176 011690.012240 GRAND AV @ JEFFERSON ST Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: 01 Serial #: 341123 # of Phases: 4 Revision Date: Comments: Streetscape Controller type: 170 Program: 200 B:\93CNTS-2WLH94027.AGC Rev. 2/1 L e a t ,. w Exhibit B CITY OF CARLSBAD AGREEMENT FOR SIGNAL MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS List of Intersections & Equipment 02/22/94 CONTRACT NO. U/M 93-9 011690.014910 GRAND AV @ ROOSEVELT ST Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: 01/ Serial #: 341130 # of Phases: 4 Revision Date: Comments: Streetscape Controller type: 170 Program: 200 011690.015810 GRAND AV @ STATE ST Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: 101 Serial #: 278245 # of Phases: 4 Revision Date: 011 Comments: revised: Streetscape Controller type: 170s Program: 200 012240.012620 JEFFERSON ST @ LAGUNA DR Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: 12, Serial #: 255871 # of Phases: 2 Revision Date: Comments : Controller type: 170 Program: 176 012240.012700 JEFFERSON ST @ LAS FLORES DR Manufacturer! Traconex Turn-On Dater 12, Serial #: T-1087 # of Phases: 4 Revision Date: Comments : Controller type: 170 Program: 176 012240.013390 JEFFERSON ST @ MARRON RD Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: 12, Serial #: 272065 # of Phases: 8 Revision Date: Comments: Controller type: 170s Program: Q5 012240.016040 JEFFERSON ST @ TAMARACK AV Manufacturer: Signal Control Turn-On Date: 12 Serial #: 9423 # of Phases: 6 Revision Date: Comments : Controller type': 170 Proyram: 176 B:\93CNTS-2VILH94027.AGG Rev. 2/1 * ? 0 e i. d Exhibit B 3 CITY OF CARLSBAD AGREEMENT FOR SIGNAL MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS List of intersections & Equipment 02/22/94 CONTRACT NO. U/M 93-9 012420.014750 LA COSTA AV @ RANCHO SANTA FE RD Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: OS/( Serial #: 223285 # of Phases: 8 Revision Date: Comments : Controller type: .17OS Program: 200 013390.013530 MARRON RD @ MONROE ST Manufacturer: Measurements Engr Co Turn-On Date: 11/ Serial #: 9813860 # of Phases: 8 Revision Date: Comments : Controller type: 170 Program: 200 013460.014750 MELROSE DR @ RANCHO SANTA FE RD Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: Serial #: 290240 # of Phases: 4 Revision Date: Controller type: 170 Program: 45 Comments: 014080.000001 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD @ PRICE CLUB Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: 081 Serial #: 347313 # of Phases: 6 Revision Date: Comments : Controller type: 170 Program: 200 014080.014100 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD @ PALOMAR OAKS WY Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: 11/ Serial #: 335924 # of Phases: 6 Revision Date: Comments : Controller type: 170 Program: 200 014080.017290 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD @ YARROW DR Manufacturer: Micro Delta Eng Turn-On Date: 03, Serial #: 503 # of Phases: 6 Revision Date: Comments: Controller type: 170 Program: 176 B:\93CNTS-2\HLH94027.AGG Rev. 2/1/