HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-06-07; City Council; 12730; NCTD Transfer Parking Area Plaza Camino Real.T2 u ‘I 3 V--Y OF C&lLSBAD - AGE-A BILL AB # 12; %?o TI;LE* PRECISE PLAN AMENDMEtiT TO REMODEL MTG. 6-J)-‘?Y *D EXPAND THE EXISTING NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT BUS TRANSFER/PICKUP DEPT. -Pm PARKING AREA AT PLAZA CAMINO REAL. PP-24(F) RECOMMENDED ACTION: The Planning Commission and staff are recommending that the City Council ADOPT Resolution No. 9y-~/5% APPROVING the Negative Declaration issued by the Planning Dire&or and ADOPT Resolution No. +f- 153 APPROVING PP-24(F) as recommended for approval by the Planning C&mission. I ITEM EXPLANATION On April 20, 1994, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing and approved without revision (7-O) the remodel and expansion of the North County Transit District (NCTD) bus transfer/pickup parking area at Plaza Camino Real. The existing NCTD bus transfer/pickup parking facility at Plaza Camino Real is located along the inbound travel lane of the shopping centerls entry driveway off of Marron Road immediately to the west of the Robinson May Company department store. This existing driveway currently accommodates automobile, truck and bus traffic. The NCTD buses enter this driveway, park parallel to the curb, load and unload passengers, and exit Plaza Camino Real via a signalized Marron Road driveway located across from the Plaza Camino Real Movie Theater to the east. This proposed project would convert this multi-use driveway/five space bus transit center to an exclusive use bus driveway with eight bus loading bays and a transit island. The NCTD is proposing this modification for purposes of: 1) responding to increased bus ridership demand; 2) reducing potential vehicular and pedestrian conflicts; and 3) creating a more attractive and functional bus transit center. The proposed project is consistent with the General Plan and Precise Plan 24, complies with all applicable City parking and driveway design standards, and ensures the maintenance of adequate parking and safe circulation. On March 14, 1994 the City's Parking Authority heard this project and unanimously recommended approval. More detailed information is included in the attached staff report to the Planning Commission. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW On April 20, 1994, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Negative Declaration issued by the Planning Director on December 9, 1993. e - PAGE 2 OF AGENDA BILL NO. /$.?30 I FISCAL IMPACT The North County Transit District will be responsible for all costs associated with the construction and maintenance of this proposed bus transfer/pickup parking facility at Plaza Camino Real. No impacts upon public facilities and services are anticipated from this project. GROWTH MANAGEMENT STATUS Facilities Zone 1 Local Facilities Management Plan 1 EXHIBITS 1. City Council Resolution Nos. 4Y-I 52 & w-/53 2. Location Map 3. Planning Commission Resolution Nos. 3640 & 3641 4. Planning Commission Staff Report, dated April 20, 1994 _ _ Growth Control Point WA I Net Density I I WA Special Facility Fees WA 5. Excerpts of Planning Commission Minutes, dated April 20, 1994 1 * 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 94-152 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR A PRECISE PLAN. AMENDMENT TO REMODEL AND EXPAND THE EXISTING NCTD BUS TRANSIT CENTER AT PLAZA CAMINO REAL. CASE NAME: NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT CASE NO: PP-24(F) WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Code, the Planning Commission did, on April 20, 1994, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, examining the initial study, analyzing the information submitted by staff, and considering any written comments received, the Planning Commission considered all factors relating to the Negative Declaration: and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the findings and conditions of the Planning Commission Resolution No. 3640, on file with the City Clerk and incorporated herein by reference constitute the findings of the City Council in this matter and that the Negative Declaration is hereby approved. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 3 4 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 la 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, on the 7th day of JUNE , 1994, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard, Finnila NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Cler (SEAL) -2- - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 la 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 94-153 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AMENDED PRECISE PLAN (PP-24(F)) TO REMODEL AND EXPAND THE EXISTING NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT BUS TRANSFER/PICKUP PARKING AREA AT PLAZA CAMINO REAL. WHEREAS, the City Council, on August 2, 1977, by the adoption of Resolution No. 5166, approved Precise Plan (PP-24) for the expansion of Plaza Camino Real: and WHEREAS, pursuant to Precise Plan 24, major revisions proposed within the planning area of Precise Plan 24 require the approval of a precise plan amendment: and WHEREAS, the North County Transit District (NCTD) has requested a major revision to that Precise Plan to remodel and expand the existing NCTD bus transfer/pickup parking area, which is located within the shopping center's entry driveway off of Marron Road, immediately to the west of the Robinson-May Company Department store; and WHEREAS, on March 14, 1994, the City's Parking Authority heard this request and unanimously recommended approval; and WHEREAS, on April 20, 1994, the Carlsbad Planning Commission adopted Planning Commission Resolution 3641, recommending to the City Council that Precise Plan PP-24(F) be approved; and WHEREAS, the City Council, of the City of Carlsbad, held a public hearing on June 7. 1994 , 1994 to consider the recommendation of the Planning Commission and heard all persons interested in or opposed to PP-24.(F). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 5 c c 1 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 la 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 2. That the findings of the Planning Commission in Resolution 3641 constitute the findings of the City Council in this matter. 3. That amended Precise Plan (PP-24(F)) is hereby approved subject to all applicable requirements of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and to the satisfaction of all conditions contained in Planning Commission Resolution 3641. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, on the 7th day of JUNE , 1994 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard, Finnila NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ATTEST: (SEAL) -2- EXHIBIT 2 a - c L 4 City of Carlsbad PLAZA CAMINO REAL BUS TURNOUT PP=24(F) II EXHIBIT 3 , . 1 2 3 4 5 6 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO.3640 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR A PRECISE PLAN AMENDMENT TO REMODEL AND EXPAND THE EXISTING NCTD BUS TRANSIT CENTER AT PLAZA CAMINO REAL. CASE NAME: NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT CASE NO: PP 24(F) 7 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did on the 20th day of April, 1994, hold 8 a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request, and 9 WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony 10 and arguments, examining the initial study, analyzing the information submitted by staff, 11 and considering any written comments received, the Planning Commission considered all 12 13 factors relating to the Negative Declaration. 14 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning Commission 15 as follows: 16 17 18 19 20 21 A) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. B) That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Planning Commission hereby recommends APPROVAL of the Negative Declaration according to Exhibit “ND”, dated December 9, 1993, and “PII”, dated December 2, 1993, attached hereto and made a part hereof, based on the following findings: Findims: 22 1. The initial study shows that there is no substantial evidence that the project may 23 have a significant impact on the envir’onment. 24 2- The site has been previously graded and developed pursuant to an earlier environmental analysis. 25 3. There will be no increase in traffic generated by the proposed project. 26 27 28 4. There are no sensitive resources located onsite or located so as to be significantly impacted by this project. 01 - 5. The project will reduce on-site conflicts between vehicles (cars) and bus traflic. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 20th day of April, 1994, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Chairperson Savary, Commissioners: Schlehuber, Noble, Welshons, Erwin & Hall. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Betz. ABSTAIN: None. A-I-I-EST: PLANNING DIRECTOR PC RESO NO. 3640 -2- NEGATIVF, DECLARATION PROJECT ADDRESS/LOCATION: The project site is located along the north side of Marron Road at Plaza Camino Real. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Precise Development Plan Amendment to remodel and expand the existing North County Transit District bus transit facility at Plaza Camino Real. The City of Carlsbad has conducted an environmental review of the above described project pursuant to the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act and the Environmental Protection Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad. As a result of said review, a Negative Declaration (declaration that the project will not have a significant impact on the environment) is hereby issued for the subject project. Justification for this action is on file in the Planning Department. A copy of the Negative Declaration with supportive documents is on file in the Planning Department, 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad, California 92009. Comments from the public are invited. Please submit comments in writing to the Planning Department within 21 days of date of issuance. tf you have any questions, please call Chris DeCerbo in the Planning Department at (619) 438-1161, extension 4445. . DATED: DECEMBER 9, 1993 CASE NO: PDP 24(F) MICHAEL J. HOL%tLLkk Planning Director CASE NAME: PLAZA CAMINO REAL BUS TURNOUT PUBLISH DATE: DECEMBER 9, 1993 CD:vd 2075 Las Palmas Drive - Carlsbad, California 92009-l 576 - (619) 438-l 161 - - ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT FORM - PART 11 (TO BE COMPLETED BY THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT) CASE NO. PDP 24(F) DATE: DECEMBER 2, 1993 BACKGROUND 1. CASE NAME: PLAZA CAMINO REAL BUS TURNOUT 2. APPLICANT: NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT 3. ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER OF APPLICANT: 311 SO. TREMONT OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 (6191 967-2855 4. DATE EIA FORM PART 1 SUBMITTED: NOVEMBER 18, 1993 5. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT TO REMODEL AND EXPAND THE EXISTING NCTD TRANSIT FACILITY AT PLAZA CAMINO REAL. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS STATE CEQA GUIDELINES, Chapter 3, Article 5, section 15063 requires that the City conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment to determine if a project may have a significant effect on the environment. The Environmental Impact Assessment appears in the following pages in the form of a checklist. This checklist identifies any physical, biological and human factors that might be impacted by the proposed project and provides the City with information to use as the basis for deciding whether to prepare an Environmental Impact Report or Negative Declaration. f A Negative Declaration may be prepared if the City perceives no substantial evidence that the project or any of its aspects may cause a significant effect on the environment. On the checklist, “NO” will be checked to indicate this determination. ;‘.- An EIR must be prepared if the City determines that there is substantial evidence that any aspect of the project may cause a significant effect on the environment. The project may qualify for a Negative Declaration however, if adverse impacts are mitigated so that environmental effects can be deemed insignificant. These findings are shown in the checklist under the headings “YES-sig” and ‘YES-insig” respectively. A discussion of potential impacts and the proposed mitigation measures appears at the end of the form under DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION. Particular attention should be given to discussing mitigation for impacts which would otherwise be determined significant. - - PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT . WILL THE PROPOSAL DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY: YES YES NO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. big) (insig) Result in unstable earth conditions or increase the exposure of people or property to geologic hazards? Appreciably change the topography or any unique physical features? Result in or be affected by erosion of soils either on or off the site? Result in changes in the deposition of beach sands, or modification of the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? Result in substantial adverse effects on ambient air quality? Result in substantial changes in air movement, odor, moisture, or temperature? Substantially change the course or flow of water (marine, fresh or flood waters)? Affect the quantity or quality of surface water, ground water or public water supply? Substantially increase usage or cause depletion of any natural resources? Use substantial amounts of fuel or energy? Alter a significant archeological, paleontological or historical site, structure or object? x x x x x x A-. x x x -2- * BIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT . WILL THE PROPOSAL DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY: YES YES (sig) (insig) 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Affect the diversity of species, habitat or numbers of any species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, microflora and aquatic plants)? Introduce new species of plants into an area, or a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? Reduce the amount of acreage of any agricultural crop or affect prime, unique or other farmland of state or local importance? Affect the diversity of species, habitat or numbers of any species of animals (birds, land animals, all water dwelling organisms and insects? Introduce new species of animals into an area, or result in a barrier to the migration or movement of animals? HUMAN ENVIRONMENT WILL THE PROPOSAL DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY: 17. Alter the present or planned land use of an area? YES YES big) (insig) 18. Substantially affect public utilities, schools, police, fire, emergency or other public services? NO x x -A-- x x NO x x -3- HUMAN ENVIRONMENT . WILL THE PROPOSAL DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY: YES YES NO 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Result in the need for new or modified sewer systems, solid waste or hazardous waste control systems? (Sk) (insig) Increase existing noise levels? Produce new light or glare? Involve a significant risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation)? Substantially alter the density of the human population of an area? Affect existing housing, or create a demand for additional housing? Generate substantial additional traffic? Affect existing parking facilities, or create a large demand for new parking? Impact existing transportation systems or alter present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? Alter waterborne, rail or air traffic? Increase traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? Interfere with emergency response plans or emergency evacuation plans? Obstruct any scenic vista or create an aesthetically offensive public view? Affect the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? x x x x x x x x x x x x x x -4- MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE WILL THE PROPOSAL DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY: YES YES (Sk) (insig) 33. Does the project have the potential to substantially degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wild- life species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or en- dangered plant or animal, or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory. 34. Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the dis- advantage of long-term, environmental goals? (A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time while long-term impacts will endure well into the future.) 35. Does the project have the possible environmental effects which are in- dividually limited but cumulatively considerable? (“Cumulatively con- siderable” means that the incremental effects of an individual project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current prqjects, and the effects of probable future projects.) 36. Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? NO x x x x -5- DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION This project is a Precise Plan Amendment to remodel and expand the existing North County Transit District (NCTD) bus transit facility at Plaza Camino Real. The existing transit facility is located along a shopping center entry driveway off of Marron Road which currently accommodates auto and truck traffic. The existing transit facility provides parking for a maximum of five buses at a time with its current design. The proposed revision would create adequate space for eight buses at a time while eliminating bus, pedestrian and automobile conflicts which currently exist because the buses must travel through the existing parking lot to exit onto Marron Road. The additional three bus parking spaces created through this proposal revision will be necessary for purposes of responding to anticipated bus ridership demand. For this environmental analysis, staff conducted several field trips to the project site. In that; (1) the parking lot currently exists, (2) there are no sensitive environmental resources located upon or in close proximity to it, (3) the improved bus service will reduce automobile traffic and pedestrian/vehicular traffic conflicts, no environmental impacts are anticipated. Phvsical Environment l-4. Because the project site is already developed with a parking lot, and no significant grading activities are proposed with this prqject, no geologic, topographic or soil erosion impact are anticipated. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. In that this project will create three more bus parking bays for the NCTD at Plaza Camino Real, the potential exists for automobile trip generation to the mall to be reduced and air quality to be improved consistent with the Regional Air Quality Strategies. This project, which may result in reduced automobile traffic generation, should not affect or have any substantial negative impacts upon air movement, odor, moisture or temperature. This project will not change the course or flow of waters as no streams are located in the immediate area and all drainage waters will be handled by existing drainage facilities. In that the site is already developed and existing drainage facilities exist, no impacts to surface water, groundwater or public water supplies are anticipated. Implementation of this project, (construction, paving, operation) will incrementally contribute to the depletion of fossil fuels. This incremental impact is not regarded as significant. See #9 above. This previously developed site does not have a significant potential of containing archaeological or paleontological objects which have not already been mitigated. The only vegetation that exists on site is parking lot landscaping. Since there is no vegetation (other than parking lot landscaping) on site, no impacts to native species are anticipated. -6- DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION (cont’d) . 14. Implementation of this project will not reduce the amount of acreage of any agricultural crop or affect farmland of state or local importance. 1.5. Since the site is already developed, no impacts upon species diversity or habitat will result from the development of the proposed project. 16. No impacts to developed. Human Environment 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. animal movement or migration will result from this project since the site is already The proposed project will result in a modification to an existing use already on the project site. Therefore, no land use impacts are anticipated. This project will create no increased demand for public utilities. This project will create no increased demand for sewer, solid or hazardous waste facilities. Construction and operation of this project will not create significant noise impacts upon surrounding commercial uses. Parking lot lighting proposed with this project will have a positive effect on surrounding commercial uses in that it will enhance the night visibility of the bus pick up/transfer area of Plaza Camino Real. The risks associated with explosions, oil or gas leaks from transit vehicles at this site are not regarded as significant. This project will increase mass transit opportunities to and from this site. However, no population impacts from modification of the parking facilities are expected. This project will have no impacts upon housing. This project may reduce automobile traffic since more mass transit opportunities to Plaza Camino Real will be created. Implementation of this project will delete a total of 21 on site vehicle parking spaces. However, this reduction has been more than compensated for by the 7.50 additional parking spaces created at Plaza Camino Real through the 1989 Plaza Camino Real parking lot restriping program. This project will incrementally effect present circulation patterns at Plaza Camino Real because an existing shopping center automobile/bus entry/exit off Marron Road will be restricted to bus use only. However, there are other adequate available accessways for vehicular traffic. In addition, this revision will decrease pedestrian/vehicular and increase vehicular/bus conflicts in that buses will no longer have to travel through the parking lot to exit onto Marron Road. Pedestrian/vehicular conflicts will likely also be reduced in that pedestrian traffic associated with bus ridership will be more fully controlled through the redesign of the bus waiting area. l -7- . DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION (cont’d) . 28. 29. 30. 31. This project will have no impacts upon water, rail or air traffic. Traffic conflicts (hazards) will be reduced as discussed above. This project will not interfere with emergency response plans. The project will not obstruct any scenic vista, and will create an improved appearance over the existing situation. 32. This project will have no effect upon recreational opportunities. -8- ANALYSIS OF VIABLE ALTERNATIVES TO THE PROPOSED PROJECT SUCH AS: . a> b) c> d) 4 f-l g) a) Phased development of the project, b) alternate site designs, c) alternate scale of development, d) alternate uses for the site, e) development at some future time rather than now, f) alternate sites for the proposed project, and g) no project alternative. This project will be constructed in a single phase. Modification of the NCTD bus transfer/pick up area in more than one phase is not practical. The NCTD, in coordination with CarterMark Properties and the City of Carlsbad, ,has considered alternative designs. The proposed design creates no significant environmental impacts while accomplishing the NCTD’s goal of providing three additional bus parking bays and a “buses only” access drive on site. An alternate scale of the project would not be an environmentally superior alternative since the project must be designed to comply with Citywide Engineering standards and there are no impacts associated with the proposed project. This project will modify the existing NCTD pick up/transfer area already existing on site. No alternate use of the site would be preferable. This project is being proposed at this time in response to an existing service demand. Development at some future time has no apparent environmental advantages since the site is currently developed with a similar use. Other sites within the Plaza Camino Real parking lot were reviewed. However, relative to the identified ridership demand and particular service needs, this site was determined to be most preferable. The no project alternative will not satisfy the existing demand for additional, updated transit service facilities at Plaza Camino Real. -9- . DETERMINATION (To Be Completed By The Planning Department) . x On the basis of this initial evaluation: I find the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, because the environmental effects of the proposed project have already been considered in conjunction with previously certified environmental documents and no additional environmental review is required. Therefore, a Notice of Determination has been prepared. I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A Conditional Negative Declaration will be proposed. I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on rhe environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. Date # Date Signature Planning Directoy v LIST MITIGATING MEASURES (IF APPLICABLE] ATTACH MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM (IF APPLICABLE) -lO- - - . APPLICANT CONCURRENCE WtTH MITIGATING MEASURES THIS IS ‘TO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REVIEWED THE ABOVE MITIGATING MEASURES AND CONCUR WITH THE ADDITION OF THESE MEASURES TO THE PROJECT. Date Signature CD:vd:lh -ll- - - * II I 1 2 3 4 5 6 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3641 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORN& RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A PRECISE PLAN AMENDMENT TO REMODEL AND EXPAND THE EXISTING NCTD BUS TRANSIT CENTER AT PLAZA CAMINO REAL ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ALONG THE NORTH SIDE OF MARRON ROAD. CASE NAME: PIJJZA CAMINO REAL BUS TURNOUT CASE NO: PP 24(F) 7 WHEREAS, a verified application has been filed with the City of Carlsbad and 8 referred to the Planning Commission; and 9 WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request as provided by Title 10 11 12 13 14 15 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Code, the Planning Commission did, on the 20th day of April, 1994, consider said request on property described as: Portion of Sections 31 and 32, T.115, R4W., San Bernardino Base Meridian, County of San Diego. 16 17 WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony 18 and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all 19 / factors relating to PP 24(F). 20 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning Commission 21 of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 22 23 24 25 A) B) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Commission recommends APPROVAL of PP 24(F), based on the following findings and subject to the following conditions: . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Findims: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The project is consistent with Precise Plan 24, in that it will improve the appearance and overall operation of the NCID transit facility at Plaza Camino Real. The project complies with all applicable City parking and driveway design stamhis. The project will improve on-site circulation and ensure the maintenance of adequate onsite parking at Plaza Camino ReaL The project is consistent with the General Plan since the impmmments to the NCI’D bus turnout will improve transit access for all communities to Plaza Camino ReaL The proposed project is compatible with the surrounding future land uses since surrounding properties are designated for Intensive Regional Retail or Open Space development on the General Plan. This project will not cause any significant environmental impacts and a Negative Declaration has been issued by the Planning Director on December 9, 1993 and recommended for approval by the Planning Commission on April 20, 1994. In approving this Negative Declaration the Planning Commission has considered the initial study, the staff analysis, all required mitigation measures and any written comments received regarding the significant effects this project could have on the environment. This project is consistent with the City’s Growth Management Ordinance as it has been conditioned to comply with any requirement approved as part of the bocal Facilities Management Plan for Zone 1. Planninn Conditions: 1. Approval is granted for PP 24(F), as shown on Exhibit(s) “A” - H”, dated April 20, 1994, incorporated by reference and on file’ in the Planning Department. Development shall occur substantially as shown unless otherwise noted in these conditions. 2. The developer shall provide the City with a reproducible 24” x 36”, mylar copy of the Site Plan as approved by the Planning Commission. The Site Plan shall reflect the conditions of approval by the City: The plan copy shall be submitted to the City Engineer prior to issuance of right-of-way permit. PC RESO NO. 3641 -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. This project shall comply with all conditions and mitigation required by the Zone 1 Local Facilities Management Plan approved by the City Council on September 1, 1987, incorporated herein and on tile in the Planning Department and any future amendments to the Plan made prior to the issuance of rightof-way permit. If any condition for construction of any public improvements or facilities, or the payment of any fees in lieu thereof, imposed by this approval or imposed by law on this project are challenged this approval shall be suspended as provided in Government Code Section 65913.5. If any such condition is determined to be invalid this approval shall be invalid unless the City Council determines that the project without the condition complies with all requirements of law. Approval of this request shall not excuse compliance with all sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable City ordinances in effect at time of right-of-way permit issuance. An exterior lighting plan including parking areas shall be submitted for Planning Director approval. All lighting shah be designed to reflect downward and avoid any impacts on adjacent homes or property. The applicant shall prepare a detailed landscape and irrigation plan which shah be submitted to and approved by the Planning Director prior to the issuance of right-of- way permit. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and thriving condition, Eree from weeds, trash, and debris. . . prelunrnarylandscape plans shall be submitt~ All landscape plans shall be prepared to conform with the Guidelines Manual and submitted per the landscape plan check procedures on file in the Planning Department. Landscape plans shall be designed to minimize water use. Lawn and other zone 1 plants (see Landscape Manual) shall be limited to areas of special visual importance or high use. Mulches shall be used and irrigation equipment and design shall promote water conservation. The developer shall avoid trees that %ve invasive root systems, produce excessive litter and/or are too large relative to the lot size. Planter width shah be a minimum of four (4) feet, not including curb, footings and/or other paving, and parking overhang. PC RESO NO. 3641 -3- C . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ia 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Prior to final occupancy, a letter from a California licensed landscape architect shall be submitted to the Planning Director certifying that all landscaping has been installed as shown on the approved landscape plans. All herbicides shall be applied by applicators licensed by the State of California. The applicant shall pay a landscape plan check and inspection fee as required by Section 20.08.050 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The minimum shrub size shall be 5 gallons. Any signs proposed for this development shall at a minimum be designed in conformance with the City’s Sign Ordinance and shall require review and approval of the Planning Director prior to installation of such signs. As part of the plans submitted for landscape plan check, the applicant shall include a reduced legible version of the approving resolution/resolutions on a 24” x 36” blueline drawing. This project is approved subject to the conditim &at no commercial advehsing shall be allowed on bus shelters, information signage or concrete seat walls. . Enszlne conditions: Unless a standards variance has been issued, no variance from City Standards is authorized by virtue of approval of this site plan. The applicant shall comply with all the rules, regulations and design requirements of the respective sewer and water agencies regarding services to the project. The applicant shall be responsible for coordination with S.D.G.&E., Pa&c Bell Telephone, and Cable TV authorities. Prior to building permit issuance the applicant shall pay all current fees and deposits required. Plans, specifications, and supporting documents for all (PUBLIC) improvements shall be prepared to the satisfaction of the City Engineer prior to issuance of a right-of- way permit. The applicant shall inst&l.l improvements as shown on the site plan. AU improvements will be done under the purview of a right-of-way permit. No bonding or security agreements will be required. PC BESO NO. 3641 4- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ia 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 26. The applicant shall instah wheelchair ramps at the public street corners abutting the project site in conformance with City of Carlsbad Standards prior to the issuance of a building permit. 27. The structural section for the access aisles must be designed with a traffic index of 5.0 in accordance with City Standards due to bus access. The structural pavement design of the aisle ways shall be submitted together with required R-value soil test information and approved by the City as part of the building site plan review. communitv selvices: 28. This project is approved subject to the condition that concrete seatwaIls include pffiti proof finishes. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of C rlsbad, California, held on the 20th day of April , 1994, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Chairperson Savary, Commissioners: Schiehuber, Noble, Welshons, Erwin & Hah. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Betz. ABSTAIN: None. ATTEST: MICHAEL J. HGLZMkLER PLANNING DIRECTOR PC RESO NO. 3641 -5- - EXHBCT 4 APPLICATION COMPLETE DATE: FEBRUARY 17.1994 STAFFPLANNER: CHRISDECERBO &k 0 5 STAFF REPORT DATE: APRIL 20, 1994 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: PP 240 - PLAZA CAMINO REAL BUS TURNOUT - Request for recommendation of approval of a Negative Declaration and a Precise Plan Amendment to remodel and expand the existing North County Transit District bus transfer/pickup parking area at Plaza Camino Real. The project site is located south of the shopping center along the north side of Matron Road, in Local Facilities Management Zone 1. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 3640 recommending APPROVAL of the Negative Declaration issued by the Planning Director and ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution 3641 recommending APPROVAL of PP 24(F) based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. Ix. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The North County Transit District (NCTD), with the concurrence of Centennark Properties Inc. (the managing general partner of Plaza Camino Real) and all the anchor stores of Plaza Camino Real, is requesting approval of a Precise Plan Amendment to remodel and expand the existing bus transfer/parking area located at Plaza Camino Real. As shown on Exhibit “A”, the existing NCTD bus transfer/pickup parking facility at Plaza Camino Real is located along the shopping centeis entry driveway off of Marron Road immediately west of the Robinson-May Company department store. The existing driveway currently accommodates automobile and truck trafftc, as well as serving as a bus transit center for the NCTD. The inbound travel lane adjacent to the curb serves as a transfer/parking area for a maximum of five NCTD buses at a time. The buses enter this driveway, park parallel to the curb and load and unload passengers. To exit Plaza Camino Real the buses must travel westerly through the parking lot to a signalized driveway located across from the Plaza Camino Real Movie Theater to the south. . PP24(F)- PLAZACAhudOREALBUSTURNOUT APRIL20,1994 I PAGE2 As shown on Exhibits “A” - “H”, the proposed project would convert the above mentioned multi-use driveway/five space bus transit center to an exclusive use bus driveway with eight bus loading bays and transit island. All buses would use this driveway to enter and exit Plaza Camino Real. Five of the eight proposed bus bays will incorporate a sawtooth design. This design facilitates safer and easier bus parking and maneuvering. The conversion of the multi-use driveway to a "Bus Only” driveway will separate bus traffic maneuvers from all other shopping center vehicular traffic thereby reducing potential traffic conflicts and pavement maintenance costs. The proposed transit island will include concrete pavement with exposed aggregate finish, concrete seat walls, bus shelters, a newsrack, drinking fountains, waste containers and bus route bollards. It will be landscaped with Palm Trees, Coral Trees, and Bird of Paradise. A four foot tall galvanized iron fence will encircle the proposed driveway. This fence will function to funnel bus patron traffic into pedestrian crosswalks, while restricting access into the customer parking area. The North County Transit District is proposing this modification to the existing bus transfer/pickup parking area at Plaza Camino Real for purposes of : 1) responding to existing and anticipated bus ridership demand, 2) creating a more attractive and functional bus transit center, and 3) eliminating the need for buses to travel through the Plaza Camino Real Parking lot to exit the site. The City’s Parking Authority owns the Plaza Camino Real parking lot (including bus turnout). The parking lot is leased to the City. The City, the Parking Authority and Plaza Camino Real, a Limited Partnership, entered into an agreement whereby Plaza Camino Real operates and mantains the parking lot. Under the terms of a reciprocal easement agreement, any proposed modification to the parking lot requires the approval of all the anchor stores of Plaza Camino Real. This project (as application permit PP 24(E)) was previously heard before the Planning Commission and unanimously recommended for approval on February 20, 1991. However, because the North County Transit District did not at that time have the support of all the anchor stores of Plaza Camino Real, this project could not be heard by the City Council. Consistent with this requirement, CenterMark Properties Inc., a general partner of Plaza Camino Real, has submitted a letter to the City (See Exhibit “I”) indicating consensus support of all anchor stores for this project. On March 14, 1994, the Parking Authority of the City heard this project and unanimously recommended approval. ANALYSIS Planning Issues 1. Is the proposed modification to the Plaza Camino Real bus turnout consistent with the General Plan? - PP 24(F) - PLAZA CAMLI~O REAL BUS TURNOUT APRIL 20, 1994 PAGE 3 2. Is the proposed modification to the Plaza Camino Real bus turnout consistent with Precise Plan 24? 3. Is this project in compliance with all applicable City parking and driveway design standards? 4. Will this proposed modification ensure the maintenance of adequate onsite circulation and parking? DISCUSSION The Land Use Element of the General Plan includes the following applicable commercial guideline: . Each community should have easy access to a shopping center or centers. Consistent with this guideline, the proposed improvements to the Plaza Camino Real bus turnout will improve transit access to Plaza Camino Real for all neighborhoods serviced by the North County Transit District. Accordingly, this project is consistent with the General Plan. The proposed modification to the North County Transit District bus transfer/pickup parking area at Plaza Camino Real is consistent with Precise Plan 24. Precise Plan 24 functions as the site development plan for the Plaza Camino Real regional shopping center. The Precise Plan as formerly amended, includes five major department stores (Robinsons-May Co., Sears, Broadway, Bullock’s, and J. C. Penney), in excess of 130 other retail stores, movie theaters, restaurants, bank, office and automotive service center. A landscaped parking lot, which provides eight access driveways, approximately 6450 customer parking spaces, and the NCTD bus transit center, comprises the balance of this Precise Plan. In that the proposed project will improve the appearance and overall operation of the existing NCTD transit facility at Plaza Camino Real, staff concludes that the project is consistent with Precise Plan 24. The project also complies with all applicable City parking and driveway design standards. Implementation of the proposed project will also improve onsite circulation while having minimal effect on existing parking facilities. Specifically, even though the existing multi- use driveway would be converted to a “Bus Only” driveway, onsite traffic studies (Barton- As&man Associates, 1989) indicate that the other seven available Plaza Camino Real driveways are adequate to handle the existing and anticipated vehicular traffic. This proposed modification will likely reduce potential onsite traffic conflicts because buses will no longer have to travel through the parking lot to exit onto Marron Road and bus patron access into the customer parking lot will be more fully controlled. . PP 24(F)- PLAZACAMli.3 REALBUSTURNOUT APRIL 20, 1994 . PAGE4 This project will eliminate a total of 34 onsite vehicle parking spaces. However, this reduction has been more than compensated for by the 750 additional parking spaces created at Plaza Camino Real through the 1989 Plaza Camino Real parking lot restriping program. This parking lot restriping program was in fact coordinated with reference to this proposed NCTD transit center redesign. Even with this loss of 34 parking spaces, Plaza Camino Real parking ratios will be well within the Precise Plan’s 1 space/200 SF parking standard. Growth Management This project is located in Local Facilities Management Zone 1 in the northwest quadrant. Implementation of the proposed Precise Plan Amendment (PP 24(F)) will not increase the square footage of any residential or nonresidential uses. Accordingly, no facility impacts are anticipated. In summary, since the proposed project is consistent with the General Plan and Precise Plan 24, complies with all applicable City parking and driveway design standards, and ensures the maintenance of adequate onsite circulation and parking, staff recommends approval of PP 24(F). ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Planning Director has determined that this project will not have a significant effect on the environment and, therefore, has issued a Negative Declaration on December 9, 1993. The environmental analysis, along with the field checks by staff identified that because: (1) the parking lot currently exists, (2) there are no sensitive environmental resources located upon, or in close proximity to it, and (3) the improved bus service will reduce automobile traffic and potential traffic conflicts, no project environmental impacts are .anticipated. There were no public comments received in response to the notice for a Negative Declaration. ATTACHMENTS 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 3640 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 3641 3. Location Map 4. Background Data Sheet 2 Disclosure Exhibit Form dated October 1993 “I”, 15, 7. Exhibits “A” - “HI’, dated April 20, 1994. CDD:lh February 23, 1994 /-- BACKGROUND DATA SHEET - CASE NO: PP 24(F) CASE NAME: Plaza Camino Real Bus Turnout APPLICANT: North Count-v Transit District REQUEST AND LOCATION: Request for a Precise Plan Amendment to remodel and exnand the existing North County Transit District bus transfer/pick-up parking area at Plaza Camino Real, along the north side of Marron Road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Portion of Sections 31 and 32. T.115.. R.4W.. San Bernardino, Base Meridian, Countv of San Dieno. APN: 156-302-24 Acres N/A Proposed No. of Lots/Units N/A (Assessor’s Parcel Number) GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Land Use Designation RRI Density Allowed N/A Density Proposed N/A Existing Zone C-2 Proposed Zone C-2 Surrounding Zoning and Land Use: (See attached for information on Carlsbad’s Zoning Requirements) w Land Use Site c-2 Plaza Carnino Real North C-2 Plaza Camino Real South OS Hosp Grove Park East c-2 Plaza Camino Real West C-2 Plaza Camino Real PUBLIC FACILITtES School District Carlsbad Water District Carlsbad Sewer District Carlsbad Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity) N/A Public Facilities Fee Agreement, dated ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT x Negative Declaration, issued December 9, 1993 - Certified Environmental Impact Report, dated Other, DISCLOSCRE ST.4TEMENT A::‘_ CA&T’S ;TA-EWE\- ZF :‘sCL=SL;RE OF CERrAlN OWNERSHIP lKTEPESTS ON ALL APOL.CAt’CkS ,VC~IC~ N,L~ :~=~,q : j;Pc CNAilY ACT:Ch Sk --E 24R-f OF Thf C.V I CCLNClL OR ANY APPOIMEO BOAAO. CCMMISSION CA C:.MMFEE Pease ?r nr) The followlng information must be disclosed: 1. Aoolicant bst the names and addresses of all persons having a financial interest in the application. NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT CENTERMARK PROPERTIES 311 S. TREMONT C/O PON BURNS, CENTER MANAGER , 92054 PLAZA CAMINO REAL 2525 EL CAMINO REAL, SUITE 141 , 8 2. Owner Lst the names and addresses of all persons having any ownership interest in the property invclved. CARLSBAD PARKING AUTHORITY 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE SBAD' CA , 92008 3. If any person identified punu8nt to (1) of (2) above is a corporation of pmership, list the names ant addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the sharer in the corporation or owning any pannersnlo interest in the partnership. 4. If any person identifkd punurntto (1) or (2) above is a non-profit organizrtion or 8 trust,listthe names and addresses of any person sowing 8a &icor or director of the non-profitbrgurization or as trustee or beneficiary of the trust. BOARD OF DIRECTORS NORTI! COUN-f? TRmI r DEVELOPMENT BOARD FRMm13 wm 2075 Las Palm88 Drive - Caflsbrd. Calitornla 92009-4859 l (819) 438-l 161 Disclosure Statement ‘Cder) Page 2 5 Have you had mere than $250 worth Of business transacted with any member of City staff, 3zarzj Commissions, CommZees and Councd within the past twelve months? Yes - No x 11 yes. please Indicate person(s) o,,on Ia dofin- u: ‘Any mdwdual. firm. co~ulnorWv. iocnt vanturr. wsoclataon. soed dub. btofnal organmuon. cofpofatron. l stato WA. ‘w,t~w. rynalcato. ml0 ma any othw county. cy and county. c* munwealny. 01stnct of otfw psMxU w~Mw1r10n. or my olhor ;robo cr combmt~on rctmg u l unn L iJNOF: ArIach additional pages as necessary.) N/A Signature of Owner/date Signature d applicant&ue CARLSRAD PARKING AUTHORITY THOMAS I ICJJFRMAN Pnnt 01 type name of owner Print or type name d applicant Q i i 1 CEflTER~ARK P 13 c, I’ r II : 1 t J\\\I\ I I)\! \<I, , .tI.I’:I.I .,I ! ,‘il, ?,!11 ‘.I L,F’.‘f I’)! ..I< ‘,ir.,CiV ou’:r-,F-;S October 15, 1993 EXHIBIT “I” Mr. Ray Patchett, City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 1576 Re: Transit Center - Plaza Camino Real Dear Mr. Patchett: CenterMark Properties, Inc., is the Managing General Partner of Plaza Camino Real. This letter will confirm to you that all of the anchor stores have reviewed the plans for the proposed Transit Centcr at Plaza Canlino Real and have given the approvals required by the Reciprocal Easement Agreement covering the shopping center. CenterMark Properties also supports the proposed transit center, based on the traffic enhancement it may bring, as well as the improved convenience it will afford public transportation patruns and residents of Carlibad who shop at Plaza Camino Real. Sincerely , .- ‘,a ,?, / 1’1.. JarncS F. Dausch cc: Mr. Michael Holzmiller, Director of Planning Community Development Department 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009- 1576 Mr. Ron Burns I c ‘I.: \I IrL I’:.y,, II, \ I,>\ hII Ol,\< \rrrc’r , ;:!( , (<i \* ,,, ‘.,* ..,I I, I. ‘,‘I, , I ILi’ ‘, ! 1 ,I I, ‘111, .-. .lh Prudent4 2~ rC EXIWT 5 PLANNING COMMISSION April 20, 1994 PAGE 12 6 6. PP 24(F) - PLAZA CAMINO REAL BUS TURNOUT - Request for approval of a Negative Declaration and a Precise Plan Amendment to remodel and expand the existing North County Transit District bus transfer/pickup parking area at Plaza Camino Real. The project site is located south of the shopping center along the north side of Marron Road, in Local Facilities Management Zone 1. Chris DeCerbo, Senior Planner, reviewed the background of the request and stated that the applicant is requesting a precise plan amendment to remodel and expand the existing bus transfer parking area located at Plaza Camino Real. The existing North County Transit District (NCTD) parking facility is located along the shopping center’s entry drive off of Marron Road, immediately west of the Robinson-May Department Store. The existing driveway currently accommodates automobile/truck traffic as well as being a bus transfer center for NCTD. The inbound travel lane adjacent to the curb serves as a parking area for a maximum of five buses at a time, which park parallel to load and unload passengers. To exit Plaza Camino Real, they go through the parking lot in a eastward direction towards El Camino Real and come out across from the movie theatre. The proposed project would convert the existing multi-use bus driveway and five space bus transit center to an exclusive-use bus driveway which would have eight bus loading bays and a transit island. Buses would enter this driveway and exist this driveway. They wouldn’t have to go through the parking lot. The conversion of the multi-use driveway to a bus only driveway will separate bus traffic maneuvers from all other shopping center vehicular traffic, thereby reducing potential traffic conflicts and pavement maintenance costs of the parking lot. The proposed transit island will include concrete pavement with an aggregate finish, concrete seat walls, aluminum bus shelters, newsrack, drinking fountains, waste containers, and bus route bollards and a four ft. galvanized iron fence will encircle the proposed driveway. NCTD is proposing this modification in response to increased ridership demand and future projections. This project was previously heard before the Planning Commission in 1991. At that time NCTD did not have the support of all of the major anchor tenants of Plaza Camino Real, which is a requirement. They now have the full support of all major tenants. The request was heard by the Parking Authority of the City and they unanimously recommend approval. In that the project will improve the overall appearance and operation of the transit facility, staff concludes that it is consistent with the Precise Plan No. 24 and recommends approval. Commissioner Schlehuber inquired if people going to the May Co. will now have to go down to the Bullocks access to enter the parking lot. Mr. DeCerbo replied that vehicles will be able to access the parking lot across from the theatre. Commissioner Erwin inquired that since NCTD is the primary user, who will have primary liability. Mr. DeCerbo replied that the Parking Authority owns the parking lot, which is leased to the City. He is not sure. Commissioner Schlehuber commented that liability for the site design belongs to everybody. If a bus driver runs over someone, then NCTD is liable. Commissioner Hall inquired if there had been any study regarding a traffic signal. Bob Wojcik, Principal Civil Engineer, replied that this change will actually decrease the amount of traffic turning in at that location. Staff has had discussions with NCTD but they feel they have adequate site distance without a signal. Commissioner Hall stated that even though buses have a difficult time turning into a center median, NCTD still feels there is no problem. Mr. Wojcik replied yes. Commissioner Hall wants to make sure there is adequate signage stating the entrance is for buses only. Mr. Wojcik replied that staff has had discussions with NCTD regarding signage. PLANNING COMMISSION April 20, 1994 PAGE 13 Commissioner Hall inquired if a condition is needed. Mr. Wojcik replied no, that it will be handled through the permit process. Chairman Savary invited the applicant to speak. Tom Lichterman, NCTD Operations Manager, addressed the Commission and stated that he has been working on this project for eight years and he is happy to see it get to this point. He agrees with the staff report and stated that he would be happy to answer any questions. Commissioner Erwin inquired if NCTD would be paying for improvements. Mr. Lichterman replied yes. Commissioner Erwin inquired if the land is donated to NCTD so they are not charged a fee by the City or the Plaza Camino Real. Mr. Lichterman replied that is correct. Chairman Savary opened the public testimony and issued the invitation to speak. There being no persons desiring to address the Commission on this topic, Chairman Savary declared the public testimony closed and opened the item for discussion among the Commission members. ACTION: Motion was made by Commissioner Hall, and duly seconded, to adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 3640 recommending approval of the Negative Declaration issued by the Planning Director and adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 3641 recommending approval of PP 24(F), based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. VOTE: 6-O AYES: Chairman Savary, Commissioners Erwin, Hall, Noble, Schlehuber and Welshons NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular meeting of April 20, 1994 was adjourned at 8:39 p.m. Respectfully submitted, GARY E. WAYNE Assistant Planning Director BETTY BUCKNER Minutes Clerk MINUTES ARE ALSO TAPED AND KEPT ON FILE UNTIL THE WRIITEN MINUTES ARE APPROVED. June 15, 1994 Mr. Thomas Lichterman Manager. of Operations North County Transit District 311 South Tremont Street Oceanside, CA 92054 Re: Expansion of North County Transit District Bus Transfer/ Pickup Parking Area at Plaza Camino Real The Carlsbad City Council, at its meeting of June 7, 1994, adopted Resolution No. 94-152 approving the Negative Declaration issued by the Planning Director, and Resolution No. 94-153, approving an amended Precise Plan (PP-24(F) to remodel and expand the existing North County Transit District Bus Transfer/Pickup Parking Area at Plaza Camino Real. Enclosed are copies of Resolution Nos. 94-152 and 94-153 for your records. &-MC Assistant Cit lerk KRK:ijp Enclosures 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-l 989 - (619) 434-2808 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CAMNO REAL BUS TURNOUT - PP-24(F\ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, at 6:00 p.m., on Tuesday, June 7, 1994, to consider a request for a Precise Plan Amendment to remodel and expand the existing North County Transit District bus transfer/pickup parking area at Plaza Camino Real, on property generally located south of the shopping center, along the north side of Marron Road, and more particularly described as: Portion of Sections 31 and 32, T.115, R.4W, San Bernardino Base Meridian, County of San Diego. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call Chris DeCerbo in the Planning Department, at 438-1161, Ext. 4445. If you challenge the Precise Plan Amendment in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues raised by you or someone else at the public hearing ?escribed in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad City Clerk's Office at, or prior to, the public hearing, APPLICANT: North County Transit District PUBLISH: May 27, 1994 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 20, 1994, to consider a request for a Precise Plan Amendment to remodel and expand the existing North County Transit District bus transfer/pickup parking area at Plaza Camino Real, on property generally located south of the shopping center along the north side of Marron Road and more particularly described as: Portion of Sections 31 and 32, T.115, R.4W., San Bernardino Base Meridian, County of San Diego. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to attend the public hearing. Copies of the staff report will be available on and after April 13, 1994. If you have any questions, please call Chris DeCerbo in the Planning Department at 438-l 161, ext. 4445. If you challenge the Precise Plan Amendment in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad at or prior to the public hearing. CASE FILE: PP 24(F) CASE NAME: PLAZA CAMINO REAL BUS TURNOUT PUBLISH: APRIL 7, 1994 Pi 240 PLAZACAMINO REAL BUS TURNOUT ENCINITAS SCHOOL DIST DR PATRICIA CLARK WHITE 101 S RANCH0 SANTA FE RD ENCINITAS CA 92024 SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPT OF PLANNING 5201 RUFFIN RD STE “B” SAN DIEGO CA 92123 CITY OF ENCINITAS 505 S. WLCAN AV ENCINITAS CA 92024-3633 CITY OF VISTA PO BOX 1988 VISTA CA 92085 CARLSBAD UNIF SCHOOL DIST DR GEORGE MANNON SUPT 801 PINE AVJZNUE CARLSBAD CA 92008 LEUCADIA COUNTY WTR DIST 1960 IA COSTA AV CARLSBAD CA 92009 CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPT CITY OF OCEANSIDE 320 N HORNE ST OCEANSIDE CA 92054 CALIF DEPT OF FISH & GAME 330 GOLDENSHORE #SO LONG BEACH CA 90802 SAN MARCOS SCHOOL DIST DR LARRY MAW, SUPT 1290 W. SAN MARCOS BLVD SAN MARCOS CA 92069 VALLECITOS WTR DKI’RICT 788 SAN MARCOS BLVD SANMARCOS CA 92069 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY SERVICES CITY OF SAN MARCOS 105 W FUCHMAR AVE SAN MARCOS CA 92069 B 2 q i-H 5k ruJg e LW a>u) u-u u-13 cl00 A >- a-r rstn t CJ z8 LL’rc Y > LLI a 332 an. 330 f-oa Z"$ e 0 ,' 2-a mma >NU iii al: e:rJl JZW z&iJ 132 a b t? fJ? 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CAMINO REAL 611 OLIVE ST 1553 sr mm no 63101 r loool CARlER HAWLEY HALE STORES INC 550 S PLOUER ST LO+: ANGELES CA 9007 1 RICHARD C & ROBERT KELLY 130 N SANTA ANITA AVE 645 ARCADIA CA 91006 VP.NDERBURC LIVING TRUST 08-22- 150 N SANTA ANITA AVE 645 ARCAD1A CA 91006 r 63101 PLAZA CAMINO REAL 18000 CHATSWORTH ST 489 GRANADA HILLS CA 91331 9260 7 LORRIE T RANNOCHIO VANDEKBURG LIVING 1RUST OS-22- PO BOX 745 CARLSEAD CA 92018 2310 HOSP WAY 157 CARLSBAD CA 9~OOE ROBERT W t DARLENE SCHEIRE 1310 HOSP WAY 138 CARLSBAD CA 92009 VINCENT & JENEEN GIN 2310 HOSP WAY 160 CARLSBAD CA 9200F HOSP WAY LTD 1970 WESTUOOD BLVD 300 LOS ANOELES CA 90025 WILL IAM 0 & PAlRICIA MEYER 2310 HOSP WAY 257 CARLSBPD CA 92008 SECRETARY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS 11000 WILSHIRE BLVD LO6 ANGELES CA 90024 IRA M & GLADYS SLAWSON 2130 SUNSET DR 143 VISTA CA 970tj:3 ANTHONY R TtRRhLAVORO 4040 PINE tlOUNTA:N RD FOREQTHII L CA 95631 LOUIS R L PATRICIA ISLANDER 5157 c: ANAHEIH RD LONC aEACH CA 90815 BILLY Y & HELEN SHEN 2312 HOSP WAY 134 CARLSBAD CA 92oou KAlHLEFN M EVERETT 2312 HOS? WAY 136 CARLSBAD CA 92008 ERIC W YEARGAIN 2312 tiOSP WAY 155 CARLSBAD CA 92008 EDWIN U STOLL 2312 HOSP WAY 253 CARLSBAD CA 92OOH DAVID D CRAIG 2312 HOSP WAY 255 CARLSBAD CA 92008 LINDA L KOSAREFF 610 HIDDEN CANYON WAY A OCEANS I DE CA 92054 90025 BRENDA I HICHAEL SlONE 3700 E CALLE DE RICARDO 1 PALM SPRINGS CA 92264 LEROY F & LAORANOE MORRIS ’ 2330 HOSP HAY 102 CARLSBAD CA 92008 PAE(FLA L AMICK 2330 HOSP WAY 103 CARLSBAD CA 92OOM QWNN A b MARY EHHLICH 230 w Col.oRAW BLVD 200 ARCADIA CA 91007 JARES R HILL 26.X I3ROWVIEW DR SAINT PAUL MN JOHN 0 L EUN CHUN 2330 HOSP WAY 202 55119 CARLSBAD CA 92008 EDWARO S 61 JEANETTE WIN MICHAEL 0 81 BONNIE HATCH 2600 KENTMOOR RD 2312 BACK NINE ST BL OOMFIELD HILLS MI 48304 OCEANSIDE CA 92056 STEVEN A TURNER - USlN 1 & VICTORINA PISVAN PSC 77 20032 APO AP 96364 LINDA P FLYNN 2330 HOSP WAY 304 CARLSBAD CA 92oCm PO BOX 31728 CliARLOTTt NC 2823 1 HOSP WAY IJD- - -- -- --- 199O~~~fWOOO BLVD 300 ,,v PrlGELES CP. 4002'5 / HOW WAY LTlr “. 197Q WESTWOOD BLVD 300 )-Ds ANGELES CA 9002t, LAWRENCE LUEVANO 2332 :irJsP WAY 106 CAXLSPAD CA 72003 THOMAS N seLa 246 HEWLOCK AVE CARLSBAD CA 92009 PHYLLIS YAMAGUCHI. 12552 BRANDO ST CERRITOS CA 90701 L AUR IC J COHEN 2332 :iOSP WAY 205 CAHLSPAD CA 92003 ANWAR W I NAJIA SHAOWARO 7332 NOSP WAY 208 CARLSEAD CA 92003 MARTIN L C JANELL ACOSTA 2332 HOSP way 305 CARLSBAD CA 92008 KIN-HANG L RoSAL~N~ CH0 2332 HOSP WAY 207 CARLSBAD CA 92008 FIRST SOUTH FEDERAL SAVINGS&LO PO BOX 8046 LITTLF ROCK P.R 72203 HOWWAN RICHARD WILL IAW LIVING a332 HOSP WAY 307 CARLSBAD CA 92000 CHRISTOPHER B 81 KELLY RANOOL:‘:! 2332 HOSP WAY 308 CARLSBAD CA 9200~ HOSP WAY LfD / 1990 UESTWOOD BLVD 300 Ld ANGELES CA 90025 /' JOIiN R KAITANGIAN 2334 HOSP WAY 111 CARLSBAO CA 92OOH WALTER L I JOHANNA SHATSKY 2/h77 VIA REAL SUN CIlY CA 92585 PAULETTE tl CIWMARUSTI 2334 HOSP WAY 210 CARLSBAO CA 92008 SUITH FRANCIS F FAMILY TRUST 0 4710 ATHOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 9203b W 1 CHE LLE KANTER 7334 HOSP WAY 209 CP.RLSBA0 CA 92008 HOSP WqViyD 199OdESTWOOD BLVD 300 &id ANOELES CA 9OOYS HOSP WAYkTlf- 1970 WEBTwO BLVD 300 _wANCELES CA 90025 LUCY A LOVE 2334 IiOBP WAY 212 CAHLSBAD CA 92009 YONGSWENO L IANG 2334 HOSP UAY 310 CARLSBAD CA 92008 AORY 3 I BARBARA GOREE 2334 HOSP WAY 311 CARLSBAD CA 92008 CHRIS ll & E BADER 2334 HOSP WAY 312 CAHLSBAD CA 9200s ELOISE DOYLE 2334 HOOP WAY 113 CARLSBAD CA 92008 ROBERT W GALLOWAY 3933 PARK OR CP.RLSBCI.0 CA 92000 DAVID L DOWNEY 2336 HOSP WAY 115 CARLSBAO CA 9200H GLENY A I WARY. RifRL-fCH 230 W 0plarrkO BLVO 20O AR$#d?IA CA 91001 I EDWARD E L PRISCILLA LAVOIE 2336 HOSP WAY lib CARLSBAD CA 92000 GAYLE J WAYFIELD Z3Jb HOSP WAY 213 CARLSBAD CA 92008 ROBERT R BRIGGS 2336 HOSP WAY 213 CARLSBAD CA 92008 WILLIAW C 6, BETTE BRADFORD 2336 NOSP WAY 313 CARLSBAD CA 92oow ANDREW SHONLEY 1009 CREST VIEW RD VISTA CA 92003 PHYLLIS YAW@tJC!h 12332 JiMI ST CEM&iOS CA /’ 90701 MICHAPL L DILL 13081 t-ESCUE CT C~ONA CA 91719 FAIJL C 81 CLAUDINE BAKER 2336 HOSP WAY 313 CP.:<c SBAO CA 92000 HOSP WAY LTD __s ” .** 1970 WESIWOOD BLVD 300 LO+A?dELES CA 90025 .- STEPHEN A L BElTY HARDLEY 30809 E SUNSET DR E REMANDS CA 92373 ALksJANDRO V I YOLANDA TOVAR 2340 :iCJ%P WAY 11s CP.RLSBAD CA 92008 FRANCISCO I NICOLA SANDWAL 2340 HOSP WAY 120 CARLSBAD CA 92000 FIRS-t&SOUTH RIVERSIDE FEDERAL 41W LA JOLLA VILLAGE DR 405 LA JOLLA CA 92037 ROGER i L DIANE TURK 2340 :iOSP WAY 217 CARLSBAD CA 92008 HOSP WAY LTD,+ v ~~?&RLVo 'O" 9002S GB C&fITAL MORTGAGE SERVICE 4130 LA JOLLA VILLAGE OR 403 LP. JOLLA CA 92037 RAYPlOND R I JEAN GIPSON 2345 ALA WA1 BLVD HONDLULU HI 96815 \ 0 l l l * e l e e m 0 0 1, d * 4 3 . ERNEST C D DOROTHY GRANT 2342 HCSP WAY 122 CARLSBAD CA EARL L & GAIL SHELRAN 2342 HOSP WAY 223 CARLSBAD CA DEQRA u GOkHAR7 2344 HOSP WAY 125 CARLSBAD CA loo ENA L MITCHELL 2344 HOSP WAY 325 CARLseA CA WD JO0 WANDA L I-lAGANA 11000 WILtiHIRE BLVD 266 LO3 ANGEL ES CA HAYME R WILLIS 2360 HOSP WAY 131 CARLSEAD CA BLCOASTAL 201 THOHAS JOHNSON DR FREDEn ICK MD HOSP WAY LTD ;yoo FRANKLIN H TAY1 OR 2362 HOSP WAY 133 CARLSEAD CA HOSP NAY LTD 1990 WESTWOOD BLVO 300 LOS ANGELES CA FLVO 3oo HARCUS J Ir DAVID SMITH 2362 HOSP WAY 334 92008 92008 91007 92008 90023 92008 90025 90024 92008 21702 90023 92008 90025 90023 JERRY A CNmER 2310 HOSP WAY 320 CARLSOAD CA flP.RGARET F STOLL 2342 HOSP WAY 224 CAkL3BP.D CA KHISTY L DIANE KLEIN 7343 :iOSP WAY 323 CARLSRAD CA DAVID HLASKO 2344 :XEP WAY 227 CAkLSBAD CA VILMA J THOMAS 4518 GAINSBOROUGH AVE LOS ANGELES CA FRANK L, & DIANE SCOTT 756 LAMAT RD LA HAPkA CA LESTER Ii FREDA OWEN 1339 CRESTVIEW RD REDLANIIS CA L TNDA S PARKER 93SO HO.9 UAY 229 CAkLSBAD CA RUlH H MDIGAN 2360 HOSP WAY 232 CARLSBAD CA DEBORAH K CHRISTENSEN 23&O HOaP WAY 331 CARLSBAD CA JOSEPH SPINA 2362 HOSF WAY 233 CARLSBAD CA 9OC25 92008 92008 9002B 92008 90027 90631 92374 92008 92008 92008 90023 92008 ISAAC R C TERESITA MINOR MARILYN J POWELL 2362 HOSP WAY 236 2362 HOSP WAY 333 CARLSeA CA 92008 CARLSBAD CA ALAN J L TERESA COHTE 2362 HOSP WAV 335 CHARLES V b BEATRIZ ROBINSON 2342 HOSP WAY 212 CARL SBAD CA 9200H JEFFREY A b CAROL SELL PO BOX 1091 CARLSBAD CA 920 IR H03P WAY LTD LP 1901 AVE OF THE STARS 1100 LO3 ANGELES CA 90067 BRIAN A CORSO 2344 HOSP WAY 127 CARLSEAD CA 92008 DONALD L .JABBAR USS PELELIU LHA -5 29 FPO AP 96624 TERESA L GOAR 2344 HOS? WAY 327 CARLSBAD CA 9200H HLV5 300 9oop’J RAYMOND J TAFEJIAN 2360 HOSP WAY 131 CARLSBAD CA 92008 MICHAEL P MORIOKA 2360 HOSP WAY 230 CARLSBAD CA 9200R CALVIN J L MARY PATTON 110 ROSE AVE SAN ANSELRO CA 94960 MATTHEW V WORTHINGTON 2360 HOSP WAY 332 CARLSBAD CA 92008 CATHERINE ROWAN 409 DELL CT SOLANA BEACH CA 92075 CHARLES S P AONES BROWN 3886 SPITZE DR LAS VEGAS NV 89103 92008 HOSP WAY LT5 19w-i wvaunnn nt vn 7on WANDA L MAGANA 11000 WILSHIRE BLVD 26 LM ANGEL ES CA. MAYME R WILLIS 2360 HOSP WAY 13) CARLSBAD CA B I COASTAL 201 THOMAS JOHNSON DR FREDEk ICK MD HOSP WAY LTD 1990 WESTWOOD BLVD 300 Lo3 ANGEI ES CA FRANKLIN R TAYLOR 2362 HOSP WAY 133 CARLSBAD CA HOSP WAY LTD 1990 WESTWOOD BLVO 300 LOS ANGELES CA HOSP NAY LTD 1990 WESTWOOD BLVD 300 LOS ANGEI ES CA MARCUS J I DAVID SMITH 2362 HOSP WAY 334 CARLSBAD CA 90024 92008 21702 90025 92000 90025 90025 92008 RAYMOND S 81 5hHORAH REIFEL 2380 H58P WAY 938 CARLSBAD CA 92008 m 3oo 9o023 ALEXANOEn HAAG&N PROPERTIES OP 3300 SFPULVEDA BLV5 MANHATTAN BEACH CA 90266 ANfHONY E VOZZA 2171 HAWLEY DR VISTA CA 92084 LESTER b FREDA OWEN 1339 CRESTVIEW RO RE DLANDS CA L TN04 S PARKER 2260 ~05~ WAY 229 CARL SBAD CA RUl H fl HADIGAN 2360 HOSP WAY 232 CAkLSBAD CA DEBORAH K CHRISTENSEN 23),0 HOSP WAY 331 CARLSEAD CA HOSP WAY LTD 1970 WESTWOOD BLVD 300 COY ANGELES CA JOSEPH SPINA 2362 HOEP WAY 233 CARLSOAD CA ISAAC R b TERESITA MINOR 2362 HO!9 MAY 234 CARLS845 CA ALAN J Ic TERESA COMTE 1362 HOSP WAY 333 CARLSBAD CA *300 PLAZA CAHINO REAL 18000 CHATSWORTH ST 489 GRANADA HILLS CA H&H OCEANSIDE CO 3850 AVENIDA ENCINAS A CARLSBAD CA 9d74 92008 92003 92005 90025 92008 92008 90025 91344 92008 y$yc?&h 63101 RAYt’UN5 J TAFEJIAN 2360 HOSP WAY 131 CARCSBAD CA MICHAEL P HORIOKA 2360 HDSP WAY 230 CARL SBA5 CA CALVIN J & MARY PATTON 110 ROSS AVE SAN ANSELMO CA MAT~IHEW V WtYRTHINQTON 2360 HOSP WAY 332 CARLSBAD CA CATHERINE ROWAN 409 DELL CT SOLANA BEACH CA CHARLES S & AGNES BROWN 3886 SPITZE DR LAS VEGAS NV MARKLVN J POWELL 2362 HOSP WAY 333 CARLSBAD CA DARWIN S LEE 2380 HOSP WAY 338 CARLSEAD CA PUEBLO DE OR0 LTD S DBA OCEANCREST 2320 VI A CLEMEN TE %wCA 92001-( 92OOB 94960 9200~ 92075 89103 92008 90025 92008 92008 RICHARD 0 b ELLIE WATTLES 2505 S VISTA NAY CARLSBAD CA 92008 v A 9200u RICHARD C & ROBERT KELLY 2770 SUNNY CREEK RO CARLSBAD CA 92008 **+ 156 Printed +*)I Prcpwpd *or: 1HE WILLET C5MPANY Attention: CHIP WILLET