HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-06-14; City Council; 12737; 1994-95 OPERATING BUDGET & TO BUILDOUT CIP BUDGET CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGETI! , , - , j. - Cw OF CARLSBAD - AGE A BILL .5&+ {-g w P" .I t' xh DEPT TITLE: AB # 4 9 3 9 +=, MTG, 6/14/94 CITY BUILDOUT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGET CITY 1994-95 OPERATING BUDGET AND 1994-95 TO ,I DEPT. FiN k I I I i" ~ RECOMMENDED ACTION: a F rd ITEM EXPLANATION: % Accept report. Set public hearing for June 21, 1994. n - - $ u x a, F a a i! g *rl U u a) P U 0 U The ~QI~J prgpgsed budget fQr 1994-95 is $lZ!9 million with operating expenditurc budgeted at $71.9 million, a decrease of $4.5 million or 5.9% from the current 19934 budget. Operating revenues total $71.6 million. Capital expenditures are budgeted at $! million, with an estimated revenue of $49.9 million for 1994-95. The General Fund portion of the budget contains $37.8 million in recommended expenc tures and are down $1.6 million from the current 1993-94 budget. Projected Gene1 Fund revenues for 1994-95 total $37.8 million resulting in a budget which is balanced wi current revenues. Revenue projections show an increase of .6% or $245,000 over tl current 1993-94 projected receipts. U k 0. Qi- a,o\ b\ UN 4 w\ cdQ U rnC a) 0 &bn uc Wb -4 ocd a) CIS 0 *rl u u .d bd OP a3 a a 0 au a, ?b -rl a, a)@ uu E8 The relatively flat revenue forecasts for 1994-95 have resulted in the need to redul planned expenditures. With few exceptions, the proposed budget contains similar servil levels as those of 1993-94. Services reduced in the 1994-95 budget include closing tl Swim Complex for two weeks in December, eliminating certain recreation programs, a1 a reduced library book budget. A total of three vacant positions have been eliminatc from the budget as a result of reorganizing and streamlining the Community Servic Department and Fire Department, and 14.25 positions are unfunded, The recommendr General Fund budget contains a $333,000 contingency account. The Water District revenues and expenses are balanced at $12.5 million. Water rat charged by the Metropolitan Water District and County Water Authority will increase July and are reflected in the 1993-94 budget. As a result, staff will be recommending increase in the Carlsbad Municipal Water District rates. The projected revenues from t increase have been included in the estimated revenues for the District. The Sanitati Enterprise has a proposed budget of $4.6 million, which is identical to the current 1993- budget. Revenues for the Sanitation fund are estimated at $4.7 million and do not inch a recommendation for a rate increase. da, *rl d ZU The Redevelopment operations budget totals $637,000, down $64,000 from the currc budget. Payment on Redevelopment bonds of $1.1 million is also included, as well =tu vu3 oa) $105,000 for Low and Moderate Income Housing. z 0 F 0 a $ z 3 The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) outlines approximately 160 future projer scheduled for construction from 1994-95 through buildout at a total cost of over $5 million. The CIP for fiscal year 1994-95 totals $51 million, an increase of $25 million 01 last year's CIP. Projected revenues also increased significantly and total $51 million 0 0 e 0 ‘t .\ PAGE TWO OF AGENDA BILL NO. /A, 33 ‘2 1 . the 1994-95 program. Revenues and expenses include $30 million in funding from tl Port of Los Angeles for the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement project. Other major projec programmed for 1994-95 include improvements to the Poinsettia and 1-5 interchanc widening of Rancho Santa Fe and Olivenhain roads, and the Maerkle Dam Lining projec One of the City Council’s goals is to annually evaluate fees and charges for services conjunction with the budget. Staff has reviewed all fee schedules and is recommendil several changes the Council may wish to consider. 1, There are two new fees proposed: 1) The Community Facilities District Annexation fee at $480, a development related fee, and 2) a code-3 ambulance charge at $25, a general fee. Also included in the fee schedule are recommen- dations to increase three general City fees which include: 1) insurance fee for video tape rental from $50 to $.75, 2) fingerprinting fees from $5 to $10, and $44 per hour for a Police Officer and $56 per hour for a Sergeant response. In addition, the Recreation department is recommending altering some rental rates for use of City facilities as identified in the Proposed Fee Schedule for General City Fees and Charges, Schedule A. 3) the per hour rates charged for Police second response calls which will be 2. Staff also recommends that the City Council raise fees which are required by ordinance to be increased annually based on the. Engineering News Record (ENR) construction cost index. This application applies to both the Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) and the Sewer Connection fees. Applying the ENR to the TIF results in an increase of $1 per average daily trip to the new rate of $84 per average daily trip for those outside the Community Facilities District No. 1 (CFD) and $54 for those in the CFD. The Sewer Connection fee increases by $39 per Equivalent Dwelling Unit (EDU) to $1,806 per EDU. 3, It is also recommended that the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board increase the water rates as Metropolitan Water District has raised its charges assessed for the water Carlsbad buys. The proposal includes an increase of $.03, or 1.8%, on the per unit charge, as well as an increase to the stand-by charge of between $55 and $5.40, depending upon the size of the meter used. Increase in the water rate discussed above will yield approximately $400,000 in additiol revenue. It is expected that the effect on revenues for the other proposed changes \ be minimal. Council will have the opportunity to review the 1994-95 Operating and Capital Improi ment Program Budgets as well as the Fees and Charges for Services at the first w( session on June 14, 1994. City staff will be making presentations and be available answer questions. A public hearing is scheduled for the meeting of June 21 , 1994 wh the Council will receive input from interested citizens and groups wishing to comment the proposed budget. c e PAGE THREE OF AGENDA BILL NO. la/ ‘733 a . EXHIBITS 1. 1994-95 Operating and Capital Improvement Program Budgets. 2. Fee Schedule - Development Related Fees, General City Fees and Chargt Development Related Water District Fees, and General Water District Fees a1 Charges. 0 0 EXHIBIT 1 - ~ a * June 14,1994 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: City Manager 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET I am pleased to submit to you the 1994-95 Operating and Capital Improvement Program Budgc for the City which total $122.9 million. Revenues for 1994-95 are projected at $121.5 millic General Fund revenues total $37.8 million with expenditures scheduled to match the revenuj at $37.8 million. The budget message which follows will focus on operating revenuc expenditures, and important issues facing the City in the forthcoming 1994-95 fiscal ye; basic core of City services. This should not diminish the importance of the other operating func as they too contribute to the array of services available within Carlsbad. The Capital Budget featured later in the budget document, in the section entitled Capital Improvement Program. is mentioned at several points within this letter in order to provide perspective to the City’s enti 1994-95 budget. Overview As the City of Carlsbad entered the 1990’s, budgeting and planning for programs became mc challenging each year. The trial has been to match expenditures with a continuously declinil revenue base. Not only has the weak economy played a part in reducing the City’s norma growth-oriented revenue stream, but the State of California has persistently looked to cities fl help in balancing their budget. The past three years included preparing mid-year budge resulting in an increased focus on the budget dilemma. The result is a constant exercise balancing expenditures with slipping revenues. As we enter 1994-95, we are faced with the isst of flat revenues in a climate of increasing expenses, and so begins a fifth year of budg reductions and adjustments to service levels. In order to add perspective to the current year, is interesting to look back at the causes and effects that have led to our current position. The following table provides an outline of the revenue trends that have impacted recent budge1 It shows the original revenue estimates, and the amounts that have been lost both to the Sta .budget as’ well as the recessionary economy. In all years, reductions were made to tt expenditure side of the budget to match the declining revenues, resulting in a gradual erosic of service levels and fund balances over time. Discussion is focused on the General Fund as it contains discretionary revenues that fund tl 0 0 . * -. HISTORY OF REVENUE LOSSES (in millions) I! I I I I I REVISED REVENUE ESTIMATE $38.7 I $39.6 I $38.3 I $37.9 I $37.1 The City first faced budget reductions in 1990-91 due to the recession. As a cautionary mo the City implemented a hiring freeze, deferred several major infrastructure projects and turn1 to departments to identify funds that would not be spent during the year. In 1991-92, both t recession and State budget affected Carlsbad’s revenues. Budgetary adjustments includl unfunding fourteen (14) .positions and deferring capital outlay spending and maintenan programs. Additionally, the City took advantage of one time saving opportunities by reducil the budgeted accounts for the Hosp Grove debt payment and for the Golf Course ann1 payment. Several service level reductions were also contained in the budget and includl reducing operational hours at the three community centers and the swim complex. The beginning of 1992-93 was filled with uncertainty as the State threatened to take away lo( revenues, yet did not adopt a formal budget until late summer. As a result the City budgeted tt times in 1992-93, once at the onset of the year, and again after learning the magnitude of ti State impact. Ultimately, forty-two (42) vacant positions were eliminated, and five (5) positio were unfunded. The City also turned to fund balances from other accounts in order to off$ General Fund expenses where possible. Service level impacts included reduced litter contr less irrigation and fertilizing of park areas, reduced tennis court lighting, elimination of t‘ Neighborhood Watch Newsletter, and a curtailed street sweeping schedule. As in the prior year, the City adopted the 1993-94 budget not knowing exactly what impacts t State’s budget balancing would have on Carlsbad. The budget was revised in November, 19 once the loss to the State was known and the effects of the recession again became evider During 1993-94, twelve (I 2) positions were unfunded and one additional position was eliminate The City continued to utilize available fund balances wherever possible to ease impacts on tt General Fund. As we enter fiscal year 1994-95, Carlsbad faces another year of difficult budget decisior Adding to the complexity of balancing the budget is the consideration of what next year, 1995-9 will bring. The City has utilized most fund balances to its advantage. Many programs whic have been deferred or funded elsewhere will need to be absorbed by the General Fund. addition, no salary adjustments, other than the required step increases, have been given sin1 January of 1992 to any City staff. With only slow growth projected for revenues in tl foreseeable future, balancing the budget will continue to be a challenge in the years to comt 0 0 \. * Budqetaw Policies - An analysis of the City’s fiscal position for 1994-95 indicated that revenues would be flat ar expenditures would again need to be reduced. In addition, the State’s 1993-94 budget actio1 continued to have an effect on Carlsbad. A one-time payment of $400,000 was made to the Ci in 1993-94 to offset property taxes taken by the State. As this was only a one-time payment, tt allowances have been made in this budget for any reductions which may occur when the Sta adopts their 1994-95 budget. In developing the 1994-95 budget, a base budget, which excluded any amounts carried over fro previous years, was established for each department with the direction to reduce the bottom lil total by I .5%. In order to arrive at this goal, departments prepared their budgets within tl following guidelines: c No new positions, programs or services. b Budgets were required to absorb increases due to step increases and other inflationary 1994-95 budget had tu absorb this loss of revenue. It is also important to note that I increases. b Increased costs were required to be offset by reductions elsewhere such that the bottom line would be 1.5% less than the 1993-94 base budget amount. b Capital outlay needs could be addressed within the budget request. b Wherever possible, maintain existing service levels. b After budgets were submitted, the Finance Department reallocated assessments for Data Processing, Vehicle Maintenance, Vehicle Replacement, Worker’s Compensation * and Liability Insurance Self Insurance Funds. This approach excluded these costs from the base budget calculation, as costs to some departments varied significantly. The use of these guidelines resulted in a recommended 1994-95 Operating Budget of $37 million, a decrease of $300,000 from the budget adopted in November 1993. The proposf 1994-95 budget includes the elimination of three positions, and the unfunding of a total fourteen and one-quarter (14.25) positions. The Council Contingency account is budgeted only $333,000 down from between $1 million to $2 million in pre-recessionary years. Th account is available to the City Council to address unanticipated emergencies or unforsef program needs. Revenue The following table shows the total operating and capital revenues the City anticipates receivir for 1993-94, as well as those estimated for 1994-95. 0 0 z REVENUE SUMMARY BY FUNCTION 7 (In Millions) - PROJECTED I/., F UNO 93-94 $0.2 0.5% GENERAL FUND $37.6 94-95 E DIFFERENCE %CHANGE $37.8 F Sf ECWL REVENUE . ENTERPRISE FUNDS INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 6.7 17.7 6.4 $0.3 4.5% $0.5 28% $0.4 6.3% REDEVELOPMENT I .8 TOTAL OPERATING $70.2 &. $1.4 2m j! .; $0.0 0.Ph 1 . 8 .................................................... :: ............................. ........................... CAPITAL $21.8 $49.9 $28.1 128.9% GRAND TOTAL $92.0 $1 21.5 $29.5 32.1% Revenue estimates indicate that the City will receive a total of $1 21.5 million, a 32.1 % increa over the current year projections. The majority of the increase can be attributed to the capi funds which contain an increase of $28.1 million over the projected 1993-94 revenues and v be discussed in the Capital Improvement Program section. Operating revenues are estimatl at $71.6 million for 1994-95 which is $1.4 million greater that those projected for 1993-94. General Fund revenues are of particular interest as these resources fund basic City services su as Police, Fire, Library, Street Maintenance and Park and Recreation .programs. These revenu also provide a representative picture of the local economy, The table below shows summarized outlook for the major General Fund revenues. Although property tax losses to the State totaled $2.5 million over the past two years, this sour of revenue continues to provide the largest single source of income for the City. The $1. million projection for 1994-95 represents 30% of the total General Fund revenue. It is anticipat that the 1994-95 property tax revenues will increase by 1.8% over 1993-94 estimates which is jl under the legal limit of the 2% increase in assessed values as provided within Proposition 1: Twenty-eight percent of the City's'total revenues are generated by sales tax which is the seco largest source of funds. Sales taxes are estimated at $1 0.6 million for 1994-95, an increase 1 % or $1 00,000 over the projected 1993-94 receipts. It is anticipated that consumer spendil will remain relatively flat in 1994-95. SIGNIFICANT REVENUES TO THE GENERAL FUND (In Millions) PROJECTED 3 ESTIMATED 1993-94 g DIFFERENCE % CHANGE 1994-95 PROPERTY TAX $11.1 SALES TAX 10.5 $ $0.2 1.84 $11.3 ! ($0.1) -0.8c 12.9 OTHER GENERAL FUND 13.0 ;: $0.0 0.0: 3.0 TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX 3.0 .$ $0.1 1 .o: . 106 f E TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE $37.6 1 $37.8 B $0.2 0.5: ............................................................. :: .................................... ................................. 0 0 * Y The last significant General Fund revenue is the Transient Occupancy Tax which is estimated - $3 million for 1994-95. Based on historical performance of this revenue, the projection equa the amount expected to be received in 1993-94. It is anticipated that the slow economy will kee tourism and room rates at present levels. Other 1994-95 revenue projections which show differences from the 1993-94 estimates incluc franchise tax revenues. ,These revenues are anticipated to total $1.2 million for 1994-95 i increase of 9% or $1 00,000 over 1993-94. This increase is due primarily to the change in the t: rate from 3% to 5% for Daniels Cablevision during 1993-94. Development within Carlsbad is expected to continue at its sluggish pace resulting in an increa: of only $100,000 (6%) in estimated 1994-95 revenue for all the development related source Development related revenue includes planning fees, engineering fees, building department fee construction permits and the license tax on new construction. There are two revenues which are projected to decrease from 1993-94 levels. First, vehicle in-lic fees are expected to drop by $425,000, or 15%. This loss was anticipated as the 1993-94 Sta is down by $120,000, or 6.7%. This is due to a lower fund balance which results as the Gener Fund pays off the parking bonds and funds the golf course for 1993-94 and 1994-95. Special Revenue Fund revenues total $7 million which is $300,000, or 4.5% greater than tho! projected for 1993-94. The types of functions supported within Special Revenue Funds incluc programs funded by grants such as Section 8 Housing Assistance, Maintenance Assessme Districts, and Gas Tax Street Maintenance. The Special Revenue Fund accounting for most the increase in this category is the Section 8 Housing program with revenues up $320,000, ( 11 % over 1993-94 projections. This is due to full year funding of thirty additional rental units Enterprise Fund revenue for 1994-95 is projected at $1 8.2 million, an increase of $500,000, ( 2.8% over 1993-94 estimates. Enterprise Funds are similar to a business in that rates a, charged to support the operations which supply the service. Examples of Carlsbad Enterprist include the Water District, Sanitation Services, and Solid Waste Management. Water District revenues show an increase of 3.2%, or $387,000, which reflects a proposed ra budget provided for a one time payment within this revenue stream, Second, interest reveni increase spread between the per unit charge and the stand-by charge. The increase would fur higher charges assessed by the Metropolitan Water District for the water Carlsbad purchases fl sale to users. Water usage rates are recommended to increase by $.03 per unit, combined wi an increase to the stand-by charge of anywhere from $.55 to $5.40 depending on the size of tt installed meter. Sanitation Enterprise revenues at $4.7 million are not expected to increase 1994-95; rates will remain stable. Internal Service Funds show an estimated revenue of $6.8 million for 1994-95, an increase $400,000, or 6.3% over 1993-94 projections. Internal Service Funds provide services within tt City itself and include programs such as the self insurance funds for Workers Compensation ar Liability Insurance, as well as Data Processing and Vehicle Maintenance. Departments pay fl services provided by these funds. The Internal Service Fund demonstrating the largest reven[ increase is the Liability Self-Insurance fund, up $1 98,000 or 23%, which is necessary to mainta adequate reserves that were utilized during 1993-94. Vehicle Replacement rates were decreasc by $102,000, or 9.6%, as the City instituted a broader criteria for replacing vehicles. Revenut 4 e c Y for Vehicle Maintenance show an estimated increase of $1 14,000, or 9%. It is estimated that tt - increase will place the fund balance in a positive position at the end of 1994-95. Redevelopment revenues are estimated at 1993-94 levels of $1.8 million. The tax increment I property values has not exhibited any signs of growth over the past three years, and is expect to perform similarly in 1994-95. Expenditures The combined 1994-95 budget totals $122.9 million and is broken down as shown belc Budgeted operating expenditures for 1994-95 total $71.9 million which represents a decrease $4.5 million, or 5.9% from the current 1993-94 budget, while capital expenditures are up $3( million, or 153.7%. BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY ( In Millions) BUDGET FUND 93-94 i; BUDGET i DIFFERENCE %CHANGE 94-95 GENERAL FUND $39.4 ($1 3) -4.1% ' SPECIAL REVENUE 9.1 7.1 18.2 ENTERPRISE 18.5 3 ($2.0) -22.0% z ' ($4.5) -5.9% $71.9 TOTAL $76.4 8 ($0.2) - 10.0% 1.8 REDEVELOPMENT 2.0 ($0.4) -5.4% .... INTERNAL SERVICE 7.4 $ ($0.3) -1.696 CAPITAL $37.8 : 70 p $2(),. $30.9 153.7% .* g . $51 () 1:s GRAND TOTAL $96.51 $1229 I $264 27.4% .............................. ............................ ............................ ......................... The General Fund shows a $1.6 million, or 4.1 % decrease from the current 1993-94 budget the 1994-95 budget. Balancing the 1994-95 General Fund budget entailed the use of varic strategies which are profiled below. b Fourteen and one quarter (14.25) positions are not funded, an increase of eight (8) positions over 1993-94 levels. The unfunded positions are vacant and represent no layoffs of existing staff. The four newly unfunded positions include threequarters of a Police Captain, one-half of a Records Supervisor, one Librarian in Reference, and a Management Analyst in the Fire Department. It is estimated that unfunding these four positions will save approximately $1 87,000. Four of the unfunded positions represent a change to contracted services and monies once used for the positions have been transferred to an operating account. There are no immediate cost savings, however it is anticipated that in future years economies will result. b Three vacant positions have been eliminated from the work force, and include the Utilities and Maintenance Director, Assistant Utilities and Maintenance Director and e e w one Flre gaff allon Chlef. Both the Utilities and Maintenance Department and Fire - Department have reorganized in order to maintain a more streamlined operation. The prior year budget unfunded the Assistant Utilities and Maintenance Director, therefore the two remaining eliminated positions result in a savings of approxi- mately $200,000. b A new employment category of a pro-rated three-quarter time employee has been added as another option to increase efficiency while controlling expenditures. As a result, the City has included a total of seven three-quarter time positions. In order to add these positions, departments reduced their part time budgets by an equivalent amount. b This is the third year that alternate funding sources have been used to support some former General Fund programs. Police Asset Forfeiture funds are supporting the DARE and Juvenile Diversion programs and major street maintenance and repair programs are supported through the Gas Tax. The support of these programs through other funds saves the General Fund approximately $1.4 million. In the future, it may be necessary to consider the “‘General Fund as a source for funding these programs once again. b No payment to the Golf Course fund has been included in the General Fund budget. Rather, a transfer from the General fund balance is planned which will make up for the missed payment in 1993-94 as well as the 1994-95 payment. b The budget includes an $800,000 appropriation from fund balance.which will be used to pay off the Parking Authority bonds. This results in a savings of $1 45,000 annually. b Capital outlay expenses totaling approximately $1 00,000 have been funded within the budget. While the preceding strategies apply on a City-wide basis, there are measurable service lev reductions which occur at the program level. In general, most programs anticipate extendc response times to accomplish tasks as less staff and resources are available. Specific progra service level reductions within the proposed budget include closing the Swim Complex for tvr weeks in December, and eliminating certain recreation programs such as the Easter egg hur Halloween carnival and coastal clean up. The water account in the park maintenance progra has been reduced again which will affect the appearance of park areas. The library Med Services Program will eliminate photographic assistance to other departments as the st: position is rotated to the reference service desk to fill in for a newly unfunded Librarian. TI Library book budget has been reduced by 10% and will affect adult circulating and referenc materials. Although the Library will implement several service level reductions as noted above, this progra has absorbed the costs of the Centro de lnformacion program into its budget plan. This is grant funded program which was scheduled to last for five years. . The middle of 19944 represents the termination of the receipt of the grant funds, at which time General Funds will t used to continue the program. Full year funding for the Centro de lnformacion will need to t absorbed in the 1995-96 budget, at an additional cost of approximately $30,000. e e rr Special Revenue Funds, show a decrease in anticipated spending of approximately $2.1 millio, or 23% of which two programs contribute to the reduction. First, Police Asset Forfeitul spending has declined due to one time spending which occurred in 1993-94. Second, Gas R spending is projected to decline in order to balance its expenditures with projected revenues The Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District budget contains an increase of $47,000, ( 6.9%, and is due to anticipated one time expenses associated with upgrading street light fixturc from SDG&E. Through staff efforts and communications with the Public Utilities Commissio costs for non-peak use energy were reduced. The Tree Maintenance Assessment District budg has decreased by $16,000, or 2.8%, and is the result of a reduced assessment for the s( insurance liability payment. Service levels are anticipated to remain the same during 1994-9 The Median Maintenance Assessment District budget is nearly identical to that of 1993-94 $274,000. Staff has indicated that this level of spending will affect the appearance of medial as additional mileage has been added, yet the budget remains the same. A low fund balanc does not provide the option of using "saved" funds. Staff is presently ,reviewing service level delivery requirements and the appropriate assessments. It appears as if a rate increase for tt Tree and Median Maintenance Assessment Districts may be recommended within the 1995-! budget. Enterprise Funds, as a group, show a budget decrease of $300,000, or 1.6%, due mainly to reduction in the Water District's budget. However, a more meaningful comparison can be ma( . between the 1993-94 estimated expenditures of $1 1.7 million and the 1994-95 budget of $1 2 million, an increase of 6.8% or $800,000. The majority of this increase is related to the cost purchasing water for sale to consumers. Internal-- Service Funds show a decrease of approximately $300,000, or 4.1 %. The large decrease is in liability self insurance, down $300,000, due to a large loss experienced in 1993-9 A decrease of $278,000, or 23%, in the Vehicle Replacement fund is due to an unusually his budget in 1993-94. This occurred as the City began purchasing replacement vehicles which hz been deferred in prior years due-to budget cuts. The budget for this fund normally fluctuatc according to the vehicles proposed for replacement in any given year. The budget for Workers Compensation Self Insurance is equal to that of 1993-94. In additio an operating transfer to the General Fund of $250,000 has been budgeted. This action \n reduce the Worker's Compensation fund balance which is higher than necessary and help offset Worker's Compensation expenses in the General Fund. The Redevelopment Agency budget has decreased for 1994-95 by $200,000. The decrease the result of reduced Miscellaneous Professional Services in the operations portion of tt program due to funds that were carried over into the 1993-94 budget year. Debt servic payments have also been reduced as a result of the refunding of the bonds in 1993-94. Summary While 1994-95 represents a challenging year financially, the City will strive to maintain the quali and variety of services which have come to be expected by the residents and businesses Carlsbad. The proposed budget for 1994-95 projects a slow economy resulting in a minim increase to the forecasted revenues. Carlsbad's budget still relies upon alternate fundir sources to insure that services continue to be available to the citizens, although sometimes reduced levels. These methods of balancing budgets are becoming exhausted and will n 0 e necessarify be avallable In future yeara. In addition, the City hao taken advantage opportunities that have presented themselves by reorganizing departments to operate mo efficiently. Without these alternate funding sources or stronger revenue growth in the future, will be necessary to reevaluate the City's ability to offer all of its current programs within limited financial resources. It is also important for the City and community alike to be aware of the impact that the Statc budget balancing actions may have upon the City's revenue base. The State continues to fa1 shortfalls in its revenues and may be back again this year with legislation which further reduc our revenues. While the Governor has not proposed any reductions to cities in his latest budc proposal, the Legislature will have their own proposals which may adversely impact citic Carlsbad is still very much "at risk" for budget reductions in the current and future years. In this difficult budget year the cooperation of all departments and City staff was critical creating a successful operating plan. This document is a reflection of the dedication. and effol of these members of Team Carlsbad. Their support is critical to the City's ultimate success. V offer them all our thanks for a job well done. This example of teamwork will be repeated in tl months and years to come as the State of California and economic conditions continue challenge,'the fiscalstrength of the City of Carlsbad. 0 e CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FY 1993-94 UNRESERVED PROJECTED BALANCE ESTIMATED ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE FUND JULY 1,1993 REVENUES EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS JUNE30,1994 1 GENERAL FUND i;; 9,764,IV 37,665,000 37,691,490 (293,550) 9,384,137 ....................... ..................................................................................................... I SPECIAL REVENUE i.. ............. i .......................................... ............................... ................................ ................................. ................. i ..................................................................................................... ; .............................. ::: POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE HOUSING - SECTION 8 MOBILE HOME RENT CONTROL AUDIO-VISUAL INSURANCE GAS TAX TREE MAINTENANCE MEDIAN MAINTENANCE STREET LIGHTING BUENA VISTA CRK CHNL MM STATE GRANTS (LIBRARY) SENIOR NUTRITION CDBG - ENTITLEMENT CMMT'Y FACILITY DlSTR #1 ADMlN 1,928,881 118,483 118,640 3,077,212 31 6,920 57,387 774,914 251,811 269,722 0 60,472 20,000 2w000 2,898,000 6olOOO 95,000 1,180,000 572,140 255,000 692,000 108,000 =,000 193,000 90,000 , 106,000 197,820 2,900,000 16,000 1 13,000 1,472,900 567,396 286,410 553,701 58,300 351,500 183,197 103,873 125.1 90 1,931,061 116,483 44,000 100,640 2,784,312 321,664 25,977 91 3,213 . 301,511 183,222 9,803 p 46,599 -. 81 0 2,890,833 12,122,000 11,682,865 RECLAIMED WATER (90,390) 808,700 695,315 SEWER OPERATIONS 1,278,193 4,661,900 4,298,544 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT 58,452 86,999 138,874 1 INTERNAL SERVICE :. WORKER.sC*MP SELF.,NSOR ................. ............................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................. 1,320,298 771,600 776,536 LIABILIlY SELF INSUR HEALTH INSURANCE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE VEHICLE REPLACEMENT DATA PROCESSINQ 1,891,231 857,000 1,244,804 1,386,395 1,805,000 1,950,000 (37,578) 1,240,000 1,245,500 3,016,356 1,066,000 932,287 518.727 710,000 752,285 3,329,968 22,995 1,641,549 5,578 1,315,362 1,503,427 1,241,395 (43,0781 3,150,069 476,442 i REDEVELOPMENT OPERATIONS 8 .:~~:-,::.:i::::i::::~;::~~~~:;~:::..~::..::~.,~~~~~:~:~:::~~~~:..: 51,226 93,750 724,320 624,000 44,656 DEBT SERVICE 993,600 1,338,000 526,170 (75,000) 1,730,430 LOW AND MOD INCOME HSNG 2,338,669 397,500 82,519 2,653,650 TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS $32,374,631 $70,276,590 , $69,670,796 -,eo 923,851 17% TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS $69,907,611 $21,837,950 $20,137,604 ($255,450) $71,352,507 GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS $102,282,242 $92,114,540 $89,808,400 $0 $95,204,245 e a CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS a PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FY 1994-95 PROJECTED PROJECTED BALANCE ESTIMATED ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE FUND JULY 1,1994 REVENUES EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS JUNE 30,1995 ; 9,384,137 37,850,000 37,839,818 (1,200,000) 8,194,319 *ppropr~a~onfrom~un~~a~~ce .. .................................... :....:....:...... ... ................................................................................. ......... :.: (~,OoO) 7,394,319 [SPECIAL REVENUE .~LlcEAss~FoRFEi~RE ....................................................................... :..,. ...................................................................... ::: HOUSING - SECTION 8 MOBILE HOME RENT CONTROL AUDIO-VISUAL INSURANCE GAS TAX TREE MAINTENANCE MEDIAN MAINTENANCE STREET LIGHTING BUENA VISTACRK CHNLMNT STATE GRANTS (LIBRARY) SENIOR NUTRITION CDBG - ENTITLEMENT CMMT'Y FACILITY DlSTR #l ADMlN &RISE 1.:. wAfE#.*pERkti.oNs RECLAIMED WATER SEWER OPERATIONS SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT ............................................................................... .......................................... ................................................................................................................... ................................... 1,931,061 1 16,483 w000 100,640 2,784,312 321,664 25,977 91 3,213 3013 1 183,222 9,803 46,599 81 0 21 0,000 3,218,000 95,000 1,210,000 572,140 255,000 682,000 108,000 205,000 193,000 131 ,ooO 107,000 3,329,968 12,509,000 22,995 958,OOO 1,641,549 4,661,900 5.578 71 ,000 ~,= 3,194,786 19,000 146,500 1,243,500 =,- 274,360 724,736 10,150 246,100 196,906 132,170 107.000 1,940,481 139,697 25,000 49,140 2,750,812 334,965 6,617 870,477 399,361. 142'1 22 5,897 *- 45,429 81 0 12,491,400 (50,000) 3,297,568 1,010,400 (29,4051 4,574,600 (50,000) 1,678,849 104,271 (27,693; I INTERNAL SERVICE c wo'R~~sc~MP.~E~F,.~~~~ ......................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................ ......I....... I_. .. ................. LIABILITY SELF INSUR HEALTH INSURANCE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE VEHICLE REPLACEMENT DATA PROCESSINQ I REDEVELOPMENT li ..................................... .......................................................................................................................... ............................................................................... % ................................................................. OPERATIONS DEBT SERVICE LOW AND MOD INCOME HSNG 1,315,362 1,503,427 1,241,395 (43.078) 3,150,069 476,442 44,656 1,730,430 2,653,650 787,600 1,055,400 1,805,000 1,353,600 964,100 772,600 96,000 1,338,000 397,500 1,096,900 1.003.300 1,950,000 1,299,900 ~1~ 754,000 636,900 1,052,340 105,000 1,006,062 1,555,527 1,096,395 10,622 3,173,669 (=WJO) 275,042 528,300 32,056 (528,300) 1,487,790 2,946,150 ~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ 1 TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS $33,235,875 $71,605,840 $71,913,956 ($1,5M,000) $29,807,759 TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS $71,352,507 $49,899,235 $50,972,237 $1,520,000 $71,799,505 1993-94 CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS ($32.31 4.566 $39.484.93 I .. GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS $104,588,382 $121,505,075 $122,886,193 $0 $101,607,264 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS 1 BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE 1991 -92 TO 1994-95 %INCR ( 1993-94 (at 3130194) $ 94-95 BUDGET DEPARTMENT ACTUALS ACTUALS EXPENDITURES BUDGET (? 93-94, 1991 -92 1992-93 ESTIMATED 1993-94 8 TO 1994-95 1 GENERAL FUND ......................................... 3 $$ GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY COUNCIL 154,639 153,747 $165,948 $167,401 CITY MANAGER CITY CLERK 651,018 679,476 754,600 756,220 16,141 20,878 31,480 32,680 CITY A'ITORNEY 394,801 362,318 358,605 421,269 FINANCE CITY TREASURER 1,005,644 860,207 990,993 1,032.633 76,475 71 ,I 01 82,410 101,400 PURCHASING HUMAN RESOURCES RESEARCH OFFICE 374,035 329,101 353,427 358,709 777,916 579,733 694,946 799,505 285,919 159,883 0 0 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 374,002 359,784 386,653 395,053 RISK MANAGEMENT 193,145 177,219 0 0 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMEFCT 4,303,735 3,753,447 3,819,062 4,064,870 168,100 j$ 756,clO() 8 4,- $ 464,Ooo 5 101,200 g 999,100 8 348 8oo ;. 720,300 3 OB 389- E og , :I , .j: . 3,987,800 : 0.1 -0.1 25. 10. -3.: -0.: -2. -9. -< -1. -1. PUBLIC SAFETY is POLICE 9,046,665 8,591,028 8,847,473 8,909,521 !{ -2.' 15,515,710 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 15,647,116 15,341,749 1571 4,374 15,848,156 $ -2.1 6,739,659 FIRE 6,600,451 6,750,721 6,866,901 6,938,635 z -1 .. 8,776,051 .:.: ~ :.:. ~ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ;:; 3 $: COMMUNITY DEVEL ADMlN 488,583 458,761 586,433 602,833 $ -I.! 591,117 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION 121,071 124.941 1 58,712 241,939 $ - 13. 779,788 ' BUILDING INSPECTON 827,222 762,082 729,843 896,703 HISTORIC PRESERV COMM 4,215 3,448 2,000 3,550 E -28. 74,599 GROWTH MANAGEMENT 105,860 98,945 102,791 104,291 $ -3. 1,878,805 PUNNING 2.1 09,879 1,807,556 1,818,698 1,952,126 8 -5. 2,969,444 ENGINEERING 3,601,763 3,374,023 2,969,528 3,151,325 :$ St.! #,Oo ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 0 18,403 31,597 31,597 g -7.1 223,544 3,500 $ -1. TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7,258,593 6,648,159 6,399,602 6,984,364 .... ~ 6568797 ?! -5, I s :I< .... ~ LIBRARY/CULTURE u. LIBRARY 2,473,398 2,316,029 2,451,220 2,460,876 2 436 950 6; -02 CULTURALART'S PROGRAM 258,194 229,842 233,980 241,870 233,050 : -3.1 SISTER CITY PROGRAM 18,674 8,993 10,250 10,993 10,m $ -7.: TOTAL LIBRARY/CULTURE 2,750,266 2,554,864 2,695,450 2,713,739 2,680,200 $$ :x ~ -1 .: .... - ......in..._. ......................... . _.,....... A*. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS I BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE 1991 -92 TO 1994-95 %INCR ( 1993-94 (at 3130194) ;; 93-94 1991 -92 1992-93 . ESTIMATED 1993-94 1994-95 3 TO DEPARTMENT ACTUALS ACTUALS EXPENDITURES BUDGET # 94-95 BUDGET COMMUNIN SERVICES COMMUNITY SERVICES ADMIN 904,130 793.905 728,602 747,515 iiij :!, - 1 5 629,037 PARK MAINTENANCE RECREATION 1,630,142 1,379,713 1,531,390 1,563,728 1,550,525 b$ -2 1,695,071 1,535,487 1,581,724 1,596,052 1,477,386 $ -5 SENIOR PROGRAMS 235,536 21 7,793 249,175 252,942 STREET MAINTENANCE 2,4OO,6 18 1,781,753 1,348,586 1,424,542 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT 1.1 32,069 1,130,429 1,195,781 1,395,018 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAIM 331,871 TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVCIES 8,329,437 NON-DEPARTMENTAL COMMUNITY PROMOTION 194,634 BEACH PARKING 18,000 COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTIONS 80,530 HIRING CEMER 65,000 HOSP GROVE PAYMENT 305,970 275,924 279,684 378,219 343,619 $ 7,115,004 6,914,942 7,358,016 7,064,371 z ~ y5 246,205 205,000 261,604 202,000 2 3 36,000 39,700 39,668 g 36,000 $ 75,000 75,000 75,000 75000 i$ 735,051 794,520 813,600 812,500 $ 76,498 77,500 80,000 80,000 2 -9 -3 -2; -z ( ( 4 GOLF COURSE LEASES AUDIT 329,800 565,200 0 0 21 0,000 130,500 87,000 87,000 33,875 41,275 56,800 68,255 PROPERTY TAX ADMIN FEE 165,828 161,975 180,000 ANIMAL REGULATION CONTRACT 82,037 168,224 112,000 125,000 E DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 23,742 26,008 21 ,000 29,400 OPERATING TRANSFERS OUThllSC 156,806 297,468 389,400 389,400 0 :: x STREET LIGHTCOSTS (CIPI) 28,000 28,000 28,000 28,000 TREE MAINT COSTS (CIPI) 81,297 66,140 66,140 66,140 BOND SERVICES 10.21 5 15,783 16,000 18,400 17,300 8 .;:::I ~' 185,000 g 23000 $j 28,000 ;il 66,140 2 1,689,940 $ TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENTAL 1,785,734 2,669.327 2,148,060 2,250,789 -8 1' -2 ( ( ( -! -2 SUBTOTALGENERAL FUND 40,074,881 38,082,550 . 37,691,490 39,227,934 1 37,506,818 1' ; - * CONTINGENCIES 0 0 0 166,436 1 333000 ,pa 8 .:. - TOTAL GENERAL FUND 40.074.881 38,082,550 37.69f,490 39,394,370 w:! . , . . . . . . - ................................................... - APPROPRIATION FROM FUND BAL GRAND TOTAL GENERAL FUND 800,000 38,639,818 9 e 0 CIM OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE 1991 -92 TO 1994-95 %INCR ( 1993-94 (at 3130194) i)i 93-94 1991 -92 1992-93 ESTIMATED 1993-94 3 TO 1994-95 DEPARTMENT ACTUALS ACNALS EXPENDITURES BUDGET i 94-95 BUDGET 1 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS b: ..WLlc.~.AssET'FoRFEl.~RE ................. .................................................... .................................................................................. ................................................................. 342,002 392,997 197,820 794,445 Z -74 200,580 HOUSING SECTION 8 2,114,752 2,529,978 2,900,000 2,916,832 146,500 AUDIO VISUAL INSURANCE 58,232 49,411 11 3,000 123,601 g -68 19,000 MOBILE HOME RENT CONTROL 16,000 60,000 2 9 3,194,786 3 :;:: -2 558839 I TREE MAINTENANCE 478,796 536,165 567,396 574,746 3 -54 1,243,500 GAS TAX 140,004 220,477 1,472,900 2,710,082 $ 18 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE 204,577 236,802 STREET LIGHTING 568,039 591,575 BUENA VISTA CRK CHNL MNT 6,447 198,105 STATE GRANTS (LIBRARY) 155,051 286,593 SENIOR NUTRITION 172,518 180,403 CDBG ENTITLEMENT 55,852 67,197 286,410 274,103 553,701 678,232 58,300 289,496 351,500 310,881 183,197 183,531 103,873 102,032 274,360 724,736 10,150 246,100 196,906 132,170 :A 3 $< C E -9E -x - -1 2s CMMT'Y FACILITY DlSTR #1 ADMIN 42,931 168,920 125,190 127,924 107,000 $ -I( I ENTERPRISE FUNDS 18 1 :.~.:::~,:::~.::~:::~:::~:::~::~::::.:~.::::::::::::::::,::::::~.;::~::::~~.~:::2~~~~~.:~::::~~:~::~:::~:::~,::: x WATER OPERATIONS 9,715,797 10,008,242 11,682,865 12,782,372 12,491,400 $ -2 RECLAIMED WATER SANITATION OPERATIONS SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT I INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS/$ '.::woRKERscoMpsELFl:Nsu~NcE W C Operating Transfer Out LIABILITY SELF INSURANCE HEALTH INSURANCE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE VEHlCLE REPLACEMENT DATA PROCESSING s i:::~~~~l~~~i~ DEBT SERVICE LOW AND MOD INCOME HSNQ 0 4,059,425 100,134 706,408 603,308 1,650,116 1,217,610 729,905 744,614 650,934 1,663,859 98,113 683,007 4,028,391 153,722 639,500 1,183,895 1,824,547 1,227,137 485,124 ~,QQo 753,104 1,619,643 81,437 695,315 4,298,544 138,874 776,536 1,244,804 1,950,000 1,245,500 932,287 752,285 724,320 526,170 823 9 917,160 4,541,461 223,826 846,836 1,291,052 1,950,000 1,320,520 1,218,568 752,145 700,715 1,187,050 124,290 1,010,400 8 4,574,600 8 ill $$ 104,271 33 846900. , 1,003,300 $ 250,(-Joo .i. ; 1,299,900 # 1950000 3 I , 2: 940,500 % 754,000 i$ 636,900 $$ 1o5J)@) 3 1,052,340 i$ $ 1( ( -5: ( -2 I - -2 - -1 -1 1 TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS $66,354,305 $66,897,922 $69,670,796 $76,396,270 $72,713,956 - a 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1994-95 ACTUAL PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS % DIFFERENCE qNENUES REVENUE REVENUE OF FY 93-94 ' 1993-94 TO REVENUE SOURCE 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 PROJECTED 1994-95 I GENERAL FUND 1i.i TAXES .... .\. ./\. ./.. .. .... ...\. ..\ .. ........... ..... . .. ..... ;:.. i... ..... i... .. ..: .... .. .,:. .,.;..,:.:. : ..:. .:: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PROPERTY TAX $12,585,000 $1 1,100,000 $1 1,300,000 1 .ao% 200,000 SALES TAX 9.168,ooo 1 0,5Oo,o0O 10,6Oo,o0O 0.95% 100,ooo TRANSIEM TAX FRANCHISE TAX 3,099,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 0.00% 0 =woo 1,l 00,000 1,200,000 9.09% 100,000 TRANSFER TAX 184,000 190,000 190,000 0.00% 0 TOTAL TAXES 26,026,000 25,890,000 26,~,000 1.54% 4oa000 LICENSES AND PERMITS CONSTRUCTION PERMITS =,000 300,000 =e000 0.00% D. BUSINESS LICENSES 1,071 ,000 1 ,000,000 1 ,000,000 0.00% 0 LICENSE TAX-CONSTRUCTION 143,000 50,000 50,000 0.00% 0 OTHER LICENSES & PERMITS 276,000 300,000 a7000 0.00% 1- 0 TOTAL LICENSES & PERMITS 1,724,000 1,650,000 1,650,000 0.00% 0 STATE SUBVENTIONS VEHICLE IN-LIEU 2,432,000 2,775,000 2,350,000 - 15.32% (425,000) OTHER 270,000 280,000 3oo,000 7,14% 20,OOO TOTAL STATE SUBVENTIONS 2,702,000 3,055,000 2,650,000 - 1 3.26% (405,000] CHARGES FOR SERVICES PLANNING FEES 603,000 -9000 =woo 25.00% 100,000 BUILDING DEPT. FEES 205,000 200,000 200,000 0.00% 0 ENGINEERING FEES 551 ,000 6@A000 600,000 0.00% 0 AMBULANCE FEES 273,000 280,000 3w000 7.1 4% 20,000 RECREATION FEES 697,000 800,000 8oWoo 0.00% 0 OTHER CHARGES OR FEES =,000 400,000 400,000 0.0096 0 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 2,857,000 2,680,000 2,800,000 4.48% 120,000 FINES AND FORFEITURES 232,000 230,000 230,000 0.00% 0 INTEREST 2,094,000 1,800,000 1,680,000 -6.67% (120,000 INTERDEPARTMENTAL CHARGES 2,101 ,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 0.00% 0 OTHER REVENUE SOURCES 1,973,000 300,000 550,000 83.33% 250,000 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 39,709,000 37,605,000 37,850,000 0.65% 245,000 e 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1994-95 ACTUAL PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS % DIFFERENCE REVENUES REVENUE REVENUE OF FY 93-94 1993-94 TO REVENUE SOURCE 1W-93 1993-94 1994-95 PROJECTED 1994-95 1 Sf ECfAL REVENUE FUNDS .......... . ..... . ..................... , ..:. .: .........., .; ....; ..,...,...,.,.... ............... .//.. ... i .... i...... :: _. ::. .:..; ............:.. '.'.:'.::::::::::""'" ..........; ............................................................................................................................................................. :::::::::5):.:.':.:.: . . . . . , . POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE ASSET FORFEITURES 327,479 140,000 150,000 7.1 4% 10,000 INTEREST ' 104,600 60,000 a000 0.00% 0 TOTAL 432,079 200,ooo 210,000 5.00% 10,ooo HOUSING - SECTION 8 INTEREST 7,170 8,000 8,m 0.00% 0 FEDERAL GRANT 2,432,798 2,890,000 3,210,000 11.07% 320,000 OTHER 70,764 121 ,000 190,000 57.02% m000 TOTAL 2,510,732 2,898,000 3,218,000 11.04% =,m MOBILE H- TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 0 60.- 0 - 100.00% (WOOO) TOTAL 0 6o.m 0 -1 00.00% (s0,oOo) !. AUDIO-VISUAL INSURANCE INTEREST 6,237 5,000 5,000 0.00% 0 INSURANCE FEES 75,642 ~,000 90,m 0.00% 0 TOTAL 81,879 =,000 95,000 0.00% 0 GAS TAX GAS TAX REVENUES 1,094,331 1,100,000 1,130,000 2.73% 30,m INTEREST 200,058 80,m 80,ooo 0.00% 0 TOTAL 1,294,389 1,180,000 1,210,000 2.54% =,000 TREE MAINTENANCE INTEREST 19,040 6,o@J 6,o@J 0.00% 0 TREE MAINTENANCE FEES 513,733 woo0 5oo,oo0 0.00% 0 INTERDEPARTMENTAL 66,140 66,140 66,140 0.00% a TOTAL 598,973 572,140 572,140 0.00% 0 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE INTEREST 2,759 0 0 0.00% ,O MEDIAN MAINTENANCE FEES 246,652 255,000 255,000 0.00% 0 MlSC REIMBURSEMENT 4,596 TOTAL 254,007 255,000 255,000 0.00% 0 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1994-95 ACTUAL PROJECTED ESTIMATED, AS % DIFFERENCE REVENUES REVENUE REVENUE OF N 93-94 1993-94 TO REVENUE SOURCE 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 PROJECTED 1994-95 STREET LIGHTING INTEREST 43,943 =,000 20,000 0.00% 0- INTERDEPARTMENTAL 57,000 60,000 50,000 - 16.67% (1 0,000) STREET LIGHTING FEES 605,689 610,000 610,000 0.00% 0 MlSC REIMBURSEMENT 13,156 2,000 2,000 0.00% 0 TOTAL 71 9,788 692,000 682,000 -1.45% (10,000) BUENA VISTA CREEK CHNL MAIM INTEREST 18,007 8,000 8,000 0.00% 0 BUENA VISTA FEES 100,407 100,000 100,000 0.00% 0 TOTAL 1 18.41 4 108,000 108,000 0.00% 0 -< STATE GRANTS INTEREST GRANTS TOTAL 14,200 15,000 5,000 -66.67% (1 0,000) 199,042 250,000 ~,OOo -20.00% (50,000) 21 3,242 =,000 2tx000 -22.64% (so,000) SENIOR NUTRITION GRANTS 105,871 103,000 103,000 0.00% 0 DONATIONS TOTAL 74,533 gQ000 w000 0.00% 0 180,404 193,000 193,000 0.00% 0 CDBG ENTITLEMENT GRANT REVENUE 66,000 90.000 110,000 22.22% m,m INTERDEPARTMENTAL 0 0 21 ,000 100.00% 21 ,000 TOTAL 66,000 90,000 131 ,000 100.00% 41 ,000 CMMT'Y FACILITIES DlSTR #1 ADMINISTRATIVE FEES 106,000 106,000 107,000 0.94% 1 ,000 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 6,575,907 6,654,140 .6,965,140 4.67% 31 0,000 e 0 CIM OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1994-95 REVENUE SOURCE ACTUAL PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS 96 DIFF€E€NCE REVENUES R~VENUE REVENUE OF FY 93-94 1993-94 TO 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 PROJECTED 1994-95 I ENTERPRISE FUNDS I:::. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A;:;: . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ .:....:..: .../ ...:.. ....... ... ....... .:.. .................................................................... WATER OPERATIONS WATER SALES 7,787,667 9,700,000 9,900,000 2.06% 2w000 READY TO SERVE CHARGES 1,588,044 1,753,000 1,973,000 12.55% =x000 NEW ACCOUNTCHARGES 44,596 70,500 50,000 -29.08% (20,500) BACK-FLOW PROGRAM FEES 1,020 46,000 46,000 0.00% 0 PENALTY FEES 116,485 239,000 2w000 - 12.55% (30Jw INTEREST & PORTFOLIO SERVICES 283,546 180,000 185,000 2.78% 5,000 ENGINEERING & PLAN CHECK FEES . 77,478 27,000 66,000 144.44% 39,m CONNECTION FEES 60,898 =,000 45,000 - 19.64% (1 1 ,000) MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL 157,986 50.500 35000 -30.69% (1 5,560) 10,117,720 12,122,000 12,509,000 3.1 9% 387,000 RECLAIMED WATER WATER SALES 522,100 6oWoo 750,000 25.00% 150,000 READY-TO-SERVE CHARGE 0 8,OOo 8,OOo 0,0096 0 RECLAIMED WATER CREDITS 75,794 m,000 200,000 0.00% 0 INTEREST & PORTFOLIO SERVICES (5,277) 0 0 0.00% 0 MISCELLANEOUS RElMB EXPEND 0 700 0 -1 00.00% V00) TOTAL 592,617 808,700 =,000 18.46% 149,300 SANITATION OPERATIONS SERVICE CHARGES 4,370,993 4,400,000 4,400,000 0.00% 0 LATERAL CONNECTIONS 11,897 2,500 2,500 0.00% 0 PRE-TREATMENT CHARGES 57,273 65,000 65,m 0.00% 0 INTEREST & PORTFOLIO SERVICES 209,716 194,Ooo 194,000 0.00% 0 MISCELLANEOUS 28.1 45 400 400 0.0096 0 TOTAL 4,678,024 4,661,900 4,661,900 0.00% 0 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT INTEREST 830 3,000 1 ,000 -66.67% (2m0) GRANTS 58,524 15,000 0 - 100.00% (1 5.000) RECYCLING FEE TOTAL 67,558 68,000 70,000 2.94% 2,000 126,912 =,o@J 71 ,OOO - 17.44% (1 5,0001 TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS 15,515,273 17,678,600 18,199,900 2.95% 521,300 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1994-95 REVENUE SOURCE ACTUAL PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS % DIFFERENCE RNENU ES REVENUE REVENUE OF N 93-94 1993-94 TO 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 PROJECTED 1994-95 1 INTERNAL SERVICES FUNDS :::?:.:... .......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................... .................................................................................... ......................................................................................................... WORKERS' COMP SELF-INSURANCE INTEREST 103,365 a000 80,000 0.00% 0 INTERDEPARTMENTAL 623,013 61 1,600 627,600 2.62% 16,000 OTHER 49,652 80,000 80,000 0.00% 0 TOTAL i76,030 771,600 787,600 2.07% 16,000 LIABILITY SELF-INSURANCE INTEREST 144,520 75,000 75,000 0.00% 0 INTERDEPARTMENTAL 829,348 767,000 =,400 25.87% 198,400 OTHER TOTAL 15,000 15,000 0.00% -a 973,868 857,000 1,055,400 23.1 5% 198,400 1, HEALTH INSURANCE INTEREST 101,846 65,000 =,OOo 0.00% 0 INTERDEPAFTMENTAL 1 ,moa7 1,400,000 1,400,000 0.00% 0 REIMBURSEMENTS 325,767 340,000 3wxQ 0.00% 0 TOTAL ' 1,905,700 1,805,000 1,805,000 0.00% 0 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE INTERDEPA!=lTblENTAL 1,251,777 1,220,000 1,333,600 9.31 % 1 13,600 MISCELLANEOUS 48,966 20,000 20,000 0.00% 0 TOTAL 1,300,743 1,240,000 . 1,353,600 9.16% 113,600 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT INTERDEPARTMENTAL 920,628 921 ,ooo 81 3,100 -11.06% (1 01,900, INTEREST 163,549 120,000 120,000 0.00% 0 SALE OF PROPERTY 28,776 25,Ooo 25,Ooo 0.00% 0 TOTAL 1,112,953 1,066,000 964,100 -9.56% (1 01,900 DATA PROCESSING INTEREST 30,412 20,000 20,000 0.00% 0 INTERDEPARTMENTAL 453,742 690.000 752,600 9.07% 62,600 MISCELLANEOUS 16,310 TOTAL 500,464 710,000 i72,600 8.82% =.m TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 6,569,758 6,449,600 6,738,300 4.48% 288,70(: 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1994-95 REVENUE SOURCE ACTUAL PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS % DIFFERENCE REVENUES REVENUE REVENUE OF FY 93-94 1993-94 TO 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 PROJECTED 1994-95 I REDEVELOPMENT FUNDS\;! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . OPERATIONS RENTAL INCOME 29,800 37,200 =,500 6.18% 2,300 INTEREST & PORTFOLIO SERVICES 24,546 19,950 19,900 -0.25% (50) MISCELLANEOUS 15,545 36,600 36,600 0.00% 0 TOTAL 69,891 93,750 96,m 2.40% 2,250 DEBT SERVICE TAX INCREMENT 1,322,061 1,300,000 1,300,000 0.00% 0 INTEREST & WRTFOLIO SERVICES 121.51 5 38,000 38,000 0.00% 0 TOTAL 1,443,576 1,338,000 1,338,000 0.00% U LOW AND MOD INCOME HSNG I- TAX INCREMENT 330,515 323,000 323,000 0.00% 0 INTEREST & PORTFOLIO SERVICES 125,715 74,500 74,500 0.00% 0 MISCELLANEOUS 40,995 0 0 0.00% 0 TOTAL 497,225 397,500 397,500 0.00% 0 TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT FUNDS 2.01 0,692 1,829,250 1,831.500 0.1 2% 2,250 I TOTAL OPERATING $70,380,630 $70,216,590 $71,584,840 1.95% $1,368,250 0 e CITYOF CARLSBAD PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1993-94 AND 1994-95 BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION REQUEST OVER * 1993-94 (UNDER) NUMBER 1994-95 1993-94 ALLOCATED BUDGET ALLOCATED EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT 1 1 TOTAL CITY COUNCIL 1 1 0 CITY MANAGER 1 1 ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER 1 1 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR 1 1 ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER 1 1 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 SECRETARY TO C. MANAGER 1 1 SECRETARY II 2 2 TOTAL CITY MANAGER 8 8 0 -< < ADMINISTRATION INFORMATION SYSTEMS DIRECTOR 1 1 ASSISTANT CITY CLERK 1 1 I. MINUTES CLERK 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 STENO CLERK II 1 1 WORD PROCESSING OPERATOR II 1 1 TOTAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS 6 6 0 DATA PROCESSING DATA PROCESSING MANAGER 1 1 PROGRAMMEWANALYST 1 1 PROGRAMMEWOPERATOR 1 1 MICRO COMPUTER SPECIALIST 1 1 TOTAL DATA PROCESSING 4 4 0 TOTAL JNFORMATION SYSTEMS 10 10 0 y.::;ffy .. ~ , :. , I >y$q;$$<..fl<y< .? . ..'. .. 'x....:., ' ." E'' :.. .. .. An.,, , ~,:~~~ ,,,: N~ , &>>.y...:v&,> ...+*&$$!$A CITY AlTORNEY ASSISTANT ClTYAlTORNEY DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY SECRETARY TO C. AlTORNW 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 TOTAL CrrY AlTORNEY 5 5 0 FINANCE DIRECTOR ASSISTANT FINANCE DIRECTOR SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST ACCOUNTANT ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR ACCOUNTCLERK II ACCOUNTING OFFICE ASSISTANT AUDITOR TREASURERS ASSISTANT 1 1 1 4 2 2 1 1 0.75 1 1 1 4 2 2 1 1 0.75 SECRETARY I1 1 1 TOTAL FINANCE 14.75 14.75 0 0 0 CllVOF CARLSEAD PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1993-94 AND 1994-95 BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION REQUEST OVER 1993-94 (UNDER) NUMBER 1994-95 1993-94 ALLOCATED BUDGET ALLOCATED RISK MANAGER 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 TOTAL RISK MANAGEMENT 2 2 0 ::eu .,. . . . . . ; , ,, . . ,:,,;: . . . . . . . . ,: . . . . . . ... . . .. ...................................................... , PURCHASING OFFICER 1 1 SECRETARY I BUYER 1 1 2 2 MESSENGER 1 1 TOTAL PURCHASING 5 5 0 HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR COMPENSATION &BENEFITS MGR EMPLOYMENT SERVICES MANAGER HUMAN RESOURCES ANALYST HUMAN RESOURCES ASSISTANT SECRETARY II I I 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 -_ CLERK TYPIST II 1 1 TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES 7 7 0 ~~~~~.~~~,~~::.:~.~~~.~,,.'. +:<:,.,,&.2::::? .,:,;:.; .,.,,.,, ADMINISTRATION POLICE CHIEF SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST MANAGEMENT ANALYST SECRETARY II SECRETARY I POLICE CAPTAIN POLICE LIEUTENANT POLICE SERGEANT SENIOR POLICE OFFICER POLICE OFFICER COMMUNICATIONS SUPERVISOR RECORDS SUPERVISOR COMMUNICATION OPERATOR II COMMUNICATION OPERATOR I POLICE RECORDS CLERK II PR0GRA"ERlOPERATOR CRIME PREVENT TECH ~.~:~~~~:.:.~;:.:.:.:.~~..~~:~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 0 1 1 3 2. 5 10 21 41 1 1 13 0 5 1 1 1 1 1 0 -1 1 3 2 5 10 21 41 1 1 12 -1 1 1 5 1 1 POLICE SERVlCES AIDE 1 1 TOTAL POLICE 108 108 0 I 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1993-94 AND 1994-95 BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFEATION REQUEST OVER NUMBER 1994-95 1993-94 1993-94 (UNDER) ALLOCATED BUDGET ALLOCATED FIRE CHIEF 1 1 DIVISION CHIEF FIRE BAlTALION CHIEF FIRE CAPTAIN FIRE CAPTAIN SPECIALIST FIRE ENGINEER FIRE FIGHTER MANAGEMENT ANALYST SECRETARY I1 SECRETARY I PARAMEDIC-FIRE FIGHTER 0 4 18 4 18 9 21 0 1 1 FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER I1 3 TOTAL FIRE 80 2 2 3 -1 18 1 -3 18 9 21 1 1 1 1 3 79 -1 -- PRINC BUtlDlNG INSPECTOR 1 1 BUILDING INSPECTOR I1 5 5 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER II 0 1 1 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER I 2 1 -1 BUILDING TECHNICLAN ll 1 1 WORD PROCESSOR II 0 1 1 I- PERMIT CLERK 2 1 -1 TOTAL BUILDING INSPECTION 11 11 0 u COMMUNITY DEVEL DIRECTOR 1 1 SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST MUNICIPAL PROJECT MANAGER SECRETARY II 1 1 1 1 1 1 RECEPTIONIST/CASHIER 1 1 TOTAL COMM DEV ADMINIST 5 5 0 GEOGRAPHIC INFO SYSTEM COORD 1 1 TOTAL GEOGRAPHIC INFOAMATION 1 1 0 CITY ENGINEER 1 1 ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER TRAFFIC ENGINEER PRINCIPALCIVIL ENGINEER PRINCIPALCONSTRUCTON INSPECTOR SR CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR SR ENGINEERING INSPECTOFWD CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR II ASSOCIATE ENGINEER ASSISTANT ENGINEER ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN II SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT SECRETARY II ' 1 1 4 1 2 2 4 9.5 2 6 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 2 4 2 6 1 1 1 10 0.5 WORD PROCESS OPERATOR II 4 4 TOTALADMlNlSTRATlON 40.5 41 0.5 e 0 CllYOF CARLSBAD PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1993-94 AND 1994-95 BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFCATION REQUEST OVER 1993-94 (UNDER) NUMBER 1994-95 1993-94 ALLOCATED BUDGET ALLOCATED SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER 0.5 0 TOTAL GROWTH MANAGEMENT -0.5 1.5 1 -0.5 .:.. Zff.#&<.:.w.,:w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. ,. . I . . . . . . . . . .,...... ,._, :.:.:~~.:.:.:~~.:~.:.:~ . . ............................................... . , ,,,,, ,, , ,, , , ,.~~,~~::.~.~;~::~~~~~~;~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I.. ' . PU\NNlN- 1 1 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST PRINCIPAL PLANNER SENIOR PLANNER ASSOCIATE PLANNER ASSISTANT PLANNER PLANNING TECHNICIAN I PLANNING TECHNICIAN ll GRAPHIC TECHNICIAN SECRETARY II . 1 1 2 4 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 5 2 1 1 1 1 -< WORD PROCESS OPERATOR II 3 3 TOTAL PLANNING 23 23 0 I. LIBRARY DIRECTOR 1 1 ASSISTANT LIBRARY DIRECTOR 1 1 MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 GRAPHIC ARTIST 1 1 ACCOUNTCLERK II 1 1 SENIOR CIRCULATION SUPERVISOR 1 1 LIBRARY ASSISTANT II 8 8 LIBRAW ASSISTANT I 3.5 3.5 SENIOR LIBRARIAN 6 6 LIBRARIAN II 5 4 LIBRARIAN I 0 1 MEDIA SERVICES MANAGER 1 1 CLERK TYPIST II 1 1 LIBRARY SERVICES SPECIALIST 1 1 TOTAL LIBRARY 32.5 32.5 0 -1 1 ARTS MANAGER 1 1 COMMUNITY ARTS COORDINATOR 1 1 SECRETAFW II 1 1 TOTAL CULTUWU. ARTS 3 3 0 0 0 CI'TYOF CARLSBAD PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1993-94 AND 1994-95 BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION REQUEST OVER 1993-94 (UNDER) NUMBER 1994-95 1993-94 ALLOCATED BUDGET ALLOCATED ADMINISTRATION COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR UTILITIES/MAINTENANCE DIRECTOR ASSISTANT UTILITIES/MAINTENANCE DIR MANAGER OF RESEARCH &ANALYSIS SPECIAL PROJECTS MANAGER SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST PARK DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR SECRETARY II SECRETARY I 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 2 1 1 1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 1 1 1 1 2 1 CLERK TYPIST II 2 2 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 11 9 -2 PARK MAINTENANCE PARK SUPERINTENDENT PARK SUPERVISOR PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER 111 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER II 1 1 1 1 5 5 10.75 10.75 -A I. PARK MAINTENANCE SPECIALIST 1 1 TOTAL PARK MAINTENANCE 18.75 18.75 0 TREE MAINTENANCE PARK SUPERVISOR TREE TRIMMER LEADWORKER 0.5 0.5 2 2 TREE TRIMMER II 3 3 TOTAL TREE MAINTENANCE 5.5 5.5 0 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE PARK SUPERVISOR 0.5 0.5 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER 11 1 1 TOTAL MEDIAN MAINTENANCE 1.5 1.5 0 RECREATION CLERK TYPIST RECREATION SPECIALIST I RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT RECREATION SUPERVISOR II RECREATION SUPERVISOR I INSTRUCTDNAL CLASS COORDINATOR ADULT SPORTS COORDINATDN YOUTH SPORTS/SPECIAL NEWS COORD AQUATlC SUPERVISOR POOL COORDINATOR TOTAL RECREATION 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 2 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 1 1 0.75 0.75 14 14 0 SENIOR PROGRAM SENIOR COORDINATOR SECRETARY I 1 1 1 1 SITE MANAGER 1 1 TOTAL SENIOR PROGRAM 3 3 0 a e CINOF CARLSBAD PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1993-94 AND 1994-95 BY DEPARTMENT AND CIASSIFCATION REQUEST OVER NUMBER 1994-95 1993-94 * 1993-94 (UNDER) ALLOCATED BUDGET ALLOCATED STREET MAINTENANCE STREET MAINTENANCE SUPT 1 1 STREET MAINTENANCE SUPERV STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER 111 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER II 2 2 6 6 11 11 MAINTENANCE WORKER I TOTAL STREJ3 MAINTENANGE 2; zi 0 STREET LIGHTING ELECT OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT SUPERVISOR ELECTRICIAN II ELECTRICIAN I 1 0 0 1 1 2 1 0 -1 1' 1 -1 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN II 1 1 TOTAL STREET LIGHTING 4 4 0 -* BUILDING MAINTENANCE BUILDING MAINT SUPT 1 1 BUILDING MAIM SUPERV 1 1 SENIOR BUILDING MAlNT WORKER 1 1 BUILDING MAINTWORKER II 2 2 CUSTODIAN II 1 1 CUSTODIAN 9 9 TOTAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE 15 15 0 I. SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT ANALYST 0.75 0.75 TOTAL SOLID WASTE 0.75 0.75 0 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FLEET SUPERINTENDENT 1 1 EQUIPMENT MECHANIC SUPERVISOR 1 1 EQUIPMENT MECHANIC II 3 3 ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN 0 1 1 ACCOUNT CLERK II 1 0 -1 TOTAL VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 6 6 0 TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES 102.5 100.5 -2 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY HOUSINO & REDEVELOPMENT DIR SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST MANAGEMENT ANALYST HOUSING PROGRAM MANAGER HOUSING SPECIALIST I SECRETARY II SECRETARY I CLERK TYPIST II TOTAL HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CLERK TYPIST II 1 1 TOTAL HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT 10 10 0 1 1 10 10 0 0 0 CITYOF CARLSBAD PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1993-94 AND 1994-95 BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION * 1993-94 NUMBER ALLOCATED '@&q&&Q Mip& mJy& - d$:z: L? ..,,...,,. >,,* ,..,.,,.,,.,, *..,a ,.... 1:: ,,,,,~,,~,,, u,., , , . ,, ., , , , .,,, , , ., , .,W.YL.Y;J i.'.'.'i.'.~.~.'i.., WATER OPERATIONS GENERAL MANAGER 1 DISTRICT ENGINEER 1 ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER 1 OPERATIONS SUPERINTENDENT 1 WATER MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR 2 MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 ASSOCRTE ENGINEER 3 CONSTRUCTK)N/MAINT SUPERVISOR 1 CONSTRUCTION/MAINT WORKER II 1 ENGINEERING OFFICE ASSISTANT II 1 OPERATIONS OFFICE ASSISTANT ll 1 ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR 1 ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN 1 ACCOUNT CLERK I 1 ACCOUNT CLERK II 1 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN 111 1 ENGINEERING SECRETARY 1 EQUIPMENTOPERATOR 1 FACILITY MAIM LEADWORKER 1 METER SERVICES WORKER I 2 METER SERVICES WORKER II 2 METER SERVICES WORKER 111 1 CROSS CONNECTION CONTROLTECH 1 RECEPTIONIST 1 RECEPTIONIST/CASHIER 1 SECRETARY II 1 SERVICE COORDINATOR 1 SR CONSTRUCTION/MAINT WORKER 1 SR SYSTEMS OPERATOR 1 STOREKEEPER 1 WATER CONSERVATION SPECIALIST 1 SYSTEMS OPERATOR II 4 VALVE TECHNICIAN 1 SR VALVE TECHNICIAN 1 TOTAL CMWD ADMINISTRATION 44 CONSTRUCTDN/MAINT WORKER I 2 1994-95 BUDGET 1 1 1 1 2 1. 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 .1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 43 REQUEST OVER (UNDER) 1993-94 ALLOCATED " I- -1 -1 RECLAIMED WATER ENGINEEWNG TECHNICIAN II 1 1 TOTAL CMWD - RECLAIMED WATER 1 1 0 e e CITYOF CARLSBAD PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1993-94 AND 1994-95 BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION REQUEST OVER 1993-94 (UNDER) NUMBER 1994-95 1993-94 ALLOCATED BUDGET ALLOCATED SANITATION MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT 1 1 SANITATION SUPERVISOR METER READEWREPAIRER II METER SERVICE WORKER II UTILITY MAIM WORKER II UTILITY MAIM WORKER 111 UTILITY SYSTEM OPERATOR II unm SYSTEM OPERATOR HI 1 1 0 0 2 2 0 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 RECEPTIONIST/CASHIER 0 1 1 TOTAL CMWD - SANITATION 11 12 1 TOTAL CMWD 56 56 0 523.75 -3 -I I- ~~~~~~-~.~~~~~~~ - # PURCHASING 0.50 0.50 0.00 HUMAN RESOURCES RISK MANAGEMENT ENGINEERING LIBRARY PARWREUMEDIAN MAINT RECREATION/AQUATICS SENIORS 0.00 0.07. 0.07 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.25 1 .00 0.75 35.41 34.71 -0.70 2.90 3.00 0.1 0 29.61 28.31 -1.30 5.25 5.25 0.00 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 0.00 0.30 0.30 * NOTE: 1993-94 allocated personnel have been restated to reflect the newly created trhee-quarter time position. 0 e 1994-95 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Introduction The City of Carlsbad Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is a planning document whic incorporates the current budget for capital projects with future planned revenues ar expenditures. The 1994-95 Capital Improvement Program totals $51 million, an increa! of $25 million over the 1993-94 adopted budget of $26.4 million. Projected revenues f the i994-95 program total $40.9 million and are up by $28.1 million .from the 1993-! estimates. The increase is due primarily to funds the City will receive from the Port of LC Angeles for the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project. Weak economic conditions continue to prevail and are most evident in revenuc generated by the construction industry. Current year revenues collected as the result new residential and commercial/industriaI development are nearly identical to 1993-1 projections. In the 1994-95 budget, projects continue to be built in phases over sevel years while some are deferred to future years. This report and the accompanying C documents reflect the actions taken to address the issue of funding availability weight against the demand for facilities, and the City’s ability to assume operational costs f new facilities. As the City continues to monitor growth in conjunction with revenues, the correlatic between the amount of funds that can be spent on projects and the amount of grow has become apparent. If development subsides, revenues also decline. Lower revenul in turn impact project schedules which were established using the growth manageme standards as guidelines. Again this year, pending development projects were evaluatt to determine what revenues might be generated for the capital budget. Interwoven in this formula are fiscal constraints which have become important to the scheduling projects. Previously, the City chose to build facilities to meet maximum populatic expectations. The philosophy has shifted to one where phasing of projects will mo closely match the incremental growth demands while still meeting the growth manag ment standards. Further, in cases where facility availability fails to meet grow management standards, developers may be required to finance design and constructic costs. The growth management system used by the City needs to be viewed wi flexibility, as well as other external issues, including the general economy. Revenue Revenues for Capital Projects from now until buildout total $502 million and may I segregated into three major categories: 1) fees generated by development in Carlsba 2) Community Facilities District special taxes, and 3) other sources including grants, bo1 issues, depreciation replacement reserves, and letters of credit, The pie chart on tl following page provides an overview of the estimated revenues which are projected support the CIP projects. 0 0 FUNDING SOURCES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994-95 TO BUILDOUT TRANSNET REPLACEMENT PUBLIC FACILITY $56.3 11% $49.9 10% SWER $23.3 5% TWFFIC IMPACT $55.9 1 1% FEE Tot81 Revenues = $502.2 Million Approximately 44% of all CIP revenues are received as a result of development, and E dependent upon assumptions made about the City’s growth in dwelling units a commercial/industrial square feet each year. These revenues include the Public ,Faciliti Fee (PFF), Traffic Impact Fee (TIF), Park-In-Lieu (PIL), Planned Local Drainage (PL Fees, Water Major Facility Fees, and Sewer Connection revenues. Community Faciliti District revenues occupy 24% of the total with resources coming in as a result of projc scheduling and development in the City. The remaining 32% of revenues are related the receipt of grants, the County sales tax program (Transnet), San Diego Gas & Eled funding, sewer and water replacement funds, and other miscellaneous sources. Growth AssumDtions Several assumptions about the rate and type of growth were made in order to project 1 revenues which rely upon development. Growth assumptions were compiled using i projections used in the Growth Management Program, which continue to change alo with the economic climate. Residential and non-residential development information w : compiled by the Planning and Engineering Departments, while the Finance Departmc overlaid the economic forecast. This year residential and non-residential growth projections have been reduced frc earlier estimates to refled the rate of growth anticipated in a weak economy. T following table shows the number of residential units used for projecting the 1994-95 C revenues. The total number of residential units projected at buildout is 54,000, H approximately 25,000 remaining to be built from this point forward. Projections for squ: feet of non-residential construction are also listed in the table on the following page. 0 e r 1994 - 95 CIP Growth Assumptions Residential Non-Residential Year Units Sa. Feet 04-95 509 434,000 98-99 443 250,000 97-98 242 250 ,OOO 96-97 198 140,OOO 95 - 96 I30 130,OOO Years 5 - 10 * Total Future 752 682,000 Years 11 - 2030 702 531,000 24,584 21,591,000 * Figures shown reflect averages for these time periods. The line chart below further demonstrates the growth and development patterns wh have occurred and are projected for Carlsbad. As can be seen, the development ra fell dramatically in 1987-88, due to the implementation of the Growth Management P and have continued to decline since that point. Permits issued for fiscal year 1993. total 168 residential units through June I. Conservative growth estimates project I residential units in 1994-95. RATE OF RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT Permits Issued UNITS 2500 ............ YEARS 1 TO 5 OF CIP' ' ................ .............................. ............ 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 98 FISCAL YEAR .- DWELLING UNITS Revenue projections for developing fees were made using the growth assumptio identified on the previous page and show similar weaknesses. This continues to res in changes to project scheduling that occur as development remains low. Calculation of Future Fees The mix of attached and detached residential units is assumed to be 25% and 7: respectively. This is a change from the ratio applied in the past and reflects t 0 0 anticipated mix of residential development shown in current plans for each Local Facilitil Management Zone. The building permit valuation used for computing public facilities fe was $89,500 per attached dwelling unit, and $153,000 per detached dwelling unit. TI mix of commercial and industrial is assumed to be 40% and 60% respectively, with f commercial category including office development. A blended building permit valuatil of $38 per square foot of construction was used to calculate non-residential puk facilities fees, In order to calculate estimated revenues for the Traffic Impact Fee (TIF), the number average daily trips was computed for each type of use. An attached dwelling unit w assigned eight trips per day, and a detached unit ten trips per day, based on data us in developing the TIF. Each residential trip was valued at the current TIF fee of $83. TI trips-per-day value for. commercial/industrial was averaged at 17 trips per 1,000 squz feet of development. The volume of trips generated by commercial/industriaI develo ment can vary widely depending on the ultimate land use. The value of each cornrnt cial/industrial trip was established at the current TIF fee of $33. This is the fourth year that the Community Facilities District No. 1 (CFD No. 1) fundi1 mechanism has been incorporated into the CIP. The implementation of CFD No. 1 1991 has reduced the total amount of PFF and TIF revenues projected, as some projec previously funded from these sources will now be funded through the CFD. A secor Community Facilities District to fund Rancho Santa Fe and Olivenhain Roads is includc in the 1994-95 CIP. CFD No. 2 has not yet been formally established, however an interi fee program is in place. Expenditures The 1994-95 to, buildout CIP outlines approximately 160 future projects at- a total cost over $500 million. The pie chart shown on the following page indicates that the large segment of expenditures is for street expenditures at $120.7 million or 24% of the tot: Included are the construction and widening of arterials and roadways as well as tk widening of some existing streets. Examples include the widening of La Costa Avenu Rancho Santa Fe and Olivenhain roads, and reconstruction of the south-bound Carlsbz Boulevard bridge over the Batiquitos Lagoon. Interchange improvements at Poinsetl Boulevard and La Costa Avenue totaling $1 3.5 million are scheduled for the next fol years. The second largest category is for parks at $99 million or 20% of the total planned capil expenditures. Park projects include development of acreage within all quadrants Carlsbad as well as Veteran’s Memorial Park. Major park projects include Poinsettia Par the Golf Course, Larwin Park, Alga Norte Park, and community parks in the Northwe: and Southwest Quadrants. 0 e CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Allocation 1994 -95 to Buildout PARKS LOAN 8 REPAYMENTS . $30.2 6% TRAFFIC SIGNALS 1-5 INTERCHANGES $135 3% WATE $49.7 10% $la 7 24% Total CIP to Bulldout = t500.8 Million Civic Projects represent the third highest level of expenditures at $85.7 million and incluc such projects as the South Carlsbad Library, new City Hall, and the Batiquitos Lagoc project. Sewer projects total $78.4 million and include the repayment of bonds for th expansion of the Encina Wastewater Facility, the construction of the Vista Carlsbad trun line, and parallel ocean outfall. Water projects total $49.7 million, 10% of the total, an include Maerkle Dam lining and cover, reclaimed and potable pipelines, and repaymer of debt for water projects. Interfund loans and scheduled repayments total $30 millio and include repayment of Alta Mira land purchase, Vista Carlsbad sewer trunk line, an( various water projects. The smallest expenditure category for projects is traffic sional$ at $3.4 million or 1 %. Specific timing and cost estimates for projects are identified in th table immediately following the narrative. Specific phasing of projects is reliant upon fund availability as well as efforts taken tc meet established growth management standards for facilities. Wherever recommendec project scheduling changes occurred, they were based upon a thorough review of thl Growth Management Plan, in unison with revenue projections. In, order to balance thc first five years of the CIP with projected revenues, selected park and street projects haw been phased and deferred. Altered projects were funded by either TIF, PFF, or CFD, anc expenditures are timed to match anticipated revenues. Following is a discussion of thosc projects and other issues. b South Carlsbad Library - Funding for the new library in south Carlsbad is availabk utilizing Community Facilities District No. 1 revenues. However, construction of the library is now postponed to 1996-97 due to inadequate operating fund projections for the next few years. The Cole library will be remodeled upon completion of the south Carlsbad library. b Golf Course - The City continues to explore feasible alternative sites for a municipal golf course. The previous site at Lake Calavera faced significant environmental constraints and is no longer under consideration as a golf course site. Funding the golf course continues, with $1.2 million general fund reserve payment scheduled for N 1994-95. 0 0 b Streets - Several major street projects were deferred in the 1994-95 CIP: Cann Road and Hidden Valley Road to Faraday moved from 1995-96 to 1999-20( design of Carlsbad Boulevard medians will begin but construction is deferred 1999-2004. Improvement of the El Camino Real medians moved from 1998-2C to 2004+. p Poinsettia Park - Funds for the first phase of Poinsettia Park were appropriated the 1992-93 CIP, however declining operating revenues delayed the proje Construction of phase I is now scheduled for mid-1995 with the remaining phas built in 1999+. The first phase of Poinsettia Park will include two ballfields, o soccer field, a tot lot, restroom facilities, and a parking lot. 1994-95 Proiects The 1994-95 CIP identifies 35 projects which are budgeted at $51 million. These projec are categorized as shown below. Appropriations of $32 million for on-going capii projects remaining unspent at the end of FY 1993-94 will be added to the new 1994-! CIP appropriations. A sum of $83 million will then comprise the 1994-95 total C appropriation. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994-95 PROJECTS BY MAJOR CATEGORY CIVIC (INCLUDES EATlQUlTOS LAGOON S30MlL) $309 61% 1-5 INTERCHANGES $18 4% TREET PROJECTS $53 10% QO SEwER 4% -OTHER WATER $19 4% $9 1 18% Tc4.l "06 CIP = $51 Yfllion Civic Proiects Civic projects occupy 61 % of the total 1994-95 expenditures at $30.9 million. The mos significant project scheduled for 1994-95 is the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement project This $30 million project includes dredging of the lagoon to achieve full tidal flushing anc the construction of nesting areas for various species of birds. The Port of Los Angele5 is funding the project as mitigation for recent. construction at the Los Angeles Port. Additional funding for the Financial Information System is also budgeted for 1994-95. Thc 0 0 System will replace and enhance existing software and computer equipment for citywic information processing. 1-5 lnterchanqes The interchange at Poinsettia and 1-5 is scheduled for a $1.8 million appropriation in 199 95 using Community Facilities District No. 1 funds, In 1995-96, an additions\ appropri, tion of $3 million for this project is planned, bringing the project total cost to $9.2 millio Street Proiects Street construction activities total $5.3 million, 10% of the total 1994-95 CIP. The large appropriation for a street project is for Rancho Santa Fe and Olivenhain Roads at $1. million, utilizing planned Community Facilities District No. 2 funds. As housing units ar built in this area, developers will fund the project which is scheduled for construction j phases. Other street appropriations include south-bound Carlsbad Boulevard bridge i Batiquitos Lagoon, design work for Cannon Road 1-5 to Faraday, and various street an sidewalk upgrades. .Also included are the San Diego Gas & Electric undergrounding ( utilities scheduled for next year. Parks, Traffic Signals, Loans The Other category in the pie chart includes park projects, traffic signals, and loan: Several existing parks received appropriations to bring the City into compliance with thr Americans with Disabilities Act. The Federal law requires City facilities, includin! playgrounds, to be accessible to all persons. The construction of ballfields at Aviar: Oaks School will also commence this year. One traffic signal, located at Alga Road and El Fuerte, is scheduled for construction ner year. Included in the other category is an interfund water loan for the D Reservoir an( Maerkle Dam projects. Water Proiects Water appropriations of $9.1 million comprise 18% of the 1994-95 CIP funding. Thc Maerkle Dam Lining project will receive its final scheduled appropriation with $7 million in funds. This project, in conjunction with the D Reservoir project which was funded lasl year, will need to be built through the issuance of bonds and interfund water loans. Sufficient funds are not available to complete these projects on a pay as you go basis, Sewer Proiects Sewer funding of $2 million reflects Carlsbad’s share of funding the Encina Wastewater Treatment Facility capital improvements, including funds to repay the debt for the Phase IV Expansion. Funding for sewer access hole rehabilitation and sewer line replacement programs are also included. 0 Unfunded Proiects The City has identified $1 1.7 million in projects for which there is currently no source funding. These projects are listed at the end of the Current and Future (1994-95 Buildout) Projects schedule. Several traffic signals were added this year as a result oft’ Traffic Signal Safety study. As funding becomes available, a project may move.into t, Capital Improvement Program. Summarv While many projects continue to be deferred due to lack of available funds, significa progress has been made on the traffic circulation projects started in 1992-93 and 199 94. The I-5/Palomar Airport road interchange was completed, as was the final phase Streetscape along Carlsbad Village Drive. The realignment and widening of Palom Airport Road east of El Camino Real is scheduled for completion in late 1994. Review of the CIP finds that all projects identified in the 1993-94 CIP continue to t: ..included in: ,4994-95.. For the past few years, there have been some significant projet scheduling changes as the effects of the slow economy are felt on Carlsbad’s revenli stream. Lack of funds has caused the City to rethink how it can accomplish its capitl projects. Generally the philosophy has been to build quality capital facilities which me€ and at times exceed, growth management standards whenever economically beneficia This philosophy worked when growth and related revenues were substantial. Practice such as phasing projects over a period of years, and timing projects when funds ar available, have now been implemented. The City will continue to provide quality capit1 facilities which meet the needs of Carlsbad’s citizens. The 1994-95 CIP reflects thes approaches. 0 0 GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN The Growth Management Plan was developed and voted into law by the citizens Carlsbad in 1986. The plan was established in an effort to regulate development witt the City by linking residential, commercial, and industrial. development directly to t standards for the availability of public services and facilities. Standards for facilities : applied within the City as a whole, within the City's four quadrants, and in the Cit twenty-five community or growth management zones. The Growth Management Plan has established precise standards, as adopted by the C Council for eleven public facilities. Standards must be met at all times as growth OCCL Facilities for which standards have been established are as follows: - City Administrative - Wastewater Treatment - Circulation - Fire - Water Distribution - Schools - Library - Parks - Drainage - Open Space - Sewer Collection The Plan requires that appropriate public facilities be available, in conformance"with ' adopted performance standards, as development occurs. Unless each of the ele\ public facility standards have been met, no new development can occur. Previou: facilities were scheduled to meet maximum population expectations. Now projects phased to more closely match incremental growth demands. The Growth Management Program impacts both the Operating Budget and the Cap Improvement Program. As the Program was being developed, very little construct occurred which resulted in reductions in both operating and capital development rela revenues. Revenues can be expected to recover as standards are met and reasona levels of development begin to occur. The Growth Management Plan directly affects Operating and Capital Budgets by requiring the .construction of facilities to m standards and the subsequent operation of those facilities. Facilities such as commul centers, parks, and fire stations have been constructed under this program. The Capital Improvement Program has been designed to specifically address arc where facilities do not comply with the adopted performance standards. With adoption of the 1994-95 CIP, compliance with the Growth Management Plan is assur 0 0 CALIFORNIA ASSEMBLY BILL 1600 (AB 1600) In 1987'the California Legislature passed Assembly Bill 1600 (AB 1600) which set far the process a city or county must follow to establish developer fees to finance pub facilities. This legislation applies to fees established, increased, or imposed on or aft January I, I 989, the effective date of the law. AB 1600 contains four general requir ments: b A "nexus" or connection must be established between a development project class of project and the public improvement being financed with the fee. All I 1600 fees adopted by the City have met the nexus test. For example, Traf Impact, Bridge and Thoroughfare District and Drainage Sewer Benefit Area Fe were all established under AB 1600. b The fee must be segregated from the General Fund. Carlsbad segregates capital funds not only from the General Fund but each classification of fee as wc b Fees collected by a city or county must be spent or committed to a project witl a five year period. Funds are viewed to be committed if they are programmed be spent on a specific project(s). If the money is not spent, findings must made describing the continuing need for that money each fiscal year after the fi years has expired. The City of Carlsbad commits the revenues from these fe through its Capital Improvement Program budget. This budget, which is adopt by the City Council, sets forth the City's Capital expenditure program from t current year to projected build out of the City. The expenditure plan is updat annually as part of the City's budget process. b Refunds must be made only if the City cannot make the required findings. At tl time no refunds are due because the City's Capital Improvement Program comrr all AB 1600 fees to projects to be constructed both in the current year and in 1 future. L CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 CAPITAL FUNDS PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FY 1993-94 JULY 1,1993 UNRESERVED FUND BALANCE GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 2,885,102 PUBLIC ART 308,821 GOLF COURSE 1,9 1 2,703 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 8,866,809 ZONE 5 PARK FEE 1,622,130 PILAREA 1 NW 1,633,746 PIL AREA 2 NE 477,989 PIL AREA 3 SW 193,720 PI1 AREA 4 SE 703,097 LElTERS OF CREDIT 0 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 2,688,447 TRANSNET/LOCAL 424,284 TRANSNET/HIGHWAY 1,369,822 TRANSNET/BIKE (27,162) TRANSNET/STP 0 TDA 126,299 STATE GRANTS 14,988 COUNTYGRANTS' 1,031,449 ENCINA/NO CO TRANSIT 0 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 1,726,946 CFD #1 8,009,872 CFD #2 0 CDBG 0 FEDERAL GRANTS 0 SDGE 0 PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN'G 2,887,256 SEWER BONDS 0 SWER CONNECTION I 1 ,I 77,719 SEWER REPLACEMENT 3,098,500 WATER - RECLAIMED WATER (506,314) WATER - MAJOR FACILITY 5,936,929 WATER - REPLACEMENT 8,596,527 REDEV-LOW & MOD 0 TAX INCREMENT BOND 2,742,254 BATlQUlTOS LAGOON 0 OTHER 2,005,678 [TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS 69,907,611 ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED CAPITAL DEBT SERVICE REVENUES EXPENDITURES &OTHER 891,450 563,011 0 20,000 1 18,000 0 100,000 25,785 0 900,000 961,793 0 50,000 0 0 55,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 15,000 0 0 0 0 0 225,000 772,031 0 130,000 21,668 0 15,000 592,252 0 371,000 343,337 0 167,000 0 0 480,000 387,302 0 985,300 914,495 0 195,000 399,773 0 622,000 78,716 0 25,000 158,498 0 2,600,000 1,663,379 1 28,000 1,490,500 84,314 0 1,500,000 1,011,391 0 0 9,100 0 0 0 0 290,000 0 0 0 0 0 605,000 61,632 I ,I 10,700 1,135,000 89,066 0 515,000 1,562,639 0 750,000 1 , 1 99,679 1,284,100 2,720,000 1,801,335 244,590 2,540,700 1,199,592 0 2,430,000 2,198,121 0 0 0 0 0 1,153,305 0 21,837,950 17,370,214 2,767,390 JUNE 30, FUND PROJEC TRANSFERS BALAN 293,550 3,5c 0 21 0 1 ,9z 0 8,8( 0 1,6i 0 1,6t 0 4t 0 l! 0 71 0 0 2,11 0 5: 0 7s 0 0 1t 0 2: 0 z 0 8: 0 51 0 13s 0 8,8' 0 1,4( 0 4z 0 0 0 3,li 0 0 10,6. 0 4,11 1,225,000 (3: 0 4,2( (1,225,000) 8,Ok 0 1,31 (549,000) 2,4: 0 0 8: (255,450) 71,3! ' CITY OF CARLSBAD @ CAPITAL FUNDS PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FY 1994-95 JULY 1,1994 PROJECTED FUND BALANCE GENERAL CAPITAL CONST 3,507,091 PUBLIC ART 21 0,821 GOLF COURSE 1,986,918 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 8,805,016 ZONE 5 PARK FEE I ,672,130 PlLAREA1 NW 1,688,746 PILAREA 2 NE 487,989 PIL AREA 3 SW 198,720 PIL AREA 4 SE 718,097 LElTERS OF CREDIT 0 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 2,141,416 TRANSNET/LOCAL 532,616 TRANSNET/HIGHWAY 792,570 TRANSNET/BIKE 50 1 TRANSNET/STP 167,000 TDA 21 8,997 STATE GRANTS 85,793 COUNTY GRANTS 826,676 ENCIWNO CO TRANSIT 543,284 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 1,593,448 CFD #1 8,818,493 CFD &2 I ,406,186 CDBG 488,609 FEDERAL GRANTS (911 00) SDGE 0 PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN'G 3,177,256 SEWER BONDS 0 SEWER CONNECTION 10,610,387 SEWER REPLACEMENT 4,144,434 WATER-RECLAIM WATER (328,953) WATER - MAJOR FACILITY 4,203,150 WATER - REPLACEMENT 8,045,602 REDEV-LOW &MOD 1,341,108 TAX INCREMENT BOND 2,425,133 BATlQUlTOS LAGOON 0 OTHER 852,373 [ TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS 71,352,507 1SS3 - 94 ESTIMATED CONTINUING REVENUES APPROPRIATION 0 2,989,354 5,005 121,220 0 467,647 414,387 5,359,262 52,000 0 9,630 0 0 0 66,413 0 17,903 0 0 0 104,417 1,576,119 700,000 1,105,249 300,000 1,061,910 0 0 0 0 178,000 336,398 193,416 254,642 182,326 0 207,000 543,284 0 1,384,865 3,107,000 2,837,265 885,000 147,306 0 485,874 2,200,000 189,848 900,000 0 26,031 21 9,959 0 0 1 79,934 275,625 1,100,000 222,883 1,885,000 1,384,078 5,118,773 4,680,484 2,050,000 2,830,512 0 800,408 0 2,188,001 30,000,000 0 17,000 852,373 49,899,235 32,314,566 NEW APPROP. 500,450 0 0 535,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 344,000 1 20,000 0 0 0 60,000 0 0 207,000 0 1,833,000 1,500,380 0 2,000,000 900,000 0 0 1,477,410 557,000 0 4,595,297 6,005,700 0 0 30,000,000 337,000 50,972,237 1994 - 95 (1) JU APPROPR. TRANSFERS 1 3,489,804 0 121,220 0 467,647 1,200,000 5,894,262 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,920,119 0 1,225,249 0 1,061,910 0 0 0 0 0 396,398 0 254,642 0 0 0 750,284 0 1,384,865 0 4,670,265 0 1,647,686 0 485,874 0 2,189,848 0 900,000 0 21 9,959 0 0 0 1,753,035 0 779,883 0 1,384,078 0 9,275,781 0 8,836,212 0 800,408 0 2,188,001 0 30,000,000 0 1 ,I 89,373 320,000 83,286,803 1,520,000 TOTAL C I P FUND Pf (1) 1994-95 NEW CIP APPROPRIATIONS PLUS 1993-94 CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS. @ CITY OF CARLSBAD @ CAPITAL FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1994-95 1991 -92 1992-93 1993-94 (1) 1994-95 (1) FUND GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5 PARK FEE PILAREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL ARE4 3 SW PIL ARE4 4 SE LElTERS OF CREDIT TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNET/LOCAL TRANSNET/HIGHWAY TRANSNET/BIKE TRANSNET/STP TDA STATE GRANTS COUNTYGRANTS ENCINNNO CO TRANSIT ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS CFD #1 CFD #2 CDBG FEDERAL GRANTS SDGE PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN'G SEWER BONDS SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER - RECLAIMED WATER WATER - MAJOR FACILITY WATER - REPLACEMENT REDEV-LOW & MOD TAX 1NCREMENT BOND BATlQUlTOS LAGOON ACTUAL REVENUES 264,651 17,108 60,537 81 1,215 62,279 251,782 41,408 43,970 188,020 0 382,443 42,737 1,172,549 0 0 26,578 267,615 208,370 0 1,000,011 . 2,753,788 0 313,479 0 0 670,163 0 1,011,319 0 0 989,437 1,840,177 53,512 138,070 0 ACTUAL REVENUES 374,271 16,999 643,566 885,943 25,820 47,247 37,559 75,016 90,736 0 244,478 42,844 2,257,794 0 0 37,073 85,690 217,138 0 160,985 2,993,587 0 122,924 0 0 164,536 0 918,603 0 0 1,025,568 2,345,586 0 84,974 0 ESTIMATED REVENUE 1,185,000 20,000 1 00,000 900,000 50,000 55,000 10,000 5,000 15,000 0 225,000 130,000 15,000 371,000 167,000 480,000 985,300 195,000 622,000 25,000 2,600,000 1,490,500 1,500,000 0 0 290,000 0 605,000 1,135,000 1,740,000 750,000 1,495,000 2,540,700 1,881,000 0 ESTIMATED REVENUE 0 5,005 1,200,000 414,387 52,000 9,630 0 66,413 17,903 0 104,417 700,000 300,000 0 0 178,000 193,416 182,326 207,000 0 3,107,000 885,000 0 2,200,000 900,000 26,031 0 179,934 1,100,000 1,885,000 5,118,773 2,050,000 0 0 30,000,000 OTHER 0 0 0 337,000 I TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS 12,611,218 12,898,937 21,582,500 51,419,235 I (1) INCLUDES INTERFUND LOANS OR TRANSFERS. @ CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 CAPITAL FUNDS DETAIL REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR FY 1994-95 - DEVELOPER FUND OR LOAN OR ' DEPRECIATION FUND FEES TAXES GRANTS OTHER BOND ISSUE TRANSFER GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5 PARK FEE PILAREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PILAREA 3 SW PILAREA 4 SE LE'ITERS OF CREDIT 414,387 52,000 9,630 0 66,413 17,903 0 5,005 1,200,000 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 104.417 TRANSNET/LOCAL 700,000 TRANSNET/HIGHWAY 300,000 TRANSNET/BIKE TRANSNET/STP TDA 178,000 STATE GRANTS 193,416 COUNTY GRANTS 182,326 ENCINNNO CO TRANSIT 207,000 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS CFD #I 756,400 1,700,600 650,000 CFD #2 885,000 CDBG FEDERAL GRANTS 2,200,000 SDGE 900,000 PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN'G 26,031 SEWER BONDS SEWER CONNECTION 179,934 SEWER REPLACEMENT I ,100,000 WATER - RECLAIMED WATER 1,885,000 WATER - MAJOR FACILITY 41 8,773 4,700,000 WATER - REPLACEMENT 750,000 1,300,000 REDEV-LOW &MOD TAX INCREMENT BOND BATIQUITOS LAGOON 30,000,000 OTHER 17,000 320,000 [TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS 2,930,888 3,450,600 3,403,742 31,124,000 6,585,000 3,925,005 c ' CITY OF CARLSBAD (D CAPITAL FUNDS BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE * I991 - 1992 TO 1994- I995 FUND GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5 PARK FEE PIL AREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW PIL AREA 4 SE LElTERS OF CREDIT TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNEVLOCAL TRANSNET/HIGHWAY TRANSNET/BIKE TRANSNET/STP TDA STATE GRANTS COUNTY GRANTS ENCINA/NO CO TRANSIT ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS CFD #1 CFD #2 CDBG FEDERAL GRANTS SDG&E PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN'G SEWER BONDS SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER - RECLAIMED WATER WATER - MAJOR FACILITY WATER - REPLACEMENT REDEV-LOW &MOD TAX INCREMENT BOND BATIQUITOS LAGOON OTHER I TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS 1991 -92 ACTUAL 384,613 29,811 147,850 1,549,523 0 0 0 4,976 3,253 0 173,543 9,420 931,761 0 0 26,578 381,271 0 0 360,829 871,035 0 313,479 0 0 58,294 0 1,614,083 0 73,855 2,668,093 988,416 678,450 568,045 0 0 1 1,837,178 1992-93 ACTUAL 472,030 1 5,740 11,647 1,549,809 0 0 0 0 0 0 313,938 583,659 895,513 27,162 0 31,397 36,762 118 0 199,426 2,296,414 0 122,924 0 0 0 0 431,628 0 405,732 568,860 861,091 68,681 163,180 0 307,627 9,363,338 Ir 1993-94 1994-95 1994- 1993-94 (1) CONTINUING NEW TOTAL ESTIMATED 121,220 0 I: 1 18,000 2,989,354 500,450 3,41 563,011 APPROPR. APPROPR. APPROPF 25,785 467,647 0 4( 961,793 5,359,262 535,000 5,8! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 772,031 343,337 1,061,910 0 1 ,Of 592,252 1,105,249 120,000 1,2: 21,668 1,576,119 344,000 1,9: 0 0 0 0 0 387,302 336,398 60,000 3! 914,495 254,642 0 2: 399,773 0 0 78,716 543,284 207,000 7: 158,498 1,384,865 0 1,31 1,663,379 2,837,265 1,833,000 4,61 84,314 147,306 1,500,380 1,6~ I ,011,391 485,874 0 4t 9,100 0 21 9,959 0 2' 0 0 900,000 9f 0 189,848 2,000,000 2,11 0 0 61,632 89,066 275,625 1,477,410 1,7! 32,314,566 50,972.237 83,2E 17,370,214 852,373 337,000 1,1e 1,153,305 0 30,000,000 30,OC 0 2,188,001 0 2,l e 2,198,121 800,408 0 8C 1,199,592 2,830,512 6,005,700 8,8: 1,801,335 4,680,484 4,595,297 9,2 1 ,I 99,679 1,384,078 0 1,31 1,562,639 222,883 557,000 7; (1) 1993-94 ESTIMATED AMOUNT INCLUDES ACTUAL EXPENDITURES & ENCUMBRANCES. cn L ri, <W 5$ ga $E 52 ZO zg 2.d- k% 5: sz 3z 20 02 bs Ri G5 ar rll t-3 a+ na 0 @ @ q """""""""" 88 83- m 66 Tj -""""""""" 88 8 g 2i 88 r 0- g 8 2 z si q "-""""""""_ 8 8- 8 sr' r 8 d "? h r q """"" 8 9 8 83 - - - - - - - - g- g- h- : ? 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ZP! z~~~g~:<uoo64444u~ Si a ~&w5?&2,,,,,,,,,< ~""""""mm"", ~;&j$:fg9929999222;i aaoorSomEEEEEEEEFES? :YE z=zo om,%$ Zw-oaO9mms$aaaasn rrrrJg Wr~~"~w"saYYYmooooY= 0 gwrng-mQ~~%%%woooo IIIIIIIIII, $ si1 b n 3 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1'994 TO BUILDOUT ,IYEAR 1 1994-95 I BEGINNING FUND BAL 711 194 * REVENUE GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 517,737 0 PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5 PARK FEE PIL AREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PILAREA3 SW PIL AREA 4 SE LETTERS OF CREDIT TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNET/LOCAL TRANSNET/HIGHWAY TRANSNET/BIKE TRANSNET/STP TDA STATE GRANTS COUNTY GRANTS ENCINNNO CO TRANSIT ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS CFD #1 CFD #2 CDBG FEDERAL GRANTS SDG&E PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN'G SEWER BONDS SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER - RECLAIMED WATER WATER - MAJOR FACILITY WATER - REPLACEMENT TAX INCREMENT BOND BATIQUITOS LAGOON REDEV-LOW & MODERATE 89,601 1,519,271 3,445,754 1,672,130 1,688,746 487,989 198,720 718,097 0 565,297 (572,633) (269,340) 50 1 167,000 (1 17,401) (1 68,849) 826,676 0 208,583 5,981,228 1,258,880 2,735 (198,948) 0 2,957,297 0 10,334,762 3,921,551 (1,713,031) (477,334) 5.21 5,090 540,700 237,132 0 5,005 1,200,000 414,388 52,000 9,630 0 66,413 17,903 0 104,417 700,000 300,000 0 0 178,000 193,416 182,326 207,000 0 3,107,000 885,000 0 2,200,000 900,000 26,031 0 179,934 1,100,000 1,885,000 5,118,773 2,050,000 0 0 30,000,000 OTHER 0 337,000 TOTAL 39,037.941 51.41 9,235 EXPENDITURES ENDING 500,450 17,287 0 94,606 0 2,719,271 535,000 3,325 ,I 42 0 1,724,130 0 1,698,376 0 487,989 0 265,133 0 736,000 0 0 344,000 325,714 120,000 7,367 0 30,660 0 501 0 167,000 60,000 599 0 24,567 0 1,009,002 207,000 0 0 208,583 1,833,000 7,255,228 1,500,380 643,500 0 2,735 2,000,000 1,052 900,000 0 0 2,983,328 0 0 1,477,410 9,037,286 557,000 4,464,551 0 171,969 4,595,297 46,142 6,005,700 1,259,390 0 540,700 0 237,132 30,000,000 0 337,000 0 50.972,237 39,484.939 * BALANCE INCORPORATES $32.3 MILLION FOR 1993-94 CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS. ' CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1994 TO BUILDOUT ,lYEAR 2 1995-96 I BEGINNING FUND BAL 711 195 REVENUE EXPENDITURES ENDING GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 17,287 180,000 192,500 4,787 PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5 PARKFEE PI1 AREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW PI1 AREA 4 SE LElTERS OF CREDIT TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNETILOCAL TRANSNET/HIGHWAY TRANSNETIBIKE TRANSNETISTP TDA STATE GRANTS COUNTY GRANTS ENClNA/NO CO TRANSIT ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS CFD #1 CFD #2 CDBG FEDERAL GRANTS SDG&E PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN'G SEWER BONDS SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER - RECLAIMED WATER WATER - MAJOR FACILITY WATER - REPLACEMENT REDEV-LOW & MODERATE TAX INCREMENT BOND BATIQUITOS LAGOON 94,606 2,719,271 3,325,142 1,724,130 1,698,376 487,989 265,133 736,000 0 325,714 7,367 30,660 501 167,000 599 24,567 1,009,002 0 208,583 7,255,228 643,500 2,735 1,052 0 2,983,328 9,037,286 4,464,551 171,969 46,142 1,259,390 540,700 237,132 0 0 1,925 14,600,000 591,032 56,000 35,310 0 66,413 32,860 250,000 142,225 100,000 0 0. 0 0 0 191,442 0 0 3,110,000 1,180,000 0 0 700,000 59,664 0 250,256 1,100,000 0 1,590,187 2,050,000 0 0 0 0 14,000,000 705,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 9,000 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,913,000 1,642,000 0 0 700,000 1,000,000 0 1,237,700 587,000 0 1,581,081 1,944,016 0 0 0 96,531 3,319,271 3,211,174 1,780,130 1,733,6% 487,989 331,545 768,859 250,000 148,939 7,367 30,660 501 167,000 599 24,567 1,200,444 0 208,583 6,452,228 181,500 2,735 1,052 0 2,042,993 0 8,049,842 4,977,551 171,969 55,248 1,365,374 540,700 237,132 0 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 39,484.939 26,287.314 .27,921.297 37,850.955 @ CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAllABLE BALANCES 1994 TO BUILDOUT ]YEAR 3 1996-97 1 BEGINNING FUND BAL 7/1/96 REVENUE EXPENDITURES ENDING GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 4,787 630,000 1 20,000 514,787 PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5 PARK FEE PIL AREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW PIL AREA 4 SE LETTERS OF CREDIT TRAFFIC IMPACTFEE TRANSNET/LOCAL TRANSNETIHIGHWAY TRANSNETIBIKE TDA STATE GRANTS COUNTY GRANTS ENCINA/NO CO TRANSIT ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS ’, TRANSNET/STP CFD #1 CFD #2 CDBG FEDERAL GRANTS SDG&E PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN’G SEWER BONDS SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER - RECLAIMED WATER WATER - MAJOR FACILITY WATER - REPLACEMENT REDEV-LOW & MODERATE TAX INCREMENT BOND BATlQUlTOS LAGOON OTHER TOTAL 96,531 1,200 0 3,319,271 600,000 0 3,211,174 776,932 510,000 1,780,130 1 oo,oa, 0 1,733,686 57,780 0 487,989 0 0 331,545 66,413 0 768,859 32,860 0 250,000 2,000,000 250,000 148,939 203,649 44,000 7,367 300,000 300,000 30,660 470,000 500,000 50 1 0 0 167,000 0 0 599 0 0 24,567 0 0 1,200,444 201,014 0 0 0 0 208,583 0 0 6,452,228 1521 0,000 13,750,000 181,500 1,475,000 912,000 2,735 0 0 1,052 0 0 0 550,000 550,000 2,042,993 89,119 0 0 0 8 8,049,842 41 0,998 1,204,600 4,977,551 1,100,000 524,000 171,969 0 0 55,248 1,786,134 1,580,850 1,365,374 2,050,000 1,583,972 540,700 0 0 237,132 0 0 0 0 0 0 550,000 550,000 37,850,955 28,661,098 22,379,422 97,731 3,919,271 3,478,106 1,680 ,1 30 1,791,466 487,989 397,958 801,719 2,000,000 308,588 7,367 660 50 1 1 67,000 599 24,567 1,40 1,458 0 208,583 7,912,228 744,500 2,735 1,052 0 2,132,111 0 7,256,240 5,553,551 171,969 260,532 1,831,402 540,700 237,132 0 0 44.1 32.631 ' CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1994 TO BUILDOUT IYEAR 4 1997-98 I BEGINNING FUND BAL 711 /97 REVENUE EXPENDITURES GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 514,787 0 150,OOO PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5 PARK FEE PIL AREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW PIL AREA 4 SE LETERS OF CREDIT TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNET/LOCAL TRANSNETIHIGHWAY TRANSNETIBIKE TRANSNET/STP TDA STATE GRANTS COUNTY GRANTS ENClNA/NO CO TRANSIT ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS CFD #1 CFD #2 CDBG FEDERAL GRANTS SDG&E PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN'G SEWER BONDS SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER - RECLAIMED WATER WATER - MAJOR FACILITY WATER - REPLACEMENT REDN-LOW & MODERATE 97,731 3,919,271 3,478,106 1,880,130 1,791,466 397,958 801,719 2,000,000 308,588 7,367 660 501 167,000 487,989 599 24,567 1,401,458 0 208,583 7,912,228 744,500 2,735 1,052 0 2,132,111 0 7,256,240 5,553,551 171,969 260,532 1,831,402 540,700 1,500 600,000 1,289,996 106,575 86,670 723 88 161,700 46,200 375,000 2,317,254 2,310,000 0 0 0 0 0 21 1,065 0 0 3,850,000 1,770,000 0 0 350,000 234,100 0 675,423 1,100,000 0 2,882,034 2,050,000 0 0 0 2,477,000 0 0 0 281,000 0 2,375,000 2,054,000 2,310,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11,750,000 0 0 0 350,000 0 0 2,957,800 524,000 0 2,858,985 3,843,997 0 TAX INCREMENT BOND 237,132 0 0 BATIQUITOS LAGOON 0 0 0 OTHER 0 0 0 TOTAL 44,132,631 20.489,704 31,931,782 ENDING 364,787 99,231 4,519,271 2,291,102 1,986,705 1,878,136 560,177 278,658 847,919 0 571,842 7,367 660 501 167,000 599 24,567 1,612,523 0 208,583 12,228 2,514,500 2,735 1,052 0 2,366,211 0 4,973,863 6,129,551 171,969 283,581 37,405 540,700 237,132 0 0 32.690.553 CITY OF CARLSBAD e CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1994 TO BUILDOUT )YEAR 5 1998-99 1 BEGINNING FUND BAL 711 I98 REVENUE EXPENDITURES ENDING GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 364,787 0 150,000 21 4,787 PUBLIC ART 99,231 1,500 0 100,731 GOLF COURSE 4,519,271 0 0 4,519,271 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 2,291,102 1,584,594 1,795,000 2,080,695 ZONE 5 PARK FEE 1,986,705 181,683 0 2,168,388 PIL AREA 1 NW 1,878,136 128,400 0 2,006,536 PIL AREA 2 NE 560,177 72,188 0 632,364 PIL AREA 3 SW 278,658 199,238 0 477,895 PIL AREA 4 SE 847,919 46,200 0 894,119 LETTERS OF CREDIT 0 0 0 0 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 571,842 403,828 544,000 431,669 TRANSNETILOCAL 7,367 700,000 700,000 7,367 TRANSNETIHIGHWAY 660 0 0 660 TRANSNET/BIKE 50 1 0 0 50 1 TRANSNET/STP 167,000 0 0 167,000 TDA 599 0 0 599 STATE GRANTS 24,567 0 0 24,567 COUNTY GRANTS 1,612,523 221,618 0 1,834,141 ENCINNNO CO TRANSIT 0 0 0 0 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 208,583 0 0 208,583 CFD #1 12,228 5,395,000 0 5,407,228 CFD #2 2,514,500 2,183,000 0 4,697,500 CDBG 2,735 0 0 2,735 FEDERAL GRANTS 1,052 0 0 1,052 SDG&E 0 0 0 0 PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN’G 2,366,211 295,309 0 2,661,521 SEWER BONDS 0 0 0 0 SEWER CONNECTION 4,973,863 887,152 3,894,400 1,966,615 SEWER REPLACEMENT 6,129,551 1 ,100,000 524,000 6,705,551 WATER - RECLAIMED WATER 171,969 0 0 171,969 WATER - MAJOR FACILITY 283,581 2,794,656 2,078,477 999,760 WATER - REPLACEMENT 37,405 2,050,000 1,444,020 643,385 REDW-LOW & MODERATE 540,700 0 0 540,700 TAX INCREMENT BOND 237,132 0 0 237,132 BATlQUlTOS LAGOON 0 0 0 0 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 32,690,553 18,244.364 11.1 29,897 39.805.020 ' CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1994 TO BUILDOUT I YEAR 6- 10 1999-2004 FUND GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5 PARK FEE P IL AREA 1 NW BEGINNING BAL 711 I99 REVENUE EXPENDITURES ENDING 21 4,787 1,550,000 1,500,000 264,787 100,731 15,000 0 1 15,731 4,519,271 0 0 4,519,271 2,080,695 12,302,714 14,425,000 (41,591) 2,168,388 1,178,000 700,000 2,646,388 2,006,536 874,725 2,380,000 501,261 PIL AREA 2 NE 632,364 577,500 0 1,209,SW PIL AREA 3 SW 477,895 1,423,538 1,550,000 351,433 PIL AREA 4 SE 894,119 231,000 0 1,125,119 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 431,669 2,721,458 2,840,000 313,127 TRANSNETjLOCAL 7,367 6,300,000 6,300,000 7,367 TRANSNET/HIGHWAY 660 3,100,000 3,100,000 660 TRANSNETjBlKE 501 0 0 501 1 TRANSNETjSTP 167,000 0 0 167,000 TDA 599 0 0 599 STATE GRANTS 24,567 0 0 24,567 COUNTY GRANTS 1,834,141 696,015 2,242,500 287,656 ENCINNNO CO TRANSIT 0 0 0 0 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 208,583 0 0 208,583 CFD #1 5,407,228 39,600,000 43,400,000 1,607,228 ' CFD#2 4,697,500 20,466,000 15,032,000 10,131,500 CDBG 2,735 0 0 2,735 LETI-ERS OF CREDIT 0 0 0 0 FEDERAL GRANTS 1,052 0 0 1,052 SDG&E 0 0 0 0 PUNNED LOCAL DRAIN'G 2,661,521 2,216,496 3,500,000 1,378 ,O 17 SEWER BONDS 0 0 0 0 SEWER CONNECTION 1,966,615 9,530,222 1 1,458,200 38,637 SEWER REPLACEMENT 6,705,551 5,500,000 6,486,000 5,719,551 WATER - RECLAIMED WATER 171,969 0 0 171,969 WATER - MAJOR FACILITY 999,760 10,847,629 1 1,114,576 732,813 WATER - REPLACEMENT 643,385 7,500,000 1,713,681 6,429,704 REDEV-LOW & MODERATE 540,700 0 0 540,700 TAX INCREMENT BOND 237,132 0 0 237,132 BATlQUlTOS LAGOON 0 0 0 0 OTHER 0 5,400,000 5,400,000 0 TOTAL 39.805,020 132,030,296 133.141.957 38.693.359 ' CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1994 TO BUILDOUT 12004 + 1 BEGINNING FUND BAL 711 /2004 REVENUE EXPENDITURES ENDING GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 264,787 4,500,000 0 4,764,787 PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIG FAGILITIES FEE ZONE 5 PARK FEE PIL AREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW PIL AREA 4 SE LETTERS OF CREDIT TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNET/LOCAL TRANSNET/HIGHWAY TRANSNET/BIKE . ' TFLANSNETISTP TDA STATE GRANTS COUNTY GRANTS ENCINNNO CO TRANSIT ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS CFD #I CFD #2 CDBG FEDERAL GRANTS SDG&E PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN'G SEWER BONDS SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER - RECLAIMED WATER WATER - MAJOR FACILITY WATER - REPLACEMENT REDN-LOW & MODERATE TAX INCREMENT BOND BATlQUlTOS LAGOON OTHER TOTAL 1 15,731 4,519,271 (41,591) 2,646,388 501,261 1,209,864 351,433 1,1251 19 0 313,127 7,367 660 50 1 1 67,000 599 24,567 287,656 0 208,583 I ,Cb7,2B 10,131,500 2,735 1,052 0 1,378,017 0 38,637 5,719,551 171,969 732,813 6,429,704 540,700 237,132 0 0 38,693,359 0 0 39,314,080 7,825,194 5,309,340 5,017,031 9,068,194 1,782,916 1,687,500 17,449,141 4,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16,562,000 8,033,750 0 0 0 15,847,064 0 43,951,505 10,000,000 0 22,975,744 11,800,000 0 0 0 0 0 39,071,265 10,450,000 5,790,000 6,225,000 9,400,000 2,900,000 1,687,500 17,253,000 4,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17,500,000 17,339,000 0 0 0 16,225,000 0 43,576,196 9,860,000 0 19,745,007 2,162,644 0 0 0 0 0 225.1 23,458 223.1 84.61 2 1 15,731 4,519,271 201,224 21,581 20,601 1,895 19,626 8,035 0 509,268 7,367 660 50 1 1 67,000 599 24,567 287,656 0 208,583 669,228 826,250 2,735 1,052 0 1,000,081 0 413,946 5,859,551 171,969 3,963,550 16,067,060 540,700 237,132 0 0 40.632.206 CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1994 TO BUILDOUT GRAND TOTALS ALL YEAR BEGINNING TOTAL TOTAL FUND BALANCE REVENUE EXPENDITURES ENDING GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 517,737 6,860,000 2,612,950 4,764,787 PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5 PARK FEE PIL AREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW PIL AREA 4 SE LElTERS OF CREDIT TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNET/LOCAL TRANSNET/HIGHWAY TRANSNET/BIKE . ' .-TRANSNET/STP TDA STATE GRANTS COUNTY GRANTS ENCINA/NO CO TRANSIT ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS CFD #1 CFD #2 CDBG FEDERAL GRANTS SDG&E PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN'G SEWER BONDS SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER - RECLAIMED WATER WATER - MAJOR FACILITY WATER - REPLACEMENT REDEV-LOW & MODERATE 89,601 1,519,271 3,445,754 1,672,130 1,688,746 487,989 198,720 718,097 0 565,297 (572,633) (269,340) 501 167,000 (1 17,401) (1 68,849) 826,676 0 208,583 5,981,228 1,258,880 2,735 (198,948) 0 2,957,297 0 10,334,762 3,921,551 (1,713,031) 5,215,090 540,700 (477,334) 26,130 17,000,000 56,273,735 9,499,451 6,501,855' 5,738,906 11,051,906 2,189,938 4,312,500 23,341,971 14,410,000 3,870,000 0 0 178,000 193,416 1,703,480 207,000 0 86,834,000 35,992,750 0 2,200.,000 2,500,000 18,767,784 0 55,885,490 21,000,000 1,885,000 47,995,157 29,550,000 0 0 14,000,000 59,518,265 1 1,150,000 8,170,000 6,225,000 11,231,000 2,900,000 4,312,500 23,398,000 13,830,000 3,600,000 0 0 60,000 0 2,242,500 207,000 0 92,146,000 36,425,380 0 2,000,000 2,500,000 20,725,000 0 65,806,306 19,062,000 0 43,554,273 18,698,030 0 1 15,731 4,519,271 201,224 21,581 20,601 1,895 19,626 8,035 0 509,268 7,367 660 50 1 167,000 599 24,567 287,656 0 208,583 669,228 826,250 2,735 1,052 0 1,000,081 0 413,946 5,859,551 171,969 3,963,550 16,067,060 540,700 TAX INCREMENT BOND 237.1 32 0 0 237,132 BATIQUITOS LAGOON 0 30,000,000 30,000,000 0 OTHER 0 6,287,000 6,287,000 0 TOTAL 39,037,941 502,255.469 500,661,204 40,632.206 ,a 0 EXH CITY OF CARLSBAD PROPOSED FEE SCHEDULE DEVELOPMENT RELATED FEES JUNE 1994 Fee Description Additional Planning Inspections (first lnsp included in plan check fee) Adjustment Plat Administrative Variance - Single Family Administrative Variance - Other Appeal - Ci Council - Single Family Appeal - City Council - Other Appeal - Ci Council - Ci Engineer’s Decision Appeal - Planning Commission - Single Family Appeal - Planning Commission - Other Building Permit Fees (Based on state fee schedule) Bridge &Thoroughfare - per Single Family Unit (Outside CFD) Bridge &Thoroughfare - per Condominium Unit (Outside CFD) Bridge &Thoroughfare - per Apartment Unit (Outside CFD) Bridge &Thoroughfare - all other - per Avg. Daily Trip (Outside CFD) Certificate of Compliance Community Facilities District Annexation Construction Change Review - Minor Construction Change Review - Major Coastal Development Permit - Single Family Coastal Development Permit - Other CUP CUP - Amendment - Regular CUP - Amendment - Non-Profit CUP - Extension - Regular CUP - Extension - non-profit CUP - Non-Profit DayCare Permit DayCare Permit - Extension Design Review - Preliminary Review - Major Design Review - Preliminaty Review - Minor Duplicate Tracing Fees - Final Parcel Maps - per sheet Duplicate Tracing Fees - Final Tract Maps - per sheet Easement or Gffer to Dedicate or Improve EIA - All Others EIA - Single Family EIR - 1 through 4 Acres EIR - Bthrough 19 Acres EIR - 20 Acres and up EIR - Addendum EIR - Supplemental (Requiring a Public Hearing) Building Plan Check - 65% of Bldg Permit (Base + actual cost) Encroachment Permit (Before Installation) Encroachment Permit (After Installation) Engineering Variance - Minor Engineering Variance - Major Environmental Monitoring Fee Final Parcel Map (Minor Subdivision) Final Tract Map (Base fee + $5 per Acre) Fire Protection System Installation Fire Repeated Inspection on New Construction - ” - Total 1993-94 Note Fee cost 50 490 1,079 120 1,218 120 61 6 490 893 120 1,007 430 652 250 1,186 340 41 5 50 New (1). u - I I I I 234 480 500 600 51 4 433 2,700 934 934 631 631 2,700 1,238 500 500 300 30 30 200 1,088 1,321 6,221 4,924 12,290 500 10,237 Proposed Amt Fee Fe 50 340 250 430 120 490 120 120 490 530 424 31 8 22 230 0 150 300 150 400 2,500 935 80 400 55 I 120 125 55 275 55 30 30 200 220 220 2,210 2,210 5,510 275 10,235 1 3,081 2,124 50 100 85 160 150 1,580 2,760 40 - 530 424 31 8 22.00 230 480 1 150 300 150 400 2,500 935 80 400 55 120 125 55 275 55 30 30 200 220 220 2,210 2,210 5,510 275 10,235 50 100 85 160 150 1,580 2,760 40 - cc 0 Fee Description Fish & Game Fee - Negative Declaration Fish &Game Fee - EIR Future Improvement Agreements General Plan Amendment - 1 Acre or less General Plan Amendment - 1 to 5 Acres General Plan Amendment - 5 Acres and up Grading Permit Grading Plan Check Growth Management Fees - As established by Council Hiliside Dev Permit - Single Family Hillside Dev Permit - Other Hillside Dev Permit Amendment - Single Family Hillside Dev Permit Amendment - Other Improvement Agreement Extension Improvement Plan Review (Plan Check) lnclusionaty Housing Impact Fee (per unit) lnclusionary Housing In-Lieu Fee (per market rate unit) Information to Planning Commission - Single Family Information to Planning Commission - Other Inspection Overtime (On Request) I > -0:. Improvement Construction Inspection.Fee ., , . , Landscape Plan Check - Same as lmpvt Plan Check Landscape Inspection - Same, as lmpvt Construction lnsp Local Coastal Plan - Amendment - Major Local Coastal Plan - Amendment - Minor Master Plan (Sase Fee + $15 per Acre) Master Plan Pre Submit Master Plan Amendment (Minor) Master Plan Amendment (Major) (Base Fee + $10 per Acre) Monumentation (Cash deposit as required) Notice Fees - Based on Cost to Provide Notice Oversize Load Permit - 1 trip Oversize Load Permit - Annual Park In-Lieu Fees PD or Condo Revision - 4 or less PD or Condo Revision - 5 to 50 PD or Condo Revision - 51 or more PD Revision - Non-Res - 4 or less PD Revision - Non-Res - 5 to 50 PD Revision - Nan-Res - 51 or more PD or Condo - 4 or less PD or Condo - 5 to 50 PD or Condo - 51 or more PD - Non-Res - 4 or less PD-Non-Res-5to50 PD - Non-Res - 51 or more Permit Amendments Not Specifically Identified Planned Industrial Permit Planned Industrial Permit -Amendment Planning Commission Determination - Single Family Planning Commission Determination - Other 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD PROPOSED FEE SCHEDULE DEVELOPMENT RELATED FEES JUNE 1994 Note 0 0 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 ,(1) I 1,275 2,218 2,650 6,047 1,028 1,126 857 791 340 1,518 1,733 0 5,531 2,642 26,533 6,249 1993-94 Amt Fee Fee Fe 'Proposed 1,275 80 80 875 875 1,275 1,200 1,200 1,200 2,500 2,500 1,200 120 400 80 350 340 2,925 12,000 120 41 0 100 5,531 1,700 10,475 3,750 3,947 1,700 15,456 3,860 cost 15 60 (1 1 (3) 6,000 7,298 (3) 3,000 3,243 (3) 575 1,315 (3) 5,510 6,192 (3) 2,000 2,786 (3) 250 599 (3) 1,914 440 (3) 6,613 4,000 (3) 11,022 11,022 (3) 1,705 (5) 10,504 10,504 (3) 5,510 5,551 (3) 440 2,245 830 2,819 220 2,650 400 535 600 I 120 400 80 350 340 2,925 12,000 120 41 0 100 5,531 1,700 10,475 3,750 - 1,700 3,860 cost 15 60 250 2,000 5,510 575 3,000 6,000 440 4,000 11,022 440 5,510 10,504 600 400 220 830 0 0 - CITY OF CARLSBAD PROPOSED FEE SCHEDULE DEVELOPMENT RELATED FEES JUNE 1994 Fee Description Planned Development Final Map - Major (50 or less) Planned Development Final Map - Minor (4 or less) Planned Developemnt Final Map - Major (51 or more) Planned Local Drainage Fees Precise Development Plan Precise Development Plan - Amendment Preliminary Review - Minor Preliminary Plan Review (Single Family Exempt) Public Facilities Fees - 3.5% of Bldg Permit Value (Outside CFD) Public Facilities Fees - 1.82% of Bldg Permit Value (Inside CFD) Public Facilities Fees Agreement Quitclaim of Easement Reapportionment Fees for 191 1 Act Assessment Districts - (plus $50 per parcel) Redevelopment Permit (Minor) . h., ,tRedevelopment Permit (Major) Redevelopment Permit Amendment (Minor) .. I Note (1 1 1 Redevelopment Permit Amendment (Major) Research Time (By Written Request) - Per Hour Reversion to Acreage Right of Way Permit - Single Family Right of Way Permit - Municipal Projects paying insp fees Right of Way Permit - All other Non-Utili Right of Way Permit - Utili (By Contract) Satellite Antenna Permit School Fees - (Set by School Districts, State Mandates Limits) Segregation of Assessments - 2 to 3 parcels (9) Segregation of Assessments - 21 to 35 parcels (plus $1 15 per parcel over 20) (9) Segregation of Assessments - 11 to 20 parcels (plus $1 75 per parcel over IO) (9) Segregation of Assessments - 4 to 10 parcels (9) (9) Segregation of Assessments - 166 to 31 5 parcels (plus $20 per parcel over 165) (9) Segregation of Assessments - 116 to 165 parcels (plus $25 per parcel over 115) (9) Segregation of Assessments - 81 to 115 parcels (plus $35 per parcel over 80) (9) Segregation of Assessments - 56 to 80 parcels (plus $65 per parcel over 55) (9) Segregation of Assessments - 36 to 55 parcels (plus $85 per parcel over 35) (6) Segregation of Assessments - 316 to 500 parcels (plus $12 per parcel over 315) Special Use Permit Amendments - All Other Special Use Permit Amendment - Rood Plain Special Use Permit - Flood Plain, Coastal High Hazard Area Special Use Permit - Flood Plain Special Use Permit Site Development Plan Revision (Major) (2) Sie Development Plan Revision (Minor) Site Development Plan (Major) (2) Site Development Plan (Minor) Sign Program Sign Permit Sewer Lateral Installation (1 1 Sewer Benefit Area Fees Sewer Connection (9) Segregation of Assessments - 701 + parcels (plus $3.50 per parcel over 700) (9) Segregation of Assessments - 501 to 700 parcels (plus $6 per parcel over 500) (9) .(1)(4) Total 1993-94 cost Fee 209 893 25 70 1,108 70 3,899 1,700 2,499 1,100 388 230 250 120 50 80 356 1,400 5,603 150 1,838 450 280 388 50 1,384 800 a0 224 90 224 90 224 35 224 500 500 a0 97 40 2,550 3,480 3,480 5,230 6,955 8,655 10,280 11,505 12,755 7 5,755 17,975 19,175 1,767 2,500 32 2,500 1 75 561 30 5,992 2,775 9,215 5,530 4,162 475 6,727 1,150 1,283 280 1,073 1,150 -350 . 300 1,208 820 1,072 225 =F Proposed 70 I 1,700 1,100 230 120 1 50 280 450 150 1,400 80 800 80 500 35 90 90 40 2,550 3,480 3,480 5,230 6,955 8,655 10,280 11,505 12,755 15,755 17,975 19,175 1,806 2,500 30 175 2,775 5,530 475 1,150 280 1,150 300 820 225 0 0 4 - CITY OF CARLSBAD PROPOSED FEE SCHEDULE DEVELOPMENT RELATED FEES JUNE 1994 Fee Description Specific Plan Amendment (Minor) Specific Plan Amendment (Major) Specific Plan - Less than 5 acres Specific Plan - 5 to 25 acres Specific Plan - More than 25 acres Street tight Energizing Fee Street Name Change Street Sign Deposits (As Required) Street Vacation Structure Relocation Tentative Map Revision - No PD - 5 - 25 Units or Lots Tentative Map Revision - No PD - 26 - 100 Units or Lots Tentative Map Revision - No PD - 101 or more Units or Lots Tentative Parcel Map Processing Fee Tentative.ParcelJMap lyr Extension Tentative Tract Map Litigation Stay - 1/4 orginal Fee Tentative Tract Map RES - 5 - 49 Lots or Units Tentative Tract Map RES - 50 or more Lots or Units - $2,500 base + $IOO/lot or unit Over 5 (whichever is greater). $7,500 base + $25/lot or unit over 50 (whichever is greater). $2,500 base + $lOO/lot or acre over 5 (whichever is greater). $7,500 base + $100/lot or acre over 50 (whichever is greater). Tentative Tract Map NON-RES - 5 - 49 Lots or Units - Tentative Tract Map NON-RES - 50 or more Lots or Units - Tentative Tract Map Extension - 5 to 25 - half of Tent. Tract Map fee Tentative Tract Map Extension - 25 to 100 - half of Tent. Tract Map fee Tentative Tract Map.Extension - 101 or more - half ofTent. Tract Map fee Traffic Impact Fee - Residnt'l Cost Per Trip (Out of CFD) Traffic Impact Fee - Commrc'l/lndust Cost Per Trip (Out of CFD) Traffic Impact Fee - Residnt'l Cost Per Trip (Inside CFD) Traffic Impact Fee - Comrnrc'l/lndust Cost Per Trip (Inside CFD) Variance (Single Family) Variance (Other) Water District Service Fees Easement Document Processing and Recording (mimimum $1 50) Major Facility Fee - Potable Water per EDU Preliminary Potable Water, Reclaimed Water, Sewer Analysis Review Reclaimed Water Landscape Review Hydraulic Analysis Only Meter Installation Fees: 1 5/8' I Fire Protection I 314' 1" 1 112" 2' 3" 4u 6" Note (2) (1 1 (4) (4) (4) (4) I - " - Total Amt Fee Fee cost Fe Proposed 1993-94 4,371 1,700 1,700 12,068 13,500 13,500 22,534 5,700 5,700 21,970 1,750 1,750 35,075 6,200 6,200 339 120 1 20 490 1,150 1,150 3,987 180 180 267 490 490 4,782 1,611 1,611 1,611 2,350 2,350 6,281 1,425 1,425 365 365 365 3,413 7,472 3,413 4,033 295 374 427 83 21 54 53 34 33 84 22 1,573 280 280 1,762 575 575 150 200 200 200 200 200 200 500 500 500 2,400 2,400 1 50 150 80 420 420 420 275 275 275 150 150 150 110 110 110 65 65 65 80 80 900 2,700 2,700 2,700 1,620 1,620 1,620 900 900 i ,? :.. ',d L {.- a a - CITY OF CARLSBAD PROPOSED FEE SCHEDULE DEVELOPMENT RELATED FEES JUNE 1994 5 Fee Description Potable, Reclaimed and Sewer Improvement Plan Review Under $8O,OOO - Base + 1% of Construction Costs Between $80,000 - $200,000 - Base + .?% of Construction Costs Between $200,000 - $500,000 - Base + .45% of Construction Costs Between $500,000 - $800,000 - Base + .35% of Construction Costs $800 and over - Base + Calculated on a Project Basis Potable, Reclaimed and Sewer Standards and Specifications (Cost for each) San Diego County Water Auth. Capacity Charge - Set by SDCWA Service Installation Fees 1 I Water 2" Water 2" Lateral with two 1' Services 2" Lateral with three 1' Services Fire Hydrant Lateral and Assembly Fire Detector Lateral Waste Water Discharge Permit Waste Water Pretreatment: Class I (per month) Class II (per month) Class 111 (per month) Zone Change - 5 or fewer acres Zone Change - 5.1 to 25 acres Zone Change - 25,l or more acres Zone Code Amendment Note (8) (8) zs," 1 Fee 1 Fee 1 A:' 1993-94 Proposed 400 800 400 400 2,250 2,250 2,250 1,400 1,400 1,400 800 800 2,800 2,- 2,800 *OI 2oI 7 800 1,000 1,500 1,750 5,000 4,500 2,532 2,675 2,ao 3.181 800 1,000 1 ,000 800 4,500 4,500 5,000 5,000 1,750 1,750 1,500 1,500 25 25 250 250 150 850 850 280 280 25 25 150 2.175 2,i75 1,150 1,150 (1) - See attached for rate table. (2) - Minor Residential Development - Defined as - 50 or fewer units or lots, whichever is greater Minor - Other Uses - Defined as less than 2 acres (3) - Based on number of units or lots whichever is greater . ' (4) - Fee Increases based on Annual Change in Engineering News Record as Established by Council by Ordinance. (5) - Any Permit Amendment not identified assessed at 50% of original cost. (6) - Research Fee = Minimum $25.00 based on hours to completion. (7) - Fees set by State Statute. (8) - Fee is a $2,500 deposit with supplemental billing to make up cost difference. (9) - For all Assessment Districts using 191 5 Act Bonds. ,I " ._ 0 e a Plan Inspection Fees Total Review No. I cost Fee Automatic Sprinkler Systems - Commercial System $80 +.751spklr 6 at 40 each $320 +.751 - Tenant Improvement 40 1 at 40 each 80 - Residentid System 40 3 at 40 each 160 Base Fee Plus Per Grading Permit - 100 CY or less 25 - - Grading Permit - 101 to 1,000 CY 7s 10.00 100 CY Grading Permit - 1,001 to 10,000 CY 175 52.50 1000 cy Grading Permit - 10,001 to 100,000 CY 700 60.00 10,000 CY Grading Permit - 100,001 to 200,000 CY 1,300 180.00 10,000 CY Grading Permit - 200,001 CY or more 3,100 300.00 100,000 CY ~ Base Fee Plus Grading Plan Check - 100 CY or less 100 - Grading Plan Check - 101 to 1,000 CY 500 80 .OO Grading Plan Check - 1,001 to 10,000 CY 1,300 80.00 Grading Plan Check - 10,001 to 100,000 CY 2,100 80.00 Grading Plan Check - 100,001 CY to 200,000 CY 2,900 80.00 , Grading Plan Check - 200,001 CY or more 3,700 80.00 I 1 100 CY 1000 cy 10,000 CY 10,000 CY 100,000 CY oiii~m~n~~c=onstr~~s~o~~ln ~~::~.~,~.:~~~~~.~.~~~~~~~~~~~~::~ ;;.;:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . Cost of Improvements Fee $0 to $250,000 5% - $250 Minimum $250,001 to $750,000 4.5% - $12,500 Minimum $750,001 to $2,000,000 4.0% - $33,750 Minimum $2,000,001 to $5,000,000 3.5% - $80,000 Minimum $5,000,001 and Over 3.0% - $175,000 Minimum -,... 0 a Cost of Improvements Fee $20,000 to $50,000 5.00% - $1,200 Minimum $1 00,000 to $250,000 3.50% - $4,000 Minimum $500,000 to $1,000,000 2.25% - $13,750 Minimum $0 to $20,000 6.00% - $200 Minimum $50,000 to $100,000 4.00% - $2,500 Minimum $250,000 to $500,000 275% - $8,750 Minimum Over $1,000,000 1 SO% - $22,500 Minimum (Improvement Plan Check Fees are based on the current City of San Diego unit prices. This includes the cost of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, asphalt or concrete paving, storm drains, etc.) Value Fee Quadrant Per Unit Per Acre District 1 - NW 195,000 'Single Family Detached & Duplex 1,755 Attached (4 units or less) 1,463 Attached (5 units or more) 1,170 Mobile Home 1,034 District 2 - NE 175,000 Single Family Detached & Duplex 1,575 ' , Attached (4 units or less) 1,313 Attached (5 units or more) 1,050 Mobile Home 919 District 3 - SW 175,000 Single Family Detached & Duplex 1,575 Attached (4 units or less) 1,313 Attached (5 units or more) 1,050 Mobile Home 91 9 District 4 - SE 175,000 Single Family Detached & Duplex 1,575 Attached (4 units or less) 1,313 Attached (5 units or more) 1,050 Mobile Home 91 9 The Park Fee ordinance establishs a method of determining park land values in each quadrant c e e :. . . .(sch$d~:l&#7,; j : : :. . , Existing Fee Area Per Unit 1 0 2 0 3 3,808 4 1,686 5 2,658 6 200 7 2,273 8 0 9 2,878 10 1,196 11 1,630 12 4,445 13 2,858 Council will be considering revised drainage fees as part of a new master drainage study. This study is currently being reviewed by the Engineering Department. - ... - - - - I General Connection Fee All Areas $1,767 Plus Sewer Benefit Fees shown below Current Sewer Benefit Area Fee Area A 279 Area B 49 1 Area C 407 Area D 785 Area F 879 Area G 76 Area H 51 4 Area I 285 Area J 982 Area K 1,981 Area L 776 Area M 38 Area E 803 .f~~,i":':l'::'~~"::..I.~~:~~~:''",~~S~he~u~~~g~~~,~~~~,~,~~i.;,i-,i,a. ... . Watts Fee Lumens 70 16,000 1 50 60.00 5,800 101 .oo 1 00 22,000 200 78.00 9,500 125.00 250 165.00 30,000 Above fees are the cost for energizing each street light for 18 months and includes a $1 5.00 charge per light to an SDG&E service point. " e 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD PROPOSED FEE SCHEDULE GENERAL CITY FEES AND CHARGES JUNE 1994 . ,. i Fee Description Abandoned Vehicle Abatement - Actual Administrative Cost Administrative Fee for 1915 Act Bond Call Administrative Fee - DUI Ambulance Fees Base Rate - Resident Base Rate Non-Resident Mileage Charge - per mile Supplies Charge Night Charge Oxygen Charge Code - 3 Charge . *Appeal City Council- Miscellaneous .. Appeal - Housing and Redevelopment Commission Bicycle Licenses Bicycle Licenses - Replacement or Transfer Bond Search Cabaret Dance Permit City Clerk - Municipal Code Books (Cost for Each) City Clerk - Municipal Code Supplement Service (per year) City Clerk - Full Council Agenda Packets (per year) City Clerk - Certification Charge (per document) City Council Agenda Subscription - Set by City Manager - Cost per year City Council Minutes Subscription - Set by City Manager - Cost per year Copies - each Criminal Justice Administration (per person) Emergency Response Billings - DUI Fire Fire - Nuisance Alarm Fire Use Permit Fees Public Assembly - Candles or Other Open Flame - Assembly Temporary. Use - Tents - Carnivals and Fairs - Fireworks Display or Special Effects Hazardous Materials and Processes - Welding - Compressed Gases - Dust Production - Combustible Fiber Use and Storage - Flammable Finishes - Haz-Mat Use and Storage - Dty Cleaning - Motor Vehicle Repair Hazardous Installations - Note (1 1 New Total cost 110.00 40.00 80.00 80.00 240.00 240.00 40.00 80.00 160.00 160.00 - -Fee 1 Fee cost cost 1993-94 Proposed 500.00 500.00 I 14.00 250.00 500.00 7.00 25.00 25.00 0.00 120.00 120.00 3.00 1 .oo 30.00 200.00 150.00 50.00 I 350.00 2.00 40.00 70.00 0.15 154.00 At Cost 110.00 40.00 80.00 80.00 240.00 240.00 40.00 80.00 160.00 160.00 14.00 250.00 500.00 7.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 120.00 120.00 3.00 1 .00 30.00 200,oo 150.00 50.00 350.00 2.00 40.00 70.00 0.1 5 154.00 At Cost 11 0.00 40.00 80.00 80.00 240.00 240.m 40.00 ao..oc 16o.N 160.N 160.00 160.00 160.N 160.00 160.00 160.N 160.00 160.00 160.0C 160.00 160.00 160.0C I I I I - - I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 1 - __ FC Amt 25.0 7: e 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD PROPOSED FEE SCHEDULE GENERAL CITY FEES AND CHARGES JUNE 1994 Note Amt Fee Fee cost Fee Description Fl Proposed 1993-94 Total - Medical Gas Dispensing System 80.00 80.00 80.00 - Tanks 80.00 80.00 80.00 - Storage 80.00 80.00 80.00 - Dispensing 80.00 80.00 80.00 - Use Flammable and Combustible Liquids, Gases and Aerosols 160.00 160.00 160.00 - Refrigeration Equipment 240.00 240.00 240.00 - High-Piled Combustible Storage 120.00 120.00 120.00 - Combustible Storage Facility 120.00 120.00 120.00 - Industrial Ovens 160.00 160.00 160.00 Fire - Routine Fire Inspection for Business 85.00 0.00 0.00 Fire.-, Failed Businesshspection 80,OO 40,OO 40,OO Fire - Weed Abatement (charge per parcel) 80.00 80.00 80.00 Health Practioner License Fees: - Holistic Health Practitioner - license fee 50.00 50.00 - Appeals of the City Manager's decision 25.00 25.00 - Annual license renewal 50.00 50.00 - Investigation fee 100.00 too.00 - MassageTechnician - license fee 50.00 50.00 Librarv Library Borrowing - Audio Visual Equipment (per item, per day) 5.00 5.00 Library Borrowing - Audio Visual Insurance fee - Per Video Tape 0.50 0.75 0.2 Library Fines (.lo per day per item) 0.1 0 0.10 Library Fines - Juvenile (.05 per day per item) 0.05 0.05 Library Fines - Video ($1 .OO per day per item) 1 .00 1 .00 Library Interlibrary Loan 0.50 0.50 Library Lost or Damaged Items: Barcode 1 .oo 1 .oo Library Card 1 .oo 1 .oo ! Book or Audio Item - List Price Videotape - 20% of list price (covered by insurance) I Library Online Searching Fees (Actual Cost for Direct Line Charges) Library Presearch Fee for Online Searches (Per Search) Police 0.50 0.50 Library Book Reserve 5.00 5.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 Police - Historical Searches per month searched 5.0( 10.00 5.00 Police - Fingerprinting Fees 100.00 100.00 Police - False Alarm Fee - Businesses - During Business Hrs 50.00 50.00 Police - False Alarm Fee - All Additional Occurances 25.00 25.00 Police - False Alarm Fee - Second Occurance 50.00 50.00 50.00 Police - Copy of Accident Investigation Video Tapes 30.00 30.00 Police - Alarm Permit j Police - Hourly Cost per Police Officer - Determined by Finance Dir At Cost At Cost Police - Hourly Cost per Police Officer With Vehicle - Determined by Fin Dir At Cost At Cost Police - Impounded Vehicle Administrative Charge 12.00 12.00 ..".. /' e 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD PROPOSED FEE SCHEDULE GENERAL CITY FEES AND CHARGES JUNE 1994 Note Sewer 15.00 15.00 Returned Check Fee Publications - As Determined by the Ci Manager 200.00 200.00 Public Dump Permit - Fee per acre 26.L 56.00 30.00 Police - Second Call per Police Sergeant per hour 6.C 41.00 35.00 Police - Second Call per Police Officer per hour 10.00 10.00 Police - Report Fee (Free to Victim) Amt Fee Fee cost Fee Description Fe Proposed 1993-94 Total Sewer Service Charges (4 Minimum Monthly Charge 1.67 Group II - Commercial - Minimum plus rate per hundred cubic feet 13.70 13.70 Group I - Residential - (Flat Rate) 13.70 13.70 Group V - Institutions/Schools 3.51 3.51 Group IV - Commercial - Minimum plus rate per hundred cubic feet 2.22 2.22 Group 111.- Commercial--.Minimum plus rate per hundred cubic feet 1.67 - Elementary School - rate per hundred cubic feet 0.31 0.31 - Junior High School - rate per hundred cubic feet 0.61 0.61 - High School - rate per hundred cubic feet 0.91 0.91 - Boarding School - rate per hundred cubic feet 4.57 4.57 - Beckman Micro Operations - Minimum plus rate per hundred cubic feet 4.60 4.60 - Culligan - Minimum plus rate per hundred cubic feet 1.31 1.31 - Hughes Aircraft - Minimum plus rate per hundred cubic feet 1.36 1.36 Group VI - Large Volume Users Special City Services - Billed at Cost Special Events - Minimum Filing Fee - One Street 100.00 100.00 (3) Special Events - Traffic Variance / Minor - 5 or fewer interesctions 25.00 25.00 (3) Special Events - Traffic Variance / Major - 5 or fewer intersections 300.00 300,00 (3) Solid Waste Solid Waste Fee (AB939) 1.1 % of Basic Trash Rate Trash Collection Fees 0.1 3 0.13 - Residential - per month 458.66 458.66 - Commercial per bin - six pick-ups per week 384.27 384.27 - Commercial per bin - five pick-ups per week 309.88 309.88 - commercial per bin - four pick-ups per week 235.49 235.49 - Commercial per bin - three pick-ups per week 161.10 161.10 - Commercial per bin - two pick-ups per week 86.71 86.71 - Commercial per bin - one pick-up per week 14.22 14.22 Parks 8 Recreation Non-resident Fee - Instructional Classes and Daytrippers Aaua Hedionda 10.00 10.00 Non-resident Fee - Youth Sports (per person) 3.00 3.00 Non-resident Fee - Open Play Basketball, Volleyball, Badminton 3.00 3.00 Annual Fee - Resident - Power Boats &Jet Skis Sailboats Over 8 35.00 35.00 ,Annual Fee - Non-Resident - Power Boats &Jet Skis Sailboats over 8’ - 30.00 30.00 Annual Fee - Resident -Board Sail/Boats under 8’ & Passives 15.00 15.00 Annual Fee - Non-Resident - Board/Sail Boats &Jet Skis under 8’ & Passives 17.50 17.50 7 I 0 e CITY OF CARLSBAD PROPOSED FEE SCHEDULE GENERAL CITY FEES AND CHARGES JUNE 1994 Note Fee Description Annual Fee - Board Sail - Additional Decal Replacement Lagoon Permit Decal Daily Fee - Resident - Power Boats &Jet Skis Over 8 Daily Fee - Non-Resident - Power Boats &Jet Skis Over 8' Daily Fee - Resident - Passive Use &Vessels under 8' Daily Fee - Non-Resident - Passive Use &Vessels Under 8' Recreation and Safety Center Facility Rental Fees - See Schedule A Senior Center Facility Rental Fees - See Schedule B Per Admission - Youth &Teen Per Admission - Adult - Resident Aauatics .: Per Admission - Adult - Non-Resident Season Discount - Adult - Resident Season Discount - Adult - Non-Resident Season Discount - Family - Resident Season Discount - Family - Non-Resident City Classes - Beginner - Learn to Swim - Res City Classes - Beginner - Learn to Swim - Non-Res Ci Classes - Adult/Teen - Learn To Swim - Res City Classes - Adulneen - Learn To Swim - Non-Res City Classes - Parenvlnfant thru Adv Pre-School - Res City Classes - Parentllnfant thru Adv Pre-School - Non-Res Contract Classes - Adapted Aquatics - Res Contract Classes - Adapted Aquatics - Non-Res Contract Classes - Aqua X / Masters Swim (Daily Fee) - Res Contract Classes - Aqua X / Masters Swim (Daily Fee) - Non-Res Contract Classes - Diving,.Synchro Swim - Res Contract Classes - Diving, Synchro Swim - Non-Res Contract Classes - Masters Swim Workouts - Res (Monthly Fee) Contract Classes - Masters Swim Workouts - Non-Res (Monthly Fee) Individualized lnstr - Basic Swimming - Res (per hour) Individualized lnstr - Basic Swimming - Non-Res (per hour) Individualized lnstr - Advanced Instr/coaching - Res (per hour) Individualized lnstr - Advanced Instr/coaching - Non-Res (per hour) Rental - Exclusive Use - Commercial/Corp (Per Hr) Rental - Exclusive Use - Community/Non-Profit (Per Hr) Use Agreements - C.U.S.D. (per lane per hr) Use Agreements - N.C.A. - (per lane per hr) Staff Costs - City provided services (Life Guard / Supervision etc. - Per Hr) Water District Approved Backflow Tester Backflow Preventer Charge (per month, each account) ' . 7 :'Blueprinting of Standard Size (24' x 36') Improvement Plan Sheet (Cost for eacl h) Cross Connection License Jumper Connection - " A Total cost - - - 1993-94 Proposed * 12,w 3.50 3.50 &O0 I I 1 .00 1.75 2.75 60.00 70.00 72.00 82.00 17.00 25.00 22.00 30.00 22.00 30.00 17.00 25.00 3.00 4.00 22.00 30.00 30.00 40.00 17.00 25.00 25.00 33.00 80.00 32.00 1.80 1.90 11.00 F< Amt 6.00 1 .OO 1.75 2.75 60.00 70.00 72.00 82.00 17.00 25.00 22.00 30.00 22.00 30.00 17.00 25.00 3.00 4.00 22.00 30.00 1 30.00 40.00 17.00 25.00 25.00 33.00 80.00 32.00 1.80 1.90 11.00 1 cl 2q 25.00 25.00 25.00 15.00 15.00 3 0 e CITY OF CARLSBAD PROPOSED FEE SCHEDULE GENERAL CITY FEES AND CHARGES JUNE 1994 Note Fe Proposed 1993-94 Total Fee Description 1.67 Water Use Base Rate Per Unit 25.00 25.00 Wastewater Permit Application 20.00 20.00 Potable, Reclaimed and Sewer Standards and Specifications (Cost for each) Amt Fee Fee cost 3.0! 25.70 22.65 Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 2 1/2' meter 2.4 20.80 18.35 Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 2' meter 1.1( 9.30 8.20 Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 1 1/2' meter 1.0. 8.75 7.75 Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 1' meter 1.0 8.70 7.65 Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 314' meter 1.0 8.50 7.50 Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 518' meter 0.5 4.90 4.35 Water Rate - Standby Charge (per Month) Multi-Unit 2.4 20.80 18.35 Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) Fire Protection Meters 0.0 1.70 :. . . ' ..;WaterRate,-Sfaddby Charge (per month) -.? meter 27.00 30.60 3.a Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 4' meter 33.20 37.65 4.4! Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 6" meter 35.80 40.55 4.7! Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 8" meter 40.75 46.15 0,OI 1,51 1,48 Conservation Rate (1 -7 units of water) (cost per unit) 5.4 Water Service Fee - Door Hanger 10.00 10.00 Water SeM'ce Fee - Accounts scheduled for termination for non-payment 20.00 20.00 Water Service Fee - Same Day Turn-on (Not Scheduled for That Day) 20.00 20.00 Water Sem'ce Fee - After Hour Turn-on 60.00 60.00 Water Meter Deposit - Construction Meters 500.00 500.00 Water Meter - Construction Meter rental fee 50.00 50.00 Water Meter - Construction Meter Relocation 20.00 20.00 Water Service Fee - Per New Account - Service Turn on 25.00 25.00 (1) - Charge is cost of supplies plus additional 60%. (2) - Nonresidential sewer rates are calculated based on flow, strength and pretreatment requirements. , (3) - See Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 8.17.050 7- e 0 Schedule A c e 0 IN ORDER TO QUALIFY AS CLASSIFICATION "B" OR "C" NON-PROFIT USER, T€ ORGANIZATION MUST MEET ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA i 1. The organization must be registered as a not-for-profit corporation with the St; of California, or, if not registered with the State, must have a constitution or 1 laws which clearly state that the objectives of the organization are of a non-proi non-commercial nature. 2. The organization must be comprised of volunteers, &$ ......... 70% of w&-& :.:.: .:.:.: .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .:.:.:.:.>:,:.:.:,: ...,x.;.: .+:.:.:.:.: +:.:.:::.: :$pWwmA.,.:.. '., .............................. ........... x... :.:.:.:.>:::,..:+ :.:.:. :j::.:::::::::.:.:.. .................. .*:.: ............ ..................................................................................................... ~ :.:. >:.:.: ........ :.:.: ........................... :.:.:.:.:.:.:.>:.:.: ................................................ :.: .:.:.:. .................... ............................................................................. ....................................................... .......................... ............................................. ....:... ...................................................... ....... i:.:.~::::::::~:::::~::::. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ must be Carlsbad residents. ~~~~~tr~~iij~~~~~d~f :x.:.:.:.; :... gg3@%e2gqp$x&i 3. The organization must submit the following: a. If incorporated, submit State incorporation papers and by-laws; if n incorporated, submit constitution and by-laws. b. Financial verification of organization's exemption from income t: .,(Department of the Treasury form 990 may be used.) An up-dated copy v\ be required by October 1st of each year. c. A signed statement verifying item "2" above. 3' FEE SCHEDULE AND CLASSIF1 REGULAR OPERATION HOURS , HardinR/Calavera/and Stagecoach Community Centers Monday - Friday 8:OO a.m. to 1O:OO p.m. Saturday 8:OO a.m. to 4:OO p.m. Safety Center Conference Rooms Fox/Palowski Mtg. Rooms Monday - Friday 2:OO p.m. - 1O:OO p.m. Saturday 8:OO a.m. - 5:OO p.m. E.O.C. Mtg. Room Monday - Friday 8:OO a.m. - 1O:OO p.m. Saturday 8:OO a.m. - 5:OO p.m. Fees are based on an hourly rate, with a two hour minimum (except ballfields). An ex1 staffing fee of $%€@ $@.#g ................ per hour is required for all recreation usages other than regul operation hours. ................ ................ CATEGORIES FACILITIES - A- B" c- D- E Harding Community Center Auditorium Recreation Hall Multi-Purpose Room Kitchen N/C $10 $15 $20 $40 N/C 10 15 20 40 N/C N/C 10 15 20 N/C N/C 5 10 15 Stagecoach/Calavera Community Centers Gymnasium N/C 10 20 30 45 Activity Room N/C 10 15 20 40 Multi-Purpose Room N/C N/C 10 15 20 Kitchen N/C N/C 5 10 15 Safety Center Fox Meeting Room Palowski Meeting Room Emergency Operating Center N/C 7 <g# g gsw igQ 25 3jp 2 .. .. i., .. ..... N/C 7 ...... zG .. 22 ggw ...... i, ..; gfi ....... 25 gj ....... ....... ~ u N/C 7 2.8 12 #&J '& ....... 25 i.:.:.:.:.:.: 3' 5 .............. ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ................. ....... .............. .............. .:.:.:.:.:.:.: ....... ....... ....... ..; Levante Center N/C N/C 10 15 20 Heritage Hall N/C N/C 10 15 20 Granary N/C N/C 8. 10 15 Scout House N/C N/C 8 10 15 rzum,$~@gpv,&q $&&q& cevante .... s~eV"ceriter .... Fuejrte .... M ::::;:::::?:FGr~2i Ubpey.;, ji:::::ji:l:l: ... : ;. :.:: ;.y&:;.;,.,: ;WQfi:: ................................. ....................... ...... .'.........' ......:;...~;...~.~...~.~.~.~:.~.~:.~.~:.~.~:..:.:.:~.~l..~ii..l.i;.I.i.::I..~:..;l.....l...;..;.~.~..... .I.::, ,C'i :?....A ........................................................................ > J ...... ............ ............................. i ......................... ............. ..;$K&K a;;;z& > :.:::.:::.:qp:; :.:..:..:$ ......... ........ ia:::: ... ~:::::::::::iujjj:t ... :.: ...... ................................................... Day Use Ody N/C N/C N/C 3 5 TOURNAMENTS - ($200 deposit required) Field plus Bases N/C N/C 5 5 7 Lights N/C 7 13 13 15 Field Preparation N/C 15 15 15 15 Snack Bar N/C N/C 5 8 10 TENNIS COURT (Daily fee per court) Carlsbad High School N/C N/C 20 30 40 Stagecoach/Calavera" N/C N/C 15 20 25 Laguna Riviera* NOTES: * No Tournament Play N/C N/C 10 15 20 1. There is a two-hour minimum for the use of facilities, parks and meeting rooms, ( for ballfields which can be rented for one (1) hour. Fees will not be pro-rated fc than one hour. 2. Day Use for the softball fields and the tennis courts is from 8:OO a.m. until da? additional amount is charged for lights. 3. Building rentals include use of tables, chairs, P.A. and kitchen facilities appropriate. 3/94 f3 FAclL In FEE SCHEDULE AND CLASS 10 &ATlONS ' Schedu1e B - ** SENIOR CENTER - REGULAR OPERATlON HOURS Monday - Friday 8:OO a.m. to 300 p.m. Fees are based on an hourly rate, with a two hour minimum. A staffing fee of $7.00 per hour is required for all users. SENIOR CENTER Hourly Rates Per CLASSIFICATION - AB ""- CDEFJ Auditorium Non-Refundable Use Fee $40 N/C N/C $30 $40 $50 $65 $8 Dining Room N/C N/C $30 $40 $50 $65 $81 Non-Refundable Use Fee $40 Kitchen (Warming) (Full service/preparation) Non-Refundable Use Fee $20 N/C N/C $s $10 $1 5 $20 $2: N/C N/C $15 $20 $25 $30 $3, ! NOTES; 1. There is a two-hour minimum for the use of faciries. 2. Buiiding rentals include use of tabfes, chairs and P.A. 3. Senior Center equipment cannot be utilized outdoors. 4. - All users must pay the $7.00 per hour per 100 people staff fee. Fees will not be pro-rated for less than one hour. 82 I 0 e c .5 W w CLASSIFICATION OF APPLICANTS AND FEES . Each application will be reviewed by the Senior Center Coordinator or Designee ciassified into a group depending on the type of organization and the intended Senior Center activities have first priority for the use of the facility. The classification listed in order of priority with classification "A" first, classification "B" second, etc. The attempts to accommodate all groups; however, there is a limited number of facil Unfortunately, the demand exceeds the supply. For that reason, a priority system fo~ had to be established. A. Carisbad Senior Center activities. 6. Parks and Recreation activities; City -co-sponsored activities; other departments; Carlsbad Unified School District administration autho activities. Examples: CUSD Board of Trustees Meetings, Friends of the Libra1 Carlsbad Commission Meetings. C. Carisbad resident (51% membership Carlsbad residents) non-l Organizations (non-paid management): Carlsbad Homeowners Associat Carlsbad civic and social organizations, and any Cartsbad organiz sponsoring a public forum or candidates night. Examples: Carlsbad Rotary, La Costa Youth Organization, Carlsbad 1 League, Carisbad BOY Scouts. D. Carlsbad resident (51% membership Carlsbad residents) non-1 organizations (paid management): Civic and social organizations. Example: Carlsbad Boy's and Girl's Club. E. Locally organized groups whose normal place of meeting is located it City of Carlsbad; resident religious; resident political candidate use for raisers; non-resident not-for-profrt educational, civic and social organizati resident private parties. Examples: North County A.A., Y.M.C.A., resident wedding receptior 6 ~ ,. e. * e 4 F. Resident commercial, business, profit making organization: non-res i- private party activities. T Examples: Carlsbad Inn, non-resident weddings or receptions. G. Non-resident commercial, business, political, profit making and reli! organizations, Examples: Trade shows, company training, meetings, and seminars. IN ORDER TO QUALIFY AS CLASSIFICATION "C" OR "b" NON-PROFIT USERS, ORGANIZATION MUST MEET & OF THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA 1. 2. 3. The organization must be registered as a not-for-profit corporation with the of California, or, if not registered with the State, must have a constitution or by which ctearly state that the objectives of the organization are of a non-profit, commercial nature. The organization must be comprised of volunteers, and 51% of its membe must be Carlsbad residents. The organization must submit the following: a. If incorporated, submit State incorporation papers and by-laws; i incorporated, submit constitution and by-laws. b. Financial verification of organization's exemption from income (Department of the Treasury form 990 may be used.) An updated cop be required by October 1st of each year. c. A signed statement verifying item "2' above. 8