HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-06-14; City Council; 12739; APPROVAL OF CIWMB USED OIL BLOCK GRANT APPLICATION- APPROVAL OF CIWMB USED OIL BLOCK GRANT APPLICATION ECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 97- /bo approving the City of Carlsbad’s applic California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMS) Used Oil Block Gr and authorizing the Research Manager to execute any subsequent agreemer and requests for payment. ITEM EXPLANATION: The California Oil Recycling Enhancement Act authorizes the collection of 1 every quart of lubricating oil sold, transferred or imported into California. A PO funds is available to local governments in the form of block grants for estal oil collection programs that encourage recycling of used oil. These gra competitive, requiring only that we meet eligibility requirements. The ma award for this program to Carlsbad is $29,568. A jurisdiction must have at least one certified collection center available for t residents, or provide for monthly curbside collection of used oil to be eligit: Carlsbad does not meet these requirements. However, grants will be jurisdictions not currently meeting the requirements, with payment coni successfully meeting eligibility requirements prior to the end of the grant pel Staff has submitted a conditional application for Used Oil Block Grant funds of $29,568. The proposed program will use grant funds to identify, assist in tl process, and establish at least one certified oil recycling center within City bo program also includes a public education program targeted at decreasi improper disposal of used oil and informing the public of safe disposal altc FISCAL IMPACT made quarterly, upon submittal of invoices to the CIWMB. There would t: expense. Grant monies would be used to assist a private firm to establish i 2 3 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 a 0 RESOLUTION NO. 94-160 A RESOLUTION OF THE CIN COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAR1 CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR THE 1993/94 US BLOCKGRANTPROGRAM AND APPOINTING THE RESEARCH MANA( ME SIGNATURE AUTHORITY WHEREAS, grant funding has been established by the California 0 and is available to cities and counties through the California Integrated Waste Man for establishing and maintaining local used oil collection programs that encoura appropriate disposal of used oil; and WHEREAS, the Clty of Carlsbad is desirous of applying for these WHEREAS, the program requires that the application be approved l authority appointed by resolution; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Ci Council of the ( as follows: 1. 2. 3. The above recitations are true and correct. The submittal of a 1993/94 Used Oil Block Grant applicatic The Research Manager is appointed as the signature ai project. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the ( at its regular meeting held on the 14th day of JUNE , 1994, by the to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaa NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: cnn e - Calirornia Integrated Wasre Maria 0 State of California APPLICATION COVER SHEET 1993/94 USED OIL RECYCLING BLOCK GRANT I SECOND CYCLE CIWMB-306 (9/92) City of Carlsbad Name of Applicant 405 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008 Address City ZlP James Hagaman, Special Projects Manager (61 9) 434-29E Name of Program Director Title Phone Name of Finance Officer Title Phone James Hagaman, Special Projects Manager (619) 434-29 James Hagaman, Special Projects Manager (619) 434-2! Name of Program Manager Title Phone (61 9) 720-9562 Program Manager Fax number Brief Program Description (1-3 sentences) : The City proposes to identify, assist in the certification process, and est at least one certitied oil recycling center within the City boundaries. Th eliminating improper disposal of used oil and informing the public of safe disposal alternatives. also intends to implement a public education Droaram taraeted at decreasii Total Grant Request: $ 29,568.00 Cert i f i ca t i on : I declare, under penalty of perjury, that all information submitted for Board’s consideration for allocation of grknts funds is true and accurat best of my knowledge and belief. Name of Person Authorized by Resolution: James Haqaman Date: $- -/@- Phone: (619)434. 0 TABLEOFCONTENTS F 1 f I I Section 6. Section C. Program Budget Section D. Eligibility Summary Section E. Approved Resolutions Attach m en ts Local Used Oil Collection Program Report Section B Local Useail Collection Program Report Background The city of Carlsbad is a residential community (population 67,923) with zoned ac of industrial and commercial complexes. The City currently participates in the San Regional Household Hazardous Materials Program, which is paid for indirectly tl tipping fees at County landfills. The Program sponsors collection events for houi hazardous waste, including used oil. The County’s Solid Waste Enterprise FL 1993-94 budget provides for only one event per region per year, down from four per city per year in previous years. 1,900 gallons of waste oil was safely collectec North County Coastal event held in Carlsbad in January, 1994. The City also maintains a permanent unstaffd used Oil COtlWtiOn facility at it Maintenance yard, open 7:OO am - 4:OO pm, M - F. However, due to the infrequt collection events, and the location/hours of the permanent site, it is likely that u is being disposed of improperly in refuse containers, and ultimately landfilled. Program Description and Goals The City proposes to identify, assist in the certification process, and establish at le certified oil recycling center within the City boundaries (map attached). Grant i will be used to properly improve and equip the center(s), and for continuing mol and operations. The City also intends to implement a public education program t: at decreasing/eliminating improper disposal of used oil and informing public disposal alternatives. The Public Education component may include, but is not to, brochures, advertisements, and newsletters. Consultant services may be uti implement all or part of the Program. Work Statement Task One - Certify Recycling Center The City will identify suitable sites (Le. service stations, auto parts stores, oil businesses) for certified used oil recycling centers. Each business will be contac surveyed for interest. Once a suitable site(s) is identified, in-house or consultant assist the center through the certification process. Grant funds will also be used to construct any necessary site improvements, ot related permits, and to purchase collection and disposition equipment (Le., c tanks, etc.). Grant funds will be used to set up any related administrative syste to provide training, if necessary. Task Two - Ensure Continued Operation of Certified Center(s) During the grant period, grant funds will be used to pay for the cost of recycling oil collected at the certified recycling center(s). Carlsbad will also provide n technical assistance for oil recycling management (track oil and maintain forms) mo nit0 ring. Used Oil &k Grant/City of Ca F e Task Three - Implement a Public Education Program Carlsbad will implement a public education program targeted at decreasing/ elimi illegal disposal of oil, and informing the public of available safe disposal 01 Specifically, this material will outline the hazards of improper disposal, identify rec opportunities, and encourage environmental awareness. Bi-lingual (Spanish) mi may be published. Funding Sources The proposed Program will be funded solely with Used Oil Recycling Block Grant However, the City of Carlsbad anticipates continued participation in the San Regional Household Hazardous Materials Program, and continued operatior permanent used oil collection facility. Section C. Program Budget Total Personnel Expenses (to be used for in-house and/or Consultant services, to be determined at the onset of the Program. Determining factors will include: availability, expertise, FY 94-95 staffing levels) a Total Used Oil Transportation and Disposal Expenses (monthly pick-up and processing cost of used oil collected at centers certified during grant period) Total Contractor/Consultant Expenses (included above in personnel costs, use of consultants to be determined at the onset of the Program) Total Construction Costs (site improvements as necessary for certified centers: i.e. concrete pad, berms, asphalt, etc) Total Equipment Costs (above-ground collection tanks for certified centers, any other necessary equipment) Total Materials and Supplies (protective clothing, oil test kits, signs, labels, etc.) Total Public Awareness (printing costs, advertisements, postage) (Contingency for an as-needed basis, Le. contaminated oil disposal, overhead) Total Other Costs Grand Total: Used Oil 4)ck Grant/City of Car P 0 Section D. Eligibility Summary The City of Carlsbad's eligibility for the Used Oil Recycling Block Grant is cond upon the successful certification of at least one used oil collection center in Ca prior to the end of the grant period. Section E. Approved Resolutions An approved resolution will be submitted prior to June 25, 1994. A letter stating tk is attached. 0 0 ATTACHMENTS COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO NOT TO SCALE CARLSBAD environmentaf engineers, scientists, planners, & management consdtants FN CDM =r Q, Q, - 0 N W dE z 02 E2 2m E5 SZ *a 00 w U J i3 n w ur) 2 d m,n" 5;;j VI m-z -$ ICJ aa rc >, 0 W 61 I- CI .- t - c m h co a- fff - n (z1 u) 0 PROGRAM TIMELINE 1993194 USED OIL RECYCLING BLOCK GRANT I SECOND CYCLE e Grant Applicant City of Carlsbad Date May 20, Draw a line for each task number through the months during which that activtty will occur. Task numbers should COI those on the Work Statement Form. TYPE OF EXPENSE TOTAL PERSONNEL EXPENSES (Fringe Benefits @ n/a %) TOTAL USED OIL TRANSPORTATION/DISPOSAL EXPENSES TOTAL CONTRACTOWCONSULTANT EXPENSES (except transponatioddisposai costs) TOTAL CONSTRUCTION EXPENSES TOTAL EQUIPMENT PUCHASBRENTALS TOTAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES TOTAL PUBLIC EDUCATION/AWARENESS TOTAL OTHER COSTS TOTAL BUDGET: CIWMB GRANT FT $ 15,000 1,500 Included above 2,500 5,000 1,000 3,000 1,568 $ 29,568 May 20, 1994 California Integrated Waste Management Board Grants Section / Used Oil Grant Program 8800 Cal Center Drive Sacramento, CA 95826 USED OIL RECYCLING BLOCK GRANT / CITY OF CARLSBAD Enclosed is an application for the Used Oil Recycling Block Grant Program for City of Carlsbad. However, the City of Carlsbad does not yet have an approve resolution to submit at this time. The required resolution will be forwarded to yc offices by June 25, 1994. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contac Ross, Management Analyst at (619) 434-2949 or James Hagaman, Special Proj Manager at (619) 434-2980. Thank you for your consideration. 74- FRANK MANNEN Assistant City Manager FM: JCH:jr 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434 bdR!TE !=I= - D0N9T SAV ST! Date June 21, To File 0 Reply Wanled From Isabelle Paulsen GNo Reply Necessary Julie Ross was furnished a certified copy of Resolution Nc She stated she would forward the resolution to the appropi party.