HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-06-21; City Council; 12741; REVISION OF MANAGEMENT CLASSIFICATIONS IN COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT AND AMENDING MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION PLANAB ,# s TITLE: REVISION OF MANAGEMENT CLASSIFICATIONS MTG. 6-21-94 IN COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT AND DEPT. HR AMENDING MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION PLAN DEPl CITY C,TY 0 0 P= % 9 z 0 I- o a J b z 3 0 o /; -- CIT~F CARLSBAD - AGEN~BILL p 5 RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council adopt Resolution No. 7V-ib3 approving the new and revised job descriptions for Community Services Director, Administrative Services/Projects Manager and Administrative Coordinator-Special Districts. ITEM EXPLANATION: In March 1994, the City announced a reorganization which merged the two City departments of Parks and Recreation and Utilities and Maintenance and formed the new department of Community Services. As a result of this reorganization, it is necessary to revise several classifications and job titles to reflect changes in duties, responsibilities and functions. Human Resources has reviewed and developed the following new job titles and classification descriptions to replace the current job titles and job descriptions. All the classifications recommended to be updated are management positions and the incumbents will automatically assume the new job titles upon Council’s approval. Current Job Titles Recommended Proposed New Job Titles for Deletion Research Manager Administrative Services/Projects Manager Electrical Operations Supervisor Parks and Recreation Director Utilities and Maintenance Director Administrative Coordinator- Special Districts Community Services Director The Research Manager position was initially assigned as a support position in the City Manager’s Office. This position was transferred to the Utilities and Maintenance Departme in 1993, and currently is responsible for special projects and programs such as the solid waste program and the Carlsbad Cable Television Foundation, as well as supervising the special assessment districts. The Electrical Operations Supervisor position duties have shifted from the street lighting assessment district to the coordination of all the special assessment districts, including street and traffic lighting, Buena Vista Channel, street tree trimming, median and drainage maintenance programs. The new job titles of Administrati! Services/Projects Manager and Administrative Coordinator - Special Districts have been proposed to reflect these different responsibilities. Although the job responsibilities for the Administrative Services/Projects Manager and Administrative Coordinator - Special Districts have shifted into different areas, the level responsibilities have not changed and, therefore, it is recommended that the salary ranges for both proposed classifications remain the same as the current classifications. The Community Services Director has assumed the responsibility of managing both the Parks and Recreation and Utilities and Maintenance departments, more than doubling the a (I) scope of his former responsibilities and the number of his subordinate staff. Last year’s Parks and Recreation budget was approximately $4.7 million, with a total staffing of 45 budgeted positions. The new Community Services Department budget is estimated in the proposed 1994-95 budget at approximately $9.1 million, with an estimated staff of over 100 budgeted positions. Based on this increased scope and span of responsibilities, Human Resources is recommending that the salary range for Community Services Director be established at $2589 - $3304 biweekly on the management salary schedule. FISCAL IMPACT; The Human Resources Department is recommending that the salary range for the position ( Community Services Director be increased by approximately 5%. This will place the sal: range for this position commensurate with other comparable City Department Heads. It is recommended that this change in salary range be funded through a transfer of $4030 fron the contingency account in the 1994-95 budget. The contingency account is budgeted for $333,000 in fiscal year 1994-95. EXHIBITS: 1 . Resolution No. ?qclb3 adopting the job descriptions of Administrative Services/Projects Manager, Administrative Coordinator-Special Districts and Community Services Director and amending the Management Salary Schedule. 2. Amended Management Salary Schedule. I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 LO 11 12 l3 I.4 15 l6 I' 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 RESOLUTION NO. 94 - 161 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE MANAGEMENT CLASSIFICATIONS IN THE COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT AND THE AMENDED MANAGEMENT SALARY SCHEDULE. WHEREAS, the City Manager recommends and the City Council concurs, that it is desirable and necessary to adopt the job classifications of Community Services Director, Administrative Services/Projects Manager and Administrative Coordinator- Special Districts; and delete the Parks and Recreation Director, Utilities and Maintenance Director, Research Manager, Electrical Operations Supervisor; and, WHEREAS, the City Manager recornmends and the City Council concurs, that t Administrative Services/Projects Manager be placed on the Management Salary Sched at $2416 - $3083 biweekly; and, WHEREAS, the City Manager recommends and the City Council concurs, that Administrative Services Coordinator-Special Districts be placed on the Management Salary Schedule at $1696 - $2164 biweekly; and, WHEREAS, the City Manager recommends and the City Council concurs, that Community Services Director be placed on the Management Salary Schedule at $258! $3304 biweekly. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That the City Council authorizes and directs the City Manager to adopt job descriptions of Administrative Services/Projects Manager, Administrative Coordinator-Special Districts and Community Services Director attached hereto and . 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 8 9 lo x' 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e m made a part thereof. 3. That the City Council authorizes and directs the City Manager to amend 1 Management Salary Schedule to include the Administrative Services/Projects Manager $241 6 - $3083 biweekly, the Administrative Coordinator-Special Districts at $1696 - $2164 biweekly, and the Community Services Director at $2589 - $3304 biweekly, attached as Exhibit 2 hereto and made a part thereof. 4. That the City Council authorize and directs the City Manager to transfe $4030 from the contingency account to the Community Services department budget tc reflect the salary range adjustment for the Community Services Director classificati PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the 21st day of JUNE , 1994, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard, Finnil NOES: None ABSENT: None AllEST KAREN R. KUNDTZ, Assistant City Clerk (SEAL) . 0 01 I Draft 6/7/94 CITYOF- JOB DESCRIPTION JOB mm; COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT; COMMUNITY SERVICES BAsrc FUNCTIO N; Under administrative direction of the City Manager's Office, plans, directs, supervises and coordinates the Parks, TYees/Medians, Recreation and Senior programs, Streets, Facilities and Fleet maintenance activities and services: provides highly responsible staff assistance to the City Manager, City Council and related commissions: and perform related work as assigned. DISTINGUIS HING CHARACTERISTICS; This is a department head level position reporting to the City Manager. T' Community Services department includes a diverse variety of public services, programs and public works maintenance operations. Each divisic is staffed with superintendent level positions reporting to the department head. RESPONSIBILITIES; Direct and participate in the development and implementation of City Council and departmental goals, objectives, policies and priorities. Plan, organize and direct the activities of the City's Parks, Trees/Medians Recreation, Senior, Streets, Facilities and Fleet divisions as well as the Special Projects section that includes assessment districts and contractu; services, such as, Cable Television, refuse collection sewices and various related maintenance functions. Formulate and ensure implementation of departmental rules, procedures and policies as well as the goals, objectives and policies of the Parks and RecreaUon Element and other associated elements of the City's General Plan. Develop and manage programs for department employees to ensure appropriate training, expectations and performance in accordance with standards set by the department and the City. Respond to the most dimcult citizen complaints and requests for information. . 0 m Community Services Director, p. 2 Prepare and administer the department budget. Recommend adoption and assist in preparation and revision of related ordinances. Provide staff support to the Parks and Recreation Commission, Senior Citizens’ Commission, Cable ?v Foundation, and other related advisory groups involved in the issues of the Community Services Department. Attend and make presentations at meetings of the City Council and various Community Services related commissions, community organizations and civic groups. Coordinate department activities with other City departments and division and with outside agencies. Represent the City in the community and at professional meetings as required. Coordinate the researching, application, implementation and monitoring ( grant opportunities and activities at the local, state and federal level. Perform other related duties as assigned. QUALIFICATIONS Concepts, objectives and requirements of the Parks and Recreation Division, Senior Programs, and Streets, Facilities, and Fleet Operations. Principles, methods and procedures used in advanced planning strategies, developing and administering parks/facflity master planning, Recreation, Senior Programs, Trees/Medians, Streets, Facilities, and Fleet maintenance programs. Prindpks of organization, administration, budget and personnel management, grant opportunities and administration thereof. Federal, state, county and municipal laws, regulations and codes related to Community Services operations. Principles of park and related facilities acquisition, construction techniques and maintenance operations of ail related divisions. e a Community Services Director, p. 3 4lbu.&m Plan, organize and direct a Citywide program of Parks and Recreatior activities, Senior Programs, Trees/Medians, Street, Facilities and Me maintenance operations. Research, apply for, implement and monitor grant opportunities and activities at the local, state and federal level. Supervise, train and evaluate staff. Establish and maintain cooperative relationships with those contactt in the course of the work. Analyze, interpret and report research flndings. Properly interpret and make decisions in accordance with laws, regulations and policies. Communicate clearly and concisely, orally and in writing. EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifving. A typic way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: ExDerie nce Five years of increasingly responsible management experience in a community sexvices department, such as, parks, recreation and/or public works construction and maintenance experience, including : minimum three years at an administrative or management level. Educatioa Equivaknt to a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or unive!mi@ with a major in park management, recreation, public adminfstration or related field. 0 0 DRAFI' 5/10/94 CITYOF- JOB DESCRIPTION JOB TIT= ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/PROJECTS MANAGER DEPARTMENT: Community Services BASIC FUNCTION: Under general direction, to administer and coordinate special projects an programs related to Community Services activities: to supervise the Speci District Assessment programs: and to assist the Community Services Director in the administrative management of services as assigned. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: This is a single position classification reporting to the Community Servict Director. The duties encompass a wide variety of professional, administrative and technical tasks requiring a high level of judgement ani decision-making in representing the department and the City in public agency committees, community-based Commissions and other meetings. KEYRE8 PONSIBILITIES: Develops special project plans: assigns to subordinates and participates i project tasks: prepares and presents fmal project reports. Coordinates and administers activities for a wide variety of programs, e.g solid waste, Carlsbad Community Television Foundation, Analyzes regulat (Le. 1993 Cable Act) and legislative issues: Represents the City in inter- agency meetings, commissions, committees: Monitors contracts: and Prepares reports recommending actions related to policy issues. Supervises the special district assessments programs, including but not limited to, street lighting, Buena Vista Channel, street tree trimming ar median and drainage maintenance programs. Advises the Community Services Director on policy issues as assigned. Coordinates information with other divisions within the department, 01 agencies, and the public on Community Services issues. Responds to requests for information from other City departments and general public. Assists in preparing and monitoring division budgets. 0 0 Administrative Services/Projects Manager, p. 2 Makes oral presentations to Council, to community groups and others as related to the assigned project. Supervises, trains and evaluates assigned staff. Performs other related duties as assigned. QUALIFICATIONS; Knowlee o fi Principles and practices related to Community Services programs. Principles of organization, administration, budget and personnel management. Applicable federal. state and local laws and regulations. Administrative analysis techniques including, research. organization and method analysis and report preparation and presentation. Coordinate and administer Community Services programs and activities effectively. Conceptually analyze problems and recommend and implement effective actions. Properly interpret and make decisions in accordance with laws, regulations and policies. Communicate effectively orally and in writing. Establish and maintain effective working relationships. Supervtse,train and evaluate staff as necessary. I 0 e Administrative Services/Projects Manager, p. 3 EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Any combination equivalent to the education and experience that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical background would include: Equivalent to the completion of a bachelor’s degree in public administration or related business management field from an accredited university, andz five years of increasingly responsible professional work experience in municipal administration at a supervisory/management level to demonstrate the knowledge and ability required for this level. e 0 5/11/94 CIPTPOFCNUSBAD JOB DESCRIPTION JOB TITLE: ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR-SPECIAL DISTRICTS DEPARTMENT: Community Services BASIC FUNCTIO N: Under general direction, to perform specialized professional, technical, analytical and administrative work in Special District Assessments; to perform research, analysis, and administrative work in special projects: ifl to perform other related work as assigned. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: This is a single position class performing specialized administrative work the research, development and implementation of Special Districts and administration the tax assessments related to the special districts: and, provide administrative support to the Community Services Department. EEY RESPO NSIBILJTIES: Determine and monitor the tax assessments for the Special Districts, including but not limited to street and traffic lighting, Buena Vista Chanr street tree trimming, median and drainage maintenance programs: Assist in coordinating the establishment of service areas and district boundaries, including working with other City departments and representatives of proposed and existing service areas: participating in 1 annexation process: Administer the continuing program of services to Special Districts, including budget preparation and tax rate projections within the limits prescribed by State law: Review legislative proposals relative to special districts; Provides admtnbtrative interpretation of state and local laws relating tc special districts: Conduct research and prepare reports to study the feasibility in creatir special districts, including making presentations to citizen groups, commissions, council: calculating costs and liabilities; recommending formulas to assess tax rates: e e Administrative Coordinator-Special Districts, p. 2 Respond to public inquiries on property research: Provide research, analysis and review of various franchises: Provide special research on projects as assigned: Provide plan check coordination: Supervfse staff as assigned: Perform other related duties as assigned. : Knowledse of: State, county and municipal laws, codes, and regulations related to special districts establishment and administration. Principles of organization, administration, budget and personnel management. Methods and techniques of research, statistical analysis and reporl preparation and presentation. General engineering terminlogy and procedures. Properly interpret and make decisions in accordance with laws, regulations and policies. Problem-solve and make independent decisions related to work. Research and prepare reports requiring analysis, statistical collec costing and narrative writing. Communtcate effectively orally and in writing. Establish effective and cooperative working relationships with st; the public and others that are in contact with this position. Supervise, train and evaluate staff as necessq. 0 0 Administrative Coordinator-Special Districts, p. 3 EXPERIENCE AND EDUCA TION: Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typic: background would include: Bachelor's degree in Engineering, public administration or related field and four years of progressively responsible experience in engineering, administration or related management field to demonstrated the knowledge and ability required for this level. e 0 44- 163 CITY OF CARLSBAD BIWEEKLY PAY Resolution No. 06/13/94 - MANAGEMENT SALARY SCHEDULE EXHIBIT 2 STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP S ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST - CMWD $1,410 $1,480 $1,554 $1,632 $1,713 $1 ADMIN. COORDINATOR-SPECIAL DISTRICTS $1,696 $1,780 $1,869 $1,963 $2,061 $2 ADMIN ISTRATIVE MANAGER $1,895 $1,990 $2,090 $2,194 $2,304 $: ADMINISTRATIVE SVCSPROJECTS MGR. $2,416 $2,536 $2,663 $2,796 $2,936 $: AQUATIC SUPERVlsoR $1,696 $1,780 $1,869 $1,963 $2,061 $; ARJSMANAGER $1,996 $2,096 $2,201 $2,311 $2,427 $: ASSISTANT CITYATJORNEY $3,055 $3,208 $3,368 $3,537 $3,713 $: ASSISTANT CITY CLERK $1,761 $1,849 $1,941 $2,038 $2,140 $ ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER $2,379 $2,498 $2,623 $2,754 $2,891 $ ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER $3,055 $3,208 $3,368 $3,537 $3,713 $ ASSISTANT FINANCE DIRECTOR $2,007 $2,108 $2,213 $2,324 $2,440 $ ASSISTANT LIBRARY DIRECTOR $2,008 $2,109 $2,214 $2,325 $2,441 $ ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR $2,542 $2,669 $2,802 $2,942 $3,090 9 ASSISTANT TO CrrY MANAGER $2,444 $2,566 $2,694 $2,829 $2,970 9 ASSISTANT U/M DIRECTOR $2,318 $2,434 $2,555 $2,683 $2,817 9 BUllDlNG MAINT SUPERINTENDENT $1,895 $1,990 $2,090 $2,194 $2,304 9 BUILDING WNT SUPERVISOR $1,696 $1,780 $1,869 $1,963 $2,061 9 CITYATTORNEY $3,148 $3,306 $3,471 $3,644 $3,827 !' CITY ENGINEER $2,589 $2,718 $2,854 $2,997 $3,147 ! CITY MANAGER $3,314 $3,479 $3,653 $3,836 $4,028 ! COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR $3,055 $3,208 $3,368 $3,537 $3,713 ! coMpmsAnoN & BENEFITS MANAGER $1,841 $1,933 $2,029 $2,131 $2,237 ' COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR $2,589 $2,718 $2,854 $2,997 $3,147 CONSTFVMAINT. SUPERVISOR $1,439 $151 1 $1,587 $1,666 $1,750 CoNslRucn~supERvlSoR $1,662 $1,745 $1,832 $1,924 $2,020 DATA PROCESSING MANAGER $1,797 $1,886 $1,981 $2,080 $2.1 84 DEPUTY CIlVAlTORNEY $2,072 $2,176 $2,285 $2,399 $251 9 DISTRICT ENGINEER $2,181 $2,290 $2,404 $2,524 $2,650 UllPLOYMENTSERvICESMANAGER $1,841 $1,933 $2,029 $2,131 $2,237 EQUIPMENT MINT SUPERINTENDENT $1,895 $1,990 $2,090 $2,194 $2,304 EQUIPMEM MINT SUPERVISOR $1,696 $1,780 $1,869 $1,963 $2,061 EXECUTIVE ASSISTAM $1,761 $1,849 $1,941 $2,038 $2,140 FINANCE DIRECTOR $2,575 $2,703 $2,839 $2,980 $3,130 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR $3,055 $3,208 $3,368 $3,537 $3,713 FIRE BAlTAUON CHIEF $2,248 $2,360 $2,478 $2,602 $2,732 FIRE CHIEF $2,847 $2,989 $3,138 $3,295 $3,460 GENERALMANAGER $2,747 $2,884 $3,029 $3,180 $3,339 HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR $2,467 $2,591 $2,720 $2,856 $2,999 HOUSlNGPRoGRAMMANAGER $1,761 $1,849 $1,941 $2,038 $2,140 HUMAN RESOURCE ANALYST $1,438 $131 0 $1,585 $1,664 $1,748 HUMAN RESOURCE ASSISTANT $1,298 $1,362 $1,431 $1,502 $1,577 HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR $2,575 $2,703 $2,839 $2,980 $3,130 mmoN 1 2 3 4 5 COMMUNITY ARTS COORDINATOR $1,554 $1,631 $1,713 $1,799 $1,889 ! GEOGRAPHIC INFO. COORDINATOR $1,800 $1,890 $1,984 $2,083 $2,188 . 0 0 CITY OF CARSBAD BIWEEKLY PAY Resolution No. 4 '$ - 163 06/13/94 WGEMENT SALARY SCHEDULE EXHIBIT 2 C STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP mmoN 1 2 3 4 5 INFORMATION SYSTEMS DIRECTOR $2,575 $2,703 $2,839 $2,980 $3,130 $: LIBRARY DIRECTOR $2,575 $2,703 $2,839 $2,980 $3,130 $: LIBRARY SERVICES SPECIALIST $1,376 $1,445 $1,517 $1,593 $1,672 $ MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT $1,895 $1,990 $2,090 $2,194 $2,304 $: MANAGEMENT ANALYST $1,525 $1,601 $1,681 $1,765 $1,853 $ MANAGEMENTASSISTANT $1,376 $1,445 $1,517 $1,593 $1,672 $ MEDIA PROGRAMMING SPECIALIST $1,376 $1,445 $1,517 $1,593 $1,672 $ METER SHOP SUPERVISOR $1,696 $1,780 $1,869 $1,963 $2,061 rE MUNICIPAL PROJECTS MANAGER $2,379 $2,498 $2,623 $2,754 $2,891 3 OPERATIONS SUPERINTENDENT $1,895 $1,990 $2,090 $2,194 $2,304 3 PARKS SUPERINTENDENT $1,895 $1.990 $2,090 $2,194 $2,304 I PARKS SUPERVISOR $1,696 $1,780 $1,869 $1,963 $2,061 5 PLANNING DIRECTOR $2,834 $2,976 $3,125 $3,281 $3,445 < POLICE CAPTAIN $2,581 $2,710 $2,845 $2,988 $3,137 : POLICE CHIEF $3,055 $3,208 $3,368 $3,537 $3,713 : POLICE LIEUTENANT $2,239 $2,350 $2,468 $2,591 $2,721 : PRINCIPAL BUILDING INSPECTOR $2,152 $2,260 $2,373 $2,492 $2,616 : PRINCIPAL CIVIL ENGINEER $2,181 $2,290 $2,404 $2,524 $2,650 PRINCIPAL CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR $1,977 $2,076 $2,179 $2,288 $2,403 PRINCIPAL LIBRARIAN $1,525 $1,601 $1,681 $1,765 $1,853 PRINCIPAL PIANNER $2,145 $2,252 $2,364 $2,483 $2,607 PRINCIPAL RECREATION SUPERVISOR $1,824 $1,915 $2,011 $2,112 $2,217 PURCHASING OFFICER $2,007 $2,108 $2,213 $2,324 $2,440 RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT $1,895 $1,990 $2,090 $2,194 $2,304 RISK MANAGER $1,895 $1,990 $2,090 $2,194 $2,304 SANITATION MAlNT SUPERVISOR $1,696 $1,780 $1,869 $1,963 $2,061 SECRETARY TO CllY MGWCITY A7Ty $1,166 $1,224 $1,285 $1,350 $1.41 7 SENIOR CITIZENS COORDINATOR $1,824 $1,915 $2,011 $2,112 $2,217 SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST $1,761 $1,849 $1,941 $2,038 $2,140 STREET MAlNT SUPERINTENDENT $1,895 $1,990 $2,090 $2,194 $2,304 STREET MAlNT SUPERVlSOR $1,696 $1,780 $1,869 $1,963 $2,061 SYSTEMS 0PERAmSL)pmm $1,696 $1,780 $1,869 $1,963 $2,061 TRAFFIC ENGINEER $2,283 $2,397 $2,517 $2,643 $2,775 UTILITIES MAlNT SUPERINTENDENT $1,895 $1,990 $2,090 $2,194 $2,304 WATER MAlNT SUPERVISOR $1,696 $1,780 $1,869 $1,963 $2,061