HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-06-21; City Council; 12742; Street lighting & landscaping dist. 1 - hearingi E h C 0 CJ aJ ;;1 k [13 2 o\ ? o\ 4 1 % 5 z g M 4 rd c k al 2 0 U a, [I) c, 0 al a a, c N w u (d a, c u a (d a 4 2 w g 2 ‘e c Q) aJ E+ z 0 F 0 a C rd c 6 z 3 0 0 Cw OF CARLSBAD - AGEWA BILL ‘ i DEPT CITY AB k? %?* TITLE: STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING MTG, 6/ 1/94 DISTRICT NO. 1: FIRST PUBLIC HEARING DEPT. CSD CITY RECOMMENDED ACTION: Hold this first public hearing to consider the staff report, accept public commen reconfirm date of second public hearing for July 19, 1994. ITEM EXPLANATION: At the GounGil meeting of May 17, 1994, GounGil approved three resolutims 1 directed the Community Services Department’s Research Manager to subn Engineer’s Report, approve the Engineer’s Report and set two public hearings for 21, 1994 and July 19, 1994. Tonight staff will present a narrative of the approved Engineer’s Report describir existing zones within the Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 1, Street Lig Street Tree Maintenance and Street Median Maintenance. The presentation will in boundary limits, maintenance work descriptions, operational budgets and asses: formula methodologies for the three zones. At the completion of the staff report, the meeting will be opened for public discus No action will be taken at the conclusion of tonight’s public hearing and f consideration of the district’s assessments will be resumed at the next public ht scheduled for July 19, 1994. FISCAL IMPACT: The Fiscal Year 1994-95 Street Lighting & Landscaping Budget is projected $1,576,654, or $14,901 less than the current fiscal year. Therefore, land p, registered on the San Diego County Assessment Rolls in 1993-94 will not have their increased this next fiscal year. All new City parcels being assessed for the first tin be assessed at the same formula as applied to existing city parcels in Fiscal Year 1994, The City’s General Fund will contribute $94,140 to the Assessment District prog $28,000 to the Street Lighting Zone for street light benefits for City owned parcels are exempt from assessment collection per the State Code and $66,140 to the Trimming Maintenance Zone for staff time and equipment on maintaining City park Hosp Grove. City parks and Hosp Grove, by policy, are not considered part of the program. BENEFIT ZONE Street Light Maintenance Street Tree Maintenance Median Maintenance TOTAL *AVERAGE *AVERAGE ASSESSMENT FY 93-94 ASSESSMENT PI 94-95 $36.16 $36.16 $39.00 $39.00 $5.86 $5.86 $81.02 $81.02 EXHIE e ORDER OF PROCEDURE CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 1 DATE OF FIRST PUBLIC HEARING: June 21, 1994 MAYOR: Announce that this is the time and place fixed for the first two pul: hearings relating to the levy of the annual assessments for costs maintenance of improvementsfor STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPIF DISTRICT NO. 1. CITY CLERK: Announce that notice has been given in the manner and form as requir by law, and a Certificate of Compliance is on file and open for puk inspection. STAFF: 0 Provide description of boundaries of district 0 0 Explain extent of maintenance work Present and summarize "Report' pursuant to the provisions oft Report on protests received and announce that copies have be "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972" Explain method and formula of assessment spread delivered to each member of the legislative body 0 0 END OF STAFF REPORT - OPEN FOR PUBLIC DISCUSSION MAYOR: ASKALL SPEAKERS TO IDENTIFYTHEMSELVES AND THEIR PROPER First, ask to hear from those persons who wish to speak in opposition the following: 0 Boundaries of the district 0 Method of assessment spread 0 Extent of works of maintenance Next, ask to hear from anyone who wishes to speak in favor of t proceedings. STAFF: 0 Give final reports on protests received 0 Presentation of proposed changes or modifications to t Engineer's Report and the district, if any. CITY COUNCIL: General discussion MAYOR: NOTIFY THE AUDIENCE THAT NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN AT TI CONCLUSION OF THIS PUBUC HEARING, AND GIVE THE DATE, TIP AND PIACE FOR THE SECOND PUBUC HEARING. SECOND PUBLIC HEARING: July 19, 1994 EXHlE 0 e ENGINEER'S REPORT AGENCY: CITY OF CARLSBAD PROJECT: STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 1 ENGINEER'S REPORT PURSUANTTO "LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACTOF 197: WHEREAS, this City Council has previously formed STREET LIGHTING AN LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 1 (hereinafter referred to as the District) and has levif assessments within the District for prior fiscal years, all pursuant to the Landscaping ar Lighting Act of 1972, being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of tt State of California, commencing with Section 22500 (hereinafter referred to as the Ad and WHEREAS, this City Council has previously adopted a Resolution ordering tl preparation and filing of an Engineer's "Report", all in accordance with the provisions the Act. WHEREAS, at this time there has been filed as a part of the "Report", certain plans at specification for the maintenance of the improvements, an estimate of the costs maintenance, a diagram of the District, and an assessment roll containing a spread of tl estimated costs of maintenance within the District, all as required by the Act and q previously ordered by this City Council. NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to the direction from this City Council, this Report is herel submitted to this City Council pursuant to the provisions of the Act. This Report applicable for the fiscal vear commencing July 1, 1994 to June 30, 1995 (hereinafl referred to as the Fiscal Year). This report is prepared in 2 parts (Street Lighting at Landscaping), each of which consists of the following 3 sub-parts: Part I. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS for the maintenance and/or servicing of tf improvements during the Fiscal Year. The plans and specifications show ar describe the general nature, location and extent of the existing and propost improvements to be maintained and/or serviced during the Fiscal Year. T plans and specifications also indicate the class and type of improvements be maintained and/or serviced for each zone within the District. Part II, A DIAGRAM of the District. The Diagram shows the exterior boundari of the District, the boundaries of any zones within the District, and t lines and dimensions of each lot or parcel within the District. Each parc is identified by a distinctive number or letter. The lines and dimensio of each lot conform to those shown on the County Assessor's map 1 Fiscal Year. AN ESTIMATE OF COSTS AND AN ASSESSMENTSCHEDULE showing t net amount to be assessed upon assessable lands within the Distri describing each assessable lot or parcel within the District by referen Part 111. 0 W reference to the Parcel numbers contained on the County Assessmei Roll, and assessing the net amount upon all assessable lots or parce parcels in proportion to the benefits to be received by each lot parcel. All lots and parcels of land known as public property, as definc under Section 22663 of the Act, have been omitted and are exem from any assessment under these proceedings. by apportioning the net amount among the several accessible lots ' Executed this /y" day of &/f , 1994 at La&d, t5.k e STREET LIGHTING Pursuant to direction from the City Council, submitted herewith is the "Report", consistir of the following documents pursuant to the provisions of Division 15, Part 2, of the Stree and Highways Code of the State of California, and specifically Section 22500 et.seq., tt Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972. PART 1. PLANS AND SPECIFICATION The plans and specifications for the maintenance and/or servicing of the street lightir improvements during the Fiscal Year are on file in the office of the Assessment Distr Administrator, available for public inspection, and incorporated herein by this referent as though set forth in full. Said plans and specifications show and describe the gene nature, location and extent of the existing and proposed improvements to be maintain and/or serviced during the Fiscal Year. The plans and specifications also indicate t class and type of improvements to be maintained and/or serviced for each zone wit1 the District. PART II. DIAGRAM A diagram of the Street Lighting District. Said diagram shall show the exterior boundar of the Street Lighting District, the boundaries of any zones within the Street Lighti District, the lines and dimensions of each lot or parcel within said Street Lighting Disti and each parcel shall be identified by a distinctive number or letter. The lines a dimension of each lot shall be identified by a distinctive number or letter. The lines a dimension of each lot shall conform to those shown on the County Assessor's map the fiscal year to which the Report applies. A simplified diagram is attached as Exh A. A detailed diagram is maintained in the office of the Assessment District Administrz and is available for public inspection. 0 m METHOD AND FORMULA OF ASSESSMENT SPREAD FOR STREET LIGHTING Within the Street Lighting Assessment District boundaries are the following five zones Zone A - street lights at intersections only (wood poles, SDG&E ownc and maintained) Zone B - street lights at mid-block (SDG&E owned and maintained) Zone C - City owned and maintained street lights on ornamental poles Zone D - SDG&E owned and maintained street lights on ornamental pol Non-benefiting Zone - undeveloped property, not assessed 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Within Zones B, C, and D are several codes. The code being the aredareas develop at the same time and containing the same City standard of street light spacing. The assessment to parcels within any one code will be based on one of the followi methods: 1. Residential parcels - pay equal shares of the energy and maintenan costs of the street lights within their code Commercial and industrial parcels - share the cast of the energy a maintenance of the street lights within their code based on the frc footage percent of the area of the code. 2. 0 W PART 111. ESTIMATE OF COSTS AND ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE July 1, 1994 through June 30, 1995 STREET LIGHTING COST OF MAINTENANCE SERVICE A. Energy 260,000 B. Personnel 185,000 C. Operations 283,357 Subtotal $728,357 For services to Other Departments 32,000 City Contributions 28,000 From Fund Balance 68,357 Subtotal $ 120,357 BALANCE TO ASSESSMENT $ 600,000 Detail contained by FY 1994-95 approved budget - Fund 161 -621 0 A complete assessment roll detailing the street lighting benefit assessment for each parcel is on file at the Community Development Building, 2075 Las Palms DI Carlsbad. 0 W NOSCALE cOinaamA LN BENEFIT ZONES STREET LIGHTING NON-BENEFITING PARCELS LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. FY 94-95 EXHIBIT "i 0 W LANDSCAPING PART 1. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS The plans and specifications for the maintenance and/or servicing of the Street Tree ar Street Median Improvements during the Fiscal Year are on file in the office of tt Assessment District Administrator, and are available for public inspection, ar incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full. Said plans ar specifications show and describe the general nature, location and extent of the existi and proposed improvements to be maintained and/or serviced during the Fiscal Ye The plans and specifications also indicate the class and type of improvements to maintained and/or serviced for each zone within the District. PART II. DIAGRAM A diagram of the Landscaping District. Said diagram shall show the exterior boundar of the District, the boundaries of the Tree and Landscaping zones within the District, t lines and dimensions of each lot or parcel within said Landscaping District and ea parcel shall be identified by a distinctive number or letter. The lines and dimensions each lot shall conform to those shown on the County Assessor's map for the fiscal y' to which the Report applies. Simplified diagrams are attached as Exhibits B and C. detailed diagram is maintained in the office of the Assessment District Administrator. e w METHOD AND FORMULA OF ASSESSMENT SPREAD FOR LANDSCAPING STREET JREE MAINTENANCE Street Trees are in the street right-of-way, generally between the curb and sidewa and/or property line in the areas indicated in Exhibit B. Each property receivc approximately the same benefit. Therefore, staff established a benefit formula which each parcel is given an equivalent dwelling unit (EN) based on the averq size of a single family residential lot in the City of Carlsbad (7,500 square feet or .1 acres). Thus, each single family parcel is given and EDU of 1.0, while most 0th parcel are given an EDU based on the following formula: Acreaae = EDU .17 MEDIAN LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE This service generally benefits all parcels and residents in the Cdy. Accordingly, parcels share in the cost, However, parcels which front upon streets which recei median landscape maintenance services generally receive more benefit frc landscape median improvements than other parcels. Thus, all parcels in the C share in the cost of median landscape maintenance using the same EDU form[ proposed for Street Tree Maintenance and those parcels which front on streets w landscaped medians are assessed twice the amount of other parcels not fronting the median streets. These formulas were approved by City Council at the June 6, 1989, regular meeti W PART ill. ESTIMATE OF COSTS AND ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE July 1, 1994 through June 30, 1995 TREES COST OF MAINTENANCE SERVICE A. Personnel $348,987 225,225 6. Maintenance & Operation C. Capital Outlay 0 Subtotal $574,212 City Contributions $ 66,140 From Fund Balance 8,072 Subtotal (7421 2) BALANCE TO ASSESSMENT $ 500,000 Detail contained by FY 1994-95 approved budget - Fund 161 -41 22 A complete assessment roll detailing the street lighting benefit assessment for each C parcel is on file at the office of the Assessment District Administrator, Community Servic Department, City of Carisbad. e w NOSCALE TREE TRIMMING BENEFITING PAR- TREE TRIMMING 0 NON-BENEHTING PARCELS LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT N( EXHIBI' FY 94-95 0 W PART 111. ESTIMATE OF COSTS AND ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE July 1, 1994 through June 30, 1995 MEDIANS COST OF MAINTENANCE SERVICE A. Personnel $ 75,560 8. Maintenance & Operation 1 98,525 C. Capital Outlay 0 Subtotal $274,085 From Fund Balance $ 14,085 City Contributions 0 Subtotal $ 14,085 BALANCE TO ASSESSMENT $260,000 Detail contained in FY 1994-95 approved budget - Fund 161-4123 A complete assessment roll detailing the street lighting benefit assessment for each ( parcel is on file at the office of the Assessment District Administrator, Community Servic Department, City of Carlsbad. HOSCALE LANDSCAPE MEDLAN BENEFITING PARCELS - IANDSCAPEMEDIAN -1 LOCATIONS LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT N FY 94-95 EXHIBI