HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-06-28; City Council; 12762; IMPLEMENTATION OF CLERICAL STUDY RECOMMENDATIONS* AB # /a. 710% TITLE: DEI MTG. 6-28-94 Implementation of Clerical Study c17 cn Recommendations DEPT. HR RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council adopt Resolution No. 9’.1-/85 adopting the classifications Office Specialist I, Office Specialist 11, Senior Office Specialist, Secrek Administrative Secretary, Police Records Specialist I, and Police Reco Specialist 11; deleting current clerical classifications; establishing new clerical salary ranges; reallocating current clerical incumbents into thc new clerical series job titles and salary ranges; and, amending the General Employees’ Salary Schedule. ITEM EXPLANATION: In 1990, the City initiated a study of all clerical positions and contract with an outside consultant to review over 50 positions. The purpose c the study was to: 1) 2) 3) conduct a market survey: 4) 5) review job descriptions and titles: review the salary differentials between job classifications: establish a career ladder for the clerical series; and, audit positions to ensure appropriate placement in classification. After a comprehensive review, a report with recommendations was completed. The City began a discussion of the impact of those recommendations on represented employees with the Carlsbad City Employees’ Association (CCEA) in May 1991. After over a year of discussion, the meet and confer process between the City and CCEA concluded with no agreement between the parties. In July 1992, the received a request to meet with a group of clerical employees regardii the status of this study and its implementation. As a result of this meeting, the City established a Clerical Taskforce consisting of severa members of the negotiating team, including representatives from the City, CCEA, and from the clerical group. The role of the Clerical z 0 F 0 a e z 3 0 0 Based on the Clerical Taskforce’s advisory recommendations, the City finalized the clerical study recommendations with the cooperation an( agreement of CCEA. Human Resources further verified the original recommendations relative to changes in individual positions and conducted job audits, as necessary, to ensure that clerical jobs througl the City were appropriately classified o 0 m Page 2 ofm# !2j 3 CP 2 At the conclusion of this review, the City Council approved the reclassification of ten (10) clerical positions in Resolution No. 93-85 on April 13, 1993. Because of the impact of the continued economic recession and the state budget deficit on the City9s finances, it was recommended that the City reevaluate its ability to implement the balance of the Clerical Study recommendations at a future date. The City has recently reviewed its ability to implement the Clerical Stuc recommendations. Further, the City and CCEA have met and conferred on the impact of these recommendations on represented employees. RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended that the City Council approve the implementation of the Clerical Study recommendations as follows: 1. Establish a new clerical series of: Office Specialist I, Office Specialist I1 and Senior Office Specialist (Attachment A); Secreta] and Administrative Secretary (Attachment B); and Police Records Specialist I and Police Records specialist I1 (Attachment C). Establish the salary for the benchmark position of Administrative Secretary at range 35, based on the survey of eighteen (18) cities the San Diego County market area, placing Carlsbads salary at the average of the market. Establish the salary ranges and differentia between clerical classifications in accordance with the following: CuRRENTTITL.Es/ CURRE NT PROPOS ED TITLES - NEW PROPOS EDDELE'MON RANGE RANGE Receptionist/ Cashier 1 Office specialist I 3 Clerk Typist 1/11 4 Office Specialist 11 9 Permit Clerk 9 Senior Recept. /Cashier 4 Steno Clerk 1/11 12 2. Word Proc. Operator I/II 13 Senior Office Specialist 17 Secretary I 27 Secretary 27 Secretary I1 32 Administrative Secretary 35 Police Records Clerk I 15 Police Records Specialist I 15 Police Records Clerk I1 20 Police Records Specialist I1 20 e 0 page 3 ofm# /A! 36 2 3. Reallocate all incumbents in the current clerical classifications in1 the new clerical classifications and salary ranges, as noted above, and delete the old classifications. Amend the General Employees’ Salary Schedule to reflect the reallocated salary ranges as shown in Attachment D. 4. FISCAL IMPACR The estimated cost of the salary range adjustments and related benefits for fiscal year 1994-95 is approximately $44,000. Staff recommends tk. these funds be appropriated from the general fund balance. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. ~~-ls~ adopting the job descriptions of Office Specialist I, Office Specialist 11, Senior Office Specialist (Attachn A); Secretary, Administrative Secretary (Attachment B); Police Records Specialist I, Police Records Specialist I1 (Attachment C) and, amending the General Employees’ Salary Schedule (Attachn Dl * " 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e RESOLUTION NO. 94-185 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAFUSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING NEW CLERICAL CLASSIFICATIONS: DELETING CURRENT CLERICAL CLASSIFICATIONS; ESTABLISHING NEW SALARY RANGES; REALLOCATING INCUMBENTS INTO THE NEW CLASSIFICATIONS: AND AMENDING THE GENERAL EMPLOYEES' SALARY SCHEDULE. WHEREAS, the City Manager recommends and the City Counci concurs, that the recommendations from the "clerical study" be implemented. Recommendations include establishing the classifications of Office Specialist I, Office Specialist 11, and Senior Office Specialist: Secretary and Administrative Secretary: and Police Records Specialist I and Police Records Specialist 11, to be adopted and included in the City's Classification Plan and Salary Schedule; a~ WHEREAS, the City Manager recommends and the City Counc concurs, that the following titles be deleted from the City's Classification Plan and Salary Schedule: Receptionist/Cashier, Clerk Typist I, Clerk Wist 11, Permit Clerk, Senior Receptionist/Cashier Steno Clerk I, Steno Clerk 11, Word Processing Operator I, Word Processing Operator 11, Police Records Clerk I, and Police Records Clerk 11; and WHEREAS, the City and CCEA have met and conferred on tht impact of these recommendations on represented employees. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I.1 l2 l3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 2. That the City Council authorizes and directs the City Manager to adopt the job classifications of Office Specialist I, Office Specialist I1 and Senior Office Specialist, as described in Attachment A, Secretary and Administrative Secretary, as described j Attachment B: and Police Records Specialist I and Police Records Specialist 11, as described in Attachment C, attached hereto and mac a part thereof. 3. That the City Council authorizes and directs the City Manager to delete the following classifications from the City’s Classification Plan and Salary Schedule: Receptionist/Cashier, Clerk Typist I, Clerk Typist 11, Permit Clerk, Senior Receptionist/Cashier, Steno Clerk I, Steno Clerk 11, Word Processing Operator I, Word Processing Operator 11, Police Records Clerk I, and Police Records Clerk 11. 4. That the City Council authorizes and directs the City Manager to place the Administrative Secretary on Range 35, $990.: $1,204.27 biweekly; place the Secretary on Range 27, $914.94 - $1,112.12 biweekly; place the Senior Office Specialist on Range 17 $828.28 - $1,006.77 biweekly; place the Office Specialist I1 on Range 9, $764.90 - $929.75 biweekly: place the Office Specialist I Range 3, $720.57 - $875.86 biweekly: place the Police Records Specialist I1 on Range 20, $853.38 - $1,037.28 biweekly; place thf Police Records Specialist I on Range 15, $81 1.96 - $986.95 biwee and amend the General Employees’ Salary Schedule to reflect thes changes, as described in Attachment D, attached hereto and made part thereof. . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 l8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 5. That the City Council authorizes and directs the City Manager to reallocate all clerical incumbents in deleted classification! into the new clerical classifications and salary ranges. 6. That the City Council authorizes and directs the City Manager to transfer $44,000 from the General fund balance into the affected departmental operating budgets for FY 1994-1995. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOFIED at a regular meeting of tk Carlsbad City Council held on the 28th day of JUNE , 1994 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member L Council Members Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard, Finnila ATTEST: (SEAL) 0 e 6/15/94 Attachment A Resolution No. CITYOFCARLSBAD JOB DESCRIPTION JOB TITLE: OFFICE SPECIALIST I (entry) OFFICE SPECIALIST I1 (journey) SENIOR OFFICE SPECIALIST (specialized) DEPARTMENT: VARIOUS RASIC FUNCTIO N: Under general supervision, performs a variety of typing, data entry, recordkeeping and general clerical work. Performs other related responsibilities as required. DISTINGUIS HIPJG CHARACTERISTICS: Office Specialist I is the entry level class for clerical positions requiring basic skills, but no previous clerical experience. Employees in this class normally work under close and continuous supervision performing repetitive, specific or limited duties according to established routine procedures. While a variety of tasks may be assigned, each step usually At: pattern which has been established and explained before work is started. Generally, work is reviewed both during the incumbent’s performance an upon completion. Changes in procedures or exceptions to rules are explalned in detail as they arise or referred to a higher level for resolutior This level requires a basic knowledge of department procedures and ski1 level. Oetlce Specialist 11 is the journey level class which may be filled by advancement from the lower class of Office Specialist I, or when filled frc the outside, requires prior clerical experience and advanced skills. This level works under general supervision and, within a framework of established procedures, is expected to perform a wide variety of general clerical duties with only occasional instruction or assistance. Incumbent require a general knowledge of departmental procedures and precedent and the ability to choose among alternatives in solving problems. Emplq in this class often have contact with the public, answering a variety of questions requiring knowledge of related departmental policies and procedures. Work is normally reviewed only on completion and for over, results. Depending upon assignment, may provide instruction or assistz to lower level staff in the absence of the immediate supervisor or manag or as requested. 0 0 Office Specialist Series, p. 2 Senior Offfce Specialist is the specialized class requiring in-depth knowledge of a skill level, e.g., word processing, spreadsheet program: or knowledge of a technical area; or broader scope of clerical/secretarial responsibilities, e.g., entry level secretarial in a small or limited program area. Generally, this level requires more formal training or a longer period of exposure to the department operations in order to learn the more technical or detailed procedures. Incumbents work independently under broad guidelines and are expected to handle a wide variety of situations wi' review of overall results. Depending upon assignment, may provide instruction or assistance to lower level staff in a lead capacity. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: (These are representative duties and the emphasis on certain duties will vary depending on the job assignment.) Types a variety of documents in draft and final form, such as, correspondence, standard forms, charts, and reports using typewriter, wc processing equipment, microcomputer, or keyboard remote terminal; performs data entry; types from written, recorded, or printed sources and/or oral instructions; proofreads materials for correct grammar, spellil and punctuation. Prepares, validates, processes, and/or checks a variety of documents and records, such as invoices, requisitions, application forms, and public notic for completeness, accuracy, and submission standards: compiles and records fiscal transactions or payroll records according to established procedures: may keep petty cash. Receives the public/stafT to answer questions and calls; determines how incoming calls should be routed: directs people to appropriate offices; answers routine questions; explains established procedures, processes, o departmental activities; distributes and explains forms, such as applicatio schedules appointments, training, or examinations; obtains information ti create or update files. Maintains records by transferring data, calculating totals and subtotals: c processes technical records reviewing documents for completeness and consistency; completes standard forms; maintains cross reference files b assigning or checking Wg codes to items based upon material/docume* content: maintains logs of processed materials. May operate automated c systems in this recordkeeping function. Compiles reports by extracting and/or tabulating information from a vari of sources, such as files, correspondence, meeting notes, logs, previous reports, and/or oral instructions. 0 0 Office Specialist Series, p. 3 Sorts and/or flles materials, such as, correspondence, record cards, applications, documents, employee records; time stamps and distributes mail: prepares mailings; maintains cross reference files or indexes: purges filing system and destroys or has purged records microfilmed. Operates a variety of office equipment, such as photocopiers, microfllm readers, data terminals and peripheral equipment: may perform equipment/system maintenance checks: may receive and transmit messag by two-way radio. Collect fees and payments and prepares deposits. Provides instruction and/or assistance to others in the perfonnance of related tasks. Performs other related duties as assigned. REPORTING RELATIONSHIPS: Office Specialists may be uUltzed in various City Departments, and may report to higher level secretarial or administrative staff, or management. QUALIF'ICATIONS: gnow1- f: General office methods and procedures. OBce equipment operation. Proper English usage, punctuation, grammar and spelling. For Office Specialist 11: Working knowledge of policies, procedures, and rules of the assigned work unit as related to position responsibilities. Software applications, e.g., word processing, spreadsheet or database management, on microcomputer systems as required by job assignment. For Senior Omce SDecialist: Thorough knowledge of department policies, procedures, and rule it relates to the assigned work. 0 0 Office Specialist Series, p. 4 Thorough knowledge of sobare applications, e.g., word processing, spreadsheet or database management, as it relates to the assigned work. - skill in: For Office SDec ialist I: Typing at a speed necessary to perform assigned duties. For Omce SDec ialist I1 and Se nior: Typing speed requirements may vary depending on the job assignment. Minimum speeds may average from 40 wpm to 60 wpm at a net corrected speed from clear copy. Ability to: Use correct English grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Alphabetize or numerically/ chronologically sort materials. Communicate effectively in oral and written form. Work cooperatively and establish effective relations with others. Learn the policies and procedures of the assigned department unit i related to position responsibilities. Understand and carry out oral and written directions. For OHce SDec ialist, I1 and Se nior Office Spec ialist: Apply and explain policies and procedures related to the job assignment within the standard guidelines. Work independently. Maintain records and perform assigned program activities in accordance with established practices and general instructions. For Senior Ofice SDecialist: Apply and exercise discretion and judgement in resoldng problem 0 0 Office Specialist Series, p. 5 EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION: Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge, skills, and abilities is qualifying. A typical way to obtain the required knowledge, skills, and abilities would be: Equivalent to completion of the twelfth grade, including or supplemented by specialized training in the clerical occupation field. For Omce SDec ialist 11: One year of clerical experience performing varied clerical duties. For Senior Office SDecialist: Two years progressively responsible experience including one year in a specialized capacity.* *One year of specialized experience may be substituted with a combination of applied coursework or demonstrated competencies ( knowledge and abilities through a proficiency program. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Depending upon assignment, possession of or ability to obtain a valid California driver’s license may be required. PHYsrcALfsT ANDARDS: Positions in this class are typically situated in a standard office environme resulting in little exposure to the weather and requiring no unusual physii abilities. Depending on the assignment, there may be special environmer or additional physical or mental requirements which will be detailed at tk time of recruitment. e e B 6/15/94 Attachment Resohtion No. CR'Y OF CARLSBAD JOB DESCRIPTION JOB ITIZE: SECRETARY ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY DEPARTlKENT: VARIOUS BASIC FUNCTIO N: Under general supervision, performs a variety of responsible secretarial duties and administrative tasks in support of department staff. Performs related responsibilities as required. DISTINGUIS HING CHARACTERISTICS: Secretary is the experienced journey-level class performing a wide variety tasks, duties and responsibilities at an advanced technical skill level. Assignments may vary from general support of several staff to specialized support in a technical area. Employees are expected to perform independently under general supervision and are reviewed for end result product. Administrative Secretary is the senior or executive level class. Employees this level are distinguished by the scope and magnitude of job responsibilities, discretion in decision-making and accountability expectel The work requires in-depth knowledge of activities or operations in orde to analyze and interpret information and make decisions based on non- standard or diverse guidelines rather than those readily established. Onlj purpose and objectives are defined with supervisory review on final resuli or compliance to objectives. Typical administrative assignments may inchde a combination or majority of the following duties: input and monitoring of budgets: payroll/personnel processing: handling confidential/sensitive information: supervising others: composing correspondence or researching and drafting information for correspondence or reports: and interacting with high level or critical contacts in providing information. KEYRES PONSIBILITIES: Provides direct secretarial support to one or more professional or management positions and may provide support to commissions/committees; receives visitors: schedules appointments: maintains appointment calendars; makes travel and meeting mangemel may attend meetings to take minutes. 0 0 Secretarial Series, p. 2 Types, edits, proofreads and prepares materials in appropriate formats, assembles and distributes correspondence, reports and documents, such a6 agreements, contracts, permits, resolutions, and agendas; transcribes recorded dictation: prepares standard forms and other related records; ma assist in production of newsletters or other desk-top publishing type products. Composes correspondence and compiles reports from a variety of sources: facilitates transmission of information to other offlces/agencies and interfaces with other staff or outside agencies/clients/public in obtaining information and coordinating activities. Receives inquiries from the public, other departments and agencies: answers phones and routes calls, provides variety of infomation requiring an understanding of department policies and procedures. Establishes and maintains a variety of files and records in systems for retrieval by staff, determines subject and nature of files, cross-referencing and storage of this information in active, inactive or purge status. Performs a variety of tasks in budget monitoring and fiscal recordkeeping, which may include, sorting, filing, preparing and/or processing a variety c documents and fiscal records; may assist in monitoring or reviewing expenses and revenues relative to budget; may recommend transfers and assist in budget preparation. Performs a variety of other clerical tasks as minor duties or back-up to sta including but not limited to, data entry, copying, recordkeeping, filing, ar processing standard business forms. May supervise or provide direction for the work of other clerical personn when so assigned. REPORTING RELA'MONSHIps: Secretary positions may report to professional, managerial, or executive staff. Administrative Secretary positions typically report to department c division head levels or managers of major organizational units. DESIRABLS QUALIFICATIONS Knowledpe of: General City policies, procedures and practices. Department policies, procedures and practices. a 0 Secretarial Series, p. 3 Standard secretarial and general office practices, methods and techniques including office equipment operation. Proper English usage, grammar, punctuation and spelling. Standard recordkeeping systems and procedures. Preparation of complicated documents requiring specialized typing. Software applications, e.g. , word processing, spreadsheet or database on microcomputer systems as required by the assignment. For the Administrati ve Sec retm Thorough knowledge of City and department policies, procedures ax practices as it relates to administrative functions. Depending on assignment, knowledge of specialized legal or technical protocols, terminolo@, codes, procedures as it relates to duties. Depending on assignment, general knowledge of supervisory methods and techniques. skill in: Operation of a variety of office equipment, including operation of a typewriter at 60 wpm at a net corrected speed, and operation of computer equipment at a comparable speed. Depending on assignment, may require shorthand or speedwriting at a speed necessary to perform job. Abilitv tw Learn, apply, and explain related policies and procedures. Use correct English grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Communicate effectively both orally and in writing. Establish and maintain cooperative working relationships. Make independent decisions within broad established guidelines. As necessary, maintain confidentiality of sensitive materials. 0 0 Secretarial Series, p. 4 Transcribe materials from tape or shorthand/speedwriting. For the Administrati ve Sec retarv: Problem-solve through analyzing and interpreting materials or information to make decisions or recommendations. Make decisions and handle situations in the absence of the supervisor. EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION: Any combination of education and/or experience that could likely provide the required knowledge, skills, and abilities is qualifying. A typical way to obtain the required knowledge, skills, and abilities would be: Equivalent to completion of the twelfth grade, including or supplemented by specialized secretarial and business training. - and For the Sec retarv; Two years of progressively responsible clerical and secretarial experience. For the Administrati ve Secretarv: Four years of progressively responsible journey-level clerical and journey-level secretarial experience. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Depending upon assignment, possession of or ability to obtain a valid California driver’s license may be required. Some assignments may require incumbents to attend periodic evening meetings or travel within City boundaries to attend meetings. PHysICALsT~ARDa Positions in this class are typically situated in a standard office environm resulting in little exposure to the weather and requiring no unusual phys abilities. Depending on the assignment, there may be special environme or additional physical or mental requirements which will be detailed at t time of recruitment. 0 a 6/15/94 Attachment C Resolution No. CITYOF- JOB DESCRIPTION JOB TITLE: POLICE RECORDS SPECIALIST I POLICE RECORDS SPECIALIST I1 DEPARTMENT: POLICE BASIC FUNCTION: Under general supervision, performs a variety of specialized clerical tasks involving processing, data entry, maintenance, and retrieval of Police Department records in accordance with State mandated procedures: receives the public and provides routine assistance. Performs related responsibilities as required. DISTINGUISHING CHAIWCTERISTICS: This is a class series specification descriptive of the police records positio comprised of specialized clerical and public lobby reception tasks. Police Records Specialist I is the entry class with incumbents performing routin work under continuous supervision while being trained in the scope of duties typical of a Police Records Specialist 11. Under this training conce: incumbents in the Police Records Specialist I class may reasonably expect progress to Police Records Specialist I1 upon achieving the required level knowledge and proficiency to satisfjr the qualification requirements of the higher level class. Both levels handle confidential and sensitive informati1 in performing their duties. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: Performs data entry and processes a wide variety of police records, repor and materials, including arrest records, warrants, citations, subpoenas, crime and traffic reports, fingerprints and identification and other relate information according to strict guidelines and State mandated procedure reviews documents for completeness and consistency: operates a variety automated systems to create or revise computer files. Provides requested criminal offender record information to assist department personnel and outside agencies in accordance with State lav and established departmental procedures: provides general information orally and in writing to the public within the guidelines of the Freedom ( Information Act and department policies. 0 a Police Records Specialist 1/11, p. 2 Operates computer terminals connected to Statewide networked databases teletypes to search for records, and to enter, modify, and retrieve data; prints routine statistical reports: and, compiles and assembles data for distribution. Sorts, files, copies, assembles and distributes reports and related records, including court packages for filings with the District Attorney, in accordan with established procedures and within time constraints; performs file searches to locate records and pertinent information. Receives the public at the lobby counter and maintains lobby security; answers and directs non-emergency calls: directs visitors: responds to general inquiries and provides routine information regarding departmenta policies and procedures, or general City information; operates the cash register and receives fees: distributes petty cash; prepares receipts, standard forms, and records in accordance with established procedures. Performs a variety of general clerical tasks, including, typing routine correspondence and standard forms: operating routine office equipment; and sorting and distributing mail as assigned. Performs fingerprinting of the general public, City employees, and registrants as required; prepares or completes related forms and records takes photographs for fingerprint records. As assigned, prepares and maintains records relating to paid time off, shfi records, assignment pay, and other departmental payroll-related records accordance with established procedures. DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS: Knowledpe of: Correct English grammar and usage, punctuation, and spelling. General office methods and procedures, and office equipment operation. Police terminology, codes, and classifications related to police. records work. General database systems and software applications. For Police Records Saecialist 11; Federal and State laws, regulations, and guidelines governing police records management. 0 0 Police Records Specialist 1/11. p. 3 Specialized law enforcement database systems, e.g., Automated Regional Justice Information System (ARJIS): California Law Enforcement Telecommunication System (CLETS): CA Identification/Automated Fingerprint Information System; and National Criminal Information Center (NCIC) Organization, procedures, and operations of the Carlsbad Police Department. Computerized word processing and spreadsheet applications on microcomputer systems. skill in: Typing at a net corrected speed of not less than 40 words per minute from clear copy. Abm* to: Apply Federal, State and City laws, codes, regulations and procedure? to the management and security of police records. Operate a variety of computer systems, word processing and related equipment to create, maintain and process files and records. Process information using the specialized database network systems to perform duties. Understand and utilize law enforcement technical codes and crime classifications accurately. Maintain confidentiality in processing police information. Receive the public in person or over the phone utilizing tact and diplomacy in dealing with sometimes hostile clients. Understand and carry out oral and written directions. Communicate effectively both orally and in writing. Learn, apply, and explain rules, policies, and procedures. Establish and maintain cooperative working relationships. .. 0 e Police Records Specialist 1/11, p. 4 EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION: Any combination of education and experience that could likely provide the required knowledge, skills, and abilities is qualifying. A typical way to obtair the required knowledge, skills, and abilities would be: . Equivalent to completion of the twelfth grade, including or supplemented by specialized training in the clerical occupation field and general clerical experience. For Police Records SDec ialist 11: One year of experience comparable to that of a Police Records Specialist I at the City of Carlsbad. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Incumbents must be able to work a flexible schedule requiring rotating shifts including weekend and holiday assignments, as may be expected in working for a Department operating on a 24-hour, 7 day per week schedulc Possession of a valid California Drivers License is highly desirable. PHYSICALSTANDARDS: Positions in this class are typically situated in a standard office environme1 resulting in little exposure to the weather and requiring no unusual physic requirements. May occasionally drive to meetings or to deliver materials 1 other locations as necessary. 0 e ATTACHMENT 0 Resolution No. SALARY SCHEDULE - GENERAL EMPLOYEES CLASSIBICATION RANGE CLASSIFICATION XAr ACCOUNT CLERK I 7 MAINTENANCE WORKER I ACCOUNT CLERK I1 15 MESSENGER ACCOUNTANT 58 METER READER/REPAIRER I ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR 44 METER READER/REPAIRER I1 ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY 35 MICROCOMPUTER SPECIALIST ASSISTANT ENGINEER 74 MINUTES CLERK ASSISTANT PLANNER 64 OFFICE SPECIALIST I ASSOCIATE ENGINEER 91 OFFICE SPECIALIST I1 ASSOCIATE PLANNER 78 PARK MAINTENANCE SPECIALIST BUILDING INSPECTOR I 55 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER I1 BUILDING INSPECTOR I1 70 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER I11 BUILDING MAINTENANCE WORKER I 27 PARK DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR BUILDING MAINTENANCE WORKER I1 39 PLANNING TECHNICIAN I BUILDING TECHNICIAN I1 50 PLANNING TECHNICIAN I1 BUYER 42 POLICE RECORDS SPECIALIST I CIRCULATION SUPERVISOR 35 POLICE RECORDS SPECIALIST I1 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER I 43 PROGRAMMER/ANALYST CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER I1 55 PROGRAMMER/OPERATOR COMPENSATION TECHNICIAN 53 RECREATION SPECIALIST CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR I 55 RECREATION SUPERVISOR I CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR I1 70 RECREATION SUPERVISOR I1 CRIME PREVENTION TECHNICIAN 31 SECRETARY CUSTODIAN 1 SENIOR BUILDING INSPECTOR CUSTODIAN I1 12 SENIOR BUILDING MAINTENANCE WORKER ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN I 35 SENIOR CIRCULATION SUPERVISOR ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN I1 50 SENIOR CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR EQUIPMENT MECHANIC I 34 SENIOR LIBRARIAN EQUIPMENT MECHANIC I1 40 SENIOR OFFICE SPECIALIST EQUIPMENT MECHANIC LEADWORKER 52 SENIOR PLANNER EQUIPMENT SERVICE WORKER 18 SITE MANAGER EVIDENCE AND PROPERTY TECHNICIAN 11 STOREKEEPER GRAPHIC ARTIST 24 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER I1 GRAPHICS TECHNICIAN 24 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER I11 HOUSING SPECIALIST I 46 TECHNICIAN I LIBRARIAN I 38 TREE TRIMMER I LIBRARIAN I1 53 TREE TRIMMER I1 LIBRARY ASSISTANT I LIBRARY ASSISTANT 11 35 UTILITY MAINTENANCE WORKER I1 LIBRARY CLERK I LIBRARY CLERK I1 4 UTILITY SYSTEMS OPERATOR I1 LIBRARY SERVICES SUPERVISOR 24 TREE TRIMMER LEADWORKER 1 UTILLTY MAINTENANCE WORKER I11 68 UTILITY SYSTEMS OPERATOR I11 MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN I 34 MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN I1 38 6-28-94 AlTACHMENT D e THE CITY OF CARLSBAD GENERAL EMPLOYEE SALARY SCHEDULE BIWEEKLY SALARIES 0 Effective JUNE 28. 1994) BfYS€sEeA ~~ SEE2 ~~ 1 $706.38 $741.70 $778.79 $81 7.73 $858.62 1 2 $713.44 $749.1 1 $786.57 $825.90 $867.20 2 3 $720.57 $756.60 $794.43 $834.15 $875.86 3 4 $727.78 $764.1 7 $802.38 $842.50 $884.63 4 5 $735 06 $771 81 $810 40 $850 92 $893 47 5 6 $742.41 $779.53 $818.51 $859.44 $902.41 6 7 $749.83 $787.32 $826.69 $868.02 $91 1.42 7 8 $757.33 $795.20 $834.96 $876.71 $920.55 8 9 $764.90 $803.1 5 $843.31 $885.48 $929.75 9 11 $780.28 $81 9.29 $860.25 $903.26 $948.42 11 12 $788.08 $827.48 $868.85 $91 2.29 $957.90 12 13 $795.96 $835.76 $877.55 $921.43 $967.50 13 14 $803.92 $844.1 2 $886.33 $930.65 $977.1 8 14 15 $811 96 $852 56 $895 19 $939.95 $986.95 15 16 $820.08 $861.08 $904.13 $949.34 $996.81 16 17 $828.28 $869.69 $913.17 $958.83 $1,006.77 17 18 $836.56 $878.39 $922.31 $968.43 $1,016.85 18 19 $844.93 $887.18 $931.54 $978.12 $1,027.03 19 20 $853 38 $896 05 $940 85 $987 89 $1 037 28 20 22 $870.53 $914.06 $959.76 $1,007.75 $1,058.14 22 23 $879.24 $923.20 $969.36 $1,017.83 $1,068.72 23 24 $888.03 $932.43 $979.05 $1,028.00 $1,079.40 24 25 $896 91 q941 76 $98885 $1 038 29 $1 09020 25 26 $905.88 $951.17 $998.73 $1,048.67 $1,101.10 26 27 $914.94 $960.69 $1,008.72 $1,059.16 $1,112.12 27 28 $924.09 $970.29 $1,018.80 $1,069.74 $1,123.23 28 29 $933.33 $980.00 $1,029.00 $1,080.45 $1,134.47 29 30 $942 66 $989.79 $1 039.28 $1 091.24 $1 145.80 30 31 $952.09 $999.69 $1,049.67 $1,102.1 5 $1,157.26 31 32 $961.61 $1,009.69 $1,060.17 $1,113.18 $1,168.84 32 33 $971.23 $1,019.79 $1,070.78 $1,124.32 $1,180.54 33 34 $980.94 $1,029.99 $1,081.49 $1,135.56 $1,192.34 34 36 $1,000.66 $1,050.69 $1,103.22 $1,158.38 $1,216.30 36 37 $1,010.67 $1,061.20 $1,114.26 $1,169.97 $1,228.47 37 38 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