HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-06-28; City Council; 12763; FAIR HOUSING SURVEY FOR THE FEDERAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM/- CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGE n UA BILL e FAIR HOUSING SURVEY FOR THE FEDERAL RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 94- 186 , authorizing distribution of a Fair Housing Survey to be a choice within Carlsbad. ITEM EXPLANATION: Recipients of federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds are required UI 570.904(~)(1) and (21, Fair Housing Performance Criteria of the CDBG regulations, to fair housing assessment of their community and based upon such assessment develop E affirmatively further fair housing. In the effort to complete an assessment of fair hoL within Carlsbad, the City Council previously approved $10,000 in CDBG funds to co housing survey. The survey form has now been completed and attached for review and by the San Diego Association of Governments for the analysis of issues related to. Carlsbad's Fair Housing Assessment will basically involve a three (3) step process STEP 1 : Survey of experiences and perceptions related to fair housing The first step in the process involves distribution of the attached Fair Housing Survey i of the results. The purpose of the survey is to gather information regarding the actual I of residents in obtaining housing within Carlsbad. Based on the comments receivt survey, a determination will be made as to whether or not residents have 6 discriminatory actions while attempting to rent or purchase housing in Carlsbad. Even if identified are not, in fact, discriminatory per applicable laws, staff believes it is equally i measure the "perceptions" related to discrimination or other impediments to fair hous STEP 2: Testincl of perceptions Based on the results of the initial survey, staff may solicit the assistance of Heart1 Relations Association (HHRA) to conduct testing of various housing (rental and for-s, determine if property owners/managers are, in fact, engaging in discriminatory practic 9 STEP 3: Proqram Development 0 ix a- & ".g The final step in the process is the development of a Fair Housing Program to address ar conditions which limit housing choices in Carlsbad. Also, the program will outline r promoting fair housing within the community and informing the public of their responsibilities under the law. To complete Step 1 of the process, staff is proposing to conduct a mail survey of a ran of 2,000 Carlsbad households, both renters and homeowners. Those households beii will receive a questionnaire which, upon completion, will: 1) assist the City in identifyir of individuals who have been or perceive themselves to be victims of housing discrimin: provide information related to specific experiences of obtaining housing in Carlsbad (se A handout summarizing the rights and responsibilities of residents under Federal and Page 2 e e AB# /A, J)D 3 Housing laws, as well as a request for further information, will also be mailed to thi households. A postage paid return envelope will be provided with the survey. All i mailed to Carlsbad residents will be printed in both English and Spanish. Staff is recommending that the City obtain the assistance of SANDAG to administer the F Survey. SANDAG will be responsible for printing all survey material, preparing the full SUI for initial and follow-up mailings, implementing monitoring and follow-up procedures, di computer program to process and tabulate results, data entry, and producing a report SI the results of the survey. SANDAG is qualified and has the appropriate resources to adm a survey. In addition, with SANDAG providing assistance, a neutral third party administering the Fair Housing Survey. The scope of work and cost estimate of the ma be conducted by SANDAG is attached as Exhibit 3. At this time, staff is requesting that the City Council authorize the distribution of the random sample of Carlsbad residents and authorize the City Manager to request assis SANDAG at the estimated cost of $5,575. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact to the General Fund. The Fair Housing Survey will be func through federal CDBG funds. It is anticipated that distribution and evaluation of the re Fair Housing survey by SANDAG will cost approximately $5,575 and postage and supi survey will cost approximately $4,425. EXH I BITS: 1. Resolution No. qq-Isb authorizing a Fair Housing Survey to be administered Diego Association of Governments. City of Carlsbad Fair Housing Survey. SANDAG - Scope of Work and Cost Estimate. 2. 3. l! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 l9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 . e 0 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 9 4 - 18 6 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAl CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING A FAIR HOUSING SURVEY OF CARLSBA RESIDENTS TO BE ADMINISTERED BY THE SAN DIEGO ASSOCIATION C -GOVERNMENTS WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is a recipient of Federal Commun Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds; WHEREAS, recipients of Federal Community Development Block Grant fur are required under Title 24 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 570.904(~)(1) and (2) carry out a fair housing assessment of their community and develop a program to affmnativc further fair housing; WHEREAS, the City Council previously approved $lO,OOO in CDBG funds conduct a fair housing survey of Carlsbad residents; WHEREAS, the City Council believes it to be in the best interest of the citizt of Carlsbad for a third party to administer said survey of Carlsbad residents; and WHEREAS, the San Diego Association of Governments has the expertise, SI and resources to enable it to assist in the implementation and administration of said survey; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. 2. The above recitations are true and correct. The City Council hereby authorizes the distribution of a fair housing survel a random sample of Carlsbad residents. The City Council hereby authorizes and directs the City Manager to execute documents or take other actions as may be needed or appropriate for administration of a fair housing survey of Carlsbad residents with assistance fi the San Diego Association of Governments. 3. ... ... ... ... 1 Y 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 l2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 0 0 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, on the 28th day of JUNE , 1994, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard, Finnila NOES: None ABSTAIN None ABSENT: Council Member Le * AlTEST: Ai$*,ui~AJ-w 1 tm e e City of Carlsbad Fair Housing Survey 6 9 FAIR HOUSING - It is the LAW! State and Federal laws prohibit discrimination in the sale or rental of all housing based on race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, age, marital status, sexual orientation, c families with children under 18, or any other arbitrary reason. The City of Carlsbad is conducting the following survey to gather information on the problems residents in finding housing within the City limits. We will greatly appreciate your assistance in co this survey and returning it to the City by , 1994 in the enclosed self ad postage-paid envelope. All individual answers will be kept strictly confidential. Your answers to the following questions will help the City in identifying the specific types of individuals most often the victims of housing discrimination in Carlsbad: 1. Ethnic background: White Black Hispanic Asian Native American/Alaskan Native Other (Please Specify) 2. Age of head of household: under 19 31-40 61 or ( 3. Household income per year: 19-30 41 -60 -$ 0 - 13,150 $21,951 - 35,100 $43,901 - 52,700 $13,151 - 21,950 $35,101 - 43,900 $52,701 + 4. Total number of persons in household: (#) a. The part ("Quadrant") of the City in which you currently reside: Of total in household, how many are children (under 18 yrs. old): (#) 5. Northwest Northeast (North of Palomar Airport Road & East of El Camino Real) Southwest Southeast (North of Palomar Airport Road & West of €1 Camino Real) (South of Palomar Airport Road & West of N Camino Real) (South of Palomar Airport Road & East of El Camino Real) 6. Type of dwelling you currently live in: Single family home Condo/Town home Mobilehome Other (Please Specify) Duplex Apartment 7. Do you own or rent your current dwelling? The following questions ask about your experience in obtaining housing in the City of Carlsbad. Pleast each question from your own experience: 8. Do you believe that you have been discriminated against in any attempt to rent or purchase a home in i years within the City of Carlsbad? No (Skip to question 15) Not Sure (Skip to question 15) Yes (Con tin ue below) @ e Last Year 0 1 - 2 Years 3 - 4 Years 5 Years + a. If yes, within the: 8. 9. How do you believe you were discriminated against? (Please check all that apply./ Denied rentaVpurchase of home - Applied different policies Offered unequal terms 0 the r (Please Specify) Quoted different prices 10. What do you believe was the reasonb) for the discrimination? (Please check all that apply.) Race Marital status Sex Have children Religion Receive government assistance Are disabled Are gay/lesbian Other (Please Specify) Are over 65 years of age 1 1. Who do you believe discriminated against you? (Please check all that apply.) Landlord Property Manager Real Estate Agent Neighbor/Neighborhood Other (Please Specify) Financial Institution (i.e. Bank) 12. Were you trying to purchase or rent the home? 13. In what part ("Quadrant") of the City were you trying to rent or purchase a home? Northwest Northeast South west Southeast 14. Did you file a complaint? Yes No a. With Whom? b. Were you satisfied with the results? Yes No If "No", why not: 15. What do you think is most needed to help Carlsbad reduce housing discrimination? Counseling and education Enforcement of laws Stiffer penalties Other (Please Specify) Legal assistance for victims Monitoring of violators Someone to investigate complaints Thank you for your assistance in completing this survey. information provided in these survey will beneficial to the City in its effort to develop a fair housing program for Carlsbad. If you think you are a victim of discrimination, or would like more information about Fair Housi Heartland Human Relations Association at (61 9) 460-2744. Telephone No. : f6 19) What type of information do you need? . ’ If you would like additional infor e someone from Heartland H space provided below and someone will contact you or forward the information requested directly to your horr information wiii be kept confidentid.) NAME: ADDRESS: n regarding FAIR HOUSING or woul Relations Association to talk about 9 y ur situation, you may provide your name, 0 address, and/or telephone nurr EX1 e e SANDAG SCOPE OF WORK AND COST ESTIMATE RE: City of Carlsbad Fair Housing Survey Task Cost--Citv Wide Survev 1. Survey design/layout $425 2. Printlnumber adequate number of survey forms 475 for initial and follow-up mailings 3. StuffingAabeling both sets of surveys" 1,350 4. Follow-up procedures 400 5. Data entry 350 6. Processing/tabulating results 875 7. Manual coding of open ended questions 350 8. Report summarizing results 1,950 9. Meetings 400 TOTAL SANDAG COSTS $6,575 Less LTA deduction (1,000) $5,575 COST TO CITY OF CARLSBAD * Mail-out and return postage costs paid by City of Carlsbad