HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-07-12; City Council; 12773; AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITIES OF CARLSBAD AND ENCINITAS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF VARIOUS CIRCULATION ELEMENT ROADS7 /' r 1 f e 2 U Q 2 z 0 F 0 a d 0 z 3 0 0 *flf /,e+- C OF CARLSBAD - AGEWA BILL *.>-.- % AB # '5,773 TITLE: AGREEMENT BETWEEN DEPT. MTG. 7/12/94 THE CITIES OF CARLSBAD AND ENClNlTAS CITY A CITY IV DEPT. ENG RECOMMENDED ACTION: FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF VARIOUS CIRCULATION ELEMENT ROADS Adopt Resolution No. 9Y - 19 3 authorizing the Mayor to execute the agreement bc the City of Carlsbad and the City of Encinitas for the construction of various circ element roads within the cities of Carlsbad and Encinitas. ITEM EXP LAN AT1 0 N : In recent weeks, the review of major development projects along the borders of Ca and Encinitas have emphasized the need to develop strategies and responsi between the two cities for the implementation of shared circulation element roadwi The proposed agreement provides for the implementation of the roadways listed with the major responsibilities as outlined. ROADWAY SUMMARY ROADWAY LIMIT RESPONSlBlLlTlE 1. El Camino Real Garden View Road to Joint (based on 2. El Camino Real At La Costa Avenue Joint (based on 3. Rancho Santa Fe Road Oliienhain Road to Carlsbad 4. La Costa Avenue Widening La Costa Avenue to 1-5 Carlsbad 5. La Costa Avenue At Interstate 5 Interchange Carlsbad 6. Leucadia Boulevard El Camino Real to 15 Encinitas 7. Leucadia Boulevard At Interstate 5 Interchange Encinitas La Costa Avenue frontage & traffic stuc traffic study) Calle ACeNO/La Posta 8. Olivenhain Road El Camino Real to Split 1,400 feet east (Carls badEncinitas) The agreement commits to the extension of Via Cantebria into the Green Valley project the general alignment shown on Exhibit "A" to the agreement. The responsibilities for the intersection of El Camino Real at La Costa Avenue Y determined by a joint traffic study coordinated by SANDAG. Encinitas Ranch is required to complete concurrent with occupancy of the first phase o project full width grading and two lanes of improvements to Leucadia Boulevard frc Camino Real to Sidonia Street (see Page 8 of agreement). 1 T a 0 Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. ,’ d, 7 7 3 Both agencies agree to pursue boundary adjustments to clarify roadway responsibilitil Both cities agree to require future development to mitigate significant adverse traffic irr to either jurisdiction to the extent allowed by law that are not otherwise dealt with speci in the agreement. FISCAL IMPACT The agreement clarifies obligations toward major circulation element roadways. $3.5 n in Community Facilities District (CFD) No. 1 will no longer be required for the Leu Boulevard extension. The agreement also secures a $2 to $3 million commitment t Olivenhain Road widening which will reduce obligations to the proposed Rancho Sar Road financing program. Extension of Via Cantebria and mitigations to the El Camino Real intersections with La I Avenue, Levante Street, Calle Barcelona, and Olivenhain Road will likely increase improw costs to Carlsbad developers. These costs could be offset by diversion of TIF previously allocated to Leucadia Boulevard. Through operation of the agreement, the City relinquishes the possibility of fin, assistance on the La Costa Avenue widening and the La Costa Avenue/l-5 lnterchang Section X of the agreement obligates future development to deal with potential sign adverse impacts to roadways in Encinitas. This could expose this development to I expenses that are not known at this time. EXH 1 BITS: 1. Location Map. 2. Resolution No. 9q-143 authorizing the Mayor to execute the agreement bet the City of Carlsbad and the City of Encinitas for the construction of various circu element roads within the cities of Carlsbad and Encinitas. 3. Agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the City of Encinitas for the constri of various circulation element roads within the cities of Carlsbad and Encinitas. 1 f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 l8 l9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 EXH1B1T 2 RESOLUTION NO. 9 4 - 19 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE CITY OF ENCINITAS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF VARIOUS CIRCULATION ELEMENT ROADS WITHIN THE CITIES OF CARLSBAD AND ENCINITAS WHEREAS, Carlsbad and Encinitas share a common city limit boundary; and, WHEREAS, said city limit boundary crosses, runs along, or otherwise dP established and/or future right-of-way of La Costa Avenue, El Camino Real, Leucadia E Olivenhain Road, and Rancho Santa Fe Road; and, WHEREAS, said roads are integral to the circulation element plans for Carlsbad, and the North County Region in general; and, WHEREAS, traffic impacts from development along and adjacent to said roads cities of Carlsbad and Encinitas will adversely impact the proper functioning and level standards of said roads unless certain major street and highway infrastructure improve installed prior to, or concurrent with, the needs created by said development; and, WHEREAS, the cities of Carlsbad and Encinitas acknowledge the impo maintaining established minimum level of service standards on said roads for tl functioning of the local and regional circulation network; and, WHEREAS, the cities of Carlsbad and Encinitas desire to establish a mutua upon responsibility for the funding, design, construction, and maintenance of the major highway improvements necessary to maintain the established minimum level of service on said roads. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 111 1 I 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 2. That in the best interests of regional cooperation and to further the improve circulation element improvements serving the cities of Carlsbad and Encinitas, the City of the City of Carlsbad hereby authorizes the Mayor to execute the agreement between of Carlsbad and the City of Encinitas for the construction of various circulation elemei within the cities of Carlsbad and Encinitas. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City held on the 12th day of JULY , 1994 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard, Finnila NOES: None ABSENT: None (SEAL) I I .. e e GJ-rY OF G/\F{l- SS/\rJ GITY OF 2 ~l\J GIlYI-rA s NOT TO SCALE I I - 0 0 EXHIBIT 3 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE CITY OF ENCINITAS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF VARIOUS CIRCULATION ELEMENT ROADS WITHIN THE CITIES OF CARLSBAD AND ENCiAITAS THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of the day o , 1994, by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipa corporation, hereinafter referred to as "CARLSBAD", and the CITY OF ENCINITAS, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "ENCINITAS". RECITALS WHEREAS, CARLSBAD and ENCINITAS share a common city limit boundary; and, WHEREAS, said city limit boundary crosses, runs along or othewise divides the established andlor future right-of-way of La Costa Avenue, El Camino Real, Leucadiz. Boulevard, Qlivenhain Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road; and, WHEREAS, said roads are integral to the circulation element plans for Carlsbad, Encinitas and the North County Region in general; and, WHEREAS, traffic impacts from development along and adjacent to said roads within the Cities of Carlsbad and Encinitas will adversely impact the proper functioning and level of service standards of said roads unless certain major street and highway infrastructure improvements are installed prior to or concurrent with the needs created by said development; and, WHEREAS, the Cities of Carlsbad and Encinitas acknowledge the importance of maintaining established minimum level of service standards on said roads for the proper functioning of the local and regional circulation network; and, 1 REV. 6/22/94 -2 f 9 0 0 WHEREAS, the Cities of Carlsbad and Encinitas desire to establish mutuall! agreed upon responsibilities for the funding, design, construction and maintenance of thr major street and highway improvements necessary to maintain the established minimun level of service standards on said roads. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the above recitals, CARLSBAD anc ENCINITAS do hereby mutually and jointly agree to participate in the funding, desigr construction and maintenance of said street and highway infrastructure improvements a follows: 1. ENCINITAS AND CARLSBAD MUTUALLY AGREE: To participate in a joint San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAC coordinated traffic study to determine the traffic impacts/issues between the tw jurisdictions. The study will focus on Circulation Element roads (El Camino Rea Olivenhain Road, La Costa Avenue, Leucadia Boulevard, Via Cantebria, an Rancho Santa Fe Road) shared by the two cities, and address existing, planne and proposed land uses. This study will provide the basis to evaluate areas of mutual concern and potentii significant adverse traffic impacts created by future development and mitigatio measures which may be required beyond those identified specifically in thi agreement. EL CAMINO REAL ROAD WIDENING AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION II. 1. The El Camino Real road widening and intersection improvemeni referenced in this section are more particularly described as follow! a. The widening and improvement of El Camino Real betwee Garden View Road and Olivenhain Road to augmented prirr arterial road standards including three through lanes and or auxiliary right turn/through lane in each direction, bikelane raised landscaped median, curbs, gutters, sidewalks an streetlights exclusive of the intersection and bridge/culve improvements described in Section VIII. 2 REV. 6/22/! c-7 i 0 0 11' b. The widening and improvement of El Camino Real betwee La Costa Avenue and Olivenhain Road to prime arterii standards including three through lanes in each directior bikelanes, raised landscaped median, curbs, gutter! sidewalks and streetlights exclusive of the intersectio improvements described in Section VIII. The construction of traffic signals, additional turn lanes an other appurtenant improvements at the El Camino Rel intersections with Garden View Road, Woodley Road, Call Barcelona, Levante Street and La Costa Avenue. The construction of traffic signal modifications, additional tur lanes and other appurtenant improvements to the intersectio of El Camino Real and Olivenhain Road exclusive of the roa improvements described in Sections VI and VIII. All environmental mitigation measures, utility and drainag improvements necessary to construct the aforementionel improvements. c. d. e. B. CARLSBAD AGREES: 1. To require Carlsbad developers to fully mitigate for buildout impact to the El Camino Real intersections with Calle Barcelona and Levant Street. Improvements necessary to serve a particular project c phase to be in place prior to occupancy. To require Carlsbad developers to share in the cost for the fundinl of the traffic mitigation improvements to the El Camino Re: intersections with La Costa Avenue with the Encinitas developers o a fair share basis as determined from the combined traffic study. To require Carlsbad developers to construct full improvements to E Camino Real within the City limits of Carlsbad. 2. 3. C. ENCINITAS AGREES: 1. To require the Encinitas developers to fully mitigate for buildou impacts to the El Camino Real intersections with Woodley Road ant Garden View Road. Improvements necessary to serve a particula project or phase to be in place prior to occupancy. To require the Encinitas developers to share the cost for the fundin! of the traffic mitigation improvements to the El Camino ReE intersections with La Costa Avenue with the Carlsbad developers 01 a fair share basis as determined from the combined traffic study. 2. REV. 6l22l9 ..-. 3 f 0 ,I I 3. To require Encinitas developers to construct full improvements b I Camino Real south of Olivenhain Road. To require Encinitas Ranch developer to improve the west half of E Camino Real adjacent to the Encinitas Ranch open space propert north of Olivenhain Road. 4. 111. RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD WIDENING - SOUTH OF OLIVENHAIN ROAD A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. The Rancho Santa Fe Road widening improvements referenced ii this section are more particularly described as follows: a. The widening and improvement of Rancho Santa Fe Roac from Olivenhain Road to approximately 400 feet south of Calk Acervo/Avenida La Posta to secondary arterial standard! including two lanes in each direction, bikelanes, curbs gutters, sidewalks, streetlights, a painted median, anc associated transitions. All environmental mitigation measures, utility and drainagc improvements necessary to construct the above mentionec improvements. b. B. CARLSBAD AGREES: 1. To require CARLSBAD developers to fund and construct ful improvements to Rancho Santa Fe Road south of Olivenhain Roac as described above. To act as lead agency in the review and processing of environmental documents. 2. C. ENClNlTAS AGREES: 1. To expeditiously review and approve required permits to allow construction within jurisdictional boundaries. IV. LA COSTA AVENUE WIDENING A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. The La Costa Avenue widening improvements referenced in this section are more particularly described as follows: 4 REV. 6/22/94 ? 0 e I8 I a. The widening and improvement of La Costa Avenue from E Camino Real to Piraeus Street to modified major arteria standards including two lanes in each direction, bikelanes, 8 foot wide raised landscaped median, curbs, gutters sidewalk along the north side only and streetlights. All environmental mitigation measures, utility and drainagt improvements necessary to construct the above mentionec improvements. b. B. CARLSBAD AGREES: 1. 2. To act as Lead Agency in design, construction, and permitting. To provide full funding for project with no funding participation fron ENClNlTAS or from property owners within the jurisdiction o ENClNlTAS unless such property is proposed for development prio to construction of La Costa Avenue. 3. To require that prior to building occupancy subsequent tc recordation of Green Valley Tentative Map 92-08, La Costa Avenut shall be completed to full standards and the I-5/La Costa Avenut interchange improved. C. ENClNlTAS AGREES: 1. To accept roadway right-of-way for widening within their jurisdiction2 boundaries. To cooperate in obtaining dedication of rights-of-way. To consent to condemnation, if required, within their jurisdiction. To cooperate in efforts to obtain appropriate permits to completc project. To expeditiously review and approve any required permits tc construct within jurisdiction. To require any proposed development abutting La Costa Avenue tr construct frontage improvements if the proposed development i: proposed and approved prior to the construction of La Cost; Avenue. This requirement would be a condition on project approva 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 5 REV. 6/22/9 ’ .,> e 0 >'I V. LA COSTA AVENUE/INTERSTATE 5 INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENTS A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. The La Costa Avenue/lnterstate 5 interchange improvement referenced in this section are more particularly described as follows a. Widening and seismic retrofitting of the existing La Cost Avenue overpass to accommodate four through lanes, du: southbound left turn lanes, bikelanes and sidewalks. Widenin( and improvement to the La Costa Avenue bridge approach ti accommodate two through lanes in each direction, on additional right turn lane onto the on-ramps in each directior bikelanes, curbs, gutters, sidewalks and streetlights. Widening and improvement to the existing on-ramps t accommodate two lanes of traffic. Widening and improvemer to the off-ramps to accommodate three traffic lane! Installation of two traffic signals at each of the on/off-ram intersections including a traffic signal interconnect. All environmental mitigation measures, utility and drainag improvements necessary to construct the above mentione improvements. b. c. B. CARLSBAD AGREES: 1. To act as Lead Agency with Caltrans for environmental revie\ permits, and construction including all administration and inspectio To provide full funding for the La Costa Avenue/lnterstate interchange improvements. To negotiate and acquire necessary rights-of-way. recordation of Green Valley Tentative Tract Map 92-08, La Cos Avenue shall be completed to full standards and the I-5/La Cos Avenue interchange improved. To cooperate with ENClNlTAS in the realignment and signalizatic of the intersection of La Costa Avenue and Piraeus Street as separate project. 2. 3. 4. To require that prior to building occupancy subsequent 5. 6 REV. 6122r !! . a 0 I! 4 C. ENClNlTAS AGREES: 1. To act as responsible agency in the review and processing ( environmental documents. TO expeditiously review and recommend approval of appropria. environmental documents. 2. 3. To cooperate in the acquisition of required rights-of-way ar clearance of utilities. To consent to condemnation of rights-of-way as required. To cooperate with CARLSBAD and Caltrans in efforts to secui required permits. To expeditiously review and approve required permits to all0 construction within jurisdiction. 4. 5. 6. VI. LEUCADIA BOULEVARD EXTENSION AND WIDENING A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. The Leucadia Boulevard extension and widening improvemeni referenced in this section are more particularly described as follow! a. The widening and improvement of Leucadia Boulevard fro1 Interstate 5 to Sidonia Street to major arterial standarc including two through lanes in each direction, bikelane raised landscaped median, curbs, gutters, sidewalks an streetlights. The extension of Leucadia Boulevard from Sidonia Street t El Camino Real to major arterial standards including tw through lanes in each direction, bikelanes, raised landscape median, curbs, gutters, sidewalks and streetlights an including additional through, turn lanes and right-of-way at th intersection with El Camino Real. b. c. Improvement of the Leucadia Boulevard/lnterstate interchange including bridge widening, ramp signalizatio ramp widening and appurtenant improvements as required k Caltrans. 7 REV. 6122IS 62 - 0 0 I8 N d. All environmental mitigation measures, utility and drainag improvements necessary to construct the above mentione improvements including any traffic signal modification at th intersection with El Camino Real. B. ENClNlTAS AGREES: I. To act as Lead Agency for environmental review, permits, desig and construction. To secure funding for construction of all roadway improvements we! of El Camino Real to and including the interchange with Interstate with no funding participation from CARLSBAD or from properi owners within the jurisdiction of CARLSBAD. To require that concurrent with the occupancy of the first phase (nc to exceed 475,000 sq. ft. of commercial uses) of the Encinitas Ranc project, Leucadia Boulevard shall be required to be improved to tt- following standards: a. Full improvements from El Camino Real to Via Cantebria; an b. Full width grading and two (2) lanes of improvements from VI Cantebria to Sidonia Street. Prior to the completion of the remainder of the Encinitas Rancl Leucadia Boulevard shall be developed to full improvements (fot lanes to 1-5) and Wleucadia Boulevard interchange improved. The above requirements to be conditions of the tentative maps fc Encinitas Ranch. 2. 3. C. CARLSBAD AGREES: 1. 2. To cooperate with ENClNlTAS in environmental review and approvz To cooperate in obtaining required permits to construct Leucad Boulevard. To act as responsible agency in the review and processing ( environmental documents. To expeditiously review and recommend approval of appropria environmental documents. 3. 4. REV. 6/22/! i- '4 8 0 e 18 0 .- 5. To condition Green Valley Tentative Maps or subsequent development approvals fronting Leucadia Boulevard to dedicate appropriate rights-of-way to allow for construction of Leucadia Boulevard. To cooperate in acquisition of rights-of-way, if required. To consent to condemnation of rights-of-way, if required. To expeditiously review and approve required permits to allow construction within jurisdictional boundaries. 6. 7. 8. VII. VIA CANTEBRIA ROAD EXTENSION A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. The Via Cantebria Road extension improvements referenced in thi: section are more particularly described as follows: a. The extension of Via Cantebria from its current norther11 terminus to Leucadia Boulevard to secondary arteria standards including a minimum of two through lanes in eact direction, bikelanes, curbs, gutters, raised landscapec median, sidewalk along the west side only and streetlights. b. The extension of Via Cantebria from Leucadia Boulevarc northerly into the Green Valley area of Carlsbad to modifiec secondary arterial standards including curbs, gutters bikelanes, sidewalks and streetlights. The road width anc number of through lanes shall be as determined b CARLSBAD and ENClNlTAS after completion of the combinec traffic study. All environmental mitigation measures, utility and drainagl improvements necessary to construct the above mentione improvements including any new traffic signals. c. 8. CARLSBAD AGREES: 1. To require the developer to realign and construct, to the city limits ( CARLSBAD, Via Cantebria (Street "A") in the general configuratic shown on Exhibit "A". This would not, however, preclude relocatin Street "A" (on Exhibit A) further west should the developer find th beneficial to the land use planning of Green Valley Master Plan. 9 REV. 6/22/! fY 0 0 ,I 3 C. ENCINITAS AGREES: 1. To require the developer to realign and construct, to the city limits c ENCINITAS, Via Cantebria (Street "A") in the general configuratics shown on Exhibit "A". This would not, however, preclude relocatiri Street "A" (on Exhibit A) further east should the developer find thr beneficial to the land use planning of Encinitas Ranch. VIII. OLIVENHAIN ROAD WIDENING - EL CAMINO REAL TO 1,400 FEET EAST A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. The description of the Olivenhain Road widening improvement! hereinafter referred to as "PROJECT", shall be as follows: a. The widening and improvement of Olivenhain Road from I Camino Real to 1,400 feet east to Carlsbad's prime arterii standards including three through lanes in each directioi bikelanes, curbs, gutters, an 18-foot wide raised landscape median, sidewalks and streetlights. b. Modifications to the intersection of El Camino Real an Olivenhain Road including traffic signal modification: appurtenant roadway and drainage improvements and th extension of the existing bridge/culvert, exclusive of th improvements described in Sections II and VI. All environmental mitigation measures, utility and drainag improvements necessary to construct the above mentione including the construction of a major offsite retention basi necessary to mitigate potential flooding of the El Camin Real/Olivenhain Road intersection. c. B. CARLSBAD AGREES: 1. To act as lead agency for the purpose of design and environment, review and to provide all labor, materials, tools and equipment fc PROJECT including permit acquisition, advertising, award, contrac administration, Resident Engineer, material source inspectioi independent assurance and specialty testing, and such otht construction engineering as may be required for satisfactoi completion of PROJECT. To construct PROJECT by contract in accordance with plans an specifications prepared by CARLSBAD and approved t ENCINITAS, said plans being referred to as Improvement Plans fc Olivenhain Road and Improvement Drawing No. 336-5. 2. 10 REV. 6/22/< @r id 0 0 I ,,a 3. To establish separate PROJECT accounts to accumulate charges for all costs to be paid for by ENClNlTAS pursuant to this Agreement. To submit initial billing in the amount of $ 100,000 to ENClNlTAS within thirty (30) days of the execution of a design agreement. To receive from ENCINITAS’ designated PROJECT representative prior approval of all change orders before implementation, except when necessary for the safety of motorists and/or pedestrians or for the protection of property. Upon completion of PROJECT and all work incidental thereto, to furnish ENClNlTAS with a detailed statement of the total actual costs of construction and SERVICES for PROJECT, including the costs oi any contract claims which have been allowed to the construction contractor. SERVICES shall include cost of providing personnel resources (direct salaries and benefits). CARLSBAD thereafter shal refund to ENClNlTAS any amount of ENCINITAS’ deposits plu; accrued interest and payments CARLSBAD is holding after actua costs to be borne by CARLSBAD have been deducted, or to bil ENCINITAS for any additional amount required to completc ENCINITAS’ financial obligations pursuant to this Agreement. To designate a project Resident Engineer who shall represen CARLSBAD as the single point of contact for PROJEC‘ administration. To consult with ENClNlTAS in resolution of any contract claim! associated with work. To acquire necessary right-of-way to allow construction of PROJEC north of roadway centerline. To fund one-half of the total PROJECT costs. To fund one-half of the utility relocation costs associated with th road construction. -- 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. C. ENClNlTAS AGREES: 1. To designate a single project representative authorized to act c behalf of ENCINITAS in relation to contract change orders an overall PROJECT coordination. Said representative and CARLSBAD Engineer will cooperate and consult with each other, but tt decisions of CARLSBAD’s Resident Engineer shall prevail as fin: binding and conclusive in all matters concerning PROJEC construction contract. 11 REV. 6/22/! i- r .\ e 0 , ,It - 2. To relinquish to CARLSBAD rights in the maintenance and operatio of the construction zone within the boundaries of ENCINITAS for th duration of construction and authorizes CARLSBAD to act as if authorized agent to direct contractor for traffic control, signal timing and other measures deemed necessary for construction an administration of the PROJECT. To bear fifty (50) percent of the actual cost of SERVICES fc PROJECT. Said costs of SERVICES shall include costs of providin personnel resources and including the cost of any furnishe materials, supplemental work, change orders and contract claim related claims which may be filed by the contractor or portion ( SERVICES attributed to such work applied in accordance wit standard accounting procedures. The actual cost of SERVICES fc PROJECT shall be determined after completion of all work and up0 final accounting of costs. The total amount due shall be reduced b one-half of the cost of ENCINITAS personnel resources (direc salaries and benefits) attributable to the project. To deposit with CARLSBAD within thirty (30) days of award of th construction contract, one-half of total PROJECT costs, to COVE ENCINITAS’ share of construction costs, including utility relocatio and environmental mitigation measures and a ten percer contingency fund. To pay CARLSBAD upon completion of all work and within twent) five (25) working days of receipt of a detailed statement made up0 final accounting of costs, therefore, any amount over and above th aforementioned deposits and payments required to complet ENCINITAS’ financial obligation pursuant to this Agreement. To provide all rights-of-way required for construction and necessar mitigation within ENCINITAS’ jurisdiction. To fund one-half of the utility relocation costs associated with th road construction. To approve PROJECT plans and specifications within ten (IO) day of final submittal by CARLSBAD. -, 3. paid to the construction contractor, and the defense of all projer 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. REV. 6/22/$ 12 Q? - 0 0 , ,,& 9. Within ten (10) days of completion of the PROJECT and notificatioi by CARLSBAD, ENClNlTAS shall inspect all work performed on thl PROJECT and determine whether the work was completed ii accordance with ENCINITAS’ approved plans and specifications. I by the end of this ten (10) day period, ENClNlTAS has not notifiel CARLSBAD in writing through the City Engineer that the wor materially varies from the approved plans, ENClNlTAS shall b deemed to have accepted the PROJECT in accordance with th approved plans and specifications. To cooperate in obtaining required permits. To expeditiously review and approve any required permits fc construction of PROJECT within jurisdiction. 10. 11. C. ENClNlTAS and CARLSBAD mutually agree that: 1. CARLSBAD shall not advertise a construction contract until it ha received written approval from ENClNlTAS approving plan: specifications, and estimates. If, after opening bids for PROJECT, the lowest responsible bid is nc more than the Engineer’s Estimate, CARLSBAD may award th contract. If, upon opening of bids for PROJECT, it is found that the lowe: responsible bid exceeds the Engineer’s Estimate, CARLSBAD ani ENClNlTAS shall consult and agree upon a course of action. If, after thirty (30) days, no agreement is reached CARLSBAD shE reject all bids. 2. 3. 4. IX. BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENTS A. CARLSBAD and ENClNlTAS mutually agree to pursue jurisdiction: boundary adjustments through Local Agency Formation Commissioi (LAFCO) upon completion of roadway improvements as follows: 1. Along La Costa Avenue from approximately 400 feet west of E Camino Real to Interstate 5, move the city limit boundary to coincid with the south right-of-way line of La Costa Avenue. Along Leucadia Boulevard, west of El Camino Real where th roadway enters Carlsbad city limits, move the city limit boundary t coincide with the north right-of-way line of Leucadia Boulevard. 2. REV. 6/22/5 13 0 0 I *I1 3. Along Olivenhain Road from El Camino Real to approximately 4,OO feet east of El Camino Real, move the city limit boundary to coincid with the construction centerline of Olivenhain Road. Along Rancho Santa Fe Road from approximately 1,200 feet nort of Calle AcervolAvenida La Posta to approximately 400 feet south c Calle Acervo/Avenida La Posta, move the city limit boundary to th construction centerline of Rancho Santa Fe Road. 4. X. FUTURE PROJECT REQUIREMENTS CARLSBAD and ENClNlTAS agree that, to the degree allowed by law, if a projec within the land use jurisdiction of either city will cause a significant adverse traffi impact on either or both cities, the responsible city shall condition the approval c such project to contribute its fair share of costs to mitigate or otherwise construc appropriate mitigation measures to relieve such adverse traffic impacts. XI. REGIONAL FUNDING CARLSBAD and ENClNlTAS agree to actively pursue regional funds to assi: construction of regional arterial roadway and freeway interchange projects. XII. OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE A. ROAD IMPROVEMENTS Upon completion of all work under this Agreement, ownership and title t materials, equipment, and appurtenances which are installed withi CARLSBAD’s right-of-way will automatically be vested and maintained b CARLSBAD. Materials, equipment, and appurtenances which are installe within ENCINITAS’ right-of-way will be vested and maintained b EN CIN ITAS. Upon completion of any jurisdictional boundary adjustment betwee ENClNlTAS and CARLSBAD, the road improvements affected by th boundary adjustment shall automatically become vested and be maintaine by the respective City having jurisdiction over the improvement. No furthc agreement will be necessary to transfer ownership as hereinabove statec B. TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS Traffic signal improvements shall be owned and maintained by the Cii having jurisdiction over the intersecting streets at which the traffic signal I located. REV. 6/22/S 14 f e$ - 0 0 1 #I I Where the jurisdictional boundary bisects one or both of the intersectin streets, maintenance responsibility for the traffic signal shall be administere by the City which has jurisdiction of the traffic signal controller. The cost 1 maintain a multi-jurisdictional traffic signal shall be shared by both Citic based upon a ratio of each Cities jurisdictional control of the correspondir I corners of the intersection. CARLSBAD and ENClNlTAS may alternatively enter into a separate traff signal maintenance agreement based on any mutually agreed upon term -. XIII. LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION Pursuant to Section 895.4 of the Government Code, CARLSBAD and ENClNlTA agree that each will assume the full liability imposed upon it or any of its officer! agents, or employees for injury caused by a negligent or wrongful act or omissi0 occurring in the performance of this agreement, and each party agrees t indemnify and hold harmless the other party for any loss, cost, or expense th: may be imposed upon such other party by virtue of Sections 895.2 and 895.6 ( the Government Code. The indemnity provisions are not limited in any way by the extent of any policy ( insurance currently in force and held by either party. All construction contracts fc any project which spans the jurisdictional boundary between CARLSBAD an ENClNlTAS shall include indemnity provisions and insurance provisions, wherek the contractor indemnifies both CARLSBAD and ENClNlTAS and adds both Citie as additional insured on Insurance Policy. XIV. NOTIFICATIONS Unless otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement, all notices, demands, c other communications given hereunder will be in writing and will be deemed t have been duly delivered upon personal delivery or as of the second business da after mailing by United States mail, return receipt requested, postage prepare1 and addressed as follows: If to ENCINITAS: Alan Archibald Director of Engineering Services CITY OF ENClNlTAS 505 S. Vulcan Avenue Encinitas, CA 92024-3633 If to CARLSBAD: Lloyd Hubbs City Engineer CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009-4859 15 REV. 6/22/9 20 I 0 0 I ar a XV. MODIFICATIONS .. This Agreement may not be modified, amended, or otherwise changed unless by an amendment, in writing, executed by the parties hereto. XVI. TERMINATION This Agreement shall terminate after all the street and highway improvements contemplated by this agreement have been constructed, after all payments required under this agreement have been made, after all city boundary adjustments have been accomplished and, after all maintenance responsibilities for the respective street and highway improvements have been assumed by the respective cities in accordance with the terms of this agreement. XVII. COUNTERPARTS This agreement may be executed by the cities in separate counterparts, each 01 which when so executed and delivered shall be an original, but all suck counterparts shall together constitute one and the same instrument. XVIII. CHOICE OF LAW This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California and venue shall be proper in the San Diego Superior Court, North County Branch or suck other venue as provided by law. XIX. SEVERABILITY If one or more clauses, sentences, paragraphs, provisions or terms of thi! agreement shall be held to be unlawful, invalid, or unenforceable, it is hereb agreed by the cities that the remainder of this agreement shall not be affectec hereby. XX. HEADINGS The headings of articles and paragraphs of this agreement are for convenienci only, and no presumption or implication of the intent of the parties as to thl construction of this agreement shall be drawn therefrom. .... .... .... .... 16 REV. 6/22/! /. ’ . 0 0 I 1 XXI. COMPLETE AGREEMENT . The foregoing constitutes the full and complete agreement of the parties. There are no oral understandings or agreements not set forth in writing herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement is executed by the CITY OF CARLSBAC and by the CITY OF ENCINITAS pursuant to action taken by the City Council. CITY OF ENCINITAS, a municipal corporation GAjL HANO, Ma’or” DATE: 6 i; ,/$y ATTEST: ATTEST: DATE: y/&/& &Y& %LETHAW -.p+ PAJ E. JANE P bL, City Clerk City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROGER KRAUEL RONALD R. BALL City Attorney City Attorney KAREN R. KUNDTZ, Assistant City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: By: Lf2.L City Attorney city Attorney 7, /+9+ . 17 REV. 6/22/91 * A a #I4 V1A CANTEBRIA EXTfNSlON ( STREET "A" I SCALE 1' - 300' EXHIBIT 2 -e- * t 11.1 v A Carlsbad Partners, ltd. .................... .... 2111 Palomar Rirport Road Suite 100 Carlsbad. CR 92009 CROSSING July 12, 1994 Mayor Claude Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 Re: Agreement for the Construction of Various Circulation Element Roads Agenda Item 11 Honorable Mayor Lewis and City Council Members, Carlsbad Partners, Ltd. supports the proposed Agreement between Carlsbad and Encinitas for the construction of various circulation element roads. This Agreement includes the provisio for a joint, SANDAG coordinated, traffic study for our proposed Green Valley Crossings and Encinitas Ranch. In May, when we requested a continuance of our project, you directed us to work with your staff to address traffic issues an other concerns raised during the public hearing. The joint traffic study proposed in the Agreement is critical to our ability to further analyze cumulative traffic impacts and mitigations. Consequently, we ask that you approve the Agreemen and request that you encourage your staff to proceed to quickly finalize the scope of the traffic study and begin the SANDAG wor effort. In May we also committed to continue to meet with the local community to discuss our project’s impacts and proposed mitigation measures, This continues to be our commitment. However, we cannot effectively undertake to accomplish that unti the results of the joint traffic study are known. We do want to bring to your attention one concern and a special request regarding the Agreement. Our concern is that the study include appropriate baseline conditions for Green Valley Crossings and Encinitas Ranch. It is our position that baseline conditions include the existing land use designations, * e V?r*b I L development policies, and traffic models upon which regional planning decisions by Carlsbad and Encinitas have been founded for years. Green Valley Crossings, which has been planned to be consistent with those baseline conditions, should not be represented the same as Encinitas Ranch which is proposing to exceed these baseline conditions 2 1/2 times. If Green Valley Crossings and Encinitas Ranch are treated equally, in terms of baseline conditions, then Carlsbad would essentially be forfeiting planne density and traffic capacity and giving it to an other property owner in an other jurisdiction. It does not appear equitable to us that Green Valley Crossings should be penalized for staying within existing traffic generation criteria at the expense of other projects which substantially exceed these existing criteria. From reading the draft Agreement, we do not believe Carlsbad intends to relinquish its traffic capacity. The Agreement calls for the joint traffic study to distinguish between “existing, planned, and proposed land uses”. Our request is that it be confirmed that Carlsbad does not intend to give up the traffic capacity on which all its land use planning and decision making for the southeast and southwest quadrants has been based. Yours truly, 7)/* Luu Marinus W. Baak, P.EI Owner’s Representative Green Valley Crossings