HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-07-12; City Council; 12774; REVISING UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING PROGRAMF CARLSBAD - AG REVISING UTILITY ITEM EXPLANATION: The state Public Utility Commission requires the San Diego Gas & Electric Company aside money each year for undergrounding of existing overhead electric lines. money--referred to as Rule 20A funds--currently amounts to about $300,000 per Pacific Telephone and Cablevision are required to underground their existing ove facilities at their own expense in coordination with SDG&E. Projects are selecte districts formed by the City Council upon the advice and with the assistance Underground Utility Advisory Committee. This Committee is composed of depai heads or representatives from: 1. Engineering Department (chair) 2. Planning Department 3. Redevelopment Department 4. Community Services Department (formerly Utilities and Maintenance Deparl 5. San Diego Gas & Electric Company Pacific Telephone Company Daniels Cablevision 8. Planning Commission (Bailey Noble) 9. Citizen (Gordon Baker) The Public Utilities Commission Rule 20A requires that undergrounding projects co to the following: 1. 2. 3. Council adopted Policy 41 on September 6,1988 which develops this criteria in more Council adopted a list of projects on September 6, 1988 and added Tamarack Aven June 23, 1992 to coordinate with the street widening improvements. The undergrou on the first five streets on the list has been completed. Those streets are: Eliminate an unusually heavy concentration of overhead utilities Be on a street with a heavy volume of pedestrian or vehicular traffic Adjoin or pass through civic, recreation, or scenic area D 0 s Ibl, 2 9 Carlsbad Boulevard and Cannon Road State Street and Laguna Drive Tamarack Avenue z s F The final two projects on the current list are: 0 a i 2. Harding Street from Carlsbad Village Drive to Palm z 3 0 0 2. Monroe Street from Basswood Avenue to Chestnut Avenue 0 a Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. jai77 y The Underground Utility Advisory Committee has met twice recently to consider reqi and additions to the list. San Diego Gas & Electric Company requested that Garfield Street from Chinquapin Av to the south end be undergrounded for two reasons. First, as part of the Hubbs Sea V project approval, they plan to underground wires within their own property and, sec they need to upgrade the cabling by adding a series of additional wires to the exi system along Garfield Street. Undergrounding Garfield Street would clear all over wires seen from that street and avoid complaints which may be caused by the addil wires. The wires removed from SDG&E property will be placed in Olive Street and, there SDG&E recommends this street be included with Garfield Street and undergrounde well. The Underground Utility Advisory Committee concurred with SDG&E and found Garfield Street was a scenic corridor and gave it two extra points because of the addit wires which will be added. This ranked Garfield Street as the next project ahez Monroe Street and Harding Street. The second was from the Barrio Carlsbad Association to place Roosevelt Street Carlsbad Village Drive to Magnolia Avenue higher on the priority list. The Comn concurred that the Barrio area should receive some special consideration and Roosevelt two extra points. This placed Roosevelt ahead of Harding Street on the 1 The Committee also added Chestnut Avenue from Monroe Street to Valley Street (adja to the High School). This will be combined with Monroe Street and done as one prc It is cost-effective to do longer projects and Chestnut ranked almost as high as Mo Street, Finally, the Committee added Valley Street from Chestnut Avenue to Tamarack Aveni the end of the list. Valley Street is in the sidewalk/street widening program of the CI the design of Valley Street can be advanced, Valley Street could be added to the Mo StreeVChestnut Avenue project and the undergrounding completed before the Valley S widening begins. The Committee ranked possible projects using a rating system (Exhibit 5) and placed 1 on a Qualification List (Exhibit 3). The highest ranking projects were placed or recommended Utility Undergrounding Program List (Exhibit 2). Following the approval of this list, each project must be brought back to the City COI for a public hearing in order to adopt the boundaries and form a utility district. FISCAL IMPACT Projects undergrounded by this program using Rule 20A are paid for entirely by the I property to provide the trenching and conduit on private property. Minor amoun money may be required from the City to replace street lights (about $3,000 each) w they are currently located on utility poles. companies. Small additional costs (typically $1,000 to $1,500) are required by I 0 a Page 3 of Agenda Bill No. la; 77 '!f EXH I BITS : 1. Location map. 2. Utility Undergrounding Program. 3. Utility Undergrounding Qualification List. 4. Council Policy No. 41. 5. Utility Undergrounding Rating Form, m 0 LEGEND: - PROPOSED UNDERGROUNDING PROJECTS NOT TO SCALE UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING PROGRAM 0 0 Engineering Bepartment City of Carl UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING PROGRAM Recommended by Underground Utility Advisory Committee May 26,1994 *Estimated based on 9% increase per year. 1 Completed November 1991 *Completed July 1993 3Completed December 1993 R. Allen EXHlBIl ‘W E i! -5 ti Q UJ E Q) E UJ C W - & - I- v) i 2 0 F a I! a (5- 3s Or: L i zs 2; &I 8 a W n z 3. i F c 3 x 2 - b 0 * 8 * .c. 6 CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT GENERAL SUBJECT: UNDERGROUNDING OF UTILITIES SPECIPIC SUBJPCT? POLICY ON .PAGE 1 OF 2 PdLICY NO: 41 DATE ISSUED: 9-6-88 EFFECTIVE DATE : 9-6-88 CANCELLATION DATE: SUPERSEDES NO: CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT GENEl2AL flU&fEd!~: UNDERGROUNDING OF UTILITIES SPECIFIC SUBJECT: POLICY ON PAGE 2 OF 2 POLICY NO: 41 DATE ISSUED: 9-6-88 EFFECTIVE DATE t 9-6-88 CANCELLATION DATE: SUPERSEDES NO: 0 e ENG I NE ER I NG DEPARTMENT UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING RATING SYSTEM 1. CONCENTRATION OF OVERHEAD Points One Crossarm 1 Two Crossarms 2 Two Crossarms and separate telephone 3 Three Crossarms 3 2. TRAFFIC VOLUMES a. Vehicular Averase Daily Trips Points less than 1500 0 1500 to 5000 2 5000 to 10,000 3 more than 10,000 5 b. Pedestrian Traffic 0-3 3. CIVIC, RECREATION, SCENIC Points None 0 Adjacent to school 2 Adjacent to civic area 2 Adjacent to park or recreation 2 Adjacent to ocean with view 3 In scenic corridor 5 4. OTHER FACTORS Points In Business District 2 CIP Project Scheduled in 5 Years 3 Committee Judgement 0-3 REV. 8/24/88 EXHIBIT 5 RHA: rp L