HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-07-12; City Council; 12775; HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION APPOINTMENT4 CQEY OF CARLSBAD - AGWA BILL &L AB # la! 7 75 DE TITLE: r MTG. ?"&- ?y GI' DEPT. CLK CI' HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION APPOINTMENT RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No.SY- lq'f , appointing one member to the Historic Prc Commi ssi on. ITEM EXPLANATION: Mr. George Varela has resigned as a member of the Historic Preservation ( from a term which expires in April, 1998. . category: 5 having specific qualifications. Mr. Varela was serving a term in the -A u The Carl sbad Municipal Code requires that the commission be composed c 4 'd 3 a, 9 0 F -4 u FI -4 0 a g e a 4 I 4. m g g -4 u 3 4 0 rn 2 a a, u a a 0 rb 4 -A L) g 0 U z 0 F 0 a J "One member at large from the community with an interest in local his1 The appointee, therefore, will fill the unexpired term and must qualifications for this category. Other members of the commission are: Gordon Bizieff, John Jones, Judith SI A1 1 an Wan ama ker e EXHIBITS: 1. Letter of resignation dated May 13, 1994, from George Varela. 2. Resolution No. 9q- IqY , appointing one member to the Historic Pr Commission. 3. Copies of appl i cati ons received in calendar year 1994. ~ c z 3 8 0 cJx/ 2' 5 " " - , .. -._. . + &"s cA;c, &LdL 7'22i. 4 .fl4y /3 /q9.1/ PC*- 'ad@! " Ad pdL/bc, "7 'f &dJ74 &.- /?7T&y, A-J .* /gtL!&z&- a4 &A &.it@&& di /liw?vu? /fld.?,%"~@f& q fly ,f&l([ &&79 /&+%. $& (49 y /.i4&-rL&:d:J fld / /&wut&f@u /*d"flXi/ Jy$&?&!& 2ky & /$v4' &y &x5 Lq & &d [& &mud.&& / //.qdL.2 f .rnV4Zh&~ / /!? LkLy .*& ;yyL/ fi4Ld &L74^=?G / /4&4i /&&& .76 #d a+" .mczCc 7 A"-/ y 3L' @Le L??tz/c &%a / 9 &l&u/up && p&Lri 74 &= "U4,dd &f Hi &I emfl(,fli5s?i7c &&? &&&Le. 5 .flu / &m)fld&7u-+9 /&/& J;i &d7&d7, &L ,&y+q pw' $$ .fllc.../7$&- ~&/24C&?-~?P . .+!d 9% &&@?; /+/ /+;+q4 ddd&fj && [,LL.c?4?t &/LLWdLh 'y 4 bd -+LJ kd.' I y ddi /q* .;6-/ p4, "/ y;& ,?h y&/$ & &/ &d &d fki & fl @f$% fLCC/ yk.. &&ly%&;/ &/&I /&4idk&. / ( -\ 1 .. -. A-+ &eM &97y??4flw& @daJ yzc/,2&&& J37f ." r g& [&:4&43 &2dy&,%&2z/ &9 3 3?2.rp4d72- c j ($,&&Y @: yJ&?-; y4a -e si 7 1 2 3 4 0 0 CAnLDLL RESOLUTION NO, g4-194 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING ONE MEMBER TO THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION WHEREAS, George Varela has resigned as a member of the 5 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the 6 Preservation Commission from a term which expires in April, 1998; Carlsbad, California, as follows: 7 0 2. That the following person is hereby appointed to sf 9 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 10 member of the Historic Preservation Commission to a term which expires 11 12 1998 : 13 JOE VALENT1 14 NOES: None 18 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard, F 17 foIIowi.ng vote, to wit: 16 of the City of Carlsbad on the 12th day Of JULY9 19 15 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regul ar Meeting of the ci 1 19 20 21 22 23 ABSENT : None A 24 25 1' ATTEST: 26 %THA~~TEN@NZ, City Clerk 27 (SEAL) KAREN R. KUNDTZ, Assistant City Clerk 28 I ll cc; CQL&+-l APPLIUTION FOR APPOINTMQ- &X. /- 3 1 - d//YP Y "I- BOARD(S) ANDfOR COMMISSION(S) NAME(S) OF Ep 00s) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: f;-l;s& f hmw fn (73 u &- &I99 H,? &P,.L. &prv.& A, Lt&,flr. L+, Dm- / &.&{ CL9!h-,6Z,~P 5. NAME: ros<oA h? /(T~F$) ADDRESS: 3y9/ A/~~/,/+PDJ 59 CW: c [d?fA (U. ,, '/ ZIP CODE: ?~@f HOME PHONE: 72g-.?7Y02 PRESENT OCCUPATION: &~f,& gpl~-r BUSINESS NAME: T./'f,i&z / /&pudo~n# U &pfO//,~- BUSINESS ADDRESS: /930 5- di// Sy ";/# fle~fl~xh h qa.$y WORK PHONE: Y33- d8dd U.S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) LYes No Resident of Carlsbad (tequired- for all appointments) LYes NO Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for all appointments) - /Yes, - L ~~ ~ l am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board@) or Comrnissior which I wish to smm; intenfiewed regarding my qualifications for appointmen Rated by the City Council or at the request of an individual C Adernbar. _. I-. l am willing to file flnencial disclosure statements as required by the State's 0 Conflict of htsrest codes; DATE:^,&,& Upom cornphion of your application, Please mail or deliver the appkufion to the fohwhg addre City Clerk's Of'i City Hall 1200 CarLrbad KIluge Drive Carlsbad, CA 920M (Please see reverz .. 0 e 4 "- EDUCATION BA L&& r/77q . c & [, jpn ?..x'$ . I- -J,/ ~ /c; J&4n ' .d f7 EXPERIENCE 67L9P+<</ J-/$i&; /&,@4flMn2 S/P/.& /i /Pi%..? - f4,z.n ywp~wA3 ,onr 1 R7r /-GD ~~r~-~~p~-oz& mrLA 4p ~ru', /vnn,n'q "&/ p@;p-fiv;;!;q lWP 25-u *,.7%6* /n -fl dLL*Lt/lj),.n ' p /&-.fv /~mc rf2 F 9 .x& . . rzsr f9Y/)&fL t0)nPbrr' f K dr c +?..&- mop 7. 5. rufl,r 9. AB &re / ppn d COMMUMIVY ACTIVITIES PLO, P.F. oL&- byye,Ai* d/ GJYJ~& #6/.~ _I pp O',& A&-fl+. I(/s4L ;Dl I3 XJ mM /hd Y7AH y &A; &.iAf17&17 . L.rrA I-flffAT ar4 Askfl ".*At y frvnJ.r flf hd/4/~L f drn&k/NJ5 475nF.;4/on b -P IAAIE r 9 LGLZ-A _i *. .. - ," , ,. ._ , ....._, . .. .. . .'I. $:A,.,- ; , , .*'/,. . , -.. .. .:. . COMMENTS &?/I 7G /~Pm& @ APPLICATION FOR .41'pONTiVflm & 'A- 9 J) 2- - : Lj.L<&hC~- u 4 (Pjease prinf of type) NAME(S) OF EOARD(S) AND/OR COMMlSSlON(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: 14 (HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMM: ADDRESS:yLFo-7 s#&? " //// cl,& yt& c: 9, <D?+b ZIP CODE: 0 /?- flC4$?" CITY:( /IF,[ 1,- HOME PHONE: -zsq- ? 38' c PRESENT OCCUPATION: BUSINESS NAME: BUSINESS ADDRESS: &/A WORK PHONE: A[ A7 &-y a / U.S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) @ No Resident of Carlskad (required for all appointments) - 4. No Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for all appointrhents) &"Yes - ~~ I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission which I wish to serve; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointmen1 committee designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Ci Member. 1 am willing to file financial disclosure statements as required by the State's 01 Conflict of Interest codes; TE{/?/jQ,Q he application 'to the following addre: Cify Clerk's Offie Cily Hall 1200 Carkbad tTUage Drive Carlsbad, Ci! 92008' (Please see revers -*=.'.. ~-:* EDUCATION 1 a Y ,& I ~m-/,"-s- P7.>,&/ (. /<c-F ~~.~.~/~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~~ ./ (.13-7. r/ *P L /" Q,, I P -==+/A ? Ad&, I_ 1 e.. l7 .' - 4 , ll ii /I t"vmENCE &eo//u c ,&,/yc?,?&~K,. ,I COMMUNIN ACTIVITIES il II " ~ ~ -. - "- -,"""- ADDITIONAL INFOR COMMENTS fL3 4 5' v DeP-</-Ta -t- -. .- /c La/c &%7 :-Ye rcFk7&</ -L/, u-yh-9 c7 '