HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-07-12; City Council; 12777; Personnel Board AppointmentsI, a (d G a (0 &4 2 .rl p: 0 L) $4 P a, 2 M G .rl U ?I c 0 a a cd b cn 1"I I 4- a a c (d u) (n e I o\ 4 v) g d 0 -rl +.I 5 rl 0 0) 2 d e$! a *r( mu Uk a m-0 rl rlcd -rl d UO U 0 sn z 0 F 0 a $ z 3 0 0 4 CIy OF CARLSBAD - AGEWA BILL AB # Id, 77 7 MTG. '7- 12- 9Y TITLE: CARLSBAD PERSONNEL BOARD APPOINTMENTS DEPT. CLK dl DEI CIT CIT I RECOMMENDED ACTION: I Adopt Resolution Nos. qq- 196, and 94-19?, appointing two members to the Personnel Board. ITEM EXPLANATION! The term of Camille Mitkevich expires in June, 1994. She was originally i to the Personnel Board in October, 1981, and has served thirteen years. of this appointee shall expire in June, 1998. In addition, William Compas resigned from the Personnel Board as a resu- recent appointment to the Planning Commission. The term of this appoini expire in June, 1997. Other members of the Carl sbad Personnel Board are: Joe Eggleston, Paul Ne1 James Page. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No.qq' 14', appointing one member to the Carlsbad Personne' 2. Resolution NoqqY- fqq, appointing one member to the Carlsbad Personne' 3. Copies of applications received in calendar year 1994. I -. e 0 RESOLUTION NO. 94-'197 1 2 3 4 A RESOLUTION OF .THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING ONE MEMBER TO THE CARLSBAD PERSONNEL BOARD WHEREAS, William Compas has resigned as a member of the' P 5 /I Board; 6 7 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Carlsbad, California, as follows: a 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the following person, is hereby appointed to se 9 10 11 member of the Carlsbad Personnel Board to the term which expires in Jur 11 12 DONALD MARTIN 13 14 15 16 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the Citj of the City of Carl sbad .on the 12th day of JULY , 199 following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard, Fin1 17 18 19 20 21 NOES: None ABSENT: None 22 23 ATTEST: 27 28 .. I1 0 0 1 2 3 4 ~ RESOLUTION NO. 94-196 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING ONE MEMBER TO THE CARLSBAD PERSONNEL BOARD ~ I WHEREAS, Camille Mitkevich expires in June, 1994; 5 6 7 8 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the following person is hereby appointed to SI 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2o 1 member of the Carlsbad Personnel Board for a term to expire in June, ROBERT RICHARDS PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the Cit of the City of Carlsbad on the 12th day of JULY , 19 following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard, Fir NOES : None ABSENT: None I 1 21 ' 22 ATTEST$ . I 23 25 2%A%M%NZ, (SEAL) City C1 erk KAREN R. KUNDTZ, Assistant City Clerk 26 27 28 'Cdkt.'W I) ATrLl-.avir a-vn MrvaivJ1vt- (p L'L /-/4 BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION( ) (Pkase print or type) p&q u &>A NAME(S) OF BOAFID(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: > L*K E: 42.d 8 HOME PHONE: PRESENT OCCUPATION: BUSINESSNAME: ,'A 7 BUSINESS ADDRESS: tf?) m WORK PHONE: [g \ 9 17- L) 7,\uL) US. Citizenship (required for all appointments) - 4 No Resident of Carlsbad (required for all appointments) - Aes No Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for all appointments) r/GBs - - ~~ -~ ~ ~ ~~ l am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission( which I wish to serve; I am willing to b. interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment committee ckdgnirted by the City Council or at the request of an individual Ca Member. I am willing to .file financial disclosure statements as required by the State's or Conflict oi Interest codes; ' SIGNATU &\I).(i!.!. DATE; 1- r. cj)L/ Conflict oi Interest codes; ' SIGNATU &\I).(i!.!. DATE; 1- r. cj)L/ Upon eo p ion of your appkhn, Pb mad or deliver the appiimtion lo the folbwing addm v City Clerk3 Offm Cify Hd 1200 Carhbad yillagc Drive Carkbad, CA 92008 (Please see revers .. cc 1) A ( &[x Zb@5 ll I/u+%+ LJ i) ADDITIONAL I COMMENTS, - d- dA 8 & A&*. 2 9 Y U > . . .DA ~ u @"." ~~ _~_ ""_ BOARD(S) ANDIOR COMMISSIOh ( 9 /-A (Please print or type) NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSiON(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: r. PERSONNEL BOARD : PLwtviNG; co"rssiod.: kNDER@OkuD dt(Lln' Abqi;OAY CA&bt-.1rTTEES f-Lh.4.5(& a&"/ NAME: OHU ELDER nFFA7- ADDRESS: ,35 3 C,kES(k4&r A X NW . e_?& + 1 CITY: ch R&Bh D ZIP CODE: 9 2008 HOME PHONE: C6 LY\ 434" 4-03? - PRESENT OCCUPATION: Rm(fker> - E ,s, c\V \I =RV icf: CO )-1 k) IS5 BUSINESSNAME: J F5r~i-r m(d)R'f BUSINESSADDRESS: P.0. mh S'P61, %la D(EGoicfi. 98g? b€P6RTMZN7- OP HiE? NfWL - - '/THE ORER OF ht6EYRWS" WORK PHONE: C 6 L?) 4-54" 4-0 37' I US. Citizenship (required for all ap ointments) - 4es No Resident of Carlsbad (required for all appointments) - *des No Bow; CoLcISbs ,C6IC(FDR8A 'jOU, 3 '1=;E0R&ARY L94-3, Registered voter in Carlsbad required for all appointments) - 4es L REW%C\C& . I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board@) or Commission(s which I wish to serve; I am willing 'to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment committee ddgnated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Col Member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements as required by the State's or C Conflict of Interest codes; : + TfiNkAAy ._c application to the fohwing address: City Clerk's Offi City Hall 1200 Carkbad viuoge Drive Carkbad, 01 92008 ' (Please see reverse I - (6&N&RAL erJG(NE€&( d &, €DUCATION U#5*6\/9VfiL AQKhY, I FtWttfoL(S, I VPt (-QJ-Lq vi~uk(\~~ ~~~~,.(f%?-..77~J, &S,ADt71Wa AND fic~~x'Gr: &NN t OF CURAM [f?8o'-Lc(@A\. F'~~G~?io6y? I / I 1 No I be(&wLwe (.L.a4-.L"io) ,GRAD, 'psych'# ;AQfLE B:S, -+,I 6gfir p"f SCC/O~):"~-CR~WINBL .~~ST[C'-E e M t A * +&-a" fSYC~.Q+~)oPc~C / ti II EXPERIENCE EECTk?[C& EKiMEER--.EPT# OF T? f)RHY ' nEwflNiC6fC eflG(dV€€fl AND Ss EPl/WQYm 25 hC07 A&= 73/F A?A\?'V-* #?i% mWEb f?s Ctl&kIC#) lL/b\ I * VI i *bb IwY 1 V / I .."_ ~:b\~gg~ by THE 'L4.5, Ctq iL S~Zr2\5tcE CO h&(S hS (AI diAS@Al,' AIR UUrnEb EAW6 .SPEC F,~-&D pc.&r\l(c&C' A~Q HA~/~x(NG k!qW'HENT HW 14MD PREPr9RED REsEAKhl PNB m.lOPd-3mT- &EI?Orn ANB ROW" s~~LU~~~~~iCF(bdH~~~~OPE~~I - - __._ . ~ /bzGWTEQ SKPC'oRT- L,CEdsT(CS RAfiI&W5Pa II COMMUNITY ACllVlllES QAR\SH 10 ME A AT 2 ATRICR 5 C'HU.R < 1 $tN CdTHOUC) (N CARlSBAb 9 I \OUUE€A BYaom cmuc 9 v5ycf-i \ WITH Ti zz Tirr TEkTlfiRY ?%'fX 0 F yha ~e IT~S '' 4 ~CC AL psycFsoLo6~~~~ RE* IXC-I sPEc\AL\aGG 1 A.l &ORENS(C socmc PSycHou hm A- I~L~FEMEMBGR- i( OF- THE am& oF D~C soc(pL TBUEfU =Ed -hamoe OF, '' TtiE N A-ziR(v zi9,57LWT0M LEcTu)&E SERIES: A- c/w, w / ~t\€ 5~(€72 FOR Tf-lE PsYcW.&tKdL STUby QF ADDITIONAL lNFORMATION OR COMMENTS tl/o/udR SmdY4 )\3uP 4 i ..rp gALik& jQw"u%. ci-k&JJ (I "lFci \I U I PtcU"L! &, JL /I 0Ad.G 'p 0 U I &.LLQz' "- I Y 1 "VI .* "1 1 x V.. 'U L - " . -. ~ j- 7 NAME(S) OF BOARO(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: /+-#'9 - . c u b.%'u'J~,O,j ?WSOdWCi. ' QocikA .. .._". . ~ NAME: 3 0~4 td 3 rn..-,J' ADDRESS: 6 873 A-nAr*e&o4/ CITY: &Is Ld. ZIP CODE: y> 0 0.9 I I HOME PHONE: &/- //// PRESENT OCCUPATION: N5 u-w 4.l - e d BuslNESSNAM&d /&&d /n:s, 4 Q&Y ( b /=-"e, - /us) BUSINESS ADDRESS: //3/ - K 2 JLX,",,?+ .&"U.Jfh WORK PHONE: y3/- y&aU US. Citizenship (required for all appointments) - 'Yes No Resident of Carlsbad (required for all appointments) JYes No Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for all appointments) /-Yes - ~ ~~ I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission( which l wish to senre; I am willing to be intervlewed .regarding my qualifications for appointment committee de8lgnated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Cc Member. l am willing to file financial disclosure statements as required by the State's or Conflict of Interest codes; ,cv.\ LZ 0ATE:f c 747 7 Upon completion of your upplkafbn, mail or deliver the applicclrion lo the folhwing addres City Clerk's Offi Cicy Hall 1200 Carkbad village Drive Carkbad, CA 92008 (Please see revers I ” > II II EXPERIENCE2<~,, @(LtL, /V\u d&-~ 6- U I /Le&94 A, 237AL -4 u /Y d LAh-gx.2. 4 /d/&/Ldd / , COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Fd v’ //f- - &&- /AJLuo- - c z- U II ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS L tudd U~A~AKS I - ( -a 7/y&L W' Q - ,f "@ ' 4 LN 5 q- May 18, 1994 City Clerk's Office City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 To whom it may concern; On March 15, 1994 I submitted an Application €or Appointment t Board or Commission serving the City of Carl'sbad. A copy of t application is attached. My principle interest was service on the Planning Commission, others were selected for appointment. As a result, I would li my application to be reconsidered €or the other commissions ir which I am interested and have competence, namely: Citizen's Committee to Study Growth Water Commission Parks €i Recreation Commission In addition, I would like to be considered for the opening on Personnel Board being vacated by William Compas. Thank you,/&d& Robert E. Richards 4615 Park Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 / dF encl. C' !!!?PLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT % .- I BUARD(S) ANDIOR COMMiSSlON (5') (Phr8. Pl'fM Of m) NAME@) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMlSSlON(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED- 0d MY & ~~ ~~~ "." ." /n/ &4M of j3!iBfWA?Wc~, A 1) - jOLA4Uw4 &*,$i/&J ac~n~~ A&*/fl& 7g 57 UcY& &Mi%? CO"/S&/pJ &q&?5 i z&"/ NAME: Pu6&leJ d s&H#gd5 AODRES9 4 k/,j d F%GF 7iPf 84 ZIP CODE: ?z@og 1 434- 4w3 PRESENT OCCUPATION:,$&/ -e@&@ &dHy @dJgb-oM BUSINESbNAME: NO& - yhh! & /d&?&&%$# &,+ BUSINES ADDRESS: zd#d /41, &M& WORK P t ONE: .5i%w A4 dnt US. Cit zenahlp (requlred for all appointments) XYes No Aeeld*r/t of Carlsbad (requited for all appolntments) - h Yea NO I I I I am w ling to bo lntervlewod regarding my quallfketlonr for appolntrnent by l COmftIl 89 d08lgfl8ted by the clw COUflCl/ Of 4tt fh@ feqUO8t Of afl Indlvidu8l COUflC . Membe. / am wil Ing to file l~nenclul dlsclosuro staremem IS roqulred by the Ststo'r or Clty'r ConNlc of Interest Cody; SlGNA 4 RE! //WL DATE: /3- fldE Pa U n completion o/ your applka.lion, Phe mil or deliver lhe application io rhe jiolbwing address: 4 I I Cig Clerk3 Ofi Ciry Hall X-+M P -I I .a #PI# n . ,- A' I I I I I I 1 I ! ! I EXPEpiE*cE* dfljcm z2?z4#& I I EXPEpiE*cE* dfljcm z2?z4#& I I I I ! t COM UNITY ACT1 1 /TIES 52 AmfHg /Boo; hFO&fl#fldJ 1. t i ! i I i 1 I I 1 ADD TIONAL INFORMATION OR I eo A ENTS I I SGG i L, /a7z4&&& Ad@i hp.&&&qo/d I 1 7 I! ~ I- II 11 1 I ". '.. 0 . / ROBERT E. RICHARDS BACKGR UND: Over 30 year8 execudvs and management experience In international and domasti projects siness including development, engineering, constructlon end operations of nuclear and fossi fueled p wer generation, including computer automation actlvitisr, desalting,. cogeneration an independ nt power projects. Managed Mmutional rngineerlconrtruction compnniar. Directs resource ~ievalopmsnt, marketing and project management, high technology transfer and stratsg, planning. regulatory agencies, awnerr, lendsrt, utilities and energy hosts, iiaiaon wi-:h at overview end detail levels. Ponnernhip Management included maintaining contrac managemsnt Project Menrqement included direction of crrtt hbor, schtduling, cor1 control rnd contrac PROFESS ONAL EXPERIENCE A. Er >mmittee of a project development company jointly owned by Energy America, Westinghour( C llion combined-cycle cogeneration facility In Commerce, CA. Member of Exocutiw m ce President, General Manager of subsldiary that wal; the Managing General Partner of a $2, V orgy Amerlca Incorpor~trd 11990-1992) ctric and Westpac Bank; aenior executive rerponsible for development of 260 Mw t a binsd-cycle independent power plants, P ropower Corporation (1990) S nior Project Manager rerponaibte for the standardized design of a 150 Mw Circulattn FL idired Bed (CFE) steam Oenerator lo burn eastern U.S. cqals, and development of a 60 Mu P ssurized Circulating Fluidized Bed {PCFB) damonstrrtion plant for a Midwestern utility undo 0 partrnent of Eneroy (DOE) Clean Coal funding. Lad the plrrnnlng and requirement Ph8898 o a project-oriented financial information ryrtern bared on fourth generation compute te I hnology , U iverdty Energy (1988-1 989) S nior Project Manager responsible for the permitting, design, construction and comrnirsioninr Q a $30 million Enhanced Oil Recovery IEORI cogeneration facility in California R sponsibillties included steam host and utility rektions, Managed the mechanical constructior o a state-of-the-art micro-electronics manufacturing facility in Oregon. RI hard8 Aasocistss Intemrtlonrl, Corporstr Systemics, Inc. and Mm8gsrnent Anatyrer C mpsny (1 9824986J P rformed business planning, international market planning, acquisition analysis and technoloqj tr nsfer consulting assignrnentlr for International end domestic clients. Panlcipated ir di gnostic analysis, conflict resolution and team building programs at major fossil and nucleal pqwar plants. Was a principal in an ocean wave energy company. 1 i , I Drjauo Cotparstion I1 978.1 Bff 1 I G~OUP executive with line rerponrlbility for overteas snginsering/construction companies, each w/th PIL responsibility and complete oparatino and marketin0 autonomy. Converted an Aibstralisn contracting businesr into a profitable project management company managing ol$rninum smelter, uranium and coal processing plant project8 totaling $1 btliion. Diverted an u profitable Australian msnuttcturlng businrss and a Brazilian engineering business, Formed io 1 t venture Philippine engineering company. W~ttlnghousa Electric Corporation (1961.1 878) Di scted headquarters and overseas project operations to design, supply and commlosion fossil. fir d power end desalting plants, Responsible for cost, schedule, plant performance end client re ations on projects in Colombia, Libya, Egypt, Indonesia, Spoin and the Virgin Islands, totaling 8 I billion. I EDUCATI~N Ur)ivsrsity of Vlrglnla, the Executive Program \ N ' rthwertsrn Untvortlty, Graduate Studies - fkrbineos Administration u&wsilv ai Witcandn. 83.. Mechanical En&mrinO I b @ b ** *. .) I I Addikional Information relative to Application fox AsPOlntOlC' pobekt E. Richards Community Activitles I I lihe the lagoon, to check on siltlng, sandbars, litter am monitor one of Carlsbad's most treasured assets. I continua: Laqown, on Bristol Cove, a waterway leading to Agua Hedionda participated In the cleanups conducted -by Parks and Recreatll I made a presentation to the Plannlnq Commission.regardfng impacts of the proposed Hubba-Sea World sea bass. research facility. I am active in affairs regarding the upkeep of Br Cove, I partlclpated in the recent Park8 and Recreations su: regarding slalom Jkiing on Agua Hedionda. Wlth my wife, we regularly hike Carlsbad's beaches and chapal back country. genekal quality of the water and surmundings. 1 have I Addikional Information OK Comments I believe in very, very careful planning for the inevitable gro h ahead of Carlsbad,.and would like to participate In ti plan ing. I believe that the planning, economic and overview aspects oi exec tive experience can be of benefit to the City of Carlsbz si when I serve on a Commission OK Board whose actions and decif will have a long-lasting effect on the quality of life in Carl bad. My e glneerlng trainlng, coupled with my management expericnc ser s to let me understand and weigh complex alternatives as effe ts on the environment, financial impacts on the city and infr I structure features that beneflt or hamper the city's cltibens. I 1 I i