HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-07-19; City Council; 12795; Solid waste management update- AB # )$! 795 TITLE: SOLID wm MTG. 07/19/94 MANAGEMENT UPDATE DEPT. CM D C C u h 0 a a, k d Q) I+ a, *d w a a .d $ aJ u a d (d a, c) &l g rl -4 c) u z 2 5 4 5 8 z 3 CbY OF CARLSBAD - AGEQLP A BILL RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive update and give Council representatives and staff direction as appropr ITEM EXPLANATION: In order to keep the Council up-to-date on evolving solid waste management issu item is being placed on the agenda for Council review and discussion. At this m City staff will provide an update on the following issues: SAN DIEGO SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY The Authority was formedl effective June 1, 1994. The Cities of D Encinitas, Lemon Grove, ]National City, Poway, Solana Beach an along with the County OF San Diego, make up the membershi1 Authority. Since the formation of the Authority, the members ha holding a number of meetings to organize the activities of the AI and prepare to take over responsibility for operation of the Soh System from the County. The Authority has employed legal COUI is currently seeking an interim general manager. In the me County staff will continue to serve the Authority under contrac the next eighteen months, the Authority will become fully respon the operation of the Solid Waste Management System. In the mt the Board of Supervisors has delegated responsibility for setting fees to the new Authority. The Authority is also aggressively I two activities of interest to non-member cities. A sub-committee I appointed to attempt to renegotiate the agreement with NC operation of the recycling facility at the San Marcos Landfill, Authority has authorized a detailed rate study to establish tippin: non-member entities which may wish to contract for disposal The Authority, at its July 14, 1994 meeting, will receive a reporl consultant on the proposed tipping fees. City staff will pro COU~C;~ 4th an update of that report at your meeting on July 1 NORTH COUNTY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY The JPA staff representatives are continuing to negotiate a stand-by a with Coast Waste Management/ECDC for interim solid waste disposal The agreement is expected to be in its final format in the next two M will be presented at a meeting of the JPA for its consideration shortly tl d. 0 PAGE2OFAB# 2 / 7 5 The major contingency in implementing this interim agreement is that of tra capacity. The agreement relies on Coast Waste Management's cun permitted Palomar Transfer Station. However, the lack of a long term agreement for the use of that facility with the County still remair outstanding issue. Coast Waste Management is attempting to nego6a extended agreement with the County and we will report the progress of negotiations when more information becomes available. In the meantime, Waste Management is pursuing the permitting of a transfer station on prc it owns in the City of Sari Marcos and hopes to obtain a Conditional Use F from the City of San Marcos by the end of this calendar year. The City of Del Mar has indicated its interest in becoming a member ( North County Solid Management Authority. Apparently, the prhary PI communication and liaison between the two Solid Waste JPAs since Del M committed all of its trash to the San Diego Solid Waste Management Aut1 Del Mays request will be placed on the next meeting agenda of the County Solid Waste Management Authority for consideration. of Del Mar's proposed membership is to ensure a formalized li COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT CONTRACT AND RATES The City Council will be asked at its July 19, 1994 meeting to app consultant agreement with Hilton, Farnkopf & Hobson to review and upd existing solid waste services contract and rates with Coast Waste Manag The final report from the Consultant will be completed by the end calendar year and will be presented to the Council in January 1995. Dur course of this study, additional information will be developed regarding term disposal costs for solid waste, either with the San Diego Solid Authodty or with Coast Waste ManagemenUECDC. In the interim, the ( will be asked to consider a rate increase at its August 2, 1994 meeting with a pass-through for the increase tipping fee for use of the San Dieg Waste Authority System. As indicated in the attached letter from Coasi Management, the tipping fee was increased from $43 to $55 per ton, e July 1, 1994. This rate could be affected by the rate study being condu the San Diego Solid Waste Authority to establish rates for non-member ai City staff will provide the Council with updated information on propos to non-member agencies at your meeting on July 19, 1994. EXHIBITS 1. 2. Letter dated June 21, 1994 from the San Diego Solid Waste Man: Letter dated June 29 1994 from Coast Waste Management Authority. 7s RT:FE29ii: Tr,? La;?: I @LID WASTE AUTHO &Y ee. c June 21, 1994 The Honorable Claude "Bud" Lewis Mayor, City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 Dear Mayor Lewis: The San Diego Solid Waste Authority (Authority) has authorized a detailed rate : establish in an objective and business-like fashion the appropriate additional costs c business with non-member entities which wish to contract with our waste disposal sy: disposal services. The results of this analysis are due to us on or before July 15, 19' have requested that a key result of this analysis be a detailed schedule of cost of busines5 for non-member contracts which range in time from a one year agreement through ag as Bong as twenty years. This will allow all of our sister municipalities to make mar with the Authority which meet their individual needs. Equally important from the poin of running the system in a business-like fashion, it will allow the Authority to mak( strategic decisions on the proper size of a waste disposal system geared to meet the nec members in the long run. We are writing now at an early stage to indicate the time schedule on which we plan tc contracts for non-member agencies, and to give you a chance to discuss with your Coi your staff what would provide for your needs now and into the future. Until the rate is completed, we will charge all users of the system the same rates as those paid by n Shortly thereafter we plan to sign contracts of mutual benefits to all parties which put 01 on a rational basis. We anticipate discussing with you and your Council specifics of a for your City soon after July 15, 1994 with new charges to go into effect soon therea course, the full rate analysis will be available to you and the public once we have rec Please convey this plan to your Council, and inform us on a timely basis about issues c inz,noW.ce fm pur City which we shoE!!d consider in cr~fting these ccr.trxtcd LT~ Also please let us know the person or persons with whom we should be arranging thi! for services. We look forward to making business arrangements which are to the benefit of all in o and to providing cost effective, diverse, and environmentally sound services to our mer contracting entities. Sincerely 9 (5S-k BRIAN COCHRAN Vice Chair, Solid Waste A P Zk%& SLATER Chair, Solid Waste Authority 1600 PACIFIC HIGHWAY, ROOM 215, SAh' DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92101-2470 TELEPHONE.. 619/53I-6174 CAllLb e e c - -n- - 7ri F< 0- ' "I,--- u dk-3 - b-5 - 1 - -rAA 5960 EL CAMlNO REAL, P.0 BOX 947, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92018-0947 PHONE. (619) 753-9412 (61 9) 452-981 0 (61 9) 931 -021 9 FAX. June 29, 1994 Frank Mannen Assistant City Manager City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: ADJUSTMENT TO COLLECTION CHARGE BOR REFUSE SERVICES DU 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO LANDFILL INCREASES Dear Frank: As you are aware the County of San Diego has increased the ti] charges as of July 1, 1994 some 28% over the prior rates ($43. $55.00 per ton). We have agreed to jointly have a review condl by Hilton, Farnkopf & Hobson to reassess the costs for collection services performed in the City of Carlsbad. Due to the time which this review and subsequent Council app process will take, we are requesting that the present structure be adjusted with a pass through of the landfill ti fee increase. No further modification of the rates would place until the review has been presented to the Council. We request this matter to be brought to council for appro1 soon as possible so as to not cause any financial burden nor ( a larger adjustment when the review is completed and b. forward for Council approval. If you have any additional questions regarding this matter give me a call at your earliest convenience. Conrad B. Pawelski President/General Manager cc: Jim Hagaman A SaT'Silc'3 cg5-c, E,? ,s <)d,? ~13s- C~.IZ~~E;