HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-07-26; City Council; 12802; Carrillo ranch artifact storage requestClyI OF CARLSBAD - AGENW BILL 'IW L n - AB# /2,8 c"2 MTG.? -Ah "7 GI TITLE: DEPT. CSD CARRILLO RANCH ARTIFACT STORAGE REQUEST DEPT. I CITY A' CITY M RECOMMENDED ACTION: n rl ffl -4 (d U a, a 0" w ffl a, U 5 C 2 aJ a, m v w w U Ti (I] u4 &I g E *rl U Ti 0 CCI C -4 d rrt Continue storage of the Carrillo artifact collection at the Magee House. Direct sta to address archival storage and display requirements at the Carrillo Ranch during th park master planning process. Relocate archive collection to the Ranch whe appropriate. ITEM EXPLANATION: The volunteer curator for the Carrillo Ranch has requested that the archive collectio currently stored at the Magee House be relocated. Her request for relocation stem from concern for the safety of collected memorabilia through perceived threats of fir and/or theft at the present location. The perceived threats exist as a result of a increase in the indigent transient population which has occurred from time to time i Magee Park. Although the Magee House is under a security contract and monitore 24 hours per day for unauthorized intrusion and threat of fire, staff has requested a Department has increased their visibility and initiated steps to address issues ( concern arising from inappropriate behavior, primarily from the transient populatiol In addition, staff has conducted an exhaustive effort in an attempt to identify anothc location for the storage of the artifact collection. Within our available resources, st2 has been unable to secure a more suitable location based upon the following criter outlined by the volunteer curator: increase of police patrol and visibility to the park area. In response, the Polic " C -4 0 -rl U a a (d a U aJ ffl a, 3 v a, Ll 7-i .A 0 an area approximately 8' x 10' a secure environment in terms of fire protection and thewvandalism 0 Climate control capabilities (heating and air conditioning) 0 ease of accessibility to stored materials by the curator As outlined in a report to the City Manager's Office (Exhibit l), staff has investigate a number of locations and evaluated those sites based upon their merits ar shortcomings. The following list identifies those areas. For a more detail€ ;; I evaluation of attributes or lack thereof, please refer to Exhibit 1. E 71 V 0 z 0 4 .. - 6 s z 3 0 0 0 Magee House 0 Carrillo Ranch a Harding Street Community Center/Auditorium 0 Safety Center 0 Las Palmas 0 City HalI/City Manager's Office e PAGE 2 OF AB# J2, gc L RECOMMENDATION: 0 After a thorough analysis, staff believes the Magee House currently affords the best situation for artifact storage in terms of meeting site criteria. However, the ultimate goal in the relocation of artifacts should focus on the Carrillo Ranch, where artifacts will eventually be on public display. Therefore, if Council concurs, staff will address the issue in greater detail during the park master planning process which is scheduled to begin later this year. In the interim, staff recommends that the current security practices continue at the Magee House in order to facilitate the continuity for safekeeping of the Carrillo Ranch archives and the significant collection of Carlsbad Historical Society’s memorabilia which are also housed at the site. ALTERNATIVES: (in order of priority) 1. Continue storage at the Magee House. Address artifact storage and display requirements during the park master planning process. Relocate to the Carrillo Ranch when appropriate. (Recommended action) 1 a. Continue storage at Magee Park on an interim basis. Consider implementing provisions to purchase a storage container to house artifacts at the Ranch 01 modify the existing cantina structure to facilitate storage criteria. These provisions would be for storage only and not for public display until the Ranct- is open for public visitation. Initial annual start up cost estimate - $3,000 . $5,000 and $300 annual operation thereafter. 2. Allow provisions for artifact storage at the Public Safety and Service Center ir the evidence storage room. Estimated cost - minimal (staff time wher necessary). 3. Harding Street Auditorium loft storage area - estimated cost $3,000. 4. Secure suitable facility at a private commercial storage area. Annual cos estimate $1,20O/year. 5. Return the artifact collection to the State of California until the development o the Carrillo Ranch is completed. FISCAL IMPACT: Contingent upon which alternative is implemented, the cost to relocate artifacts rangc from minimal to $5,000 with annual cost thereafter of $300. Staff suggests tha utilizing funds from the Carrillo Ranch Trust Account is a legitimate use of thosc funds. The current balance in that account is $1 1,900. EXHIBITS: 1. Memo to Assistant City Manager - June 8, 1994 2. Municipal Code 2.36.090(d) - Carrillo Ranch Trust *. ai3 @-I ’ .d *, June 8, 1994 TO: ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER VIA: Community Services Direct0 m FROM: Senior Management Analyst - CSD REQUEST FROM VOLUNTEER CARRILLO RANCH CURATOR Several months ago Joan Kindle, the volunteer curator for the Carrillo Ranch, requeste the Community Service Director’s assistance in securing a location to store archiv material which Mrs. Kindle has collected over the years. Currently, this material is store at the Magee House in a previously occupied office, approximately 7 1/2’ x 12 1/2’ in siz Mrs. Kindle’s request for another location is for the following reasons: She has concerns regarding the security of the Magee House both in tern a Climate control capabilities in terms of heating and air conditioning. of fire and thewbreak-ins, vandalism. As per Mrs. Kindle’s request, in staffs’ exhaustive efforts to locate a new storage area, tt following criteria needed to be considered. 0 An area approximately 8’ x 10’ a A secure environment in terms of fire protection and theft/vandalism Climate control capabilities in terms of heating and air conditioning a Ease of accessibility to stored materials by the volunteer curator To date, within our available resources, staff has been unable to meet all the abo criteria in an effort to facilitate the volunteer curator’s request. We have, howevr considered a number of locations in our attempt. Those locations and attributes or la thereof are outlined as follows. 1. Maaee House (existing location) In review of the existing location, staff found the room size to be adequa however, the capability to provide ever present climate control is r available due to the lack of air conditioning within the building, althou heating is available. The building has been and is currently under secul contract and is monitored 24 hours per day for unauthorized intrusion. EXHIBI ul ('" ..d ) REQUEST FROM VOLUNTEER CARRILLO RANCH CURATOR June 8, 1994 Page 2 Smoke alarms within the building are also monitored by the same secur contract for immediate response to the Carlsbad Fire Departme no building break-ins or theft has occurred to our knowledge since t building was renovated in the late 1970's. The Magee House is currer the location of the Carlsbad Historical Society and also houses a signific; amount of the Society's historic memorabilia. Accessibility to the artifi collection by the volunteer curator is considered very good. Although the Magee Park has a relative transient population on occasic 2. Hardina Street Communitv CenterlAuditorium Currently all office space and storage areas at the Harding Strc Community Center are occupied with staffing and necessary equipme There is a loft storage area which could be made available in 1 auditorium. However, at this time the loft lacks appropriate security for 4 protection and theft. The loft area presently stores equipment for the cit emergency disaster preparedness planning efforts which may need to is limited fire protection in the form of one (1) overhead sprinkler. Climl control capabilities (air conditioning) do not exist and would cl approximately $3,500 to install. relocated. Security alarms for the building are non-existent; however, thl 3. Safetv Center In review of this issue with the Police Department, the evidence stor: room at the Safety Center is a possibility. Security is obviously at optimum and climate control capabilities are considered good. Conting upon the amount of storage. area occupied from surplus evidence build the amount of storage room for artifacts would be sufficient. However, ease of accessibility for the curator to retrieve artifacts would be limitec business hours and would require police staff to be in attendance at times for security reasons, Therefore, ease of accessibility is considered good. 4. Las Palmas Although the former Utility Maintenance Administrative Division I relocated to 405 Oak Street, the vacant office spaces at Las Palmas necessary to provide for the expansion of the Geographic Informal Systems Division and the relative overcrowding within the Planning an1 Engineering Departments. Therefore, storage of artifacts at this locatio not considered a viable location. 00 (c! REQUEST FROM VOLUNTEER CARRILLO RANCH CURATOR June 8, 1994 Page 3 5. Citv HaWCitv Manaaer’s Office Currently there are two (2) vacant cubicles between the City Manag€ office and the City Attorney’s office. Individually the cubicles i approximately 5’ x 20’. Although the area is climate controlled, the cubic would need to be modified to provide doors for security reasons. 7 approximate cost of these modifications is approximately $3,000. Curren there is also a vacant office approximately 10’ x 12’ in the City Managc office area. Due to the activities routinely held in the City Manager’s offi staff would consider this area inappropriate for artifact storage or permanent basis. Accessibility would be limited to standard business hol only. CONCLUSION In staffs’ review and exhaustive efforts to locate another storage area, we have bc unable to secure a facility which meets all of the criteria. However, staff believes that current location at the Magee House provides the most suitable location at presen terms of meeting the criteria which Mrs. Kindle requested including: b Security contract which monitors both unauthorized intrusion and threa fire. b This location offers the best situation in terms of ease of accessibility. b Although the location lacks air conditioning, modifications could be m: to accommodate this request at a cost of approximately $2,50( necessary. Furthermore, the Magee House currently and for several years has housed the artifa of the Carlsbad Historical Society which is a significant amount of collected memorab Although staff understands Mrs. Kindle’s desire to store the Carrillo Ranch artifacts at appropriate location, the goal in staffs’ opinion should focus upon storage and ultima1 display at the Carrillo Ranch if the artifacts are to be relocated in the near future. Therefore, staff has investigated the cost of purchasing an 8’ x 20’ container with clim control capabilities. The cost of the container is approximately $5,000 with an estima annual operation expense of $300 per year. The container can be stored at the Rar in close proximity to the house currently occupied by the caretaker and his family. addition, staff has considered modification of the cantina structure which could prov for climate control and additional security measures including fire and theft. The cos the building modification to accommodate this alternative would range between $3’0 $5,000 with an annual operation expense of $300 per year. 9, 0 e REQUEST FROM VOLUNTEER CARRILLO RANCH CURATOR June 8, 1994 Page 4 RECOMMENDATION Continue storage of the artifact collection at the Magee House on an interim basis. Consider implementing provisions to purchase a storage container for artifact storage at a cost of $5,000 and operating costs of $300 per year, or modify the existing cantina structure to provide for climate control and increased building security measures at a cost between $3,000-$5,000 with operating expenses of $300 per year. Staff suggests that utilizing funds from the Carrillo Ranch trust account is a legitimate use of those funds in order to maintain the artifact collection. The current balance in that account is $1 1,900. ALTERNATIVES (in order of priority) 1. Allow provisions for artifact storage at the Public Safety and Service Center in the evidence storage room. 2. Harding Street auditorium loft storage area - approximate cost $3,000. 3. Secure a suitable facility at a private commercial storage area. Annual cost estimate is approximately $1,200 per year. 4. Return the artifact collection to the State of California until the development of the Carrillo Ranch Community Park is completed. b13 y KEITH BEVERLY KB:jm c: City Manager Police Chief Facilities Manager Carrillo File C:\WP51\DB&KB\MEMOS\CUR4TOR.REQ 0 * 2.36. 236.080 Powers generally. The park and recreation commission shall have the power to equip, operate, supervise and maintain playgrounds, athletic fields, swimming pools, swim- ming centers, indoor recreation centers, auditoriums, or other park or recreational facilities on or in any public grounds or buildings in or about the city, which the commission may from time to time ac- quire, provide, authorize and designate for such use, subject to the approval of the city Council. The commission shall further have the power to adopt rules and regulations pertaining to the cutting, trim- ming, pruning, planting, removal or interference with any tree, shrub or plant upon any street, park, pleasure ground, boulevard, alley or public place of the city. (Ord. 1025 0 9) 236.090 Funds-Disposition of moneys. (a) Funds Generally. The park and recreation commission is authorized to and may receive dona- tions, gifts, legacies, endowments or bequests made to the city or to the commission for or in behalf of the city for the acquisition of park and recreation facilities and the construction, maintenance and operation of any of the foregoing facilities, subject to the approval of the city council. @) Gifts Paid to Treasurer. All donations, gifts, legacies, endowments or bequests so received by the commission shall be turned over to the city treasur- er, and shall be kept in a special fund to be desig- nated as the park and recreation fund. (c) Park and Recreation Fund. The city council shall establish a fund to be known as the "park and recreation fund." There shall be deposited to and .I, during any current year shall accumulate in the 1 and recreation fund. (d) Carrill0 Ranch Trust. A special trust fu hereby established to receive and hold donatior money, artifacts, and memorabilia for the Car Ranch. Proposed donations shall be referred ta Parks and Recreation Commission for a recomn dation before acceptance. Donations of five hunl dollars or less may be accepted by the City Ma: er. Donations over five hundred dollars ma] accepted by the City Council. All donations acc ed in the trust must be used exclusively for purp relating to the development, ,operation, and ma; nance of the Carrillo Ranch. (Ord. NS-113 1990; Ord. 1025 0 10) 236.100 Budget. The park and recreation commission shall SUI a budget for required funds to the city council c before the thirtieth day of June of each year. ( 1025 0 11) 236.110 Powers delegated to commissic Nothing in this chapter shall be construe restricting or curtailing any of the powers of the council, or as a delegation to the park and recre: commission of any of the authority or discretio powers vested and imposed by law in the city c cil. The city council declares that the public inte convenience and welfaIe require the appointme a park and recreation commission to act in a pi advisory capacity to the city council for the pcu es enumerated. Any power herein delegated tc to be advisory. expended from this fund all fees or moneys received commission to adopt rules and regulations shal by the commission, including the proceeds from all be construed as a delegation of legislative auth gifts, legacies or bequests as set forth in subsection but purely a delegation of administrative authc (b) and including the proceeds of other sources (Ord. 1025 9 12) managed or controlled by the commission and de- rived by it in connection with the operation of the public recreational activities and facilities under its jurisdiction. All moneys in the fund shall be used for the promotion, supervision and operation of public recreation, and not otherwise, and if not used 59 (Grlsbac EXHIBI