HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-08-09; City Council; 12819; REVISION OF CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY PLAN, RECLASSIFICATION OF TWO COMMUNITY SERVICES POSITIONS, AND AMENDMENT OF THE GENERAL EMPLOYEES' SALARY SCHEDULEa. c D UJ ce: B. a 4 B z 0 F 0 a 6 z 3 0 0 CITUIF CARLSBAD - AGEN~ BILL 7t AB ,# la! Ei? TITLE: REVISION OF CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY PLAN, DE MTG. 08/09/94 RECLASSIFICATION OF TWO COMMUNITY SERVICES cI1 POSITIONS, AND AMENDMENT OF THE GENERAL DEPT. HRD EMPLOYEES’ SALARY SCHEDULE. CI1 30 RECOMMENDED ACTION: q4-p City Council adopt Resolution No. revising the classification and salary plan, reclassifying two positions in Community Services, and amending the General Employees Salary Schedule. ITEM EXPL AN AT1 0 N : As a result of departmental reorganizations, growth and changes over the last year, classification audits of positions in Fleet Maintenance, Street Lighting and Recreation WE conducted. Staff is recommending the following classification and salary changes and reclassifications in the Community Services Department. New/Revised/Deleted Job Classifications and Salary Recommendations: Proposed Sal. Ranae Current Current Classification: Sal. Ranae Classifications: Accounting Technician R22 Accounting Technician R30 Maintenance Electrician 1 R34 Delete Maintenance Electrician II R38 Electrician R38 New Senior Electrician R44 New Recreation Assistant R10 New Aquatics Specialist R30 Reclassification Recommendations: Account Clerk II R15 Accounting Technician R30 Maintenance Electrician II R38 Senior Electrician R44 FLEET MAINTENANCE: Staff reviewed the Account Clerk II position in Fleet Maintenance. This position has evoll from routine accounting and recordkeeping functions to preparing statistical reports, researching and developing information for these reports, and assisting the Superintend in budget preparation and administration. As a result, staff is recommending a reclassification of this position to Accounting Technician and a revision of the Accountinc Technician job description to incorporate the duties of budget preparation and statistical reporting. The revised job description is submitted as Attachment A. Based on a further review of the comparable responsibilities to other City positions, the Accounting Technician appears more equitably placed between the intermediate accountir clerk and supervisory levels in the accounting series. Therefore, to establish a consiste differential in this job series, staff is recommending the reallocation of the Accounting Technician to salary range 30, which is midway between the Account Clerk II (range 15 and Accounting Supervisor (range 44). Two Accounting Technician positions will be ProDosed I’ 0 0 Page 2 OF AB # l$:81$ U affected by this change - one in Fleet Maintenance and one in the Water Department. m I IGHT ING: The Maintenance Electrician series was originally responsible for a variety of electric; work in the City. As the maintenance electricians became more specialized, they focuse their expertise solely in the street lighting and traffic signal areas. Based on the currc department needs, staff is recommending eliminating the Maintenance Electrician I, revising the Maintenance Electrician II to Electrician, and establishing a lead level of S Electrician. (Revised Electrician and Senior Electrician job descriptions submitted as Attachment B.) Staff recommends a reclassification of one Maintenance Electrician II to the new Senior Electrician level. This position is currently functioning as the lead worker in the Strec Lighting area, and serves as the liaison to the traffic signal contractor and traffic engin Several of these responsibilities were acquired from the Electrical Operations Supervi position which was eliminated during a reorganization. It is staff’s recommendation th: Maintenance Electrician II in traffic signal maintenance be reclassified to Senior Elect at range 44, comparable to the established Senior Building Maintenance Worker classification and salary range. PFCRFATION Over the last few years, the Recreation programs have increased in their popularity. P result, the need for staff support in operating these recreational programs has also increased significantly. The City Ras approved the use of 75% positions to fill the gap between hourly (limited to one thousand hours per year) and full-time budgeted positic The Recreation division has converted hourly salary monies to establish four budgeted positions. The new classifications of Recreation Assistant and Aquatic Specialist (includ Attachment C) have been developed and are recommended to be included on the General Employees’ Salary Schedule. The Recreation Assistant is the clerical and specialized recreation support to a Recreati Supervisor. Currently, there is a need for this support position in the Instructional Classes, Adult Sports and Youth Sports/Special Events programs. Staff is recommendin salary placement on range 10, comparable to other City positions with similar res pon si bi I it ies . In the Aquatic program, the Aquatic Supervisor is the only regular full-time position responsible for the pool operations. Because the pool remains open every day for up to hours on a year-round schedule, a new classification of Aquatic Specialist was developec assist in the administration of programs and pool operations. Staff recommends the sa placement on range 30, which is approximately a 7% differential below the Recreation Specialist level. 4- e 0 Page 3 OF AB # l2;8J? FISCAL IMPACT: The estimated cost of the reclassification of the Account Clerk II to Accounting Technician, the Maintenance Electrician II to Senior Electrician, and salary reallocation of two Accounting Technicians is $6,400 for one year. Funding for the new 75% positions in Recreation are included in the 1994-95 budget. The increased cost to the Street Lighting Benefit District, Water Enterprise Fund, and General Fund (Recreation) can be absorbed within the current departmental operating budgets. Fleet Maintenance will require an additional $1,600 appropriation to fund the increased cost. Staff anticipates that Fleet Maintenance will receive sufficient revenue to cover this expense. EXHIBITS: Resolution No. k qq-zw ?. 1 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3.0 11 12 13 I.4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 REsoumo"O. 94-230 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING NEW AND REVISED CLASSIFICATIONS: DELETING CURRENT CLASSIFICATIONS: ESTABLISHING AND REALLOCATING SALARY RANGES: RECLASSIFYING TWO INCUMBENTS: AND AMENDING THE GENERAL EMPLOYEES' SALARY WHEREAS. the City Manager recommends and the City Council concurs, that the revised classification for Accounting Technician should be adopted: and that the classification of Maintenance Electrician I1 be amended to Electrician. WHEREAS, the City Manager recommends and the City Council concurs, that the classifications of Senior Electrician, Aquatic Specialist, and Recreation Assistai should be adopted and included in the City's Classification Plan and Salary Schedul and WHEREAS, the City Manager recommends and the City Council concurs. that the classification of Maintenance Electrician I be deleted from the City's Classifica Plan and Salary Schedule: and, WHEREAS, the City Manager recommends and the City Council concurs, reclassifying the Account Clerk I1 in Fleet Maintenance to Accounting Technician i the Maintenance Electrician I1 in traffic signals to Senior Electrician: and, WHEFU3AS. the City and the Carlsbad City Employees' Association have met conferred on the impact of these recommendations on represented employees. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carl: California, as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That the City Council authorizes and directs the City Manager to ad the revised classifications of Accounting Technician, as described in Attachment attached hereto and made a part thereof. 3. That the City Council authorizes and directs the City Manager to ad classifications of Electrician and Senior Electrician, as described in Attachment Recreation Assistant and Aquatic Specialist, as described in Attachment C: attacl * I. * a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 l2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 hereto and made a part thereof. 4. That the City Council authorizes and directs the City Manager to delete the classification of Maintenance Electrician I. 5. That the City Council authorizes and directs the City Manager to adjus the salary range for Accounting Technician from Range 22, $870.53 - $1.058.14 biweekly, to Range 30, $942.66 - $1,145.80 biweekly: place the Electrician on Range 3 $1.020.78 - $1,240.76 biweem place the Senior Electricfan on Range 44, $1,083.58 - $1,317.10 biweekly: place the Recreation Assistant on Range 10. $772.55 - $939.05 biweem, place the Aquatic Specialist on Range 30, $942.66 - $1,145.80 biweekly: an amend the General Employees’ Salary Schedule to reflect these changes, as describe( Attachment D, attached hereto and made a part thereof. 6. That the City Council authorizes and directs the City Manager to reclassify the Account Clerk 11 in Fleet Maintenance to Accounting Technician and Maintenance Electrician II in trdc signals to Senior Electrician. 7. That the City Council authorizes and directs the City Manager to appropriate $1.600 to the Fleet Maintenance salary accounts. PASSED, APPROVED. AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad ( Council held on the 9th day of AUGUST , 1994, by the following vote, to v AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard, Finr NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: L?.&zi&R- ALEI7-M L. RAUTENKRANZ. City Cler (SEAL) 0 0 I- 4 L 7/ 1/94 Atim.hmt?nt A Resolution # CITYOFCARWBAD JOB DESCRIPTION JOB TITLE: ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN DEPARTMENT: VARIOUS BASIC FUNCTIO N: Under general supervision, to perform specialized and difficult clerical accounting tasks: to assist in the planning, assignment and supervision c employees involved in the performance of varied clerical accounting WOI and to perform other related work as assigned. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: This level is distinguished from the Account Clerk I and I1 as the senior advanced clerical accounting level. Positions in this class are expected 1 able to perform difficult and varied clerical accounting tasks independe1 under broad guidelines with review of overall results: and, to provide technical assistance and guidance to lower level accounting clerks or ot: clerical staff in a lead capacity. The next higher level is the Accounting Supervisor whose primary responsibility is supervising an accounting un and directing and evaluating the work of others. REYRES PONSIBILJTIE& Perform a variety of complex technical tasks involving the utilization of automated accounting and/or technical recordkeeping systems, includir but not limited to, the development of forms and requirements for data entry, the review and checking of data prior to data entry, assignment o account classification codes and preparation of specialized reports. Participate in and/or provide lead responsibility in a variety of accountir activities, including accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll and tl preparation of financial and statistical reports, audit of bills and invoices balancing of cash drawer, and preparation of deposits. Generate and review summary reports for verifylng information, identification of problem areas, analysis of specifk data for further processing or researching information. May assist in budget preparation, including development of reports and formulas, analysis of operating costs, and research of past expenditures requested. e 0 2. - Accounting Technician, p. 2 Design, review and check records, forms and other documents for accurac completeness and conformance to rules and regulations. Respond and resolve citizen complaints and requests for information: explain procedures and policies related to department operations. Prepare and maintain files related to assignment. Assist in supervising, training and evaluating subordinates as assigned. Assist in the development and implementation of systems and procedures Perform miscellaneous office and clerical duties as assigned. REPORTING RELATIONSHIPS: This level may report to an Accounting Supervisor, Accountant or other management staff member. DESIRAB- QUALIFICATIONS: ImOWleaQep f: Principles, practices, terminology and forms used in bookkeeping and accounting work. City policies and procedures related to the assigned duties. Standard office methods, practices and procedures. Computerized accounting and recordkeeping systems and related software applications for performing required duties. Basic cost control and auditing procedures and practices. Principles of supervision, training and performance evaluation. skill in; Operating a standard ten key calculator rapidly and accurately. Typing at a net corrected speed of 40 words a minute from clear c( I 4. 0 * Accounting Technician, p. 3 k%m@7 tQ: Perform difficult clerical accounting work using independent judgment and initiative and requiring speed and accuracy. Operate computer terminals, microcomputer systems and related equipment as well as standard office equipment necessary to perforn the work. Learn and process information using specialized software applications, e.g., database management, spreadsheets and word processing. Learn, apply, interpret and explain applicable laws, rules and regulations. Prepare accurate financial and statistical reports and statements. Make arithmetical calculations with speed and accuracy. Analyze financial records and find and correct errors. Communicate effectively orally and in writing. Establish and maintain cooperative relationships. Supervise, train and evaluate subordinates as assigned. EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION. Any combination equivalent to the experience and education that would likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Equivalent to the completion of the twelfth grade, including or supplemented by courses in bookkeeping and accounting, a, Two years of increasingly responsible clerical accounting experienc similar to the duties required of the Account Clerk I1 position. PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS - AND ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING Positions in this class are typically situated in a standard office environrr resulting in little exposure to the weather and requiring no unusual phys abilities. However, assignments may vary and specific physical requirem or environmental settings related to individual jobs will be specified at t: time of placement. i 0 0 * 7/1/94 Attachment B Resolution # CITYOF- JOB DESCRIPTION JOB 'ITIZE: ELECTRICIAN SENIOR ELECTRICIAN DEPARTMENT: Community Services BASIC FUNCTI ON: Under general supervision, to perform a variety of semi-skilled to skilled work involving electrical installation, maintenance, repair and testing of street lights, traffic signals, and related equipment: and to perform relatec work as assigned. DISTINGUIS HMG CHARACTERISTICS: Electrician is the journey level class in the electrical street maintenance series. Positions in the class normally perform semi-skilled to skilled electrical maintenance installation and repair work on street lighting and trdfic signal equipment. Senior Electrician is the advanced and lead level in the electrical street maintenance series. This is a one-position class designed to perform the most skilled electrical work in traffic signal maintenance and serves as tl primary coordinator of the street lighting/traffic function related to the liaison with contracting senrices, traffic engineering and other City departments. KEX RESPONSIBILITlEs: Perform electrical work involving the installation, maintenance, and repa of street lights, traffic signal systems and related equipment and systems Inspect, diagnose and determine extent of necessary repair of traffic sign systems for referral to contractor or in-house repair. Answer emergency calls and perform repairs on street lighting equipmei Receive and follow-up on citizen complaints to resolve or correct proble1 Read blueprints, plans, specifications and schematic diagrams in order t( troubleshoot problems and to inspect construction projects to ensure compliance. L 0 a Electrician and Senior Electrician, p. 2 Coordinate underground service alert and electrical mark-outs for various departments and agencies related to street lighting and traffic signal systems. Install, maintain, and repair electric motors and built-in systems. Test signal heads and bells, flashers, clocks, and coils. Maintain and repair electrical motors and pumps. Lay conduit and pull wire for new street lighting. Review and inspect street lighting plans and construction. Requisition and maintain materials and supplies. Maintain records of work performed and supplies used. Periodically install and senrice decorative displays involving electrical circuits. Performs other electrical work as time permits in assistance to other Citj departments. Senior Electric ian; Administer the traffic signal maintenance agreement, including coordina of activities of the designated contractor in the installation, repair and maintenance of the traffic signal systems, inspecting the finished work, a monitoring of field activities and work records. Serve as the traffic and street lighting liaison to other City departments i coordinating current and future projects in the City. Coordinate with the Tr&ic Engineer on traffic signal timings and adjustments as necessary. Assist the Supervisor in preparing the department budget, preparing specifications for contract work and preparing simple reports related to street lighting/traffic activities. QUALIFICATIONS Knowlae o f: Principles, practices and techniques of electrical repair of street lighting and traffic signal maintenance. r(. e e *" - Electrician and Senior Electrician, p. 4 Coordinate work activities with other departments and agencies. Train and supervise performance of less skilled staff. EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION: Any combination equivalent to experience and education that would likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Electrician: Senior Electric ian: one year of journey-level electrical experience. two years of journey level experience with demonstrated proficiency and specialized training and certification in signal technician work. SPECIAL REWIRE MENTS: Possession of a valid and appropriate level California driver's license. PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS AND ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING: Incumbents must be able to climb ladders, lift, carry and manipulate moderate to heavy materials and equipment at site locations and up ladde to maintain street lights; drive to site locations: distinguish colors to rep1 traffic lights; work in high places to replace street lights; work in traffic : on streets: work outdoors in all types of weather; and work with electric2 currents. 1. a 0 ." - 7/5/94 Attachment C Resolution # CXTYOF- JOB DESCRIPTION JOB TITLE: AQUATIC SPECIALIST DEPARTMENT: Community Services BASIC FUNCTION: Under general supervision, to assist in administering a variety of aquatic programs: to perform lifeguard duties: to provide aquatic instruction: to perform other related work as assigned. DISTINGUISHING C?€ARACTERISTICS: The Aquatic Specialist provides support to the Aquatic Supervisor in all activities of the aquatics recreation programs, including, supervising staff: coordinating facilities use and maintenance: teaching aquatics classes: anc performing water rescue duties. Work is performed independently under general guidelines set by the supervisor. This level is distinguished from next higher level of Recreation Specialist who is responsible for directing supervising programs. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: Supervise and train hourly staff and volunteers in the lifeguard activities, 1 of facilities, and monitoring pool safety. Coordinate custodial maintenance schedules, instructor and lifeguard schedules and monitor safety and security of the pool facility. Perform safety inspections, test chemical levels of the pool, make routine adjustments, troubleshoot and make minor repairs. Assist in preparing reports and supervise recordkeeping hnctions relate4 inventory and supplies used at the pool, maintenance of pool and equipment, accounting of daily revenue deposits and summary attendanci and revenue reports. Provide water rescue, first aid and cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR.) l necessary. Resolve client disputes regarding program activities. Meet and communicate with instructors, staff, and the public regarding program administration and information: update and disseminate press 1- 0 0 .- - Aquatic Specialist, p. 2 releases, program and facility schedules. Assist in planning, organizing and implementing programs and activities. Assist in classes, activities, events as assigned. Attend and participate in staff meetings related to assigned program activities. Monitor class activities and evaluations of programs. Act in the absence of the Aquatic Supervisor as assigned. Perform other related duties as assigned. 4QuAwFICATIONS; KnowledPe of: e e e e e e e Basic supervisory practices. AMlitv to: e e e e e e Follow instructions. Philosophy, principles and practices of aquatic recreation programs. First aid, cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and water resc and lifeguarding methods, practices and techniques. Health and safety codes, standards and policy related to pool operations. Procedures of pool and pool equipment maintenance. City of Carlsbad policies, rules related to recreational program and general administrative practices and procedures. Basic instruction and coaching techniques. Swim with proficiency and endurance and perform necessary water rescue activities. Perform first aid and CPR as necessary. Analyze situations and adopt quick and effective course of acti Organize, supervise, coordinate, implement, and evaluate aquatic recreational programs. Provide necessary administrative support in recordkeeping a reporting as assignment requires. Communicate clearly and concisely, orally and in writing. Establish and main- cooperative working relationships wit those contacted in the course of work. v. 0 0 1 Aquatic Specialist, p. 3 EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would qualify. A typical way tc obtain the knowledges and abilities would be: Equivalent to an Associate of Arts degree from an accredited college university with major coursework in recreation, physical education o related field, and, one year of aquatic experience, instructing American Red Cross Water Safety and Lifeguarding programs and supervising aquatic staff. SPECIAL REQQUIREMJZNTS: Possession of current American Red Cross Emergency Response First Aid and Cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation for the Professional Rescuer (CPR-FPI certificates. Community First Aid and CPR Instructor certifications and authorizations will be required within the first six months of employment. Possession of current Basic Lifeguard certiffcation, Water Safety Instructor and Lifeguard Training Instructor authorizations issued by the American F Cross. Equivalent training certificates approved by the County of San Dieg Emergency Medical Services Authority are acceptable. Must meet State of California tuberculosis test requirements. Possession of a valid California Class C driver’s license is desirable. Must be available to work a flexible schedule, including evenings, weeken holidays, and split-shifts as required by the work assignment. PHYSICAL REQUIRE3MENTS AND ENVIRONMENTAL SEZTING: The pool is an outdoor facility exposed to all types of weather conditions. The hours of pool operation vary with the seasons, but typically the pool i open from 5:OO am to 11:OO pm, 6-7 days a week on a year-round basis. Incumbents frequently are required to physically exert themselves durin, the course of rescue, instruction or other required activities, and are involved in lifting and moving moderately heavy pool equipment, or materials during the course of duties assigned. T 0 0 - pftAcl,,ue& r, 7/6/94 Resolution # - CllTOFURISBAD JOB DESCRIPTION JOB 'MTm% RECREATION ASSISTANT DEPARTMENT; Community Services BASIC FUNCMON Under general supervision, to perfom a variety of clerical and speciali duties in support of recreational programs and activities: to participate assist in supervising recreation programs: to perform other related WOI assigned. DISTINGUISHMG CHARACTERISTICS: The Recreatlon Assistant provides general support to the Recreation Supervisors in the preparation, implementation and monitoring of recreation programs and activities. Work is performed independently general guidelines set by the supervisor. This level is distinguished €kc next higher level of Recreation Specialist who is responsible for direct supervising programs and staff. RESPONSIBILITIES; Provide a variety of clerical and specialized support of recreational pro and activities, including but not limited to: preparing event materials, orders, reports, typing contracts, schedules, worksheets, use permits, descriptions, processing payment requests, facllity use applications, maintaining a database of client information, answering phones and hf patrons, and providing any assistance to the Supenrlsor in program administration. Meet and communicate with Instructors, staff, and the public regardin program administration and information. Assist in planning, organking and implementing programs and activiti Participate in activities, events as assigned. Assist in supervision and training of hourly staff and volunteers in recreational programs, events and activities. Attend and participate in staff meetings related to assigned program activities. U 0 0 - Recreation Assistant, p. 2 Assist in resolving citizen, client disputes regarding program activities. Monitor class activities and evaluations of programs. Provide general clerical support to Recreation Supervisors and other staff related to assigned program activities. Perform other related duties as assigned. ,QUALIFICATIONS; Knowledsce Of: e e e e Basic supervisory practices. Philosophy, principles and practices of public recreation programs. First aid methods, practices and safety precautions related to any recreational programs. City of Carlsbad policies, rules related to recreational program and general administrative practices and procedures. 4llam= e e e e e Follow instructions. Organize, supervise, coordinate, implement. and evaluate recreational programs. Provide necessary clerical support in recordkeeping, typing, database management as assignment requires. Communicate clearly and concisely, orally and in writing. Establish and maintain cooperative working relationships wit those contacted in the course of work. EXPERIENCJFI; Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likelj provide the required knowledge and abilities would quw. A typical waj obtain the knowledges and abilities would be one year of recreational program experience. SPECIAL -NT% Possession of a valid California driver’s license and vemcation of insurak Must meet State of California tuberculosis test requirements. Flexibility to work evenings and weekends as required by the work assignment. e m 1. I' . Recreation Assistant, p. 3 IC& mMENTS AND ENVIRONMENTAL SETTINQ May vary from assignment to assignment. Positfons frequently have to d to site locations, attend outdoor activities and events and occasionally bc required to physically exert themselves (run, walk, stoop, bend, reach) ! the supervision of recreational activities. Some positions may occasiona be required to lift or move moderately heavy equipment, or materials dt the course of duties assigned. C. 0 e I- 3- - Attachment D Resolution No. SALARY SCHEDULE - GENERAL EMPLOYEES CLASSIFICATION RANGE CLASSIFICATION LAlu MAINTENANCE WORKER I 7 ACCOUNT CLERK I ACCOUNT CLERK I1 METER SERVICES WORKER I ACCOUNTANT METER SERVICES WORKER I1 ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR METER SERVICES WORKER I11 ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN MICROCOMPUTER SPECIALIST ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY MINUTES CLERK AQUATICS SPECIALIST OFFICE SPECIALIST I ASSISTANT ENGINEER OFFICE SPECIALIST I1 ASSISTANT PLANNER PARK MAINTENANCE SPECIALIST ASSOCIATE ENGINEER PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER I1 ASSOCIATE PLANNER BUILDING INSPECTOR I 55 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER I11 BUILDING INSPECTOR I1 70 PARK DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR BUILDING MAINTENANCE WORKER I BUILDING MAINTENANCE WORKER I1 39 PLANNING TECHNICIAN I1 BUILDING TECHNICIAN I1 BUYER CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER I CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER I1 COMPENSATION TECHNICIAN 53 RECREATION SPECIALIST CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR I 55 RECREATION SUPERVISOR I CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR I1 CRIME PREVENTION TECHNICIAN 31 SECRETARY CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL TECHNICIAN 38 SENIOR BUILDING INSPECTOR CUSTODIAN CUSTODIAN I1 12 SENIOR CIRCULATION SUPERVISOR ELECTRICIAN 38 SENIOR CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN I ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN I1 EQUIPMENT MECHANIC I 34 SENIOR OFFICE SPECIALIST EQUIPMENT MECHANIC I1 40 SENIOR PLANNER EQUIPMENT MECHANIC LEADWORKER EVIDENCE AND PROPERTY TECHNICIAN GRAPHIC ARTIST GRAPHICS TECHNICIAN 24 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER I11 HOUSING SPECIALIST I HOUSING SPECIALIST I1 61 TREE TRIMMER I LIBRARIAN I LIBRARIAN I1 LIBRARY ASSISTANT I 24 UTILITY MAINTENANCE WORKER I1 LIBRARY ASSISTANT I1 LIBRARY CLERK I LIBRARY CLERK I1 LIBRARY SERVICES SUPERVISOR 15 MESSENGER 58 44 30 35 30 74 64 91 78 PLANNING TECHNICIAN I POLICE RECORDS SPECIALIST I POLICE RECORDS SPECIALIST 11 21 50 42 CIRCULATION SUPERVISOR 35 PROGRAMMER/ANALYST 43 PROGRAMMER/OPERATOR 55 RECREATION ASSISTANT RECREATION SUPERVISOR I1 70 1 SENIOR BUILDING MAINTENANCE WORKER 35 SENIOR ELECTRICIAN 50 SENIOR LIBRARIAN 52 SITE MANAGER 11 STOREKEEPER 24 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER 11 46 TECHNICIAN I 38 TREE TRIMMER I1 53 TREE TRIMMER LEADWORKER 35 UTILITY MAINTENANCE WORKER I11 1 UTILITY SYSTEMS OPERATOR I1 4 UTILITY SYSTEMS OPERATOR I11 68 1-26-94 b 1. a ATTACHMENT D - Effective ugust 9,1994 I' THE CITY OF CARLSBAD I GENERAL EMPLOYEE SALARY SCHEDULE BIWEEKLY SALARIES RANGE STEPA STEP B STEP C STEP D STEPE RANGE 1 $706.38 $741.70 $778.79 $81 7.73 $858.62 1 2 $71 3.44 $749.1 1 $786.57 $825.90 $867.20 2 3 $720.57 $756.60 $794.43 $834.15 $875.86 3 4 $727.78 $764.1 7 $802.38 $842 .50 $884.63 4 5 $735.06 $771.81 $81 0.40 $850.92 $893.47 5 7 $749.83 $787.32 $826.69 $868.02 $91 1.42 7 9 $764.90 $803.15 $843.31 $885.48 $929.75 9 10 $772.55 $811.18 $851.74 $894.33 $939.05 10 11 $780.28 $81 9.29 $860.25 $903.26 $948.42 11 12 $788.08 $827.48 $868.85 $91 2.29 $957.90 12 6 $742.41 $779.53 $81 8.51 $859.44 $902.41 6 8 $757.33 $795.20 $834.96 $876.7 1 $920.55 8 13 $795.96 $835.76 $877.55 $921.43 $967.50 13 14 $803.92 $844.12 $886.33 $930.65 $977.1 8 14 15 $81 1.96 $852.56 $895.1 9 $939.95 $986.95 15 16 $820.08 $861.08 $904.13 $949.34 $996.81 16 17 $828.28 $869.69 $91 3.1 7 $958.83 $1,006.77 17 18 $836.56 $878.39 $922.31 $968.43 $1,016.85 18 19 $844.93 $887.1 8 $931.54 $978.1 2 $1,027.03 19 20 $853.38 $896.05 $940.85 $987.89 $1,037.28 20 21 $861.91 $905.81 $950.26 $997.77 $1,047.66 21 22 $870.53 $914.06 $959.76 $1,007.75 $1,058.14 22 23 $879.24 $923.20 $969.36 $1,017.83 $1,068.72 23 24 $888.03 $932.43 $979.05 $1,028.00 $1,079.40 24 25 $896.91 $941.76 $988.85 $1,038.29 $1,090.20 25 26 $905.88 $951.1 7 $998.73 $1,048.67 $1,101.1 0 26 27 $91 4.94 $960.69 $1,008.72 $1,059.1 6 $1,112.1 2 27 28 $924.09 $970.29 $1,018.80 $1,069.74 $1,123.23 28 29 $933.33 $980.00 $1,029.00 $1,080.45 $1,134.47 29 30 $942.66 $989.79 $1,039.28 $1,091.24 $1,145.80 30 31 $952.09 $999.69 $1,049.67 $1,102.15 $1,157.26 31 33 $971.23 $1,019.79 $1,070.78 $1,124.32 $1,180.- 33 34 $980.94 $1,029.99 $1,081.49 $1,135.56 $1,192.34 34 35 $990.75 $1,040.29 $1,092.30 $1,146.92 $1,204.27 35 37 $1,010.67 $1,061.20 $1,114.26 $1,169.97 $1,228.47 37 38 $1,020.78 $1,071.82 $1,125.41 $1,181.68 $1,240.76 38 39 $1,030.99 $1,082.54 $1,136.67 $1,193.50 $1,253.18 39 40 $1,041.30 $1,093.37 $1,148.04 $1,205.44 $1,265.71 40 41 $1,051.71 $1,104.30 $1,159.52 $1,217.50 $1,278.38 41 42 $1,062.23 $1,115.34 $1,171.1 1 $1,229.67 $1,291.1 5 42 43 $1,072.85 $1,126.49 $1,182.81 $1,241.95 $1,304.05 43 44 $1,083.58 $1,137.76 $1,194.65 $1,254.38 $1,317.10 44 45 $1,094.42 $1,149.14 $1,206.60 $1,266.93 $1,330.28 45 32 $961.61 $1,009.69 $1,060.17 $1,113.1 8 $1,168.84 32 36 $1,000.66 $1,050.69 $1,103.22 $1,158.38 $1,216.30 36 *’ @ ATTACHMENT D - Effective AuB, 1994 THE CITY OF CARLSBAD BIWEEKLY SALARIES -n tf a GENERAL EMPLOYEE SALARY SCHEDULE RANGE STEPA STEP 8 STEP C STEP D STEPE RANGE 46 $1,105.36 $1,160.63 $1,218.66 $1,279.59 $1,343.57 46 47 $1,116.41 $1,172.23 $1,230.84 $1,292.38 $1,357.00 47 48 $1,127.57 $1,183.95 $1,243.15 $1,305.31 $1,370.58 48 49 $1,138.85 $1,195.79 $1,255.58 $1,318.36 $1,384.28 49 50 $1,150.24 $1,207.75 $1,268.14 $1,331.55 $1,398.13 50 51 $1,161.74 $1,219.83 $1,280.82 $1,344.86 $1,412.10 51 52 $1,173.36 $1,232.03 $1,293.63 $1,358.31 $1,426.23 52 53 $1,185.09 $1,244.34 $1,306.56 $1,371.89 $1,440.48 53 54 $1,196.94 $1,256.79 $1,319.63 $1,385.61 $1,454.89 54 55 $1,208.91 $1,269.36 $1,332.83 $1,399.47 $1,469.44 55 56 $1,221 .OO $1,282.05 $1,346.15 $1,413.46 $1,484.13 56 57 $1,233.21 $1,294.87 $1,359.61 $1,427.59 $1,498.97 57 58 $1,245.54 $1,307.82 $1,373.21 $1,441.87 $1,513.96 58 59 $1,258.00 $1,320.90 $1,386.95 $1,456.30 $1,529.12 59 60 $1,270.58 $1,334.1 1 $1,400.82 $1,470.86 $1,544.40 60 61 $1,283.29 $1,347.45 $1,414.82 $1,485.56 $1,559.84 61 62 $1,296.12 $1,360.93 $1,428.98 $1,500.43 $1,575.45 62 63 $1,309.08 $1,374.53 $1,443.26 $1,515.42 $1,591.19 63 64 $1,322.17 $1,388.28 $1,457.69 $1,530.57 $1,607.10 64 65 $1,335.39 $1,402.16 $1,472.27 $1,545.88 $1,623.17 65 66 $1,348.74 $1,416.1 8 $1,486.99 $1,561.34 $1,639.41 66 68 $1,375.85 $1,444.64 $1,516.87 $1,592.71 $1,672.35 68 69 $1,389.61 $1,459.09 $1,532.04 $1,608.64 $1,689.07 69 70 $1,403.51 $1,473.69 $1,547.37 $1,624.74 $1,705.98 70 71 $1,417.55 $1,488.43 $1,562.85 $1,640.99 $1,723.04 71 72 $1,431.73 $1,503.32 $1,578.49 $1,657.41 $1,740.28 72 73 $1,446.05 $1,518.35 $1,594.27 $1,673.98 $1,757.68 73 74 $1,460.51 $1,533.54 $1,610.22 $1 ,690.73 $1,775.27’ 74 75 $1,475.12 $1,548.88 $1,626.32 $1,707.64 $1,793.02 75 77 $1,504.77 $1,580.01 $1,659.01 $1,741.96 $1,829.06 77 78 $1,519.82 $1,595.81 $1,675.60 $1,759.38 $1,847.35 78 79 $1,535.02 $1,611.77 $1,692.36 $1,776.98 $1,865.83 79 80 $I ,550.37 $1,627.89 $1,709.28 $7,794.74 $1,884.48 80 81 $1,565.87 $1,644.1 6 $1,726.37 $1,812.69 $1,903.32 81 82 $1,581 .53 $1,660.61 $1,743.64 $1,830.82 $1,922.36 82 83 $1,597.35 $1,677.22 $1,761.08 $1,849.13 $1,941.59 83 84 $1,613.32 $1,693.99 $1,778.69 $1,867.62 $1,961 -00 84 85 $1,629.45 $1,710.92 $1,796.47 $1,886.29 $1,980.60 85 86 $1,645.74 $1,728.03 $1,814.43 $1,905.15 $2,000.41 86 87 $1,662.20 $1,745.31 $1,832.58 $1,924.21 $2,020.42 87 88 $1,678.82 $1,762.76 $1,850.90 $1,943.45 $2,040-62 88 89 $1,695.61 $1,780.39 $1,869.41 $1,962.88 $2,061 -02 89 90 $1,712.57 $1,798.20 $1,888.1 1 $1,982.52 $2,081.65 90 91 $1,729.70 $1,816.1 9 $1,907.00 $2,002.35 $2,102.47 91 67 $1,362.23 $1,430.34 $1,501.86 $1,576.95 $1,655.80 67 76 $1,489.87 $1,564.36 $1,642.58 $1,724.71 $1 $1 0.95 76