HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-08-09; City Council; 12820; Poinsettia Shores Master PlanC+‘Y OF CARLSBAD - AGE---IA BILL qs L ’ i AB # l2;232~ TITLE: ~ APPEAL OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MTG. 8-9-W APPROVAL OF THE POINSETTIA SHORES MASTER TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT CT 94-Ql&DP 94-03 RECOMMENDED ACTION: CITY MGR. &z That the City Council direct the City Attorney to prepare documents IJPHOLIXNC the Planning Commission approval of CT 9401/HDP 94-03. ITEM JXPLANATION ’ On July 6, 1994, the Planning Commission approved the referenced project by a vote of 7-O. On July 15, 1994, Mr. Taschner, representing, Dale Schreiber and Ponto Storage, appealed the project on grounds that: 1) the environmental review did not consider all of the impacts associated with the proposed drainage system; and 2) staff did not sufficiently evaluate alternate alignments of the proposed drainage system. Specifically, Mr. Taschner’s clients contend that the best drainage improvement alignment is easterly of the railroad tracks ending at the existing desiltation basin adjacent to the existing Rosalena subdivision. Staff supported and the Planning Commission approved a westerly alignment of the drainage system ending in a new desiltation basin adjacent to the recently constructed least tern nesting area known as W-l. The letter of appeal is attached. The environmental review for the project analyzed the impacts associated with various easterly and westerly drainage alignments. That review concluded that the westerly alignment approved in concept by the Planning Commission, was the environmentally preferred alternative. In addition, staff has investigated the appellant’s claim that the Mitigated Negative Declaration did not consider the impacts of approximately 200 acres of urban runoff. Staff has found that the environmental documentation did assess the impacts associated with urban runoff including impacts to Batiquitos Lagoon. It should be noted that Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project EIR analyzed stormwater input from the entire drainage basin of the lagoon. This includes the area referenced by the appellant. Additionally, the Enhancement Project EIR assessed the impacts of the desiltation basin adjacent to the W-l least tern nesting site and determined that there would be no significant impacts from that drainage system on either the lagoon or the adjacent tern site. The environmental documentation for the project under appeal incorporated the Enhancement Project EIR by reference. Staff has also investigated the appellant’s second claim that staff did not sufficiently analyze drainage alternatives. When Council considered the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan on January 4, 1994, the appellant requested an examination of drainage alternatives that included an easterly alignment. Under Council direction, this alternatives assessment was performed with the processing of the project now under appeal. The analysis is contained in both the staff report to the Planning Commission dated July 6,1994 and in the project’s environmental documentation, both attached. In a separate memo (attached) from the Assistant City Engineer, staff responds to the various claims stipulated in the July 11,1994 letter of appeal from Mr. Taschner. In conclusion, staff feels that the analysis of drainage alternatives was sufficient and it fairly evaluated the drainage improvements proposed by the appellant. \ I PAGE 2 OF AGENDA BILL NO. 13; 8 2 0 ENVIRONMENTAL, REVIEW On July 6, 1994, the Planning Commission approved the Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared by the Planning Department on May 9, 1994. The environmental review concluded that no significant environmental impacts will result from the approval of the subject project with the implementation of the corresponding mitigation measures. Since the project site is in the Coastal Zone, the project’s Mitigated Negative Declaration was sent to the State Clearinghouse where the environmental documents are circulated to all potentially affected state resource agencies. No comments were received from this required review process. This project’s environmental review and Mitigated Negative Declaration are part of the focus of the submitted appeal as outlined in Mr. Taschner’s appeal letter. FISCAL IMPACT Upholding the Planning Commission decision of approval will not have any fiscal impacts on the City. As outlined in the Local Facilities Management Plan documents for Zone 9, all required improvements are to be funded by the applicant, therefore no adverse fiscal impacts to the City will result from the implementation of the subject Master Tentative Tract Map and Hillside Development Permit. EXHIBITS 1. 2. 3. 4. Location Map Planning Commission Resolution No’s. 3677, 3678 and 3679 Lou Taschner’s Appeal Letter dated July 11, 1994 Engineering Memo dated July 27, 1994 Planning Commission Staff Report, dated July 6, 1994 Excerpts of Planning Commission Minutes, dated July 6, 1994 POINSETTIA SHORES MASTER TENTATIVE MAP CT 940Ol/ 3 HOP 94-03 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 - EXlfBlT 2 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3677 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLAIKI’ION FOR A MASTER TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT TO (1) SUBDMDE LAND INTO MASTER PLAN PLANNING AREAS, (2) MASS GRADE THE SITE TO ALLOW DEVELOPMENT OF THE PLANNING AREAS AND (3) CONSTRUCT THE AVENIDA ENCINAS ROADWAY AND OTHER REQUIRED INFRASTRUCTURE CONSISTENT WITH THE POINSETTIA SHORES MASTER PLAN ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUADRANT OF THE CITY, EAST OF CARLSBAD BOULEVARD, WEST OF THE 1-5 . FREEWAY AND NORTH OF THE BATIQUITOS LAGOON IN LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 9. CASE NAME: POINSETTIA SHORES MASTER TENTATIVE MAP CASE NO: CT 94-Ol/HDP 94-03 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did on the 6th day of July, 1994, hold a duly noticed public hearings as prescribed by law to consider said request, and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, examining the initial study, analyzing the information submitted by staff, and considering any written comments received, the Planning Commission considered all factors relating to the Mitigated Negative Declaration. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning Commission as follows: A) B) . . . . That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Planning Commission hereby APPROVES the Mitigated Negative Declaration according to Exhibit “ND”, dated May 9, 1994, and “PIP’, dated April 1, 1994, attached hereto and made a part hereof, based on the following findings and subject to the following condition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 1c 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Findings: 1. The initial study shows that there is no substantial evidence that the project may have a significant impact on the environment since a full environmental review of the master plan property was certified (EIR 84-3) with more intensive educational and related land uses than the residential uses approved with the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan. In addition, a Mitigated Negative Declaration was approved (January 4, 1994) for the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan which amended the former educational institution master plan. The land subdivisions, roadway/infrastructure construction and mass grading associated with this master tentative map/hillside development permit application will not cause any significant environmental impacts since potential impacts will be mitigated. Specifically, this project will address fugitive dust control impacts, archeological and paleontological monitoring during grading, minor desiltation basin biological impacts and Monterey Cypress replacement tree planting to maintain the scenic qualities of Carlsbad Boulevard. All sensitive lagoon slopes, habitat and wetland areas associated with the project’s open space have already been dedicated in fee title to the State of California. No other significant environmental features are associated with the site which at one time supported agricultural uses but is now vacant, undeveloped land with the exception of the Rosalina subdivision. The proposed project site has already been reviewed with EIR 84-3 and MP 175(D)‘s Mitigated Negative Declaration. 2. The site has been previously graded and contains no sensitive animal or plant species with the exception of permanently protected master plan open space areas associated with the lagoon environment (approximately 35 acres). The previously graded portion of the site contains the existing alignment of Windrose Circle and the Rosalina neighborhood. The rest of the master plan area is mostly flat vacant land that was disturbed in the past through agricultural uses. 3. The existing and proposed streets are adequate in size to handle the anticipated traffic of approximately 12,300 Average Daily Trips (ADT), however, no dwelling units or actual traffic generation is involved with this project; only land subdivision and mass grading is involved. The alignment and configuration of the master plan circulation system meets all City standards and will allow the orderly and functional development of the master plan property. 4. There are no sensitive resources located onsite or located so as to be significantly impacted by the proposed land subdivision, infrastructure and mass grading and subsequent development and implementation of the master plan. The project has been designed and conditioned to eliminate any potential environmental impacts to the Batiquitos Lagoon. The proposed master tentative map and hillside development permit will have no environmental impacts to, or hinder the implementation of, the approved Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Plan. PC RESO NO. 3677 -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 5. All environmental impacts identified in EIR 84-3 and the master plan amendment’s Mitigated Negative Declaration that required mitigation have either been completed or will be mitigated through the implementation of this mitigated negative declaration. As outlined in the attached mitigation monitoring program, these impacts involve fugitive dust control during grading operations, archeological and paleontological monitoring concurrent with the mass grading preparations/operations and minor biological impacts to the west side’s desiltation basin (which will likely be mitigated through a basin re-design). No dwelling units are proposed with this application. Condition: 1. This approval is based on compliance with all conditions of approval of CT 94-01 as contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. 3678, including the Environmental Mitigation Conditions, incorporated herein by reference. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 6th day of July, 1994, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Chairperson Savary; Commissioners Welshons, Erwin, Noble, Compas, Monroy and Nielsen. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. ATTEST: bm-m~ J. H~LZ~~ILLER Planning Director PC RESO NO. 3677 -3- b MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLAWTION PROJECT ADDRESS/LOCATION: Poinsettia Shores Master Plan located west of Interstate 5, east of Carlsbad Boulevard and north of Batiquitos Lagoon. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A Master Tentative Map and Hillside Development Permit to allow land subdivisions, mass grading and the construction of required infrastructure to accommodate future development of the Master Plan property consistent with the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan. The City of Carlsbad has conducted an environmental review of the above described project pursuant to the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act and the Environmental Protection Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad. As a result of said review, a Mitigated Negative Declaration (declaration that the project will not have a significant impact on the environment) is hereby issued for the subject project. Justification for this action is on file in the Planning Department. A copy of the Mitigated Negative Declaration with supportive documents is on file in the Planning Department, 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad, California 92009. Comments from the public are invited. Please submit comments in writing to the Planning Department within 30 days of date of issuance. If you have any questions, please call Eric Munoz in the Planning Department at (619) 438-1161, extension 4441. fl DATED: MAY 9,1994 CASE NO: CT 94-Ol/HDP 94-03 Planning Director CASE NAME: POINSETTIA SHORES MASTER TENTATIVE MAP PUBLISH DATE: MAY 9, 1994 Ehf:Wl , 7 2075 Las Palmas Drive - Carlsbad, California 92009-l 576 l (619) 438-l 161 @ NOTICE OF COMPLETION c Mail to: State Clearinghouse, 1400 le. reet, Rm. 121, Sacramento, CA 95814 - 91, 0613 ScaYaTE Belar: Project Title: Poinsettia Shores Master Tentative Hap - CT 94-Ol/HDP 94-03 Lead Agency: City of Carl&ad Contact Person: Eric Munoz / sew t Street Address: 2075 Las Palmss Drive Phone: (619) 438-1161. ext. 4441 City: Carl&ad Zip: 92009 County: Diego San -------------.__--_____________II_______---------------------------....----------------.--.-------------..----.--------..------ PROJECT L(lulICU: County: San Dieso City/Nearest Comrwity: South Carl&ad Cross Streets: future Avenida EncinasKarLsbad Boulevard Total Acres: 100 acres Assessor's Parcel No. 2%140-25/27/30-33 Section: -- rup. -- Range: -- Base: -- Uithin 2 Miles: State Huy t: Interstate 5 Yaterways: Pacific Ocean & Batiauitos Lagoon Airports: -- Railways: AT&SF Schools: -- .-----.-----------------------------------------.------.-----------.-------------------------------------~----------------------- Doamm TYPE CEQA: -YOP - Supplement/Stiequent EPA: - Early Cons EIR (Prior SCH No.) x Other Mitigated Ncp Dee z if' OTHER: - Joint Docent -FinalDocunent - Ncg Dee -Draft EIS -Other - Draft EIR -FM1 ___________________.____________________---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOCAL ACTIOII TYPE - General Plan Update - Specific Plan Retone A Amexation General Plan Asmhent Master Plan z General Plan Element z Planned Unit Developnent x Pretone - Redevelopnent Use Permit Coastal Permit - Coimnunity Plan - Site Plan 1 Land Division (Subdivision, 7 Other Hillside Parcel Uap, Tract Hap, etc.) -Develounent Permit _-____--________________________________------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.--- DMLOPWEwrlYPE - Residential: Units Acres - Water Facilities: Type Ma - - Office: Sq. Ft. Acres - Emph- - - Transportation: VP. - Comnrcial: Sq. Ft. Acres - Employcas - - Mining: Mineral - Industrial: Sq. Ft. Acres - Enploy- - -Power: Typa Uatts - Educational - Uaste Treatment: Type - Recreational x Hazardous Urste: Type Other: Land subdivision. mass grading 8 infrrstructure --_--.-_._-..________------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. PROJECT ISSlM DISQlSSED Ill WQlEwT x X x x Aesthetic/Visual - Flood Plain/Flooding - Schools/Universities - Water guality Agricultural Land - Forest Land/Fire Hazard - septic Systema - Uater Supply/ Air guality - Geologic/Seismic - Sewer Capacity Growd Uater Archaeological/Historical Minerals 2 Soil Erosion/ConpcKtion/Grading 2 Uetland/Riperian Coastal Zone z Noise - Solid Uaste - Uildlife Drainage/Absorption Population/Housing Balance - Toxic/Hazardous - Growth Inducing Economic/Jobs x Public Services/Facilities - Traffic/Circulation -La&e ; Fiscal - Recreation/Parks - Vegetation - Cuwlative Effect - Other -____-__.____-__________________________------------------.--------------------------------------------------------------------- Present Ld lbe/Zaning/Gemrd PLrn lJ80 Vacant Waster Plan property. PC zoning with RM Germal Plan designation. Land uses/developsent per the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan. ___--___________________________________---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Descriptim A Master Tentative Map and Hillside Developnnt to allow land subdivisiona, mass grading and the construction of required infrastructure to accommdate future developnent of the Master Plan property consistent with the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan. NOTE: Clbaringhouse will assign identification nubrs for all new projects. If a SCH number already exists for a project (e.g. from a Notice of Preparation or previous draft document) please fill it in. Revised October 1989' EM:vd . ENVTRONlKENTALIMPA~ASSESSMENT FORM-PARTII (TO BE COMPLETED BY THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT) CASE NO. CT 94.Ol/HDP 94-03 DATE: Amil 1. 1994 BACKGROUND 1. CASE NAME: Poinsettia Shores Master Tentative Map 2. APPLICANT: Kaiza Poinsettia Cornoration 3. ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER OF APPLICANT: 7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 200 Carlsbad. CA 92009 (6191 931-9100 4. DATE EIA FORM PART I SUBMITTED: Januarv 17.1994 5. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Master tentative man and hillside develonment nermit to mass grade antxoximatelv 88.7 acres of master plan nronertv as shown on the attached location man. Consistent with the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan. this nroiect nronoses a 10 lot land subdivision (8 residential lots and 2 onen snaces lots on the east of the railroad tracks: no subdivisions are DroDosed for the master ~lan’s west side at this time), mass grading of the site, the construction of the aDDroved Avenida Encinas roadway alignment and related imnrovements and infrastructure to serve the buildout of the master plan txonertv includinn a desiltation basin on the site’s west side. Balanced grading of annroximatelv 328.000 cubic vards is DroDosed. No snecific nlannina area develonment nronosals are involved at this time. Individual planning area tentative maps and develonment nronosals consistent with the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan will follow this master tentative map annroval. A 75 lot single familv subdivision associated with a m-evious master plan exists in the southeast portion of the site adiacent to the I-5 freewav. Attached to the location map are exhibits reflecting the master tentative man’s pronosal for the master plan nronertv. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS STATE CEQA GUIDELINES, Chapter 3, Article 5, section 15063 requires that the City conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment to determine if a project may have a significant effect on the environment. The Environmental Impact Assessment appears in the following pages in the form of a checklist. This checklist 8 identifies any physical, biological and human factors that might be impacted by the proposed project and provides the City with information to use as the basis for deciding whether to prepare an Environmental Impact Report or Negative Declaration. * A Negative Declaration may be prepared if the City perceives no substantial evidence that the project or any of its aspects may cause a significant effect on the environment. On the checklist, “NO” will be checked to indicate this determination. \ * An EIR must be prepared if the City determines that there is substantial evidence that any aspect of the project may cause a significant effect on the environment. The project may qualify for a Negative Declaration however, if adverse impacts are mitigated so that environmental effects can be deemed insignificant. These findings are shown in the checklist under the headings “YES-sig” and ‘YES-in&” respectively. A discussion of potential impacts and the proposed mitigation measures appears at the end of the form under DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION. Particular attention should be given to discussirig mitigation for impacts which would otherwise be determined significant. -2. /O WILL THE PROPOSAL DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY: YES YES NO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Result in unstable earth conditions or increase the exposure of people or property to geologic hazards? x Appreciably change the topography or any unique physical features? x Result in or be affected by erosion of soils either on or off the site? x Result in changes in the deposition of beach sands, or modification of the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? x Result in substantial adverse effects on ambient air quality? x - Result in substantial changes in air movement, odor, moisture, or temperature? x Substantially change the course or flow of water (marine, fresh or flood waters)? x - Affect the quantity or quality of surface water, ground water or public water supply? x Substantially increase usage or cause depletion of any natural resources? x Use substantial amounts of fuel or energy? x Alter a significant archeological, paleontological or historical site, structure or object? x - -. PHYSICAL ENvIRoNMENT -3. I I BIOLOGICAL ENVIRON-MENT WILL THE PROPOSAL DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY: YES YES NO big1 (insig) 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Affect the diversity of species, habitat or numbers of any species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, microflora and aquatic plants)? Introduce new species of plants into an area, or a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? Reduce the amount of acreage of any agricultural crop or affect prime, unique or other farmland of state or local importance? Affect the diversity of species, habitat or numbers of any species of animals (birds, land animals, all water dwelling organisms and insects? Introduce new species of animals into an area, or result in a barrier to the migration or movement of animals? HUMANENVIRONMENT WILL THE PROP0SA.L DIRECTLY OR INDIRECI’LY: YES (SW 17. Alter the present or planned land use of an area? 18. Substantially affect public utilities, schools, police, fire, emergency or other public services? x x x x x YES NO ma?1 x x -4- - HuMANmoNMENT WILL THE PROPOSAL DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY: YES 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. big1 Result in the need for new or modified sewer systems, solid waste or hazardous waste control systems? Increase existing noise levels? Produce new light or glare?. tnvolve a significant risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation)? Substantially alter the density of the human population of an area? Affect existing housing, or create a demand for additional housing? Generate substantial additional traffic? Affect existing parking facilities, or create a large demand for new parking? Impact existing transportation systems or alter present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? Alter waterborne, rail or air traffic? Increase traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? Interfere with emergency response plans or emergency evacuation plans? Obstruct any scenic vista or create an aesthetically offensive public view? Affect the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? YES NO (insig) x - x - x x -- x x x x x -5- MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE WILL THE PROPOSAL DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY: YES YES NO 33. 34. 35. 36. Does the project have the potential to substantially degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat.of a fish or wild- life species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or en- dangered plant or animal, or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory. big1 (insig) Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the dis- advantage of long-term, environmental goals? (A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time while long-term impacts will endure well into the future.) Does the project have the possible environmental effects which are in- dividually limited but cumulatively considerable? (“Cumulatively con- siderable” means that the incremental effects of an individual project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects, and the effects of probable future projects.) Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? x x x x -6- ‘cc DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION This proposal involves a Master Tentative Map and Hillside Development Permit to mass grade the master plan property shown on the attached location map and establish large lot planning areas consistent with the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan approved by the City Council on January 4, 1994. This proposal involves the subdivision of land and site grading to: (1) establish the master plan’s planning areas east of the railroad tracks, (2) allow for mass grading of the site including roadway embankments associated with the Avenida Encinas alignment and bridge over the railroad tracks, (3) construct the Avenida Encinas roadway to a new intersection with Carlsbad Boulevard, and; (4) provide appropriate infrastructure (including a new sewer pump station on the master plan’s east side and a desiltation basin on the west side) to allow the buildout of the master plan property. The Poinsettia Shores Master Plan implements a mitigation plan designed to reduce the environmental impacts resulting from the. proposed development of the property to insignificance. The mitigation plan is the result of a Mitigated Negative Declaration that was approved as the environmental review for the master plan and addresses potential archeological, paleontological, visual/aesthetic and noise impacts. The environmental review associated with this master tentative map application will focus on the proposed master plan grading and provision of required infrastructure. A Hillside Development Permit is required because the eastern portion of the project site qualifies as a hillside site and is involved in the grading concept. After master tentative map approval, the applicant will submit separate tentative tract map and planned unit development applications for each planning area. Those applications will be subject to the master plan’s mitigation program on a planning area by planning area basis. No planning area development proposals are associated with this application; only the subdivision of land and site grading consistent with the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan. Some of the analysis in this document will reference the master plan’s approved Mitigated Negative Declaration and EIR 84-03 which is a certified environmental impact report prepared for the subject master plan property when educational and other uses were allowed under the former Batiquitos Lagoon Educational Park Master Plan. Most of this site’s environmental issues have been previously addressed and/or mitigated. Physical Environment 1. No unstable earth conditions will be created by the proposed mass grading operation for Poinsettia Shores. There will also be no increase of geologic hazards to people or property. The site is mostly flat with a hillside area on the eastern perimeter adjacent to the freeway. The proposed grading will be a balanced operation consisting of approximately 328,000 cubic yards of cut and fill. All standard City grading, erosion control and landscaping requirements will be imposed to ensure that no unstable earth conditions or geologic hazards will be created. No impacts to the Batiquitos Lagoon will result from the proposed grading and land subdivisions. A geotechnical investigation dated June 4, 1986 by Woodward-Clyde Consultants made various recommendations regarding grading, ground water, soils, drainage and other aspects of site development which are incorporated into the City’s Engineering and grading standards. 2. The site topography will not’be adversely or significantly altered. The-grading will essentially level out the site with the eastern hillside area providing the majority of fill for the roadway embankments associated with the Avenida Encinas roadway and bridge over the railroad tracks. The project site has , no unique physical features which would be significantly impacted by the mass grading. While no -7- ’ unique topographic features are associated with the project site, the lagoon blufftop area is unique and sensitive since it buffers future development from the resources of the lagoon. This area will maintain a blufftop setback as required by the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan and will not involve any grading or blufftop area modifications. In addition, this master tentative map application is accompanied by a Hillside Development Permit application since the eastern portion of the master plan (Area C) is a .hillside area per the zoning ordinance and is involved in the mass grading operation. The grading concept is shown on the project’s tentative map and hillside development exhibits and centers around cutting into the eastern edge hillside portion of the site to obtain fill for the Avenida Encinas roadway embankments. This hillside area gently slopes up eastward from the existing Windrose Circle roadway to a flattened ridge that extends north and south along the site’s eastern edge. Further east from this point is the steep down slope adjacent to the I-5 freeway. The average cut into this area will be 10-12 feet with maximum cuts up to 18-20 feet. Since no development is proposed at this time, the hillside exhibits reflect the proposed mass grading. Another hillside development permit will be required with planning area “c” which will review and approve crib walls and structures for the mass graded site consistent with the master plan. The rest of the site is mostly flat with occasional topographical mounds and soft ridges that cross the property. These areas will be normalized through the mass sheet grading. As stated earlier, the designated public right of way area adjacent to the lagoon blufftop will not be graded. The grading of blufftop planning area A-4 (Lot 4 of the master tentative map) will involve shaving the elevated eastern portion of the lot by 2-10 feet and slightly filling the lower western portion to level out the site and prepare it for finish grading. The mass grading concept is designed to leave all lots in a graded state that will require only minor finish grading to accommodate development and roadways. In this manner, further environmental review at the planning area level will not be required since (1) the grading impacts have been assessed at this time in compliance with City grading and hillside regulations and (2) the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan contains a mitigation program designed to eliminate significant environmental impacts associated with development of individual planning areas. The proposed grading quantities (approximately 3,700 cubic yards per graded acre) and the grading concept will meet the intent and requirements of the City’s Hillside Development Ordinance and will allow for the appropriate grading and development of the master plan property. An overall balanced grading operation of approximately 328,000 cubic yards is proposed. 3. By complying with standard City requirements for grading plans and permits, the project will not result in or be affected by erosion of soils either on or off the site. All standard soil erosion control measures will be incorporated to ensure that no soils erode into the Batiquitos Lagoon. In addition, the proposed grading will be required to comply with coastal zone grading provisions and restrictions. As required by the Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP) for Zone 9, a desiltation basin is proposed for the project’s west side. This basin will be located in the northwest portion of planning area “I”. This basin is also allowed by the West Batiquitos Local Coastal Program subject to further review and approval by applicable state and resource agencies including the State Lands Commission. Adjacent to the desilt basin is a least tern site associated with a biological component of the approved Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Plan. Implementation of the Enhancement Plan and the use of the tern site (W-l) will not be impacted by the master tentative map related grading and associated improvements including the desiltation basin. The basins location is outside of the lagoon’s delineated wetland boundary and other sensitive areas. Non-sensitive, disturbed iceplant/sea fig vegetation covers the basin site. -8- ’ As part of analyzing the potential environmental impacts of this project, an easterly (over the railroad tracks) alignment of the drainage facilities was assessed from an engineering and environmental standpoint as an alternative to the westerly alignment and proposed desilt basin location adjacent to the tern site. The easterly alignment would involve expansion of the existing desilt basin located east of the railroad tracks adjacent to the existing Rosalina subdivision. The westerly alignment would locate the basin in an area that had a basin already approved for it with the previous educational park master plan. A biological survey of the proposed west side basin location and the alternative east side basin expansion area was undertaken to.detennine the environmentally/biologically preferred location. The survey was performed by Dudek and Associates, a local environmental consulting firm staffed with qualified biologists. The survey concluded that the alternative eastern basin, and its expansion, would impact sensitive areas. Disturbance to wetlands are involved including impacts to coastal and valley freshwater marsh (0.31 acres), southern willow- scrub (0.10) and coastal sage scrub (0.22) which would all likely require mitigation efforts as dictated by the resource agencies involved. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers may become involved if Section 404 of the Clean Water Act is affected. The proposed western basin site is located in a mostly disturbed area, however, a small impact to coastal sage scrub (0.18) would occur and requires review by resource agencies. It is possible a re-design of the basin may avoid this impact. Another potential impact with the west side is to a small population of southwestern spiny rush. This is a sensitive plant listed as a List 4 species by the California Native Plant Society. Transplanting can mitigate this impact. Overall, the western basin location represents fewer potentially significant biological/environmental impacts. The eastern drainage alignment and expansion of the existing basin including the impacts to wetland areas would represent a more significant environmental impact than the proposed westerly alignment. From an engineering standpoint, the easterly alignment alternative would require some extreme engineering components including 30 foot and deeper storm drains and the demolition and expanded reconstruction of the existing basin. Building the easterly alternative drainage alignment would not be consistent with the approved master plan or the approved Zone 9 Local Facilities Management Zone documents, require extensive reconstruction of the existing basin, would require construction and maintenance of deep storm drains, and would not be environmentally preferred over the proposed westerly alignment. The mitigation considerations required for the construction of the western basin are incorporated into this mitigated negative declaration. 4. The proposed grading and land subdivisions will have no impact to the depositional patterns of local beach sands, river or stream channels or the bed of the Pacific Ocean or any bay, inlet, lake or lagoon. Specifically, the project will not impact the physical dynamics of the Batiquitos Lagoon which is the focus of an intensive enhancement project which will get underway in 1994. Development of the master plan area can be serviced by the existing desiltation basin onsite and a proposed desiltation basin for the project’s west side. These facilities will adequately serve the future development and protect the lagoon from drainage, sedimentation and flooding concerns consistent with Zone 9 Local Facilities Management Plan requirements. All applicable state and resource agency review and approvals, including Coastal Commission approval of a Coastal Development Permit, will take place after City approvals. In no way will the mass grading of the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan master tentative map or individual planning area developments restrict or hinder the full implementation of the approved Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Plan. 5. Short term construction related impacts could effect air quality. However, this master tentative map , is conditioned to implement fugitive dust and construction related air quality mitigation measures so -9- 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. \ ‘. . that no adverse effects on ambient air quality will result from the proposed mass grading. These measures are listed at the end of this environmental assessment. Since dwelling units and individual lot subdivisions are not proposed with this application, the impacts from auto emissions of future residents on the region’s air quality is not under review. However, the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan will develop the master plan site with land uses less intensive than the former educational park master plan. At .buildout, traffic is projected to be approximately half of the educational park’s projected traffic. In addition, future development will provide access the mass transit systems, public street improvements with bicycle lanes and pedestrian sidewalks and walkways so that compliance with applicable Regional Air Quality Strategies (RAQS) will be satisfied. The proposed mass grading of the site, construction of roadways and landscaping of slopes and pads will not result in substantial changes in air movement, odor, moisture or temperature. As previously discussed, the project will not have any impacts on the physical dynamics of the Batiquitos Lagoon or Pacific Ocean. The project will alter flood water flows because drainage facilities are part of the public improvements/infrastructure required of this project consistent with the City’s Growth Management Ordinance and Local Facilities Management Zone 9. A desiltation basin is proposed for the southwest comer of the master plan site as discussed in detail in #3 of this document. Included in that discussion is a comparative analysis of the environmental/biological considerations for the proposed westerly drainage alignment and desilt basin vs. an easterly (of the railroad tracks) alignment of the drainage facilities and an expansion of the existing desilt basin adjacent to the Rosalina subdivision on the master plan site. No significant surface waters exist on the developable portions of the site. Significant ground water resources are not associated with the site. However, the migration of water from adjacent landscaped or irrigated areas may result in isolated areas of “perched” water at various levels. As a standard grading practice, if water seeps are encountered during the grading of cut slopes, remedial measures will be undertaken once actual slope conditions are identified. Public water supply will be incrementally impacted during grading operations. While this application does not involve dwelling units or building permits, future planning area entitlement approvals will be conditioned such that no building permits will be issued unless the Carlsbad Municipal Water District determines that adequate water and sewer service will be available to allow occupancy of units. As documented in EIR 84-3 and the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan Mitigated Negative Declaration, no significant natural resources such as non-renewable energy sources or mineral resources exist on the project site. The site’s soil (MlC) and other factors qualify the area as prime farmland by the Soil Conservation Service. Agricultural mitigation fees have already been paid for this property in association with previous approvals. The balance of -the fees are required to be paid before any individual planning area receives final map approval. This is further discussed in #14. Fuel and energy will be used during grading operations but this will not create a signif?cant adverse impact to fuel and energy resources. As documented in the master plan’s approved mitigated declaration, EIR 84-3 identified archeological sites within the master plan property and follow-up efforts conducted archeological excavations. Specifically, archeological excavations were carried out at five resource sites on the property. A detailed , report by Brian Smith dated September 10, 1985 concludes that the subject sites have been excavated -lO- and are no longer considered significant, however, mitigation at this time. involves the retention of an archeologist for pre-grading conferences and on-site monitoring during grading operations. One site in particular (W-95) was noted as requiring a controlled grading operation since there is a strong potential for uncovering additional human remains. Special care will be exercised with the grading and monitoring of the area adjacent to this site. The Poinsettia Shores Mitigated Declaration requires an archeologist to monitor the mass grading of the site; so that requirement will be incorporated into the mitigation measures of this environmental assessment for the project’s master tentative map. Also required is the involvement of a qualified paleontologist in the pre-grading grading operations including monitoring consistent with the City’s standard paleontological mitigation measures. No historic structures or resources of significance are associated with the master plan site. The Ponto bridge underpass will be barricaded and removed from use with the construction of the Avenida Encinas/Carlsbad Boulevard intersection and the associated Ponto drive connection as approved as part of the master plan’s circulation system. The Ponto bridge is a public bridge structure and was part of a Statewide Bridge Inventory conducted by Cahrans in 1987. As summarized in a 1988 historical assessment of the Ponto Bridge by RECON, a private environmental consulting company in San Diego, it was determined that the bridge does not meet National Register criteria for historical structures. No historical significance is associated with the Ponto bridge. Biological Environment 12. The developable portion of the project site is mostly vacant and does not support any sensitive habitats or diversity of plant species. Up until approximately 10 years ago, the project area was used to grow ornamental flower crops including rununculus and has been left fallow ever since. Two areas exist on the site that currently support vegetation. One is a stand of eucalyptus tress located along the eastern edge of the master plan adjacent to the freeway. The grading and future development of this area consistent with the Poinsettia Shores master plan (designated as planning area “C”) will not be an adverse significant environmental impact. The previous educational park master plan also had approvals for the development of this area. The second area of on-site vegetation is located in the northwest comer of the master plan’s east side, adjacent to the southwest comer of the Lakeshore Gardens mobile home park. This area contains a small amount of riparian vegetation consisting of arroyo willow and cattails associated with the drainage channel along the railroad tracks. This riparian area is very small (0.05 acres as shown on the project’s constraints exhibit) and is not considered a significant riparian habitat area connected to a larger resource area. EIR 84-3 as certified for the previous educational park master plan has already concluded that the loss of these resources will not have a significant impact on the biological resources of the property. The lagoon blufftop areas, slopes and adjacent wetland areas are sensitive lands with significant habitat value. These areas have already been dedicated to the State and City as open space easements protecting the sensitive habitat areas associated with the master plan property. The proposed mass grading will not impact these areas. All grading and future development will occur on the master plan’s developable, non-constrained land. Regarding off-site vegetation the new intersection with Carlsbad Boulevard will remove two Monterey Cypress trees. Given the maturity, historical context and scenic qualities of these trees, replacement trees will be required with the landscaping of the new intersection. This is further discussed in #3l of this document. 13. New species of plants will be introduced into the project area in the form of landscaping for slope and roadway areas. Ultimately, domestic and project related landscaping will be introduced into the area , until buildout. Landscaping in conjunction with soil erosion control, or for ornamental and aesthetic -ll- % purposes is not considered a significant environmental impact. No barriers to the normal replenishment - of existing species will occur because the sensitive lagoon slopes and blufftop setback areas adjacent to the wetland habitat will be maintained as permanent open space. 14. Historically, both east and west sides of the master plan property have been farmed and used for agricultural purposes including the cultivation of ornamental flower crops (rununculus). Currently no agricultural uses are occurring on-site. The soils on-site are mostly Marina loamy coarse sand (MlC). It is a soil typically found on slopes of 2 ‘to 9 percent and is considered to be prime farmland by the Department of Agriculture’s Soil Conservation Service. The master plan property has paid agricultural mitigation fees as part of approvals granted for the former educational park master plan. The Poinsettia Shores Master Plan requires that all remaining agricultural fees be paid prior to the final map approval of individual planning area maps which will follow the approval of this current master tentative map application. While considered prime “farmland”, the MlC soil c&es a storie index rating of 54; which is not considered to be a high rating associated with prime “soils”. IS/l6 Since the project area i$ primarily vacant and undeveloped, there is minimum habitat value for plants as well as animal species. The exception would be ,the biodiversity associated with the lagoon and adjacent wetland areas which will continue to remain as permanent, natural open space. Therefore, there will be no impacts to the habitat or diversity of sensitive animal species, or their natural patterns of movements or migrations. The biological resources of the lagoon will not be impacted by the proposed mass grading and land subdivisions associated with this master tentative map and hillside development permit applications. Human Environment 17. The present land uses on the project site consist of the existing single family Rosalena project and vacant undeveloped land. The planned land uses are primarily residential on the east side and a mixture of travel service commercial uses and an unplanned area on the west side of the master plan property. The proposed master tentative map and hillside development permit will mass grade and subdivide the property consistent with the approved Poinsettia Shoes Master Plan so that there will be no adverse alteration of the present or planned land uses of the area. 18. There will be no substantial adverse impacts to public utilities, schools, police, fie , emergency or other public services. The mass grading and land subdivisions proposed with this application are consistent with the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan which complies with the provisions and requirements of Zone 9 and the City’s Growth Management Ordinance. Specifically, the January 1994 approval of the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan included a Local Facilities Management Plan Amendment (LFMP 87- 09(A)) which updated the Zone 9 Local Facilities Management Plan to reflect amended land uses and the revised alignment of Avenida En&as. This project will be required to be consistent with LFMP 87- 09(A) which addresses the following facilities and- services needed to develop and service the master plan property: City Administration, Library, Wastewater, Parks, Drainage, Circulation, Fire, Schools, Sewer Collection, Water Distribution and Open Space. Regarding school facilities, the master plan specifically requires that evidence of school impact mitigation is approved concurrent with or prior to the final map approval of the master tentative map. In order to assure a functional financial program to implement the requirements of Zone 9, the master plan also requires the Zone 9 Finance Plan to be approved concurrent with or before final map approval of this master tentative map. For these reasons, -12- 20 I the proposed master tentative map and hillside development permit will not adversely impact public facilities or services. No solid waste or hazardous waste control systems are required or associated with this project. Solid waste collection is conducted by Coast Waste Management Inc. through an agreement with the City of Carlsbad; their service area expands to meet the needs of new development. The future development that will follow the master tentative map requires a new sewer pump station which will be constructed when needed to serve development. The sewer infrastructure serving the master plan will be installed concurrent with the mass grading operations and roadway and improvement construction, with the exception of the new pump station. The new pump station will be located in planning area “A-4” adjacent to the railroad tracks and will adequately service the master plan area. Some sewer infrastructure and elevated man holes exist on the site as a result of grading the first phase of the former educational park master plan which implemented a more intensive grading concept and land uses. Existing sewer infrastructure will be modified as needed to accommodate the grading proposed by this master tentative map. The sewer requirements of the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan are nearly half of the sewer requirements of the former educational park master plan (approximately 252,000 gallons per day vs. 15 1,140 gallons per day) as discussed in the master plan’s approved Mitigated Negative Declaration. A temporary increase in the ambient noise levels will occur during the mass grading operations associated with this master tentative map and the subsequent construction activity following additional planning area level final approvals. City code regulates grading and construction between 7:OO am and sunset on weekdays and 8:00 am and sunset on Saturdays. No work is allowed on Sundays. Since this noise source is regulated and temporary, noise levels will be below a level of significance. Future residential development must be in compliance with the City’s noise policy to adequately attenuate railroad track and freeway noise. The master plan’s mitigation program requires each residential planning area to have a noise analysis conducted and any appropriate, applicable mitigation measures incorporated into the planning area’s review and approval process. At the master tentative map level, no noise analysis is required. There will be no new sources of light or glare created by the mass grading, land subdivisions and construction of related roadway and other improvements proposed by the master tentative map and hillside development permit. As previously discussed, no hazardous waste material use or storage is associated with this project. The proposed mass grading and related improvements will not involve the application, use or disposal of hazardous materials or substances. No dwelling units or development proposals are specifically involved at this time, however, the master tentative map will grade the master plan site to allow the future review and approval of residential projects that must comply with the approved and existing underlying General Plan designation of Residential Medium (RM) density which allow 4-8 dwelling units per acre. In addition, the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan specifies the number of dwelling units allowed for each residential planning area so that overall, the RM designation is complied with. Since this project will allow the development of residential units consistent with the applicable General Plan designation, the density of the human, population of the master plan area or the City’s southwest quadrant will not be substantially altered. -13- 1-i 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. c 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. - -. ’ The master plan’s overall density is also discussed under #23 of the master plan’s approved Mitigated Negative Declaration. The master tentative map will allow grading, improvements and infrastructure to support the development of this approved master plan. There will be no demand created for additional housing by the completion of the proposed grading and land subdivisions. The proposed grading and related improvements will not generate traffic since residential development and building permit issuance is not involved. This project will construct Avenida Encinas and related roadway and other improvements to adequately serve the traffic generated by future development approval. As discussed in the master plan’s approved Mitigated Negative Declaration, the traffic impacts resulting from the buildout of the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan will be less than those approved for the previous educational park master plan so that all impacts resulting from the development of the master plan property are below a level of significance. No existing parking facilities exist on the project site. Parking facilities associated with future planning area development proposals will be provided at that time; none are required or proposed at this time. The master tentative map will not impact existing transportation systems or the future planned commuter rail station to be located approximately one mile north of the project site. Since the project area is currently an undeveloped master plan property, transportation systems will augment the future development of Poinsettia Shores until buildout. Currently patterns of circulation or the movement of goods and/or people does not exist on the mostly vacant site, however, such activity will become established once the Avenida Encinas roadway is completed. The project involves a new intersection with Carlsbad Boulevard by Avenida En&as as shown on the project’s exhibits. Any changes to the roadway design, or associated changes to future realignments of Carlsbad Boulevard, may require additional environmental review at that time. No waterborne or air traffic make direct use of the master plan site. The Batiquitos Lagoon is not open for active water recreational uses. Rail traffic utilizes the existing railroad tracks located in the railroad right of way which bisects the master plan property into east and west areas. The development of the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan and the related grading and roadway/improvements construction will not impact rail, waterborne or air traf%ic. While this project will grade the site and provide roadways and related improvements, there will be no legal access to ‘motor vehicles, pedestrians or bicyclists until occupancy is granted to future developments which will need to process appropriate discretionary permits as required by the master plan. The master tentative will allow the safe use of roadways by meeting City standards regarding roadway dimensions and lane configurations, bicycle lanes and pedestrian sidewalks and walkways. With regards to the mass grading operation, any haul route requirements made by City Engineer must be met as well as trtic control plans if any disruption of traffic flow is anticipated. The master plan site is not included a part of the City’s emergency response plans or evacuation plans. Since the site is not extremely large (approximately 89 acres on the east side) and an existing fully improved public street (Windrose Circle) connects the existing Rosalena subdivision via Avenida En&as s with the rest of the City, no adverse impacts to emergency response services or plans will result. -14- 3-1- - . 31. > The mass grading and land subdivisions proposed by this master tentative map will not obstruct scenic - vistas or create aesthetically offensive public views. By conditioning the project to be in compliance with the City’s Landscape Manual, there will be built in requirements to utilize seed mix cover crops on flat graded pads that will not be improved with developments within 6 months of completed mass grading. Compliance with the Landscape Manual will ensure no visual impacts occur from the proposed mass grading. Individual planning area tentative maps/development proposals will follow the approval of this master tentative map. While development of these planning areas may block or partially obstruct existing private views and oceans vistas, the City does not protect private views. Significant visual impacts per CEQA will not be created. A potentially significant impact does exist with the required construction of the new intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and Avenida En&as. The location of this new ‘intersection will require the removal of two mature Monterey Cypress trees. These trees are located in the separated median area dividing the northbound and southbound roadbeds of Carlsbad Boulevard. These trees are also the northernmost trees of a clustered row of mature Monterey Cypress trees extending south toward the mouth of the Batiquitos Lagoon. These trees reflect the historical context of the area since contemporary roadway and general landscaping concepts do not utilize Monterey Cypress. This tree is known for being a hardy survivor in salty, windy coastal environments. The City? Landscape Manual specifically indicates the Monterey Cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa) as the desired theme tree (which is planted along street frontages) for this southern segment of Carlsbad Boulevard. The median tree (which is planted in medians like the existing Cypress), however, is the Mexican Fan Palm. This median tree can be implemented with future realignment changes to Carlsbad Boulevard. In the meantime, the replacement of the Monterey Cypress will help maintain the strong scenic visual character that currently exists while accommodating the new intersection. In addition, the Scenic Highways component of the General Plan’s Circulation Element qual%es Carlsbad Boulevard as a scenic highway which may become the subject of specific corridor standards designed to maintain and enhance the coastal roadway’s scenic qualities. For these reasons, as mitigation for the loss of two mature Cypress trees, the applicant will be required to replace these trees with the planting of up to six (6) 24 inch box sized Monterey Cypress trees. These will be planted on the north side of the new Avenida Encinas/Carlsbad Boulevard intersection as shown on the master tentative map’s landscape plan exhibit. This requirement will be incorporated into the mitigation measures of this Mitigated Negative Declaration. 32. Since the site is mostly vacant, no recreational opportunities legally exist on the site; therefore, the mass grading and related improvements will not affect the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities. The improvements associated with this master tentative map will, however, ultimately lead to increased recreational opportunities in the form of bicycle lanes, pedestrian walkways and implementation of the master plan’s trail system. Private recreational opportunities for the future residents of the master plan will involve the recreation center planning area (area “MI’) where active amenities (pool, basketball court, etc) will be provided. A Site Development Plan will be processed concurrent with the first planning area tentative map for the master plan’s recreation center. Recreational amenities are also required for the master plan’s affordable housing planning area. -15- 23 ANALYSIS OF VIABLE ALTERNATIVES TO THE PROPOSED PROJJXT SUCH AS: a> b) cl d) 4 a) Phased development of the project, b) alternate site designs, c) alternate scale of development, d) alternate uses for the site, e) development at some future time rather than now, f) alternate sites for the proposed, and g) no project alternative. Phasing the mass grading operation and related improvements would not be a benefit since the grading concept is a one time mass grading effort and the related improvements and roadways must be completed before future development can be approved and constructed. Phasing the mass grading and related improvements would not offer environmental advantages and would probably increase the possibility of future facility impacts. No specific planning area level site designs are involved with this project. The grading concept is appropriate for the development of the master plan property and complies with hillside development regulations so that alternate site designs would not be significantly superior. The proposed scale of development implements all applicable existing approvals for the development of the site including the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan and the City’s General Plan. The proposed scale of development is approved and appropriate. No other uses are allowed for this area. This project is the first step in implementing the approved Poinsettia Shores Master Plan. Development at some future time, although feasible, would not eliminate any of the potential environmental impacts. This document in combination with the implementation of the master plan’s mitigation program will adequately reduce all impacts to levels of insignificance. These measures would be complied with whether development occurs now or is delayed into the future so no significant benefits would result from requiring development to proceed at some future time rather than now. The proposed master tentative map and hillside development permit is specifically designed for the implementation of the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan on the subject master plan property. Relocation of the project to another site is neither logical nor necessary. Since the proposal is consistent with the City’s General Plan, the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan, the Zone 9 Local Facilities Management Plan and the West Batiquitos Local Coastal Program, the no project alternative would not be in conformance with these documents and applicable land use designations. In addition, Avenida Encinas-a Circulation Element roadway in the City’s General Plan and the associated public improvements would not be completed with the no project alternative. The no project alternative would not produce environment advantages unless -the City strictly followed a policy based on no further development within the City or not allowing the conversion of vacant land. -16- - DETERMINATION (To Be Completed By The Planning Department) On the basis of this initial evaluation: - I find the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. - I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, because the environmental effects of the proposed project have already been considered in conjunction with previously certified environmental documents and no additional environmental review ‘is required. Therefore, a Notice of Determination has been prepared. X I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A Mitigated Negative Declaration will be DroDosed. - I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. 5, Y* 94/ c -/tci A w-4 Date Signature 5-$9q Date LIST MITIGATING MEASURES (IF APPLICABLE) The’ following mitigation measures shall be made part of the project’s grading plan in the form of Environmental Mitigation Notes listed on the madinn plan title sheets. 1. GRADING AND FUGITIVE DUST CONTROL To mitigate fugitive dust and other grading related air quality impacts, the applicant shall incorporate the following items into the mass grading scope of work: * Control fugitive dust by regular watering, or other dust preventive measures; * Maintain equipment engines in proper tune; * Seed and water until vegetation cover is grown; * Spread soil binders; * Wet the area down, sufficient enough to form a crust on the surface with repeated soakings, as necessary, to maintain the crust and prevent dust pick up by the wind (aeoloian transport); * Street sweeping, should silt be carried over to adjacent public thoroughfares; \ -17- j * Use of water trucks or sprinkler systems to keep all areas where vehicles move damp enough to prevent dust movements when leaving the site; * Wet down areas in the late morning and after work has completed for the day, and; * Use of low sulfur fuel (0.5% by weight) for construction equipment. 2. ARCHEOLOGICAL AND PALEONTOLOGICAL MONITORING a. b. C. A qualified paleontologist and archeologist shall be present at a pre-grading conference with the developer, grading contractor, City engineering.and planning staff. The purpose of this meeting will be to consult and coordinate the role of the paleontologist and archeologist in the mass grading of the subject site. A qualified paleontologist and archeologist are individuals with adequate knowledge and experience with fossilized and archeological remains likely to be present to identify them in the field and are adequately experienced to remove the resources for further study. I& grading nermits shall be issued until the monitoring nlan has been aDDroved bv the Planning Director. The paleontologist and archeologist monitors shall be present during those relative phases of grading as determined at the pre-grading conference. The monitors shall have the authority to temporarily direct, divert or halt grading to allow adequate recovery of any cultural remains, artifacts or resources. At the discretion of the monitor, recovery may include washing and picking of soil samples for micro-vertebrate bone and teeth. As referenced in the “Archeological Excavations of Cultural Resources at the Batiquitos Pointe and Batiquitos Bluff Projects” report dated September 10, 1985 by Brain Smith, special care shall be given to the grading and monitoring of site W-95. The developer shall authorize the deposit of any resources found on the project site in an institution staffed by qualified professionals as may be determined by the Planning Director. The contractor shall be aware of the random nature of fossil and artifact occurrences and the possibility of a discovery of resources of such scientific and/or educational importance which might warrant a long term salvage operation or preservation. Anv conflicts regarding the role of the naleontolonical and archeological monitors and/or recoverv times shall be resolved bv the Planning Director. Prior to occunancv of anv buildings. paleontolonical and archeological monitoring reports shall be submitted to the Planninn Director and the City’s Historic Preservation Commission. This renort shall describe all the materials recovered. assess their significance. and provide a tabulation of the number of hours scent bv the monitors on the site. I 3. CARLSBAD BOULEVARD-SCENIC HIGHWAY To mitigate the loss of two mature Monterey Cypress trees due to the construction of a new intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard with Avenida Encinas, replacement Cypress trees as specified on the project’s landscape plan will be planted on the north side of the new intersection to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. These replacement trees will consist of up to six (6) 24 inch box Monterey Cypress specimens. The landscape plans required before final map approval shall indicate these trees. These trees are to be planted and in place before the pads and grading associated with the master tentative’s mass grading are certified by the City’s Engineering Department. -18- I - 4. \ WEST SIDE DESILTATION BASIN To mitigate the potential biological impacts resulting from the construction of the proposed desiltation basin on the project’s west side the following shall be completed nrior to the issuance of a grading permit for the basin’s construction: (1) consult with the California Department of Fish and Game and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service regarding the impact to the 0.18 acres .of coastal sage scrub. Any necessary permits shall be obtained or determinations of no impact shall be obtained. It is possible that a re-design of the basin may be presented to avoid any potential mitigations. In addition, any program to schedule construction activities so as not to impact least tern breeding and nesting seasons shall be approved and in place prior to grading permit issuance; (2) a qualified biologist shall document in a report with appropriate maps, to the satisfaction of the Planning Director, the salvaging and transplanting of the small population of southwestern spiny rush (a List 4 sensitive plant species per the California Native Plant Society); (3) review and approval by the State Lands Commission and the California Coastal Commission. ATTACH MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM (IF APPLICABLE1 -19- a-7 - AIjPLICANT CONCURRENCE WITH MITIGATING MEASURES THIS IS TO CERTkY THAT I HAVE REVIEWED THE ABOVE MITIGATING MEASURES AND CONCUR WITH THE ADDITI ENM:vd -2o- 2 $1 -p,Iol I”-.- “..’ -- WV._ - LICAMCONCURCE~hQIGATING MEASURES AND CONCURWIlHlHE ADDITIONOFTHES MEASURES To THE PROJEtX. SEABLUFF ASSOCIATES, A California General Partnership T0’d trSPTSS6WL By: Hackett Management Corporation, a California cornoration. General Partner -2o- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PLANNINGCOMMISSION RESOLUTIONNO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A MASTER TENTATIVE TRACT MAP TO (1) SUBDMDE LAND INTO MASTER PWW PLANNING AREAS, (2) MASS GRADE THE SITE TO ALLOW DEVELOPMENT OF THE PLANNING AREAS AND (3) CONSTRUCT THE AVENIDA ENCINAS ROADWAY AND OTHER REQUIRED INFRASTRUCTURE CONSISTENT WITH THE POINSETTIA SHORES MASTER PLAN ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUADRANT OF THE CITY, EAST OF CARLSBAD BOULEVARD, WEST OF THE I-5 FREEWAY AND NORTH OF THE BATIQUITOS LAGOON IN LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 9. CASE NAME: POINSETTIA SHORES MASTER TENTATIVE MAP CASE NO: CT 94-01 WHEREAS, a verified application for certain property to wit: Portions of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 together with portions of the street adjoining said lots, shown as Avenida Encinas, all as shown on Parcel Map No. 13653, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, January 31, 1985 as File No. 85-033316, together with Lots 1, 2 and 3 together with the street adjoining said lots, shown as Avenida Encinas, all as shown on Map No. 11290, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, July 16, 1985 as File No. 85-253280, together with Lots 1 through 78, 79, 80 and 81 together with portions of the streets adjoining said lots, shown as Avenida Encinas and Windrose Circle, all as shown on Map No. 11616, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, September 12,1986 as File No. 86-402404. has been filed with the City of Carlsbad and referred to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request as provided by Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 t! 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 - WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on the 6th day of July, 1994 hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all factors relating to the Master Tentative Tract Map. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission as follows: A) That the above recitations are true and correct. Bl That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Commission APPROVES CT 94-01, based on the following findings and subject to the following conditions: Findings: 1. 2. 3. The project is consistent with the Ci+ General Plan and the area’s Planned Community (PC) zoning designation since the proposed land subdivisions, mass grading and infrastructure will accommodate the allowed densities and developments outlined in the approved Poinsettia Shores Master Plan No dwelling units or specific development is proposed with this master tentative map; planning area specific maps will follow this master tentative approval. The site is physically suitable for the type and density of development permitted through the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan (MP 175-D) The project is consistent with all City public facility policies and ordinances since: The Planning Commission has, by inclusion of an appropriate condition to this project, ensured building permits will not be issued for the project unless the City Engineer determines that sewer service is available, and building cannot occur within the project unless sewer service remains available, and the Planning Commission is satisfied that the requirements of the Public Facilities Element of the General Plan have been met insofar as they apply to sewer service for this project. The project will not signiikantly impact the environment since there will be compliance with the mitigation measures of this project’s Mitigated Negative Declaration published on May 9, 1994. The proposed mass grading, land subdivisions and infrastructure will not create any additional significant adverse PC RESO NO. 3678 -2- 3\ . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 E 9 1c 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. environmental impacts. In approving the Mitigated Negative Declaration, the Planning Commission has considered the initial study, the staff analysis, all required mitigation measures and any written comments received regarding the potentially significant effects this project could have on the environment. Allrequired mitigation measures relative to this project as outlined in the Mitigated Negative Declaration are listed under Environmental Mitigation Conditions. The applicant is by condition, required to pay any increase in public facility fee, or new construction tax, or development fees, and has agreed to abide by any additional requirements established by a Local Facilities Management Plan prepared pursuant to Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. This will ensure continued availability of public facilities and will mitigate any cumulative impacts created by the project. This project is consistent with the City’s Growth Management Ordinance as it has been conditioned to comply with any requirement approved as part of the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 9. School fees will be paid, or a school agreement between the School District and the applicant will be finalized, to ensure the availability of school facilities in the Carlsbad Unified School District. All necessary public improvements have been provided or will be required as conditions of approval. The applicant has agreed and is required by the inclusion of an appropriate condition to pay a public facilities fee. Performance of that contract and payment of the fee will enable this body to find that public facilities will be available concurrent with need as required by the General Plan. The site is physically suitable for the proposed mass grading and required infrastructure and is consistent with the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan. The proposed project is compatible with surrounding existing and future land uses since adjacent surrounding properties are designated for either similar density residential development or open space on the General Plan. The Master Tentative Tract Map, CT 94-01, satisfies all requirements of Title 20 and 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and the State Subdivision Map Act. As proposed, this project is consistent with the Coastal Act and specifically with the West Batiquitos Local Coastal Program. PC RESO NO. 3678 -3- . 1 2 z 4 c c E 'i E s 1c 11 1L 12 14 1: 1E 17 1e 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 13. This project was subject to Chapter 21.95 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (Hillside Ordinance) and meets all the requirements of that Chapter to ensure the sensitive treatment of the City’s hillside resources. General Planninz Conditions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Approval is granted for CT 94-01, as shown on Exhibits “A’‘-“Z”, dated July 6, 1994 incorporated by reference and on file in the Planning Department. Development shall occur substantially as shown unless otherwise noted in these conditions. The developer shall provide the City with a reproducible 24” x 36” mylar copy of the Master Tentative Map as approved by the Planning Commission. The Master Tentative Map shall reflect the conditions of approval by the City. The Map copy shall be submitted to the City Engineer prior to building, grading or improvement plan submittal, whichever occurs first. A 500’ scale map of the subdivision shall be submitted to the Planning Director prior to the recordation of the final map. Said map shall show all lots and streets within and adjacent to the project. This project shall comply with all conditions and mitigation measures required by the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan (MP 175-D) and the Zone 9 Local Facilities Management Plan and any amendments made to that Plan prior to the issuance of any grading permits, building permits or improvement plan approval. This project is approved upon the express condition that the final map shall not be approved unless the District Engineer determines that sewer facilities are available at the time of such approval. This project is also approved under the express conditions that the applicant pay the public facilities fee adopted by the City Council on July 28, 1987 and as amended from time to time, and any development fees established by the City Council pursuant to Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code or other ordinance adopted to implement a growth management system or facilities and improvement plan and to fulfill the subdivider’s agreement to pay the public facilities fee dated January 17, 1994, a copy of which is on file with the City Clerk and is incorporated by this reference. If the fees are not paid, this application will not be consistent with the General Plan and approval for this project will be void. If any condition for construction of any public improvements or facilities, or the payment of any fees in lieu thereof, imposed by this approval or imposed by law on this project are challenged this approval shall be suspended as provided in Government Code Section 65913.5. If any such condition is determined to be PC RESO NO. 3678 -4- 33 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23. 24 25 26 27 28 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13; 14. 15. h invalid, this approval shall be invalid unless the City Council determines that the project without the conditions complies with all requirements of law. Approval of this request shall not excuse compliance with all sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable City ordinances. Approval of CT 94-01 is granted subject to approval of HDP 94-03. The applicant shall submit a street name list consistent with the City’s street name policy subject to the Planning Director’s approval prior to final map approval. The project shall provide bus stop facilities at locations subject to the satisfaction of the North County Transit District. Said facilities shall at a minimum include a bench, free from advertising, and a pole for the bus stop sign. The bench and pole shall be designed in a manner so as to not detract from the basic architectural theme of the project and said design shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Director and North County Transit District. Prior to final map approval, the applicant shall establish a Maintenance Association, Agreement, or other me&a&m acceptable to the City, to assumemainknance and responsibility for all natural open space lots and easements, slope maintenance easements, roadway embankment landscaping and offsite manufactured slopes shown on the approved tentative tract map and landscape plan (CT W-01), which is on file in the Planning Department. A future Homeowne?s Association may arrange for the transfer of these responsibilities subject to the approval of the Planning Director. Prior to (or con current with) approval of the final map, the applicant shall dedicate Lots 6 and 10 to the Maintenance Association (or Agreemen& or other me&an&m acceptable to the City) as permanent open space per the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan Maintenance and liability provisions, shall be included in the Association. A future Homeowners’ Association may arrange for the transfer of these responsibilities subject to the approval of the Planning Director. Lot 10 may be included as part of a Citywide open space and maintenance and liability assessment district or other similar entity if one is ever formed. Otherwise, the Homeowners’ Association shall be responsible for maintenance and liability; which is consistent with the provisions of the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan. Prior to final map approval, evidence of school impact mitigation shall be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. Prior to Enal map approval, a Coastal Development Permit shall be obtained from the California Coastal Commission. PC RESO NO. 3678 -5- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 16. 17. 18. h A note on the final map shall specify that Lot 8 (planning area “D”) is the onsite affordable housing planning area per the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan The note shall further state that no final map approval for any individual planning area shall be granted until a Site Development Plan or Affordable Housing Agreement is approved consistent with the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan A note on the final map shall specify that all individual planning area trail segments required by the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan shall be reviewed and constructed concurrent with the approval and development of the individual planning areas. Each planning area shall only he conditioned to construct the portion of any trail which is within its boundaries. Prior to fmal map approval, a Financing Plan consistent with the Zone 9 Local Facilities Management Plan .a.nd LFMP Amendment (LFMP 87-09(A)) shall be approved by the City Council. Lanclsca~ Conditions: 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. PC RESO NO. 3678 -6- The applicant shall prepare a detailed landscape and irrigation plan, consistent with Exhibits ‘Y’ and “Z” , which shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Director prior to the approval of any grading permits. All landscaping shall comply with the Landscape Guidelines of the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan Prior to approval of the landscape and irrigation plans, the plans shall include a provision for landscaping on all manufactured onsite and offsite slopes and roadway embankments created by this project to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. At a minimum the landscaping shall include erosion control and provide for visual screening of the slopes. The proposed desiltation basin located on the west side of the project side shall be landscaped subject to the review and approval of landscape plans by the Planning Director. All landscaped areas outside City/public rights-of-way shall be maintained in a healthy and thriving condition, free from weeds, trash and debris. The developer shall install street trees at the equivalent of 40-foot intervals along all public street frontages in conformance with City of Carlsbad standards. The trees shall be of a variety selected from the approved Street Tree List. The applicant shall pay a landscape plan check and inspection fee as required by Section 20.08.050 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 E 9 1C 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 25. All landscape and irrigation plans shall show existing and proposed contours and shall match the grading plans in terms of scale and location of improvements. Environmental Mitigation Conditions: 26. 27. GRADING AND FUGITIVE DUST CONTROL To mitigate fugitive dust and other grading related air quality impacts, the applicant shall incorporate the following items into the mass grading scope of work: * Control fugitive dust by regular watering, or other dust preventive measures; l Maintain equipment engines in proper tune; f Seed and water until vegetation cover is grown; * Spread soil binders; * Wet the area down, sufficient enough to form a crust on the surface with repeated soakings3 as necessary, to maintain the crust and prevent dust pick up by the wind (aeoloian transportj; * Street sweeping, should silt be carried over to adjacent public thoroughfares; * Use of water trucks or sprinkler systems to keep all areas where vehicles move damp enough to prevent dust movements when leaving the site; * Wet down areas in the late morning and after work has completed for the day, and; f Use of low sulfur fuel (0.5% by weight) for construction equipment. ARCHEOLOGICAL AND PALEONTOLOGKAL MONITORING a. A qualified paleontologist and archeologist shall be present at a pre-grading confkrence with the developer, grading contractor, City Engineering and planning staff. The purpose of this meeting’will be to consult and coordinate the role of the paleontologist and archeologist in the mass grading of the subject site. A qualified paleontologist and archeologist are individuals with adequate knowledge and experience with fossil&d and archeological remains likely to be present to identify them in the field and are adequately experienced to remove the resources for further study. No grading nermits shall be issued until the monitoring plan has been anmoved bv the Planning Director. b. The paleontologist and archeologist monitors shall be present during those relative phases of grading as determined at the pre-grading conference. The monitors shall have the authority to temporarily direct, divert or halt grading to allow adequate recovery of any cultural remains, artifacts or resources. At the discretion of the monitor, recovery may include washing and picking of soil samples for PC RESO NO. 3678 -7- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 28. CARLSBAD BOULEVARD-SCENIC HIGHWAY To mitigate the potential loss of two mature Monterey Cypress trees due to the construction of a new intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard with Avenida Encinas, the following measures will be pursued in the order they are listed, until full mitigation has heeu achieved to the satisfaction of the Planning Director: (1) preserve the trees as the preferred option (necessary trimming and cleaning may be authorized by the Planning Director); (2) transplant the trees; or (3) replace the trees at a 3:l ratio. All of the above shall be carried out to the satisfaction of the ~Planning Director; a combination of the above may be pursued if allowed by the Planning Director. Replacement Cypress trees as specified on the project’s landscape plan will be planted on the north side of the new intersection. Replacement trees may consist of up to six (6) 24 inch box Monterey Cypress specimens. All Cypress tree mitigations shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Planning Director prior to the completion of the new Avenida Encinas/Carlsbad Boulevard intersection and fkal acceptance of these improvements by the Cit~+s Engineering Department. 29. WEST SIDE DESILTATION BASIN k micro-vertebrate bone and teeth. As referenced in the “Archeological Excavations of Cultural Resources at the Batiquitos Pointe and Batiquitos Bluff Projects” report dated September 10,198s by Brian Smith, special care shall be given to the grading and monitoring of site W-95. The developer shall authorire the deposit of any resources found on the project site in an institution staffed by qualified professionals as may be determined by the Planning Director. The contractor shall be aware of the random nature of fossil and artifact occurrences and the possibility of a discovery of resources of such scientific and/or educational importance which might warrant a long term salvage operation or preservation. Anv conflicts nzarding the role of the naleontolonical and archeolonical monitors and/or recovery times shall be resolved bv the P1an.ni.n~~ Director. . c. Prior to occu~ancv of anv building. or certification of the pads and grading associated with the master tentative’s mass nradinn bv the Citv’s Ennineerinn Department. paleontolonical and archeolonical monitorinz renorts shall be submitted to the P1atm.i.n~ Director and the CWS Historic Preservation Commission. This renort shall describe all the materials recovered. assess their significance, and provide a tabulation of the number of hours spent bv the monitors on the site. To mitigate the potential biological impacts resulting from the construction of the proposed desiltation basin on the project’s west side the follow& shall be completed prior to the issuance of a gradinn permit for the basin’s construction: (1) consult with the California Department of Fish and Game and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Setvice regarding the impact to the 0.18 acres of coastal sage scrub. Any PC RESO NO. 3678 -8- 37 4 1 2 1 c1 4 5 6 7 E s 1c 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 necessary permits shall be obtained or determinations of no impact shall be obtained. it is possible that a redesign of the basin may be presented to avoid any potential mitigations. In addition, any program to schedule construction activities so as not to impact least tern breeding and nesting seasons shall be approved and in place prior to grading permit issuance; (2) a qualified biologist shall document in a report with appropriate maps, to the satisfaction of the Planning Director, the salvaging and transplanting of the small population of southwestern spiny rush (a List 4 sensitive plant species per the California Native Plant Society); (3) review and approval by the State Lands Commission and the California Coastal Commission. JZnfzheerin~ Conditions: 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. This project is located within the West Batiquitos Lagoon Local Coastal Program. All development design shall comply with the requirements of that plan. Unless a standards variance has been issued, no variance from City Standards is authorized by virtue of approval of this tentative map. The applicant shall comply with all the rules, regulations and design requirements of the respective sewer and water agencies regarding services to the project. The applicant shall .be responsible for coordination with S.D.G.&E., Pacific Bell Telephone, and Cable TV authorities. This project is approved specifically as 1 (single) unit for recordation unless phasing is approved by the City Engineer and Planning Director. Approval of this tentative tract map shall expire twenty-four (24) months from the date of Planning Commission approval unless a final map is recorded. An extension may be requested by the applicant. Said extension shall be approved or denied at the discretion of the Planning Commission. In approving an extension, the Planning Commission may impose new conditions and may revise existing conditions pursuant to Section 20.12.110(a)(2) Carlsbad Municipal Code. The applicant shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City and its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action or proceeding against the City or its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void or null an approval of the City, the Planning Commission or City Engineer which has been brought against the City within the time period provided for by Section 66499.37 of the Subdivision Map Act. PC RESO NO. 3678 -9- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. - Prior to issuance of a building permit for any buildable lot within the subdivision, the property owner shall pay a one-time special development tax in accordance with City Council Resolution No. 91-39. Prior to final map approval the applicant shall pay all current fees and deposits required. Prior to approval of the final map, the owner shall enter into an agreement with the City to pay any drainage area fees established as a result of the Master Drainage Plan Update. Credit may be allowed for Master Drainage facilities constructed by the owner. The owner of the subject property shall execute an agreement holding the City harmless regarding drainage across the adjacent property prior to approval of the final map for this project. The developer shall underground the existing overhead utilities tiected by the construction of Ave.&da Encinas, Ponto Drive and Carlsbad Boulevard to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The re maining overhead utilities on-site shall be placed underground with the fkther development of each lot. Prior to the issuance of a grading petit or building permit, whichever occurs first, the developer shall submit proof of a General Construction Activity Storm Water Permit to the City Engineer. This permit is required of all projects that disturb five or more acres and must be obtained from the State Water Resources Control Board. Based upon a review of the proposed grading and the grading quantities shown on the tentative map, a grading permit for this project is required. Prior to final map approval, the applicant must submit and receive approval for grading plans in accordance with City Codes and standards. The developer may apply for pexmission to grade prior to the final map. Permission to grade prior to the final map must be approved by the Community Development Director subsequent to review and specific recommendations by both the City Engineer and the Planning Director. Prior to hauling dirt or construction materials to or from any proposed construction site within this project, the applicant shall submit to and receive approval from the City Engineer for the proposed haul route. The applicant shall comply with all conditions and requirements the City Engineer may impose with regards to the hauling operation. The developer shall exercise special care during the construction phase of this project to prevent offsite siltation. Planting and erosion control shall be provided PC RESO NO. 3678 -lO- 34 I 2 : 4 f E s t s 1c 11 12 12 14 15 1e 17 1e 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 47. 48. 19. -. in accordance with the Carlsbad Municipal Code and the City Engineer. Reference Chapter 11.06. The applicant shall construct the desiltation/detention/urban pollutant basin of a general type and in the general location as shown on ‘the tentative map. The applicant shall enter into a basin maintenance agreement and submit a maintenance bond, all to the satisfaction of the City Engineer prior to the approval of a grading permit or the final map whichever occurs first. The maintenance of the basin shall be the responsibility of the applicant until such time as the City accepts the improvements and landscaping for the areas that drain into the basin as being complete. After that time of acceptance the City shall assume responsibility for the basin maintenance. The basin shall be serviced by an all-weather access/ maintenance road. The applicant shall make an offer of dedication for the basin site and the access/maintenance road to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and Planning Director. The basin may be modified in order to meet the needs of the NPDES Permit and to more closely reflect the current state of the art in drainage facilities that may indicate a basin of lesser dimensions is needed. Any basin modifications are subject to review by the Director of Planning who shall determine the adequacy of the existing enviromnental review as well as visual impacts. Additional drainage easements may be required. Drainage structures shall be provided or installed prior to or con current with grading of the site to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The owner shall make an offer of dedication to the City for all public streets and easements required by these conditions or shown on the tentative map. Except as per B and C, below, the offer shall be made by a certificate on the final map for this project or by a separate instrument. All land so offered shall be granted to the City free and clear of all liens and encumbrances and without cost to the City. Streets that are already public are not required to be rededicated. A. Avenida Bncinas shall be offered for dedication on the final map or by a separate instrument for a full 84 foot right-of-way from Windrose Circle to the subdivision boundary. B. Avenida En&as, 84 feet wide, from the subdivision boundary to Carlsbad Boulevard, on land under the same owner but not a part of this subdivision, shall be offered for dedication by a certificate on the final map or by a separate instrument prior to the issuance of a grading permit or approval of a f5na.I map, whichever occur3 first. ‘C RESO NO. 3678 -ll- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 1c 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 50. 51. C. Ponto Drive north of Avenida Encinas, as shown on the tentative map, on land under the same owner but not a part of this subdivision, shall be offered for dedication by a certificate on the final map or by a separate instrument prior to the issuance of a grading permit or approval of a final map, whichever occurs first. The lot lines in this subdivision may be adjusted to conform with the needs of future development as that need is determined through the review and approval of the subsequent subdivisions with the City Engineer and Planning Director’s approval. Plans, specifications, and. supporting documents for all public improvements shall be prepared to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Prior to approval of the final map in accordance with City Standards, the applicant shall install, or agree to install and secure with appropriate security as provided by law, improvements shown on the tentative map and including but not limited to the following improvements: A. Avenida En&as to full secondary arterial standards between Carlsbad Boulevard and Ponto Drive. B. Avenida En&as with a 48 foot wide roadway within an 84 foot right-of-way from Windrose Circle to near the railroad bridge; from that point taper to a 56 foot wide roadway at the easterly end of bridge and continue the 56 foot wide roadway to Ponto Drive. The roadway shall taper to join with the existing improvements at Windrose Circle and the existing intersection of Avenida Encinas and Windrose Circle shall be modified as needed, all to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Note: All utilities that will be underneath the paving including those needed for the planned further subdivisions shall be constructed with the improvements in A and B above. C. A bridge over the railroad tracks 56 feet between curbs in width with five foot wide sidewalks and guardrails on both sides. D. Transition lanes, acceleration lanes and deceleration lanes, as needed, on Carlsbad Boulevard. E. Two traffic actuated signals at the intersections of Avenida En&as and Carlsbad Boulevard, one at each of the two existing Carlsbad Boulevard roadways to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. ti the divided roadways of Carlsbad Boulevard have been changed to a single roadway then one traffic signal shall be constructed. PC RESO NO. 3678 -12- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 1c 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 52. - F. The existing Ponto Drive interchange shall be removed from service by barricades and minimal demolition to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. G. A storm drain system west of the railroad tracks from the northerly Master Plan Boundary to Batiquitos Lagoon including a desiltation/detention/urban pollutant basin near the lagoon. The location of the above storm drain as shown on the tentative map is specifically not approved with this action. The City Engineer may require a (lierent alignment in order to maximize the future use of City owned property and to avoid unnecessary deep storm drains. Prior to or con current with any grading of this site, the storm drain system including the required basin shall be completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The grades for the above storm dram are specifically approved to be less than the minimum of 0.5 percent in order for the drain to work. A note to this effect shall be placed on an additional map sheet on the final map per the provisions of Sections 66434.2 of the Subdivision Map Act. Improvements listed above shall be constructed within 18 months of approval of the secured improvement agreement or such other time as provided in said agreement. The applicant may apply for a reimbumement agreement for benefitted parcels to pay for their appropriate share of the cost of the storm drain system in Item G. A note to the effect of the following shall he placed on an additional map sheet on the final map per the provisions of Sections 66434.2 of the Subdivision Map Act. “This approval is for a master tentative map. No building permits will be issued on lots 1 through 9 for more than one dwelling unit per lot for sale or lease unless subsequent subdivision approvals are given.” Fire Conditions: 53. Additional onsite public water and Ere hydrants may be required by the Fire Department and Water District. 54. Applicant shall submit a site plan to the Fire Department for approval, which depicts location of required, proposed and existing public water mains and fire hydrants. The plan should include offsite Ere hydrants within 200 feet of the project. PC RESO NO. 3678 -13- l 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 E 9 1c 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 55. 56. 57. 58. An all-weather, unobstructed access road suitable for emergency service shall be provided and maintained during construction. When in the opinion of the Fire Chief, the access road has become unserviceable due to inclement weather or other reasons, he may, in the interest of public safety, require that construction operations cease until the condition is corrected. All required water mains, fire hydrants and appurtenances shall be operational before combustible building materials are located on the construction site. Native vegetation which presents a fire hazard to structures shall be modified or removed in accordance with the specifications contained in the City of Carlsbad Landscape Manual. Applicant shall submit a Fire Suppression plan to the Fire Department for approval (unless not required as determined by the Planning Director and Fire Marshall), prior to approval of the final landscape plan. The applicant shall provide a street map which conforms to the following requirements: A 400 scale photo-reduction mylar, depicting proposed improvements and at least two existing intersections or streets. The map shall also clearly depict street centerlines, hydrant locations and street names. Water District Conditions: 59. The entire potable water system, reclaimed water system and sewer system shall be evaluated in detail to ensure that adequate capacity, pressure and flow demands are met. The developer shall adhere to all the conditions set forth in the Water, Sewer and Reclaimed Water Analysis completed by the Water District and dated March 21, 1994 (CMWD Project No. 94-503). All applicable deposits, fees and charges associated with provided service to the project shall be paid by the developer. 606 The developer shall meet all conditions of the Zone 9 Local Facilities Management Plan and the Zone 9 LFMP Amendment (LFMP 97-09(A)). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PC PESO NO. 3678 -14- 43 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, ‘held on the 6th day of July, 1994, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Chairperson Savary; Commissioners Welshons, Erwin, Noble, Compas, Nielsen, and Monroy. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. CARJSBAD PLANNING-COMMISSION ATTEST: MICHAEL J. HOLZMILkkR Planning Director PC RESON0.3678 -15- . L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3679 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT TO MASS GRADE PLANNED COMMUNITY (PC) ZONED PROPERTY AND CONSTRUCT THE AVENIDA ENCINAS ROADWAY AND OTHER REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS CONSISTENT WITH THE POINSETTIA SHORES MASTER PLAN ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUADRANT OF THE CITY, EAST OF CARLSBAD BOULEVARD, WEST OF THE I-5 FREEWAY AND NORTH OF THE BATIQUITOS LAGOON, IN LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 9. CASE NAME: POINSETTIA SHORES MASTER TENTATIVE MAP CASE NO: HDP 94-03 WHEREAS, a verified application has been filed with the City of Carlsbad and referred to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request as provided by Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Code, the Planning Commission did, on the 6th day of July, 1994, consider said request on property described as: Portions of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 together with portions of the street adjoining said lots, shown as Avenida Encinas, all as shown on Parcel Map No. 13653, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, January 31, 1985 as File No. 85-033316, together with Lots 1, 2 and 3 together with the street adjoining said lots, shown as Avenida Encinas, all as shown on Map No. 11290, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, July 16, 1985 as File No. 85-253280, together with Lots 1 through 78, 79, 80 and 81 together with portions of the streets adjoining said lots, shown as Avenida Encinas and Windrose Circle, all as shown on Map No. 11616, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, September 12,1986 as File No. 86-402404. 3 i : 4 r c E 7 E 5 1C 13 12 12 14 1t 1E l’i 1E 19 2c 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all factors relating to HDP 94-03. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad as follows: A), B) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Commission APPROVES HDP 94-03, based on the following findings and subject to the following conditions: Findings: 1. 2. That hillside conditions and undevelopable areas of the project have been properly identified consistent with the Citys Hillside Development Ordinance (Chapter 21.95 of the Municipal Code). The site’s hillside slope conditions and undevelopable areas have been identified on Exhibits ‘V’ and “V” dated July 6, 1994. In addition, Exhibits TV’ and x’ provide cross sections of the hillside area proposed for inclusion with the mass grading of the master plan property. That the development proposal and all applicable development approvals and pennits are consistent with the purpose, intent, and requirements of Chapter 21.95 and that the proposed land subdivisions, public improvements and mass grading which will allow the implementation of the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan, substantiahy conforms to the intent of the concepts illustrated in the hillside development guidelines manual for the following reasons: a. All manufactured cut and fill slopes do not exceed a height of 30 feet, and will be landform/contour graded with planning area level development. b. The project’s grading is consistent with the grading concept approved for the development of the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan The project’s cut/Eli grading vohune of 3,698 cubic yards per graded acre falls within the “acceptable range” of 0 - 7,999 cubic yds./acre. C. Landscaping in conformance with the Citys Landscape Manual would be provided on all manufactured slopes to assist in visually screening the slopes and to reduce slope erosion. d. The project meets all the requirements of the Hillside Development Regulations and Guidelines with regards to hillside grading. PC RESO No. 3679 2 4J 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ia 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3. The proposed grading will allow com$iance with hillside development regulations on a master plan level. The balanced grading operation will excavate from the hillside area of the site (eastern edge adjacent to the I-5 freeway), to construct the Avenida Encinas roadway/bridge/embankments and rough grade the rest of the master plan property east of the railroad tracks. 4. The project is consistent with all City public facility policies and ordinances since: The Planning Commission has, by inclusion of an appropriate condition to this project, ensured building permits will not be issued for the project unless the City Engineer determines that sewer service is available, and building cannot occur within the project unless sewer service remains available, and the Planning Commission is satisfied that the requirements of the Public Facilities Element of the General Plan have been met insofar as they apply to sewer service for this project. 5. The applicant is by condition, required to pay any increase in public facility fee, or new construction tax, or development fees, and has agreed to abide by any additional requirements established by a Local Facilities Management Plan prepared pursuant to Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal ‘Code. This will ensure continued availability of public facilities and will mitigate any cumulative impacts created by the project. 6. This project is consistent with the City’s Growth Management Ordinance as it has been conditioned to comply with any requirement approved as part of the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 9 and the recently approved (l/4/94) LFMP amendment for Zone 9 (LFMP 87-09(A)). 7. The applicant has agreed and is required by the inclusion of an appropriate condition to pay a public facilities fee. Performance of that contract and payment of the fee will enable this body to find that public facilities will be available concurrent with need as required by the general plan. Conditions: 1. All conditions of approval for CI’ 94-01 and the Mitigated Negative Declaration as contained in Planning Commission Resolution Nos. 3678 and 3679 are applicable to this approval and incorporated through this reference. 2. Approval for HDP 94-03, as shown on Exhibits “T’‘-‘X’, dated July 6, 1994 is incorporated by reference and on file in the Planning Department. Development shall occur substantially as shown on the approved exhibits. Any proposed grading and/or development shall require a new Hillside Development Permit for each lot. 3. Approval of HDP 94-03 is granted subject to approval of m 94-01. ,... PC RESO No. 3679 3 47 I 2 : 4 E c E ‘i f s 1c 13 12 12 14 If 1E 17 1E 19 2c 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meetingofthe Plating Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 6th day of July, 1994, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Chairperson Savary; Commissioners Welshons, Erwin, Noble, Compas, Monroy and Nielsen. NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: None. None. None. f!2!zrJv PEG& &8kRY,Chairperso/ CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION MICHAEL J. HmZMIL%R Planning Director PC RESO‘ No. 3679 4 EXHIBIT 3 AlTORNEY AT LAW * 1533 SOUTH HILL ST., SUITE D JULY 11, 1994 OFFICE: (619) 722-4470 OCEANSIDE, C/I 92054 RES.: (619) 722-2336 CITY COUNCIL CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 RE: Appeal of Planning Commission Resolution NO. 3677 and 3678, POINSETTIA SHORES MASTER TENTATIVE MAP. Dear City Council: I represent PONTO STORAGE INC., A California Corporation and DALE & DONNA SCHREIBER. I request that an Appeal of Planning Commission Resolution No. 3678 and 3677 be heard. The Case name of the project is POINSE 27 IA SHORES MASTER.TENTATIVE MAP and the Case No.. is CT 9$! Ol/HDP 94-03. The appeal is requested on the grounds that the Mitigated Negative Declaration did not consider the impacts of approximately 200 acres of urban drainage from zone 22 and zone 9 flowing directly into Batiquitos Lagoon at a point immediately adjacent to the Least Tern Site. The urban drainage is planned to flow directly into a desilt basin and thereafter to flow into an identified brackish marsh area. The impacts on the water quality and the habitat immediately adjacent to the brackish marsh has not been considered. The appeal is requested on the grounds that the western alignment vs. the eastern alignment was not sufficiently evaluated in response to the issues previously raised by Mr. Schreiber. Mr. Schreiber requested a fair evaluation which has not been given by staff or the developer. The staff report on page 7 sets forth 5 considerations for the conclusion against using any easterly drainage alignment. The Biologist's report sets forth most of the flora. The issues are addressed individually as follows: 1. "any easterly alignment would require the demolition, reconstruction and ultimate expansion of the existing basin located just west of the existing Rosalena subdivision." Mr. Schreiber's engineer's estimate for the new desiltation basin on the eastern alignment was $70,000.00 in comparison to $126,000 by the developer's engineer for the western alignment. The new berm would be located just northerly of the existing "scrub willow" which is identified in the biologists report. The loss of the brackish marsh area using the western alignment because of the impact of the urban drainage should be evaluated and compared to the use and recreation of the freshwater marsh because brackish .- : . marsh can only occur near the sea, whereas, freshwater marsh can be located anywhere that a source of drainage water can be assured. 2. "alteration/expansion of the existing basin will encroach into sensitive lagoon habitat area". The reason for the eastern alignment is specifically the presence of an area of freshwater marsh which has the capability of "filtering" the urban drainage of pollutants before the urban drainage is dumped into the Lagoon. 3. "amendments to the Zone 9 LFMP and Master Drainage Plan would be required" The Master Drainage Plan as accepted by you allows for an evaluation of the two alignments. I requested more than one year ago to consider a minor amendment to the Zone 9 LFMP so that the matter of the drainage alignments could be considered. I was informed that a minor amendment is all that is required should the Eastern Alignment be chosen. This matter can still be resolved at this stage of the proceedings. 4. "deep storm drains are involved with either alternative, however, the west side alignment has incrementally shallower storm drains," The railroad tracks has historically provided drainage for most of this area. A drainage line either east or west can be accommodated for most of the drainage line. At issue is the requirement to cross Lot 4 with a large pipe for the eastern alignment. It appears that the line can be placed in an alignment tha,t currently exists for a smaller drainage system. The "deep storm drains" are of a size of about 84" by the time they reach the area where they will be rldeep". Because of the size, all inspection and repair can be done from the inside of the pipe. The Western alignment must pass under the railroad tracks with a large pipe twice, pass under a 16" high pressure gas line twice with a large pipe, pass under or through the new fiber optic cable that has recently been installed next to the railroad tracks, pass under, around, and over the sewer lines which serve the City of Encinitas. The western alignments interfacing has not been evaluated and will significantly impact the cost of the installation of the pipe. . 5. "any easterly drainage alignment does not adequately account for the drainage associated with Carlsbad Boulevard and the Ponto Drive area." Carlsbad Boulevard from the intersection with the new Avenida Encinas can drain as it does now through the h A . existing storm drain to the ocean or it can be drained northerly to the future intersection with Ponto Drive where the drainage can flow ea.sterly to the pipe running easterly of the railroad tracks. The only area which will ,be below elevation from the eastern pipe will be Mr. Schreiber's southerly property which currently drains to the ocean. This property when developed could be serviced by a sump pump with new development to join the drainage water piped to the East The area is approximately 1.3 acres. Planning Commission Resolution No. 3678 contains on page 13 the following statement: "The applicant may apply for a reimbursement agreement for benefited parcels to pay for their appropriate share of the cost of the storm drain system in Item G." The City is currently diverting 28 acres of urban drainage water from Poinsettia. The Master Plan indicates that the City will not contribute to any Master Drainage Solution. The developer is constructing 16 acres and diverting approximately 26 acres into the new system in the vicinity of Ponto Storage. The zone 22 property of approximately 130 acres, in which Mr. Avis is associated, is proposed to be diverted southerly, which is causing the large size of the pipe necessary to carry the approximately 250 acres of drainage water. At the hearing on the Master Plan for Pointsettia Shores your staff stated: "The Developer can put the pipe anyplace he wants because he will be paying for it." Condition G of Resolution 3678 allows for a reimbursement agreement. A reimbursement agreement for a pipe that is more than the cost of a reasonable solution across the developer's own land is not an acceptable solution. If the developer wants to divert water to other drainage fields, then he should bear the burden of the expense and prove that the diverted drainage system is the best solution. Mr. Schreiber has appeared before YOU and has only requested a fair hearing and evaluation. Because of the small amount of land that he owns, and prior interest from visitor-serving developers because he has access to ocean views, Mr. Schreiber is critically concerned about the future availability of development possibilities on his properties. Your continued fairness to all property owners will be greatly appreciated. R~t~~itted, LOUIS TASCHNER EXHIBIT 4 July 27, 1994 TO: Planning Director Assistant City Engineer Qws- ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT RESPONSE TO SCHREIBER APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL OF POINSETTIA SHORES MASTER TENTATIVE TRACT MAP (CT 94-01) Engineering staff has carefully reviewed the letter prepared by Mr. Louis Taschner, dated July 11, 1994, in support of the appeal made by Dale and Donna Schreiber to the Planning Commission approval of the Poinsettia Shores Master Tentative Map. We respectfully disagree with Mr. Taschner’s statement that City staff did not fairly evaluate the alternative easterly alignment as suggested by Mr. Schreiber. The storm drain referred to in Mr. Taschner’s letter is identified as facility DA within the City’s 1994 Master Drainage and Storm Water Quality Management Plan (Master Drainage Plan). Facility DA will serve a drainage basin of approximately 230 acres extending from the north side of Poinsettia Lane to the Batiquitos Lagoon including approximately 15 acres of the Kaiza Master Plan property east of the railroad tracks, all of the Kaiza Master Plan property west of the tracks and all of the Schreiber’s property (See Attachment ‘A’). Facility DA is projected to discharge approximately 280 cubic feet per second of storm water runoff into the Batiquitos Lagoon during a 100 year storm event. The Master Drainage Plan calls for the installation of a siltation/pollutant control basin at the downstream end of facility DA prior to discharge into the Batiquitos Lagoon. The 1971 and 1980 Master Drainage Plan maps indicate that drainage within this basin flowed west directly into the Pacific Ocean through a storm drain pipe extending across State Beach property and under Carlsbad Boulevard in the general vicinity of the Ponto Road underpass. For various reasons, the State Parks and Recreation Department has refused to allow upgrading of the existing facility which is needed to accommodate development of the upstream properties. Their refusal has made it necessary to establish a new discharge point into the Batiquitos Lagoon. City staff reviewed two basic alignment proposals including the easterly alignment proposed by Mr. Schreiber. The easterly alignment directed the drainage south along the east side of the railroad tracks to a discharge point located within the existing ‘Rosalena’ desiltation basin at the north shore of the Batiquitos Lagoon. The westerly alignment directed the drainage south along the west side of the railroad tracks to a July 27, 1994 Poinsettia Shores Appeal Page: 2 discharge point located at the site of the proposed desiltation basin on the north shore of the Batiquitos Lagoon adjacent to Carlsbad Boulevard. The two basic alignments are graphically depicted on Attachment ‘B’. During the review process, staff considered several variants on each of the basic alignment schemes to determine the optimum alignment for comparison purposes. The selected alignment was then reviewed for conformance with City standards, utility conflicts and potential environmental impacts. The results of the biological study conducted by the City’s environmental consultant clearly indicated that construction of a new westerly desiltation basin was environmentally superior to reconstructing the existing ‘Rosalena’ basin to accommodate the additional discharge from MDP facility DA. With regard to City Standards, the easterly alignment resulted in an average storm drain depth exceeding 30 feet which far exceeds the 15 foot maximum depth recommended in City Standards. The westerly alignment proposed by the developer would result in a storm drain depth averaging just over 20 feet. Preliminary design work done by the developer’s engineer indicate that the two alternatives could adequately avoid existing utilities. After careful consideration of the design factors noted above, City staff determined that the westerly alignment was the preferred alternative. The westerly alignment would result in the least environmental impact, comes closest to meeting City Standards and complies with the proposals advanced in the City’s adopted Master Drainage Plan. The following is the Engineering response to the six issues raised in Mr. Taschner’s letter in support of their position: 1. The impacts and costs associated with the construction of the easterly basin as proposed by the developer’s engineering consultant were inflated while the impacts associated with the westerly basin were minimized. Staff believes that the costs and impacts related to the construction/reconstruction of the two basins were fairly represented by the developer’s engineer. Both designs were based upon preliminary design work and represent rough approximations of the impacts that would occur during final design. Even allowing for some variation, the impacts associated with the reconstruction of the existing basin were far greater than that associated with the construction of the west basin. ,The eastern basin alternative would impact approximately 0.6 acres of sensitive habitat while the western basin would impact approximately 0.2 acres of July 27, 1994 Poinsettia Shores Appeal Page: 3 2. sensitive habitat. The western basin design has subsequently been revised to eliminate even the 0.2 acre impact. No amount of modification could eliminate the impacts caused by the reconstruction of the easterly basin. The eastern basin proposal would more effectively “filter” urban pollutants due to the presence of expanded freshwater marsh adjacent to this basin site. The freshwater marsh is one of the resources which the City and various resource agencies are attempting to protect. While it may be true such marshes help to filter urban pollutants the relatively short length of this marshy area, approximately 500 feet, in relation to the cumulative flows from the two drainage basins, 441 cubic feet per second during the hundred year storm event, would provide minimal filtering capacity. .I -3; + The Zone-9 LFMP and Master Drainage Plan presently allow for an eastern alignment without the need to amend the Master Drainage Plan or LFMP documents. Engineering staff agrees with the appellant on this matter. The staff report incorrectly stated that an amendment would be necessary. 4. Deep storm drains are not a problem for pipes with an 84 inch diameter and the cost of utility conflicts associated with the westerly alignment were not adequately evaluated. Staff disagrees with the appellants position on the issue of deep storm drains. Staff is extremely concerned with the maintainability and cost of repairing or replacing deep storm drains. Deep storm drains require special access measures, ventilation equipment and maintenance equipment which can significantly increase operating expense to the public. In addition, any repairs or replacements are extremely expensive and would be paid for through general fund expenditures. Staff believes that the additional costs necessary to avoid existing utility lines along the westerly alignment are fully or partially offset by the savings accrued by avoiding the special construction measures needed to install 30 foot deep storm drains. 5. The properties located west of the RR tracks which could not drain easterly could continue to use the existing coastal storm drain or install a sump pump. Staff agrees that these properties will need to develop alternative drainage facilities. The State of California’s coastal policies may very well require elimination of the coastal storm drain facility. If this happens, the impacted property owners which includes the City of Carlsbad would need to construct additional drainage facilities at considerable costs. Installation of a sump pump is not a practicable or recommended solution. The maintenance costs and need to include an alternative power generation unit would not be cost effective. The July 27, 1994 Poinsettia Shores Appeal Page: 4 only alternative solution is construction of a storm drain and desiltation/depollutant basin discharging into the Batiquitos Lagoon at the same location proposed for the western storm drain alternative. 6. For various reasons, Mr. Schreiber believes that his property will be unfairly burdened in the event that City Council approves a reimbursement agreement for the proposed storm drain pursuant to condition number 49 G of Planning Commission Resolution No. 3678. It should be noted that condition number 49 G of Planning Commission Resolution No. 3678 only provides the developer with the opportunity to apply to the City Council for a reimbursement agreement. The decision to approve or deny the developer’s request and terms of any such reimbursement agreement are subject to the review and approval of the City Council. Council is obligated to fairly and equitably distribute the 1, , , ., . ? . . costs associated with any reimbursement agreement to all benefitting properties including the Schreibers. Before a reimbursement agreement can be approved by Council, the issue must be set for public hearing at which time Mr. Schreiber may express his concerns to City Council on this matter. DAVID A. HAUSER Assistant City Engineer c: City Engineer DRAINAGE > BOUNDARY PACIFIC MASTER DRAINAGE' PLAN FACILITY I' DA" \ ATTACHMENT ‘A’ LAKESHORE GARDENS ATTACHMENT -- APPLICATION . _ 3MPLETE DATE: EXHIBIT 5 CT/HDP - MARCH 30. 1994 PROJECT PLANNER: ERIC N. MUNOZ STAFF REPORT DATE: JULY 6,1994 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM:. PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: CT’ 94-Ol/HDP 94-03 - POINSEYITIA SHORES MASl-ER TENTATIVE MAP Request for the approval of a Mitigated Negative Declaration, a Master Tentative Map and Hillside Development Permit to (I) subdivide land on the master plan’s east side into ten lots (eight planning area lots and two open space lots), (2) mass grade the site, and (3) construct the Avenida En&as roadway and other required infrastructure to allow the implementation of the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan on PC (Planned Community) zoned property located north of the Batiquitos Lagoon and west of the I-5 freeway in Local Facilities Management Zone 9. I. RFCOIMMJXNDA~ON That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 3677 APPROVING the Mitigated Negative Declaration, and ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution Nos. 3678 and 3679 APPROVING CT 94-01 and HDP 94-03 based on the findings and’subject to the conditions contained therein. Il. PROJECT BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION Kaiza Poinsettia Corporation, is requesting approval of entitlements that will allow the implementation of the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan, MP 175(D), GPA 91-05, LCPA 91-02 and LFMP 87-09(A), approved by the Carlsbad City Council on January 4,1994 and by the California Coastal Commission on May 12, 1994. The next step to implement the master plan is to subdivide the master plan property, mass grade the site and construct required public improvements (Avenida Encinas roadway and drainage facilities). The proposed tentative map is a master tentative map that subdivides the subject property into eight planning area lots and two open space lots. Rough sheet grading is also proposed so that only’ final finish grading will be required with individual planning area development proposals. No dwelling units or specific planning area site plans are involved with this master tentative map. Individual planning area proposals will be reviewed after master tentative map approval. A Hillside Development Permit (HDP) is required because the eastern edge of the master plan site is a hillside area that is part of the proposed mass grading and is CT 94-Ol/HDP 94-03 POINSETTIA SHORES MASTER TENTATIVE MAP JULY 6,1994 PAGE 2 subject to the City’s Hillside Development Ordinance with regards to grading quantities and cut/fill slope heights. Exhibits “A” - “D” reflect the proposed master tentative map including the large lot subdivisions,’ the proposed mass grading, the Avenida Encinas roadway and a desiltation basin on the west side (of the railroad tracks) of the master plan. Exhibits “E” - “P” are the constraints exhibits for the site. Exhibits “Q” - “S” are open space exhibits that show in detail a blufftop open space lot that will be a public open space right of way area for a trail segment within the master plan. The HDP exhibits including slope analysis and cross sections are shown on Exhibits 7” - “X”. The landscaping associated with this master tentative map/HDP is shown on Exhibits ‘Y’ - “Z”. The general topography of the Poinsettia Shores master plan site is mostly flat with slight topographic undulations on both sides of the railroad tracks. Two exceptions are (1) the bluff and slope areas adjacent to the Batiquitos Lagoon which have already been dedicated as permanent open space, and (2) the hillside area on the eastern perimeter of the site between the existing Windrose Circle roadway and the I-5 freeway. The site has been previously disturbed through past agricultural and flower growing activities. No sensitive plant or animal species are associated with the site. Environmental impacts from subdividing and mass grading the land are minor and mitigation measures are imposed to reduce any impacts to insignificance as discussed in the Environmental Review section of this report. The site now remains vacant with the exception of the Rosalena single family subdivision and Windrose Circle. The proposal is consistent with all applicable land use designations, coastal designations and policies, local facilities provisions per the City’s Growth Management Ordinance and will allow implementation of the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan and subsequent planning area level proposals. A brief summary of the entitlements being requested is provided below: Master Tentative Tract Man: As shown on Exhibits “A” - ” D”, dated July 6, 1994, the master tentative map proposes to create eight large, single lot planning areas and two open space lots on the master plan’s east side. The Avenida Encinas roadway will be constructed in compliance with the alignment approved with the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan. This involves an alignment of the roadway over the eastern portion of the master plan, a bridge over the railroad tracks and a new intersection with Carlsbad Boulevard. Portions of existing Windrose Circle, not needed for this or future development, will be vacated on the final map. As required by the Local Facilities Management Plan documents for Zone 9 and the City’s Master Drainage Plan, a desiltation basin is also proposed for the west side of the master plan. No dwelling units are proposed with this master tentative map. CT 94-Ol/HDP 94-03 POINSETTIA SHORES MASTER TENTATIVE MAP JULY 6,1994 PAGE 3 The proposed 328,000 cubic yards of mass grading balances onsite and primarily involves the excavation of dirt from the hillside area of the site on the eastern edge to supply the material for the roadway embankments. Elsewhere on the site, the mass grading will even out the site and remove topographic undulations to allow for finished grading to, be proposed with individual planning area development proposals. No alterations will be made to the sensitive lagoon slopes or bluff areas. Full public improvements, including streets, sewer and water lines, and a storm drain system, will be required within the subdivision’s boundaries. In addition, there will be no grading within the public right of way located on the blufftop adjacent to the lagoon. This public right of way measures up to 50 feet wide on the south facing edge of the bluff and is designated for a public access trail with some amenities (viewing areas, etc.) per the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan. This area is referred to as Lot 10 on the master tentative map and is depicted with cross sections on Exhibits “Q” - “S”. Hillside Development Permit: The hillside development petmit is required for the grading operations due to the sloping, hillside topography of the site’s eastern portion. This hillside area is reflected in the project’s constraints mapping (Exhibits “E” - “P”) as well as the slope analysis required by the Hillside Development Ordinance (Exhibits “U” and V). No significant topographical features exist in the area and slope areas over 40 percent are mostly confmed to the lagoon slope areas and not the area proposed for mass grading. The former master plan (Batiquitos Lagoon Educational Park) had a similar yet more intensive grading concept approved where the hillside was to be cut into for the roadway/embankment material. No dwelling units or planning area site plans are proposed with this HDP; only compliance of the grading operation to hillside development regulations is involved. The hillside area of the site (Lot 9 on the master tentative map) is designated in the master plan as planning area “C” (a multi-family planning area) and requires a Hillside Development Permit for the review and approval of structures and crib walls as part of the planning area’s specific development proposal. III. ANALYSIS The findings required for the approval of a tentative map and hillside development permit are found in sections 20.12.091 and 21.95.030, respectively. The project is in compliance with the West Batiquitos Local Coastal Program and will require a Coastal Development Permit prior to final map approval. The detailed findings for each permit are listed in the attached resolutions, therefore the following analysis provides an overview of the pertinent criteria. CT 94-Ol/HDP 94-03 POINSETTIASHORESMASTERTENTATIVEMAP JULY6,1994 PAGE4 1. Is the proposal consistent with the goals and objectives of the various elements of the General Plan? Is the proposal consistent with the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan? 2. Is the proposal consistent with all applicable provisions of the Carlsbad Municipal Code including Title 20 (Subdivisions) and Chapter 21.95 (Hillside Development Ordinance)? 3. Is the proposal consistent with the Coastal Act and specifically with the provisions of the recently amended West Batiquitos Local Coastal Program? 4. Is the proposal consistent with the Zone 9 Local Facilities Management Plan documents assuring compliance with the City’s Growth Management Program? DtSCUSSION 1. General Plan Consistency The proposal is consistent with the various goals and objectives of the General Plan. The Poinsettia Shores Master Plan approval of January 4, 1994 included a General Plan Amendment (GPA 91-05) which established General Plan designations for the master plan property and found the master plan consistent with various elements and objectives of the General Plan. Therefore, this master tentative map/hillside development application is consistent with the General Plan since it will allow implementation of the approved Poinsettia Shores Master Plan. All subsequent individual planning area development proposals shall comply with the master plan. This application constructs a major roadway and subdivides the east side of the master plan to accommodate the residential land uses of the master plan. Housing Element and affordable housing compliance will be a part of the first development application that proposes dwelling units, and not this application. A brief summary of pertinent General Plan elements relative to this application is provided below: Circulation Element: The project will construct Avenida Encinas which is a Circulation Element roadway to a new intersection with Carlsbad Boulevard in the southwest quadrant of the City. This new intersection will require the removal of two mature Monterey Cypress trees. These trees will be replaced on the north side of the new intersection as part of this project’s Mitigated Negative Declaration (and discussed further in the Environmental Review section of this report). This is also consistent with the Scenic Highways component of the Circulation Element. Onen Space and Conservation Element: The project will not impact any master plan open space areas associated with the lagoon. A separate lot will be created (Lot 10) specifically for the bluff top public right of way to accommodate a public trail and related amenities. - CT 94-Ol/HDP 94-03 POINSETTIA SHORES MASTER TENTATIVE MAP JULY 6, 1994 PAGE 5 As required by this project’s Mitigated Negative Declaration, full .archeological and paleontological monitoring must be coordinated with the mass grading of this site. This is also consistent with the Cultural Resources component of the Open Space and Conservation Element. Land Use Element: The project will mass grade the site and provide infrastructure to allow the development of the residential portion of the master plan which is designated Residential Medium (RM). Future map submittals will propose dwelling units within residential planning areas of the master plan. 2. MuniciDal Code Consistency ‘. The proposed subdivision complies with all provisions of Title 20 - Subdivisions. All proposed lots will front on or have access to a publicly dedicated street designed to City standards. The existing and proposed water and storm drain systems are adequate to accommodate the proposed master subdivision and future residential subdivisions. The proposed lot configurations meet all requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 20.16.110 of the C.M.C. regarding subdivision design. The tentative map is conditioned to provide all necessary circulation improvements. All other improvements and grading will be reviewed for consistency with the exhibits associated with this project at final map review, therefore the proposed subdivision complies with the provisions of Title 20. The portions of Title 21 applicable to this master tentative map/hillside development application are Chapters 21.38 (P-C Planned Community Zone), Chapter 21.90 (Growth Management), and Chapter 21.95 (Hillside Development Regulations). The underlying zone of the subject property is Planned Community (P-C) which requires a master plan to serve as the zoning document for the site (the approved Poinsettia Shores Master Plan). The project’s consistency with the Growth Management Plan is discussed in a separate section of this report (Growth ,Management Compliance). Compliance with hillside regulations is discussed below. Hillside DeveloDment Ordinance The topography of the eastern edge of the project site triggers the requirement for a Hillside Development Permit, subject to Chapter 21.95 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. As mentioned earlier, the balanced grading operation of 328,000 cubic yards will mass grade the site to accommodate planning area developments, drainage facilities and the Avenida Encinas roadway and associated embankments. Since no dwelling units are involved with this application, compliance centered on the proposed grading concept. This project complies with the Hillside Development Ordinance for the following reasons: (1) a slope analysis of the hillside topography has been provided (Exhibits “U” and ‘V) as well as cross sections of the existing and proposed grades (Exhibits ‘W” and “X”), (2) there - - CT 94-Ol/HDP 94-03 POINSETTIA SHORES MASTER TENTATIVE MAP JULY 6,1994 PAGE 6 are no cut or fill slopes proposed that are greater than thirty feet in height (the highest cut slope is approximately 18 feet associated with the excavation of the hillside area of the site; the highest fIli slope is approximately 16 feet associated with the fill of the Avenida Encinas roadway just west of the railroad tracks), (3) the project’s overall grading volume of approximately 3,698 cubic yards per graded acre is well within the “acceptable” range of hillside grading per Chapter 21.95, and (4) the development of Lot 9 (planning area “C”) will require another HDP to review hillside architecture, crib walls, etc. 3. Coastal Zone Compliance With the approval of the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan, a Local Coastal Program Amendment was included that established the coastal designations consistent with the City’s General Plan as well as the master plan designations. This proposal for land subdivisions, mass grading and infrastructure is consistent with the West Batiquitos Local Coastal Program because it will allow implementation of the approved master plan for the site. Since no dwelling units are proposed, there are few coastal issues. No grading is proposed or allowed for sensitive lagoon/coastal resource areas or the public bluff top right of way adjacent to the lagoon. Exhibits “Q” and “R” show the blufftop public right-of-way area (Lot 10). Exhibit “S” contains cross sections of this area and shows how no grading is proposed for Lot 10. Approval of a Coastal Development Permit by the Coastal Commission is a requirement of final map approval for this project. Therefore, the project is in compliance with the Coastal Act and the West Batiquitos Local Coastal Program. 4. Growth Management Comnliance The project area is contained within the Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP) for Zone 9 in the southwest quadrant of the City. This plan was adopted in July, 1989, with an amendment approved on January 4, 1994 in coordination with the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan approval. Since no dwelling units are proposed, there are a limited number of public facility requirements and therefore, the standard assessment of facilities impacts and the Local Facilities Impacts Assessment Form is not applicable since most facility requirements are based on dwelling units. However, the project is required to construct major circulation and drainage facilities in conformance with Zone 9 LFMP documents and the City’s Master Drainage Plan to accommodate the further implementation of the master plan. Regarding drainage facilities, as shown on Exhibit “D”, the project proposes a desihation basin on the site’s west side. This area was approved for a basin with the former educational park master plan and is allowed in the master plan and LCP for the site subject to all applicable resource agency review and approval. With the master plan approval of January 1994, specific direction was given by the City Council to examine drainage alternatives to the westerly (of the railroad tracks) drainage alignment as required by the Zone 9 LFMP and the City’s Master Drainage Plan. Therefore, as part of this project’s CT 94-Ol/HDP 94-03 \ POINSETTIASHORESMASTERTENTATIVEMAP JULY6,1994 PAGE7 environmental review, staff reviewed various westerly and easterly drainage alternatives from both an engineering and environmental standpoint. This analysis led to the conclusion that any easterly drainage alignment was not preferred to a westerly alignment for the follovving reasons: (1) any easterly alignment would require the demolition, reconstruction and ultimate expansion of the existing basin located just west of the existing Rosalena subdivision, (2) alteration/expansion of the existing basin will encroach into sensitive lagoon habitat area, (3) amendments to the Zone 9 LFMP and Master Drainage Plan would be required, (4) deep storm drains are involved with either alternative, however, the west side alignment has incrementally shallower storm drains, and (5) any easterly drainage alignment does not adequately account for the drainage associated with Carlsbad Boulevard and the Ponto Drive area. A biological report was prepared which compares the biological impacts of a west side basin vs. an east side basin and concluded that the west side basin has fewer biological impacts. The least tern site associated with the on-going Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Plan will not be impacted by the desiltation basin since both were mutually designed to not impact, or not be impacted by, each other. ENvlRoNMENTALREvrEw The master plan site has a history of environmental analysis starting with a certified Environmental Impact Report (EIR), EIR 84-03, which addressed the more intensive (with regards to land use and traffic) former educational park master plan. More recently, a Mitigated Negative Declaration was approved with the Poinsettia Shores master plan approval. Most of the required mitigation resulting from EIR 84-03 has already been completed. As applicable, the remaining mitigation measures were incorporated into the master plan’s Mitigated Negative Declaration. For this master tentative map, a Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared that carries over relevant mitigations from the master plan level environmental review, along with additional mitigations resulting from the proposed project. At this time, the site is relatively free of environmental constraints with a few exceptions: (1) fugitive dust control is required with the grading operations to incrementally address regional air quality issues, (2) cultural resources may be present on the site in the form of archeological and paleontological resources and therefore requires close monitoring before and during grading operations, (3) the replacement of two mature Monterey Cypress trees with six 24 inch box minimum Monterey Cypress trees to maintain the scenic highway qualities of Carlsbad Boulevard, and (4) minor biological impacts associated with the west . side’s desilt basin. A biological report outlined the comparative impacts of a west side vs. east side basin and concluded the west side had far less impacts since lagoon/sensitive wetland habitat was not being encroached onto. The west side basins impacts include an impact of approximately 0.18 acres of coastal sage and the need to transplant a small population of a List 4 sensitive plant species per the California Nature Plant Society (Southwestern spiny rush). The basin shown on Exhibit “D” reflects the proposed basin kT 94-Ol/HDP 94-03 ’ POINSETTIA SHORES MASTER TENTATIVE MAP JULY 6, 1994 PAGE 8 design that will either be re-designed to avoid or reduce impacts; or be subject to mitigation. The above items are the focus of this project’s Mitigated Negative Declaration and related mitigation measures which are attached to Planning Commission Resolution Nos. 3677 and 36.78. Any potential environmental impacts resulting from this project are therefore reduced to levels of insignificance. The Mitigated Negative Declaration underwent standard State Clearinghouse review because of the project’s coastal zone location. The public review period lasted from May 9 to June 9, 1994. One comment was received from Mr. Lou Taschner regarding drainage issues. His letter and the City’s response letter are attached, to this report. V. SUMMARY The master tentative map and hillside development permit applications are consistent with all applicable legislation and ordinances and is compatible with the project site. Approval of the project as proposed will allow the implementation of the approved Poinsettia Shores Master Plan. Based upon the required mitigation measures, no significant adverse environmental impacts will occur due to implementation of the project. Therefore, staff is recommending approval of CT 94-01 and HDP 94-03. Al-I-ACHMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. :: 7. 8. 9. 10. Planning Commission Resolution No. 3677 Planning Commission Resolution No. 3678 Planning Commission Resolution No. 3679 Location Map Background Data Sheet Disclosure Form Lou Taschner Letter, dated June 8, 1994 City’s Response Letter to Mr. Taschner, dated June 28, 1994 Reduced Exhibits Exhibits “A” - “Z”, dated July 6, 1994. June 2,1994 ENM:vd:lh APPFNDM P Lrc - B l I d . f % E d . % . l .ENTAI. MlTIGATION MONlTORINL .2xLEr Page I, of L “.I 8 . ii 1 sl a 8 & 8 .f 2 0 \ Ki A%'- / i \ \‘r ( -ah, L A d- 0. ----mm-m 0 \ 1 MI1QoIFoG \\\ POINSETTIA SHORES MASTER TENTATWE MAP CT 940Ol/ 6 HDP 94-03 I I ! ;” : I 15 I I” i i iI I II ;’ I I lit~ / i j- b, II I 1 ! i 71 5 !i 111 ‘I i 1 I s I I-lillll I . I .pu. a (Z.‘: ‘%,.. d I 8.i 1 x 1 a I 2 I - - I EEfl !!Ilf Iii u. : : : f : . it i 1’ ‘1 Ye .&I / ~ , !! II b’ ISI j I’:; III 1 a.. ‘1’1 I I I J Ill i i lb! a.,.. . !& *I f I ? 1 ; ;; t ;: 41. :I 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 44 btl ( , 7’, n. Y 5 . :@ L p;i[ < ‘;!I’* ihl I-- l ,;j,, if ;:I,,, ]il I’J ;:I’ 1 LOCATION MAP POINSETTIA SHORES MASTER TENTATIVE MAP -I- CT 94.Ol/ 7 2 HOP 94-03 7 BACKGROUND DATA SHEET - CASE NO: CT 94-Ol/HDP 94-03 CASE NAME: Poinsettia Shores Master Tentative Map APPLICANT: Kaiza Poinsettia Corporation REQUEST AND LOCATION: 1) Subdivision of Iand into 8 Iarze ~lanninn area, lots and 2 ouen suace lots: 2) mass grade the site: and 3) construct the Avenida Encinas roadwav and other reauired imnrovements consistent with the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan located west of Interstate 5 and north of the Batiouitos Lagoon. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Portions of Lots 1. 2. 3 and 4 tonether with portions of the street adioining said lots, shown as Avenida En&as. aII as shown on Parcel Map No. .13653, in the Citv of CarIsbad. Countv of San Dieno. State of California. fiIed in the office of the Countv Recorder of San Dieno Countv. Januarv 31.1985 as File No. 85-033316. tonether with Lots 1.2 and 3 together with the street adioinina said lots. shown as Avenida En&as. aII as shown on Mar, No. 11290. in the Citv of CarIsbad. Countv of San Dieno. State of California. filed in the office of the Countv Recorder of San Dieao Countv. JuIv 16.1985 as File No. 85-253280. tonether with Lots 1 throunh 78. 79. 80 and 81 toaether with portions of the streets adioinina said lots. shown as Avenida Encinas and Windrose Circle. aII as shown on MaD No. 11616. in the Citv of CarIsbad. Countv of San Dieno. State of California. fiIed in the office of the Countv Recorder of San Dieno Countv, September 12. 1986 as File No. 86402404. APN: 216-140-25/27/30-33 Acres 90 Proposed No. of Lots/Units 10 Lots (Assessor’s Parcel Number) GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Land Use Designation RM Density Allowed 4-8 du/ac Density Proposed N/A Fixisting Zone PC Proposed Zone PC Surrounding Zoning and Land Use: zoning Site PC North RMHP south OS East Tc West Prime Arterial PUBLIC FACILITIES Land Use Vacant/70 single family residences Mobile home Park Batiquitos Lagoon Interstate 5 CarIsbad Boulevard School District Carlsbad Water District CarIsbad Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity) N/A Public Facilities Fee Agreement, dated Januarv 17, 1994 Sewer District Carlsbad ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT X Negative Declaration, issued Mav 9. 1994 (Mitigated Neaative Declaration) - Certified Environmental Impact Report, dated >’ * - f /: DISCLOSURE STATEMENT APQUCANTS STATEME~ CF oISCLoSURE Of CEmAH oWNmP IGF;EBfS ON AU APPLIUTICNS WHICH Wlk RECUlkE OlSCPc7;CNARY ACTlON CN WE PART OF THE CrrV COUNCIL OR ANY APPOlm 80ARO. CCMMISSICN CR C~MMT~;EC. / (Please Pm) The following information must be disclosed: ? * Apolicant --- List the names and addresses of all persons having a financial interest in the application. Kaiza Poinsettia Co-ration Sea Bluff Associates, /220 Avenida Ekinas a California general partnership Suite 200 Three Upper Newport Plaza Drive -ls=d, (-A \JLUUY Newpoe -oh, CA 92660-2630 2. - Owner List the names and addresses of all persons having any ownership interest in the prcperry invoked. Kaiza Poinsettia Coqxxation Sea Bluff Asscciatts, 1220 Avenida Ehcmas a Callrornla general partnership 5ulteZUU mree Upper Neqnr, Plaza L)rlve LcllIsnaa, CA Y&JY , CA YLOOU--LDJU 3. if any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a corporation or pannership, list the ‘names xc addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the snares in the corporation or owntng any pannersn:;: interest in rhe pannership. Saicia California, Inc. 7220 Avenida %cinas Suits 200 rdti ~b* ra 97c)~O 4. If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a non-profit organization or a trust. list the names ant aCCIreSseS cf any person serving as officer or director of the non-profit organlzation or as trustee or beneficlaru of the trust. , FFu4ooo13 a/90 2075 Las Palmas Or1v-e l Carrsoaa. Cailtornla 92009-a859 * (619) &38-1 lel 7+ ~. Disclosure Statement -. 7 (Over) Page 2 5. Have you had more than $250 worth Of business transacted with any member of City staff. Bcarc; Commissions, Committees and Council within the past twelve months? Yes - No _ If yet. please indicate pefSOn(s) Pmon 8s dofinod as: ‘Any indivlduti. fiffn. Coo~OnkiO. lOi~VOntUW luociUiOn. social club. fruomrl organoat~on. CamoratIon. OS~JIJ trust. IJCJWW. ryndicJrJ. thlJ Jnd w OUlJf COWry. Cry Jfld COU-. Cy mUJllW@Uy. diJInCl O? OlhU ~IitlCJl SUDdIVtJIOfl. Of Uy 0lfl.f ;rOuo 01 comotnunon rsung a8 l umt’ @iOT: Attach additional pages as necm.) KAIZA PQINSEITIA cmFuR?i!rIau I.fcbs sy Signaufe or Ownerdare . Aiii&iA Pfuv or type name of ownef Print or fype name of appticanl I Sea Bluff Associates, I a California generdl partnership ByITSc;ENERALPAR'lNES: B-L 130, Ltd., a California limited partnership Hackett Mmagement Coqmation, FRMOoo13 a/w AmOANEY AT LAW 1533’SOUTH HILL ST., SUITE 0 June 8, 1994 OFFICE: (6 19) 722-4470 OCEANSIDE. CA 92054 RES.: (619) 722-2336 City of Carlsbad Planning Department 2075 Las Palmas Drive ~~C!fTi!CD Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 RE: Comments concerning drainage contained in JUN 0 9 1994 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW FOR KAIZA'S MASTER TENTATIVE MAP - CT 94-Gl/HDP 94-63 c\‘r”4 O;F CARUBAD PLAN?mm DEm Dear Mr. Munoz; I have been representing Dale Schreiber concerning the proposed alignment of the Master Drainage solution for 3 what 1 has now become the PONTO BASIN. I have reviewed the mitigated issued for the current Poinsettia Negative Declaration Shores Master Tentative 2 Map and the Biological Review which was prepared for the 1 project. The State Lands Commission and City of Carlsbad based on approved documents reserves review and approval of any 3 3 DESILTATION BASIN. The comment concerning mitigation for the WEST SIDE DESILTATION BASIN for issuance of a grading permit does not include the City of Carlsbad. I have been unable to get from you or any other person the specific pipe alignment or desiltation basin design so that the impacts can be sufficiently analyzed or whether the 80" pipe can wind its way through or around the gas line, the utility cables in the area, or the three high pressure Y sewer lines coming from Leucadia. I object to the Carlsbad design of the WEST SIDE DESILTATION BASIN or I City of completing its review without consideration of the alignment of the EIGHTY INCH PIPE whi'ch needs to be designed for upwards of 250 C.F.S. of drainage water entering the lagoon. The impacts of the desiltation basin include not the ground upon which it will be located but the impacts of the spillway and piping system carrying the water into 5 lagoon as well as the water which will flow into the lagoon at a location which currently appears to be a feeding for the birds. . As YOU will notice, the Biological Report considered only the physical location of the desiltation' basin and not the remainder of the construction project needed to carry the drainage water to the lagoon. The report is incomplete and the statement in item #3 may be correct but the construction .project .for the desiltation basin to function will include construction into the lagoon's delineated wetland boundary. Whether there are other sensitive areas has certainly not been addressed in the report. The report for the eastern basin includes not only the berm but includes the concrete spillway and the downstream area adjacent to the lagoon. I am pleased to note that the biologist has identified' a new growth of Coastal Sage upon the berm of the. eastern desiltation basin which was created in or about 1984. Apparently, Coastal Sage can be grown with only a natural watering process on a steep slope. With the proof of this process, I am assured that the any new berm could support a much larger area of Coastal Sage as the size of the .western desiltation basin will be at least 4 times the size of the current eastern desiltation basin. , Mr. Schreiber does not have the monetary resources to continue to debate with the staff of city of Carlsbad concerning the alignment of the pipe and the location and design of the desiltation basin. The person requesting that the drainage alignment and desiltation basin be located in a particular location should have the obligation to present the complete information for review. In the event that the pipe alignment and desiltation basin location and design are produced, then and only then can the impacts for construction and the environment be adequately addressed. Mr. Schreiber paid for an eastern pipe alignment and a probable design of the eastern desiltation basin and had the project costed. This alignment and costs associated therewith are attached as Exhibit A. Even though I have requested this information on many occasions, I have never been provided with a specific alignment or desiltation basin design so that the impacts associated therewith could be evaluated. Apparently you and the staff are prepared to recommend to the city Council of Carlsbad that the alignment and desiltation basin should be approved without the benefit of seeing the specific project. That precisely has been my debate with the staff for the last two years and my position has not changed. I implore you to require the specifics of this project not only because of the impacts of construction and the environment but also because of the large bermed reservoir needed to create the desiltation basin adjacent to 101 and the Least Tern Site. 7 7 / r 4 L PREP: 29JUN92 COST fiNALYSIS 3F flLTERf4FITE STORM DRRIN FILItNflEHT AS COfiPfiRED TO STORm DRAIN ‘013’ \ . 4.. IDENTIFIED It4 CITY OF CRRLSBRO CORRFTI ‘IIRSTER ORRINFGE end STORm URTER CIMLITY tl!wAGErnENT PLW’. SFIN mMCOS CREEK 8RSIN - NOOE 820.09 TO 820.16 ! 1TEH DESCRIPTION UNIT 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 1s 16 17 75’ RCP REPWI NG 75’ RCP 7.0. RCP . REPFiINC 70’ RCP 81’ RCP REPAUlNG 01’ RCP CLERNDUTS CRTCH BASINS HERO UALLS SEDImENTRTlON BASIN EXTRR DEPTH TRENCH/SHORING L.F. L.C. L.F. L.F. L.F. LF. EFicH ERa4 MCH L.F. ImlT PRfCE S206.00 l O. 06 s213.00 130. ea 1210. Do $1.69 63,Qso.w 17,040.00 62.SOO.00 L. s, S38. Do : PER DRFIFT PLRN : QUFW. COST : : 210 S43.260 : 60 11.804 : 1040 SSil, 920 : s0.029 :: lodo. S231,000- :- QOD ite. s2l _ . . 7 i2; 3so * : 16 S126.7iO :- 1 12, so0 : S-b6.059 : 0 so : PER ALTERNFUE ALIGNtlENT : QUAN. COST : : 1660 1341,960 * : 0 : 1250 : 0 : 0 : 0 - 6’ : : 1e : 1 : : 1250 so S266.250 so so . . so’ 9;9,300 = . I 1126,720 ._ U.~Do ‘: .!‘ S70.000 s.47,5- :+ ‘0 ----------------------------I----*---------- ---------p ----------_--------------------------- ----------------------- smTOT# s901.242 se73;230 June 28, 1994 Louis Taschner 1533 South Hill Street, Suite D Oceanside, CA 92054 SUBJECE RESPONSE To COlUMENTS hdADEINLETIERDATED.JUNE8,1994-POINSETITA SHORES IkWREFlTENTAlWE MAP - Cr94-OVHDP 94-03 In response to your letter dated June 8, 1994, which makes comments to the Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for the above referenced project, the following responses are provided. The numbered responses correspond with the numbered paragraphs on your letter. 1. No comment required. .2. No comment required. 3. The State Lands Commission and the City of Carlsbad &l be involved in the review and approval of the desilt basin. The City of Carlsbad will issue the grading permit after all resource agency reviews and applicable mitigation measures have been secured. In addition, the project underwent the standard public review process for a project in the coastal zone. This includes State Clearinghouse (SCH) review which distributes the environmental review to all potentially affected resource agencies (SCH #94051035). 4. The basins design proposed with this master tentative map application has been made available to Mr. Taschner. The specific design will be completed as part of the final map approval. It is not typical to approve a specific design (for a facility like this) at the tentative map stage. Final designs result from detailed plan check efforts that follow, and must be in conformance with, previous tentative map approvals made by the City Council and/or Planning Commission. The environmental impacts of the final design can not exceed those assessed with the tentative map approval. In addition, there has been a thorough analysis of east side and west side (of the railroad tracks) alternative drainage alignments. The alignment submitted with this master tentative map represents a worst case scenario from an environmental standpoint for a westerly drainage system. Although the proposed basin can be fully mitigated as outlined in the Mitigated Negative Declaration, it will likely be replaced by another basin as the result of a re-design intended to eliminate the assessed impacts. This re-design is part of the final design effort which will undergo City and resource agency review. 5. The discharge of drainage at this location has been considered during the review of the former educational master plan project as well as the on-going Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Plan. No negative impacts have been identified. 6. The proposal to construct needed underground piping along non-constrained roads and railroad rights of way does not need close environmental review prior to final design for an area that had previously received approvals for development and infrastructure construction. 2075 Las Palmas Drive l Carlsbad, California 92009-l 576 - (619) 436-l 161 @ ,’ POINSETT'IASHORESMASTERTENTATIVE MAP CT94-Ol/HDP 94-03 - LOUTASCHNER JUNE28,1994 The involvement of resource agencies will prevent the approval and construction of any basin in delineated wetland areas. The intent of the biological report was to determine the environmentally preferred drainage alignment: east or west of the railroad tracks. The impacts to sensitive lagoon and wetland areas associated with the demolition/expansion of the existing east side basin led to the conclusion that the west side basin was preferred since less biological impacts would be involved. 7. As part of concurrent processing and plan checking efforts by the applicant, a re-design is being finalized which will either remove or greatly reduce the impacts to the recent coastal sage regrowth. Either through mitigation, a re-design, or a combination of the two, no biological impacts will occur. 8. The applicant has complied with the requirement to assess drainage alignment alternatives in coordination with the City in processing the master tentative map application. The proposed alignment, accounting for minor re-design considerations, is the preferred alignment from an engineering, environmental and cost effective standpoint; and it is consistent with the City’s Master Drainage Plan and the facility requirements of Zone 9. 9. The alignment and cost estimate attached to the letter overlooks (1) the difficult depths at which the pipeline will need to be constntcted, (2) the modifications and additional biological impacts to the existing basin (as documented in the project’s biological assessment report), and (3) the overall needs of the Master Drainage Plan (including the area on the west side of the railroad tracks) and is a departure from the Zone 9 Local Facilities Management Plan. In summary, the environmental review associated with the master tentative map is adequate for a tentative map approval. Final design can not result in additional or more significant environmental impacts. All applicable resource agency reviews and approvals are still required prior to final map approval. The comparison of impacts between an east side and west side basin concluded that the westerly alignment is preferred. The Planning Commission hearing date for this project is tentatively scheduled for July 6, 1994. I can be reached at (619) 438-1161 extension 4441 if you need to contact me. Sincerely, ERIC MUNOZ Associate Planner c: Michael Holzmiller, Planning Director Gary Wayne, Assistant Planning Director Don Neu, Senior Planner David Hauser, Assistant City Engineer Ron Ball, City Attorney ENM:vd cT9401.ltr 730 ,! i 8 ii + .: f I’ 1 1. i I yg!i ! I allllll 1 . 5 0 LI I I I I I 1 I i nl i-i 11 11 II ee ir . ri f t k - i 1 1. a k r( ” j \ ! - * ‘I L - - - I I- . ! I ; 6 Y i I i I EXHIBIT 6 PLANNING COMMISSION July 6, 1994 PAGE 4 oy, Nielsen, Noble, and CT 94-Ol/HDP 94-03 - POINSETTIA SHORES MASTER TENTATIVE MAP - Request for the approval of a Mitigated Negative Declaration, a Master Tentative Map and Hillside Development Permit to (1) subdivide land on the master plan’s east side into ten lots (eight planning area lots and two open space lots), (2) mass grade the site, and (3) construct the Avenida Encinas roadway and other required infrastructure to allow the implementation of the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan on PC (Planning Community) zoned property located north of the Batiquitos Lagoon and west of the l-5 freeway in Local Facilities Management Zone 9. Eric Munoz, Associate Planner, reviewed the background of the request and stated that the applicant is requesting approval of entitlements that will allow the implementation of the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan located north of Batiquitos Lagoon and west of the l-5 freeway. The Poinsettia Shores Master Plan received City Council approval on January 4, 1994 and Coastal Commission approval on May 12,1994. The master tentative map before the Commission tonight will subdivide the subject property into eight planning area lots and two open space lots. It also includes.mass grading of the site and the Avenida Encinas roadway, and drainage facilities. No dwelling units or specific planning area site plans are involved. Residential dwelling units will be proposed in subsequent planning area maps. Mr. Munoz explained each of the entitlements being requested, as set forth in the written staff report. He discussed the Circulation Element of the General Plan which will require construction of a new intersection with the completion of the Avenida Encinas roadway to Carlsbad Boulevard. He also discussed the drainage alignment and the desiltation basin which would be required as part of the project. He then turned the presentation over to Engineering staff to discuss the drainage issue. Bob Wojcik, Principal Civil Engineer, stated that Engineering staff looked at several different alignments before determining which would be the most feasible and have the least amount of environmental impact. Using an overhead, he discussed each of the seven alignments in detail and showed how the pipeline would traverse the site. He stated that Alignment #6 was preferable because of its route across and between properties and the fact that it most closely meets the City’s pipeline depth requirement. Mr. Munoz continued the staff report and directed the Commission’s attention to the staff memo dated July 6, 1994 adding a new condition to Resolution No. 3678 to require all federal resource agency approvals prior to the issuance of a grading permit or recordation of a final map. He then stated that the Mitigated Negative Declaration had been been reviewed by the State Clearing House and that no comments had been received from any state resource agency. However, he noted that during the public review period, staff had received a letter from Attorney Louis Taschner objecting to the drainage solution which Engineering staff has recommended. In conclusion, Mr. Munoz stated that the master tentative map and hillside development permit applications are consistent with all applicable legislation and ordinances and are compatible with the project site. Approval of the project as proposed will allow the implementation of the approved Poinsettia Shores Master Plan. Further, based upon the required mitigation measures, no significant adverse environmental impacts will occur due to implementation of the project. He did note that there would be paleontological and archaeological monitoring of the site during the mass grading phase of the project. Staff recommends approval. MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION July 6, 1994 PAGE 5 Commissioner Erwin inquired if staff feels it is unnecessary to do a revised EIR and that a Mitigated Negative Declaration is satisfactory. Mr. Munoz replied yes. Commissioner Welshons inquired if the proposed alignment for Avenida Encinas and the intersection to Carlsbad Boulevard was staffs first choice. Mr. Wojcik replied that staff wanted to move the alignment as far south as possible in order to take advantage of the railroad right-of-way. The proposed alignment was a compromise to lessen the visual impacts while still meeting all intersection spacing requirements. Commissioner Welshons inquired if staff looked at more than one alignment. Mr. Wojcik replied that staff looked at several different alignments. This particular alignment had the least amount of impacts. He showed the various alignments on the map for the benefit of the Commissioners. Commissioner Welshons inquired which alignment would be the very best by engineering standards. Mr. Wojcik replied that it would probably be preferable to move the intersection to the south slightly, however the proposed location is quite acceptable. Commissioners Compas inquired if any cost estimates had been made of the six drainage alternatives. Mr. Wojcik replied that there had been two storm drain estimates done. Typically, it is the depth rather than the length of the storm drain which runs the cost higher. The applicants proposal and the staff proposal were very similar in cost. Staffs proposal is the longest (3,680 s.f.) but it is also the most shallow (average depth of 21 ft. to the bottom of pipe). Commissioner Monroy inquired about the age of the Monterey Cypress trees which will be removed. Mr. Munoz replied that the City’s landscape consultant estimates they are between 70 and 110 years of age. Commissioner Welshons inquired if the alignment were moved to the south slightly, perhaps the trees would not have to be removed. Mr. Wojcik replied that there are trees everywhere to the south. The only way to avoid the trees would be to go further north, but then it would involve dealing with the embankment in order to get over the railroad tracks. That would create more visual impacts. Commissioner Monroy inquired how costly it would be to move the alignment northward, considering the fact that Carlsbad is trying to preserve the environment and there are very few Monterey Cypress trees that old in this area. Mr. Wojcik replied that there would be little cost to the City. However, the applicant will testify that he has invested a lot of money in the proposed alignment. Most of their design work is already done and is now in plan check. Commissioner Welshons inquired how far north the alignment could be moved and still meet the intersection requirements. Mr. Wojcik replied if it were moved, it would only allow about 1,000 ft. and 1,200 ft. is the requirement. If it is moved south, other trees would be lost. He did note that Carlsbad Boulevard plans have not yet been completed so it is possible that the trees to the south may have to be sacrificed in the future. Commissioner Monroy thinks the loss of the trees in that area will bring a flood of people to the City Council meeting. Chairman Savary invited the applicant to speak. Doug Avis, 6670 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, representing Kaiza Poinsettia, addressed the Commission and stated that the road alignment, including the taking of the trees, was approved with the Master Plan some l time ago. The road alignment was a four way issue and he acted as a facilitator between the various property owners. Kaiza has agreed to replace the trees on a 3:l basis. He explained that there were many obstacles which had to be overcome and he tried to be sensitive to the trees. Mr. Avis stated that tonight’s proposal is to subdivide the property into parcels and does not include any homes. They will be spending ?b MINUTES /” , , PLANNING COMMISSION July 6, 1994 PAGE 6 approximately $5 million to build the Avenida Encinas roadway. There has also been many drainage problems on this property over the years and this proposal should correct those problems. He has tried hard to get a consensus of all property owners but not all of them have approved it. Mr. Taschner’s client, Dale Schreiber, still thinks other alternatives need to be explored. He noted that there was another cost on the drainage which was not brought up. The deeper the pipeline is, the more expensive it is to maintain. Mr. Avis is comfortable with the staff report and staffs recommendation. He requested the Commission’s consideration. Commissioner Monroy inquired if the trees could be preserved by replanting them somewhere else. Mr. Avis replied that he isn’t a biologist but he could accept a condition to try to do that. He remembers the problems with Aviara trying to replant the trees at Aviara school. It was really a feat, but it worked. He suggested that the condition state that if the replanting of the trees fails, that they revert back to the original plan to replace them on a 3:l basis. Commissioner Monroy inquired what percentage of the property would be fill dirt. Mr. Avis replied that there would be a cut of 320,000 cubic yards. Commissioner Erwin inquired when the grading is done if it will include the trail. Mr. Avis replied yes. Commissioner Erwin stated that this would be an opportunity for the City to continue the Sammis trail. Mr. Munoz replied that the two trails are unrelated. This project does not involve the Rosalena trail. He stated that he would also like to comment on the tree issue. Oak trees transplant easier than Monterey Cypress. The biologist advised him that these trees are past their prime. He speculated that the City may get better results with a 3:l ratio replanting. Commissioner Monroy stated that since the applicant has stated that they would try to save the trees by replanting them, he thinks we should include a condition to that effect. Chairman Savary opened the public testimony and issued the invitation to speak. Lou Taschner, 1533-D So. Hill Street, Oceanside, representing Dale Schreiber, addressed the Commission and stated that he presented a drainage plan one year ago that would be cost effective. He believes that when the work begins on the alignment proposed by staff that they will real’ize they have many problems to contend with relating to the three Encinitas sewer lines in that area. Mr. Schreiber wants everyone to know what the potential problems are. All of the details are contained in his letter of June 8, 1994 included in the staff report. He hopes the Planning Commission will not approve this project because more work needs to be done. Commissioner Welshons inquired how he proposes they drain the western portion of the property if they follow his suggested alignment to the east. Mr. Taschner replied that the lower portion of their property would drain under the railroad tracks. All of the property down to Ponto Drive picks up the alignment at 39 ft. on the eastern side. There is no problem moving the water to the east. Commissioner Welshons inquired if he is saying that his client should drain his property to the east, and Kaiza can drain their property to the west. Mr. Taschner replied no. All property would drain to the east. Kaiza’s westerly property would drain to the east because of the elevation. His clients property down to Ponto Drive would drain from the west to the east, back to the line going south. That portion which is southerly of Ponto Drive, where the intersection is now, would get sumped back to the drainage field due to its low elevation. That cost would be part of developing that five acres. , Doug Avis, representing Kaiza Poinsettia, was given time for rebuttal. He stated that his client has been working on this project for a considerable length of time. He thinks technically and environmentally the proposed solution makes the most sense. He also stated that everyone would like to see this property 37 MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION July 6, 1994 PAGE 7 graded during the time that the Batiquitos Lagoon is being worked on by the Port of Los Angeles. He hopes the Commission will keep that goal in mind. There being no other persons desiring to address the Commission on this topic, Chairman Savary declared the public testimony closed and opened the item for discussion among the Commission members. Commissioner Erwin stated that when the plan came to this Commission the last time, he voted against it because he did not agree on some of the issues. He can support the grading which is being considered tonight. When the tentative maps come back, he may have to vote.against it if some changes are not made. Commissioner Compas inquired if the east or west desiltation basin will help Mr. Taschner’s client. Bob Wojcik, Principal Civil Engineer, replied that either proposal should help him. Commissioner Nielsen inquired if the project will have to come back should unforeseen problems be identified. Mr. Wojcik replied that there are always unforeseen problems and the engineers can just design around them. If drastic changes need to be made, it can be brought back. Otherwise, it can be handled administratively. Commissioner Nielsen inquired if staff based their decision solely on the depth issue. Mr. Wojcik replied that the decision was based on the depth as well as the environmental impacts. Commissioner Nielsen inquired if staff would reconsider a shorter alignment should significant changes be needed. Mr. Wojcik replied that staff would look at the criteria of every alignment in order to make the best decision. Commissioner Compas requested staff to comment on Mr. Taschner’s statement that there will be many problems with the staff approach when the construction crew runs into these other lines. Mr. Wojcik replied that the three Encinitas lines which Mr. Taschner stated would cause problems are shown on the tentative map and staff will require further information be obtained during detailed design. He does not foresee any major problems at this time. Commissioner Welshons stated that she can support the project tonight but she also voted against the Master Plan last time. She was questioning the Avenida Encinas alignment because if the alignment needs to be changed, it should be done tonight. ACTION: VOTE: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN.: Motion was made by Commissioner Monroy, and duly seconded, to adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 3677 approving the Mitigated Negative Declaration, and adopt Planning Commission Resolution Nos. 3678 and 3679 (including the added condition to Resolution No. 3678 as written in staff memo dated July 6, 1994) approving CT 94-01 and HDP 94-03 based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein, with a revision to Condition ##28 that an attempt be made to transplant the two Monterey Cypress trees. In the event that the transplant is not successful, the applicant would be required to revert to the original mitigation requirement to replace the trees on a 3:l basis. 7-o Chairman Savary, Commissioners Compas, Erwin, Monroy, Nielsen, Noble, and Welshons None None MINUTES (Form A) TO: CITY ,CLERK’S OFFICE FROM: PLANNING RE: PUBLIC HEARING REQUEST Attached are the materials necessary for you to notlde CT 94-01 /HDP 94-03 - Poinsettia Shores Master Tentative Map - Appeal for a public hearing before the City Council. Please notice the item for the council meeting of . Thank you. Julv 27. 1994 Oate - NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING APPEAL CT 94-l/HDP 94-3 - POINSEll-IA SHORES MASTER TENTATIVE MAP NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, at 6:00 P.M., on Tuesday, August 9, 1994, to consider an appeal of the Planning Commission approval of a Mitigated Negative Declaration, and an application for a Master Tentative Map and a Hillside Development Permit to: 1.) subdivide land on the master plan's east side into ten lots (eight planning area lots and two open space lots); 2.) mass grade the site; and 3.) construct the Avenida Encinas roadway and other required infrastructure to allow the implementation of the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan. The property is zoned PC (Planned Community) and is generally located north of the Batiquitos Lagoon, west of the I-5 freeway, in Local Facilities Management Zone 9, and is more particularly described as: Portions of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, together with portions of the street adjoining said lots, shown as Avenida Encinas, as shown on Parcel Map No. 13653, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, January 31, 1985, as File No. 85-033316, together with Lots 1, 2 and 3 together with the street adjoining said lots, shown as Avenida Encinas, as shown on Map No. 11290, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, July 16, 1985 as File No. 85-25380, together with Lots 1 through 78, 79, 80 and 81 together with portions of the streets adjoining said lots, shown as Avenida Encinas and Windrose Circle, as shown on Map No. 11616, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, September 12, 1986, as File No. 86-402404. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call Eric Munoz in the Planning Department, at (619) 438-1161, ext. 4441. If you challenge the Mitigated Negative Declaration, Master Tentative Map, and/or Hillside Development Permit in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues raised by you or someone else at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad City Clerk's Office at, or prior to, the public hearing. APPELLANT: Dale Schreiber PUBLISH: July 30, 1994 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL thy of hrkd POINSETTIA SHORES MASTER TENv~TIVE MAP I CT 94-OV HDP 94-03 .- - . NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad wiIl hold a public hearing at the Council Chambers, 1200 CarIsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 6, 1994, to consider a request for the approval of a Mitigated Negative Declaration, a Master Tentative Map and Hillside Development Permit to (1) subdivide land on the master plan’s east side into ten lots (eight planning area lots and two open space lots), (2) mass grade the site, and’(3) construct the Avenida En&as roadway and other required infrastructure to allow the implementation of the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan on PC.(Planned Community) zoned property on property generally located north of the Batiquitos Lagoon and west of the I-5 freeway in Local Facilities Management Zone 9 at and more particularly described as: Portions of Lots 1,2,3 and 4 together with portions of the street adjoining said lots, shown as Avenida En&as, alI as shown on Parcel Map No. 13653, in the City of Car&bad, County of San Diego, State of California, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, January 31, 1985 as File No. 85033316, together with Lots 1,2 and 3 together with the street adjoining said lots, shown as Avenida En&as, alI.as shown on Map No. 11290,; in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, fiIed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, July 16, 1985 as File No. 85-253280, together with Lots 1 through 78,79, 80 and 81 together with portions of the streets adjoining said lots, shown as Avenida Encinas and Windrose Circle, all as shown on Map No. 11616, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, September 12,1986 as File No. 86402404. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to attend the public hearing. Copies of the staff report wiIl be available on and after June 30,1994. If you have any questions, please call Eric Munoz in the Planning Department at (619) 438-1161, ext. 4441. If you challenge the Mitigated Negative Declaration, Tentative 3kaet Map and/or Hillside Development Permit in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad at or prior to the public hearing. ., CASE FILE: CT 94Ol/HDP 94-03 CASE NAME: POINSETTIA SHORES MASTER TENTATIVE TRACT MAP PUBLISH: JUNE 24, 1994 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION EM:vd 75 c \: .*$ ‘tr Y <. I zl ‘r 2 *: i--G ;; ;t z % P OA ..: AUGUST 3, 1994 Mr. Mayor, Councilmembers My name is LOUIS TASCHNER, with my law office at 1533-D so. Hill St., Oceanside, CA. I represent DALE SCHREIBER, the owner of PONTO STORAGE. As YOU are aware, DALE SCHREIBER, has been trying to convince you, your staff and Kaiza.that using the easterly desilt basin is a better solution than the one which was proposed in 1988. Dale Schreiber started his involvement with the feeling that using one basin rather than two would be a better use of the lagoon area because then only one area of the lagoon would have to be impacted by the intrusion of development. He also was aware that the EIR prepared for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers had considered the expansion of the eastern desilt basin in the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Plan. Dale Schreiber knew that the drainage pipes will carry not only water but oil, plastics, paper, cans, bottles, and disposal diapers. WHY? Because he has'watched the oil on the water coming out of the existing pipe from Poinsettia and has had to annually clean up the plastics, paper, cans, bottles and disposal diapers that have been deposited on his property since the installation of the Poinsettia pipe. Spend one hour at the Lagoon in the vicinity of the western basin watching the birds catching fish from the water area between the RR Tracks and the Least Tern Site and you may come to appreciate Dale Schreiber's feelings. Mr. Schreiber originally spent in excess of $15,000 just to confirm that the master'drainage pipe to the eastern desilt basin was possible and not more expensive than going to the weat. Thereafter, Mr. Schreiber, has tried to convince the staff and the developer that the eastern basin was not only feasible but was cheaper. The only alternatives staff considered placed the pipe through the middle of the developer's property rather than along the railroad tracks to take advantage of the lower topography and the least impact on development. Not once did staff or the developer ask for input from Mr. Schreiber, or his engineer, or consider a routing of the pipe for minimal interference with the development. The economic argument was really answered at your last meeting on the Master Plan, when staff indicated that the developer could put the pipe where he wanted since he was paying for it. As you can see, the conditions allow the developer to apply for a reimbursement agreement on an unknown costing of the pipe. Only time will answer how this issue will be resolved. Since economics don't seem to be a major consideration, the remaining issues would be environmental. The biologist's report comparing the plant life in the eastern and western basin area, leads one to the conclusion that the western basin is a better alternative. However, the biologist's report does not consider the soil erosion which will occur from the water getting from the basin to the lagoon. The report also doesn't consider the effect of the contaminants and debris which will enter the lagoon. Mr. Schreiber's original reason for expending funds so that the eastern alternative could be considered, was to try to protect the aesthetic value of the western lagoon area. It was also to prevent having to degrade more than one area of the lagoon with the oil, paper, plastic, cans, bottles, and diapers. The oil cannot be removed from the drainage water, so that impact will now have to be borne in two areas. However, Mr. Schreiber still believes. that only one Lagoon degradation area should be created, and more importantly, that the area where a marine biology is envisoned to occur should be protected from all the pollutants and debris carried in drainage water. This issue has not been addressed, and Mr. Schreiber has indicated that he will not spend more money in an attempt to convince closed minds. The paper, plastics, cans, bottles, and disposable diapers may be prevented from entering the Lagoon under the POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN which must accompany this project. Perhaps this POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN should be included at this time, and made a part of the conditions for the Tentative Map. The only other environmental issue is the effect of the water coming from the desilt basin on the ground immediately adjacent to the Lagoon itself. The downstream area of the eastern basin already has plant life which can protect the soil from erosion and filter some of the pollutants from the water. Unfortunately, the downstream area from the western basin will erode and has no plant life for protection unless a mitigation plan is included which will protect the lagoon from sedimentation caused by the erosion. 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of the Citv Clerk TELEPHONE (619) 434-2808 DATE: July 15, 1994 TO: Bobbie Hoder, Planning Dept. FROM: Karen Kundtz, City Clerk's Office RE: POINSETTIA SHORES - CT 94-l/HDP 94-3 THE ABOVE ITEM HAS BEEN APPEALED TO THE CITY COUNCIL. , According to the Municipal Code, appeals must be heard by the City Council within 30 days of the date that the appeal was filed. (REMINDER: The item will not be noticed in the newspaper until the agenda bill is signed off by all parties.) Please process this item in accordance with the procedures contained in the Agenda Bill Preparation Manual. If you have any questions, please call. --__------------------------------------------------------------------------ The appeal of the above matter should be scheduled for the City Council Meeting of . Signature Date 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of fhe City Clerk - YgjgzT TE EPHO (6 19) 434-2808 APPEAL FORM I (We) appeal the following decision of the ?/ &Lvlvl; l-i r/M BLI ,'dJ I'dn , , to the City Council: Project Name and Number (or subject of appeal): po,'& ‘< &.k &Jd,S alA& Tp~~diLa /&f&A CT $&-&//&I+ Fe-A? Date of Decision: yitJ+ 6, wt~lj Reason for Appeal: Je I5 &iaAd L&r- 7, m+& :* Date- &?&/I ~;/#$L?.Q;da& Name (Please Print) Address &4- g3fl 2 /e Telephone Number OFFICE: (619) 722-4470 RES.: (619) 722-2336 ATTORNEY AT LAW 1533 SOUTH HILL ST., SUITED JULY 11, 1994 OCEANSIDE, C,4 92054 CITY COUNCIL CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 RE: Appeal of Planning Commission Resolution NO. 3677 and 3678, POINSETTIA SHORES MASTER TENTATIVE MAP. Dear City Council: I represent PONTO STORAGE INC., A California Corporation and DALE & DONNA SCHREIBER. I request that an Appeal of Planning Commission Resolution No. 3678 and 3677 be heard. The Case name of the project is POINSE T IA SHORES MASTER.TENTATIVE MAP and the Case No. is CT e Ol/HDP 94-03. The appeal is requested on the grounds that the Mitigated Negative Declaration did not consider the impacts of approximately 200 acres of urban drainage from zone 22 and zone 9 flowing directly into Batiquitos Lagoon at a point immediately adjacent to the Least Tern Site. The urban drainage is planned to flow directly into a desilt basin and thereafter to flow into an identified brackish marsh area. The impacts on the water quality and the habitat immediately adjacent to the brackish marsh has not been considered. The appeal is requested on the grounds that the western alignment vs. the eastern alignment was not sufficiently evaluated in response to the issues previously raised by Mr. Schreiber. Mr. Schreiber requested a fair evaluation which has not been given by staff or the developer. The staff report on page 7 sets forth 5 considerations for the conclusion against using any easterly drainage alignment. The Biologist's report sets forth most of the flora. The issues are addressed individually as follows: 1. "any easterly alignment would require the demolition, reconstruction and ultimate expansion of the existing basin located just west of the existing Rosalena subdivision." Mr. Schreiber's engineer's estimate for the new desiltation basin on the eastern alignment was $70,000.00 in comparison to $126,000 by the developer's engineer for the western alignment. The new berm would be located just northerly of the existing "scrub willow" which is identified in the biologists report. The loss of the brackish marsh area using the western alignment because of the impact of the urban drainage should be evaluated and compared to the use and recreation of the freshwater marsh because brackish marsh can only occur near the sea, whereas, freshwater marsh can be located anywhere that a source of drainage water can be assured. 2. "alteration/expansion of the existing basin will encroach into sensitive lagoon habitat area". The reason for the eastern alignment is specifically the presence of an area of freshwater marsh which has the capability of llfilteringll the urban drainage of pollutants before the urban drainage is dumped into the Lagoon. 3. "amendments to the Zone 9 LFMP and Master Drainage Plan would be required" The Master Drainage Plan as accepted by you allows for an evaluation of the two alignments. I requested more than one year ago to consider a minor amendment to the Zone 9 LFMP so that the matter of the drainage alignments could be considered. I was informed that a minor amendment is all that is required should the Eastern Alignment be chosen. This matter can still be resolved at this stage of the proceedings. 4. "deep storm drains are involved with either alternative, however, the west side alignment has incrementally shallower storm drains," The railroad tracks has historically provided drainage for most of this area. A drainage line either east or west can be accommodated for most of the drainage line. At issue is the requirement to cross Lot 4 with a large pipe for the eastern alignment. It appears that the line can be placed in an alignment that currently exists for a smaller drainage system. The "deep storm drains1* are of a size of about 84" by the time they reach the area where they will be Ildeep*'. Because of the size, all inspection and repair can be done from the inside of the pipe. The Western alignment must pass under the railroad tracks with a large pipe twice, pass under a 16" high pressure gas line twice with a large pipe, pass under or through the new fiber optic cable that has recently been installed next to the railroad tracks, pass under, around, and over the sewer lines which serve the City of Encinitas. The western alignments interfacing has not been evaluated and will significantly impact the cost of the installation of the pipe. 5. "any easterly drainage alignment does not adequately account for the drainage associated with Carlsbad Boulevard and the Ponto Drive area." Carlsbad Boulevard from the intersection with the new Avenida Encinas can drain as it does now through the existing storm drain to the ocean or it can be drained northerly to the future intersection with Ponto Drive where the drainage can flow easterly to the pipe running easterly of the railroad tracks. The only area which will be below elevation from the eastern pipe will be Mr. Schreiber's southerly property which currently drains to the ocean. This property when developed could be serviced by a sump pump with new development to join the drainage water piped to the East The area is approximately 1.3 acres. Planning Commission Resolution No. 3678 contains on page 13 the following statement: "The applicant may apply for a reimbursement agreement for benefited parcels to pay for their appropriate share of the cost of the storm drain system in Item G." The City is currently diverting 28 acres of urban drainage water from Poinsettia. The Master Plan indicates that the City will not contribute to any Master Drainage Solution. The developer is constructing 16 acres and diverting approximately 26 acres into the new system in the vicinity of Ponto Storage. The zone 22 property of approximately 130 acres, in which Mr. Avis is associated, is proposed to be diverted southerly, which is causing the large size of the pipe necessary to carry the approximately 250- acres of drainage- water. - At the hearing on the Master Plan Shores your staff stated: "The Developer anyplace he wants because he will be paying Condition G of Resolution 3678 reimbursement agreement. A reimbursement for Pointsettia can put the pipe for it. It allows for a agreement for a pipe that is more than the cost of a reasonable solution across the developer's own land is not an acceptable solution. If the developer wants to divert water to other drainage fields, then he should bear the burden of the expense and prove that the diverted drainage system is the best solution. Mr. Schreiber has appeared before you and has only requested a fair hearing and evaluation. Because of the small amount of land that he owns, and prior interest from visitor-serving developers because he has access to ocean views, Mr. Schreiber is critically concerned about the future availability of development possibilities on his properties. Your continued fairness to all property owners will be greatly appreciated. LOUIS TASCHNER ? . Ed . * 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD + 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE ‘r.4 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 434-2867 I REC’D FROM 1) ;j /-d73 ( f-a,; /-? &, ,I A’ c: 5 ) ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION ~~~ ()?/‘jJ.:;$J.G I +$-2 .jpqjNT RECEIP! NO. 10738 @ Rhtedonrecyckdp NOT VALID UNLESS VALIDATED BY CASH REGISTER TOTAL . . . . . xrc’ll ?regared f;r: - Lusk "z Tne Requested by: po Box Cl9560 Rep: I+ )J fkw Imine Ca 92713-9560 l *****************~ lp- (7, C”&,‘.“, ;\ .--- -__.__ _ I -- .. . . __- ,i . .._.__ /’ Gregorio G Alcaraz 7244 Ponto .Dr Carlsbad Ca 92009-4601 Graben Family Trust 04-l+ 6719 Camino De1 Prado Carlsbad Ca 92009-3310 Mark Leider 7250 Ponto Dr Carlsbad Ca 92009-4601 Emilia S & San Di Switgall Eugene C Chappee 210 S Juniper St /102 654 N Highway 101 Escondido Ca 92025 Encinitas Ca 9202402044 Ponto Storage Inc PO Box 23 Carlsbad Ca 92018-0023 Paul T Xolen 7212 Linden Ter Carlsbad Ca 92009-4719 Thoburn H Stiles 7218 Linden Ter Carlsbad Ca 92009-4719 Lee 0 Graham 7224 Linden Ter Carlsbad Ca 92009-4719 Swieson Eddy Ie Herbert D Schlain 38 Treworthy Rd 7232 Linden Ter Gaithersburg Md 2087802630 Carlsbad Ca 92009-4719 Charles E Adams Ralph R Weekley 1647 Highland Dr 7238 Linden Ter Solana Beach Ca 92075-2131 Carlsbad Ca 92009-4719 Property Mortgage Co Inc 16530 Ventura Blvd #408 Encino Ca 91436 Gardens Property Lakeshore C/O morganCMartindale 10780 Santa Montica Blvd Los A Jerome E Moreno 7214 Linden Ter Carlsbad Ca 92009-4719 Donald R Campbell 7220 Linden Ter Carlsbad Ca 92009-4719 Susan Warren Johnson 822 Daphne Ct Carlsbad Ca 92009 Paul ii XZd:scr. 1175 Solana Dr De1 Mar Ca 9201il-3907 Kenneth X h Sophie L W 6188 Cardeno Dr La Jolla Ca 92037 Dale L Schreiber 7163 Argonauta Way Carlsbad Ca 92009-6507 Mark L Leider 7250 Ponto Dr Carlsbad Ca 92009-4601 Nalda L Staff 912 N Cedar St Glendale Ca 91207-1702 Donald R R Fields 2220 E Country Club Dr Glendora Ca 91740-4680 Mary E Coleman 7228 Linden Tet Carlsbad Ca 92009-4719 Roma B & Austin 7234 Linden Te Carlsbad, Ca 92009 Milan R Jurco 7240 Linden Ter Carlsbad Ca 92009-4719 JOHN BABKLEY 7421 LINDEN TERRACE CARLSBAD CA 92009 Verndn Blythe 2340 Don Pablo Dr Carlsbad Ca 92008 - Andre Family Trust 02-09-9 1801 Woodland Dr Sn Luis Obisp Ca 93401-305 4 Philip E Truex Stephen I Johnson 7235 Linden Ter 7233 Linden Ter Carlsbad Ca 92009-4721 Carlsbad Ca 92009-4721 Steven Diclcmeyer 3180 Los Verdes Dr Fallbrook Ca 92028-9407 Norma J Tate 7223 Linden Ter Carlsbad Ca 92009-4721 Roland M Roskelley 755 N Glendora Ave Glendora Ca 91740-2009 Raymond C Tang 7211 Linden Te Carlsbad, Ca 924739 William H Malley 7205 Linden Ter Carlsbad Ca 92009-4720 A James E Farrell 7307 Linden Ter Carlsbad Ca 92009-4723 Robert L Sellards -1468 Gulf Rd #Box 1506 Point Roberts Wa 98281 Edgar J Magnin 7227 Linden Ter Carlsbad, Ca 92009-4721 Mary B Woolford 7221 Linden Ter Carlsbad Ca 92009-4721 Robert L Miller 11865 Caminito Ronald0 #loo San Diego Ca 92128 Johnson Family Trust 09-06 7209 Linden Ter Carlsbad Ca 92009-4720 Thomas E James 7203 Linden Ter Carlsbad Ca 92009-4720 Dolan Mary Ann Trust 03-15 Thomas F Crawley 7414 Lantana Ter 7420 Lantana Ter Carlsbad Ca 92009-4715 Carlsbad Ca 92009-4715 My11 Betty B Trust Santa & Serani 80131 Palm Circle Dr 7426 Lantana Ter La Quinta Ca 92253-4415 Carlsbad, Ca 92009-4715 George Eisner 7305 Linden Ter Carlsbad Ca 92009-4723 Fiel Trust 07-11-89 7237 Linden Ter Carlsbad Ca 92009-4721 Florence J Cowen 7231 Linden Ter Carlsbad Ca 92009-4721 Donald E Pigford 800 E 20Th St Farmington Nm 87401-42 Charles A Nicholson -7219 Linden Ter Carlsbad Ca 92009-4721 Jack S Cole 7213 Linden Ter Carlsbad Ca 92009-4720 Gerard R Degan 7207 Linden Ter Carlsbad Ca 92009-4720 Sea Cliff Homeowners A 3127 Airway Ave #A Costa Mesa Ca 92626-46 Lorraine A Lovejoy 7422 Lantana Ter Carlsbad Ca'92009-4715 Robert W Martin 7433 Linden Ter Carlsbad Ca 92009-4726 Aldo -Barone 3753 West Ave /J-l4 Lancaster Ca 93536 - Charles J Fiacco ,- Mildred Lerner 5568 Glenhaven Ave 7425 Linden Ter Riverside Ca 92506-3535 Carlsbad Ca 92009-4725 s D Trust John T Barclay ~~-BEBERT - ; PO Box 129113 17421 Linden Ter 7419 Linden Ter San Diego Ca 92112-9113 Carlsbad Ca 92009-4725 Carlsbad Ca 92009-4725 Toms Living Trust 03-21-89 Evelyn M Palmer Dennis L Olson 7417 Linden Ter 7415 Linden Ter 7413 Linden Ter Carlsbad Ca 92009-4725 Carlsbad Ca 92009-4725 Carlsbad Ca 92009-4725 Carroll D Smith 7411 Linden Ter Carlsbad Ca 92009-4725 Bernard E Cohen Reed T Alder 7409 Linden Ter 18615 E Leadora Ave Carlsbad, Ca 92009-4725 Glendora Ca 91740-1817 Michael P Maudsley 3695 Palm Crest Dr Highland Ca 9234601973 Loren E Sanchez 7331 Linden Ter Carlsbad Ca 92009-4723 Shinzo Date 7323 Linden Ter Carlsbad Ca 92009-4723 Ronald J Helwig 7335 Linden Ter Carlsbad Ca 92009-4723 Joanne M Small 7333 Linden Ter Carlsbad Ca 92009-4723 0 F Dreyer 7329 Linden Tar Carlsbad Ca 92009-4723 Nancy J Svoboda 7327 Linden Ter Carlsbad Ca 92009-4723 Mcgoldrick Family Trust 10 Harold t Robbins 15528 Carnal1 St 7317 Linden Te Whittier Ca 90603 Carlsbad, Ca 92009 Beverly A Schwabe 7315 Linden Ter Carlsbad Ca 92009-4723 Jay C Warren 7313 Linden Ter Carlsbad Cd 92009-4723 Thomas L Peterson Dorsey Beverly G Famil 7311 Linden Ter 918 Myrtle Ct Carlsbad Ca 92009-4723 '* Carlsbad Ca 92009-4727 Izilda Baker 919 Myrtle Ct Carlsbad Ca 92009-4727 Richard C Archer Betsy Christmas 7411 Lantana Ter 7409-Lantana Ter Carlsbad Ca 92009-4716 Carlsbad, Ca 92009-471 Gregory P MC Gaffin Lake Eleanor L Trust 12'-5 Virginia Richards 7407 Lantana Ter 7405 Lantana Ter 7331 Lantana Ter Carlsbad Ca 92009-4716 Carlsbad Ca 92009-4716 Carlsbad Ca 92009-4713 W W Trust William J Heiser Joseph A Leggio 219 Calle De Sereno -7327 Lantana Ter 7325 Lantana Ter. Encinitas Ca 92024-2104 Carlsbad Ca 92009-4713 Carlsbad Ca 92009-4713 John D Benson 7323 Lantana Ter Carlsbad Ca 92009-4713 Ned Earl Hatch 1530 Ontario Ave Pasadena Ca 91103-1969 Robin C Witt 6527 Avenida De1 Parai Caarlsbad Ca 92009 Gilbert J Soto 930 Sheffield Dr Vista Ca 92083-8913 Eric Sutton 7315 Lantana Ter Carlsbad Ca 92009-4713 Bernard E Cohen 7313 Lantana Ter Carlsbad Ca 92009-4713 Leonard L Martyns 7311 Lantana Te Carlsbad, Ca Antonio Gonzalez 7309 Lantana Ter Carlsbad Ca 92009-4713 John Zderko 7307 Lantana Ter Carlsbad Ca 92009-4713 William J Longfellow 7305 Lantana Ter Carlsbad Ca 92009-4713 Mark Hartner L Peniston Garner Donald C Herstedt 5479 s Locust St 916 Myrtle Ct 917 Myrtle Ct Greenwood Vlg Co 80111- Carlsbad Ca 92009-4727 Carlsbad Ca 92009-4727 Dorothy Grafman 915 Myrtle Ct Carlsbad Ca 92009-4727 *sEARcH COMPLBTE RECORDS READ: 114 RECORDS RETURNED: 114 LAST APN:. 214-483-83-00 COPYRIGHT TRW RED1 1988, 1 ****t*******atr*f* Prepared for: Requested by: Rep: *******a********** Dale L Schre' :::$%&!%6507 /' John M Lamb 947 N La Cienega Blvd #H Los Angeles Ca 90069-4795 Pointe Batiguitos 2650 Camino De1 Rio N #loo San Diego Ca 92108-1630 Sea Bluff Associates 276 N El Camino Real Oceanside Ca 92054-1725 Kaiza Poinsetf-ii Corp C~@-'-&:~~:6~200 7220 Aveni Margaret M Tomlinson PO Box 180389 Coronado Ca 92178-0389 *SEARCH COMPLETE RECORDS READ: 26 RECORDS RETURNED: 26 LAST APN: 216-452-14-00 COPYRIGHT TRW RED1 1988, 1 Dale L Schreibe+- A 7163 Argonf~taWay Carlsbqded 92009-6507 A' / '. Dale L Schr+b-er .7163 Arqauta Way Ca /F &bad Ca 92009-6507 Xaiza Poinsettia Corp 7220 Avenida Encinas #200 Carlsbad Ca 92009-4661 Kaiza Poinset 7220 Ave&d&%?#200 92009-4661 Bluff Batiguit '/ K:,;:“,:,, Rosalena Owners Assn Inc T 285 Windrose Cir Carlsbad Ca 92009-5401 C Thelan,Odmark 12865 Pointe De1 Mar #ZOO De1 Mar Ca 92014 Dale L Schreibqp Dale L Schr,eibe/ 7163 Arwauta Way yd Ca 92009-6507 Kaiza Poinse ti<Corp ;&;;&&f Bruce W Jacobson 7522 Navigator Cir Carlsbad Ca,92009-5404 /- Prepared for: Requested by: Rep: ****************** Bruce W Jacobson 7522 Navigator Cir Carlsbad Ca 92009 Scott Ong P 0 Box 4653 Redondo Beach Ca 90278 Ray S&Evelyn E Lipson 7315 Borla Pl Carlsbad Ca 92009 Lucky Stores Inc 6565 Knott Way Buena Park Ca 90620 Jankowski Thomas Trust 04- P 0 Box 519 Greeneville Tn 37744 Alhadeff Ca Lorenz 550 c St San Diego, Ca 92101 F-e”& 92067 Michael H Jackman 7569 Navigator Ci Carlsbad, Ca 92008 Margaret M Tomlinson P 0 Box 180389 Coronado Ca 92178 Garland-Gember Carp, P 0 Box 1313: Ranch0 Mirage Ca.92270 Kenny Hsueh Fan Chu 3327 Rocking Horse Cir Olivenhain Ca 92024 Carolyn W Zondler 7542 Navigator Cir Carlsbad Ca 92009 Mark A&Tusack DOMa Keller 7554 Navigator Cir _ Carlsbad Ca 92009 Bluff Batiquitos P 0 Box 9523 Ranch0 Santa Fe Ca 92067 'ZCa 92067 Ronald C&Joan L Moss 7571 Navigator Cir Carlsbad Ca 92009 . Robert&Anna W Kao 7526 Navigator Cir Carlsbad Ca 92009 Kenneth W&.Lori A Wagne 7532 Navigator Cir Carlsbad Ca 92009 JoAnneCyr 1501 Westport Road Kansas City MO 64111 i. -,?a& William D Getty 7544 Navigator Cir Carlsbad Ca 92009 William P&Yvonne A Ewe 7556 Navigator Cir Carlsbad Ca 92009 isesca 920 Richard T&Sherry A Whe 7567 Navigator Cir Carlsbad Ca 92009 Owen N&Carol F Rabourn 7573 Navigator Cir Carlsbad Ca 92009 ;. , _--- --..-,. ..--- --.----T,s _. . . .;: --.-.- -_- ____.. . ., . _-- _... .:*.---. . 2.. . . ._ ---r---i- : .;....:.,. *_., ..::: -. . . . . . . . . . Jesse J&M Meg Groomer ,757s Navigator Cir Carlsbad Ca 92008 K A Moras 7581 Navigator Ci Carlsbad, Ca 92009 Gary G SC Abney 8282 Lankin St Downey, Ca 90242 David Yung Chi&Enchia S WU Thomas W&Michelle Wermers 2162: Palermo 7595 'Navigator Cirlce Tustin Ca 92680 Carlsbad Ca 92089 : Rosalena Owners Assn InC P 0 Box 230490 Encinitas Ca 92023 Jeffrey A&Cynthia S MC Gee 606 Navigator Ct Carlsbad Ca 92009 Thomas B&Marlene F Hanson 612 Navigator Ct Carlsbad Ca 92009 Kendall K Lee 615 Navigatcr Ct Carlsbad Ca 92009 -"':r- -4 Hayutin Family Trust OS-06 609 Navigator Ct Carlsbad Ca 92009 Richard B&Kelly A Hansen 603 Navigator Ct ; Carlsbad Ca 92009 Larrimore E Adams 7577 Navigator Cir Carlsbad Ca 92009 Wendell D&Ramona Van Atta 128 Via Alicia Santa Barbara Ca 93108 Leta Laborde P 0 Box 691 Mill Valley Ca 94942 Cindy L Houldin 602 Navigator Ct Carlsbad Ca 92009 Robert C Wiltse i 608 Navigator Ct : Carlsbad, Ca 92009 Larry H&Alice M Baker 614 Navigator Ct Carlsbad Ca 92009 Lupe L House 613 Navigator Ct ; Carlsbad Ca 92009 David A&Marlene F Int Hall 607 Navigator Ct Carlsbad Ca 92009 Shirin & Khatibi 2605 La Gran Via Carlsbad, Ca 92009 Johnny C K&Choi Eliza 7579 Navigator Cir Carlsbad Ca 92009 Patrick N 0 Day 7162 Tern Pl Carlsbad Ca 92009 Elia Lerman 223 22Nd St De1 Mar Ca 92014 Stephen M Novak 7595 Navigator Cir Carlsbad Ca 92009 &&‘i David B Farr 604 Navigator Ct Carlsbad Ca 92009 Home Savings Of Americ P 0 Box 5300 Irwindale Ca 91706 Fred TCSonia S Greene 616 Navigator Ct Carlsbad Ca 92009 Michael G&Helga E Bart P 0 Box 392 Sun Valley Id 83353 Charles E&Jackie Schaf 516 Pacific Ave Solana Beach Ca 92075 Roy E&Ann H Lange 7580 Navigator Cir Carlsbad Ca 92009 -.. .._._. _-.--- __.._: __v--*-. ‘_. . .--, . . . ,_ ., ,, . . . . :. ., . a.: :_ . . ..:.: : . . .., . . ..i’.i:; :. .:: .,... . . .:-; ,. . .,._. . ,_.: ‘-.. . .__ . ..‘. -,__ . . . : ‘.. _ . M. Kelly Rogers 7578 Navigator Cir Carlsbad Ca 92009 Charles R&Nina J Sims 8130 La Mesa Blvd #195A La Mesa Ca 91941 Paul S&Teresa L HO 7543 Navigator Cir Carlsbad Ca 92009 Yen Pei&Yuchih Tien Chu 3327 Rocking Horse Cir Encinitas Ca 92024 Patrick M&Debbie Sullivan 7531 Navigator Cir Carlsbad Ca 92009 James J&Lori D,Heaivilin -7525 Navigator.Cir Carlsbad Ca 92009 American Savings B 540 E Main St Stockton, Ca 95202 Clarence E Donato 7548 Navigator Cir Carlsbad Ca 92009 *SEARCH COMPLETE' RECORDS READ: 86 RECORDS RETURNED: 86 LASTAPN: 216-452-14-00 COPYRIGHT TRW RED1 1988, 1 Richard A&Noes H Lee 7576 Navigator Cir Carlsbad Ca 92009 Steve V&Donna P Arnaudoff 13372 Keegan Pl San Diego Ca 92130 Clayton A Walters 3400 Avenue Of The Arts #B117 Greg R&Lisa A Haughey 7535 Navigator Cir Carlsbad Ca 92009 Sheng Chyi&Yu Chen Wu 1331 Knoll Dr Oceanside Ca 92054 Richard: M Wells '7523 Natiigator Ci Carlsbad, Ca 92009 Lawrence&Siow-Poon Es Poon P 0 Box 1256 La Jolla Ca 92038 Louis F Torio 7574 Navigator Cir Carlsbad Ca 92009 Jack M&Carroll MC Each 418 Lincoln Blvd Santa Monica Ca 90402 World Sav PO Box 5300 San Leandro, Ca 94577 John R&Roberta C Kenne 7533 Navigator Cir CarlsbadlCa 92009 Robert F Haines 7527 Navigator Ci Carlsbad, Ca 92009 Jean M Moore 1281 Via Rafael San Marcos, Ca 92069 Home Savings P 0 Box 5300 Irwindale Ca Of Americ 91706 James L&Patricia A Gau 7552 Navigator Cir Carlsbad Ca 92009 ,, . . . . ,,.... :; ‘,: :7-.-.----- ‘-,. ‘;. . _. : .* ..T .:. - ..--. ;: --. ----- -- .-I. : .: . . .‘...:.’ . _“. *. FACILITY LABELS SAN DIEGUITO HS DIST 710 ENCINITAS BLVD ENCINITAS CA 92024 SANDIEGOCOUNTY DEPTOF PLANNING 5201RUFFIN RD,STE "B" SANDIEGO CA 92123 CARLSBAD SCHOOL DIST DR GEORGEMANNONSUPT 801PINEAVENUE CARLSBAD CA 92008 CITYOF ENCINITAS 505 SOVULCANAVE ENCINITAS CA 92024-3633 ENCINITAS SCHOOL DIST PATRICIACLARKWHITE 101s RANCHOSANTAFERD ENCINITAS CA 92024 LEUCADIACTYWATER DIST 1960 LACOSTAAV CARLSBAD CA 92009 ENGT _ .-- -. .._.- -. _.__. ‘. . .’ : t. i . . : . . . ; . . * .,: .’ ’ .‘, : .I . . * ‘;. . . . I 1 . ,. ., . I : ‘. : I,, ,“>’ ‘*,. .i -,“.‘,,]‘:.,;: .’ ; .’ , ., ~ I ,-q’*. ,, : :. ,.. .’ j: : ‘, . 'FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE CO 'PREPARED FOR: 12/13/93 San Diego County Sales Updated Through: 12/09/93 REQUESTED BY: REP: PAGE 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APN: 214-150-18-00 Situs: SITUS PENDING CARLSBAD m ner: LUSK CO THE Legal: LA COSTA DOWNS UNIT # 1, ALL SELY OF PC Mail: PO BOX C19560;IRVINE CA 92713-9560 Phone: Use: lo-VACANT - RESIDENTIAL Zone: 1 Asd: $629,280 Imp: 0% Sale Date: 10/11/85 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: Blt: Rms:Bd Bth Tot Units: Lotsqft: A 15.479 Sqft: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APN: 214-160-04-00 Situs: 7238 PONTC DR CARLSBAD 92009 @wner: ADDISON PAUL W Legal: LA COSTA DOWNS UNIT # 1, POR SEC 29-12- Mail: 1175 SOLANA DR;DEL MAR CA 92014-3907 Phone: (619)755-3758 Use: 41-FACTORY - LIGHT MFG Zone: 1 Asd: $179,256 Imp: 39% Sale Date: 04/25/88 Sale -km+_: Loan Amt: Exempt: Blt: Rms:Bd Bth 'UP-C AWL Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: APN: 214-160-05-00 Situs: 7244 PONTO DR CARLSBAD 92009 j3wner: ALCARAZ GREGORIO G Legal: LA COSTA DOWNS UNIT f 1, POR SEC 29-12- Mail: 7244 PONTO DR;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4601 Phone: Use: ll-SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Zone: 1 Asd: . $28,770 Imp: 50% Sale Date: 09/30/69 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: H Blt: 52 Rms:Bd 3 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1440 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APN: 214-160-06-00 Situs: 7248 PONTO DR CARLSBAD 92009 Lcwner: GRABEN FAMILY TRUST 04-lo- Legal: LA COSTA DOWNS UNIT # 1, POR SEC 29-12- Mail: 6719 CAMINO DEL PRADO;CARLSBAD CA 92009-3310 Phone: Use: 43-WAREHOUSING - PROCESSING/STGone: 1 Asd: $125,573 Imp: 34% Sale Date: 05/18/90 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: Blt: Rms:Bd Bth Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APN: 214-160-10-00 Situs: PONTO DR CARLSBAD 92008 rsfiner: WANG KENNETH K t SOPHIE L Legal: LA COSTA DOWNS UNIT # 1, POR SE l/4 OF Mail: 6188 CARDENO DR;LA JOLLA CA 92037 Phone: Use: lo-VACANT - RESIDENTIAL Zone: 4 Asd: $445,707 Imp: 0% Sale Date: 08/27,!91 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: Blt: Rms:Bd Bth Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: :. ----r------------------------------------~-------------------------------------- APN: 214-160-13-00 Situs: 7250 PONTO DR CARLSBAD 92009 ,cwner: LEIDER MARX Legal: LA COSTA DOWNS UNIT # 1, POR SEC 29-12- Mail: 7250 PONTO DR;CAR.LSBAD CA 92009-4601 Phone: Use: 39-MISC.,RADIO STA., BANE, ETC.one: 1 Asd: $580,692 Imp: 6% Sale Date: 03/31/89 Sale Amt: $481,500~ Loan Amt: Exempt: H Blt: Rms:Bd Bth Tot Units: Lotsqft: 42253 Sqft: 7900 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APN: 214-160-24-00 Situs: PONTO DR CARLSBAD 92008 dwner: PROPERTY MORTGAGE CO INC Legal: LA COSTA DOWNS UNIT # 1, 2.75 AC M/L IN Mail: 16530 VENTURA BLVD #408;E~cIN0 CA 91436 Phone: Use: lo-VACANT - RESIDENTIAL Zone: 4 Asd: $1,126,161 Imp:' 0% Sale Date: 08/08/88 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: Blt: Rms:Bd Bth Tot Units: Lotsqft: A 2.750 Sqft: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IS DEEMED RELIABLE, BUT IS NOT GUARANTEED COPYRIGHT TRW RED1 1986, 1991 - FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE CO -PREPARED FOR: 12/13/93 San Diego County Sales Updated Through: 12/09/93 REQUESTED BY: REP: PAGE 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APN: '214-160-25-00 Situs: 7290 PONTO DR CARLSBAD 92009 /Owner: SCHREIBER DALE L Legal: LA COSTA DOWNS UNIT # 1, POR SEC 29-12- Mail: 7163 ARGONAUTA WAY;CARLSBAD CA 92009-6507 Phone: (619)753-4131 Use: 43-WAREHOUSING - PROCESSING/STGone: 3 Asd: Sale Date: 01/27j86 Sale Amt: $282,908 Imp: 74% Loan Amt: Exempt: Blt: Rms:Bd Bth Tot Units: Lotsqft: A 1.519 Sqft: APN: 214-160-27-00 Situs: 7270 PONTO DR CARLSBAD 92009 ,Cwner: SWITGALL EMILIA S 8 SAN DI Legal: LA COSTA DOWNS UNIT # 1, POR SEC 29-12- Mail: 210 S JUNIPER ST #102;ESCONDIDO CA 92025 Phone: Use: 'll-SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Zone: 1 Asd: $28,234 Imp: 50% Sale Date: 02/19/90 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: Blt: 59 Rms:Bd 4. Bth 2 Tot 6 Units: Lotsqft: 6700 Sqft: 1362 -------------------~------------------------------------------------------------ APN: 214-160-28-00 Situs: 7200 PONTO DR CARLSBAD 92009 mer: CHAPPEE EUGENE C Legal: LA COSTA DOWNS UNIT # 1, PM04383, BEING Mail: 654 N HIGHWAY 101;ENCINITAS CA 92024-2044 Phone: Use: 39-MISC.,RADIO STA., BANE, ETC.one: 1 Asd: $42,363 Imp: 16% Sale Date: 10/18/89 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: Blt: Rms:Bd Bth Tot Units: Lotsqft: 40075 Sqft: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7250 PONTO DR CARLSBAD 92009 Legal: LA COSTA DOWNS UNIT # 1, PM04383, BEING CA 92009-4601 Phone: PROCESSING/STGone: 1 Asd: $492,505 Imp: 29% 11/10/88 Sale Amt: $455,OOOF Loan Amt: Exempt: Units: Lotsqft: 39639 Sqft: 8300 APN: 214-171-11-00 Situs: 7294 PONTO DR CARLSBAD 92009 her: PONTO STORAGE INC Legal: LA COSTA DOWNS UNIT # 1, DOC100072REC70 Mail: PO BOX 23;CARLSBAD CA 92018-0023 Phone: Use: 49-INDUSTRIAL - SPECIAL, MISC.Zone: 1 As& $146,181 Imp: 26% Sale Date: 08/16/77 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: Blt: Rms:Bd Bth Tot Units: Lotsqft: A 2.239 Sqft: APN: 214-171-27-00 Situs: 7201 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD 92009 Owner: LAKESHORE GARDENS PROPERTY Legal: T 7954 B L 1u Mail': C/O-MORGANGMARTINDALE 10780 SANTA MONTICA BLVD;LOS A Phone: Use: 32-TRAILER PARE Zone: 5 Asd: $3,615,755 Imp: 53% Sale Date: 10/20/89 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: Blt: Rms:Bd Bth Tot Units: Lotsqft: A 28.689 Sqft: APN: 214-171-28-00 Situs: 7201 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD 92009 Owner: LAKESHORE GARDENS PROPERTY Legal: T 7955 B L 1u Mail: C/O-MORGAN&MARTINDALE 10780 SANTA MONTICA BLVD;LOS A Phone: Use: 32-TRAILER PARK Zone: 5 Asd: $2,772,928 Imp: 50% Sale Date: 10/20/89 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: Blt: Rms:Bd Bth Tot Units: Lotsqft: A 23.179 Sqft: 8 --------------------_l__l_______________---------------------------------------- THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IS DEEMED RELIABLE, BUT IS NOT GUARANTEED COPYRIGHT TRW RED1 1986, 1991 - FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE CO -PREPARED FOR: 12/13/93 San Diego County Sales Updated Through: 12/09/93 REQUESTED BY: REP: PAGE 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APN: 214-482-05-00 Situs: 7212 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 Owner: KOLEN PAUL T Legal: T 7996 B L 272 U mi.1: 7212 LINDEN TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4719 Phone: Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $183,122 Imp: 69% Sale Date: 08/29/85 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: Blt: 84 Rms:Bd 3 Bth 2+1 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1680 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP: &0z 214-482-06-00 Situs: 7214 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 er: MORENO JEROME E Legal: T 7996 B L 271U Mail: 7214 LINDEN TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4719 Phone: (619)431-2821 Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $198,622 Imp: 68% Sale Date: 11/15/88 Sale Amt: $184,00OF Loan Amt: Exempt: H Blt: 84 Rms:Bd 3 Bth 2+1 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1666 APN: 214-482-07-00 Situs: 7216 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 &wner: STAFF NALDA L Legal: T 7996 B L 270 U Mail: 912 N CEDAR ST;GLENDALE CA 91207-1702 Phone: (818)243-5510 Use: 170CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $200,937 Imp: 69% Sale.Date: 05/20/88 Sale Amt: $l82,000F Loan Amt: $132,000 Exempt: Blt: 84 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2+1 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1681 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APN: 214-482-08-00 Situs: 7218 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 tier: STILES THOBURN H Legal: T 7996 B L 269 U Mail: 7218 LINDEN TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4719 Phone: Use: 170CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $236,538 Imp: 56% Sale Date: 05/18/92 Sale Amt: $232,00OF Loan Amt: $110,000 Exempt: H Blt: 84 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2+1 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1681 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APN: 214-482-09-00 Situs: 7220 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 &wner: CAMPBELL DONALD R TR Legal: T 7996 B L 268U Mail: 7220 LINDEN TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4719 Phone: (619)431-0918 Use: 170CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $35,832 Imp: 43% Sale Date: 04/12/89 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: H Blt: 84 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1325 _ ---------------,----------------------------------------------------------------- APN: 214-482-10-00 Situs: 7222 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 d wner: FIELDS DONALD R R Legal: T 7996 B L 267U Mail: 2220 E COUNTRY CLUB DR;GLENDORA CA.91740-4680 Phone: (818)914-2469 Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $178,597 Imp: 65% Sale Date: 10/13/88 Sale Amt: $165,00OF Loan Amt: $132,000 Exempt: Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1265 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 N: 214-482-11-00 Situs: 7224 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 wner: GRAHAM LEE 0 Legal: T 7996 B L 266 U Mail: 7224 LINDEN TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4719 Phone: (619)931-9490 Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $179,075 Imp: 64% Sale Date: 10/09/85 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: H Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1278 e THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IS DEEMED RELIABLE, BUT IS NOT GUARANTEED COPYRIGHT TRW RED1 1986, 1991 . FIRST AMERX'AN TITLE INSUHANCE CO PREPARED FOR:. 12113193 San Diego County Sales Updated Through: 12/09/93 REQUESTED BY: REP: PAGE 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APN: 214-482-12-00 Situs: 7226 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 &ner: JOHNSON SUSAN WARREN Legal: T 7996 B L 265 U Mail: 822 DAPHNE CT;CARLSBAD CA 92009 Phone: Use: 17 -CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $236,640 Imp: 50% Sale Date: 06/19/92 Sale Amt: $232,00OF Loan Amt: Exempt: Blt: 84 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 3 Tot 6 Units: Lotsqft: 3500 Sqft: 1681 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP: 2 214-482-13-00 Situs: 7228 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 wner: COLEMAN MARY E Legal: T 7996 B L 264 U Mail: 7228 LINDEN TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4719 Phone: (619)431-1294 Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $237,591 Imp: 61% Sale Date: 04/12/89 Sale Amt: $220,00OF Loan Amt: $175,900 Exempt: H Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1265 ----------------------'-----'-"'-'-'------------------------------------------------------- APN: 214-482-14-00 Situs: 7230 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 Ldwner: IE SWIESON EDDY Legal: T 7996 B L 263U Mail: 38 TREWORTHY RD;GAITHERSBURG MD 20878-2630 Phone: Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $170,042 Imp: 65% Sale Date: 12/15/86 Sale Amt: $lSO,OOOF Loan Amt: $120,800 Exempt: Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1265 APN: 214-482-15-00 Situs: 7232 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 hwner: SCHLAIN HERBERT D Legal: T 7996 B L 262 U Mail: 7232 LINDEN TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4719 Phone: Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $155,056 Imp: 69% Sale Date: 06/11/86 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: H Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 3 Bth 2+1 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1680 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- r : 214-482-16-00 Situs: 7234 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 wner: AUSTIN ROMA B & Legal: T 7996 B L 261 U Mail: 7234 LINDEN TE;CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Phone: (619)931-0271 Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $152,014 Imp: 69% Sale Date: 10/29/93 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: H Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 3 Bth 2+1 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1666 > APN: 214-482-17-00 Situs: 7236 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 .P ner: ADAMS CHARLES E Legal: T 7996 B L 260 U ail: 1647 HIGHLAND DR;SOLANA BEACH CA 92075-2131 Phone: Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $244,494 Imp: 44% Sale Date: 08/03/90 Sale Amt: $235,00OF Loan Amt: $175,000 Exempt: Blt: 84 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2+1 Tot 5 Units: Lotsqft: 3500 Sqft: 1681 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 N: 214-482-18-00 Situs: 7238 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 wner: WEEXLEY RALPH R Legal: T 7996 B L 259 u Mail: 7238 LINDEN TFiR;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4719 Phone: Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $188,129 Imp: 66% Sale Date: 10/08/85 Sale Amt: $157,99OF Loan Aznt: Exempt: H Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2+1 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1681 , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IS DEEMED RELIABLE, BUT IS NOT GUARANTEED COPYRIGHT TRW RED1 1986, 1991 . - FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE CO 'PREPARED FOR: 12/13/93 San Diego County Sales Updated Through: 12/09/93 REQUESTED BY: REP: PAGE 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APN: 214-482-19-00 Situs: 4 7240 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 wner: JURCO MILAN R Legal: T 7996 B L 258 U Mail: 7240 LINDEN TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4719 Phone: Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $181,372 Imp: 65% Sale Date: 08/22/88 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: H Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft; 1278 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A N: 2 214-482-20-00 Situs: 7309 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 wner: BLYTHE VERNON Legal: T 7996 B L 120u Mail: 3340 DON PABLO DR;CAR.LSBAD CA 92008 Phone: Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: Sale'Date: $215,000 Imp: 37% 11/20/90 Sale Apt: Loan Amt: Exempt: Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1265 -----------_-------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 N: 214-482-21-00 Situs: 7307 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 wner : FARRELL JAMES E Legal: T 7996 B L 121 u Mail: 7307 LINDEN TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4723 Phone: (619)931-8141 Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $207,790 Imp: 61% Sale Date: 02/28/89 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: H Bltr 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1278 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APN: 214-482-22-00 Situs: 7305 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 &wner: EISNER GEORGE Legal: T 7996 B L 122 u Mail: 7305 LINDEN TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4723 Phone: (619)931-9034 Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $203,886 Imp: 60% Sale Date: 06/01/88 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: H Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2+1 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1681 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APN: 214-482-23-00 Situs: 7303 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009. N wner: ANDRE FAMILY TRUST 02-09-g Legal: T 7996 B L 123 U Mail: 1801 WOODLAND DR;SN LUIS OBISP CA 93401-3054 Phone: (805)543-6047 Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $214,199 Imp: 61% Sale Date: 02/18/93 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1265 i, A N: LB 214-482-24-00 Situs: 7239 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 wner: SELLARDS ROBERT L Legal: T 7996 B L 124U Mail: 1468 GULF RD #BOX 1506;POINT ROBERTS WA 98281 Phone: (602)997-8444 Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $239,754 Imp: 61% Sale Date: 04/07/89 Sale Amt: $221,50OF Loan Amt: Exempt: Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1265 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 N: 214-482-25-00 Situs: 7237 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 wner: FIEL TRUST 07-11-89 Legal: T 7996 B L 125 U Mail: 7237 LINDEN TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4721 Phone: Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $234,000 Imp: 59% Sale Date: 12/07/89 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: H Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2+1 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1681 n -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IS DEEMED RELIABLE, BUT IS NOT GUARANTEED COPYRIGHT TRW RED1 1986, 1991 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE CO PREPARED FOR: 12/13/93 San Diego County Sales Updated Through: 12/09/93 REQUESTED BY: REP: PAGE E -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APN: 214-482-26-00 Situs: 7235 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 P wner: TRUEX PHILIP E Legal: T 7996 B L 126U Mail: 7235 LINDEN TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4721 Phone: Use: 170CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $211,238 Imp: 61% Sale Date: 10/08/85 Sale Amt: $129,900 Loan Amt: Exempt: H Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1278 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 N: 214-482-27-00 Situs: 7233 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 wner: JOHNSON STEPHEN I Legal: T 7996 B L 127 U Mail: 7233 LINDEN TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4721 Phone: Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $173,433 Imp: 61% Sa:e Date: 03/27/86 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: Bit: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1265 APN: 214-482-28-00 her: Situs: 7231 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 COWEN FLORENCE J Legal: T 7996 B L 128 U Mail: 7231 LINDEN TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4721 Phone: (619) 931-1778 Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $211,435 Imp: 61% Sale Date: 08/15/85 Sale Amt: $180,99OF Loan Amt: Exempt: H Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1278 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 N: 214-482-29-00 Situs: 7229 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 wner: DICEMEYER STEVEN Legal: T 7996 B L 129u Mail: 3180 LOS VERDES DR;FALLBROOK CA 92028-9407 Phone: Use: 170CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $269,255 Imp: 42% Sale Date: 07/05/90 Sale Amt: $259,00OF Loan Amt: $207,200 Exempt: Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2+1 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1681 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP: wf 214-482-30-00 Situs: 7227 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 ner: MAGNIN EDGAR J Legal: T 7996 B n L 130 u Mail: 7227 LINDEN TER;CARLSBAD, CA 92009-4721 Phone: (619)931-9072 Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $210,090 Imp: 61% Sale Date: 05/26/93 Sale Amt: $254,OOOF Loan Amt: $203,100 Exempt: Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2+1 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1681 ~ --------------------_________________I__---------------------------------------- F : 214-482-31-00 Situs: 7225,LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 wner: PIGFORD DONALD E TR Legal: T 7996 B L 131 u Mail: 800 E 20TH ST;FARMINGTON NM 87401-4207 Phone: (505)327-1033 Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $195,257 Imp: 66% Sale Date: 11/26/85 Sale Amt: $169,99OF Loan Amt: Exempt: Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 3 Bth 2+1 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1666 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 N: 214-482-32-00 Situs: 7223 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 wner: TATE NORMA J Legal: T 7996 B L 132 U Mail: 7223 LINDEN TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4721 Phone: Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $249,696 Imp: 41% Sale Date: 05/24/91 Sale Amt: $55,5OOP Loan Amt: Exempt: H Blt: 84 Rms:Bd 3 Bth 2+1 Tot 6 Units: Lotsqft: 3684 Sqft: 1680 l ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,--------------------~------------------- THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IS DEEMED RELIABLE, BUT IS NOT GUARANTEED COPYRIGHT TRW RED1 1986, 1991 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE CO . ‘PREPARED FOR: 12/13/93 San Diego County Sales Updated Through: 12/‘09/93 REQUESTED BY: REP: PAGE 7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP: a” 214-482-33-00 Situs: 7221 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 wner: WOOLFORD MARY B Legal: T 7996 B L 133 u Mail: 7221 LINDEN TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4721 Phone: (619)931-1242 Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $172,282 Imp: 61% Sale Date: 07/2Oj86 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: H Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1265 Y N: 214-482-34-00 Situs: 7219 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 Owner: NICHOLSON CHARLES A JR Legal: T 7996 B L 134 u Mail: 7219 LINDEN TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4721 Phone: Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $179,255 Imp: 54% Sale Date: 10/01/92 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: ii Blt: 84 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1199 -------------------~------------------------------------------------------------ APN: 214-482-35-00 Situs: 7217 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 L-6 wner: ROSKELLEY ROLAND M Legal: T 7996 B L 135 u Mail: 755 N GLENDORA AVE;GLENDORA CA 91740-2009 Phone: Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $179,244 Imp: 58% Sale Date: 08/08/84 Sale Amt: $152,99OF Loan Amt: $122,300 Exempt: Blt: 84 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot 6 Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1325 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LtT : 214-482-36-00 Situs: 7215 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD.92009 wner: MILLER ROBERT L Legal: T 7996 B L 136 U Mail: 11865 CAMINITO RONALD0 #lOO;SAN DIEGO CA 92128 Phone: Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $190,857 Imp: 60% Sale Date: 07/06/84 Sale Amt: $162,90OF Loan Amt: $90,000 Exempt: Blt: 84 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2+1 Tot 5 Units: Lotsqft: 3345 Sqft: 1681 2 N: 214-482-37-00 Situs: 7213 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 wner: COLE JACK S .Legal: T 7996 B L 137 u Mail: 7213 LINDEN TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4720 Phone: (619j431-1355 Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $224,400 Imp: 36% Sale Date: 12/06/91 Sale Amt: $226,000~ Loan Amt: $160,000 Exempt: H Blt: 84 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1199 -.* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A N: 2 214-482-38-00 Situs: 7211 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 wner: TANG RAYMOND & Legal: T 7996 B L 138 U Mail': 7211 LINDEN TE;CARLSBAD, CA Phone: Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $174,539 Imp: 60% .Sale Date: 08/09/93 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: Blt: 84 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1199 Lr N: 214-482-39-00 Situs: 7209 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 wner: JOHNSON FAMILY TRUST 09-06 Legal: T 7996 B L 139 u Mail: 7209 LINDEN TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4720 Phone: Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $198,014 Imp: 61% Sale Date: 09/10/91 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: H Blt: 84 Rms:Bd 3 Bth 2+1 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 2010 ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IS DEEMED RELIABLE, BUT IS NOT GUARANTEED COPYRIGHT TRW RED1 1986, 1991 PAGE F - FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE CO 'PREPARED FOR: 12/13/93 San Diego County Sales Updated Through: 12/09/93 REQUESTED BY: REP: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P N: 214-482-40-00 Situs: 7207 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 Owner: DEGAN GERARD R Legal: T 7996 B L 140 u Mail: 7207 LINDEN TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4720 Phone: (619).438-5047 Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $183,931 Imp: 65% Sale Date: 02/20/85-Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: H Blt: 84 Rms:Bd 3 Bth 2+1 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1666 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- r : 214-482-41-00 Situs: 7205 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 wner: MALLEY WILLIAM H Legal: T 7996 B L 141u Mail: 7205 LINDEN TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4720 Phone: Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $227,307 Imp: 60% Sale Date: 08/02/88 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: H Blt: 84 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2+1 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1681 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APN: 214-482-42-00 Situs: 7203 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 her: JAMES THOMAS E Legal: T 7996 B L 142 U Mail: 7203 LINDEN TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4720 Phone: (619)438-8322 Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $194,779 Imp: 57% Sale,Date: 06/12/84 Sale Amt: $162,99OF Loan Amt: $130,000 Exempt: H Blt: 84 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2+1 Tot 5 Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1681 ------_---_--------------------------------------------------------------------- APN: 214-482-54-00 Situs: BATIQUITOS DR &wner: SEA CLIFF HOMEOWNERS ASSN Legal: T 7996 B L 277 U Mail: 3127 AIRWAY AVE #A;COSTA MESA CA 92626-4609 Phone: Use: 86-OPEN SPACE EASEMENTS Zone: 1 Asd: Imp: % Sale Date: 02/08/84 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: Blt: Rms:Bd Bth Tot Units: Lotsqft: A 1.679 Sqft: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 N: 214-483-17-00 Situs: 7414 LANTANA TE CARLSBAD 92009 wner: DOLAN MARY ANN TRUST 03-15 Legal: T 7996 B L 87 U Mail: 7414 LANTANA TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4715 Phone: Use: ll-SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Zone: 1 Asd: $190,302 Imp: 62% Sale Date: 03/22/91 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: H Blt: 87 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1278 A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 : 214-483-18-00 Situs: 7420 LANTANA TE CARLSBAD 92009 wner: CRAWLEY THOMAS F Legal: T 7996 B L 88 u Mail: 7420 LANTANA TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009:4715 Phone: Use: ll-SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Zone: 1 Asd: $177,998 Imp: 61% Sale Date: 07/27/87 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: Blt: 87 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1265 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 N: 214-483-19-00 Situs: 7422 LANTANA TE CARLSBAD 92009 wner: LOVEJOY LORRAINE A Legal: T 7996 B L 89 U Mail: 7422 LANTANA TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4715 Phone: (619)431-0950 Use: ll-SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Zone: 1 Asd: $190,303 Imp: 61% Sale Date: 01/03/88 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: H Blt: 87 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1278 1 --------------------____________________---------------------------------------- THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IS DEEMED RELIABLE, BUT IS NOT GUARANTEED COPYRIGHT TRW RED1 1986, 1991 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE CO ‘PREPARED FOR:. 12/13/93 San Diego County Sales Updated Through: 12/09/93 REQUESTED BY: REP: PAGE C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP- : L0t? 214-483-20-00 Situs: 7424 LANTANA TE CARLSBAD 92009 ner: MYLL BETTY B TRUST Legal: T 7996 B L 90 u Mail: 80131 PALM CIRCLE DR;LA QUINTA CA 92253-4415 Phone: Use: ll-SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Zone: 1 Asd: $238,251 Imp: 47% Sale Date: 02/14/91 Sale Amt: $115,500 Loan Amt: Exempt: Blt: 87 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1180 3 N: 214-483-21-00 Situs: 7426 LANTANA TE CARLSBAD 92009 wner: S-1 SANTO & Legal: T 7996 B L 91 u Mail: 7426 LANTANA TER;CARLSBAD, CA 92009-4715. Phone: Use: ll-SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Zone: 1 Asd; $207,197 Imp: 62% Sale Date: 04/23/93 Sale hint: $234,50OF Loan Amt: $154,250 Exempt: Blt: 84 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot 5 Units: Lotsqft: 3684 Sqft: 1278 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 N: 214-483-22-00 Situs: 7433 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 wner: MARTIN ROBERT W TR Legal: T 7996 B L 92 u Mail: 7433 LINDEN TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4726 Phone: (619)431-0455 Use: ll-SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Zone: 1 Asd: $44,758 Imp: 64% Sale Date: 11/12/86 Sale Amt: $170,00OF Loan Amt: $127,400 Exempt: H Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot 5 Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1265 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- L.r N: 214-483-23-00 Situs: 7431 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 wner: BARONE ALDO Legal: T 7996 B L 93 u Mail: 3753 WEST AVE #J-14;LANCASTER CA 93536 Phone: Use: ll-SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Zone: 1 Asd: $185,799 Imp: 58% Sale Date: 08/15/89 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: Blt: 87 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1180 APN: 214-483-25-00 Situs: 7427 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 LH wner: FIACCO CHARLES J Legal: T 7996 B L 95 u Mail: 5568 GLENHAVEN AVE;RIVERSIDE CA 92506-3535 Phone: Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $227,480 Imp: 49% Sale Date: 01/15/87 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1265 _ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APN: 214-483-26-00 IA Situs: 7425 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 wner: LERNER MILDRED Legal: T 7996 B L 96 U Mail: 7425 LINDEN TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4725 Phone: Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $174,591 Imp: 59% Sale Date: 03/10/92 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: H Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1180 APN: 214-483-27-00 Situs: @Gner: 7423 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 S D TRUST Legal: T 7996 B L 97 u Mail: PO BOX 129113;SAN DIEGO CA 92112-9113 Phone: Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $202,915 Imp: 67% Sale Date: 01/16/91 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 3 Bth 2+1 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1796 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IS DEEMED RELIABLE, BUT IS NOT.GUARANTEED COPYRIGHT TRW RED1 1986, 1991 -4 - ,FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE CO PREPARED FOR: 12/13/93 San Diego County Sales Updated Through: 12/09/93 REQUESTED BY: REP: PAGE 1C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APN: 214-483-28-00 Situs: 7421 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 Owner: BARCLAY JOHN T Legal: T 7996 B L 98 U mi.1: 7421 LINDEN TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4725 Phone: Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $245,000 Imp: 44% Sale Date: 09/11/90 Sale Amt:. Loan Amt: Exempt: H Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2+1 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1681 -------'------------------------------------------------------------------------ +PN: 214-483-29-00 Situs: 7419 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 mwner: MORTON ROBERT A Legal: T 7996 B L 99 u Mail: 7419 LINDEN TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4725 Phone: Use:.l7-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $64,754 Imp: 58% Sale Date: 04/12/90 Sale Amt: $258,OOOF Loan A&: $180,000 Exempt: H Bit: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2+1 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1681 $P N: 214-483-30-00 Situs: 7417 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 Owner: TOMS LIVING TRUST 03-21-89 Legal: T 7996 B L 100 u Mail: 7417 LINDEN TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4725 Phone: Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $230,000 Imp: 39% Sale Date: 11/09/92 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: H Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot 5 Units: Lotsqft: 3484 Sqft: 1278 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $P N: 214-483-31-00 Situs: 7415 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 'Owner: PALMER EVELYN M Legal: T 7996 B L 101 u Mail: 7415 LINDEN TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4725 Phone: (619)438-7309 Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $206,184 Imp: 55% Sale Date: 11/07/88 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: H Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1278 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i.r N: 214-483-32-00 Situs: 7413 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 wner: OLSON DENNIS L Legal: T 7996 B L 102 u Mail: 7413 LINDEN TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4725 Phone: (619)931-7611 Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $246,790 Imp: 48% Sale Date: 11/23/88 Sale Amt: $228,000F Loan Amt: $182,400 Exempt: H Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2+1 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1681 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lr N: 214-483-33-00 Situs: 7411 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 wner: SMITH CARROLL D TR Legal: T 7996 B L 103 u Mail: 7411 LINDEN TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4725 Phone: (619)931-8743 Use: 170CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $186,655 Imp: 65% Sale Date: 04/03/86 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: H Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2+1 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1681 3 N: 214-483-34-00 Situs: 7409 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 wner: COHEN BERNARD E Legal: T 7996 B L 104 u Mail: 7409 LINDEN TER;CARLSBAD, CA 92009-4725 Phone: Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $285,849 Imp: 38% Sale Date: 08/12,/93 Sale Amt: $245,OOOF Loan Amt: $145,000 Exempt: H Blt: 84 Rms:Bd 3 Bth 2+1 Tot 6 Units: Lotsqft: 3684 Sqft: 1666 ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IS DEEMED RELIABLE, BUT IS NOT GUARANTEED COPYRIGHT TRW RED1 1986, 1991 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE CO PREPARED FOR: 12/13/93 San Diego County Sales Updated Through: 12/09/93 REQUESTED BY: REP: PAGE 1: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APN: 214-483-35-00 Situs: 7407 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 Owner: ALDER REED T Legal: T 7996 B L 105 u fli.1: 18615 E LEADORA AVE;GLENDORA CA 91740-1817 Phone: Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: Sale Date: $168,908 Imp: 59% 10/29/86 Sale Amt: $150,00OF Loan Amt: $105,000 Exempt: Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1180 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A N: ,J 214-483-36-00 Situs: 7405 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 wner: MAUDSLEY MICHAEL P Legal: T 7996 B L 106U Mail: 3695 PALM CREST DR;HIGHLAND CA 92346-1973 Phone: Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $230,000 Imp: 61% Sale Date: U/24/92 Sale Amt: $230,00OF Loan Amt: $184,000 Exempt: Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1265 A?N: 214-483-37-00 Situs: 7335 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 *er: HELWIG RONALD J Legal: T 7996 B L 107 u Mail: 7335 LINDEN TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4723 Phone: (619)931-0778 Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $168,920 Imp: 61% Sale Date: 08/29/86 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: H Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1265 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 N: 214-483-38-00 Situs: 7333 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 wner: SMALL JOANNE M Legal: T 7996 B L 108 U Mail: 7333 LINDEN TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4723 Phone: (619)438-3647 Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $265,301 Imp: 60% Sale Date: 11/28/89 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: H Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1278 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 N: 214-483-39-00 Situs: 7331 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 wner: SANCHEZ LOREN E Legal: T 7996 B . L 109 u Mail: 7331 LINDEN TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4723 Phone: Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $214,500 Imp: 59% Sale Date: 10/21/92 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot, Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1180 2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 N: 214-483-40-00 Situs: 7329 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 wner: DREYER 0 F Legal: T 7996 B L 110 u Mail: 7329 LINDEN TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4723 Phone: (619)931-1202 Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $203,300 Imp: 61% Sale Date: 06/26/89 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: H Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1278 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ,dY N: 214-483-41-00 Situs: 7327 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 wner : SVOBODA NANCY J Legal: T 7996 B L 111 u Mail: 7327 LINDEN TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4723 Phone: (818)331-5608 Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $67,557 Imp: 80% Sale Date: 03/20/89 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: H Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1265 ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IS DEEMED RELIABLE, BUT IS NOT GUARANTEED COPYRIGHT TRW RED1 1986, 1991 - .FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE CO PREPARED FOR: 12/13/93 San Diego County Sales Updated Through: 12/09/93 REQUESTED BY: REP: PAGE 12 --------------_----------------------------------------------------------------- APN: 214-483-42-00 Situs: 7325 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 Ow er: VffFL DATE SHINZO Legal: T 7996 B L 112 u ail: 7323 LINDEN TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4723 Phone: Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: 11/23)87 Sale Amt: $198,729 Imp: 59% Sale Date: $180,000~ Loan Amt: Units: Exempt: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1180 --------------------------------------------------- Situs: 7323 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 Legal: T 7996 B L 113 u INDEN TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4723 Phone: Zone: 1 Asd: $178,027 Imp: 65% L=sn Amt: Exempt: Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1666 --------------------------------------------------- 2 N: 214-483-44-00 Situs: 7321 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 wner: VASLOW CHARLES Legal: T 7996 B L 114 u Mail: 1601 SUNSET DR;LA CROSSE WI 54601-6132 Phone: (608)788-1868. Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $245,000 Imp: 44% Sale Date: 07/05/89 Sale Amt: $277,50OF Loan Amt: Exempt: Blt: 84 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2+1 Tot 6 Units: Lotsqft: 3684 Sqft: 1681 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 N: 214-483-45-00 Situs: 7319 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 wner: MCGOLDRICK FAMILY TRUST 10 Legal: T 7996 B L 115 u Mail: 15528 CARHELL ST;WHITTIER CA 90603 Phone: Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $189,513 Imp: 66% Sale Date: 12/15/92 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 3 Bth 2+1 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1681 47 N: 214-483-46-00 Situs: 7317 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 wner: ROBBINS HAROLD & Legal: T 7996 B L 116 U Mail: 7317 LINDEN TE;CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Phone: Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $203,198 Imp: 57% Sale Date: 10/07/93 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: H Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1278 .>. Y N: 214-483-47-00 Situs: 7315 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 .Owner: SCHWABE BEVERLY A Legal: T 7996 B L 117 u ",'@;I: 7315 LINDEN TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4723 Phone: : 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $141,581 Imp: 57% Sale Date: 02/28/89 Sale Amt: $225,00OF Loan Amt: $200,000 Exempt: H Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1278 GT N: 214-483-48-00 Situs: 7313 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 wner: WARREN JAY C Legal: T 7996 B L 118 U Mail: 7313 LINDEN TER;CA.RLSBAD CA 92009-4723 Phone: Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $260,098 Imp: 66% Sale Date: 03/05/91 Sale Amt: $250,00OF Loan Amt: $187,500 Exempt: H Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2+1 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1681 ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IS DEEMED RELIABLE, BUT IS NOT GUARANTEED COPYRIGHT TRW RED1 1986, 1991 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE CO PREPARED FOR: 12/13/93 San Diego County Sales Updated Through: 12/09/93 REQUESTED BY: REP: PAGE II -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APN: 214-483-49-00 Situs: 7311 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 0 ner: \/1;" PETERSON THOMAS L Legal: T 7996 B L 119 u ail: 7311 LINDEN TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4723 Phone: (619)931-0543 Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $168,908 Imp: 59% Sale Date: 08/18/86, Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: H Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1180 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Y N: 214-483-52-00 Situs: 918 MYRTLE CT CARLSBAD 92009 ^ Owner: DORSEY BEVERLY G FAMILY TR Legal: T 7996 B L 255 U Mail: 918 MYRTLE CT;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4727 Phone: (619) 931-1205 Use: 170CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $149,310 Imp: 63% Sale Date: 03/16/89 Sal= Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: :I Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1180 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- r : 214-483-53-00 Situs: 919 MYRTLE CT CARLSBAD 92009 wner: BAKER IZILDA Legal: T 7996 B L 254 U Mail: 919 MYRTLE CT;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4727 Phone: Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $149,310 Imp: 63% Sale.Date: 05/29/86 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: H Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1180 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N: 214-483-56-00 & Situs: 7411 LANTANA TE CARLSBAD 92009. er: ARCHER RICHARD C Legal: T 7996 B L 250 U Mail: 7411 LANTANA TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4716 Phone: (619)431-8053 Use: ll-SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Zone: 1 Asd: $235,000 Imp: 42% Sale Date: 05/03/89 Sale Amt: $249,5OOF Loan Amt: $149,500 Exempt: H Blt: 87 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1278 APN: 214-483-57-00 Situs: 7409 LANTANA TE CARLSBAD 92009 d wner: CHRISTMAS BETSY Legal: T 7996 B L 249 u Mail: 7409 LANTANA TER;CARLSBAD, CA 92009-4716 Phone: Use: ll-SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Zone: 1 Asd: $172,893 Imp: 62% Sale Date: 09/21/93 Sale Amt: $179,50OF Loan Amt: $107,400 Exempt: Blt: 87 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1180 ~ APN: 214-483-58-00 Situs: 7407 LANTANA TE CARLSBAD 92009 Ldwner: MC GAFFIN GREGORY P Legal: T 7996 B L 248 U Mail: 7407 LANTANA TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009r4716 Phone: (619) 431-0945 Use: ll-SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Zone: 1 Asd: $167,781 Imp: 63% Sale Date: 03/31/87 Sale Amt: $149,00OF Loan Amt: $133,200 Exempt: Blt: 87 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1278 APN: 214-483-59-00 Situs: 7405 LANTANA TE CARLSBAD 92009 l/d wner: LAKE ELEANOR L TRUST 12-06 Legal: T 7996 B L 247 U Mail: 7405 LANTANA TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4716 Phone: (619)931-9378 Use: ll-SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Zone: 1 Asd: $194,725 Imp: 63% Sale Date: 12/06/89 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: H Blt: 87 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1265 \ ---------_---------------------------------------------------------------------- THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IS DEEMED RELIABLE, BUT IS NOT GUARANTEED COPYRIGHT TRW RED1 1986, 1991 - .FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE CO PREPARED FOR:, 12/13/93 San Diego County Sales Updated Through: 12/09/93 REQUESTED BY: REP: PAGE 14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APN: 214-483-60-00 Situs: 7331 LANTANA TE CARLSBAD 92009 Owner: RICHARDS VIRGINIA Legal: T 7996 B L 246 U pil: 7331 LANTANA TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4713 Phone: (714)970-7291 Use: ll-SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Zone: 1 Asd: $155,393 Imp: 61% Sale Date: 06/10/87 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: Blt: 87 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1265 APN: 214-483-61-00 Situs: 7329 LANTANA TE CARLSBAD 92009 Owner: W W TRUST Legal: T 7996 B L 245 U Mail: 219 CALLE DE SERENO;ENCINITAS CA 92024-2104 Phone: Use: ll-SINGLE F,AMILY RESIDENCE Zone: 1 Asd: $150,887 Imp: 60% Sale Date: 04/15/87 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: Bit: 87 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 118.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APN: 214-483-62-00 Situs: 7327 LANTANA TE CARLSBAD 92009 0Xner: HEISER WILLIAM J Legal: T 7996 B L 244 U Mail: 7327 LANTANA TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4713 Phone: (619)431-0464 Use: ll-SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Zone: 1 Asd: $178,445 Imp: 68% Sale Date: 11/24/86 Sale Amt: $153,00OF Loan Amt: Exempt: H Blt: 87 Rms:Bd 3 Bth 2+1 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqfti 1834 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APN: 214-483-63-00 Situs: 7325 LANTANA TE CARLSBAD 92009 #ner: LEGGIO JOSEPH A Legal: T 7996 B L 243 U Mail: 7325 LANTANA TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4713 Phone: Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $174,437 Imp: 61% Sale Date: 12/22/86 Sale Amt: $155,00OF Loan Amt: $108,400 Exempt: H Blt: 87 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2+1 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1681 APN: 214-483-64-00 Situs: 7323 LANTANA TE CARLSBAD 92009 *er: BENSON JOHN D .Legal: T 7996 B & 242 U Mail: 7323 LANTANA TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4713 Phone: (619)431-0121 Use: ll-SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Zone: 1 Asd: $174,539 Imp: 66% Sale Date: 06/23/89 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: H Blt: 87 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2+1 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1681 '- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APN: 214-483-65-00 Situs: 7321 LANTANA TE CARLSBAD 92009 rp wner: HATCH NED EARL Legal: T 7996 B L 241U Mail: 1530 ONTARIO AVE;PASADENA CA 91103-1969 Phone: (619)431-9814 Use: ll-SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Zone: 1 Asd: $73,521 Imp: 54% Sale Date: 02/27/92 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: H Blt: 87 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1278 3 N: 214-483-66-00 Situs: 7319 LANTANA TE CARLSBAD 92009 wner: WITT ROBIN C Legal: T 7996 B L 240 U Mail: 6527 AVENIDA DEL PARAISO;CAARLSBAD CA 92009 Phone: (619)431-0448 Use: ll-SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Zone: 1 Asd: $174,536 Imp: 63% Sale Date: 11/17/92 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: Blt: 87 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1278 ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IS DEEMED RELIABLE, BUT IS NOT GUARANTEED COPYRIGHT TRW RED1 1986, 1991 - .FIRST AMERXCXV TITLE XNSURANCE CO PREPARED FOR: 12/13/93 San Diego County Sales Updated Through: 12/09/93 REQUESTED BY: REP: PAGE 1E -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APN: 214-483-67-00 Situs: 7317 LANTANA TE CARLSBAD 92009 Owner: SOT0 GILBERT J Legal: T 7996 B L 239 u &fail: 930 SHEFFIELD DR;VISTA CA 92083-8913 Phone: (619)598-0890 Use: ll-SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Zone: 1 Asd: $174,318 Imp: 47% Sale Date: 11/25/91 Sale Amt: $5O,OOOP Loan Amt: $127,500 Exempt: Blt: 87 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1180 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APN: 214-483-68-00 Situs: 7315 LANTANA TE CARLSBAD 92009 Owner: SUTTON mm2 Legal: T 7996 B L 238 U Mail: 7315 ,IANTANA TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4713 Phone: (619)436-0634 Use:.ll-SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Zone: 1 Asd: $170,044 Imp:. 61% Sale Date: 06/01/87 Sale Amt: S151,OOOF Loan Amt: $120,800 Exempt: I: Blt: 87 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1278 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APN: 214-483-69-00 Situs: 7313 LANTANA TE CARLSBAD 92009 Owner: COHEN BERNARD E Legal: T 7996 B L 237 U Ail: 7313 LANTANA TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4713 'Phone: (619)431-0433 Use: ll-SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Zone: 1 Asd: $152,013 Imp: 63% Sale Date: 11/21/86 Sale Amt: $135,00OF Loan Amt: $101,200 Exempt: H Bit-f 87 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1265 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APN: 214-483-70-00 Situs: 7311 LANTANA TE CARLSBAD 92009 Owner: MARTYNS LEONARD L Legal: T 7996 B L 236 U ,,Mail: 7311 LANTANA TE;CARLSBAD, CA Phone: (818)963-5187 Use: ll-SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Zone: 1 Asd: $187,255 Imp: 63% Sale Date: 08/24/93 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: $138,800 Exempt: Blt: 87 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1265 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APN: 214-483-71-00 Situs: 7309 LANTANA TE CARLSBAD 92009 Yawner: GONZALEZ ANTON10 TR Legal: T 7996 B L 235 U Mail: 7309 LANTANA TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4713 Phone: (310)329-7893 Use: ll-SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Zone: 1 Asd: $173,309 Imp: 63% Sale Date: 09/24/87 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: H Blt: 87 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1278 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APN: 214-483-72-00 Situs: 7307 LANTANA TE CARLSBAD 92009 Jowner: ZDERKO JOHN Legal: T 7996 B L 234 U Mail: 7307 LANTANA TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4713 Phone: Use: ll-SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Zone: 1 Asd: $206,415 Imp: 39% Sale Date: 12/18/90 Sale Amt: $198,50OF Loan Amt: $178,600 Exempt: Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot 4 Units: Lotsqft: 3000 Sqft: 1180 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APN: 214-483-73-00 Situs: 7305 LANTANA TE CARLSBAD 92009 b6wner: LONGFELLOW WILLIAM J JR Legal: T 7996 B L 233 U Mail: 7305 LANTANA TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4713 Phone: Use: ll-SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Zone: 1 Asd: $180,180 Imp: 64% Sale Date: 08/13,/88 Sale Amt: $2O,OOOP Loan Amt: Exempt: H Blt: 87 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot 5 Units: Lotsqft: 3350 Sqft: 1278 ' THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IS DEEMED RELIABLE, BUT IS NOT GUARANTEED COPYRIGHT TRW RED1 1986, 1991 - <FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE CO PREPARED FOR: 12/13/93 San Diego County Sales Updated Through: 12/09/93 REQUESTED BY: REP: PAGE 16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APN: 214-483-74-00 Situs: BATIQUITOS DR CARLSBAD EOWNERS ASSN Legal: T 7996 B L 80 U Mail: 3187 E;COSTA MESA CA 92626-4603 Phone: Zone: 1 Asd: Imp: % Loan Amt: Exempt: Units: Lotsqft: A 3.559 Sqft: --------------------------------------------------- APN: 214-483-76-00 Situs: LINDEN TE mner: SEA CLIFF HOMEOWNERS ASSN Legal: CARLSBAD TCT #73-24, PM13911, PAR 1, OL Mail: 6120 PASEO DEL NORTE #Jl;CARLSBAD CA 92009-1118 Phone: (619)438-7923 Use: 86-OPEN SPACE EASEMENTS Zone: 9 Asd: Imp: % Sale Date: 12/18/85 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: Bit: Rms:Bd Bth Tot Units: Lotsqft: A 3.029 Sqft: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APN: 214-483-77-00 Situs: LANTANA TE HOMEOWNERS ASSN Legal: CARLSBAD TCT #73-24, PM13911, PAR 2, OL DEL NORTE #Jl;CARLSBAD CA 92009-1118 Phone: (619)438-7923 EASEMENTS Zone: 9 Asd: Imp: % 12/18/85 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: Rms:Bd Bth Tot Units: Lotsqft: A 4.000 Sqft: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Situs: LINDEN TE ASSN Legal: CARLSBAD TCT X73-24, PM13911, PAR 3, OL #J~;CARLSBAD CA 920094118 Phone: (619)438-7923 Zone: 9 Asd: Imp: % 12/18/85 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: Units: Lotsqft: 30492 Sqft: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N: 214-483-79-00 Situs: 7429 LINDEN TE CARLSBAD 92009 EISELE ELEANOR C Legal: CARLSBAD TCT #73-24, PM13911, PAR 4, OL Mail: 7429 LINDEN TER;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4726 Phone: Use: ll-SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Zone: 1 Asd: $240,000 Imp: 37% Sale Date: 07/07/88 Sale Amt: $295,00OF Loan Amt: Exempt: H Blt: 87 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1278 Y N: 214-483-80-00 Situs: 914 MYRTLE CT \ wner: HARTNER MARK Legal: T 7996 B L 257 U Mail: 5479 S LOCUST ST;GREENWOOD VLG CO 80111-1437 Phone: Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $180,169 Imp: 65% Sale Date: 08/26/86 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1278 2 N: 214-483-81-00 Situs: 916 MYRTLE CT CARLSBAD 92009 wner: GARNER L PENISTON Legal: T 7996 B L 257 U Mail: 916 MYRTLE CT;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4727 Phone: (619)438-4132 Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $175,630 Imp: 67% Sale Date: 06/02/86 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: H Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2+1 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1681 ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IS DEEMED RELIABLE, BUT IS NOT GUARANTEED COPYRIGHT TRW RED1 1986, 1991 - - FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE CO PREPARED FOR: 12/13/93 San Diego County Sales Updated Through: 12/09/93 REQUESTED BY: REP: PAGE 17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APN: 214-483-82-00 Situs: 917 MYRTLE CT CARLSBAD 92009 Owner: HERSTEDT DONALD C JR Legal: T 7996 B f'Fki1: 917 MYRTLE CT;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4727 L 252 U Phone: Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $168,807 Imp: 66% Sale Date: 08/15j86 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: H Bit: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2+1 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 1681 Y : 214-483-83-00 Situs: 915 MYRTLE CT CARLSBAD 92009 wner: GRAFMAN DOROTHY Legal: T 7996 B L 252 U Mail: 915 MYRTLE CT;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4727 Phone: Use: 17-CONDOMINIUM Zone: 1 Asd: $63,766 Imp: -51% Sale Date: 06/02/92 Sal* Ant: $240,00OF Loan Amt: Exempt: H Blt: 86 Rms:Bd 2 Bth 2 Tot-5 Units: Lotsqft: 3870 Sqft: 1278 -------------------~------------------------------------------------------------ THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IS DEEMED RELIABLE, BUT IS NOT GUARANTEED COPYRIGHT TRW RED1 1986, 1991 **END OF REPORT** JOHN BARKLEY 7421 LINDEN TERRACE CARLSBAD .CA 92009 , 'FIRST AMERICAN 'I'ITLE INSURANCE CO PREPARED FOR: 12/13/93 San DSego County Sales Updated .Through: 12/09/93 REQUESTED BY: REP: PAGE 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APN: 216-010-01-00 Situs: SITUS PENDING CARLSBAD Legal: CARLSBAD TCT#85-34, (EX RD)DOC74-10498 CA 92009-6507 Phone: (619)753-4131 Zone: 1 Asd: $8,521 Imp: 0% Loan Amt: Exempt: Units: Lotsqft: 14810 Sqft: ---*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SITUS PENDING CARLSBAD Legal: CARLSBAD TCTP85-34, POR SEC 32-12-4W CA 92009-6507 Phone: (619)753-4131 Zone: 1 Asd: $26,648 Imp: 0% Loan Amt: Exempt: Units: Lotsqft: 21780 Sqft: ------------------------------------------------------------- SITUS PENDING CARLSBAD Legal: CARLSBAD TCT#85-34, POR SEC 32-12-4W CA 92009-6507 Phone: (619)753-4131 RESIDENTIAL Zone: 1 Asd: $6,658 Imp: 0% e: 03/12/86 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: Units: Lotsqft: 6098 Sqft: -------------------------------------------------------------- SITUS PENDING CARLSBAD Legal: CARLSBAD TCTf85-34, POR SEC 32-12-4W CA 92009-6507 Phone: (619)753-4131 Zone: 1 Asd: $6,658 Imp: 0% Loan Amt: Exempt: Units: Lotsqft: 6098 Sqft: -------------------------------------------------------------- SITUS PENDING CARLSBAD Legal: CARLSBAD TCT#85-34, POR SEC 32-12-4W CA 92009-6507 Phone: (619)753-4131 - RESIDENTIAL Zone: 1 Asd: $6,658 Imp: 0% 03/12/86 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: Units: Lotsqft: 6969 Sqft: APN: 216-140-16-00 Situs: SITUS PENDING CARLSBAD -0wner: LAMB JOHN M Legal: CARLSBAD TCT #75-7, ALL LY SWLY OF HWY Mail: 947 N LA CIENEGA BLVD #H;LOS ANGELES CA 90069-4795 Phone: (310)657-8129 Use : 800VACANT -' RECREATIONAL Zone: 8 Asd: $28,716 Imp: 0% Sale Date: 03/11/93 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: Blt: Rms:Bd Bth Tot Units: Lotsqft: A 5.139 Sqft: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 N: 216-140-17-00 Situs: AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD 92008 wner: KAIZA POINSETTIA CORP Legal: T 11290 B L 1u Mail: 7220 AVENIDA ENCINAS #ZOO;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4661 Phone: Use: 20-VACANT - COMMERCIAL Zone: 6 Asd: $1,200,000 Imp: 0% Sale Date: 11/08/90 Sale Amt: $26,7OO,OOOP Loan Amt: $30,000,000 Exempt: Blt: Rms:Bd Bth Tot Units: Lotsqft: A 6.229 Sqft: , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IS DEEMED RELIABLE, BUT IS NOT GUARANTEED COPYRIGHT TRW RED1 1986, 1991 - -FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE CO PREPARED FOR: 12/13/93 San Diego County Sales Updated Through: 12/09/93 REQUESTED BY: REP: PAGE 2 Situs: AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD 92008 Legal: T 11290 B L 2u CA 92009-4661 Phone: Asd: $3,300,000 Imp: 0% $26,7OO,OOOP Loan Amt: $30,000,000 Exempt: Lotsqft: A 17.100 Sqft: N: 216-140-19-00 Situs: HIGHWAY 101 CARLSBAD 92008 BATIQUITOS POINTE Legal: T 11290 B L 3u Mail: 2650 CAMINO DEL RIO N #lOO;SAN DIEGO CA 92108-1630 Phone: Use: 86-OPEN SPACE EASEMENTS Zone: 8 Asd: Imp: % Sale Date: 03/05/85 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: Blt: Rms:Bd Bth Tot Units: Lotsqft: A 10.059 Sqft: ---------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~-~-~~~~ APN: 216-140-25-00 Situs: WINDROSE CI CARLSBAD 92008 NSETTIA CORP Legal: CARLSBAD TCT 582-18, 16.53 AC M/L IN PM ENCINAS #200;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4661 Phone: Zone: 1 Asd: . $3,700,000 Imp: 0% $26,7OO,OOOP Loan Amt: $30,000,000 Exempt: Units: Lotsqft: A 16.529 Sqft: Situs: WINDROSE CI CARLSBAD 92008 Legal: T 11616 B L 80 U CA 92009-4661 Phone: Asd: $3,800,000 Imp: 0% 11/08/90 Sale Amt: $26,7OO,OOOP Loan Amt: $30,000,000 Exempt: Lotsqft: A 17.739 Sqft: ---------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ N: 216-140-30-00 Situs: WINDROSE CI CARLSBAD 92008 SEA BLUFF ASSOCIATES Legal: CARLSBAD TCT #85-14 PHASE fl, 5.58 AC M Mail: 276 N EL CAMINO REAL;OCEANSIDE CA 92054-1725 Phone: Use: lo-VACANT - RESIDENTIAL Zone: 1 Asd: $986,007 Imp: 0% Sale Date: 11/15/78 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: Blt: Rms:Bd Bth Tot Units: Lotsqft: A 5.579 Sqft: ._ ---------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~ Situs: WINDROSE CI CARLSBAD 92008 Legal: CARLSBAD TCT #85-14 PHASE #l, DOC87-355 X2OO;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4661 Phone: RESIDENTIAL Zone: 1 Asd: $l,OOO,OOO Imp: 0% $26,7OO,OOOP Loan Amt: $30,000,000 Exempt: Units: Lotsqft: A 4.250 Sqft: ---------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~------------- CARLSBAD 92008 CARLSBAD TCT #85-14 PHASE #l, 34.68 AC CA 92009-4661 Phone: COMMERCIAL Zone: 6 Asd: $4,900,000 Imp: 0% $26,7OO,OOOP Loan Amt: $30,000,000 Exempt: Lotsqft: A 34.679 Sqft: \ THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IS DEEMED RELIABLE, BUT IS NOT GUARANTEED COPYRIGHT TRW RED1 1986, 1991 - -FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE CO PREPARED FOR: 12/13/93 San Diego County Sales Updated Through: 12/09/93 REQUESTED BY: REP: * PAGE 3 -----------------------------~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ APN:'216-140-33-00 Situs: WINDROSE CI.C!ARLSBAD 92008 Owner: KAIZA POINSE Legal: CARLSBAD TCT #85-14 PHASE #l, DOC87-631 #2OO;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4661 Phone: Zone: 6 Asd: $200,000 Imp: 0% Sale Date: $26,7OO,OOOP Loan Amt: $30,000,000 Exempt: Units: Lotsqft: A 1.150 Sqft: --------L--C----------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ APN: 216-140-34-00 SitUS: WINDROSE CI CARLSBAD 92009 ,9wner: BATIQUITOS BLUFF Legal: T 11616 B L 81U Mail: 2650 CAMINO DEL RIO N #lOO;SAN DIEGO CA 92108-1630 Phone: Use: lo-VACANT - RESIDENTIAL Zone: 1 Asd: $28,599 Imp: 0% Sale Date: 09/12/86 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: Blt: Rms:Bd Bth Tot Units: Lotsqft: A 12.119 Sqft: ,,--,--,--,--,--,--L-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~-~~-~~--~------------ Situs: WINDROSE CI CARLSBAD 92009 Legal: T 11616 B L 3u #200;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4661 Phone: Zone: Asd: Imp: % Loan Amt: Exempt: Units: Lotsqft: A 10.919 Sqft: ---------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~-~~-~~-~~-~~---------~-- APN: 216-140-36-00 Situs: WINDROSE CI CARLSBAD 92009 SETTIA CORP Legal: CARLSBAD TCT #85-14 PHASE fl, POR OF NW IDA ENCINAS #ZOO;CARLSBAD CA 92009-4661 Phone: Zone: Asd: Imp: % : 11/08/90 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: Bth Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: APN: 216-420-01-00 Situs: NAVIGATOR CI CARLSBAD &kner: ROSALENA OWNERS ASSN INC T Legal: T 11616 B L 1u Mail: 285 WINDROSE CIR;CARLSBAD CA 92009-5401 Phone: Use: lo-VACANT - RESIDENTIAL Zone: 1 Asd: Imp: % Sale Date: 07/28/88 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: Blt: Rms:Bd Bth Tot Units: Lotsqft: A 3.219 Sqft: AP: 2 216-420-02-00 Situs: 7522 NAVIGATOR CI CARLSBAD 92009 wner: JACOBSON BRUCE W Legal: T 11616 B L Mail: 7522 NAVIGATOR CIR;CARLSBAD CA 92009-5404 Phki: (619)431-0911 Use: ll-SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Zone: 1 Asd: $429,612 Imp: 77% Sale Date: 04/12/89 Sale Amt: $397,00OF Loan Amt: $317,500 Exempt: H Blt: 89 Rms:Bd 4 Bth 2+1 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 2500 ---------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~-~ APfl: 216-420-03-00 Situs: 7524 NAVIGATOR Cl CARLSBAD 92009 yst;ner: TOMLINSON MARGARET M Legal: T 11616 B L 3u Mail: PO BOX 180389;CORONAD0 CA 92178-0389 Phone: Use: ll-SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Zone: 1 Asd: $418,575 Imp: 53% Sale Date: 06/07/89 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: Blt: 89 Rms:Bd 3 Bth 2+1 Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: 2668 ' ---------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----------- THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IS DEEMED RELIABLE, BUT IS NOT GUARANTEED COPYRIGHT TRW RED1 1986, 1991 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE CO PREPARED FOR: 12/13/93 San Diego County Sales Updated Through: 12/09/93 REQUESTED BY: REP: PAGE 4 -----------I--------------~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AF'N: 216-451-22-00 SitUS: PIOVANA CT Owner: ODMARE & THELAN Legal: T 12902 B L 51 u -J&l: 12865 POINTE DEL MAR 8200;DEL MAR CA 92014 Phone: Use: Zone: Asd: $82,000 Imp: 0% Sale Date: 03/09/89.Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: Blt: Rms:Bd Bth Tot Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: ---------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ APN: 216-451-23-00 Situs: PIOVANA CT Legal: T 12902 B L 52 U DEL MAR#200;DEL MAR CA 92014 Phone: Zone: Asd: $82,000 Imp: 0% Loan Amt: Exempt: Units: Lotsqft: Sqft: --------------------_____________I______~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Situs: GABBIANO LN Legal: T 12902 B L 50 u MAR #ZOO;DEL MAR CA 92014 Phone: Zone: Asd: Imp: % 03/09/89 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: Tot Units: Lotsqft: A 2.019 Sqft: ---------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Situs: GABBIANO LN Owner: OD Legal: T 12902 B L 49 u MAR #ZOO;DEL MAR CA 92014 Phone: Zone: Asd: Imp: % 03/09/89 Sale Amt: Loan Amt: Exempt: Tot Units: Lotsqft: A 3.079 Sqft: ---------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Situs: GABBIANO LN Legal: T 12902 B L 80 U POINTE DEL MAR #ZOO;DEL MAR CA 92014 Phone: Zone: Asd: Imp: % Loan Amt: Exempt: Blt: Rms:Bd Bth Tot Units: Lotsqft: A 2.839 Sqft: ---------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IS DEEMED RELIABLE, BUT IS NOT GUARANTEED COPYRIGHT TRW RED1 1986, 1991 **END OF REPORT**