HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-08-16; City Council; 12834; ESTABLISH & REVISE CLASSIFICATIONS FOR FIRE MANAGEMENT| RECLASSIFY TWO FIRE BATTALION CHIEFS TO FIRE DIVISION CHIEF| AMEND MANAGEMENT SALARY SCHEDULE.. description of Fire Chief; amending the management salary schedule to retitle Fire Bai Chief to Fire Division Chief and establishing a salary range for the new Fire Battalion classifications. ITEM EXPLANATION: Recently, the Fire Department had the opportunity to reorganize their staff and shift fun to develop a more efficient staff structure. The new organization includes changing the c Battalion Chief position titles to Division Chief and establishing a new redefined le Battalion Chief replacing the current Captain-Specialist positions to provide shift super and administrative support at an intermediate management level. The attached organi chart displays this new structure and the following explains the background and recomm changes needed to implement this reorganization plan (see Exhibit #l). In June 1987. the Fire Department determined a need for shift supervision and coordina the department's emergency services. Based on this need, the department entered program to examine the feasibility and effectiveness of Platoon Coordinators. One of the driving factors for increased supemision was the addition of two more fire SI to the City in the late 1980s. When the department was smaller, 40-hour week basel officers supervised emergency services in addition to their administrative duties. Howev planning for two additional facilities, hiring and training of the staff, plus the ever incr workload of a larger agency strained the day time staffs resources. The test program ran for 18 months and the positions were rotated among senic Captains. At the conclusion of the test period, it was clear that emergency services pel were better trained through more direct supemision and the department's overall effect was significantly enhanced. Since then, three Fire Captains, designated as C< Specialists, have been appointed to serve as acting Platoon Coordinators on alternal Currently, with the vacancies of two Fire Battalion Chief positions, the department 1. opportunity to combine the concept of the Platoon Coordinators with the additional n administrative staff time and formally establish three new positions as a part management team. Utilizing the funding from the vacant positions, the Fire Departmf reorganized and redefined its management staff structure by eliminating one Battalio: position, converting the other vacant Battalion Chief to a Management Analyst positi recommending the following changes: ProDosed Classification: Recommended Salary: Status: Reclas: 0 a The current Fire Battalion Chief classification is recommended to be retitled and recla! to Fire Division Chief, and a new Fire Battalion Chief classification and description is established to formally recognize the responsibilities previously performed by the P: Coordinator. The new Fire Battalion Chief classification is also recommended to be cla! as management to reflect the additional administrative responsibilities delegated fro former Battalion Chief position vacancies. Human Resources and Fire Department staff have developed the attached job descripti Fire Division Chief and Fire Battalion Chief (Attachment A) and recommend the salary for the new Fire Battalion Chief be established at $2.049 - $2,615 biweekly between th Captain and new Fire Division Chief levels. This salary range approximates the ci average salary, including overtime, for the Captain-Specialist positions. There is no range change recommended for the new Fire Division Chief classification. Additional1 Fire Chief job description (Attachment B) was revised to include current functional chan responsibility. All of these staff changes will more accurately reflect the responsibilities and functions r within the fire management team. And, as a result of these recommended changes, tl- Department will: e e W formalize the successful Platoon Coordinator concept, gain approximately fifteen additional days a month of administrative create the direct liaison between administrative and operations staff by delegatin time, more decision-making responsibility to line staff, and, b consolidate the management team for an effective and efficient operation. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact related to the reclassification of two existing Fire Battalion ( Fire Division Chief. It is estimated that the conversion of one vacant Fire Battalion Management Analyst (vacant during FY 94/95), the elimination of one vacant Fire E Chief position, and the conversion of three Fire Captain-Specialist positions to Fire E Chief positions, will have an annual cost savings of $186,800. EXHIBITS: 1. Organization Charts Current and Proposed 2. Resolution No. c? q- 23 7 0 c t i Me cl (D 09 zz e Sk w* cro ;$ 5. E S 2. F Pi= *S cfo II, CD s lu m e I. l l k 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 94-239 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 LO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAFtLSBAD. CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE MANAGEME CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY PLAN AND RECLASSIFY ?wOFlREIXlT4LlON~ToFDRE DIVISIONCXIEF. WHEREAS, the City Manager recommends and the City Council concurs, t the classifications and job descriptions of Fire Battalion Chief, Fire Division Ch, Fire Chief be adopted and included in the City's Management Classification and Plan; and, WHEREAS. the City Manager recommends and the City Council concurs, t two Fire Battalion Chiefs be reclassifred to Fire Division Chief. NOW, THEFUWORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Ca California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council authorizes and directs the City Manager to ador classiflcations and job descriptions of Fire Battalion Chief, Fire Division Chief, Fire Chief as described in Attachments A and B, attached hereto and made a pan thereof. 3. That the City Council authorizes and directs the City Manager to add of Fire Division Chief at the current Fire Battalion Chief salary range of $2,248 - $2,869 biweekly; and place the salary range of the Fire Battalion Chief $2,049 -$2,615 biweekly to the Management Compensation Plan, as shown on Attachment C, attached hereto and made a part thereof. // // // // // * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 9 10 11 l2 l3 l4 15 16 17 18 19. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 4. That the City Council authorizes and directs the City Manager to reclassj two Fire Battalion Chiefs to Fire DMsion Chief. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council the 16th dayd AUGUST ,1994,bythef3.lmtgwte,bwit: Ayes: Noes: None Absent: None Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard, Finnila ATTEST: Ll.lCtLR6- ALETHAL.RAUTE~~ (SEAL) t 0 0 7/ 14/94 Attachment A Resolution # 9q-23 9 CX'TYOFCARIsaAD JOB DESCRIPTION JOB TITLE: FIRE DIVISION CHIEF DEPARTMENT: FIRE BASIC FUNCTIO N; Under general direction, to perform a variety of administrative responsibilities in the management and technical support of commanding and coordinating the fire suppression, inspection, prevention and training operations and hnctions of the Fire department: and to perform other related work as required. KEYRES PONSIBILITIES; Serve as Executive Officer in charge of various operations and functions within the Fire department as assigned, such as, fire prevention, suppression, inspection and code enforcement, emergency medical servicc and disaster preparedness. Develop program goals, objectives, policies and priorities and track development and progress. Plan, organize, direct and participate in the department-wide training programs. Administer and coordinate personnel management in assigned areas, including supervising payroll and budgets, coordinating career developme and employee counselling, reviewing and participating in performance appraisals, and recommending hiring or disciplinary actions. Perform administrative duties, such as, supervising the maintenance of computerized recordkeeping systems: assisting in the preparation of the department budget, preparing equipment specifications, reviewing and administering contracts. As Fire Marshal, coordinate all state fire safety codes and regulations, coordinate the investigation of all fires to determine cause and origin, coordinate Ffre Code and Ffre Protection ordinance adoption, inspection, plan review, and enforcement. Analyze, interpret and enforce Federal, State and local fire and life safety codes and standards. e 0 Direct fire safety public education for special events. Investigate accidents and complaints. Organize, participate in, and/or chair city and department committees. Provide liaison with other agencies and &e service organizations. Prepare and make presentations to civic, business, and educational groups and represent the City and Fire department in the community and at professional meetings. Assume command of the department in the absence of the Fire Chief. Perform other related work as assigned. DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS: gnowledpe o@ Principles and practices of organization, administration, budget and personnel management. Principles, practices, techniques and procedures applied to flrefighting/emergency operations and rescue, fire prevention and code inspection/enforcement processes, maintenance requirements of fire apparatus and equipment and hazardous materials program management. Applicable federal, state and local ordinances, laws, rules and regulations, codes and standards. City of Carlsbad fire department rules, regulations and local geograpl and emergency resources. Basic microcomputer systems and applications related to database management, spreadsheet analysis. Plan and develop effective goals, objectives, policies, and procedure: Manage complex programs. Interpret and administer departmental policy in the areas of fire protection planning, development related issues, code enforcemen emergency medical services, hazardous materials, investigations of 2 0 0 fires, plan checking, Incident Command System application, city/county/local area interrelationships. Supervise the management of major fires and emergencies. Analyze fire protection and community problems. Problem-solve and negotiate disputes. Establish and maintain effective public relations. Exercise sound judgment, tact, resourcefulness, and leadership in handling the administration of department personnel in dealing with those contacted in the course of work. Make decisions in accordance with laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, policies and procedures. Communicate effectively both orally and in writing. Utilize computer systems for information retrieval, analyses, planning and records management. Work under pressure. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE; Any combination equivalent to the education and experience that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Equivalent to an AA Degree from an accredited college or university with a major in fire science or fire administration. A bachelor's degree in management or public administration and supplemental technical coursework in state law, local ordinance, and Uniform Fire Code interpretation and enforcement are highly desirabie: AND Five years of increasingly responsible supervisory experience in munidpd flre protection and prevention with three years in a command position. S~e~ial License and Certification: Possession of an appropriate valid California driver's license. Penal Code 832 certification. State Board of Eire Services Chief Ofll Certification is desirable. 3 0 e PHYSICAL REQUIRE MENT$: See well enough to drive vehicles, read small print on documents and maps: detect subtle shades of color; hear and speak well enough to communicate over the telephone, radio and in person at distances up to 50 feet over the noise of machinery: voice clarity to command during emergency operations: bodily movement to swiftly climb ladders, and work in confined spaces: meet requirements for wearing safety equipment; use of fmgers and hands to write, operate equipment, drive a vehicle, operate a computer keyboard: stamina to perform administrative functions and meet physical and mental demands during an extended emergency. OTHER REQUIREMENTS: - Must be willing to: work such hours as are necessary to accomplish tl job requirements; be on-call and respond to emergencies; attend meetings, seminars, conferences, and schools during or after normal work hours; travel out of town or out of state for several days at a tim wear a uniform when appropriate: work under adverse conditions su as those inherent in emergency situations. 4 0 a 7/ 14/94 Resolution # W-234 CITYOFCARLSBAD JOB DESCRIPTION JOB TIT= FIRE BATTALION CHIEF DEPARTMENT: FIRE BASIC FUNCTION: Under direction, to perform responsible management, technical and administrative work in commanding and coordinating the Are suppression inspection, prevention and training activities: to provide responsible and technical staff assistance: and, to perfom related duties as assigned. =RES PONSIBIUTIES: Serve as a Shift Commander, to manage and to direct a combination of the following programs as assigned: maintenance of facilities, equipment, and fire hydrants; inventories: opticoms; vehicle speciflcations; training: promotional examinations; radio systems: Standard Operating Procedures. physical fitness: public education; pre-incident planning: recruiting; safetJ disaster planning: mapping; computer applications: community relations: emergency medical services (EMS). Supervise staff in all areas of personnel including, providing technical support: conducting multi-company drills; developing and implementing policies and procedures: conducting performance evaluations for officers: overseeing employee training: and investigating accidents and complaints Develop methods, techniques, and program improvements, including seeking problem solutions; monitoring all activities; participating with company officers and members in implementation of department emergency operations, physical fitness, training, maintenance, budget, fi company inspections, public education programs. Provide information to and fkom assigned shift members to ensure that d companies on the assigned shift are kept informed and understand all department operations, programs, policies, and assignments. Coordinate activities with other shift commanders, program managers, a senior staff. 0 0 Visit stations to keep informed on activities and share information; to inspect and verify capability to ensure that assigned shift personnel, facilities, equipment, and systems are fully prepared for all types of emergency response. Verify that Standard Operating Procedures are up-to-date, understood by company members, and can be effectively applied by company officers. Work with assigned companies on emergency plans for designated "target hazards", special and unusual situations, and complex areas requiring fiexib and/or resource enhanced application of Standard Operating Procedures. Conduct company officer workshops to consolidate inter-station activity coordination. Establish and participate in city/department committees and/or chairs committee meetings. Provide liaison with other agencies and Fire Service organizations. Make public presentations before civic, business, and educational groups a assigned. Perform administrative duties, such as, developing purchasing specifications; reviewing and administering contracts; and troubleshooting computer program and system problems. Performs other related duties as assigned. DEWRABLS QUALIFICATIONSt Knowlecage 0 f; Principles and practices of organization, administration, budget and Principles, practices, techniques and procedures applied to fireflghting/emergency operations and rescue, fire prevention and code inspection/enforcement processes, maintenance requirement of Are apparatus and equipment and hazardous materials program management: Applicable federal, state and local ordinances, laws, rules and regulations, codes and standards; City of Carlsbad fire department rules, regulations and local geogra] and emergency resources. . personnel management. 2 0 0 Basic microcomputer systems and applications related to database management, spreadsheet analysis. Abilitv to: Plan and develop effective goals, objectives, policies, and procedures: Interpret and administer departmental policy in the areas of fire protection planning, development related issues, code enforcement, emergency medical services, hazardous materials, Incident Command System application, city/county/local area interrelationships: Supervise the management of major fires and emergencies: Analyze fire protection and community problems: Establish and maintain effective public relations: Exercise sound judgment, tact, resourcefulness, and leadership in handling the administration of department personnel in dealing witk those contacted in the course of work: Make decisions in accordance with laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, policies and procedures: Communicate effectively both orally and in writing: Utilize computer systems for information retrieval, analyses, plannin and records management. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Any combination equivalent to the education and experience that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Equivalent to an AA Degree from an accredited college or university with a major in &e science or fire administration. Additional coursework in management and public administration are desirable AND, Seven years of increasingly responsible experience in municipal fa4 protection and prevention with three years at a supervisory level. 3 0 0 Special License and CertHcatio n: Possession of an appropriate valid California driver's license. Penal Code 832 certification. State Board of Fire Services Chief Offict Certification is desirable. PHYSICAL REQUIRE MENTS: See well enough to read fine print, video display terminals, drive vehicles/equipment and detect shades of color: hear and speak well enough to communicate over the telephone, radio and in person at distances up to 50 feet over the noise of equipment; voice clarity to command during emergency operations: bodily movement to quickly climb ladders, and work in confined spaces; meet requirements for wearing safety equipment: maintain department physical fitness program guidelines and standards: stamina to perform administrativ functions, meet physical and mental demands during an extended emergency OTHER REQUIREMENTS: Must be willing to: work irregular hours as necessary to accomplish the job requirements: be on call and respond to emergencies durinl and after scheduled work hours; attend meetings, seminars, conferences, and schools during or other than normal work hours: travel out of town or out of state for several days at a time: wear a uniform when appropriate; work under adverse conditions such as those inherent in emergency situations. 4 > 0 0 7/ 14/94 Attachment B Resolution # q*g 3 4 CITYOFcARIsaAD JOB DESCRIPTION JOB TITLE: FIRE CHIEF DEPARTMENT: FIRE BASIC FUNCT ION: Under administrative direction of the City Manager, to be responsible for the overall management of the Fire Department which includes fire prevention, suppression, fire inspection, emergency medical services and disaster preparedness program activities: to perform difficult and responsible administrative work in connection with carrying out City and departmental goals, objectives and priorities; and to perform other related duties as required. KEY RESPONSIBIUTIES: Direct all activities necessary to provide fire prevention, suppression, fire inspection, emergency medical services and disaster preparedness programs to the City, including directing the enforcement of state regulations, laws, codes and local ordinances: and preparing and recommending adoption of City ordinances. Develop policies, rules, and procedures for the effective operation of the department, including establishing departmental goals, objectives, and priorities. Direct the preparation and administration of the recommended departmental work program and fiscal budget. Coordinate fire department activities with other City departments and outside governmental agencies. Provide administrative direction to activities relating to the effective utilization of personnel; and the care and maintenance of department facilities and equipment in compliance with fire apparatus safety regulatic and retrofitting. Manage the selection, development and evaluation of personnel and over the development of and participation in training programs: supervise officers responsible for departmental operations and activities, such as, planning and research, fiscal control, disaster preparedness, safety. 0 0 maintaining fire water supply, communications, maintenance of equipment, buildings and grounds, and fire operations. Respond to general alarm fires to direct fEe suppression and fire cause investigation activities. Direct the preparation of equipment specifications and confer with representatives of equipment manufacturers regarding new equipment. Represent the City at community or professional meetings: make presentations to Council, advisory committees, various civic, business and educational groups on a variety of Are department issues. Attend conferences, schools and professional meetings to keep abreast of new developments in fre fighting, prevention, training and administration. Prepare correspondence and direct the preparation and maintenance of departmental records and reports, including the computerized data systems. Implement the incident command system. Perform other related duties as assigned. $NJALIFICATIONS; KnowleaQe o f; m-inciples, practices, techniques and procedures applied to the overall management of a municipal fire department. Principles, practices and techniques of fire fighting, fire prevention, and code enforcement. Applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, fire codes, and regulations. City of Carlsbad fire department rules and regulations. Principles, practices and procedures of standard business organization, administration, budget and personnel/labor relations. I 2 0 0 Abilitv to; Effectively manage and supervise the operations of a modem municipal fire department. Properly interpret and make decisions in accordance with laws, regulations, ordinances and policies. Effectively formulate and administer sound departmental policy in thi areas of general fire science, development-related issues, hazardous materials, emergency planning, incident command theory, fire maste planning including city/county/district interrelationships. Supervise the management of major fires:. Analyze fire and community problems and to plan philosophies, goals, objectives, policies and procedures which are tangible, achievable and measurable to meet needs. Exercise sound judgment, tact, resourcefulness, and leadership in handling the administration of departmental personnel and in dealin] with City officials, outside agencies, the public and the press. Establish and maintain effective public relations and determine community needs. Communicate effectively both orally and in writing. Utilize personal computers and applicable computer applications. Work well under pressure to meet deadlines. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE; Any combination equivalent to the education and experience that could likely provide the required knowledges and abilities is qualifying. A typical way to obtain the required knowledge and abilities would be: A bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with a major in fire science, flre, business or public administration, human relations or political science: AND, Eight years of increasingly responsible experience in all major functions of a municipal flre department, including at least five years in a command position. 3 > 0 e RWuired License and Certifica tions: Possession of an appropriate valid California Driver's License. Chief Offtcer Certification from the California State Board of Fire Services preferred. Possession of Penal Code 832 certification preferred. Executive Fire Officer Program preferred. PHYSICAL REQulRE MENTS: See well enough to drive vehicles, read small print on documents and maps, detect subtle shades of color; hear and speak well enough to communicate over the telephone, radio and in person at distances of up to 50 feet, detect unusual sounds; voice volume and speech clarity to command during a fire: body movement to move swiftly, put on all safety equipment: use of hands and fingers to write, operate equipment, drive a vehicle, operate a personal computer; strength to carry fire equipment as needed: stamina to perform administrative functions and to meet physical and mental demands during an emergency. OTHER REQUIRE MENTS; Must be willing to: work such hours as are necessary to accomplish the job requirements; remain on-call24 hours a day: attend meeting, seminars and conferences during or after work hours: travel out of town or out of state for several days at a time: wear a uniform when appropriate; work under adverse conditions, such as those inherent in emergency flre fightlng situations. 4 0 a CITY OF CARLSBAD BIWEEKLY PAY Resolution No. 0811 6/94 4 MANAGEMENTSALARY SCHEDULE ATTACHMENT C STEP SnY STEP STEP STEP s ADMIN. COORDINATOR-SPECIAL DISTRICTS $1,696 $1,780 $1,869 $1,963 $2,061 $2 POSITION 1 2 3 4 5 ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER $1,895 $1,990 $2,090 $2,194 $2,304 $2 ADMINISTRATIVE SVCWROJECTS MGR. $2,416 $2,536 $2,663 $2,796 $2,936 $3 AQUATIC SUPERVISOR $1,696 $1,780 $1,869 $1,963 $2,061 $2 ARTS MANAGER $1,996 $2,096 $2,201 $2,311 $2,427 $2 ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY $3,055 $3,208 $3,368 $3,537 $3,713 $3 ASSISTANT CITY CLERK $1,761 $1,849 $1,941 $2,038 $2,140 $2 ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER $2,379 $2,498 $2,623 $2,754 $2,891 $X ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER $3,055 $3,208 $3,368 $3,537 $3,713 $= ASSISTANT FINANCE DIRECTOR $2,007 $2,108 $2,213 $2,324 $2,440 $2 ASSISTANT UBRARY DIRECTOR $2,008 $2,109 $2,214 $2,325 $2,441 $2 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR $2,542 $2,669 $2,802 $2,942 $3,090 $: ASSISTANT TO CrrY MANAGER $2,444 $2,566 $2,694 $2,829 $2,970 $: BUILDING MAlNT SUPERINTENDENT $1,895 $1,990 $2,090 $2,194 $2,304 $2 BUILDING MAINT SUPERVISOR $1,696 $1,780 $1,869 $1,963 $2,061 $2 CITY ATTORNEY $3,148 $3,306 $3,471 $3,644 $3,827 $L CITY ENGINEER $2,589 $2,718 $2,854 $2,997 $3,147 $: CITY MANAGER $3,314 $3,479 $3,653 $3,836 $4,028 $L COMMUNITY ARTS COORDINATOR $1,554 $1,631 $1,713 $1,799 $1,889 $' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR $3,055 $3,208 $3,368 $3,537 $3,713 $' COMPENSATION & BENEFITS MANAGER $1,841 $1,933 $2,029 $2,131 $2,237 $ COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR $2,589 $2,718 $2,854 $2,997 $3,147 $ CONSTWMAINT. SUPERVISOR $1,439 $1,511 $1,587 $1,666 $1,750 $ coNsTRucTloNsuPERVlsoR $1,662 $1,745 $1,832 $1,924 $2,020 $ DATA PROCESSING MANAGER $1,797 $1,886 $1,981 $2,080 $2,184 $ DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY $2,072 $2,176 $2,285 $2,399 $2,519 $ DISTRICT ENGINEER $2,181 $2,290 $2,404 $2,524 $2,650 $ UvlPLOYMENTSERVlCESMANAGEFI $1,841 $1,933 $2,029 $2,131 $2237 $ EQUIPMENT MINT SUPERINTENDENT $1,895 $1,990 $2,090 $2,194 $2,304 $ EQUIPMENT MAINT SUPERVISOR $1,696 $1,780 $1,869 $1,963 $2,061 $ EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT $1,761 $1,849 $1,941 $2,038 $2,140 $ FINANCE DIRECTOR $2,575 $2,703 $2,839 $2,980 $3,130 f FINANCW. MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR $3,055 $3,208 $3,368 $3,537 $3,713 f FIRE BATTAUON CHIEF $2,049 $2,151 $2,259 $2,372 $2,490 ,C FIRE DIVISION CHIEF $2,248 $2,360 $2,478 $2,602 $2,732 : GENERALMANAGER $2,747 $2,884 $3,029 $3,180 $3,339 ! HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR $2,467 $2,591 $2,720 $2,856 $2,999 ! HOUSlNGpRoGRAMMANAGER $1,761 $1,849 $1,941 $2,038 $2,140 ! FIRE CHIEF $2,847 $2,989 $3,138 $3,295 $3,460 : GEOGRAPHIC INFO. COORDlNATOR $1,800 $1,890 $1,984 $2,083 $2,188 ! * 0 * . CITY OF CARISAD 4 MANAGEMENTSALARY SCHEDULE ATTACHMENTC BIWEEKLY PAY Resolution No. 0811 6/94 STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP POsinoN 1 2 3 4 5 HUMAN RESOURCEANALYST $1,438 $1,510 $1,585 $1,664 $1,748 ! HUMAN RESOURCEASSISTANT $1,298 $1,362 $1,431 $1,502 $1,577 ! HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR $2,575 $2,703 $2,839 $2,980 $3,130 ! INFORMATION SYSTEMS DIRECTOR $2,575 $2,703 $2,839 $2,980 $3,130 ! LIBRARY DIRECTOR $2,575 $2,703 $2,839 $2,980 $3,130 ! LIBRARY SERVICES SPECIALIST $1,376 $1,445 $1,517 $1,593 $1,672 ' MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT $1,895 $1,990 $2,090 $2,194 $2,304 MANAGEMENTANALYST $1,525 $1,601 $1,681 $1,765 $1,853 MANAGEMENTASSISTANT $1,376 $1,445 $1,517 $1,593 $1,672 MEDIA PROGRAMMING SPECIALIST $1,376 $1,445 $1,517 $1,593 $1,672 METER SHOP SUPERVISOR $1,696 $1,780 $1,869 $1,963 $2,061 MUNICIPAL PROJECTS MANAGER $2,379 $2,498 $2,623 $2,754 $2,891 OPERATIONS SUPERINTENDENT $1,895 $1,990 $2,090 $2,194 $2,304 PARKS SUPERINTENDENT $1,895 $1,990 $2,090 $2,194 $2,304 PARKS SUPERVISOR $1,696 $1,780 $1,869 $1,963 $2,061 PLANNING DIRECTOR $2,834 $2,976 $3,125 $3,281 $3,445 POLICE CAPTAIN $2,581 $2,710 $2,845 $2,988 $3,137 POLICE CHIEF $3,055 $3,208 $3,368 $3,537 $3,713 POLICE LIEUTENANT $2,239 $2,350 $2,468 $2,591 $2,721 PRINCIPAL BUILDING INSPECTOR $2,152 $2,260 $2,373 $2,492 $2,616 PRINCIPAL CIVIL ENGINEER $2,181 $2,290 $2,404 $2,524 $2,650 PRINCIPAL CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR $1,977 $2,076 $2,179 $2,288 $2,403 PRINCIPAL LIBRARIAN $1,525 $1,601 $1,681 $1,765 $1,853 PRINCIPAL PLANNER $2,145 $2,252 $2,364 $2,483 $2,607 PRINCIPAL RECREATION SUPERVISOR $1,824 $1,915 $2,011 $2,112 $221 7 PURcHASlNGOFFlcER $2,007 $2,108 $2,213 $2,324 $2,440 RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT $1,895 $1,990 $2,090 $2,194 $2,304 RISK MANAGER $1,895 $1,990 $2,090 $2,194 $2,304 SANITATION MINT SUPERVISOR $1,696 $1,780 $1,869 $1,963 $2,061 SECRETARY TO CrrY MGWCITYATTY $1,166 $1,224 $1,285 $1,350 $1,417 SENIOR CITIZENS COORDINATOFI $1,824 $1,915 $2,011 $2,112 $2,217 SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST $1,761 $1,849 $1,941 $2,038 $2,140 STREET MINT SUPERINTENDENT $1,895 $1,990 $2,090 $2,194 $2,304 STREET MAlNT SUPERVISOR $1,696 $1,780 $1,869 $1,963 $2,061 sYsTEMsopERATloNssuPERv1soR $1,696 $1,780 $1,869 $1,963 $2,061 TRAFRC ENGINEER $2,283 $2,397 $2,517 $2,643 $2,775 UTILITIES MAlNT SUPERINTENDENT $1,895 $1,990 $2,090 $2,194 $2,304 WATER MAlNT SUPERVISOR $1,696 $1,780 $1,869 $1,963 $2,061